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The learner will recognize and Notes and textbook


use basic geometric properties

of two- and three-dimensional
figures. 3
3.01 Use appropriate vocabulary to
compare, describe, and classify two- and
three-dimensional figures.
A. Make a shape on the geoboard. Have your partner try to
construct a figure congruent to it, looking at the figure. Count the sides,
angles and vertices to see that the shape is the same.

B. Students should be encouraged to search through magazines

for pictorial representations to include in a student-made book along with
their own drawings and models from stir sticks. Make sure that these
magazines are discarded ones or that students have received permission
from parents before cutting.

C. Divide the class into groups and assign each group a

polygon. Allow 15 minutes for each group to find as many objects as
possible within the classroom or on the playground, etc., which are
examples of that figure (i.e. rectangle-book, chalkboard, etc.). Have a
spokesperson for each group stand up and state each example and why,
using the correct vocabulary.

D. Have students create their own tangrams. Use this paper-

folding activity (Blackline Master III - 8) to build vocabulary, make
comparisons, and informally access students’ understandings.

E. Use individual sets of tangrams. Have students take each

piece (seven in all) and label the polygons. There are triangles, a square,
and a parallelogram. They should identify the distinguishing
characteristics of each piece. In small groups or with a partner, have
students make and record the ways they use these polygons to create other
shapes. See Tangram Blackline Masters III - 7 through III - 9.
Grade 3 Classroom Strategies 71
Notes and textbook F. Using pattern blocks and the gameboard for Apple-licious
references (Blackline Master III - 10), have students play several times. After
playing, have students discuss the strategies they used. Then incorporate
the following ideas in their journals:
Describe your “”apple”” by identifying how many three-sided,
four-sided, or six-sided figures you used.
Estimate (separately) the total number of angles . . . vertices . . .
sides . . . that are in the design. Then, count to see how close your
estimation was.

G. Discuss properties of polygons using pattern blocks and

geoboards to create examples (number of sides and vertices, angles). Complete
a chart such as this, with students helping to label columns.

Number of All right Sides

Shapes sides angles equal

H. Give students a geoboard and assign the problem of creating

a shape that meets these three criteria:

1. Uses only one rubberband.

2. No crossovers with the rubberband
3. Must have area (space) within.

Before sorting the shapes by attributes, have the students verbalize what
the similarities are of all the shapes created. All the shapes are polygons.
Have all the students who have polygons with 3 sides go to the front of the
room and display their shapes. Have the students tell the similarities and
differences of the triangles created. Discuss number of sides, types of
angles, the name of the shape, etc. Students come to the front of the room
with their polygons based on the number of sides and continue discussing
similarities and differences.

72 Grade 3 Classroom Strategies

I. Use geoboards for students to try these tasks: Notes and textbook
• Make a 3-sided polygon with all sides different lengths.
• Make an 8-sided polygon that is not a stop sign.
• Make a 5-sided polygon that has at least two right angles.
• Make a polygon that has opposite sides parallel.
• Make a 3-sided polygon that has a right angle and two acute angles.
• Make a 6-sided polygon that has at least one obtuse angle.
• Make a 4-sided polygon that has no right angles.
• Make a polygon that has both vertical and horizontal symmetry.
• Make a polygon that looks the same no matter how the geoboard is
turned - no fair using a square.
• Challenge - What is the maximum number of sides a polygon
could have on a geoboard? Try sketching the polygon or
using more than one rubberband to find out!

J. Students investigate how to use several triangles from the

pattern blocks to make a large triangle, a four-sided figure, and a six-sided

K. Using tangram sets, have students replicate the large triangle

with various smaller shapes. Organize the search to determine how many
different combinations are possible. Repeat with the middle-sized triangle.
See Blackline Masters III - 7 through III - 9.

L. Play Twenty Questions with students trying to guess a

mystery 3-D shape hidden in a bag or box. Questions should require a
“yes” or “no” answer and should identify some property of a polyhedron
(size or number of faces, vertices, edges).

M. After talking about three-dimensional models, ask students

to choose one and to find as many examples as possible in their homes.
Record to share with the class.

Grade 3 Classroom Strategies 73

Notes and textbook N. What kind of Geo-pane can be made with a 3-D shape?
references Build a 3-D shape with toothpicks and 1 cm clay balls or mini-
marshmallows. These may include a cube or rectangular prism. Hang
each shape from a thread and dip completely into a water and soap mixture.
Lift out and observe edges, faces, and vertices. (A recipe for a soap
mixture is located in objective 3.01 T.) See Blackline Masters III - 11
through III - 13.

Edges Faces Vertices

Square-based pyramid


O. Play the Who Am I? game on the bulletin board. Display a

list of statements such as “I have at least one square face”, “I have Five
Vertices”, etc. In responding, students will notice that there may be more
than one correct response and that each clue limits the range of responses.
Direct the students to make up their own strips to be displayed on the board
or exchanged with other students.

P. Using magazines, catalogs, and old books, have students

bring in pictures of objects that are examples of polyhedra e.g., pictures of
buildings, etc. Then, create a bulletin board by categorizing the pictures.

Q. Place objects that represent various polyhedra in a bag.

Then, have individuals select one object from the bag. As each item is
displayed, the class must write down the shape and list the object’s
properties (number of edges, faces, vertices).

74 Grade 3 Classroom Strategies

R. Provide small groups of students with a variety of Notes and textbook
polygons cut from card stock, paper the weight of index cards. These references
polygons could include squares, rectangles, and several different triangles.
Some of the sides of these polygons should be equal in length, a side of Polydrons™ are
one triangle might measure the same length as the side of the square, etc. plastic shapes that
Students could also cut out their own polygons to save teacher preparation snap together and
time. Then students create as many different three-dimensional shapes as create a variety of
they can, by taping the various “faces” together. Groups write a three-dimensional
shapes. These
description for each shape using as much vocabulary as possible, referring polyhedrons come in a
to the number of edges, faces, and vertices as well as specific names like variety of shapes
pyramid, prism, etc. Students from other groups could try to identify a including squares,
specific polyhedron based upon a written description. Groups could sort parallelograms,
these shapes based on their own rules. triangles, hexagons,
and pentagons to
mention a few. Most
students find these
S. How many faces, edges, and vertices does a given materials very
polyhedron have? Use cubes, rectangular prisms, and pyramids.

T. Soap Bubble Math: Have students create polyhedra such

as a tetrahedron from straws and pipe cleaners. To make a tetrahedron, cut
six one-quarter sized sections of regular straws ( 2 1/2” or 3” lengths) and
three pipe cleaners. Twist three pipe cleaners together at the top for about
1”. Slip two straw sections onto each pipe cleaner. Bend each pipe
cleaner sharply in between every two straw sections. Attach one bottom
end of each pipe cleaner to the middle of the next pipe cleaner (between
two straw sections). Work all the way around.
To make a cube, cut twelve one-quarter-sized sections of regular
straws (2 1/2” or 3”) and four pipe cleaners. Make two separate squares
using four straw sections and one pipe cleaner for each square. Then cut
your remaining two pipe cleaners in half. Use one piece of pipe cleaner
and one section of straw to join the two squares at each corner.
Dip these polyhedra into the following soap mixture and observe
the edges, faces and vertices created by the soap film. Have the students
observe and record what happens when the soap film meets in the interior
of the polyhedron.

Soap Bubble Solution:

1 cup dishwashing liquid soap (Joy™ works best)
1 gallon water
1 tablespoon of glycerine (makes stronger bubbles)
Add soap and glycerine to cold water and mix gently trying to
prevent suds from forming. Age for five days for best results.

Grade 3 Classroom Strategies 75

Notes and textbook U. Use toothpicks and gumdrops or marshmallows to make
references models of two- and three-dimensional figures.

V. Given models of a cylinder, a square-based pyramid and a

rectangular prism, describe the ways they are alike and the ways they are

W. Tell how a cube and rectangular prism (not a cube) are alike
and different.

X. One student thinks of a shape. The others ask (yes or no)

questions about its properties, trying to guess it. Does it have right angles?
Does it have three sides?

76 Grade 3 Classroom Strategies

Notes and textbook
3.02 Use a rectangular coordinate references
system to solve problems.
a.) Graph and identify points with whole
number and/or letter coordinates.
A. Where’s your neighbor? Create a poster-sized (or a shower
curtain and colored electrical tape) rectangular coordinate grid. Label the
horizontal axis (letters or numbers) and vertical axis (numbers only). Have
students write their names on index cards and tape them to points (one card
per point). Next call out students names and have the students identify the
coordinate points of that student’s name.

B. Musical Points Musical Points is an adaptation of musical

chairs. Either use the shower curtain grid from activity 3.02a) A or create a
rectangular grid (with the horizontal and vertical axes labeled) that can be
used on the floor. Write the name of all of the coordinate points that are
labeled on the shower curtain (or floor grid) on individual slips of paper. Put
them in bowl. Play some music. As the music plays have students walk
without stopping around the different points on the grid. Without warning
the students, stop the music. The students must “freeze” on the point that
they are standing when the music stops. Pull one of the slips of paper out of
the bowl. The student standing at that point is eliminated and must sit on
the edge of the grid. Continue until only one child is remaining on the grid.

C. Have students create their own coordinate puzzles like the

“Expressions of Appalachian Mountain Folk”. (See Blackline Master II -
7.) Students decide upon a list of words to include in their puzzle. This list
of words might revolve around a specific theme, for example, words worth
$100, North Carolina state symbols, math vocabulary words, etc. All the
letters contained in the word list are written at points on a grid. The
students can decide how large to make their grid. Then, students write a
clue and response sheet. Each word is defined, and the letters of the words
are identified by coordinate pairs. Suppose that a group of students have
decided to create a coordinate puzzle using vocabulary related to this
strand. One of the terms in their list might include “range.” The clue for
this term might look like this:
(6,7) (3,4) (3,6) (2,2) (1,1)
The difference between the largest and smallest numbers in a set of data.
Of course students will trade puzzles and solve them. Vocabulary lists
from any content area could be reviewed in this manner.
Grade 3 Classroom Strategies 77
Notes and textbook D. Have students collect temperature or precipitation data for
references one month. Write ordered pairs which include the day of the month and
the temperature or precipitation amount. Graph the ordered pairs on a
coordinate plane. Connect the dots to create a line graph for these data.
Extension: Students should draw conclusions based upon the shape of
these data and generate predictions about the next week. After several
weeks, compare the two months of data for trends, similarities and

E. Give students Blackline Master II - 7 “Expressions of the

Appalachian Mountain Folk” - a puzzle which they decode using ordered

C. Given the following coordinates, plot the points in order on

cm graph paper (See Blackline Master II - 5). Encourage students to create
other designs.
(13,3) (15,5) (17,7) (19,9) (20,11) (21,13) (21,15) (20,17) (19,18)
(17,18) (15,17) (13,15) (11, 17) (9,18) (7,18) (6,17) (5,15) (5,13) (6,11)
(7,9) (9,7) (11,5) (13,3)
As a challenge, give students Blackline Master II - 6, “Using
Coordinates”, which includes fractions in the ordered pairs and looks at
doubling the numbers, etc.

F. Since maps are labeled with these same kinds of ordered

pairs, map reading is a natural part of developing this objective. Also, the
Sunburst™ software program “Safari Search” provides great practice in
locating positions on a grid while solving increasingly more difficult
logical thinking problems.
Observe students playing the game described here. Watch for their
ability to locate and name grid positions. Watch for students who are
thinking and applying strategies as opposed to those who are randomly
asking for clues. Notice the speed with which students are able to locate
positions. Although students will not be expected necessarily to perform
the task under timed conditions, speed can sometimes indicate the level of
skill development.

78 Grade 3 Classroom Strategies

G. Have students look at different maps, noting whether the Notes and textbook
labels mark the grid lines or the blocks created by the lines. Why might references
labeling the spaces rather than the lines be helpful? Which way are North
Carolina road maps marked by the Department of Transportation? Use a
map from the social studies book or draw one. Label the horizontal axis
with letters and the vertical axis with numbers. Ask children to tell you
what is located at certain positions on the grid.

H. Map Making. Have students create a treasure map using a

grid and labeling the squares with letters and numbers along each axis.
Have children write at least 4 clues on an index card which will help their
friends locate the coordinates of the treasure. The answers may be written
on the back of the card for self-checking. Put a directional (compass)
indicator on the map. Make the map interesting by putting land marks on it
but do not show the location of the treasure. See Blackline Masters II - 4
and II - 5 for grids.

I. Know your community. Divide students into groups. Give

each group a local map. Working as a team have students use map grids to
locate points of interest and record. Use this information to create an index
for the map.

J. Put masking tape on two sides of a geoboard to label rows and

columns. Students work in pairs. Each student has a geoboard. Students
take turns hiding a “fruit loop” or other ring on a peg. Students take turns
guessing coordinate points to find opponent’s fruit loop. (This activity is
similar to Battleship).

K. Students work in pairs. Each student has a copy of the

same coordinate grid. One student places a small object at a point on the
grid. Separate students with a file folder so that they cannot see each
other’s pages. The second student tries to guess where the object is
hidden by naming ordered pairs. First student responds to each guess by
telling opponent in which direction to move with the next guess. Students
keep track of how many guesses it takes to find the hidden object. During
different seasons it is fun for students to “hide” seasonal objects.

Grade 3 Classroom Strategies 79

Notes and textbook L. Use commercial games and software such as “Battleship,”
references “Bumble Plot” and “Gertrude’s puzzles.”

M. Give each student a copy of a coordinate grid with the

letters of the alphabet at various intersections. (See Blackline Master II - 7
Secret Code Grid.) Write a secret message for them to decode using the
ordered pairs. For example:

(5, 6) (3, 7) (1, 10) (7, 2) (6, 4) (9, 8) (3, 7) (3, 10) (6, 4)

(9, 8) (4, 5) (3, 10) (1, 5) (7, 2) (1, 10) (4, 5) (10, 3) (10, 3)

N. Have students use graph paper to make their own secret

word coordinate graph. Have them label points on the graph with alphabet
letters and write ordered pairs for each letter of their secret word. (See
Blackline Master II - 7)

O. Have students place buttons, beans, Cheerios™, or Life

Savers™, etc. on a grid hidden behind a “shield” such as a manila folder.
Then a partner tries to locate the object by naming ordered pairs on the
grid. The clue given indicates which direction to move to get closer to the
object. These clues might use compass directions such as north, south,
east, and west or others like up, down, right, and left. Ask students to
come up with their own ideas about how to vary this game.
Observe students as they play the various versions of this game.
Watch for possible confusions about which coordinate in the ordered pair
comes first. Some students find it easier to remember to go over or right
first if they think of an airplane taking off.

80 Grade 3 Classroom Strategies

P. There are many engaging games that provide students Notes and textbook
opportunities to practice this skill. Here is an adaptation of the game references
Coordinate Dice from Math For Girls and Other Problem Solvers, an
EQUALS publication. Each pair of students will label a 12 by 12 grid
with numbers on both coordinates. They will also need two pairs of dice.
These dice need to be in two colors, for example, 2 red and 2 green. The
coordinates of the grid are then labeled to match the colors on the dice;
for example, the horizontal coordinate could be labeled red and the
vertical coordinate green. Each student also needs some markers which
are different from his/her partner’s markers. To play this game, students
take turns rolling the dice. If a student rolls a 2 and a 3 on the red dice
and then a 1 and 5 on the green dice, this determines the point (5,6) on
the grid. The student rolling (5,6) then places one of his/her markers on
that point. Students proceed in this manner, taking turns until one of the
players has 5 markers lined up in a row, horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.
If a player rolls an ordered pair that is already covered, then he or she
loses that turn. Obviously, there are points on the grid that will not be
possible to cover because of using a pair of dice. These points include all
of those with 0 and 1 as part of the ordered pair, such as (1,0) and (5,1).
One of the rules might be that if a player rolls a coordinate point that is
already covered, he or she may choose to place a marker on one of these
“impossible-to-cover” points. Have students play this game before
pointing this out, and then ask them whether they notice points being left
out. Then suggest, or perhaps a student will suggest, this new role.
Have students create new versions of this game. Is there a way to change
the rules so that more strategy and less luck is involved? When a game is
completed, have students record the ordered pairs of the 5 points creating
the line, for example, (4,4), (5,3), (6,2), (7,1), (8,0). This will help make
the connection between the actual position on the grid and its paper and
pencil representation. See Blackline Masters II - 4 or II - 5 for grids.

Q. Can you draw this picture? Directions: start at (2,3) and draw
lines connecting these points in order .... (2,4) (1,5) (2,6) (2,7) (4,7) (4,6)
(6,6) (6,5) (8,7) (8,3) (6,5) (6,3) and (2,3). Then draw a line from (3,3) to
(3,2) and another from (4,3) to (4,2); then add a small dot in the center of the
cell surrounded by (2,5) (3,5) (3,6) (2,6). Does your picture chirp? See
Blackline Masters II -8 and II - 9.

Grade 3 Classroom Strategies 81

Notes and textbook R. Give students a 10 by 10 grid (Blackline Master II - 10).
references Students will focus on the spaces rather than the points of intersection.
“Hide” three rectangles on your grid by coloring a rectangular area red,
another green, and a third yellow (you can use any three colors).
Remember that a square is a special kind of rectangle. Report the area of
each rectangle in square units to the class; for example, the red rectangle
is 20 square units, the green is 25 and the yellow is 30. The students try
to determine where each rectangle is on the grid by asking for clues. As a
student names a cell, for example, (E,1), the color of that cell is reported.
The goal is to locate each rectangle with as few clues as possible. Stop
after a few clues have been given and ask students what they know for
sure. Discuss what possible shapes each rectangle might have; a rectangle
that is 25 square units could be 1 by 25 or 5 by 5. Since the grid is 10 by
10, the only possible shape for this rectangle is 5 by 5. This activity
provides opportunities for spatial visualizing and recognizing factors.
After modeling this game with the entire class, have students play with a
partner or in small groups.

S. Play a variation of the rectangle game in 3.02a) - R by

coloring one rectangle on a 10 by 10 grid. This time the grid is labeled on
the coordinate lines entirely with numbers. The rectangle is placed
anywhere on the grid and the area of the rectangle is reported. Students try
to find this rectangle by gathering clues. As students name a grid location
such as (3,4), they are told whether that point is on or outside of the
rectangle. Again, the goal is to locate the rectangle with as few clues as
possible. It may be helpful to add a third kind of clue indicating when a
point is on the perimeter of the rectangle. This is a variation of the game
“Where’s the Rectangle”, also from Math for Girls and Other Problem
Solvers. While modeling the game, with the entire class, be sure to ask
questions like “What would be really helpful to know at this point?” Be
sure students have access to colored square tiles or connecting cubes to
move around on grids. As students play this game in pairs or small groups,
emphasize searching for strategies. See Blackline Master I - 19.

82 Grade 3 Classroom Strategies

T. When first playing the game in 3.02a) -S, students may find Notes and textbook
using colored square tiles or connecting cubes helpful as they move and references
adjust rectangles on the grid. Extensions of this game could include using
4 or more rectangles and larger grids. Ask students whether there is a
strategy for locating the rectangles with a minimum number of clues. How
does this strategy vary with the number of clues. How does this strategy
vary with the number of rectangles hidden on the grid? This is a variation
of “Multi-Color” from Math for Girls and Other Problem Solvers, an
EQUALS publication.

U. Students can reassemble pictures that have been cut into

square units and labeled with ordered pairs. For example, a large picture
from a magazine could be cut into one-inch squares with any “extra”
dimensions becoming a frame. Each square would be labeled on the back
with an ordered pair that indicates where that square fits into the grid. The
bottom left corner square would be (A,l), and the square to its right would
be (B,1) and so on. If ordered correctly, all the squares would fit together
to form the original picture. Students could create their own pictures and
cut and label them the same way. Or, a small drawing could be enlarged
through the following process: Cut a small, simple drawing into square
inches. Give students one of these squares and a larger blank square
measuring four inches. Each student writes the ordered pair of the smaller
square on the back of the larger and then draws on the front of the larger
square whatever appears on the smaller. All of these larger squares are
then reassembled in proper order to create an enlargement of the smaller
picture. Discuss the degree of magnification of each picture, a nice
connection to multiplication. This is the same strategy used to enlarge or
shrink pictures and maps.

V. Have students play Place the Point, a simple graphing

game that uses number cubes and a first quadrant grid. See Blackline
Master III - 14.

Grade 3 Classroom Strategies 83

Notes and textbook
b.) Describe the path between given points
on the plane.
A. Not So Fast
Display transparency of Blackline Master III - 1

Version 1: Students work together to gather up all the balls and bats after the
game. Two number cubes are rolled. On the first roll the students start at
(0,0). They discuss which number on the dice to use as the first or
horizontal coordinate, and which to use as the second, or vertical. The
object is to get the balls and bats picked up with as few turns as possible. In
order to pick up (or mark out) a ball or bat, students must land exactly on the
point where the item is located. With the next roll of the dice, students must
start at the point where they landed on the last move. Again, they discuss
which number to use first, and whether to move left or right; should they
move the second number of spaces up or down? Play continues until the
whole field has been cleared.

Version 2: Students play competitively, with one collecting balls, and the
other collecting bats. If a student moves incorrectly, his opponent says,
“Not so fast,” and points out the error. (eg. Moving vertically first) The
player loses a turn.

Version 3: Using version 1 or 2, players are allowed to collect any objects

they pass on the move, thus allowing several items to be collected on one

It is important for students to record moves, at least in the beginning. Once

they are good at the games, it becomes boring and you may decide to skip
that step.

B. Four in a Row is a game for two students or teams.

Materials: First quadrant grid, Blackline Masters III - 2 through III - 5

Set of Number Cards, cut apart and in two decks

Object of the Game: Claim four points of intersection in a row, in any


Play begins with player one drawing a card from each stack, recording them
as an ordered pair with the East/West card the first point and the North/
South card second. Beginning at (0,0) the player locates her new point and

84 Grade 3 Classroom Strategies

claims that intersection with her initial. The second player now takes a turn, Notes and textbook
moving in the same way. references

On the next move, player one again draws two cards, records the ordered
pair, and claims a new point. However, on this move the player begins on
the point she claimed in the last move. Player two does the same.

On each following move, the players, in turn, draw and record ordered pairs
and move, beginning at any point that player has already claimed. A player
must consider where to start and whether to move East or West and North or
South. Should she try for a point or try to block her opponent?

The first player to claim 4 in a row wins. A player may not claim a point
already claimed by another player.

C. Draw a coordinate grid and label the coordinates. Draw a

dot-to-dot picture on this grid. Then write directions using ordered pairs so
that another student could draw your picture. See Blackline Masters II - 8
and II - 9.

Grade 3 Classroom Strategies 85

Notes and textbook D. Treasure Hunt Provide the students with Blackline Masters
references II - 8 and II - 9. Have students label the bottom left corner of the grid with a
zero and then label the x- and y-axis 1-10. Next have the students create a
treasure map by hiding five gold coins, three silver coins, and two diamonds
in the grid. To play the game: A team of two students begin playing by one
student guessing the location of his teammate’s treasure by calling out an
ordered pair. The student must describe the path between the given points
by using directional words. For example, the one student may tell the other
student to go East five units and North six units (5,6). If the location is a hit,
the student earns the treasure. If not, his teammate calls “miss”. Each
student is allowed a total of 20 guesses, with points earned for each treasure
discovered: ten points for a gold coin, five for a silver coin, and 25 points
for a diamond.

E. What’s your point? Pairs of students play this game with

one coordinate grid and three spinners. Each player spins the polygon
spinner to determine which shape they have to complete. Then, in turn, each
student spins the coordinate spinners to determine which point he/she will
graph. Players may use any point that has been graphed and the the first to
make his/her polygon is the winner! See Blackline Masters II - 8, II - 9 and
III - 17

86 Grade 3 Classroom Strategies

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