The Booty Builder
The Booty Builder
The Booty Builder
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Introduction 4
Chapter 1: Meet your Butt 5
Chapter 2: Creating Your Unique Butt 10
Chapter 3: Kiss My Butt, Cellulite 14
Chapter 4: Butt Kicking Cardio 24
Chapter 5: Working Your Butt Off 32
Chapter 6: The Butt Stops Here 52
e hardly ever see it, but that doesn’t stop us from
obsessing over it. We constantly worry that it’s too
flat, too fat, too droopy, too jelly-like or just too non-
existent. Yes, we are living in a world that is butt crazy.
Yet with all the focus on creating the ultimate butt look,
most people lose sight of the fact that the muscles that
constitute your behind are the largest and strongest in
your entire body. They are not just there to make you
look hot. They are extremely functional. A strong butt
is, in fact, they key to a strong body.
Before we get
This program is about to get you that neck snapping booty that we all love, but why
limit your goals to only your butt? If you’re interested in having a full body plan created
specifically for you, we do have a team of amazing nutritionists and registered dietitians
who are ready to make you a completely customized meal and/or training plan.
If you don’t know what kind of plan you should start, shoot me an email directly and we can
discuss what is in your best interested and get you on the right path!
Email: [email protected]
Chapter One
n order to maximally
train the muscles of
the butt, we must
first come to an
understanding of
what muscles are involved
and how they work. In this
chapter, you will become
familiar with the three major
muscles that constitute your
backside, alongside with the
supporting cast that keep
everything on the straight
and narrow.
The Latin term for the butt is the gluteals. Within the gluteals group
are three muscles:
Hip extension
Gluteus Maximus
The gluteus maximus is the largest gluteal muscle. It is a powerful hip extensor which
also assists in femoral external rotation and abduction, as well as stabilization. This
means that the major functions of the gluteus maximus are to extend, turn and
spread your legs.
The gluteus maximus works isometrically, meaning that there is not much shortening
of the muscle.
Gluteus Medius
The Gluteus Medius is located near the outer pelvis and is in the shape of a pork
chop. It’s major function is to stabilize the pelvis while you’re walking, helping you
to maintain your balance. This muscle can perform both hip abduction and hip
Gluteus Minimus
Located underneath the gluteus medius, the gluteus minimus is the smallest of
the glute muscles. It works in harmony with gluteus medius to help us to keep our
As well as working together to provide functional movement through the hip joint,
they each have separate function that allow them to work independently of the
others, and even for a part of the muscle to do it’s own thing. An example of this
hip abduction, which involves the top half but not the bottom half of the gluteus
As well as being your body’ power base, the glutes are the key to your body’s entire
alignment. When you glutes are weak you are bound to have all sorts of mechanical
movements problems. Weak glutes often result in pain in the knees. Moreover,
people with weak glutes will invariably perform such exercises as squats, causing
them to round their back with resultant lower back pain.
Your glutes, however, don’t work in isolation. They are a part of what is known as
your posterior chain. The posterior chain starts at the ankle and runs up through
the calves, into the hamstrings, through the gluteus maximus and medius, then
into the erector spinae muscles of the lower back, the latissimus dorsi and the
There are also a number of smaller muscles that work in concert with your glutes:
This is a long, thin muscle which assists in the lateral rotation and abduction of the
leg. It originates from the pelvic service of the sacrum, crosses the hip and inserts in
the greater trochantar.
Superior Gemellus
Sitting alongside the TFL, this muscle has the function of enabling external thigh
rotation. It also is an assister in leg abduction during hop flexion.
Inferior Gemellus
Assisting the superior gemellus in external rotation and abduction of the thigh, this
is small muscle with a lot riding on it.
Obturator Internus
This is another small muscle with an important function. It, too, helps to externally
rotate and abduct the thigh.
Obturator Externus
This is a deep internal muscle which also enables thigh rotation and abduction.
These Glutes Are
Made For Walking
he majority of people in our society
are walking around with chronically
weak glutes. This has led to the
coining of the term gluteal amnesia,
which refers to the weak, atrophied
and uncoordinated butts of people which fail
to work properly during functional movement.
This has resulted from too much sitting on their
butt and not enough time moving it. If that has
been your situation, it’s time to make a change
for the better.
Chapter Two
Your Unique
ust as your
fingerprints are
unique, so, to a certain
extent, is your butt.
While there is certainly
nothing wrong with
admiring the behind of
another, it is a mistake to
covet someone else’s ass.
Your backside is unique.
You will never have a butt
that is a mirror image of
someone else’s no matter
how many hip thrusts you
do. The things that make
your butt unique are . . .
Genetics Lifestyle
The first of these you can do absolutely nothing about. Genetics determines your
rate of metabolism, your somatotype, number of muscle cells and ratio of fast and
slow twitch muscle fingers.
The second factor, however, is within your power to change. Factors such as how
you eat, how often you move and how long you sleep are all things that you can
ometimes life doesn’t play fair. excess calories will store as body fat on
Ever noticed how some people the thighs, for others, the abdominals
only have to look at an Oreo and for still others it will go straight to
cookie to pile cellulite onto the butt. That’s just the way it is.
their posterior, while others
can consume the whole packet and still Despite what our sense of beauty may
be able to flex their sexy butt all over be telling us, those who are genetically
the place? It’s all because of genetics. predisposed to weight accumulation
in the backside are actually the lucky
Unfair as it is, we all have a genetic ones. That’s because the alternative
predisposition to fat storage. In other – abdominal fat accumulation – is a
words, the parts of our bodies where very scarier prospect. People who are
fat accumulates is written down in our predisposed to storing fat in the ab
genetic code while we are still in our area are prone to a whole host of health
mother’s womb. For some people, the issues that don’t affect the posterior
fat accumulators. The fat that builds up in the
stomach region is known as visceral fat.
Vital Muscle
f you are intent on getting rid of fat from
your body, you need to build muscle.
That’s because muscle torches fat. It does
it by speeding your metabolism. Muscle
is a lot more high maintenance than fat.
For a start it is 5 times heavier. It takes a whole
lot more calories just to keep it operating. So,
the more muscle you have, the more we’ll either be using more fast twitch
fat you’ll be burning. or slow twitch fibers. What determines
whether a muscle fiber as fast or slow
You can’t spot reduce fat, but you twitch is the number of mitochondria
can spot build muscle. You can do within the cells? Slow twitch fibers
exercises that specifically hit each area have a lot more mitochondria than
of the glutes to tone, tighten and shape fast twitch fibers do.
them into the butt that you deserve –
within the parameters of your genetic During a sprint, we’d use more fast
potential, of course. twitch fibers. Fast twitch fibers need
energy very rapidly. On the other hand,
The composition of your muscle fibers slow twitch fibers need to be able to
between fast twitch and slow twitch is perform for a long period of time. This is
set at birth. Slow twitch muscle fibers significant because 68% of the fibers in
are also known as Type 1 muscle the glutes are slow twitch fibers. People
fibers, with fast twitch fibers being with a genetic predisposition to slow
Type 2. Depending on which twitch fibers, then, will respond
activity we are doing, better to glute training.
Chapter Three
My Butt,
of women are
affected by
cellulite. Many
of them have
been fighting
a losing battle to get rid of it for years. Of
course, to achieve the butt that you want,
you’re going to have to kick cellulite for a
six. This chapter will show you how.
As they move through puberty, girls Genetics also plays a part in determining
experience an enlarging of the size the amount of cellulite that you have
of the fat cells in the lower body, on your body. Two genes in particular,
specifically the butt, hips and thighs. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE)
For boys, it’s the opposite. Their lower and H1F1A, have been shown to be
body fat cells become smaller, while more numerous in women with cellulite.
those around their mid section become It is believed that these genes are able
bigger. to affect the flow of blood in the fatty
tissue that is located under the dermis.
Estrogen also causes women, on
average, to carry twice the amount of In Victorian times, cellulite was actually
fat that men do. When we dive down seen as a sign of beauty and privilege.
to a cellular level, we even see that You’ve probably seen Victorian nude
men and women store fat differently. paintings featuring women with cellulite
Men store fat in small, diagonal units. prominent on their hips and thighs,
Women however, store their fat in signs of their over indulgent, sedentary
larger, vertical honeycomb structures. lifestyle. The cellulite accumulated
This makes it easier for the fat on a because these women ate a diet that
woman’s body to squeeze through to was rich in fatty foods and they did
the surface layer of skin. absolutely no exercise.
Skin:Under the Surface
The top layer of your skin is called the epidermis. It is comprised of five layers
and has the job of protecting us from the outside environment. The five layers of
the epidermis are:
Under your epidermis, is located the dermis layer of your skin. This layer makes up
the bulk of your skin. It contains blood vessels, connective tissues, nerves, glands
and hair follicles. The dermis contains collagen and elastin, which are responsible
for holding the skin together.
Sub-dermal fat Fascia Normal fat
Now that we understand the make-up of the skin we can understand how cellulite
happens. When the dermis becomes weak, the sub-dermal fat is able to squeeze its
way up and exhibit itself as cellulite. The problem, then, all boils down to the sub-
dermal layer of you skin!
The number one way to beat cellulite is to ensure that your skin is nourished and
healthy. If you have weak skin, you will suffer from cellulite, no question. So, how do
you ensure that your skin is healthy?
The key to healthy, vibrant, strong skin is to feed our cells with the nutrients that
they need to keep doing their job. That means eating right. But the other part of the
equation is getting the nutrients to the skin cells so that they can do their work. That
means that you blood cells need to be operating optimally. And that means that you
need to be getting a good dose of exercise and fresh air.
So, they key to beating cellulite is to eat the following foods and to get back to nature
and exercise. An evening jog in the park is perfect.
A Dozen Foods to Beat Cellulite
Blueberries Saffron
T here are a number of lifestyle changes that can be made in order to reduce
the effects of cellulite. In fact there are 5 key areas that you have control over
that have a huge effect on the amount of cellulite on your butt . . .
Stress not only makes you feel bad, it makes you look bad. Stress contributes to the
release of catecholamines, which are associated with the development of cellulite.
Stress also leads to an increase in our levels of cortisol, which in turn spikes our
levels of blood sugar, ultimately leading to increased fat accumulation.
You may not be able to eliminate stress, but you can work systematically to reduce
the stressors in your life. The first step is to identify them. Then work on one at a
tim,e looking for ways to simplify your life. Make sure that you’re getting 8-10 hours
sleep each night along with at least 30 minutes of exercise each day.
Traditional diets do not work. The extreme reduction of calories diets that are
so popular today will only make you into a classic ‘yo-yo’ dieter. The weight will
come off, only to be piled back on, with a little extra. This places extreme stress on
your body. Over time it will loosen the layers of the skin, making it more likely that
subcutaneous fat will seep through.
If you are not hydrating your body sufficiently, your skin will pay the price. It will look
pallid, dry and unhealthy. So, drink your water. Women need about 2.2 liters per
day, while men need to up it to 3 liters.
Smoking affects a whole lot more than your lungs. It will make your skin look sick,
breaking down the collagen that binds your skin cells together. Smoking will also
reduce your levels of hyaluronic acid, making your skin loose and droopy. And the
weaker and droopier you skin is, the more likely that you will have cellulite.
Here are 5 top tips to stop smoking:
Work out exactly how much money you are spending each month on
1 smoking; then find something that would rather spend the money on.
Reward yourself for not smoking by spending the money you’ve saved
3 in the week on something special.
Cellulite and Aging
A s we age we lose muscle mass and strength in our muscles. At the same time
our skin loses its strength. Both collagen and elastin levels diminish, with
the result that the skin starts to sag. This loosening effect tens to open the
cellulite floodgates, especially once we get into out forties and beyond.
Lifestyle factors can go a long way to preserving the youthful appearance of your
skin. Adopting a clean eating lifestyle, along with regular exercise is the key. Just
consider, a dozen age related benefits of exercising:
Exercise Fights
The energy expenditure of your body
depends upon . . .
Your body is constantly managing the
balance between energy intake and
energy expenditure. You take energy in
Your starting body weight
in the form of food and you expend it
by way of your basal metabolic rate and
physical activity. The difference between Your basal metabolic rate
the two is your net energy balance. If
intake exceeds expenditure, then a
positive net energy balance occurs and
energy gets stored as body fat.
Physical activity
The level of physical activity is dependent the amount of calories burned through
upon the following factors . . . the exercise that you are doing. For
example, it would take a person 30
minutes of moderate walking to burn off
1 Frequency of the activity the calories in a plain donut.
underwear, which has a tendency to
trap sweat, pores and hair follicles.
Chapter Four
W hen it comes to shaping your
butt, you have two distinct
phases to consider:
Burning off the fat happens as a result of nutrition and exercise. And, while resistance
training does a good job of burning calories while it shapes muscle, the best way
to torch body fat through exercise is with high intensity cardio work. The beauty
of doing high intensity interval training (HIIT) is that the movements involved are
leg dominant, meaning that you’ll be giving your glutes and surrounding muscles a
great workout while you are burning off those calories.
T he following 14 strategies will allow you to maximize your cardio time to strip
off the fat and reveal the shapely muscle beneath
Why Do It: High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) not only burns more calories
than slow state cardio, it also boosts your metabolism, allowing your body
to burn more calories all day long. It also allows you to get in an awesome
workout in a short period of time.
When to do it: Perform your HIIT training every second day. On alternate
days, do your weight training workout.
Tip No. 2: Don’t do your HIIT cardio on
an empty stomach
How To Do It: Get some fast acting carbs in your body to fuel you through
your HIIT session by way of a banana or two or a pre-workout drink.
Why Do It: HIIT training requires energy. Energy comes from food. If you
were to do your HIIT training on an empty stomach you negatively will
impact upon your efficiency.
When to Do It: 15 minutes prior to doing your HIIT cardio.
Why Do It: Running on the sand takes a whole lot more energy than running
on a hard surface. That means that you’ll be burning more calories – and
giving your calves a fantastic workout.
When To Do It: You won’t burn fat by walking on the treadmill for an hour
while reading your Ipad. By switching back and forth between maximum
intensity and medium pace training, you’ll be revving up the metabolism
and improving your heart health.
When To Do It: Every time you jump on the treadmill, which should happen
on the days that you don’t do your HIIT training.
When To Do It: When you’re doing your non-HIIT cardio training. While doing
HIIT just go as fast as you possibly can – you won’t have time to worry about
your heart rate!
When To Do It: Every day – 10,000 steps before you can go to bed!
Tip No. 7: Mix up your cardio
How To Do It: Within a cardio session, rather than 45 minutes on one machine,
choose 3 machines and do 15 minutes on each. As an example you could
work on the treadmill, elliptical machine and a rowing machine.
Why Do It: A change in cardio is a great way to break through a fat loss
plateau. It also helps to stave off boredom. Mixing it up also allows you to
work a range of stabilizer muscles and takes the strain off joints that may
be caused from prolonged movement through one plane.
When To Do It: Typically boot camp type classes happen twice a week, with
two days between each session.
Why Do It: Running stairs is a fantastic way to ramp up your cardio sessions. It
will give you a fantastic cardio workout, burn a ton of calories –and it will
provide an amazing leg pump.
When To Do It: Try stair running once a week to add variety and intensity to
your program.
Why Do It: Taking positive action early in the morning starts your day on the
right foot and makes you feel good all day long. Training after work, when
you’re exhausted and distracted by the issues of the day makes it more
likely that you’ll skip your workout.
When To Do It: 7 am, 6 am, 5 am ??? The busier you are, the earlier you’ll have
to get up – all you have to do is overcome mind over mattress syndrome.
Who Is It Ideal For: People who are doing moderate intensity cardio only in
the morning. If you are following it with weight training, you’re better off
getting some fuel into your system.
Why Do It: Intense cardio day after day, without let up, is too stressful on the
body. By doing so, you run the risk of mental and physical burn out.
When To Do It: Every 6 weeks, take a one week’s break from cardio, then
spend two weeks just doing low to moderate intensity before starting the
next high intensity cycle.
Tip No. 14: Carry Extra weight while
doing your cardio
How To Do It: Wear a weight vest or ankle weights while performing your
cardio sessions.
Why Do It: Carrying extra weight during cardio has been proven to improve
fast twitch muscle fiber recruitment, as well as calorie burning and recovery.
When to Do It: Slowly start adding weight to one cardio session per week –
just make sure that the added resistance doesn’t deter from your exercise
Chapter Five
Working Your
Butt Off
n this chapter, we’ll present a series
of workouts that target the glutes and
surrounding muscles of your butt. We’ll
begin with some bodyweight moves that
will train you in the proper form. Many
people fail to properly activate their glutes.
By learning to fire your glutes, you’ll be able
to recruit them as your power source when
you’re doing other movement patterns, such
as squatting, lifting, throwing and running.
Glute Activation Circuit
Do 15 reps on each movement, going from one to the next with out any rest. Once
you’ve done all 4 moves, rest for 60 seconds and then repeat.
3. Squeeze
straight up and out of the
Body Weight Circuit
The following Circuit will allow you to focus on your glutes, while also working every
other major body part. In addition, the circuit is aerobic, meaning that you will churn
through the calories as you’re doing it.
Perform each exercises for 30 seconds, then move directly to the next one. Don’t rest
until you’ve done all 8 exercises. Then give yourself exactly two minutes before you
do the whole thing again. Work up to 4 circuits for a totally ass-kicking experience.
Execution method
Exercise #3: Push Ups
Set yourself on the ground, face down with your hands slightly wider than shoulder
width apart. Your feet should be touching. Keeping your body in a straight line, rise
up so that your arms are fully extended. Tense your buttocks and tighten your abs
to prevent your butt from lifting you into a ‘v’ position. Look straight ahead rather
than down. Now steadily lower yourself until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle.
When your chest touches the floor, explode back up to the start position.
Starting in the plank position (extended arms on the floor, shoulder width apart,
body flat, legs straight and together), as if you were starting a sprint. Now alternate
bringing your knees to your chest, going as quickly as possible. Keep your back flat
and but down.
Position yourself in front of a low bench facing away with your hands behind you
resting on the bench. Your hands should be about 6 inches apart and your legs
extended in front of you so that your body forms a straight line. From this position,
bend at the elbows to lower your core area towards the floor. From a bottom position
power back up, focusing on your triceps to do the work.
Execution method
We’re about to show you 8 moves. Then we’ll present two ass-kicking workouts to
get the most from them. Even though it’s butt-centric, you’ll be working the entire
lower body with these routines. Do this routine twice per week, ideally with a three
gap between sessions to allow for total recovery. On the first day, perform Workout
A. Over the next three days, you should be performing the glute maximized cardio
sessions we introduced to you to in the last chapter. Then on Day Four, hit the gym
for Workout B.
The Exercises:
(Each exercise requires an image of a female doing the move)
Start with your feet shoulders
width apart and ensure your
back is arched. Hold your hands
out directly in front of you,
palms parallel to the ground.
Slowly bend your knees and
lower your body until your
thighs are parallel with the
ground. Keep your back straight
and avoid bending throughout
the movement. Don’t worry if
you can’t get your thighs lower than parallel to the ground to start. This can be your
goal over time. Don’t sacrifice a straight back and good posture by trying to go too
low too soon.
After a month of doing body weight squats, you will be ready to add some resistance.
Adding weight to your workout will allow you to shape, firm and tone your muscle.
The movement is performed in the exact same manner as above, except that you
perform it inside a squat rack with an Olympic bar placed across your back at the
trapezius muscles. Make sure that you are looking up as you descend into the
movement and do not bounce in the bottom position.
Stand with your feet between
hip and shoulder width apart.
Squeeze your shoulder blades
together and keep your lower
abs drawn in. This will keep
your spine in a neutral position.
With a barbell in front of you,
bend your knees and push your
hips back, keeping your head
and chest up.
With your knees and hips square and pointing forward, take hold of the barbell
at slightly more than shoulder width apart, using an overhand grip. Putting your
weight through your heels, push through your feet, straighten your knees and bring
your hips forward, bringing the barbell close to your body.
Keep your head up during the movement and your shoulders back in the standing
position. Pause at the top and the return to the start position by bending your knees
and pushing your hips back and down.
Stand with feet shoulder width apart and hands on hips. Take a large step forward,
planting your heel first. Keep your back upright and straight throughout the movement.
As you move into the lunge concentrate on keeping your hips facing forward.
In the forward position your front leg should be at a right angle and your rear knee
should almost touch the ground.
Drive back with to front foot, returning to the start position.
As you gain confidence and strength you can add resistance by holding light
dumbbells in your hands.
Kick Backs
Position yourself on the floor on your knees and forearms. Raise one knee slightly
off the floor. Squeeze with your glutes as your drive that foot towards the ceiling.
Keep the core tight and look forward throughout the movement.
This exercise can also be done with resistance. You can place a small dumbbell in
the rear crook of your knee and bring your calf back to hold it in place. Alternatively,
your gym may have a cable machine on which to do this exercise.
Hip Thrusts
Sit in front of a seat or bench with your upper back supported by the bench and
your arms outstretched and resting on the bench (make sure the bench is stable).
Have your legs out in front of you with knees bent.
Drive your heels into the ground as you squeeze your glutes to push your torso up,
allowing your core to lift as high as possible. Hold for a second to fully contract the
Come all the way down, so your butt touches the floor and then repeat.
Workout A
Squats – 4 x 15
Box Jumps - 3 x 12
Stiff Legged Deadlift – 3 x 12
Kick Backs – 3 x 15 (each leg)
Workout B
Deadlift – 3 x 15
Lunges - 3 x 15 (each leg)
Hip Thrusts - 4 x 12
Two Way Butt Kicks – 3 x 12 (each leg)
Keeping Your Glutes Guessing
A major reason why a lot of people fail to make consistent progress in the gym is
because they don’t vary their workouts. As good as a program is, if you keep doing the
same thing, month after month, your body will adjust to it and stop responding. That’s
why we’re giving you an extra butt blasting workout. After six weeks on the program
above, where you perform two workouts, A and B, per week, switch to the following
routine for six weeks. You’ll only be doing one glute resistance workout per week.
The key with this one is to go as heavy as you can while maintaining good form. Then
give your body a week to recover and rebuild before going at it again. After six weeks,
switch back to the A / B workouts.
(Each exercise requires an image of a female doing the move)
Barbell Romanian Deadlift
Sets & Reps: Perform one set of 10 reps for the first 2 workouts, working up to three sets
by the end of Week 3. Progressively increase the resistance.
Kettlebell Swings
Sets & Reps: Perform one set of 15 reps for the first 2 workouts, working up to three sets
by the end of Week 3. Progressively increase the resistance.
1. Stand in front of a kettlebell. Bend at the hips to grab hold of the kettlebell.
Keep you chest up and feel the stretch through your upper back (lats) and
2. Forcefully push the kettlebell back between your legs, then contract your hips
and reverse the motion to push it forwards. The push should come from the
3. Keep your arms straight throughout the movement. They should not do the
lifting – this should happen as a result of momentum
4. Keep
your back arched and chest up as you complete the required number of
3. Inshould
the top position, your thighs
be at 90 degrees to the floor.
5. Return to beginning
Chapter Six
The Butt
Stops Here!
You now have every ounce of butt sculpting knowledge
that you ever need. . .
But knowing is never enough. Knowing will not change your body. 78% of people
who read fitness books never apply what they learn. They just keep going back to
the bad habits that gave them a fat ass in the first place.