How Are English Long Vowels Different From English Short Vowels?

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How are English long vowels different from English short vowels?
5 long English vowels are different from the 7 short vowels not only in ________________________

but also in ____________________.

Quality = ____________________________________________.

Thus, long vowels have a symbols which are different from those of short vowels; you can see that
the long and short vowel symbols would still all be different from each other even if we ___________


The length mark is used since it helps learners to ______________________________the length


Perhaps the only case where short and long vowels are closely similar in quality is that of ______ and


Examples of English long vowels:

English short and long vowels:

Comparison of Slovak and English long vowels (Ološtiak, 2007, p. 52):

Diphthong [ˈdɪfθɒŋ] is a sound which consists of a _________________________________________


Pure vowel is a vowel which remains _____________ and does not ___________________.

The most important thing to remember about diphthongs is that _____________________________


L2 learners of English have to remember that the last part of English diphthongs must not be made
too strongly.
Diphthongs (Roach, 2009, p.17)

Centring diphthongs glide towards ______.

Centring diphthongs examples:

Closing diphthongs:

Closing diphthongs ending in [ɪ] examples:

Closing diphthongs ending in [ʊ] examples

Triphthong [ˈtrɪfθɒŋ] is_______________________________________________________________,
all produced rapidly and without interruption.

Triphthongs can be looked on as being composed of the five closing diphthongs described in the last
section, with _____ added on the end.

Examples of triphthongs
List of resources:

Bázlik, M. – Miškovičová, J. Pravidlá výslovnosti britskej a americkej angličtiny. Iura Edition, s. r. o.,

Cruttenden, A. Gimson’s Pronunciation of English. Routledge, 2014.

Crystal, D. A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics. Blackvell Publishing, 2008.

Davenport M. – Hannahs S. Introducing Phonetics and Phonology. Hodder Arnold, 2005.

Ološtiak, M. Jayykovoštruktúrny a komunikačno-pragmatický status vlastného mena (adaptácia

anglických proprií v slovenčine. FF PU v Prešove, 2007.

Richards, J. – Schmidt, R. Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics.

Longman, 2010.

Roach, P. English Phonetics and Phonology. Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Underhill, A. Learning and teaching pronunciation. Macmillan, 2005.

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