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ST Alphorn Quick Guide

Thank you very much for adopting ST Alphorn as your Drupal theme. This document will present
some distinct features which are only available in this ST Alphorn theme.

ST Alphorn is a subtheme of the Omega theme. You may consult Omega Document at
http://omega.developmentgeeks.com/documentation to configure Omega theme.
1. Installing
1.1 Installing theme to an existing Drupal site
If you have a Drupal site already, you may choose to install only the theme.

1. In the package you downloaded from Symphony Themes, there are two zip files. The
mizmar_theme_package.zip is the theme only package. Please use this file to install
the theme to your existing Drupal site.

2. Read any README or INSTALL files in the package to find out if there are any special
steps needed for this theme (some themes may require additional steps).

3. Extract and upload the contents of this theme package to a new directory in the themes
directory of your existing Drupal site (/sites/all/themes/yourThemeName)

4. Click Administer » Appearance and then enable and set default this new theme, Drupal
will auto-detect its presence.

5. Edit your user preferences and select the new theme. If you want it to be the default
theme for all users, check the default box in the themes administration page.

1.2 Installing the install profile package

In our theme packages, we have a full-site package file called
<theme_name>_full_size_package.zip. When you install it, you will have the new site look
exactly like our demo site. Follow the steps below to install:

• Step 1: Extract the full site package.

• Step 2: Upload the whole extracted folder to public_html folder of your hosting. You can
do that through an FTP client like FileZilla or via cPanel -> File Manager -> Upload file(s).
This way, after the installation is completed, the script will appear once your write
something like http://yourdomainname.com in your web browser. Alternatively, you
upload it to a subfolder, the Drupal installation will be available at:

• Step 3: Create a MySQL database for Drupal.

• Step 4: Navigate to the URL of your Drupal site to run the installation (for example
http://yourdomainname.com/). For the first run, it will automatically run the installation

• Step 5: Copy the /public_html/drupal_installation_folder/sites/default/default.settings.php

file to /public_html/drupal_installation_folder/sites/default/settings.php.

• Step 6: Enter the database details for the database which you have created in Step 3.
Click on the "Save configuration" button to continue.
• Step 7: The installation procedure is finished. Please restore the file permissions for the
settings.php file and enter the site information along with the admin account details. Click
on the Save and Continue button.

• Step 8: Well done! The installation is completed and you can proceed to your web site.

2. How to build a new site with ST Alphorn theme?

2.1 Create Slideshow block

Basically, you need to create a “Slideshow” content type in order to create a node of “Slideshow”
type. Then you create a View to display those nodes.

1. Go to admin/structure/types to create “Slideshow” content type. Add “Image” field.

On “Display Fields” tab, select “slideshow image” for Format of Image field.

2. Go to admin/structure/views to create a new view called “slideshow”.

3. At Fields settings: Add Content image (select “slideshow” format) and Content Body

4. At Filter criteria: Add Content: Published (Yes), Content: Type (= Slideshow),

Content: Promoted to front page (Yes) for slideshow at home page. Remove this field
for banner in inner pages.

5. At Format setting: Select Slideshow for format display

6. Add block display.

7. Go to admin/structure/block. At configuration page of this block, click to Edit Skinr

at the top – right screen and then add block-slideshow class for it.

8. Move this block to Header first region

Done! Now you have a slideshow displaying at the “Header first” region.
2.2. Block list

At configuration page of this block, click to Edit Skinr at the top – right screen and then add
block-list class for it.

2.3 Block box

At configuration page of this block, click to Edit Skinr at the top – right screen and then add
block-box class for it.

2.4 Create Blog page

Blog is where you can post entries. When you create a node of “Article” type, they will go to this
Blog page.

1. Go to admin/config/media/image-styles to create blog_list and blog_detail

2. Go to admin/structure/types, open Article content type to edit. Add Image field,
Introtext (textarea) field. At Display Fields tab, select blog_detail image for Format of
Image field.

3. Go to admin/structure/views to create news view.

4. At Fields settings: Add Content: Image (select blog_list format), Content: Title,
Content: Service links, Content: Post date, Content: Introtext, Content: Link.

5. At Filter criteria: Add Node publish: yes, Nody type: Article.

6. At Sort criteria: Add Node postdate: desc

7. Add page display with path: blog. Add view-list-articles class for this page.
If you have any problem when you create image presets, content type, taxonomy, view or
config module or how to change logo, favicon…, please read Drupal’s documentation at
http://drupal.org/documentation. If you have any problem about commerce, please read Drupal
Commerce guideline at http://www.drupalcommerce.org/administration. Or you can raise a
support query to our support forum at http://www.symphonythemes.com/forum.

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