2019 GLOW Region Summer Guide
2019 GLOW Region Summer Guide
2019 GLOW Region Summer Guide
and the
SU Your Guid
e f o
GLOW R e g
—Photo by Mark Gutman
July 2 to 4 • Warsaw
Village Park, Liberty Street,
Warsaw • warsawfiredepart-
Midway rides, chicken
barbecue, a parade, live
entertainment daily and
fireworks on July 4.
Events July 12 to 14 • National
Warplane Museum, 3489
From H13 Big Tree Lane off Route
63, Geneseo • 243-2100,
Teddy Bear Parade begins nationalwarplanemuseum.
at St. Michael’s Episcopal com
Church, 23 Main St., at This year’s “Greatest
10:30 a.m. Saturday, then Show on Turf” will cele-
marches to the Village Park. brate the 75th anniversary
A free Nik and the Nice of D-Day. More than six Ben Beagle/Livingston County News File Photograph
Guys concert starts at 8
Crowds gather around The Movie Memphis Belle B-17 at
p.m. Saturday in the park. See EVENTS H19 the Geneseo Airshow.
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 19
Events www.orleans4-hfair.com
The Orleans County 4-H
Fair includes midway, stage
A celebration of the his-
tory and rural heritage of
From H20 entertainment, animals, the Town of West Sparta, July 27 •
4-H youth exhibits, grease including music, children’s Letchwoth State Park
the entertainment, food pole contests, special food activities, petting zoo, The Buffalo Philharmonic
court and chicken barbecue nights, merchandise and antique cars and tractors, Orchestra, conducted by
on beautiful Conesus Lake. food vender booths. Admis- craft and food vendors, liv- JoAnn Falletta, performs at
Free admission and parking. sion applies. ing history demonstrations 8 p.m. at the Archery Field
and more. overlooking the gorge. The
July 27 • 10 a.m. to 4 ing with a grand fireworks
July 21 • Letchworth July 27 on Conesus display over the gorge at
State Park Lake • 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. p.m. • York Central School,
2578 Genesee St., Retsof • 9:30 p.m. Bring your blan-
Brunch menu of local- • Vitale Park, Lakeville • kets and chairs.
ly-produced meats, vege- chipholtnaturecenter.org 243-3128,
tables, fruits, cheeses and Build your own boat of yorkvalleyfest.com
Start the day with a KINGDOM BOUND
beverages. Farm and artisan recycled materials and race
other teams. Prizes, disc pancake breakfast from 8 July 28-31• Six Flags
market available early to Darien Lake, 9993 Allegh-
jockey, food, and silent to 10:30 a.m. and 5K run
brunch guests and open to any Road, Darien Center •
auction. For rules, check the and family fun run. Events
the public and park patrons and entertainment begin at (716) 633-1117,
throughout the afternoon. website. Sponsored by Chip
Holt Nature Center. 10 a.m., featuring closest www.kingdombound.org
Also on Aug. 18. to the pin contest, petting Christian music festival
WEST SPARTA zoo, arts, crafts and food featuring speakers, semi-
ORLEANS COUNTY FAIR vendors, Now and Then nars, family fun and musi-
July 22-27 • 10 a.m. to OLD-FASHIONED DAY ag equipment display, car cal artists. This year’s line-
10 p.m. • Orleans County July 27 • 10 a.m. to cruise, farmers market, and up includes Skillet and Paul
Fairgrounds, 12690 Route 4 p.m. • West Sparta fun area for kids. End the Baloche. Admission.
31, Albion • 798-5191 or Town Park, 8302 Kysor- day with chicken barbecue
798-4265, ville-Byersville Rd. • at 3:30 p.m. See EVENTS H22
22 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
From H21
Aug. 1 to 4 • Exchange
Street Arena, 230 Exchange
St., Attica • atticarodeo.com
Now in its 62nd year, the
rodeo includes specialty
acts and events in bareback
riding, saddle bronc riding,
steer wrestling, team rop-
ing, tie-down roping, barrel
racing, breakaway racing
and, of course, bull riding.
Admission is required.
Aug. 2-4 •
Friday waterball tour-
nament at 6 p.m. and free
Sally Santora/Livingston County News File Photograph
music starts at 8 p.m. Food
vendors 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. The Brothers Blue perform at the annual Fiddlers’ Picnic in Long Point Park, Geneseo.
Saturday. Also on Saturday
there will be kids activities,
petting zoo, bed races at 1 Aug. 3 • 11 a.m. to 7
p.m., euchre tournament, p.m. • Long Point Park,
Euro Bungy, crafts, and Conesus Lake, West Lake
music. Sunday includes (Route 256) and Long Point
anything old parade 1 p.m., roads, Geneseo
crafts, food, and more Old time country music
music. on stage. Off-stage jam ses-
sions. Under the pavilion,
BOATERS AGAINST rain or shine. Bring your
CANCER SUMMER PARTY picnic baskets, coolers and
lawn chairs. Food conces-
Aug. 3 • 9 a.m. to 11 sion and chicken barbecue.
p.m. • Bald Eagle Marina, Free admission and parking.
1033 Lakeland Beach Rd.,
Kendall • 721-7063 ROCK THE PARK
The all-day event Mark Gutman/The Daily News File Photograph Aug. 3 • 11 a.m. • Bul-
includes a 5k fun foot race, Thomas Smith gets ready to take down a steer during lard Park, East Avenue,
50k fun bike ride, offshore competition at the 2018 Attica Rodeo. Albion • www.facebook.
power boat poker run, craft com/rockbullardpark
vendors, wine and beer Octagon Shelter, Lower • 335-4746, Rock the Park is an
tasting, live music all day, Falls area. Join interpretive dansvilleartworks.com. annual festival intended to
basket raffle and silent auc- hikes to Civilian Conser- Come and see the creative raise funds for renovations
tion, fishing tournament, vation Corps sites within sidewalk chalk art, demon- to Bullard Park in Albion.
duck race, with Flint Creek Letchworth and learn of the The festival is centered
strations, live music by
Band at night ending with a CCC’s contribution to the around an all-day concert
fireworks show. Steel Alchemy Community
development of the Park. Steel Band, and a juried arts and includes food, drink,
and crafts show and sale in crafts, raffles, and a beer
CCC RECOGNITION DAY CHALK WALK tent. Proceeds go towards
Aug. 3 • 10 a.m. until historic downtown district. renovating the park.
4 p.m. • Letchworth State & ARTSFEST Free and open to the pub-
Park Aug. 3 • 10 a.m. to 2 lic. The event take place
Program begins at the p.m. • Downtown Dansville rain or shine. See EVENTS H23
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 23
From H22
Aug. 3 • Beaver Mead-
ow Audubon Center, 1610
Welch Rd., North Java. •
This family-friendly
event is the perfect way to
immerse yourself in nature.
From H23 Aug. 11 • Larry J. Can-
ute Memorial Park, School
More than 100 arts and Street, Springwater
crafts vendors are featured Pancake breakfast is from
along with continuous live 7 to 10:30 a.m. Ecumenical
entertainment, a variety of church service will be at 8
food vendors, a kid zone a.m. Check out the classic
and corn eating and corn- car show and antique tractor
hole contests. The popular pulls starting at 9 a.m. Live
beer garden will be expand- music begins 10 a.m. A
ed and offer New York chicken barbecue will begin
craft beers and cider. at 11 a.m. until sold out.
Parking and admission Free admission and park-
are free. ing. Springwater Webster
Mark Gutman/The Daily News File Photograph
Crossing Historical Society
Hundreds turn out to the Beertavia Craft Beer Festival in Museum on South Main
SWEETS IN SUMMER Batavia where area breweries, cideries and meaderies
Street will be open. Spon-
Aug. 10 • 11 a.m. to 3 showcase their products.
sored by Springwater Gala.
p.m. • Downtown Medina
Stroll through Medina’s CIVIL WAR DAYS includes many daily activ-
historic downtown district Aug. 10 and 11 • Arcade ities including exhibits,
for the sixth annual Sweets & Attica Railroad, 278 rides, horse shows, home ITALIAN FESTIVAL
in Summer. Main St., Arcade • 492- arts, flowers, farm animals Aug. 16-18 • Bellamy
Play a life-sized Candy 3100, aarailroad.com/ and products, great food Park, Lackawanna Avenue •
Land game and try different Train rides run about two and so much more. For a mountmorrisnyrotaryitalian-
sweets at Medina busi- hours and 20 minutes. At full schedule of events, go fest.com
nesses. Fun for the whole the halfway point, riders online to wyomingcounty-
fair.org/. See EVENTS H26
family. depart the train at Curriers
Station where they can do
BEERTAVIA CRAFT BEER a self-guided tour of the
FESTIVAL museum. Visit the camps
Aug. 10 • 3-6 p.m. • and talk with the soldiers,
Alva Place and Bank Street experiencing how civilians
parking lot, Batavia • www. lived in the 1860s. Kids’
downtownbataviany.com activities and concessions
Beertavia is downtown are offered. Restrooms
Batavia’s craft beer festival available.
welcoming local breweries,
cideries and meaderies to WYOMING COUNTY FAIR
showcase their products to Aug. 10 to 17 • Pike Fair-
more than 600 event guests. grounds, 70 E. Main St.,
Good times, good fun, good Pike.
brew. The week’s worth of fun
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 25
26 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
From H24
Aug. 17 • Orleans County
• www.metro10race.com
The fourth annual Metro
10 pits two unique running
communities (Rochester and
Buffalo) against each other
in a friendly competition
where every runner’s time
counts. You choose the city
closest to your heart. The
2019 event promises to be
a great event with a 10- or
5-mile option. More infor-
mation is available at www.
metro10race.com. Sign up
at runsignup.com.
From H26
Aug. 18 • 12:30 p.m.
(gates open 9 a.m.) • 10401
Poags Hole Rd., off Route
36, Dansville • 335-9260,
One of the largest hill-
climbs in the country. Lots
of vendors offering food,
merchandise and more.
Admission and parking fees
apply. Event takes place
rain or shine.
Aug. 23 to 25 • 10 a.m.
to 6 p.m. • Letchworth
State Park Joe Leathersich/The Daily News File Photograph
Flintknapping scheduled Mary Jane Mathis, left, and Phoebe Shepard, right, make lemonade at the Wyoming
from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at County Fair’s Historical House during the 2017 county fair.
the Highbanks Recreation
Area. The event features, children younger than 12
stone-tool making demon- years old admitted for free,
strations, Native American good for one day. No pets
crafts and 19th century (service dogs allowed),
mountain men encampment, coolers, alcohol or drones
and Atl-Atl competition. on festival grounds.
From H29
ST. ROCCO’S Oakfield’s Labor Daze and its parade offer a final salute to summer.
Sept. 1 • noon to 5 p.m. EN PLEIN AIR FESTIVAL
• 3415 Hulberton St.,
Hulberton, Sept. 15 and 16 • Main
St. Rocco’s Italian Fes- Street, Perry, from Library
tival is a fundraiser for St. to Mill streets •
Mary’s Church in Holley. iloveperryny.com
The event features home- The weekend includes
made Italian foods, bocce artist displays, demonstra-
ball tournaments, kids tions, and a silent auction.
games, a beer tent and a
bounce house. Orleans County Tourism Photograph NATIVE AMERICAN &
Civil War officers chat at the Orleans County Heritage Festival. PIONEER HERITAGE DAY
SUMMER FAREWELL Sept. 21 • 10 a.m. to 4
FESTIVAL p.m. • Letchworth State
Sept. 1 • 3 to 9:30 p.m. •
Letchworth State Park Sept. 6-15 • Orleans Sept. 7 • 11 a.m. to 6 Native American dancers
At Highbanks Recreation County • www.orleansny- p.m. • Downtown Livonia perform traditional dances
Area. Live bands, family heritage.com Families and folks of all and share their cultural sig-
activities, food, and a great The Orleans Coun- ages come to downtown nificance. Events include
firework show. Livonia to enjoy arts and demonstrations related to
ty Heritage Festival is a
crafts vendors, food, music, Native American and pio-
county-wide celebration free inflatables for children,
WNY GAS AND STEAM of historical and cultural neer life at the Trailside
farmers market, wine tast- Lodge Area.
ENGINE ASSOCIATION attractions. Visit www. ing, and more.
RALLY orleansnyheritage.com for
Sept. 5 to 8 • Western updates. HISTORIC TRADES FAIR
New York Gas & Steam Sept. 14 • 11 a.m. to 5
Association Grounds, 10294 BRICK HOUSE p.m. • Cobblestone Muse- Oct. 12 to 14 (Columbus
Gillate Rd., Alexander CORNER’S FAIR um, 14393 Ridge Road, Day weekend) • 10 a.m. to
The annual rally is back Albion • 589-9013, www. 5 p.m. • Letchworth State
Sept. 7 • 10 a.m. to 4 Park
for its 53rd year with cobblestonemuseum.org
antique tractors, steam p.m. • Pembroke Town The Cobblestone Museum One of the best arts and
engines, log sawing, gas Hall, Routes 5 and 77, comes alive with artisans crafts show in the United
engines, threshing, tractor Corfu • 599-4892 and re-enactors as it recre- States features more than
pulls, working models, Day includes a Chinese ates Orleans County life in 300 arts and crafts exhibi-
woodworking, flea market, auction, book sale, chil- the 19th century. Chicken tors, food vendors and live
food, live music, and a dren’s games, historical barbecue is available for entertainment. At the High-
blacksmith shop. exhibits and entertainment. dining al-fresco or takeout. banks Recreation Area.
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 31
he wind whistling through the trees,
the sun peeking through the clouds,
and just around the corner, a bird
is singing. There’s no better way to start
your morning than surrounded by nature,
and no better way to get in touch with your
outdoorsy side than by pitching a tent and
setting up camp.
How great is camping? With the aroma
of marshmallows in the air, the sound of
the crackling fire, and the stars burning
bright overhead, it’s one surefire way to
relax, recharge, and reconnect with nature.
For those in the area or visitors wanting
an outdoor getaway, Genesee County is Mark Gutman/The Daily News File Photograph
home to seriously awesome campsites. Young campers seek to cool off by leaping into the pool at Lei-Ti Campground
Skyline Camping Resort: Celebrating 50 & Recreational Community, Batavia. The facility offers a variety of activities.
years in business, Skyline sits atop a sce-
nic rolling hill and boasts more than 300 farm store, playground, and The Big Ridge Sleepy Hollow Lake: The kid-friendly,
campsites with 275 offering water and elec- Restaurant serving up homemade and pet-friendly campground is home to 104
tric hookups. Families can enjoy three wad- homegrown meals. They also hold regular acres of fun that includes walking trails
ing and swimming pools, a pond for fishing, concerts featuring local and national acts. and easy waterfront access. The camp has
Concerts are open to the public. 8101 Con- drive-through RV sites, tent camp sites, and
and recreational activities (shuffleboard,
lon Rd., Le Roy, 768-4883. cabin rentals, with water, electric, on-site
basketball, volleyball, horseshoe). Send the
kids out to enjoy a game of tennis or mini Darien Lakes State Park: Hills, woodlands, restrooms, picnic areas, and more. They
golf, or to play the old-fashioned way at the ravines, streams, a sandy beach and the host special events ranging from breakfasts
playground. 10933 Darien Alexander Town- 12-acre Harlow Lake make up Darien Lakes and dinners, to flea markets, hayrides,
line Rd., Darien Center, 800-724-3619. State Park. Campers can choose from 154 petting zoos and horseshoe tournaments.
campsites – 141 with electricity and 13 13800 Siehl Rd., Akron, 716-542-4336.
Southwoods RV Resort: At this family-friendly primitive sites without. When you aren’t
campsite in a park-like setting kids can Timberline Lake Park: Timberline, in oper-
exploring the trails, fishing for largemouth ation since 1964, boasts nearly 100 full
explore and play on the playground, in the black bass, or playing a round of 18-holes
game room, hop in the swimming pool or hookup sites. Offering cabin/trailer rental,
on the Angry Apple Disc Golf Course, you Internet access, flush toilets and showers,
take to the special wagon rides, while oth- can make your way to “Picnic Island” and
ers enjoy the bike track, hiking trails, sand swimming, fishing, recreation area, camp
enjoy a snack while surrounded by the store, and a propane station. 6749 Town-
volleyball court or mini-golf course. More serene views of nature. 10475 Harlow Rd.,
than 200 campsites with full hookups for line Rd., Byron, 548-9002
Darien Center, 547-9242
RVs, a propane station, laundry facilities, Godfrey’s Pond: The membership-based orga-
and more means there is room for every- Six Flags Darien Lake Amusement Park nization offers a variety of things to do on
one. The Resort hosts special events and Campground: Whether relaxing after a day 235 acres of land and 40 acres of water.
live music on holiday weekends. 6749 of thrills at the amusement park, or getting Pike, bass, trout, bullheads, crappies and
Townline Rd., Byron, 548-9002. away from it all, Darien Lake Campgrounds bluegills are plentiful for fishing. Swimming
are a great way to unwind. Pitch a tent, pull areas include a sand beach and a deep
Cherry Hill Campground: The campground an RV in, book a cabin rental or settle in to
takes you back to the basics, while offering end with a slide and dock. Lifeguards are
a “ready-made” glamping site near pictur- provided. Rowboats, paddle boats, canoes,
a crazy convenient location – just across esque Darien Lake. Packages available for
from Darien Lake Theme Park. Enjoy lush, and kayaks are available for rent. The play-
those looking to do it all. 9993 Alleghany
shaded campsites, RV hook ups, or a lean- ground areas offer a shuffle board court,
Rd. (Rt. 77), Darien Center, 599-2211.
to cabin with double doors that close for lighted basketball, sand filled volleyball
privacy. Cherry Hill is pet-friendly and each Lei-Ti Campground & Recreational Commu- courts and horseshoe pits. The property has
site comes with a picnic table and fire ring. nity: Lei-Ti is an extended stay RV resort five covered shelters and four large pavil-
If you can’t fully unplug, (though we suggest which includes 290 full hook-up campsites; ions and dozens of picnic tables with grills.
you do!) don’t worry, they have Internet on-site RV repair; golf cart sales, service The Clubhouse has meeting and recreation
access. 1516 Sumner Rd., Darien Center, and rentals; two huge playgrounds; swim- rooms, showers, bathrooms and a refresh-
813-5099. ming in the pool or at Leisure Lake beach; ment stand with deck overlooking the pond.
fishing; recreation lodge with arcade, Griswold Road, Bergen, 815-1545
The Ridge NY Recreation and Campground: community room and fitness facility; and
Formerly known as Frost Ridge Recreation live entertainment; planned activities and –––
Area, The Ridge that takes its entertainment events. 9979 Francis Rd., Batavia, 343- For more information on these sites or other local
seriously. The site boasts a pool, camp and 8600. offerings, check out www.VisitGeneseeNY.com.
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 33
n June, when the long days
of summer lay ahead of us,
we think we have months to
take a vacation, play outdoors
with the kids or picnic with
friends. But very quickly these
days slip away and it is Sep-
According to a study from
the U.S. Travel Association’s
Project Time Off, 52 percent of
Americans didn’t even use all
of their vacation days in 2017!
If you can’t take a week,
take a weekend. If you can’t
take a weekend, take a day.
Besides being one of the Bob Oswald via Livingston County Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism
most scenically beautiful places Mount Morris Dam and Recreation Center offers free tours daily of the inside workings
to live, Livingston County has of the dam. The visitor center has exhibitions and there are also hiking trails available.
a vibrant summer calendar
of events that should not be grounds, hike the Finger Lakes picnic supper and chairs to sit low cost “daycation” activities.
missed. Here are some sug- Trail, the Wildlife Loop Trail, on. Empire Dragway in Leices-
gestions for free or low cost or look into the Genesee River Just down the road from ter has a quarter-mile drag
“daycations” that will recharge gorge for the birds playing on Vitale Park, Long Point Park strip with racing action every
your spirit, build memories the wind currents. has free lakeshore swimming weekend and free admission
with family, and barely touch Livingston County hosts under the watchful eye of for children 12 and younger.
your budget. more than 30 festivals between trained lifeguards. While you Families can also enjoy a day
Have you been to the Cale- June and September to appeal are in that neck of the woods, playing miniature golf, riding
donia Fish Hatchery? The to all sorts of tastes and inter- plan a visit to Tree Creations, go-carts, or playing laser tag at
oldest fish hatchery in the ests, ranging from the Western an ever growing village of Minnehan’s in Lakeville. The
Western Hemisphere raises New York Pottery Festival to child-sized tree houses con- village of Avon is home to a
brown trout and stocks the the National Warplane Muse- nected by rope bridges. This vintage drive-in movie theater
region’s lakes and streams for um Air Show, to the Hemlock labor of love was started for where patrons are treated to
sport fishing. It is open 8 a.m. “Little World’s” Fair. the owner’s children and then two blockbuster movies under
to 4 p.m. and has beautiful There are free, family friend- opened to the public. It is on the stars, for the price of one
grounds and picnic tables on ly outdoor concerts every private property so look for ticket. If the weather doesn’t
the banks of the Oatka Creek. night of the week. On Mon- its visiting days and times on cooperate, a rainy day is a great
Speaking of fishing, the state days you will find a live band the Tree Creations In Geneseo time for a trip to one of the
Department of Environmental at the Williams Park Gazebo Facebook page. three local bowling alleys.
Conservation has designated in Dansville. On Tuesdays In May 2016, Dansville For families who love to
June 29 and 30 as free fishing Tom Wahl’s hosts its Free introduced some elfin fantasy hike and bike together, the
days, meaning you can try the Summer Concerts under the to its community with the county has hundreds of miles
sport and won’t need a license. Stars, Wednesdays the gazebo addition of the Fairy Door of trails ranging from the sce-
The Mount Morris Dam in the village of Leicester has Trail. Your little ones will nic Genesee Valley Greenway
and Recreation Center offers free music. On Thursday, Deer be charmed and you will be to the more rugged terrain of
free tours of the inside work- Run Winery in Lakeville is the delighted by the tiny, intricate the Finger Lakes Trail.
ings of the dam at 2 p.m. daily, place to be. Fridays you can passageways to a world of –––
and at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. on find tunes in Geneseo. There magic. Sixteen historic district For more information on these
attractions, events, and more, visit
the weekends. The tour can is usually live music at the businesses house fairy doors. FingerLakesWest.com or call 1-800-
take about 30 people at a time Beachcomber both weekend At each business, visitors can 538-7365.
and it’s first-come-first served, days, and on Sunday the Town pick up a map leading them
so get there early. While you of Livonia invites you to the through the trail. Ellen Herlihy is tourism marketing
coordinator at the Livingston County
wait, tour the visitor center, banks of Conesus Lake for If all these ideas for free fun Area Chamber of Commerce and
play on the two modern play- music at Vitale Park. Bring a aren’t enough, here are some Tourism.
34 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
Downtown Dansville
to host chalk art event
DANSVILLE – Chalk art-
ists will decorate downtown
Dansville on Aug. 3.
The eighth annual Chalk
Walk & Arts Fest is an inter-
active, multi-generational
community arts events that
incorporates sidewalk chalk
art, live music and art expe- Livingston County News File Photograph
riences in the downtown dis-
An artist creates at the
Dansville Chalk Walk.
Everything starts at 10 a.m.
at Dansville ArtWorks, 153 mini art workshops and
Main St. The event, which demonstrations on a variety
is free and open to the pub- of topics.
lic, takes places rain or shine. Live music and arts and fine
Attendees are encouraged to crafts vendors round out the
bring a lawn chair. event.
The event allows featured For more information about
artists and community mem- this year’s festival, visit the
bers a chance to display their Dansville ArtWorks website
talents and add a splash of at dansvilleartworks.com/ or
color to Main Street. the event’s Facebook page,
The festival also includes DansvilleChalkWalk.
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 39
From H40
The two-hour concerts
begin at 6 p.m. Wednes-
days at the gazebo in the
Village of Leicester Park.
Bring your lawn chairs or
June 12 – York Central
School Jazz Bands and Provided Photograph
Show Chorus.
The Ghost Riders plays many community concerts across the GLOW region.
June 19 – The Travis
Prinzi Band. of rock and roll, blues, and
June 26 – Rebel’s Posse. country.
July 10 – The Pearlz Aug. 2 – Genesee Johnny
Band. Band.
July 17 – Axton Landing. Aug. 9 – Miller and the
July 24 – Old Hippies. Other Sinners, rocking
July 31 – Full Swing blues and soul.
Band. Aug. 16 – Rochester Met-
Aug. 7 – Country Rain. ropolitan Jazz Orchestra.
Aug. 14 – Kelly’s Old Aug. 23 – Panloco Steel
Timers. Band.
Aug. 21 – Steel Alchemy Aug. 30 – The Dady
Community Steel Drums. Brothers, Irish music, and
Livingston County News File Photo
THURSDAY NIGHT Bob’s Brothers Band will again open the Geneseo Summer
Deer Run Winery, 3772 CONCERT SERIES
West Lake Rd., Geneseo. July 18 – Dave McGrath. p.m. Fridays in the Village
July 25 – Bob’s Brother’s The Town of Livonia
The free concerts start at Park, Main and Park streets.
Band. hosts 10 free concerts,
6 p.m. on Thursdays. Local Food and refreshments
Aug. 1 – Kickstar Rum- scheduled from 6 to 8 p.m.
vendors offering food and available. Be sure to bring Sundays at Vitale Park in
ble, Honor Flight Rochester chairs or blankets. For more
snacks. Bring a lawn chair Lakeville. Bring some food
benefit concert. information visit geneseo-
and enjoy the live music. Aug. 8 – Steve Grills and beverage, lawn chairs
For more information, call concerts.com. or blankets and enjoy the
Band. June 21 – Bob’s Broth-
346-0850. Aug. 15 – Lucky Number music.
June 6 – Rachel Beverly. er’s Band, classic rock and June 23 – To be
Band. family fun.
June 13 – Secondhand Aug. 22 – Midlife Crisis. announced.
Sidekicks. June 28 – Bob Bunce June 30 – TBA.
Aug. 29 – Coupe and Rural Delivery, rockin’
June 20 – Nick LeDuc. De’Villes, USO benefit July 7 – Jeff Riales and
June 27 – Travis Prinzi original Americana. the Silvertone Express.
Band. July 19 – E-Z Money July 14 – Watson and the
Sept. 5 – Rhythm Dogs.
July 4 – Noble Vibes, Band, classic and modern Rapiers.
American Red Cross benefit rock. July 21 – Bob’s Brother’s
concert. GENESEO SUMMER July 26 – Tommy T & Band.
July 11 – Keys to the CONCERT SERIES the Gliders, songs from the
Caddy. The music begins at 7 American songbook: roots
42 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
From H41
From H47
Tickets, which cost $10 for
general admission, $15 for
VIP and $20 for Premium
Section, are available through
BataviaConcerts.com and at
Batavia Downs.
Whether you like rock,
country, pop or hip hop, there
are major concerts scheduled
throughout Western New
York to satisfy your taste this
Here’s a look at shows slat- The Zac Brown Band is a perennial favorite at the Darien Lake Performing Arts Center.
ed for the largest venues:
July 16 – Tedeschi Trucks Aug. 10 – Smashing Pump-
ARTPARK Band 2019. kins and Noel Gallagher’s
450 South 4th St., Lewiston; CANALSIDE
Main Street and Marine July 21 – Rob Thomas. High Flying Birds.
(716) 754-4375; Artpark.net July 23 – Lionel Richie. Aug. 13 – Beck and Cage
June 4 – Sammy Hagar’s Drive, Buffalo; CanalsideBuf-
falo.com July 25 – Grease. the Elephant.
Full Circle Jam Tour. July 27 – All-American Aug. 23 – Kiss.
June 9 – Fairy House Festi- June 20 – Kiss The Sum-
mer Hello 2019. Road Show. Aug. 24 – Florida Georgia
val featuring DakhaBrakha. Aug. 2 – Train and The Line and Dan + Shay.
June 11 – George Clinton June 21 – Alternative Buf-
falo’s Kerfuffle 2019. Goo Goo Dolls. Aug. 25 – Slipknot Road-
& Parliament Funkadelic, Aug. 6 – Sarah McLachlan.
June 29 – T.I. show featuring Slipknot, Vol-
Galactic, Fishbone and Miss Aug. 7 – Alice Cooper.
Velvet & The Blue Wolf. July 18 – The Psychedelic beat, Gojira, Behemoth.
Aug. 9 – Hootie and the Aug. 30 – Brantley Gilbert.
June 18 – The O’Jays: The Furs and James.
Blowfish. Sept. 13 – Rascal Flatts.
Last Word Tour with Average July 25 – The Struts and
Aug. 10 – Jason Aldean.
White Band. The Glorious Sons.
Aug. 15 – Daryl Hall and
June 22 – Strawberry Moon Aug. 6 – Incubus. John Oates. KEYBANK CENTER
Festival. Aug. 27 – Social Distortion Aug. 22 – The Beach Boys 1 Seymour H. Knox Plaza,
June 25 – The Royal and Flogging Molly. 2019. Buffalo; KeyBankCenter.com
Affair: Yes, Asia, John Lodge Aug. 27 – Pentatonix. June 21 – New Kids On
and Carl Palmer. CONSTELLATION BRANDS The Block.
July 2 – Burton Cummings MARVIN SANDS PERFORMING Aug. 13 – Iron Maiden.
with Andre-Philippe Gagnon. DARIEN LAKE
Aug. 27 – Jonas Brothers.
July 3 – Third Eye Blind ARTS CENTER PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Oct. 4 – Phil Collins.
and Jimmy Eat World: Sum- 3355 Marvin Sands Dr., 9993 Alleghany Road, Oct. 12 – The Chainsmok-
mer Gods Tour 2019. Canandaigua; 758-5300; Darien Center; 599-4641; ers.
July 9 – Sugar Ray & Bet- Cmacevents.com DarienLake.com Oct. 13 – Carrie Under-
ter Than Ezra. June 7 – The Avett Broth- June 15 – Zac Brown Band. wood.
July 16 – Earth, Wind & ers. July 7 – Kidz Bop Conert.
Fire. June 9 – Brooks & Dunn. July 17 – Blink-182 and Lil
July 23 – “Weird Al” Yan- June 14 – Bush/Live. Wayne. THE RIDGE
kovic: The Strings Attached June 18 – Dave Matthews July 19 – Thomas Rhett. 8101 Conlon Road, Le Roy;
Tour. and Tim Reynolds. July 20 – 311 and Dirty 768-4883; TheRidgeNY.wix-
July 27 – The Flaming Lips June 20 – Jason Isbell and Heads. site.com/trny
with The Claypool Lennon the 400 Unit and Father John July 21 – Wiz Khalifa. June 14 – Love and Theft.
Delirium. Misty. July 26 – Heart with Joan June 15 – Eli Young Band.
July 30 – Chris Isaak. June 22 – Michael McDon- Jett and the Blackhearts. July 26 – Taylor Dayne.
Aug. 6 – Thievery Corpo- ald and Chaka Khan. Aug. 1 – Dierks Bentley. July 27 – Three Dog Night.
ration. June 29 – Rain. Aug. 2 – Korn and Alice in Aug. 9 – Bishop Gunn.
Aug. 20 – Bad Company. July 5 – Summer Gods Chains. Aug. 10 – Blackstone Cher-
Aug. 22 – Plasticiens Tour. Aug. 4 – Breaking Benja- ry.
Volants with The Machine July 6 – Little Big Town. min. Aug. 23 – Thompson
performs Pink Floyd. July 12 – Luke Bryan. Aug. 9 – Bryan Adams and Square.
Aug. 27 – Foreigner. July 13 – Lynyrd Skynyrd. Billy Idol. Aug. 24 – Sara Evans.
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 49
File Photograph
The Genesee Valley Greenway is a 90-mile corridor that offers a variety of recreational opportunities.
Beverly Theodore Photograph via Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism
A hot air balloon floats past the Middle Falls as it travels through the gorge at Letchworth State Park.
Information: 948-5445,
Places www.fws.gov/refuge/iro-
From H57
Genesee County
The refuge serves primar-
ily as a nesting, feeding, AUSTIN PARK
resting and staging areas Located on 6.7 acres
for migratory waterfowl. in the center of the city.
The varied habitats support Includes a large playground,
about 266 species of birds, backstop for softball prac-
42 species of mammals, tice, large open field, spray Rocco Laurienzo/The Daily News File Photograph
plus reptiles, fish, amphibi- park from Memorial Day to Batavia Peace Garden honors peace between nations and
ans and insects. Bald eagles Labor Day, pavilion with Batavia’s history.
have maintained an active electricity, picnic tables and
nest on the refuge since a charcoal grill, and bath- www.bataviapeacegarden. DEWITT RECREATION AREA
1986. The refuge is one rooms. 15 Jefferson Ave. com. A former sand and gravel
of more than 540 National Information: 345-6305. quarry turned public park
Wildlife Refuges in the CENTENNIAL PARK in the city of Batavia. Hik-
United States managed by
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife BATAVIA PEACE GARDEN A 14-acre natural setting. ing trails, picnic shelters,
Part of an international Site of several summer playground, walking path,
Features three hiking initiative, the garden honors events, including the annual fishing. 115 Cedar St.
trails. The visitor center peace between nations and July 4 Picnic in the Park Information: www.co.
is open from 7:30 a.m. to Batavia’s history. Located and the weekly summer genesee.ny.us/departments/
4 p.m. Monday through next to the Holland Land concert series for the Bata- parks/dewitthistory.html
Friday and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Museum, 131 West via Concert Band. 151 State
Saturday and Sunday. 1101 Main St. St.
Casey Rd., Basom. Information: 343-2387, Information: 345-6305.
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 59
60 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 61
62 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 63
From H63
A neighborhood park
with horseshoe pit, play-
ground, pavilion with elec-
tricity, picnic tables and
grill. 100 Verona Ave.
Information: 345-6305.
Home of Tonawanda
Valley Girls Softball and
Batavia Bull Dawg’s youth
football. Also has horseshoe
pits, pavilion with electric-
ity, picnic tables and char-
coal grill. 11 Wallace St.
Information: 345-6305.
Larry Tetamore via Livingston County Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism
The Caledonia Fish Hatchery is the oldest operational fish hatchery in the western hemisphere.
From H65
Village of Caledonia to be
used as a wildlife preserve.
Includes a nature trail and
wheelchair accessible over-
look. Features two trail
routes through the pristine
woods. Open during day-
light hours. Spring Street.
Larry Tetamore via Livingston County Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism
Tree Creations in Geneseo is a growing village of child-size tree houses connected by rope bridges.
Places Provides public access to
the lake, with playground,
From H66 picnic tables, swimming
with lifeguards, museum
through October there is and fishing. West Lake
usually someone available Road.
each Saturday and Sunday Information: 991-5000.
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Information: 335-5849, Exhibits range from con-
www.flsc.org temporary to historic. In
McClellan House, 26 Main
Geneseo St.
HIGHLAND PARK Ashley K. Leuer via Livingston County Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Information: 245-5813.
Location of former Erie Swimming is among the activities available at Long Point
Railroad Depot, moved Park in Geneseo. NATIONAL WARPLANE MUSEUM
from Court Street to High- Vintage aircraft, armor
serve consists of an “island” Brodie Hall, SUNY Gen- and other pieces from
land Road. Baseball field,
of forest surrounded by eseo, 1 College Circle. around the world. Open
tennis courts, pavilion,
grassland fields. Hosts Information: 245-5814. daily April-September: 10
playground and dog park.
native grasses that serve as a.m.- 4 p.m. Geneseo Air-
a habitat for birds and other LIVINGSTON COUNTY port, 3489 Big Tree Lane.
INDIAN FORT NATURE PRESERVE wildlfe surrounding the HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM Information: 243-2100,
Managed and maintained 3.5-acre woodlot. Also 1.3
Housed in a cobblestone www.nationalwarplanemu-
by Genesee Valley Conser- miles of walking trails. Two
schoolhouse, featuring arti- seum.org.
vancy. Consists of hiking access points: 8 Calvalry
trails, creeks, small pond, facts and displays from the
Dr. and 213 Lima Rd. Open
and access to the Genesee daily between sun-up and
county’s two-century histo- SPENCER J. ROEMER ARBORETUM
River. Open daily from sun- ry. The famed Big Tree has 20-acre natural area open
up to sun-down. 3432 Jones returned to a new exhibition to the public year round.
Information: geneseeval-
Bridge Rd. space. Open Thursdays South side of SUNY Gen-
leyconservancy.com. and Sundays 2-5 p.m. May eseo campus (follow signs
1-Oct. 31. 30 Center St. on Route 20A).
JOHN W. CHANDLER LEDERER ART GALLERY Information: 243-9147, Information: 245-5448.
ISLAND PRESERVE Exhibits faculty, student, livingstoncountyhistorical-
This 40-acre nature pre- local and national artists. society.com. See PLACES H72
72 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
From H71
A growing village of
child-size tree houses con-
nected by rope bridges.
Explore the castle, wizard’s
den and more. This labor
of love was started for the
owner’s children and then
opened to the public. It is
on private property so look
for its visiting days and
times on the Tree Creations
In Geneseo Facebook page. Sally Santora/For The Livingston County News, File Photo
4677 Lakeville-Groveland The Town of Livonia’s new Watershed Education Center is in Vitale Park on the shore of
Rd. Conesus Lake. It also houses the Livingston County Sheriff’s Department substation.
Information: 243-1638.
HEMLOCK LAKE in October 2013. Trail VITALE PARK
Boat Launch Northeast entrance is near southwest At northern end of the
VILLAGE PARK corner of lake off East Lake corner of the parking area. lake at the outlet. Summer
Picnic tables, restrooms, Road. Hard surface ramp. 7384 Ziegler Drive. concerts at the Gazebo on
summer concert series. Parellel parking on shoulder Sunday nights. Restrooms,
Main and Park streets. of East Lake Road. 16-foot LIMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY’S benches, picnic tables, play-
boat/10 HP motor restric- ground, gardens, fishing,
Groveland TENNIE BURTON MUSEUM docks, walking trails, pavil-
Open Sundays 2-4 p.m., ions and grills are provid-
REVOLUTIONARY WAR June to end of September.
Leicester 1850 Rochester St.
ed. Hand boat launch. No
swimming. Route 20A, Big
Obelisk marking the STARR PARK Information: 624-1050 Tree Road, Lakeville.
site where British forces Picnic pavilion, play LimaHistorical.org. Information: 346-3710.
ambushed a Continental equipment and ball fields.
Army scout party. 5434 Route 36. Livonia HEMLOCK LAKE PARK
David Gray Hill Rd. A small public park on
Information: 243-1750, BOWEN MEMORIAL PARK
BOYD AND PARKER PARK Playground, picnic shel- the north end of Hemlock
www.groveland.ny.org. Site of the torture of two Lake, Rix Hill Road.
ter, ball fields and skate-
Revolutionary War Colonial boarding park. 62 Main St.
Hemlock officers by Native Amer- MAURICE F. SWEENEY MUSEUM
HEMLOCK-CANADICE ican soldiers and British Open year-round 9 a.m.-
troops. 3064 Cuylerville COMMUNITY PARK
STATE FOREST Small park on Route 20A noon and 1-5 p.m. Thursday
Rd., Route 36, Cuylerville. and Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
The only totally undevel- at the bottom of the hill
oped Finger Lakes cover leading to the village. 2 Big Saturday. 10 Commercial
about 6,684 acres. Fishing, EMPIRE DRAGWAY Tree St. St., Livonia.
hiking, nature study, boat- A quarter mile drag strip Information: 346-4579,
ing, and hunting. No swim- hosting world-class events www.livonianyhistory.org.
on Fridays and Saturdays CONESUS LAKE BOAT LAUNCHES
ming or camping allowed.
Information: www.hem- into October. 2011 New Rd. Pontoons, ski boats, fish- Mount Morris
lockandcanadicelakes.com. in Leicester. ing boats, canoes, paddle-
Information: 382-3030, boats and personal water- FRANCIS BELLAMY
HERITAGE MUSEUM AT THE www.EmpireDragway.com. craft use these launch sites. MEMORIAL PARK
n Hartson Point, 5030 Hosts two basketball
HEMLOCK FAIR GROUNDS Lima East Lake Rd., Livonia. courts, tennis courts, soft-
Step back in time with n Pebble Beach Road: ball and baseball fields,
exhibits that highlight local MARK TUBBS MEMORIAL PARK 1/4 mile south of Route pavilions, gazebo, club-
history. Open during the Includes an enclosed 20A in hamlet of Lakeville. house and playground.
Fair and groups by appoint- pavilion, playground, paved Hand launch, 120 cars. Lackawanna Avenue.
ment. 7370 Fair St. trails for hiking, picnic n Sand Point: on Route Information: 658-4160.
Information: 367-3370, area with grills. A network 20A in hamlet of Lakeville.
hemlockfair.org. of walking trails opened Hand launch, 50 cars. See PLACES H73
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 73
From H72
et off the beaten path, take the
road less traveled and you won’t
be disappointed!
Orleans County is one of those best-
kept-secrets that our returning visitors
feel a sense of home and would pre-
fer to keep all to themselves. We are
known for our world-class fishing, our
farm fresh produce, award winning
wineries, unique cobblestone and sand-
stone architecture and friendly canal
town culture where creativity thrives.
We invite you to experience our
hometown charm and rich heritage at
the following events.
Enjoy the fruits of our labor every
Saturday morning at the Canal Village
Farmers Market in Medina featuring
epicurean delights from locally grown
produce and botanicals, craft beverages,
locally raised meats and a wide selec-
Paul Czarnecki Photograph via Orleans County Tourism
tion of delicacies. Clarendon Farmers
Market starts June 20 at the Clarendon Several charter services are on hand in Orleans County to help you locate and
Historical Society, including live music land trophy-sized fish in the open waters of Lake Ontario.
and demonstrations along with mar- beverage vendors (July 2-Aug. 6). The on this early 19th century building
ket items from 3:30 to 7 p.m. weekly Village of Holley hosts its Canal Con- style. The Cobblestone Museum recep-
through October. cert Series Friday nights beginning July tion area is on the lower level of the
Annual festivals include the 33rd 12 through Aug. 30. The Village of church and is maintained by The Cob-
annual Strawberry Festival in Albion Lyndonville will host concerts on Mon- blestone Society. One can find pictures
on June 7 and 8. The festival features day evenings starting July 1 and con- and information on cobblestone archi-
an arts and crafts show on the court- tinuing through Aug. 26. A full day of tecture, displays of artifacts relating to
house lawn, live entertainment through- local history, special exhibitions and
music is scheduled at the sixth annual
out historic downtown Albion as well much more.
Rock the Park event Aug. 3 at Bullard
as the parade Saturday morning and The museum acts as the central head-
Chalk the Walk art contest. Lyndon- Park in Albion featuring acoustic acts,
bands, artisans and food vendors. quarters from which visitors disperse
ville kicks off July celebrations at the
Fishing is hot at the Ultimate Fish- to tour the other buildings. Enjoy an
44th Annual Independence Day Fes-
tival featuring a parade, arts and crafts, ing Town of Point Breeze. Several evening of music, art and much more
chicken barbecue, children’s activities, charter services are on hand to help at its third annual “Summer Solstice
duck race and highlighted with a spec- you locate and land the trophy-sized Soirée – A Celtic Celebration” fea-
tacular fireworks display. The Orleans king salmon, brown trout or steelhead turing music in the garden on June 19.
County 4-H Fair will be July 22 to 27 in the open waters of Lake Ontario. For more information, go to www.cob-
at the fairgrounds. For more informa- Compete for big prizes at the Oak blestonemuseum.org.
tion, go to www.orleans4-hfair.com. Orchard (Orleans) Open Tournament, The summer ends with the county-
Several Summer Concert Series are June 8 and 9, the annual LOC Derby wide annual Heritage Festival, Sept.
scheduled starting in June. from June 29 to July 28 or the Orleans 6 to 15 celebrating Orleans County’s
Albion kicks off its series on the Erie County Rotary Derby Aug. 3 to 18. historical significance. For details, go
Canal June 13 and continues to Aug. For more information, visit www.orle- to www.orleansnyheritage.com.
15. Cruise in, by boat, bike or tradi- anscountyfishing.com. ––
tional methods to Point Breeze, just off If history and heritage is your pas- For more information on any of our
events, to locate overnight accommoda-
the Seaway Trail Tuesday Nights for sion, you’ll find plenty of opportunities tions such as a campground or water-
OONA’s 10th Annual Summer Concert in Orleans County! front cottages, visit www.orleanscounty-
Series at the Orleans County Marine The Cobblestone Museum in Childs tourism.com. Follow us on Facebook at
Park featuring live music and food and gathers and disseminates information OrleansCountyTourism.
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 83
he lure of Letchworth State Park,
the “Grand Canyon of the East” and
the “No. 1 State Park in the USA”
and “No. 1 New York State Attraction,”
beckons those who love the splendor of
stunning vistas and waterfalls.
Hiking, biking, swimming, whitewater
rafting and hot air ballooning are just some
of the activities at Letchworth.
But there are plenty of other fun activi-
ties and events planned for this summer in
Wyoming County.
Agri-Palooza, a fun-filled day on the
farm, will be from noon to 4 p.m. June 9 at
Sivue Farms in North Java. In addition to
educational displays, farm tours, and chil-
dren’s games and activities, Agri-Palooza
Ben Beagle/Livingston County News
visitors will have an endless variety of
Wyoming County products to check out, A ride through the park at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure in Varysburg
taste and purchase including chips, cheese, brings guests face to face with some of the world’s most exotic animals.
milk, maple products, ice cream and more.
Celebrate America’s independence hol- Start by enjoying Shake on the Lake’s enjoy a delicious dinner of wild game
iday during Jam in the Valley at Buffalo Wyoming County Week rendition of meats at The Trailside Grill.
Hill Village in Varysburg from July 11 to Shakespeare’s “As You Like It” from July Experience the beautiful sweeping coun-
13 with national country recording artists 29 to Aug. 3, including shows along the tryside with a train ride along the Arcade
including Ashley McBryde, Easton Corbin shore of beautiful Silver Lake. and Attica Railroad. The excursion train
and Brothers Osborn — followed by a Don’t miss the Buffalo Philharmonic runs weekends through the summer and
massive fireworks display! Orchestra when it visits the Archery Field this nostalgic train ride is a hit for kids
Want tasty farm fresh produce and in Letchworth State Park on July 27 – young and old. Also, don’t miss the rail-
baked goods? Try a Saturday morning which includes entertainment leading up road’s Civil War Days on Aug. 10 and
farmers’ market in downtown Perry from to the show and fireworks over the gorge 11, featuring exciting Civil War re-enact-
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., or visit the Farm- after their performance. ments.
er & Artisan Market in Warsaw from 2 Wholesome family activities are in full Looking for fast-paced adventure? Look
to 6 p.m. Wednesdays. swing all summer at Charcoal Corral out- no further than the Attica Rodeo. This
On July 13, visit the Tour de Per-RY side Perry. The venue features two drive-in nationally-recognized event takes place
Community Bike Ride, Perry Chalk Art movie screens, pizza parlor, mini-golf, ice Aug. 1 to 4 at the rodeo grounds, 230
Festival and Perry’s Taste of Summer at cream parlor, full-food service, nightly Exchange St., Attica. Experience bronc
the Perry Farmers’ Market. entertainment and music, and classic car
and bull riding, calf roping, barrel racing
For a full list of local growers from shows. Super Cruise nights are scheduled
and team penning.
apples to zucchini, including breweries, the third Thursday of each month, June
through September. New this year is the Wrap up the summer at one of the coun-
farm-to-table restaurants, maple, cheese,
Corral Mining Company, a 40-foot min- ty’s most popular events – the Wyoming
honey producers and more, visit BuyWyo-
mingCountyGrown.com. ing sluice with continuous running water County Fair, Aug. 10 to 17. As always,
Visit Warsaw Valley Fest from July 17 where everyone can mine for gemstones, there will be myriad entertainment options,
to 20 in the village of Warsaw. Stroll along fossils, shark teeth and arrowheads. including county vendors, arts and crafts,
Main Street and enjoy craft vendors, fun Spend a beautiful summer afternoon animals, food, tractor and horse pulls and
events, tasty food, wonderful entertainment riding through the nature park at Hidden so much more.
and much more. Valley Animal Adventure and come face –––
For more information on events, attractions and
Love arts and entertainment? Well, we to face with some of the world’s most to request a free travel guide, call 1 (800) 839-
have plenty of amazing performances for exotic animals – an adventure kids of 3919, email [email protected] or
you to experience! all ages will love. At the end of the tour, visit GoWyomingCountyNY.com.
84 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
Bike Races
July 13 – Tour de Perry:
Sponsored by the Arc of Liv-
ingston-Wyoming, riders can
choose from three different
routes. The Loop de Lake is
17 miles of mostly flat riding
around Silver Lake and sur-
rounding countryside. This is a
family friendly ride. The Loop de
Longer will bring riders 31 miles
and spans portions of the Loop
de Lake and the Tour’s longest
ride, the Letchworth Loop. The
Letchworth Loop will take riders
53 miles with about 3,000 feet
of elevation climb up and down
the hills of Wyoming County and
Letchworth State Park. Rides
are fully supported with stocked Benjamin Gajewski Photograph
rest stops along the route. Rid-
ers will start and finish at Perry The Oak Tree races in Geneseo take runners past nature preserves and down the vil-
Village Park. For more informa- lage’s historic Main Street. The race is a benefit for the Genesee Valley Conservancy.
tion, go online to /lwarc.org/ or Held on a closed airport runway, contact: yorkvfest5k@gmail. seevalleyconservancy.org/race;
bikereg.com/tour-de-perry/. com.
the course offers six turns, half-marathon registration is
July 27 – The Rock Fondo: At including the legendary hairpin. $48 starting, $50 after June
Spectators will be able see the Aug. 11 – “Dam” Good Trail
Deer Run Winery, 3772 West Race: A 14-mile off-road run- 30; 5K registration is $20, $23
Lake Rd., Geneseo. Part of the entire race at all times from after June 30. Online registra-
the start/finish area while also ning race along the Letchworth
American Rock Salt Race Week- Branch of the Finger Lakes Trail tion closes on Aug. 31. All pro-
end, the Rock Fondo offers rid- enjoying locally brewed craft ceeds support Genesee Valley
beer from the Amber Lantern beginning and ending at Mount
ers of all abilities the chance to Morris Dam and Recreation Conservancy. Info: oaktree@
tour scenic roads and take on and Silver Lake Brewing, food geneseevalleyconservancy.org.
from Vertical Cafe, barbecue Area, 6103 Visitor Center Rd.
epic challenges. The event is Race starts at 8:30 a.m. Regis-
non-competitive but has timed from Smokin’ in the Valley, and Sept. 7 – Glen Iris 5K Run/
professional announcers, a tration: ultrasignup.com.
results, rest stops, timed Stra- Walk: Race begins at Trout
va segments on some routes stadium-like event for fans and A portion of the registration will Pond in Letchworth State Park,
and a post-ride party at Deer racers alike. The closed runway be donated to the Finger Lakes registration at 7:30 a.m. with
Run Winery. makes for a safe course that Trail Conference to support, the race beginning at 9 a.m. 5K
has no traffic, guardrails, curbs, protect, and enhance portions registration ranges from $20
There are five different routes telephone polls or other obsta- of the Finger Lakes Trail.
riders can choose from. The online/$30 day of race. Post
cles that make criterium racing race celebration at Trailside
most challenging, the Mixed dangerous. For information, go Aug. 17 – Metro 10 Race: The
Surface Epic, is 90 miles long, fourth annual Metro 10 pits two Lodge will include food com-
online to bikereg.com/therock/.
includes 6,800 feet of elevation unique running communities pliments of the Glen Iris Inn
gain and three rest stops. The (Rochester and Buffalo) against (wrap, choice of fruit, and one
easiest route, the Lake Tour, Foot Races each other in a friendly compe- of their famous brownies), bev-
is 19 miles long, includes 500 tition. Choose the city closest erages, music and the awards
feet of elevation gain and one July 27 – York Valley Fest 5K to your heart. The 2019 event ceremony. Participants over the
rest stop. The fondo runs from Run and Family Fun Run: includes a 10- or 5-mile option.
Begins at 9 a.m. at York Cen- age of 21 are welcome to bring
noon to 9 p.m. For a full race Information: www.metro10race. adult beverages for personal
schedule, go online to ridelcc. tral School, 2578 Genesee com. Sign up at runsignup.com.
St., and ends at the school consumption to the post-race
com/the-rock-fondo/. celebration. More information
track. Check-in starts at 8 a.m. Sept. 1 – Oak Tree Half Mara-
July 28 – Airport Criterium: At Registration: yorkvalleyfest. thon and 5K Run/Walk: Half can be found at gleniris5k.
the Perry-Warsaw Airport, 6522 com: $20 for students; $25 marathon begins at 8 a.m. itsyourrace.com Race Director:
Perry Ave., Perry. Part of the for individuals; $65 for family with the 5K beginning at 8:20 Paul Beatty, (716) 998-5777,
American Rock Salt Race Week- (three or more) by 5 p.m. July a.m.; both start near Geneseo pbeatty@racemanagementsolu-
end, the Rock Fondo will run 26. T-shirts for all who register Central School (4050 Avon tions.com or pbeatty@iRunWNY.
from 1 to 7 p.m. online by July 21. Race director Rd.). Registration: www.gene- com.
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