2019 GLOW Region Summer Guide

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—Photo by Mark Gutman


2 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 3
4 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

Sally Santora/Livingston County News File Photograph

Main Street in Mount Morris is decked out in red, white and blue for Francis Bellamy’s Glory Day.

Summer brings fabulous festivals

and many entertaining events
The four-county GLOW Festival for more fun. And There will be arts and cis Bellamy, author of the
region has many commu- don’t forget the state Festi- crafts booths, a demo tent, Pledge of Allegiance.
nity festivals and special val of Balloons that floats trout pond and food court A family
events to fill your summer into Dansville at the end of throughout the festival. Join fun run and
schedule. summer. Friday night’s chicken bar- walk open
In Livingston County, the If you’re willing to take a becue. Saturday morning is the event
season includes early June short drive, you can explore the annual 5k/8k race, fol- at 10 a.m.
events such as the Francis a new community every lowed by the parade. Also with the
Bellamy’s Glory Day and weekend. enjoy a Chalk the Walk festival’s
the Photographer’s Dream Festivals provide a per- sidewalk painting contest main activ-
Day at Mount Morris Dam. fect summer family escape and Strawberry Festival Car ities start-
Albion’s Strawberry Fes- – for a day or a couple of Show. Sponsored by the ing at 11 Bellamy
tival offers a sweet start to hours. Check our list, save Albion Rotary Club. a.m. This
summer in Orleans Coun- a date and venture out this year marks the 225th birth-
ty, while the Bergen Park summer. FRANCIS BELLAMY’S day of Mount Morris and
Festival gets you outside in GLORY DAY will include the dedication
Genesee County.
ALBION STRAWBERRY of an outdoor mural at Main
June 8 • 10 a.m. •
Add in Geneseo’s Sum- FESTIVAL Mount Morris and Chapel streets. Fami-
mer Fest, Ring of Fire June 7-8 • Main Street, The festival is an annual ly-friendly events include a
events on Conesus and Albion. • AlbionStrawber- celebration of Flag Day
Silver lakes or Avon’s Corn ryFestival.com and the birthplace of Fran- See EVENTS H5
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 5

Events of Engineers and the Can-

yon Camera Club for a day
of picture taking and learn-
From H4 ing. Enjoy photo seminars,
photo walks and tours of
petting zoo, arts and crafts, the dam. Free.
food, sidewalk sales, games
for kids, and music. The CALEDONIA ARTISANS
Francis Bellamy Memorial ON MAIN
Parade starts at 6 p.m. on June 8 • 10 a.m. to 3
Main Street and heads to p.m. • Caledonia
Bellamy Park on Lackawa- Original artwork by west-
nna Avenue. Fireworks at ern New York artists, food
9:30 p.m. and fun.
Mark Gutman/The Daily News File Photograph
BERGEN PARK FESTIVAL That ‘60s Band performs at the Albion Strawberry Festival. COPS FOR KIDS DAY
June 8 • Bergen June 8 • noon to 4 p.m. •
The annual fun day in the NEW YORK STATE Food and holistic products
Long Point Park, West Lake
park kicks off at noon with YOGA FESTIVAL vendors. In collaboration
Road, Geneseo
a parade. Many events are with HIKYOGA.
June 8 • 10 a.m. to 6 Popcorn, hot dogs, kara-
planned throughout the day, p.m. • Letchworth State oke, pony rides, petting
including “Bergen Idol,” PHOTOGRAPHERS
Park zoo, face painting, balloon
live music in the evening, A truly inspirational day DREAM DAY ladies, bounce houses, pizza
a classic car show, a disc full of yoga instruction by June 8 • 10 a.m. to 3 – everything is free for kids
jockey, fun and games for various teachers in several p.m. • Mount Morris Dam while supplies last. Spon-
the kids, raffles, giveaways, locations throughout the & Recreation Area, 6103 sored by Livingston County
and much more. The day is park culminating with one Visitor Center Rd., Mount Coalition of Patrol Services
capped off with a fireworks huge yoga class at Archery Morris • 658-4790
display at 10 p.m. Field overlooking the gorge. Join the U.S. Army Corps See EVENTS H6
6 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

Events is a combined salmon and

trout team event to show-
case Lake Ontario’s tourna-
From H5 ment teams, and recreation-
al anglers.
for county residents. Con-
tact person: Deputy Phyllis WORLD WAR II WEEKEND
Applin, 243-7132. June 8-9 • Arcade &
Attica Railroad, 278 Main
EMPIRE STATE PULLERS St., Arcade • 492-3100,
TRUCK & TRACTOR PULL aarailroad.com/
Departures at 1 p.m.
June 8 • 3 p.m. (gates Watch battles rage, ride
open at 2 p.m.) • Dans- the trains, visit the camps
ville Municipal Airport, and talk with World War II
Route 63 and Shay Road re-enactors, check out live
• 519-5455 or online at Steve Eichorn/Special to The Livingston County News, File Photograph displays with military vehi-
Five classes of trucks and tractores will be featured during cles and displays. Admis-
Five classes of trucks the Empire State Pullers Truck & Tractor Pull in Dansville. sion applies.
and tractors. Sanctioned by
Empire State Pullers, Pro BATAVIA BOURBON sample their locally made LITTLE GERMAN FESTIVAL
Pulling League and Lucas AND WHISKEY FESTIVAL bourbons and whiskeys June 9 • 11 a.m. to 7
Oil. Food and beverage during the Batavia Bourbon p.m. • 2375 Pond Rd., take
stands on site, including a June 8 • 4 to 7 p.m. •
and Whiskey Festival. Route 5 & 20 to Factory
chicken barbecue and beer Batavia Downs Gaming & Hollow Road and follow
tent. Admission applies. Hotel, 8315 Park Rd., Bat- ORLEANS COUNTY OPEN the signs • Lima
Free parking. Sponsored by avia • www.bataviadowns- Traditional German Fes-
Union Hose Company No. gaming.com TOURNAMENT
tival with German music,
1. Rain date is June 9 at 1 Explore numerous ven- June 8-9 • Point Breeze
p.m. dors and distilleries and The Oak Orchard Open See EVENTS H7
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 7

to 4 p.m. Sunday • Studio

Events Sales Pottery, 5557 Routes
5 & 20, Avon • 226-3030,
From H6 wnypottery.com
The festival is a jur-
food and beer. Also, visit ied, clay exclusive show
the Kids Korner for chil- that consists of local and
dren’s entertainment and national professional art-
activities. Stop by the ists. Pottery making and
Vintage Volkswagon area. firing demonstrations, kids
Donation $5 per person, activities, food, music, Clay
children 16 and younger are Olympics and more.
admitted free.
June 9 • noon to 4 p.m. June 15-16 • 11 a.m. to
• Sivue Farm, 2520 PeeDee 6 p.m. • Letchworth State
Rd., North Java • Facebook. Park
com/agripalooza. Local Food, drink and
Agripalooza is an excit- art. Starts at 11 a.m. at the
ing, one-day event on a Highbanks Recreation Area.
working farm in Wyoming Food and beverage tastings
County. The public is invit- and sales from local New
ed to discover, experience York State vendors who
and enjoy farming in Wyo- offer products made in New
ming County. York. More than 100 ven-
dors. In collaboration with Mallory Diefenbach/The Daily News File Photo
WNY POTTERY FESTIVAL the Genesee Valley Council Fawn Dieter of Perry keeps Kimberly Abbott, owner of
June 15-16 • 10 a.m. to Kim’s Seasonal Sweets, company at her booth during the
5 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. See EVENTS H8 2018 Agri-Palooza at Southview Farm.
8 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

Events ebrate the beauty and abun-

dance of the lake. Lake res-
idents light flares at 10 p.m.
From H7 along the shoreline of the
lake creating a ring of fire.
on the Arts. The night is highlighted by
fireworks displays. Public
SUMMER SOLSTICE viewing at Vitale Park or
SOIREE Long Point Park.
June 19 • 4 p.m. • Cob- RING OF FIRE
blestone Museum, 14393
Ridge Rd/, Albion • July 3 • Silver Lake Rocco Laurienzo/The Daily News File Photograph
589-9013, www.cobble- in Perry.
Artist Lydia Zwierzynski draws caricatures of Franklin
stonemuseum.org Residences along the Eastman and Aiden Hymen during the Picnic in the Park.
Cobblestone Museum shoreline of Silver Lake
presents “A Celtic Cele- light flares at 9:30 p.m.
bration.” You are cordially with fireworks at 10 p.m.
invited to this celebration in
a private garden in Albion. GO-ART!
There will be garden tours, PICNIC IN THE PARK
artists and their art, music July 4 • 11 a.m. to 5
and tales. Wine and light p.m. • Centennial Park off
refreshments will be served. Richmond Avenue, Batavia
Tickets required.
• 343-9313, www.goart.org
MEDINA’S ENCHANTED The 41st Picnic in the
Park will have music and
FAERY FESTIVAL performances on the Main
June 29 • 10 a.m. to 2
p.m. • Downtown Medina
Come to Rotary Park in
Medina for this enchanted
event. Parade at 11 a.m.
Presented by the Medina
Business Association.

July 2 to 4 • Warsaw
Village Park, Liberty Street,
Warsaw • warsawfiredepart-
Midway rides, chicken
barbecue, a parade, live
entertainment daily and
fireworks on July 4.


July 3 • 10 p.m. •
Conesus Lake •
With Ring of Fire. Orig-
inally an old Seneca Indian
tradition, this Independence
Day celebration is the
highlight of the summer on
Conesus Lake. When the
Seneca Indians were the
sole residents of Conesus
Lake they would gather at
fires around the lake to cel-
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 9
10 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

Where to find fireworks for the Fourth

The GLOW region goes Warsaw Firemen’s Fourth of
red, white and boom around July Carnival: The carnival
runs July 2 to 4 in the Village
the Fourth of July. Here’s a Park on Liberty Street. Fire-
look at where you can find works are scheduled on July
fireworks: 4. For information, go to war-
3rd of July Fireworks with Ring
of Fire on Conesus Lake: Fourth of July Lions Club
Begins 10 p.m. July 3. Lake Celebration: The annual cel-
residents celebrate the holi- ebraton on the grounds at
Lyndonville Central School, 77
day with an old Seneca Indian
Housel Ave., Lyndonville, con-
tradition. When the Senecas
cludes with a fireworks display
were the sole residents of at 10 p.m. Rain date is July 5.
Conesus Lake they would
gather at fires around the lake July 4th Lima’s Fireworks Cel-
to celebrate the beauty and ebration: The annual show
abundance of the lake. Cur- will be July 4 at Mark Tubbs
rent lake residents light flares Park on Ziegler Drive. Bring a Doug McFarland/Livingston County News File Photograph
at 10 p.m. along the entire blanket or chairs and come Fireworks light up the night sky above Conesus Lake
shoreline of the lake creating early to secure your spot. VFW during a past Ring of Fire event.
a ring of fire. The night is high- Post 26 will sell hot dogs and
lighted by fireworks displays. drinks starting at 6 p.m. Fire- The community-sponsored Leicester.
works start at 9:30 p.m. and event features refreshments,
Public viewing at Vitale Park or are sponsored by the Town games, music, prizes, free The event is handicapped
Long Point Park. For informa- and Village of Lima. treats for youngsters, and one accessible. Admission is free,
tion check. conesusfest.com. of the largest fireworks display but donations will be gratefully
York Leicester Field Day with in western New York at dusk. accepted at the gates and
Ring of Fire on Silver Lake in Fireworks: The event, in its stands. No alcoholic beverag-
Perry: On July 3, residences 66th year, will commence at This year’s fireworks will be es, smoking, pets or outside
along the shoreline of Silver 7 p.m. July 5 on the grounds more spectacular than ever vendors are permitted on the
Lake light flares at 9:30 p.m. of York Central School, 2578 to celebrate the 200th birth- school grounds. Rain date is
with fireworks at 10 p.m. Genesee St., Retsof. days of the towns of York and July 6.
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 11
12 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

Events stands. No alcoholic bever-

ages, smoking, pets or out-
side vendors are permitted
From H8 on the school grounds. Rain
date is July 6.
Stage. There will be art
vendors, food and family RAMBLE MUSIC
activities. Free admission. AND ART FEST
Presented by the Gene- July 6 • 11 a.m. to 9
see-Orleans Regional Arts p.m. • Jackson Square
Council. between Center and Jackson
streets, Batavia
FOURTH OF JULY LIONS The Downtown Batavia
CLUB CELEBRATION Ramble is a free all-day
July 4 • Lyndonville event that includes craft
Central School, 77 Housel Rocco Laurienzo/The Daily News File Photo vendors, food vendors, a
Ave., Lyndonville Dylan DeSmit of the band DriVen performs at the 2018 designated kids zone with
Events include arts and Ramble Music and Art Fest in Batavia’s Jackson Square. rides and activities and
crafts show, parade at noon, lots of music (more than
Lions Club old-fashioned LIMA FIREWORKS dusk. 30 live bands). This is a
chicken barbecue. Enter- CELEBRATION This year’s fireworks will family-friendly, communi-
tainment and activities all be more spectacular than ty-based event that encour-
July 4 • Mark Tubbs ever to celebrate the 200th ages everyone to stop out
day. There will be a fire- Park, Ziegler Drive.
works display at 10 p.m. birthdays of the towns of and enjoy the sights and
Bring your blanket or York and Leicester. sounds of the downtown
Rain date is July 5. chairs and come early to The event, in its 66th Batavia and the Ramble.
secure your spot. VFW Post year, is handicapped acces-
INDEPENDENCE DAY 26 will sell hot dogs and sible. Admission is free, but
CELEBRATION drinks starting at 6 p.m. donations will be gratefully
July 4 • 10 a.m. to 4 Volleyball gear welcome. accepted at the gates and See EVENTS H13
p.m. • Genesee Country Fireworks start at 9:30 p.m.
Village & Museum, 1410 and are sponsored by the
Flint Hill Rd., Mumford • Town and Village of Lima.
538-6822, www.gcv.org
Bring the whole family YORK LEICESTER
for a grand celebration of FIELD DAY
America’s birth, complete July 5 • 7 p.m. • York
with games, picnics, con- Central School grounds,
tests, and a ceremony to 2578 Genesee St., Retsof.
swear in new United States The community-spon-
citizens. Also enjoy the sored event features games,
marching bands and the music, prizes, refreshments,
grand parade. The day will free treats for youngsters,
feature a reading of the and one the largest fire-
Declaration of Indepen- works display in western
dence. Admission applies. New York beginning at
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 13

Ben Beagle/Livingston County News

A young climber eyes her next handhold on the climbing
wall at the Geneseo Rotary Summer Festival.

Events by the Red Osier Land-

mark Restaurant, pizza by
Shelly’s Post and ice cream
From H12 by Dave’s. Beverages avail-
July 7 • 11 a.m. • Nunda JAM IN THE VALLEY
Village Park July 11 to 13 • Buffalo
This event will have new Hill Village Campgrounds,
and exciting things this 1629 Route 20A, Varysburg
year. Sponsored by Trinity • Facebook.com/Jaminthe-
Church of Nunda. Valley/, 535-7447
New York’s longest run-
PATRIOTIC SERVICE ning country music festival.
July 7 • 11 a.m. to 1 Performers include Ashley
p.m. • Cobblestone Muse- McBryde, Easton Corbin,
um, 14393 Ridge Road, OsbornNash and JB Aaron.
Albion • 589-9013, www.
cobblestonemuseum.org GENESEO ROTARY
Come out and celebrate SUMMER FESTIVAL
America’s independence July 12-13 • Village
with patriotic songs and Park, Main and Park streets,
readings, followed by a hot Geneseo •
dog picnic lunch on the side geneseorotary.com
lawn. A free-will donation Enjoy musical concerts,
will be received. entertainment, delicious
food, arts and crafts ven-
TASTE OF STAFFORD dors, and petting zoo in the
July 11 • 5-8 p.m. • Ilette Village Park during this
Park, Route 5 and 237, annual event. Downtown
Stafford businesses have sidewalk
Many local flavors you sales starting Thursday.
know and love will be The Rochester Phil-
there, so bring your friends harmonic Orchestra will
even those that aren’t so perform its Summer Spec-
local. Help them experience tacular with fireworks at
the great food available. 8:30 p.m. at Saratoga Field,
Bring a chair and relax for SUNY Geneseo. Tickets
the day and don’t forget to required for the RPO con-
check out the silent auction. cert.
This event will include food
tastings from: roast beef See EVENTS H18
14 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 15
16 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 17
18 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

Events July 12 to 14 • National
Warplane Museum, 3489
From H13 Big Tree Lane off Route
63, Geneseo • 243-2100,
Teddy Bear Parade begins nationalwarplanemuseum.
at St. Michael’s Episcopal com
Church, 23 Main St., at This year’s “Greatest
10:30 a.m. Saturday, then Show on Turf” will cele-
marches to the Village Park. brate the 75th anniversary
A free Nik and the Nice of D-Day. More than six Ben Beagle/Livingston County News File Photograph
Guys concert starts at 8
Crowds gather around The Movie Memphis Belle B-17 at
p.m. Saturday in the park. See EVENTS H19 the Geneseo Airshow.
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 19

Events ty Fair offers affordable

fun for the whole family.
For $5 per carload, visitors
From H18 can enjoy fair food, meet
more than 700 animals, and
hours of flying demonstra- attend unique events such
tions of World War II and as cowgirl couture, demoli-
Korean War-era aircraft. tion derby, tractor pull, and
See vintage planes and stock car races.
talk with pilots. Visit the
1941 Historical Aircraft PERRY CHALK ART
Group Museum. Food and FESTIVAL
merchandise vendors and
kid zone. Aircraft arrive July 13 • Downtown
Friday (gates open 6 a.m.). Perry • iloveperryny.com
Admission. July 14 and A full day of youth and
15, performances from 10 Mark Gutman/The Daily Nes File Photograph adult chalk artistry, music
a.m. until 4:30 p.m. (gates Brittany Flow competes during the barrel racing Open Di- and other entertainment will
open 7 a.m.). Advance tick- vision competition during the 2018 Genesee County Fair. accompany this year’s fes-
ets available online and at tival. This year’s theme is
Creek, starts off with a gala reunions to coincide with “small.” Tour de Per-‘RY,
Wegmans. musical parade. Many local the weekend and its “com- Perry Farmers’ Market,
churches and organizations ing-home atmosphere.” Perry Public Market and
OATKA FESTIVAL provide food choices and the Taste of Summer Fine
July 13-14 • 10 a.m. to 5 the continuous entertain- GENESEE COUNTY FAIR Dining Event will coincide
p.m. • Village of Le Roy ment is family-oriented. with the festival. Rain date
Come out for the 31st Another highlight of July 13-20 • Genesee
County Fairgrounds, 5056 is July 21.
annual Oatka Festival. Each the Festival is the arts and
year the Oatka Festival, crafts show overlooking East Main Street Rd.,
which takes place on the Oatka Creek. Many class- Batavia
banks of the scenic Oatka es and families plan their The 180th Genesee Coun- See EVENTS H20
20 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

Ben Beagle/Livingston County News

Thrill-seeking teens soar above the midway of the Hemlock “Little World’s” Fair on the swing ride.
At Trailside Lodge
Events within the park. The fam-
ily event features a teddy
From H19 bear parade, story time,
crafts, games, and a raptor
HEMLOCK exhibit from Wild Wings
“LITTLE WORLD’S” FAIR Inc. Entertainment will
includes Tea Kettle Music
July 16-20 • Hemlock Company, Mr. Scribbles
Fairgrounds, 7370 Water and Perry Ground, a Native
St., Route 15A • 367-3370, American storyteller. Bring
hemlockfair.org your favorite teddy bear or
This summer event offers stuffed animal and a picnic
something for the whole lunch.
family: fun rides and mid- Rocco Laurienzo/The Daily News File Photo
way, Cincinnati Circus, pet- Rebecca Crocker of Mount Morris makes progress on her CONESUS LAKE
ting zoo, food stands, trac- chalk art drawing at the 2018 Perry Chalk Art Festival.
tor pulls, demolition derby, ASSOCIATION
harness racing, horse pull, town Warsaw with town- a.m. The run will depart ARTS AND CRAFTS SHOW
racing pigs, talent show, wide yard sales, craft show, and return to Wegmans. July 20-21 • 10 a.m. to
quilt show, and monster music, food and more. Refreshments provided in 5 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m.
trucks. Also check out the the morning and lunch pro- to 4 p.m. Sunday • Long
many exhibits and demon- MOTORCYLE RUN vided at the end of the run. Point Park • West Lake
strations. Bands scheduled July 20 • Wegmans, 4287 $20 donation per driver and Road (Route 256) and Long
nightly. Admission. Genesee Valley Plaza, $15 per passenger. Point Road, Geneseo
Geneseo Come see top-quality
WARSAW VALLEY FEST Ride is a benefit for TEDDY BEAR crafters including jewelry,
July 17 to 20 • Village of United Way of Living- jams and jellies, pies, pho-
Warsaw • warsawchamber. ston County. Registration FAMILY PICNIC
tography and more. Enjoy
com/ between 10 and 10:30 July 20 • 1 to 4 p.m. •
Visitors can enjoy down- a.m., kickstands up at 11 Letchworth State Park See EVENTS H21
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 21

Rocco Laurienzo/The Daily News File Photo

Jenna Cecchini, with her show steer competes during the “Lil Britches” cattle show at the Orleans County Fair.

Events www.orleans4-hfair.com
The Orleans County 4-H
Fair includes midway, stage
A celebration of the his-
tory and rural heritage of
From H20 entertainment, animals, the Town of West Sparta, July 27 •
4-H youth exhibits, grease including music, children’s Letchwoth State Park
the entertainment, food pole contests, special food activities, petting zoo, The Buffalo Philharmonic
court and chicken barbecue nights, merchandise and antique cars and tractors, Orchestra, conducted by
on beautiful Conesus Lake. food vender booths. Admis- craft and food vendors, liv- JoAnn Falletta, performs at
Free admission and parking. sion applies. ing history demonstrations 8 p.m. at the Archery Field
and more. overlooking the gorge. The
July 27 • 10 a.m. to 4 ing with a grand fireworks
July 21 • Letchworth July 27 on Conesus display over the gorge at
State Park Lake • 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. p.m. • York Central School,
2578 Genesee St., Retsof • 9:30 p.m. Bring your blan-
Brunch menu of local- • Vitale Park, Lakeville • kets and chairs.
ly-produced meats, vege- chipholtnaturecenter.org 243-3128,
tables, fruits, cheeses and Build your own boat of yorkvalleyfest.com
Start the day with a KINGDOM BOUND
beverages. Farm and artisan recycled materials and race
other teams. Prizes, disc pancake breakfast from 8 July 28-31• Six Flags
market available early to Darien Lake, 9993 Allegh-
jockey, food, and silent to 10:30 a.m. and 5K run
brunch guests and open to any Road, Darien Center •
auction. For rules, check the and family fun run. Events
the public and park patrons and entertainment begin at (716) 633-1117,
throughout the afternoon. website. Sponsored by Chip
Holt Nature Center. 10 a.m., featuring closest www.kingdombound.org
Also on Aug. 18. to the pin contest, petting Christian music festival
WEST SPARTA zoo, arts, crafts and food featuring speakers, semi-
ORLEANS COUNTY FAIR vendors, Now and Then nars, family fun and musi-
July 22-27 • 10 a.m. to OLD-FASHIONED DAY ag equipment display, car cal artists. This year’s line-
10 p.m. • Orleans County July 27 • 10 a.m. to cruise, farmers market, and up includes Skillet and Paul
Fairgrounds, 12690 Route 4 p.m. • West Sparta fun area for kids. End the Baloche. Admission.
31, Albion • 798-5191 or Town Park, 8302 Kysor- day with chicken barbecue
798-4265, ville-Byersville Rd. • at 3:30 p.m. See EVENTS H22
22 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

From H21

Aug. 1 to 4 • Exchange
Street Arena, 230 Exchange
St., Attica • atticarodeo.com
Now in its 62nd year, the
rodeo includes specialty
acts and events in bareback
riding, saddle bronc riding,
steer wrestling, team rop-
ing, tie-down roping, barrel
racing, breakaway racing
and, of course, bull riding.
Admission is required.

Aug. 2-4 •
Friday waterball tour-
nament at 6 p.m. and free
Sally Santora/Livingston County News File Photograph
music starts at 8 p.m. Food
vendors 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. The Brothers Blue perform at the annual Fiddlers’ Picnic in Long Point Park, Geneseo.
Saturday. Also on Saturday
there will be kids activities,
petting zoo, bed races at 1 Aug. 3 • 11 a.m. to 7
p.m., euchre tournament, p.m. • Long Point Park,
Euro Bungy, crafts, and Conesus Lake, West Lake
music. Sunday includes (Route 256) and Long Point
anything old parade 1 p.m., roads, Geneseo
crafts, food, and more Old time country music
music. on stage. Off-stage jam ses-
sions. Under the pavilion,
BOATERS AGAINST rain or shine. Bring your
CANCER SUMMER PARTY picnic baskets, coolers and
lawn chairs. Food conces-
Aug. 3 • 9 a.m. to 11 sion and chicken barbecue.
p.m. • Bald Eagle Marina, Free admission and parking.
1033 Lakeland Beach Rd.,
Kendall • 721-7063 ROCK THE PARK
The all-day event Mark Gutman/The Daily News File Photograph Aug. 3 • 11 a.m. • Bul-
includes a 5k fun foot race, Thomas Smith gets ready to take down a steer during lard Park, East Avenue,
50k fun bike ride, offshore competition at the 2018 Attica Rodeo. Albion • www.facebook.
power boat poker run, craft com/rockbullardpark
vendors, wine and beer Octagon Shelter, Lower • 335-4746, Rock the Park is an
tasting, live music all day, Falls area. Join interpretive dansvilleartworks.com. annual festival intended to
basket raffle and silent auc- hikes to Civilian Conser- Come and see the creative raise funds for renovations
tion, fishing tournament, vation Corps sites within sidewalk chalk art, demon- to Bullard Park in Albion.
duck race, with Flint Creek Letchworth and learn of the The festival is centered
strations, live music by
Band at night ending with a CCC’s contribution to the around an all-day concert
fireworks show. Steel Alchemy Community
development of the Park. Steel Band, and a juried arts and includes food, drink,
and crafts show and sale in crafts, raffles, and a beer
CCC RECOGNITION DAY CHALK WALK tent. Proceeds go towards
Aug. 3 • 10 a.m. until historic downtown district. renovating the park.
4 p.m. • Letchworth State & ARTSFEST Free and open to the pub-
Park Aug. 3 • 10 a.m. to 2 lic. The event take place
Program begins at the p.m. • Downtown Dansville rain or shine. See EVENTS H23
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 23

From H22

Aug. 3 • Beaver Mead-
ow Audubon Center, 1610
Welch Rd., North Java. •
This family-friendly
event is the perfect way to
immerse yourself in nature.


Aug. 3-4 • 9 a.m. • Staf-
ford Fireman’s Grounds,
Route 5, Stafford
Come enjoy the two-day
event that specializes in
antique vehicles and farm
equipment presented by Bob Boccaccio Photograph via Orleans County Tourism
Empire State Antique Truck Fishermen head across Lake Ontario near Orleans County at sunset. The county hosts
Association. several fishing competitions each summer, including the Orleans County Rotary Fishing
There will be awards Derby, which runs for two weeks in early August.
given out, tractor pulls,
slow truck race, flea market MEDINA’S
and more. Admission and FARM TO TABLE
parking are free.
Aug. 8 •
ORLEANS COUNTY Downtown Medina
Sit down for a sensation-
ROTARY FISHING DERBY ally sourced locally grown
Aug. 3-18 • Lake Ontario, and prepared meal in the
Orleans County • 589-5570, historic downtown Medi-
www.rotaryfishingderby. na’s business district. The
com fourth annual gala affair
This long-time favorite is hosted by the Orleans
offers a $4,000 grand prize Renaissance Group Inc. as
and more than $10,000 in a fundraiser for the local
cash and prizes. Canal Village Farmers’
Lake Ontario waters from Market. Keep your eyes
the Niagara River to the open for when tickets go on
Genesee River are the eligi- sale as they sell out fast.
ble waters for this trout and
Aug. 10 • 10 a.m. to 6
PIONEER PICNIC p.m. • Downtown Avon •
Aug. 4 • Pioneer Cabin avonrotary.com
and Museum, 3727 Walker The 33rd annual festival
Rd., Perry. is produced by Avon Rota-
An entertaining day of ry. The delightful festival
food, music and tours of opens at 10 a.m. and con-
artifacts housed in the his- cludes with a free outdoor
toric Pioneer Cabin and concert by The Skycoasters
museum. from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m.
24 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

From H23 Aug. 11 • Larry J. Can-
ute Memorial Park, School
More than 100 arts and Street, Springwater
crafts vendors are featured Pancake breakfast is from
along with continuous live 7 to 10:30 a.m. Ecumenical
entertainment, a variety of church service will be at 8
food vendors, a kid zone a.m. Check out the classic
and corn eating and corn- car show and antique tractor
hole contests. The popular pulls starting at 9 a.m. Live
beer garden will be expand- music begins 10 a.m. A
ed and offer New York chicken barbecue will begin
craft beers and cider. at 11 a.m. until sold out.
Parking and admission Free admission and park-
are free. ing. Springwater Webster
Mark Gutman/The Daily News File Photograph
Crossing Historical Society
Hundreds turn out to the Beertavia Craft Beer Festival in Museum on South Main
SWEETS IN SUMMER Batavia where area breweries, cideries and meaderies
Street will be open. Spon-
Aug. 10 • 11 a.m. to 3 showcase their products.
sored by Springwater Gala.
p.m. • Downtown Medina
Stroll through Medina’s CIVIL WAR DAYS includes many daily activ-
historic downtown district Aug. 10 and 11 • Arcade ities including exhibits,
for the sixth annual Sweets & Attica Railroad, 278 rides, horse shows, home ITALIAN FESTIVAL
in Summer. Main St., Arcade • 492- arts, flowers, farm animals Aug. 16-18 • Bellamy
Play a life-sized Candy 3100, aarailroad.com/ and products, great food Park, Lackawanna Avenue •
Land game and try different Train rides run about two and so much more. For a mountmorrisnyrotaryitalian-
sweets at Medina busi- hours and 20 minutes. At full schedule of events, go fest.com
nesses. Fun for the whole the halfway point, riders online to wyomingcounty-
fair.org/. See EVENTS H26
family. depart the train at Curriers
Station where they can do
BEERTAVIA CRAFT BEER a self-guided tour of the
FESTIVAL museum. Visit the camps
Aug. 10 • 3-6 p.m. • and talk with the soldiers,
Alva Place and Bank Street experiencing how civilians
parking lot, Batavia • www. lived in the 1860s. Kids’
downtownbataviany.com activities and concessions
Beertavia is downtown are offered. Restrooms
Batavia’s craft beer festival available.
welcoming local breweries,
cideries and meaderies to WYOMING COUNTY FAIR
showcase their products to Aug. 10 to 17 • Pike Fair-
more than 600 event guests. grounds, 70 E. Main St.,
Good times, good fun, good Pike.
brew. The week’s worth of fun
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 25
26 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

From H24

The family event features

arts and crafts, Italian and
American cuisines, musical
entertainment. The chil-
dren’s activity area includes
bounce houses, face paint-
ing and Mr. Scribbles.
Enjoy the spectacular fire-
works display set to music
on Saturday night. Sunday
features the Good Ol’ Boys
Car Club car show and
swap meet.

Aug. 17 • Orleans County
• www.metro10race.com
The fourth annual Metro
10 pits two unique running
communities (Rochester and
Buffalo) against each other
in a friendly competition
where every runner’s time
counts. You choose the city
closest to your heart. The
2019 event promises to be
a great event with a 10- or
5-mile option. More infor-
mation is available at www.
metro10race.com. Sign up
at runsignup.com.


Aug. 18 • Letchworth
State Park
Brunch menu consists
of locally produced meats,
vegetables, fruits, cheeses
and beverages. The farm
and artisan market is avail-
able early to guests of the
brunch and open to the
public and park patrons
throughout the afternoon.
The event is designed to
raise awareness of what our
local communities have to


Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 27
28 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 29

From H26

Aug. 18 • 12:30 p.m.
(gates open 9 a.m.) • 10401
Poags Hole Rd., off Route
36, Dansville • 335-9260,
One of the largest hill-
climbs in the country. Lots
of vendors offering food,
merchandise and more.
Admission and parking fees
apply. Event takes place
rain or shine.

Aug. 23 to 25 • 10 a.m.
to 6 p.m. • Letchworth
State Park Joe Leathersich/The Daily News File Photograph
Flintknapping scheduled Mary Jane Mathis, left, and Phoebe Shepard, right, make lemonade at the Wyoming
from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at County Fair’s Historical House during the 2017 county fair.
the Highbanks Recreation
Area. The event features, children younger than 12
stone-tool making demon- years old admitted for free,
strations, Native American good for one day. No pets
crafts and 19th century (service dogs allowed),
mountain men encampment, coolers, alcohol or drones
and Atl-Atl competition. on festival grounds.


Aug. 24 • Veterans DANSVILLE
Memorial Park, 129 Aug. 31 •
Exchange St., Attica • Downtown Dansville
atticalions.org/ Businesses on Main
Come celebrate all things Street, community members
German with food, music and organization offer a
and entertainment for the variety of activities in the
entire family. Courtney Weimar/For The Livingston County News, File Photograph afternoon including side-
Two hot air balloons play a game of chase during the New walk chalk art, old fash-
ATTIC TREASURES SALE York State Festival of Balloons. ioned games and more.
Aug. 24 • 10 a.m. to 3 NEW YORK STATE permitting) Friday 6 p.m.,
p.m. • Livingston County ANNUAL STEAMPUNK
FESTIVAL OF BALLOONS Saturday and Sunday 6 a.m. FESTIVAL
Historical Society Museum,
and 6 p.m. and Monday at
30 Center St., Geneseo • Aug. 29-Sept. 2 (Labor Aug. 31 • Orleans County
243-9147 or email Day weekend) • Dansville 6 a.m.
Event highlights include Fairgrounds, 12690 Route
[email protected] Municipal Airport entrance 31, Albion • oakeswinery.
Shop for quality and vin- on Maple Street, Dansville • arts and craft vendors, food
tage items on the grounds 335-8418, nysfob.com court, tethered rides, free The 9th annual Steam-
of the Museum at this annu- The festival begins with a continous entertainment, punk Festival. Details to be
al fundraiser for the histori- free balloon glow Thursday rides and amusements for announced.
cal society. from 8:30 to 10 p.m. Daily children, and a car show.
balloon flights (weather Admission for adults, See EVENTS H30
30 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

From H29


Aug. 31 to Sept. 2 •
Triangle Park, 3219 Drake
Street Rd., Oakfield
Labor Daze is back to its
former glory and last year
was just the start of the
standard of fun. Enjoy three
days of music, food and fun
in Triangle Park.
Currently taking requests
for your 2019 must-haves.
Join the conversation about
Labor Daze 2019 on its
Facebook Page.
The Daily News File Photograph

ST. ROCCO’S Oakfield’s Labor Daze and its parade offer a final salute to summer.
Sept. 1 • noon to 5 p.m. EN PLEIN AIR FESTIVAL
• 3415 Hulberton St.,
Hulberton, Sept. 15 and 16 • Main
St. Rocco’s Italian Fes- Street, Perry, from Library
tival is a fundraiser for St. to Mill streets •
Mary’s Church in Holley. iloveperryny.com
The event features home- The weekend includes
made Italian foods, bocce artist displays, demonstra-
ball tournaments, kids tions, and a silent auction.
games, a beer tent and a
bounce house. Orleans County Tourism Photograph NATIVE AMERICAN &
Civil War officers chat at the Orleans County Heritage Festival. PIONEER HERITAGE DAY
SUMMER FAREWELL Sept. 21 • 10 a.m. to 4
FESTIVAL p.m. • Letchworth State
Sept. 1 • 3 to 9:30 p.m. •
Letchworth State Park Sept. 6-15 • Orleans Sept. 7 • 11 a.m. to 6 Native American dancers
At Highbanks Recreation County • www.orleansny- p.m. • Downtown Livonia perform traditional dances
Area. Live bands, family heritage.com Families and folks of all and share their cultural sig-
activities, food, and a great The Orleans Coun- ages come to downtown nificance. Events include
firework show. Livonia to enjoy arts and demonstrations related to
ty Heritage Festival is a
crafts vendors, food, music, Native American and pio-
county-wide celebration free inflatables for children,
WNY GAS AND STEAM of historical and cultural neer life at the Trailside
farmers market, wine tast- Lodge Area.
ENGINE ASSOCIATION attractions. Visit www. ing, and more.
RALLY orleansnyheritage.com for
Sept. 5 to 8 • Western updates. HISTORIC TRADES FAIR
New York Gas & Steam Sept. 14 • 11 a.m. to 5
Association Grounds, 10294 BRICK HOUSE p.m. • Cobblestone Muse- Oct. 12 to 14 (Columbus
Gillate Rd., Alexander CORNER’S FAIR um, 14393 Ridge Road, Day weekend) • 10 a.m. to
The annual rally is back Albion • 589-9013, www. 5 p.m. • Letchworth State
Sept. 7 • 10 a.m. to 4 Park
for its 53rd year with cobblestonemuseum.org
antique tractors, steam p.m. • Pembroke Town The Cobblestone Museum One of the best arts and
engines, log sawing, gas Hall, Routes 5 and 77, comes alive with artisans crafts show in the United
engines, threshing, tractor Corfu • 599-4892 and re-enactors as it recre- States features more than
pulls, working models, Day includes a Chinese ates Orleans County life in 300 arts and crafts exhibi-
woodworking, flea market, auction, book sale, chil- the 19th century. Chicken tors, food vendors and live
food, live music, and a dren’s games, historical barbecue is available for entertainment. At the High-
blacksmith shop. exhibits and entertainment. dining al-fresco or takeout. banks Recreation Area.
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 31

Batavia Muckdogs return to field

New ticketing service, pricing structure in place for 2019 season
BATAVIA — Baseball is
back in Batavia when the New Play Ball: Muckdogs
York-Penn League’s Batava home game schedule
Muckdogs host the Auburn
Doubledays in the Muck- June 14 - vs. Auburn.
dogs’s home opener on June June 15 - vs. Auburn.
14. Game time is 7:05 p.m. at June 18 - vs. Auburn.
Dwyer Stadium, 299 Bank St. June 19 - vs. Auburn.
June 25 - vs. West Vir-
The Muckdogs are a ginia.
short-season Class A affiliate June 26 - vs. West Vir-
of the Miami Marlins. This ginia.
season marks the 80th year of June 27 - vs. West Vir-
professional baseball in Bata- ginia.
via, one of the founding fran- July 1 - vs. State College.
July 2 - vs. State College.
chises of the New York-Penn July 3 - vs. State College.
League. July 10 - vs. Lowell.
Batavia will be managed by July 11 - vs. Lowell.
Jorge Hernandez, who is enter- July 12 - vs. Lowell.
ing his 13th year with the Mar- July 17 - vs. Auburn.
July 18 - vs. Auburn.
lins organization. This is his July 20 - vs. Mahoning
fifth season managing within Valley.
the Marlins system after spend- July 21 - vs. Mahoning
ing four seasons as manager Valley.
of the Gulf Coast Marlins and July 22 - vs. Mahoning
one as manager of the Class A Valley.
July 26 - vs. Williams-
Greensboro Grasshoppers. port.
The Muckdogs have a July 27 - vs. Williams-
new, exclusive ticketing pro- port.
vider, TicketReturn. As part July 28 - vs. Williams-
of a multi-year agreement, port.
TicketReturn will provide the Aug. 2 - vs. Connecticut.
Mark Gutman/The Daily News File Photograph Aug. 3 - vs. Connecticut.
Muckdogs and its fans indus- Aug. 4 - vs. Connecticut.
try-leading technology, mobile The Batavia Muckdogs, the short-season Class A affiliate
of the Miami Marlins, will play 38 games this season at Aug. 11 - vs. Mahoning
ticketing services, group ticket Dwyer Stadium, 299 Bank St., Batavia. Valley.
management and ticket account Aug. 12 - vs. Mahoning
management for season ticket Valley.
structure. The club will introduce Field Aug. 13 - vs. Mahoning
members. Traditional sections 1-10 will Box Prime Reserved seats from Valley.
“As we continue to enhance now be numbered 101-110. home plate and along the third Aug. 14 - vs. West Vir-
the fan experience, choosing The Muckdogs have also base side behind the Muckdogs ginia.
the right ticket services pro- introduced advance and day of dugout (Sections 104-110, $10 Aug. 15 - vs. West Vir-
vider was key in creating a game ticket purchase pricing. ginia.
advance / $11 day of game). Aug. 16 - vs. West Vir-
positive impression for our fans All seating areas will increase These sections have increased ginia.
before they even reach the ball- by $1 on the day of the game
in price by $1 for advance tick- Aug. 22 - vs. State Col-
park gates” said Acting Gener- as an incentive to visit the box lege.
al Manager Brendan Kelly in a office prior to game day or pur- ets and $2 on day of game and
Aug. 23 - vs. State Col-
news release. “When it comes are often the highest in demand lege.
chase online.
to ticketing, we want to provide The new ticket tiers allow for weekend games. Aug. 24 - vs. State Col-
our fans the best services and for 2019 prices to remain the Individual game tickets are lege.
available at the Dwyer Stadi- Aug. 25 - vs. Williams-
purchase options from mobile same as 2018 in two of the tiers port.
ticketing to print-at-home when purchased in advance. um ticket office and online at
Aug. 26 - vs. Williams-
and TicketReturn meets those These levels include Field Box muckdogs.com. port.
objectives.” Reserved (First Base Side Sec- Fans can purchase sea- Aug. 27 - vs. Williams-
In addition to a new ticket tions 101-103, $9 advance/$10 son ticket memberships and port.
provider, the Muckdogs have day of game) and General undated 8-game flex vouchers Aug. 31 - vs. Auburn.
Sept. 1 - vs. Auburn.
remapped the ballpark and Admission ($7 advance/$8 day by calling (585) 483-DOGS
created a new ticket pricing of game). (3647).
32 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide


Make summer memories (and s’mores)

Genesee County
Chamber of Commerce

he wind whistling through the trees,
the sun peeking through the clouds,
and just around the corner, a bird
is singing. There’s no better way to start
your morning than surrounded by nature,
and no better way to get in touch with your
outdoorsy side than by pitching a tent and
setting up camp.
How great is camping? With the aroma
of marshmallows in the air, the sound of
the crackling fire, and the stars burning
bright overhead, it’s one surefire way to
relax, recharge, and reconnect with nature.
For those in the area or visitors wanting
an outdoor getaway, Genesee County is Mark Gutman/The Daily News File Photograph
home to seriously awesome campsites. Young campers seek to cool off by leaping into the pool at Lei-Ti Campground
Skyline Camping Resort: Celebrating 50 & Recreational Community, Batavia. The facility offers a variety of activities.
years in business, Skyline sits atop a sce-
nic rolling hill and boasts more than 300 farm store, playground, and The Big Ridge Sleepy Hollow Lake: The kid-friendly,
campsites with 275 offering water and elec- Restaurant serving up homemade and pet-friendly campground is home to 104
tric hookups. Families can enjoy three wad- homegrown meals. They also hold regular acres of fun that includes walking trails
ing and swimming pools, a pond for fishing, concerts featuring local and national acts. and easy waterfront access. The camp has
Concerts are open to the public. 8101 Con- drive-through RV sites, tent camp sites, and
and recreational activities (shuffleboard,
lon Rd., Le Roy, 768-4883. cabin rentals, with water, electric, on-site
basketball, volleyball, horseshoe). Send the
kids out to enjoy a game of tennis or mini Darien Lakes State Park: Hills, woodlands, restrooms, picnic areas, and more. They
golf, or to play the old-fashioned way at the ravines, streams, a sandy beach and the host special events ranging from breakfasts
playground. 10933 Darien Alexander Town- 12-acre Harlow Lake make up Darien Lakes and dinners, to flea markets, hayrides,
line Rd., Darien Center, 800-724-3619. State Park. Campers can choose from 154 petting zoos and horseshoe tournaments.
campsites – 141 with electricity and 13 13800 Siehl Rd., Akron, 716-542-4336.
Southwoods RV Resort: At this family-friendly primitive sites without. When you aren’t
campsite in a park-like setting kids can Timberline Lake Park: Timberline, in oper-
exploring the trails, fishing for largemouth ation since 1964, boasts nearly 100 full
explore and play on the playground, in the black bass, or playing a round of 18-holes
game room, hop in the swimming pool or hookup sites. Offering cabin/trailer rental,
on the Angry Apple Disc Golf Course, you Internet access, flush toilets and showers,
take to the special wagon rides, while oth- can make your way to “Picnic Island” and
ers enjoy the bike track, hiking trails, sand swimming, fishing, recreation area, camp
enjoy a snack while surrounded by the store, and a propane station. 6749 Town-
volleyball court or mini-golf course. More serene views of nature. 10475 Harlow Rd.,
than 200 campsites with full hookups for line Rd., Byron, 548-9002
Darien Center, 547-9242
RVs, a propane station, laundry facilities, Godfrey’s Pond: The membership-based orga-
and more means there is room for every- Six Flags Darien Lake Amusement Park nization offers a variety of things to do on
one. The Resort hosts special events and Campground: Whether relaxing after a day 235 acres of land and 40 acres of water.
live music on holiday weekends. 6749 of thrills at the amusement park, or getting Pike, bass, trout, bullheads, crappies and
Townline Rd., Byron, 548-9002. away from it all, Darien Lake Campgrounds bluegills are plentiful for fishing. Swimming
are a great way to unwind. Pitch a tent, pull areas include a sand beach and a deep
Cherry Hill Campground: The campground an RV in, book a cabin rental or settle in to
takes you back to the basics, while offering end with a slide and dock. Lifeguards are
a “ready-made” glamping site near pictur- provided. Rowboats, paddle boats, canoes,
a crazy convenient location – just across esque Darien Lake. Packages available for
from Darien Lake Theme Park. Enjoy lush, and kayaks are available for rent. The play-
those looking to do it all. 9993 Alleghany
shaded campsites, RV hook ups, or a lean- ground areas offer a shuffle board court,
Rd. (Rt. 77), Darien Center, 599-2211.
to cabin with double doors that close for lighted basketball, sand filled volleyball
privacy. Cherry Hill is pet-friendly and each Lei-Ti Campground & Recreational Commu- courts and horseshoe pits. The property has
site comes with a picnic table and fire ring. nity: Lei-Ti is an extended stay RV resort five covered shelters and four large pavil-
If you can’t fully unplug, (though we suggest which includes 290 full hook-up campsites; ions and dozens of picnic tables with grills.
you do!) don’t worry, they have Internet on-site RV repair; golf cart sales, service The Clubhouse has meeting and recreation
access. 1516 Sumner Rd., Darien Center, and rentals; two huge playgrounds; swim- rooms, showers, bathrooms and a refresh-
813-5099. ming in the pool or at Leisure Lake beach; ment stand with deck overlooking the pond.
fishing; recreation lodge with arcade, Griswold Road, Bergen, 815-1545
The Ridge NY Recreation and Campground: community room and fitness facility; and
Formerly known as Frost Ridge Recreation live entertainment; planned activities and –––
Area, The Ridge that takes its entertainment events. 9979 Francis Rd., Batavia, 343- For more information on these sites or other local
seriously. The site boasts a pool, camp and 8600. offerings, check out www.VisitGeneseeNY.com.
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 33


Beautiful and budget friendly ideas

Livingston County Area Chamber
of Commerce and Tourism

n June, when the long days
of summer lay ahead of us,
we think we have months to
take a vacation, play outdoors
with the kids or picnic with
friends. But very quickly these
days slip away and it is Sep-
According to a study from
the U.S. Travel Association’s
Project Time Off, 52 percent of
Americans didn’t even use all
of their vacation days in 2017!
If you can’t take a week,
take a weekend. If you can’t
take a weekend, take a day.
Besides being one of the Bob Oswald via Livingston County Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism
most scenically beautiful places Mount Morris Dam and Recreation Center offers free tours daily of the inside workings
to live, Livingston County has of the dam. The visitor center has exhibitions and there are also hiking trails available.
a vibrant summer calendar
of events that should not be grounds, hike the Finger Lakes picnic supper and chairs to sit low cost “daycation” activities.
missed. Here are some sug- Trail, the Wildlife Loop Trail, on. Empire Dragway in Leices-
gestions for free or low cost or look into the Genesee River Just down the road from ter has a quarter-mile drag
“daycations” that will recharge gorge for the birds playing on Vitale Park, Long Point Park strip with racing action every
your spirit, build memories the wind currents. has free lakeshore swimming weekend and free admission
with family, and barely touch Livingston County hosts under the watchful eye of for children 12 and younger.
your budget. more than 30 festivals between trained lifeguards. While you Families can also enjoy a day
Have you been to the Cale- June and September to appeal are in that neck of the woods, playing miniature golf, riding
donia Fish Hatchery? The to all sorts of tastes and inter- plan a visit to Tree Creations, go-carts, or playing laser tag at
oldest fish hatchery in the ests, ranging from the Western an ever growing village of Minnehan’s in Lakeville. The
Western Hemisphere raises New York Pottery Festival to child-sized tree houses con- village of Avon is home to a
brown trout and stocks the the National Warplane Muse- nected by rope bridges. This vintage drive-in movie theater
region’s lakes and streams for um Air Show, to the Hemlock labor of love was started for where patrons are treated to
sport fishing. It is open 8 a.m. “Little World’s” Fair. the owner’s children and then two blockbuster movies under
to 4 p.m. and has beautiful There are free, family friend- opened to the public. It is on the stars, for the price of one
grounds and picnic tables on ly outdoor concerts every private property so look for ticket. If the weather doesn’t
the banks of the Oatka Creek. night of the week. On Mon- its visiting days and times on cooperate, a rainy day is a great
Speaking of fishing, the state days you will find a live band the Tree Creations In Geneseo time for a trip to one of the
Department of Environmental at the Williams Park Gazebo Facebook page. three local bowling alleys.
Conservation has designated in Dansville. On Tuesdays In May 2016, Dansville For families who love to
June 29 and 30 as free fishing Tom Wahl’s hosts its Free introduced some elfin fantasy hike and bike together, the
days, meaning you can try the Summer Concerts under the to its community with the county has hundreds of miles
sport and won’t need a license. Stars, Wednesdays the gazebo addition of the Fairy Door of trails ranging from the sce-
The Mount Morris Dam in the village of Leicester has Trail. Your little ones will nic Genesee Valley Greenway
and Recreation Center offers free music. On Thursday, Deer be charmed and you will be to the more rugged terrain of
free tours of the inside work- Run Winery in Lakeville is the delighted by the tiny, intricate the Finger Lakes Trail.
ings of the dam at 2 p.m. daily, place to be. Fridays you can passageways to a world of –––
and at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. on find tunes in Geneseo. There magic. Sixteen historic district For more information on these
attractions, events, and more, visit
the weekends. The tour can is usually live music at the businesses house fairy doors. FingerLakesWest.com or call 1-800-
take about 30 people at a time Beachcomber both weekend At each business, visitors can 538-7365.
and it’s first-come-first served, days, and on Sunday the Town pick up a map leading them
so get there early. While you of Livonia invites you to the through the trail. Ellen Herlihy is tourism marketing
coordinator at the Livingston County
wait, tour the visitor center, banks of Conesus Lake for If all these ideas for free fun Area Chamber of Commerce and
play on the two modern play- music at Vitale Park. Bring a aren’t enough, here are some Tourism.
34 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

Letchworth lectures will explore

life in and around Genesee River
Letchworth State Park
offers many interpretive
programs for children and
families, nature and bird
walks, nature up close pro-
grams, and home ecologist
to name a few.
The park also hosts an
annual lecture series that
features arts and culture and
ecology among its subjects.
This year, the annual “Learn
About Letchworth Series”
will explore life “In and
Around the Genesee River”
this summer.
Lectures are scheduled
for 7 p.m. Wednesdays in
Humphrey Nature Center at
Letchworth State Park.
Ben Beagle/Livingston County News
The schedule The Genesee River, as seen from above, snakes its way through Letchworth State Park.
July 10, “Shadows of the materials made by Native extensive research of New Aug. 21, “Opera Houses
Glen; Stories from Letch- Peoples. York State traditional music, and Halls of the Genesee
worth Park’s History.” the performers bring to life, Valley.” The program will be
Everywhere you turn in Letch- July 24, “The Erie Railroad the sounds of the minstrel presented by historian Jane
worth there are “shadows” Wooden Bridge, Its Envi- shows and circuses that Oakes. From the mid-19th
– memories of the people, rons, Impacts and Legacy.” traversed the Canal during century to the Depression,
places, and things that you Ted Barlett looks into the the 19th century. “Circus nearly every city, village or
can almost see, hear and plans for the wooden bridge, hamlet in New York State
Jig,” “The Blue Eagle Jail,”
feel when you visit the Park. its construction and designs. had an opera house or
and “The Irishman’s Shanty”
Historian Tom Cook will visit Using period images, he will hall, but did they really only
give voice to former trou-
some of these shadows by then discuss the affect the show operas? The answer
stepping back through three badours, accompanied by
construction of the bridge may surprise you. Many of
illustrated tales: “Return to fiddles, fretless banjos, tam-
had on the Falls area in these structures have fallen
Sehgahunda,” “Letchworth’s bourine and bones.
terms of environment and to fire or “progress” but
Lost Bridges,” and “Mr. economy and the bridge’s Aug. 14, “The Green New some remain hidden in our
Letchworth’s Cottage.” aging up through 1875. Deal.” Presented by Debo- communities. Learn about
July 17, “Changes to the rah Bump, executive direc- the role of the opera house
July 31, “Nature Perspec-
Longhouse.” Perry Ground, tor, Genesee Valley Council in our ancestors’ social life
tives from Letchworth State
Onondaga Nation Turtle on the Arts; Ken Cooper, and see examples of the
Park Over the Past 45
Clan, traditional storyteller SUNY Geneseo professor; most frequently built styles.
Years.” Listen to environ-
and cultural educator. The and Abigail Ritz, SUNY Gen-
mental educator Douglas Aug. 28, program to be
arrival of European settlers eseo student. A collabora-
Bassett as he talks about announced.
changed Haudenosaunee tion between SUNY Geneseo
the natural changes in flora
lifestyles tremendously. How and the New Deal Gallery at The Learn About Letch-
and fauna that are occurring
they adapted to this chang- the Genesee Valley Council
in Letchworth State Park worth Series is provid-
ing environment is the focus on the Arts in Mount Morris
during the last half century ed through a partnership
of this presentation. Trade updates information on the
for beaver pelts between Aug. 7, “Erie Canal Music GVCA’s Works Progress between the state Office of
Native people and European and Minstrelsy: Songs and Administration collection of Parks, Recreation and His-
settlers will be highlighted, Stories from 19th Century more than 200 paintings toric Preservation and the
along with the introduction Traveling Troupes.” Area from the 1930s, and found Genesee Valley Council on
of new goods and ideas. musicians Jim Kimball, new relevance for the eco- the Arts. For more informa-
Explorers, colonial relation- Karen Canning, and Dick logical challenges of current
ships, reservations and Bolt perform songs, tunes times. Hear about the his- tion, call Letchworth State
lifestyles today are topics and stories of the old Erie tory of the WPA collection, Park at (585) 493-3600 or
discussed and illustrated Canal during its heyday. along with research discov- Genesee Valley Council on
with artifacts and replica Drawing from Kimball’s ered during the project. the Arts at (585) 243-6785.
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 35
36 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 37
38 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

Perry Chalk Art Festival seeks artists

The Perry Chalk Art Festi- And our Aspiring Artist
val committee is seeking artists event, for those ages five to
and artistic youth to participate nine, will return. Aspiring
in the 2019 Chalk Art Festival, Artist registration will take
which is scheduled for July 13 place at the festival with artists
in downtown Perry. chalking prepared squares.
Artists are invited to explore The fine dining event,
this year’s theme, “small.” “Taste of Summer,” will return
Artists can choose to partic- with even more regional chefs
ipate with either a solo square participating. In addition, the
or with a multiple artist square. day’s events include a com-
Multiple artist squares allow munity bike ride starting at the
artists to work as a team on Village Park, Perry Farmers’
adjacent chalking squares. Market and a street-side pub-
Both types of entries will be lic market. Live music will
judged together. Prizes totaling Mark Gutman/The Daily News File Photograph be featured all day, including
$600 will be awarded to win- Tim Humberstone of Perry finishes up a chalk portrait of performances by Creek Bend,
ning artworks. rock legend David Bowie during a past Perry Chalk Art Fes- and Kelly’s Old Timers, and
Artists will be supplied with tival. there will be face painting with
a 5-foot-by-5-foot chalking Mugsy the clown, and enter-
square, with a selection of pas- acceptance after July 9. ists. Youth artists must signify tainment for children.
tels and chalk colors and a Talented youth ages 10 their intent to participate by Registration forms, addi-
$75 stipend. Participation for through 19 are invited to par- completing a registration form tional information and a par-
professional artists is selective, ticipate in a chalking contest. by July 6, and enclosing a $5 tial schedule of Chalk Festival
and requires the receipt of a Youth chalkers will work on entry fee. Prizes will be award- events are available at www.
registration form by July 6. the same theme and receive ed, and all participants will perrychalkfestival.com or by
Artists will be notified of their the same supplies as the art- receive recognition. calling (585) 237-5375.

Downtown Dansville
to host chalk art event
DANSVILLE – Chalk art-
ists will decorate downtown
Dansville on Aug. 3.
The eighth annual Chalk
Walk & Arts Fest is an inter-
active, multi-generational
community arts events that
incorporates sidewalk chalk
art, live music and art expe- Livingston County News File Photograph
riences in the downtown dis-
An artist creates at the
Dansville Chalk Walk.
Everything starts at 10 a.m.
at Dansville ArtWorks, 153 mini art workshops and
Main St. The event, which demonstrations on a variety
is free and open to the pub- of topics.
lic, takes places rain or shine. Live music and arts and fine
Attendees are encouraged to crafts vendors round out the
bring a lawn chair. event.
The event allows featured For more information about
artists and community mem- this year’s festival, visit the
bers a chance to display their Dansville ArtWorks website
talents and add a splash of at dansvilleartworks.com/ or
color to Main Street. the event’s Facebook page,
The festival also includes DansvilleChalkWalk.
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 39

Rocco Laurienzo/The Daily News File Photograph

Jackson Square in downtown Batavia has become a popular destination for summer concerts featuring local and region-
al acts. The venue is a converted alley between Jackson and Center streets, off of Main Street.

Free community concerts

provide summer soundtrack
Summer’s here and the the summer breeze in towns off Richmond Avenue, Bat- June 25 — Corfu/Pem-
time is right for dancing and villages across Gen- avia. Rain location is Gen- broke Community Band.
in the streets as the classic esee, Livingston, Orleans esee Community College, 1 July 2 — NY Rockin’
‘60s song goes. and Wyoming counties. College Road, Batavia. Revue Gone Country.
Across the GLOW Climb into your woodie Concert dates are June July 9 — Ghost Riders.
region, those lazy, hazy, and take a surfin’ safari, 26, July 3, July 10, July 17, July 16 — The Swoon-
crazy days of summer there musically speaking. July 24, July 31, Aug. 7. ers.
is a cure for the summer- Here’s a capsule look at July 23 — Auslanders.
time blues: free community this summer’s lineups: DARIEN LAKES STATE PARK July 30 — Old Hippies.
concerts that offer plenty of Aug. 6 — The Batavia
toe-tapping fun that even- GENESEE COUNTY Shows 7-9 p.m. Tuesdays Aug. 13 — The Band
tually gives in to swinging, at Shelter 2 in Darien Lakes Anastazja.
swaying and soon you’re up CENTENNIAL PARK
State Park, 10475 Harlow Aug. 20 — The Boomers.
and dancing. CONCERT SERIES Road, Darien Center. Park Aug. 27 — NY Rockin’
Nearly every summer Performances featuring admission free after 5 p.m. Revue.
night of the week you can Batavia Concert Band start For information, call (585)
hear music echoing across at 7 p.m. in Centennial Park 547-9242. See CONCERTS H40
40 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

Mark Gutman/The Daily News File photograph

The Batavia Concert Band has been performing a summer concert series in Centennial Park, Batavia, for decades.

concerts every Thursday TOM WAHL’S FREE SUMMER

Concerts from July to August. Con-
certs start at 7 p.m. Full
June 24 – The Judy
Chops, mountain music.
Concerts start at 7:30
From H39 schedule to be announced. July 1 – Paulsen & p.m. and continue until 10
July 18 – The Ghost Baker, folk, light pop. p.m. on Tuesdays at the
JACKSON SQUARE SERIES Riders. July 8 – Groveland Sta- restaurant’s picnic pavilion,
Between Jackson and tion, eclectic fiddle boogie. Route 5 and 20 in Avon.
Center streets in Batavia. LIVINGSTON COUNTY July 15 – Hot Sweets, The concerts are presented
Free concerts at 7 p.m. DANSVILLE SUMMER CONCERTS rock/pop. rain or shine; lawn chairs
every Friday. Rain location July 22 – Swing Set, recommended.
is City Centre, Main Street Concerts are Mondays
swing-era music. June 18 – Bobby and
in Batavia. and begin at 7 p.m. in June
July 29 – Doubleheader: the Einsteins, 40s, ‘50s and
June 21 — Genesee Ted. and July, and at 6:30 p.m. ‘60s.
in August at Williams Park Alyssa Lynn Little, singer/
June 28 — Skycats. songwriter, and The G.P.S. June 25 – Paulsen Baker
gazebo, corner of Washing- and Chaapel.
July 5 — It’s My Party. Band, acoustic variety.
ton and Red Jacket streets. July 2 – Donna and the
July 12 — Old Hippies. Aug. 5 – The Steve West
In case of rain, concerts Mystics.
July 19 — Red Creek. Trio, acoustic, American
may move to the firemen’s July 9 – 78 R.P.M., big
July 26 — Mitty & The standards, light pop and
pavilion in Babcock Park, band.
Followers. blues.
off Morey Avenue. Lawn July 16 – Ghost Riders,
Aug. 2 — Ohms Band. chairs or blankets are rec- Aug. 12 – The Sunny
Aug. 9 — The Ghost Paul Blues Connection, country.
ommended, and food and July 23 – Gateswingers
Riders. beverages are encouraged. blues.
Big Band.
Information, call 413-6450 Aug. 19 – Grupo Pagan,
or 335-3237. Latin and world rock. Makers Band.
Trigon Park, off Main June 17 – Kelly’s Old Aug. 26 – The Dady
Street in Le Roy hosts free Timers, traditional Amer- Brothers, Irish. See CONCERTS H41
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 41

From H40

Aug. 6 – Don Newcomb

Band, country.
Aug. 13 – Old Hippies,
‘50s, ‘60s and ‘70s.
Aug. 20 – Batavia Swing

The two-hour concerts
begin at 6 p.m. Wednes-
days at the gazebo in the
Village of Leicester Park.
Bring your lawn chairs or
June 12 – York Central
School Jazz Bands and Provided Photograph
Show Chorus.
The Ghost Riders plays many community concerts across the GLOW region.
June 19 – The Travis
Prinzi Band. of rock and roll, blues, and
June 26 – Rebel’s Posse. country.
July 10 – The Pearlz Aug. 2 – Genesee Johnny
Band. Band.
July 17 – Axton Landing. Aug. 9 – Miller and the
July 24 – Old Hippies. Other Sinners, rocking
July 31 – Full Swing blues and soul.
Band. Aug. 16 – Rochester Met-
Aug. 7 – Country Rain. ropolitan Jazz Orchestra.
Aug. 14 – Kelly’s Old Aug. 23 – Panloco Steel
Timers. Band.
Aug. 21 – Steel Alchemy Aug. 30 – The Dady
Community Steel Drums. Brothers, Irish music, and
Livingston County News File Photo
THURSDAY NIGHT Bob’s Brothers Band will again open the Geneseo Summer
Deer Run Winery, 3772 CONCERT SERIES
West Lake Rd., Geneseo. July 18 – Dave McGrath. p.m. Fridays in the Village
July 25 – Bob’s Brother’s The Town of Livonia
The free concerts start at Park, Main and Park streets.
Band. hosts 10 free concerts,
6 p.m. on Thursdays. Local Food and refreshments
Aug. 1 – Kickstar Rum- scheduled from 6 to 8 p.m.
vendors offering food and available. Be sure to bring Sundays at Vitale Park in
ble, Honor Flight Rochester chairs or blankets. For more
snacks. Bring a lawn chair Lakeville. Bring some food
benefit concert. information visit geneseo-
and enjoy the live music. Aug. 8 – Steve Grills and beverage, lawn chairs
For more information, call concerts.com. or blankets and enjoy the
Band. June 21 – Bob’s Broth-
346-0850. Aug. 15 – Lucky Number music.
June 6 – Rachel Beverly. er’s Band, classic rock and June 23 – To be
Band. family fun.
June 13 – Secondhand Aug. 22 – Midlife Crisis. announced.
Sidekicks. June 28 – Bob Bunce June 30 – TBA.
Aug. 29 – Coupe and Rural Delivery, rockin’
June 20 – Nick LeDuc. De’Villes, USO benefit July 7 – Jeff Riales and
June 27 – Travis Prinzi original Americana. the Silvertone Express.
Band. July 19 – E-Z Money July 14 – Watson and the
Sept. 5 – Rhythm Dogs.
July 4 – Noble Vibes, Band, classic and modern Rapiers.
American Red Cross benefit rock. July 21 – Bob’s Brother’s
concert. GENESEO SUMMER July 26 – Tommy T & Band.
July 11 – Keys to the CONCERT SERIES the Gliders, songs from the
Caddy. The music begins at 7 American songbook: roots
42 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

From H41

July 28 – The Town

Aug. 4 – To be
Aug. 11 – The Brothers
Aug. 18 – Blue Sky.
Aug. 25 – Chris Wilson.


The Town of West Sparta
is having four free concerts
on Fridays at the picnic
pavilion at the town hall, Ben Beagle/Livingston County News File Photograph
8302 Kysorville-Byersville Christopher Murphy of the band Groveland Station performs at the Hemlock Fair. The
Rd. Bring a picnic supper. Americana band has several area dates this summer.
The two-hour concerts start
at 6:30 p.m. WYOMING COUNTY
June 7 – Jim Kimball and
the Geneseo String Band, GAZEBO IN THE PARK
Americana and Irish folk. SUMMER CONCERT SERIES
June 21 – Groveland Shows at 6:30 p.m. Vil-
Station, American country, lage Park gazebo, Attica.
jazz and swing music. 237-0230
July 12 – Kelly’s Old Dates to be announced.
Timers, square dance and
country fiddle music.
Aug. 2 – Steel Alchemy BENNINGTON SUMMER
Community Steel Band, CONCERT SERIES
Caribbean style calypso and Ben Beagle/LCN File Photography Shows at 7 p.m. Tuesdays
Joe Granita/For The LCN, File Photograph
reggae music. Steel Alchemy, a steel at Pine Tree Park, Lapp
Don Newcomb leads the drum band, offers a unique Road, Cowlesville, unless
ORLEANS COUNTY Don Newcomb band. take on the summer sound- otherwise noted.
scape. Dates to be announced.
HOLLEY CONCERTS ON THE CANAL St. For information, visit
6:30 p.m. Fridays in the www.VillageOfAlbionNY. ents concerts from 6-8:30
gazebo on East Avenue by com p.m. Tuesdays at Orleans CHARCOAL CORRAL
the Erie Canal in Holley. June 13 — Sweet Tum- County Marine Park in SUMMER CONCERT SERIES
Rain location is Holley bleweed. Point Breeze. Admission is Shows at 7 p.m. Tuesdays
Firemen’s Field. For more June 20 — Crandall, $2 ($5 for a family pass). at Charcoal Corral, 7037
information, call 638-6367. Wood & Main. For more information, call Chapman Ave., Perry. Call
July 12 — Don New- June 27 — Trellis Coo- 682-3477. 237-3372, or visit www.
comb. per Band. Lineup to be announced. charcoalcorral.com.
July 19 — Triple Play. July 11 — Eagle Creek. Dates to be announced.
July 18 — Creek Bend.
July 26 — 8 Days a YATES LIBRARY
Aug. 1 — The Dave Vit-
erna Group.
Aug. 2 — Ghost Riders. Free concerts at 7 p.m. At Perry Farmers’ Mar-
Aug. 8 — Jonesie & the
Aug. 9 — Feedback. Mondays on the front lawn ket, Main Street and Route
Aug. 16 — Who Dats. of the Yates Community 39 in Perry, on Saturdays to
Aug. 15 — Who Dats.
Aug. 23 — Brick. Library, 15 North Main Sept. 28. Market open from
Aug. 30 — Old Hippies. St., Lyndonville. For more 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; the
information, call 765-9041. arts series runs 10 a.m. to
6 p.m. Thursdays at the CONCERTS IN THE PARK munity Band. Performances scheduled
gazebo behind Albion Fire The Oak Orchard Neigh- July 15 — Old Hippies. June 15 to Sept. 28. Lineup
Department, 106 North Platt borhood Association pres- July 29 — Eagle Creek. not available at press time.
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 43
44 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 45
46 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 47

Batavia Downs keeps on rockin’

Major concert acts making stops at Western New York venues
The popular Rockin’ the
Downs summer concert series
will once again bring some
familiar names to Batavia
Downs for its third straight
Eight shows are sched-
uled for Friday nights on the
Downs’ racetrack from June
21 to Aug. 9. The schedule is:
n June 21 – Survivor.
n June 28 – Queensry-
n July 5 – Kim Mitchell.
n July 12 – Steve Augeri,
former lead singer of Journey.
n July 19 – Gin Blos-
n July 26 – Kenny
Wayne Shepherd.
n Aug. 2 – Tanya Tuck-
n Aug. 9 – Theory of a
Deciding on that slate of
shows began months ago with
organizers considering about
60 bands, before narrowing it
down to eight.
“It’s a difficult process;
it took about three or four
months to do it,” Batavia
Downs President and CEO
Henry Wojtaszek said follow-
ing a spring press conference.
“You’re bidding on bands that
you hope are coming through
The summer concert lineup for Batavia Downs includes, clockwise from top, Survivor,
town at that time. We ended Tanya Tucker, Kim Mitchell and Kenny Wayne Shepherd. They are among the headliners
up bidding on 20 bands before for the third season of the “Rockin’ the Downs” concert series.
going with these eight.”
With last year’s shows reg- tion tickets for $50. Those Melanie, a New York City aStock are: Green River
ularly topping 5,000 people tickets are for seats right in singer known for her hits Revival, a Creedence Clear-
in attendance and peaking at front of the stage and will be “Brand New Key,” “Ruby water Revival tribute act;
more than 7,000, Wojtaszek limited to no more than 150 Tuesday,” “What Have They Abraxas, a Santana and Sly &
said he expects each show this seats. Done to My Song Ma” and the Family Stone tribute show;
year to sell out. “Lay Down (Candles in the The Who Show, a Who trib-
Tickets for each show are Woodstock tribute set Rain),” will headline the event. ute; and Piece of My Heart, a
$10 for general admission and Batavia Downs will also The 72-year-old performed Janis Joplin tribute show.
$25 for VIP and are available be getting into the 50th anni- on the first day of the original “With the original Wood-
online at BataviaConcerts. versary of Woodstock with a Woodstock after releasing stock festival celebrating its
com. A season pass will be “stock” of its own: “Batavi- her debut album, “Born to 50th anniversary, we were
available for $60 (general aStock” on July 20. Be,” the previous year. She inspired to put on an event
admission) or $150 (VIP). BataviaStock will feature has continued to record music that showcases tribute acts
A new option this year five tribute bands and one per- ever since. Her latest album, from that iconic concert,” said
allows concertgoers to pur- former who took the stage at “1984,” was released in 2015.
See WNY H48
chase limited Premium Sec- the landmark event in 1969. Also playing at Batavi-
48 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

From H47

Tickets, which cost $10 for
general admission, $15 for
VIP and $20 for Premium
Section, are available through
BataviaConcerts.com and at
Batavia Downs.
Whether you like rock,
country, pop or hip hop, there
are major concerts scheduled
throughout Western New
York to satisfy your taste this
Here’s a look at shows slat- The Zac Brown Band is a perennial favorite at the Darien Lake Performing Arts Center.
ed for the largest venues:
July 16 – Tedeschi Trucks Aug. 10 – Smashing Pump-
ARTPARK Band 2019. kins and Noel Gallagher’s
450 South 4th St., Lewiston; CANALSIDE
Main Street and Marine July 21 – Rob Thomas. High Flying Birds.
(716) 754-4375; Artpark.net July 23 – Lionel Richie. Aug. 13 – Beck and Cage
June 4 – Sammy Hagar’s Drive, Buffalo; CanalsideBuf-
falo.com July 25 – Grease. the Elephant.
Full Circle Jam Tour. July 27 – All-American Aug. 23 – Kiss.
June 9 – Fairy House Festi- June 20 – Kiss The Sum-
mer Hello 2019. Road Show. Aug. 24 – Florida Georgia
val featuring DakhaBrakha. Aug. 2 – Train and The Line and Dan + Shay.
June 11 – George Clinton June 21 – Alternative Buf-
falo’s Kerfuffle 2019. Goo Goo Dolls. Aug. 25 – Slipknot Road-
& Parliament Funkadelic, Aug. 6 – Sarah McLachlan.
June 29 – T.I. show featuring Slipknot, Vol-
Galactic, Fishbone and Miss Aug. 7 – Alice Cooper.
Velvet & The Blue Wolf. July 18 – The Psychedelic beat, Gojira, Behemoth.
Aug. 9 – Hootie and the Aug. 30 – Brantley Gilbert.
June 18 – The O’Jays: The Furs and James.
Blowfish. Sept. 13 – Rascal Flatts.
Last Word Tour with Average July 25 – The Struts and
Aug. 10 – Jason Aldean.
White Band. The Glorious Sons.
Aug. 15 – Daryl Hall and
June 22 – Strawberry Moon Aug. 6 – Incubus. John Oates. KEYBANK CENTER
Festival. Aug. 27 – Social Distortion Aug. 22 – The Beach Boys 1 Seymour H. Knox Plaza,
June 25 – The Royal and Flogging Molly. 2019. Buffalo; KeyBankCenter.com
Affair: Yes, Asia, John Lodge Aug. 27 – Pentatonix. June 21 – New Kids On
and Carl Palmer. CONSTELLATION BRANDS The Block.
July 2 – Burton Cummings MARVIN SANDS PERFORMING Aug. 13 – Iron Maiden.
with Andre-Philippe Gagnon. DARIEN LAKE
Aug. 27 – Jonas Brothers.
July 3 – Third Eye Blind ARTS CENTER PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Oct. 4 – Phil Collins.
and Jimmy Eat World: Sum- 3355 Marvin Sands Dr., 9993 Alleghany Road, Oct. 12 – The Chainsmok-
mer Gods Tour 2019. Canandaigua; 758-5300; Darien Center; 599-4641; ers.
July 9 – Sugar Ray & Bet- Cmacevents.com DarienLake.com Oct. 13 – Carrie Under-
ter Than Ezra. June 7 – The Avett Broth- June 15 – Zac Brown Band. wood.
July 16 – Earth, Wind & ers. July 7 – Kidz Bop Conert.
Fire. June 9 – Brooks & Dunn. July 17 – Blink-182 and Lil
July 23 – “Weird Al” Yan- June 14 – Bush/Live. Wayne. THE RIDGE
kovic: The Strings Attached June 18 – Dave Matthews July 19 – Thomas Rhett. 8101 Conlon Road, Le Roy;
Tour. and Tim Reynolds. July 20 – 311 and Dirty 768-4883; TheRidgeNY.wix-
July 27 – The Flaming Lips June 20 – Jason Isbell and Heads. site.com/trny
with The Claypool Lennon the 400 Unit and Father John July 21 – Wiz Khalifa. June 14 – Love and Theft.
Delirium. Misty. July 26 – Heart with Joan June 15 – Eli Young Band.
July 30 – Chris Isaak. June 22 – Michael McDon- Jett and the Blackhearts. July 26 – Taylor Dayne.
Aug. 6 – Thievery Corpo- ald and Chaka Khan. Aug. 1 – Dierks Bentley. July 27 – Three Dog Night.
ration. June 29 – Rain. Aug. 2 – Korn and Alice in Aug. 9 – Bishop Gunn.
Aug. 20 – Bad Company. July 5 – Summer Gods Chains. Aug. 10 – Blackstone Cher-
Aug. 22 – Plasticiens Tour. Aug. 4 – Breaking Benja- ry.
Volants with The Machine July 6 – Little Big Town. min. Aug. 23 – Thompson
performs Pink Floyd. July 12 – Luke Bryan. Aug. 9 – Bryan Adams and Square.
Aug. 27 – Foreigner. July 13 – Lynyrd Skynyrd. Billy Idol. Aug. 24 – Sara Evans.
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 49

Shake to stage ‘As You Like It’

[email protected]

Shake on the Lake returns

this summer with one of its
largest casts, an expanded
programming slate, and
a romantic comedy that
reminds us that love is never
The Wyoming Coun-
ty-based Shakespeare troupe
will present “As You Like
It” across eight counties this
summer with 17 shows.
“As You Like It,” one of
Shakespeare’s most lively
comedies, will Shake on
the Lake’s eighth summer
Shakespeare production.
While the show itself may
not be as generally well
known as other Shakespeare
plays, audience will recog-
nize some of The Bard’s Ben Beagle/Livingston County News File Photograph
most famous lines, including Josh Rice, right, in the title role of “Richard III,” fends off an attack from Ladarius Jam-
“All the world’s a stage” and erson, who is playing Richmond, during Shake on the Lake’s 2018 tour opening perfor-
“Why then, can one desire mance at the Wadsworth Homestead, Geneseo.
too much of a good thing?”
(The latter quote is said to finds her heart in peril as “As You Like It,” there will
have coined the term “too she instructs the man she be a fall On-the-Farm show Vietnam-era play
much of a good thing.”) loves on how to best woo a inspired by “King Lear” and will tell stories of
And, this being a Shake on woman. presented by the Arts Coun-
the Lake production, you can They discover love is cil for Wyoming County, “A women who served
expect twists such as con- never simple, idealism is Christmas Carol” winter tour,
sometimes naïve, and the scheduled Nov. 1 to Dec. HEMLOCK – The Little Lakes
temporary songs, jokes refer- Community Association
encing local attractions and forest will not protect them 20, and an “Expert’s Guide and the Honeoye Commu-
current events, and dialogue from the outside world for- to Shakespeare” educational nity Players will present
that is both witty and brash. ever. tour, planned Jan. 20, 2020, the play, “A Piece of My
As for the plot: Rosalind, The play features a lot of to March 13, 2020, at area Heart,” in July at the Little
miscommunication, sticky schools. Lakes Community Center,
disguised as a boy, flees 4705 South Main St.
persecution in her uncle’s situations and mistaken iden- Last year, Shake on the
court, and accompanied by tity. Lake presented its first Shirley Lauro’s play tells
Shakespeare drama, a version the true stories of seven
her faithful cousin, Celia, and The tour will again launch women who served in
the clown Touchstone, seek in Geneseo and include a run of “Richard III” infused with Vietnam. A simple set and
safety, freedom and eventu- July 29 to Aug. 3 along the elements of 1970s punk cul- minimal costuming are
ally love in the idyllic Forest shore of Silver Lake in Perry. ture and the anarchic style of used to suggest the chang-
of Arden, where love notes Other tour dates were not bands such as the Sex Pistols es in time and place as the
women each experience
grow on trees and music available at press time. and the Clash. The tragic tale the war and their difficult
bewitches the air. This will be the fifth year wasn’t lacking for color or return to civilian life.
There, they revel in nature that Shake on the Lake takes comedy, though, and audi-
Performances are scheduled
and the seemingly simply its show on the road. ences experienced frequent for 7 p.m. July 12 and 13
life. They also encounter a Shake on the Lake produc- breaking of the fourth wall and 3 p.m. July 14. For
variety of characters, nota- tions typically run about 90 between actors and audience. more information, contact
bly the melancholy traveler minutes with no intermission. ––– the LLCA by calling (585)
For more information, find Shake 367-1046 and leave a
Jacques, who speaks many of Shake on the Lake’s 2019- on the Lake on Facebook or message, or check its web-
those famous lines. 2020 season will include email shakeonthelake@gmail. site at LittleLakesNY.org.
However, Rosalind soon four shows. In addition to com.
50 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

‘GV 100’ art project ACWC using visual

arts to celebrate
farms and families
returns with new focus
PERRY – The Arts Council
for Wyoming County is pro-
ducing an innovative arts
[email protected] and agriculture multimedia
program, “Our Farms & Our
The Genesee Valley Conser- Families.”
vancy will once again highlight Visual artists in all media –
the region’s landscape through 2D or 3D – who are either
a community art project. Wyoming County residents
or ACWC members – are
The inaugural Genesee Val- creating works that will be
ley 100 featured more than 100 featured in a late-summer
paintings. The new project will art exhibition.
use photographs. The “Our Farms & Our Fam-
“We wanted to find a way to lies” project will also host
replicate the project, yet keep dance, music, literature,
it fresh and engage another and theater programming.
segment of the community” In December 2018, the Arts
Conservancy Executive Direc- Council for Wyoming County
Benjamin Gajewski Photograph was awarded a $45,000
tor Benjamin Gajewski said. grant through the Finger
“Photographers are another A photograph from Benjamin Gajewski of the Genesee
Valley Conservancy is representative of the Conser- Lakes Regional Economic
group that appreciates the vancy’s next community art project, this time featuring Development Council to pro-
landscape in which we live and duce the project.
can capture it in a meaningful “The agricultural community
way we can then share with the phers to feature, but he hopes Gajewski said. defines who we are in Wyo-
community.” photographers will also submit Gajewski, who is also a pho- ming County,” said Jacque-
less obvious subjects and pho- tographer, plans to submit an line Hoyt, Executive Director
One hundred photographers of the Arts Council for Wyo-
are being sought to participate tos of hidden corners of the image for the project. ming County, “this project
in the new project that will Valley. “I’m going to look for an will bring together the arts
bring together photographers Last year, Genesee Valley image of Conservancy pro- and agriculture in a new and
of all ages, abilities, and styles Conservancy launched the first tected land to highlight the exciting way to celebrate
our local communities as
to create a mosaic as diverse as Genesee Valley 100 art project valuable landscapes that land- well as bring new people to
the Genesee Valley is itself. with painters from across the owners in the Genesee Valley both art and agriculture.”
Photographers can apply for region. have protected for future gen- Visual artists were awarded
a slot through the Conservancy With support from the Gene- erations.” a $1,500 stipend to create
website, www.geneseeval- see Valley Council on the Arts, The diversity of the Gene- three pieces of art to be
leyconservancy.org. Once the Conservancy recruited 96 see Valley has long provided part of a documentary book
artists who created 110 works inspiration for artists, including on the project that will be
approved, photographers will available for purchase in
have until Oct. 25 to submit an inspired by the valley. A six- Thomas Cole, founder of the 2020.
image. week exhibit of the 12-by-12- Hudson River School of Art.
From Aug. 2 to Sept. 28, the
The rules for the project are inch works at the Silver Lake Cole traveled to the area in Arts Council for Wyoming
simple. Photographers must Brewing Project in Perry 1839 at the request of state County, 31 South Main St.,
capture an image of the Gene- allowed the community to view Canal Commissioner Samual Perry, will host an art show
see Valley (a map is provided the paintings in person and an Ruggles who wanted Cole to with art created to that
on the Conservancy website), online gallery was also setup capture the gorge’s unspoiled
which generally ranges from on the Conservancy website. beauty. The art created in this proj-
Lake Ontario to the Pennsyl- Artists were free to choose The Conservancy sought ect will also be produced
into banners and displayed
vania border. The photographs the medium, subject and style. also to record that inspiring throughout Wyoming Coun-
must be taken between Dec. The paintings are as varied as beauty through a community ty.
21, 2018, and Oct. 31. The sub- the artists, featuring realistic, art project, which led to the ini- For information visit the
mission must be a square. abstract and interpretive styles. tial Genesee Valley 100, which ACWC website http://
Other than these three cri- Students, amateur, and pro- culminated with the exhibition. artswyco.org/our-farms-and-
teria, the rest is left up to the fessionals all submitted paint- Photographers interested in our-families/.
photographer, Gajewski said. ings which created a diverse the project can read complete For questions about the proj-
The Finger Lakes, Genesee final product that highlighted details and apply for a slot ect, email Kathryn Hollinger
River, wildlife, and agriculture many iconic parts of the Valley on the Conservancy website: [email protected] or
call 237-3517 ext. 102.
are some of the main areas from the Finger Lakes and www.geneseevalleyconservan-
Gajewski expects photogra- waterfalls to agricultural lands, cy.org
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52 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
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54 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 55

Ben Beagle/Livingston County News

The new print office at Genesee Country Village & Museum, 1410 Flint Hill Rd., Mumford, will open its doors this sum-
mer with expanded floor space for the circa 1850 printing press.

What’s old becomes new again

at Genesee Country Village
MUMFORD — The summer demonstrations, and character into the museum, one-on-one Special events
season at Genesee Country Vil- tea parties. time with museum staff, and In addition to regular program-
lage & Museum, 1410 Flint Hill In the Historic Village, the the opportunity to explore the ming, the museum will host the
Rd., has many special events new print office has opened grounds. following selected events:
and activities planned. with expanded floor space for Classes ranging from garden- June 7: History on Tap.
The museum will debut sev- the circa 1850 printing press. ing to blacksmithing will be June 15: Celtic Faire and eve-
eral new programs this season, The “Washington” press was on offer, as well as popular ning concert with The American
including the John L. Wehle one of the most popular print- summer camp programs that Rogues.
Gallery’s new exhibit, “Victo- ing presses of the 19th century immerse kids in activities cen- June 16: Father’s Day – Dads are
ria’s Closet: Fashions of the and features profiles of George tered in the Historic Village and admitted for free.
1850s,” featuring clothing and Washington and Benjamin Nature Center. A new camp this June 22-23: 1812 Weekend.
accessories from the heyday of Franklin in the top of the frame. year will focus on theater, giv- June 25-30: Kids Free Week.
the British monarch’s reign, and With extensive daily pro- ing campers the opportunity to
July 20-21: Civil War Re-enact-
the beginning of the industrial gramming, every day will offer create and perform shows cen- ment & Encampment.
revolution’s impact on fashion. a special experience for guests. tered on American trailblazers.
Aug. 3-4: A Novel Weekend:
The summer will see the Themed weeks this year will The museum is open 10 a.m. Lewis Carroll.
return of several popular events highlight inventors, popular to 4 p.m. Tuesdays through
Aug. 9-11: National Silver Base
such as the “Celtic Faire” and authors, and crafts, plus a deli- Sundays during the regular sea- Ball Tournament.
“Civil War Weekend,” plus cious weekend in July will cele- son. General admission is $18
the debut of “A Novel Week- brate all things chocolate. for adults, $15 for seniors, $10 Aug. 17-18: Fiddlers’ Fair.
end: Lewis Carroll.” In this GCV&M will also offer for youth and free for children Aug. 31-Sept. 2: Neighbors Free
immersive event, guests will premiere programming for ages 3 and younger. Weekend.
experience the wild and cre- members this season. Monthly For more information, visit Sept. 2: Hop Harvest Festival.
ative world of Lewis Carroll “Hops & History” happy-hour the museum website www.gcv. Sept. 14: The Whirl: A Festive
through games, photography talks will offer a deep dive org or call (585) 538-6822. Harvest Dinner.
56 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

File Photograph
The Genesee Valley Greenway is a 90-mile corridor that offers a variety of recreational opportunities.

Oh, so many places you can go ...

From beautiful nature William Pryor Letchworth. House. ports Booklets are available
preserves and state parks Facilities include picnic A full schedule of events at the Mount Morris Dam
to educational museums sites, campsites, swimming range from festivals to lec- Visitor Center, 6103 Visitor
and historic districts, the pools, a museum, river raft- tures and guided walks. Center Rd., Mount Morris.
four-county GLOW region ing, balloon launches, his- Information: 493-3600, Information: 658-9320 or
holds a plethora of parks torical re-enactments, guid- parks.ny.gov. fingerlakestrail.org.
and attractions for summer ed hikes, an October craft
activities or getaways. show and other activities. FINGER LAKES TRAIL GENESEE VALLEY GREENWAY
Take a look at some of The Humphrey Nature
the best offerings from Center offers year-round This is New York’s lon- STATE PARK
Genesee, Livingston, Orle- experiences for all ages. It gest continuous hiking trail The Genesee Valley
ans and Wyoming counties: features interactive exhibits system. Greenway State Park is a
and programming that high- The Finger Lakes Trail 90-mile open space corridor
Passport Hike system is a that follows the route of
Regional light the plants and animals,
series of fun, easy hikes the Genesee Valley Canal
geology and river ecology
LETCHWORTH STATE PARK of the Genesee Valley. designed to introduce you (1840-1878) and the Penn-
Letchworth State Park There’s also a butterfly to the Finger Lakes Trail. sylvania Railroad Rochester
and its “Grand Canyon of garden, bird observation The Finger Lakes Trail Branch (1882-1963) from
the East” is the jewel of the station and many trails. Hike No. 1 at Mount Morris the Erie Canalway Trail in
region’s natural attractions. The Park is home to Dam, is a 1.8-mile round Rochester’s Genesee Valley
The park regularly draws many sites of interest to trip hike that starts at the Park to the Village of Cuba
about 750,000 people annu- students of colonial times. dam parking lot. During this in Allegany County.
ally, but its vastness means A statue of Mary Jemison, short, easygoing hike, you The Greenway passes
you won’t feel crowded. “The White Woman of will see spectacular views through woodlands, wet-
The Glen Iris Inn and the Genesee” is near an of the gorge and Mount lands, river and stream
Restaurant, overlooking the Indian Council House and Morris Dam.
Middle Falls, was home to an authentic Seneca Long Finger Lakes Trail Pass- See PLACES H57
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 57

Beverly Theodore Photograph via Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism
A hot air balloon floats past the Middle Falls as it travels through the gorge at Letchworth State Park.


Places farmland in the Genesee
River watershed. More than
Tony Sylor and Steve
French started the club in
The Springwater Trails
From H56 17,800 acres of natural hab- 2010 to bring riders togeth- Organization plans weekly
itat and productive farm and er in Livingston County hikes that take advantage
valleys, rolling farmlands, forest land have been con- to train and ride together of natural geographical
steep gorges, and historic served by the Conservancy without having to trek to resources and surrounding
villages in 16 towns in and private landowners. Rochester or Buffalo. beauty.
Monroe, Livingston, Wyo- The Conservancy leads The club is accessible to The hikes are broken up
ming, Allegany, and Cat- guided walks on protected riders of all ability levels. into different skill levels so
taraugus counties. farmland and wilderness It hosts a Wednesday night everyone can take advan-
Recreational activities areas in Livingston Coun- social ride from Cyclepath tage of what the area has to
include hiking, biking, ty – with occasional canoe Bike Shop, 79 Main St., offer.
cross country skiing or bird excursions down the Gene- Geneseo, and a race series. Springwater Trails orga-
watching. Also horseback see River. All riders must sign an nize volunteers to build and
riding and snowmobiling in The organization owns insurance waiver and are maintain trails within the
designated areas. nature preserves open to the asked to pay a $15 mem- Springwater area.
Information: www.fogvg. public year-round for recre- bership fee for the season. The calendar of events
org. ation and education. First-timers can try a ride can be found on the web-
The Conservancy also for free. site, springwatertrails.org.
GENESEE VALLEY CONSERVANCY hosts the Oak Tree Half Social rides depart at 6 Springwater Trails can be
The Genesee Valley Marathon and 5K run. p.m. April through August. contacted by email to info@
Conservancy is a nation- Information: 243-2190 or The route is announced springwatertrails.org.
ally accredited non-profit geneseevalleyconservancy. each week via email.
conservation organization org. For a schedule of events,
working to protect the go to ridelcc.com See PLACES H58
58 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

Mark Gutman/The Daily News File Photograph

Exhibitions are seen inside the visitor center at the Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge on Casey Road in Basom.

Information: 948-5445,
Places www.fws.gov/refuge/iro-
From H57
Genesee County
The refuge serves primar-
ily as a nesting, feeding, AUSTIN PARK
resting and staging areas Located on 6.7 acres
for migratory waterfowl. in the center of the city.
The varied habitats support Includes a large playground,
about 266 species of birds, backstop for softball prac-
42 species of mammals, tice, large open field, spray Rocco Laurienzo/The Daily News File Photograph
plus reptiles, fish, amphibi- park from Memorial Day to Batavia Peace Garden honors peace between nations and
ans and insects. Bald eagles Labor Day, pavilion with Batavia’s history.
have maintained an active electricity, picnic tables and
nest on the refuge since a charcoal grill, and bath- www.bataviapeacegarden. DEWITT RECREATION AREA
1986. The refuge is one rooms. 15 Jefferson Ave. com. A former sand and gravel
of more than 540 National Information: 345-6305. quarry turned public park
Wildlife Refuges in the CENTENNIAL PARK in the city of Batavia. Hik-
United States managed by
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife BATAVIA PEACE GARDEN A 14-acre natural setting. ing trails, picnic shelters,
Part of an international Site of several summer playground, walking path,
Features three hiking initiative, the garden honors events, including the annual fishing. 115 Cedar St.
trails. The visitor center peace between nations and July 4 Picnic in the Park Information: www.co.
is open from 7:30 a.m. to Batavia’s history. Located and the weekly summer genesee.ny.us/departments/
4 p.m. Monday through next to the Holland Land concert series for the Bata- parks/dewitthistory.html
Friday and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Museum, 131 West via Concert Band. 151 State
Saturday and Sunday. 1101 Main St. St.
Casey Rd., Basom. Information: 343-2387, Information: 345-6305.
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Mark Gutman/The Daily News File Photogaph

Children play at Kiwanis Park in the town of Batavia. The park features an inclusive playground built for individuals of
all physical abilities.

children and $5 for families.

Places 131 West Main St.
Information: 343-4727,
From H58 www.hollandlandoffice.
A neighborhood park on KIBBE PARK
the Southside with tennis An 11-acre creekside park
courts, a basketball half- with a softball field, basket-
court, playground, pavilion ball courts, tennis courts,
with electricity, picnic playground, pavilion with
tables and charcoal grill. electricity, picnic tables
101-111 Otis St. and charcoal grill. 105-111
Information: 345-6305. Kibbe Ave.
Information: 345-6305.
Mark Gutman/The Daily News File Photograph
REGIONAL ARTS COUNCIL The Holland Land Office Museum in Batavia is home to KIWANIS PARK
Founded in 1962, GO thousands of artifacts that tell the history of Western New Kiwanis Park is a tree-
ART! is dedicated to devel- York and its residents. filled recreation area on the
oping the cultural life of north bank of the Tonawan-
Genesee and Orleans coun- HOLLAND LAND OFFICE MUSEUM of the items on display in da Creek including a pavil-
ties. The main art gallery is Located in a stone build- the museum is the Medal ion with restrooms, picnic
located at Seymour Place, ing built in 1810 from of Honor received by Bat- tables, tennis courts and an
201 East Main St., Bata- which surveyors estab- avian Charles F. Rand, the inclusive playground, which
via. There are two satellite lished the communities first soldier in the nation to was built for individuals of
galleries in Batavia and in Western New York, volunteer to the Civil War. all physical abilities. 3808
Albion. the Holland Land Office Hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. West Main Street Rd.
Information: 343-9313, Museum offers thousands Tuesday through Saturdays. Information: 343-1729
www.goart.org. of artifacts pertaining to the There is a suggested dona-
history of the region. One tion of $2 for adults, $1 for See PLACES H64
64 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

From H63

A neighborhood park
with horseshoe pit, play-
ground, pavilion with elec-
tricity, picnic tables and
grill. 100 Verona Ave.
Information: 345-6305.

Home of Tonawanda
Valley Girls Softball and
Batavia Bull Dawg’s youth
football. Also has horseshoe
pits, pavilion with electric-
ity, picnic tables and char-
coal grill. 11 Wallace St.
Information: 345-6305.

MACARTHUR PARK Rocco Laurienzo/The Daily News File Photograph

Adjacent to Dwyer Stadi- Lynne Beluscio, director of the Le Roy Historical Society, looks at an album of vintage
um, 299 Bank St., MacAr- photographs.
thur Park is a 21-acre park
ing, boating, picnicking,
that serves as the home to
swimming, camping, play-
the Batavia Youth Bureau,
grounds, and trap, rifle, pis-
T-Ball, Minor/Major tol, and archery courses.
League Youth Baseball, Information: P.O. Box
Batavia Little League and 217, Bergen, 343-8390,
Challenger Baseball. The www.godfreyspond.com.
park also has five tennis
courts and a playground.
252B State St.
Information: 345-6305. GENESEE COUNTY PARK & FOREST
Recognized as the first Mark Gutman/The Daily News File Photograph
PRINGLE PARK county forest in New York
Darien Lakes State Park offers many recreational options.
A small park with a play- State, the park was estab-
ground and a basketball lished in 1915. It features Darien 12-acre Harlow Lake. There
half-court. 14 Pringle Ave. more than 430 acres of are 154 campsites, a beach,
Information: 345-6305. forest, rolling hills, 10 miles SIX FLAGS DARIEN LAKE playgrounds, horseback
of trails, five ponds, and AMUSEMENT PARK riding trails, picnic areas,
a variety of wildlife, trees The premiere theme park
WILLIAMS PARK fishing and hiking. 10475
and woodland plants. 11095 in Western New York,
The city’s largest park at Bethany Center Rd., East Harlow Rd., Darien Center.
25 acres. Home to Batavia Darien Lake offers nearly Information: (585) 547-
Bethany. 50 rides, including roller
Little League. Has softball Information: 344-1122, 9242, www.nysparks.com.
field, tennis courts, basket- coasters and water slides.
www.co.genesee.ny.us/ New this summer is the
ball courts, deck hockey departments. 242-foot high Six Flags
Le Roy
court, and walking trail. 101
Skyscreamer tower ride. JELL-O MUSEUM
Pearl St. Byron 9993 Alleghany Rd. (Rt. Celebrating “America’s
Information: 345-6305.
BERGEN SWAMP 77), Darien Center. Favorite Dessert,” the
Information: 599-4641, museum is in the village
Bergen A wildlife preserve that
offers educational opportu- of Le Roy, the birthplace
GODFREY’S POND nities. 6646 Hessenthaler of the jiggly treat. Open
Dubbed the “best kept Rd. DARIEN LAKES STATE PARK 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday
secret in Genesee County,” Information: 548-7304, Hills, woodlands, ravines
the pond features fish- www.bergen-swamp.org. and streams surround the See PLACES H65
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 65

Larry Tetamore via Livingston County Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism
The Caledonia Fish Hatchery is the oldest operational fish hatchery in the western hemisphere.

Places 1908 Cadillac. Open 10 a.m

to 4 p.m. Monday to Satur-
day and 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday.
Information: 226-2466,
strations and re-enactments.
Adjacent nature center,
with hiking trail. Hours:
From H64 23 East Main St. PAPER MILL PARK Tuesday-Sunday 10 a.m.-4
Hours of Operation Waterfall, with picnic p.m. 1410 Flint Hill Rd.,
through Saturday and 1 to 4 Information: 768-7433 Mumford.
tables and overlook. Paper
p.m. Sunday. 23 East Main Information: (585) 538-
Mill Road, off Route 39.
St. THE RIDGE NY 6822, gcv.org.
Information: 768-7433,
www.jellogallery.org. RECREATION & CAMPING BOAT LAUNCH
The recreation area A Genesee River boat CALEDONIA FISH HATCHERY
features hiking, biking, launch site is available on The oldest operational
LE ROY HOUSE Routes 5 and 20 in the Vil- fish hatchery in the western
swimming, camping, and a
Tour this mansion-turned- live summer concert series. lage of Avon, hand launch. hemisphere. Raises more
museum for more than 100 8101 Conlon Rd. than 800,000 trout each
years of unique history, Information: 768-4883, year and stocks lakes and
including Ingham Univer- www.the-ridgeny.com. creeks throughout Western
sity, the first American AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY New York. Open to the
university for women; and The museum is open 1 public seven days a week, 8
the story of the 86,000 Livingston County to 4 p.m. on Thursdays and a.m.-4 p.m. 16 North St.
acre Triangle Tract, a land Sundays. 23 Genesee St. Information: 538-6300,
deal that was controlled by Avon Information: 226-2425 x dec.ny.gov.
the LeRoy family. Many 22, www.avonpreservation.
people enjoy reminiscing in AVON DRIVING PARK org. MACKAY WILDLIFE PRESERVE
the 1930s kitchen with all A wooded park with play-
The 26-acre MacKay
its “modern” conveniences ground, picnic pavilion and Caledonia Wildlife Preserve was once
ball fields. 350 Spring St.
and gadgets. The permanent and Mumford the farm where Marianna
exhibit “On the Road: A MacKay-Wilkes was raised.
In 1971, she and her fam-
Macadam” is a fascinating Small lake, hiking trail. AND MUSEUM ily donated the land to the
exhibit of sleighs, carts, 6274 E. Avon Lima Rd., Restored 19th century
wagons, carriages and a East Avon. village, with daily demon- See PLACES H66
66 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

From H65

Village of Caledonia to be
used as a wildlife preserve.
Includes a nature trail and
wheelchair accessible over-
look. Features two trail
routes through the pristine
woods. Open during day-
light hours. Spring Street.


The Museum houses three
floors of historical artifacts
encompassing art, agricul-
ture, textiles, furniture, toys,
photography and military Benjamin Gajewski/Special to The Livingston County News
items. Open 1-4 p.m. Sun- The famed Big Tree has returned to a new exhibition space at the Livingston County His-
days and 9 a.m.- noon Mon- torical Society Museum, Geneseo.
days. 3095 Main St.
Information: 538-9880, trails, car-top boat access,
bigsprings-museum.org. viewing platforms, scenic
vistas, birdwatching, hunt-
LIMEROCK SPEEDWAY ing, fishing and trapping.
This WMA is in the town
Live racing around an
of Conesus on the southern
eighth-mile clay oval track
end of Conesus Lake. It is
with progressive banking
bound on the west by West
every Saturday through
Swamp Road (Route 256),
October. 21 Flint Hill Rd.,
on the east by East Swamp
Road, on the south by
Information: 538-2597.
Guiltner Road and on the
north by Conesus Lake.
Conesus Information: www.dec.
Pioneer log cabin fea- Livingston County Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism
turing local artifacts, with Dansville
The Clara Barton Museum of the American Red Cross in
pavilion, playground and STONY BROOK STATE PARK Dansville.
ball field. 6074 South Livo-
A deep gorge with rug-
nia Rd.
ged cliffs overlooking three chapter number one loca- DANSVILLE AREA HISTORICAL
waterfalls and rock forma- tion. 57 Elizabeth St. SOCIETY MUSEUM
GANEASOS HISTORY KEEPERS tions. Visitors can hike the Information: 335-3500. Exhibits showing the
Operated by Conesus rim, gorge or nature trails, history of southern Liv-
Historical Society at Ricky swim in the stream-fed BABCOCK PARK ingston County. Open first
Greene Memorial Park. swimming pool, play ten- Largest village park, with and third Saturday of each
They do not have regular nis, and picnic. Pavilions, ball fields, tennis and bas- month, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. or by
hours, but you can make an playground, camping and ketball courts, interpretive appointment. 14 Church St.,
appointment, 346-3130. food also available. 10820 center and picnic facilities Dansville.
Route 36. on Morey Avenue. Information: 335-8090.
CONESUS INLET Information: 335-8111.
New York State Wildlife CLARA BARTON MUSEUM Site of the “Concerts in The club was formed to
Management Area covers OF THE AMERICAN RED CROSS the Park” series. Picnic promote the sport of soar-
1,120 acres, with wetlands, A museum dedicated to tables along Mill Creek. At ing. Lessons and glider
hiking trails, fish viewing the history of the Ameri- Washington and Clara Bar- rides available. From April
(walleye and northern pike can Red Cross and founder ton streets.
spawning runs), nature Clara Barton in its historic See PLACES H71
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70 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
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Larry Tetamore via Livingston County Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism
Tree Creations in Geneseo is a growing village of child-size tree houses connected by rope bridges.
Places Provides public access to
the lake, with playground,
From H66 picnic tables, swimming
with lifeguards, museum
through October there is and fishing. West Lake
usually someone available Road.
each Saturday and Sunday Information: 991-5000.
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Information: 335-5849, Exhibits range from con-
www.flsc.org temporary to historic. In
McClellan House, 26 Main
Geneseo St.
HIGHLAND PARK Ashley K. Leuer via Livingston County Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Information: 245-5813.
Location of former Erie Swimming is among the activities available at Long Point
Railroad Depot, moved Park in Geneseo. NATIONAL WARPLANE MUSEUM
from Court Street to High- Vintage aircraft, armor
serve consists of an “island” Brodie Hall, SUNY Gen- and other pieces from
land Road. Baseball field,
of forest surrounded by eseo, 1 College Circle. around the world. Open
tennis courts, pavilion,
grassland fields. Hosts Information: 245-5814. daily April-September: 10
playground and dog park.
native grasses that serve as a.m.- 4 p.m. Geneseo Air-
a habitat for birds and other LIVINGSTON COUNTY port, 3489 Big Tree Lane.
INDIAN FORT NATURE PRESERVE wildlfe surrounding the HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM Information: 243-2100,
Managed and maintained 3.5-acre woodlot. Also 1.3
Housed in a cobblestone www.nationalwarplanemu-
by Genesee Valley Conser- miles of walking trails. Two
schoolhouse, featuring arti- seum.org.
vancy. Consists of hiking access points: 8 Calvalry
trails, creeks, small pond, facts and displays from the
Dr. and 213 Lima Rd. Open
and access to the Genesee daily between sun-up and
county’s two-century histo- SPENCER J. ROEMER ARBORETUM
River. Open daily from sun- ry. The famed Big Tree has 20-acre natural area open
up to sun-down. 3432 Jones returned to a new exhibition to the public year round.
Information: geneseeval-
Bridge Rd. space. Open Thursdays South side of SUNY Gen-
leyconservancy.com. and Sundays 2-5 p.m. May eseo campus (follow signs
1-Oct. 31. 30 Center St. on Route 20A).
JOHN W. CHANDLER LEDERER ART GALLERY Information: 243-9147, Information: 245-5448.
ISLAND PRESERVE Exhibits faculty, student, livingstoncountyhistorical-
This 40-acre nature pre- local and national artists. society.com. See PLACES H72
72 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

From H71

A growing village of
child-size tree houses con-
nected by rope bridges.
Explore the castle, wizard’s
den and more. This labor
of love was started for the
owner’s children and then
opened to the public. It is
on private property so look
for its visiting days and
times on the Tree Creations
In Geneseo Facebook page. Sally Santora/For The Livingston County News, File Photo
4677 Lakeville-Groveland The Town of Livonia’s new Watershed Education Center is in Vitale Park on the shore of
Rd. Conesus Lake. It also houses the Livingston County Sheriff’s Department substation.
Information: 243-1638.
HEMLOCK LAKE in October 2013. Trail VITALE PARK
Boat Launch Northeast entrance is near southwest At northern end of the
VILLAGE PARK corner of lake off East Lake corner of the parking area. lake at the outlet. Summer
Picnic tables, restrooms, Road. Hard surface ramp. 7384 Ziegler Drive. concerts at the Gazebo on
summer concert series. Parellel parking on shoulder Sunday nights. Restrooms,
Main and Park streets. of East Lake Road. 16-foot LIMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY’S benches, picnic tables, play-
boat/10 HP motor restric- ground, gardens, fishing,
Groveland TENNIE BURTON MUSEUM docks, walking trails, pavil-
Open Sundays 2-4 p.m., ions and grills are provid-
REVOLUTIONARY WAR June to end of September.
Leicester 1850 Rochester St.
ed. Hand boat launch. No
swimming. Route 20A, Big
Obelisk marking the STARR PARK Information: 624-1050 Tree Road, Lakeville.
site where British forces Picnic pavilion, play LimaHistorical.org. Information: 346-3710.
ambushed a Continental equipment and ball fields.
Army scout party. 5434 Route 36. Livonia HEMLOCK LAKE PARK
David Gray Hill Rd. A small public park on
Information: 243-1750, BOWEN MEMORIAL PARK
BOYD AND PARKER PARK Playground, picnic shel- the north end of Hemlock
www.groveland.ny.org. Site of the torture of two Lake, Rix Hill Road.
ter, ball fields and skate-
Revolutionary War Colonial boarding park. 62 Main St.
Hemlock officers by Native Amer- MAURICE F. SWEENEY MUSEUM
HEMLOCK-CANADICE ican soldiers and British Open year-round 9 a.m.-
troops. 3064 Cuylerville COMMUNITY PARK
STATE FOREST Small park on Route 20A noon and 1-5 p.m. Thursday
Rd., Route 36, Cuylerville. and Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
The only totally undevel- at the bottom of the hill
oped Finger Lakes cover leading to the village. 2 Big Saturday. 10 Commercial
about 6,684 acres. Fishing, EMPIRE DRAGWAY Tree St. St., Livonia.
hiking, nature study, boat- A quarter mile drag strip Information: 346-4579,
ing, and hunting. No swim- hosting world-class events www.livonianyhistory.org.
on Fridays and Saturdays CONESUS LAKE BOAT LAUNCHES
ming or camping allowed.
Information: www.hem- into October. 2011 New Rd. Pontoons, ski boats, fish- Mount Morris
lockandcanadicelakes.com. in Leicester. ing boats, canoes, paddle-
Information: 382-3030, boats and personal water- FRANCIS BELLAMY
HERITAGE MUSEUM AT THE www.EmpireDragway.com. craft use these launch sites. MEMORIAL PARK
n Hartson Point, 5030 Hosts two basketball
HEMLOCK FAIR GROUNDS Lima East Lake Rd., Livonia. courts, tennis courts, soft-
Step back in time with n Pebble Beach Road: ball and baseball fields,
exhibits that highlight local MARK TUBBS MEMORIAL PARK 1/4 mile south of Route pavilions, gazebo, club-
history. Open during the Includes an enclosed 20A in hamlet of Lakeville. house and playground.
Fair and groups by appoint- pavilion, playground, paved Hand launch, 120 cars. Lackawanna Avenue.
ment. 7370 Fair St. trails for hiking, picnic n Sand Point: on Route Information: 658-4160.
Information: 367-3370, area with grills. A network 20A in hamlet of Lakeville.
hemlockfair.org. of walking trails opened Hand launch, 50 cars. See PLACES H73
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 73

From H72


Home of the New Deal
Arts Gallery, operated by
the Genesee Valley Council
on the Arts. On the county
government campus, the
site of a former tuberculosis
sanitarium. The buildings
were adorned by federal
sponsored art during the
Great Depression that now
rotates at the gallery. The
arts center also presents
classes, programs, and
exhibitions. 4 Murray Hill Ashley K. Leuer via Livingston County Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism
Drive. The Abbey of the Genesee operates an on-site bakery store and hosts the general public
Information: 243-6785, for retreats and religious services. A new, expanded store opened in May.
Gen. William A. Mills, and Sundays from 2-4 p.m. 24 SPRINGWATER-WEBSTERS
AL LORENZ PARK is on the National Regis- Portage St., Nunda. CROSSING HISTORICAL SOCIETY
ter of Historic Places. The Information: 465-0971 or
Wooded county-operated home features 14 rooms, six MUSEUM
park, with ponds, trails, fireplaces, an original bread Open 2-4 p.m. the first
picnic tables and pavilions. oven and kitchen hearth. and third Sundays of May
Off Murray Hill Drive, the NUNDA KIWANIS PARK through September. 8130
Restored to its original
county government campus. appearance and site of sum- The park has a play- Route 15.
Information: 658-7510. mer research excavations. ground for children. 24 Information: 737-7345,
Open June-November. 14 Portage St. www.townofspringwaterny.
WILLIAM B. HOYT II Information: 658-3292, Ossian
Engineers. Flood control MOUNT MORRIS VETERANS Park has picnic tables,
Eight miles west of Dans-
structure, with interpretive MEMORIAL PARK ville. The Wildlife Manage- a pavilion, hiking,
center, trailhead, and atrium The park is a memorial ment Area features 5,100 cross-country skiing and
is open daily 10 a.m.-4:30 to those who served this acres of woodlands, open biking trails. 6775 Canadice
p.m. nation. Route 36. meadows and diverse wild- Hill Rd.
Free ranger-guided walk- life habitat. Hunting and Information: Call Stony
ing tours of the dam are TUSCARORA PARK fishing, trapping, hiking, Brook’s Park Office at 335-
offered each day: 2 p.m. cross country skiing, bird 8111.
Playground featuring
Monday-Thursday and 11 apparatus of every kind watching, nature studies,
a.m. and 2 p.m. Friday-Sun- with a pavilion in hamlet of horseback riding and pic- York
day. Tours are limited to 30 Tuscarora, 8056 Main St. nicking. Linzy Road. SAMUEL WARREN HOMESTEAD
people on a first-come, first Information: www.dec. Home to York Historical
served basis. 6103 Visitor Nunda ny.gov/outdoor/24443.html Society. Was site of New
Center Rd., off Route 408.
NUNDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY York’s first commercial-
Information: 658-4790, Springwater ly-successful winery dating
or online at www.lrb.usace. MUSEUM AND
THE LARRY J. CANUTE to early 19th century. Open
army.mil. ROSE SHAVE GALLERY for visitors 1-4 p.m. first
Artifacts and displays MEMORIAL PARK Sunday of month, May
MILLS MANSION representing 200 years of It has a pavilion, swing through October. 2431 Dow
The archaeologically sig- Nunda history. The gallery set, playground, basketball Rd.
nificant 1836 home of the displays work of local artist court, baseball field and Information: 243-3680
Mount Morris Historical Rose Shave. Open April borders Springwater Creek, and www.yorkny.org.
Society was the residence through October on Tues- which feeds Hemlock Lake.
of Mount Morris founder days 10 a.m.-noon, first 7990 School St. See PLACES H74
74 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

Orleans County Tourism

Kayakers paddle in front of the Oak Orchard Lighthouse near Lake Ontario. The lighthouse, built in 2002, is a replica of
one that was built in 1871 and washed away by a storm in 1916.

washed away by a storm

Places in 1916. The guest log has
been signed by visitors
From H73 from all around the world
and all states in the union.
ABBEY OF THE GENESEE 14357 Ontario St.
Though the Order of Information: 752-0647,
Cistercian monks are www.oakorchardlighthouse.
cloistered, the monastery com.
operates an on-site bakery
store and hosts the general MARINE PARK
public for retreats and reli- An 11-acre public marine
gious services. The Abbey park on Point Breeze Road
has Community Supported Orleans County Tourism (Route 98) in Kent and the
Agriculture programs. 3174 Visitors are able to explore three period cobblestone Oak Orchard River, under
River Rd., Piffard. structures at the Cobblestone Museum. the Lake Ontario State
Information: 243-0660, Parkway bridges and on the
www.geneseeabbey.org. exploration of cobblestone and 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday
Seaway Trail. Includes 72
construction methods from and Sunday. Admission is
boat slips, picnic pavilions,
1825 to 1860, offering $8. 14393 Ridge Rd.
PIFFARD PLAYGROUND fish cleaning station. Point
visitors the opportunity to Information: 589-9013,
Located at 3729 East St. Breeze Road.
explore three period cobble- www.cobblestonemuseum. Information: 682-3641.
stone structures set in Vic- org.
Orleans County torian appearance and four
wood structures highlight- Kent
Albion ing 19th century agricultur- MEDINA RAILROAD MUSEUM
al implements and skilled OAK ORCHARD LIGHTHOUSE The largest railroad
COBBLESTONE HISTORIC DISTRICT trades. The museum is open Built in 2002, the light- and toy train museum in
An open-air museum that from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. house is a replica of the one
promotes the study and Wednesday through Friday that was built in 1871 and See PLACES H75
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 75

Wyoming County Chamber and Tourism

Charcoal Corral in Perry offers a variety of crowd-drawing entertainment options beyond its drive-in movie screenings.

Places Wyoming County

From H74 Arcade
New York State features
Step back in time on
a 20-by-14-foot model
the state’s last steam train
train display. Excursions
excursion. Children’s train
available. Open 11 a.m. to
5 p.m. Tuesday to Sunday. every other Friday in July
Open 9:30 a.m. on excur- and August. 278 Main St.
sion days. 530 West Ave. Information: 492-3100,
Information: 798-6106, www.aarailroad.com.
Orleans County Tourism
Cyclists make their way along the Erie Canal in Orleans Bliss
An English horseback www.forrestel.com. but 274 campsites, four Races at 1:30 p.m. Sun-
riding camp for girls. Also miles of hiking and biking days to September; 8 p.m.
offers fine art and textile Waterport trails, fishing along the lake Fridays in August East
arts, woodworking, riflery, front, picnic grounds, a disc Main St.
fishing, archer, mountain LAKESIDE BEACH STATE PARK golf course and playing Information: 322-9008,
biking, tennis, rocketry, Outstanding panoramic fields. Roosevelt Highway. www.blissinternational-
baking, small animal care. view of Lake Ontario and Information: 682-4888, speedway.com.
4536 South Gravel Rd. surrounding farms and fruit www.nysparks.com/
Information: 798-0941, orchards. No swimming, parks/161/details/aspx. See PLACES H76
76 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

Ben Beagle/Livingston County News

Water buffalo find a place to cool off at Hidden Valey Animal Adventure. They are among the many different exotic
species visitors to the animal park are likely to see up close.

Places upland section of the park is

available for hunting in sea-
son by permit. 4229 West
From H75 Lake Rd.
Information: 493-3600,
North Java www.nysparks.com.
AUDUBON CENTER Religious-based organi-
A 324-acre nature pre- zation sponsoring music
serve in North Java. The and arts programs. Features
preserve features its name- concerts, artist workshops,
sake beaver meadow with children’s activities, and
its associated ponds, glacial religious services at a lake-
kettle ponds, wetlands with File Photograph side retreat. 46 Wesley Ave.,
a boardwalk trail, wooded The Silver Lake Institute’s Epworth Hall has been in use Silver Lake.
uplands, meadows, a hawk for more than 125 years. Information: 237-6639,
watch, an arboretum, and www.silverlakeinstitute.
eight miles of marked and Perry, the Arts Council outdoor dining, two drive-in blogspot.com.
groomed trails. 1610 Welch plays host to a busy calen- movie theaters, mini golf,
Road, North Java. dar of art exhibits, classes, concerts and cruise nights. Varysburg
Information: 457-3228, workshops and concerts. 7037 Chapman Rd.
www.buffaloaudubon.org. Additionally the acclaimed Information: 237-5270, HIDDEN VALLEY
Classic Film Series takes www.charcoalcorral.com. ANIMAL ADVENTURE
Perry place upstairs every Thurs- A family-run and oper-
day night in the East Indian Silver Lake ated animal park featuring
ARTS COUNCIL Screening Room. 31 South more than 400 animals and
FOR WYOMING COUNTY Main St. SILVER LAKE STATE PARK 30 different exotic species.
The non-profit has been Information: 237-3517, Provides a boat launch Safari tours start at 10 a.m.
providing arts and cultural www.artswyco.org. facility for boating and fish- each day. Also, a petting
programs to a vast rural ing on the lake. The area zoo. 2887 Royce Road.
community for 40 years. CHARCOAL CORRAL also has picnic facilities Information: (585) 535-
Based in a historic brick A multi-faceted enter- and a comfort station which 4100, www.hiddenvalleyad-
storefront in downtown tainment complex featuring is open year round. The venture.com.
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 77
78 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 79
80 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 81

GLOW region boasts 29 golf courses

The golf season is upon Orleans County
us once again, and there Hickory Ridge Golf
is no shortage of courses and Country Club, 15816
throughout the four-coun- Lynch Road, Holley, 638-
ty GLOW region to play. 4653, www.hickoryridge-
Whether you’re looking golfresort.com
for a quick, 9-hole course, Niagara Orleans Golf
or a more challenging Course, 8981 Telegraph
full round of 18, the right
Road, Gasport, (716) 735-
links are waiting for you.
9000, www.noccgolf.com
Here is a list of golf
Ricci Meadows Golf
courses in each of the four
counties: Course, 1939 Oak
Orchard Road, Albion,
Genesee County Shelridge Country
Batavia Country Club, Club, 10994 Telegraph
7909 Batavia Byron Road, Road, Medina, 798-0391,
Batavia, 343-7600, www. www.shelridgecc.com
bataviacc.com White Birch Golf
Chestnut Hill Country Course, 15154 North
Club, 1330 Broadway, Lyndonville Road, Lyn-
Darien Center, 547-3613, donville, 765-2630
Davis Countryside
Meadows, 11070 Perry Wyoming County
Road, Pavilion, 584-8390,
www.dcmeadows.com Spruce Ridge Golf
Le Roy Country Club, Course, 798 Genesee
7759 East Main Road, Road, Arcade, 492-4122,
768-7330, www.leroycc. www.spruceridgegolf-
com course.com
Meadowbrook Golf Ironwood Golf Course,
Course, 6 Woodland 1964 Folsomdale Road,
Drive, Batava, 343-0837. Cowlesville, 805-0350,
Stafford Country Club, www.playironwood.com
8873 Morganville Road, Quiet Times Golf
Stafford, 343-9109, www. Course, 2220 Stedman
staffordcc.com Road, Attica, 591-1747,
Terry Hills Golf www.quiettimesgolf-
Course, 5122 Clinton course.com
Mark Gutman/The Daily News
Street Road, 343-0860, Silver Lake Country
www.terryhills.com Batavia’s Bryce Reigle chips on to the green during a high Club, 3820 Club Road,
school match in May at Terry Hills Golf Course in Batavia. Perry, 237-0462, www.
com Old Hickory Golf theclubonsilverlake.com
Livingston County Farview Golf Course, Attica Golf Club, 95
Course, 6653 Big Tree
Brae Burn Golf 2419 Avon-Geneseo Road, Bunnell St., Attica, 591-
Road, Livonia, 346-2450, 0133, www.atticagolfclub.
Course, 60 Red Jacket Avon, 226-8210, www.
Street, Dansville, 335- www.theoldhickorygolf- com
farviewgc.com club.com Rolling Acres Golf
8840, www.braeburn1898. Lima Golf & Country
com. Triple Creek Golf Course, 7795 Dewitt
Club, 7470 Chase Road, Road, Pike, 567-8557
Caledonia Country Club, 8793 State Highway
Club, 303 Park Place, Lima, 624-1490, www. Byrncliff Resort, 2357
limagolf.com 408, Nunda, 468-2116,
Caledonia, 538-9956, www.triplecreekclub.com Humphrey Road, Varys-
www.caledoniacountry- Livingston Country burg, 535-7300, www.
club.com Club, 4436 Lakeville Woodlynn Hills Golf byrncliff.com
Conesus Golf Club, 1 Road, Route 20A, Gen- Course, 8780 Route 408, Archie’s Chip-N-Putt,
Pine Alley, Conesus, 346- eseo, 243-4430, www. Nunda, 468-5010, www. 1771 Route 78, Java Cen-
2100, www.conesusgolf. livingstoncc.com woodlynnhills.com ter, 457-9505
82 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide


Take the road less traveled

Orleans County Tourism

et off the beaten path, take the
road less traveled and you won’t
be disappointed!
Orleans County is one of those best-
kept-secrets that our returning visitors
feel a sense of home and would pre-
fer to keep all to themselves. We are
known for our world-class fishing, our
farm fresh produce, award winning
wineries, unique cobblestone and sand-
stone architecture and friendly canal
town culture where creativity thrives.
We invite you to experience our
hometown charm and rich heritage at
the following events.
Enjoy the fruits of our labor every
Saturday morning at the Canal Village
Farmers Market in Medina featuring
epicurean delights from locally grown
produce and botanicals, craft beverages,
locally raised meats and a wide selec-
Paul Czarnecki Photograph via Orleans County Tourism
tion of delicacies. Clarendon Farmers
Market starts June 20 at the Clarendon Several charter services are on hand in Orleans County to help you locate and
Historical Society, including live music land trophy-sized fish in the open waters of Lake Ontario.
and demonstrations along with mar- beverage vendors (July 2-Aug. 6). The on this early 19th century building
ket items from 3:30 to 7 p.m. weekly Village of Holley hosts its Canal Con- style. The Cobblestone Museum recep-
through October. cert Series Friday nights beginning July tion area is on the lower level of the
Annual festivals include the 33rd 12 through Aug. 30. The Village of church and is maintained by The Cob-
annual Strawberry Festival in Albion Lyndonville will host concerts on Mon- blestone Society. One can find pictures
on June 7 and 8. The festival features day evenings starting July 1 and con- and information on cobblestone archi-
an arts and crafts show on the court- tinuing through Aug. 26. A full day of tecture, displays of artifacts relating to
house lawn, live entertainment through- local history, special exhibitions and
music is scheduled at the sixth annual
out historic downtown Albion as well much more.
Rock the Park event Aug. 3 at Bullard
as the parade Saturday morning and The museum acts as the central head-
Chalk the Walk art contest. Lyndon- Park in Albion featuring acoustic acts,
bands, artisans and food vendors. quarters from which visitors disperse
ville kicks off July celebrations at the
Fishing is hot at the Ultimate Fish- to tour the other buildings. Enjoy an
44th Annual Independence Day Fes-
tival featuring a parade, arts and crafts, ing Town of Point Breeze. Several evening of music, art and much more
chicken barbecue, children’s activities, charter services are on hand to help at its third annual “Summer Solstice
duck race and highlighted with a spec- you locate and land the trophy-sized Soirée – A Celtic Celebration” fea-
tacular fireworks display. The Orleans king salmon, brown trout or steelhead turing music in the garden on June 19.
County 4-H Fair will be July 22 to 27 in the open waters of Lake Ontario. For more information, go to www.cob-
at the fairgrounds. For more informa- Compete for big prizes at the Oak blestonemuseum.org.
tion, go to www.orleans4-hfair.com. Orchard (Orleans) Open Tournament, The summer ends with the county-
Several Summer Concert Series are June 8 and 9, the annual LOC Derby wide annual Heritage Festival, Sept.
scheduled starting in June. from June 29 to July 28 or the Orleans 6 to 15 celebrating Orleans County’s
Albion kicks off its series on the Erie County Rotary Derby Aug. 3 to 18. historical significance. For details, go
Canal June 13 and continues to Aug. For more information, visit www.orle- to www.orleansnyheritage.com.
15. Cruise in, by boat, bike or tradi- anscountyfishing.com. ––
tional methods to Point Breeze, just off If history and heritage is your pas- For more information on any of our
events, to locate overnight accommoda-
the Seaway Trail Tuesday Nights for sion, you’ll find plenty of opportunities tions such as a campground or water-
OONA’s 10th Annual Summer Concert in Orleans County! front cottages, visit www.orleanscounty-
Series at the Orleans County Marine The Cobblestone Museum in Childs tourism.com. Follow us on Facebook at
Park featuring live music and food and gathers and disseminates information OrleansCountyTourism.
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 83


Your summer destination for

family fun and outdoor adventure
Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce & Tourism

he lure of Letchworth State Park,
the “Grand Canyon of the East” and
the “No. 1 State Park in the USA”
and “No. 1 New York State Attraction,”
beckons those who love the splendor of
stunning vistas and waterfalls.
Hiking, biking, swimming, whitewater
rafting and hot air ballooning are just some
of the activities at Letchworth.
But there are plenty of other fun activi-
ties and events planned for this summer in
Wyoming County.
Agri-Palooza, a fun-filled day on the
farm, will be from noon to 4 p.m. June 9 at
Sivue Farms in North Java. In addition to
educational displays, farm tours, and chil-
dren’s games and activities, Agri-Palooza
Ben Beagle/Livingston County News
visitors will have an endless variety of
Wyoming County products to check out, A ride through the park at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure in Varysburg
taste and purchase including chips, cheese, brings guests face to face with some of the world’s most exotic animals.
milk, maple products, ice cream and more.
Celebrate America’s independence hol- Start by enjoying Shake on the Lake’s enjoy a delicious dinner of wild game
iday during Jam in the Valley at Buffalo Wyoming County Week rendition of meats at The Trailside Grill.
Hill Village in Varysburg from July 11 to Shakespeare’s “As You Like It” from July Experience the beautiful sweeping coun-
13 with national country recording artists 29 to Aug. 3, including shows along the tryside with a train ride along the Arcade
including Ashley McBryde, Easton Corbin shore of beautiful Silver Lake. and Attica Railroad. The excursion train
and Brothers Osborn — followed by a Don’t miss the Buffalo Philharmonic runs weekends through the summer and
massive fireworks display! Orchestra when it visits the Archery Field this nostalgic train ride is a hit for kids
Want tasty farm fresh produce and in Letchworth State Park on July 27 – young and old. Also, don’t miss the rail-
baked goods? Try a Saturday morning which includes entertainment leading up road’s Civil War Days on Aug. 10 and
farmers’ market in downtown Perry from to the show and fireworks over the gorge 11, featuring exciting Civil War re-enact-
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., or visit the Farm- after their performance. ments.
er & Artisan Market in Warsaw from 2 Wholesome family activities are in full Looking for fast-paced adventure? Look
to 6 p.m. Wednesdays. swing all summer at Charcoal Corral out- no further than the Attica Rodeo. This
On July 13, visit the Tour de Per-RY side Perry. The venue features two drive-in nationally-recognized event takes place
Community Bike Ride, Perry Chalk Art movie screens, pizza parlor, mini-golf, ice Aug. 1 to 4 at the rodeo grounds, 230
Festival and Perry’s Taste of Summer at cream parlor, full-food service, nightly Exchange St., Attica. Experience bronc
the Perry Farmers’ Market. entertainment and music, and classic car
and bull riding, calf roping, barrel racing
For a full list of local growers from shows. Super Cruise nights are scheduled
and team penning.
apples to zucchini, including breweries, the third Thursday of each month, June
through September. New this year is the Wrap up the summer at one of the coun-
farm-to-table restaurants, maple, cheese,
Corral Mining Company, a 40-foot min- ty’s most popular events – the Wyoming
honey producers and more, visit BuyWyo-
mingCountyGrown.com. ing sluice with continuous running water County Fair, Aug. 10 to 17. As always,
Visit Warsaw Valley Fest from July 17 where everyone can mine for gemstones, there will be myriad entertainment options,
to 20 in the village of Warsaw. Stroll along fossils, shark teeth and arrowheads. including county vendors, arts and crafts,
Main Street and enjoy craft vendors, fun Spend a beautiful summer afternoon animals, food, tractor and horse pulls and
events, tasty food, wonderful entertainment riding through the nature park at Hidden so much more.
and much more. Valley Animal Adventure and come face –––
For more information on events, attractions and
Love arts and entertainment? Well, we to face with some of the world’s most to request a free travel guide, call 1 (800) 839-
have plenty of amazing performances for exotic animals – an adventure kids of 3919, email [email protected] or
you to experience! all ages will love. At the end of the tour, visit GoWyomingCountyNY.com.
84 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

Mark Gutman/The (Batavia) Daily News

Shoppers browse some of the available foods at the Genesee County Farmers Market in Batavia.

10 reasons to visit your

local farmers’ market
BY LORRAINE WICHTOWSKI it is fresher, crisper and better for you.
Got a Minute? 2. Supporting your local farmers
and economy. You can help new and
The first crops of the season are smaller farmers be successful and save
sprouting up all over upstate New York. farmland in your area. Furthermore, you
Fresh lettuce, spinach, peas, garlic are supporting your local economy and
scapes and more can be found at road- neighbors.
side stands and farm markets. Such local 3. Fresh fruit and vegetables are full
delicacies are sweet, crisp, and chock of antioxidants and phytonutrients.
full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxi- Phytonutrients are naturally occurring
dants and nutrients. The taste cannot be plant chemicals that keep plants healthy
beat and the price is often below super- and disease free. Those same plant
market numbers. chemicals help humans ward off disease
Nutrition.gov, a website of the U.S. Ben Beagle/Livingston County News and boost immune systems.
Department of Agriculture, lists these Garlic scapes are a popular early sea- 4. It’s a great way to get your kids
top 10 reasons for visiting farm markets son draw at area farmers markets. involved. Farm markets are nature’s
this season: classroom. The littlest ones can learn
1. Freshly picked, in season produce to get there. Every hour that food sits colors and quantities. Preschoolers and
is at its peak in flavor and nutrition. after harvest, it loses nutrients and fla- school-age kiddos can learn vegetable
Produce in most grocery stores has trav- vor. When you buy local, the produce is
eled an average of 1,500 to 2,500 miles often picked the same day, which means See MARKETS H85
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 85

Markets Mount Morris Farmers Market

— Open from noon until 6
p.m., Fridays, now until Sept.
27 at 103 Main St. Accept-
From H84 ing food stamps, WIC, EBT,
FNMP checks, and senior
and fruit names as well as citizen coupons. Information
how to pick out fresh, ripe call Anna Spencer, 910-260-
produce. 1057.
Once you are home, Nunda Area Farmers Market
involve the children in wash- — Open 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
ing, cutting up and preparing Saturdays, now until Oct. 26
the food. When children are at the Government Center,
intersection of State and Mas-
involved in the food prepa- sachusetts streets. For vendor
ration process, they are more information call 314-6128.
likely to eat the meal! Ben Beagle/Livingston County News
5. Supporting your local Springwater Farmers Market
Watt Farms in Albion offered homegrown sweet cherries — Open 3 to 6 p.m. Fridays
farm market strengthens at the Four Corners in Spring-
at the Geneseo Farmers Market on Center Street, Gen-
your community. Meet your eseo, in 2018. water June 7 through Oct. 11.
local farmers, learn about Plants, veggies, berries, fruit,
foods grown in your area and 9. SNAP and WIC ben- Le Roy Farmers Market — baked goods, eggs, honey,
catch up with friends and efits are accepted at some Open 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. herbs, wool, and crafts. No
neighbors while stocking up Saturdays, beginning June 15 fees for vendors, springwater-
farm markets. SNAP is at Trigon Park. Information, farmersmarket.com.
with local goods. According the Supplemental Nutrition (585) 297-2441.
to a 2012 Psychology Today Assistance Program, for-
web article, hanging out with merly known as the Food Bergen Community Farm Mar- ORLEANS COUNTY
peeps in your own communi- Stamp Program. It provides ket — Open 4-7 p.m. June
Canal Village Farmers Market
through October in Hickory
ty fosters a sense of well-be- food-purchasing assistance Park.
— Open 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
ing and belonging. Farm mar- for low- and no-income Saturdays June through Octo-
kets are community-meeting people living in the United ber at 127 W. Center St. in
places. Stop by one, you are LIVINGSTON COUNTY Medina.
bound to run into someone Women, Infants and Chil- Dansville Farmers Market — Kendall Farmers Market —
you know. dren, or WIC, is a federal Open 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Open 3:30-7 p.m. Thursdays
6. Farm markets offer Fridays, now through Oct. 3 at starting the last week in June
assistance program of the until the third Thursday in
foods that align with 50 Maple St. Food stamps,
USDA for healthcare and WIC, EBT, and senior citizen October at Clarendon Histor-
MyPlate guidelines. Visit the nutrition of low-income coupons are accepted. Infor- ical Society on Route 31 in
USDA’s website ChooseMy- pregnant women, breastfeed- mation call, 335-2963. Clarendon.
Plate.gov and buy foods to fit ing women, and infants and
the daily intake recommen- Geneseo Farmers Market —
children younger than 5 years Open 3 to 6:30 p.m. Thurs- WYOMING COUNTY
dations for veggies, fruits, old. days, June 20 to Oct. 17 at
protein and carbs. 10. Farm markets are Perry Farmers Market — Open
Center Street between Main
Visit different booths at the easy to find. Go to: http:// 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sat-
Street and the public parking
urdays, June 15 to Sept. 28
farm market to pick up sea- www.fingerlakeswest.com/ lot drive. Lots of activities, at Perry Festival Plaza, South
sonal fruits and vegetables, eat/farm-markets to find a local vendors and musicians Main St., Perry. Hosts 15 to
and local dairy, grain and will be featured. Information,
listing of Livingston County call Kyli Knickerbocker, 233-
20 vendors, live music and
protein products so you can Farm Markets. In addition, 9856.
other entertainment. Informa-
build your healthy plate. keep your eyes open for local tion, 237-2614, www.perryfar-
7. Farmers often have Lima Farmers Market — Open mersmarket.com.
roadside stands.
recommendations for pre- 3 to 6 p.m. Tuesdays, June
Farmers markets are great 25 until Oct. 22 at 7295
Farmer & Artisan Market at
paring their products. Chat places to support local busi- the Villa — Open 2 to 6 p.m.
West Main St., corner of Wednesdays through Sept.
it up with the local vendors nesses and find fresh foods. Routes 15A, 5 and 20. Infor-
and get their ideas for pre- 25, and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Here’s a look at area markets: mation, call Sue Muehleisen, Sundays, July 7 to Aug. 4 at
paring their produce and 752-9238 or smuehleise@ Artisan Villa, 140 North Main
products. GENESEE COUNTY aol.com. St, Warsaw. Locally-grown
8. You can try a new fruit Genesee County Farmers Mar- Livonia Public Market — Open produce, hand-crafted artisan
or vegetable! Have you ever ket — Open every Tuesday, 9 a.m.-noon, Saturdays, start- items and more. Information,
tasted gooseberries, ground Thursday and Friday from June ing June 15 and continues 786-8766, www.facebook.
cherries or garlic scapes? 9 to Oct. 27 from 9 a.m. to until Oct. 26 at First Presbyte- com/Farm-Artisan-Market-at-
4 p.m. at the corner of Bank rian Church of Livonia, 3837 the-Villa-590415804387690/
Many farm markets offer
Street and Alva Place in the Center St. and Route 20A.
lesser known fruits and veg- city of Batavia. For more infor- Farmer, gardener and certified Lorraine Wichtowski is community
etables, providing a variety health educator at UR Medicine
mation visit Genesee Country kitchen vendors. Information, Noyes Health in Dansville. She writes
that can be both tasty and Farmers’ Market’s Facebook call Ken Schoonover, 233- a weekly column, “Got a Minute?,” for
nutritious. page. 9611. The Livingston County News.
86 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

Ben Beagle/Livingston County News

Battle Street Brewery in Dansville is a contemporary brewery in a vintage train depot.

GLOW region is brewing

its own beverage trails
BY BEN BEAGLE ies begin operations. Four Livingston County also have NY: Named after the famous
[email protected] winners were named on St. wineries. Deer Run Winery 19th Century brewer Eli Fish,
the restaurant and brewery
Patrick’s Day 2017, and the on Conesus Lake in Geneseo opened in 2018 as a collab-
Pop into one of Livingston county’s economic devel- and Eagle Crest Winery on oration between Jon Mager
County’s eight craft brew- opment office worked with Hemlock Lake have both and Matthew Gray. 109 Main
eries or wineries and you’ll three additional breweries to earned awards in international St., Batavia. Information: 815-
likely encounter visitors who further their business plans. competitions. 0401, www.elifishbrewing.com
have just come from another, This summer eight stops The Niagara Wine Trail MIDGARD WINERY: We began
or are planning the next stop are available as part of the has grown to include loca- as beekeepers producing
on their itinerary. “Livingston Libation Loop.” tions in Orleans County. unfiltered unheated natural
“People come into Morta- Genesee, Orleans and Here’s a look at GLOW raw honey. For many years we
lis, and say they’re heading never even considered using
Wyoming counties are also region wineries and brewers: our honey to make mead
next to Dublin Corners, or establishing their own selec- because we had tried other
that they’ve just come from tion of wineries, craft brewer- GENESEE COUNTY meads and were uninterested.
Rising Storm. It’s doing ies and ciderworks. AUTUMN MOON FARM WIN- Michael’s cousin however had
exactly what we hoped it The GLOW region finds ERY: Born out of a love other plans. Tony had been
would do,” said Bill Bacon, itself a short drive away of wine and wine making, a home winemaker for many
director of Livingston County Autumn Moon Farm Winery years, he convinced us to
from both Finger Lakes and make a batch of honey wine
Economic Development. is the first winery and tasting
Niagara wine countries, two room in Genesee County. using our honey. It turned out
Two years ago, the “Brew regions of New York State What started as a hobby better than expected. 541
In Livingston” business com- known worldwide for distinc- has grown into a family run Bell Rd., Corfu. Information:
petition sought to create a tive tastes. business. 7585 West Bergen 713-4535, www.midgardwin-
craft beer trail in Livingston Finger Lakes Wine Coun- Rd., Bergen. Information: 494- ery.com
County by providing grant try is centered around Cayu- 6000, www.autumnmoonwin- ROGERS BREWING: Al Rogers
funding and low-interest ga, Keuka and Seneca lakes. ery.com
loans to help craft brewer- The two little Finger Lakes in ELI FISH BREWING COMPA-
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 87
88 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 89
90 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

Scavenger hunt to feature Geneseo doors

GENESEO – Stroll the vil- tions – through the pictures of
lage streets, enjoy the summer doors – as you can.
weather, test your powers of Free booklets of the photo-
observation and you could graphs are available in Gen-
win a prize. eseo at Sundance Books, 106
The Association for the Main St.; Touch of Grayce,
Preservation of Geneseo,
or APOG is having a Photo 65 Main St.; Florence’s Per-
Scavenger Hunt this summer petual Estate Sale, 133 Main
with cash prizes. St.; and Wadsworth Library,
To participate, pick up a 24 Center St.
hunt booklet and then try to The deadline to enter is
identify as many of the loca- Sept. 19.
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 91
92 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

Drink award-winning producer of

artisanal wines and ciders.
10609 Ridge Rd., Medi-
na. Info: 318-4418, www.
From H86 oakeswinery.com
founded Rogers Brewing on a SCHWENK WINE CELLARS:
small scale before contacting From the famed wine
CB Craft Brewers in Honeoye regions of Germany to a
Falls to have them brew and small family-owned vineyard
bottle his recipes for him. and winery in Western New
When the operation became York, the award-winning
too big, he partnered with wines of Schwenk Wine
three others, including Marc Cellars beckon experienced
Marcello, who owns 58 Main wine lovers and those new
BBQ in Brockport and The to the adventure. 1456 Bills
Smokin’ Eagle in Le Roy. The Rd., Kent. Information: 682-
brewery, which offers beers 4629, www.schwenkwinecel-
named after dogs, is based lars.com
at 7 Main St., Le Roy. Infor-
mation: 730-3695, http://
cidery offers a traditional Wyoming County bar was
cider and a raspberry hard converted into the county’s
cider. The website states: first brew pub featuring
“Our grandfather’s recipe, in-house brewed craft beer
along with being crafted in and pub fare. 44 North Main
a time-honored slow, cold- St., Warsaw. Information:
aged wood barrel process, 786-3559, http://www.
has created a classic hard amberlanternbrewingcompa-
cider with a smooth finish.” ny.com/
Ben Beagle/Livingston County News
6885 Warboys Road, Byron.
Information: 794-3707, black- A growler from Silver Lake Brewing Project is seen with a WINDY BREW: Windy Brew
creekcidery.com glass containing hops used in the brewing process. opened in 2017 by Bill and
Michelle Snyder on Route
EAGLE CREST VINEYARDS: Jeff Riedl and Bill Blake offer 20A in Sheldon. It is named
LIVINGSTON COUNTY On Hemlock Lake, it is the a range of IPAs and other after the wind turbines that
second oldest continually varieties such as a stout, a can be found nearby. One
operating winery in New York, wheat beer and a sour beer, feature about Windy Brews
Doug and Thomas Acomb,
producing 100 percent pure and a cider. 5750 South not common in other brew-
took an abandoned 1870s
grape wine. Eagle Crest was Lima Rd., Avon. Information: eries is their space to have
train depot and renovated and
founded in 1872. 7102 Vine- 572-3009, www.risingstorm- you brew your own beer. The
restored it to make a contem-
yard Rd., Conesus. Informa- brewing.com idea being that you show
porary brewery with a vintage tion: 346-2321, www.eaglec-
railroad feel. They also serve up, use their equipment to
restvineyards.com. OLD STUMP BLOWER CIDER-
wine, cider, and food. 4 Battle make a beer, and then leave
WORKS: They use a 50-year-
St., Dansville. Information: MORTALIS BREWING COMPA- it there to ferment. When
old family recipe, with New
432-2337, www.battlestreet- NY: The brewers seek to cre- you come back to get it, you
York State apples and other have a keg full of beer. 733
brewery.com. ate a range of delicious and local ingredients, to bring
unconventional beers – nearly Route 20A, Strykersville.
DEER RUN WINERY: A fami- the first ciderworks to Living- Information: 805-4006,
a dozen are on tap – and pro- ston County. 5901 Big Tree
ly-owned winery on Conesus viding patrons with a relaxed http://www.windybrews.com
Lake producing award-winning Rd., Lakeville. Information:
tasting room experience. They 346-7027, www.osbcider- SILVER LAKE BREWING
wines. 3772 West Lake Rd., also offer food, red and white
Geneseo. Information: 346- works.com. PROJECT: Before Silver Lake
wines, cider, and non-alcoholic Brewing Project’s opened
0850, www.deerrunwinery. beverages. 5660 Tec Drive,
com. in 2017, the building had
Avon. Information: 438-4200, ORLEANS COUNTY been a movie house, a lun-
DUBLIN CORNERS FARM www.mortalisbrewing.com/ 810 MEADWORKS: This cheonette, a horse stable
BREWERY: Livingston Coun- NO BS BREW COMPANY: meadery’s tasting bar is and most recently a print
ty’s first craft brewery is on a Benjamin and Steve – the B in a former shirt factory in shop. As for the beer, SLBP
fifth-generation family farm. and the S of the business Medina. It is owned by Bryan is into rustic farmhouse
Owners Heather and Justin – offer more than a dozen and Larissa DeGraw, who beer styles, and beers with
Grant are in the process of beers from their location at moved to Western New York bold but clean American
developing a second location the north end of Conesus to be closer to family. 113 flavor profiles. Be on the
in Geneseo that could be Lake. 3474 Bronson Hill West Center St., Medina. lookout for beers that offer
open this summer. Primary Rd., Livonia. Information: Information: 542-9810, a nod to changes of season,
location: 1906 Main St., Lin- 346-6278, www.bsbrewcom- http://810meadworks.com harvest time, and use local-
wood. Tap Room: 116 Main pany.com ly-sourced ingredients. 14
St., Geneseo (in develop- LEONARD OAKES ESTATE Borden Ave., Perry. Informa-
ment). Information: 538-4796, RISING STORM BREWING WINERY: Established in tion: 969-4238, www.silver-
www.dublincornersfarm.com/ COMPANY: With 12 taps 2003, the winery is an lakebrewingproject.com
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 93

Races require pedal power or fleet feet

Whether on wheels or by
foot there are a variety of races
offered in the Genesee Valley
for those who are powerful of
the pedal or fleet of feet. Here’s
a look at selected races:

Bike Races
July 13 – Tour de Perry:
Sponsored by the Arc of Liv-
ingston-Wyoming, riders can
choose from three different
routes. The Loop de Lake is
17 miles of mostly flat riding
around Silver Lake and sur-
rounding countryside. This is a
family friendly ride. The Loop de
Longer will bring riders 31 miles
and spans portions of the Loop
de Lake and the Tour’s longest
ride, the Letchworth Loop. The
Letchworth Loop will take riders
53 miles with about 3,000 feet
of elevation climb up and down
the hills of Wyoming County and
Letchworth State Park. Rides
are fully supported with stocked Benjamin Gajewski Photograph
rest stops along the route. Rid-
ers will start and finish at Perry The Oak Tree races in Geneseo take runners past nature preserves and down the vil-
Village Park. For more informa- lage’s historic Main Street. The race is a benefit for the Genesee Valley Conservancy.
tion, go online to /lwarc.org/ or Held on a closed airport runway, contact: yorkvfest5k@gmail. seevalleyconservancy.org/race;
bikereg.com/tour-de-perry/. com.
the course offers six turns, half-marathon registration is
July 27 – The Rock Fondo: At including the legendary hairpin. $48 starting, $50 after June
Spectators will be able see the Aug. 11 – “Dam” Good Trail
Deer Run Winery, 3772 West Race: A 14-mile off-road run- 30; 5K registration is $20, $23
Lake Rd., Geneseo. Part of the entire race at all times from after June 30. Online registra-
the start/finish area while also ning race along the Letchworth
American Rock Salt Race Week- Branch of the Finger Lakes Trail tion closes on Aug. 31. All pro-
end, the Rock Fondo offers rid- enjoying locally brewed craft ceeds support Genesee Valley
beer from the Amber Lantern beginning and ending at Mount
ers of all abilities the chance to Morris Dam and Recreation Conservancy. Info: oaktree@
tour scenic roads and take on and Silver Lake Brewing, food geneseevalleyconservancy.org.
from Vertical Cafe, barbecue Area, 6103 Visitor Center Rd.
epic challenges. The event is Race starts at 8:30 a.m. Regis-
non-competitive but has timed from Smokin’ in the Valley, and Sept. 7 – Glen Iris 5K Run/
professional announcers, a tration: ultrasignup.com.
results, rest stops, timed Stra- Walk: Race begins at Trout
va segments on some routes stadium-like event for fans and A portion of the registration will Pond in Letchworth State Park,
and a post-ride party at Deer racers alike. The closed runway be donated to the Finger Lakes registration at 7:30 a.m. with
Run Winery. makes for a safe course that Trail Conference to support, the race beginning at 9 a.m. 5K
has no traffic, guardrails, curbs, protect, and enhance portions registration ranges from $20
There are five different routes telephone polls or other obsta- of the Finger Lakes Trail.
riders can choose from. The online/$30 day of race. Post
cles that make criterium racing race celebration at Trailside
most challenging, the Mixed dangerous. For information, go Aug. 17 – Metro 10 Race: The
Surface Epic, is 90 miles long, fourth annual Metro 10 pits two Lodge will include food com-
online to bikereg.com/therock/.
includes 6,800 feet of elevation unique running communities pliments of the Glen Iris Inn
gain and three rest stops. The (Rochester and Buffalo) against (wrap, choice of fruit, and one
easiest route, the Lake Tour, Foot Races each other in a friendly compe- of their famous brownies), bev-
is 19 miles long, includes 500 tition. Choose the city closest erages, music and the awards
feet of elevation gain and one July 27 – York Valley Fest 5K to your heart. The 2019 event ceremony. Participants over the
rest stop. The fondo runs from Run and Family Fun Run: includes a 10- or 5-mile option.
Begins at 9 a.m. at York Cen- age of 21 are welcome to bring
noon to 9 p.m. For a full race Information: www.metro10race. adult beverages for personal
schedule, go online to ridelcc. tral School, 2578 Genesee com. Sign up at runsignup.com.
St., and ends at the school consumption to the post-race
com/the-rock-fondo/. celebration. More information
track. Check-in starts at 8 a.m. Sept. 1 – Oak Tree Half Mara-
July 28 – Airport Criterium: At Registration: yorkvalleyfest. thon and 5K Run/Walk: Half can be found at gleniris5k.
the Perry-Warsaw Airport, 6522 com: $20 for students; $25 marathon begins at 8 a.m. itsyourrace.com Race Director:
Perry Ave., Perry. Part of the for individuals; $65 for family with the 5K beginning at 8:20 Paul Beatty, (716) 998-5777,
American Rock Salt Race Week- (three or more) by 5 p.m. July a.m.; both start near Geneseo pbeatty@racemanagementsolu-
end, the Rock Fondo will run 26. T-shirts for all who register Central School (4050 Avon tions.com or pbeatty@iRunWNY.
from 1 to 7 p.m. online by July 21. Race director Rd.). Registration: www.gene- com.
94 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 95
96 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 97
98 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 99
100 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

Find a universe of stories at your library

Public libraries across WADSWORTH LIBRARY: 24
New York encourage read- Center St., Geneseo; 243-
0440; www.wadslib.com
ing through the Summer
Reading at New York
Libraries program. In 2019, ORLEANS COUNTY
children and teens will be COMMUNITY FREE
invited to discover the joys LIBRARY: 86 Public Square,
of summer reading and Holley; 638-6987; www.hol-
libraries through “A Uni- leylibrary.org
verse of Stories.” LEE-WHEDON MEMORIAL
Experts in the fields of LIBRARY: 620 West Ave.,
child brain development Medina; 798-3430; www.
and reading research agree
that literacy skills develop HOAG LIBRARY: 134 Souyh
early and are strengthened Main St., Albion; 589-4246;
when children read during www.hoaglibrary.org
the summer months. Sum- YATES COMMUNITY
mer Reading at New York LIBRARY: 15 North Main
Libraries reaches families St., Lyndonville; 765-9041;
with children from birth
through age 18.
Many libraries in Gen- WYOMING COUNTY
esee, Livingston, Orleans ARCADE FREE LIBRARY:
and Wyoming counties 365 West Main St., Arcade;
use the state’s theme as a 492-1297; http://owwl.org/
model to create their own library/arcade
summer adventures for tod- CORDELIA A. GREENE
dlers through adults. LIBRARY: 11 South Main
The programs are about St., Castile; 493-5466;
more than books. Activities castile
include craft programs,
concerts and performances. Many libraries in Genesee, Livingston, Orleans and Wy- EAGLE FREE LIBRARY: 3413
oming counties use the state library’s summer reading School St., Bliss; 322-
The multi-week sessions theme as a model to create their own summer adventures 7701; www.eaglefreelibrary.
run through summer. Some for toddlers through adults. org
programs require regis-
LIBRARY: 3 North Pearl St., 16 East St., Nunda; 468- LIBRARY: 10 Church St.,
underway or will start Silver Springs; 493-2970;
Oakfield; 948-9900; www. 2266; www.bellmemorialli-
soon. Many will allow you haxtonlibrary.org brary.weebly.com www.facebook.com/townof-
to join through the sum- gainesvillepubliclibrary
LIBRARY: 5 Woodrow Drive, Main St., Caledonia; 538- PERRY PUBLIC LIBRARY: 70
Here’s a list of area Pavilion; 584-8843; http:// North Main St., Perry; 237-
4512; www.caledonialibrary.
libraries, with contact www.niogalibrary.org/pav. 2243; www.perry.pls-net.org
information (area codes html PIKE LIBRARY: 65 Main St.,
are 585”), so you can find DANSVILLE PUBLIC
RICHMOND MEMORIAL Pike; 493-5900; www.pike-
information about each LIBRARY: 200 Main St.,
LIBRARY: 19 Ross St., library.us
library’s summer programs, Dansville; 335-6720; www.
Batavia; 343-9550; www. dansvillelibrary.org STEVENS MEMORIAL COM-
and other activities the batavialibrary.org MUNITY LIBRARY: 146
libraries routinely offer: LIMA PUBLIC LIBRARY: Main St., Attica; 591-2733;
WOODWARD MEMORIAL 1872 Genesee St., Lima;
LIBRARY: 7 Wolcott St., Le owwl.org/library/attica
GENESEE COUNTY 582-1311; www.lima.pls-
Roy; 768-8300; www.wood- net.org/ WARSAW PUBLIC LIBRARY:
BYRON-BERGEN PUBLIC wardmemoriallibrary.org 130 North Main St., War-
LIBRARY: 13 South Lake LIVONIA PUBLIC LIBRARY: saw; 786-5650; http://war-
Ave., Bergen; 494-1120; 2 Washington St., Livonia; sawpubliclibrary.org/
www.byron-bergenpublicli- 346-3450; www.livoniali-
brary.org brary.org WYOMING FREE CIRCULAT-
7 Maple Ave., Corfu; 599- Genesee St., Avon; 226- 121 Main St., Mount Mor- St., Wyoming; 495-6840;
3321; www.corfufreelibrary. 8461; http://owwl.org/ ris; 658-4412; http://owwl. http://owwl.org/library/
org library/avon org/library/mtmorris wyoming
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 101

Darien Lake theme park

adds state’s tallest thrill ride
Six Flags Darien Lake is
going to new heights this
The park, which already
has the state’s tallest roller
coaster, is adding the state’s
tallest thrill ride to its
arsenal. The Six Flags Sky-
screamer, a spinning swings
ride, will tower above the
park at 242 feet in height,
or 34 feet taller than the
Ride of Steel roller coaster.
“It’s the sheer magni-
tude of the ride, being the
highest structure at Darien
Lake,” Six Flags Darien
Lake President Chris Thor-
pe said. “It will be a new
signature ride and a beacon
of the Six Flags brand for
the Western New York
market. It’s exciting.”
The summer season also
sees the rebranding of the
park as Six Flags Darien
Lake, after being purchased
by the Six Flags chain in
May 2018.
“Six Flags is a world-re-
nowned leader in thrills WikiMedia Commons
and innovation and we are The Six Flags SkyScreamer, which is featured at several theme parks in the Six Flags
delighted to return the Six chain, swings riders around a 242-foot-tall tower structure. The ride debuts this summer
Flags name to our park,” at Six Flags Darien Lake, where it will be the tallest thrill ride in New York State.
Thorpe said in a news
release. “Our new Six Flags ride, which was approach- ––– added Time Machine, a pen-
ing 20 years old. INFORMATION: Six Flags dulum ride with a 20-passen-
SkyScreamer is a dramat- Darien Lake, 9993 Allegheny ger gondola that swings rid-
ic, unique addition to our As part of the park’s
Rd., Darien Center. www.
lineup of thrilling rides and rebranding, guests will be darienlake.com, 599-4641.
ers in synchronized motions.
attractions.” greeted by a revamped main Information: 323-1900 or
The Six Flags Sky- gate area with a new digital seabreeze.com.
Screamer, which shares pylon and a new Six Flags What else is new n Martin’s Fantasy
the name with several Darien Lake entrance sign. Here’s a quick look at Island, 2400 Grand Island
similar rides in other Six The park will be open what’s new at other nearby Blvd., Grand Island, will
Flags parks, will send 32 until Oct. 27. amusement parks debut Dragon’s Flight, a fam-
thrill-seekers 24 stories For a height comparison n Seabreeze Amusement ily roller coaster this summer.
into the air while spinning among other New York Park, 4600 Culver Rd., Information: (716) 773-7591
riders in a 98-foot circule at State attractions: Niagara Rochester, is adding two or fantasyislandny.com.
speeds of up to 35 miles per Falls is 167 feet tall, the new water slides to its Soak n Roseland Water
hour. At night, the ride’s Statue of Liberty is 305 feet Zone water park. Twister is Park, 250 Eastern Blvd.,
bold, synchronized illumi- tall, the cliffs in Letchworth an open slide, and Pipeline Canandaigua. The water park
nation patterns will light up Gorge at Letchworth State will be enclosed. The park is includes a wakeboarding
the sky. Park are up to 550 feet in also update its Cirque en Vol attraction. Information: 396-
The SkyScreamer will hieght, and the Empire State show with new routines and 2000 or roselandwaterpark.
replace the Twister thrill Building is 1,250 feet tall. acrobatics. In 2017, the park com.
102 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

‘Cops for Kids Day’ builds relationships

Sometimes, seeing a deputy ment officer as a regular zoo, face painting, balloon when, on Aug. 5, children
of police officer in full uni- human being. ladies, and bounce houses. were treated to a day of fun
form can be intimidating for This year’s event is sched- This event is sponsored by and food at the park. Those
a child. uled from noon to 4 p.m. June the Livingston County Coali- first events were funded by
So “Cops for Kids Day” 8 at Long Point Park, West tion of Patrol Services, which the Livingston County Deputy
was created to help ease those Lake Road, Geneseo. resurrected the event in 2010. Sheriff’s Association.
fears. Everything is free for chil- The history of “Cops for For more information, con-
Deputies assist at the event, dren (while supplies last) Kids Day” at Long Point Park tact Deputy Phyllis Applin at
but in a more casual setting including popcorn, hot dogs goes back to as early as 1959 243-7132.
without uniforms so that chil- and pizza. Children can enjoy
dren can see a law enforce- karaoke, pony rides, petting
Summer Guide • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 103
104 • Thursday, June 6, 2019 • Summer Guide

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