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ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.

0 (2019-05)


User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception;
Part 3: Range 1 and Range 2 Interworking operation with other
(3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15)
3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 1 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)




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3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 3 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Intellectual Property Rights ................................................................................................................................2
Modal verbs terminology....................................................................................................................................2
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................10
2 References ..............................................................................................................................................10
3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations .................................................................................................10
3.1 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
3.2 Symbols ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
3.3 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................................... 11
4 General ...................................................................................................................................................12
4.1 Relationship between minimum requirements and test requirements .............................................................. 12
4.2 Applicability of minimum requirements .......................................................................................................... 12
4.3 Specification suffix information ....................................................................................................................... 13
5 Operating bands and channel arrangement.............................................................................................13
5.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 13
5.2 Operating bands................................................................................................................................................ 13
5.2A Operating bands for CA ................................................................................................................................... 14
5.2A.1 Inter-band CA between FR1 and FR2......................................................................................................... 14
5.2B Operating bands for DC ................................................................................................................................... 14
5.2B.1 General........................................................................................................................................................ 14
5.2B.2 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC .................................................................................................................... 14
5.2B.2.1 EN-DC .................................................................................................................................................. 14
5.2B.3 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC ............................................................................................................. 15
5.2B.3.1 EN-DC .................................................................................................................................................. 15
5.2B.3.2 Void....................................................................................................................................................... 15
5.2B.4 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1.................................................................................................................... 16
5.2B.4.1 EN-DC (two bands)............................................................................................................................... 16
5.2B.4.2 EN-DC (three bands)............................................................................................................................. 19
5.2B.4.3 EN-DC (four bands) .............................................................................................................................. 23
5.2B.4.4 EN-DC (five bands) .............................................................................................................................. 26
5.2B.4.5 EN-DC (six bands) ................................................................................................................................ 26
5.2B.5 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2 ............................................................................................................... 27
5.2B.5.1 EN-DC (two bands)............................................................................................................................... 27
5.2B.5.2 EN-DC (three bands)............................................................................................................................. 29
5.2B.5.3 EN-DC (four bands) .............................................................................................................................. 31
5.2B.5.4 EN-DC (five bands) .............................................................................................................................. 31
5.2B.6 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2 ........................................................................................ 32
5.2B.6.1 Void....................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.2B.6.2 EN-DC (three bands)............................................................................................................................. 32
5.2B.6.3 EN-DC (four bands) .............................................................................................................................. 32
5.2B.6.4 EN-DC (five bands) .............................................................................................................................. 33
5.2B.6.5 EN-DC (six bands) ................................................................................................................................ 33
5.2B.7 Inter-band NR-DC between FR1 and FR2 .................................................................................................. 33
5.2B.7.1 NR-DC (two bands) .............................................................................................................................. 33
5.3 UE Channel bandwidth .................................................................................................................................... 33
5.3A UE Channel bandwidth for CA ........................................................................................................................ 33
5.3A.1 Inter-band CA between FR1 and FR2......................................................................................................... 33
5.3B UE Channel bandwidth for EN-DC .................................................................................................................. 33
5.3B.1 Intra-band EN-DC in FR1........................................................................................................................... 34
5.3B.1.1 General .................................................................................................................................................. 34
5.3B.1.2 BCS for Intra-band contiguous EN-DC ................................................................................................ 34
5.3B.1.3 BCS for Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC ......................................................................................... 35

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5.4 Channel arrangement ........................................................................................................................................ 36

5.4A Channel arrangement for CA............................................................................................................................ 36
5.4B Channel arrangement for DC............................................................................................................................ 36
5.4B.1 Channel spacing for intra-band EN-DC carriers ......................................................................................... 36
5.5 Configuration ................................................................................................................................................... 37
5.5A Configuration for CA ....................................................................................................................................... 37
5.5A.1 Inter-band CA configurations between FR1 and FR2 ........................................................................... 37
5.5B Configuration for DC ....................................................................................................................................... 39
5.5B.1 General........................................................................................................................................................ 39
5.5B.2 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC .................................................................................................................... 39
5.5B.3 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC ............................................................................................................. 39
5.5B.4 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1.................................................................................................................... 41
5.5B.4.1 Inter-band EN-DC configurations within FR1 (two bands) .................................................................. 41
5.5B.4.2 Inter-band EN-DC configurations within FR1 (three bands) ................................................................ 45
5.5B.4.3 Inter-band EN-DC configurations within FR1 (four bands) ................................................................. 52
5.5B.4.4 Inter-band EN-DC configurations within FR1 (five bands) .................................................................. 58
5.5B.4.5 Inter-band EN-DC configurations within FR1 (six bands) ................................................................... 62
5.5B.5 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2 ............................................................................................................... 62
5.5B.5.1 Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR2 (two bands) ............................................................. 63
5.5B.5.2 Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR2 (three bands) ........................................................... 69
5.5B.5.3 Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR2 (four bands)............................................................. 74
5.5B.5.4 Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR2 (five bands) ............................................................. 78
5.5B.5.5 Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR2 (six bands)............................................................... 81
5.5B.6 Inter-band EN-DC including FR1 and FR2 ................................................................................................ 81
5.5B.6.1 Void....................................................................................................................................................... 82
5.5B.6.2 Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR1 and FR2 (three bands) ............................................. 82
5.5B.6.3 Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR1 and FR2 (four bands) .............................................. 87
5.5B.6.4 Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR1 and FR2 (five bands) .............................................. 88
5.5B.6.5 Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR1 and FR2 (six bands) ................................................ 89
5.5B.7 Inter-band NR-DC between FR1 and FR2 .................................................................................................. 90
5.5B.7.1 Inter-band NR-DC configurations between FR1 and FR2 (two bands) ................................................ 90
6 Transmitter characteristics .....................................................................................................................92
6.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 92
6.2 Transmitter power ............................................................................................................................................ 92
6.2A Transmitter power for CA ................................................................................................................................ 92
6.2A.1 UE maximum output power for CA............................................................................................................ 92
6.2A.1.1 Inter-band CA between FR1 and FR2 ................................................................................................... 92
6.2A.2 UE maximum output power reduction for CA............................................................................................ 92
6.2A.2.1 Inter-band CA between FR1 and FR2 ................................................................................................... 92
6.2A.3 UE additional maximum output power reduction for CA ........................................................................... 92
6.2A.4 Configured output power for CA ................................................................................................................ 92
6.2A.4.1 Configured output power level .............................................................................................................. 92
6.2A.4.2 ΔTIB,c for CA ......................................................................................................................................... 93
6.2A.4.2.1 ΔTIB,c for Inter-band CA between FR1 and FR2 ............................................................................. 93
6.2B Transmitter power for DC ................................................................................................................................ 93
6.2B.1 UE maximum output power for EN-DC ..................................................................................................... 93
6.2B.1.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC .............................................................................................................. 93
6.2B.1.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC ....................................................................................................... 94
6.2B.1.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1 .............................................................................................................. 94
6.2B.1.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2 ......................................................................................................... 98
6.2B.1.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2 .................................................................................. 98
6.2B.2 UE maximum output power reduction for EN-DC ..................................................................................... 98
6.2B.2.0 General .................................................................................................................................................. 98
6.2B.2.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC .............................................................................................................. 98
6.2B.2.1.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 98
6.2B.2.1.2 MPR for power class 3 and power class 2 ....................................................................................... 99
6.2B.2.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC ....................................................................................................... 99
6.2B.2.2.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 99
6.2B.2.2.2 MPR for power class 3 and power class 2 ..................................................................................... 100
6.2B.2.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1 ............................................................................................................ 100
6.2B.2.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2 ....................................................................................................... 100

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6.2B.2.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2 ................................................................................ 101
6.2B.3 UE additional maximum output power reduction for EN-DC .................................................................. 101
6.2B.3.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC ............................................................................................................ 101
6.2B.3.1.0 General .......................................................................................................................................... 101
6.2B.3.1.1 A-MPR for DC_(n)71AA .............................................................................................................. 101
6.2B.3.1.2 A-MPR for NS_04 ......................................................................................................................... 102
6.2B.3.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC ..................................................................................................... 104
6.2B.3.2.0 General .......................................................................................................................................... 104
6.2B.3.2.1 A-MPR for NS_04 ......................................................................................................................... 105
6.2B.3.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1 ............................................................................................................ 106
6.2B.3.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2 ....................................................................................................... 106
6.2B.3.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2 ................................................................................ 106
6.2B.4 Configured output power for EN-DC ....................................................................................................... 106
6.2B.4.1 Configured output power level ............................................................................................................ 106
6.2B.4.1.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC ....................................................................................................... 106
6.2B.4.1.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC................................................................................................ 110
6.2B.4.1.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2 ................................................................................................. 114
6.2B.4.1.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2 ........................................................................... 114
6.2B.4.2 ΔTIB,c for EN-DC ................................................................................................................................ 114
6.2B.4.2.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC ....................................................................................................... 114
6.2B.4.2.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC................................................................................................ 114
6.2B.4.2.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1 ...................................................................................................... 115
6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC two bands .................................................................................................... 115
6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC three bands .................................................................................................. 118
6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC four bands ................................................................................................... 124
6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC five bands .................................................................................................... 130
6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC six bands ..................................................................................................... 133
6.2B.4.2.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2 ................................................................................................. 133
6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC two bands .................................................................................................... 133
6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC three bands .................................................................................................. 133
6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC four bands ................................................................................................... 133
6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC five bands .................................................................................................... 133
6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC six bands ..................................................................................................... 134
6.2B.4.2.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2 ........................................................................... 134
6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC three bands .................................................................................................. 134
6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC four bands ................................................................................................... 134
6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC five bands .................................................................................................... 134
6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC six bands ..................................................................................................... 134
6.2B.5 Configured output power for NR-DC ....................................................................................................... 134
6.2B.5.1 Configured output power level ............................................................................................................ 134
6.2B.5.1.1 Inter-band NR-DC between FR1 and FR2 .................................................................................... 134
6.3 Output power dynamics.................................................................................................................................. 134
6.3A Output power dynamics for CA ..................................................................................................................... 135
6.3B Output power dynamics for DC ..................................................................................................................... 135
6.3B.0 General...................................................................................................................................................... 135
6.3B.1 Output power dynamics for EN-DC with UL sharing from UE perspective ............................................ 135
6.3B.1.1 E-UTRA and NR switching time mask for TDM based UL sharing from UE perspective ................ 135
6.3B.2 Output power dynamics for intra-band EN-DC without dual PA capability ............................................ 136
6.3B.3 Output power dynamics for intra-band EN-DC with dual PA capability ................................................. 137
6.4 Transmit signal quality ................................................................................................................................... 138
6.4A Transmit signal quality for CA ....................................................................................................................... 138
6.4A.1 Frequency error for CA............................................................................................................................. 138
6.4A.2 Transmit modulation quality for CA......................................................................................................... 138
6.4B Transmit signal quality for DC ....................................................................................................................... 138
6.4B.2 Transmit modulation quality for EN-DC .................................................................................................. 139
6.4B.2.1 Transmit modulation quality for Intra-band contiguous EN-DC ........................................................ 139
6.4B.2.1.1 Error Vector Magnitude................................................................................................................. 139
6.4B.2.1.2 Carrier leakage............................................................................................................................... 139
6.4B.2.1.3 In-band emissions .......................................................................................................................... 139
6.4B.2.2 Transmit modulation quality for Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC ................................................. 139
6.4B.2.2.1 Error Vector Magnitude................................................................................................................. 139
6.4B.2.2.2 Carrier leakage............................................................................................................................... 139

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6.4B.2.2.3 In-band emissions .......................................................................................................................... 139

6.5 Output RF spectrum emissions ....................................................................................................................... 140
6.5A Output RF spectrum emissions for CA........................................................................................................... 140
6.5A.1 Occupied bandwidth for CA ..................................................................................................................... 140
6.5A.2 Out-of-band emissions for CA .................................................................................................................. 140
6.5A.3 Spurious emissions for CA ....................................................................................................................... 141
6.5A.3.1 Inter-band CA between FR1 and FR2 ................................................................................................. 141
6.5B Output RF spectrum emissions for DC........................................................................................................... 141
6.5B.1 Occupied bandwidth for EN-DC .............................................................................................................. 141
6.5B.2 Out-of-band emissions for EN-DC ........................................................................................................... 142
6.5B.2.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC ............................................................................................................ 142
6.5B.2.1.1 Spectrum emissions mask .............................................................................................................. 142
6.5B.2.1.2 Additional spectrum emissions mask ............................................................................................ 142
6.5B. Requirements for network signalled value "NS_35" ............................................................... 142
6.5B. Requirements for network signalled value "NS_04" ............................................................... 143
6.5B.2.1.3 Adjacent channel leakage ratio ...................................................................................................... 143
6.5B.2.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC ..................................................................................................... 144
6.5B.2.2.1 Spectrum emissions mask .............................................................................................................. 144
6.5B.2.2.2 Additional spectrum emissions mask ............................................................................................ 144
6.5B.2.2.3 Adjacent channel leakage ratio ...................................................................................................... 144
6.5B.2.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1 ............................................................................................................ 144
6.5B.2.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2 ....................................................................................................... 144
6.5B.2.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2 ................................................................................ 144
6.5B.3 Spurious emissions for EN-DC................................................................................................................. 144
6.5B.3.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC ............................................................................................................ 144
6.5B.3.1.1 General spurious emissions ........................................................................................................... 144
6.5B.3.1.2 Spurious emission band UE co-existence ...................................................................................... 144
6.5B.3.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC ..................................................................................................... 145
6.5B.3.2.1 General spurious emissions ........................................................................................................... 145
6.5B.3.2.2 Spurious emission band UE co-existence ...................................................................................... 145
6.5B.3.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1 ............................................................................................................ 146
6.5B.3.3.2 Spurious emission band UE co-existence ...................................................................................... 146
6.5B.3.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2 ....................................................................................................... 155
6.5B.3.4.1 Spurious emission band UE co-existence ...................................................................................... 156
6.5B.3.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2 ................................................................................ 156
6.5B.3.5.1 Spurious emission band UE co-existence ...................................................................................... 156
6.5B.4 Additional spurious emissions .................................................................................................................. 156
6.5B.4.1 General ................................................................................................................................................ 156
6.5B.4.1.1 Minimum requirement (network signalled value "NS_04")................................................................ 156
6.5B.5 Transmit intermodulation ......................................................................................................................... 157
6.5B.5.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC ............................................................................................................ 157
6.5B.5.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC ..................................................................................................... 157
6.5B.5.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1 ............................................................................................................ 157
6.5B.5.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2 ....................................................................................................... 157
6.5B.5.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2 ................................................................................ 157
7 Receiver characteristics ........................................................................................................................157
7.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................... 157
7.2 Diversity characteristics ................................................................................................................................. 158
7.3 Reference sensitivity ...................................................................................................................................... 158
7.3A Reference sensitivity for CA .......................................................................................................................... 158
7.3A.1 General...................................................................................................................................................... 158
7.3A.2 Reference sensitivity power level for CA ................................................................................................. 158
7.3A.3 ΔRIB,c for CA ............................................................................................................................................ 158
7.3A.3.1 ΔRIB,c for Inter-band CA between FR1 and FR2 ................................................................................. 159
7.3A.4 Reference sensitivity exceptions due to UL harmonic interference for CA .............................................. 159
7.3B Reference sensitivity level for DC ................................................................................................................. 159
7.3B.1 General...................................................................................................................................................... 159
7.3B.2 Reference sensitivity for EN-DC .............................................................................................................. 159
7.3B.2.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC ............................................................................................................ 159
7.3B.2.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC ..................................................................................................... 160
7.3B.2.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1 ............................................................................................................ 160

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7.3B.2.3.1 Reference sensitivity exceptions due to UL harmonic interference for EN-DC in NR FR1 ......... 160
7.3B.2.3.2 MSD due to receiver harmonic mixing for EN-DC in NR FR1 .................................................... 164
7.3B.2.3.3 Reference sensitivity exceptions due to close proximity of bands for EN-DC in NR FR1 ........... 166
7.3B.2.3.4 Reference sensitivity exceptions due to cross band isolation for EN-DC in NR FR1 ................... 167
7.3B.2.3.5 Reference sensitivity exceptions for intermodulation interference due to dual uplink operation
for EN-DC in NR FR1 ................................................................................................................... 167
7.3B. Reference sensitivity exceptions for intermodulation interference due to dual uplink
operation for EN-DC in NR FR1 involving two bands ............................................................ 168
7.3B. Reference sensitivity exceptions for intermodulation interference due to dual uplink
operation for EN-DC in NR FR1 involving three bands .......................................................... 170
7.3B. MSD exceptions due to Tx leakage issue ................................................................................ 177
7.3B.2.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2 ....................................................................................................... 177
7.3B.2.4.1 Reference sensitivity exceptions due to UL harmonic interference for EN-DC in NR FR2 ......... 177
7.3B.2.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2 ................................................................................ 178
7.3B.2.5.1 Reference sensitivity exceptions due to UL harmonic interference for EN-DC including both
FR1 and FR2 ................................................................................................................................. 178
7.3B.3 ΔRIB,c, ΔRIBNC for EN-DC ........................................................................................................................ 178
7.3B.3.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC ............................................................................................................ 179
7.3B.3.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC ..................................................................................................... 179
7.3B.3.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1 ............................................................................................................ 180
7.3B.3.3.1 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC in two bands ..................................................................................................... 180
7.3B.3.3.2 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC three bands ....................................................................................................... 182
7.3B.3.3.3 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC four bands ......................................................................................................... 187
7.3B.3.3.4 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC five bands ......................................................................................................... 191
7.3B.3.3.5 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC six bands ........................................................................................................... 193
7.3B.3.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2 ....................................................................................................... 193
7.3B.3.4.1 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC in two bands ..................................................................................................... 193
7.3B.3.4.2 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC three bands ....................................................................................................... 194
7.3B.3.4.3 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC four bands ......................................................................................................... 194
7.3B.3.4.4 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC five bands ......................................................................................................... 194
7.3B.3.4.5 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC six bands ........................................................................................................... 194
7.3B.3.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2 ................................................................................ 194
7.3B.3.5.2 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC three bands ....................................................................................................... 194
7.3B.3.5.3 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC four bands ......................................................................................................... 194
7.3B.3.5.4 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC five bands ......................................................................................................... 195
7.3B.3.5.5 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC six bands ........................................................................................................... 195
7.4 Maximum input level ..................................................................................................................................... 195
7.4A Maximum input level for CA ......................................................................................................................... 195
7.4B Maximum input level for EN-DC in FR1 ....................................................................................................... 195
7.4B.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC in FR1 ...................................................................................................... 195
7.4B.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC in FR1 ............................................................................................... 195
7.4B.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1.................................................................................................................. 195
7.5 Adjacent channel selectivity ........................................................................................................................... 196
7.5A Adjacent channel selectivity for CA............................................................................................................... 196
7.5B Adjacent channel selectivity for EN-DC in FR1 ............................................................................................ 196
7.5B.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC in FR1 ...................................................................................................... 196
7.5B.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC in FR1 ............................................................................................... 197
7.5B.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1.................................................................................................................. 197
7.6 Blocking characteristics ................................................................................................................................. 198
7.6A Blocking characteristics for CA ..................................................................................................................... 198
7.6B Blocking characteristics for EN-DC in FR1 ................................................................................................... 198
7.6B.1 General...................................................................................................................................................... 198
7.6B.2 Inband blocking for EN-DC in FR1.......................................................................................................... 198
7.6B.2.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC in FR1................................................................................................. 198
7.6B.2.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC in FR1 ......................................................................................... 198
7.6B.2.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1 ............................................................................................................ 198
7.6B.3 Out-of-band blocking for EN-DC in FR1 ................................................................................................. 199
7.6B.3.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC in FR1................................................................................................. 199
7.6B.3.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC in FR1 ......................................................................................... 199
7.6B.3.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1 ............................................................................................................ 199
7.6B.4 Narrow band blocking for EN-DC in FR1 ................................................................................................ 200
7.6B.4.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC in FR1................................................................................................. 200

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 8 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

7.6B.4.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC in FR1 ......................................................................................... 200

7.6B.4.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1 ............................................................................................................ 200
7.7 Spurious response ........................................................................................................................................... 200
7.7A Spurious response for CA............................................................................................................................... 200
7.7B Spurious response for EN-DC in FR1 ............................................................................................................ 201
7.7B.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC in FR1 ...................................................................................................... 201
7.7B.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC in FR1 ............................................................................................... 201
7.7B.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1.................................................................................................................. 201
7.8 Intermodulation characteristics ...................................................................................................................... 201
7.8A Intermodulation characteristics for CA .......................................................................................................... 201
7.8B Intermodulation characteristics for EN-DC in FR1 ........................................................................................ 202
7.8B.1 General...................................................................................................................................................... 202
7.8B.2 Wide band Intermodulation ...................................................................................................................... 202
7.8B.2.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC in FR1................................................................................................. 202
7.8B.2.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC in FR1 ......................................................................................... 202
7.8B.2.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1 ............................................................................................................ 202
7.9 Spurious emissions ......................................................................................................................................... 203
7.9A Spurious emissions for CA ............................................................................................................................. 203
7.9B Spurious emissions for EN-DC in FR1 .......................................................................................................... 203
7.9B.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC in FR1 ...................................................................................................... 203
7.9B.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC in FR1 ............................................................................................... 203
7.9B.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1.................................................................................................................. 203

Annex A (normative): Measurement channels ................................................................................204

Annex B: Void ...............................................................................................................215
Annex C: Void ...............................................................................................................215
Annex D: Void ...............................................................................................................215
Annex E: Void ...............................................................................................................215
Annex F: Void ...............................................................................................................215
Annex G: Void ...............................................................................................................215
Annex H (normative): Modified MPR behavior .............................................................................216
H.1 Indication of modified MPR behavior..................................................................................................216
Annex I (normative): Dual uplink interferer .................................................................................217
Annex J: Void ...............................................................................................................218
Annex K: Void ..............................................................................................................218
Annex L (informative): Change history .............................................................................................219
History ............................................................................................................................................................226

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 9 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

This Technical Specification has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).

The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal
TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an
identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:

Version x.y.z


x the first digit:

1 presented to TSG for information;

2 presented to TSG for approval;

3 or greater indicates TSG approved document under change control.

y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections,
updates, etc.

z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 10 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

1 Scope
The present document establishes the minimum RF requirements for NR User Equipment (UE) Interworking operation
with other radios. This includes but is not limited to additional requirements for carrier aggregation or NR dual
connectivity between Range 1 and Range 2 and additional requirements due to NR non-standalone (NSA) operation
mode with E-UTRA.

2 References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present

- References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or

- For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.

- For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including
a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same
Release as the present document.

[1] 3GPP TR 21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications".

[2] 3GPP TS 38.101-1: “NR; User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception; Part 1: Range 1

[3] 3GPP TS 38.101-2: “NR; User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception; Part 1: Range 1

[4] 3GPP TS 36.101: “Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); User Equipment (UE)
radio transmission and reception”

[5] 3GPP TS 38.521-3: “NR; User Equipment (UE) conformance specification; Radio transmission
and reception; Part 3: Range 1 and Range 2 Interworking operation with other radios"

[6] Recommendation ITU-R M.1545: "Measurement uncertainty as it applies to test limits for the
terrestrial component of International Mobile Telecommunications-2000"

[7] 3GPP TS 36.211: "E-UTRA; Physical channels and modulation"

3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations

3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1] and the following
apply. A term defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same term, if any, in 3GPP
TR 21.905 [1].

<defined term>: <definition>.

3.2 Symbols
For the purposes of the present document, the following symbols apply:

ΔRIB,c Allowed reference sensitivity relaxation due to support for CA or DC operation, for serving cell c.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 11 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

ΔTIB,c Allowed maximum configured output power relaxation due to support for CA or DC operation, for
serving cell c
BWLTE_Channel Channel bandwidth of E-UTRA carrier
BWLTE_Channel_CA Channel bandwidth of E-UTRA sub-block which is composed of intra-band contiguous CA E-
UTRA carriers
BWNR_Channel Channel bandwidth of NR carrier
BWNR_Channel_CA Channel bandwidth of NR sub-block which is composed of intra-band contiguous CA NR carriers
Ceil(x) Rounding upwards; ceil(x) is the smallest integer such that ceil(x) ≥ x
EN-DCACLR The ratio of the filtered mean power centred on the aggregated sub-block bandwidth ENBW to the
filtered mean power centred on an adjacent bandwidth of the same size ENBW
FC RF reference frequency for the carrier center on the channel raster
FDL_low The lowest frequency of the downlink operating band
FDL_high The highest frequency of the downlink operating band
FUL_low The lowest frequency of the uplink operating band
FUL_high The highest frequency of the uplink operating band
FOOB The boundary between the NR out of band emission and spurious emission domains
LCRB Transmission bandwidth which represents the length of a contiguous resource block allocation
expressed in units of resources blocks
Max() The largest of given numbers
Min() The smallest of given numbers
NRB Transmission bandwidth configuration, expressed in units of resource blocks
PCMAX The configured maximum UE output power
RBstart Indicates the lowest RB index of transmitted resource blocks
Wgap The sub-block gap between the two sub-blocks

3.3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1] and the following apply. An
abbreviation defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation, if any, in
3GPP TR 21.905 [1].

ACLR Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio

ACS Adjacent Channel Selectivity
A-MPR Additional Maximum Power Reduction
BCS Bandwidth Combination Set
CA Carrier Aggregation
CC Component carrier
DC Dual Connectivity
EVM Error Vector Magnitude
FDM Frequency Division Multiplexing
FR Frequency Range
ENBW The aggregated bandwidth of an E-UTRA sub-block and an adjacent NR sub-block
ITU R Radiocommunication Sector of the International Telecommunication Union
MBW Measurement bandwidth defined for the protected band
MPR Allowed maximum power reduction
MSD Maximum Sensitivity Degradation
MCG Master Cell Group
NR New Radio
NS Network Signalling
NSA Non-Standalone, a mode of operation where operation of an other radio is assisted with an other
OOB Out-of-band
OOBE Out-of-band emission
OTA Over The Air
PRB Physical Resource Block
RE Resource Element
REFSENS Reference Sensitivity
RF Radio Frequency
Rx Receiver

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 12 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

SCG Secondary Cell Group

SCS Subcarrier spacing
SEM Spectrum Emission Mask
SUL Supplementary uplink
TDM Time Division Multiplex
Tx Transmitter
UE User Equipment
UL-MIMO Up Link Multiple Antenna transmission
ULSUP Uplink sharing from UE perspective

4 General

4.1 Relationship between minimum requirements and test

The present document is interwork specification for NR UE, covering RF characteristics and minimum performance
requirements. Conformance to the present specification is demonstrated by fulfilling the test requirements specified in
the conformance specification 3GPP TS 38.521-3 [5].

The Minimum Requirements given in this specification make no allowance for measurement uncertainty. The test
specification TS 38.521-3 [5] defines test tolerances. These test tolerances are individually calculated for each test. The
test tolerances are used to relax the minimum requirements in this specification to create test requirements. For some
requirements, including regulatory requirements, the test tolerance is set to zero.

The measurement results returned by the test system are compared - without any modification - against the test
requirements as defined by the shared risk principle.

The shared risk principle is defined in Recommendation ITU-R M.1545 [6].

4.2 Applicability of minimum requirements

a) In this specification the Minimum Requirements are specified as general requirements and additional
requirements. Where the Requirement is specified as a general requirement, the requirement is mandated to be
met in all scenarios

b) For specific scenarios for which an additional requirement is specified, in addition to meeting the general
requirement, the UE is mandated to meet the additional requirements.

c) The spurious emissions power requirements are for the long-term average of the power. For the purpose of
reducing measurement uncertainty it is acceptable to average the measured power over a period of time
sufficient to reduce the uncertainty due to the statistical nature of the signal

d) Terminal that supports EN-DC configuration shall meet E-UTRA requirements as specified in TS 36.101 [4] and
NR requirements as in TS 38.101-1 [2] and TS 38.101-2 [3] unless otherwise specified in this specification

e) All the requirements for intra-band contiguous and non-contiguous CA apply under the assumption of the same
uplink-downlink and special subframe configurations in the PCell and SCells for SA.

A terminal which supports an inter-band EN-DC configuration shall support all apecified E-UTRA bandwidth
combination set that belong to the E-UTRA CA configuration part of E-UTRA – NR DC and shall support all apecified
NR bandwidth combination set that belong to the NR CA configuration part of E-UTRA – NR DC.

A terminal which supports an inter-band EN-DC configuration with a certain UL configuration shall support the all
lower order DL configurations of the lower order EN-DC combinations, which have this certain UL configuration and
the fallbacks of this UL configuration.

Terminal that supports inter-band NR-DC between FR1 and FR2 configuration shall meet the requirements for
corresponding CA configuration (suffix A), unless otherwise specified.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 13 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

4.3 Specification suffix information

Unless stated otherwise the following suffixes are used for indicating at 2nd level subclause, shown in Table 4.3-1.

Table 4.3-1: Definition of suffixes

Clause suffix Variant
None Single Carrier
A Carrier Aggregation (CA)
between FR1 and FR2
B Dual-Connectivity (DC) with
and without SUL including
UL sharing from UE
perspective, inter-band NR
DC between FR1 and FR2

5 Operating bands and channel arrangement

5.1 General
The channel arrangements presented in this clause are based on the operating bands and channel bandwidths defined in
the present release of specifications.

NOTE: Other operating bands and channel bandwidths may be considered in future releases.

Requirements throughout the RF specifications are in many cases defined separately for different frequency ranges
(FR). The frequency ranges in which NR can operate according to this version of the specifications are identified as
described in Table 5.1-1.

Table 5.1-1: Definition of frequency ranges

Frequency range
Corresponding frequency range
FR1 410 MHz – 7125 MHz
FR2 24250 MHz – 52600 MHz

The present specification covers band combinations including

- at least one FR1 operating band and one FR2 operating band for carrier aggregation and dual connectivity

- at least one E-UTRA operating band for dual connectivity operations.

5.2 Operating bands

NR is designed to operate in FR1 operating bands defined in TS 38.101-1 [2] and FR2 operating bands defined in TS
38.101-2 [3]. E-UTRA is designed to operate in operating bands defined in TS 36.101 [4].

Editor’s note: The lists of specific NR operating bands and band combinations is maintained in TR 38.817-01 and
will be merged into TS 38.101-3 in a future version.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 14 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.2A Operating bands for CA

5.2A.1 Inter-band CA between FR1 and FR2
NR carrier aggregation are designed to operate in the operating bands defined in Table 5.2A.1-1. The band
combinations include at least one FR1 operating band and one FR2 operating band.

Table 5.2A.1-1: Band combinations for inter-band NR CA between FR1 and FR2

NR CA Band NR Band
CA_n8-n258 n8, n258
CA_n71-n2571 n71, n257
CA_n77-n2571 n77, n257
CA_n78-n2571 n78, n257
CA_n79-n2571 n79, n257
NOTE 1: Applicable for UE supporting inter-band carrier aggregation with
mandatory simultaneous Rx/Tx capability.

5.2B Operating bands for DC

5.2B.1 General
The operating bands are specified for operation with EN-DC or NGEN-DC, NR-DC configured. The EN-DC or NGEN-
DC band combinations include at least one E-UTRA operating band.

For EN-DC configurations indicated by column “Single Uplink allowed” (e.g., problematic band combinations as
defined in TS38.306) in tables in this section the UE may indicate capability of not supporting simultaneous dual and
triple uplink operation due to possible intermodulation interference to its own primary downlink channel bandwidth if
the intermodulation order is 2 or if the intermodulation order is 3 for the combinations when both operating bands are
between 450 MHz – 960 MHz or between 1427 MHz – 2690 MHz. In case for the EN-DC configurations listed in
tables in this section for which the intermodulation products caused by the dual and triple uplink operation fall into the
receive band but do not interfere with the own primary downlink channel bandwidth as defined in Annex-I the UE is
mandated to operate in dual and triple uplink mode. Single Uplink is also allowed for certain band combinations where
intermodulation or reverse intermodulation products could create difficulty for meeting emission requirements.

For EN-DC combinations of order 3 or higher, “Single Uplink allowed” UL configurations captured in Table 5.2B.2.1-
1, Table 5.2B.3.1-1, Table 5.2B.4.1-1 apply.

5.2B.2 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC

5.2B.2.1 EN-DC
Table 5.2B.2.1-1: Band combinations for intra-band contiguous EN-DC

EN-DC band E-UTRA Band NR Band Single UL allowed

DC_(n)71 71 n71 No3
Yes 1
DC_(n)414 41 n41
NOTE 1: Single UL allowed due to potential emission issues, not self-interference.
NOTE 2: The minimum requirements apply for 15 kHz subcarrier spacing on the SCG.
NOTE 3: For UE(s) supporting dynamic power sharing it is mandatory to do dual simultaneous UL. For
UE(s) not supporting dynamic power sharing single UL is allowed.
NOTE 4: The minimum requirements only apply for non-simultaneous Tx/Rx between all carriers.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 15 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.2B.3 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC

5.2B.3.1 EN-DC
Table 5.2B.3.1-1: Band combinations for intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC

EN-DC Band Uplink

E-UTRA Band NR Band Single UL allowed
DC_3_n3 3 n3 Yes1
DC_41_n412 41 n41 Yes
NOTE 1: Only single switched UL is supported in Rel.15
NOTE 2: The minimum requirements only apply for non-simultaneous Tx/Rx between all carriers.

5.2B.3.2 Void

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 16 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.2B.4 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1

5.2B.4.1 EN-DC (two bands)

Table 5.2B.4.1-1: Band combinations for inter-band EN-DC within FR1 (two bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 17 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

EN-DC band E-UTRA Band NR Band Single UL allowed

DC_1_n28 1 n28 No
DC_1_n40 1 n40 No
DC_1_n51 1 n51 No
DC_1_n773 1 n77 DC_1_n77
DC_1_n783 1 n78 No
DC_1_n793 1 n79 No
DC_2_n5 2 n5 No
DC_2_n66 2 n66 DC_2_n66
DC_2_n71 2 n71 No
DC_2_n78 2 n78 DC_2_n78
DC_3_n7 3 n7 No
DC_3_n28 3 n28 No
DC_3_n40 3 n40 No
DC_3_n51 3 n51 No
DC_3_n773 3 n77 DC_3_n77
DC_3_n783 3 n78 DC_3_n78
DC_3_n793 3 n79 No
DC_5_n40 5 n40 No
DC_5_n66 5 n66 DC_5_n66
DC_5_n783 5 n78 No
DC_7_n28 7 n28 No
DC_7_n51 7 n51 No
DC_7_n783 7 n78 No
DC_7-7_n783 CA_7-7 n78 No
DC_8_n40 8 n40 No
DC_8_n773 8 n77 No
DC_8_n783 8 n78 No
DC_8_n793 8 n79 No
DC_11_n773 11 n77 No
DC_11_n783 11 n78 No
DC_11_n793 11 n79 No
DC_12_n5 12 n5 No
DC_12_n66 12 n66 No
DC_18_n773 18 n77 No
DC_18_n783 18 n78 No
DC_18_n793 18 n79 No
DC_19_n773 19 n77 No
DC_19_n783 19 n78 No
DC_19_n793 19 n79 No
DC_20_n8 20 n8 DC_20_n8
DC_20_n284 20 n28 No
DC_20_n51 20 n51 No
DC_20_n77 20 n77 No
DC_20_n783 20 n78 No
DC_21_n773 21 n77 No
DC_21_n783 21 n78 No

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 18 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

EN-DC band E-UTRA Band NR Band Single UL allowed

DC_21_n793 21 n79 No
DC_25_n41 25 n41 No
DC_26_n413 26 n41 No
DC_26_n773 26 n77 No
DC_26_n783 26 n78 No
DC_26_n793 26 n79 No
DC_28_n51 28 n51 No
DC_28_n773 28 n77 No
DC_28_n783 28 n78 No
DC_28_n793 28 n79 No
DC_30_n5 30 n5 No
DC_30_n66 30 n66 No
DC_38_n78 38 n78 No
DC_39_n781,3 39 n78 No
DC_39_n793 39 n79 No
DC_40_n77 40 n77 No
DC_41_n77 41 n77 No
DC_41_n78 41 n78 No
DC_41_n792,3 41 n79 No
DC_42_n51 42 n51 No
DC_42_n775 42 n77 N/A
DC_42_n785 42 n78 N/A
DC_42_n795 42 n79 N/A
DC_66_n71 66 n71 No
DC_66_n5 66 n5 DC_66_n5
DC_66_n78 66 n78 No
NOTE 1: The frequency range above 3600 MHz for Band n78 is not used in this combination.
NOTE 2: The frequency range below 2506 MHz for Band 41 is not used in this combination.
NOTE 3: Applicable for UE supporting inter-band EN-DC with mandatory simultaneous Rx/Tx
NOTE 4: The frequency range in band n28 is restricted for this band combination to 703-733 MHz for
the UL and 758-788 MHz for the DL.
NOTE 5: The combination is not used alone as fall back mode of other band combinations in which UL
in Band 42 is not used.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 19 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.2B.4.2 EN-DC (three bands)

Table 5.2B.4.2-1: Band combinations for inter-band EN-DC within FR1 (three bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 20 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

EN-DC Band E-UTRA Band NR Band

DC_1-3_n28 CA_1-3 n28
DC_1-3_n772 CA_1-3 n77
DC_1-3_n782 CA_1-3 n78
DC_1-3_n792 CA_1-3 n79
DC_1-5_n782 CA_1-5 n78
DC_1-7_n282 CA_1-7 n28
DC_1-7_n78 CA_1-7 n78
DC_1-7-7_n782 CA_1-7-7 n78
DC_1-8_n782 CA_1-8 n78
DC_1-18_n772 CA_1-18 n77
DC_1-18_n782 CA_1-18 n78
DC_1-18_n79 CA_1-18 n79
DC_1-19_n772 CA_1-19 n77
DC_1-19_n782 CA_1-19 n78
DC_1-19_n792 CA_1-19 n79
DC_1-20_n283 CA_1-20 n28
DC_1-20_n782 CA_1-20 n78
DC_1-21_n772 CA_1-21 n77
DC_1-21_n782 CA_1-21 n78
DC_1-21_n792 CA_1-21 n79
DC_1-28_n772 CA_1-28 n77
DC_1-28_n782 CA_1-28 n78
DC_1-28_n79 CA_1-28 n79
DC_1_n28-n782 1 CA_n28-n78
DC_1_n77-n79 1 CA_n77-n79
DC_1_n78-n79 1 CA_n78-n79
DC_1-41_n77 CA_1-41 n77
DC_1-41_n78 CA_1-41 n78
DC_1-41_n79 CA_1-41 n79
DC_1-42_n77 CA_1-42 n77
DC_1-42_n78 CA_1-42 n78
DC_1-42_n79 CA_1-42 n79
DC_1_SUL_n78-n842 1 SUL_n78-n84
DC_2-5_n66 CA_2-5 n66
DC_2-12_n66 CA_2-12 n66
DC_2-30_n66 CA_2-30 n66
DC_2-(n)71 CA_2-71 n71
DC_2-66_n71 CA_2-66 n71
DC_3_n3-n77 3 CA_n3-n77
DC_3_n3-n78 3 CA_n3-n78
DC_3-5_n782 CA_3-5 n78
DC_3-7_n28 CA_3-7 n28
DC_3-7_n782 CA_3-7 n78
DC_3-7-7_n782 CA_3-7-7 n78
DC_3-8_n78 CA_3-8 n78
DC_3-19_n772 CA_3-19 n77

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 21 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

EN-DC Band E-UTRA Band NR Band

DC_3-19_n782 CA_3-19 n78
DC_3-19_n792 CA_3-19 n79
DC_3-20_n282,3 CA_3-20 n28
DC_3-20_n782 CA_3-20 n78
DC_3-21_n772 CA_3-21 n77
DC_3-21_n782 CA_3-21 n78
DC_3-21_n792 CA_3-21 n79
DC_3-28_n782 CA_3-28 n78
DC_3_n28-n782 3 CA_n28-n78
DC_3-28_n79 3 CA_n28-n79
DC_3-38_n78 CA_3-38 n78
DC_3-41_n78 CA_3-41 n78
DC_3-42_n77 CA_3-42 n77
DC_3-42_n78 CA_3-42 n78
DC_3-42_n79 CA_3-42 n79
DC_3_n77-n79 3 CA_n77-n79
DC_3_n78-n79 3 CA_n78-n79
DC_3_SUL_n78-n802 3 SUL_n78-n80
DC_3_SUL_n78-n822 3 SUL_n78-n821
DC_3_SUL_n79-n802 3 SUL_n79-n80
DC_5-7-7_n78 CA_5-7-7 n78
DC_5-7_n78 CA_5-7 n78
DC_5-30_n66 CA_5-30 n66

DC_7-20_n283 CA_7-20 n28

DC_7-20_n782 CA_7-20 n78
DC_7-28_n782 CA_7-28 n78
DC_7_n28-n782 7 CA_n28-n78
DC_7-46_n78 CA_7-46 n78
DC_8_SUL_n78-n812 8 SUL_n78-n81
DC_8_SUL_n79-n812 8 SUL_n79-n81
DC_12-30_n66 CA_12-30 n66
DC_18-28_n772 CA_18-28 n77
DC_18-28_n782 CA_18-28 n78
DC_18-28_n792 CA_18-28 n79
DC_19-21_n772 CA_19-21 n77
DC_19-21_n782 CA_19-21 n78
DC_19-21_n792 CA_19-21 n79
DC_19-42_n77 CA_19-42 n77
DC_19-42_n78 CA_19-42 n78
DC_19-42_n79 CA_19-42 n79
DC_19_n77-n79 19 CA_n77-n79
DC_19_n78-n79 19 CA_n78-n79
DC_20_n8-n75 20 CA_n8-n75
DC_20_n28-n753 20 CA_n28-n75
DC_20_n28-n782,3 20 CA_n28-n78

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 22 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

EN-DC Band E-UTRA Band NR Band

DC_20_n75-n782 20 CA_n75-n78
DC_20_n76-n782 20 CA_n76-n78
DC_20_SUL_n78-n822 20 SUL_n78-n82
DC_20_SUL_n78-n832 20 SUL_n78-n831
DC_21-42_n77 CA_21-42 n77
DC_21-42_n78 CA_21-42 n78
DC_21-42_n79 CA_21-42 n79
DC_21_n77-n79 21 CA_n77-n79
DC_21_n78-n79 21 CA_n78-n79
DC_28-42_n77 CA_28-42 n77
DC_28-42_n78 CA_28-42 n78
DC_28-42_n79 CA_28-42 n79
DC_41-42_n77 CA_41-42 n77
DC_41-42_n78 CA_41-42 n78
DC_41-42_n79 CA_41-42 n79
DC_28_SUL_n78-n832 28 SUL_n78-n83
DC_66_(n)71 CA_66-71 n71
DC_66_SUL_n78-n862 66 SUL_n78-n86
NOTE 1: If a UE is configured with both NR UL and NR SUL carriers in a cell, the switching time
between NR UL carrier and NR SUL carrier can be up to 140us and placed in SUL
NOTE 2: Applicable for UE supporting inter-band EN-DC with mandatory simultaneous Rx/Tx
NOTE 3: The frequency range in band n28 is restricted for this band combination to 703-733 MHz
for the UL and 758-788 MHz for the DL.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 23 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.2B.4.3 EN-DC (four bands)

Table 5.2B.4.3-1: Band combinations for inter-band EN-DC within FR1 (four bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 24 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

EN-DC Band E-UTRA Band NR Band

DC_1-3-5_n781 CA_1-3-5 n78
DC_1-3-7_n28 CA_1-3-7 n28
DC_1-3-7-7_n781 CA_1-3-7-7 n78
DC_1-3-7_n781 CA_1-3-7 n78
DC_1-3-8_n781 CA_1-3-8 n78
DC_1-3-28_n771 CA_1-3-28 n77
DC_1-3-28_n781 CA_1-3-28 n78
DC_1-3_n28-n781 CA_1-3 CA_n28-n78
DC_1-3-28_n791 CA_1-3-28 n79
DC_1-3-19_n771 CA_1-3-19 n77
DC_1-3-19_n781 CA_1-3-19 n78
DC_1-3-19_n791 CA_1-3-19 n79
DC_1-3-20_n282 CA_1-3-20 n28
DC_1-3-20_n781 CA_1-3-20 n78
DC_1-3-21_n771 CA_1-3-21 n77
DC_1-3-21_n781 CA_1-3-21 n78
DC_1-3-21_n791 CA_1-3-21 n79
DC_1-3-42_n77 CA_1-3-42 n77
DC_1-3-42_n78 CA_1-3-42 n78
DC_1-3-42_n79 CA_1-3-42 n79
DC_1-5-7_n78 CA_1-5-7 n78
DC_1-5-7-7_n78 CA_1-5-7-7 n78
DC_1-7-20_n282 CA_1-7-20 n28
DC_1-7-20_n781 CA_1-7-20 n78
DC_1-7_n28-n781 CA_1-7 CA_n28-n78
DC_1-18-28_n77 CA_1-18-28 n77
DC_1-18-28_n78 CA_1-18-28 n78
DC_1-18-28_n791 CA_1-18-28 n79
DC_1-19-21_n77 CA_1-19-21 n77
DC_1-19-21_n78 CA_1-19-21 n78
DC_1-19-21_n79 CA_1-19-21 n79
DC_1-19-42_n77 CA_1-19-42 n77
DC_1-19-42_n78 CA_1-19-42 n78
DC_1-19-42_n79 CA_1-19-42 n79
DC_1-20_n28-n781,2 CA_1-20 CA_n28-n78
DC_1-21-28_n771 CA_1-21-28 n77
DC_1-21-28_n781 CA_1-21-28 n78
DC_1-21-28_n791 CA_1-21-28 n79
DC_1-21-42_n77 CA_1-21-42 n77
DC_1-21-42_n78 CA_1-21-42 n78
DC_1-21-42_n79 CA_1-21-42 n79
DC_1-28-42_n77 CA_1-28-42 n77
DC_1-28-42_n78 CA_1-28-42 n78
DC_1-28-42_n79 CA_1-28-42 n79
DC_1-41-42_n77 CA_1-41-42 n77
DC_1-41-42_n78 CA_1-41-42 n78

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 25 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

EN-DC Band E-UTRA Band NR Band

DC_1-41-42-n79 CA_1-41-42 n79
DC_2-66-(n)71 CA_2-66-71 n71
DC_3-5-7_n78 CA_3-5-7 n78
DC_3-5-7-7_n78 CA_3-5-7-7 n78
DC_3-7-20_n282 CA_3-7-20 n28
DC_3-7-20_n781 CA_3-7-20 n78
DC_3-7-28_n781 CA_3-7-28 n78
DC_3-7_n28-n781 CA_3-7 CA_n28-n78
DC_3-19-21_n771 CA_3-19-21 n77
DC_3-19-21_n781 CA_3-19-21 n78
DC_3-19-21_n791 CA_3-19-21 n79
DC_3-19-42_n77 CA_3-19-42 n77
DC_3-19-42_n78 CA_3-19-42 n78
DC_3-19-42_n791 CA_3-19-42 n79
DC_3-20_n28-n781,2 CA_3-20 CA_n28-n78
DC_3-21-42_n77 CA_3-21-42 n77
DC_3-21-42_n78 CA_3-21-42 n78
DC_3-21-42_n79 CA_3-21-42 n79
DC_3-28-42_n77 CA_3-28-42 n77
DC_3-28-42_n78 CA_3-28-42 n78
DC_3-28-42_n79 CA_3-28-42 n79
DC_7-20_n28-n781,2 CA_7-20 CA_n28-n78
DC_19-21-42_n77 CA_19-21-42 n77
DC_19-21-42_n78 CA_19-21-42 n78
DC_19-21-42_n79 CA_19-21-42 n79
DC_21-28-42_n77 CA_21-28-42 n77
DC_21-28-42_n78 CA_21-28-42 n78
DC_21-28-42_n79 CA_21-28-42 n79
NOTE 1: Applicable for UE supporting inter-band EN-DC with mandatory simultaneous Rx/Tx
NOTE 2: The frequency range in band n28 is restricted for this band combination to 703-733 MHz for
the UL and 758-788 MHz for the DL.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 26 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.2B.4.4 EN-DC (five bands)

Table 5.2B.4.4-1: Band combinations inter-band EN-DC within FR1 (five bands)

EN-DC Band E-UTRA Band NR Band

DC_1-3-5-7_n78 CA_1-3-5-7 n78
DC_1-3-5-7-7_n78 CA_1-3-5-7-7 n78
DC_1-3-7-20_n282 CA_1-3-7-20 n28
DC_1-3-7-20_n781 CA_1-3-7-20 n78
DC_1-3-7_n28-n781 CA_1-3-7 CA_n28-n78
DC_1-3-19-21_n771 CA_1-3-19-21 n77
DC_1-3-19-21_n781 CA_1-3-19-21 n78
DC_1-3-19-21_n791 CA_1-3-19-21 n79
DC_1-3-19-42_n77 CA_1-3-19-42 n77
DC_1-3-19-42_n78 CA_1-3-19-42 n78
DC_1-3-19-42_n79 CA_1-3-19-42 n79
DC_1-3-20_n28-n781,2 CA_1-3-20 CA_n28-n78
DC_1-3-21-42_n77 CA_1-3-21-42 n77
DC_1-3-21-42_n78 CA_1-3-21-42 n78
DC_1-3-21-42_n79 CA_1-3-21-42 n79
DC_1-7-20_n28-n781,2 CA_1-7-20 CA_n28-n78
DC_1-19-21-42_n77 DC_1-19-21-42 n77
DC_1-19-21-42_n78 DC_1-19-21-42 n78
DC_1-19-21-42_n79 DC_1-19-21-42 n79
DC_1-3-5-7_n78 CA_1-3-5-7 n78
DC_1-3-28-42_n77 CA_1-3-28-42 n77
DC_1-3-28-42_n78 CA_1-3-28-42 n78
DC_1-3-28-42_n79 CA_1-3-28-42 n79
DC_1-21-28-42_n77 CA_1-21-28-42 n77
DC_1-21-28-42_n78 CA_1-21-28-42 n78
DC_1-21-28-42_n79 CA_1-21-28-42 n79
DC_3-7-20_n28-n781,2 CA_3-7-20 CA_n28-n78
NOTE 1: Applicable for UE supporting inter-band EN-DC with mandatory simultaneous Rx/Tx capability
NOTE 2: The frequency range in band n28 is restricted for this band combination to 703-733 MHz for the UL and
758-788 MHz for the DL

5.2B.4.5 EN-DC (six bands)

Table 5.2B.4.5-1: Band combinations for inter-band EN-DC within FR1 (six bands)

EN-DC Band E-UTRA Band NR Band

DC_1-3-7-20_n28-n781,2 CA_1-3-7-20 CA_n28-n78
NOTE 1: Applicable for UE supporting inter-band EN-DC with mandatory simultaneous Rx/Tx capability
NOTE 2: The frequency range in band n28 is restricted for this band combination to 703-733 MHz for the UL and
758-788 MHz for the DL

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 27 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.2B.5 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2

5.2B.5.1 EN-DC (two bands)

Table 5.2B.5.1-1: Band combinations for inter-band EN-DC including FR2 (two bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 28 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

EN-DC Band E-UTRA Band NR Band

DC_1_n257 1 n257
DC_2-2_n257 CA_2-2 n257
DC_2_n257 CA_2 n257
DC_2_n260 2 n260
DC_2_n260 CA_2 n260
DC_2-2_n260 CA_2-2 n260
DC_3_n257 3 n257
DC_3_n258 3 n258
DC_5_n257 5 n257
DC_5-5_n257 CA_5-5 n257
DC_5-5_n260 CA_5-5 n260
DC_5_n260 5 n260
DC_5_n261 5 n261
DC_7-7_n257 CA_7-7 n257
DC_7_n257 7 n257
DC_7_n258 7 n258
DC_8_n257 8 n257
DC_8_n258 8 n258
DC_11_n257 11 n257
DC_12_n260 12 n260
DC_13_n257 13 n257
DC_13_n260 13 n260
DC_18_n257 18 n257
DC_19_n257 19 n257
DC_20_n258 20 n258
DC_21_n257 21 n257
DC_26_n257 26 n257
DC_28_n257 28 n257
DC_28_n258 28 n258
DC_30_n260 30 n260
DC_39_n258 39 n258
DC_41_n257 41 n257
DC_41_n258 41 n258
DC_42_n257 42 n257
DC_48-48_n257 CA_48-48 n257
DC_48_n257 CA_48 n257
DC_48-48_n260 CA_48-48 n260
DC_48_n260 CA_48 n260
DC_66-66_n257 CA_66-66 n257
DC_66_n257 66 n257
DC_66-66_n260 CA_66-66 n260
DC_66_n260 66 n260
DC_66_n261 66 n261
NOTE 1: Applicable for UE supporting inter-band EN-DC with mandatory simultaneous Rx/Tx
capability for all of the above combinations

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 29 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.2B.5.2 EN-DC (three bands)

Table 5.2B.5.2-1: Band combinations inter-band EN-DC including FR2 (three bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 30 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

EN-DC Band E-UTRA Band NR Band

DC_1-3_n2571 CA_1-3 n257
DC_1-5_n2571 CA_1-5 n257
DC_1-7_n2571 CA_1-7 n257
DC_1-7-7_n2571 CA_1-7-7 n257
DC_1-8_n257 CA_1-8 n257
DC_1-18_n2571 CA_1-18 n257
DC_1-19_n2571 CA_1-19 n257
DC_1-21_n2571 CA_1-21 n257
DC_1-28_n2571 CA_1-28 n257
DC_1-41_n257 CA_1-41 n257
DC_1-42_n257 CA_1-42 n257
DC_2-5_n2571 CA_2-5 n257
DC_2-5_n260 CA_2-5 n260
DC_2-12_n260 CA_2-12 n260
DC_2-13_n2571 CA_2-13 n257
DC_2-13_n2601 CA_2-13 n260
DC_2-30_n260 CA_2-30 n260
DC_2-66_n2571 CA_2-66 n257
DC_2-66_n260 CA_2-66 n260
DC_3-5_n2571 CA_3-5 n257
DC_3-7_n2571 CA_3-7 n257
DC_3-7-7_n2571 CA_3-7-7 n257
DC_3-19_n2571 CA_3-19 n257
DC_3-21_n2571 CA_3-21 n257
DC_3-28_n2571 CA_3-28 n257
DC_3-41_n257 CA_3-41 n257
DC_3-42_n2571 CA_3-42 n257
DC_5-7-7_n2571 CA_5-7-7 n257
DC_5-7_n2571 CA_5-7 n257
DC_5-30_n260 CA_5-30 n260
DC_5-66_n260 CA_5-66 n260
DC_12-30_n260 CA_12-30 n260
DC_12-66_n260 CA_12-66 n260
DC_13-66_n2571 CA_13-66 n257
DC_13-66_n2601 CA_13-66 n260
DC_18-28_n2571 CA_18-28 n257
DC_19-21_n2571 CA_19-21 n257
DC_19-42_n2571 CA_19-42 n257
DC_21-42_n2571 CA_21-42 n257
DC_21-28_n2571 CA_21-28 n257
DC_28-42_n2571 CA_28-42 n257
DC_30-66_n260 CA_30-66 n260
DC_41-42_n257 CA_41-42 n257
NOTE 1: Applicable for UE supporting inter-band EN-DC with mandatory simultaneous Rx/Tx

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 31 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.2B.5.3 EN-DC (four bands)

Table 5.2B.5.3-1: Band combinations inter-band EN-DC including FR2 (four bands)

EN-DC Band E-UTRA Band NR Band

DC_1-3-5_n2571 CA_1-3-5 n257
DC_1-3-7_n2571 CA_1-3-7 n257
DC_1-3-7-7_n257 CA_1-3-7-7 n257
DC_1-3-19_n2571 CA_1-3-19 n257
DC_1-3-21_n2571 CA_1-3-21 n257
DC_1-3-28_n2571 CA_1-3-28 n257
DC_1-3-42_n257 CA_1-3-42 n257
DC_1-5-7_n2571 CA_1-5-7 n257
DC_1-5-7-7_n257 CA_1-5-7-7 n257
DC_1-18-28_n2571 CA_1-18-28 n257
DC_1-19-21_n257 CA_1-19-21 n257
DC_1-19-42_n257 CA_1-19-42 n257
DC_1-21-28_n2571 CA_1-21-28 n257
DC_1-21-42_n257 CA_1-21-42 n257
DC_1-28-42_n257 CA_1-28-42 n257
DC_1-41-42_n257 CA_1-41-42 n257
DC_3-5-7-7_n257 CA_3-5-7-7 n257
DC_3-5-7_n2571 CA_3-5-7 n257
DC_3-19-21_n2571 CA_3-19-21 n257
DC_3-19-42_n257 CA_3-19-42 n257
DC_3-21-42_n257 CA_3-21-42 n257
DC_3-28-42_n257 CA_3-28-42 n257
DC_19-21-42_n2571 CA_19-21-42 n257
DC_21-28-42_n2571 CA_21-28-42 n257
NOTE 1: Applicable for UE supporting inter-band EN-DC with mandatory simultaneous Rx/Tx

5.2B.5.4 EN-DC (five bands)

Table 5.2B.5.4-1: Band combinations inter-band EN-DC including FR2 (five bands)

EN-DC Band E-UTRA Band NR Band

DC_1-3-5-7_n2571 CA_1-3-5-7 n257
DC_1-3-5-7-7_n2571 CA_1-3-5-7-7 n257
DC_1-3-19-21_n2571 CA_1-3-19-21 n257
DC_1-3-19-42_n257 CA_1-3-19-42 n257
DC_1-3-21-42_n257 CA_1-3-21-42 n257
DC_1-3-28-42_n257 CA_1-3-28-42 n257
DC_1-19-21-42_n257 DC_1-19-21-42 n257
DC_1-21-28-42_n257 DC_1-21-28-42 n257
NOTE 1: Applicable for UE supporting inter-band EN-DC with mandatory simultaneous Rx/Tx

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 32 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.2B.6 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2

5.2B.6.1 Void

5.2B.6.2 EN-DC (three bands)

Table 5.2B.6.2-1: Band combinations inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2 (three bands)

EN-DC Band E-UTRA Band NR Band

DC_1_n77-n257 1 CA_n77-n257
DC_1_n78-n257 1 CA_n78-n257
DC_1_n79-n257 1 CA_n79-n257
DC_3_n77-n257 3 CA_n77-n257
DC_3_n78-n257 3 CA_n78-n257
DC_3_n79-n257 3 CA_n79-n257
DC_5_n78-n2571 5 CA_n78-n257
DC_7-7_n78-n257 CA_7-7 CA_n78-n257
DC_7_n78-n257 7 CA_n78-n257
DC_19_n77-n257 19 CA_n77-n257
DC_19_n78-n257 19 CA_n78-n257
DC_19_n79-n257 19 CA_n79-n257
DC_21_n77-n257 21 CA_n77-n257
DC_21_n78-n257 21 CA_n78-n257
DC_21_n79-n257 21 CA_n79-n257
NOTE 1: Applicable for UE supporting inter-band EN-DC with mandatory simultaneous Rx/Tx

5.2B.6.3 EN-DC (four bands)

Table 5.2B.6.3-1: Band combinations inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2 (four bands)

EN-DC Band E-UTRA Band NR Band

DC_1-3_n78-n257 CA_1-3 CA_n78-n257
DC_1-5_n78-n257 CA_1-5 CA_n78-n257
DC_1-7-7_n78-n257 CA_1-7-7 CA_n78-n257
DC_1-7_n78-n257 CA_1-7 CA_n78-n257
DC_3-5_n78-n257 CA_3-5 CA_n78-n257
DC_3-7-7_n78-n257 CA_3-7-7 CA_n78-n257
DC_3-7_n78-n257 CA_3-7 CA_n78-n257
DC_5-7-7_n78-n257 CA_5-7-7 CA_n78-n257
DC_5-7_n78-n257 CA_5-7 CA_n78-n257

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 33 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.2B.6.4 EN-DC (five bands)

Table 5.2B.6.4-1: Band combinations inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2 (five bands)

EN-DC Band E-UTRA Band NR Band

DC_1-3-5_n78-n257 CA_1-3-5 CA_n78-n257
DC_1-3-7-7_n78-n257 CA_1-3-7-7 CA_n78-n257
DC_1-3-7_n78-n257 CA_1-3-7 CA_n78-n257
DC_1-5-7-7_n78-n257 CA_1-5-7-7 CA_n78-n257
DC_1-5-7_n78-n257 CA_1-5-7 CA_n78-n257
DC_3-5-7-7_n78-n257 CA_3-5-7-7 CA_n78-n257
DC_3-5-7_n78-n257 CA_3-5-7 CA_n78-n257

5.2B.6.5 EN-DC (six bands)

Table 5.2B.6.5-1: Band combinations inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2 (six bands)

EN-DC Band E-UTRA Band NR Band

DC_1-3-5-7_n78-n257 CA_1-3-5-7 CA_n78-n257
NOTE 1: Applicable for UE supporting inter-band EN-DC with mandatory simultaneous Rx/Tx capability

5.2B.7 Inter-band NR-DC between FR1 and FR2

5.2B.7.1 NR-DC (two bands)

Table 5.2B.7.1-1: Band combinations inter-band NR-DC between FR1 and FR2 (two bands)

NR-DC Band NR Band

DC_n77-n257 n77, n257
DC_n78-n257 n78, n257
DC_n79-n257 n79, n257

5.3 UE Channel bandwidth

5.3A UE Channel bandwidth for CA

5.3A.1 Inter-band CA between FR1 and FR2
For inter-band NR CA between FR1 and FR2, a carrier aggregation configuration is a combination of operating bands,
each supporting a carrier aggregation bandwidth class as specified in clause 5.3A.5 of TS 38.101-1 [2] and clause
5.3A.4 of TS 38.101-2 [3] independently.

5.3B UE Channel bandwidth for EN-DC

For intra-band contiguous EN-DC, the aggregated channel bandwidth is sum of the individual NR and E-UTRA channel
bandwidths assuming nominal EN-DC channel with 0 kHz offset spacing as specified in sub-clause 5.4.

ENBW = BWNR_Channel + BWE-UTRA Channel

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 34 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

In the case where the NR sub-block and/or the E-UTRA sub-block itself is composed of intra-band contiguous CA
carriers, the EN-DC aggregated channel bandwidth is the sum of the aggregated channel bandwidths of the NR and E-
UTRA sub-blocks assuming nominal EN-DC channel spacing between the NR sub-block and E-UTRA sub-block.

ENBW = BWNR_Channel_CA + BWE-UTRA Channel_CA

For NR inter-band dual connectivity specified in 5.2B.7, the corresponding NR CA configurations in 5.5A.1, i.e., dual
uplink inter-band carrier aggregation between FR1 and FR2 with uplink assigned to two NR bands, are applicable to Dual

NOTE 1: Requirements for the dual connectivity configurations are defined in the section corresponding NR uplink
CA between FR1 and FR2 configurations, unless otherwise specified.

Intra-band contiguous EN-DC configurations are defined using intra-band contiguous EN-DC bandwidth class notation
where the first EN-DC bandwidth class letter indicates the number of contiguous E-UTRA carriers and the second EN-
DC bandwidth class letter indicates the number of contiguous NR carriers. Applicable contiguous intraband EN-DC
bandwidth classes are listed in Table 5.3.B-1.

Table 5.3.B-1: Intra-band contiguous EN-DC bandwidth classes

Number of
Intra-band contiguous EN-DC
contiguous CC
bandwidth class
AA 1 1
CA 2 1
DA 3 1

5.3B.1 Intra-band EN-DC in FR1

5.3B.1.1 General
The requirements for intra-band EN-DC in this specification are defined for EN-DC configurations with associated
bandwidth combination sets.

For each EN-DC configuration, requirements are specified for all bandwidth combinations contained in a bandwidth
combination set, which is indicated per supported band combination in the UE radio access capability. A UE can
indicate support of several bandwidth combination sets per band combination.

5.3B.1.2 BCS for Intra-band contiguous EN-DC

For intra-band contiguous EN-DC, an EN-DC configuration is a single operating band supporting an intra-band
contiguous EN-DC bandwidth class.

Bandwidth combination sets for intra-band contiguous EN-DC are specified in Table 5.3B.1.2-1.

Table 5.3B.1.2-1: EN-DC configurations and bandwidth combination sets defined for intra-band
contiguous EN-DC
E-UTRA – NR configuration / Bandwidth combination set
Component carriers in order of increasing
carrier frequency Maximum
Downlink Bandwidth
Uplink EN-DC Channel Channel Channel aggregated
EN-DC combination
configurations bandwidths bandwidths bandwidths bandwidth
configuration set
for LTE NR for carrier for LTE (MHz)
carrier (MHz) (MHz) carrier (MHz)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 35 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

20 40, 60, 80,100

120 0
40, 60, 80,100 20
DC_(n)41AA DC_(n)41AA 40, 50, 60,
120 1
40, 50, 60,
20+20 40, 60, 80,100
140 0
40, 60, 80,100 20+20
DC_(n)41AA 40, 50, 60,
DC_41A_n41A2 20+20
140 1
40, 50, 60,
20+20+20 40, 60, 80,100
160 0
40, 60, 80,100 20+20+20
DC_(n)41AA 40, 50, 60,
DC_41A_n41A2 20+20+20
160 1
40, 50, 60,
15 5
10 5, 10
5 5, 10, 15
DC_(n)71AA DC_(n)71AA 20 0
5 15
5, 10 10
5, 10, 15 5
NOTE 1: Contiguous intra-band EN-DC uplink requirements shall apply.
NOTE 2: LTE and NR ACLR requirements and non-contiguous intra-band EN-DC uplink requirements shall apply.

5.3B.1.3 BCS for Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC

For intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC, an EN-DC configuration is a single operating band supporting E-UTRA and NR
carriers, where E-UTRA configuration is indicated by using E-UTRA CA bandwidth class as defined in TS 36.101 [4]
and NR configuration is indicated by using NR CA bandwidth class as defined in TS 38.101-1 [2].

Requirements for intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC are defined for the EN-DC configurations and bandwidth
combination sets specified in Table 5.3B.1.3-1.

Table 5.3B.1.3-1: EN-DC configurations and bandwidth combination sets defined for intra-band non-
contiguous EN-DC
E-UTRA – NR configuration / Bandwidth combination set
Component carriers in order of increasing
carrier frequency Maximum
Downlink Bandwidth
Uplink EN-DC Channel Channel Channel aggregated
EN-DC combination
configurations bandwidths bandwidths bandwidths bandwidth
configuration set
for LTE NR for carrier for LTE (MHz)
carrier (MHz) (MHz) carrier (MHz)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 36 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5, 10, 15, 20, 5, 10, 15, 20

DC_3A_n3A DC_3A_n3A(1) 50 0
25, 30
20 40, 60, 80,100
120 0
40, 60, 80,100 20
DC_41A_n41A DC_41A_n41A 40, 50, 60,
120 1
40, 50, 60,
20+20 40, 60, 80,100
140 0
40, 60, 80,100 20+20
DC_41C_n41A DC_41A_n41A 40, 50, 60,
140 1
40, 50, 60,
20+20+20 40, 60, 80,100
160 0
40, 60, 80,100 20+20+20
DC_41D_n41A DC_41A_n41A 40, 50, 60,
160 1
40, 50, 60,
NOTE 1: Only single switched UL is supported in Rel.15

5.4 Channel arrangement

5.4A Channel arrangement for CA

The channel arrangement for CA operations in FR1 and FR2 as specified in TS 38.101-1 [2] and TS 38.101-2 [3],

5.4B Channel arrangement for DC

The channel arrangement for intra-band EN-DC operations in FR1 is specified in sub-clause 5.4B.1 of TS 38.101-1 [2].

5.4B.1 Channel spacing for intra-band EN-DC carriers

The spacing between carriers will depend on the deployment scenario, the size of the frequency block available and the
channel bandwidths. The nominal channel spacing between and E-UTRA carrier and an adjacent NR carrier for intra-
band contiguous EN-DC is defined as following:

- For NR operating bands with 100 kHz channel raster,

Nominal Channel spacing = (BWLTE_Channel + BWNR_Channel)/2

- For NR operating bands with 15 kHz channel raster,

Nominal Channel spacing = (BWLTE_Channel + BWNR_Channel)/2+{-5kHz, 0kHz, 5kHz}

- For NR operating bands with 30 kHz channel raster,

Nominal Channel spacing = (BWLTE_Channel + BWNR_Channel)/2+{-10kHz, 0kHz, 10kHz}

where BWLTE_Channel and BWNR_Channel are the channel bandwidths of the E-UTRA and NR carriers. The channel spacing
can be adjusted depending on the channel raster to optimize performance in a particular deployment scenario.

For intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC the channel spacing between E-UTRA and NR carriers shall be larger than the
nominal channel spacing defined in this subclause.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 37 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.5 Configuration

5.5A Configuration for CA

5.5A.1 Inter-band CA configurations between FR1 and FR2
Table 5.5A.1-1: Inter-band CA configurations and bandwith combinations sets between FR1 and FR2
(two bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 38 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink SCS Band

NR CA CA (kH width
NR 5 10 15 20 40 50 60 80 100 200 400
configur configur z) combi
Band MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz
ation ation natio
n set
15 Yes Yes Yes Yes
n8 30 Yes Yes Yes
CA_n8A- CA_n8A-
60 0
n258A n258A
60 Yes Yes Yes
120 Yes Yes Yes Yes
15 Yes Yes Yes Yes
n71 30 Yes Yes Yes
- 60 0
60 Yes Yes Yes
120 Yes Yes Yes Yes
15 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
n77 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CA_n77A CA_n77A
60 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0
-n257A -n257A
60 Yes Yes Yes
120 Yes Yes Yes Yes
15 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CA_n77A CA_n77A n77 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
-n257D -n257A 60 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
n257 See CA_n257D in Table 5.5A.1-2 in TS 38.101-2
15 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CA_n77A CA_n77A n77 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
-n257E -n257A 60 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
n257 See CA_n257E in Table 5.5A.1-2 in TS 38.101-2
15 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CA_n77A CA_n77A n77 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
-n257F -n257A 60 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
n257 See CA_n257F in Table 5.5A.1-2 in TS 38.101-2
n77 See CA_n77C in Table 5.5A.1-1 in TS 38.101-1
CA_n77C CA_n77A
60 Yes Yes Yes 0
-n257A -n257A n257
120 Yes Yes Yes Yes
CA_n77C CA_n77A n77 See CA_n77C in Table 5.5A.1-1 in TS 38.101-1
-n257D -n257A n257 See CA_n257D in Table 5.5A.1-2 in TS 38.101-2
CA_n77C CA_n77A n77 See CA_n77C in Table 5.5A.1-1 in TS 38.101-1
-n257E -n257A n257 See CA_n257E in Table 5.5A.1-2 in TS 38.101-2
CA_n77C CA_n77A n77 See CA_n77C in Table 5.5A.1-1 in TS 38.101-1
-n257F -n257A n257 See CA_n257F in Table 5.5A.1-2 in TS 38.101-2
15 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
n78 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CA_n78A CA_n78A
60 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0
-n257A -n257A
60 Yes Yes Yes
120 Yes Yes Yes Yes
15 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CA_n78A CA_n78A n78 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
-n257D -n257A 60 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
n257 See CA_n257D in Table 5.5A.1-2 in TS 38.101-2
15 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CA_n78A CA_n78A n78 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
-n257E -n257A 60 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
n257 See CA_n257E in Table 5.5A.1-2 in TS 38.101-2
15 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CA_n78A CA_n78A n78 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
-n257F -n257A 60 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
n257 See CA_n257F in Table 5.5A.1-2 in TS 38.101-2
n78 See CA_n78C in Table 5.5A.1-1 in TS 38.101-1
CA_n78C CA_n78A
60 Yes Yes Yes 0
-n257A -n257A n257
120 Yes Yes Yes Yes
CA_n78C CA_n78A n78 See CA_n78C in Table 5.5A.1-1 in TS 38.101-1
-n257D -n257A n257 See CA_n257D in Table 5.5A.1-2 in TS 38.101-2
CA_n78C CA_n78A n78 See CA_n78C in Table 5.5A.1-1 in TS 38.101-1
-n257E -n257A n257 See CA_n257E in Table 5.5A.1-2 in TS 38.101-2

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 39 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

CA_n78C CA_n78A n78 See CA_n78C in Table 5.5A.1-1 in TS 38.101-1

-n257F -n257A n257 See CA_n257F in Table 5.5A.1-2 in TS 38.101-2
15 Yes Yes
n79 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CA_n79A CA_n79A
60 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0
-n257A -n257A
60 Yes Yes Yes
120 Yes Yes Yes Yes
15 Yes Yes
CA_n79A CA_n79A n79 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
-n257D -n257A 60 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
n257 See CA_n257D in Table 5.5A.1-2 in TS 38.101-2
15 Yes Yes
CA_n79A CA_n79A n79 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
-n257E -n257A 60 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
n257 See CA_n257E in Table 5.5A.1-2 in TS 38.101-2
15 Yes Yes
CA_n79A CA_n79A n79 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
-n257F -n257A 60 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
n257 See CA_n257F in Table 5.5A.1-2 in TS 38.101-2
n79 See CA_n79C in Table 5.5A.1-1 in TS 38.101-1
CA_n79C CA_n79A
60 Yes Yes Yes 0
-n257A -n257A n257
120 Yes Yes Yes Yes
CA_n79C CA_n79A n79 See CA_n79C in Table 5.5A.1-1 in TS 38.101-1
-n257D -n257A n257 See CA_n257D in Table 5.5A.1-2 in TS 38.101-2
CA_n79C CA_n79A n79 See CA_n79C in Table 5.5A.1-1 in TS 38.101-1
-n257E -n257A n257 See CA_n257E in Table 5.5A.1-2 in TS 38.101-2
CA_n79C CA_n79A n79 See CA_n79C in Table 5.5A.1-1 in TS 38.101-1
-n257F -n257A n257 See CA_n257F in Table 5.5A.1-2 in TS 38.101-2

5.5B Configuration for DC

5.5B.1 General
The channel bandwidth and bandwidth classes are specified for operation with EN-DC, NGEN-DC or NR-DC

5.5B.2 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC

Supported channel bandwidths for E-UTRA operating bands are defined in [4] and for NR operating bands in TS
38.101-1 [2].

Table 5.5B.2-1: Intra-band contiguous EN-DC configurations

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_(n)41AA DC_(n)41AA 41A n41A
DC_(n)41CA DC_(n)41AA, DC_41A_n41A CA_41C n41A
DC_(n)41DA DC_(n)41AA, DC_41A_n41A CA_41D n41A
DC_(n)71AA DC_(n)71AA 71A n71A2
NOTE 1: Uplink EN-DC configurations are the configurations supported by the present release of specifications.
NOTE 2: Requirements in this specification apply for NR SCS of 15 kHz only.

5.5B.3 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC

Supported channel bandwidths for E-UTRA operating bands are defined in TS 36.101 [4] and for NR operating bands
in TS 38.101-1 [2].

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 40 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Table 5.5B.3-1: Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC configurations

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_3A_n3A DC_3A_n3A2 3A n3A
DC_41A_n41A DC_41A_n41A 41A n41A
DC_41C_n41A DC_41A_n41A CA_41C n41A
DC_41D_n41A DC_41A_n41A CA_41D n41A
NOTE 1: Uplink EN-DC configurations are the configurations supported by the present release of specifications.
NOTE 2: Only single switched UL is supported in Rel.15

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 41 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.5B.4 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1

5.5B.4.1 Inter-band EN-DC configurations within FR1 (two bands)

Table 5.5B.4.1-1: Inter-band EN-DC configurations within FR1 (two bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 42 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_1A_n28A DC_1A_n28A 1A n28A
DC_1A_n40A DC_1A_n40A 1A n40A
DC_1A_n51A DC_1A_n51A 1A n51A
DC_1A_n77A n77A
DC_1A_n77A 1A
DC_1A_n77C CA_n77C
DC_1A_n78A n78A
DC_1A_n78A 1A
DC_1A_n78C CA_n78C
DC_1A_n79A n79A
DC_1A_n79A 1A
DC_1A_n79C CA_n79C
DC_2A_n5A DC_2A_n5A 2A n5A
DC_2A_n66A DC_2A_n66A 2A n66A
DC_2A_n71A DC_2A_n71A 2A n71A
DC_2A_n78A DC_2A_n78A 2A n78A
DC_3A_n7A DC_3A_n7A 3A n7A
DC_3A_n28A DC_3A_n28A 3A n28A
DC_3A_n40A DC_3A_n40A 3A n40A
DC_3A_n51A DC_3A_n51A 3A n51A
DC_3A_n77A n77A
DC_3A_n77A 3A
DC_3A_n77C CA_n77C
DC_3A_n78A n78A
DC_3A_n78A 3A
DC_3A_n78C CA_n78C
DC_3A_n79A n79A
DC_3A_n79A 3A
DC_3A_n79C CA_n79C
DC_3C_n78A DC_3A_n78A CA_3C n78A
DC_5A_n40A DC_5A_n40A 5A n40A
DC_5A_n66A DC_5A_n66A 5A n66A
DC_5A_n78A DC_5A_n78A 5A n78A
DC_7A-7A_n78A DC_7A_n78A CA_7A-7A n78A
DC_7A_n28A DC_7A_n28A 7A n28A
DC_7A_n51A DC_7A_n51A 7A n51A
DC_7A_n78A DC_7A_n78A 7A n78A
DC_7C_n78A DC_7C_n78A CA_7C n78A
DC_8A_n40A DC_8A_n40A 8A n40A
DC_8A_n77A DC_8A_n77A 8A n77A
DC_8A_n78A DC_8A_n78A 8A n78A
DC_8A_n79A DC_8A_n79A 8A n79A
DC_11A_n77A DC_11A_n77A 11A n77A
DC_11A_n78A DC_11A_n78A 11A n78A
DC_11A_n79A DC_11A_n79A 11A n79A
DC_12A_n5A DC_12A_n5A 12A n5A
DC_12A_n66A DC_12A_n66A 12A n66A
DC_18A_n77A DC_18A_n77A 18A n77A
DC_18A_n78A DC_18A_n78A 18A n78A
DC_18A_n79A DC_18A_n79A 18A n79A
DC_19A_n77A n77A
DC_19A_n77A 19A
DC_19A_n77C CA_n77C
DC_19A_n78A n78A
DC_19A_n78A 19A
DC_19A_n78C CA_n78C
DC_19A_n79A n79A
DC_19A_n79A 19A
DC_19A_n79C CA_n79C
DC_20A_n8A DC_20A_n8A 20A n8A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 43 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_20A_n28A4 DC_20A_n28A 20A n28A
DC_20A_n51A DC_20A_n51A 20A n51A
DC_20A_n77A DC_20A_n77A 20A n77A
DC_20A_n78A DC_20A_n78A 20A n78A
DC_21A_n77A n77A
DC_21A_n77A 21A
DC_21A_n77C CA_n77C
DC_21A_n78A n78A
DC_21A_n78A 21A
DC_21A_n78C CA_n78C
DC_21A_n79A n79A
DC_21A_n79A 21A
DC_21A_n79C CA_n79C
DC_25A_n41A DC_25A_n41A 25A n41A
DC_26A_n41A DC_26A_n41A 26A n41A
DC_26A_n77A DC_26A_n77A 26A n77A
DC_26A_n78A DC_26A_n78A 26A n78A
DC_26A_n79A DC_26A_n79A 26A n79A
DC_28A n51A DC_28A_n51A 28A n51A
DC_28A_n77A n77A
DC_28A_n77A 28A
DC_28A_n77C CA_n77C
DC_28A_n78A n78A
DC_28A_n78A 28A
DC_28A_n78C CA_n78C
DC_28A_n79A n79A
DC_28A_n79A 28A
DC_28A_n79C CA_n79C
DC_30A_n5A DC_30A_n5A 30A n5A
DC_30A_n66A DC_30A_n66A 30A n66A
DC_38A_n78A N/A 38A n78A
DC_39A_n78A DC_39A_n78A 39A n78A
DC_39A_n79A DC_39A_n79A 39A n79A
DC_40A_n77A N/A 40A n77A
DC_41A_n77A DC_41A_n77A 41A n77A
DC_41A_n78A DC_41A_n78A 41A n78A
DC_41A_n79A DC_41A_n79A 41A n79A
DC_41C_n77A DC_41C_n77A CA_41C n77A
DC_41C_n78A DC_41C_n78A CA_41C n78A
DC_41C_n79A DC_41C_n79A CA_41C n79A
DC_42A_n51A DC_42A_n51A 42A n51A
DC_42A_n77A3,4 n77A
N/A 42A
DC_42A_n77C3,4 CA_n77C
DC_42A_n78A3,4 n78A
N/A 42A
DC_42A_n78C3,4 CA_n78C
DC_42A_n79A n79A
N/A 42A
DC_42A_n79C CA_n79C
DC_42C_n77A3,4 N/A CA_42C n77A
DC_42C_n78A3,4 N/A CA_42C n78A
DC_42C_n79A N/A CA_42C n79A
DC_42C_n77C3,4 N/A CA_42C CA n77C
DC_42C_n78C3,4 N/A CA_42C CA n78C
DC_42C_n79C N/A CA_42C CA n79C
DC_42D_n77A3,4 N/A CA_42D n77A
DC_42D_n78A3,4 N/A CA_42D n78A
DC_42D_n79A N/A CA_42D n79A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 44 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_42E_n77A3,4 N/A CA_42E n77A
DC_42E_n78A3,4 N/A CA_42E n78A
DC_42E_n79A N/A CA_42E n79A
DC_46A_n78A2 N/A 46A n78A
DC_46C_n78A2 N/A CA_46C n78A
DC_46D_n78A2 N/A CA_46D n78A
DC_46E_n78A2 N/A CA_46E n78A
DC_66A_n5A DC_66A_n5A 66A n5A
DC_66A_n71A DC_66A_n71A 66A n71A
DC_66A_n78A DC_66A_n78A 66A n78A
NOTE 1: Uplink CA configurations are the configurations supported by the present release of specifications.
NOTE 2: Restricted to E-UTRA operation when inter-band carrier aggregation is configured. The downlink operating
band for Band 46 is paired with the uplink operating band (external E-UTRA band) of the carrier aggregation
configuration that is supporting the configured Pcell.
NOTE 3: The minimum requirements apply only when there is non-simultaneous Tx/Rx operation between E-UTRA and
NR carriers. This restriction applies also for these carriers when applicable EN-DC cong\figuration is part of a
higher order EN-DC configuration.
NOTE 4: The minimum requirements for inter-band EN-DC apply when the maximum power spectral density imbalance
between downlink carriers is within [6] dB. The power spectral density imbalance condition also applies for
these carriers when applicable EN-DC configuration is a subset of a higher order EN-DC configuration.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 45 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.5B.4.2 Inter-band EN-DC configurations within FR1 (three bands)

Table 5.5B.4.2-1: Inter-band EN-DC configurations within FR1 (three bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 46 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration NR configuration
configuration configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_1A-3A_n28A CA_1A-3A n28A
DC_1A-3A_n77A DC_1A_n77A n77A
DC_1A-3A_n77C DC_3A_n77A CA_n77C
DC_1A-3A_n78A DC_1A_n78A n78A
DC_1A-3A_n78C DC_3A_n78A CA_n78C
DC_1A-3A_n79A DC_1A_n79A n79A
DC_1A-3A_n79C DC_3A_n79A CA_n79C
DC_1A-3C_n78A CA_1A-3C n78A
DC_1A-5A_n78A CA_1A-5A n78A
DC_1A-7A_n28A CA_1A-7A n28A
DC_1A-7A_n78A CA_1A-7A n78A
DC_1A-7A-7A_n78A CA_1A-7A-7A n78A
DC_1A-8A_n78A CA_1A-8A n78A
DC_1A-18A_n77A CA_1A-18A n77A
DC_1A-18A_n78A CA_1A-18A n78A
DC_1A-18A_n79A CA_1A-18A n79A
DC_1A-19A_n77A DC_1A_n77A n77A
DC_1A-19A_n77C DC 19A_n77A CA_n77C
DC_1A-19A_n78A DC_1A_n78A n78A
DC_1A-19A_n78C DC_19A_n78A CA_n78C
DC_1A-19A_n79A DC_1A_n79A n79A
DC_1A-19A_n79C DC_19A_n79A CA_n79C
DC_1A-19A_n77A CA_1A-19A n77A
DC 19A_n77A
DC_1A-19A_n78A CA_1A-19A n78A
DC_1A-19A_n79A CA_1A-19A n79A
DC_1A-20A_n28A CA_1A-20A n28A
DC_1A-20A_n78A CA_1A-20A n78A
DC_1A-21A_n77A DC_1A_n77A n77A
DC_1A-21A_n77C DC_21A_n77A CA_n77C
DC_1A-21A_n78A DC_1A_n78A n78A
DC_1A-21A_n78C DC_21A_n78A CA_n78C
DC_1A-21A_n79A DC_1A_n79A n79A
DC_1A-21A_n79C DC_21A_n79A CA_n79C
DC_1A-21A_n77A CA_1A-21A n77A
DC_1A-21A_n78A CA_1A-21A n78A
DC_1A-21A_n79A CA_1A-21A n79A
DC_1A-28A_n77A DC_1A_n77A n77A
DC_1A-28A_n77C DC_28A_n77A CA_n77C
DC_1A-28A_n78A DC_1A_n78A n78A
DC_1A-28A_n78C DC_28A_n78A CA_n78C
DC_1A-28A_n79A DC_1A_n79A n79A
DC_1A-28A_n79C DC_28A_n79A CA_n79C
DC_1A_n28A-n78A 1A CA_n28A-n78A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 47 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration NR configuration
configuration configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_1A-41A_n77A CA_1A-41A
DC_41A_n77A n77A
DC_1A-41C_n77A CA_1A-41C
DC_1A-41A_n78A CA_1A-41A
DC_41A_n78A n78A
DC_1A-41C_n78A CA_1A-41C
DC_1A-41C_n79A CA_1A-41C n79A
DC_1A-42A_n77A n77A
DC_1A_n77A CA_1A-42A
DC_1A-42A_n77C CA_n77C
DC_1A-42A_n78A n78A
DC_1A_n78A CA_1A-42A
DC_1A-42A_n78C CA_n78C
DC_1A-42A_n79A n79A
DC_1A_n79A CA_1A-42A
DC_1A-42A_n79C CA_n79C
DC_1A-42C_n77A n77A
DC_1A_n77A CA_1A-42C
DC_1A-42C_n77C CA_n77C
DC_1A-42C_n78A n78A
DC_1A_n78A CA_1A-42C
DC_1A-42C_n78C CA_n78C
DC_1A-42C_n79A n79A
DC_1A_n79A CA_1A-42C
DC_1A-42C_n79C CA_n79C
DC_1A-42D_n77A DC_1A_n77A CA_1A-42D n77A
DC_1A-42D_n78A DC_1A_n78A CA_1A-42D n78A
DC_1A-42D_n79A DC_1A_n79A CA_1A-42D n79A
DC_1A-42E_n77A DC_1A_n77A CA_1A-42E n77A
DC_1A-42E_n78A DC_1A_n78A CA_1A-42E n78A
DC_1A-42E_n79A DC_1A_n79A CA_1A-42E n79A
DC_1A_n77A-n79A 1A CA_n77A-n79A
DC_1A_n78A-n79A 1A CA_n78A-n79A
DC_1A_SUL_n78A-n84A DC_1A_n84A_ULSUP-TDM_n78A, 1A SUL_n78A-n84A
DC_2A-5A_n66A CA_2A-5A n66A
DC_2A-12A_n66A CA_2A-12A n66A
DC_2A-30A_n66A CA_2A-30A n66A
DC_2A-66A_n71A CA_2A-66A n71A
DC_2A-(n)71AA CA_2A-71A n71A
DC_3A_n3A-n77A 3A CA_n3A-n77A
DC_3A_n3A-n78A 3A CA_n3A-n78A
DC_3A-5A_n78A CA_3A-5A n78A
DC_3A-7A-7A_n78A CA_3A-7A-7A n78A
DC_3A-7A_n28A CA_3A-7A n28A
DC_3A-7A_n78A CA_3A-7A n78A
DC_3A-7C_n78A CA_3A-7C n78A
DC_3C-7C_n78A CA_3C-7C n78A
DC_3C-7A_n78A CA_3C-7A n78A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 48 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration NR configuration
configuration configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_3A-8A_n78A CA_3A-8A n78A
DC_3A-19A_n77A DC_3A_n77A n77A
DC_3A-19A_n77C DC_19A_n77A CA_n77C
DC_3A-19A_n78A DC_3A_n78A n78A
DC_3A-19A_n78C DC_19A_n78A CA_n78C
DC_3A-19A_n79A DC_3A_n79A n79A
DC_3A-19A_n79C DC_19A_n79A CA_n79C
DC_3A-20A_n28A CA_3A-20A n28A
DC_3A-20A_n78A CA_3A-20A n78A
DC_3C-20A_n78A CA_3C-20A n78A
DC_3A-21A_n77A DC_3A_n77A n77A
DC_3A-21A_n77C DC_21A_n77A CA_n77C
DC_3A-21A_n78A DC_3A_n78A n78A
DC_3A-21A_n78C DC_21A_n78A CA_n78C
DC_3A-21A_n79A DC_3A_n79A n79A
DC_3A-21A_n79C DC_21A_n79A CA_n79C
DC_3A-28A_n77A DC_3A_n77A n77A
DC_3A-28A_n77C DC_28A_n77A CA_n77C
DC_3A-28A_n78A DC_3A_n78A n78A
DC_3A-28A_n78C DC_28A_n78A CA_n78C
DC_3A-28A_n79A DC_3A_n79A n79A
DC_3A-28A_n79C DC_28A_n79A CA_n79C
DC_3A_n28A-n78A 3A CA_n28A-n78A
DC_3A-38A_n78A DC_3A_n78A CA_3A-38A n78A
DC_3A_n78A n78A
DC_3A-41A_n78A CA_3A-41A
DC_3A-42A_n77A n77A
DC_3A_n77A CA_3A-42A
DC_3A-42A_n77C CA_n77C
DC_3A-42A_n78A n78A
DC_3A_n78A CA_3A-42A
DC_3A-42A_n78C CA_n78C
DC_3A-42A_n79A n79A
DC_3A_n79A CA_3A-42A
DC_3A-42A_n79C CA_n79C
DC_3A-42C_n77A n77A
DC_3A_n77A CA_3A-42C
DC_3A-42C_n77C CA_n77C
DC_3A-42C_n78A n78A
DC_3A_n78A CA_3A-42C
DC_3A-42C_n78C CA_n78C
DC_3A-42C_n79A n79A
DC_3A_n79A CA_3A-42C
DC_3A-42C_n79C CA_n79C
DC_3A-42D_n77A DC_3A_n77A CA_3A-42D n77A
DC_3A-42D_n78A DC_3A_n78A CA_3A-42D n78A
DC_3A-42D_n79A DC_3A_n79A CA_3A-42D n79A
DC_3A-42E_n77A DC_3A_n77A CA_3A-42E n77A
DC_3A-42E_n78A DC_3A_n78A CA_3A-42E n78A
DC_3A-42E_n79A DC_3A_n79A CA_3A-42E n79A
DC_3A_n77A-n79A 3A CA_n77A-n79A
DC_3A_n78A-n79A DC_3A_n78A
3A CA_n78A-n79A
DC_3A_SUL_n78A-n80A DC_3A_n80A_ULSUP-TDM_n78A 3A SUL_n78A-n80A
DC_3A_SUL_n78A-n82A 3A SUL_n78A-n82A
DC_3A_SUL_n79A-n80A DC_3A_n80A_ULSUP-TDM_n79A, 3A SUL_n79A-n80A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 49 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration NR configuration
configuration configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_5A-7A-7A_n78A CA_5A-7A-7A n78A
DC_5A-7A_n78A CA_5A-7A n78A
DC_5A-30A_n66A CA_5A-30A n66A
DC_7A-20A_n28A CA_7A-20A n28A
DC_7A-20A_n78A CA_7A-20A n78A
DC_7A-28A_n78A CA_7A-28A n78A
DC_7A_n28A-n78A 7A CA_n28A-n78A
DC_7C-28A_n78A CA_7C-28A n78A
DC_7A-46A_n78A3 DC_7A_n78A CA_7A-46A n78A
DC_7A-46C_n78A3 DC_7A_n78A CA_7A-46C n78A
DC_7A-46D_n78A3 DC_7A_n78A CA_7A-46D n78A
DC_7A-46E_n78A3 DC_7A_n78A CA_7A-46E n78A
DC_8A_SUL_n78A-n81A DC_8A_n81A_ULSUP-TDM_n78A, 8A SUL_n78A-n81A
DC_8A_SUL_n79A-n81A DC_8A_n81A_ULSUP-TDM_n79A, 8A SUL_n79A-n81A
DC_12A-30A_n66A CA_12A-30A n66A
DC_18A-28A_n77A CA_18A-28A n77A
DC_18A-28A_n78A CA_18A-28A n78A
DC_18A-28A_n79A CA_18A-28A n79A
DC_19A-21A_n78A DC_19A_n78A n78A
DC_19A-21A_n78C DC_21A_n78A CA_n78C
DC_19A-21A_n79A DC_19A_n79A n79A
DC_19A-21A_n79C DC_21A_n79A CA_n79C
DC_19A-21A_n77A DC_19A_n77A n77A
DC_19A-21A_n77C DC_21A_n77A CA_n77C
DC_19A-42A_n77A n77A
DC_19A_n77A CA_19A-42A
DC_19A-42A_n77C CA_n77C
DC_19A-42A_n78A n78A
DC_19A_n78A CA_19A-42A
DC_19A-42A_n78C CA_n78C
DC_19A-42A_n79A n79A
DC_19A_n79A CA_19A-42A
DC_19A-42A_n79C CA_n79C
DC_19A-42C_n77A n77A
DC_19A_n77A CA_19A-42C
DC_19A-42C_n77C CA_n77C
DC_19A-42C_n78A n78A
DC_19A_n78A CA_19A-42C
DC_19A-42C_n78C CA_n78C
DC_19A-42C_n79A n79A
DC_19A_n79A CA_19A-42C
DC_19A-42C_n79C CA_n79C
DC_19A_n77A-n79A 19A CA_n77A-n79A
DC_19A_n78A-n79A 19A CA_n78A-n79A
DC_20A_n8A-n75A DC_20A_n8A 20A CA_n8A-n75A
DC_20A_n28A-n75A DC_20A_n28A 20A CA_n28A-n75A
DC_20A_n28A-n78A 20A CA_n28A-n78A
DC_20A_n75A-n78A DC_20A_n78A 20A CA_n75A-n78A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 50 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration NR configuration
configuration configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_20A_n76A-n78A DC_20A_n78A 20A CA_n76A-n78A
DC_20A_SUL_n78A-n82A DC_20A_n82A_ULSUP-TDM_n78A, 20A SUL_n78A-n82A
DC_20A_SUL_n78A-n83A 20A SUL_n78A-n83A
DC_21A-28A_n77A DC_21A_n77A n77A
DC_21A-28A_n77C DC_28A_n77A CA_n77C
DC_21A-28A_n78A DC_21A_n78A n78A
DC_21A-28A_n78C DC_28A_n78A CA_n78C
DC_21A-28A_n79A DC_21A_n79A n79A
DC_21A-28A_n79C DC_28A_n79A CA_n79C
DC_21A-42A_n77A n77A
DC_21A_n77A CA_21A-42A
DC_21A-42A_n77C CA_n77C
DC_21A-42A_n78A n78A
DC_21A_n78A CA_21A-42A
DC_21A-42A_n78C CA_n78C
DC_21A-42A_n79A n79A
DC_21A_n79A CA_21A-42A
DC_21A-42A_n79C CA_n79C
DC_21A-42C_n77A n77A
DC_21A_n77A CA_21A-42C
DC_21A-42C_n77C CA_n77C
DC_21A-42C_n78A n78A
DC_21A_n78A CA_21A-42C
DC_21A-42C_n77C CA_n78C
DC_21A-42C_n79A n79A
DC_21A_n79A CA_21A-42C
DC_21A-42C_n77C CA_n79C
DC_21A_n77A-n79A 21A CA_n77A-n79A
DC_21A_n78A-n79A 21A CA_n78A-n79A
DC_28A_SUL_n78A-n83A DC_28A_n83A_ULSUP-TDM_n78A, 28A SUL_n78A-n83A
DC_28A-42A_n77A n77A
DC_28A_n77A CA_28A-42A
DC_28A-42A_n77C CA_n77C
DC_28A-42A_n78A n78A
DC_28A_n78A CA_28A-42A
DC_28A-42A_n78C CA_n78C
DC_28A-42A_n79A n79A
DC_28A_n79A CA_28A-42A
DC_28A-42A_n79C CA_n79C
DC_28A-42C_n77A DC_28A_n77A CA_28A-42C n77A
DC_28A-42C_n78A DC_28A_n78A CA_28A-42C n78A
DC_28A-42C_n79A DC_28A_n79A CA_28A-42C n79A
DC_41A-42A_n77A DC_41A_n77A CA_41A-42A n77A
DC_41C-42C_n77A DC_41A_n77A CA_41C-42C n77A
DC_41A-42C_n77A DC_41A_n77A CA_41A-42C n77A
DC_41C-42A_n77A DC_41C_n77A CA_41C-42A n77A
DC_41A-42A_n78A DC_41A_n78A CA_41A-42A n78A
DC_41C-42A_n78A DC_41C_n78A CA_41C-42A n78A
DC_41C-42C_n78A DC_41A_n78A CA_41C-42C n78A
DC_41A-42C_n78A DC_41A_n78A CA_41A-42C n78A
DC_41A-42A_n79A CA_41A-42A
DC_41A_n79A n79A
DC_41A-42C_n79A CA_41A-42C
DC_41C-42C_n79A DC_41A_n79A CA_41C-42C n79A
DC_41C-42A_n79A DC_41C_n79A CA_41C-42A n79A
DC_66A_(n)71AA CA_66A_71A n71A
DC_66A_SUL_n78A-n86A DC_66A_n86A_ULSUP-TDM_n78A, 66A SUL_n78A-n86A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 51 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration NR configuration
configuration configuration
(NOTE 1)
NOTE 1: Uplink CA configurations are the configurations supported by the present release of specifications.
NOTE 2: Only single switched UL is supported in Rel.15
NOTE 3: Restricted to E-UTRA operation when inter-band carrier aggregation is configured. The downlink operating
band for Band 46 is paired with the uplink operating band (external E-UTRA band) of the carrier aggregation
configuration that is supporting the configured Pcell.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 52 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.5B.4.3 Inter-band EN-DC configurations within FR1 (four bands)

Table 5.5B.4.3-1: Inter-band EN-DC configurations within FR1 (four bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 53 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_1A-3A-5A_n78A DC_3A_n78A CA_1A-3A-5A n78A
DC_1A-3A-7A_n28A DC_3A_n28A CA_1A-3A-7A n28A
DC_1A-3A-7A_n78A DC_3A_n78A CA_1A-3A-7A n78A
DC_1A-3C-7A_n78A DC_3A_n78A CA_1A-3C-7A n78A
DC_1A-3A-7A-7A_n78A DC_3A_n78A CA_1A-3A-7A-7A n78A
DC_1A-3A-8A_n78A DC_3A_n78A CA_1A-3A-8A n78A
DC_1A-3A-19A_n77A n77A
DC_3A_n77A CA_1A-3A-19A
DC_1A-3A-19A_n77C CA_n77C
DC_1A-3A-19A_n78A n78A
DC_3A_n78A CA_1A-3A-19A
DC_1A-3A-19A_n78C CA_n78C
DC_1A-3A-19A_n79A n79A
DC_3A_n79A CA_1A-3A-19A
DC_1A-3A-19A_n79C CA_n79C
DC_1A-3A-20A_n28A DC_3A_n28A CA_1A-3A-20A n28A
DC_1A-3A-20A_n78A DC_3A_n78A CA_1A-3A-20A n78A
DC_1A-3A-21A_n77A n77A
DC_3A_n77A CA_1A-3A-21A
DC_1A-3A-21A_n77C CA_n77C
DC_1A-3A-21A_n78A n78A
DC_3A_n78A CA_1A-3A-21A
DC_1A-3A-21A_n78C CA_n78C
DC_1A-3A-21A_n79A n79A
DC_3A_n79A CA_1A-3A-21A
DC_1A-3A-21A_n79C CA_n79C
DC_1A-3A-28A_n77A DC_3A_n77A CA_1A-3A-28A n77A
DC_1A-3A-28A_n78A DC_3A_n78A CA_1A-3A-28A n78A
DC_1A-3A-28A_n79A DC_3A_n79A CA_1A-3A-28A n79A
DC_1A-3A_n28A-n78A CA_1A-3A CA_n28A-n78A
DC_1A-3A-42A_n77A DC_1A_n77A n77A
DC_1A-3A-42A_n77C DC_3A_n77A CA_n77C
DC_1A-3A-42A_n78A DC_1A_n78A n78A
DC_1A-3A-42A_n78C DC_3A_n78A CA_n78C
DC_1A-3A-42A_n79A DC_1A_n79A n79A
DC_1A-3A-42A_n79C DC_3A_n79A CA_n79C
DC_1A-3A-42C_n77A CA_1A-3A-42C n77A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 54 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_1A-3A-42C_n78A CA_1A-3A-42C n78A
DC_1A-3A-42C_n79A CA_1A-3A-42C n79A
DC_1A-3A-42C_n77C CA_1A-3A-42C CA_n77C
DC_1A-3A-42C_n78C CA_1A-3A-42C CA_n78C
DC_1A-3A-42C_n79C CA_1A-3A-42C CA_n79C
DC_1A-5A-7A_n78A DC_5A_n78A CA_1A-5A-7A n78A
DC_1A-5A-7A-7A_n78A DC_5A_n78A CA_1A-5A-7A-7A n78A
DC_1A-7A-20A_n28A DC_7A_n28A CA_1A-7A-20A n28A
DC_1A-7A-20A_n78A DC_7A_n78A CA_1A-7A-20A n78A
DC_1A-7A_n28A-n78A CA_1A-7A CA_n28A-n78A
DC_1A-18A-28A_n77A DC_18A_n77A CA_1A-18A-28A n77A
DC_1A-18A-28A_n78A DC_18A_n78A CA_1A-18A-28A n78A
DC_1A-18A-28A_n79A DC_18A_n79A CA_1A-18A-28A n79A
DC_1A-19A-21A_n77A CA_n77A
DC_19A_n77A CA_1A-19A-21A
DC_1A-19A-21A_n77C CA_n77C
DC_1A-19A-21A_n78A CA_n78A
DC_19A_n78A CA_1A-19A-21A
DC_1A-19A-21A_n78C CA_n78C
DC_1A-19A-21A_n79A CA_n79A
DC_19A_n79A CA_1A-19A-21A
DC_1A-19A-21A_n79C CA_n79C
DC_1A-19A-42A_n77A DC_1A_n77A n77A
DC_1A-19A-42A_n77C DC_19A_n77A CA_n77C
DC_1A-19A-42A_n78A DC_1A_n78A n78A
DC_1A-19A-42A_n78C DC_19A_n78A CA_n78C
DC_1A-19A-42A_n79A DC_1A_n79A n79A
DC_1A-19A-42A_n79C DC_19A_n79A CA_n79C
DC_1A-19A-42C_n77A CA_1A-19A-42C n77A
DC_1A-19A-42C_n78A CA_1A-19A-42C n78A
DC_1A-19A-42C_n79A CA_1A-19A-42C n79A
DC_1A-19A-42C_n77C CA_1A-19A-42C CA_n77C
DC_1A-19A-42C_n78C CA_1A-19A-42C CA_n78C
DC_1A-19A-42C_n79C CA_1A-19A-42C CA_n79C

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 55 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_1A-20A_n28A-n78A CA_1A-20A CA_n28A-n78A
DC_1A-21A-28A_n77A DC_21A_n77A CA_1A-21A-28A n77A
DC_1A-21A-28A_n78A DC_21A_n78A CA_1A-21A-28A n78A
DC_1A-21A-28A_n79A DC_21A_n79A CA_1A-21A-28A n79A
DC_1A-21A-42A_n77A DC_1A_n77A n77A
DC_1A-21A-42A_n77C DC_21A_n77A CA_n77C
DC_1A-21A-42A_n78A DC_1A_n78A n78A
DC_1A-21A-42A_n78C DC_21A_n78A CA_n78C
DC_1A-21A-42A_n79A DC_1A_n79A n79A
DC_1A-21A-42A_n79C DC_21A_n79A CA_n79C
DC_1A-21A-42C_n77A CA_1A-21A-42C n77A
DC_1A-21A-42C_n78A CA_1A-21A-42C n78A
DC_1A-21A-42C_n79A CA_1A-21A-42C n79A
DC_1A-21A-42C_n77C CA_1A-21A-42C CA_n77C
DC_1A-21A-42C_n78C CA_1A-21A-42C CA_n78C
DC_1A-21A-42C_n79C CA_1A-21A-42C CA_n79C
DC_1A-28A-42A_n77A CA_1A-28A-42A n77A
DC_1A-28A-42A_n78A CA_1A-28A-42A n78A
DC_1A-28A-42A_n79A CA_1A-28A-42A n79A
DC_1A-28A-42C_n77A CA_1A-28A-42C n77A
DC_1A-28A-42C_n78A CA_1A-28A-42C n78A
DC_1A-28A-42C_n79A CA_1A-28A-42C n79A
DC_1A-41A-42A_n77A CA_1A-41A-42A n77A
DC_1A-41A-42C_n77A CA_1A-41A-42C n77A
DC_1A-41C-42A_n77A CA_1A-41C-42A n77A
DC_1A-41A-42A_n78A CA_1A-41A-42A n78A
DC_1A-41A-42C_n78A CA_1A-41A-42C n78A
DC_1A-41C-42A_n78A CA_1A-41C-42A n78A
DC_1A-41A-42A_n79A CA_1A-41A-42A n79A
DC_1A-41A-42C_n79A CA_1A-41A-42C n79A
DC_1A-41C-42A_n79A CA_1A-41C-42A n79A
DC_1A-41C-42C_n77A CA_1A-41C-42C n77A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 56 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_1A-41C-42C_n78A CA_1A-41C-42C n78A
DC_1A-41C-42C_n79A CA_1A-41C-42C n79A
DC_2A-66A-(n)71AA DC_66A_n71A CA_2A-66A-71A n71A
DC_3A-5A-7A-7A_n78A DC_5A_n78A CA_3A-5A-7A-7A n78A
DC_3A-5A-7A_n78A DC_5A_n78A CA_3A-5A-7A n78A
DC_3A-7A-20A_n28A DC_7A_n28A CA_3A-7A-20A n28A
DC_3A-7A-20A_n78A DC_3A_n78A
DC_20A_n78A CA_3A-7A-20A n78A
DC_3A-7A-28A_n78A DC_7A_n78A CA_3A-7A-28A n78A
DC_3A-7C-28A_n78A DC_7A_n78A CA_3A-7C-28A n78A
DC_3A-7A_n28A-n78A CA_3A-7A CA_n28A-n78A
DC_3A-19A-21A_n77A n77A
DC_19A_n77A CA_3A-19A-21A
DC_3A-19A-21A_n77C CA_n77C
DC_3A-19A-21A_n78A n78A
DC_19A_n78A CA_3A-19A-21A
DC_3A-19A-21A_n78C CA_n78C
DC_3A-19A-21A_n79A n79A
DC_19A_n79A CA_3A-19A-21A
DC_3A-19A-21A_n79C CA_n79C
DC_3A-19A-42A_n77A DC_3A_n77A n77A
DC_3A-19A-42A_n77C DC_19A_n77A CA_n77C
DC_3A-19A-42C_n77A DC_3A_n77A n77A
DC_3A-19A-42C_n77C DC_19A_n77A CA_n77C
DC_3A-19A-42A_n78A DC_3A_n78A n78A
DC_3A-19A-42A_n78C DC_19A_n78A CA_n78C
DC_3A-19A-42C_n78A DC_3A_n78A n78A
DC_3A-19A-42C_n78C DC_19A_n78A CA_n78C
DC_3A-19A-42A_n79A DC_3A_n79A n79A
DC_3A-19A-42A_n79C DC_19A_n79A CA_n79C
DC_3A-19A-42C_n79A DC_3A_n79A n79A
DC_3A-19A-42C_n79C DC_19A_n79A CA_n79C
DC_3A-20A_n28A-n78A CA_3A-20A CA_n28A-n78A
DC_3A-21A-42A_n77A DC_3A_n77A n77A
DC_3A-21A-42A_n77C DC_21A_n77A CA_n77C
DC_3A-21A-42A_n78A DC_3A_n78A n78A
DC_3A-21A-42A_n78C DC_21A_n78A CA_n78C
DC_3A-21A-42A_n79A DC_3A_n79A n79A
DC_3A-21A-42A_n79C DC_21A_n79A CA_n79C
DC_3A-21A-42C_n77A CA_3A-21A-42C n77A
DC_3A-21A-42C_n78A CA_3A-21A-42C n78A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 57 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_3A-21A-42C_n79A CA_3A-21A-42C n79A
DC_3A-21A-42C_n77C CA_3A-21A-42C CA_n77C
DC_3A-21A-42C_n78C CA_3A-21A-42C CA_n78C
DC_3A-21A-42C_n79C CA_3A-21A-42C CA_n79C
DC_3A-28A-42A_n77A CA_3A-28A-42A n77A
DC_3A-28A-42A_n78A CA_3A-28A-42A n78A
DC_3A-28A-42A_n79A CA_3A-28A-42A n79A
DC_3A-28A-42C_n77A CA_3A-28A-42C n77A
DC_3A-28A-42C_n78A CA_3A-28A-42C n78A
DC_3A-28A-42C_n79A CA_3A-28A-42C n79A
DC_7A-20A_n28A-n78A CA_7A-20A CA_n28A-n78A
DC_19A-21A-42A_n77A DC_19A_n77A n77A
DC_19A-21A-42A_n77C DC_21A_n77A CA_n77C
DC_19A-21A-42A_n78A DC_19A_n78A n78A
DC_19A-21A-42A_n78C DC_21A_n78A CA_n78C
DC_19A-21A-42A_n79A DC_19A_n79A n79A
DC_19A-21A-42A_n79C DC_21A_n79A CA_n79C
DC_19A-21A-42C_n77A CA_19A-21A-42C n77A
DC_19A-21A-42C_n78A CA_19A-21A-42C n78A
DC_19A-21A-42C_n79A CA_19A-21A-42C n79A
DC_19A-21A-42C_n77C CA_19A-21A-42C CA_n77C
DC_19A-21A-42C_n78C CA_19A-21A-42C CA_n78C
DC_19A-21A-42C_n79C CA_19A-21A-42C CA_n79C
DC_21A-28A-42A_n77A CA_21A-28A-42A n77A
DC_21A-28A-42A_n78A CA_21A-28A-42A n78A
DC_21A-28A-42A_n79A CA_21A-28A-42A n79A
DC_21A-28A-42C_n77A CA_21A-28A-42C n77A
DC_21A-28A-42C_n78A CA_21A-28A-42C n78A
DC_21A-28A-42C_n79A CA_21A-28A-42C n79A
NOTE 1: Uplink CA configurations are the configurations supported by the present release of specifications.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 58 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.5B.4.4 Inter-band EN-DC configurations within FR1 (five bands)

Table 5.5B.4.4-1: Inter-band EN-DC configurations within FR1 (five bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 59 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_1A-3A-5A-7A_n78A CA_1A-3A-5A-7A n78A
DC_1A-3A-7A-20A_n28A CA_1A-3A-7A-20A n28A
DC_1A-3A-5A-7A-7A_n78A CA_1A-3A-5A-7A-7A n78A
DC_1A-3A-7A-20A_n78A CA_1A-3A-7A-20A n78A
DC_1A-3A-7A_n28A-n78A CA_1A-3A-7A CA_n28A-n78A
DC_1A-3A-19A-21A_n77A CA_1A-3A-19A-21A n77A
DC_1A-3A-19A-21A_n77C CA_1A-3A-19A-21A CA_n77C
DC_1A-3A-19A-21A_n78A CA_1A-3A-19A-21A n78A
DC_1A-3A-19A-21A_n78C CA_1A-3A-19A-21A CA_n78C
DC_1A-3A-19A-21A_n79A CA_1A-3A-19A-21A n79A
DC_1A-3A-19A-21A_n79C CA_1A-3A-19A-21A CA_n79C
DC_1A-3A-19A-42A_n77A DC_3A_n77A CA_1A-3A-19A-42A n77A
DC_1A-3A-19A-42A_n77C DC_3A_n77A CA_1A-3A-19A-42A CA_n77C
DC_1A-3A-19A-42C_n77A DC_3A_n77A CA_1A-3A-19A-42C n77A
DC_1A-3A-19A-42C_n77C DC_3A_n77A CA_1A-3A-19A-42C CA_n77C
DC_1A-3A-19A-42A_n78A DC_3A_n78A CA_1A-3A-19A-42A n78A
DC_1A-3A-19A-42A_n78C DC_3A_n78A CA_1A-3A-19A-42A CA_n78C

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 60 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_1A-3A-19A-42C_n78A DC_3A_n78A CA_1A-3A-19A-42C n78A
DC_1A-3A-19A-42C_n78C DC_3A_n78A CA_1A-3A-19A-42C CA_n78C
DC_1A-3A-19A-42A_n79A DC_3A_n79A CA_1A-3A-19A-42A n79A
DC_1A-3A-19A-42A_n79C DC_3A_n79A CA_1A-3A-19A-42A CA_n79C
DC_1A-3A-19A-42C_n79A DC_3A_n79A CA_1A-3A-19A-42C n79A
DC_1A-3A-19A-42C_n79C DC_3A_n79A CA_1A-3A-19A-42C CA_n79C
DC_1A-3A-20A_n28A-n78A CA_1A-3A-20A CA_n28A-n78A
DC_1A-3A-21A-42A_n77A n77A
DC_3A_n77A CA_1A-3A-21A-42A
DC_1A-3A-21A-42A_n77C CA_n77C
DC_1A-3A-21A-42A_n78A n78A
DC_3A_n78A CA_1A-3A-21A-42A
DC_1A-3A-21A-42A_n78C CA_n78C
DC_1A-3A-21A-42A_n79A n79A
DC_3A_n79A CA_1A-3A-21A-42A
DC_1A-3A-21A-42A_n79C CA_n79C
DC_1A-3A-21A-42C_n77A DC_3A_n77A CA_1A-3A-21A-42C n77A
DC_1A-3A-21A-42C_n77C DC_3A_n77A CA_1A-3A-21A-42C CA_n77C
DC_1A-3A-21A-42C_n78A DC_3A_n78A CA_1A-3A-21A-42C n78A
DC_1A-3A-21A-42C_n78C DC_3A_n78A CA_1A-3A-21A-42C CA_n78C
DC_1A-3A-21A-42C_n79A DC_3A_n79A CA_1A-3A-21A-42C n79A
DC_1A-3A-21A-42C_n79C DC_3A_n79A CA_1A-3A-21A-42C CA_n79C
DC_1A-3A-28A-42A_n77A DC_3A_n77A CA_1A-3A-28A-42A n77A
DC_1A-3A-28A-42A_n78A DC_3A_n78A CA_1A-3A-28A-42A n78A
DC_1A-3A-28A-42A_n79A DC_3A_n79A CA_1A-3A-28A-42A n79A
DC_1A-3A-28A-42C_n77A DC_3A_n77A CA_1A-3A-28A-42C n77A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 61 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_1A-3A-28A-42C_n78A DC_3A_n78A CA_1A-3A-28A-42C n78A
DC_1A-3A-28A-42C_n79A DC_3A_n79A CA_1A-3A-28A-42C n79A
DC_1A-7A-20A_n28A-n78A CA_1A-7A-20A CA_n28A-n78A
DC_1A-19A-21A-42A_n77A DC_19A_n77A CA_1A-19A-21A-42A n77A
DC_1A-19A-21A-42A_n78A DC_19A_n78A CA_1A-19A-21A-42A n78A
DC_1A-19A-21A-42A_n79A DC_19A_n79A CA_1A-19A-21A-42A n79A
DC_1A-19A-21A-42A_n77C DC_19A_n77A CA_1A-19A-21A-42A CA_n77C
DC_1A-19A-21A-42A_n78C DC_19A_n78A CA_1A-19A-21A-42A CA_n78C
DC_1A-19A-21A-42A_n79C DC_19A_n79A CA_1A-19A-21A-42A CA_n79C
DC_1A-19A-21A-42C_n77A DC_19A_n77A CA_1A-19A-21A-42C n77A
DC_1A-19A-21A-42C_n77C DC_19A_n77A CA_1A-19A-21A-42C CA_n77C
DC_1A-19A-21A-42C_n78A DC_19A_n78A CA_1A-19A-21A-42C n78A
DC_1A-19A-21A-42C_n78C DC_19A_n78A CA_1A-19A-21A-42C CA_n78C
DC_1A-19A-21A-42C_n79A DC_19A_n79A CA_1A-19A-21A-42C n79A
DC_1A-19A-21A-42C_n79C DC_19A_n79A CA_1A-19A-21A-42C CA_n79C
DC_1A-21A-28A-42A_n77A DC_21A_n77A CA_1A-21A-28A-42A n77A
DC_1A-21A-28A-42A_n78A DC_21A_n78A CA_1A-21A-28A-42A n78A
DC_1A-21A-28A-42A_n79A DC_21A_n79A CA_1A-21A-28A-42A n79A
DC_1A-21A-28A-42C_n77A DC_21A_n77A CA_1A-21A-28A-42C n77A
DC_1A-21A-28A-42C_n78A DC_21A_n78A CA_1A-21A-28A-42C n78A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 62 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_1A-21A-28A-42C_n79A DC_21A_n79A CA_1A-21A-28A-42C n79A
DC_3A-7A-20A_n28A-n78A CA_3A-7A-20A CA_n28A-n78A
NOTE 1: Uplink CA configurations are the configurations supported by the present release of specifications.

5.5B.4.5 Inter-band EN-DC configurations within FR1 (six bands)

Table 5.5B.4.5-1: Inter-band EN-DC configurations within FR1 (six bands)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_1A-3A-7A-20A_n28A-n78A CA_1A-3A-7A-20A CA_n28A-n78A
NOTE 1: Uplink CA configurations are the configurations supported by the present release of specifications.

5.5B.5 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2

Supported channel bandwidths for E-UTRA operating bands and CA configurations are defined in TS 36.101 [4] and
for NR operating bands and CA configurations in TS 38.101-1 [2], TS 38.101-2 [3] and TS 38.101-3.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 63 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.5B.5.1 Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR2 (two bands)

Table 5.5B.5.1-1: Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR2 (two bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 64 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_1A_n257A n257A
DC_1A_n257D CA_n257D
DC_1A_n257A 1A
DC_1A_n257E CA_n257E
DC_1A_n257F CA_n257F
DC_2A_n257A n257A
DC_2A_n257A 2A
DC_2A_n257(2A) CA_n257(2A)
DC_2A-2A_n257A DC_2A_n257A CA_2A-2A n257A
DC_2A_n257A DC_2A_n257A 2A n257A
DC_2C_n257A DC_2A_n257A CA_2C n257A
DC_2A_n260J DC_2A_n260A 2A
DC_2A-2A_n260A n260A
DC_2A-2A_n260G CA_n260G
DC_2A-2A_n260H CA_n260H
DC_2A-2A_n260I CA_n260I
DC_2A_n260A CA_2A-2A
DC_2A-2A_n260J CA_n260J
DC_2A-2A_n260K CA_n260K
DC_2A-2A_n260L CA_n260L
DC_2A-2A_n260M CA_n260M
DC_2C_n260A DC_2A_n260A CA_2C n260A
DC_3A_n257A n257A
DC_3A_n257D CA_n257D
DC_3A_n257A 3A
DC_3A_n257E CA_n257E
DC_3A_n257F CA_n257F
DC_3A_n258A DC_3A_n258A 3A n258A
DC_5A-5A_n257A DC_5A_n257A CA_5A-5A n257A
DC_5A-5A_n260A DC_5A_n260A CA_5A-5A n260A
DC_5A_n257A DC_5A_n257A 5A n257A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 65 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_5A_n260A n260A
DC_5A_n260B CA_n260B
DC_5A_n260C CA_n260C
DC_5A_n260D CA_n260D
DC_5A_n260E CA_n260E
DC_5A_n260F CA_n260F
DC_5A_n260G CA_n260G
DC_5A_n260H CA_n260H
DC_5A_n260I CA_n260I
DC_5A_n260J CA_n260J
DC_5A_n260K CA_n260K
DC_5A_n260L CA_n260L
DC_5A_n260M CA_n260M
DC_5A_n260O CA_n260O
DC_5A_n260P CA_n260P
DC_5A_n260A 5A
DC_5A_n260Q CA_n260Q
DC_5A_n260(2A) CA_n260(2A)
DC_5A_n260(3A) CA_n260(3A)
DC_5A_n260(4A) CA_n260(4A)
DC_5A_n260(A-I) CA_n260(A-I)
DC_5A_n260(D-G) CA_n260(D-G)
DC_5A_n260(D-H) CA_n260(D-H)
DC_5A_n260(D-I) CA_n260(D-I)
DC_5A_n260(D-O) CA_n260(D-O)
DC_5A_n260(D-P) CA_n260(D-P)
DC_5A_n260(D-Q) CA_n260(D-Q)
DC_5A_n260(E-O) CA_n260(E-O)
DC_5A_n260(E-P) CA_n260(E-P)
DC_5A_n260(E-Q) CA_n260(E-Q)
DC_5A_n260(G-I) CA_n260(G-I)
DC_5A_n261A n261A
DC_5A_n261B CA_n261B
DC_5A_n261C CA_n261C
DC_5A_n261D CA_n261D
DC_5A_n261E CA_n261E
DC_5A_n261F CA_n261F
DC_5A_n261G CA_n261G
DC_5A_n261H CA_n261H
DC_5A_n261I CA_n261I
DC_5A_n261J CA_n261J
DC_5A_n261K CA_n261K
DC_5A_n261L CA_n261L
DC_5A_n261M CA_n261M
DC_5A_n261O CA_n261O
DC_5A_n261A 5A
DC_5A_n261P CA_n261P
DC_5A_n261Q CA_n261Q
DC_5A_n261(2A) CA_n261(2A)
DC_5A_n261(3A) CA_n261(3A)
DC_5A_n261(4A) CA_n261(4A)
DC_5A_n261(D-G) CA_n261(D-G)
DC_5A_n261(D-H) CA_n261(D-H)
DC_5A_n261(D-I) CA_n261(D-I)
DC_5A_n261(D-O) CA_n261(D-O)
DC_5A_n261(D-P) CA_n261(D-P)
DC_5A_n261(D-Q) CA_n261(D-Q)
DC_5A_n261(E-O) CA_n261(E-O)
DC_5A_n261(E-P) CA_n261(E-P)
DC_5A_n261(E-Q) CA_n261(E-Q)
DC_5B_n257A DC_5B_n257A CA_5B n257A
DC_5B_n260A DC_5B_n260A CA_5B n260A
DC_7A-7A_n257A DC_7A_n257A CA_7A-7A n257A
DC_7A_n257A DC_7A_n257A 7A n257A
DC_7A_n258A DC_7A_n258A 7A n258A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 66 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_8A_n257A DC_8A_n257A 8A n257A
DC_8A_n258A DC_8A_n258A 8A n258A
DC_11A_n257A DC_11A_n257A 11A n257A
DC_12A_n260A n260A
DC_12A_n260G CA_n260G
DC_12A_n260H CA_n260H
DC_12A_n260I CA_n260I
DC_12A_n260J CA_n260J
DC_12A_n260A 12A
DC_12A_n260K CA_n260K
DC_12A_n260L CA_n260L
DC_12A_n260M CA_n260M
DC_12A_n260(A-I) CA_n260(A-I)
DC_12A_n260(G-I) CA_n260(G-I)
DC_13A_n257A DC_13A_n257A 13A n257A
DC_13A_n260A DC_13A_n260A 13A n260A
DC_18A_n257A DC_18A_n257A 18A n257A
DC_19A_n257A n257A
DC_19A_n257D CA_n257D
DC_19A_n257A 19A
DC_19A_n257E CA_n257E
DC_19A_n257F CA_n257F
DC_20A_n258A DC_20A_n258A 20A n258A
DC_21A_n257A n257A
DC_21A_n257D CA_n257D
DC_21A_n257A 21A
DC_21A_n257E CA_n257E
DC_21A_n257F CA_n257F
DC_26A_n257A DC_26A_n257A 26A n257A
DC_28A_n257A n257A
DC_28A_n257D CA_n257D
DC_28A_n257A 28A
DC_28A_n257E CA_n257E
DC_28A_n257F CA_n257F
DC_28A_n258A DC_28A_n258A 28A n258A
DC_30A_n260A n260A
DC_30A_n260G CA_n260G
DC_30A_n260H CA_n260H
DC_30A_n260I CA_n260I
DC_30A_n260J CA_n260J
DC_30A_n260A 30A
DC_30A_n260K CA_n260K
DC_30A_n260L CA_n260L
DC_30A_n260M CA_n260M
DC_30A_n260(A-I) CA_n260(A-I)
DC_30A_n260(G-I) CA_n260(G-I)
DC_39A_n258A DC_39A_n258A 39A n258A
DC_41A_n257A 41A
DC_41A_n257A n257A
DC_41C_n257A CA_41C
DC_41A_n258A DC_41A_n258A 41A n258A
DC_41C_n257A DC_41C_n257A CA_41C n257A
DC_42A_n257A 42A n257A
DC_42C_n257A CA_42C n257A
DC_42A_n257D DC_42A_n257A 42A CA_n257D
DC_42A_n257E 42A CA_n257E
DC_42A_n257F 42A CA_n257F
DC_42C_n257A n257A
DC_42C_n257D CA_n257D
DC_42C_n257A CA_42C
DC_42C_n257E CA_n257E
DC_42C_n257F CA_n257F
DC_42D_n257A DC_42C_n257A CA_42D n257A
DC_42E_n257A DC_42A_n257A CA_42E n257A
DC_48A-48A_n257A DC_48A_n257A CA_48A-48A n257A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 67 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_48A-48A_n260A DC_48A_n260A CA_48A-48A n260A
DC_48A_n257A DC_48A_n257A 48A n257A
DC_48C_n257A DC_48C_n257A CA_48C n257A
DC_48C_n260A DC_48C_n260A CA_48C n260A
DC_48A_n260A DC_48A_n260A 48A n260A
DC_66A-66A_n257A DC_66A_n257A CA_66A-66A n257A
DC_66A-66A_n260A n260A
DC_66A-66A_n260G CA_n260G
DC_66A-66A_n260H CA_n260H
DC_66A-66A_n260I CA_n260I
DC_66A_n260A CA_66A-66A
DC_66A-66A_n260J CA_n260J
DC_66A-66A_n260K CA_n260K
DC_66A-66A_n260L CA_n260L
DC_66A-66A_n260M CA_n260M
DC_66A_n257A n257A
DC_66A_n257(2A) CA_n257(2A)
DC_66A_n257G CA_n257G
DC_66A_n257H CA_n257H
DC_66A_n257I DC_66A_n257A 66A CA_n257I
DC_66A_n257J CA_n257J
DC_66A_n257K CA_n257K
DC_66A_n257L CA_n257L
DC_66A_n257M CA_n257M
DC_66A_n260A n260A
DC_66A_n260D CA_n260D
DC_66A_n260E CA_n260E
DC_66A_n260F CA_n260F
DC_66A_n260G CA_n260G
DC_66A_n260H CA_n260H
DC_66A_n260I CA_n260I
DC_66A_n260J CA_n260J
DC_66A_n260K CA_n260K
DC_66A_n260L CA_n260L
DC_66A_n260M CA_n260M
DC_66A_n260O CA_n260O
DC_66A_n260P CA_n260P
DC_66A_n260Q CA_n260Q
DC_66A_n260A 66A
DC_66A_n260(2A) CA_n260(2A)
DC_66A_n260(3A) CA_n260(3A)
DC_66A_n260(4A) CA_n260(4A)
DC_66A_n260(A-I) CA_n260(A-I)
DC_66A_n260(D-G) CA_n260(D-G)
DC_66A_n260(D-H) CA_n260(D-H)
DC_66A_n260(D-I) CA_n260(D-I)
DC_66A_n260(D-O) CA_n260(D-O)
DC_66A_n260(D-P) CA_n260(D-P)
DC_66A_n260(D-Q) CA_n260(D-Q)
DC_66A_n260(E-O) CA_n260(E-O)
DC_66A_n260(E-P) CA_n260(E-P)
DC_66A_n260(E-Q) CA_n260(E-Q)
DC_66A_n260(G-I) CA_n260(G-I)
DC_66C_n257A DC_66C_n257A CA_66C n257A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 68 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_66A_n261A n261A
DC_66A_n261D CA_n261D
DC_66A_n261E CA_n261E
DC_66A_n261F CA_n261F
DC_66A_n261G CA_n261G
DC_66A_n261H CA_n261H
DC_66A_n261I CA_n261I
DC_66A_n261J CA_n261J
DC_66A_n261K CA_n261K
DC_66A_n261L CA_n261L
DC_66A_n261M CA_n261M
DC_66A_n261O CA_n261O
DC_66A_n261P CA_n261P
DC_66A_n261A 66A
DC_66A_n261Q CA_n261Q
DC_66A_n261(2A) CA_n261(2A)
DC_66A_n261(3A) CA_n261(3A)
DC_66A_n261(4A) CA_n261(4A)
DC_66A_n261(D-G) CA_n261(D-G)
DC_66A_n261(D-H) CA_n261(D-H)
DC_66A_n261(D-I) CA_n261(D-I)
DC_66A_n261(D-O) CA_n261(D-O)
DC_66A_n261(D-P) CA_n261(D-P)
DC_66A_n261(D-Q) CA_n261(D-Q)
DC_66A_n261(E-O) CA_n261(E-O)
DC_66A_n261(E-P) CA_n261(E-P)
DC_66A_n261(E-Q) CA_n261(E-Q)
NOTE 1: Uplink CA configurations are the configurations supported by the present release of specifications.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 69 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.5B.5.2 Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR2 (three bands)

Table 5.5B.5.2-1: Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR2 (three bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 70 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_1A-3A_n257A n257A
DC_1A-3A_n257D DC_1A_n257A CA_n257D
DC_1A-3A_n257E DC_3A_n257A CA_n257E
DC_1A-3A_n257F CA_n257F
DC_1A-5A_n257A CA_1A-5A n257A
DC_1A-7A_n257A CA_1A-7A n257A
DC_1A-7A-7A_n257A CA_1A-7A-7A n257A
DC_1A-8A_n257A CA_1A-8A n257A
DC_1A-18A_n257A CA_1A-18A n257A
DC_1A-19A_n257A n257A
DC_1A-19A_n257D DC_1A_n257A CA_n257D
DC_1A-19A_n257E DC_19A_n257A CA_n257E
DC_1A-19A_n257F CA_n257F
DC_1A-21A_n257A n257A
DC_1A-21A_n257D DC_1A_n257A CA_n257D
DC_1A-21A_n257E DC_21A_n257A CA_n257E
DC_1A-21A_n257F CA_n257F
DC_1A-28A_n257A n257A
DC_1A-28A_n257D DC_1A_n257A CA_n257D
DC_1A-28A_n257E DC_28A_n257A CA_n257E
DC_1A-28A_n257F CA_n257F
DC_1A-41A_n257A CA_1A-41A n257A
DC_1A-41C_n257A CA_1A-41C n257A
DC_1A-42A_n257A n257A
DC_1A-42A_n257D DC_1A_n257A CA_n257D
DC_1A-42A_n257E DC_42A_n257A CA_n257E
DC_1A-42A_n257F CA_n257F
DC_1A-42C_n257A CA_1A-42C n257A
DC_1A-42D_n257A CA_1A-42D n257A
DC_1A-42E_n257A CA_1A-42E n257A
DC_2A-13A_n260A CA_2A-13A n260A
DC_2A-5A_n257A CA_2A-5A n257A
DC_2A-5A_n260A n260A
DC_2A-5A_n260G CA_n260G
DC_2A-5A_n260H CA_n260H
DC_2A-5A_n260I DC_2A_n260A CA_n260I
DC_2A-5A_n260J DC_5A_n260A CA_n260J
DC_2A-5A_n260K CA_n260K
DC_2A-5A_n260L CA_n260L
DC_2A-5A_n260M CA_n260M
DC_2A-12A_n260A n260A
DC_2A-12A_n260G CA_n260G
DC_2A-12A_n260H CA_n260H
DC_2A-12A_n260I DC_2A_n260A CA_n260I
DC_2A-12A_n260J DC_12A_n260A CA_n260J
DC_2A-12A_n260K CA_n260K
DC_2A-12A_n260L CA_n260L
DC_2A-12A_n260M CA_n260M
DC_2A-13A_n257A CA_2A-13A n257A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 71 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_2A-30A_n260A n260A
DC_2A-30A_n260G CA_n260G
DC_2A-30A_n260H CA_n260H
DC_2A-30A_n260I DC_2A_n260A CA_n260I
DC_2A-30A_n260J DC_30A_n260A CA_n260J
DC_2A-30A_n260K CA_n260K
DC_2A-30A_n260L CA_n260L
DC_2A-30A_n260M CA_n260M
DC_2A-66A_n257A CA_2A-66A n257A
DC_2A-66A_n260A n260A
DC_2A-66A_n260G CA_n260G
DC_2A-66A_n260H CA_n260H
DC_2A-66A_n260I DC_2A_n260A CA_n260I
DC_2A-66A_n260J DC_66A_n260A CA_n260J
DC_2A-66A_n260K CA_n260K
DC_2A-66A_n260L CA_n260L
DC_2A-66A_n260M CA_n260M
DC_3A-5A_n257A CA_3A-5A n257A
DC_3A-7A-7A_n257A CA_3A-7A-7A n257A
DC_3A-7A_n257A CA_3A-7A n257A
DC_3A-19A_n257A n257A
DC_3A-19A_n257D DC_3A_n257A CA_n257D
DC_3A-19A_n257E DC_19A_n257A CA_n257E
DC_3A-19A_n257F CA_n257F
DC_3A-21A_n257A n257A
DC_3A-21A_n257D DC_3A_n257A CA_n257D
DC_3A-21A_n257E DC_21A_n257A CA_n257E
DC_3A-21A_n257F CA_n257F
DC_3A-28A_n257A n257A
DC_3A-28A_n257D DC_3A_n257A CA_n257D
DC_3A-28A_n257E DC_28A_n257A CA_n257E
DC_3A-28A_n257F CA_n257F
DC_3A-41A_n257A CA_3A-41A n257A
DC_3A-42A_n257A n257A
DC_3A-42A_n257D DC_3A_n257A CA_n257D
DC_3A-42A_n257E DC_42A_n257A CA_n257E
DC_3A-42A_n257F CA_n257F
DC_3A-42C_n257A CA_3A-42C n257A
DC_3A-42D_n257A CA_3A-42D n257A
DC_3A-42E_n257A CA_3A-42E n257A
DC_5A-30A_n260A n260A
DC_5A-30A_n260G CA_n260G
DC_5A-30A_n260H CA_n260H
DC_5A-30A_n260I DC_5A_n260A CA_n260I
DC_5A-30A_n260J DC_30A_n260A CA_n260J
DC_5A-30A_n260K CA_n260K
DC_5A-30A_n260L CA_n260L
DC_5A-30A_n260M CA_n260M
DC_5A-66A_n257A CA_5A-66A n257A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 72 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_5A-66A_n260A n260A
DC_5A-66A_n260G CA_n260G
DC_5A-66A_n260H CA_n260H
DC_5A-66A_n260I DC_5A_n260A CA_n260I
DC_5A-66A_n260J DC_66A_n260A CA_n260J
DC_5A-66A_n260K CA_n260K
DC_5A-66A_n260L CA_n260L
DC_5A-66A_n260M CA_n260M
DC_5A-7A-7A_n257A CA_5A-7A-7A n257A
DC_5A-7A_n257A CA_5A-7A n257A
DC_12A-30A_n260A n260A
DC_12A-30A_n260G CA_n260G
DC_12A-30A_n260H CA_n260H
DC_12A-30A_n260I DC_12A_n260A CA_n260I
DC_12A-30A_n260J DC_30A_n260A CA_n260J
DC_12A-30A_n260K CA_n260K
DC_12A-30A_n260L CA_n260L
DC_12A-30A_n260M CA_n260M
DC_12A-66A_n260A n260A
DC_12A-66A_n260G CA_n260G
DC_12A-66A_n260H CA_n260H
DC_12A-66A_n260I DC_12A_n260A CA_n260I
DC_12A-66A_n260J DC_66A_n260A CA_n260J
DC_12A-66A_n260K CA_n260K
DC_12A-66A_n260L CA_n260L
DC_12A-66A_n260M CA_n260M
DC_13A-66A_n257A CA_13A-66A n257A
DC_13A-66A_n260A CA_13A-66A n260A
DC_18A-28A_n257A CA_18A-28A n257A
DC_19A-42A_n257A n257A
DC_19A-42A_n257D DC_19A_n257A CA_n257D
DC_19A-42A_n257E DC_42A_n257A CA_n257E
DC_19A-42A_n257F CA_n257F
DC_19A-21A_n257A n257A
DC_19A-21A_n257D DC_19A_n257A CA_n257D
DC_19A-21A_n257E DC_21A_n257A CA_n257E
DC_19A-21A_n257F CA_n257F
DC_19A-42C_n257A CA_19A-42C n257A
DC_21A-28A_n257A n257A
DC_21A-28A_n257D DC_21A_n257A CA_n257D
DC_21A-28A_n257E DC_28A_n257A CA_n257E
DC_21A-28A_n257F CA_n257F
DC_21A-42A_n257A n257A
DC_21A-42A_n257D DC_21A_n257A CA_n257D
DC_21A-42A_n257E DC_42A_n257A CA_n257E
DC_21A-42A_n257F CA_n257F
DC_21A-42C_n257A CA_21A-42C n257A
DC_28A-42C_n257A CA_28A-42C n257A
DC_28A-42A_n257A CA_28A-42A n257A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 73 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_30A-66A_n260A n260A
DC_30A-66A_n260G CA_n260G
DC_30A-66A_n260H CA_n260H
DC_30A-66A_n260I DC_30A_n260A CA_n260I
DC_30A-66A_n260J DC_66A_n260A CA_n260J
DC_30A-66A_n260K CA_n260K
DC_30A-66A_n260L CA_n260L
DC_30A-66A_n260M CA_n260M
DC_41A-42A_n257A CA_41A-42A n257A
DC_41A-42C_n257A CA_41A-42C n257A
DC_41C-42A_n257A CA_41C-42A n257A
DC_41C-42C_n257A CA_41C-42C n257A
NOTE 1: Uplink CA configurations are the configurations supported by the present release of specifications.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 74 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.5B.5.3 Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR2 (four bands)

Table 5.5B.5.3-1: Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR2 (four bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 75 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_1A-3A-5A_n257A DC_3A_n257A CA_1A-3A-5A n257A
DC_3A_n257A CA_1A-3A-7A-7A n257A
DC_1A-3A-7A_n257A DC_3A_n257A CA_1A-3A-7A n257A
DC_1A-3A-19A_n257A DC_3A_n257A CA_1A-3A-19A n257A
DC_1A-3A-21A_n257A DC_3A_n257A CA_1A-3A-21A n257A
DC_1A-3A-28A_n257A DC_3A_n257A CA_1A-3A-28A n257A
DC_1A-3A-42A_n257A DC_3A_n257A CA_1A-3A-42A n257A
DC_1A-3A-42C_n257A DC_3A_n257A CA_1A-3A-42C n257A
DC_1A-3A-42C_n257D DC_3A_n257A CA_1A-3A-42C CA_n257D
DC_1A-3A-42C_n257E DC_3A_n257A CA_1A-3A-42C CA_n257E
DC_1A-3A-42C_n257F DC_3A_n257A CA_1A-3A-42C CA_n257F
DC_5A_n257A CA_1A-5A-7A-7A n257A
DC_1A-5A-7A_n257A DC_5A_n257A CA_1A-5A-7A n257A
DC_1A-18A-28A_n257A DC_18A_n257A CA_1A-18A-28A n257A
DC_1A-19A-21A_n257A n257A
DC_1A-19A-21A_n257D CA_n257D
DC_19A_n257A CA_1A-19A-21A
DC_1A-19A-21A_n257E CA_n257E
DC_1A-19A-21A_n257F CA_n257F
DC_1A-19A-42A_n257A DC_19A_n257A CA_1A-19A-42A n257A
DC_1A-19A-42C_n257A DC_19A_n257A CA_1A-19A-42C n257A
DC_1A-19A-42C_n257D DC_19A_n257A CA_1A-19A-42C CA_n257D
DC_1A-19A-42C_n257E DC_19A_n257A CA_1A-19A-42C CA_n257E
DC_1A-19A-42C_n257F DC_19A_n257A CA_1A-19A-42C CA_n257F
DC_1A-21A-28A_n257A DC_21A_n257A CA_1A-21A-28A n257A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 76 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

DC_1A-21A-42A_n257A DC_21A_n257A CA_1A-21A-42A n257A
DC_1A-21A-42C_n257A DC_21A_n257A CA_1A-21A-42C n257A
DC_1A-21A-42C_n257D DC_21A_n257A CA_1A-21A-42C CA_n257D
DC_1A-21A-42C_n257E DC_21A_n257A CA_1A-21A-42C CA_n257E
DC_1A-21A-42C_n257F DC_21A_n257A CA_1A-21A-42C CA_n257F
DC_1A-28A-42A_n257A DC_28A_n257A CA_1A-28A-42A n257A
DC_1A-28A-42C_n257A DC_28A_n257A CA_1A-28A-42C n257A
DC_1A-41A-42A_n257A DC_41A_n257A CA_1A-41A-42A n257A
DC_1A-41A-42C_n257A DC_41A_n257A CA_1A-41A-42C n257A
DC_1A-41C-42A_n257A DC_41A_n257A CA_1A-41C-42A n257A
DC_1A-41C-42C_n257A DC_41A_n257A CA_1A-41C-42C n257A
DC_5A_n257A CA_3A-5A-7A-7A n257A
DC_3A-5A-7A_n257A DC_5A_n257A CA_3A-5A-7A n257A
DC_3A-19A-21A_n257A DC_19A_n257A CA_3A-19A-21A n257A
DC_3A-19A-42A_n257A DC_19A_n257A CA_3A-19A-42A n257A
DC_3A-19A-42C_n257A DC_19A_n257A CA_3A-19A-42C n257A
DC_3A-19A-42C_n257D DC_19A_n257A CA_3A-19A-42C CA_n257D
DC_3A-19A-42C_n257E DC_19A_n257A CA_3A-19A-42C CA_n257E
DC_3A-19A-42C_n257F DC_19A_n257A CA_3A-19A-42C CA_n257F
DC_3A-21A-42A_n257A DC_21A_n257A CA_3A-21A-42A n257A
DC_3A-21A-42C_n257A DC_21A_n257A CA_3A-21A-42C n257A
DC_3A-21A-42C_n257D DC_21A_n257A CA_3A-21A-42C CA_n257D
DC_3A-21A-42C_n257E DC_3A_n257A CA_3A-21A-42C CA_n257E

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 77 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

DC_3A-21A-42C_n257F DC_21A_n257A CA_3A-21A-42C CA_n257F
DC_3A-28A-42A_n257A DC_28A_n257A CA_3A-28A-42A n257A
DC_3A-28A-42C_n257A DC_28A_n257A CA_3A-28A-42C n257A
DC_21A_n257A CA_19A-21A-42A n257A
DC_21A_n257A CA_19A-21A-42C CA_n257D
DC_21A_n257A CA_19A-21A-42C CA_n257E
DC_21A_n257A CA_19A-21A-42C CA_n257F
DC_21A_n257A CA_19A-21A-42C n257A
DC_28A_n257A CA_21A-28A-42A n257A
DC_28A_n257A CA_21A-28A-42C n257A
NOTE 1: Uplink CA configurations are the configurations supported by the present release of specifications.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 78 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.5B.5.4 Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR2 (five bands)

Table 5.5B.5.4-1: Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR2 (five bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 79 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_1A-3A-5A-7A_n257A CA_1A-3A-5A-7A n257A
DC_1A-3A-5A-7A-7A_n257A CA_1A-3A-5A-7A-7A n257A
DC_1A-3A-19A-21A_n257A CA_1A-3A-19A-21A n257A
DC_1A-3A-19A-21A_n257D CA_1A-3A-19A-21A CA_n257D
DC_1A-3A-19A-21A_n257E CA_1A-3A-19A-21A CA_n257E
DC_1A-3A-19A-21A_n257F CA_1A-3A-19A-21A CA_n257F
DC_1A-3A-19A-42A_n257A CA_1A-3A-19A-42A n257A
DC_1A-3A-19A-42A_n257D CA_1A-3A-19A-42A CA_n257D
DC_1A-3A-19A-42A_n257E CA_1A-3A-19A-42A CA_n257E
DC_1A-3A-19A-42A_n257F CA_1A-3A-19A-42A CA_n257F
DC_1A-3A-19A-42C_n257A CA_1A-3A-19A-42C n257A
DC_1A-3A-19A-42C_n257D CA_1A-3A-19A-42C CA_n257D
DC_1A-3A-19A-42C_n257E CA_1A-3A-19A-42C CA_n257E
DC_1A-3A-19A-42C_n257F CA_1A-3A-19A-42C CA_n257F
DC_1A-3A-21A-42A_n257A CA_1A-3A-21A-42A n257A
DC_1A-3A-21A-42C_n257A CA_1A-3A-21A-42C n257A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 80 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_1A-3A-21A-42C_n257D CA_1A-3A-21A-42C CA_n257D
DC_1A-3A-21A-42C_n257E CA_1A-3A-21A-42C CA_n257E
DC_1A-3A-21A-42C_n257F CA_1A-3A-21A-42C CA_n257F
DC_1A-3A-28A-42A_n257A CA_1A-3A-28A-42A n257A
DC_1A-3A-28A-42C_n257A CA_1A-3A-28A-42C n257A
DC_1A-19A-21A-42A_n257A CA_1A-19A-21A-42A n257A
DC_1A-19A-21A-42A_n257D CA_1A-19A-21A-42A CA_n257D
DC_1A-19A-21A-42A_n257E CA_1A-19A-21A-42A CA_n257E
DC_1A-19A-21A-42A_n257F CA_1A-19A-21A-42A CA_n257F
DC_1A-19A-21A-42C_n257A CA_1A-19A-21A-42C n257A
DC_1A-19A-21A-42C_n257D CA_1A-19A-21A-42C CA_n257D
DC_1A-19A-21A-42C_n257E CA_1A-19A-21A-42C CA_n257E
DC_1A-19A-21A-42C_n257F CA_1A-19A-21A-42C CA_n257F
DC_1A-19A-28A-42C_n257A CA_1A-19A-28A-42C n257A
DC_1A-21A-28A-42A_n257A CA_1A-21A-28A-42A n257A
NOTE 1: Uplink CA configurations are the configurations supported by the present release of specifications.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 81 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.5B.5.5 Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR2 (six bands)

Table 5.5B.5.5-1: Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR2 (six bands)
Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)

NOTE 1: Uplink CA configurations are the configurations supported by the present release of specifications.

5.5B.6 Inter-band EN-DC including FR1 and FR2

Supported channel bandwidths for E-UTRA operating bands and CA configurations are defined in TS 36.101 [4] and
for NR operating bands and CA configurations in TS 38.101-1 [2], TS 38.101-2 [3] and TS 38.101-3.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 82 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.5B.6.1 Void

5.5B.6.2 Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR1 and FR2 (three bands)
Table 5.5B.6.2-1: Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR1 and FR2 (three bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 83 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_1A_n77A-n257A DC_1A_n257A 1A CA_n77A-n257A
DC_1A_n77A-n257D DC_1A-n257A 1A CA_n77A-n257D
DC_1A_n77A-n257E DC_1A_n257A 1A CA_n77A-n257E
DC_1A_n77A-n257F DC_1A_n257A 1A CA_n77A-n257F
DC_1A_n77C-n257A DC_1A_n257A 1A CA_n77C-n257A
DC_1A_n77C-n257D DC_1A_n257A 1A CA_n77C-n257D
DC_1A_n77C-n257E DC_1A_n257A 1A CA_n77C-n257E
DC_1A_n77C-n257F DC_1A_n257A 1A CA_n77C-n257F
DC_1A_n78A-n257A DC_1A_n257A 1A CA_n78A-n257A
DC_1A_n78A-n257D DC_1A-n257A 1A CA_n78A-n257D
DC_1A_n78A-n257E DC_1A_n257A 1A CA_n78A-n257E
DC_1A_n78A-n257F DC_1A_n257A 1A CA_n78A-n257F
DC_1A_n78C-n257A DC_1A_n257A 1A CA_n78C-n257A
DC_1A_n78C-n257D DC_1A_n257A 1A CA_n78C-n257D
DC_1A_n78C-n257E DC_1A_n257A 1A CA_n78C-n257E
DC_1A_n78C-n257F DC_1A_n257A 1A CA_n78C-n257F
DC_1A_n79A-n257A DC_1A_n257A 1A CA_n79A-n257A
DC_1A_n79A-n257D DC_1A-n257A 1A CA_n79A-n257D
DC_1A_n79A-n257E DC_1A_n257A 1A CA_n79A-n257E
DC_1A_n79A-n257F DC_1A_n257A 1A CA_n79A-n257F
DC_1A_n79C-n257A DC_1A_n257A 1A CA_n79C-n257A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 84 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_1A_n79C-n257D DC_1A_n257A 1A CA_n79C-n257D
DC_1A_n79C-n257E DC_1A_n257A 1A CA_n79C-n257E
DC_1A_n79C-n257F DC_1A_n257A 1A CA_n79C-n257F
DC_3A_n77A-n257A DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n77A-n257A
DC_3A_n77A-n257D DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n77A-n257D
DC_3A_n77A-n257E DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n77A-n257E
DC_3A_n77A-n257F DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n77A-n257F
DC_3A_n77C-n257A DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n77C-n257A
DC_3A_n77C-n257D DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n77C-n257D
DC_3A_n77C-n257E DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n77C-n257E
DC_3A_n77C-n257F DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n77C-n257F
DC_3A_n78A-n257A DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n78A-n257A
DC_3A_n78A-n257D DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n78A-n257D
DC_3A_n78A-n257E DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n78A-n257E
DC_3A_n78A-n257F DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n78A-n257F
DC_3A_n78C-n257A DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n78C-n257A
DC_3A_n78C-n257D DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n78C-n257D
DC_3A_n78C-n257E DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n78C-n257E
DC_3A_n78C-n257F DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n78C-n257F
DC_3A_n79A-n257A DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n79A-n257A
DC_3A_n79A-n257D DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n79A-n257D

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 85 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_3A_n79A-n257E DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n79A-n257E
DC_3A_n79A-n257F DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n79A-n257F
DC_3A_n79C-n257A DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n79C-n257A
DC_3A_n79C-n257D DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n79C-n257D
DC_3A_n79C-n257E DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n79C-n257E
DC_3A_n79C-n257F DC_3A_n257A 3A CA_n79C-n257F
DC_5A_n78A-n257A 5A CA_n78A-n257A
DC_7A_n78A-n257A 7A CA_n78A-n257A
DC_7A-7A_n78-n257A DC_7A_n257A CA_7A-7A CA_n78A-n257A
DC_19A_n77A-n257A DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n77A-n257A
DC_19A_n77A-n257D DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n77A-n257D
DC_19A_n77A-n257E DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n77A-n257E
DC_19A_n77A-n257F DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n77A-n257F
DC_19A_n77C-n257A DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n77C-n257A
DC_19A_n77C-n257D DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n77C-n257D
DC_19A_n77C-n257E DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n77C-n257E
DC_19A_n77C-n257F DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n77C-n257F
DC_19A_n78A-n257A DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n78A-n257A
DC_19A_n78A-n257D DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n78A-n257D
DC_19A_n78A-n257E DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n78A-n257E
DC_19A_n78A-n257F DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n78A-n257F
DC_19A_n78C-n257A DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n78C-n257A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 86 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_19A_n78C-n257D DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n78C-n257D
DC_19A_n78C-n257E DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n78C-n257E
DC_19A_n78C-n257F DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n78C-n257F
DC_19A_n79A-n257A DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n79A-n257A
DC_19A_n79A-n257D DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n79A-n257D
DC_19A_n79A-n257E DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n79A-n257E
DC_19A_n79A-n257F DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n79A-n257F
DC_19A_n79C-n257A DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n79C-n257A
DC_19A_n79C-n257D DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n79C-n257D
DC_19A_n79C-n257E DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n79C-n257E
DC_19A_n79C-n257F DC_19A_n257A 19A CA_n79C-n257F
DC_21A_n77A-n257A 21A CA_n77A-n257A
DC_21A_n78A-n257A 21A CA_n78A-n257A
DC_21A_n79A-n257A 21A CA_n79A-n257A
NOTE 1: Uplink CA configurations are the configurations supported by the present release of specifications.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 87 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.5B.6.3 Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR1 and FR2 (four bands)
Table 5.5B.6.3-1: Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR1 and FR2 (four bands)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_1A-3A_n78A-n257A CA_1A-3A CA_n78A-n257A
DC_1A-5A_n78A-n257A CA_1A-5A CA_n78A-n257A
DC_1A-7A-7A_n78A- DC_1A_n257A
CA_1A-7A-7A CA_n78A-n257A
n257A DC_7A_n78A
DC_1A-7A_n78A-n257A CA_1A-7A CA_n78A-n257A
DC_3A-5A_n78A-n257A CA_3A-5A CA_n78A-n257A
DC_3A-7A-7A_n78A- DC_3A_n257A
CA_3A-7A-7A CA_n78A-n257A
n257A DC_7A_n78A
DC_3A-7A_n78A-n257A CA_3A-7A CA_n78A-n257A
DC_5A-7A-7A_n78A- DC_5A_n257A
CA_5A-7A-7A CA_n78A-n257A
n257A DC_7A_n78A
DC_5A-7A_n78A-n257A CA_5A-7A CA_n78A-n257A
NOTE 1: Uplink CA configurations are the configurations supported by the present release of specifications.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 88 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.5B.6.4 Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR1 and FR2 (five bands)
Table 5.5B.6.4-1: Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR1 and FR2 (five bands)

Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_1A-3A-5A_n78A- DC_3A_n78A
CA_1A-3A-5A CA_n78A-n257A
n257A DC_3A_n257A
DC_1A-3A-7A-7A_n78A- DC_3A_n78A
CA_1A-3A-7A-7A CA_n78A-n257A
n257A DC_3A_n257A
DC_1A-3A-7A_n78A- DC_3A_n78A
CA_1A-3A-7A CA_n78A-n257A
n257A DC_3A_n257A
DC_1A-5A-7A-7A_n78A- DC_5A_n78A
CA_1A-5A-7A-7A CA_n78A-n257A
n257A DC_5A_n257A
DC_1A-5A-7A_n78A- DC_5A_n78A
CA_1A-5A-7A CA_n78A-n257A
n257A DC_5A_n257A
DC_3A-5A-7A-7A_n78A- DC_5A_n78A
CA_3A-5A-7A-7A CA_n78A-n257A
n257A DC_5A_n257A
DC_3A-5A-7A_n78A- DC_5A_n78A
CA_3A-5A-7A CA_n78A-n257A
n257A DC_5A_n257A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 89 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.5B.6.5 Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR1 and FR2 (six bands)
Table 5.5B.6.5-1: Inter-band EN-DC configurations including FR1 and FR2 (six bands)
Uplink EN-DC
configuration E-UTRA configuration NR configuration
(NOTE 1)
DC_1A-3A-5A-7A_n78A-n257A CA_1A-3A-5A-7A CA_n78A-n257A
NOTE 1: Uplink CA configurations are the configurations supported by the present release of specifications.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 90 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

5.5B.7 Inter-band NR-DC between FR1 and FR2

5.5B.7.1 Inter-band NR-DC configurations between FR1 and FR2 (two bands)
Table 5.5B.7-1: Inter-band NR-DC configurations between FR1 and FR2 (two bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 91 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Downlink NR DC Uplink NR DC
NR configuration for FR1 NR configuration for FR2
configuration configuration
DC_n77A-n257A n77A n257A
DC_n77A-n257D n77A CA_n257D
DC_n77A-n257E n77A CA_n257E
DC_n77A-n257F n77A CA_n257F
DC_n77A-n257G n77A CA_n257G
DC_n77A-n257H n77A CA_n257H
DC_n77A-n257I n77A CA_n257I
DC_n77A-n257J DC_n77A-n257A n77A CA_n257J
DC_n77A-n257K n77A CA_n257K
DC_n77A-n257L n77A CA_n257L
DC_n77A-n257M n77A CA_n257M
DC_n77C-n257A CA_n77C n257A
DC_n77C-n257D CA_n77C CA_n257D
DC_n77C-n257E CA_n77C CA_n257E
DC_n77C-n257F CA_n77C CA_n257F
DC_n78A-n257A n78A n257A
DC_n78A-n257D n78A CA_n257D
DC_n78A-n257E n78A CA_n257E
DC_n78A-n257F n78A CA_n257F
DC_n78A-n257G n78A CA_n257G
DC_n78A-n257H n78A CA_n257H
DC_n78A-n257I n78A CA_n257I
DC_n78A-n257J DC_n78A-n257A n78A CA_n257J
DC_n78A-n257K n78A CA_n257K
DC_n78A-n257L n78A CA_n257L
DC_n78A-n257M n78A CA_n257M
DC_n78C-n257A CA_n78C n257A
DC_n78C-n257D CA_n78C CA_n257D
DC_n78C-n257E CA_n78C CA_n257E
DC_n78C-n257F CA_n78C CA_n257F
DC_n79A-n257A n79A n257A
DC_n79A-n257D n79A CA_n257D
DC_n79A-n257E n79A CA_n257E
DC_n79A-n257F n79A CA_n257F
DC_n79A-n257G n79A CA_n257G
DC_n79A-n257H n79A CA_n257H
DC_n79A-n257I n79A CA_n257I
DC_n79A-n257J DC_n79A-n257A n79A CA_n257J
DC_n79A-n257K n79A CA_n257K
DC_n79A-n257L n79A CA_n257L
DC_n79A-n257M n79A CA_n257M
DC_n79C-n257A CA_n79C n257A
DC_n79C-n257D CA_n79C CA_n257D
DC_n79C-n257E CA_n79C CA_n257E
DC_n79C-n257F CA_n79C CA_n257F
NOTE 1: NR configuration for FR1 and FR2 are defined in TS 38.101-1 [2] and TS 38.101-2 [3] respectively.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 92 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

6 Transmitter characteristics

6.1 General
Unless otherwise stated the transmitter characteristics are specified at the antenna connector(s) of the UE for the bands
operating on frequency range 1 and over the air of the UE for the bands operating on frequency range 2. The
requirements for frequency range 1 and frequency range 2 can be verified separately. For the carrier in frequency range
1, requirements can be verified with NR FR2 link disabled. For the carrier in frequency range 2, requirements can be
verified in OTA mode with LTE connecting to the network by OTA without calibration.

Unless otherwise stated, requirements for NR transmitter written in TS 38.101-1 [2] and TS 38.101-2 [3] apply and are
assumed anchor agnostic. Requirements are verified under conditions where anchor resources do not interfere NR

6.2 Transmitter power

6.2A Transmitter power for CA

6.2A.1 UE maximum output power for CA

6.2A.1.1 Inter-band CA between FR1 and FR2

Table 6.2A.1.1-1: Void

For inter-band NR CA in FR1 and FR2 combined, the UE shall meet each transmitter power requirement specified in
clause 6.2.1 of TS 38.101-1 [2] and clause 6.2.1 TS 38.101-2 [3] independently.

6.2A.2 UE maximum output power reduction for CA

6.2A.2.1 Inter-band CA between FR1 and FR2

For inter-band NR CA between FR1 and FR2, UE maximum output power reduction specified in TS 38.101-1 [2] and
TS 38.101-2 [3] apply for each frequency range respectively.

6.2A.3 UE additional maximum output power reduction for CA

For inter-band NR CA between FR1 and FR2, UE additional maximum output power reduction specified in TS 38.101-
1 [2] and TS 38.101-2 [3] apply for each frequency range respectively.

6.2A.4 Configured output power for CA

6.2A.4.1 Configured output power level

For inter-band NR CA between FR1 and FR2, UE configured output power specified in TS 38.101-1 [2] and TS
38.101-2 [3] apply for each frequency range respectively.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 93 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

6.2A.4.2 ΔTIB,c for CA

6.2A.4.2.1 ΔTIB,c for Inter-band CA between FR1 and FR2

ΔTIB,c for NR CA For the UE which supports inter-band NR CA configuration, ΔTIB,c in Tables below applies. Unless
otherwise stated, ΔTIB,c is set to zero.

Table 6.2A.4.2.1-1: Void

6.2B Transmitter power for DC

6.2B.1 UE maximum output power for EN-DC

6.2B.1.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC

The following UE Power Classes define the total maximum output power for any transmission bandwidth(s) of the
CG(s) configured.

The maximum output power is measured as the total maximum output power across the UE antenna connector(s). The
period of measurement shall be at least one sub frame.

Table 6.2B.1.1-1: Maximum output power for EN-DC (continuous sub-blocks)

Power class 2 Tolerance Power class 3 Tolerance
DC configuration
(dBm) (dB) (dBm) (dB)
DC_(n)71AA 23 +2/-3
DC_(n)41AA 26 +2/-21 23 +2/-21
NOTE 1: If all transmitted resource blocks over all component carriers are confined within FUL_low and FUL_low + 4 MHz or/and
FUL_high – 4 MHz and FUL_high, the maximum output power requirement is relaxed by reducing the lower tolerance limit
by 1.5 dB
NOTE 2: Power Class 3 is the default power class unless otherwise stated.

If UE supports a different power class than the default UE power class for EN-DC band combination, and the supported
power class enables higher maximum output power than that of the default power class:

- if the LTE UL/DL configuration is 0 or 6; or

- if the LTE UL/DL configuration is 1 and special subframe configuration is 0 or 5; or

- if the IE p-maxUE-FR1 as defined in TS 38.331 [7] is provided and set to the maximum output power of the
default power class or lower;

- apply all requirements for the default power class, and set the configured transmitted power as specified in
sub-clause 6.2B.4;

- else

- apply all requirements for the supported power class, and set the configured transmitted power class as
specified in sub-clause 6.2B.4;

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 94 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

6.2B.1.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC

Table 6.2B.1.2-1: Maximum output power for EN-DC (non-continuous sub-blocks)
Power class 2 Tolerance Power class 3 Tolerance
DC configuration
(dBm) (dB) (dBm) (dB)
DC_3A_n3A2 23 +2/-3
DC_41A_n41A 26 +2/-21 23 +2/-21
NOTE 1: If all transmitted resource blocks over all component carriers are confined within FUL_low and FUL_low + 4 MHz or/and
FUL_high – 4 MHz and FUL_high, the maximum output power requirement is relaxed by reducing the lower tolerance limit
by 1.5 dB
NOTE 2: Only single switched UL is supported in Rel.15
NOTE 3: Power Class 3 is the default power class unless otherwise stated.

If UE supports a different power class than the default UE power class for EN-DC band combination, and the supported
power class enables higher maximum output power than that of the default power class:

- if the LTE UL/DL configuration is 0 or 6; or

- if the LTE UL/DL configuration is 1 and special subframe configuration is 0 or 5; or

- if the IE p-maxUE-FR1 as defined in TS 38.331 [7] is provided and set to the maximum output power of the
default power class or lower;

- apply all requirements for the default power class, and set the configured transmitted power as specified in
sub-clause 6.2B.4;

- else

- apply all requirements for the supported power class, and set the configured transmitted power class as specified in
sub-clause 6.2B.4;

6.2B.1.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1

For inter-band EN-DC of LTE and NR in FR1, the following UE Power Classes define the maximum output power for
any transmission bandwidth within the aggregated channel bandwidth. The maximum output power is measured as the
sum of the maximum output power at each UE antenna connector. The period of measurement shall be at least one sub
frame (1ms). UE maximum output power shall be measured over all component carriers from different bands. If each
band has separate antenna connectors, maximum output power is measured as the sum of maximum output power at
each UE antenna connector.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 95 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Table 6.2B.1.3-1: Maximum output power for inter-band EN-DC (two bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 96 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Power class 3 Tolerance

EN-DC configuration
(dBm) (dB)
DC_1A_n28A 23 +2/-3
DC_1A_n40A 23 +2/-3
DC_1A_n51A 23 +2/-3
DC_1A_n77A 23 +2/-3
DC_1A_n84A_ULSUP-TDM_n78A 23 +2/-3
DC_1A_n79A 23 +2/-3
DC_2A_n5A 23 +2/-31
DC_2A_n66A 23 +2/-31
DC_2A_n71A 23 +2/-3
DC_2A_n78A 23 +2/-3
DC_3A_n7A 23 +2/-31
DC_3A_n28A 23 +2/-31
DC_3A_n40A 23 +2/-31
DC_3A_n51A 23 +2/-31
DC_3A_n77A 23 +2/-31
DC_3A_n80A_ULSUP-TDM_n78A, 23 +2/-31
DC_3A_n80A_ULSUP-TDM_n79A, 23 +2/-31
DC_3A_n82A 23 +2/-31
DC_5A_n40A 23 +2/-31
DC_5A_n66A 23 +2/-31
DC_5A_n78A 23 +2/-3
DC_7A_n28A 23 +2/-31
DC_7A_n51A 23 +2/-31
23 +2/-3
DC_8A_n40A 23 +2/-31
DC_8A_n77A 23 +2/-3
DC_8A_n81A_ULSUP-TDM_n78A, 23 +2/-3
DC_8A_n81A_ULSUP-TDM_n79A, 23 +2/-3
DC_11A_n77A 23 +2/-3
DC_11A_n78A 23 +2/-3
DC_11A_n79A 23 +2/-3
DC_12A_n5A 23 +2/-3
DC_12A_n66A 23 +2/-3
DC_18A_n77A 23 +2/-3
DC_18A_n78A 23 +2/-3
DC_18A_n79A 23 +2/-3
DC_19A_n77A 23 +2/-3
DC_19A_n78A 23 +2/-3
DC_19A_n79A 23 +2/-3
DC_20A_n8A 23 +2/-3

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 97 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Power class 3 Tolerance

EN-DC configuration
(dBm) (dB)
23 +2/-3
DC_20A_n51A 23 +2/-3
DC_20A_n77A 23 +2/-3
DC_20A_n82A_ULSUP-TDM_n78A, 23 +2/-3
DC_21A_n77A 23 +2/-3
DC_21A_n78A 23 +2/-3
DC_21A_n79A 23 +2/-3
DC_25A_n41A 23 +2/-3
DC_26A_n41A 23 +2/-3
DC_26A_n77A 23 +2/-3
DC_26A_n78A 23 +2/-3
DC_26A_n79A 23 +2/-3
DC_28A n51A 23 +2/-3
DC_28A_n77A 23 +2/-3
DC_28A_n83A_ULSUP-TDM_n78A, 23 +2/-3
DC_28A_n79A 23 +2/-3
DC_30A_n5A 23 +2/-3
DC_30A_n66A 23 +2/-3
DC_38A_n78A N/A N/A
DC_39A_n78A 23 +2/-31
DC_39A_n79A 23 +2/-31
DC_40A_n77A N/A N/A
23 +2/-31
23 +2/-31
23 +2/-31
DC_42A_n51A 23 +2/-3
DC_42A_n77A N/A N/A
DC_42A_n78A N/A N/A
DC_42A_n79A N/A N/A
DC_66A_n5A 23 +2/-31
DC_66A_n71A 23 +2/-3
DC_66A_n78A, DC_66A_n86A_ULSUP-
TDM_n78A, 23 +2/-3
NOTE 1: For thetransmission bandwidths confined within FUL_low and FUL_low + 4 MHz or FUL_high – 4 MHz and
FUL_high, the maximum output power requirement is relaxed by reducing the lower tolerance limit by
1.5 dB
NOTE 2: PPowerClass_EN-DC is the maximum UE power specified without taking into account the tolerance
NOTE 3: For inter-band EN-DC the maximum power requirement should apply to the total transmitted power
over all component carriers (per UE).
NOTE 4: Power Class 3 is the default power class unless otherwise stated.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 98 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

6.2B.1.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2

For inter-band EN-DC of LTE and NR in FR2, the UE shall meet each transmitter power requirement specified in
clause 6.2.1 of TS 36.101 [4] and clause 6.2.1 TS 38.101-2 [3] independently.

6.2B.1.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2

For inter-band EN-DC of LTE and NR in both FR1 and FR2, the UE shall meet each transmitter power requirement for
inter-band EN-DC of LTE and NR in FR1specified in clause 6.2B.1.3 of TS 38.101-3 and for NR in FR2 clause 6.2.1 of
TS 38.101-2 [3] independently.

6.2B.2 UE maximum output power reduction for EN-DC

6.2B.2.0 General
The UE maximum output power reduction (MPR) specified in this subclause is applicable for UEs configured with EN-
DC when NS_01 is indicated in the MCG and the SCG. The MPR applies subject to indication in the field
modifiedMPRbehavior for the SCG [2].

6.2B.2.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC

6.2B.2.1.1 General
When the UE is configured for intra-band contiguous EN-DC, the UE determines the total allowed maximum output
power reduction as specified in this subclause.

For UE supporting dynamic power sharing the following:

- for the MCG, MPRc in accordance with [4]

- for the SCG,


- for the total configured transmission power,

MPRtot = PPowerClass,EN-DC – min(PPowerClass,EN-DC ,10*log10(10^((PPowerClass,E-UTRA - MPRE-UTRA)/10) + 10^((PPowerClass,NR -





- MPRsingle, E-UTRAis the MPR defined for the E-UTRA transmission in [4]

- MPRsingle,NR is the MPR defined for the NR transmission in [2]

For UEs not supporting dynamic power sharing the following

- for the MCG,


- for the SCG,

MPR'c = MAX( MPRsingle,NR, MPRENDC )


- MPRsingle,NR is the MPR defined for the NR transmission in [2]

- MPRsingle,E-UTRA is the MPR defined for the E-UTRA transmission in [4]

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 99 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

MPRENDC is defined in Subclause 6.2B.2.1.2

6.2B.2.1.2 MPR for power class 3 and power class 2

MPR in this sub-clause is applicable for power class 3 and power class 2. The allowed maximum output power
reduction applied to transmission on the MCG and the SCG is defined as follows:


Where MA is defined as follows

MA = [15] ; 0 ≤ B < 0.5

[10] ; 0.5 ≤ B < 1.0

[8] ; 1.0 ≤ B < 2.0

[6] ; 2.0 < B


For UEs supporting dynamic power sharing,

B = (LCRB_alloc, E-UTRA * 12* SCSE-UTRA + LCRB_alloc,NR * 12 * SCSNR)/1,000,000

For UEs not supporting dynamic power sharing,


B = (LCRB_alloc, E-UTRA * 12* SCSE-UTRA + 12 * SCSNR)/1,000,000

For NR

B = (12* SCSE-UTRA + LCRB_alloc,NR * 12 * SCSNR)/1,000,000

and MA is reduced by 1 dB for B < 2.

6.2B.2.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC

6.2B.2.2.1 General
When the UE is configured for intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC, the UE determines the total allowed maximum
output power reduction as specified in this subclause.

For UE supporting dynamic power sharing the following:

- for the MCG, MPRc in accordance with [4]

- for the SCG,


- for the total configured transmission power,

MPRtot = PPowerClass,EN-DC – min(PPowerClass,EN-DC ,10*log10(10^((PPowerClass,E-UTRA - MPRE-UTRA)/10) + 10^((PPowerClass,NR -





- MPRsingle, E-UTRAis the MPR defined for the E-UTRA transmission in [4]

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 100 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

- MPRsingle,NR is the MPR defined for the NR transmission in [2]

For UEs not supporting dynamic power sharing the following

- for the MCG,


- for the SCG,

MPR'c = MAX( MPRsingle,NR, MPRENDC )


- MPRsingle,NR is the MPR defined for the NR transmission in [2]

- MPRsingle,E-UTRA is the MPR defined for the E-UTRA transmission in [4]

MPRENDC is defined in Subclause 6.2B.2.2.2

6.2B.2.2.2 MPR for power class 3 and power class 2

MPR in this sub-clause is applicable for power class 3 and power class 2. The allowed maximum output power
reduction for IM3 related emissions applied to transmission on the MCG and the SCG is defined as follows:


Where MA is defined as follows

MA = [18] ; 0 ≤ B < 1.0

[17] ; 1.0 ≤ B < 2.0

[16] ; 2.0 ≤ B < 5.0

[15] ; 5.0 < B


For UEs supporting dynamic power sharing,

B = (LCRB_alloc, E-UTRA * 12* SCSE-UTRA + LCRB_alloc,NR * 12 * SCSNR)/1,000.000

For UEs not supporting dynamic power sharing,


B= (LCRB_alloc, E-UTRA * 12* SCSE-UTRA + 12 * SCSNR)/1,000.000

For NR

B = (12 * SCSE-UTRA + LCRB_alloc,NR * 12 * SCSNR)/1,000.000

and MA is reduced by 1 dB for B < 2.

6.2B.2.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1

For inter-band EN-DC between E-UTRA and FR1 NR, UE maximum output power reduction specified in TS 36.101
[4] and TS 38.101-1 [2] apply for E-UTRA and NR respectively.

6.2B.2.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2

For inter-band EN-DC between E-UTRA and FR1 NR, UE maximum output power reduction specified in TS 36.101
[4] and TS 38.101-2 [3] apply for E-UTRA and NR respectively.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 101 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

6.2B.2.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2

For inter-band EN-DC between E-UTRA and FR1 NR and FR2 NR, UE maximum output power reduction specified in
TS 36.101 [4], TS 38.101-1 [2], TS 38.101-2 [3] apply for E-UTRA and FR1 NR and FR2 NR respectively.

6.2B.3 UE additional maximum output power reduction for EN-DC

6.2B.3.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC

6.2B.3.1.0 General
For EN-DC band combinations with additional requirements the allowed A-MPR is specified in Table 6.2B.3.1.0-1 for
combinations of network signalling values indicated in E-UTRA and NR cell group(s). Unless otherwise stated the A-
MPR specified in sub-clause 6.2B.3.1 for intra-band contiguous EN-DC configurations includes MPR.

Table 6.2B.3.1.0-1: Additional maximum power reduction for Intra-band contiguous EN-DC
DC Requirement E-UTRA network NR network A-MPR
configuration (sub-clause) signalling value signalling value (subclause)
DC_(n)71AA 6.5B. NS_35 NS_35 6.2B.3.1.13
DC_(n)41AA1 6.5B. NS_01 or NS_04 NS_04 6.2B.3.1.24
NOTE 1: Only applies to UEs that support dual UL transmission for this EN-DC combination.
NOTE 2: The network signalling value for NR is mapped to configured FBI and
AdditionalSpecrumEmission values as specified in [4].
NOTE 3: The A-MPR is applied as MPR if NS_35 is not signalled.
NOTE 4: The A-MPR is applied as MPR if NS_04 is not signalled.

6.2B.3.1.1 A-MPR for DC_(n)71AA

For UE supporting dynamic power sharing the following:

- for the MCG, A-MPRc in accordance with [4]

- for the SCG, A-MPR'c = [A-MPRDC]

- for the total configured transmission power, A-MPRtot = A-MPRDC

with A-MPRDC as defined in this sub-clause.

For UEs not supporting dynamic power sharing the following

- for the MCG,


- for the SCG,


with A-MPRLTE and A-MPRNR as defined in this sub-clause.

For DC_(n)71AA with configured with network signaling values as per Table 6.2B.3.1.1-1 the allowed A-MPR is
defined by

- for UE indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing in the UE-MRDC-Capability IE

A-MPRDC = CEIL{ MA,DC (A), 0.5}

where A-MPRDC is the total power reduction allowed (dB),

- for OFDM:

MA,DC = 11.00 - 11.67*A; 0.00 < A ≤ 0.30

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 102 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

8.10 - 2.00*A; 0.30 < A ≤ 0.80

6.50; 0.80 < A ≤ 1.00

- for DFT-S-OFDM:

MA,DC = 11.00 - 13.33*A; 0.00 < A ≤ 0.30

8.00 - 3.33*A; 0.30 < A ≤ 0.60

6.00; 0.60 < A ≤ 1.00

‫ܮ‬஼ோ஻ ௅்ா + ‫ܮ‬஼ோ஻ ேோ
‫=ܣ‬ , ,

ܰோ஻ ௅்ா + ܰோ஻ ேோ

, ,

with LCRB and NRB the number of allocated PRB and transmission bandwidth for the respective CG,

- for UE not indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing



where A-MPR is the total power reduction allowed per CG with

‫ܯ‬஺ ௅்ா = ‫ܯ‬஺ ஽஼ (‫ܣ‬௅்ா ௪௖ ) − 1 − '௅்ா

, , ,

‫ܯ‬஺ ேோ = ‫ܯ‬஺ ஽஼ (‫ܣ‬ேோ ௪௖ ) − 1 − 'ேோ

, , ,

‫ܮ‬஼ோ஻ ௅்ா + 1
‫ܣ‬௅்ா ௪௖ = ,

ܰோ஻ ௅்ா + ܰோ஻ ேோ
, ,

1 + ‫ܮ‬஼ோ஻ ேோ
‫ܣ‬ேோ ௪௖ = ,

ܰோ஻ ௅்ா + ܰோ஻ ேோ
, ,

ܰோ஻ ௅்ா
∆௅்ா = 10 ݈‫݃݋‬ଵ଴ ܰ ,

ோ஻ ௅்ா + ܰோ஻ ேோ
, ,

ܰோ஻ ேோ
∆ேோ = 10 ݈‫݃݋‬ଵ଴ ܰ ,

ோ஻ ௅்ா + ܰோ஻ ேோ
, ,

6.2B.3.1.2 A-MPR for NS_04

6.2B. General

When the UE is configured for B41/n41 intra-band contiguous EN-DC and it receives IE NS_04, the UE determines the
total allowed maximum output power reduction as specified in this subclause. The A-MPR for EN-DC defined in this
section is used instead of MPR defined in 6.2B.2.2, not additively, so EN-DC MPR=0 when NS_04 is signaled.

For UE supporting dynamic power sharing the following:

- for the MCG, A-MPRc in accordance with [4]

- for the SCG,

A-MPR'c = A-MPRNR = MAX( A-MPRsingle,NR, A-MPRIM3)

- for the total configured transmission power,

A-MPRtot = PPowerClass,EN-DC – min(PPowerClass,EN-DC ,10*log10(10^((PPowerClass,E-UTRA - A-MPRE-UTRA)/10) + 10^((PPowerClass,NR

- A-MPRNR)/10))

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 103 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)




- A-MPRsingle, E-UTRAis the A-MPR defined for the E-UTRA transmission in [4]

- A-MPRsingle,NR is the A-MPR defined for the NR transmission in [2]

- MPRsingle,E-UTRA is the MPR defined for the E-UTRA transmission in [4]

For UEs not supporting dynamic power sharing the following

- for the MCG,

A-MPRc = MAX( A-MPRsingle, E-UTRA + MPRsingle,E-UTRA, A-MPRIM3 )

- for the SCG,

A-MPR'c = MAX( A-MPRsingle,NR, A-MPRIM3 )


- A-MPRsingle, E-UTRAis the A-MPR defined for the E-UTRA transmission in [4]

- A-MPRsingle,NR is the A-MPR defined for the NR transmission in [2]

- MPRsingle,E-UTRA is the MPR defined for the E-UTRA transmission in [4]

The UE determines the Channel Configuration Case and the value of A-MPRIM3 as follows:

If FIM3,low_block,low < 2490.5 MHz

Channel Configuration Case B. A-MPRIM3 defined in Subclause 6.2B.


Channel Configuration Case A. A-MPRIM3 defined in Subclause 6.2B.


- FIM3,low_block,low = (2 * Flow_channel,low_edge) – Fhigh_channel,high_edge

- Flow_channel,low_edge is the lowermost frequency of lower transmission bandwidth configuration.

- Fhigh_channel,high_edge is the uppermost frequency of upper transmission bandwidth configuration.

6.2B. A-MPRIM3 for NS_04 to meet -13 dBm / 1MHz for 26dBm UE power

A-MPR in this sub-clause is relative to 26 dBm for power class 2. The same A-MPR is used relative to 23 dBm for
power class 3. For the UE is configured with channel configurations Case A or Case C (defined in Subclause
6.2B.3.2.1), the allowed maximum output power reduction for IM3s applied to transmission on the MCG and the SCG
with non-contiguous resource allocation is defined as follows:


Where MA is defined as follows

MA = 15 ; 0 ≤ B < 0.5

10 ; 0.5 ≤ B < 1.0

8 ; 1.0 ≤ B < 2.0

6 ; 2.0 < B

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 104 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)


For UEs supporting dynamic power sharing,

B = (LCRB_alloc, E-UTRA * 12* SCSE-UTRA + LCRB_alloc,NR * 12 * SCSNR)/1,000,000

For UEs not supporting dynamic power sharing,


B = (LCRB_alloc, E-UTRA * 12* SCSE-UTRA + 12 * SCSNR)/1,000,000

For NR

B = (12* SCSE-UTRA + LCRB_alloc,NR * 12 * SCSNR)/1,000,000

and MA is reduced by 1 dB for B < 2.0.

6.2B. A-MPR for NS_04 to meet -25 dBm / 1MHz for 26 dBm UE power

A-MPR in this sub-clause is relative to 26 dBm. The same A-MPR is used relative to 23 dBm for power class 3. For the
UE is configured with channel configurations Case B or Case D (defined in Subclause 6.2B.3.2.1), the allowed
maximum output power reduction for IM3s applied to transmission on the MCG and the SCG with non-contiguous
resource allocation is defined as follows:


Where MA is defined as follows

MA = 15 ; 0 ≤ B < 1.0

14 ; 1.0 ≤ B < 2.0

13 ; 2.0 ≤ B < 5.0

12 ; 5.0 < B


For UEs supporting dynamic power sharing,

B = (LCRB_alloc, E-UTRA * 12* SCSE-UTRA + LCRB_alloc,NR * 12 * SCSNR)/1,000.000

For UEs not supporting dynamic power sharing,


B = (LCRB_alloc,E-UTRA * 12* SCSE-UTRA + 12 * SCSNR)/1,000,000

For NR

B = (LCRB_alloc,E-UTRA * 12* SCSE-UTRA + 12 * SCSNR)/1,000,000

and MA is reduced by 1 dB.

6.2B.3.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC

6.2B.3.2.0 General
For intra-band EN-DC band combinations with additional requirements the A-MPR allowed are specified in Table
6.2B.3.2.0-1 for combinations of network signalling values indicated in E-UTRA and NR cell group(s). Unless
otherwise stated the A-MPR specified in sub-clause 6.2B.3.2 for intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC configurations
includes MPR.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 105 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Table 6.2B.3.2.0-1: Allowed power reduction for EN-DC

DC Requirement E-UTRA network NR network A-MPR
configuration (sub-clause) signalling value signalling value (subclause) and NS_01 or NS_04 NS_04 6.2B.3.2.2
1 of [4]
and and of [2]
NOTE 1: Only applies to UEs that support dual UL transmission for this EN-DC combination.
NOTE 2: The A-MPR is applied as MPR if NS_04 is not signalled.

6.2B.3.2.1 A-MPR for NS_04

When the UE is configured for B41/n41 intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC and it receives IE NS_04, the UE
determines the total allowed maximum output power reduction as specified in this subclause. The A-MPR for EN-DC
defined in this section is used instead of MPR defined in 6.2B.2.2, not additively, so EN-DC MPR=0 when NS_04 is

For UE supporting dynamic power sharing the following:

- for the MCG, A-MPRc in accordance with [4]

- for the SCG,


- for the total configured transmission power,

A-MPRtot = PPowerClass,EN-DC – min(PPowerClass,EN-DC ,10*log10(10^((PPowerClass,E-UTRA - A-MPRE-UTRA)/10) +

10^((PPowerClass,NR - A-MPRNR)/10))





- A-MPRsingle, E-UTRAis the A-MPR defined for the E-UTRA transmission in [4]

- A-MPRsingle,NR is the A-MPR defined for the NR transmission in [2]

- MPRsingle,E-UTRA is the MPR defined for the E-UTRA transmission in [4]

For UEs not supporting dynamic power sharing the following

- for the MCG,

A-MPRc = MAX( A-MPRsingle, E-UTRA + MPRsingle,E-UTRA, A-MPRIM3, A-MPRACLRoverlap)

- for the SCG,

A-MPR'c = MAX( A-MPRsingle,NR, A-MPRIM3, A-MPRACLRoverlap)


- A-MPRsingle, E-UTRAis the A-MPR defined for the E-UTRA transmission in [4]

- A-MPRsingle,NR is the A-MPR defined for the NR transmission in [2]

- MPRsingle,E-UTRA is the MPR defined for the E-UTRA transmission in [4]

The UE determines the Channel Configuration Case and the value of A-MPRIM3 as follows:

If AND( FIM3,low_block,high < Ffilter,low , MAX( SEM-13,high, FIM3,high_block,low ) > Ffilter,high )

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 106 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Channel Configuration Case C. A-MPRIM3 defined in Subclause 6.2B.


Channel Configuration Case D. A-MPRIM3 defined in Subclause 6.2B.


- FIM3,low_block,high = (2 * Flow_channel,high_edge ) – Fhigh_channel,low_edge

- FIM3,high_block,low = (2 * Fhigh_channel,low_edge) – Flow_channel,high_edge

- Flow_channel,low_edge is the lowermost frequency of lower transmission bandwidth configuration.

- Flow_channel,high_edge is the uppermost frequency of lower transmission bandwidth configuration.

- Fhigh_channel,low_edge is the lowermost frequency of upper transmission bandwidth configuration.

- Fhigh_channel,high_edge is the uppermost frequency of upper transmission bandwidth configuration.

- Ffilter,low = 2480 MHz

- Ffilter,high = 2745 MHz

- SEM-13,high = Threshold frequency where upper spectral emission mask for upper channel drops from -13 dBm /
1MHz to -25 dBm / 1MHz, as specified in Subclause 6.5B.

The UE determines the value of A-MPRACLRoverlap as specified in Table 6.2B.3.2.1-1:

Table 6.2B.3.2.1-1: A-MPRACLRoverlap

Wgap A-MPRACLRoverlap
< BW channel,E-UTRA + BW channel,NR 4 dB
≥ BW channel,E-UTRA + BW channel,NR 0 dB
NOTE 1: Wgap = Fhigh_channel,low_edge - Flow_channel,high_edge

6.2B.3.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1

For inter-band EN-DC between E-UTRA and FR1 NR, UE additional maximum output power reduction specified in TS
36.101 [4] and TS 38.101-1 [2] apply for E-UTRA and NR respectively.

6.2B.3.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2

For inter-band EN-DC between E-UTRA and FR1 NR, UE additional maximum output power reduction specified in TS
36.101 [4] and TS 38.101-2 [3] apply for E-UTRA and NR respectively.

6.2B.3.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2

For inter-band EN-DC between E-UTRA and FR1 NR and FR2 NR, UE additional maximum output power reduction
specified in TS 36.101 [4], TS 38.101-1 [2], TS 38.101-2 [3] apply for E-UTRA and FR1 NR and FR2 NR respectively.

6.2B.4 Configured output power for EN-DC

6.2B.4.1 Configured output power level

6.2B.4.1.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC

The following requirements apply for one component carrier per CG configured for synchronous DC.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 107 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

For intra-band dual connectivity with one uplink serving cell per CG on E-UTRA and NR respectively, the UE is
allowed to set its configured maximum output power PCMAX,c(i),i for serving cell c(i) of CG i, i = 1,2, and its total
configured maximum transmission power for EN-DC operation ܲ෠்௢௧௔௟ ாேି஽஼ .

The configured maximum output power PCMAX_ E-UTRA,c (p) in sub-frame p for the configured E-UTRA uplink carrier
shall be set within the bounds:

PCMAX_L_ E-UTRA,c (p) ≤ PCMAX_ E-UTRA,c (p) ≤ PCMAX H _ E-UTRA,c (p)

where PCMAX_L_ E-UTRA,c and PCMAX H _ E-UTRA,c are the limits for a serving cell c as specified in TS 36.101 [4] sub-clause
6.2.5 modified by PLTE as follows:

PCMAX_L_ E-UTRA,c = MIN {MIN(PEMAX,c , PEMAX, EN-DC, PLTE) – ΔtC_ E-UTRA, c, (PPowerClass – ΔPPowerClass) – MAX(MPRc + A-
MPRc + ΔTIB,c + ΔTC_ E-UTRA, c + ΔTProSe, P-MPRc)}

PCMAX H _ E-UTRA,c = MIN {PEMAX,c, PEMAX, EN-DC , PLTE, PPowerClass – ΔPPowerClass}

and whenever NS_01 is not indicated within CG 1:

- for a UE indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing, the A-MPRc is determined in accordance with the DCI of
serving cell c of the CG 1 and the specification in sub-clause 6.2.4 of [4];

- for a UE not indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing, the A-MPRc is determined in accordance with sub-
clause 6.2B.3.1 with parameters applicable for UEs not indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing and MPRc =
0 dB;

and whenever NS_01 is indicated in CG 1:

- for a UE indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing, the MPRc is determined in accordance with the DCI of
serving cell c of the CG 1 and the specification in sub-clause 6.2.4 of [4];

- for a UE not indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing, the MPRc is determined in accordance with sub-clause
6.2B.2.1 with parameters applicable for UEs not indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing and A-MPRc = 0

The configured maximum output power PCMAX_ NR,c (q) in physical channel q for the configured NR carrier shall be set
within the bounds:
PCMAX_L,f,c,,NR (q) ≤ PCMAX,f,c,NR (q) ≤ PCMAX_H,f,c,NR (q)

where PCMAX_L_ NR,c and PCMAX H _ NR,c are the limits for a serving cell c as specified in sub-clause 6.2.4 of TS 38.101-
1 [2] modified by PNR as follows:

PCMAX_L,f,c,,NR = MIN {MIN(PEMAX,c , PEMAX, EN-DC, PNR) - ΔTC_NR, c, (PPowerClass – ΔPPowerClass) – MAX(MPRc + A-MPRc+
ΔTIB,c + ΔTC_NR, c + ∆TRxSRS, P-MPRc) }
PCMAX_H,f,c,NR = MIN {PEMAX,c, PEMAX, EN-DC, PNR , PPowerClass – ΔPPowerClass }

- PLTE and PNR are the linear values for the PLTE and PNR respectively signaled by RRC defined in [7]

- ΔTc_E-UTRA, c = 1.5dB when NOTE 2 in Table 6.2.2-1 in TS 36.101 [4] applies for a serving cell c, otherwise ΔTC_
E-UTRA,c = 0dB;

- ΔTC_NR,c = 1.5dB when NOTE 3 in Table 6.2.1-1 in TS 38.101-1 [2] applies for a serving cell c, otherwise
ΔTC_NR,c = 0dB;

- ΔTIB,c specified in sub-clause 6.2.7 for EN-DC, the individual Power Class defined in table 6.2B.1-3 and any
other additional power reductions parameters specified in sub-clauses 6.2.3 and 6.2.4 for EN-DC are applicable
to PCMAX_ E-UTRA,c and PCMAX_ NR,c evaluations.

and whenever NS_01 is not indicated within CG 2:

- for a UE indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing, A-MPRc = A-MPR'c with A-MPR'c determined in

accordance with sub-clause 6.2B.3.1 and MPRc = 0 dB if transmission(s) in subframe p on CG 1 overlap in time
with physical channel q on CG 2;

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 108 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

- for a UE indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing, A-MPRc is determined in accordance with [2] if

transmission(s) in subframe p on CG 1 does not overlap in time with physical channel q on CG 2;

- for a UE not indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing, the A-MPRc is determined in accordance with sub-
clause 6.2B.3.1 with parameters applicable for UEs not indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing and MPRc =
0 dB;

and whenever NS_01 is indicated in CG 2.

- for a UE indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing, MPRc = MPR'c with MPR'c determined in accordance
with sub-clause 6.2B.2.1 and A-MPRc = 0 dB if transmission(s) in subframe p on CG 1 overlap in time with
physical channel q on CG 2;

- for a UE indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing, MPRc is determined in accordance with [2] if

transmission(s) in subframe p on CG 1 does not overlap in time with physical channel q on CG 2;

- for a UE not indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing, the MPRc is determined in accordance with sub-
clause 6.2B.2.1 with parameters applicable for UEs not indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing and MPRc
= 0 dB;

If the transmissions from NR and E-UTRA do not overlap, then the complete sub-clauses for configured transmitted
power for E-UTRA and NR respectively from their own specifications apply with the modifications specified above.
The lower value between PPowerClass, EN-DC or PEMAX, EN-DC shall not be exceeded at any time by UE.

If the EN-DC UE is not supporting dynamic power sharing, then the complete sub-clauses for configured transmitted
power for E-UTRA and NR respectively from their own specifications TS 36.101 [4] and TS 38.101-1 [2] respectively
apply with the modifications specified above.

P_EN-DC_Total is the dB value of ܲ෠்௢௧௔௟

ாேି஽஼ , which is used in [38.213] and P
EMAX, EN-DC is p-maxUE-FR1-r15 value
signaled by RRC and defined in [36.331];

If the UE does not support dynamic power sharing,

PEN-DC,tot = MIN { PEMAX, EN-DC , PPowerClass, EN-DC } + 0.3 dB

For UEs indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing in the UE-MRDC-Capability IE the UE can configure the total
maximum transmission power within the range

PEN-DC,tot_L ≤ PEN-DC,tot ≤ PEN-DC,tot_H


PEN-DC,tot_L (p,q) = MIN{ PPowerClass,EN-DC – MAX{MPRtot, A-MPRtot}, PEMAX,EN-DC}

PEN-DC,tot_H (p,q) = MIN{PPowerClass,EN-DC, PEMAX,EN-DC}

for sub-frame p on CG 1 overlapping with physical channel q on CG 2 and with MPRtot and A-MPRtot in accordance
with 6.2B.2.1 and sub-clause 6.2B.3.1, respectively.

The measured total maximum output power PUMAX over both CGs/RATs, measured over the transmission reference
time duration is

PUMAX = 10 log10 [pUMAX,c,E-UTRA + pUMAX,f,c,NR],

where pUMAX,c,E-UTRA and pUMAX,c,NR denotes the measured output power of serving cell c for E-UTRA and NR
respectively, expressed in linear scale.

For UEs indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing, the measured total configured maximum output power PUMAX
shall be within the following bounds:


with the tolerances TLOW(PCMAX_L) and THIGH(PCMAX_H) for applicable values of PCMAX_L and PCMAX_L specified in Table

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 109 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

When an UL subframe transmission p from E-UTRA overlap with a physical channel q from the NR, then for PUMAX
evaluation, the E-UTRA subframe p is taken as reference period TREF and always considered as the reference
measurement duration and the following rules are applicable.

TREF and Teval are specified in Table 6.2B.4.1.1-1 when same or different subframes and physical channel durations are
used in aggregated carriers. PPowerClass ,EN-DC shall not be exceeded by the UE during any evaluation period of time.

Table 6.2B.4.1.1-1: PCMAX evaluation window

transmission duration TREF Teval
Different transmission duration in Min(Tno_hopping, Physical
LTE Subframe
different RAT carriers Channel Length)

For each TREF, the PCMAX_H is evaluated per Teval and given by the maximum value over the transmission(s) within the
Teval as follows:

PCMAX_H = MAX { PCMAX_ EN-DC _H (p,q) , PCMAX_ EN-DC _H (p,q+1), … , PCMAX_ EN-DC _H (p,q+n) }

where PCMAX_ EN-DC _H are the applicable upper limits for each overlapping scheduling unit pairs (p,q) , (p, q+1) , up to
(p, q+n) for each applicable Teval duration, where q+n is the last NR UL physical channel overlapping with LTE
subframe p.

While PCMAX_L is computed as follows:

PCMAX_L = MIN { PCMAX_ EN-DC _L (p,q) , PCMAX_ EN-DC _L (p,q+1), … , PCMAX_ EN-DC _L (p,q+n)}

where PCMAX_EN-DC_L are the applicable lower limits for each overlapping scheduling unit pairs (p,q) , (p, q+1) , up to (p,
q+n) for each applicable Teval duration, where q+n is the last NR UL physical channel overlapping with LTE subframe


PCMAX_ EN-DC _H(p,q) = MIN {10 log10 [pCMAX H _ E-UTRA,c (p) + pCMAX H,f,c,NR c(q)], PEMAX, EN-DC ,PPowerClass, EN-DC}


a= 10 log10 [pCMAX_ E-UTRA,c (p) +pCMAX,f,c,NR (q) ] > PEN-DC,tot_L

b= 10 log10 [pCMAX_ E-UTRA,c (p) +pCMAX,f,c,NR (q) /X_scale] > PEN-DC,tot_L

If a= FALSE and the configured transmission power spectral density between the MCG and SCG differs by less than
[6] dB

PCMAX_ EN-DC _L(p,q) = MIN {10 log10 [pCMAX L _ E-UTRA,c (p) + pCMAX L,f,c,,NR c(q)], PEMAX, EN-DC ,PPowerClass, EN-DC}

ELSE If (a=TRUE) AND (b=FALSE) and the configured transmission power spectral density between the MCG and
SCG differs by less than [6] dB

PCMAX_ EN-DC _L(p,q) = MIN {10 log10 [pCMAX L _ E-UTRA,c (p) + pCMAX L,f,c,,NR c(q) /X_scale ], PEMAX, EN-DC ,PPowerClass, EN-DC}

ELSE If b= TRUE or the configured transmission power spectral density between the MCG and SCG differs by more
than [6] dB

PCMAX_ EN-DC _L(p,q) = MIN {10 log10 [pCMAX L _ E-UTRA,c (p) ], PEMAX, EN-DC ,PPowerClass, EN-DC}


- pCMAX H _ E-UTRA,c (p) is the E-UTRA higher limit of the maximum configured power expressed in linear scale;

- pCMAX H _ NR,c (q) is the NR higher limit of the maximum configured power expressed in linear scale;

- pCMAX L _ E-UTRA,c (p) is the E-UTRA lower limit of the maximum configured power expressed in linear scale;

- pCMAX L _ NR,c(q) is the NR lower limit of the maximum configured power expressed in linear scale;

- PPowerClass, EN-DC is defined in sub-clause 6.2B.1.1-1 for intra-band EN-DC;

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 110 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

- X_scale is the linear value of X dB which is configured by RRC and can only take values [0 , 6] dB

- pCMAX E-UTRA,c (p) is the linear value of PCMAX E-UTRA,c (p), the real configured max power for LTE

- pCMAX,f,c NR (q) is the linear value of PCMAX,f,c NR (q), the real configured max power of NR

Table 6.2B.4.1.1-2: PCMAX tolerance for Dual Connectivity LTE-NR

Tolerance Tolerance
23 ≤ PCMAX ≤ 33 [3.0] [2.0]
22 ≤ PCMAX < 23 [5.0] [2.0]
21 ≤ PCMAX< 22 [5.0] [3.0]
20 ≤ PCMAX < 21 [6.0] [4.0]
16 ≤ PCMAX < 20 [5.0]
11 ≤ PCMAX < 16 [6.0]
-40 ≤ PCMAX < 11 [7.0]

If the UE supports dynamic power sharing, and when LTE and NR transmissions overlap and the condition (If
(a=TRUE) AND (b=FALSE)) is met, SCG shall be transmitted and the following supplementary minimum requirement
apply for the measured SCG power, PUMAX,f,c,NR (q), under nominal conditions and unless otherwise stated

10log(pCMAX L,f,c,,NR(q)/X_scale) – TLOW (10log(pCMAX L,f,c,,NR(q)/X_scale) )} ≤ PUMAX,f,c,NR (q) ≤ 10log(pCMAX H, f,c,,NR

(q)) + THIGH (10log(pCMAX H, f,c,,NR (q))).

with the tolerances TLOW and THIGH for applicable values of PCMAX specified in Table 6.2B.4.1.1-2.

If the UE supports dynamic power sharing, the measured maximum output power in subframe p on CG 1, pUMAX,c,E-UTRA,
shall meet the requirements in subclause 6.2.5 in [4] with the limits PCMAX_L,c and PCMAX_H,c replaced by PCMAX_L_ E-
UTRA,c and PCMAX_H_ E- UTRA,c as specified above, respectively.

If the configured transmission power spectral density between the MCG and SCG differs by more than [6] dB, then

PUMAX,f,c,NR (q) ≤ 10log(pCMAX H, f,c,,NR (q)) + THIGH (10log(pCMAX H, f,c,NR (q))).

6.2B.4.1.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC

The following requirements apply for one component carrier per CG configured for synchronous DC. The CG(s) are
indexed by j = 1 for MCG and j = 2 for SCG.

The configured maximum output power PCMAX_ E-UTRA,c (p) in sub-frame p for the configured E-UTRA uplink carrier
shall be set in accordance with sub-clause 6.2B.4.1.1 but where

- for a UE not indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing, the A-MPRc determined in accordance with sub-
clause 6.2B.3.2 with parameters applicable for UEs not indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing and MPRc =
0 dB;

whenever NS_01 is not indicated within CG 1 while

- for a UE not indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing, the MPRc determined in accordance with sub-clause
6.2B.2.2 with parameters applicable for UEs not indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing and A-MPRc = 0

whenever NS_01 is indicated in CG 1.

The configured maximum output power PCMAX_ NR,c (q) in physical channel q for the configured NR carrier shall be set
in accordance with sub-clause 6.2B.4.1.1 but where

- for a UE indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing, A-MPRc = A-MPR'c with A-MPR'c determined in

accordance with sub-clause 6.2B.3.2 and MPRc = 0 dB if transmission(s) in subframe p on CG 1 overlap in time
with physical channel q on CG 2;

- for a UE indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing, A-MPRc is determined in accordance with [2] if

transmission(s) in subframe p on CG 1 does not overlap in time with physical channel q on CG 2;

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 111 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

- for a UE not indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing, the A-MPRc is determined in accordance with sub-
clause 6.2B.3.2 with parameters applicable for UEs not indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing and MPRc =
0 dB;

whenever NS_01 is not indicated in CG 2 while

- for a UE indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing, MPRc = MPR'c with MPR'c determined in accordance with
sub-clause 6.2B.2.2 and A-MPRc = 0 dB if transmission(s) in subframe p on CG 1 overlap in time with physical
channel q on CG 2;

- for a UE indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing, MPRc is determined in accordance with [2] if

transmission(s) in subframe p on CG 1 does not overlap in time with physical channel q on CG 2;

- for a UE not indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing, the MPRc is determined in accordance with sub-clause
6.2B.2.2 with parameters applicable for UEs not indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing and A-MPRc = 0

whenever NS_01 is indicated in CG 2.

For UEs indicating support of dynamicPowerSharing in the UE-MRDC-Capability IE, the UE can configure the total
transmission power in accordance with sub-clause 6.2B.4.1.1 but with Ppowerclass,EN-DC the EN-DC power class of the
intra-band non-contiguous band combination configured and A-MPR determined in accordance with sub-clause

The total maximum output power PUMAX over both CGs is measured in accordance with sub-clause 6.2B.4.1.1 and shall
be within the limits specified in sub-clause 6.2B.4.1.1 but with parameters applicable for the non-contiguous band
combination configured.

The maximum output power levels pUMAX,c,E-UTRA and pUMAX,f,c,NR for the CGs are measured in accordance with sub-
clause 6.2B.4.1.1 and shall be within the limits specified in sub-clause 6.2B.4.1.1 but with parameters applicable for the
non-contiguous band combination configured.

6.2B.4.1.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1

For inter-band dual connectivity with one uplink serving cell per CG on E-UTRA and NR respectively, the UE is
allowed to set its configured maximum output power PCMAX,c(i),i for serving cell c(i) of CG i, i = 1,2, and its total
configured maximum transmission power for EN-DC operation, ܲ෠்௢௧௔௟ ாேି஽஼ .

The configured maximum output power PCMAX_ E-UTRA,c (p) in sub-frame p for the configured E-UTRA uplink carrier
shall be set within the bounds:

PCMAX_L_ E-UTRA,c (p) ≤ PCMAX_ E-UTRA,c (p) ≤ PCMAX H _ E-UTRA,c (p)

where PCMAX_L_ E-UTRA,c and PCMAX H _ E-UTRA,c are the limits for a serving cell c as specified in TS 36.101 [4] sub-clause
6.2.5 modified by PLTE as follows:

PCMAX_L_ E-UTRA,c = MIN { PEMAX, EN-DC , (PPowerClass, EN-DC – ΔPPowerClass,EN-DC ), MIN(PEMAX,c , PLTE) – ΔtC_ E-UTRA, c,
(PPowerClass – ΔPPowerClass) – MAX(MPRc + A-MPRc + ΔTIB,c + ΔTC_ E-UTRA, c + ΔTProSe, P-MPRc)}

PCMAX H _ E-UTRA,c = MIN {PEMAX,c, PEMAX, EN-DC , (PPowerClass, EN-DC – ΔPPowerClass,EN-DC ), PLTE, PPowerClass – ΔPPowerClass}

The configured maximum output power PCMAX_ NR,c (q) in physical-channel q for the configured NR carrier shall be set
within the bounds:
PCMAX_L,f,c,,NR (q) ≤ PCMAX,f,c,NR (q) ≤ PCMAX_H,f,c,NR (q)

where PCMAX_L_ NR,c and PCMAX H _ NR,c are the limits for a serving cell c as specified in sub-clause 6.2.4 of TS 38.101-1
[2] modified by PNR as follows:

PCMAX_L,f,c,,NR = MIN { PEMAX, EN-DC , (PPowerClass, EN-DC – ΔPPowerClass,EN-DC ), MIN(PEMAX,c , PNR ) - ΔTC_NR, c, (PPowerClass –
ΔPPowerClass) – MAX(MPRc + A-MPRc+ ΔTIB,c + ΔTC_NR, c + ∆TRxSRS, P-MPRc) }
PCMAX_H,f,c,NR = MIN {PEMAX,c, PEMAX, EN-DC , (PPowerClass, EN-DC – ΔPPowerClass,EN-DC ), PNR , PPowerClass – ΔPPowerClass }

- PLTE signalled by RRC as p-MaxEUTRA in [36.331]

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 112 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

- PNR signalled by RRC as p-NR-FR1 defined in [38.331]

- ΔTc_E-UTRA, c = 1.5dB when NOTE 2 in Table 6.2.2-1 in TS 36.101 [4] applies for a serving cell c, otherwise ΔTC_
E-UTRA,c = 0dB;

- ΔTC_NR,c = 1.5dB when NOTE 3 in Table 6.2.1-1 in TS 38.101-1 [2] applies for a serving cell c, otherwise
ΔTC_NR,c = 0dB;

- ΔTIB,c specified in sub-clause 6.2.7 for EN-DC, the individual Power Class defined in table 6.2B.1-3 and any
other additional power reductions parameters specified in sub-clauses 6.2.3 and 6.2.4 for EN-DC are applicable
to PCMAX_ E-UTRA,c and PCMAX_ NR,c evaluations.

- ΔPPowerClass,EN-DC = 3 dB for a power class 2 capable EN-DC UE when LTE UL/DL configuration is 0 or 6; or
LTE UL/DL configuration is 1 and special subframe configuration is 0 or 5; or the IE p-maxUE-FR1 as defined
in TS 38.331 [7] is provided and set to the maximum output power of the default power class or lower; otherwise
ΔPPowerClass,EN-DC = 0 dB;
If the transmissions from NR and E-UTRA do not overlap, then the complete sub-clauses for configured transmitted
power for E-UTRA and NR respectively from their own specifications apply with the modifications specified above.
The lower value between PPowerClass, EN-DC or PEMAX, EN-DC shall not be exceeded at any time by UE.

The total configured maximum transmission power for both synchronous and non-synchronous operation is

P_EN-DC_Total = MIN { PEMAX, EN-DC ,PPowerClass, EN-DC – ΔPPowerClass, EN-DC }

P_EN-DC_Total is the dB value of ܲ෠்௢௧௔௟

ாேି஽஼ , which is used in [38.213] and P
EMAX, EN-DC is p-maxUE-FR1-r15 value
signaled by RRC and defined in [36.331];

If the UE does not support dynamic power sharing,

P_EN-DC_Total = MIN { PEMAX, EN-DC ,PPowerClass, EN-DC – ΔPPowerClass, EN-DC } + 0.3 dB

If the EN-DC UE does not support dynamic power sharing, then the complete sub-clauses for configured transmitted
power for E-UTRA and NR respectively from their own specifications TS 36.101 [4] and TS 38.101-1 [2] respectively
apply with the modifications specified above and P_EN-DC_Total applies.

When a UE supporting dynamic sharing is configured for overlapping E-UTRA uplink and NR uplink transmissions,
the UE can set its configured maximum output power PCMAX_ E-UTRA,c and PCMAX_ NR,c for the configured E-UTRA and
NR uplink carriers, respectively, and its configured maximum transmission power for EN-DC operation, ܲ෠்௢௧௔௟
ாேି஽஼ , as
specified above.

The measured total maximum output power PUMAX over both CGs/RATs, measured over the transmission reference
time duration is

PUMAX = 10 log10 [pUMAX,c,E-UTRA + pUMAX,c,NR],

where pUMAX,c,E-UTRA and pUMAX,c,NR denotes the measured output power of serving cell c for E-UTRA and NR
respectively, expressed in linear scale.

The measured total configured maximum output power PUMAX shall be within the following bounds:


with the tolerances TLOW(PCMAX_H) and THIGH(PCMAX_H) for applicable values of PCMAX specified in Table 6.2B.4.1.3-2.

When an UL subframe transmission p from E-UTRA overlap with a physical-channel q from the NR, then for PUMAX
evaluation, the E-UTRA subframe p is taken as reference period TREF and always considered as the reference
measurement duration and the following rules are applicable.

TREF and Teval are specified in Table 6.2B.4.1.3-1 when same or different subframe and physical-channel durations are
used in aggregated carriers. PPowerClass ,EN-DC shall not be exceeded by the UE during any evaluation period of time.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 113 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Table 6.2B.4.1.3-1: PCMAX evaluation window

transmission duration TREF Teval
Different transmission duration in Min(Tno_hopping, Physical
LTE Subframe
different RAT carriers Channel Length)

For each TREF, the PCMAX_H is evaluated per Teval and given by the maximum value over the transmission(s) within the
Teval as follows:

PCMAX_H = MAX { PCMAX_ EN-DC _H (p,q) , PCMAX_ EN-DC _H (p,q+1), … , PCMAX_ EN-DC _H (p,q+n) }

where PCMAX_ EN-DC _H are the applicable upper limits for each overlapping scheduling unit pairs (p,q) , (p, q+1) , up to
(p, q+n) for each applicable Teval duration, where q+n is the last NR UL physical-channel overlapping with LTE
subframe p.

While PCMAX_L is computed as follows:

PCMAX_L = MIN { PCMAX_ EN-DC _L (p,q) , PCMAX_ EN-DC _L (p,q+1), … , PCMAX_ EN-DC _L (p,q+n)}

where PCMAX_EN-DC_L are the applicable lower limits for each overlapping scheduling unit pairs (p,q) , (p, q+1) , up to (p,
q+n) for each applicable Teval duration, where q+n is the last NR UL physical-channel overlapping with LTE subframe


PCMAX_ EN-DC _H(p,q) = MIN {10 log10 [pCMAX H _ E-UTRA,c (p) + pCMAX H,f,c,NR c(q)], PEMAX, EN-DC ,PPowerClass, EN-DC}


a= 10 log10 [pCMAX_ E-UTRA,c (p) +pCMAX,f,c,NR (q) ] > P_EN-DC_Total

b= 10 log10 [pCMAX_ E-UTRA,c (p) +pCMAX,f,c,NR (q) /X_scale] > P_EN-DC_Total


PCMAX_ EN-DC _L(p,q) = MIN {10 log10 [pCMAX L _ E-UTRA,c (p) + pCMAX L,f,c,,NR c(q)], PEMAX, EN-DC ,PPowerClass,


PCMAX_ EN-DC _L(p,q) = MIN {10 log10 [pCMAX L _ E-UTRA,c (p) + pCMAX L,f,c,,NR c(q) /X_scale ], PEMAX, EN-DC
,PPowerClass, EN-DC}


PCMAX_ EN-DC _L(p,q) = MIN {10 log10 [pCMAX L _ E-UTRA,c (p) ], PEMAX, EN-DC ,PPowerClass, EN-DC}


- pCMAX H _ E-UTRA,c (p) is the E-UTRA higher limit of the maximum configured power expressed in linear scale;

- pCMAX H _ NR,c (q) is the NR higher limit of the maximum configured power expressed in linear scale;

- pCMAX L _ E-UTRA,c (p) is the E-UTRA lower limit of the maximum configured power expressed in linear scale;

- pCMAX L _ NR,c(q) is the NR lower limit of the maximum configured power expressed in linear scale;

- PPowerClass, EN-DC is defined in sub-clause 6.2B.1.3-1 for inter-band EN-DC;

- X_scale is the linear value of X dB which is configured by RRC and can only take values [0 , 6]

- pCMAX_ E-UTRA,c (p) is the linear value of PCMAX_ E-UTRA,c (p), the real configured max power for LTE

- pCMAX,f,c,NR (q) is the linear value of PCMAX,f,c,NR (q), the real configured max power of NR

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 114 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Table 6.2B.4.1.3-2: PCMAX tolerance for Dual Connectivity LTE-NR

Tolerance Tolerance
23 ≤ PCMAX ≤ 33 [3.0] [2.0]
22 ≤ PCMAX < 23 [5.0] [2.0]
21 ≤ PCMAX< 22 [5.0] [3.0]
20 ≤ PCMAX < 21 [6.0] [4.0]
16 ≤ PCMAX < 20 [5.0]
11 ≤ PCMAX < 16 [6.0]
-40 ≤ PCMAX < 11 [7.0]
NOTE 1: For UEs not indicating support of dynamic power sharing, the upper
tolerance Thigh shall be reduced by 0.3 dB for P ≥ 20 dBm.

When LTE and NR transmissions overlap and the condition (If (a=TRUE) AND (b=FALSE)) is met, SCG shall be
transmitted and the following supplementary minimum requirement apply for the measured SCG power, PUMAX,f,c,NR (q),
under nominal conditions.

10log(pCMAX L,f,c,,NR c(q)/X_scale) – TLOW (10log(pCMAX L,f,c,,NR c(q)/X_scale) )} ≤ PUMAX,f,c,NR (q) ≤ 10log(pCMAX H, f,c,,NR
c (q)) + THIGH (10log(pCMAX H, f,c,,NR c (q))).

with the tolerances TLOW and THIGH for applicable values of PCMAX specified in Table 6.2B.4.1.3-2.

6.2B.4.1.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2

For inter-band dual connectivity with one uplink serving cell per CG on E-UTRA and NR respectively, with NR
configured in FR2, the UE is allowed to set its configured maximum output power PCMAX,c(i),i for serving cell c(i) of
CG i, i = 1,2.

The UE maximum configured power PCMAX,c(i), on E-UTRA for the subframe i shall be set according to subclause
6.2.5 from TS 36.101 [4]. Applicable inter-band ΔTIB,c parameters shall be used according to the subclauses 6.2B.4.2.4
or 6.2B.4.2.5.

The UE maximum configured power PCMAX,c(j), on NR for the slot j shall be set according to subclase 6.2.4 from TS
38.101-2 [3].

For the configured power measurements TS 36.101 [4] subclause 6.2.5 and TS 38.101-2 [3] subclause 6.2.4 are

6.2B.4.1.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2

6.2B.4.2 ΔTIB,c for EN-DC

For the UE which supports inter-band EN-DC configuration, ΔTIB,c in Tables below applies where unless otherwise
stated, the same ΔTIB,c is applicable to NR band(s) part for DC configurations which have the same NR operating band
combination. Unless otherwise stated, ΔTIB,c is set to zero.

6.2B.4.2.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC

ΔTIB,c is not applicable for intra-band contiguous EN-DC.

6.2B.4.2.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC

ΔTIB,c is not applicable for intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 115 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

6.2B.4.2.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1

6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC two bands

Table 6.2B. ΔTIB,c due to EN-DC(two bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 116 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC
E-UTRA or NR Band ΔTIB,c (dB)
1 0.3
n28 0.6
1 0.5
n40 0.5
1 0.6
n51 0.6
1 0.6
n77 0.8
1 0.3
n78 0.8
2 0.3
n5 0.3
2 0.5
n66 0.5
2 0.3
n71 0.3
2 0.6
n78 0.8
3 0.5
n7 0.5
3 0.3
n28 0.3
3 0.5
n40 0.5
3 0.3
n51 0.3
3 0.6
n77 0.8
3 0.6
n78 0.8
5 0.3
n40 0.3
5 0.3
n66 0.3
5 0.6
n78 0.8
7 0.3
n28 0.3
7 0.3
n51 0.3
7 0.5
n78 0.8
8 0.3
n40 0.3
8 0.6
n77 0.8
8 0.6
n77 0.8
11 0.4
n77 0.8
11 0.4
n78 0.8
12 0.4
n5 0.8
12 0.8
n66 0.3
18 0.3
n77 0.8
18 0.3
n78 0.8
19 0.3
n77 0.8
DC_19_n78 19 0.3

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 117 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC
E-UTRA or NR Band ΔTIB,c (dB)
n78 0.8
20 0.4
n8 0.4
20 0.5
n28 0.5
20 0.5
n51 0.5
20 0.6
n77 0.8
20 0.6
n78 0.8
21 0.4
n77 0.8
21 0.4
DC_21_n78 n78 0.8
n77 0.8
25 0.5
DC_25_n41 0.41
26 0.3
n41 0.3
26 0.3
n77 0.8
26 0.3
n78 0.8
28 0.5
n51 0.5
28 0.5
n77 0.8
28 0.5
n78 0.8
30 0.3
n5 0.3
30 0.5
n66 0.8
DC_38_n78 n78 0.5
39 0.3
n78 0.8
39 0.3
n79 0.8
DC_40_n77 n77 0.5
41 0.3
n77 0.8
41 0.3
n78 0.8
41 0.3
n79 0.8
42 0.6
n51 0.8
66 0.3
n5 0.3
66 0.3
n71 0.3
66 0.6
n78 0.8
NOTE 1: The requirement is applied for UE transmitting on the frequency range of 2545-2690 MHz.
NOTE 2: The requirement is applied for UE transmitting on the frequency range of 2496-2545 MHz.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 118 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC three bands

Table 6.2B. ΔTIB,c due to EN-DC (three bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 119 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC
E-UTRA or NR Band ΔTIB,c (dB)
1 0.3
DC_1-3_n28 3 0.3
n28 0.6
1 0.6
DC_1-3_n77 3 0.6
n77 0.8
1 0.6
DC_1-3_n78 3 0.6
n78 0.8
1 0.3
3 0.3
1 0.3
DC_1-5_n78 5 0.6
n78 0.8
1 0.5
DC_1-7_n28 7 0.6
n28 0.6
1 0.6
DC_1-7_n78 7 0.6
n78 0.8
1 0.6
DC_1-7-7_n78 7 0.6
n78 0.8
1 0.3
DC_1-8_n78 8 0.6
n78 0.8
1 0.3
DC_1-18_n77 18 0.3
n77 0.8
1 0.3
DC_1-18_n78 18 0.3
n78 0.8
1 0.3
DC_1-19_n77 19 0.3
n77 0.8
1 0.3
DC_1-19_n78 19 0.3
n78 0.8
1 0.3
19 0.3
1 0.3
DC_1-20_n28 20 0.6
n28 0.6
1 0.3
DC_1-20_n78 20 0.3
n78 0.8
1 0.3
DC_1-21_n77 21 0.3
n77 0.8
1 0.6
DC_1-21_n78 21 0.4
n78 0.8
1 0.3
21 0.3
1 0.5
DC_1-41_n77 41 0.5
n77 0.8
1 0.5
DC_1-41_n78 41 0.5
n78 0.8
1 0.5
41 0.5
DC_1-28_n77 1 0.3

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 120 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC
E-UTRA or NR Band ΔTIB,c (dB)
28 0.6
n77 0.8
1 0.3
DC_1-28_n78 28 0.6
n78 0.8
1 0.3
DC_1_n28-n78 n28 0.6
n78 0.8
1 0.3
n28 0.3
1 0.6
DC_1-42_n77 42 0.8
n77 0.8
1 0.3
DC_1-42_n78 42 0.8
n78 0.8
1 0.3
42 0.8
1 0.3
DC_1_SUL_n78-n84 n78 0.8
n84 0.3
1 0.6
DC_1_n77-n79 n77 0.8
n79 0
1 0.3
DC_1_n78-n79 n78 0.8
n79 0.5
2 0.3
DC_2-(n)71 71
2 0.5
DC_2-5_n66 5 0.3
n66 0.5
2 0.5
DC_2-30_n66 30 0.3
n66 0.5
2 0.5
DC_2-66_n71 66 0.5
n71 0.3
3 0.6
DC_3_n3-n77 n3 0.6
n77 0.8
3 0.6
DC_3_n3-n78 n3 0.6
n78 0.8
3 0.6
DC_3-5_n78 5 0.6
n78 0.8
3 0.5
DC_3-7_n28 7 0.5
n28 0.3
3 0.6
DC_3-7_n78, DC_3-7-
7 0.6
n78 0.8
3 0.6
DC_3-8_n78 8 0.6
n78 0.8
3 0.6
DC_3-19_n77 19 0.3
n77 0.8
3 0.6
DC_3-19_n78 19 0.3
n78 0.8

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 121 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC
E-UTRA or NR Band ΔTIB,c (dB)
3 0.3
19 0.3
3 0.3
DC_3-20_n28 20 0.5
n28 0.5
3 0.5
DC_3-20_n78 20 0.3
n78 0.8
3 0.8
DC_3-21_n77 21 0.9
n77 0.8
3 0.8
DC_3-21_n78 21 0.9
n78 0.8
3 0.8
21 0.9
3 0.5
DC_3-28_n78 28 0.3
n78 0.8
3 0.5
DC_3_n28-n78 n28 0.3
n78 0.8
3 0.6
n78 0.8
3 0.6
DC_3-41_n78 41
n78 0.8
3 0.6
DC_3-42_n77 42 0.8
n77 0.8
3 0.6
DC_3-42_n78 42 0.8
n78 0.8
3 0.6
42 0.8
3 0.6
DC_3_n77-n79 n77 0.8
n79 0
3 0.6
DC_3_n78-n79 n78 0.8
n79 0.5
3 0.6
DC_3_SUL_n78-n80 n78 0.8
n80 0.6
3 0.5
DC_3_SUL_n78-n82 n78 0.8
n82 0.3
5 0.6
DC_5-7_n78, DC_5-7-
7 0.6
n78 0.8
5 0.3
DC_5-30_n66 30 0.3
n66 0.5
7 0.5
n78 0.8
7 0.3
DC_7-20_n28 20 0.6
n28 0.6
7 0.3
DC_7-20_n78 20 0.3
n78 0.8
DC_7-28_n78 7 0.3

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 122 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC
E-UTRA or NR Band ΔTIB,c (dB)
28 0.3
n78 0.8
7 0.3
DC_7_n28-n78 n28 0.3
n78 0.8
7 0.5
n78 0.8
8 0.6
DC_8_SUL_n78- n81 n78 0.8
n81 0.6
18 0.5
DC_18-28_n77 28 0.5
n77 0.8
18 0.5
DC_18-28_n78 28 0.5
n78 0.8
18 0.5
28 0.5
19 0.3
DC_19-21_n77 21 0.4
n77 0.8
19 0.3
DC_19-21_n78 21 0.4
n78 0.8
19 0.3
21 0.4
19 0.3
DC_19-42_n77 42 0.8
n77 0.8
19 0.3
DC_19-42_n78 42 0.8
n78 0.8
19 0.3
42 0.8
19 0.3
DC_19_n77-n79 n77 0.8
n79 0
19 0.3
DC_19_n78-n79 n78 0.8
n79 0.5
20 0.4
n8 0.4
20 0.5
n28 0.7
20 0.6
DC_20_n28-n78 n28 0.6
n78 0.8
20 0.5
n78 0.8
20 0.5
n78 0.8
20 0.6
DC_20_SUL_n78-n82 n78 0.8
n82 0.6
20 0.8
DC_20_SUL_n78-n83 n78 0.8
n83 0.8
21 0.4
DC_21-42_n77 42 0.8
n77 0.8
21 0.4
DC_21-42_n78 42 0.8
n78 0.8

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 123 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC
E-UTRA or NR Band ΔTIB,c (dB)
21 0.4
42 0.8
21 0.4
DC_21_n77-n79 n77 0.8
n79 0
21 0.4
DC_21_n78-n79 n78 0.8
n79 0.5
28 0.5
DC_28-42_n77 42 0.8
n77 0.8
28 0.5
DC_28-42_n78 42 0.8
n78 0.8
28 0.5
42 0.8
28 0.5
DC_28_SUL_n78-n83 n78 0.8
n83 0.5
41 0.5
DC_41-42_n77 42 0.8
n77 0.8
41 0.5
DC_41-42_n78 42 0.8
n78 0.8
41 0.
42 0.8
41 0.3
n77 0.8
41 0.3
n78 0.8
41 0.3
n79 0.8
66 0.3
DC_66_(n)71 71 0.3
n71 0.3
66 0.6
DC_66_SUL_n78-n86 n78 0.8
n86 0.6
NOTE 1: The requirement is applied for UE transmitting on the frequency range of 2545-2690
NOTE 2: The requirement is applied for UE transmitting on the frequency range of 2496-2545

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 124 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC four bands

Table 6.2B. ΔTIB,c due to EN-DC(four bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 125 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC E-UTRA or NR Band ΔTIB,c (dB)

1 0.6
3 0.6
5 0.3
n78 0.8
1 0.6
3 0.6
7 0.6
n28 0.6
1 0.7
DC_1-3-7_n78 3 0.7
DC_1-3-7-7_n78 7 0.7
n78 0.8
1 0.6
3 0.6
8 0.6
n78 0.8
1 0.6
3 0.6
28 0.6
n77 0.8
1 0.6
3 0.6
28 0.6
n78 0.8
1 0.6
3 0.6
n28 0.6
n78 0.8
1 0.6
DC_1-3-28_n79 3 0.6
28 0.6
1 0.6
3 0.6
19 0.3
n78 0.8
1 0.3
DC_1-3-19_n79 3 0.3
19 0.3
1 0.3
3 0.3
20 0.6
n28 0.6
1 0.6
3 0.6
20 0.3
n78 0.8
1 0.6
3 0.8
21 0.9
n77 0.8
1 0.6
3 0.8
21 0.9
n78 0.8
1 0.3
DC_1-3-21_n79 3 0.8
21 0.9
1 0.6
3 0.6
42 0.8
n77 0.8
1 0.6
3 0.6

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 126 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC E-UTRA or NR Band ΔTIB,c (dB)

42 0.8
n78 0.8
1 0.6
DC_1-3-42_n79 3 0.6
42 0.8
1 0.6
DC_1-5-7_n78 5 0.6
DC_1-5-7-7_n78 7 0.6
n78 0.8
1 0.5
7 0.6
20 0.6
n28 0.6
1 0.6
7 0.7
20 0.4
n78 0.8
1 0.6
7 0.6
n28 0.6
n78 0.8
1 0.3
18 0.5
28 0.5
n77 0.8
1 0.3
18 0.5
28 0.5
n78 0.8
1 0.3
DC_1-18-28_n79 18 0.5
28 0.5
1 0.6
19 0.3
42 0.8
n77 0.8
1 0.3
19 0.3
42 0.8
n78 0.8
1 0.3
DC_1-19-42_n79 19 0.3
42 0.8
1 0.3
20 0.6
n28 0.6
n78 0.8
1 0.6
21 0.4
28 0.6
n77 0.8
1 0.3
21 0.4
28 0.6
n78 0.8
1 0.3
DC_1-21-28_n79 21 0.4
28 0.6
1 0.6
21 0.4
42 0.8
n77 0.8
DC_1-21-42_n78 1 0.3

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 127 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC E-UTRA or NR Band ΔTIB,c (dB)

21 0.4
42 0.8
n78 0.8
1 0.3
DC_1-21-42_n79 21 0.4
42 0.8
1 0.6
28 0.6
42 0.8
n77 0.8
1 0.3
28 0.6
42 0.8
n78 0.8
1 0.3
DC_1-28-42_n79 28 0.6
42 0.8
1 0.5
41 0.5
42 0.8
n77 0.8
1 0.5
41 0.5
42 0.8
n78 0.8
1 0.5
DC_1-41-42_n79 41 0.5
42 0.8
2 0.5
66 0.5
3 0.6
DC_3-5-7_n78, DC_3-5- 5 0.6
7-7_n78 7 0.6
n78 0.8
3 0.5
7 0.5
20 0.6
n28 0.5
3 0.6
7 0.6
20 0.3
n78 0.8
3 0.6
7 0.6
28 0.6
n78 0.8
3 0.6
7 0.6
n28 0.6
n78 0.8
3 0.8
19 0.3
21 0.9
n77 0.8
3 0.8
19 0.3
21 0.9
n78 0.8
3 0.8
DC_3-19-21_n79 19 0.3
21 0.9

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 128 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC E-UTRA or NR Band ΔTIB,c (dB)

3 0.6
19 0.3
42 0.8
n77 0.8
3 0.6
19 0.3
42 0.8
n78 0.8
3 0.6
DC_3-19-42_n79 19 0.3
42 0.8
3 0.6
20 0.6
n28 0.6
n78 0.8
3 0.6
28 0.5
42 0.8
n77 0.8
3 0.6
28 0.5
42 0.8
n78 0.8
3 0.6
DC_3-28-42_n79 28 0.5
42 0.8
3 0.8
21 0.9
42 0.8
n77 0.8
3 0.8
21 0.9
42 0.8
n78 0.8
3 0.8
DC_3-21-42_n79 21 0.9
42 0.8
7 0.3
20 0.6
n28 0.6
n78 0.8
19 0.3
21 0.4
42 0.8
n77 0.8
19 0.3
21 0.4
42 0.8
n78 0.8
19 0.3
DC_19-21-42_n79 21 0.4
42 0.8
21 0.4
28 0.5
42 0.8
n77 0.8
21 0.4
28 0.5
42 0.8
n78 0.8
21 0.4
DC_21-28-42_n79 28 0.5
42 0.8

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 129 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 130 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC five bands

Table 6.2B. ΔTIB,c due to EN-DC (five bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 131 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC configuration E-UTRA or NR Band ΔTIB,c (dB)

1 0.6
3 0.6
5 0.6
7 0.6
n78 0.8
1 0.6
3 0.6
DC_1-3-7-20_n28 7 0.6
20 0.6
n28 0.6
1 0.6
3 0.6
DC_1-3-7-20_n78 7 0.6
20 0.6
n78 0.6
1 0.7
3 0.7
DC_1-3-7_n28-n78 7 0.7
n28 0.6
n78 0.8
1 0.6
3 0.8
DC_1-3-19-21_n77 19 0.3
21 0.9
n77 0.8
1 0.6
3 0.8
DC_1-3-19-21_n78 19 0.3
21 0.9
n78 0.8
1 0.3
3 0.8
19 0.3
21 0.9
1 0.6
3 0.6
DC_1-3-19-42_n77 19 0.3
42 0.8
n77 0.8
1 0.6
3 0.6
DC_1-3-19-42_n78 19 0.3
42 0.8
n78 0.8
1 0.6
3 0.6
19 0.3
42 0.8
1 0.6
3 0.6
DC_1-3-20_n28-n78 20 0.6
n28 0.6
n78 0.8
1 0.6
3 0.8
DC_1-3-21-42_n77 21 0.9
42 0.8
n77 0.6

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 132 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC configuration E-UTRA or NR Band ΔTIB,c (dB)

1 0.6
3 0.8
DC_1-3-21-42_n78 21 0.9
42 0.8
n78 0.6
1 0.6
3 0.8
DC_1-3-21-42_n79 21 0.9
42 0.8
n79 0
1 0.6
3 0.6
DC_1-3-28-42_n77 28 0.6
42 0.8
n77 0.8
1 0.6
3 0.6
DC_1-3-28-42_n78 28 0.6
42 0.8
n78 0.8
1 0.6
3 0.6
28 0.6
42 0.8
1 0.6
7 0.7
DC_1-7-20_n28-n78 20 0.6
n28 0.6
n78 0.8
1 0.3
19 0.3
DC_1-19-21-42_n77 21 0.4
42 0.8
n77 0.8
1 0.3
19 0.3
DC_1-19-21-42_n78 21 0.4
42 0.8
n78 0.8
1 0.3
19 0.3
21 0.4
42 0.8
1 0.6
21 0.4
DC_1-21-28-42_n77 28 0.6
42 0.8
n77 0.8
1 0.3
21 0.4
DC_1-21-28-42_n78 28 0.6
42 0.8
n78 0.8
1 0.3
21 0.4
28 0.6
42 0.8
DC_3-7-20_n28-n78 3 0.6

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 133 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC configuration E-UTRA or NR Band ΔTIB,c (dB)

7 0.6
20 0.6
n28 0.6
n78 0.8

6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC six bands

Table 6.2B. ΔTIB,c due to EN-DC (six bands)

Inter-band EN-DC configuration E-UTRA or NR Band ΔTIB,c (dB)

1 0.7
3 0.7
7 0.7
20 0.6
n28 0.6
n78 0.8

6.2B.4.2.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2

6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC two bands

Unless otherwise stated, ΔTIB,c for E-UTRA and FR2 NR bands of inter-band EN-DC combinations defined in table
5.2B.5.1-1 is set to zero.

Table 6.2B. ΔTIB,c due to EN-DC(two bands)


6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC three bands

Unless otherwise stated, ΔTIB,c for FR2 NR bands is set to zero, and ΔTIB,c for constituent E-UTRA bands for inter-band
EN-DC defined in table 5.2B.5.2-1 is the same as those for the corresponding E-UTRA CA configuration specified in
TS 36.101 [4], without the FR2 NR bands.

Table 6.2B. ΔTIB,c due to EN-DC (three bands)


6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC four bands

Unless otherwise stated, ΔTIB,c for FR2 NR bands is set to zero, and ΔTIB,c for constituent E-UTRA bands for inter-band
EN-DC defined in table 5.2B.5.3-1 is the same as those for the corresponding E-UTRA CA configuration specified in
TS 36.101 [4], without the FR2 NR bands.

Table 6.2B. ΔTIB,c due to EN-DC(four bands)


6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC five bands

Unless otherwise stated, ΔTIB,c for FR2 NR bands is set to zero, and ΔTIB,c for constituent E-UTRA bands for inter-band
EN-DC defined in table 5.2B.5.4-1 is the same as those for the corresponding E-UTRA CA configuration specified in
TS 36.101 [4], without the FR2 NR bands.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 134 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Table 6.2B. ΔTIB,c due to EN-DC (five bands)


6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC six bands


6.2B.4.2.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2

6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC three bands

Unless otherwise stated, for inter-band EN-DC configurations defined in table 5.2B.6.2-1, ΔTIB,c for constituent FR2
NR bands is set to zero, and ΔTIB,c for constituent E-UTRA and FR1 NR bands is the same as those for the
corresponding inter band EN-DC configuration without the FR2 bands specified in 6.2B.4.2.3.

Table 6.2B. ΔTIB,c due to EN-DC (three bands)


6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC four bands

Unless otherwise stated, for inter-band EN-DC configurations defined in table 5.2B.6.3-1, ΔTIB,c for constituent FR2
NR bands is set to zero, and ΔTIB,c for constituent E-UTRA and FR1 NR bands is the same as those for the
corresponding inter band EN-DC configuration without the FR2 bands specified in 6.2B.4.2.3.

6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC five bands

Unless otherwise stated, for inter-band EN-DC configurations defined in table 5.2B.6.4-1, ΔTIB,c for constituent FR2
NR bands is set to zero, and ΔTIB,c for constituent E-UTRA and FR1 NR bands is the same as those for the
corresponding inter band EN-DC configuration without the FR2 bands specified in 6.2B.4.2.3.

6.2B. ΔTIB,c for EN-DC six bands

Unless otherwise stated, for inter-band EN-DC configurations defined in table 5.2B.6.5-1, ΔTIB,c for constituent FR2
NR bands is set to zero, and ΔTIB,c for constituent E-UTRA and FR1 NR bands is the same as those for the
corresponding inter band EN-DC configuration without the FR2 bands specified in 6.2B.4.2.3.

6.2B.5 Configured output power for NR-DC

6.2B.5.1 Configured output power level

6.2B.5.1.1 Inter-band NR-DC between FR1 and FR2

For inter-band NR-DC between FR1 and FR2 combined with one uplink serving cell per CG, the UE is allowed to set its
configured maximum output power PCMAX,c(i),i for serving cell c(i) of CG i, i = 1,2 as specified in clause 6.2.4 of TS
38.101-1 [2] and clause 6.2.4 TS 38.101-2 [3] independently.

6.3 Output power dynamics

Output power dynamics for EN-DC operations in FR1 and FR2 as specified in TS 38.101-1 [2] and TS 38.101-2 [3],
respectively. E-UTRA as specified in TS 36.101 [4]. For intra-band contiguous EN-DC operation in FR1, minimum
output power requirements specified in sub-clause 6.3.1 of TS 38.101-1 [2] and sub-clause 6.3.2 of TS 36.101 [4] shall
only apply when the power of all NR and E-UTRA carriers are set to minimum value. Similarly, OFF power
requirements specified in sub-clause 6.3.2 of TS 38.101-1 [2] and sub-clause 6.3.3 of TS 36.101 [4] shall only apply
when the power of all NR and E-UTRA carriers are OFF. The OFF power condition in transmit ON/OFF time mask
requirements specified in sub-clause 6.3.3 of TS 38.101-1 [2] and sub-clause 6.3.4 of TS 36.101 [4] is applicable only
when all NR and E-UTRA carriers are OFF. If both E-UTRA and NR transition between ON and OFF states

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 135 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

simultaneously, the longer transient time shall apply to both. If either E-UTRA or NR is OFF and the other carrier
transitions from OFF to ON, then the transiet time associated with that carrier applies.

6.3A Output power dynamics for CA

For inter-band NR CA between FR1 and FR2, output power dynamics as specified in [2] and [3] apply for FR1 and FR2

6.3B Output power dynamics for DC

6.3B.0 General
The E-UTRA and NR switching time mask defines the observation period between E-UTRA subframe and NR
slot/mini-slot boundary. Both E-UTRA subframe and NR slot/mini-slot have ON power transmissions. The ON power
is defined as the mean power over the symbol duration excluding any transient period. For E-UTRA subframe or NR
slot/mini-slot having OFF power transmission, the general time mask for E-UTRA or NR shall apply.

6.3B.1 Output power dynamics for EN-DC with UL sharing from UE


6.3B.1.1 E-UTRA and NR switching time mask for TDM based UL sharing from UE
The E-UTRA and NR switching time mask is applicable for non-simultaneous transmissions between E-UTRA and NR
in TDM based UL sharing from the UE perspective in the same channel, which is shared by E-UTRA and NR .

For UEs reporting E-UTRA and NR switching time capability of type 1 with switching time < 0.5 us for TDM based
UL sharing from UE perspective within FR1 time masks in Figure 6.3B.1.1-1 and Figure 6.3B.1.1-2 shall apply. For
UEs reporting E-UTRA and NR switching time capability of type 2 with switching time < 20 us for TDM based UL
sharing from UE perspective within FR1, time masks in Figure 6.3B.1.1-3 and Figure 6.3B.1.1-4 shall apply.

E-UTRA subframe NR slot/mini-slot

ON power ON power
requirement requirement

20µs 10µs
Transient period

Figure 6.3B.1.1-1: E-UTRA to NR switching time mask for type 1 for TDM based UL sharing from UE
perspective within FR1

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 136 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

NR slot/mini-slot E-UTRA subframe

ON power ON power
requirement requirement

10µs 20µs
Transient period

Figure 6.3B.1.1-2: NR to E-UTRA switching time mask for type 1 for TDM based UL sharing from UE
perspective within FR1

E-UTRA subframe NR slot/mini-slot

ON power require ON power
requirement ment requirement

20µs 20µs 10µs

Transient period Transient period

Figure 6.3B.1.1-3: E-UTRA to NR switching time mask for type 2 for TDM based UL sharing from UE
perspective within FR1

NR slot/mini-slot E-UTRA subframe

ON power require ON power
requirement ment requirement

10µs 20µs 20µs

Transient period Transient period

Figure 6.3B.1.1-4: NR to E-UTRA switching time mask for type 2 for TDM based UL sharing from UE
perspective within FR1

6.3B.2 Output power dynamics for intra-band EN-DC without dual PA

For both non-contiguous intra-band EN-DC and contiguous EN-DC for DC_(n)41 and DC_(n)71 without dual PA
capability, maximum UL switching time is defined as 120 us and DL reception interruption is allowed during UL
switching. Time masks in Figure 6.3B.2-1 and Figure 6.3B.2-2 shall apply. Unless otherwise stated, for intra-band
contiguous EN-DC of other band combinations the switching time in 6.3B.1.1 applies.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 137 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Figure 6.3B.2-1: E-UTRA to NR switching time mask for intra-band EN-DC without dual PA
capabilitywhen single UL is allowed

Figure 6.3B.2-2: NR to E-UTRA switching time mask for intra-band EN-DC without dual PA
capabilitywhen single UL is allowed

6.3B.3 Output power dynamics for intra-band EN-DC with dual PA

For both contiguous and non-contiguous intra-band EN-DC with dual PA capability, time masks in Figure 6.3B.3-1 and
Figure 6.3B.3-2 shall apply.

E-UTRA subframe NR slot/mini-slot

ON power ON power
requirement requirement

20µs 10µs
Transient period

Figure 6.3B.3-1: E-UTRA to NR switching time mask for intra-band EN-DC with dual PA capability

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 138 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

NR slot/mini-slot E-UTRA subframe

ON power ON power
requirement requirement

10µs 20µs
Transient period

Figure 6.3B.3-2: NR to E-UTRA switching time mask for intra-band EN-DC with dual PA capability

6.4 Transmit signal quality

6.4A Transmit signal quality for CA

6.4A.1 Frequency error for CA
For inter-band NR CA between FR1 and FR2, frequency error as specified in [2] and [3] apply for FR1 and FR2

6.4A.2 Transmit modulation quality for CA

For inter-band NR CA between FR1 and FR2, transmit modulation quality as specified in [2] and [3] apply for FR1 and
FR2 respectively.

6.4B Transmit signal quality for DC

6.4B.1 Frequency error for EN-DC

6.4B.1.1 Frequency error for Intra-band contiguous EN-DC

6.4B.1.2 Frequency error for Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC

6.4B.1.3 Frequency error for inter-band EN-DC

For inter-band EN-DC with uplink assigned to one E-UTRA band and one NR band, the requirements shall apply on
each component carrier as defined in clause 6.5.1 in [4] and in clause 6.4.1 in [2], respectively, with all component
carriers active. If multiple component carriers are assigned to one E-UTRA band, the requirements in subclauses 6.5.1A
in [4] apply for those component carriers, and if multiple component carriers are assigned to one NR band, the
requirements in subclauses 6.4A.1 in [2] apply for those component carriers.

6.4B.1.4 Frequency error for inter-band EN-DC involving FR2

For inter-band EN-DC including FR2 or both FR1 and FR2, frequency error for EN-DC operations in FR1 and FR2 as
specified in TS 36.101 [4], 38.101-1 [2] and 38.101-2 [3] apply for E-UTRA, NR FR1 and NR FR2 respectively.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 139 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

6.4B.2 Transmit modulation quality for EN-DC

6.4B.2.1 Transmit modulation quality for Intra-band contiguous EN-DC

6.4B.2.1.1 Error Vector Magnitude

For the intra-band contiguous EN-DC with one component carrier per CG the EVM requirement applies with PRB
allocation in one of the CG and the other CG unallocated.

The EVM requirements for each CG are according to clause 6.5.2 of [4] for the MCG and 6.4.2 of [2] for the SCG with
EN-DC configured.

6.4B.2.1.2 Carrier leakage

The carrier leakage requirements for each CG are according to clause 6.5.2 of [4] for the MCG and 6.4.2 of [2] for the
SCG with EN-DC configured.

6.4B.2.1.3 In-band emissions

For the MCG the in-band emission requirments in Table 6.5.2A.3.1-1 and 6.5.2A.3.1-2 in [4] apply within the
aggregated transmission bandwidth configuration of the EN-DC bandwidth with the carriers of both CGs active and one
single contiguous PRB allocation of bandwidth LCRB within the MCG at the edge of the said aggregated transmission
bandwidth configuration.

For the SCG the in-band emission requirements in Table 6.5.2A.3.1-1 and 6.5.2A.3.1-2 in [4] apply within the
aggregated transmission bandwidth configuration of the EN-DC bandwidth with the carriers of both CGs active and one
single contiguous PRB allocation of bandwidth LCRB within the SCG at the edge of the aggregated transmission
bandwidth configuration.

6.4B.2.2 Transmit modulation quality for Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC

6.4B.2.2.1 Error Vector Magnitude

For the intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC with one component carrier per CG the EVM requirement applies with PRB
allocation in one of the CG and the other CG unallocated.

The EVM requirements for each CG are according to clause 6.5.2 of [4] for the MCG and 6.4.2 of [2] for the SCG with
EN-DC configured.

6.4B.2.2.2 Carrier leakage

The carrier leakage requirements for each CG are according to clause 6.5.2 of [4] for the MCG and 6.4.2 of [2] for the
SCG with EN-DC configured and PRB allocation only in the CG being measured.

6.4B.2.2.3 In-band emissions

For the MCG the in-band emission requirements in Table 6.5.2A.3.1-1 and 6.5.2A.3.1-2 in [4] apply within the
transmission bandwidth configuration of the MCG with the carriers of both CGs active and one single contiguous PRB
allocation of bandwidth LCRB within the MCG at the edge of the transmission bandwidth configuration.

For the SCG the in-band emission requirements in Table 6.5.2A.3.1-1 and 6.5.2A.3.1-2 in [4] apply within the
transmission bandwidth configuration of the SCG with the carriers of both CGs active and one single contiguous PRB
allocation of bandwidth LCRB within the SCG at the edge of the transmission bandwidth configuration.

6.4B.2.3 Transmit modulation quality for Inter-band EN-DC

For inter-band EN-DC with uplink assigned to one E-UTRA band and one NR band, the requirements shall apply on
each component carrier as defined in clause 6.5.2 in [4] and in clause 6.4.2 in [2], respectively, with all component
carriers active. If multiple component carriers are assigned to one E-UTRA band, the requirements in subclauses 6.5.2A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 140 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

in [4] apply for those component carriers, and if multiple component carriers are assigned to one NR band, the
requirements in subclauses 6.4A.2 in [2] apply for those component carriers.

6.4B.2.4 Transmit modulation quality for Inter-band EN-DC involving FR2

For inter-band EN-DC including FR2 or both FR1 and FR2, transmit modulation quality for EN-DC operations in FR1
and FR2 as specified in TS 36.101 [4], 38.101-1 [2] and 38.101-2 [3] apply for E-UTRA, NR FR1 and NR FR2

6.5 Output RF spectrum emissions

6.5A Output RF spectrum emissions for CA

6.5A.1 Occupied bandwidth for CA
For inter-band NR CA between FR1 and FR2, occupied bandwidth specified in TS 38.101-1 [2] and TS 38.101-2 [3]
apply for each frequency range respectively.

6.5A.2 Out-of-band emissions for CA

For inter-band NR CA between FR1 and FR2, out-of-band emissions specified in TS 38.101-1 [2] and TS 38.101-2 [3]
apply for each frequency range respectively.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 141 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

6.5A.3 Spurious emissions for CA

6.5A.3.1 Inter-band CA between FR1 and FR2

Table 6.5A.3.1-1: Requirements for uplink inter-band CA (two bands)

Spurious emission
NR CA Protected band Frequency range Maximum MBW NOTE
Configuration (MHz) Level (MHz)
CA_n8-n258 E-UTRA Band 1,8, 20, 28, 34,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
39, 40,65
E-UTRA Band 3,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
E-UTRA Band 11, 21 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 6
Frequency range 860 - 890 -40 1 5, 6
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 4
CA_n77-n257 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11,
18, 19, 21, 26, 28, 34, 39, 40, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
41, 65
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 4
CA_n78-n257 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11,
18, 19, 21, 26, 28, 34, 39, 40, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
41, 65
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 4
CA_n79-n257 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 18,
19, 26, 21, 28, 34, 39, 40, 41, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
42, 65
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 4
NOTE 1: FDL_low and FDL_high refer to each frequency band specified in Table 5.2-1 in TS 38.101-1/2 or Table 5.5 in TS
36.101 [4]
NOTE 2: As exceptions, measurements with a level up to the applicable requirements defined in Table in TS
38.101-1 [2] are permitted for each assigned NR carrier used in the measurement due to 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th
harmonic spurious emissions. Due to spreading of the harmonic emission the exception is also allowed for the
first 1 MHz frequency range immediately outside the harmonic emission on both sides of the harmonic
emission. This results in an overall exception interval centred at the harmonic emission of (2MHz + N x LCRB x
180kHz), where N is 2, 3, 4, 5 for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th harmonic respectively. The exception is allowed if the
measurement bandwidth (MBW) totally or partially overlaps the overall exception interval.
NOTE 3: 15 kHz SCS is assumed when RB is mentioned in the note.
NOTE 4: Applicable when co-existence with PHS system operating in 1884.5 -1915.7MHz
NOTE 5: These requirements also apply for the frequency ranges that are less than FOOB (MHz) in Table and
Table 6.5A.3.1-1 in TS 38.101-1 [2] from the edge of the channel bandwidth.
NOTE 6: This requirement is applicable only for the following cases: - for carriers of 5 MHz channel bandwidth when
carrier centre frequency (Fc) is within the range 902.5 MHz ≤ Fc < 907.5 MHz with an uplink transmission
bandwidth less than or equal to 20 RB - for carriers of 5 MHz channel bandwidth when carrier centre
frequency (Fc) is within the range 907.5 MHz ≤ Fc ≤ 912.5 MHz without any restriction on uplink transmission
bandwidth. - for carriers of 10 MHz channel bandwidth when carrier centre frequency (Fc) is Fc = 910 MHz
with an uplink transmission bandwidth less than or equal to 32 RB with RBstart > 3.

NOTE: To simplify above Table, E-UTRA band numbers are listed for bands which are specified only for E-
UTRA operation or both E-UTRA and NR operation. NR band numbers are listed for bands which are
specified only for NR operation.

6.5B Output RF spectrum emissions for DC

6.5B.1 Occupied bandwidth for EN-DC
For intra-band contiguous EN-DC the occupied bandwidth is a measure of the bandwidth containing 99% of the total
integrated power of the transmitted spectrum. The OBW shall be less than the aggregated channel bandwidth for EN-
DC, denoted as ENBW in sub-clause 5.3B.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 142 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

6.5B.2 Out-of-band emissions for EN-DC

6.5B.2.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC

The out of band emissions are unwanted emissions immediately outside the EN-DC aggregated channel bandwidth
resulting from the modulation process and non-linearity in the transmitter but excluding spurious emissions. This out of
band emission limit is specified in terms of a spectrum emission mask and an adjacent channel leakage power ratio.

Unless otherwise stated, the OOBE limits specified for the DC combination in this sub-clause supercede any OOBE
requirements specified for each sub-block in the respective TS [4] and [2].

The requirements apply to the sum of transmissions across all antenna connectors.

6.5B.2.1.1 Spectrum emissions mask

The spectrum emission mask of the UE applies to frequencies (ΔfOOB) starting from the ± edge of the EN-DC
aggregated channel bandwidth. For frequencies offset greater than ΔfOOB as specified in Table 6.5B.2.1.1-1 the spurious
requirements in subclause 6.5B.3 are applicable.

The general spectrum emission for intra-band contiguous EN-DC is specified in Table 6.5B.2.1.1-1.

The power of any UE emission shall not exceed the levels specified in Table 6.5B.2.1.1-1 for the specified EN-DC
aggregated channel bandwidth.

Table 6.5B.2.1.1-1. General spectrum emission mask for intra-band contiguous EN-DC

ΔfOOB Spectrum emission limit (dBm)

(MHz) bandwidth
±0-1 Max(Round(10*log(0.15/ENBW)),-24) 30 kHz
±1-5 -10 1 MHz
± 5 - ENBW -13 1 MHz
± ENBW –
-25 1 MHz
NOTE: ENBW refers to the aggregated channel bandwidth in MHz as defined in sub-
clause 5.3B.

6.5B.2.1.2 Additional spectrum emissions mask

6.5B. Requirements for network signalled value "NS_35"

When NS_35 is indicated in the MCG and NS_35 is indicated in the SCG, the requirements in Table 6.5B.
apply in the frequency ranges immediately adjacent and outside the aggregated sub-blocks of the EN-DC configuration
for DC_(n)71AA.

Table 6.5B. Additional requirements

ΔfOOB Frequency offset of

measurement filter centre
(MHz) bandwidth
frequency, f_offset (dBm)
0.015 MHz ≤ f_offset < 0.085
0 MHz ≤ Δf < 0.1 MHz -13 30 kHz
0.15 MHz ≤ f_offset < ENBW –
0.1 MHz ≤ Δf < ENBW -13 100 kHz
0.05 MHz
ENBW ≤ Δf < ENBW + 5 ENBW+0.5 MHz ≤ f_offset <
-25 1 MHz
MHz ENBW + 4.5 MHz
NOTE 1: ENBW is the aggregated bandwidth of an E-UTRA sub-block and an adjacent NR sub-block; there is no
frequency separation between the said sub-blocks. The sub-block bandwidths include any internal guard

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 143 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

6.5B. Requirements for network signalled value "NS_04"

Additional spectrum emission requirements are signalled by the network to indicate that the UE shall meet an additional
requirement for a specific deployment scenario as part of the cell handover/broadcast message.

The Band 41/n41 SEM transition point from -13 dBm/MHz to -25 dBm/MHz is based on the emission bandwidth. The
emission bandwidth is defined as the width of the signal between two points, one below the carrier center frequency and
one above the carrier center frequency, outside of which all emissions are attenuated at least 26 dB below the
transmitter power. Since the 26 dB emission bandwidth is implementation dependent, the transmission bandwidths
occupied by RBs is used for the SEM. The emission bandwidth for LTE carriers is document in TS 36.101 [4], and the
emission bandwidth for NR carriers is documented in 38.101-1 [2]. The total emission bandwidth for contiguous intra-
band EN-DC is the sum of the emission bandwidth for each CC plus the guard band between contiguous CCs.

When "NS_04" is indicated in the cell, the power of any UE emission shall not exceed the levels specified in Table

Table 6.5B. DC_(n)41 SEM with NS_04

Spectrum emission limit (dBm) / measurement bandwidth

for each ENBW
ΔfOOB 15 20 40 50 > 50 Measurement
MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz bandwidth
±0-1 -10 -10 -10 2 % ENBW
-10 1 MHz
±1-5 -10
±5-X -13 1 MHz
± X - (ENBW+ 5 MHz) -25
NOTE: X is defined as the sum of the emission bandwidth of the component carriers plus the guard band between
contiguous CCs.

6.5B.2.1.3 Adjacent channel leakage ratio

For EN-DC operation with an E-UTRA sub-block immediately adjacent to an NR sub-block, the ACLR is defined as
the ratio of the filtered mean power centred on the aggregated sub-block bandwidth ENBW to the filtered mean power
centred on an adjacent bandwidth of the same size ENBW at nominal channel spacing. The UE shall meet the ACLR
minimum requirement EN-DCACLR specified in Table 6.5B.2.1.3-1 with ENBW the sum of the sub-block bandwidths.

The assigned channel power and adjacent channel power are measured with rectangular filters with measurement
bandwidths specified in 6.5B.2.1.3-1.

Table 6.5B.2.1.3-1: ACLR for intra-band EN-DC (contiguous sub-blocks)

Parameter Unit Value
EN-DCACLR for PC3 dBc 30
EN-DCACLR for PC2 dBc 31
Measurement bandwidth of EN- 1.00*ENBW
DC channel
Measurement bandwidth of 0.95*ENBW
adjacent channel
Frequency offset of adjacent ENBW
channel /
NOTE 1: ENBW is the aggregated bandwidth in MHz as defined in sub-
clause 5.3B.
NOTE 2: The frequency offset is that in between the centre frequencies of
the measurement filters

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 144 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

6.5B.2.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC

6.5B.2.2.1 Spectrum emissions mask

The spectral emission mask for intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC is a composite of the emission mask for each CC
with the level set to the maximum value from each mask for each frequency outside of the transmission bandwidth of
either carrier. A composite spectrum emission mask is a combination of individual CC spectrum emissions masks.
Where two masks overlap the most relaxed limit is used. Composite spectrum emission mask applies to frequencies up
to ± ΔfOOB starting from the edges of the sub-blocks. If for some frequency an individual CC spectrum emission mask
overlaps with the bandwidth of another CC then the emission mask does not apply for that frequency.

6.5B.2.2.2 Additional spectrum emissions mask

When additional spectrum emission mask or masks apply, the additional SEM(s) shall be used to calculate the
composite SEM described in 6.5B.2.2.1.

6.5B.2.2.3 Adjacent channel leakage ratio

For intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC, the EN-DC Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (EN-DCACLR) is the ratio of
the sum of the filtered mean powers centred on the assigned E-UTRA and NR sub-block frequencies to the filtered
mean power centred on an adjacent channel frequency at nominal channel spacing. In case the sub-block gap bandwidth
Wgap is smaller than a E-UTRA or NR sub-block bandwidth, no EN-DCACLR requirement is set for the corresponding
sub-block for the gap. The assigned EN-DC sub-block power and adjacent channel power are measured with
rectangular filters with measurement bandwidths specified in [4] for the E-UTRA sub-block, and [2],[3] for the NR sub-
block. If the measured adjacent channel power is greater than –50dBm then the EN-DCACLR shall be higher than the
value specified in for E-UTRAACLR and NRACLR.

6.5B.2.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1

Unless otherewise stated, the OOBE requirements specified in sub-clause of [4], sub- clause 6.6.2 of [4] and
sub-clause 6.5.2 of [2] apply for each component carrier.

The requirements apply to each antenna connector.

6.5B.2.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2

Unless otherewise stated, the OOBE requirements specified in sub-clause 6.6.2 of [4] and sub-clause 6.5.2 of [3] apply
for each component carrier.

6.5B.2.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2

Unless otherewise stated, the OOBE requirements specified in sub-clause 6.6.2 of [4], sub-clause 6.5.2 of [2] and 6.5.2
of [3] apply for each component carrier.

6.5B.3 Spurious emissions for EN-DC

6.5B.3.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC

6.5B.3.1.1 General spurious emissions

The general spurious emissions requirements specified in sub-clause of [4] and sub-clause of [2] apply
beyond any frequencies for which the out-of-band emissions requirements in sub-clause 6.5B.2.1apply.

6.5B.3.1.2 Spurious emission band UE co-existence

The requirements in Table 6.5B.3.1.2-1 apply on each component carrier with all component carriers are active.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 145 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Table 6.5B.3.1.2-1: Requirements for intra-band contiguous EN-DC

Spurious emission
Configur Protected band Frequency range Maximum MBW NOTE
ation (MHz) Level (MHz)

DC_(n)71 E-UTRA Band 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 17, 24, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
26, 30, 48, 66
E-UTRA Band 2, 25, 41, 70 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
E-UTRA Band 29 FDL_low - FDL_high -38 1 3
E-UTRA Band 71 FDL_low -FDL_high -50 1 3
DC_(n)41 E-UTRA Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, FDL_low -FDL_high -50 1
13 , 14, 17, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
34, 39, 42, 44, 45, 48, 50, 51, 66, 70,
71, 73, 74
NR Band n77, n78 and n79
E-UTRA Band 40 FDL_low - FDL_high [-40] 1
NOTE 1: FDL_low and FDL_high refer to each E-UTRA frequency band specified in Table 5.5-1
NOTE 2: As exceptions, measurements with a level up to the applicable requirements defined in Table
are permitted for each assigned E-UTRA carrier used in the measurement due to 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th
harmonic spurious emissions. Due to spreading of the harmonic emission the exception is also allowed
for the first 1 MHz frequency range immediately outside the harmonic emission on both sides of the
harmonic emission. This results in an overall exception interval centred at the harmonic emission of
(2MHz + N x LCRB x 180kHz), where N is 2, 3, 4, 5 for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th harmonic respectively. The
exception is allowed if the measurement bandwidth (MBW) totally or partially overlaps the overall
exception interval
NOTE 3: These requirements also apply for the frequency ranges that are less than FOOB (MHz) in Table
and Table [4] from the edge of the channel bandwidth.

6.5B.3.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC

6.5B.3.2.1 General spurious emissions

The general spurious emissions requirements specified in sub-clause of [4] and sub-clause of [2] apply
beyond any frequencies for which the out-of-band emissions requirements in sub-clause 6.5B.2.2 apply.

6.5B.3.2.2 Spurious emission band UE co-existence

The requirements in Table 6.5B.3.2.2-1 apply with all component carriers are active.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 146 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Table 6.5B.3.2.2-1: Requirements for intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC

Spurious emission
Configuratio Protected band Frequency range Maximum MBW NOTE
n (MHz) Level (MHz)
DC_41_n41 E-UTRA Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
12, 13 , 14, 17, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,
29, 34, 39, 42, 44, 45, 48, 50, 51,
66, 70, 71, 73, 74
NR Band n77, n78 and n79
E-UTRA Band 30 FDL_low - FDL_high [-40] 1
NOTE 1: FDL_low and FDL_high refer to each E-UTRA frequency band specified in Table 5.5-1
NOTE 2: As exceptions, measurements with a level up to the applicable requirements defined in Table
are permitted for each assigned E-UTRA carrier used in the measurement due to 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th
harmonic spurious emissions. Due to spreading of the harmonic emission the exception is also allowed
for the first 1 MHz frequency range immediately outside the harmonic emission on both sides of the
harmonic emission. This results in an overall exception interval centred at the harmonic emission of
(2MHz + N x LCRB x 180kHz), where N is 2, 3, 4, 5 for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th harmonic respectively. The
exception is allowed if the measurement bandwidth (MBW) totally or partially overlaps the overall
exception interval

6.5B.3.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1

6.5B.3.3.1 General spurious emissions

The general spurious emissions requirements specified in sub-clause of [4], sub-clause of [2] and [3]
apply for each component carrier.

Table 6.5B.3.3.1-1: (Void)

6.5B.3.3.2 Spurious emission band UE co-existence

This clause specifies the requirements for the specified EN-DC, for coexistence with protected bands. The requirements
in Table 6.5B.3.3.2-1 apply on each component carrier with all component carriers are active.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 147 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Table 6.5B.3.3.2-1: Requirements

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 148 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Spurious emission
EN-DC Protected band Frequency range Maximum MBW NOTE
Configuration (MHz) Level (MHz)
DC_1_n28 E-UTRA Band 18, 19, 27, 31, 32, 72
NR band n5, n7, n8, n20, n26, n38, FDL_low FDL_high -50 1
n40, n41, n50, n51, n74 -
E-UTRA Band42, 43 - -50 1 2
FDL_low FDL_high
NR band n78, n75, n76
NR band n3, n34 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 5
E-UTRA Band 11, 21 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 9, 11
E-UTRA Band 65 - -50 1 9, 10
FDL_low FDL_high
NR band n1
Frequency range 470 - 694 -42 8 5, 17
Frequency range 470 - 710 -26.2 6 14
Frequency range 758 - 773 -32 1 5
Frequency range 773 - 803 -50 1
Frequency range 662 - 694 -26.2 6 5
Frequency range 1880 - 1895 -40 1 5,16
Frequency range 1895 - 1915 -15.5 5 5, 7, 16
Frequency range 1915 - 1920 +1.6 5 5, 7, 16
Frequency range 1839.9 - 1879.9 -50 1 5
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 9, 15
DC_1_n40 Band 1, 5, 7, 8, 11, 18, 19, 20, 21,
22, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 38, 40, 41, 42,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
43, 44, 45, 50, 51, 52, 65, 67, 68, 69,
72, 73, 74, 75, 76
Band 3, 34 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 5
Frequency range 1880 1895 -40 1 5, 17
Frequency range 1895 1915 -15.5 5 5, 7, 17
Frequency range 1915 1920 +1.6 5 5, 7, 17
DC_1_n51 E-UTRA Band 7, 12, 13, 17, 20, 22,
27, 28, 29, 31, 38, 44, 48, 67, 68, 69, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
72, 73
E-UTRA Band 3, 34 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 5, 2
Frequency range 1880 - 1895 -40 1 5, 16
Frequency range 1895 - 1915 -15.5 5 5, 7, 16
Frequency range 1915 - 1920 +1.6 5 5, 7, 16
E-UTRA Band 5, 6, 8, 26, 30, 40, 41,
42, 43, 46 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
NR Band n77, n78, n79,
DC_1_n77 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 18,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
19, 20, 21, 26, 28, 34, 39, 40, 41, 65
Frequency range 1880 - 1895 -40 1 5, 8
Frequency range 1895 - 1915 -15.5 5 5, 7, 8
Frequency range 1915 - 1920 +1.6 5 5, 7, 8
DC_1_n78 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 18,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
DC_1_n84_ULS 19, 20, 21, 26, 28, 34, 40, 41, 65
UP-TDM_n78 Frequency range 1880 - 1895 -40 1 5, 8
DC_1_n84_ULS Frequency range 1895 - 1915 -15.5 5 5, 7, 8
UP-FDM_n78 Frequency range 1915 - 1920 +1.6 5 5, 7, 8
DC_1_n79 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 18,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
19, 21, 26, 28, 34, 40, 41, 42, 65
Frequency range 1880 - 1895 -40 1 5, 8
Frequency range 1895 - 1915 -15.5 5 5, 7, 8
Frequency range 1915 - 1920 +1.6 5 5, 7, 8
DC_2_n5 Bands 4, 5, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 24,
28, 29, 30, 42, 48, 50, 51, 66, 70, 71, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
n71, 74, 85
Bands 2, 25, 48 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
E-UTRA Band 26 859 - 869 -27 1
E-UTRA Band 41, 43 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
DC_2_n66 Bands 4, 5, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 24,
26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 41, 50, 51, 66, 70, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
71, n71, 74, 85
Bands 2, 25 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 5
Bands 42, 48 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
DC_2_n71 E-UTRA Band 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 17,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
24, 26, 29, 30, 48, 66
E-UTRA Band 2, 25, 41, 70 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
NR Band n71 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 5

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 149 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

DC_2_n78 E-UTRA Band 4, 5, 10, 12, 13, 14,

17, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 41, 42, 48, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
50, 51, 66, 70, 71, 74, 85
E-UTRA Band 2, 25 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
DC_3_n7 E-UTRA Band 1, 5, 7, 8, 20, 26, 27,
28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 43, 44, 50, 51,
65, 67, 72, 74, 75, 76 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
NR Band n1, n5, n7, n8, n20, n28,
n50, n51, n74, n75, n76
E-UTRA band 3 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 5
E-UTRA band 22, 42 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
Frequency range 2570 - 2575 +1.6 5 5, 6, 7
Frequency range 2575 - 2595 -15.5 5 5, 6, 7
Frequency range 2595 - 2620 -40 1 5, 6
DC_3_n28 E-UTRA Band 42, 43, 65
NR band n1, n50, n51, n74, n75, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
n76, n78
NR band n1 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 9, 10
NR band n3 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 5
E-UTRA Band 27, 31, 72
NR band n5, n7, n8, n20, n26, n34, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
n38, n40, n41
E-UTRA Band 11, 18, 19, 21 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 13
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 13
Frequency range 470 - 710 -26.2 6 14
Frequency range 758 - 773 -32 1 5
Frequency range 773 - 803 -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3, 9
DC_3_n40 Band 1, 5, 7, 8, 20, 26, 27, 28, 31,
32, 33, 34, 38, 39, 41, 43, 44. 45, 50, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
51, 65, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 75, 76
Band 3 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 5
Band 22, 42, 52 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
DC_3_n51 E-UTRA Band 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 20, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
27, 28, 31, 33, 38, 48, 67, 68, 69, 72,
E-UTRA Band 3 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 5
E-UTRA Band 1, 5, 6, 22, 26, 30, 34, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 65, 71
DC_3_n77 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 18,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
19, 20, 21, 26, 28, 34, 39, 40, 41, 65
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
DC_3_n78 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 18,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
DC_3_n80_ULS 19, 20, 21, 26, 28, 34, 39, 40, 41, 65
DC_3_n80_ULS Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
DC_3_n79 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 18, 19,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
DC_3_n80_ULS 21, 28, 34, 39, 40, 41, 65
UP-TDM_n79, E-UTRA Band 42 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
DC_3_n80_ULS Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
DC_3_n82 E-UTRA Band 1, 3 7, 8, 20, 22, 31,
32, 33, 34, 38, 40, 43, 50, 51, 65, 67, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
68, 69, 72,74, 75, 76
E-UTRA Band 42 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
DC_5_n40 Band 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 28, 31, 34, 38, 42,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
43, 45, 65, 73
Band 26 859 - 869 -27 1
Band 41, 52 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
DC_5_n66 Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12,
13, 14, 17, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 34, 38,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
40, 43, 45, 50, 51, 65, 66, 70, 71,
n71, 85
E-UTRA Band 26 859 - 869 -27 1
Bands 41, 42, 48, 52 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
E-UTRA Band 18, 19 FDL_low - FDL_high -40 1
E-UTRA Band 11, 21 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 150 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

DC_5_n78 E-UTRA Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10,

12, 13, 14, 17, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
34, 38, 40, 42, 43, 45, 48, 65, 66, 70
E-UTRA Band 26 859 - 869 -27 1
Frequency range 945 - 960 -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3, 4
Frequency range 2545 - 2575 -50 1
Frequency range 2595 - 2645 -50 1
E-UTRA Band 41 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 7
E-UTRA Band 18, 19 FDL_low - FDL_high -40 1 4
E-UTRA Band 11, 21 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 4
DC_7_n28 E-UTRA Band 27, 31, 72
NR band n2, n3, n5, n7, n8, n20, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
n26, n34, n40
E-UTRA Band 4, 10, 42, 43, 65
NR band n1, n50, n51, n66, n74, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
n75, n76, n78
NR band n1 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 9, 10
Frequency range 758 - 773 -32 1 5
Frequency range 773 - 803 -50 1
Frequency range 2570 - 2575 +1.6 5 5, 6, 7
Frequency range 2575 - 2595 -15.5 5 5, 6, 7
Frequency range 2595 - 2620 -40 1 5, 6
DC_7_n51 E-UTRA Band 2, 3, 5, 8, 26, 30, 31, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
32, 33, 34, 40, 48, 72
Frequency range 2570 - 2575 +1.6 5 5, 7, 16
Frequency range 2575 - 2595 -15.5 5 5, 7, 16
Frequency range 2595 - 2620 -40 1 5
E-UTRA Band 1, 4, 10, 12, 13, 14,
17, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 42, 43, 44,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
46, 65, 66, 67, 68
NR Band n77, n78, n79,
DC_7_n78 E-UTRA Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10,
11, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
33, 34, 40, 50, 51, 65, 66, 67, 68, 72,
74, 75, 76
Frequency range 2570 - 2575 +1.6 5 5, 6, 7
Frequency range 2575 - 2595 -15.5 5 5, 6, 7
Frequency range 2595 - 2620 -40 1 5, 6
DC_8_n40 Band 1, 20, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38,
39, 40, 45, 50, 51, 65, 67, 68, 69, 72, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
73, 74, 75, 76
Band 3, 7, 22, 41, 42, 43, 52 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
Band 8 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 5
Band 11, 21 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 12
Frequency range 860 - 890 -40 1 5, 12
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3, 12
DC_8_n77 E-UTRA Band 1, 20, 28, 31, 32, 33,
34, 38, 39, 40, 44, 45, 50, 51, 65, 67, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76
E-UTRA band 3, 7, 22, 41 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
E-UTRA Band 8 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 5
E-UTRA Band 11, 21 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 12
Frequency range 860 - 890 -40 1 5, 12
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3, 12
DC_8_n78 E-UTRA Band 1,8, 20, 28, 34, 39,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
DC_8_n81_ULS 40,65
UP-TDM_n78, E-UTRA Band 3, 7,41 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
DC_8_n81_ULS E-UTRA Band 11, 21 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 12
UP-FDM_n78 Frequency range 860 - 890 -40 1 5, 12
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3, 12
DC_8_n79 E-UTRA Band 1,8,28,34,39,40,65 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
DC_8_n81_ULS E-UTRA Band 3,41,42 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
UP-TDM_n79, E-UTRA Band 11, 21 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 12
DC_8_n81_ULS Frequency range 860 - 890 -40 1 5, 12
UP-FDM_n79 Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
DC_11_n77 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 18, 19, 28, 34,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
Frequency range 945 - 960 -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
Frequency range 2545 - 2575 -50 1
Frequency range 2595 - 2645 -50 1

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 151 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

DC_11_n78 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 18, 19, 28, 34,

FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
Frequency range 945 - 960 -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
Frequency range 2545 - 2575 -50 1
Frequency range 2595 - 2645 -50 1
DC_11_n79 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 18, 19, 28, 34,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
42, 65
Frequency range 945 - 960 -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
Frequency range 2545 - 2575 -50 1
Frequency range 2595 - 2645 -50 1
DC_12_n5 Bands 2, 5, 12, 13, 14, 17, 24, 25,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
30, 42, 43 50, 51, 71, n71, 74
Bands 4, 10, 41, 48, 66, 70 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
Band 26 859 - 869 -27 1
Band 12, 85 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
DC_12_n66 Bands 2, 4, 5, 13, 14, 17, 24, 25, 26,
DC_12_n5 27, 29, 30, 41, 50, 51, 70, 71, n71, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
Bands 4, 10, 48 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
Bands 12, 85 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 5
Bands 2, 5, 12, 13, 14, 17, 24, 25,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
30, 42, 43 50, 51, 71, n71, 74
DC_18_n77 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 11, 21, 28, 34,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
Frequency range 945 - 960 -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
Frequency range 2545 - 2575 -50 1
Frequency range 2595 - 2645 -50 1
DC_18_n78 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 11, 21, 28, 34,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
Frequency range 945 - 960 -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
Frequency range 2545 - 2575 -50 1
Frequency range 2595 - 2645 -50 1
DC_18_n79 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 11, 21, 28, 34,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
42, 65
Frequency range 945 - 960 -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
Frequency range 2545 - 2575 -50 1
Frequency range 2595 - 2645 -50 1
DC_19_n77 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 11, 21, 28, 34,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
Frequency range 945 - 960 -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
Frequency range 2545 - 2575 -50 1
Frequency range 2595 - 2645 -50 1
DC_19_n78 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 11, 21, 28, 34,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
Frequency range 945 - 960 -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
Frequency range 2545 - 2575 -50 1
Frequency range 2595 - 2645 -50 1
DC_19_n79 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 11, 21, 28, 34,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
42, 65
Frequency range 945 - 960 -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
Frequency range 2545 - 2575 -50 1
Frequency range 2595 - 2645 -50 1
DC_20_n8 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 7, 22, 28, 31, 32,
34, 38, 42, 43, 65, 75, 76, n78
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
DC_20_n28 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 7, 8, 22, 31, 32,
34, 38, 42, 43, 65, 75, 76 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
DC_20_n51 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 4, 8, 17, 22, 28, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
29, 31, 40, 43, 48, 65, 66, 68, 72
E-UTRA Band 20 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 5
Frequency range 758 - 788 -50 1
E-UTRA Band 2, 7, 25, 32, 33, 34,
35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 46, 69, 70 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
NR Band n77, n78, n79,

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 152 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

DC_20_n77 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 7, 8, 31, 32, 33,

34, 40, 50, 51, 65, 67, 68, 72, 74, 75,
E-UTRA Band 20 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 5
E-UTRA Band 38, 69 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
DC_20_n78, E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 7, 8, 22, 31, 32,
DC_20_n82_ULS 33, 34, 40, 42, 43, 50, 51, 65, 67, 68,
UP-TDM_n78, 72, 74, 75, 76
DC_20_n82_ULS E-UTRA Band 20 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 5
UP-FDM_n78 E-UTRA Band 38, 69 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
DC_21_n77 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 18, 19, 21, 28,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
34, 65
Frequency range 945 - 960 -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
Frequency range 2545 - 2575 -50 1
Frequency range 2595 - 2645 -50 1
DC_21_n78 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 18, 19, 21, 28,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
34, 65
Frequency range 945 - 960 -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
Frequency range 2545 - 2575 -50 1
Frequency range 2595 - 2645 -50 1
DC_21_n79 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 18, 19, 21, 28,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
34, 42, 65
Frequency range 945 - 960 -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
Frequency range 2545 - 2575 -50 1
Frequency range 2595 - 2645 -50 1
DC_25_n41 NR band n5, n28, n66, n71
E-UTRA/NR Band 4, 10, 12, 13 , 14, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
17, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 42, 45, 48, 70
NR band n2
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 5
E-UTRA/NR Band 25
EUTRA/NR Band 43 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
DC_26_n41 E-UTRA/NR Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10,
12, 13 , 14, 17, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
30, 31, 34, 39, 40, 42, 43, 48, 50,
51, 65, 66, 70, 71, 74
E-UTRA Band 9, 11, 18, 19, 21 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 19
Frequency range 1884.5 1915.7 -41 0.3 3, 19
Frequency range 703 - 799 -50 1
Frequency range 799 - 803 -40 1 5
Frequency range 945 - 960 -50 1
DC_26_n77 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 11, 21, 28, 34,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
Frequency range 945 - 960 -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
Frequency range 2545 - 2575 -50 1
Frequency range 2595 - 2645 -50 1
DC_26_n78 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 11, 21, 28, 34,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
Frequency range 945 - 960 -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
Frequency range 2545 - 2575 -50 1
Frequency range 2595 - 2645 -50 1
DC_26_n79 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 11, 21, 28, 34,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
42, 65
Frequency range 945 - 960 -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
Frequency range 2545 - 2575 -50 1
Frequency range 2595 - 2645 -50 1
DC_28_n51 E-UTRA Band 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 25, 26, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
31, 34, 38, 40, 41, 66, 72
E-UTRA Band 4, 10, 20, 22, 24, 32, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
42, 43, 45, 46, 65, 66, 71, 73
NR band n78, n79
E-UTRA Band 1 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2, 9, 10
Frequency range 470 - 694 -42 8 5, 17
Frequency range 470 - 710 -26.2 6 14
Frequency range 662 - 694 -26.2 6 5
Frequency range 758 - 773 -32 1 5
Frequency range 773 - 803 -50 1

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 153 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

DC_28_n77 E-UTRA Band 3, 5, 7, 8, 18, 19, 20,

FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
26, 34, 39, 40, 41
E-UTRA Band 1, 65 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
E-UTRA Band 1 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 9, 10
E-UTRA Band 11, 21 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 9, 11
Frequency range 758 - 773 -32 1
Frequency range 773 - 803 -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
DC_28_n78 E-UTRA Band 3, 5, 7, 8, 18, 19, 20,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
DC_28_n83_ULS 26, 34, 39, 40, 41
UP-TDM_n78, E-UTRA Band 1, 65 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
DC_28_n83_ULS E-UTRA Band 1 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 9, 10
UP-FDM_n78 E-UTRA Band 11, 21 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 9, 11
Frequency range 758 - 773 -32 1
Frequency range 773 - 803 -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
DC_28_n79 E-UTRA Band 3, 5, 8, 18, 19, 34, 39,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
40, 41, 42
E-UTRA Band 1, 65 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
E-UTRA Band 1 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 9, 10
E-UTRA Band 11, 21 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 9, 11
Frequency range 758 - 773 -32 1
Frequency range 773 - 803 -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
DC_30_n5 Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13,
14, 17, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 38,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
40, 42, 43, 45, 48, 50, 51, 65, 66, 70,
71, 73, 74, 85
Band 26 859 - 869 -27 1
Bands 41, 48, 52 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
E-UTRA Band 18, 19 FDL_low - FDL_high -40 1
E-UTRA Band 11, 21 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
DC_30_n66 Bands 2, 4, 5, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 24,
25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 38, 41, 66, 70, 71, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
Bands 48 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
DC_38_n78 N/A
DC_39_n78 E-UTRA Band 1, 8, 34, 40, 41, 44,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
45 or NR Band n1, n8, n34, n40, n41
Frequency range 1805 - 1855 -40 1 18
Frequency range 1855 - 1880 -15.5 5 18
DC_39_n79 E-UTRA Band 1, 8, 34, 40, 41, 44,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
45 or NR Band n1, n8, n34, n40, n41
Frequency range 1805 - 1855 -40 1 18
Frequency range 1855 - 1880 -15.5 5 18
DC_40_n77 N/A
DC_41_n77 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 5, 8, 26, 28, 33,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
34, 39, 40, 44, 45, 73, 74
E-UTRA Band 9, 11, 18, 19, 21 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 19
Frequency range 1884.5 1915.7 -41 0.3 3, 19
DC_41_n78 E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 8, 34, 39, 40, 44,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
45 or NR Band n1, n8, n34, n40
Frequency range FDL_low - FDL_high -5 100
E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 18,
DC_41_n79 19, 21, 28, 34, 40, 42, 44, 45, 65 or FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
NR Band n1, n3, n8, n28, n34, n40
Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
DC_42_n51 E-UTRA Band 3, 8, 20, 25, 30, 31,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
34, 39, 41, 73
E-UTRA Band 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 2
13, 14, 17, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
38, 40, 44, 46, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71
DC_42_n77 N/A
DC_42_n78 N/A
DC_42_n79 N/A
DC_66_n5 Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12,
13, 14, 17, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 34, 38,
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
40, 43, 45, 50, 51, 65, 66, 70, 71,
n71, 85
E-UTRA Band 26 859 - 869 -27 1
Bands 41, 42, 48, 52 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
E-UTRA Band 18, 19 FDL_low - FDL_high -40 1

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 154 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

E-UTRA Band 11, 21 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1

Frequency range 1884.5 - 1915.7 -41 0.3 3
DC_66_n71 E-UTRA Band 4, 5, 7,10, 13, 14, 17,
22, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 43, 50, 51, 66, FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
E-UTRA Band 2, 25, 41, 42, 48, 70 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 2
E-UTRA Band 71 FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1 5
E-UTRA Band 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 20, 26,
UP-TDM_n78, 28, 34, 39, 40, 41, 65
FDL_low - FDL_high -50 1
NOTE 1: FDL_low and FDL_high refer to each E-UTRA frequency band specified in Table 5.5-1

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 155 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

NOTE 2: As exceptions, measurements with a level up to the applicable requirements defined in Table are
permitted for each assigned E-UTRA carrier used in the measurement due to 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th harmonic
spurious emissions. Due to spreading of the harmonic emission the exception is also allowed for the first 1
MHz frequency range immediately outside the harmonic emission on both sides of the harmonic emission.
This results in an overall exception interval centred at the harmonic emission of (2MHz + N x LCRB x 180kHz),
where N is 2, 3, 4, 5 for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th harmonic respectively. The exception is allowed if the
measurement bandwidth (MBW) totally or partially overlaps the overall exception interval.
NOTE 3: Applicable when co-existence with PHS system operating in 1884.5 -1915.7MHz
NOTE 4: Applicable only when the assigned E-UTRA carrier is confined within 824 MHz and 849 MHz for UE category
M1, M2 and UE category NB1 and NB2.
NOTE 5: These requirements also apply for the frequency ranges that are less than FOOB (MHz) in Table and
Table from the edge of the channel bandwidth.
NOTE 6: This requirement is applicable for any channel bandwidths within the range 2500 - 2570 MHz with the
following restriction: for carriers of 15 MHz bandwidth when carrier centre frequency is within the range
2560.5 - 2562.5 MHz and for carriers of 20 MHz bandwidth when carrier centre frequency is within the range
2552 - 2560 MHz the requirement is applicable only for an uplink transmission bandwidth less than or equal to
54 RB.
NOTE 7: For these adjacent bands, the emission limit could imply risk of harmful interference to UE(s) operating in the
protected operating band.
NOTE 8: This requirement is applicable for any channel bandwidths within the range 1920 - 1980 MHz with the
following restriction: for carriers of 15 MHz bandwidth when carrier centre frequency is within the range
1927.5 - 1929.5 MHz and for carriers of 20 MHz bandwidth when carrier centre frequency is within the range
1930 - 1938 MHz the requirement is applicable only for an uplink
NOTE 9: Applicable when the assigned E-UTRA carrier is confined within 718 MHz and 748 MHz and when the
channel bandwidth used is 5 or 10 MHz.
NOTE 10: As exceptions, measurements with a level up to the applicable requirement of -36 dBm/MHz is permitted for
each assigned E-UTRA carrier used in the measurement due to 2nd harmonic spurious emissions. An
exception is allowed if there is at least one individual RB within the transmission bandwidth (see Figure 5.6-1)
for which the 2nd harmonic totally or partially overlaps the measurement bandwidth (MBW).
NOTE 11: As exceptions, measurements with a level up to the applicable requirement of -38 dBm/MHz is permitted for
each assigned E-UTRA carrier used in the measurement due to 3rd harmonic spurious emissions. An
exception is allowed if there is at least one individual RB within the transmission bandwidth (see Figure 5.6-1)
for which the 3rd harmonic totally or partially overlaps the measurement bandwidth (MBW).
NOTE 12: This requirement is applicable only for the following cases: - for carriers of 5 MHz channel bandwidth when
carrier centre frequency (Fc) is within the range 902.5 MHz ≤ Fc < 907.5 MHz with an uplink transmission
bandwidth less than or equal to 20 RB - for carriers of 5 MHz channel bandwidth when carrier centre
frequency (Fc) is within the range 907.5 MHz ≤ Fc ≤ 912.5 MHz without any restriction on uplink transmission
bandwidth. - for carriers of 10 MHz channel bandwidth when carrier centre frequency (Fc) is Fc = 910 MHz
with an uplink transmission bandwidth less than or equal to 32 RB with RBstart > 3.
NOTE13: This requirement applies for 5, 10, 15 and 20 MHz E-UTRA channel bandwidth allocated within 1744.9MHz
and 1784.9MHz.
NOTE 14: This requirement is applicable for 5 and 10 MHz E-UTRA channel bandwidth allocated within 718-728MHz.
For carriers of 10 MHz bandwidth, this requirement applies for an uplink transmission bandwidth less than or
equal to 30 RB with RBstart > 1 and RBstart<48.
NOTE 15: Applicable when NS_05 in section is signalled by the network.
NOTE 16: This requirement is applicable for any channel bandwidths within the range 1920 - 1980 MHz with the
following restriction: for carriers of 15 MHz bandwidth when carrier centre frequency is within the range
1927.5 - 1929.5 MHz and for carriers of 20 MHz bandwidth when carrier centre frequency is within the range
1930 - 1938 MHz the requirement is applicable only for an uplink transmission bandwidth less than or equal to
54 RB.
NOTE 17: This requirement is applicable in the case of a 10 MHz E-UTRA carrier confined within 703 MHz and 733
MHz, otherwise the requirement of -25 dBm with a measurement bandwidth of 8 MHz applies.
NOTE 18: This requirement is only applicable for E-UTRA carriers with bandwidth confined within 1885-1920 MHz
(requirement for carriers with at least 1RB confined within 1880 - 1885 MHz is not specified). This requirement
applies for an uplink transmission bandwidth less than or equal to 54 RB for E-UTRA carriers of 15 MHz
bandwidth when carrier center frequency is within the range 1892.5 - 1894.5 MHz and for E-UTRA carriers of
20 MHz bandwidth when carrier center frequency is within the range 1895 - 1903 MHz.
NOTE 19: This requirement applies when the E-UTRA and NR carriers are confined within 2545-2575MHz or 2595-
2645MHz and the channel bandwidth is 10 or 20 MHz

6.5B.3.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2

The general spurious emissions requirements specified in sub-clause of [4], sub-clause of [2] and [3]
apply for each component carrier.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 156 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

6.5B.3.4.1 Spurious emission band UE co-existence

This clause specifies the requirements for the specified EN-DC, for coexistence with protected bands. Unless otherwise
stated, for inter-band EN-DC configurations defined in table 5.2B.5.1-1, no requirements for FR2 NR bands to protect
E-UTRA and FR1 NR bands are applied to the constituent FR2 NR bands. Spurious emission band UE co-existence
requirements specified in TS 36.101 [4] are applied to the constituent E-UTRA bands for the EN-DC configuration.

Table 6.5B.3.4.1-1: Requirements


6.5B.3.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2

The general spurious emissions requirements specified in sub-clause of [4], sub-clause of [2] and [3]
apply for each component carrier.

6.5B.3.5.1 Spurious emission band UE co-existence

This clause specifies the requirements for the specified EN-DC, for coexistence with protected bands. Unless otherwise
stated, for inter-band EN-DC configurations defined in section 5.2B.6, no requirements for FR2 NR bands to protect E-
UTRA and FR1 NR bands are applied to the constituent FR2 NR bands. Spurious emission band UE co-existence
requirements for constituent E-UTRA and FR1 NR bands for the inter-band EN-DC are the same as those for the
corresponding EN-DC configuration without the FR2 bands specified in 6.5B.3.2.2.

Table 6.5B.3.5.1-1: Requirements


6.5B.4 Additional spurious emissions

6.5B.4.1 General
These requirements are specified in terms of an additional spectrum emission requirement. Additional spurious
emission requirements are signalled by the network to indicate that the UE shall meet an additional requirement for a
specific deployment scenario as part of the cell handover/broadcast message.

NOTE: For measurement conditions at the edge of each frequency range, the lowest frequency of the
measurement position in each frequency range should be set at the lowest boundary of the frequency
range plus MBW/2. The highest frequency of the measurement position in each frequency range should
be set at the highest boundary of the frequency range minus MBW/2. MBW denotes the measurement
bandwidth defined for the protected band.

6.5B.4.1.1 Minimum requirement (network signalled value "NS_04")

When "NS 04" is indicated in the cell, the power of any UE emission shall not exceed the levels specified in Table
6.5B.4.1.1-1. This requirement also applies for the frequency ranges that are less than FOOB (MHz) in Table
1 from the edge of the channel bandwidth.

Table 6.5B.4.1.1-1: Additional requirements

Frequency band Channel bandwidth / Spectrum Measurement bandwidth

(MHz) emission limit (dBm)

2495 ≤ f < 2496 -13 1 % of Channel BW for contiguous BW up

to 100 MHz,
1 MHz for contiguous BW > 100 MHz
2490.5 ≤ f < 2495 -13 1 MHz
0 < f < 2490.5 -25 1 MHz

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 157 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

6.5B.5 Transmit intermodulation

6.5B.5.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC

6.5B.5.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC

6.5B.5.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1

The transmit intermodulation requirement specified in sub-clauses 6.7.1 and 6.7.1A of [4] and sub-clauses 6.5.4 and
6.5A.4 of [2] apply for each component carrier in E-UTRA bands and NR bands, respectively.

6.5B.5.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2

The transmit intermodulation requirements specified in sub-clause 6.7.1 and 6.7.1A of [4] apply for each component
carrier in E-UTRA bands.

6.5B.5.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2

The transmit intermodulation requirement specified in sub-clauses 6.7.1 and 6.7.1A of [4] and sub-clauses 6.5.4 and
6.5A.4 of [2] apply for each component carrier in E-UTRA bands and NR bands, respectively.

7 Receiver characteristics

7.1 General
Unless otherwise stated the receiver characteristics are specified at the antenna connector(s) of the UE for the bands
operating on frequency range 1 and over the air of the UE for the bands operating on frequency range 2. The
requirements for frequency range 1 and frequency range 2 can be verified separately. For the carrier in frequency range
1, requirements can be verified with NR FR2 link disabled. For the carrier in frequency range 2, requirements can be
verified in OTA mode with LTE connecting to the network by OTA without calibration.

The requirements defined in this clause are the extra requirements compared with the single carrier requirements
defined in [2] and [3].

Unless otherwise stated, the UL and DL reference measurement channels are the same with the configurations specified
in [2] and [3].

Unless otherwise stated, requirements for NR receiver written in TS 38.101-1 [2] and TS 38.101-2 [3] apply and are
assumed anchor agnostic. Requirements are verified under conditions where anchor resources do not interfere NR

RX requirements for intra-band contiguous and non-contiguous EN-DC only apply for bands < 2.7GHz.

For intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC, the output power is configured as follows:

- One E-UTRA uplink carrier with the output power set to 4dB Below PCMAX_L and the NR band whose downlink
is being tested has its uplink carrier output power set to minimum output power as defined in sub-clause 6.3.1 of

- One NR uplink carrier with the output power set to 4dB Below PCMAX_L and the E-UTRA band whose downlink
is being tested has its uplink carrier output power set to minimum output power as defined in sub-clause
of [4].

For the additional requirements for intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC of two sub-blocks, an in-gap test refers to the
case when the interfering signal is located at a negative offset with respect to the assigned lowest channel frequency of
the highest sub-block and located at a positive offset with respect to the assigned highest channel frequency of the
lowest sub-block.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 158 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

For the additional requirements for intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC of two sub-blocks, an out-of-gap test refers to the
case when the interfering signal(s) is (are) located at a positive offset with respect to the assigned channel frequency of
the highest carrier frequency or located at a negative offset with respect to the assigned channel frequency of the lowest
carrier frequency.

For the additional requirements for intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC of two sub-blocks with channel bandwidth larger
than or equal to 5 MHz, the existing adjacent channel selectivity requirements, in-band blocking requirements (for each
case), and narrow band blocking requirements apply for in-gap tests only if the corresponding interferer frequency
offsets with respect to the two measured carriers satisfy the following condition in relation to the sub-block gap size
Wgap for at least one of the E-UTRA or NR sub-blocks, so that the interferer frequency position does not change the
nature of the core requirement tested:

Wgap ≥ 2∙|FInterferer (offset)| – BWChannel

For the E-UTRA sub-block, the FInterferer (offset), for a sub-block with a single component carrier is the interferer frequency
offset with respect to carrier as specified in subclause 7.5.1, subclause 7.6.1 and subclause 7.6.3 for the respective
requirement in [4] and BWChannel. FInterferer (offset) for the E-UTRA sub-block with two or more contiguous component
carriers is the interference frequency offset with respect to the carrier adjacent to the gap is specified in subclause
7.5.1A, 7.6.1A and 7.6.3A in [4].

For the NR sub-block, the FInterferer (offset), for a sub-block with a single component carrier is the interferer frequency offset
with respect to carrier as specified in subclause 7.5.1, subclause 7.6.1 and subclause 7.6.3 for the respective requirement
in [2] and BWChannel.

The interferer frequency offsets for adjacent channel selectivity, each in-band blocking case and narrow-band blocking
shall be tested separately with a single in-gap interferer at a time.

7.2 Diversity characteristics

7.3 Reference sensitivity

7.3A Reference sensitivity for CA

7.3A.1 General
For NR CA operation NR single carrier REFSENS requirements defined in [2] and [3] apply to all downlink bands part
of NR CA configurations listed in Table 5.2A.1-1unless sensitivity degradation is allowed as defined in clause 7.3A.

7.3A.2 Reference sensitivity power level for CA

7.3A.3 ΔRIB,c for CA

For the UE which supports inter-band NR CA configuration, the minimum requirement for reference sensitivity in
subclause 7.3.2 in TS 38.101-1 [2] and subclause 7.3.2, 7.3A.2in TS 38.101-2 [3] shall be increased by the amount
given in ΔRIB,c in Tables below. Unless otherwise stated, ΔRIB,c is set to zero.

In case the UE supports more than one of band combinations for CA, SUL or DC, and an operating band belongs to
more than one band combinations then

- When the operating band frequency range is ≤ 1GHz, the applicable additional ∆RIB,c shall be the average value
for all band combinations defined in subclause 7.3A, 7.3B, 7.3C in this specification and 7.3A, 7.3B in TS
38.101-3 [3], truncated to one decimal place that apply for that operating band among the supported band
combinations. In case there is a harmonic relation between low band UL and high band DL, then the maximum
ΔRIB,c among the different supported band combinations involving such band shall be applied

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 159 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

- When the operating band frequency range is > 1 GHz, the applicable additional ΔRIB,c shall be the maximum
value for all band combinations defined in subclause 7.3A, 7.3B, 7.3C in this specification and 7.3A, 7.3B in TS
38.101-3 [3] for the applicable operating bands.

7.3A.3.1 ΔRIB,c for Inter-band CA between FR1 and FR2

Table 7.3A.3.1-1: ΔRIB,c due to NR CA (two bands)


7.3A.4 Reference sensitivity exceptions due to UL harmonic interference for

Sensitivity degradation is allowed for a band in frequency range 2 if it is impacted by UL harmonic interference from
the band in frequency range 1 of the same CA configuration. Reference sensitivity exceptions are specified in Table
7.3A.4-1 with uplink configuration specified in Table 7.3A.4-2.

Table 7.3A.4-1: Reference sensitivity exceptions due to UL harmonic for NR CA of FR1+FR2

50 MHz 100 MHz 200 MHz 400 MHz
UL Band DL Band
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)

Table 7.3A.2-2: Uplink configuration for reference sensitivity exceptions due to UL harmonic
interference for NR CA of FR1+FR2
UL DL 5 MHz 10 15 20 25 40 50 60 80 90 100
band band (dBm) MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)

7.3B Reference sensitivity level for DC

7.3B.1 General
For EN-DC, E-UTRA and NR single carrier REFSENS requirements defined in [2], [3] and [4] apply to all downlink
bands of EN-DC configurations listed in clause 5.5B, unless sensitivity degradation is allowed in this clause of this
specification, section 7.3 in TS 38.101-1 [2] or section 7.3 in TS 36.101 [4]. These exceptions also apply to any higher
order combination containing one of the exception combinations listed in the sections above as subset. EN-DC
REFSENS requirements shall be met for NR uplink transmissions using QPSK DFT-s-OFDM waveforms as defined in
clause 7.3.2 [2].

In case of interband EN-DC the receiver REFSENS requirements in this clause do not apply for 1.4 and 3 MHz E-
UTRA carriers.

7.3B.2 Reference sensitivity for EN-DC

7.3B.2.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC

For intra-band contiguous EN-DC configurations, the reference sensitivity power level REFSENS is the minimum mean
power applied to each one of the UE antenna ports at which the throughput for the carrier(s) of the E-UTRA and NR
CGs shall meet or exceed the requirements for the specified E-UTRA and NR reference measurement channels.

For each CG, the reference sensitivity is specified as a maximum allowed degradation MSD of the reference sensitivity
level as specified for the applicable carrier bandwidths in accordance with [4] for the E-UTRA CG and [2] for the NR

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 160 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

For DC configurations of DC bandwidth class B, the throughput on each of the CGs shall be ≥ 95% of the maximum
throughput of the respective reference measurement channels as specified in TBD with parameters specified in Table

Table 7.3B.2.1-1: Reference sensitivity (MSD) for intra-band DC bandwidth class

MSD / DC bandwidth class B

Channel UL
bandwidth allocation
configuration band (MHz) (MHz) (dB) mode
(MHz) (LCRB)
71 665.5 5 5 (RBend =24) 619.5 0
n71 675.5 15 15 (RBstart = 0) 629.5 1.8
71 670.5 15 15 (RBend = 74) 624.5 0
n71 680.5 5 5 (RBstart = 0) 634.5 1.6
71 668 10 10 (RBend = 49) 622 0
n71 678 10 10 (RBstart = 0) 632 1.7
71 668 10 10 (RBstart = 0) 622 17.2
n71 678 10 10 (RBend = 51) 632 29.4

7.3B.2.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC

For DC_3A_n3A intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC combination, only single switched UL is supported in rel.15, no
MSD is required.

7.3B.2.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1

Reference sensitivity exceptions are specified for the condition when there is uplink transmission only in the aggressor

<Editor’s note: FFS how to clarify the issues of 1Tx may also exist for 2Tx mode, for example harmonic, etc.>

7.3B.2.3.1 Reference sensitivity exceptions due to UL harmonic interference for EN-DC in

Sensitivity degradation is allowed for a band if it is impacted by UL harmonic interference from another band part of
the same DC configuration. Reference sensitivity exceptions are specified in Table 7.3B.2.3.1-1 with uplink
configuration specified in Table 7.3B.2.3.1-2.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 161 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Table 7.3B.2.3.1-1: MSD due to UL harmonic for EN-DC in NR FR1

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 162 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

UL DL band 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 90 100
band MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz
(dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB)
n771,2,13 23.9 22.1 20.9 17.9 16.8 16.0 14.8 14.3 13.8
1, 3
n773 1.1 0.8 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0
n781,2 23.9 22.1 20.9 17.9 16.8 16.0 14.8 14.3 13.8
n783 1.1 0.8 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0
n781,2,13 23.9 22.1 20.9 17.9 16.8 16.0 14.8 14.3 13.8
n783 1.1 0.8 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 10.8 9.1 8 5.1 4.2 3.5 2.3 2.1 1.4
8 n794,5 6.8 6.2 5.6 4.9 4.4
18, 19 n774,5 10.4 8.9 7.8 4.7 3.7 3 1.7 1.2 0.7
28 10.4 8.9 7.8 4.7 3.7 3 1.7 1.2 0.7
20 10.8 9.1 8 6 4.0 3.2 2.0 1.5 1.0
26 n418,9 10.3 8.4 7.4 5 4.3 3.9 3.1 2.7
26 10.8 9.1 8 6 4.0 3.2 2.0 1.5 1.0

18,9,10 10.2 7.6 6.2 5.3


211 4.6 1.0 0.7 0.6

212 1.7 1.0 0.7 0.6
n781,2 23.9 22.1 20.9 17.9 16.8 16.0 14.8 14.3 13.8
n783 1.1 0.8 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 163 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

NOTE 1: These requirements apply when there is at least one individual RE within the uplink transmission bandwidth of
the aggressor (lower) band for which the 2nd transmitter harmonic is within the downlink transmission
bandwidth of a victim (higher) band.
NOTE 2: The requirements should be verified for UL EARFCN or NR ARFCN of the aggressor (lower) band
(superscript LB) such that f ULLB =  f DLHB / 0 . 2 0 . 1 in MHz and FULLB_ lo w + B W CLhBan n el / 2 ≤ f ULLB ≤ FULLB_ high − B W CLhaB n n el / 2
with carrier frequency in the victim (higher) band in MHz and the channel bandwidth configured in the lower
NOTE 3: The requirements are only applicable to channel bandwidths with a carrier frequency at ± (20 + BW Channel / 2 )

F LB + B W CLhBan n el / 2 ≤ f ULLB ≤ FULLB_ high − B W CLhaB n n el / 2
MHz offset from 2 f UL in the victim (higher band) with U L _ lo w ,
whereand BW Channel are the channel bandwidths configured in the aggressor (lower) and victim (higher) bands in
MHz, respectively.
NOTE 4: These requirements apply when there is at least one individual RE within the uplink transmission bandwidth of
the aggressor (lower) band for which the 5th transmitter harmonic is within the downlink transmission
bandwidth of a victim (higher) band.
NOTE 5: The requirements should be verified for UL EARFCN of the aggressor (lower) band (superscript LB) such that
f ULLB =  f DL
/ 0 . 5 0 .1 in MHz and FULLB_ lo w + B W CLhBan n el / 2 ≤ f ULLB ≤ FULLB_ high − B W CLhaB n n el / 2 with carrier frequency in the
victim (higher) band in MHz and the channel bandwidth configured in the lower band.
NOTE 6: These requirements apply when there is at least one individual RE within the uplink transmission bandwidth of
the aggressor (lower) band for which the 4th transmitter harmonic is within the downlink transmission
bandwidth of a victim (higher) band.
NOTE 7: The requirements should be verified for UL EARFCN of the aggressor (lower) band (superscript LB) such that
f ULLB =  f DL
/ 0 .4 0 .1 in MHz and FULLB_ lo w + B W CLhBan n el / 2 ≤ f ULLB ≤ FULLB_ high − B W CLhaB n n el / 2 with carrier frequency in the
victim (higher) band in MHz and the channel bandwidth configured in the lower band.
NOTE 8: These requirements apply when there is at least one individual RE within the uplink transmission bandwidth of
the aggressor (lower) for which the 3rd transmitter harmonic is within the downlink transmission bandwidth of a
victim (higher) band.
NOTE 9 The requirements should be verified for UL EARFCN of the aggressor (lower) band (superscript LBsuch that
fULLB =  f DL

/ 0.3 0.1 in MHz and FULLB_ lo w + B W CLhBa n nel / 2 ≤ f ULLB ≤ FULLB_ h ig h − B W CLhBa n n el / 2 with the carrier frequency

in the victim (higher) band in MHz and the channel bandwidth configured in the low band.
NOTE 10: Applicable for the operations with 2 or 4 antenna ports supported in the band with carrier aggregation
NOTE 11: These requirements apply when the lower edge frequency of the 5 MHz uplink channel in Band 71 is located
at or below 668 MHz and the downlink channel in Band 2 is located with its upper edge at 1990 MHz.
NOTE 12: These requirements apply when the lower edge frequency of the 10 MHz, 15 MHz, or 20 MHz uplink channel
in Band 71 is located at or below 668 MHz and the downlink channel in Band 2 is located with its upper edge
at 1990 MHz.
NOTE 13: These requirements apply when there is at least one individual RE within the uplink transmission bandwidth of
the aggressor (lower) band for which the 2nd transmitter harmonic is within the downlink transmission
bandwidth of a victim (higher) band and a range ∆FHD above and below the edge of this downlink transmission
bandwidth. The value ∆FHD depends on the EN-DC band combination: ∆FHD = 10 MHz for DC_3_n77 and
DC_3_n78; ∆FHD = 20 MHz for DC_1_n77.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 164 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Table 7.3B.2.3.1-2: Uplink configuration for reference sensitivity exceptions due to UL harmonic
interference for EN-DC in NR FR1

E-UTRA or NR Band / Channel bandwidth of the high band

UL DL 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 90 100
band band MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz
1 n77 25 36 50 100 100 100 100 100 100
2 n78 25 36 100 100 100 100 100 100
3 25 36 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

8 16 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
8 n79 25 25 25 25 25
18 n77 16 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
19 n77 16 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
20 16 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

26 n41 16 25 25 25 25
26 16 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
n28 1 8 16 25 25

28 10 -15 20 25 25 25 25 25 25
66 n78 25 36 50 100 100 100 100 100 100
254 254 204 204
n71 2
85 85 85 85
NOTE 1: The UL configuration applies regardless of the channel bandwidth of the UL band. UL resource blocks allocation in the
table shall be further limited to that specified in Table 7.3.1-2 in TS 36.101 [4] or Table 7.3.2-3 in TS 38.101-1 [2]
NOTE 2: Void
NOTE 3: The RB allocation is at the lower edge of the lowest channel of UL band.
NOTE 4: These requirements apply when the lower edge frequency of the 5 MHz uplink channel in Band 71 is located at or below
668 MHz and the downlink channel in Band 2 is located with its upper edge at 1990 MHz.
NOTE 5: These requirements apply when the lower edge frequency of the 10 MHz, 15 MHz, or 20 MHz uplink channel in Band 71
is located at or below 668 MHz and the downlink channel in Band 2 is located with its upper edge at 1990 MHz.

7.3B.2.3.2 MSD due to receiver harmonic mixing for EN-DC in NR FR1

Sensitivity degradation is allowed for a band if it is impacted by receiver harmonic mixing due to another band part of
the same DC configuration. Reference sensitivity exceptions are specified in Table 7.3B.2.3.2-1 with uplink
configuration specified in Table 7.3B.2.3.2-2.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 165 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Table 7.3B.2.3.2-1: Reference sensitivity exceptions due to receiver harmonic mixing for EN-DC in NR
E-UTRA or NR Band / Channel bandwidth of the affected DL band
UL DL 5 10 15 20 25 40 50 60 80 90 100
band band MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz
(dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB)
2 n714 26.8 23.6 21.2 15.6
n41 264 24.3 24.3 22.5 N/A
41 n777 8.3 8.0 6.9 3.9 3 2.3 1.2 0.4
41 n787 8.3 8.0 6.9 3.9 3 2.3 1.2 0.4
25 4.6 1 0.7 0.6
26 1.7 1 0.7 0.6
n77 418 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 N/A
n77 282 28 25 23.2 22
n78 418 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 N/A
n79 192 29.5 26.5 24.7
n79 213 39.3 36.3 34.5
n79 262 27 24 22.2
NOTE 1: These requirements apply when there is at least one individual RE within the uplink transmission bandwidth
of the aggressor (higher) band for which the mixing product due to harmonic of victim (lower) band LO with
leakage of aggressor (higher) band is within the downlink transmission bandwidth of a victim (lower) band.
NOTE 2: The requirements should be verified for DL EARFCN of the victim (lower) band (superscript LB) such that
=  f ULHB / 0 .5 0 . 1 in MHz and F DLLB _ low + BW Channel / 2 with f DL carrier
/ 2 ≤ f DLLB ≤ F DLLB _ high − BW Channel

frequency in the victim (lower) band in MHz and the channel bandwidth configured in the lower band.
NOTE 3: The requirements should be verified for DL EARFCN of the victim (lower) band (superscript LB) such that
=  f ULHB / 0 . 4 0 . 1 in MHz and F DLLB _ low + BW Channel / 2 with f DL carrier
/ 2 ≤ f DLLB ≤ F DLLB _ high − BW Channel

frequency in the victim (lower) band in MHz and the channel bandwidth configured in the lower band.
NOTE 4: The requirements should be verified for UL EARFCN of the aggressor (higher) band (superscript HB) such
that fDLLB =  fULHB / 0.3 0.1 in MHz and FULLB_ low + B W CLhannel
/ 2 ≤ f ULB
L ≤ FU L _ high − B W C hannel / 2
LB LB with the carrier
frequency in the victim (lower) band and the channel bandwidth configured in the higher band.
NOTE 5: These requirements apply when the lower edge frequency of the 5 MHz uplink channel in Band n71 is
located at or below 668 MHz and the downlink channel in Band 2 is located with its upper edge at 1990
NOTE 6: These requirements apply when the lower edge frequency of the 10 MHz, 15 MHz, or 20 MHz uplink
channel in Band n71 is located at or below 668 MHz and the downlink channel in Band 2 is located with its
upper edge at 1990 MHz.
NOTE 7: The requirements should be verified for UL EARFCN of the aggressor (lower) band (superscript LB) such
FLB + BWLB / 2 ≤ f LB ≤ FLB − BWLB / 2
that f UL =  f DL / 0 . 15 0 . 1 in MHz and UL_low
Channel UL UL_high Channel
with carrier
frequency in the victim (higher) band in MHz and the channel bandwidth configured in the lower band.
NOTE 8: The requirements should be verified for UL EARFCN of the aggressor (higher) band (superscript HB) such
that f ULLB = 15 * f DLHB 0 . 1 in MHz and FULHB_ low + BW Channel
/ 2 ≤ f ULHB ≤ f ULHB_ high − BW Channel
/ 2 with f DL carrier

frequency in the victim (lower) band in MHz and BW Channel

LB the channel bandwidth configured in the higher

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 166 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Table 7.3B.2.3.2-2: Uplink configuration for reference sensitivity exceptions due to receiver harmonic
mixing for EN-DC in NR FR1
E-UTRA or NR Band / SCS / Channel bandwidth of the affected DL band
UL DL SCS of 5 10 15 20 25 40 50 60 80 90 100
band band UL MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz
2 n71 15 25 50 50 50
n41 26 15 25 50 75
41 n77 15 25 25 25
41 n78 15 25 25 25
n77 28 15 25 50 75 100
n77 41 30 N/A 50 50 50
n78 41 30 N/A 50 50 50
n79 19 15 25 50 75
n79 21 15 25 50 75
n79 26 15 25 50 75
NOTE 1: These requirements apply when there is at least one individual RE within the downlink transmission
bandwidth of the victim (lower) band for which the 3rd harmonic is within the uplink transmission bandwidth
or the uplink adjacent channel’s transmission bandwidth of an aggressor (higher) band.
NOTE 2: The requirements should be verified for UL EARFCN of the aggressor (higher) band (superscript HB) such
f DL =  fUL / 0.3 0.1
F LB + B W CLhBan n el / 2 ≤ f ULLB ≤ FULLB_ high − B W CLhaB n n el / 2
that in MHz and U L _ lo w with the
carrier frequency in the victim (lower) band and the channel bandwidth configured in the higher band.
NOTE 3: The UL configuration applies regardless of the channel bandwidth of the UL band. UL resource blocks
allocation in the table shall be further limited to that specified in Table 7.3.1-2 in TS 36.101 [4] or Table
7.3.2-3 in TS 38.101-1 [2].

7.3B.2.3.3 Reference sensitivity exceptions due to close proximity of bands for EN-DC in NR
Sensitivity degradation is allowed for a band if it is impacted by close proximity of an UL of another band part of the
same DC configuration. Reference sensitivity exceptions are specified in Table 7.3B.2.3.3-1 with uplink configuration
specified in Table 7.3B.2.3.3-2.

Table 7.3B.2.3.3-1: Reference sensitivity exceptions due to close proximity of bands for EN-DC in NR
E-UTRA or NR Band / Channel bandwidth of the affected DL band
UL DL 5 10 15 20 25 40 50 60 80 90 100
band band MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz
(dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB)

Table 7.3B.2.3-2: Uplink configuration for reference sensitivity exceptions due to close proximity of
bands for EN-DC in NR FR1

E-UTRA or NR Band / SCS / Channel bandwidth of the affected DL band

UL DL SCS 5 10 15 20 25 40 50 60 80 90 100
band band of MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz
NOTE 1: The UL configuration applies regardless of the channel bandwidth of the UL band. UL resource blocks allocation in the
table shall be further limited to that specified in Table 7.3.1-2 in TS 36.101 [4] or Table 7.3.2-3 in TS 38.101-1 [2].

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 167 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

7.3B.2.3.4 Reference sensitivity exceptions due to cross band isolation for EN-DC in NR
Sensitivity degradation is allowed for a band if it is impacted by UL of another band part of the same DC configuration
due to cross band isolation issues. Reference sensitivity exceptions are specified in Table 7.3B.2.3.4-1 with uplink
configuration specified in Table 7.3B.2.3.4-2.

Table 7.3B.2.3.4-1: Reference sensitivity exceptions due to cross band isolation for EN-DC in NR FR1
E-UTRA or NR Band / Channel bandwidth of the affected DL band
UL DL 5 10 15 20 25 40 50 60 80 90 100
band band MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz
(dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB)
n41 25 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
n77 411 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
n78 411 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
NOTE 1: Applicable only when harmonic mixing MSD for this combination is not applied.

Table 7.3B.2.3.4-2: Uplink configuration for reference sensitivity exceptions due to cross band
isolation for EN-DC in NR FR1
E-UTRA or NR Band / SCS / Channel bandwidth of the affected DL band
UL DL SCS 5 10 15 20 25 40 50 60 80 90 100
band band of UL MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz
n41 25 30 160 160 160 160
n77 41 30 270 270 270 270
n78 41 30 270 270 270 270
NOTE 1: The UL configuration applies regardless of the channel bandwidth of the UL band. UL resource blocks
allocation in the table shall be further limited to that specified in Table 7.3.1-2 in TS 36.101 [4] or Table 7.3.2-3
in TS 38.101-1 [2].

7.3B.2.3.5 Reference sensitivity exceptions for intermodulation interference due to dual

uplink operation for EN-DC in NR FR1
For EN-DC configurations in NR FR1 the UE may indicate capability of not supporting simultaneous dual uplink
operation due to possible intermodulation interference overlapping in frequency to its own primary downlink channel
bandwidth if

- the intermodulation order is 2;

- the intermodulation order is 3 when both operating bands are between 450 MHz – 960 MHz or between 1427
MHz – 2690 MHz

In case for the EN-DC in NR FR1 configurations the intermodulation products caused by dual uplink operation do not
interfere with the own primary downlink channel bandwidth as defined in Annex-I the UE is mandated to operate in
dual and triple uplink mode.

For EN-DC in NR FR1 with uplink and downlink assigned to E-UTRA and NR FR1 bands given in Table 7.3B.
1, Table 7.3B. and Table 7.3B. the reference sensitivity is defined only for the specific uplink and
downlink test points specified in Table 7.3B., Table 7.3B. and Table 7.3B. For these test
points the reference sensitivity levels specified in clause 7.3.1 in [4] and of [2] for the corresponding channel
bandwidths or in clause 7.3.1 of [4] are relaxed by the amount of the parameter MSD given in Table 7.3B.,
Table 7.3B. and Table 7.3B.

The throughput on each of the CGs shall be ≥ 95% of the maximum throughput of the respective reference
measurement channels as specified in … with parameters specified in Table 7.3B.2.3.5-1 with dual UL transmissions
overlapping in time unless otherwise stated.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 168 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

7.3B. Reference sensitivity exceptions for intermodulation interference due to dual uplink
operation for EN-DC in NR FR1 involving two bands

Table 7.3B. Reference sensitivity exceptions for PCell due to dual uplink operation for EN-
DC in NR FR1 (two bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 169 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

NR or E-UTRA Band / Channel bandwidth / NRB / MSD

or NR BW
Configuration (MHz) LCRB (MHz) (dB) mode order
band (MHz)
29.8 IMD23
1 1950 5 25 2140 FDD
n77 4090 10 50 4090 N/A TDD N/A
DC_1A_n77A, 8.0 IMD43
1 1950 5 25 2140 FDD
DC_1A_n78A, 10.74
DC_1A_SUL_n78A- N/A
n77 3710 10 50 3710 N/A TDD
2 1855 5 25 1935 20 FDD IMD3
n66 1775 5 25 2175 N/A FDD N/A
2 1883.3 5 25 1963.3 N/A FDD N/A
n66 1750 5 25 2150 4 FDD IMD5
26 IMD23
2 1855 5 25 1940 FDD
DC_2A_n78A 28.74
n78 3795 10 50 3795 N/A TDD N/A
8.0 IMD43
2 1885 5 25 1955 FDD
DC_2A_n78A 10.74
n78 3700 10 50 3700 N/A TDD N/A
3 1730 5 25 1825 N/A FDD N/A
n7 2535 10 50 2655 10.2 FDD IMD4
DC_3A_n77A, 26 IMD23
3 1740 5 25 1835 FDD
DC_3A_n78A, 28.74
DC_3A-SUL_n78A- N/A
n80A, 3575 10 50 3575 N/A TDD
DC_3A_n77A, 8.0 IMD43
3 1765 5 25 1860 FDD
DC_3A_n78A, 10.74
DC_3A-SUL_n78A- N/A
n80A, 3435 10 50 3435 N/A TDD
5 838 5 25 883 30 IMD23
DC_5A_n66A FDD
n66 1721 5 25 2121 N/A N/A
5 844 5 25 889 8.3 FDD IMD4
n78 3421 10 50 3421 N/A TDD N/A
DC_8A_n77A, 8 897.5 5 25 942.5 8.3 FDD IMD4
DC_8A_n78A, N/A
DC_8A-SUL_n78A- 3635 10 50 3635 N/A TDD
DC_8A_n79A, 8 897.5 5 25 942.5 4.8 FDD IMD5
DC_8A-SUL_n79A- N/A
n79 4532.5 40 216 4532.5 N/A TDD
20 849.5 5 25 808.5 21 FDD IMD3
n8 892.5 5 25 937.5 21 FDD IMD3
DC_20A_n77A, 20 850 5 25 809 11 FDD IMD4
DC_20A- n77 3359 10 50 3359 N/A TDD N/A
20 840 5 25 799 6.5 FDD IMD5
n77 4159 10 50 4159 N/A TDD N/A
21 1457.5 5 25 1505.5 18.4 FDD IMD3
n79 4420.5 40 216 4420.5 N/A TDD N/A
26 839 5 25 884 15.6 FDD IMD33
n41 2562 10 50 2562 N/A TDD N/A
28 742.3 5 25 797.3 5 FDD IMD4
n51 1429.5 5 25 1429.5 N/A TDD N/A
26 836.5 5 25 881.5 11.1 FDD IMD4
DC_26A_n78A 3391 10 50 3391 N/A TDD N/A
28 705.5 5 25 760.5 5.5 FDD IMD5

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 170 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

CA_28A_n77A, N/A
CA_28A_n78A, n77,
3582.5 10 50 3582.5 N/A TDD
DC_28A- n78
n5 838 5 25 883 30 FDD IMD23
66 1721 5 25 2121 N/A FDD N/A
66 1750 5 25 2150 5 FDD IMD4
n71 675 5 25 629 N/A FDD N/A
NOTE 1: Both of the transmitters shall be set min(+20 dBm, PCMAX_L,c) as defined in subclause 6.2.5A.
NOTE 3: This band is subject to IMD5 also which MSD is not specified.
NOTE 4: Applicable only if operation with 4 antenna ports is supported in the band with carrier
aggregation configured.
NOTE 5: Void

7.3B. Reference sensitivity exceptions for intermodulation interference due to dual uplink
operation for EN-DC in NR FR1 involving three bands

Table 7.3B. Reference sensitivity exceptions for Pcell due to dual uplink operation for EN-
DC in NR FR1 (three bands)
BW DL Fc (MHz) order
Configuration band (MHz) LCRB (dB) mode
66 1750 5 25 2150 5 IMD4
DC_66A_(n)71AA 10 FDD
n71 678 10 (RBstart 632 N/A N/A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 171 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Table 7.3B. Reference sensitivity exceptions for Scell due to dual uplink operation for EN-
DC in NR FR1 (three bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 172 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

BW DL Fc (MHz) order
Configuration band (MHz) LCRB (dB) mode
1 1975 5 25 2165 N/A FDD N/A
DC_1A-3A_n28A n28 710.5 5 25 765.5 N/A FDD N/A
3 1723.5 5 25 1818.5 4.0 FDD IMD5
3 1780 5 25 1875 N/A FDD N/A
DC_1A-3A_n28A n28 710.5 5 25 765.5 N/A FDD N/A
1 1949 5 25 2139 11.0 FDD IMD4
1 1935 5 25 2125 N/A FDD N/A
DC_1A-7A_n28A n28 718 5 25 773 N/A FDD N/A
7 2533 10 50 2653 30.0 FDD IMD2
1 1950 5 25 2140 N/A N/A
3 1712.5 5 25 1807.5 31.5 IMD2
n77 3757.5 10 50 3757.5 N/A TDD N/A
1 1950 5 25 2140 N/A N/A
DC_1A-3A_n77A 3 1775 5 25 1870 8.5 IMD4
n77 3980 10 50 3980 N/A TDD N/A
1 1950 5 25 2140 31.0 IMD2
3 1775 5 25 1870 N/A N/A
n77 3915 10 50 3915 N/A TDD N/A
1 1950 5 25 2140 N/A N/A
3 1712.5 5 25 1807.5 31.2 |fB78-
DC_1A-3A_n78A n78 3757.5 10 50 3757.5 N/A TDD N/A
DC_1A-3C_n78A IMD5
1 1935 5 25 2125 2.8 |2*fB78-
3 1775 5 25 1870 N/A N/A
n78 3725 10 50 3725 N/A TDD N/A
1 1932 5 25 2122 18.1 FDD |fB78-
5 829 5 25 874 N/A FDD N/A
n78 3780 10 50 3780 N/A TDD N/A
1 1975 5 25 2165 N/A FDD N/A
5 840 5 25 885 3.1 FDD |2*fB78-
n78 3405 10 50 3405 N/A TDD N/A
1 1977.5 5 25 2167.5 N/A FDD N/A
7 2507.5 5 25 2627.5 9.1 FDD |fB78-
n78 3305 10 50 3305 N/A TDD N/A
1 1950 5 25 2140 8.7 FDD |2*fB78-
7 2510 10 50 2630 N/A FDD N/A
n78 3310 10 50 3310 N/A TDD N/A
1 1950 5 25 2140 3.6 IMD5
DC_1A-3A_n79A 3 1750 5 25 1845 N/A N/A
n79 4860 40 216 4860 N/A TDD N/A
1 1930 5 25 2120 16.4 FDD IMD3
DC_1A-18A_n77A 18 825 5 25 870 N/A N/A
n77 3770 10 50 3770 N/A TDD N/A
1 1930 5 25 2120 16.4 FDD IMD3
DC_1A-18A_n78A 18 819 5 25 864 N/A N/A
n78 3758 10 50 3758 N/A TDD N/A
1 1935 5 25 2125 N/A FDD N/A
18 822.5 5 25 867.5 18.3 FDD IMD3
n79 4782.5 40 216 4782.5 N/A TDD N/A
1 1930 5 25 2120 N/A FDD N/A
18 820 5 25 865 8.9 FDD IMD4
n79 4925 40 216 4925 N/A TDD N/A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 173 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

BW DL Fc (MHz) order
Configuration band (MHz) LCRB (dB) mode
1 1935 5 25 2125 8.1 FDD IMD4
18 822.5 5 25 867.5 N/A FDD N/A
n79 4782.5 40 216 4782.5 N/A TDD N/A
1 1940 5 25 2130 17.8 IMD3
DC_1A-19A_n77A FDD
19 832.5 5 25 877.5 N/A N/A
n77, n78 3795 10 50 3795 N/A TDD N/A
1 1950 5 25 2140 N/A N/A
19 837.5 5 25 882.5 18.3 IMD3
n79 4782.5 40 216 4782.5 N/A TDD N/A
1 1950 5 25 2140 8.1 IMD4
19 837.5 5 25 882.5 N/A N/A
n79 4652.5 40 216 4652.5 N/A TDD N/A
1 1930 5 25 2120 20.3 FDD IMD3
20 835 5 25 794 N/A FDD N/A
n78 3790 10 50 3790 N/A TDD N/A
1 1950 5 25 2140 N/A FDD N/A
20 851 5 25 810 3.0 FDD IMD5
n78 3330 10 50 3330 N/A TDD N/A
1 1964.6 5 25 2154.6 30.6 IMD2
21 1450.4 5 25 1498.4 N/A N/A
DC_1A-21A_n77A n77, n78 3605 10 50 3605 N/A TDD N/A
DC_1A-21A_n78A 1 1950 5 25 2140 N/A N/A
21 1452 5 25 1500 2.9 IMD5
n77, n78 3675 10 50 3675 N/A TDD N/A
1 1960 5 25 2150 15.8 FDD IMD3
DC_1A-28A_n77A 28 740 5 25 795 N/A N/A
n77 3630 10 50 3630 N/A TDD N/A
1 1960 5 25 2150 N/A FDD N/A
DC_1A-28A_n77A 28 725 5 25 780 4.3 IMD5
n77 3330 10 50 3330 N/A TDD N/A
1 1960 5 25 2150 15.7 FDD IMD3
DC_1A-28A_n78A 28 740 5 25 795 N/A N/A
n78 3630 10 50 3630 N/A TDD N/A
1 1970 5 25 2160 N/A FDD N/A
DC_1A-28A_n78A 28 739 5 25 794 4.2 IMD5
n78 3352 10 50 3352 N/A TDD N/A
1 1950 5 25 2140 N/A FDD N/A
n28 733 5 25 788 N/A N/A
n78 3416 10 50 3416 15.7 TDD IMD3
1 1950 5 25 2140 N/A FDD N/A
n78 3320 10 50 3320 N/A TDD N/A
n28 735 5 25 790 3.3 FDD IMD5
1 1930 5 25 2120 N/A FDD N/A
28 733 5 25 788 15.2 FDD IMD3
n79 4648 40 216 4648 N/A TDD N/A
1 1925 5 25 2115 N/A FDD N/A
28 740 5 25 795 10.0 FDD IMD4
n79 4980 40 216 4980 N/A TDD N/A
1 1977.5 5 25 2167.5 1.2 FDD IMD4
28 745.5 5 25 800.5 N/A FDD N/A
n79 4420 40 216 4420 N/A TDD N/A
1 1935 5 25 2125 4.5 FDD IMD5
28 718 5 25 773 N/A FDD N/A
n79 4807 40 216 4807 N/A TDD N/A
1 1970 5 25 2160 N/A FDD
n77 3400 10 50 3400 TDD
41 2510 5 25 2510 11.0 TDD IMD4
1 1930 5 25 2120 N/A FDD
n77 4150 10 50 4150 TDD
41 2510 5 25 2510 3.6 TDD IMD5
1 1975 5 25 2165 N/A FDD N/A
41 5 25 2515 12 TDD IMD4

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 174 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

BW DL Fc (MHz) order
Configuration band (MHz) LCRB (dB) mode
n78 3410 10 50 3410 N/A TDD N/A
1 1970 5 25 2160 N/A FDD
n79 4500 40 216 4500 TDD
41 2530 5 25 2530 29.4 TDD IMD2
1 1922.5 5 25 2112.5 N/A FDD N/A
n79 4980 40 216 4980 TDD
41 2687.5 5 25 2687.5 0.0 TDD IMD5
1 1977.5 5 25 2167.5 N/A FDD N/A
n79 4420 40 216 4420 TDD
42 3490 5 25 3490 4.8 TDD IMD5
42 3402.5 5 25 3402.5 N/A TDD N/A
DC_1A-42A_n79A n79 4640 40 216 4640 TDD
1 1975 5 25 2165 15.5 FDD IMD3
42 3450 5 25 3450 N/A TDD N/A
n79 4520 40 216 4520 TDD
1 1950 5 25 2140 9.3 FDD IMD4
1 1950 5 25 2140 N/A FDD N/A
n78 3410 10 50 3410 N/A TDD N/A
n79 4870 40 216 4870 15.9 TDD IMD3
1 1950 5 25 2140 N/A FDD N/A
n79 4670 40 216 4670 N/A TDD N/A
n78 3490 10 50 3490 4.6 TDD IMD5
3 1712.5 5 25 1807.5 N/A FDD N/A
n28 743 5 25 798 N/A FDD N/A
7 2562 10 50 2682 16.9 FDD IMD3
7 2543 10 50 2663 N/A FDD N/A
n28 710.5 5 25 765.5 N/A FDD N/A
3 1737.5 5 25 1832.5 26.0 FDD IMD2
3 1725 5 25 1820 17.6 FDD |fB78-
7 2565 5 25 2685 N/A FDD N/A
n78 3310 10 50 3310 N/A TDD N/A
3 1725 5 25 1820 8.6 FDD |2*fB78-
7 2565 5 25 2685 N/A FDD N/A
n78 3475 10 50 3475 N/A TDD N/A
20 852 5 25 811 N/A FDD N/A
n28 738 5 25 793 N/A FDD N/A
3 1723 5 25 1818 9.4 FDD IMD4
3 1712.5 5 25 1807.5 N/A FDD N/A
28 715 5 25 770 15.3 FDD IMD3
n77 4195 10 50 4195 N/A TDD N/A
3 1755 5 25 1850 17.0 FDD IMD3
28 735 5 25 790 N/A FDD N/A
n77 3320 10 50 3320 N/A TDD N/A
3 1775 5 25 1870 17.3 FDD IMD3
DC_3A-28A_n78A 28 740 5 25 760 N/A N/A
n78 3350 10 25 3350 N/A TDD N/A
3 1770 5 25 1865 N/A FDD N/A
28 725 5 25 780 10.3 FDD IMD4
n79 4530 40 216 4530 N/A TDD N/A
3 1775 5 25 1870 5.7 FDD IMD5
28 725 5 25 780 N/A FDD N/A
n79 4770 40 216 4770 N/A TDD N/A
3 1750 5 25 1845 N/A FDD N/A
DC_3A_n28A-n78A n28 743 5 25 798 N/A N/A
n78 3764 10 50 3764 4.5 TDD IMD5
3 1770 5 25 1865 N/A FDD N/A
n78 3340 10 50 3340 N/A TDD N/A
n79 4910 40 216 4910 16.3 TDD IMD3
3 1770 5 25 1865 N/A FDD N/A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 175 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

BW DL Fc (MHz) order
Configuration band (MHz) LCRB (dB) mode
n79 4510 40 216 4510 N/A TDD N/A
n78 3710 10 50 3710 4.2 TDD IMD5
DC_3A-SUL_n78A- 3 1775 5 25 1870 4 FDD IMD4
n82A n82 840 5 25 N/A SUL N/A
3 1725 5 25 1820 17.6 FDD |fB78-
7 2565 5 25 2685 N/A FDD N/A
n78 3310 10 50 3310 N/A TDD N/A
3 1725 5 25 1820 8.6 FDD |2*fB78-
7 2565 5 25 2685 N/A FDD N/A
n78 3475 10 50 3475 N/A TDD N/A
3 1782.5 5 25 1877.5 0.2 IMD4
DC_3A-19A_n79A 19 842.5 5 25 887.5 N/A N/A
n79 4420 40 216 4420 N/A TDD N/A
3 1725 5 25 1820 17.3 FDD |fB78-
20 845 5 25 804 N/A FDD N/A
n78 3510 10 50 3510 N/A TDD N/A
3 1767.5 5 25 1862.5 N/A N/A
DC_3A-21A_n77A FDD
21 1459.5 5 25 1507.5 8.8 IMD4
n77, n78 3795 10 50 3795 N/A TDD N/A
3 1771.6 5 25 1866.6 3.4 IMD5
DC_3A-21A_n77A 21 1450.4 5 25 1498.4 N/A N/A
n77 3935 10 50 3935 N/A TDD N/A
3 1774.2 5 25 1869.2 17.8 IMD3
DC_3A-21A_n79A 21 1450.4 5 25 1498.4 N/A N/A
n79 4770 40 216 4770 N/A TDD N/A
5 844 5 25 889 N/A FDD N/A
7 2525 5 25 2645 30.1 FDD ꟾfB78-

n78 3489 10 50 3489 N/A TDD N/A
5 834 5 25 879 30.2 FDD |fB78-
DC_5A-7A_n78A fB7|
7 2550 5 25 2670 N/A FDD N/A
n78 3429 10 50 3429 N/A TDD N/A
5 830 5 25 875 3.3 FDD |2*fB78-
7 2525 5 25 2645 N/A FDD N/A
n78 3350 10 50 3350 N/A TDD N/A
5 860 5 25 885 30.2 FDD IMD2
41 2615 5 25 2615 N/A TDD N/A
n78 3500 10 50 3500 N/A TDD N/A
5 856.5 5 25 881.5 3.1 FDD IMD5
41 2620.5 5 25 2620.5 N/A TDD N/A
n78 3490 10 50 3490 N/A TDD N/A
20 852 5 25 811 N/A FDD N/A
DC_7A-20A_n28A n28 738 5 25 793 N/A FDD N/A
7 2550 10 50 2670 5.9 FDD IMD5
7 2560 5 25 2680 N/A FDD N/A
DC_7A-20A_n78A 20 851 5 25 810 30.5 FDD |fB78-
n78 3370 10 50 3370 N/A TDD N/A
DC_7A-20A_n78A 7 2560 5 25 2680 N/A FDD N/A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 176 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

BW DL Fc (MHz) order
Configuration band (MHz) LCRB (dB) mode
20 851 5 25 810 3.0 FDD |2*fB78-
n78 3435 10 50 3435 N/A TDD N/A
7 2555 5 25 2675 30.8 FDD |fB78-
DC_7A-20A_n78A fB20|
20 845 5 25 804 N/A FDD N/A
n78 3520 10 50 3520 N/A TDD N/A
7 2570 5 25 2670 N/A FDD N/A
28 720 5 25 780 8.3 IMD2
n78 3350 10 50 3421 N/A TDD N/A
7 2570 5 25 2670 N/A FDD N/A
DC_7A-28A_n78A 28 720 5 25 790 3.0 IMD5
n78 3460 10 50 3421 N/A TDD N/A
7 2570 5 25 2650 30.5 FDD IMD2
28 740 5 25 768 N/A N/A
n78 3390 10 50 3421 N/A TDD N/A
7 2565 5 25 2685 N/A FDD N/A
n28 745 5 25 800 N/A N/A
n78 3310 10 50 3310 29.7 TDD IMD2
7 2565 5 25 2685 N/A FDD N/A
n78 3365 10 50 3365 N/A TDD N/A
n28 745 5 25 800 28.8 FDD IMD2
DC_7A-46A_n78A6 46 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TDD
n78 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TDD N/A
18 820 5 25 865 N/A FDD N/A
DC_18A-28A_n77A 28 723 5 25 778 4.4 IMD5
n77 4058 10 50 4058 N/A TDD N/A
18 820 5 25 865 3.9 FDD IMD5
DC_18A-28A_n77A 28 723 5 25 778 N/A N/A
n77 3757 10 50 3757 N/A TDD N/A
18 819 5 25 864 3.8 FDD IMD5
DC_18A-28A_n78A 28 723 5 25 778 N/A N/A
n78 3756 10 50 3756 N/A TDD N/A
19 837.5 5 25 882.5 18.7 IMD3
DC_19A-21A_n77A FDD
21 1450.4 5 25 1498.4 N/A N/A
n77, n78 3783.3 10 50 3783.3 N/A TDD N/A
19 837.5 5 25 882.5 N/A N/A
DC_19A-21A_n77A 21 1454.5 5 25 1502.5 9.0 IMD4
n77 4015 10 50 4015 N/A TDD N/A
19 837.5 5 25 882.2 N/A N/A
DC_19A-21A_n79A 21 1452 5 25 1500 3.8 IMD5
n79 4850 40 216 4850 N/A TDD N/A
21 1452 5 25 1500 N/A FDD N/A
28 730.5 5 25 785.5 16.9 FDD IMD3
n77 3689.5 10 50 3689.5 N/A TDD N/A
21 1450.5 5 25 1498.5 9.9 FDD IMD4
28 730.5 5 25 785.5 N/A FDD N/A
n77 3690 10 50 3690 N/A TDD N/A
21 1450 5 25 1498 5.2 FDD IMD5
DC_21A-28A_n79A 28 730.5 5 25 785.5 N/A TDD N/A
n79 4420 40 216 4420 N/A TDD N/A
28 730 5 25 785 N/A FDD N/A
42 3420 5 25 3420 15.3 TDD IMD3
n79 4880 40 216 4880 N/A TDD N/A
28 745 5 25 800 16.2 FDD IMD2
42 3597.5 5 25 3597.5 N/A TDD N/A
n79 4420 40 216 4420 N/A TDD N/A
19 835 5 25 880 N/A FDD N/A
n78 3680 10 50 3680 N/A TDD N/A

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 177 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

BW DL Fc (MHz) order
Configuration band (MHz) LCRB (dB) mode
n79 4515 40 216 4515 29.3 TDD IMD2
19 835 5 25 880 N/A FDD N/A
n79 4550 40 216 4550 N/A TDD N/A
n78 3715 10 50 3715 28.8 TDD IMD2
20 857 5 25 816 N/A FDD N/A
DC_20A_n28A- n28, n83 743 5 25 798 N/A N/A
n78A, n78 3314 10 50 3314 8.7 TDD IMD4
20 837 5 25 796 N/A FDD N/A
n78 3310 10 50 3310 N/A TDD N/A
n28 744 5 25 799 9.4 FDD IMD4
21 1453 5 25 1501 N/A FDD N/A
n78 3420 10 50 3420 N/A TDD N/A
n79 4873 40 216 4873 30.1 TDD IMD2
21 1453 5 25 1501 N/A FDD N/A
n79 4940 40 216 4940 N/A TDD N/A
n78 3487 10 50 3487 29.8 TDD IMD2

7.3B. MSD exceptions due to Tx leakage issue

Table 7.3B. Void

7.3B.2.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2

7.3B.2.4.1 Reference sensitivity exceptions due to UL harmonic interference for EN-DC in

Reference sensitivity exceptions are specified for the condition when there is uplink transmission only in the aggressor

Sensitivity degradation is allowed for a band in frequency range 2 if it is impacted by UL harmonic interference from
the band in frequency range 1 of the same DC configuration. Reference sensitivity exceptions are specified in Table
7.3B.2.4.1-1 with uplink configuration specified in Table 7.3B.2.4.1-2.

Table 7.3B.2.4.1-1: Reference sensitivity exceptions due to UL harmonic for EN-DC in NR FR2
50 MHz 100 MHz 200 MHz 400 MHz
UL Band DL Band
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)

Table 7.3B.2.4.1-2: Uplink configuration for reference sensitivity exceptions due to UL harmonic
UL DL 5 10 15 20 25 40 50 60 80 90 100
band band MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 178 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

7.3B.2.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2

7.3B.2.5.1 Reference sensitivity exceptions due to UL harmonic interference for EN-DC

including both FR1 and FR2
For inter-band EN-DC of LTE and NR in both FR1 and FR2, the UE is allowed to apply each sensitivity degradation
for EN-DC in FR1 specified in clause 7.3B.2.3 TS 38.101-3 and for EN-DC including FR2 specified in clause 7.3B.2.3
of TS 38.101-3 independently.

7.3B.3 ΔRIB,c, ΔRIBNC for EN-DC

<Editor’s note: Table number to be updated>

For the UE which supports inter-band EN-DC configuration, the minimum requirement for reference sensitivity in
Table 7.3.1-1 and Table 7.3.1-1a in [4], subclause 7.3.2, 7.3A.2, 7.3C.2 in [2] and subclause 7.3.2, 7.3A.2in [3] shall be
increased by the amount given in ΔRIB,c,ΔRIBNC in Tables below where unless otherwise stated, the same ΔRIB,c, ΔRIBNC
are applicable to NR band(s) part for DC configurations which have the same NR operating band combination. Unless
otherwise stated, ΔRIB,c or ΔRIBNC is set to zero.

In case the UE supports more than one of band combinations for CA, SUL or DC, and an operating band belongs to
more than one band combinations then

- When the operating band frequency range is ≤ 1 GHz, the applicable additional ΔRIB,c shall be the average value
for all band combinations defined in subclause 7.3A, 7.3B, 7.3C in this specification and 7.3A, 7.3B in TS
38.101-3 [3], truncated to one decimal place that apply for that operating band among the supported band
combinations. In case there is a harmonic relation between low band UL and high band DL, then the maximum
ΔRIB,c among the different supported band combinations involving such band shall be applied
- When the operating band frequency range is > 1 GHz, the applicable additional ΔRIB,c shall be the maximum
value for all band combinations defined in subclause 7.3A, 7.3B, 7.3C in this specification and 7.3A, 7.3B in TS
38.101-3 [3] for the applicable operating bands.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 179 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

7.3B.3.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC

7.3B.3.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC

Table 7.3B.3.2-1: Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC with one uplink configuration for reference

channel bandwidth Wgap / (MHz)
configuration allocation (dB) mode
45.0 < W gap ≤ 65.0 121 4.7
0.0 < Wgap ≤ 45.0 251 0
40.0 < W gap ≤ 60.0 121 3.8
0.0 < Wgap ≤ 40.0 251 0
35.0 < W gap ≤ 55.0 121 3.6
0.0 < Wgap ≤ 35.0 251 0
30.0 < W gap ≤ 50.0 121 3.4
0.0 < Wgap ≤ 30.0 251 0
25.0 < W gap ≤ 45.0 121 3.2
0.0 < Wgap ≤ 25.0 251 0
20.0 < W gap ≤ 40.0 121 3.0
0.0 < Wgap ≤ 20.0 251 0
30.0 < W gap ≤ 60.0 125 5.1
0.0 < Wgap ≤ 30.0 321 0
25.0 < W gap ≤ 55.0 125 4.3
0.0 < Wgap ≤ 25.0 321 0
20.0 < W gap ≤ 50.0 125 3.8
0.0 < Wgap ≤ 20.0 321 0
15.0 < W gap ≤ 45.0 125 3.5
0.0 < Wgap ≤ 15.0 321 0
10.0 < W gap ≤ 40.0 125 3.2
0.0 < Wgap ≤ 10.0 321 0
5.0 < Wgap ≤ 35.0 125 2.8
0.0 < Wgap ≤ 5.0 321 0
25.0 < W gap ≤ 55.0 126 6.0
0.0 < Wgap ≤ 25.0 321 0
20.0 < W gap ≤ 50.0 126 4.7
0.0 < Wgap ≤ 20.0 321 0
15.0 < W gap ≤ 45.0 126 4.2
0.0 < Wgap ≤ 15.0 321 0
10.0 < W gap ≤ 40.0 126 3.8
0.0 < Wgap ≤ 10.0 321 0
5.0 < Wgap ≤ 35.0 126 3.5
0.0 < Wgap ≤ 5.0 321 0
15MHz+30MHz 0.0 < Wgap ≤ 30.0 126 3.3
15.0 < W gap ≤ 50.0 167 6.5
0.0 < Wgap ≤ 15.0 321 0
10.0 < W gap ≤ 45.0 167 5.1
0.0 < Wgap ≤ 10.0 321 0
5.0 < Wgap ≤ 40.0 167 4.5
0.0 < Wgap ≤ 5.0 321 0
20MHz+20MHz 0.0 < Wgap ≤ 35.0 167 4.1
20MHz+25MHz 0.0 < Wgap ≤ 30.0 167 3.8
20MHz+30MHz 0.0 < Wgap ≤ 25.0 167 3.6
NOTE 1: 1 refers to the UL resource blocks shall be located as close as possible to the downlink
operating band but confined within the transmission.
NOTE 2: Wgap is the sub-block gap between the two sub-blocks.
NOTE 3: The carrier center frequency of PCC in the UL operating band is configured closer to the DL
operating band.
NOTE 4: All combinations of channel bandwidths defined in Table 5.3B.1.3-1.
NOTE 5: 5 refers to the UL resource blocks shall be located at RBstart=25.
NOTE 6: 6 refers to the UL resource blocks shall be located at RBstart=35.
NOTE 7: 7 refers to the UL resource blocks shall be located at RBstart=50.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 180 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

7.3B.3.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1

7.3B.3.3.1 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC in two bands

Table 7.3B.3.3.1-1: ΔRIB,c due to EN-DC(two bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 181 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC
E-UTRA or NR Band ΔRIB,c (dB)
DC_1_n28 n28 0.2
DC_1_n51 n51 0.1
1 0.2
n77 0.5
DC_1_n78 n78 0.5
2 0.3
n66 0.3
2 0.2
n78 0.5
3 0.2
n51 0.2
3 0.2
n77 0.5
3 0.2
n78 0.5
5 0.2
n78 0.5
DC_7_n51 n51 0.2
DC_7_n77 n77 0.5
DC_7_n78 n78 0.5
8 0.2
n77 0.5
8 0.2
n78 0.5
DC_11_n77 n77 0.5
DC_11_n78 n78 0.5
12 0.3
n5 0.5
DC_12A_n66A 12 0.5
DC_18_n77 n77 0.5
DC_19_n77 n77 0.5
DC_19_n78 n78 0.5
DC_20_n51 n51 0.2
DC_20_n77 n77 0.5
DC_20_n78 n78 0.5
DC_21_n77 n77 0.5
DC_21_n78 n78 0.5
DC_25_n41 n41
DC_26A_n77A n77 0.5
DC_26_n78 n78 0.5
DC_28A_n51 n51 0.2
28 0.2
n77 0.5
28 0.2
n78 0.5
30 0.5
n66 0.4
38 0.4
n78 0.5
DC_39_n78 n78 0.5
DC_39_n79 n79 0.5
DC_40_n77 40 0.4
n77 0.5
DC_41_n77 n77 0.5
DC_41_n78 n78 0.5
DC_41_n79 n79 0.5
DC_42_n51 n51 0.2
66 0.2
n78 0.5
NOTE 1: The requirement is applied for UE transmitting on the frequency range of 2545-2690MHz.
NOTE 2: The requirement is applied for UE transmitting on the frequency range of 2496-2545MHz.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 182 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

7.3B.3.3.2 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC three bands

Table 7.3B.3.3.2-1: ΔRIB,c due to EN-DC (three bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 183 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC
E-UTRA or NR Band ΔRIB,c (dB)
DC_1-3_n28 n28 0.2
1 0.2
DC_1-3_n77 3 0.2
n77 0.5
1 0.2
DC_1-3_n78 3 0.2
n78 0.5
1 0.2
DC_1-5_n78 5 0.2
n78 0.5
DC_1-7_n28 n28 0.2
1 0.2
7 0.2
n78 0.5
8 0.2
n78 0.5
DC_1-18_n77 n77 0.5
DC_1-18_n78 n78 0.5
DC_1-19_n77 n77 0.5
DC_1-19_n78 n78 0.5
1 0.3
19 0.3
1 0.0
DC_1-20_n28 20 0.2
n28 0.2
DC_1-20_n78 n78 0.5
DC_1-21_n77 n77 0.5
1 0.2
n78 0.5
28 0.2
n77 0.5
28 0.2
n78 0.5
1 0
DC_1_n28-n78 n28 0.2
n78 0.5
1 0.3
28 0.3
1 0.2
DC_1-42_n77 42 0.5
n77 0.5
DC_1-41_n77 n77 0.5
DC_1-41_n78 n78 0.5
1 0.2
DC_1-42_n78 42 0.5
n78 0.5
DC_1-42_n79 42 0.5
1 0.2
DC_1_n77-n79 n77 0.5
n79 0.0
1 0.0
DC_1_n78-n79 n78 0.5
n79 0.0
DC_1-SUL_n78-n84 n78 0.5
2 0.3
n66 0.3
2 0.4
DC_2_30_n66 30 0.5
n66 0.4
2 0.3
66 0.3
3 0.2
n3 0.2

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 184 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC
E-UTRA or NR Band ΔRIB,c (dB)
n77 0.5
3 0.2
DC_3_n3-n78 n3 0.2
n78 0.5
3 0.2
DC_3-5_n78 5 0.2
n78 0.5
3 0.2
DC_3-7_n78, DC_3-7-
7 0.2
n78 0.5
3 0.2
DC_3-8_n78 8 0.2
n78 0.5
3 0.2
n77 0.5
3 0.2
n78 0.5
20 0.1
n28 0.1


3 0.2
n78 0.5
3 0.3
DC_3-21_n77 21 0.5
n77 0.5
3 0.3
DC_3-21_n78 21 0.5
n78 0.5
3 0.3
21 0.5
3 0.2
n78 0.5
3 0.2
DC_3_n28-n78 n28 0
n78 0.5
3 0.2
DC_3-38_n78 38 0.4
n78 0.5
3 0.2
DC_3-41_n78 41
n78 0.5
3 0.2
DC_3-42_n77 42 0.5
n77 0.5
3 0.2
DC_3-42_n78 42 0.5
n78 0.5
3 0.2
42 0.5
3 0.2
DC_3_n77-n79 n77 0.5
n79 0.0
3 0.2
DC_3_n78-n79 n78 0.5
n79 0.0
3 0.2
DC_3-SUL_n78-n80 n78 0.5

3 0.2
n78 0.5

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 185 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC
E-UTRA or NR Band ΔRIB,c (dB)
5 0.2
DC_5-7_n78 7 0.2
n78 0.5
30 0.5
n66 0.4
7 0.0
n78 0.5
20 0.2
n28 0.2
DC_7-20_n78 n78 0.5
DC_7-28_n78 n78 0.5
DC_7_n28-n78 n78 0.5
DC_7-46_n78 n78 0.5
8 0.2
DC_8A-SUL_n78-n81 n78 0.2

DC_18-28_n77 n77 0.5

DC_18-28_n78 n78 0.5
DC_19-21_n77 n77 0.5
DC_19-21_n78 n78 0.5
42 0.5
n77 0.5
42 0.5
n78 0.5
DC_19-42_n79 42 0.5
19 0.0
DC_19_n77-n79 n77 0.5
n79 0.0
19 0.0
DC_19_n78-n79 n78 0.5
n79 0.0
20 0.0
DC_20_n8-n75 n8 0.0
n75 0.0
20 0.0
DC_20_n28-n75 n28 0.2
n75 0.0
20 0.2
DC_20_n28-n78 n28 0.2
n78 0.5
20 0.0
DC_20_n75-n78 n75 0.0
n78 0.5
20 0.0
DC_20_n76-n78 n76 0.0
n78 0.5
DC_20-SUL_n78-n82 n78 0.5
20 0.2
DC_20-SUL_n78-n83 n78 0.5

42 0.5
n77 0.5
42 0.5
n78 0.5
DC_21-42_n79 42 0.5
21 0.0
DC_21_n77-n79 n77 0.5
n79 0.0
21 0.0
DC_21_n78-n79 n78 0.5
n79 0.0
28 0.2
n78 0.5

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 186 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC
E-UTRA or NR Band ΔRIB,c (dB)

28 0.2
DC_28-42_n77 42 0.5
n77 0.5
28 0.2
DC_28-42_n78 42 0.5
n78 0.5
28 0.2
42 0.5
42 0.5
n77 0.5
42 0.5
n78 0.5
DC_41-42_n79 42 0.5
DC_41_n77 n77 0.5
DC_41_n78 n78 0.5
DC_41_n79 n79 0.5
66 0.2
DC_66-SUL_n78-n86 n78 0.5

NOTE 1: The requirement is applied for UE transmitting on the frequency range of 2545-
NOTE 2: The requirement is applied for UE transmitting on the frequency range of 2496-

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 187 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

7.3B.3.3.3 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC four bands

Table 7.3B.3.3.3-1: ΔRIB,c due to EN-DC (four bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 188 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC
E-UTRA or NR Band ΔRIB,c (dB)
1 0.2
DC_1-3-5_n78 3 0.2
n78 0.5
DC_1-3-7_n28 n28 0.2
1 0.3
DC_1-3-7_n78 3 0.3
DC_1-3-7-7_n78 7 0.3
n78 0.5
1 0.2
3 0.2
8 0.2
n78 0.5
1 0.2
3 0.2
28 0.2
n77 0.5
1 0.2
DC_1-3-28_n78 3 0.2
DC_1-3_n28-n78 28 or n28 0.2
n78 0.5
1 0.2
DC_1-3-28_n79 3 0.2
28 0.2
1 0.2
DC_1-3-19_n78 3 0.2
n78 0.5
20 0.2
n28 0.2
1 0.2
DC_1-3-20_n78 3 0.2
n78 0.5
1 0.2
3 0.3
21 0.5
n77 0.5
1 0.2
3 0.3
21 0.5
n78 0.5
3 0.3
21 0.5
1 0.2
3 0.2
42 0.5
n77 0.5
1 0.2
3 0.2
42 0.5
n78 0.5
1 0.2
DC_1-3-42_n79 3 0.2
42 0.5
1 0.2
DC_1-5-7_n78 5 0.2
DC_1-5-7-7_n78 7 0.2
n78 0.5
20 0.2
n28 0.2
1 0.2
7 0.2
20 0.2
n78 0.5
DC_1-7_n28-n78 1 0.2

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 189 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC
E-UTRA or NR Band ΔRIB,c (dB)
7 0.2
n28 0.2
n78 0.5
DC_1-18-28_n77 n77 0.5
DC_1-18-28_n78 n78 0.5
1 0.2
DC_1-19-42_n77 42 0.5
n77 0.5
42 0.5
n78 0.5
DC_1-19-42_n79 42 0.5
1 0.0
20 0.2
n28 0.2
n78 0.5
1 0.2
DC_1-21-42_n77 42 0.5
n77 0.5
42 0.5
n78 0.5
DC_1-21-42_n79 42 0.5
1 0.2
28 0.2
42 0.5
n77 0.5
28 0.2
DC_1-28-42_n78 42 0.5
n78 0.5
28 0.2
42 0.5
42 0.5
n77 0.5
42 0.5
n78 0.5
DC_1-41-42_n79 42 0.5
DC_1-41-42_n79 42 0.5
2 0.3
66 0.3
3 0.2
DC_3-5-7_n78, DC_3-5- 5 0.2
7-7_n78 7 0.2
n78 0.5
3 0.2
DC_3-7-7_n78 7 0.2
n78 0.5
20 0.2
n28 0.1
3 0.2
DC_3-7-20_n78 7 0.2
n78 0.5
3 0.2
DC_3-7-28_n78 7 0.2
DC_3-7_n28-n78 28 or n28 0.2
n78 0.5
3 0.3
DC_3-19-21_n77 21 0.5
n77 0.5
3 0.3
DC_3-19-21_n78 21 0.5
n78 0.5
3 0.3
21 0.5
DC_3-19-42_n77 3 0.2

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 190 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC
E-UTRA or NR Band ΔRIB,c (dB)
42 0.5
n77 0.5
0.2 0.2
DC_3-19-42_n78 0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5
3 0.2
42 0.5
3 0.2
20 0.2
n28 0.2
n78 0.5
3 0.3
21 0.5
42 0.5
n77 0.5
3 0.3
21 0.5
42 0.5
n78 0.5
3 0.3
DC_3-21-42_n79 21 0.5
42 0.5
3 0.2
28 0.2
42 0.5
n77 0.5
3 0.2
28 0.2
42 0.5
n78 0.5
3 0.2
DC_3-28-42_n79 28 0.2
42 0.5
5 0.2
DC_5-7-7_n78 7 0.2
n78 0.5
7 0.0
20 0.2
n28 0.2
n78 0.5
42 0.5
n77 0.5
42 0.5
n78 0.5
DC_19-21-42_n79 42 0.5
28 0.2
DC_21-28-42_n77 42 0.5
n77 0.5
28 0.2
DC_21-28-42_n78 42 0.5
n78 0.5
28 0.2
42 0.5

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 191 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

7.3B.3.3.4 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC five bands

Table 7.3B.3.3.4-1: ΔRIB,c due to EN-DC (five bands)

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 192 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC configuration E-UTRA or NR Band ΔRIB,c (dB)

1 0.2
3 0.2
5 0.2
7 0.2
n78 0.5
20 0.2
n28 0.2
1 0.2
3 0.2
7 0.2
n78 0.5
1 0.2
3 0.2
DC_1-3-7_n28-n78 7 0.2
n28 0.2
n78 0.5
1 0.2
3 0.3
21 0.5
n77 0.5
1 0.2
3 0.3
21 0.5
n78 0.5
3 0.3
21 0.5
1 0.2
3 0.2
42 0.5
n77 0.5
1 0.2
3 0.2
42 0.5
n78 0.5
1 0.2
DC_1-3-19-42_n79 3 0.2
42 0.5
1 0.2
3 0.2
DC_1-3-28-42_n77 28 0.2
42 0.5
n77 0.5
1 0.2
3 0.2
DC_1-3-28-42_n78 28 0.2
42 0.5
n78 0.5
1 0.2
3 0.2
28 0.2
42 0.5
1 0.2
3 0.2
DC_1-3-20_n28-n78 20 0.2
n28 0.2
n78 0.5
1 0.2
3 0.3
DC_1-3-21-42_n77 21 0.5
42 0.5
n77 0.2
1 0.2
DC_1-3-21-42_n78 3 0.3
21 0.5

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 193 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Inter-band EN-DC configuration E-UTRA or NR Band ΔRIB,c (dB)

42 0.5
n78 0.2
1 0.2
3 0.3
21 0.5
42 0.5
1 0.2
7 0.2
DC_1-7-20_n28-n78 20 0.2
n28 0.2
n78 0.5
1 0.2
DC_1-19-21-42_n77 42 0.5
n77 0.5
42 0.5
n78 0.5
DC_1-19-21-42_n79 42 0.5
1 0.2
28 0.2
42 0.5
n77 0.5
28 0.2
DC_1-21-28-42_n78 42 0.5
n78 0.5
28 0.2
42 0.5
3 0.2
7 0.2
20 0.2
n28 0.2

7.3B.3.3.5 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC six bands

Table 7.3B.3.3.5-1: ΔRIB,c due to EN-DC (six bands)
Inter-band EN-DC configuration E-UTRA or NR Band ΔRIB,c (dB)
1 0.2
3 0.2
7 0.2
20 0.2
n28 0.2
n78 0.5

7.3B.3.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2

7.3B.3.4.1 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC in two bands

Unless otherwise stated, ΔRIB,c for E-UTRA and FR2 NR bands of inter-band EN-DC combinations defined in table
5.2B.5.1-1 is set to zero.

Table 7.3B.3.4.1-1: ΔRIB,c due to EN-DC(two bands)


3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 194 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

7.3B.3.4.2 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC three bands

Unless otherwise stated, ΔRIB,c for FR2 NR bands is set to zero, and ΔRIB,c for constituent E-UTRA bands for inter-band
EN-DC defined in table 5.2B.5.2-1 is the same as those for the corresponding E-UTRA CA configuration specified in
TS 36.101 [4], without the FR2 NR bands.

Table 7.3B.3.4.2-1: ΔRIB,c due to EN-DC (three bands)


7.3B.3.4.3 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC four bands

Unless otherwise stated, ΔRIB,c for FR2 NR bands is set to zero, and ΔRIB,c for constituent E-UTRA bands for inter-band
EN-DC defined in table 5.2B.5.3-1 is the same as those for the corresponding E-UTRA CA configuration specified in
TS 36.101 [4], without the FR2 NR bands.

Table 7.3B.3.4.3-1: ΔRIB,c due to EN-DC (four bands)


7.3B.3.4.4 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC five bands

Unless otherwise stated, ΔRIB,c for FR2 NR bands is set to zero, and ΔRIB,c for constituent E-UTRA bands for inter-band
EN-DC defined in table 5.2B.5.4-1 is the same as those for the corresponding E-UTRA CA configuration specified in
TS 36.101 [4], without the FR2 NR bands.

Table 7.3B.3.4.4-1: ΔRIB,c due to EN-DC (five bands)


7.3B.3.4.5 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC six bands


Table 7.3B.3.4.5-1: ΔRIB,c due to EN-DC (six bands)


7.3B.3.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2

7.3B.3.5.2 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC three bands

Unless otherwise stated, for inter-band EN-DC configurations defined in table 5.2B.6.2-1, ΔRIB,c for constituent FR2
NR bands is set to zero, and ΔRIB,c for constituent E-UTRA and FR1 NR bands is the same as those for the
corresponding inter band EN-DC configuration without the FR2 bands specified in 7.3B.3.3.

Table 7.3B.3.5.2-1: ΔRIB,c due to EN-DC (three bands)


7.3B.3.5.3 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC four bands

Unless otherwise stated, for inter-band EN-DC configurations defined in table 5.2B.6.3-1, ΔRIB,c for constituent FR2
NR bands is set to zero, and ΔRIB,c for constituent E-UTRA and FR1 NR bands is the same as those for the
corresponding inter band EN-DC configuration without the FR2 bands specified in 7.3B.3.3.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 195 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

7.3B.3.5.4 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC five bands

Unless otherwise stated, for a certain inter-band EN-DC configurations defined in table 5.2B.6.4-1, ΔRIB,c for
constituent FR2 NR bands is set to zero, and ΔRIB,c for constituent E-UTRA and FR1 NR bands is the same as those for
the corresponding inter band EN-DC configuration without the FR2 bands specified in 7.3B.3.3.

7.3B.3.5.5 ΔRIB,c for EN-DC six bands

Unless otherwise stated, for inter-band EN-DC configurations defined in table 5.2B.6.5-1, ΔRIB,c for constituent FR2
NR bands is set to zero, and ΔRIB,c for constituent E-UTRA and FR1 NR bands is the same as those for the
corresponding inter band EN-DC configuration without the FR2 bands specified in 7.3B.3.3.

7.4 Maximum input level

7.4A Maximum input level for CA

For inter-band NR CA between FR1 and FR2, the maximum input level specified in [2] and [3] apply for FR1 and FR2

7.4B Maximum input level for EN-DC in FR1

7.4B.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC in FR1
Intra-band contiguous EN-DC maximum input level requirement and parameters are defined in Table 7.4B.1-1.

Table 7.4B.1-1: Maximum Input

Power in Largest CC, E-UTRA or NR, dBm X1
Power in each other CC, dBm X1 – 10*log10(NxSCSx/NySCSy)
NOTE 1: Power in Largest E-UTRA or NR bandwidth CC, listed in Table 7.4-1 [2]
NOTE 2: Nx, SCSx is the number of RB’s and Sub carrier spacing in the largest carrier bandwidth and
could be LTE or NR carrier
NOTE 3: Ny, SCSy is the number of RB’s in any other carrier.
NOTE 4: For NR carrier, the transmitter shall be set to 4dB below PCMAX_L at the minimum uplink
configuration specified in Table 7.3-3 with PCMAX_L as defined in subclause 6.2B.4.
NOTE 5: For E-UTRA carrier, the transmitter shall be set to 4dB below PCMAX_L at the minimum uplink
configuration specified in Table 7.3-1-2 with PCMAX_L as defined in subclause 6.2B.4 for single

7.4B.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC in FR1

For the E-UTRA sub-block containing one or multiple CC’s, the requirement is defined in sub-clause 7.4.1 for single
carrier operation and in sub-clause 7.4.1A for CA in [4].

For the NR sub-block, the requirement is defined in sub-clause 7.4 in [2].

7.4B.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1

Maximum input level requirement for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.4.1 and
7.4.1A of [4] and for NR single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.4 and 7.4A of [2] apply.

7.4B.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2

Maximum input level requirement for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.4.1 and
7.4.1A of [4] and for NR single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.4 and 7.4A of [3] apply.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 196 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

7.4B.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2

Maximum input level requirement for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.4.1 and
7.4.1A of [4] and for NR single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.4 and 7.4A of [2] and [3] apply.

7.5 Adjacent channel selectivity

7.5A Adjacent channel selectivity for CA

For inter-band NR CA between FR1 and FR2, the adjacent channel selectivity specified in [2] and [3] apply for FR1
and FR2 respectively.

7.5B Adjacent channel selectivity for EN-DC in FR1

7.5B.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC in FR1
Intra-band contiguous EN-DC ACS requirement and parameters are defined for test case 1 in Table 7.5B.1-1 and for
test case 2 in Table 7.5B.1-2.

Table 7.5B.1-1: ACS test case 1

EN-DC Aggregated >100, >120, >140,
Bandwidth, MHz <=120 <=140 <=160
ACS, dB X1 19.2 18.5 17.9
Aggregated Aggregated Aggregate
Pinterferer, dBm PI 2 power + power + 17 d power +
17.7 dB dB 16.4dB
Pw in Transmission BW
configuration, per CC, dBm
NOTE 1: X is ACS level at the specified EN-DC aggregated Bandwidth from Table
7.5.1A-1 in [4]
NOTE 2: PI is from Table 7.5.1A-2 in [4]
NOTE 3: Jammer BW and offset is from Table 7.5.1A-2 and is applied from the lowest
edge of the lowest carrier and the highest edge of the highest carrier
NOTE 4: For NR carrier, the transmitter shall be set to 4dB below PCMAX_L,f,c at the
minimum uplink configuration specified in Table 7.3-3 with PCMAX_L,f,c as
defined in subclause 6.2B.4.
NOTE 5: For E-UTRA carrier, the transmitter shall be set to 4dB below PCMAX_L,c at the
minimum uplink configuration specified in Table 7.3-1-2 with PCMAX_L,c as
defined in subclause 6.2B.4 for single carrier.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 197 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Table 7.5B.1-2: ACS test case 2

EN-DC Aggregated >100, >120, >140,
Bandwidth, BWagg, MHz <=120 <=140 <=160
-42.7 -42 -41.4
Pw in Transmission
+10log10(N +10log10(N +10log10(N
Bandwidth Configuration, PW 1
perCC, dBm
BW agg) Wagg) Wagg)
Pinterferer, dBm -25
NOTE 1: PW is wanted signal power level at the specified EN-DC aggregated
Bandwidth from Table 7.5.1A-3 in [4]
NOTE 2: Jammer BW and offset is from Table 7.5.1A-3 and is applied from the lowest
edge of the lowest carrier and the highest edge of the highest carrier
NOTE 3: For NR carrier, the transmitter shall be set to 4dB below PCMAX_L,f,c at the
minimum uplink configuration specified in Table 7.3-3 with PCMAX_L,f,c as
defined in subclause 6.2B.4.
NOTE 4: For E-UTRA carrier, the transmitter shall be set to 4 dB below PCMAX_L,c at the
minimum uplink configuration specified in Table 7.3-1-2 with PCMAX_L,c as
defined in subclause 6.2B.4 for single carrier.

7.5B.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC in FR1

For the E-UTRA sub-block containing one or multiple CC’s, the requirement is defned in sub-clause 7.5.1 for single
carrier operation and in sub-clause 7.5.1A for CA in [4].

For the NR sub-block, the requirement is defined in sub-clause 7.5 in [2].

The blocker configuration is defined in the general sub-clause 7.1.

7.5B.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1

Adjacent channel selectivity requirement for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.5.1
and 7.5.1A of [4] and for NR single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.5 and 7.5A of [2] apply.

7.5B.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2

Adjacent channel selectivity requirement for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.5.1
and 7.5.1A of [4] and for NR single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.5 and 7.5A of [3] apply.

7.5B.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2

Adjacent channel selectivity requirement for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.5.1
and 7.5.1A of [4] and for NR single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.5 and 7.5A of [2] and [3] apply.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 198 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

7.6 Blocking characteristics

7.6A Blocking characteristics for CA

For inter-band NR CA between FR1 and FR2, the in-band blocking characteristics specified in [2] and [3] apply for
FR1 and FR2 respectively. The narrow band blocking and out-of-band blocking specified in [2] apply for FR1.

7.6B Blocking characteristics for EN-DC in FR1

7.6B.1 General

7.6B.2 Inband blocking for EN-DC in FR1

7.6B.2.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC in FR1

Intra-band contiguous EN-DC in-band blocking requirement and parameters are defined in Table 7.6B.2.1-1.

Table 7.6B.2.1-1: In-band blocking

EN-DC Aggregated >100, >120, >140,
Bandwidth, MHz <=120 <=140 <=160
Pw in Transmission REFSENS + Aggregated BW specific value below
Bandwidth Configuration,
PW 1 16.8 17.5 18
perCC, dBm
NOTE 1: PW is wanted signal power level at the specified EN-DC aggregated
Bandwidth from Table in [4]
NOTE 2: Interferer values are specified from Table in [4]
NOTE 3: Jammer BW and offset is from Table and is applied from the
lowest edge of the lowest carrier and the highest edge of the highest carrier
NOTE 4: For NR carrier, the transmitter shall be set to 4dB below PCMAX_L,f,c at the
minimum uplink configuration specified in Table 7.3-3 with PCMAX_L,f,c as
defined in subclause 6.2B.4.
NOTE 5: For E-UTRA carrier, the transmitter shall be set to 4dB below PCMAX_L,c at the
minimum uplink configuration specified in Table 7.3-1-2 with PCMAX_L,c as
defined in subclause 6.2B.4 for single carrier.

7.6B.2.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC in FR1

For the E-TRA sub-block containing one or multiple CC’s, the requirement is deined in sub-clause for single
carrier operation and in sub-clause for CA in [4].

For the NR sub-block, the requirement is defined in sub-clause 7.6.2 in [2].

The blocker configuration is defined in the general sub-clause 7.1.

7.6B.2.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1

Inband blocking requirement for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses and
of [4] and for NR single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.6.2 and 7.6A.2 of [2] apply.

7.6B.2.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2

Inband blocking requirement for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses and
of [4] and for NR single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.6.2 and 7.6A.2 of [3] apply.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 199 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

7.6B.2.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2

Inband blocking requirement for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses and
of [4] and for NR single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.6.2 and 7.6A.2 of [2] and [3] apply.

7.6B.3 Out-of-band blocking for EN-DC in FR1

7.6B.3.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC in FR1

Intra-band contiguous EN-DC out-of-band requirement and parameters are defined in Table 7.6B.3.1-1.

Table 7.6B.3.1-1: Out-of-band blocking

EN-DC Aggregated >100, >120, >140,
Bandwidth, MHz <=120 <=140 <=160
Pw in Transmission REFSENS + Aggregated BW specific value below
Bandwidth Configuration,
perCC, dBm
NOTE 1: Interferer values and offsets are specified from Table in [4]
NOTE 2: For NR carrier, the transmitter shall be set to 4dB below PCMAX_L,f,c at the
minimum uplink configuration specified in Table 7.3-3 with PCMAX_L,f,c as
defined in subclause 6.2B.4.
NOTE 3: For E-UTRA carrier, the transmitter shall be set to 4dB below PCMAX_L,c at the
minimum uplink configuration specified in Table 7.3-1-2 with PCMAX_L,c as
defined in subclause 6.2B.4 for single carrier.

7.6B.3.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC in FR1

For the E-UTRA sub-block containing one or multiple CC’s, the requirement is dfined in sub-clause for single
carrier operation and in sub-clause for CA in [4].

For the NR sub-block, the requirement is defined in sub-clause 7.6.3 is [2].

7.6B.3.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1

Out-of band blocking requirements for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses and of [4] and for NR single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.6.3 and 7.6A.3 of [2] apply for
lowest level EN-DC fallbacks (two bands) in section 5.2.B.4.1 with following conditions

- one E-UTRA uplink carrier with the output power set to 4dB Below PCMAX_L and the NR band whose downlink
is being tested has its uplink carrier output power set to minimum output power as defined in sub-clause 6.3.1 of

- one NR uplink carrier with the output power set to 4dB Below PCMAX_L on the NR band with both E-UTRA and
NR downlinks being tested with E-UTRA output power set to minimum output power as defined in sub-clause of [4].

7.6B.3.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2

Out-of band blocking requirements specified for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses and of [4] apply for lowest level EN-DC fallbacks (two bands) in section 5.2B.5.1 with only E-UTRA
UL with output power as in TS 36.101 [4] (4dB Below PCmax_l).

7.6B.3.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2

Out-of band blocking requirements specified for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses and of [4] and for NR single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.6.3 and 7.6A.3 of [2]
apply for lowest level EN-DC fallbacks (three bands) in section 5.2B.6.2 with only E-UTRA UL with output power as
in TS 36.101 [4] (4dB Below PCmax_l).

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 200 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

7.6B.4 Narrow band blocking for EN-DC in FR1

7.6B.4.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC in FR1

Intra-band contiguous EN-DC narrow band blocking requirement and parameters are defined in Table 7.6B.4.1-1.

Table 7.6B.4.1-1: Narrow band blocking parameters

EN-DC Aggregated >100, >120, >140,
Bandwidth, MHz <=120 <=140 <=160
Pw in Transmission REFSENS + Aggregated BW specific value below
Bandwidth Configuration,
perCC, dBm
PUW, dBm (CW) -55
NOTE 1: Jammer offset is from Table and is applied from the lowest edge
of the lowest carrier and the highest edge of the highest carrier
NOTE 2: For NR carrier, the transmitter shall be set to 4dB below PCMAX_L,f,c at the
minimum uplink configuration specified in Table 7.3-3 with PCMAX_L,f,c as
defined in subclause 6.2.4 from TS 38.101-1 [2].
NOTE 3: For E-UTRA carrier, the transmitter shall be set to 4dB below PCMAX_L,c at the
minimum uplink configuration specified in Table 7.3-1-2 with PCMAX_L,c as
defined in subclause 6.2B.4 for single carrier.
NOTE 4: If NR carrier BW > 40M, no narrow band blocking requirements apply when
blocker is applied at the edge of the NR carrier.

7.6B.4.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC in FR1

For the E-TRA sub-block containing one or multiple CC’s, the requirement is deined in sub-clause for single
carrier operation and in sub-clause for CA in [4].

For the NR sub-block, the requirement is defined in sub-clause 7.6.4 in [2].

The blocker configuration is defined in the general sub-clause 7.1.

7.6B.4.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1

Narrow band blocking requirement for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses and of [4] and for NR single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.6.4 and 7.6A.4 of [2] apply.

7.6B.4.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2

Narrow band blocking requirement for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses and of [4] apply.

7.6B.4.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2

Narrow band blocking requirement for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses and of [4] and for NR single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.6.4 and 7.6A.4 of [2] apply.

7.7 Spurious response

7.7A Spurious response for CA

For inter-band NR CA between FR1 and FR2, the spurious response specified in [2] apply for FR1.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 201 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

7.7B Spurious response for EN-DC in FR1

7.7B.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC in FR1
Intra-band contiguous EN-DC spurious response requirement and parameters are defined in Table 7.7B.1-1.

Table 7.7B.1-1: Spurious Response Parameters

EN-DC Aggregated >100, >120, >140,
Bandwidth, MHz <=120 <=140 <=160
Pw in Transmission REFSENS + Aggregated BW specific value below
Bandwidth Configuration,
perCC, dBm
Pinterferer, dBm (CW) -44
NOTE 1: For NR carrier, the transmitter shall be set to 4dB below PCMAX_L,f,c at the
minimum uplink configuration specified in Table 7.3-3 with PCMAX_L,f,c as
defined in subclause 6.2.4 from TS 38.101-1 [2].
NOTE 2: For E-UTRA carrier, the transmitter shall be set to 4dB below PCMAX_L,c at the
minimum uplink configuration specified in Table 7.3-1-2 with PCMAX_L,c as
defined in subclause 6.2B.4 for single .

7.7B.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC in FR1

For the E-UTRA sub-block containing one or multiple CC’s, the requirement is defined in sub-clause 7.7.1 for single
carrier operation and in sub-clause 7.7.1A for CA in [4].

For the NR sub-block, the requirement is defined in sub-clause 7.7 is [2].

7.7B.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1

Spurious response requirement for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.7.1 and 7.7.1A
of [4] and for NR single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.7 and 7.7A of [2] apply.

7.7B.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2

Spurious response requirement for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.7.1 and 7.7.1A
of [4] apply.

7.7B.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2

Spurious response requirement for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.7.1 and 7.7.1A
of [4] and for NR single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.7 and 7.7A of [2] apply.

7.8 Intermodulation characteristics

7.8A Intermodulation characteristics for CA

For inter-band NR CA between FR1 and FR2, the intermodulation characteristics specified in [2] apply for FR1.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 202 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

7.8B Intermodulation characteristics for EN-DC in FR1

7.8B.1 General

7.8B.2 Wide band Intermodulation

7.8B.2.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC in FR1

Intra-band contiguous EN-DC wide band intermodulation requirement and parameters are defined in Table 7.8B.2.1-1.

Table 7.8B.2.1-1: Wide band intermodulation

EN-DC Aggregated >100, >120, >140,
Bandwidth, MHz <=120 <=140 <=160
Pw in Transmission
Bandwidth Configuration, PW 1 16.8 17.5 18.0
perCC, dBm
Pinterferer 1, dBm (CW)2 -46
Pinterferer 2, dBm (Modulated)2 -46
NOTE 1: PW is wanted signal power level from Table 7.8.1A-1 in [4]
NOTE 2: Jammer BW and offsets is from Table 7.8.1A-1 [4] and is applied from the
lowest edge of the lowest carrier and the highest edge of the highest carrier
NOTE 3: For NR carrier, the transmitter shall be set to 4dB below PCMAX_L,f,c at the
minimum uplink configuration specified in Table 7.3-3 with PCMAX_L,f,c as
defined in subclause 6.2B..
NOTE 4: For E-UTRA carrier, the transmitter shall be set to 4dB below PCMAX_L,c at the
minimum uplink configuration specified in Table 7.3-1-2 with PCMAX_L,c as
defined in subclause 6.2B.4 for single carrier.

7.8B.2.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC in FR1

For the E-UTRA sub-block containing one or multiple CC’s, the requirement is defined in sub-clause 7.8.1 for single
carrier operation and in sub-clause 7.8.1A for CA in [4].

For the NR sub-block, the requirement is defined in sub-clause 7.8.2 in [2].

The blocker configuration is defined in the general sub-clause 7.1 and the requirement only apply for out of gap

7.8B.2.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1

Wide band Intermodulation requirement for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.8.1 and
7.8.1A of [4] and for NR single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.8.2 and 7.8A.2 of [2] apply.

7.8B.2.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2

Wide band Intermodulation requirement for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.8.1 and
7.8.1A of [4] apply.

7.8B.2.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2

Wide band Intermodulation requirement for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.8.1 and
7.8.1A of [4] and for NR single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.8.2 and 7.8A.2 of [2] apply.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 203 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

7.9 Spurious emissions

7.9A Spurious emissions for CA

For inter-band NR CA between FR1 and FR2, the spurious emission specified in [2] and [3] apply for FR1 and FR2

7.9B Spurious emissions for EN-DC in FR1

7.9B.1 Intra-band contiguous EN-DC in FR1
The requirement is defined in sub-clause 7.9A.1 in [2].

7.9B.2 Intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC in FR1

Spurious emissions requirement for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.9.1 and 7.9.1A
of [4] and for NR single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.9 and 7.9A of [2] apply.

7.9B.4 Inter-band EN-DC including FR2

Spurious emissions requirement for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.9.1 and 7.9.1A
of [4] and for NR single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clause 7.9 of [3] apply.

7.9B.5 Inter-band EN-DC including both FR1 and FR2

Spurious emissions requirement for E-UTRA single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.9.1 and 7.9.1A
of [4] and for NR single carrier and CA operation specified in sub-clauses 7.9 and 7.9A of [2] and [3] apply.

7.9B.3 Inter-band EN-DC within FR1

E-UTRA requirements from TS 36.101 [4] and NR requirements from TS 38.101-1 [2] apply.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 204 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Annex A (normative):
Measurement channels

A.1 General
The throughput values defined in the measurement channels specified in Annex A, are calculated and are valid per
datastream (codeword). For multi-stream (more than one codeword) transmissions, the throughput referenced in the
minimum requirements is the sum of throughputs of all datastreams (codewords).

The UE category entry in the definition of the reference measurement channel in Annex A is only informative and
reveals the UE categories, which can support the corresponding measurement channel. Whether the measurement
channel is used for testing a certain UE category or not is specified in the individual minimum requirements.

A.2 UL reference measurement channels for E-UTRA

TDD Config 2

A.2.1 General
The measurement channels in the following subclauses are defined to derive the requirements in clause 6 (Transmitter
Characteristics) and clause 7 (Receiver Characteristics). The measurement channels represent example configurations of
physical channels for different data rates.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 205 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

A.2.2 Reference measurement channels for E-UTRA

A.2.2.1 Full RB allocation

Table A. Reference Channels for QPSK with full RB allocation

Parameter Unit Value

Channel bandwidth MHz 1.4 3 5 10 15 20
Allocated resource blocks 6 15 25 50 75 100
Uplink-Downlink Configuration (Note 2) 2 2 2 2 2 2
Special subframe configuration (Note 3) 7 7 7 7 7 7
DFT-OFDM Symbols per Sub-Frame 12 12 12 12 12 12
Target Coding rate 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/5 1/6
Payload size
For Sub-Frame 2,7 Bits 600 1544 2216 5160 4392 4584
Transport block CRC Bits 24 24 24 24 24 24
Number of code blocks per Sub-Frame
(Note 1)
For Sub-Frame 2,7 1 1 1 1 1 1
Total number of bits per Sub-Frame
For Sub-Frame 2,7 Bits 1728 4320 7200 14400 21600 28800
Total symbols per Sub-Frame
For Sub-Frame 2,7 864 2160 3600 7200 10800 14400
UE Category ≥ 1 ≥ 1 ≥ 1 ≥ 1 ≥ 1 ≥ 1

Note 1: If more than one Code Block is present, an additional CRC sequence of L = 24 Bits is attached
to each Code Block (otherwise L = 0 Bit)
Note 2: As per Table 4.2-2 in TS 36.211 [7]
Note 3: As per Table 4.2-1 in TS 36.211 [7]

A. 16-QAM
Table A. Reference Channels for 16-QAM with full RB allocation

Parameter Unit Value

Channel bandwidth MHz 1.4 3 5 10 15 20
Allocated resource blocks 6 15 25 50 75 100
Uplink-Downlink Configuration (Note 2) 2 2 2 2 2 2
Special subframe configuration (Note 3) 7 7 7 7 7 7
DFT-OFDM Symbols per Sub-Frame 12 12 12 12 12 12
Modulation 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM
Target Coding rate 3/4 1/2 1/3 3/4 1/2 1/3
Payload size
For Sub-Frame 2,7 Bits 2600 4264 4968 21384 21384 19848
Transport block CRC Bits 24 24 24 24 24 24
Number of code blocks per Sub-Frame
(Note 1)
For Sub-Frame 2,7 1 1 1 4 4 4
Total number of bits per Sub-Frame
For Sub-Frame 2,7 Bits 3456 8640 14400 28800 43200 57600
Total symbols per Sub-Frame
For Sub-Frame 2,7 864 2160 3600 7200 10800 14400
UE Category ≥ 1 ≥ 1 ≥ 1 ≥ 2 ≥ 2 ≥ 2

Note 1: If more than one Code Block is present, an additional CRC sequence of L = 24 Bits is attached to each
Code Block (otherwise L = 0 Bit)
Note 2: As per Table 4.2-2 in TS 36.211 [7]
Note 3: As per Table 4.2-1 in TS 36.211 [7]

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 206 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

A. 64-QAM
Table A. Reference Channels for 64-QAM with full RB allocation
Parameter Unit Value
Channel bandwidth MHz 1.4 3 5 10 15 20
Allocated resource blocks 6 15 25 50 75 100
Uplink-Downlink Configuration (Note 2) 2 2 2 2 2 2
Special subframe configuration (Note 3) 7 7 7 7 7 7
DFT-OFDM Symbols per Sub-Frame 12 12 12 12 12 12
Modulation 64QAM 64QAM 64QAM 64QAM 64QAM 64QAM
Target Coding rate 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
Payload size
For Sub-Frame 2,7 Bits 3752 9528 15840 31704 46888 63776
Transport block CRC Bits 24 24 24 24 24 24
Number of code blocks per Sub-Frame
(Note 1)
For Sub-Frame 2,7 1 2 3 6 8 11
Total number of bits per Sub-Frame
For Sub-Frame 2,7 Bits 5184 12960 21600 43200 64800 86400
Total symbols per Sub-Frame
For Sub-Frame 2,7 864 2160 3600 7200 10800 14400
UE Category (Note 4) 5, 8 5, 8 5, 8 5, 8 5, 8 5, 8
UE UL Cateogry (Note 4) 5, 8, 5, 8, 5, 8, 5, 8, 5, 8, 5, 8,
13, 14 13, 14 13, 14 13, 14 13, 14 13, 14
Note 1: If more than one Code Block is present, an additional CRC sequence of L = 24 Bits is attached to each
Code Block (otherwise L = 0 Bit)
Note 2: As per Table 4.2-2 in TS 36.211 [7]
Note 3: As per Table 4.2-1 in TS 36.211 [7]
Note 4: If UE does not report UE UL category, then the applicability of reference channel is determined by UE
category. If UE reports UE UL category, then the applicability of reference channel is determined by UE
UL category.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 207 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

A. 256 QAM

Table A. Reference Channels for 256 QAM with full RB allocation
Parameter Unit Value
Channel bandwidth MHz 1.4 3 5 10 15 20
Allocated resource blocks 6 15 25 50 75 100
Uplink-Downlink Configuration 2 2 2 2 2 2
(Note 2)
Special subframe configuration 7 7 7 7 7 7
(Note 3)
DFT-OFDM Symbols per Sub- 12 12 12 12 12 12
Modulation 256QAM 256QAM 256QAM 256QAM 256QAM 256QAM
Target Coding rate 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
Payload size
For Sub-Frame 2,7 Bits 5160 12960 21384 42368 63776 84760
Transport block CRC Bits 24 24 24 24 24 24
Number of code blocks per Sub-
Frame (Note 1)
For Sub-Frame 2,7 1 3 4 8 11 15
Total number of bits per Sub-
For Sub-Frame 2,7 Bits 6912 17280 28800 57600 86400 115200
Total symbols per Sub-Frame
For Sub-Frame 2,7 864 2160 3600 7200 10800 14400
UE UL Cateogry ≥ 15 ≥ 15 ≥ 15 ≥ 15 ≥ 15 ≥ 15

Note 1: If more than one Code Block is present, an additional CRC sequence of L = 24 Bits is attached to each
Code Block (otherwise L = 0 Bit)
Note 2: As per Table 4.2-2 in TS 36.211 [7]
Note 3: As per Table 4.2-1 in TS 36.211 [7]

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 208 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

A.2.2.2 Partial RB allocation

Table A. Reference Channels for QPSK with partial RB allocation
Parame Ch BW Allocat UL-DL Special DFT- Mod’n Target Payloa Transp Number Total Total UE
ter ed RBs Configu subfra OFDM Coding d size ort of code number symbol Categor
ration me Symbol rate for block blocks of bits s per y
(Note 2) configu s per Sub- CRC per per Sub-
ration Sub- Frame Sub- Sub- Frame
(Note 3) Frame 2, 7 Frame Frame for
(Note 1) for Sub-
Sub- Frame
Frame 2, 7
2, 7
Unit MHz Bits Bits Bits
1.4 - 20 1 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 72 24 1 288 144 ≥1
1.4 - 20 2 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 176 24 1 576 288 ≥1
1.4 - 20 3 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 256 24 1 864 432 ≥1
1.4 - 20 4 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 392 24 1 1152 576 ≥1
1.4 - 20 5 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 424 24 1 1440 720 ≥1
3-20 6 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 600 24 1 1728 864 ≥1
3-20 8 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 808 24 1 2304 1152 ≥1
3-20 9 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 776 24 1 2592 1296 ≥1
3-20 10 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 872 24 1 2880 1440 ≥1
3-20 12 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 1224 24 1 3456 1728 ≥1
5-20 15 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 1320 24 1 4320 2160 ≥1
5-20 16 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 1384 24 1 4608 2304 ≥1
5-20 18 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 1864 24 1 5184 2592 ≥1
5-20 20 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 1736 24 1 5760 2880 ≥1
5-20 24 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 2472 24 1 6912 3456 ≥1
10-20 25 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 2216 24 1 7200 3600 ≥1
10-20 27 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 2792 24 1 7776 3888 ≥1
10-20 30 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 2664 24 1 8640 4320 ≥1
10-20 32 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 2792 24 1 9216 4608 ≥1
10-20 36 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 3752 24 1 10368 5184 ≥1
10-20 40 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 4136 24 1 11520 5760 ≥1
10-20 45 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 4008 24 1 12960 6480 ≥1
10-20 48 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 4264 24 1 13824 6912 ≥1
15 - 20 50 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 5160 24 1 14400 7200 ≥1
15 - 20 54 2 7 12 QPSK 1/3 4776 24 1 15552 7776 ≥1
15 - 20 60 2 7 12 QPSK 1/4 4264 24 1 17280 8640 ≥1
15 - 20 64 2 7 12 QPSK 1/4 4584 24 1 18432 9216 ≥1
15 - 20 72 2 7 12 QPSK 1/4 5160 24 1 20736 10368 ≥1
20 75 2 7 12 QPSK 1/5 4392 24 1 21600 10800 ≥1
20 80 2 7 12 QPSK 1/5 4776 24 1 23040 11520 ≥1
20 81 2 7 12 QPSK 1/5 4776 24 1 23328 11664 ≥1
20 90 2 7 12 QPSK 1/6 4008 24 1 25920 12960 ≥1
20 96 2 7 12 QPSK 1/6 4264 24 1 27648 13824 ≥1
Note 1: If more than one Code Block is present, an additional CRC sequence of L = 24 Bits is attached to each Code Block (otherwise L = 0 Bit)
Note 2: As per Table 4.2-2 in TS 36.211 [7]
Note 3: As per Table 4.2-1 in TS 36.211 [7]

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 209 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

A. 16-QAM
Table A. Reference Channels for 16QAM with partial RB allocation
Parame Ch BW Allocat UL-DL Special DFT- Mod’n Target Payloa Transp Number Total Total UE
ter ed RBs Configu subfra OFDM Coding d size ort of code number symbol Categor
ration me Symbol rate for block blocks of bits s per y
(Note 2) configu s per Sub- CRC per per Sub-
ration Sub- Frame Sub- Sub- Frame
(Note 3) Frame 2, 7 Frame Frame for
(Note 1) for Sub-
Sub- Frame
Frame 2, 7
2, 7
Unit MHz Bits Bits Bits
1.4 - 20 1 2 7 12 16QAM 3/4 408 24 1 576 144 ≥1
1.4 - 20 2 2 7 12 16QAM 3/4 840 24 1 1152 288 ≥1
1.4 - 20 3 2 7 12 16QAM 3/4 1288 24 1 1728 432 ≥1
1.4 - 20 4 2 7 12 16QAM 3/4 1736 24 1 2304 576 ≥1
1.4 - 20 5 2 7 12 16QAM 3/4 2152 24 1 2880 720 ≥1
3-20 6 2 7 12 16QAM 3/4 2600 24 1 3456 864 ≥1
3-20 8 2 7 12 16QAM 3/4 3496 24 1 4608 1152 ≥1
3-20 9 2 7 12 16QAM 3/4 3880 24 1 5184 1296 ≥1
3-20 10 2 7 12 16QAM 3/4 4264 24 1 5760 1440 ≥1
3-20 12 2 7 12 16QAM 3/4 5160 24 1 6912 1728 ≥1
5-20 15 2 7 12 16QAM 1/2 4264 24 1 8640 2160 ≥1
5-20 16 2 7 12 16QAM 1/2 4584 24 1 9216 2304 ≥1
5-20 18 2 7 12 16QAM 1/2 5160 24 1 10368 2592 ≥1
5-20 20 2 7 12 16QAM 1/3 4008 24 1 11520 2880 ≥1
5-20 24 2 7 12 16QAM 1/3 4776 24 1 13824 3456 ≥1
10-20 25 2 7 12 16QAM 1/3 4968 24 1 14400 3600 ≥1
10-20 27 2 7 12 16QAM 1/3 4776 24 1 15552 3888 ≥1
10-20 30 2 7 12 16QAM 3/4 12960 24 3 17280 4320 ≥2
10-20 32 2 7 12 16QAM 3/4 13536 24 3 18432 4608 ≥2
10-20 36 2 7 12 16QAM 3/4 15264 24 3 20736 5184 ≥2
10-20 40 2 7 12 16QAM 3/4 16992 24 3 23040 5760 ≥2
10-20 45 2 7 12 16QAM 3/4 19080 24 4 25920 6480 ≥2
10-20 48 2 7 12 16QAM 3/4 20616 24 4 27648 6912 ≥2
15 - 20 50 2 7 12 16QAM 3/4 21384 24 4 28800 7200 ≥2
15 - 20 54 2 7 12 16QAM 3/4 22920 24 4 31104 7776 ≥2
15 - 20 60 2 7 12 16QAM 2/3 23688 24 4 34560 8640 ≥2
15 - 20 64 2 7 12 16QAM 2/3 25456 24 4 36864 9216 ≥2
15 - 20 72 2 7 12 16QAM 1/2 20616 24 4 41472 10368 ≥2
20 75 2 7 12 16QAM 1/2 21384 24 4 43200 10800 ≥2
20 80 2 7 12 16QAM 1/2 22920 24 4 46080 11520 ≥2
20 81 2 7 12 16QAM 1/2 22920 24 4 46656 11664 ≥2
20 90 2 7 12 16QAM 2/5 20616 24 4 51840 12960 ≥2
20 96 2 7 12 16QAM 2/5 22152 24 4 55296 13824 ≥2
Note 1: If more than one Code Block is present, an additional CRC sequence of L = 24 Bits is attached to each Code Block (otherwise L = 0 Bit)
Note 2: As per Table 4.2-2 in TS 36.211 [7]
Note 3: As per Table 4.2-1 in TS 36.211 [7]

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 210 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

A. 64-QAM
Table A. Reference Channels for 64-QAM with partial RB allocation
Parame Ch BW Allocat UL-DL Special DFT- Mod’n Target Payloa Trans- Number Total Total UE
ter ed RBs Configu subfra OFDM Coding d size port of code number symbol Categor
ration me Symbol rate for block blocks of bits s per y (Note
(Note 2) configu s per Sub- CRC per per Sub- 4)
ration Sub- Frame Sub- Sub- Frame
(Note 3) Frame 2, 7 Frame Frame for
(Note 1) for Sub-
Sub- Frame
Frame 2, 7
2, 7
Unit MHz Bits Bits Bits
1.4 - 20 1 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 616 24 1 864 144 5,8
1.4 - 20 2 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 1256 24 1 1728 288 5,8
1.4 - 20 3 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 1864 24 1 2592 432 5,8
1.4 - 20 4 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 2536 24 1 3456 576 5,8
1.4 - 20 5 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 3112 24 1 4320 720 5,8
3-20 6 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 3752 24 1 5184 864 5,8
3-20 8 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 5160 24 1 6912 1152 5,8
3-20 9 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 5736 24 1 7776 1296 5,8
3-20 10 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 6200 24 2 8640 1440 5,8
3-20 12 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 7480 24 2 10368 1728 5,8
5-20 15 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 9528 24 2 12960 2160 5,8
5-20 16 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 10296 24 2 13824 2304 5,8
5-20 18 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 11448 24 2 15552 2592 5,8
5-20 20 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 12576 24 3 17280 2880 5,8
5-20 24 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 15264 24 3 20736 3456 5,8
10-20 25 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 15840 24 3 21600 3600 5,8
10-20 27 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 16992 24 3 23328 3888 5,8
10-20 30 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 19080 24 4 25920 4320 5,8
10-20 32 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 20616 24 4 27648 4608 5,8
10-20 36 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 22920 24 4 31104 5184 5,8
10-20 40 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 25456 24 5 34560 5760 5,8
10-20 45 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 28336 24 5 38880 6480 5,8
10-20 48 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 30576 24 5 41472 6912 5,8
15 - 20 50 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 31704 24 6 43200 7200 5,8
15 - 20 54 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 34008 24 6 46656 7776 5,8
15 - 20 60 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 37888 24 7 51840 8640 5,8
15 - 20 64 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 40576 24 7 55296 9216 5,8
1.4 - 20 1 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 616 24 1 864 144 5,8
1.4 - 20 2 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 1256 24 1 1728 288 5,8
1.4 - 20 3 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 1864 24 1 2592 432 5,8
1.4 - 20 4 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 2536 24 1 3456 576 5,8
1.4 - 20 5 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 3112 24 1 4320 720 5,8
3-20 6 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 3752 24 1 5184 864 5,8
3-20 8 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 5160 24 1 6912 1152 5,8
3-20 9 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 5736 24 1 7776 1296 5,8
3-20 10 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 6200 24 2 8640 1440 5,8
3-20 12 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 7480 24 2 10368 1728 5,8
5-20 15 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 9528 24 2 12960 2160 5,8
5-20 16 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 10296 24 2 13824 2304 5,8
5-20 18 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 11448 24 2 15552 2592 5,8
5-20 20 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 12576 24 3 17280 2880 5,8
5-20 24 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 15264 24 3 20736 3456 5,8
10-20 25 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 15840 24 3 21600 3600 5,8
10-20 27 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 16992 24 3 23328 3888 5,8
10-20 30 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 19080 24 4 25920 4320 5,8
15 - 20 50 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 31704 24 6 43200 7200 5,8
15 - 20 54 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 34008 24 6 46656 7776 5,8
15 - 20 60 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 37888 24 7 51840 8640 5,8
15 - 20 64 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 40576 24 7 55296 9216 5,8
15 - 20 72 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 45352 24 8 62208 10368 5,8
20 75 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 46888 24 8 64800 10800 5,8
20 80 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 51024 24 9 69120 11520 5,8
20 81 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 51024 24 9 69984 11664 5,8
20 90 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 51024 24 9 77760 12960 5,8
20 96 2 7 12 64QAM 3/4 61664 24 11 82944 13824 5,8
Note 1: If more than one Code Block is present, an additional CRC sequence of L = 24 Bits is attached to each Code Block (otherwise L = 0 Bit)
Note 2: As per Table 4.2-2 in TS 36.211 [7].
Note 3: As per Table 4.2-1 in TS 36.211 [7]
Note 4: If UE does not report UE UL category, then the applicability of reference channel is determined by UE category. If UE reports UE UL category, then the
applicability of reference channel is determined by UE UL category

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 211 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

A. 256 QAM

Table A. Reference Channels for 256 QAM with partial RB allocation
Para Ch BW Allocat UL-DL Special DFT- Mod’n Target Payload Trans- Number Total Total UE UL
meter ed Config Slot OFDM Coding size for port of code number symbols Cateogry
RBs uration Config Symbo rate Sub- block blocks of bits per Sub-
(Note uration ls per Frame CRC per Sub- per Sub- Frame for
2) (Note Sub- 2, 7 Frame Frame Sub-
3) Frame (Note 1) for Sub- Frame 2,
Frame 2, 7

Unit MHz Bits Bits Bits

1.4 - 20 1 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 840 24 1 1152 144 ≥ 15
1.4 - 20 2 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 1672 24 1 2304 288 ≥ 15
1.4 - 20 3 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 2536 24 1 3456 432 ≥ 15
1.4 - 20 4 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 3368 24 1 4608 576 ≥ 15
1.4 - 20 5 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 4264 24 1 5760 720 ≥ 15
3-20 6 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 5160 24 1 6912 864 ≥ 15
3-20 8 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 6712 24 2 9216 1152 ≥ 15
3-20 9 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 7736 24 2 10368 1296 ≥ 15
3-20 10 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 8504 24 2 11520 1440 ≥ 15
3-20 12 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 10296 24 2 13824 1728 ≥ 15
5-20 15 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 12960 24 3 17280 2160 ≥ 15
5-20 16 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 13536 24 3 18432 2304 ≥ 15
5-20 18 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 15264 24 3 20736 2592 ≥ 15
5-20 20 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 16992 24 3 23040 2880 ≥ 15
5-20 24 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 20616 24 4 27648 3456 ≥ 15
10-20 25 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 21384 24 4 28800 3600 ≥ 15
10-20 27 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 22920 24 4 31104 3888 ≥ 15
10-20 30 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 25456 24 5 34560 4320 ≥ 15
10-20 32 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 27376 24 5 36864 4608 ≥ 15
10-20 36 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 30576 24 6 41472 5184 ≥ 15
10-20 40 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 34008 24 6 46080 5760 ≥ 15
10-20 45 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 37888 24 7 51840 6480 ≥ 15
10-20 48 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 40576 24 8 55296 6912 ≥ 15
15 - 20 50 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 42368 24 8 57600 7200 ≥ 15
15 - 20 54 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 46888 24 8 62208 7776 ≥ 15
15 - 20 60 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 51024 24 9 69120 8640 ≥ 15
15 - 20 64 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 55056 24 9 73728 9216 ≥ 15
15 - 20 72 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 61664 24 11 82944 10368 ≥ 15
20 75 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 63776 24 11 86400 10800 ≥ 15
20 80 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 68808 24 12 92160 11520 ≥ 15
20 81 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 68808 24 12 93312 11664 ≥ 15
20 90 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 76208 24 13 103680 12960 ≥ 15
20 96 2 7 12 256QAM 3/4 81176 24 14 110592 13824 ≥ 15
Note 1: If more than one Code Block is present, an additional CRC sequence of L = 24 Bits is attached to each Code Block (otherwise L = 0 Bit)
Note 2: As per Table 4.2-2 in TS 36.211 [7]
Note 3: As per Table 4.2-1 in TS 36.211 [7]

A.3 DL reference measurement channels for E-UTRA

A.3.1 General
The number of available channel bits varies across the sub-frames due to PBCH and PSS/SSS overhead. The payload
size per sub-frame is varied in order to keep the code rate constant throughout a frame.

Unless otherwise stated, no user data is scheduled on subframes #5 in order to facilitate the transmission of system
information blocks (SIB).

The algorithm for determining the payload size A is as follows; given a desired coding rate R and radio block allocation

1. Calculate the number of channel bits Nch that can be transmitted during the first transmission of a given sub-

2. Find A such that the resulting coding rate is as close to R as possible, that is,

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 212 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

 0, if C = 1
minR − ( A + 24* ( NCB + 1)) / Nch , whereNCB = 
C, if C > 1,
subject to

a) A is a valid TB size according to section 7.1.7 of TS 36.213 [6] assuming an allocation of NRB resource

b) C is the number of Code Blocks calculated according to section 5.1.2 of TS 36.212 [5].

3. If there is more than one A that minimizes the equation above, then the larger value is chosen per default and the
chosen code rate should not exceed 0.93.

4. For TDD, the measurement channel is based on DL/UL configuration ratio of 3DL+DwPTS (10 OFDM symbol
SSF7): 1UL

A.3.1.1 QPSK
Table A.3.1.1-1: Fixed Reference Channel for Receiver Requirements (TDD)
Parameter Unit Value
Channel Bandwidth MHz 1.4 3 5 10 15 20
Allocated resource blocks 6 15 25 50 75 100
Uplink-Downlink Configuration (Note 5) 2 2 2 2 2 2
Special subframe configuration (Note 6) 7 7 7 7 7 7
Allocated subframes per Radio Frame (D+S) 3 3+2 3+2 3+2 3+2 3+2
Number of HARQ Processes Processes 7 7 7 7 7 7
Maximum number of HARQ transmission 1 1 1 1 1 1
Target coding rate 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3
Information Bit Payload per Sub-Frame Bits
For Sub-Frame 3, 4, 8, 9 408 1320 2216 4392 6712 8760
For Sub-Frame 1, 6 N/A 776 1288 2664 4008 5352
For Sub-Frame 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
For Sub-Frame 0 208 1064 1800 4392 6712 8760
Transport block CRC Bits 24 24 24 24 24 24
Number of Code Blocks per Sub-Frame
(Note 4)
For Sub-Frame 3, 4, 8, 9 1 1 1 1 2 2
For Sub-Frame 1, 6 N/A 1 1 1 1 1
For Sub-Frame 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
For Sub-Frame 0 1 1 1 1 2 2
Binary Channel Bits Per Sub-Frame Bits
For Sub-Frame 3, 4, 8, 9 1368 3780 6300
13800 20700 27600
For Sub-Frame 1, 6 N/A 2616 4456
9056 13656 18256
For Sub-Frame 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
For Sub-Frame 0 672 3084 5604
13104 20004 26904
Max. Throughput averaged over 1 frame kbps 102.4 564 9321965. 3007. 3970.
6 2 4
UE Category ≥ 1 ≥ 1 ≥ 1 ≥ 1 ≥ 1 ≥ 1

Note 1: For normal subframes(0,3,4,5,8,9), 2 symbols allocated to PDCCH for 20 MHz, 15 MHz and 10 MHz
channel BW; 3 symbols allocated to PDCCH for 5 MHz and 3 MHz; 4 symbols allocated to PDCCH
for 1.4 MHz. For special subframe (1&6), only 2 OFDM symbols are allocated to PDCCH for all BWs.
Note 2: For 1.4MHz, no data shall be scheduled on special subframes(1&6) to avoid problems with
insufficient PDCCH performance
Note 3: Reference signal, Synchronization signals and PBCH allocated as per TS 36.211 [7]
Note 4: If more than one Code Block is present, an additional CRC sequence of L = 24 Bits is attached to
each Code Block (otherwise L = 0 Bit).
Note 5: As per Table 4.2-2 in TS 36.211 [7]
Note 6: As per Table 4.2-1 in TS 36.211 [7]

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 213 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

A.3.1.2 64-QAM
Table A.3.1.2-1: Fixed Reference Channel for Maximum input level for UE Categories ≥ 3 (TDD)

Parameter Unit Value

Channel bandwidth MHz 1.4 3 5 10 15 20
Allocated resource blocks 6 15 25 50 75 100
Subcarriers per resource block 12 12 12 12 12 12
Uplink-Downlink Configuration (Note 5) 2 2 2 2 2 2
Special subframe configuration (Note 6) 7 7 7 7 7 7
Allocated subframes per Radio Frame 2 3+2 3+2 3+2 3+2 3+2
Modulation 64QAM 64QAM 64QAM 64QAM 64QAM 64QAM
Target Coding Rate ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
Number of HARQ Processes Processes 7 7 7 7 7 7
Maximum number of HARQ transmissions 1 1 1 1 1 1
Information Bit Payload per Sub-Frame
For Sub-Frames 3, 4, 8, 9 Bits 2984 8504 14112 30576 46888 61664
For Sub-Frames 1,6 Bits N/A 5544 9528 19848 30576 40576
For Sub-Frame 5 Bits N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
For Sub-Frame 0 Bits N/A 6968 12576 30576 45352 61664
Transport block CRC Bits 24 24 24 24 24 24
Number of Code Blocks per Sub-Frame
(Note 4)
For Sub-Frames 3, 4, 8, 9 1 2 3 5 8 11
For Sub-Frames 1,6 N/A 2 2 4 6 8
For Sub-Frame 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
For Sub-Frame 0 N/A 2 3 5 8 11
Binary Channel Bits per Sub-Frame
For Sub-Frames 3, 4, 8, 9 Bits 4104 11340 18900 41400 62100 82800
For Sub-Frames 1,6 N/A 7848 13368 27168 40968 54768
For Sub-Frame 5 Bits N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
For Sub-Frame 0 Bits N/A 9252 16812 39312 60012 80712
Max. Throughput averaged over 1 frame kbps 596.8 3791.2 6369.6 13910 20945 27877
Note 1: For normal subframes(0,3,4,5,8,9), 2 symbols allocated to PDCCH for 20 MHz, 15 MHz and 10 MHz channel
BW; 3 symbols allocated to PDCCH for 5 MHz and 3 MHz; 4 symbols allocated to PDCCH for 1.4 MHz. For
special subframe (1&6), only 2 OFDM symbols are allocated to PDCCH for all BWs.
Note 2: For 1.4MHz, no data shall be scheduled on special subframes(1&6) to avoid problems with insufficient PDCCH
Note 3: Reference signal, Synchronization signals and PBCH allocated as per TS 36.211 [7].
Note 4: If more than one Code Block is present, an additional CRC sequence of L = 24 Bits is attached to each Code
Block (otherwise L = 0 Bit).
Note 5: As per Table 4.2-2 in TS 36.211 [7].
Note 6: As per Table 4.2-1 in TS 36.211 [7]

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 214 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

A.3.1.3 256-QAM
Table A.3.1.3-1: Fixed Reference Channel for Maximum input level for UE Categories 11/12 and UE DL
categories ≥ 11 (TDD)
Parameter Unit Value
Channel bandwidth MHz 1.4 3 5 10 15 20
Allocated resource blocks 6 15 25 50 75 100
Subcarriers per resource block 12 12 12 12 12 12
Uplink-Downlink Configuration (Note 5) 2 2 2 2 2 2
Special subframe configuration (Note 6) 7 7 7 7 7 7
Allocated subframes per Radio Frame 2 3+2 3+2 3+2 3+2 3+2
Modulation 256QAM 256QAM 256QAM 256QAM 256QAM 256QAM
Target Coding Rate 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5
Number of HARQ Processes Processes 7 7 7 7 7 7
Maximum number of HARQ transmissions 1 1 1 1 1 1
Information Bit Payload per Sub-Frame
For Sub-Frames 3,4,8,9 Bits 4392 12216 19848 42368 63776 84760
For Sub-Frames 1,6 Bits N/A 10464 17824 36224 54624 73024
For Sub-Frame 5 Bits N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
For Sub-Frame 0 Bits N/A 9912 17568 42368 63776 84760
Transport block CRC Bits 24 24 24 24 24 24
Number of Code Blocks per Sub-Frame
(Note 4)
For Sub-Frames 3,4,8,9 1 2 4 7 11 14
For Sub-Frames 1,6 N/A 2 3 6 9 13
For Sub-Frame 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
For Sub-Frame 0 N/A 2 3 7 11 14
Binary Channel Bits per Sub-Frame
For Sub-Frames 3,4,8,9 Bits 5472 15120 25200 55200 82800 110400
For Sub-Frames 1,6 N/A 8248 13536 27376 40576 55056
For Sub-Frame 5 Bits N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
For Sub-Frame 0 Bits N/A 12336 22416 52416 80016 107616
Max. Throughput averaged over 1 frame kbps 878.4 5570.4 9240 20049.6 30144 40503.2
Note 1: For normal subframes(0,3,4,5,8,9), 2 symbols allocated to PDCCH for 20 MHz, 15 MHz and 10 MHz channel
BW; 3 symbols allocated to PDCCH for 5 MHz and 3 MHz; 4 symbols allocated to PDCCH for 1.4 MHz. For
special subframe (1&6), only 2 OFDM symbols are allocated to PDCCH for all BWs.
Note 2: For 1.4MHz, no data shall be scheduled on special subframes(1&6) to avoid problems with insufficient PDCCH
Note 3: Reference signal, Synchronization signals and PBCH allocated as per TS 36.211 [7].
Note 4: If more than one Code Block is present, an additional CRC sequence of L = 24 Bits is attached to each Code
Block (otherwise L = 0 Bit).
Note 5: As per Table 4.2-2 in TS 36.211 [7].
Note 6: As per Table 4.2-1 in TS 36.211 [7]

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 215 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Annex B: Void

Annex C: Void

Annex D: Void

Annex E: Void

Annex F: Void

Annex G: Void

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 216 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Annex H (normative):
Modified MPR behavior

H.1 Indication of modified MPR behavior

This annex contains the definitions of the bits in the field modifiedMPRbehavior indicated in the IE RF-Parameters [7]
by a UE supporting an MPR or A-MPR modified in a later release of this specification. modifiedMPRbehavior is
indicated in [7] by an 8-bit bitmap per NR band.

Table H.1-1: Definitions of the bits in the field modifiedMPRbehavior

NR Band Index of field Definition Notes
(bit number) (description of the supported functionality if indicator
set to one)
n41 0 (leftmost bit) - EN-DC contiguous intraband MPR as defined in - This bit may be set to 1 by
clausue 6.2B.2.1 of 38.101-3 v15.5.0 a UE supporting
1 - EN-DC non-contiguous intraband MPR as defined - This bit may be set to 1 by
in clause 6.2B.2.2 of 38.101-3 v15.5.0 a UE supporting
DC_41A_n41A EN-DC
n71 0 (leftmost bit) - EN-DC contiguous intraband MPR as defined in - This bit may be set to 1 by
clausue 6.2B.2.1 of 38.101-3 v15.5.0 a UE supporting

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 217 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Annex I (normative):
Dual uplink interferer
UE is mandated to support operation in dual uplink mode also in EN-DC configuration for FR1 listed in Table and indicated by column single uplink allowed if the intermodulation products caused by the dual uplink
operation do not interfere own primary downlink transmission channel bandwidth. For intermodulation products falling
into LTE secondary downlink channel bandwidth, UE single UL capability is not considered.

Formula for determining if the EN-DC in NR FR1 configuration with dual uplink operation interferes own downlink

Interference bandwidth: IBW = |a| * CBW1 + |b| * CBW2

- |a| + |b| = 2 (or 3)

- CBW1 and CBW2 are the transmission bandwidth configurations of the UL channels

Center frequency of IBW: fIBW = |a * f1 + b * f2|

- f1 and f2 are center frequency of the transmission bandwidth configurations of each UL channel

The range of IMD 2 (or 3): [fIBW – IBW/2, fIBW + IBW/2]

NOTE 1: UE shall be able to apply operations which are configured by RRC reconfiguration and corresponding
HARQ timing on the transmission bandwidth.

NOTE 2: For identified difficult band combination, during two adjacent RRC reconfiguration, the changing of
transmission bandwidth should not introduce IM2 and IM3, which will result in UE changing from 2Tx to
1Tx. Otherwise, UE behavior is not specified.

For DC_3A_n3A intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC combination, only single switched UL is supported in rel.15.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 218 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Annex J: Void

Annex K: Void

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 219 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Annex L (informative):
Change history

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 220 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Change history
Date Meeting TDoc CR Rev Cat Subject/Comment New
2017-08 RAN4#84 Initial Skeleton 0.0.1
2017-11 RAN4#84 R4-1711980 Number TPs from editors 0.1.0
2017-12 RAN4#85 R4-1713807 Approved TPs in RAN4#85 0.2.0
R4-1714444, CA BW classes, TP, Ericsson
R4-1714170, How to list DC configurations into TS 38.101-3,
R4-1714530, TP on introducing operating bands for NR-LTE DC
including SUL band combinations in 38.101-3 , Qualcomm
R4-1714098, TP to TS 38.101-3: UE RF requirements for non-
standalone SUL, Huawei
R4-1713206, TP on general parts for 38.101-3 NR interwork,
R4-1714443, TP to TS 38.101-3: On dual uplink operation for EN-
DC in NR FR1 and single uplink, Nokia
R4-1714450, TP to 38.101-3: maximum output power and
unwanted emissions for EN-DC, Ericsson
R4-1714346, TP to 38.101-3: REFSENS for intra-band EN-DC,
R4-1714345, TP for TS 36.101-3: clause 7 receiver requirements,

Band list according to R4-1714542, List of bands and band

combinations to be introduced into RAN4 NR core requirements by
December 2017, RAN4 Chairmen
2017-12 RAN4#85 R4-1714571 Further corrections after email review 0.3.0
2017-12 RAN#78 RP-172477 v1.0.0 submitted for plenary approval. Contents same as 0.3.0 1.0.0
2017-12 RAN#78 Approved by plenary – Rel-15 spec under change control 15.0.0
2018-03 RAN#79 RP-180264 0005 F Implementation of endorsed CRs to 38.101-3 15.1.0
Endorsed draft CR
F: R4-1801267, Draft CR on UE RF requirements for SUL in TS
38.101-3, Huawei
B: R4-1801111, Draft CR for completed LTE 1CC + NR 1band for
TS 38.101-3, NTT DOCOMO, INC.
B: R4-1800716, Draft CR for introduction of completed band
combinations from 37.863-03-01 into 38.101-3, Ericsson
B: R4-1800063, Draft CR for completed EN-DC of LTE 4CC + NR
1band for TS 38.101-3, Nokia
B: R4-1800717, Draft CR for introduction of completed band
combinations from 37.865-01-01 into 38.101-3, Ericsson
F: R4-1800049, Modification for TS38.101-3, CATT
F: R4-1800287, 38.101-3 DC_(n)71B draft CR for section -
A-MPR for intra-band EN-DC - NS value, T-Mobile USA Inc.
F: R4-1800288, 38.101-3 DC_(n)71B draft CR for section 7.3.3
Reference sensitivity for DC_(n)71B - MSD values, T-Mobile USA
F: R4-1801139 Draft CR to 38.101-3: MSD for inter-band EN-DC,
2018-06 RAN#80 RP-181374 0013 1 F CR to TS 38.101-3: Implementation of endorsed draft CRs from 15.2.0
RAN4 #87
Missing figures (Figure 6.3B.1.1-1, Figure 6.3B.1.1-2, Figure
6.3B.1.1-3 and Figure 6.3B.1.1-4) from the endorsed draftCR
(R4-1807235) were added during the CR implementation.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 221 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

2018-09 RAN#81 RP-182129 0020 2 F Big CR for 38.101-3 15.3.0

Draft CRs from RAN4#88:

R4-1809960 Draft CR to TS 38.101-3: to introduce new NR
inter-band DC band combinations Samsung,KDDI,SKT,KT,LGU+
R4-1809991 CR to 38.101-3:Corrections on UE coexistence
table for Table 6.5B.3.3.1-1 MediaTek Inc.
R4-1810054 Pcmax for Rel-15 inter-band EN-DC for FR1 and
NR in FR2 InterDigital, Inc.
R4-1810111 Single UL allowed corrections for DC_28A-n51A
EN-DC in 38.101-3 Skyworks Solutions Inc.
R4-1810125 Draft CR to 38.101-3 Single UL allowed
corrections for DC_28A_51A EN-DC Skyworks Solutions Inc.
R4-1810128 Draft CR to 38.101-3 Single UL allowed
corrections for EN-DC operation in NR FR1 (two bands) Skyworks
Solutions Inc.
R4-1810167 TP for TR 37.863-01-01: MSD for DC_5A_n78A
due to the 4th harmonic MediaTek Inc.
R4-1810410 Draft CR to 38.101-3: Corrections on symbols and
abbreviations in section 3 ZTE Corporation
R4-1810417 Correction to DC_(n)71B MSD definition Nokia
R4-1810433 Correction on EN-DC 8A_n79A SoftBank
R4-1810476 Draft CR to TS 38.101-3 correction for DC_3_n3-
n77, DC_3_n3-n78 CHTTL
R4-1810976 Annex lettering change for 38.101-3 Qualcomm
R4-1811461 Clarification and corrections of EN-DC REFSENS
exceptions requirement Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell
R4-1811462 Correction to DC_(n)71B scs restriction for NR
R4-1811466 EN DC_41-79 CATT
R4-1811467 Draft CR TS 38.101-3 Corrections to Single UL
Allowed Criteria for Mid-Band EN-DC in FR1 Skyworks
Solutions Inc.
R4-1811484 Pcmax for inter-band EN-DC FR1 draft CR
InterDigital, Inc.
R4-1811525 Draft CR TS 38.101-3 on missing requirements for
FR1 EN-DC Skyworks Solutions, Inc.
R4-1811542 Draft CR to 38.101-3 on correction on some errors
Huawei, HiSilicon
R4-1811796 Draft CR to 38.101-3 Corrections to Single UL
allowed criteria for EN-DC Skyworks Solutions Inc.
R4-1811800 DRAFT CR for PCmax FR2 correction
Qualcomm Incorporated
R4-1811810 Draft CR TS 38.101-3: Corrections for B41/n41
SPRINT Corporation

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 222 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

2018-12 RAN#82 RP-182359 0030 F Endorced draft CRs from RAN4#88Bis : 15.4.0

R4-1812057, Introduction of Intra-band contiguous EN-DC

bandwidth classes, Nokia
R4-1812290 Draft CR on MSD for EN-DC including Band 66
and n78 Huawei, HiSilicon
R4-1812293 Draft CR on switching time mask for EN-DC
Huawei, HiSilicon
R4-1812298 Draft CR to TS 38.101-3: to add missing
requirements for inter-band CA between FR1 and FR2. Samsung
R4-1812360 Draft CR to 38.101-3: Corrrection to UL
configuration for EN-DC reference sensitivity exceptions Skyworks
Solutions Inc.
R4-1812361 Draft CR to 38.101-3: NR uplink DFT-S-OFDM
waveforms for EN-DC reference sensitivity Skyworks Solutions
R4-1812362 Draft CR to 38.101-3: Editorial and RB allocation
corrections to table 7.3B.2.3.4-2Skyworks Solutions Inc.
R4-1812363 Draft CR to 38.101-3: Single UL allowed operation
corrections in clause 7.3B.2.3.5 Skyworks Solutions Inc.
R4-1812404 Non-contiguous intra-band EN-DC emission
requirements Qualcomm Incorporated
R4-1812410 Correction on REFSENS exception for EN-DC
41A-n77A/n78ASoftBank Corp.
R4-1812670 Correction on REFSENS exceptions of DC_5A-
7A_n78A to TS 38.101-3 LG Uplus
R4-1813471 draftCR on applicability of TDD configuratiin for CA
in TS 38.101-3 Huawei
R4-1813796 Draft CR for 38.101-3: Intra-band Pcmax for Type
2 UEs Sprint Corporation
R4-1813816 Renaming of DC_(n)71B into DC_(n)71AA Nokia
R4-1813817 Correction to EN-DC operating bands and
configurations Nokia
R4-1813818 Draft CR on correction REFSENs exceptions due
to dual uplink operation for inter-band EN-DC to TS 38.101-3
R4-1813822 Draft CR for 38.101-3: Single UL allowed criteria in
Annex I Vodafone España SA
R4-1814157 Draft CR for UE-to-UE coexistence requirements
for intra-band EN-DC in TS38.101-3 LG Electronics France
R4-1814167 Draft CR on Single UL for some EN-DC
combinations Huawei

Endorsed draft CRs from Ran4#89:

R4-1815952 dCR on TS38.101-3 merging draft CRs from
RAN4#(88Bis) Qualcomm IncorporatedR4-1814803 Draft CR
on editorial error for EN-DC band combinations to TS 38.101-3
Huawei, HiSilicon
R4-1815802 draft CR editorial correction in 38.101-3 Ericsson
R4-1814425 Simplification of requirements for EN-DC
configuration including FR2 NTT DOCOMO, INC.
R4-1814512 Draft CR to TS38.101-3_Corrections on MSD
requirments for EN-DC combinations of band 8 and n77
n78(Section 7.3B.2.3.1) ZTE Corporation
R4-1814938 Draft CR to 38.101-3 on operating bands for CA
and DC ZTE Corporation Zhifeng Ma
R4-1814976 Correction for Maximum output power for inter-
band EN-DC (two bands) Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell
R4-1814977 Correction for ?TIB,c for EN-DC Nokia, Nokia
Shanghai Bell
R4-1814978 MPR and A-MPR for interband EN-DC Nokia,
Nokia Shanghai Bell
R4-1814980 Correction for intra-band EN-DC bandwidth class
Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell
R4-1815065 draft CR for adding missing transmit singnal
quality for inter band EN-DC for TS 38.101-3 NTT DOCOMO,
R4-1815811 draft Rel-15 CR to 38.101-3 to correct n260 BW
class Ericsson, AT&T
R4-1815865 Draft CR for 38.101-3 Intra-band EN-DC nominal
carrier spacing for 30 kHz raster SPRINT Corporation
R4-1815973 Draft CR to 38.101-3 rel. 15 to fix MSD issues for
higher order EN-DC combinations
R4-1816227 Draft CR on Power Class for inter band EN-DC
within FR1 OPPO
R4-1816233 Receiver requirements for intra-band EN-DC
Qualcomm Incorporated

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 223 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

R4-1816621 Introduction of maxUplinkDutyCycle to ENDC

R4-1816638 Pcmax computation and evaluation for inter band
ENDC Qualcomm
R4-1816178 Draft CR for correction for missing agreed DC
combinations in Rel-15 for TS 38.101-3 NTT DOCOMO, INC.
R4-1816197 Draft CR to TS38.101-3_Clarifications on MSD
and UL configuration tables for EN-DC ZTE Corporation
R4-1816198 Simplification of EN-DC and CA between FR1 and
FR2 UE to UE co-ex table by adopting CA band approach Nokia,
Nokia Shanghai Bell
R4-1816202 Correction to interband EN-DC OOBE emission
requirements Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell
R4-1816203 Receiver requirements for interband EN-DC Nokia,
Nokia Shanghai Bell
R4-1816207 Draft CR to 38.101-3 rel. 15 to fix MPR issue
Apple GmbH
R4-1816224 Draft CR for 38.101-3 NS_04 applicability for intra-
band EN-DC SPRINT Corporation
R4-1816231 Draft CR on output power dynamic for DC OPPO
R4-1816237 Correction for Intra-band contiguous EN-DC A-
MPR definition Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell
R4-1816246 Draft CR to TS38.101-3: Corrections on TS for
MSD calculations based on ENDC bands combination including of
bands 1,3,8, n77, and n78 MediaTek Inc.
R4-1816247 Draft CR 38-101-3 Corrections for EN-DC Single
Uplink allowed Operation Skyworks Solutions Inc.
R4-1816250 draft CR for adding note about the fallback of EN-
DC in Applicability of minimum requirements for TS 38.101-3
R4-1816608 Draft CR on LTE RMC for TDD EN-DC UE RF
Tests Qualcomm Incorporated
R4-1816613 Draft CR for reducing AMPR for DC_(n)71AA
without Dynamic Power Sharing"
Motorola Mobility, T-Mobile"

2018-12 RAN#82 RP-182773 0033 1 F Completion of configured maximum output power for intra-band 15.4.0
contiguous EN-DC
2018-12 RAN#82 RP-182774 0034 1 F Configured maximum output power for intra-band non-contiguous 15.4.0

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 224 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

2019-03 RAN#83 RP-190403 0035 F CR to TS 38.101-3: Implementation of endorsed draft CRs from 15.5.0

Endorced draft CRs from RAN4#90

R4-1900034, Editorial corrections for 38.101-3, Qualcomm
R4-1900460, Draft CR to TS38.101-3_corrections on MSD, ZTE
R4-1900461, Draft CR to TS38.101-3_inter-band NR DC between
FR1 and FR2, ZTE Corporation
R4-1900524, Draft CR to TS 38.101-3 on inter-band CA & inter-
band EN-DC configurations, ZTE Corporation
R4-1900529, Draft CR to TS 38.101-3 on Single Uplink Allowed for
EN-DC combinations of order 3 or higher, ZTE Corporation
R4-1900726, Editorial corrections to delta Tib for EN-DC, Rohde &
R4-1901359, draft CR for correction for missing operating band for
R4-1901428, draft CR to make editorial corrections in 38-101-3
Rel-15, Ericsson
R4-1901848, Draft CR for 38.101-3: Addition of default power
class, Sprint Corporation
R4-1901850, Draft CR for 38.101-3: Intra-band Pcmax P_EN-
DC_Total for non-DPS UEs, Sprint Corporation
R4-1901851, Draft CR for 38.101-3: Intra-band Pcmax Editorial
corrections, Sprint Corporation
R4-1901874, Guardband for harmonic exception to reference
sensitivity, Qualcomm Incorporated
R4-1901878, Non-simultaneous Tx/Rx for TDD intra-band EN-DC,
Qualcomm Incorporated
R4-1901890, A-MPR for DC_(n)71AA without Dynamic Power
Sharing, Motorola Mobility France S.A.S
R4-1901926, Draft CR to 38.101-3 to clarify ACS2 wanted level,
Qualcomm Incorporated
R4-1901997, draft_CR TS 38.101-3 type 2 UE DC_(n)41 and
DC_41_n41 NS04 AMPR correction, Skyworks Solutions Inc.
R4-1902002, Draft CR to 38.101-3 on DC_n41-41 – B40
coexistence, Qualcomm Incorporated
R4-1902154, Draft CR to TS38.101-3_clean up on inter-band CA
between FR1 and FR2, ZTE Corporation
R4-1902155, Draft CR for TS 38.101-3: Corrections to Table
7.3B. for reference sensitivity exceptions (two bands),
MediaTek Inc.
R4-1902156, draftCR corrections for TS 38.101-3, Huawei
R4-1902157, CR on intraband ENDC channel configurations, Intel
R4-1902160, Draft CR on some errors to TS 38.101-3, Huawei
R4-1902161, CR to 38.101-3 to clarify non-simultaneous RXTX
capability for co-bands, Qualcomm Incorporated
R4-1902163, Draft CR to 38.101-3 to clarify DL carrier levels for
bands in close frequency proximity, Qualcomm Incorporated
R4-1902164, Draft CR to reflect agreed MSD analysis of DC_25A-
n41A for TS 38.101-3, MediaTek Inc.
R4-1902169, draft CR for inter-band EN-DC Pcmax, Huawei
R4-1902172, Draft CR ACLR for NC intra-band EN-DC, Skyworks
Solutions Inc.
R4-1902176, Draft CR for 38.101-3 modification of requirements
for intra-band non-contiguous EN-DC SEM, Huawei
R4-1902179, draft CR for introduction of Tx IM for Inter-band EN-
DC in TS38.101-3, NTT DOCOMO, INC.
R4-1902182, Clarification for OOBE boundary for intra-band
contiguous and non-contiguous EN-DC, vivo
R4-1902195, draft_CR TS 38.101-3 Footnote correction in Table
7.3B.2.3.1-2, Skyworks Solutions Inc.
R4-1902232, Draft CR on SUL band combinations to TS 38.101-3,
R4-1902478, Addition of power class 2 EN-DC ACLR requirement,
R4-1902481, draftCR on inter-band EN-DC Rx requirement for TS
38.101-3, Huawei
R4-1902486, Draft CR for 38.101-3 modification of requirements
for network signalled value NS_04, Huawei
R4-1902496, Draft CR for TS 38.101-3: Switching time for intra-
band EN-DC upon dual PA UE capability, Huawei
R4-1902500, Draft CR for 38.101-3: adding MPR for intra-band
ENDC,Skyworks Solutions Inc
R4-1902660, Introduction of modified MPR for 38.101-3, Nokia

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 225 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Editorial changes after RAN#83

To align the annex numbering with other specifications (TS
38.101-x series), ‘Modified MPR behavior’ was moved to annex H.

3GPP TS 38.101-3 version 15.5.0 Release 15 226 ETSI TS 138 101-3 V15.5.0 (2019-05)

Document history
V15.2.0 July 2018 Publication

V15.3.0 October 2018 Publication

V15.4.0 April 2019 Publication

V15.5.0 May 2019 Publication


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