VSSC Admnaux 2019e1485801 PDF

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Tender Details

Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801

Tender Date: 26/03/2019


Tender Notice

e-Tenders are invited for the Supply of Items listed below. The Bids areto be prepared and submitted in
specified Templates online, by logginginto the portal https://eprocure.isro.gov.in. Submission of Bids
involvestwo stages to be performed by Vendors - Submission of Bids and OpenAuthorization. The Bids
remain encrypted with the bidder's public key,until the Open Authorization stage. All those Bids where
OpenAuthorization is not given, are automatically disqualified. Such Bids willnot be openable and will
not be considered for further processing. The Vendorsare advised to submit the Bids much before the
Closing Time to avoid lastminute problems.

Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 1

Tender Attachments

Technical Write-up/Drawings

Attachment - I:

Attachment - II:

Attachment - III:

Attachment - IV:

Attachment - V:

Attachment - VI:

Attachment - VII:

Instructions to Tenderers [Form. 21]


Form No. DOS: PM:21



Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 2


1. Quotation/Open Authorization shall be submitted online [only] complying specified schedule with
technical specifications, including pamphlets and catalogues.

2. Proforma Invoice may also be given which should contain the following information:

a) The FOB/FCA value, the C & F value for import by Sea freight / Air freight up to and for air parcel
post up to TRIVANDRUM should be separately indicated.

b) Agency Commission: The amount of commission included in the price and payable to the Indian
Agent of the Contractor shall be paid directly to the Indian Agents by the Purchaser in equivalent Indian
Rupees on the basis of an Invoice from him applying T.T. buying rate of exchange ruling on the date of
placement of the Purchase Order and which shall not be subject to any further exchange variations. This
payment will be released to the Indian Agent after the Customs Clearance and receipt of the goods by

c) The Contractor shall invoice only for the net amount payable to him, after deducting the amount
of Agency Commission included in the invoice which would be paid to the Indian Agents directly by the
Purchaser. However, the Contractor's invoice should separately reflect the amount of commission
payable to his Indian Agent.

d) The earliest delivery period and country of origin of the goods / equipment.

e) The Banker's name along with SWIFT code & IBAN No. and address of the Contractor.

f) The approximate net and gross weight and dimension of packages / cases.

g) Recommended spares for satisfactory operation for a minimum period of one year.

Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 3

h) Details of any technical service, if required for erection, assembly, commissioning and

3. The FOB and C & F prices quoted

should be inclusive of all taxes, levies, duties arising in the tender.

4. The offer should be valid for a minimum period 120 days from the due date of opening of the tender.

5. Samples, if called for, should be sent free of all charges.

6. Late and delayed tenders will not be considered. Quotations by cable must be followed by detailed

7. Offers made by Indian Agents on behalf of their Principals, should be supported by the Proforma
Invoice of their Principals.

8. We are eligible for Customs/Excise duty exemptions as per relevant notifications issued by
Government of India.

9. The authority of person signing the tender, if called for, shall be produced.

10. Instructions / Operation Manual containing all assembly details including wiring diagrams should be
uploaded wherever necessary. All documents / correspondence should be in English language only.
Wherever test etc., are called for in our specification, details of such tests as offered by the tenderer
should be incorporated. He need not describe test methods; but broad details to understand what are
offered and what aren't should be available.

Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 4

11. The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject the lowest or any other offer in whole or part
without assigning any reason.



(a) The term 'Purchaser' shall mean the President of India or his successors of assignees.

(b) The term 'Contractor' shall mean, the person, firm or company with whom or with which the order
for the supply of stores is placed and shall be deemed include the Contractor's Successor's,
representatives, heirs, executors and administrators unless excluded by the Contract.

(c) The terms 'Purchase Order' shall mean, the communication signed on behalf of the Purchaser by an
officer duly authorised intimating the acceptance on behalf of the Purchaser on the terms and
conditions mentioned or referred to in the said communication accepting the Tender or offer of the
Contractor for supply of stores of plant, machinery or part thereof.

(d) The term 'Stores' shall mean, what the Contractor agrees to supply under the Contracts as specified
in the Purchase Order.


Tenders offering firm prices will be preferred. Where a price variation clause is insisted upon by a
tenderer, quotation with a reasonable ceiling should be submitted. Such offers should invariably be
supported by the base price taken into account at the time of tendering and also the formula for any
such variations.

3. It is expressly agreed that the acceptance of the Stores Contracted for is subject to final approval in
writing by the Purchaser whose decision shall be final.

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4. If all or any of the Stores supplied are not as per specification, they may be rejected and suppliers
should either replace or refund the money at the discretion of the Purchaser.

5. (a) Part shipment is not allowed unless specifically agreed to by us.

(b) As far as possible, Stores should be despatched by Indian Flag Vessel / Air India or through any
Agency nominated by us.

6. Adequate packing to prevent damage in transit should be provided, keeping in view the mode of

7. The Contractor will be held responsible for any demurrage / wharfage paid due to non-receipt of
documents in time. Non-negotiable copies of despatch documents should be sent by Air mail
immediately after shipment. Originals should be negotiated, through bank, soon after the despatch but
not later than three days, reckoned from the date of despatch of the goods.

8. Being a Department of Government of India, normal terms of payment are by Sight Draft.

In exceptional cases other terms of payment may be considered by the Purchaser.

9. Insurance, wherever necessary, will be arranged by the Purchaser.

10. Inspection / Test Certificate should be provided for the goods after testing them thoroughly at the
Contractor's works. If any inspection by Lloyds or any other testing agency is considered necessary, it
shall be arranged by the Contractors.

11. The Stores Contracted should be guaranteed for minimum period of 12 months from the date of
acceptance against defective material, design or manufacture. For defects noticed during the guarantee

Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 6

period, replacement / rectification should be arranged free of cost within a responsible period of such
notification. However, permits for export from and re-import into the purchaser's country, shall be

12. Where erection or assembly or commissioning is part of the Contract it should be done immediately
on notification. The Contractor shall be responsible for any loss/damages sustained due to delay in
fulfilling this responsibility.

13. The time for and the date of delivery stipulated in the Purchase Order shall be essence of the
Contract. Delivery must be completed within the date specified therein. If the Contractor fails to make
the delivery of the stores by the due date, the Purchaser may, upon written notice of default to the
Contractor, terminate the Contract in whole or in part. In that event the Purchaser reserves the right to
purchase upon such terms and in such a manner as he may deem appropriate stores similar to that
terminated and the Contractor shall be liable to the Purchaser for any additional cost for such similar
stores and for any loss which the purchaser may sustain on that account provided that the purchase, or
if there is an agreement to purchase, then such an agreement is made, within six months from the date
of such failure.

14. The Contractor shall at all times indemnify the Purchaser against all claims which may be made in
respect of the Stores for infringement of any right protected by Patent, Registration of design or Trade
Mark and shall take all risks of accidents or damage which may cause a failure of the supply from
whatever cause arise and the entire responsibility for the sufficiency of all means used by him for the
fulfilment of the Contract.

15. ARBITRATION: All disputes arising in connection with this Contract shall be finally settled under the
Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more
arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules. The Contract shall be interpreted, construed
and governed by the laws of India.

16. For items having shelf life, those with maximum shelf life should be supplied, if order is placed.

17. SHIPPING MARKS: The marks on the shipping documents such as invoice, bill of lading and on the
packages should be as follows:

Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 7

PURCHASE ORDER NO.: ……………………….

DATE: ……………………


………………..(name of the Centre/Unit)

‚¬Â¦. (address)


PORT OF ENTRY Air freight to ……………./ Sea freight to


18. REPLACEMENT: If the Stores or any portion thereof is damaged or lost during transit, the Purchaser
shall give notice to the Contractor setting forth particulars of such Stores damaged or lost during transit.
The replacement of such Stores shall be effected by the Contractor within a reasonable time to avoid
unnecessary delay in the intended usage of the Stores. The price of replacement items shall be paid by
the Purchaser on the basis of original price quoted in the tender or as reasonably worked out from the
tender. The cost of damages will however be claimed by the Purchaser from the insurance company.
The Import / Customs Clearance permit for the replacement will be provided by the Purchaser.

19. BANK CHARGES: While the Purchaser shall bear the Bank Charges payable to his Bankers, the
Contractor shall bear the Bank Charges payable to his Bankers including the charges towards advising /
amendment commissions.

20. COUNTER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SUPPLIERS: Where counter terms and conditions / printed or
cyclostyled conditions have been offered by the supplier, the same shall not be deemed to have been
accepted by the Purchaser, unless specific written acceptance thereof is obtained.

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Instructions to Tenderers [Form. 22]


Form No. DOS:PM:22




1. Quotation/Open Authorization shall be submitted online [only] complying the specified schedule with
technical specifications, including pamphlets and catalogues.

2. A Proforma Invoicemay also be given which should contain the followinginformation:

a) The FOB/FCA value, the C & F value for import by Sea freight / Air freightup to and for air parcel post
up to Trivandrum should be separately indicated.

b) Agency Commission: The amount of commission included in the price andpayable to the Indian Agent
of the Contractor shall be paid directly to theIndian Agent by the Purchaser in equivalent Indian Rupees
on the basis ofan Invoice from him applying T.T. buying rate of exchange ruling on thedate of placement
of the Purchase Order and which shall not be subject toany further exchange variations. This payment
will be released to theIndian Agent immediately after Customs clearance of the goods in India.

c) The Contractor shall invoice only for the net amount payable to him, afterdeducting the amount of
Agency Commission included in the invoice whichwill be paid to the Indian Agent directly by the
Purchaser. However, theContractor's invoice should separately reflect the amount of
commissionpayable to his Indian Agent.

d) The earliest delivery period and country of origin of the Stores.

Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 9

e) Banker's name, address, telephone/fax Nos. & e-Mail ID of the Contractor.

f) The approximate net and gross weight and dimensions of packages / cases.

g) Recommended spares for satisfactory operation for a minimum period of one year.

h) Details of any technical service, if required for erection, assembly, commissioning and demonstration.

3. The FOB/FCA and C & F prices quoted should be inclusive of all taxes, levies, duties arising in the
tenderer's country.

4. The offer should be valid for a minimum period of 90 days (Single Part Tender) / 180 days (Two Part
Tender) from the due date of opening of the tender.

5. Samples, if called for, should be sent free of all charges.

6. Late and delayed tenders will not be considered. Quotations by cable must be followed by detailed

7. Offers made by Indian Agents on behalf of their Principals, should be supported by the proforma
invoice of their Principals.

8. The details of Import Licence will be furnished in the Purchase Order.

9. The authority of person signing the tender, if called for, shall be produced.

Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 10

10. Instructions / Operation Manual containing all assembly details including wiringdiagrams should be
sent wherever necessary in duplicate. All documents / correspondence should be in English language

11. The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject the lowest or any offer in whole or part without
assigning any reason.

12. It is expressly agreed that the acceptance of the Stores Contracted for is subject to final approval in
writing by the Purchaser.

13. a) Part shipment is not allowed unless specifically agreed to by us.

b) As far as possible stores should be despatched by Indian Flag Vessels / Air India through any Agency
nominated by us.

14. Inspection / Test Certificate should be provided for the goods after testing it thoroughly at the
Contractor's works. If any Inspection by Lloyds or any other testing agency is considered necessary, it
shall be arranged by Contractors.

15. Where erection or assembly or commissioning is a part of the Contract, it should be done
immediately on notification. The Contractor shall be responsible for any loss/damage sustained due to
delay in fulfilling this responsibility.

16. For items having shelf life, those with maximum shelf life should be supplied if order is placed.



Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 11

(a) The term 'Purchaser' shall mean the President of India or his successors or assignees.

(b) The term 'Contractor' shall mean, the person, firm or company with whom or with which the order
for the supply of stores is placed and shall be deemed to include the Contractor's Successors,
representatives, heirs, executors and administrators unless excluded by the Contract.

(c) The term 'Purchase Order' shall mean the communication signed on behalf of the Purchaser by an
officer duly authorised intimating the acceptance on behalf of the Purchaser on the terms and
conditions mentioned or referred to in the said communication accepting the Tender or offer of the
Contractor for supply of stores of plant, machinery or equipment of part thereof.

(d) The term 'Stores' shall mean what the Contractor agrees to supply underthe Contract as specified in
the Purchase Order.


Tenders offering firm prices will be preferred. Where a price variation clause is insisted upon by a
tenderer, quotations with a reasonable ceiling should be submitted. Such offers should invariably be
supported by the base price taken into account at the time of tendering and also the formula for any
such variations.


3.1 Being a Department of the Government of India, the normal terms of payment are by Sight Draft.
However other terms of payment like establishment of Letter of Credit may be considered by the
Purchaser on such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon.

3.2 The Sight Draft / Letter of Credit will be operative on presentation of the undermentioned

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a) Original Bill of Lading / Airway Bill

b) Commercially certified invoices describing the stores delivered, quantity, unit rate and their total
value, in triplicate. The invoice should indicate the discounts, if any, and Agency Commission separately.

c) Packing List showing individual dimensions and weight of packages.

d) Country of Origin Certificate in duplicate.

e) Test Certificate.

f) Declaration by the Seller that the contents in each case are not less than those entered in the invoices
and the quality of the Stores are guaranteed as per the specifications asked for by the Purchaser.

g) Warrantee and guarantee Certificate/s vide Clause 20 hereinbelow


Reference to Import License No. & date and Contract number & date shall beprominently indicated in all
the documents vide para 3.2


Supplier shall bear demurrage charges, if any, incurred by the purchaser due to delayed presentation of
shipping documents as prescribed in para 3.2 to the bankers within a reasonable time (say within 10-12
days) from the date of bill of lading for sea consignments and within 3-4 days from the date of Air Way
Bill for air consignments.

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The time for and the date of delivery stipulated in the Purchase Order shall be deemed to be the
essence of the Contract. Delivery must be completed within the date specified therein.


8.1 The Purchaser's representatives shall also be entitled at all reasonable times during manufacture to
inspect, examine and test on the Contractor's premises the material and workmanship of all stores to be
supplied under this Contract and if part of the said stores is being manufactured on other premises, the
Contractor shall obtain for the purchaser's representative permission to inspect, examine and test as if
the equipment were beingmanufactured on the Contractor's premises. Such inspection, examination
and testing shall not release the Contractor from the obligations under this Contract.

8.2 For tests on the premises of the Contractor or of any of his sub-Contractors, the Contractor shall
provide free of cost assistance, labour, material, electricity, fuel and instruments as may be required or
as may be reasonably needed by the purchaser's representative to carry out the tests efficiently.

8.3 When the stores have passed the specified test, the purchaser's representative shall furnish a
certificate to the effect in writing to the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide copies of the test/s
certificates to the purchaser as may be required.


Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 14

Generally, stores should be despatched through Indian Flagged Vessel / Air India or through any other
Agency nominated by the purchaser. A copy of the invoice and packing list should invariably be kept
inside each of the packages.




Purchase & Stores Officer, Stores, __________________________________,


The mark on the shipping documents such as invoice, bill of lading and on thepackages should be as






.............................. (name of the Centre/Unit)

Destination: ............................ &

Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 15

Port of Entry: .........................


The necessity or otherwise of insurance will be as indicated in the Purchase Order.


14.1 The purchaser may upon written notice of default to the Contractor terminate the Contract in
whole or in part in circumstances detailed hereunder:

a) If in the judgement of the Purchaser the Contractor fails to make delivery of Stores within the time
specified in the Contract/agreement or within the period for which extension has been granted by the
Purchaser to the Contractor.

b) If in the judgment of the Purchaser the Contractor fails to comply with any of the other provisions of
this Contract.

15. In the event the Purchaser terminates the Contract in whole or in part as provided in Clause 14 the
Purchaser reserves the right to Purchase, upon such terms and in such a manner as he may deem
appropriate, stores similar to that terminated and the Contractor shall be liable to the Purchaser for any
additional costs for such similar stores and/or for liquidated damages for delay as defined in Clause 19
until such reasonable time as may be required for the final supply of stores.

15.1 If this Contract is terminated as provided in Clause 14 the Purchaser in additionto any other rights
provided in this Article, may require the Contractor to transfer title and deliver to the Purchaser under
any of the following clauses in the manner and as directed by the Purchaser:

a) Any completed stores.

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b) Such partially completed stores, drawing, information and Contract rights (hereinafter called
manufacturing material) as the Contractor has specifically produced or acquired for the performance of
the Contract as terminated. The Purchaser shall pay to the Contractor the Contract price for completed
stores delivered to and accepted, by the purchaserand for manufacturing material delivered and

15.2 In the event the Purchaser does not terminate the Contract as provided in Clause 14, the
Contractor shall continue the performance of the Contract in which case he shall be liable to the
purchaser for liquidated damages for delay as set out in Clause 19 until the stores are accepted.


If the stores or any portion thereof is damaged or lost during transit, the Purchaser shall give notice to
the Contractor setting forth particulars of such stores damaged or lost during transit. The replacement
of such stores shall be effected by the Contractor within a reasonable time to avoid unnecessary delay in
the intended usage of the Stores. In case the purchaser agrees, the price towards replacement items
shall be paid by the purchaser on the basis of original price quoted in the tender or as reasonably
worked out from thetender.


In the event that any of the stores supplied by the Contractor is found defective in material or
workmanship or otherwise not in conformity with the requirements of the Contract specifications, the
purchaser shall either reject the stores or request the Contractor, in writing, to rectify the same. The
Contractor, on receipt of such notification, shall either rectify or replace the defective stores free of cost
to the purchaser. If the Contractor fails to do so, the purchaser may at his option either

a) replace or rectify such defective stores and recover the extra cost so involved from the Contractor, or

b) terminate the Contract for default as provided under clause 14 above, or

Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 17

c) acquire the defective stores at a reduced price considered equitable under the circumstances. The
provision of this article shall not prejudice the Purchaser's rights under clause 19.


If the completion of supply of stores is delayed due to reason of force majeure such as acts of god, acts
of public enemy, acts of Government, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restriction, strikes, freight
embargoes, etc., the Contractor shall give notice within 15 days to the purchaser in writing of his claim
for an extension of time. The purchaser on receipt of such notice after verification, if necessary, may
agree to extend the Contract delivery date as may be reasonable but without prejudice to other terms
and conditions of the Contract.


If the Contractor fails to deliver the stores within the time specified in the Contract or any extension
thereof, the purchaser shall recover from the Contractor as liquidated damages a sum of one-half of one
percent (0.5 percent) of the Contract price of the undelivered stores for each calendar week of delay.
The total liquidated damages shall not exceed ten percent (10 percent) of the Contract price of the unit
or units so delayed. Stores will be deemed to have been delivered only when all their component parts
are also delivered. If certain components are not delivered in time, the stores will be considered as
delayed until such time as the missing parts are delivered.


a) The Contractor shall guarantee that the stores supplied shall comply fully withthe specifications laid
down for material, workmanship and performance.

b) For a period of twelve months after the acceptance of the stores, if any defectsare discovered therein
or any defects therein are found to have developedunder proper use arising from faulty materials,
design or workmanship, theContractor shall remedy such defects at his own cost provided he is
calledupon to do so within a period of 14 months from the date of acceptancethereof by the Purchaser
who shall state in writing in what respect the storesor any parts thereof are faulty.

Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 18

c) If in the opinion of the purchaser it becomes necessary to replace or renewany defective stores, such
replacements or renewals shall be made by theContractor free of all costs to the purchaser provided the
notice informing theContractor of the defect is given by the purchaser in this regard within the
saidperiod of 14 months from the date of acceptance thereof.

d) Should the Contractor fail to rectify the defects, the purchaser shall have theright to reject or repair
or replace at the cost of the Contractor the whole or anyportion of the defective stores.

e) The decision of the Purchaser, notwithstanding any prior approval oracceptance or inspection thereof
on behalf of the purchaser, as to whether ornot the stores supplied by the Contractor are defective or
any defects hasdeveloped within the said period of 12 months or as to whether the nature ofthe defects
requires renewal or replacement shall be final, conclusive andbinding on the Contractor.

f) To fulfill guarantee conditions outlined in Clause 20 (a) to (e) above, theContractor shall, at the option
of the purchaser, furnish a Bank Guarantee (asprescribed by the purchaser - Bank Guarantee format
enclosed) from a Bankapproved by the purchaser for an amount equivalent to 10% of the value of
theContract along with first shipment documents. On the performance andcompletion of the Contract in
all respects, the Bank Guarantee will be returnedto the Contractor without any interest.

g) All the replacement stores shall also be guaranteed for a period of 12 monthsfrom the date of arrival
of stores at purchaser's site.

h) Even while the 12 months guarantee applies to all stores, in case where agreater period is called for
by our specifications, then such a specification shallapply, and in such cases, the period of 14 months
referred to in Clause 20 (b)and (c) shall be asked for guarantee period plus two months.


The Contractor shall also undertake the supply of additional number of items covered by the order as
considered necessary by the purchaser at a later date, the actual price to be paid shall be mutually
agreed to after negotiations.

Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 19


a) The Contractor wherever applicable shall pack and crate all stores for sea / air shipment as applicable
in a manner suitable for export to a tropical humid climate, in accordance with internationally accepted
export practices and in such a manner so as to protect it from damage and deterioration in transit by
road, rail or sea for space qualified stores. The Contractors shall be held responsible for all damages due
to improper packing.

b) The Contractor shall ensure that each box / unit of shipment is legible and properly marked for
correct identification. The failure to comply with this requirement shall make the Contractor liable for
additional expenses involved.

c) The Contractor shall notify the purchaser of the date of shipment from the port of embarkation as
well as the expected date of arrival of such shipment at the designated port of arrival.

d) The Contractor shall give complete shipment information concerning the weight, size, content of each
packages, etc.

e) Transshipment of equipment shall not be permitted except with the written permission of the

f) Apart from the despatch documents negotiated through Bank, the followingdocuments shall also be
airmailed to the purchaser within 7 days from the date of shipment by sea and within 3 days in case of

a) Commercial Bill of Lading / Air Way Bill / Post parcel Receipt. (Twonon-negotiable copies)

b) Invoice (3 copies)

c) Packing List (3 copies)

d) Test Certificate (3 copies)

e) Certificate of Origin.

Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 20

The Contractor shall also ensure that one copy of the packing list is enclosed in each case.


If at any time any question, dispute or difference whatsoever shall arise between the purchaser and the
Contractor upon or in connection with this Contract, either party may forthwith give to the other notice
in writing of the existence of such question, dispute or difference and the same shall be referred to the
adjudication of two arbitrators, one to be nominated by purchaser, other by a Contractor and in the
event of any difference of opinion, the arbitrators will refer the matter to the umpire. The arbitration
shall beconducted in accordance with the rules and procedure for arbitration of the International
Chamber of Commerce at Paris. The expenses of the arbitrators and umpire shall be paid as may be
determined by them. However, the venue of such arbitration should be in India.


All documents pertaining to the Contract including specification, schedule, notice, correspondence,
operating and maintenance instructions, drawings or any other writings shall be written in English
language. The metric system of measurement shall be used exclusively in the Contract.


The Contractor shall warrant and be deemed to have warranted that all Stores supplied against this
Contract are free and clean of infringement of any patent, copyright or trade mark and shall at all times
indemnify the purchaser against all claims which may be made in respect of stores for infringement of
any right protected by Patent, Registration of design or Trade Mark, and shall take all risk of accident or
damage which may cause a failure of the supply from whatever cause arising and the entire
responsibility for the sufficiency of all the means used by him for the fulfillment of the Contract.


Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 21

Where counter terms and conditions/printed or cyclostyled conditions have been offered by the
supplier, the same shall not be deemed to have been accepted by the purchaser unless specific written
acceptance thereof is obtained.


On each item to be delivered under this Contract, including an item of work in progress in respect of
which payments have been made in accordance with the terms of the Contract, purchaser shall have a
security interest in such items which shall be deemed to be released only at the time when the
applicable deliverable item is finally accepted and delivered to the purchaser in accordance with the
terms of the Contract. Such security interest of the purchaser shall constitute a prior charge as against
any other charge or interest created in respect of such items by any entity.


While the purchaser shall bear the bank charge payable to his Bankers (State Bank of India), the
Contractor shall bear the Bank charges payable to his Bankers including the cheques towards advising
amendment commissions.


The Contractor shall, if required by the purchaser, provide facilities for the practical training of
Purchaser's engineering / technical personnel from India and for their active association on the
manufacturing processes throughout the manufacturing period of the Contract / stores, number of such
personnel to be mutually agreed upon.


The Contract shall be interpreted, construed and governed by the laws of India.

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Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 23

Bid Templates

Item Specifications

Sl. No Specifications Compliance (Yes /No) Offered Specifications Remarks

1 Specification 1:

2 Specification 2:

3 Specification 3:

4 Specification 4:

Vendor Specificied Terms

Description Vendor Terms

Taxes and other costs, if any

Warranty[Minimum One year required. Mandatory. Otherwise offer

will not be considered for evaluation]

Delivery Terms[Normal delivery terms - FOR Destination (for

Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 24

Indigenous cases) & FOB/ FCA or Ex-works (for Import cases).

Delivery Period[Clause 8 applicable]

Payment : Within 30 days after receipt and acceptance for indigenous/

Sight Draft for import cases]. However 10% payment will be released
after submission of PBG as per clause 7.

Validity:Minimum 90 days [for Single Part Tender]/180 days [for Two

Part Tender]. [Mandatory. Otherwise offer will not be consider for

Any other terms

Supporting Documents from Vendor

Attachment - I:

Attachment - II:

Attachment - III:

Attachment - IV:

Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 25

Attachment - V:

Vendor Specificied Terms [AVN]

Description Vendor Terms

Taxes and other costs, if any

Warranty [Minimum One year required. Mandatory. Otherwise offer

will not be considered for evaluation]

Delivery Terms [Normal delivery terms - FOR Destination (for

Indigenous cases) & FOB/ FCA or Ex-works (for Import cases).

Delivery Period [Clause 8 applicable]

Payment [Within 30 days after receipt and acceptance for indigenous/

Sight Draft for import cases]. However 10% payment will be released
after submission of PBG as per clause 7.

Quote Validity: Minimum 90 days [for Single Part Tender]/180 days

[for Two Part Tender]. [Mandatory. Otherwise offer will not be
consider for evaluation]

10% Performance Bank Guarantee during the warranty period will be

provided. [Mandatory. Otherwise offer will not be considered for

L/D clause @ 0.5% subject to maximum 10% of the order value is

applicable beyond the promised delivery schedule. [Mandatory.
Otherwise offer will not be considered for evaluation]

Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 26

Security Deposit: Security deposit shall be submitted for 10% of the
order value for satisfactory execution of the purchase order. The
security deposit shall be submitted either by Bank Guarantee or Fixed
Deposit receipt from a scheduled Bank in Non--Judicial Stamp Paper (
Rs. 200/-) valid for a period of 60 days beyond the date of the delivery
period executed in the purchase or-der.

Price Bid Form

Item Description Slab Range Qty UOM Currency Unit Price Total Price

PRESSURE - 5 Nos. - - -
based unsteady
transducer. range-
1000 psi, resonant

PRESSURE - 5 Nos. - - -
based unsteady
transducer. range-
5000 psi, resonant

Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 27


PRESSURE - 5 Nos. - - -
based unsteady
transducer. range-
10000 psi,

PRESSURE - 5 Nos. - - -
based unsteady
transducer. range-
200 psi, resonant

PRESSURE - 5 Nos. - - -
Coaxial low
coaxial plug
plug)Length of

Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 28

ft.Impedance (±2
ohm)50 ohm
plated Copper
covered steel
Shield Type Over

PRESSURE - 5 Nos. - - -
Coaxial low
coaxial plug
plug)Length of
ft.Impedance (±2
ohm)50 ohm
plated Copper
covered steel
Shield Type Over

Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 29


PRESSURE - 5 Nos. - - -
Coaxial low
coaxial plug
plug)Length of
ft.Impedance (±2
ohm)50 ohm
plated Copper
covered steel
Shield Type Over

PRESSURE - 5 Nos. - - -
Coaxial low noise
cable (BNC plug to
to BNC plug) 20ft
Impedance (±2
ohm)50 ohm

Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 30

Material- copper
Shield Type Over

PRESSURE - 5 Nos. - - -
Coaxial low noise
cable (BNC plug to
to BNC plug) 50ft
Impedance (±2
ohm)50 ohm
Material- copper
Shield Type Over

Break-up of other taxes and other costs should be specified in respective narration columns.

Sum of these Break-up values should be specified in respective value columns.

Tender No: VSSC/ADMNAUX/2019E1485801 31

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