La Teoría Literaria Contemporánea.

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La teoría literaria contemporánea (Raman Selden, Peter Widdowson y Peter

Brooker, Ariel, 3era. Ed.)

Teoría lingüística de Roman Jakobson:

Emisor Contexto Receptor

Para la teoría literaria podemos eliminar el contacto:

Emisor Contexto Receptor

Las principales teorías hacen énfasis en un aspecto en particular:

Romántica Marxista Teoría de la recepción
Humanística Formalista

Antologías de teoría literaria:

-Peter Brooker y Peter Widdowson: A practical reader in contemporary literary
theory (1996)

-Robert Davis y Ronald Schleifer: Contemporary literary criticism: literary and

cultural estudies: 1990 to the present (1994)

-Lambropoulos y Miller: Twentieth century literary theory: an introductory anthology


-David Lodge: Twentieth century literary criticism (1972)

-David Lodge: Modern criticism: a reader (1988)

-K.M. Newton: Twentieth century literary theory (1988)

-Philip Rice y Patricia Waugh: Modern literary theory: a reader (1992)

-Rick Rylance: Debating texts: a reader in twentieth century literary theory and
method (1987)

-Raman Selden: The theory of criticism from Plato to the present: a reader (1988)

-Douglas Tallack: Ciritcal theory: a reader (1995)

-Dennis Walder: Literature in the modern world: critical essays and cocuments

-Andrew Bennet y Nicholas Royle: An introduction to literature, criticism and

theory: key critical concepts (1995)

-Bernard Bergonzi: Exploding english (1991)

-Harold Bloom: The western canon (1995)

-Ralph Cohen: The future of literary theory (1989)

-Terry Eagleton: Literary theory: and introduction (1983)

-Steven Earnshaw: The direction of literary theory (1996)

-Antony Easthope: Literary into cultural studies (1991)

-Michael Green: English and cultural studies: broadening the context (1987)

-Jeremy Hawthorn: Unlocking the text: fundamental issues in literary theory


-Ann Jefferson y David Robey: Modern literary theory: a comparative

introduction (1986)

-K.M. Newton: Theory into practice: a reader in modern criticism (1992)

-Patrick Parrinder: The failure of theory: essays on criticism and

contemporary fiction (1987)

-Michael Payne: A dictionary of cultural and critical theory (1996)

-Raman Selden: Practising theory and Reading literatura: an introduction


-Stuart Sim: The A-Z guide to modern literary and cultural theorists (1995)

-Douglas Tallack: Literary theory at work: three texts /1987)

-Peter Washington: Fraud: literary theory and the end of english (1989)
La nueva crítica, el formalismo moral y F.R. Leavis:
-Matthew Arnold: Culture and anarchy
-Wayne C. Booth: The rethoric of fiction (1961)
-Cleanth Brooks: The well-wrought urn: studies in the structure of poetry (1968)
“ “: Understanding poetry: an anthology for gollege students (1938)
“ “: Understanding fiction (1943)
-R.S. Crane: Critics and criticism: ancient and modern (1957)
-T.S. Eliot: Notes towards the definition of culture (1948)
-William Empson: Seven types of ambiguity (1961)
-F.R. Leavis: New bearings in poetry (1932)

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