My Petersburg
My Petersburg
My Petersburg
E♭9 A♭sus2 D♭(add2)
I grew up on the sly in the
Cm7 Fm7 A♭(add4)/G♭ D♭sus2 E♭sus2 A♭sus2
gut ters and the streets of Pe ters burg. Just a kid on the fly
8 D♭(add2) Cm7 Fm7 G♭ D♭
get ting good
at get ting by in Pe ters burg.
I've bar tered for a blan ket, sto len for my bread,
14 F5/D F5/A Fsus/E♭ F/E♭ C5/B♭ F5/C F5/A F5/E F5/D
learned to take my chanc es and use my head. A Rus sian rat is clev er. Clev
17 F5/E F5 Gsus G
er or he ends up dead! Boils down to:
F5/B♭ F5/A B♭5/G A7♯9
there are some who sur vive. Some who don't. Some give up. Some give in.
23 F/5F# B♭5/G B♭5/C
Me, I won't! Black and blue, wel come to my Pe ters burg.
26 Fsus2 F5 B♭sus2 E♭ A♭sus A♭ D♭sus2
E♭7(no3) E♭7sus
A♭5 D♭sus2
Stand ing here, you can see from the
32 Cm7 Fm7 A♭/G♭ E♭7sus A♭5 D♭sus2
spires to the piers of Pe ters burg! I'd be down on that quay
35 Cm7 Fm7 G♭maj7 D♭/G♭ G♭
sell ing sto len sou ve nirs of Pe ters burg!
D♭/G♭ G♭
38 E♭ F5 F5/A F5/B♭ C5
The pal ac es a bove and al ley ways be low.
41 F5/D Fsus/E♭ F/E♭ C5/B♭ F5/C F5/A F5/E F5/D
Fun ny when a cit y is all you know. How e ven when you hate it, some
44 F5/E F5 Gsus G
47 F5/B♭ F5/A B♭5/G A7♯9
learned my stuff in some rough com pa ny! There's the boy grow ing up
50 F5/D B♭5/G B♭5/C
who was me. All I've been, all I'll be.
53 C7sus C C♭sus2 B♭m(no5)
We can do what we're told, we can go where we're led. But I
E♭m7 A♭9(no5) A♭m9(no5) A♭m9(no5)/E♭ D♭sus D♭ E♭5/A♭ E♭5/G
learned from my fa ther to see what's a head. Noth ing here to hold me. No
59 E♭5/A♭ B♭(no5)/A♭ E♭5/G
one that I owe. Fun ny how a boy
can grow.
Fun ny how a cit y tells you when it's time to go!
65 G F5/B♭ F5/A
Boils down to: there are some who have walls yet to climb.
68 B♭5/G A7♯9 F5/D
You and I, on the fly, just in time!
70 Gm(add4) C7sus Am7
But to night, there's a sky and quite a view.
73 C /D D B♭5/G F5/A
Wel come to
F5/B♭ C7sus Fsus2 F5 B♭sus2
my Pe ters burg.
79 E♭6/9 C7sus F