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Defin - N Ver 2
Defin - N Ver 2
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alidade – part of the surveying instrument which consists of a sighting device, with index, and
reading or recording accessories.
altitude – vertical angle between the plane of the horizon and the line to the object which is
observed or defined.
amplitude of vibration (pendulum) – arc passed over by a pendulum in executing one vibration.
azimuth (astronomy) – angle less than 180o between the plane of the celestial meridian and
the vertical plane containing the observed object, reckoned from the direction of the
elevated pole.
angle: complement of – difference between an acute angle and one right angle.
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aphelion – point in an elliptical orbit of a planet or comet remotest from the sun.
azimuth (geodetic) – for the geodesic line from a to b, the angle between the tangent to the
meridian at a and the tangent to the geodesic line at a.
azimuth (grid) – angle in the plane of projection between a straight line and the central
meridian (axis of y) of a plane rectangular coordinate system.
azimuth (magnetic) – at the point of observation, the angle between the vertical plane through
the observe object and the vertical plane in which a freely suspended symmetrically
magnetized needle, influenced by no transient artificial magnetic disturbance, will come to
backsight (leveling) – reading on a rod held on a point whose elevation has been previously
determined, and which is not the closing sight of a level circuit.
backsight (transit traverse) – sight on a previously established survey point, which is not the
closing sight of the traverse.
balancing a survey, compass rule – corrections corresponding to the closing errors in latitude
and departure are distributed according to the proportion: length of line to total length of
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balancing a survey, transit rule – corrections corresponding to the closing errors in latitude and
departure are distributed according though the proportion: latitude and departure of each
line of the traverse to the arithmetical sums of the latitudes and departures of the entire
barometer: mercury – barometer in which atmospheric pressure is balanced against the weight
of a column of mercury.
base line (general) – surveyed line established with more than usual care, to which surveys
are referred for coordination and correlation.
base line (United States public-land surveys) – line extending east and west along the
astronomic parallel passing through the initial point, along which standard township, section,
and quarter-section corners are established.
base line: triangulation – side of one of a series of connected triangles, the length of which is
measured with prescribed accuracy and precision, and from which the lengths of the other
triangle sides are obtained by computation.
bearing: grid – angle in the plane of the projection between a line and a north-south grid line.
bearing: true – horizontal angle between the meridian line an a line on the earth.
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bed (mining) – stratum in the earth’s crust which has been formed in an approximately
horizontal layer. if of rock, it is termed bedrock.
bedrock – stratum of rock in the earth’s crust which has been formed in an approximately
horizontal position.
bench mark – relatively permanent material object, natural or artificial, bearing a marked point
whose elevation above or below an adopted datum is known.
bench mark: first-order – bench mark connected to the datum (usually mean sea level) by
continuous firs-order leveling.
bench mark: second-order – bench mark connected to the datum (usually mean sea level) by
continuous second-order leveling or by a continuous combination of first-order leveling and
second-order leveling.
blunder – a mistake.
cadastral control (United States public-land surveys) – lines established and marked on the
ground by suitable monuments, which are used as starting and closing points in surveys of
the public domain of the United States.
celestial sphere – sphere of indefinitely large (infinite) radius, described around an assumed
center, and upon which positions of celestial bodies are projected along radii passing though
the bodies.
chain – unit of length prescribed by law for the survey of the public lands of the United States.
the chain is equivalent to 66 feet.
chain: Gunter’s – measuring device used in land surveying, composed of 100 metal links
fastened together with rings, the length of the chain being 66 feet. an advantage in
measuring chains is that 20 square chains equals 1 acre.
circuit (leveling) – continuous line of levels, a series of lines of levels, or a combination of lines
or parts of lines of levels, such that a continuous series of measured differences of elevation
extends around the circuit or loop and back to the starting point.
collimation: error of – angle between the line of collimation (line of sight) of a telescope and its
collimation axis.
collimation: line of – line through the second nodal point of the objective (object glass) of a
telescope and the center of the reticle. it is variously called the line of sight, sight line,
pointing line, and aiming line of the instrument.
collimation adjustment – process of bringing the line of collimation of a telescope into close
agreement with the collimation axis. also called adjustment for collimation.
collimation axis – line through the second nodal point of the objective (object glass)
perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the telescope.
collimator – device consisting of a convergent achromatic lens with a mark placed in the plane
of its principal focus, so that rays from the mark through the lens emerge along parallel
conformality – unique property of conformal map projections, in which all small or elementary
figures on the surface of a sphere retain their original forms (shapes) on the map.
contour – imaginary line on the ground, all points of which are at the same elevation above a
specified datum surface.
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control: basic – in general, coordinated and correlated position data forming a framework to
which detail surveys are adjusted.
control station – a point on the ground whose position (horizontal, vertical) is used as a base
for a dependent survey.
control survey – survey which provides positions (horizontal, vertical) of points to which
supplementary surveys are adjusted.
coordinates (general) – linear or angular quantities, or both, which designate the position of a
point in relation to a given reference frame.
coordinates: geocentric (terrestrial) – quantities defining the position of a point on the earth by
means of the angles made by a line from the center of the earth to the point with the planes
of the celestial equator and of a selected initial geodetic meridian.
coordinated (geodetic) – quantities which define the horizontal position of a point on the
spheroid of reference with respect to the planes of the geodetic equator and of a selected
geodetic meridian.
coordinates: geographic – an inclusive term, used to designate both geodetic coordinates and
astronomic coordinates.
coordinates: grid – two distances which fix the position of a point on a grid: the perpendicular
distance to the point from the Axis of Y, termed the abscissa or x coordinate; and the
perpendicular distance from the Axis of X, termed the ordinate or y coordinate.
coordinates: rectangular – coordinates on any system in which the axes of reference intersect
at right angles.
corner – point on a land boundary, at which two or more boundary lines meet.
corner: witness (United States public-land surveys) – monumented survey point near a corner,
established as a reference mark when the corner is so situated as to render its
monumentation or ready use impracticable.
culmination – position of heavenly body when at highest apparent altitude; also, for a heavenly
body which is continually above the horizon, the position of lowest apparent altitude.
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curvature correction (geodesy) – the correction applied in some geodetic work to take account
of the divergence of the surface of the earth (spheroid) from a plane.
curve: degree of – number of degrees of angular measure at the center of a circle subtended
by a chord 100 feet in length.
curve: point of curvature – point in a line survey where a tangent ends and a circular curve
begins. also called point of curve, and P.C.
curve: point of intersection – point where the two tangents of a circular curve meet. also the
vertex of curve, and the P.I.
curve: point of tangency – point in a line survey where a circular curve ends and a tangent
begins. also the point of tangent, and P.T.
curve: spiral – curve of varying radius connecting a circular curve and a tangent, or two circular
curves whose radii are respectively longer and shorter than its own extreme radii. also a
transition curve and an easement curve.
datum – any numerical or geometrical quantity or set of such quantities which may serve as a
reference or base for other quantities.
datum (geodetic) – a datum consisting of 5 quantities: the latitude and the longitude of an initial
point, the azimuth of a line from this point, and two constants necessary to define the
terrestrial spheroid.
datum: Luzon – geodetic datum that was adopted in 1911 and was derived from observations
on the Island of Luzon.
day – measure of time based upon the rotation of the earth on its axis with respect to (1) the
vernal equinox, giving the sidereal day, and (2) the sun, giving the solar day.
day: apparent solar – interval of time from a transit of the sun across a given meridian to its
next successive transit across the same meridian.
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day: mean solar – interval of time from a transit of the mean sun across a given meridian to its
next successive transit across the same meridian.
day: sidereal – interval of time from a transit of the (true) vernal equinox across a given
meridian to its next successive transit across the same meridian.
day: solar – interval of time from the transit of either the sun or the mean sun across a given
meridian to the next successive transit of the same body across the same meridian.
declination (astronomy) – angle at the center of the celestial sphere between the radius
passing through a celestial body and the plane of the celestial equator.
declination: parallel of – small circle on the celestial sphere parallel to the celestial equator.
divergence (leveling) – difference between the numerical values of two runnings over the same
section of a line of levels. divergence and “partial” are practically the same thing.
divergence: accumulated (leveling) – algebraic sum of the divergences or “partials” for the
sections of a line of levels, from the beginning of the line to any section end at which it is
desired to compute the total divergence.
eccentric station – survey point over which an instrument is centered and observations made,
and which is not in the same vertical line with the station which it represents and to which
the observations will be reduced before being combined with observations at other stations.
eccentricity of circle – distance between the center of figure of a graduated circle and its center
of rotation.
eccentricity of ellipse – ratio of the distance between the center and a focus of an ellipse to the
length of its semi-major axis.
ecliptic – great circle of the celestial sphere traced by the plane of the earth’s orbit (path of
center of gravity of earth-moon system).
ecliptic: obliquity of the – acute angle of intersection between the ecliptic and the celestial
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ellipticity of an ellipse – ratio between the difference in length of the semi-axes of an ellipse
and its semi-major axis. the ellipticity of the spheroid, referring to the earth, is called the
flattening of the earth, or its compression, and is also represented by f.
ephemeris – statement presenting positions a related data for a celestial body for given epochs
at uniform intervals of time. also a publication containing such data for a number of celestial
equation: angle – condition equation which expresses the relationship between the sum of the
measured angles of a closed figure and the theoretical value of that sum, the unknowns
being the corrections to the observed directions or angles, depending upon which are used
in the adjustment.
equation: condition – equation which expresses exactly certain relationships that must exist
among related quantities, which are not independent of one another, exist a priori, and are
separate from relationships demanded by observation.
equation: normal – equation derived from observation or condition equations or from correlate
equations, expressing the condition that the sum of the squares of the residuals (or
corrections) resulting from the substitution in the observation or condition equations of
factors obtained from the normal equations either directly or through the correlate equations
shall be a minimum.
equation: side – condition equation which expresses the relationship between the various
sides in a triangulation figure as they may be derived by computation from one another.
equator: astronomic – line on the surface of the earth whose astronomic latitude at every point
is 0o. also the terrestrial equator.
equator: celestial – great circle on the celestial sphere whose plane is perpendicular to the axis
of rotation of the earth.
equator: geodetic – circle on the spheroid midway between its poles of revolution.
equinox: autumnal – point of intersection of the celestial equator and ecliptic, apparently
traversed by the sun in passing from north to south.
equinox: vernal – point of intersection of the celestial equator and the ecliptic, apparently
traversed by the sun in passing from south to north.
equipotential surface (geodesy) – surface having the same potential of gravity at every point.
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error (general) – difference between an observed or calculated value of a quantity and the
ideal or true value of that quantity.
error: instrumental – systematic error arising from imperfect condition of the instrument used.
error: probable – quantity of such size that the probability of the occurrence of an error larger
than that quantity is the same as the probability of the occurrence of an error of lesser
error: systematic – error whose algebraic sign and, to some extent, magnitude bear fixed
relation to some condition or set of conditions.
error of closure – amount by which a value of a quantity obtained by surveying operations fails
to agree with another value of the same quantity held fixed from earlier determinations or
with a theoretical value of the quantity.
error of closure, angles – amount by which the actual sum of a series of angles fails to equal
the theoretically exact value of that sum.
error of closure in azimuth – amount by which two values of the azimuth of a line derived by
different surveys or along different routes, fail to be exactly equal to each other.’
error of closure in leveling – amount by which two values of the elevation of the same bench
mark, derived by different surveys or through different survey routes or by independent
observations, fail to be exactly equal to each other.
error of closure of triangle – amount by which the sum of the three observed angles of a
triangle fails to equal exactly 180o plus the spherical excess of the triangle.
error of closure, traverse – amount by which a value of the position of a traverse station as
obtained by computation through a traverse fails to agree with another value of the same
station as determined by a different set of observations or route of survey.
first-order work (control surveys) – designation given survey work of the highest prescribed
order of precision and accuracy.
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flattening (of the earth) – ratio of the difference between the equatorial and polar radii of the
earth (major and minor semi-axes of the spheroid) and its equatorial radius (major semi-
focus (lens) – point to which rays of light converge after passing through a lens system.
foot plate (leveling) – disk of metal used a s a rod support at a turning point in leveling
foresight (general) – sight on a new survey point, made in connection with its determination; or
a sight on a previously established point, to close a circuit.
geodesic line – line of shortest distance between any two points on any mathematically defined
surface; also geodesic.
geodesy – science which treats mathematically of the figure and size of the earth.
geodetic – signifying basic relationship to the earth in which the curvature of its sea-level
surface is taken in account.
geodetic line – shortest-distance line between any two given points on the surface of the
geoid – figure of the earth considered as a mean sea-level surface extended continuously
through the continents.
geophysics – science of the earth with respect to its structure, composition, and development.
grad (grade) – angle at the center of a circle, subtended by one four-hundredth part of its
graticule – network of lines representing geographic parallels and meridians forming a map
gravitation – in general, the mutual attraction between masses of matter (bodies). in geodesy,
the mutual attraction between the earth and bodies on or near its surface.
gravity – force which tends to pull bodies towards the earth: that is, to give bodies weight.
great circle – line of intersection of the surface of a sphere and any plane which passes
through the center of the sphere.
grid – network comp0oseed of two sets of uniformly spaced straight lines intersecting in right
heliotrope – instrument composed of one or more plane mirrors, so mounted and arranged that
a beam of sunlight may be reflected by it in any desired direction.
horizon – great circle on the celestial sphere whose plane is perpendicular to the direction of
the plumb line.
hour angle – angle between the plane of the hour circle passing through a celestial body and
the plane of the celestial meridian.
hour circle – any great circle on the celestial sphere whose plane is perpendicular to the plane
of the celestial equator.
hypsometry – art of determining, by any method, surface elevations on the earth with reference
to sea level.
interferometer – optical instrument which employs the principle of the interference of light
waves to determine the amount of displacement.
invar – alloy of nickel and steel having a very low coefficient of thermal expansion.
island – body of land extending above and completely surrounded by water at mean high
landmark – monument or material mark or fixed object used to designate the location of a land
boundary on the ground.
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latitude (general) – coordinate distance, linear or angular, from an east-west reference line.
latitude (on a sphere) – angle at the center of a sphere between the plane of the equator and
the line to the point on the surface of the sphere.
latitude: astronomic – angle between the plumb line and the plane of the celestial equator;
defines as the angle between the plane of the horizon and the axis rotation of the earth.
latitude: celestial – arc of a great circle perpendicular to the ecliptic, intercepted between the
ecliptic and the object whose latitude is to be defined.
latitude: geocentric – angle at the center of the earth between the plane of the celestial equator
and a line to a point on the surface of the earth.
latitude: geodetic – angle which the normal to the spheroid at a point makes with the plane of
the geodetic equator.
latitude: geographic – a general term applying alike to astronomic latitudes and geodetic
latitude: parametric (geometric or reduced) – angle at the center of a sphere which is tangent
to the spheroid along the geodetic equator, between the plane of the equator and the radius
to the point intersected on the sphere by a straight line perpendicular to the plane of the
equator and passing though the point on the spheroid whose parametric latitude is defined.
least squares – mathematical method of determining the most probable values of a series of
quantities from a set of observations greater in number than are necessary to determine
those quantities.
level line: duplicate – line of spirit leveling composed of two single lines run over the same
route, but in opposite directions, and using different turning points.
level line: multiple – two or more single lines of spirit leveling run between the same terminal
points, but along different routes.
level line: simultaneous – line of spirit leveling composed of two single lines run over the same
route, both in the same direction, but using different turning points; also simultaneous
double line.
level surface – surface which at every point is perpendicular to the plumb line or the direction
in which gravity acts.
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leveling: first order – spirit leveling conforming to the following criteria: all first-order leveling to
be divided into sections of 1 to 2 kilometers in length; each section to be leveled over in both
forward and backward directions.
leveling: geodetic – spirit leveling of a high order of accuracy, usually extended over large
areas, to furnish accurate vertical control as a basis for the control in the vertical dimension
for all surveying and mapping operations.
leveling: indirect – determining differences of elevation from (1) vertical angles and horizontal
distances, as in trigonometric leveling; (2) comparative elevations derived from values of
atmospheric pressure, as in barometric leveling; and (3) elevations derived from values of
the boiling point of water, as in thermometric leveling.
leveling: second-order – spirit leveling which does not attain the quality of first-order leveling,
the closure in either case not to exceed 8.4 mm times the square root of the length of the
line or section in kilometers.
leveling: spirit – determination of elevations of points with respect to each other, or with respect
to a common datum, by means of an instrument using a spirit level to establish a horizontal
line of sight.
leveling: thermometric – determination of elevations above sea level from observed values of
the boiling point of water.
leveling: third-order – does not attain the quality of second-order leveling; closing errors must
not exceed 12 mm times the square root of the length of the line in kilometers.
leveling instrument: wye (Y) level – leveling instrument having the telescope with attached
spirit level supported in wyes, in which it may be rotated about it longitudinal axis, and from
which it may be lifted and reversed, end for end.
leveling rod (general) – straight rod or bar, designed for use in measuring a vertical distance
between a point on the ground and the line of collimation of a leveling instrument which has
been adjusted to a horizontal position.
line of levels: spur – a line of levels run as a branch from the main line of levels, either for the
purpose of determining the elevations of marks not conveniently reached by the main line of
levels or to connect with tidal bench marks or other previously established bench marks in
obtaining checks on old leveling either at the beginning or end of a line of levels or at
intermediate junctions along the new line of levels.
link – unit of linear measure, one one-hundredth of a chain, and equivalent to 7.92 inches.
long chord – extends from the point of curvature to the point of tangency.
longitude: astronomic – angle between the plane of the celestial meridian and the plane of an
initial meridian, arbitrarily chosen.
longitude: celestial – arc of the ecliptic intercepted between the vernal equinox and the foot of
a great circle perpendicular to the ecliptic and passing though the object whose longitude is
to be defined.
longitude: geodetic – angle between the plane of the geodetic meridian and the plane of an
initial meridian, arbitrarily chosen.
magnetic declination – bearing (reckoned east or west from the north branch of the celestial
meridian plane) of magnetic north as determined by the positive pole of a freely suspended
magnetic needle which is subject to no transient artificial disturbance.
magnetic variation – regular or irregular change with time of magnetic declination, dip, or
map: base – map on which information may bee placed for purposes of comparison or
geographical correlation.
map: cadastral – shows the boundaries of subdivisions of land, usually with the bearings and
lengths thereof and the areas of individual tracts, for purposes of describing and recording
map: compiled – incorporates information collected from various sources, not developed by
surveys made for the special purpose of the map in question.
map: contour – topographic map which portrays relief by means of contour lines.
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map: engineering – shows information that is essential for planning an engineering project or
development and for estimating its cost.
map: hemispherical – one-half of the earth’s surface, bounded by the equator, or by meridians.
map: hypsographical – topographic map on which elevations are referred to a sea-level datum.
map: index – shows the location of collections of related data, whether in the form of other
maps, or statistical tables, or descriptive in character.
map: planimetric – presents the horizontal positions only for the features represented;
distinguished from a topographic map by the omission of relief in measurable form.
map: special purpose – any map designed primarily to meet specific requirements.
map: topographic – presents the horizontal and vertical positions of the features represented;
distinguished from a planimetric map by the addition of relief in measurable form.
map projection: Albers conical equal-area – equal-are map projection of the so-called conical
type, on which geographic meridians are represented by straight lines which meet at a
common point.
map projection: aphylactic – neither a conformal map projection nor an equal-are map
map projection: azimuthal (or zenithal) – the azimuths or directions of all lines radiating from a
central point or pole are the same as the azimuths or directions of the corresponding lines
on the sphere.
map projection: azimuthal equidistant – azimuthal map projection on which straight lines
radiating from the center or pole of projection represent great circles in their true azimuths
from that center, and lengths along those lines are exact scale.
map projection: Bonne – modified equal-area map projection of the so-called conical type,
having lines representing a standard parallel and a central meridian intersecting near the
center of the map.
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map projection: Cassini – conventional map projection constructed by computing the lengths of
arcs along a selected geographic meridian and along a great circle perpendicular to that
meridian, and plotting these as rectangular coordinates on a plane.
map projection: conformal – shape of any small area of the surface mapped is preserved
map projection: conic – produced by projecting the geographic meridians and parallels onto a
cone which is tangent to (or intersects) the surface of a sphere, and then developing the
cone into a plane.
map projection: cylindrical – produced by projecting the geographic meridians and parallels
onto a cylinder which is tangent to (or intersects) the surface of a sphere, and then
developing the cylinder into a plane.
map projection: cylindrical equal-area – cylindrical map projection upon a cylinder tangent to a
sphere, showing the geographic meridians as a family of equal-spaced parallel straight lines
perpendicular to a second family of parallel straight lines which represent the geographic
parallels, and which are so spaced as to produce an equal-area map projection.
map projection: Lambert azimuthal (polar) – Lambert equal-area map projection with the pole
of projection at the pole of the sphere, and the radii of the circles which represent the
geographic parallels corresponding to the chords of those parallels.
map projection: Lambert conformal conic – conformal map projection of the conical type on
which all geographic meridians are represented by straight lines which meet in a common
point outside the limits of the map and the geographic parallels are represented by a series
of arcs of circles having this common point for a center.
map projection: Lambert Zenithal (azimuthal) equal-area – azimuthal map projection having
the pole of the projection at the center of the area mapped.
map projection: Mercator – conformal map projection of the cylindrical type. the equator is
represented by a straight line true to scale; the geographic meridians are represented by
parallel straight lines perpendicular to the line representing the equator; they are spaced
according to their distance apart at the equator.
map projection: orthographic – produced by straight parallel lines through points on the sphere
and perpendicular to the plane of the projection.
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map projection: perspective – produced by straight lines radiating from a selected point and
passing through points on the sphere to the plane of projection; also a geometric projection.
map projection: polyconic – has the central geographic meridian represented by a straight line,
along which the spacing for lines representing the geographic parallel is proportional to the
distances apart of the parallels.
map projection: stereographic – perspective map projection having the point of projection at
the opposite end of the diameter of the sphere from the point of tangency of the plane of
map projection: transverse Mercator – cylindrical type being in principle equivalent to the
regular Mercator map projection turned 90o in azimuth.
map projection: transverse polyconic – turned 90 o in azimuth by substituting for the central
meridian a great circle perpendicular to the geographic meridian to provide a control axis for
the projection, along which axis will lie the centers of the circular arcs representing lines of
tangency of cones with the surface of the sphere.
map scale – relationship which exists between a distance on a map and the corresponding
distance on the earth.
map scale: equivalent – relationship which a small distance on the map bears to the
corresponding distance on the earth, expresses as an equivalence.
map scale: fractional – ratio which any small distance on the map bears to the corresponding
distance on the earth.
map scale: graphic (or bar) – line on a map subdivided and marked with distance which each
of its parts represents on the earth.
mean high water – mean height of all high waters at a particular point or station over a
considerable period of time.
mean low water – mean height of all low waters at a particular point or station over a
considerable period of time.
mean sea level – average height of the sea for all stages of the tide.
meridian (general) – north-south line from which longitudes (or departures) and azimuths are
meridian: astronomic – line on the surface of the earth having the same astronomic longitude
at every point.
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meridian: celestial – hour circle which contains the zenith; vertical circle which contains the
celestial pole.
meridian: geodetic – line on a spheroid which has the same geodetic longitude at every point.
Meridian: Greenwich – astronomic meridian through the center of the transit instrument of the
Observatory of Greenwich, England.
meridian: prime – initial or zero meridian from which other meridians are reckoned.
mile: nautical – length of mile used in ocean navigation; 1.852 meters of 6070.10 ft.
mile: statute – length of mile used in distance measurements on land, and equal to 5280 ft
(1609.35 meters).
monument – any material object or collection of objects which indicates the position on the
ground of a survey station or land corner.
monument (United States public-land survey) – physical structure which marks the location of
a corner or other survey point.
nadir – point where the direction of the plumb line extended below the horizon meets the
celestial sphere.
navigable waters – waters which are used or are susceptible of being used, in their ordinary
condition or after reasonable improvements have been made, as highways for commerce in
the customary means of travel on water.
net (leveling) – series of lines of levels which have been interconnected in such a manner that
closed loops or circuits have been formed.
odometer – revolution counter which is attached to the wheel of a vehicle and registers the
number of turns made by the wheel in traveling over the ground.
orientation – act of establishing correct relationship in direction with reference to the points of
the compass; the state of being in correct relationship in direction with reference to the
points of the compass.
outcrop – exposed portion of a rock stratum or vein at the surface of the earth.
parallax: instrumental – change in the apparent position of an object with respect to the
reference mark (s) of an instrument which is due to imperfect adjustment of the instrument
or to a change in the position of the observer.
parallel: astronomic – line on the surface of the earth which has the same astronomic latitude
at every point.
parallel: geodetic – line on the spheroid which has the same geodetic latitude at every point.
parallel: geographic – line on the earth having the same latitude at every point.
parallel: standard (cartography) parallel of latitude which is used as a control line in the
computation of a map projection.
pendulum – body so suspended as to swing freely to and fro under the influence of gravity and
physiographic form – land form considered with regard to origin, cause, or history.
plane table (surveying) – device for plotting the lines of a survey directly from the observations.
plat (general) – diagram drawn to scale showing all essential data pertaining to the boundaries
and subdivisions of a tract of land, as determined by survey or protraction.
point: turning (leveling) point on which a foresight is taken from one instrument station in a line
of levels and on which a backsight is taken from the next instrument station in the running
and which is established simply for the purpose of allowing the leveling instrument to be
moved forward along the line of levels without a break in the series of measured differences
of elevation.
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Polaris – second-magnitude star, Alpha, in the constellation Ursa Minor (Little Dipper).
position – 1. data which define the location of a point with respect to a reference system. 2.
prescribed setting of the horizontal circle of a direction theodolite to be used for the
observation on the initial station of a series of stations which are to be observed on.
position: geodetic – point on the surface of the earth expressed in terms of geodetic latitude
and geodetic longitude.
position: geographic – point on the surface of the earth expressed in terms of latitude and
longitude, either geodetic or astronomic.
prime vertical – vertical circle perpendicular to the plane of the celestial meridian.
profile – section cut from the surface of the earth by a line moving along a fixed line as a
directrix, and showing the line of intersection with that surface or with some underlying
projection (surveying) – extension of a line beyond the points which determine its character
and position.
protractor: three-arm – full-circle protractor equipped with three arms, the fiducial edges of
which pass through the center of the circle.
refraction: astronomical – refraction by the earth’s atmosphere of light from a source outside
the atmosphere.
refraction: coefficient of – ratio of the refraction angle at the point of observation to the angle at
the center of the earth subtended by the arc connecting the point of observation and
observed point.
refraction: index of – ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of
refraction: terrestrial – refraction by the earth’s atmosphere of light from a terrestrial source.
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refraction angle – portion of an observed zenith distance which is due to the effect of
atmospheric refraction.
refraction of light – change in direction of a ray of light passing obliquely from one medium into
another, its speed in the two media being different.
right ascension – angle between the plane of the hour circle passing through a celestial body
and the plane of the hour circle passing through the vernal equinox.
river crossing (leveling) – carrying a line of levels across a stream or other body of water, when
no suitable bridge is available and the width of the body of water is greater than the
maximum allowable length of sight for the leveling.
sea level – surface of the sea used as a reference for elevation; in surveying and mapping, a
curtailed form of mean sea level.
sea level datum – determination of mean sea level that has been adopted as a standard datum
for heights.
section (leveling) – portion of a line of levels which is recorded and abstracted as a unit.
sector – geometrical figure bounded by an arc and two radii; instrument composed of a
graduated arc equipped with a sighting device.
selenotrope – instrument similar to the heliotrope, but adapted for reflecting moonlight for
signal purposes.
set-up (leveling) – actual physical placing of the leveling instrument over an instrument station.
shore – land which is covered and uncovered by the rise and fall of the normal tide.
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shore line – landside boundary line of the shore; the mean high-water line.
shore of stream – the area between the bank of a stream and its low-water line
side shot – reading or measurement from a survey station to locate a point which is not
intended to be used ass a base for the extension of the survey.
signal: survey – natural or artificial object or structure whose horizontal and sometimes vertical
position is obtained by surveying methods.
solstice – point on the ecliptic midway between (90 o from) the equinoxes.
solstice: summer – point on the ecliptic, north of the equator and midway between (90 o from)
the equinoxes.
solstice: winter – point on the ecliptic, south of the equator and midway between (90 o from) the
spherical excess – amount by which the sum of the three angles of a triangle on a sphere
exceeds 180o.
spheroid – in general, any figure differing but little from a sphere; in geodesy, a mathematical
figure closely approaching the geoid in form and size, and used as a surface of reference for
geodetic surveys.
spheroidal excess – amount by which the sum of the three angles of a triangle on a spheroid
exceeds 180o.
stadia – graduated rod used in the determination of distance by observing the intercept on the
rod subtending a small known angle at the point of observation.
station – definite point on the earth whose location has been determined by surveying
methods; point on a traverse over which an instrument is placed.
stride – distance a pedestrian moves in taking two steps; one stride equals two paces.
surveying: geodetic – branch of the art of surveying in which account is taken of the figure and
size of the earth.
surveying: plane – branch of the art of surveying in which the surface of the earth is considered
a plane surface.
tangent plane – plane that touches a curved surface at one and only one point.
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tape corrections – corrections applied to a distance measured with a tape to eliminate errors
due to the physical condition of the tape, and to the manner in which it is used.
tie – survey connection from a point of known position to a point whose position is desired.
time: apparent solar – measured by the apparent diurnal motion of the (true) sun; also true
solar time and apparent time.
time: equation of – difference in hour angle between apparent solar time and mean solar time.
Time: Greenwich Civil – mean solar time for the Greenwich Meridian, counted from midnight.
time: mean solar – measured by the diurnal motion of a fictitious body, called the mean sun,
which is supposed to move uniformly in the celestial equator, completing the circuit in one
tropical year; also mean time.
time: sidereal – measured by the apparent diurnal rotation of the (true) vernal equinox.
time: standard – mean solar time for a selected meridian adopted for use throughout a belt
traverse: open – survey traverse which starts from a station of known or adopted position, but
does not end upon such a station.
tribrach – three-arm base of a surveying instrument which carries the foot-screws used in
leveling the instrument.
unit: absolute – unit in a system that is based directly upon associated fundamental units of
lengths, mass, and time.
vertical plane – any plane passing through a point on the earth and containing the zenith (and
nadir) of that point.
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weight (surveying) – relative reliability (or worth) of a quantity as compared with other values of
the same quantity.
weighted mean – value obtained by multiplying each of a series of values by its assigned
weight, and dividing the sum of those products by the sum of the weights.
zenith – point where the direction of the plumb line produced above the horizon meets the
celestial sphere.
zenith distance – vertical angle between the zenith and the object which is observed or
defined; complement of the altitude.
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