The document contains a MAPEH quiz with questions testing knowledge in various subjects like Music, Arts, PE, and Health. In the Music section, students are asked to match musical terms to their definitions. The Arts section contains multiple choice questions about advantages of digital printing. For PE, students answer true/false questions about skills in Chinese garter. Finally, the Health portion is a matching activity connecting pollution and environmental health terms to their descriptions.
The document contains a MAPEH quiz with questions testing knowledge in various subjects like Music, Arts, PE, and Health. In the Music section, students are asked to match musical terms to their definitions. The Arts section contains multiple choice questions about advantages of digital printing. For PE, students answer true/false questions about skills in Chinese garter. Finally, the Health portion is a matching activity connecting pollution and environmental health terms to their descriptions.
The document contains a MAPEH quiz with questions testing knowledge in various subjects like Music, Arts, PE, and Health. In the Music section, students are asked to match musical terms to their definitions. The Arts section contains multiple choice questions about advantages of digital printing. For PE, students answer true/false questions about skills in Chinese garter. Finally, the Health portion is a matching activity connecting pollution and environmental health terms to their descriptions.
The document contains a MAPEH quiz with questions testing knowledge in various subjects like Music, Arts, PE, and Health. In the Music section, students are asked to match musical terms to their definitions. The Arts section contains multiple choice questions about advantages of digital printing. For PE, students answer true/false questions about skills in Chinese garter. Finally, the Health portion is a matching activity connecting pollution and environmental health terms to their descriptions.
___1. These are musical notes arranged horizontally. A. KEY SIGNATURE
___2. It is the distance between two given notes. B. MELODIC INTERVAL ___3.These are musical notes arrange vertically. C. HARMONIC INTERVAL ___4. It refers to the pleasing, recognizable succession of notes D. INTERVAL ___5. Written at the beginning of the staff E. MELODY II. DO-RE-MI-FA-SOL-LA-TI-DO Hand signals 6. __________ 8. __________ 10. __________ 7. __________ 9. __________ ARTS: I. Which of the following are belong to the advantages of digital printing? Write down your answer at the numbers below A. Using computers in painting can easily be corrected. G. Work is done with messy environment. B. Work is done in an organized ways H. Art work can be saved easily C. Colors cannot be easily fade I.Work can be transferred in any media D. Art work can be formatted and easily e-mailed. J. Artwork can be filed E. Brushes are never worn-out K. Work is done with no mess environment F. Artwork cannot be retrieved L. Work can be print in any media 1.__________ 5. __________ 9. __________ 2. __________ 6. __________ 10. _________ 3. __________ 7. __________ 4. __________ 8. __________
PE: I. Write if the statement is TRUE or FALSE
___1. In Chinese Garter one of the skills involved is FLEXIBLITY ___6. Level 7- is known as shoulder high ___2. Chinese garter is popular for the Filipino Children ___7. If the leader fails they still have the turns ___3. In Chinese Garter leader is known as Mother or Father ___8. Level 5 is known as chest high ___4. Chinese Garter is about jumping over the garter ___9.Level 1- is known as knee high ___5. Balance is not belong to the skills involved in playing ___10. The “it” will be chosen by doing “Jack en Chinese Garter Poy”
HEALTH: Match the following terms
A B ____1. Contamination of AIR A. POLLUTION ____2. Contamination of WATER B. COMMUNITY ____3. Misuse of SOIL C. AIR POLLUTION ____4.Excessive SOUNDS that cause hearing loss D. COMMUNITY HEALTH ____5. Group of people who share an environment E. NOISE POLLUTION ____6. The status of health in a community F. LAND POLLUTION ____7. Introduction of contaminants into the natural environment G. WATER POLLUTION ____8. Using of materials for the same purpose H. REUSE ____9. Type of waste that cannot break down or degrade for many years I. BIODEGRADABLE ____10. Type of waste, typically originating from plant or animal sources J. NON-BIODEGRADABLE