Intake Structures

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Collection & Conveyance of Water

Collection & Conveyance of Water

• Collection and conveyance of water: Types of intake
structure, design of intake structure, estimation of fluid flows,
engineering requirements of conduits with respect to their
performance, types of conveyance system, hydraulic design of
conveyance conduits, various materials of pipes,
appurtenances, and issues associated with conveyance of
• Pumps for lifting of water: Types of pumps, selection of
pumps, design of pumping main for conveyance of water,
economical diameter of pumping main, pumping station
Intake Structures
• In any water supply project the first step is to
select the source of water from which water is
drawn. The device Installed for the purpose of
drawing water from the source of water are called
Intake Structures
Intake Structure
• The basic function of intake structure is to help in safely
withdrawing water from the source and then to discharge this
water in to the withdrawal conduit, through which it reaches
the water treatment plant.
• It is constructed at the entrance of the withdrawal conduit and
thereby protecting it from being damaged/clogged by ice,debris.
• Some times from reservoirs where gravity flow is possible,
water is directly transmitted to the treatment through intake
• If gravity flow is not possible, water entering intake structure
is lifted by pumps and taken to the treatment plant.
Intake Structure
Intake Structure
Selecting Location Of Intake
• Site should be near the treatment plant to reduce conveyance
• Intake must be located in the purer zone of the source so that
best quality water is withdrawn from source to reduce the load on
the treatment plant.
• Intake must never be located in the vicinity of waste water
disposal point.
• Intake must never be located near the navigation channels so as
to reduce chances of pollution due to waste discharge from ships.
• The site should be such as to permit greater withdrawal of
water, if required in future.
Selecting Location Of Intake Structure
Selecting Location Of Intake Structure
• Intake must be located at a place from where it can draw
water even during the driest period of the year.

• The intake site should remain easily accessible during

floods and should not get flooded.

• In meandering rivers, the intakes should not be located on

curves or atleast on sharp curves.
Selecting Location Of Intake Structure
Intakes for Collecting Surface
Types of Intakes
According to type of source
• River Intake
• Canal Intake
• Reservoir Intake
• Lake Intake
According to position of Intake
• Submerged Intake
• Exposed Intake
According to presence of water in the tower
• Wet Intake
• Dry Intake
Intakes for Collecting Surface Water
According to position of Intake
• (a) Submerged Intake
• (b) Exposed Intake
• The submerged Intake structures are those which are
constructed entirely under water. They are less expensive to
construct but are difficult to maintain. Such intakes are commonly
used to obtain water from lakes
• The Exposed intakes is in the form of well or tower constructed
near the bank of river or in some cases even away from the
bank of river. They are more common due to ease in operation and
Intakes for Collecting Surface
According to presence of Water in the tower
Wet Intake
Dry Intake
A Wet intake is that type of the Intake tower in which the
water level is practically the same as the water level of the
source of supply. Such Intakes are also called as Jack Well
and is most commonly Used
In Dry Intake There is no water in the intake tower. Water
enters through entry port directly in to conveyance pipes. The dry
Intake tower is simply used for the operation of valves.
Simple Lake Submerged Intakes
• It consists of a simple concrete block or a rock filled timber
crib supporting the starting end of the withdrawal pipe.
• The intake opening is generally covered by screen so as to
prevent the entry of debris, ice etc.. in to the withdrawal
• In lakes, where silt tends to settle down , the intake opening is
generally kept at about 2 to 2.5m above the lake bed level to
avoid entry of silt.
• They are cheap & do not obstruct navigation
• They are widely used for small water supply projects drawing
water from streams or lakes having a little change in water level
through out year.
Simple Submerged
Rock Filled Timber Crib -Submerged
Intakes for Collecting Surface
River Intake
A River Intake is located on the upstream side of the city to get
comparatively better quality of water. They are either located
sufficiently inside the river so that necessary demand of water
can be met in all the seasons of the year.
The intake tower permits the entry of water through several entry
ports located at various levels to cope with fluctuations in the water
levels during different seasons.
This are also called as penstocks. The penstocks are covered with
suitable design screens to prevent entry of floating impurities.
Intake Towers
• They are widely used on large water supply projects drawing water
from rivers or reservoirs having large change in water level.

• Gate controlled openings called Ports are provided at various levels in

these concrete towers to regulate the flow.

• If the entry ports are submerged at all levels, there is no problem of

any clogging or damage by ice or debris etc..

• There are two major types of intake towers:

(a) Wet intake towers
(b) Dry intake towers
Wet Intake Towers
• It consist of a concrete circular shell filled with water up to the
reservoir level and has a vertical inside shaft which is connected
to the withdrawal pipe.
• The withdrawal pipe may lie over the bed of the rivers or may
be in the form of tunnels below the river bed.
• Openings are made in to the outer concrete shell as well as, in
to the inside shaft.
• Gates are usually placed on the shaft, so as to control the flow
of water in to the shaft and the withdrawal conduit.
• The water coming out of the withdrawal pipe may be taken to
pump house for lift (if treatment plant is at high elevation) or may
be directly taken to treatment plant (at lower elevation).
Wet Intake Towers
Dry Intake Towers
• The water is directly drawn in to the withdrawal conduit
through the gated entry ports.
• It has no water inside the tower if its gates are closed.
• When the entry ports are closed, a dry intake tower will be
subjected to additional buoyant forces.
• Hence it must be of heavier construction than wet intake
• They are useful since water can be withdrawn from any
selected level of the reservoir by opening the port at that level.
Dry Intake Towers
• There are two types of intakes as under
• (i) Dry Intake Tower
• In dry intake tower the entry ports are directly connected with
the withdrawal conduit and water inside the tower when gates
are in a closed position. Dry Intake tower has a merit that
the intake tower being dry is made accessible for
inspection and operation besides that the water can be
withdrawn from any level by opening the port at that level.
• However, dry intake tower is massive in structure, than wet
intake to withstand additional buoyant forces to which it is
subjected when the port gates are closed.
Dry Intake Tower
Dry Intake Tower
Dry Intake Tower
Wet Intake Tower
• A wet intake tower has entry ports at various levels and the
vertical shaft is filled with water up to reservoir level. It
differs from the dry intake tower is that the water enters from the
ports into the tower and then into the withdrawal conduict
through separate gated openings. As such it consists of a
circular shell made of concrete filled with water up to
reservoir level, housing another inside shaft directly
connected to the withdrawal conduit. It is less costly to
construct and is usually not subjected to flotation and certain
other stress may not be the consideration.
Wet Intake Tower
Trash Racks
• Trash rack is defined as a screen or grating provided at the
entrance of intake to prevent entry of debris. Trash racks
usually consists of trash sections 1.5 to 2 m wide and not too
long for handling, made up of mild steel flats on edge 5 to 15
cm. Coarse trash racks are provided near the ports to
prevent large drift, such as cakes of ice, roots, trees and
timber from being drawn into the intake.
Trash Racks
• In some part of the intake fine trash racks are provided to
protect the machine & machine parts through which water
flows. In cold region, trash racks is often clogged with fragile
ice. Electrical heating for small trash racks are provided to
prevent ice formation on the racks.
• The floating debris accumulated, as are denied entry into
the intake, are removed with the help of power driven rack-
Trash Racks
River Intake Structures

• They are generally constructed for withdrawing water from

almost all rivers.

• They can be classified in to two types

(1) Twin well type of intake structure
(2) Single well type of intake structure
Twin Well Type Intakes
• They are constructed on almost all types of rivers, where the river
water hugs the river bank.
• A typical river intake structure consists of 3 components:
(a) An inlet well
(b) An inlet pipe (intake pipe)
(c) A jack well
• Inlet well is usually circular in c/s, made of masonry or concrete.
• Inlet pipe connects inlet well with jack well. It has a min dia of 45cm, laid
at slope of 1 in 200. Flow velocity through it<1.2m/s
• Water entering jack well is lifted by pumps & fed into the rising main
• Jack well should be founded on hard strata having B.C> 450 kN/m2.
Twin Well Type Intakes
Single Well Type Intakes
• No inlet well & inlet pipe in this type of river intake.
• Opening or ports fitted with bar screens are provided in the
jack well itself.
• The sediment entering will usually be less, since clearer
water will enter the off-take channel.
• The silt entering the jack well will partly settle down in the
bottom silt zone of jack well or may be lifted up with the
pumped water since pumps can easily lift sedimented
• The jack well can be periodically cleaned manually, by
stopping the water entry in to the well.
Single Well Type Intakes
Single Well Type Intakes
Canal Intakes
Canal Intakes
• In case of a small town a nearby Irrigation Canal can be used as
the source of water. The Intake Well is generally located in the bank
of the Canal. Since water level is more or less constant there is no
need of providing inlets at different depth. It essentially consist of
concrete or masonry intake chamber or well.
• Since the flow area in the canal is obstructed by the construction
of Intake well, the flow velocity in the canal decreases. So the
canal should be lined on the Upstream & Downstream side of the
intake to prevent erosion of sides and bed of channel
Intakes For Sluice Ways Of Dams
Intakes For Sluice Ways Of Dams
Intakes For Sluice Ways Of Dams
Intakes for Reservoirs
• When the flow in the river is not guaranteed throughout the year,
a dam is constructed across the river to store the water in the
reservoir so formed.
• Reservoir Intakes essentially consists of an Intake tower
constructed on the slope of Dam at such a place where Intake can
draw water in sufficient quantity even in the driest period. Intake
pipes are fixed at different levels, so as to draw water near the surface
in all variations of water levels.
An intake structure constructed at the entrance of
conduit and thereby helping in protecting the
conduit from being damaged or clogged by ice ,
trash, debris, etc.., can vary from a simple Concrete
block supporting the end of the conduit pipe to huge
concrete towers housing intake gates, Screens,
pumps, etc.. and even sometimes, living quarters and
shops for operating personnel.
Lake Intake
• Lake Intake are mostly submerged intake. These Intakes
are constructed in the bed of lake below the low water level
so as to draw water even in dry season. It mainly consist of a
pipe laid in the bed of the lake. One end of the pipe which is
in middle of the lake is fitted with bell mouth opening
covered with a mesh and protected timber or concrete crib.
The water enters in the pipe through the bell mouth opening
and flows under gravity to the bank where it is collected in
a sump well and then pumped to the treatment plant for
necessary treatment.
Submerged Intake
Advantages Intakes
• No Obstruction to navigation
• No danger of floating bodies
• No ice trouble
• The general requirement of an Intake Structure are:
Structural Stability
• The Intake structure is stable to resist water and wave thrust besides
wind pressure when reservoir is empty as also against the shock of
Hydraulic efficiency
• There is smooth entry into the water conductor system to ensure
gradual transformation of static head to conduct velocity so as to involve
hydraulic losses.
Velocity Limitation
• The velocity through trash rack gates and ports is within economic and
safe limits.
Operational efficiency
• The intake and the equipments are such as to prevent/ minimize ice,
floating trash and coarse sediment entering the water conductor system
to ensure good operational efficiency.
• The main components of an irrigation intake structure are
(i) Trash rack and supporting structure
(ii) Bell mouth entrance with transition and rectangular circular opening,
(iii) Gate slot closing devices with air vents.
Trash Rack
Bell Mouth Entrance
Gate slot closing devices with air vents.
Function of Intakes
• Intake structure serve to permit withdrawal of water in the reservoir
over a predetermined range of reservoir levels to the outlet.
• The other functions served by an intake are to support necessary
auxiliary appurtenances such as trashrack, fish screens and bypass
devices, etc.,.
Run-of-River Intakes
• In a run-of-River plants, intake is apparent to power house and draws
water from the river without any appreciable storage upstream of the
diversion structure. Characteristics of river flows., the intake is designed
to withstand high peaks and short duration flood flows and high
sediment loads. The bell mouth entrance is essentially provided with
trash racks.
Run-of-River type Intake
Canal Intake
• It is also a variant of the run-of-river intake, that is provided adjacent to
the diversion weir/ barrages to admit water into the canal. It is designed
to function under low heads and the topography and geology permits
straight reach suitable for it. Sediment excluder is an essential
component of the intake. The crest of the intake is generally raised to
prevent entry of coarse fraction of bed load into the canal.
Canal Intake
Reservoir Type Intakes
• Intake tower classified as Submerged, dry and wet intakes fall in this
(i) Submerged Intake
• An Intake Structure which remains entirely under water during its
operation is termed as submerged intake. It is provided where the
structure serves only as an entrance to the outlet conduct and where
ordinarily cleaning of the trash is not required. The conduct intake may
be inclined, vertical or horizontal in accordingly with the intake
requirements. . An Inclined Intake may be provided with gates and
operated on the upstream slopes of a low dam.
Submerged Intakes
Submerged Intake
Intake tower
• An Intake tower is used to draw water from the reservoir in
which there are huge fluctuations in water level or quality water
is to be drawn at the desirable depth or both. It Consist of an
elaborate exposed or tower like structure rising above
maximum reservoir level and closely located to the dam body
or the bank of the stream so as to be approached by a
connecting bridge of minimum span.
• The Intake tower consist of circular concrete structure
provided with openings or ports for water entry fitted with
trash racks to prevent the entry of debris and ice large enough
to injure the equipment and gates that control the flow through
intakes into the feeding conduct outlet.
• It has a merit that best quality of water available at different
depths at different seasons of the year can be drawn through
port openings at different elevations.
Design of Intake
• An Intake should be designed and constructed on the basis of
following points
• Sufficient factor of safety should be taken so that intake work
can resist external forces caused by heavy waves and currents,
Impact of floating and submerged bodies, ice pressure etc..
• Intake should have sufficient self weight, so that it may not float
by the up trust of water and washed away by the current
• If Intake work is constructed in navigation channels, it should be
protected against the impact of the moving ships by cluster of
pile around
• The foundation of Intake should be taken sufficient deep so that they
may not be undermined and current may not overturn the structure.
Design of Intake
• To avoid the entrance of large and medium objects and
fishes screens should be provided on the Inlet, sides
• The Inlet should be of sufficient size and should allow
required quantity of water.
• The positions of Inlet should be such that they can admit
water in all seasons near the surface where quality of water
is good.
• Number of Inlets should be more so that if any one is
blocked, the water can be drawn from others. The inlets should
be completely submerged so that air may not enter the suction
Canal Intake
Design procedure for Intakes
Canal Intake
• If Population is given and rate of water Supply is given the
discharge required by the city/town can be found
• Q= Population x Rate of Supply
Design of Coarse Screen
• Generally the coarse screens are made of vertical bars of 15
to 20 mm dia and are spaced at 20 to 50 mm Centre to
• Velocity through the screens is assumed to be around 0.15
Canal Intake
Design procedure for Intakes
• Area of Screens= Discharge
Velocity through screens
Q= A x V
Height of the screen is found assuming that the bottom of the
screen is kept 0.15 m above canal bed and also considering
the minimum water level in the canal.
After finding height, length of the screen opening can be found
Length of screen = Area
Canal Intake
Design procedure for Intakes
• Number of bars required can be found after assuming the
diameter and spacing of the bars.
• Total length of screen will be length of opening + length
occupied by bars.
Design of bell mouth entry
• To find the area of bell mouth entry first assume the velocity
through bell mouth generally around 0.3 to 0.35 m/sec. After
getting the area find the dia of bell mouth
Canal Intake
Design Procedure for Intakes
Design of Intake Conduit
• Assume the velocity of flow through conduit, generally 1.0 to
1.5 m/sec
• Find , A= Q
Then Using Hazen William formula, find the head loss and the
slope required, Charts can be used.
River Intake
• First Design the Intake Well. Dia is generally between 4 to 7.5
m. Using discharge find the area and the diameter.
• If rectangular find length and width after finding the length and
width of the screen required.
• Design procedure for coarse screen and outlet conduct is
almost same as canal Intake.
• Design a bell mouth canal intake for a city of 70,000
persons drawing water from a canal which runs
only for 10 hrs. a day with a depth of 1.6 m. Also
calculate the head loss in the intake conduit if the
treatment plant is 0.5 km away. Assume average
consumption per person= 160 l/d. Assume the
velocity through the screens and bell mouth to be
0.15 m/s and 0.3 m/s respectively.
• Discharge required by the city
= 70000 x 160 (Population x rate of supply)
= 11,200,000
11.2 MLD (Million litre per day)
Since the canal only runs for 10 hrs. a day, this whole
daily flow is required to be drain in 10 hrs.
Therefore the Intake load= 11.2 = 1.12 ML/Hour
= 1.12 x 10 6 m3 / hr....
10 3
1.12 x 10 3 m3 /sec
60 x 60
= 0.311 m3 /sec
Design of Coarse Screen
• Area of Coarse Screen = Discharge
Velocity through the screen
Velocity through the screen = 0.15 m /sec
Area of the coarse screen = 0.311 = 2.075 m 2
Assume the minimum water level is 0.3 m below the normal water level.
The bottom of the screen is kept at 0.15 m above the bed level. The top
of screen is kept at minimum level
Therefore available height= 1.6 – 0.3- 0.15
= 1.15 m
Minimum length of the screen= 2.075 = 1.80 m
Canal Intake
Assume the clear opening between vertical bars to be 30 mm each we have
• Number of opening = 1.8 = 60
Therefore no of bars= 59
Assume the dia of bar as 20 mm
Length occupied by the bar of 20 mm = 59 x 0.02
= 1.18 m
Therefore length of screen= 1.8 + 1.18
= 2.98
Say 3 m
Hence provide coarse screen of length 3.0 m and height 1.15 in rectangular
intake well
Canal Intake
Design of Bell Mouth Entry
• Area of Bell mouth entry = Discharge
Velocity through the bell mouth
= 0.311
= 1.037 m 2
Diameter d of the bell mouth entry as
= ∏ d 2 = 1.037
• D={ 4 x 1.037} 1/2

= 1.15 m
If the dia of small holes in the screen is assumed to be 15 mm (10 to 20mm).
Then area of each hole= ∏ x (0.015) 2

= 1.767 x 10 -4
Therefore number of holes on the bell mouth = Area of bell mouth
Area of one hole
= 1.037
1.767 x 10 -4
= 5868.2
Say 5869
Canal Intake
Design of Intake Conduit
• Assume Velocity of flow in the conduit as 1.5 m/sec
• Area of conduit required = Discharge
= 0.311 = 0.2073 m 2
Dia of pipe D will be
∏ D2 = 0.2073
= 0.514
Say 0.55 m
Canal Intake
• Flow velocity through this 0.55 m dia conduit will be
= V = Q = 0.311 = 1.31 m /sec
=∏ x (0.55) 2

assume velocity of 1.5 m /sec

• Head loss through the conduit up-to treatment plant is calculated by using
Hazen William’s eq n
• V= 0.85 CH R 0.23 S 0.54
• Where ,
• CH= Coefficient of the Pipe
• = 130 for Cast Iron Pipe
• R= Hydraulic mean depth
• = d/4 ( for pipe running full)
• = 0.55 = 0.138 m
V= Velocity
S= Slope
• Therefore,
• 1.5 = 0.85 x 130 x (0.138 ) 0.63 S 0.64
• S 0.54 = 150
0.85 x 130 x (0.138) 0.63
= 0.047
S= (0.047) 1 /0.54
= 3.51 x 10 -3
Or 1 in 284.73
S= HL = Head Loss
L Length of Pipe
Length of pipe is equal to the distance of Intake from treatment plants 0.5
km = 500 m
HL= 3.51 x 10 -3 x 500
= 1.755 m
• Design a bell mouth canal Intake for a City of 1,00,000 persons
drawing water from a canal which runs for 10 hrs.. a day with a
depth of 2 m. Also calculate the head loss in the intake conduit
if the treatment works are 1 km away. Draw a neat sketch of
canal Intake. Assume average consumption per person= 150
l/day. Assume the velocity through the screens and bell mouth
to be less than 15 cm/sec and 35 cm/sec
Canal Intake
Discharge through Intake
Daily Discharge= 150 x 1,00,000= 15,000,000 l/day
• Since the canal runs only for 10 hrs. per day.
• Intake Load/hr = 15,000,000 = 15,000,00 lit/hr
= 15,00 m3 /hr....
Q= 1500 = 0.4166 m3 /sec
60 x 60
Area of Coarse Screen I front of Intake
• Area of Screen= 0.4166= 2.777 m 2
Let the area occupied by solid bars by 30 % of the total area
Therefore the actual area= 3.96 m 2
Let us assume minimum water level at 0.3 m below normal water level. Also let us
keep bottom of the screen at 0.15 m above canal bed and top of screen at the
minimum water level.
Available height of screen= 2- 0.3-0.15 = 1.55 m
Required length of screen= 3.96 = 2.55 m
Hence provide a length of 2.6 m
Hence provide a screen of 1.55 x 2.6 m
Design of Bell Mouth Entry
• Area of Bell mouth Ab= 0.4166 = 1.301 m 2
Dia db= { 1.301 x 4}1/2 = 1.65 m
Hence provide a bell mouth of 1.7 m dia
Design of Intake Conduit
• Let us assume a velocity of 1.5 m/sec in the conduit
• Dia of conduit D ={ 0.4166 x 4 } 1/2 = 0.35 m
1.5 x 3.14
However, provide 0.5 m dia, conduit, so that actual velocity of
flow is
V = 0.4166 x 4 = 2.12 m/sec
3.14 x (0.5) 2
For head loss through the conduit
• V= 0.849 C R 0.63 S 0.54
• C= 130
• R= D/4 = 0.5 /4 = 0.125
• Hence Slope S of the energy line,
• 2.12 = 0.849 (130) (0.125) 0.63 S 0.54
• S= 7.533 x 10 -3
• S= HL/L
• HL= S x L= 7.53 m
Canal Intake
Conveyance of Water
• Water is drawn from the sources by Intakes. After it’s
drawing the next problem is to carry it to the treatment plant
which is located usually within city limits. Therefore after
collection, the water is conveyed to the city by mean of
conduits. If the source is at higher elevation than the
treatment plant, the water can flow under gravitational
• For the conveyance of water at such places we can use
open channel, aqueduct or pipe line, Mostly it has been
seen that the water level in the source is at lower elevation
than the treatment plant, In such case water can be conveyed
by means of closed pipes under pressure
Conveyance of Water
Conveyance of Water
• If the source of supply is underground water,
usually there is no problem as, these sources are
mostly in the underground of the city itself. The
water is drawn from the underground sources by means
of tube-wells and pumped to the over-head reservoirs,
from where it is distributed to the town under
gravitational force. Hence at such places there is no
problem of conveyance of water from sources to the
treatment works.
Conveyance of Water
Conveyance of Water
• In case of sources of water supply is river or
reservoir and the town is situated at higher
level, the water will have to be pumped and
conveyed through pressure pipes. If the
source is available at higher level than the town,
it is better to construct the treatment plant
near the source and supply the water to the
town under gravitational forces only,
Conveyance of Water
Conveyance of Water
Open Channels
• These ae occasionally used to convey the water from the
source to the treatment plant. These can be easily and cheaply
constructed by cutting in high grounds and banking in low grounds.
• The channels should be lined properly to prevent the seepage
and contamination of water. As water flows only due to
gravitational forces, a uniform longitudinal slope is given. The
hydraulic gradient line in channels should not exceed the
permissible limit otherwise scouring will start at the bed and
water will become dirty. In channel flow there is always loss of
water by seepage and evaporation,
Open Channels
Conveyance of Water
• Aqueducts is the name given to the closed conduit
constructed with masonry and used for conveying water
from source to the treatment plant or point of distribution.
Aqueduct may be constructed with bricks, stones or reinforced
cement concrete. In olden days rectangular aqueduct were
used, but now a days horse-shoe or circular section are
used. These aqueduct are mostly constructed with cement
concrete The average velocity should be 1 m/sec
Conveyance of Water
• This is also a gravity conduit, in which water flows under
gravitational forces. But sometimes water flows under
pressure and in such cases these are called pressure
tunnels. Grade tunnels are mostly constructed in horse-shoe
cross-section, but pressure tunnel have circular cross-section.
In pressure tunnels the depth of water is generally such
that the weight of overlying material will be sufficient to
check the bursting pressure. Tunnels should be water tight
and there should be no loss of water.
Conveyance of Water
• These are open Channels supported above the
ground over trestles etc.. Flumes are usually used for
conveying water across valleys and minor low lying
areas or over drains and other obstruction coming in the
way. Flumes may be constructed with R.C.C, wood
or metal. The common section are rectangular and
Conveyance of Water
• These are circular conduits, in which water flows under
pressure. Now a days pressure pipes are mostly used at every
places and they have eliminated the use of channels, aqueducts and
tunnels to a large extent. These are made of various materials like
cast Iron, wrought Iron, steel, cement Concrete, asbestos,
cement, timber, etc.. In the town pips are also used for distribution
system. In distribution system pipes of various diameter, having
many connections and branches are used. Water pipe lines
follow the profile of the ground water and the location which is
most economical, causing less pressure in pipes is chosen.
Conveyance of Water
• The cost of pipe line depends on the internal
pressure to bear and the length of pipe line.
Therefore as far as possible the hydraulic line is kept
closer to the pipe line. In the valley or low points a
scour valve is provided to drain the line and removing
accumulated suspended matter. Similarly at high
points air relief valves are provided to remove the
accumulated air. To prevent the bursting of pipes
due to water hammer, surge tanks or stand pipes
are provided at the end of pipes.
Surge Tank or Surge Chamber
Conveyance of Water
Surge Tank or Surge Chamber
Conveyance of Water
The selection of material for the pipes is done on the
following points
• Carrying Capacity of the pipes
• Durability and life of the pipe
• Type of water to be conveyed and its corrosive effect on the
pipe material.
• Availability of funds
• Maintenance cost, repair etc..
• The pipe material which will give the smallest annual cost
or capital cost will be selected, because it will be mostly
Conveyance of Water
Conveyance of Water
Following types of pipes are commonly Used
• Cast Iron Pipes
• Wrought Iron pipes
• Steel Pipes
• Concrete Pipes
• Cement lined Cast Iron Pipes
• Plastic or PVC pipes
• Asbestos cement pipes
• Copper and lead pipes
• Wooden pipes
• Vitrified Clay pipes
Conveyance of Water
• Out of the types mentioned, plastic or PVC and
Asbestos cement pipes, wooden pipes are not
generally used for conveyance of water. They are
used in house drainage or water connection within
individual house.
Cast Iron Pipes
• Cast – Iron Pipes are mostly used in water supply
schemes. They have higher resistant to corrosion,
therefore have long life about 100 years.
• Cast Iron pipes are manufactured in lengths of 2.5 m to 5.5
m. The fittings of these pipes are also manufactured in sand
molds having core boxes. These fittings are also weighed,
coated with coal tar and finally tested. Cast-Iron pipes are
joined together by means of Bell and Spigot, Threaded or
flanged Joints
Cast Iron Pipes
Conveyance of Water
Advantages of CI Pipes
• Ease in jointing the pipes
• Can withstand high Internal pressure
• Have a very long design life. (100 years)
• They are less prone to corrosion.
Conveyance of Water
Dis-advantages of CI Pipes
• They are heavy and difficult to transport
• Length of pipe available as less (2.5 to 5.5m) so more joints
are required for laying the pipes so chances of leakage also
• They are brittle so they break or crack easily.
Conveyance of Water
Wrought Iron Pipes
• Wrought Iron Pipes are manufactured by rolling the flat
plates of the metal to the proper diameter and welding the
edges. If compared with cast Iron, these are more lighter, can
be easily cut, threaded and worked, give neat appearance if
used in the interior works. But it is more costly and less
durable than cast iron pipes. These pipes should be used
only inside the buildings, where they can be protected from
corrosion. Wrought Iron pipes are joined together by couplings
or screwed and socketed joints. To Increase the life of these
pipes sometimes these are galvanized with zinc.
Wrought Iron Pipes
Conveyance of Water
Steel pipes
• The Construction of these pipes is similar to
wrought iron pipes, it is occasionally used from
main lines and at such places where pressure are
high and pipe dia is more. Steel pipes are more
stronger, have very light weight and can withstand high
pressure than cast iron pipes. They are also cheap,
easy to construct and can be easily transported.
Steel pipes
Conveyance of Water
• The disadvantages of these pipes is that they cannot
withstand external load, if partial vacuum is created by
emptying pipe rapidly, the pipe may be collapsed or
distorted. These pipes are much affected by corrosion and are
costly to maintain The life of these pipes is 25 to 50 years,
which is much shorter as compared to cast Iron Pipes Steel
pipes are not used in distribution system, owing to the
difficulty in making connections.
• The joints in steel pipes may be made of welding or
riveting, longitudinal lap joints are made In riveted steel pipes
up to 120 cm dia
Conveyance of Water
Concrete Pipes
• These pipes may be precast or Cast-in-situ plain
concrete pipe may be used at such places where
water does not flow under pressure, these pipes are
jointed with Bel &Spigot Joints. Plain Concrete pipes
are up to 60 cm dia only, above it these are
Concrete Pipes
Conveyance of Water
Advantages of R.C.C Pipes
• Their life is more about 75 years
• They can be easily constructed in the factories or at site
• They have least coefficient of thermal expansion than other
types of pipes . Hence they do not require expansion joints
• Due to their heavy weight, when laid under water, they are
not affected by buoyancy, even when they are empty.
• They are not affected by atmospheric action or ordinary soil
under normal condition.
Conveyance of Water
Disadvantages of R.C.C Pipes
• They are affected by acids, alkalis and salty waters
• Their repairs are very difficult.
• Due to their heavy weight, their transportation and laying cost is
• It is difficult to make connections in them
• Porosity may cause them to leak.
Pipe Joints
• For the facilities in handling, transporting, and placing in
position, pipes are manufactured in small lengths of 2 to 6
meters. These small pieces of pipes are then joined together
after placing in position to make one continuous length of pipe.
• The design of these joints mainly depends on the material
of the pipe, internal water pressure and the condition of the
• The bell and spigot joints, using lead as filling material is
mostly used for cast Iron pipes. For Steel pipes welded,
riveted, flanged or screwed joints my be used.
Various types of Joints which are mostly
used, are as follows
• Spigot and Socket Joints or Bell & Spigot Joints
• Expansion Joints
• Flanged Joints
• Mechanical Joints
• Flexible Joints
• Screwed Joints
• Collar Joints
• A.C. Pipe Joints
Spigot and Socket Joints
• This types of joints is mostly used for cast
iron pipes For the construction of this joint the
spigot or normal end of one pipe is slipped in
socket or bell mouth end of the other pipe
until contact is made at the base of the base
of the bell.
Spigot and Socket Joints
Spigot and Socket Joints
• After this hemp or yarn is wrapped around the spigot
end of the pipe and is tightly filled in the joint by means
of yarning iron up to 5 cm depth. The hemp is tightly
packed to maintain regular annular space and for
preventing jointed material from falling inside the pipe.
After packing of hemp & gasket or joint runner is
clamped against the outer edge of the bell.
Spigot and Socket Joints
• Sometimes wet clay is used to make tight contact
between the runner and the pipe so that hot lead may
not run out of the joint spaces. The molten lead is then
poured into V-shaped opening left in the top by the
clamp joint runner. The space between the hemp yarn
and the clamp runner is removed, the lead which shrink
while cooling, is again tightened by means of chalking
tool and hammer. Now a days in order to reduce the
cost of lead certain patented compounds of
sulphur and other materials and other materials are
filled in these joints.
Expansion Joints
• This joint is used at such places where pipes expand or
contract due to change in atmospheric temperature and thus
checks the setting of thermal stresses in the pipes. In this joints
the socket end is flanged with cast iron follower ring, which can
freely slide on the spigot end or plane end of other pipes. An elastic
rubber gasket is tightly pressed between the annular spaces of
socket by means of bolts. In the beginning while fixing the
follower ring some space is left between the socket base and
the spigot end for the free movement of the pipes under
variation of temperature. In this way when the pipe expands the
socket end moves forward and when the pipe contracts, it moves
backward in the space provided for it. The elastic rubber gasket in
every position keeps the joint water tight.
Expansion Joints
Flanged Joint
• This joint is mostly used for temporary pipe lines, because
the pipe line can be dismantled and again assembled at
other places.
• The pipe in this case has flanges on its both ends, cast,
welded or screwed with the pipe. The two ends of the pipes
which are to be jointed together are brought in perfect level
near one another and after placing of washer or gasket of
rubber, canvas, copper or lead between the two ends of
flanges is very necessary for securing a perfect water-tight
joints. These joint cannot be used at places where it has to
bear vibration of pipes etc..
Flanged Joint
Flexible Joints
• Sometimes this joint is also called Bell & Socket or
Universal Joint. This joint is used at such places where
settlement is likely to occur after the lying of the pipes. This
joint can also be used for laying of pipes on curves, because at
the joint the pipes can be laid at angle. This is a special type of
joint. The socket end is cast in a spherical shape. The spigot
end is plain but has a bead at the other end. For the
assembling of this joints, the spigot end of one pipe is kept
in the spherical end of the other pipe.
Flexible Joints
Flexible Joints
Flexible Joints
• After this the retaining ring is slipped which is
stretched over the bead. Then a rubber gasket is
moved which touches the retainer high. after it split
cast iron gland ring is placed, the outer surface of which
has the same shape as inner surface of socket end.
Over this finally cast iron follower ring is moved and
is fixed to the socket end by means of bolts. It is
very clear that if one pipe is given any deflection the
ball shaped portion will move inside the socket, and
the joint will remain waterproof in all the position.
Flexible Joints
Mechanical Joints
• This type of joints are used for jointing cast Iron, Steel or wrought
Iron pipes, when both the ends of the pipes are plain or spigot.
There are two types of mechanical joints.
• Dressers- Couplings
• It essentially consists of one middle ring, two follower rings and
two rubber gaskets. The two follower rings are connected to-
gather by bolts and when they are tightened, they pass both the
gaskets tightly below the ends of the middle ring. These joints are
very strong and rigid and can withstand vibrations and shocks
up to certain limit. These joints are mostly suitable for carrying
water lines over bridges, where it has to bear vibrations.
Mechanical Joints
Mechanical Joints
Mechanical Joints
Victaulic Joint
• In this type of joints a gasket or leak-proof ring is slipped over
both the ends of the pipes. This gasket is pressed from both the
sides by mean of half iron couplings by bolts. The ends of pipes
are kept sufficient apart to allow for free expansion, contraction
and deflection. This joints can bear shocks, vibrations etc..
and used for cast-iron, steel or wrought iron pipe lines in
exposed places.
Victaulic Joint
Victaulic Joint
Screwed Joints
• The joint is mostly used for connecting small diameter cast
iron, wrought iron and galvanized pipe. The end of the
pipes have threads outside, while socket or couplings has
threads on the inner side. The same socket is screwed on
both the ends of the pipes to join them. For making water tight
joints zinc paint or hemp yarn should be placed in the
threads of the pipes, before screwing socket over it.
Screwed Joints
Collar Joint
• This type of joint is mostly used for joining big diameter
concrete and asbestos cement pipes. The ends of the two
pipes are brought in one level before each other. Then rubber
gasket between steel rings or jute rope socked in cement is
kept in the grove and the collar is placed at the joint so that
it should have same lap on both the pipes. Now 1:1 cement
mortar is filled in the space between the pipes and the collar.
Collar Joint
Joint for A.C. Pipes
• For jointing small diameter A.C. Pipes the two ends of
pipes are butted against each other, then two rubber rings
will be slipped over the pipes and the couplings will be
pushed over the rubber rings. The rubber rings make the joint
Laying of Water Supply Pipes
• Pipes are generally laid below the ground level, but
sometimes when they pass in open areas, they may be laid
over the ground. The pipes are laid in the following way.
• First of all the detailed map of all roads, streets lanes etc.,
is prepared. On this map the proposed pipe line with all sizes
and length will be marked. The position of existing pipe line,
curb lines, sewer lines etc.. will also be marked on it. In
addition to this position of valves and other pipe specials,
stand posts etc.. will also be marked, so that at the time of
laying there should be no difficulty in this connection.
Laying of Water Supply Pipes
• After the general planning, the center line of the pipe line
will be transferred on the ground from the detail plan. The
center line will be marked by means of stalkes driven at 30 m
interval on straight lines. On curves the stalkes will be driven at
7 to 15 m spacing. If the road or streets have curbs, the
distance of center of pipe line fro curb will be marked.
Laying of Water Supply Pipes
• When the center line has marked on the ground the
excavation for the trenches will be started. The width of the
trench will be 30 cm to 45 cm more than the external
diameter of the pipe. At every joint the depth of excavation
will be 15 to 20 cm more for one meter length for easy joining
of the pipes. The pipe lines should be laid more than 90 cm
below the ground so that pipe may not break due to impact
of heavy traffic moving over the ground
Laying of Water Supply Pipes
Laying of Water Supply Pipes
• After the excavation of trenches the pipes are lowered in it. The
pipe laying should start from lower level and proceed towards
higher level with socket end towards higher side. The jointing of
pipes should be done along with the laying of pipes.
• After laying the pipe in position, they are tested for water
leakage and pressure.
• When the pipe line is tested, the back filings of the excavated
material will be done.
• The soil which was excavated is filled in the trenches all around
the pipes and should be well rammed. All the surplus soil will be
disposed off and the site should be cleaned.
Laying of Water Supply Pipes
Laying of Water Supply Pipes
Laying of Water Supply Pipes
Hydrostatic Test
• After laying the new pipe line, jointing & back filling, it is
subjected to the following tests:
• Pressure Tests at a pressure of at least double of maximum
working pressure, pipe joints shall be absolutely water
• Leakage Test (to be conducted after the satisfactory
completion of the pressure test) at a pressure as specified
by the authority for a duration of two hours.
• In this way error in workman ship will be found immediately and
can be rectified. Usually the length to be tested is kept up to
500 m.
Laying of Water Supply Pipes
Hydrostatic Test
Hydrostatic Test
Pumps for Lifting Water
• The function of the pump is to lift the water or any fluid at higher elevation
or higher pressure. In water works pumps are required under the following
• At the source of water to lift the water from rivers, streams, wells etc.. and
to pump it to the treatment works.
• At the treatment plant to lift the water at various units so that it may flow in
them due to the gravitational force only during the treatment of the water.
• For the back washing of filters and increasing their efficiency.
• For pumping chemical solution at treatment plants.
• For filling the elevated distribution reservoirs or overhead tanks
• To increase the pressure in the pipe lines by boosting up the pressure.
• For pumping the treated water directly in the water mains for its
Pumps for Lifting Water
Classification of pumps
• (i) Classification based on principles of operation
• Displacement pump
• Centrifugal pumps
• Air –lift pumps
• Impulse pumps
• (ii) Classification based on type of power required
• Electrical driven pumps
• Gasoline engine pumps
• Steam engine pumps
• Diesel engine pumps
Classification of pumps
• (iii) Classification based on the type of services
• Low lift pumps
• High lift pumps
• Deep-well pumps
• Booster pumps
• Standby pumps
The selection of a particular type of
pumps depend upon the following factors
• Capacity of pumps
• Number of pump units required
• Suction conditions
• Lift (total head)
• Discharge condition, and variation in the load
• Floor space requirement
• Flexibility of operation
• Starting & priming characteristics
• Initial cost and running costs
Displacement Pumps
• In these types of pumps vacuum is created
mechanically by the movable part of the pumps. In
the vacuum first the water is drawn inside the pumps,
which on the return of mechanical part of the pump is
displaced and forced out of the chamber trough the
valve and pipe. The back flow of the water is prevented
by means of suitable valves.
Displacement Pumps
• The following are the two main type of displacement pumps
(i) Reciprocating Pumps
(ii) Rotary Pumps
Displacement Pumps
Reciprocating Pump
• Reciprocating pumps may be of the following types
• Simple hand-operated reciprocating pump
• Power operated deep well reciprocating pump
• Single-acting reciprocating pump
• Double-acting reciprocating pump
Reciprocating Pump
Displacement Pumps
Rotary Pump
(a) Rotary pumps with gear
(b) Rotary pumps with cams
• The revolving blades fit closely in the casing and push the
water by their displacement. The blades revolve in a
downward direction at the Centre and the water is carried
upward around the side of the casing. In this way the water is
pushed through the discharge pipe and partial vacuum is
created on the suction side. The intensity of vacuum mainly
depends on the tightness of the parts.
Rotary Pump
Displacement Pumps
Advantages of Rotary Pumps
• They do not require any priming as they are self-primed.
• The efficiency of these pumps is high at low to moderate
heads up-to discharge of 2000 l/m
• These pumps have no valves, are easy in construction and
maintenance as compared with reciprocating pumps.
• These pumps give steady and constant flow
• These pumps are deployed for the individual building water
supply and for fire protection.
Displacement Pumps
Disadvantages of Rotary Pumps
• The initial cost of these pump is high
• Their maintenance cost is high due to abrasion of their
cams and gears.
• They cannot pump water containing suspended impurities
as the wear and abrasion caused by the impurities will destroy
the seal between the cans and the casing.
Centrifugal Pumps
• These pumps work on the principle of centrifugal
force, therefore, they are called centrifugal pumps.
The water which enters inside the pump is revolved at
high speed by means of impeller and is thrown to the
periphery by the centrifugal force.
Centrifugal Pumps
Centrifugal Pumps
Advantages and Disadvantages of Centrifugal Pumps
• The centrifugal pumps have the following advantages
• Due to compact design, they require very small space.
• They can be fixed to high-speed driving mechanism
• They have rotary motion due to which there is low or no
• They are not damaged due to high pressure
Centrifugal Pumps
Disadvantages of centrifugal pumps
• They require priming
• The rate of flow of water cannot be regulated.
• Any air leak on the suction side will affect the efficiency of
the pump.
• They have high efficiency only for low head and discharge.
• The pump will run back, if it is stopped with the discharge
valve open.
Design of Pumps
• Design of pumps means to find out the capacity of the pump
required to deliver specific quantity of water against specific
• So design of pumps can be divided into two parts
• To find the total head against which the pump has to
• The total power requirement or the capacity of the pump or
the size of the pump required and also deciding the number of
pumps required as well as stand by.
Total Head Or Lift Against Which The
Pump Has To Work
• The total head or total lift against which the pump has to work
includes suction lift (or Head), discharge or delivery lift (or
Head) and total loss of head due to friction, entrance, exit, fitting
etc. in suction and rising main.
• If Hs= Suction lift or Head
• Hd= Delivery or discharge head
• Hl= Total loss of head then,
• The total head against which the pump has to work is given
• H= Hs + Hd + H l
Total Head Or Lift Against Which The
Pump Has To Work
• Suction lift : It is the difference between the lowest water and
the pump
• Discharge lift or delivery Head: It is the difference between
the point of discharge or delivery and the pump.
• Generally only the friction losses is considered for the design as
minor losses are very small if the length of the pipe is greater
Total Head Or Lift Against Which The
Pump Has To Work
Total Head Or Lift Against Which The
Pump Has To Work
• Friction loss can be found out by Darcy Weisbach equation
• Darcy Weisbach Eqn = Hf= 4 f l v2 = f’ l v2
2gd 2g d
Where ,
l= length of pipe
d= dia of pipe
v= velocity of flow
f= coefficient of friction
f’= friction factor Value of friction factor varies between (0.02 to
Power required by the pump or
capacity of pump
• The horse power (H.P.) of the pump can be determined by
calculating the work done by the pump in raising the water up to the
height H.
• Let the pump raise W kg of water to height H meter.
• Then the work done by the pump= W x H (
• = ϒ Q H (m. kg/sec)
• Where, ϒ = Unit Weight of water
• Q= Discharge to be pumped in m3 /sec
• H= Total head in meter
• Water Horse Power (WHP) = ϒ Q H
Power required by the pump or
capacity of pump
• Brake Horse Power (B.H.P) = W.H.P
75 Ƞ
Number of Pumps, size and stand by
• Pumping units at water works are generally not operated at full
capacity for all times. Since the efficiency of pumping unit varies
with the load, it is a usual practice to design a pumping station that
some of the pump units can be operated at full capacity, at all the
time. Hence two, three, or four pumps are installed. The sizes of
these pumps can be fixed by considering the demand, available
• Thus, there will always exist some stand by capacity to take
care of the repairs, breakdowns, etc. Generally 100 % stand-by
by capacity to take care against average demand and 33.33 to 50
% standby capacity against the peak demand is considered
sufficient and may therefore be provided at the pumping
Design of Rising Main

Design of Rising Main

• Rising main is the pipe through which the pumped water is
sent further to the next unit for treatment purpose. Water
flows in this pipe under high pressure and flow is turbulent.
Here the friction loss in the pipe is more due to high
velocity. Pressure pipes are designed such that overall
cost of the project should be lowest possible both from
maintenance and constructional point of view.
Design of Rising Main
Design of Rising Main

Economic diameter of rising main

• For pumping a particular fixed discharge of water, there are two options
• It can be pumped through bigger diameter pipe at low velocity
• Through lesser diameter pipe at high velocity
• If the dia of the pipe is increased, it will lead to higher cost of the pipe line
on the other hand if the pipe diameter is reduced the velocity would
increase which will lead to higher frictional head loss and will require more
Horse Power for pumping, thereby increasing the cost of pumping, also cost of
fitting will increase.
• For obtaining the optimum efficiency, it is necessary to design the diameter of the
pumping main which will be overall most economical in initial cost as well as
maintenance cost for pumping the required quantity of water. The diameter
which provide such optimum condition is known as “economic diameter”
of the pipe.
Design of Rising Main

• An empirical formula given by lee is commonly used for

determining the dia of the pumping or rising main
• D= 0.97 to 1.22 √Q
• Where,
• D= Economic dia of pipe in meters
• Q= Discharge to be pumped in cumecs
Design of Rising Main
Head loss in rising main
• The loss of head in the rising main can be found by using
• (i) Darcy Weisbach eq
• (ii) Hazen William’s equation
• Darcy Weisbach Eqn= Hf= 4 f l v2 = f’ l v2
2gd 2g d
Where ,
l= length of pipe
d= dia of pipe
v= velocity of flow
f= coefficient of friction
f’= friction factor Value of friction factor varies between (0.02 to 0.075)
Design of Rising Main
Hazen Williams Equation
• V= 0.85 CH R 0.63 S 0.54
• Where,
• V= velocity of flow
• S= Slope of H.G.L
• = Hl = Head Loss
L Length of Pipe
R= Hydraulic mean Radius of the pipe = A
If pipe is running full then
R= ∏/4 d2 = d/4
CH= Hazen William’s coefficient which depends on age, quality and material of pipe.
• Find out the head loss due to friction in a rising main from the
following data:
• Length of the rising main= 600 m
• Diameter of pipe= 0.2 m
• Discharge required to be pumped = 1200 l/min
• Friction factors= 0.025
• Velocity of flow = Q
Q= 1200 l/min
= 1200 x 10-3 m3 /sec
= 0.02 m3 /sec
V= 0.02
∏ (0.2) 2 = 0.637 m/sec
• Hf= f’ lv2
= 0.025 x 600 x (0.637)2
2 x 9.81 x 0,2
= 1.551 m
• A city with 1.5 lakh population I to be supplied water at 100
lpcd from a river 1 km away. The difference in water level of
sump and reservoir is 30 m. if the demand has to be
supplied in 8 hr., determine the size of the main and B.H.P
of the pumps required.
• Take f- 0.0075, velocity in the pipe as 2.0 m/sec and
efficiency of pump as 75 %
• Population of a city= 1,50,000
• Rate of water supply= 100 lpcd
• Therefore the average demand of the town= 1,50,000 x 100
• = 15 x 10 6 l/day
• Maximum daily demand= 1.5 x avg demand
• = 1.5 x 15 x 10 6
• = 22.5 x 10 6 l/day
• = 22.5 MLD
• As the full demand is to be supplied through pumps in 8 hrs
• Discharge required= 22.5 x 10 6 l/ hours
• 8
• = 22.5 x 10 6 x 10 -3= 0.781 m3 /sec
8 x 3600
•The maximum velocity in the pipe is given as 2.0 m/sec
•Therefore Cross sectional area of the pipe required
•A= Q = 0.781 = 0.39 m 2
• v
•If d is the dia of the pipe then
• ∏ d 2 = 0.39
D= 0.704m
= 0.75 m
Total lift is given as 30 m
• Friction loss hf can be found by using Darcy Weisbash eq n
• Hf= 4 f l v2
= 4 x 0.0075 x 1000x (2.0 ) 2
2 x 9.81 x 0.75
= 8.155 m
•Thus the total lift against which the pump has to work or lift water
•= 30 + 1.155
•= 38.155m
•BHP of the pump= ϒ Q H
75 Ƞ
= 1000 x 0.781 x 38.155
75 x 0.75
= 526.75 = 530 HP 1 hp(I) = 745.699872 W = 0.745699872 kW
1 W in ... ... is equal to ...
2 3
• 1 kg·m /s
• From a clear water reservoir 3 m deep and maximum water
level at RL 35 m water is to be pumped to an elevated
reservoir at RL 80 m at the constant rate of 9 lakh litres per
hour. The distance is 2000 m. Find the economic diameter
of the rising main and the water horse power of the pump.
Neglect minor losses and take f=0.01
• The Discharge Q= 9 lakh per hour
•= 9,00,000 = 0.25 m3 /sec
1000x 60 x 60
Economic diameter of rising main can be found by
D= 1.22 √Q
= 1.22 √0.25
= 0.61 m
• Maximum Suction Head = 3 m ( depth of reservoir)
• Maximum delivery head = (80- 35)= 45 m
• (Difference between maximum water level and height of
elevated reservoir)
• Suction + Delivery= 3 + 45 = 48 m
• Friction Head loss can be found by
• Hf= 4 flv 2
V= Q = 0.25 = 0.855 m/ sec
A ∏ (0.61) 2
Hf= 4 x 0.01 x 2000 x (0.855) 2
2 x 9.81 x 0.61
Hf= 4.886 m
The total Head = 48 + 4.886 m
H= 52.886 m
• Water horse power of Pump= ϒ Q H
= 1000 x 0.25 x 52.866
= 176.22 HP

Water Supply Engineering : By Prof S.K. Garg

Khanna Publishers

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