Title.: Bureau or Office
Title.: Bureau or Office
Title.: Bureau or Office
17 - 0 1 0
Whereas, under Sec. 7 (a) of the IP Code, the Director General shall
manage and direct all functions and activities of the Office , including the
promulgation of rules and regulations to implement the objectives, policies,
plans , programs and projects of the Office;
Intellectual Property Center #28 Upper McKinley Road, McKinley Hill town Center, Fort
determining whether a mark is well-known, account shall be taken
of the knowledge of the relevant sector of the public, rather than of
the public at large, including knowledge in the Philippines which has
been obtained as a result of the promotion of the mark;
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(f) Is identical with, or confusingly similar to, or constitutes a
translation of a mark considered well-known in accordance with the
preceding paragraph, which is registered in the Philippines with
respect to goods or services which are not similar to those with
respect to which registration is applied for: Provided, That use of the
mark in relation to those goods or services would indicate a
connection between those goods or services, and the owner of the
registered mark: Provided further , That the interests of the owner of
the registered mark are likely to be damaged by such use;
(g) Is likely to mislead the public, particularly as to the nature, quality,
characteristics or geographical origin of the goods or services.
(h) Consists exclusively of signs that are generic for the goods or
services that they seek to identify;
(i) Consists exclusively of signs or of indications that have become
customary or usual to designate the goods or services in everyday
language or in bona fide and established trade practice;
U) Consists exclusively of signs or of indications that may serve in trade
to designate the kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose , value,
geographical origin, time of production of the goods or rendering of
the services, or other characteristics of the goods or services;
(k) Consists of shapes that may be necessitated by technical factors or
by the nature of the goods themselves or factors that affect their
intrinsic value;
(1) Consists of color alone, unless defined by a given form; or
(m) Is contrary to public order or morality.
As regards signs or devices mentioned in paragraphs U), (k), and (1), nothing
shall prevent the registration of any such sign or device which has become
distinctive in relation to the goods and/ or services for which registration is
requested as a result of the use that has been made of it in commerce in the
Philippines. The Office may accept as prima facie evidence that the mark has
become distinctive, as used in connection with the applicant's goods and/ or
services in commerce, proof of substantially exclusive and continuous use
thereof by the applicant in commerce in the Philippines for five (5) years
before the date on which the claim of distinctiveness is made.
The nature of the goods or services to which the mark is applied will not
constitute an obstacle to registration.
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(h) the exclusivity of use attained by the mark in the world;
(i) the commercial value attributed to the mark in the world;
(k) the outcome of litigations dealing with the issue of whether the mark
is a well-known mark; and,
(1) the presence or absence of identical or similar marks validly
registered for or used on identical or similar goods or services and
owned by persons other than the person claiming that the mark is a
well-known mark.
Any change in the ownership of a trade name shall be made with the
transfer of the enterprise or part thereof identified by that name. However,
such transfer or assignment shall be null and void if it is likely to mislead
the public, particularly as regards the nature, source, manufacturing
process, characteristics, or suitability of purpose, of the goods and/ or
services to which the mark is applied .
RULE 200. How Marks are Acquired. - The rights in a mark shall be
acquired through registration made validly in accordance with the law.
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RULE 202. Priority Right; Basis for Claiming Priority Right. - An
application for registration of a mark filed in the Philippines by a person
referred to in Rule 201, and who previously duly filed an application for
registration of the same mark in one of those countries, shall be considered
as filed as of the day the application was first filed in the foreign country.
Nothing in this Rule shall entitle the owner of a registration granted under
these Regulations to sue for acts committed prior to the date on which its
mark was registered in the Philippines; Provided, That, notwithstanding the
foregoing, the owner of a well-known mark, as defined in the IP Code and
these Regulations, that is not registered in the Philippines, may, against an
identical or confusingly similar mark, oppose its registration , or petition the
cancellation of its registration or sue for unfair competition, without
prejudice to availing itself of other remedies provided for under the law.
In like manner and subject to the same conditions and requirements, the
priority right may be based upon a subsequent regularly filed application in
the same foreign country: Provided, That any foreign application that was
made the basis of the priority right and filed prior to such subsequent
application has been withdrawn, abandoned, or otherwise disposed of,
without having been laid open to public inspection and without leaving any
rights outstanding, and has not served as a basis for claiming a right of
priority and shall not thereafter serve as a basis for claiming a right of
RULE 204. Period to File Declaration of Actual Use.- The Office will not
require any proof of use in commerce upon filing of an application . All
applicants or registrants shall file a Declaration of Actual Use (DAU) of the
mark with evidence to that effect and upon payment of the prescribed fee on
the following periods:
(a) Within three (3) years from the filing date of the application;
(b) Within one (1) year from the fifth anniversary of the registration; ~
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(c) Within one (1) year from date of renewal;
(d) Within one (1) year from the fifth anniversary of each renewal;
RULE 205. Extension of Period to File Third (3rd) Year DAU, When
Allowed. - For the DAU required to be filed within three (3) years from
filing date of the application, a six (6)-month extension period may be
granted upon request of the applicant or registrant, provided such request is
made prior to the expiration of the three-year period and the required fee is
paid. Actual use of the mark may commence within the extension period.
The fee must be paid on the day of the filing of the DAU or the request for
extension of time to file the document. The date of payment shall be
considered as the date of filing of the DAU.
RULE 206. Renewal DAU. - For registered marks due for renewal on 01
January 2017 onwards, regardless of the filing date of the Request for
Renewal, submission of DAU referred to in Rule 204 (c) is required for
purposes of registration maintenance.
RULE 207. Absence of Notice to File DAU, Not an Excuse. -The Office
may issue notices or reminders to applicants/registrants regarding the
timely filing of the DAU and which may be published in the IPO Website or
disseminated by other alternative modes, as may be appropriate . However,
the absence of such notice or reminder shall in no case excuse the applicant
or registrant from filing the DAU within the prescribed period. The Office
shall remove the mark from the Register or refuse the registration of a
pending application if the applicant or registrant fails to file the required
DAU in a timely manner.
RULE 208. Contents of the DAU. -The declaration shall be under oath,
and filed by the applicant or registrant (or the authorized officer in case of a
juridical entity) or the attorney or authorized representative. The declaration
must refer to only one application or registration and must contain the
(a) name and address of the applicant or registrant;
(b) declaration that the mark is in actual use in the Philippines;
(c) the list of goods and/ or services for which the mark is used; and
(d) the narnejs of the establishmentjs and addressjes where the
products are being sold or where the services are being rendered.
If the goods or services are available only by online purchase, the
website must be indicated on the form in lieu of the name or
address of the establishment or outlet.
The applicant or registrant may include other facts to show that the mark
described in the application or registration is being actually used in the
RULE 209. Effect of Actual Use for Related Classes. - Actual use for
some of the goods andjor services in the same class shall constitute use for
the entire class of goods and services . Actual use for one class shall be
considered use for related classes. In the event that some classes are no~
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covered in the declaration , a subsequent declaration of actual use may be
filed for the other classes of goods or services not included in the first
declaration, provided that the subsequent declaration is filed within the
three-year period or the extension period, in case an extension of time to file
the declaration was timely made. If no subsequent declaration of actual use
for the other classes of goods and services is filed within the prescribed
period, the classes shall be automatically dropped from the application or
registration without need of notice to the applicant or registrant.
The Director may, from time to time, issue a list of acceptable evidence of
use and those that will not be accepted by the Office.
RULE 212. Period to File DNU.- The period to file DNU are as follows:
(a) Within three (3) years from filing date of the application. However, a
six (6)-month extension period may be granted upon request of the
applicant or registrant made prior to the expiration of the three-year
period and the required fee is paid; or
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(b) Within the prescribed periods mentioned in Rule 204 when use of a
registered mark or mark subject of an active application has been
interrupted or discontinued by a pending litigation.
RULE 213. Form and Contents of DNU.- The DNU shall be under oath
and shall clearly state the facts prohibiting the actual use of the mark in
commerce. The corresponding fee for all the classes must also be paid upon
filing of the declaration.
RULE 301. Assigned Marks. - In case the whole interest in the mark is
assigned, the application may be filed in the name of the assignee who may
sign the application. In case the assignee is a juridical person, any officer
thereof may sign the application in behalf of the said person. In case of an
aliquot portion or undivided interest, each of the joint owners will sign the
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RULE 304. Power of Attorney or Authorization. - At the time of filing of
an application, no power of attorney or authorization is required. However,
the Office may require any attorney or other recognized person or authorized
representative to submit within two (2) months from notice a power of
attorney or authorization before the attorney or representative is allowed to
take an initial or further action on any application or registration.
national office, the name of that office;
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(ii) the date on which the earlier application was filed; and
(iii) where available, the application number of the earlier
(g) where the applicant wishes to claim color as a distinctive feature of
the mark, a statement to that effect, as well as the name or names of
the color or colors claimed and an indication, in respect of each
color, of the principal parts of the mark which are in that color;
(h) where the mark 1s a three-dimensional mark, a statement to that
(i) reproduction of the mark as provided in these Regulations or
subsequent issuances;
U) transliteration or translation of the mark or of some parts of the
mark, as prescribed in these Regulations;
(k) the names of the goods or services for which the registration is
sought, grouped according to the classes of the Nice Classification,
together with the number of the class of the said classification to
which each group of goods or services belongs;
(1) where the application is for a collective mark, a designation to that
effect; and
(m) a signature by, or other self-identification of, the applicant or
authorized representative.
RULE 401. Office Application Form. -The Office shall make available a
standard application form which shall be made available in electronic format
or in printed form. The printed form may be reproduced by applicants and
other persons at their own cost.
RULE 402. Reproduction of the Mark. - One (1) reproduction of the mark
shall be submitted upon filing of the application which shall substantially
represent the mark as actually used or intended to be used on or in
connection with the goods and/ or services of the applicant. The reproduction
may be added or pasted on the space provided for in the application form or
printed on an ordinary bond paper. The reproduction must be clear and
legible, printed in black ink or in color, if colors are claimed, and must be
capable of being clearly reproduced when published in the IPO eGazette. An
electronic copy of the reproduction may likewise be submitted in lieu of the
printed reproduction. The electronic reproduction should be in .jpg format
and must not exceed one (1) megabyte.
RULE 403. Submission of Label.- The applicant may submit the label as
actually used or intended to be used on the goods or a computer printout of
the label.
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The mark intended to be protected must be bigger and more dominant than
the generic term of goods, except in the case of medicine as required by law.
The goods and/ or services of registered marks which were classified under
previous editions of the Nice Classification shall, upon renewal of
registration , be reclassified by the Examiner consistent with the latest
edition thereof, subject to payment of the required fees if the reclassification
resulted in the addition of classes. Such reclassification may also be
requested )Jy the registrant prior to the renewal of the registration and
allowed by the Office after examination of the request and payment of the
appropriate fees.
The Office may declare the acceptance of other terms for as long as these
may be classified under any of the classes of the Nice Classification.
RULE 406. Broad Terms. - In any application, the use of broad terms in
identifying the goods, business or services shall be unacceptable. However,
an applicant whose application is based on foreign registrationjs shall be
required to specify the goods covered by such foreign registration/ s in all
cases where the foreign registrationjs used broad terms in identifying the
goods and/or services. Class headings may be accepted, but they shall only
cover the goods and/ or services as stated and not all the goods and/ or
services under such class and provided they do not mislead as to the nature
of the goods and/ or services.
RULE 407. Single Registration for Goods and/or Services. - One (1)
application may relate to several goods and/ or services, whether they belong
to one (1) class or to several classes of the Nice Classification. Where goods
and/ or services belonging to several classes of the Nice Classification have
been included in one ( 1) application , such application shall result in one
registration .
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together with the corresponding payment, the Office shall accordingly assign
application numbers to the divisional applications, but the filing date shall
be the same as the filing date of the initial application.
convention priority.
RULE 500. Filing Date. - Subject to the provisions on priority right, the
filing date of an application shall be the date on which the Office received the
payment for the required fee and the following indications and elements in
English or Filipino :
(a) An application for the registration of a mark using the prescribed
representative, if any;
If the application did not satisfy the requirements for the grant of a filing
date at the time that the filing fee and other indications were received by the
Office, the filing date that was given shall be cancelled and a new filing date
shall be entered in the records of the Office. The new filing date shall be the r
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date on which the Office received the completed or corrected application as
specified in the notice to the applicant.
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(f) An application for registration of a mark, names, abbreviations of
names, logos of a religious, social or charitable, educational activity
the early registration of which is necessary to achieve its purpose or
(g) Domain names (as service mark); and
(h) Trademarks, service marks, and trade names used or to be used in
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure.
All Examiners are required to include all grounds of objection existing at the
time of the issuance of the first office action. Piecemeal actions shall be
Such disclaimer shall not prejudice or affect the applicant's rights then
existing under some other law or thereafter arising in the disclaimed matter,
nor shall such disclaimer prejudice or affect the applicant's rights to
registration on another application of later date, where the disclaimed matter
has become distinctive of the applicant's goods, business or services.
Where the Examiner has determined that any portion of a mark contains
unregistrable matter which must be disclaimed, the Examiner shall
communicate the findings to the applicant in the office action. If the
applicant fails to comply with the Examiner's requirement for a disclaimer,
the Examiner must make the requirement final if the application is in
condition for a final action.
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RULE 605. Interview with the Examiners: When No Interview is
Permitted. - Interviews with Examiners concerning pending applications
may be granted upon written request specifying the query the applicant
intends to propound: Provided, That no interviews will be permitted prior to
the issuance of the first office action. The Examiner may alternatively grant
the interview or respond to the query in writing. Should an interview be
allowed, it shall be conducted within the premises of the Office during
regular office hours, as specified by the Examiner.
RULE 607. Communications Other than the Original.- The Office shall
accept communication sent to it by facsimile or by electronic means subject
to these Regulations and subsequent issuances that may be promulgated.
When the communication is made by facsimile , the reproduction of the
signature, or the reproduction of the seal together with, where required , the
indication in letters of the name of the natural person whose seal is used,
must appear. Within twenty-four (24) hours from receipt of the facsimile by a
machine of the Office, the Examiner shall confirm the date of receipt of the
facsimile. The original copy of such communication may be required by the
Office to be submitted within one (1) month from date of receipt of the
facsimile. If the Office requires the original copy, the applicant must provide
such original within one (1) month from receipt of the notice. If the original
communication is not submitted when so required, it shall be deemed
withdrawn and expunged from the records. In all cases, the burden of proof
that such documents have been received by the Office lies on the applicant.
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of abandonment if it is shown to the satisfaction of the Examiner that the
delay was due to fraud, accident, mistake or excusable negligence, and upon
payment of the required fee; Provided, That there shall be no revival of an
abandoned application that had been revived once before on the same issue.
RULE 612. Time Less than Four (4) Months; When Request for
Extension Should be Made.- The applicant may be required to prosecute
the application in a time shorter than four (4) months but not less than one
(1) month from the mailing date of the Examiner's action, whenever such
shorter time is deemed necessary or expedient. Unless the applicant is
notified in writing that the response is required in less than four (4) months,
a maximum period of four (4) months, including any extension, is allowed.
The time to reply, when a time less than four (4) months has been set, will
be extended only for good and sufficient cause, and for a reasonable time
specified. Any request for such extension must be filed on or before the day
on which the response of the applicant is due . In all cases, the maximum
time within which to submit a response to an action shall not exceed four (4)
months from the mailing date of the action.
The Examiner shall verify whether or not the mark has been registered from
the online trademarks database of the foreign intellectual property office
where the application was filed. If the foreign application has been
registered, the allowed mark shall be published for opposition upon payment
of the required fees.
If the foreign application has not been registered at the time of allowance or
if the foreign intellectual property office does not have an online trademarks
database, the Examiner shall, in the Notice of Allowance and Deferment,
require the applicant to submit a photocopy of the foreign registration within
six (6) months from mailing date of such notice . Upon request of the
applicant and subject to the payment of the required fee , the period to
submit a copy of the foreign registration may be extended for a period of one ~
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(1) year, counted from the expiry of the initial period of six (6) months. If the
applicant does not request an extension or is unable to submit a copy of the
foreign registration within the extension period, the claim to the right of
priority shall be deemed waived. The application will thereafter be published
for opposition upon payment of the required fees.
The applicant shall, within two (2) months from mailing date of such notice,
pay the corresponding fee for the publication of the application in the IPO
eGazette; otherwise, the application shall be declared abandoned. The
abandoned application, however, may be revived subject to the requirements
specified in these Regulations .
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RULE 701. Examiners may Request the Remand of Allowed Application
to their Jurisdiction. -After allowance or within one (1) month from
publication of the allowed application but before registration, the Examiner
may again exercise jurisdiction over the application upon written request by
such Examiner, and approval by the Director on the ground of newly
discovered objections to the registration of the mark.
If the payment for the issuance of the Certificate of Registration has not been
paid, the Examiner shall send a notice thereof to the applicant. The
applicant shall pay the corresponding fee for the issuance of the Certificate
of Registration within two (2) months from mailing date of the notice;
otherwise the application shall be declared abandoned. The abandoned
application, however, may be revived subject to the requirements of these
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RULE 800. Rights Conferred. -The owner of a registered mark shall have
the exclusive right to prevent all third parties not having the owner's consent
from using in the course of trade identical or similar signs or containers for
goods or services which are identical or similar to those in respect of which
the mark is registered, where such use would result in a likelihood of
confusion. In case of the use of an identical sign for identical goods or
services, a likelihood of confusion shall be presumed.
RULE 801. Duration. -The registration shall remain in force for ten ( 10)
years, renewable for periods of ten (10) years: Provided, That the requisite
DAU as provided for under these Regulations has been filed.
After a mark, trade name or other mark of ownership has been registered, all
documents relating to the case are subject to general inspection , and copies
will be furnished upon written request and payment of the required fees.
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The certificate of registration or renewal registration, as far as practicable,
shall contain information on the periods for filing the DAU as prescribed in
these Regulations.
RULE 900. Use of a Mark in a Different Form. - The use of the mark in a
form different from the form in which it is registered, but which does not
alter its distinctive character, shall not be a ground for cancellation or
removal of the mark and shall not diminish the protection granted to the
RULE 901. Use of a Mark for Goods Belonging to the Class Registered.
- The use of a mark in connection with one or more of the goods or services
belonging to the class in respect of which the mark is registered shall
prevent its cancellation or removal in respect of all other goods or services
belonging to the same class .
RULE 903. Use of Indications by Third Parties for Purposes Other Than
Those for Which the Mark is Used. - Registration of the mark shall not
confer on the registered owner the right to preclude third parties from using
bona fide their names, addresses, pseudonyms, a geographical name, or
exact indications concerning the kind, quality, quantity, destination, value,
place of origin, or time of production or of supply, of their goods or services:
Provided, That such use is confined to the purposes of mere identification or
information and cannot mislead the public as to the source of the goods or
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RULE 1001. Cancellation upon Petition by Registrant. - Upon petition
by the registrant or the registrant's authorized representative or agent, the
Office may permit any registration to be surrendered for cancellation, and
forthwith the appropriate entries shall be made in the records of the Office.
The petition for cancellation of registration shall be under oath.
The petition for correction must be under oath and must specify the mistake
for which correction is sought , the manner in which it arose and must state
that it occurred in good faith.
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Such assignment or transfer shall, however, be null and void if it is liable to
mislead the public, particularly as to the nature, source, manufacturing
process, characteristics, or suitability of purpose, of the goods or services to
which the mark is applied.
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(a) name and address of the owner of record and the authorized
representative or agent of record;
(b) the mark;
(c) the number and the date of issuance of the certificate to be divided;
(d) the goods and/ or services into which the registration is to be
divided, specifying the number of the class of said goods and/ or
services according to the Nice Classification.
The Office may grant the request to divide the registration, provided that the
division shall not involve any change in the registration that requires
republication of the mark and provided that a single class shall not be
(e) the name of the registered owner of the original certificate in case the
(i) if priority is claimed, an indication of this fact, and the number, date
priority claim;
(k) such other data included in the original certificate of registration and
to time.
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(a) An indication that renewal is sought;
(b) The name, address and other contact details of the registrant or
successor-in-interest, hereafter referred to as the "right holder";
(c) The registration number;
(b) The filing date of the application which resulted in the registration to
be renewed;
(c) Where the right holder has an authorized representative or agent,
the name and address of that representative or agent;
(d) The recorded goods or services for which the renewal is requested,
grouped according to the classes of the Nice Classification; and
(e) A signature by the right holder or the right holder's authorized
representative or agent.
RULE 1201. When to File Request for Renewal. - The request for
renewal may be made at any time within six (6) months before the expiration
of the period for which the registration was issued or renewed, or within six
(6) months after such expiration, subject to the payment of the prescribed
additional fee or surcharge.
RULE 1203. Renewal Filed by Person Who is Not the Resident Agent of
Record. - If the registrant, assignee or other owner of the mark which is the
subject of a petition for renewal registration is not domiciled in the
Philippines, and if the petition for renewal is filed by a person who is not the
authorized representative or agent of record, the power of attorney
appointing the person filing the petition as the representative of the
registrant must be filed and, upon payment of the required fee, must be
recorded before the Office can act upon the petition for renewal.
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RULE 1206. Certificate of Renewal of Registration. - The Office shall
issue a certificate of renewal upon payment of the required fee for the
issuance thereof. The issuance of the certificate of renewal shall be
published in the IPO eGazette and shall be entered in the records of this
Thus, with respect to such function, the Director cannot exercise direct
control and supervision over the Examiners but only general supervision,
exercised through a review of the recommendation they may make for the
grant of registration and of other actions, and through a review of their
adverse decisions by petition or appeal.
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RULE 1307. Appellant's Reply. -In case of an appeal, the appellant may
file a reply brief addressing only such new points as may have been raised in
the Examiner's answer, within one (1) month from the date of receipt of the
copy of such answer.
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RULE 1405. Separability. - If any provision m these Regulations or
application of such provision to any circumstance is held invalid, the
remainder of these Regulations shall not be affected thereby.
JOSEPH ~~:e:.M.
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