A young boy, named Ronnie, tells the story to his class about a personal hero, his chosen
subject; his grandfather’s dog, Hachiko. Despite his classmates’ laughing, Ronnie tells the story
of how his grandfather, Professor Parker H. Wilson, finds a lost puppy which has been freighted
to America from at the train station of the Professor’s small Rhode Island hometown. The
Professor ends up taking the puppy home, planning to search out its intended destination and
send it on its real owner. But the search is unsuccessful, and Parker and the puppy begin to
form a close connection. At first Parker’s wife and daughter not accept Hachi but Parker’s wife
sees the real relationship between Hachi and Parker she allow Hachi to stay. You will also see
between Parker and Hachi what the true relationship are, you will see how much they love,
loyal and kind to each other. They don’t need to speak in words because you will see how much
their love, how loyal and kind to each other in their actions. Every day Hachi the dog go with
Parker at the train station and Hachi always wait Parker at the same place but it’s sad to come
that day Parker did not come back, Parker will not come to that place anymore because he’s
dead. Hachi waits for nine years at the same train station and sadly Hachi died there.
This dog really made me cry, I am a person who cries rarely but watching this movie is
really heartbreaking, my emotions are mixed and unexplainable. A real life story about a real
man’s best friend and a loving owner. Hachi shows to me that even who I am or who you are I
will back those feelings that you deserve. I learned that we need to be true in everything. I also
learned that you can find love, kindness and loyalty not only to the people around you but also
to the animals like Hachi. I am not fun of pets but if I will have one, I want to raise and live the
way Hachi do.