Forest Exam Notification

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îñ¤ö¢ï£´ õù ꦼ¬ìð¢ ðí¤ò£÷ó¢ «îó¢¾è¢ °¿ññ¢


8-õ¶ W›î÷ñ¢, ðùèô¢ ñ£÷¤¬è, â‡.01, pQv ꣬ô, ¬êî£ð¢«ð좬ì, ªêù¢¬ù600015.
8thDown Floor, Panagal Maaligai, No.01, Jeenis Road, Saidapet, Chennai-600 015.

Phone No.ªî£¬ô«ðC â‡.044-24341251


îèõô¢ ê¤ø¢«ø´
Information Brochure

îI›ï£´ õù Y¼¬ì․ ðEò£÷˜ «î˜¾‚ °¿ñ•î£™ «ñŸªè£œ÷․ð´‥ ܬù•¶
GòñùƒèÀ‥ î°FJ¡ Ü®․ð¬ìJ™ ñ†´«ñ Gó․ð․ð´‥.
All the Recruitments by the TNFUSRC are purely merit based

ðEGòñù‥ ªðŸÁ•î¼õ¶ °P•¶ «ñ£ê® îóè˜ ñŸÁ‥ ãü‡´èO¡ ªð£…ò£ù

õ£‚°ÁFè¬÷ ï‥H ãñ£ø «õ‡ì£‥ âù îI›ï£´ õù„Y¼¬ì ðEò£÷˜èœ «î˜¾‚
°¿ñ‥ â„êK‚¬è ªê…Aø¶.
The TNFUSRC hereby cautions the candidates against touts and agents cheating by
making false promises of securing job through unfair means.

«ñ£ê® îóè˜ ñŸÁ‥ ãªü‡´è÷£™ «ñŸªè£œ÷․ð†ì ãñ£Ÿøƒè÷£™ ãŸð†ì

Þö․¹èÀ‚° â‣îMî•F½‥ îI›ï£´ õù„Y¼¬ì ðEò£÷˜èœ «î˜¾‚ °¿ñ‥
The TNFUSRC shall not be responsible or liable for any loss they may be caused to any
candidate on account of indulging in any sort of actions with such unscrupulous persons.

ðE Gòñù‥ ªðÁõ¶ ªî£ì˜ð£è M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ îI›ï£´ õù

Y¼¬ì․ðEò£÷˜èœ «î˜¾‚ °¿ñ•F¡ î¬ôõ˜ / àÁ․Hù˜ / àÁ․Hù˜ ªêòô˜/
Þîó․ðEò£÷˜èœ ÝA«ò£¼‚° «ïó®ò£è«õ£ / î𣙠Íôñ£è«õ£ /ªî£¬ô«ðC
Íôñ£è«õ£/ àøMù˜èœ, ï‡ð˜èœ, ¹óõô˜èœ, àòóFè£Kèœ Ü™ô¶ Þîó ïð˜èœ
Íôñ£è«õ£ ªê™õ£‚° ã«îÂ‥ ðò¡ð´•Fù£™ Üõ˜è÷¶ M‡í․ð‥ âšMî
(iv) ºè£‣FóºI¡P Gó£èK‚è․ð´‥.

If an applicant attempts to canvas and bring influence of the Chairman / Member /Member
Secretary or any of the staff of Tamil Nadu Forest Uniformed Services Recruitment
Committee personally / by letter /through phone/ through relatives, friends, patrons,
officials or other persons, his / her candidature will be summarily rejected.
1. îI›ï£´ õù Y¼¬ì․ ðEò£÷˜ «î˜¾‚ °¿ñ‥, îI›ï£´ ÜóC¡ õù•¶¬ø ñŸÁ‥
õù‚èöèƒèœ ÝAòõŸP™ è£Lò£è àœ÷ õùõ˜/ è÷ àîMò£÷˜, õù‚è£․ð£÷˜, 憴ï˜
àKñ•¶ì¡ îò õù‚è£․ð£÷˜ ñŸÁ‥ õù‚è£õô˜ ÝAò ðîMèÀ‚è£è «ð£†®• «î˜¾èœ
ïì•F «ïó® Gòñù‥ Íô‥ î°Fò£ùõ˜è¬÷• «î˜¾ ªê…ò à¼õ£‚è․ð†´œ÷¶.

1. Tamil Nadu Forest Uniformed Services Recruitment Committee (TNFUSRC) has been
constituted to recruit candidates through direct recruitment by conducting competitive examinations
to fill up the vacancies for the post of Forester/Field Assistant, Forest Guard, Forest Guard with
Driving Licence and Forest Watcher in Tamil Nadu Forest Department and its allied corporations.

2. îI›ï£´ õù Y¼¬ì․ ðEò£÷˜ «î˜¾‚ °¿ñ‥, îI›ï£´ ÜóC¡ õù•¶¬ø ñŸÁ‥

õù‚èöèƒèœ ÝAòõŸP™ è£Lò£è àœ÷ õùõ˜ / è÷ àîMò£÷˜, õù‚è£․ð£÷˜, 憴ï˜
àKñ•¶ì¡ îò õù‚è£․ð£÷˜ ñŸÁ‥ õù‚è£õô˜ ÝAò ðîMèO™ ãŸð´‥
è£L․ðEJìƒè¬÷ Gó․¹õîŸè£ù ÜPM‚¬èè¬÷ Üšõ․«ð£¶ îI›  õù•¶¬øJ¡
Þ¬íòî÷‥ ñŸÁ‥ ªê…F•î£œèO™ ªõOJì․ð´Aø¶. Üšõ£Á ªõOJì․ð´‥
è£L․ðEJìƒèÀ‚è£ù â‡E‚¬è «î£ó£òñ£ù‥.ªîK¾․ðEèœ ÞÁFò£‚è․ð´‥ õ¬ó
ܬõ â‣î «ïó•F½‥ ñ£Á°†ð†ì‥.

2. Tamil Nadu Forest Uniformed Services Recruitment Committee (TNFUSRC) notifies the
vacancies for the post of Forester / Field Assistant, Forest Guard, Forest Guard with Driving
Licence and Forest Watcher in the Tamil Nadu Forest Department and its allied corporations in the
Tamil Nadu Forest Department‘s website and daily News papers. The number of such vacancies is
liable for modification with reference to the vacancy position at any time before or at the time of
drawing up of the provisional selection list.

3. M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœâ¡ø Þ¬íòî÷‥ Íô‥ ñ†´«ñ M‡í․H‚è


3. Eligible Candidates should apply only through Online mode in the

website (

4. “Þ¬íòõNJ™ âšõ£Á M‡í․H․𶔠â¡ø Mõóƒèœ ܬù•¶‥

“M‡í․ðî£ó˜èÀ‚è£ù Þ¬íò õN․ðF¾ °P•î ÜP¾¬ó蜔 â¡ø î¬ô․H™ îI›ï£´
õù•¶¬ø Þ¬íòî÷•F™ ªõOJì․ð†´œ÷ù(

4. The details regarding ―How to apply through Online‖ have been published under the
heading―Instructions to the Applicants for Online Registration‖ in the Website

5. õ°․¹õ£K Þì 嶂W´

𣶠ï¬ìº¬øJ™ àœ÷ Üó꣬íJ¡ Ü®․ð¬ìJ™ õ°․¹õ£K Þì 嶂W´ õöƒè․ð´‥.

ªð£¶․«ð£†® - 31% HŸð´•î․ð†«ì£˜ - 26.5% HŸð´•î․ð†«ì£˜ (Þvô£Iò˜) - 3.5% Iè¾‥
HŸð´•î․ð†«ì£˜ / Y˜ ðöƒ°®Jù˜ - 20% ÝF Fó£Mì˜ - 18% (ÞF™ ÝF Fó£Mì˜
(ܼ‣îFò˜) õ°․Hù¼‚° - 3% àœ å¶‚W´) ñŸÁ‥ ðöƒ°®Jù˜ - 1% Þìƒèœ Ý°‥
(ê£FèO¡ à†HK¾․ð†®ò™ ñŸÁ‥ ê£F„꣡Pî› õöƒè ÜFè£ó‥ ªðŸø ܽõô˜èœ «ð£¡ø
Mõóƒèœ HŸ«ê˜¬èJ™ ÜO‚è․ð†´œ÷ù).

ÝF Fó£Mì˜ (ܼ‣îFò˜) õ°․Hù¼‚è£ù 3% àœ å¶‚W´ Þìƒèœ º¡ÂK¬ñJ™
Gó․ð․ð†ì H¡ù˜ î°F ªðŸø M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ I°Fò£è Þ¼‣, Üõ˜èœ ÝF Fó£Mì˜
õ°․Hù¼‚è£ù 嶂W†®¡ W¿‥ «î˜¾ ªê…ò․ð´õ£˜èœ.ÝF Fó£Mì˜ (ܼ‣îFò˜) Þì
嶂W†®¡ W› Gó․ð î°Fò£ù M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ Þ™ô£îð†ê•F™, Ü․ðîMJìƒèœ ÝF
Fó£Mì˜ (ܼ‣îFò˜) õ°․Hùó™ô£î Hø ÝF Fó£Mì˜ õ°․H¬ù„ ꣘‣î î°Fò£ù
M‡í․ðî£ó˜è¬÷‚ ªè£‡´ Gó․ð․ð´‥.


i) îI›ï£†¬ì„ «ê˜‣îõ˜è÷£J¼‣¶, Þ¬í․H™ 裵‥ ð†®ò™èO™ °P․Hì․ð†´œ÷

ê£FèO™ 塬ø„ ꣘‣îõ˜è÷£è Þ¼‣ ñ†´«ñ ÜšM‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ ÝF
Fó£Mì˜ õ°․Hù˜ ñŸÁ‥ ÝF Fó£Mì˜ Ü¼‣îFò˜ Ü™ô¶ ðöƒ°®Jù˜ Ü™ô¶
Iè¾‥ HŸð´•î․ð†ì õ°․Hù˜ / Y˜ðöƒ°®Jù˜ ñóHù˜, Þvô£Iò˜ Ü™ô£î
HŸð´•î․ð†ì õ°․Hù˜ ñŸÁ‥ HŸð´•î․ð†ì Þvô£Iò˜ õ°․Hù˜ â¡Á
è¼î․ð´õ˜. Høñ£Gôƒè¬÷„ «ê˜‣îõ˜èœ, Ü․ð†®òL™ °P․H†´œ÷ ê£FèO™
塬ø„ ꣘‣îõ˜è÷£è Þ¼‣î «ð£F½‥, ÝF Fó£Mì˜ õ°․Hù˜ ñŸÁ‥ ÝF
Fó£Mì˜ Ü¼‣îFò˜ Ü™ô¶ ðöƒ°®Jù˜ Ü™ô¶ Iè¾‥ HŸð´•î․ð†ì õ°․Hù˜ /
Y˜ ðöƒ°®Jù˜, Þvô£Iò˜ Ü™ô£î HŸð´•î․ð†ì õ°․Hù˜ ñŸÁ‥ HŸð´•î․ð†ì
Þvô£Iò˜ õ°․Hù˜ Þù•¬î„ «ê˜‣îõ˜è÷£è‚ è¼î․ðìñ£†ì£˜èœ.

ii) “ܼ‣îFò˜’ â¡ð¶ ܼ‣îFò˜, ê‚ALò¡, ñ£î£K, ñ£Fè£, ðè¬ì, «î£†®,

ÝF Ý‣Fó˜ ÝAò Þù•¬î‚ °P‚°‥.

5. Communal Reservation

According to existing Government Orders, the Communal Reservation will be maintained as

follows: General Turn 31%, Backward Classes – 26.5%, Backward Class (Muslims) – 3.5%, Most
Backward Classes/De-Notified Tribes – 20%, Scheduled Castes – 18% (Scheduled Caste
(Arunthathiyars)- 3% inner reservation) and Scheduled Tribes- 1%. A List for Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes, Most Backward Classes / Denotified Tribes and Backward Classes and
Backward Classes (Muslim) is given in the Annexure - I

Even after filling up of the 3% of posts reserved for SC Arunthathiyars on preferential basis, if more
number of qualified Arunthathiyars are available, they shall be entitled to compete with the
Scheduled Castes other than Arunthathiyars in the inter-se merit among them and if any posts
reserved for Arunthathiyars remain unfilled for want of adequate number of qualified applicants, it
shall be filled up by Scheduled Castes other than Arunthathiyars.

Note: -

i. Persons belonging to Tamil Nadu and to any one of the communities mentioned in the
lists shown in the Annexure- I alone shall be treated as Scheduled Caste or Scheduled
Tribe or Most Backward Classes / Denotified Tribes or Backward Classes and Backward
Classes (Muslim) as the case may be. Persons belonging to other States shall not be
treated to as belonging to the Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or Most Backward
Classes / Denotified Tribes or Backward Class and Backward Class (Muslim) even
though they may belong to any one of the Communities specified in the list.
ii. ―Arunthathiyar‖ means the castes, Arunthathiyar, Chakkiliyan, Madari, Madiga, Pagadai,
Thoti and Adi Andhra.

6. Gòñù 嶂W´

ÝF Fó£Mì˜ õ°․Hù˜, ÝF Fó£Mì˜ (ܼ‣îFò˜), ðöƒ°®Jù˜, Iè¾‥ HŸð´•î․ð†ì

õ°․Hù˜ / Y˜ ðöƒ°®Jù˜, Þvô£Iò˜ Ü™ô£î HŸð´•î․ð†ì õ°․Hù˜ ñŸÁ‥ HŸð´•î․ð†ì
õ°․Hù˜ (Þvô£Iò˜) ÝA«ò£˜ Þì 嶂W´ MFèO¡ð® ªîK¾ ªê…ò․ð´õ˜. ÝFFó£Mì˜
õ°․Hù˜, ÝF Fó£Mì˜ (ܼ‣îFò˜), ðöƒ°®Jù˜, Iè¾‥ HŸð´•î․ð†ì õ°․Hù˜ / Y˜
ðöƒ°®Jù˜, Þvô£Iò˜ Ü™ô£î HŸð´•î․ð†ì õ°․Hù˜ ñŸÁ‥ HŸð´•î․ð†ì õ°․Hù˜
(Þvô£Iò˜) õ°․¬ð„ «ê˜‣î M‡í․ðî£ó˜èÀ‥ ªð£¶º¬øèO¡ (General Turn) Íô‥
Gó․ð․ð´‥ è£LJìƒèÀ‚°• î°FJ¡ Ü®․ð¬ìJ™ ªîK¾ ªê…ò․ ªðÁõ•
î°F»¬ìõ˜è÷£õ˜. Üšõ£Á ªð£¶ º¬øèœ Íô‥ Gó․ð․ð´‥ è£LJì•FŸ° î°FJ¡
Ü®․ð¬ìJ™ ÝF Fó£Mì˜, ÝF Fó£Mì˜ (ܼ‣îFò˜), ðöƒ°®Jù˜, Iè¾‥ HŸð´•î․ð†ì
õ°․Hù˜ / Y˜ ðöƒ°®Jù˜, Þvô£Iò˜ Ü™ô£î HŸð´•î․ð†ì õ°․Hù˜ ñŸÁ‥ HŸð´•î․ð†ì
Þvô£Iò˜ õ°․¬ð„ «ê˜‣î M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ ªîK¾ ªê…ò․ð†ì£™, Üõó¶ õ°․¹‚è£è
ãŸèù«õ 嶂W´ ªê…ò․ð†ì è£LJì•F¡ â‡E‚¬è â‣î õ¬èJ½‥ ð£F‚è․ðìñ£†ì£¶.


Where the rule of reservation of appointments for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Caste
(Arunthathiyars), Scheduled Tribes, Most Backward Classes/Denotified Tribes, BackwardClasses
(other than Muslim), Backward Class (Muslims) is applicable, selection will be made following the
rule of reservation. Candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Caste
(Arunthathiyars), Scheduled Tribes, Most Backward Classes/Denotified Tribes, Backward Classes
(other than Muslim) and Backward Class (Muslims) will also be eligible for selection against the
vacancies to be filled under General Turns on the basis of merit and where a Scheduled Caste,
Scheduled Caste (Arunthathiyars), Scheduled Tribe, Most Backward Class & Denotified Tribes,
Backward Classes (other than Muslim) and Backward Class (Muslims) applicant is selected on the
basis of merit against the General turn, the vacancy reserved for that particular community will not
in any way be affected.

6.1 ªð‡èÀ‚è£ù Þì 嶂W´:-

ªð‡èÀ‚è£ù 30% Þì 嶂W†´ MFJ¡ð®, ܬù•¶ õ°․¹õ£K Þì 嶂W†´․ HKM½‥,

ªð£¶․ HKM½‥ ªð‡èœ «î˜‣ªî´‚è․ð´õ˜.î°F»¬ìò ªð‡èœ Þ™ô£î ÞìƒèO™ Ü‣î‣î
õ°․¹õ£K Þì 嶂W´ HK¬õ„ ꣘‣î Ý‡èœ «î˜‣ªî´‚è․ð´õ˜.

6.1 Reservation for Women:-

Following the Rule of 30% reservation of appointments for women candidates, due number of
vacancies out of the total vacancies in each communal category are being notified as reserved for
women candidates. If no qualified and suitable women candidates are available for selection
against such vacancies, those vacancies shall be filled by men candidates belonging to the
respective communal categories.

6.2 ÝîóõŸø Mî¬õèÀ‚è£ùÞì 嶂W´ (õù‚è£․ð£÷˜ ñŸÁ‥ æ†´ï˜ àKñ•¶ì¡ îò

õù‚è£․ð£÷˜ ðEJì•FŸ° ñ†´‥):-

«ïó® Gòñù•F™ ªð‡èÀ‚è£è 嶂è․ð†ì 30% è£LJìƒèO™ ê‥ð÷ ãŸøº¬ø Level 10

Ï.20600 – 65500 ‚° Iè£î ðîMèÀ‚° ªð‡èÀ‚è£è 嶂W´ ªê…ò․ð†´œ÷ ÞìƒèO™
10% ðEJìƒèœ Ü‣î‣î õ°․¹õ£K 嶂W†´ HK¬õ„ ꣘‣î î°FªðŸø ÝîóõŸø
Mî¬õèÀ‚° õöƒè․ð´‥. î°FªðŸø ÝîóõŸø Mî¬õJ™ô£î ÞìƒèO™ Ü‣î‣î õ°․¹õ£K
嶂W†´ HK¬õ„ ꣘‣î ªð‡èÀ‚° õöƒè․ð´‥. î°F»¬ìò ªð‡èÀ‥ Þ™ô£î ÞìƒèO™
Ü‣î‣î õ°․¹õ£K 嶂W†´․ HK¬õ„ ꣘‣î ݇èÀ‚° õöƒè․ð´‥.

6.2 Reservation for Destitute Widows (Applicable only to the post of Forest Guard,
Forest Guard with Driving Licence):-

Out of 30%of vacancies reserved to women candidates in direct recruitment,

ten percent of vacancies are reserved for Destitute Widows who possess the prescribed
qualifications for appointment to any post in Revised pay scales which do not exceed Level 10 Rs.
20600 – 65500/-. If no qualified and suitable Destitute Widow is available for selection, the turn so
set apart for Destitute Widows shall go to the women (other than Destitute widows) belonging to the
respective communal categories. In the event of non-availability of qualified and suitable Destitute
Widows / women (other than Destitute Widows) candidates for selection, the vacancy will be filled
by men candidates, belonging to the respective communal categories.

6.3 Special Concession for the Transgenders:-

(1) A transgender candidate, who applies as third gender, shall be eligible for
appointment in the vacancies reserved for women as well as the vacancies under
the general category.
(2) A transgender candidate who applies as female candidate shall produce a self-
declaration supported by the Identity card issued by the Tamil Nadu Third gender
Welfare Board and shall be considered against the vacancies reserved for women
as well as the vacancies under the general category.(A format of Identity card is
given in the Annexure – II )
(3) A transgender candidate, who applies as male candidate shall produce a self-
declaration supported by the Identity card issued by the Tamil Nadu Third gender
Welfare Board and shall be considered against the vacancies reserved for general

Provided that if a transgender candidate applies as male candidate, then the

requirement of Physical Standards and Endurance Test prescribed for the male
category shall apply. If a transgender candidate applies as female candidate, then
the requirement of Physical Standards and Endurance Test prescribed for the
female category shall apply. If a transgender candidate applies as third gender, the
Physical Standards and Endurance Test prescribed for female candidates shall

Provided further that if a third gender candidate belongs to the Jungle Tribes
specified in the Annexure to the Special Rules for the Tamil Nadu Forest
Subordinate Service Rules, and the Scheduled Tribes specified in Part B under
Schedule-II of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act,
2016 (Tamil Nadu Act 14 of 2016) and possesses Community Certificate as such,
then the requirement of Physical Standards prescribed for the Jungle Tribes and
Scheduled Tribes category shall apply.

Determination of the Community:

(a) A third gender candidate, who do not possess any community certificate, shall be
considered under the Most Backward Class community.

(b) A third gender candidate who belongs to scheduled caste or scheduled caste
Arunthathiyar or scheduled tribe community, and possesses community certificate
as such, shall be considered as per the respective community.

(c) A third gender candidate who belongs to a community other than scheduled caste or
scheduled caste Arunthathiyar or scheduled tribe and possesses community
certificate as such, shall be considered as per the own community or as Most
Backward Class Community, whichever is advantageous as per the option and once
the individual exercises option for community selection it should be crystallized and
this option should not be changed in future.

6.4 º¡ù£œ Þó£µõ•Fù˜ (õù‚è£․ð£÷˜ ñŸÁ‥ æ†´ï˜ àKñ•¶ì¡ îò õù‚è£․ð£÷˜

ðEJìƒèÀ‚° ñ†´‥):-

º¡ù£œ Þó£µõ•Fù¼‚°, Üó²․ðEèO™ Group-C ªî£°․H½œ÷ ðîMèO™, ðîMJ¡

ê‥ð÷ ãŸøº¬ø Level-2 Ï.15900-50400 à¬ìò¶‥, Ü‥ ÜFèñ£è à¬ìò¶‥ Ýù£™ ê‥ð÷
ãŸøº¬øLevel-13 Ï.35900-1,13500 ‚° °¬øõ£è‚ ªè£‡ì ðîMèO™ ñ†´«ñ 5%
è£L․ðEJì‥ 嶂W´ ªê…ò․ð´‥. (º¡ù£œ Þó£µõ•Fù¼‚è£ù 꽬èèœ ð•F 10™

கு஫ிப்பு: இபாணுயம்,


6.4 Reservation for Ex-Servicemen: (Applicable only to the post of Forest Guard and Forest
Guard with Driving Licence):-
Out of the total number of vacancies, 5% shall be reserved for Ex-servicemen to the posts of
Forest Guard and Forest Guard with Driving Licence.

Note: A person who has been discharged from any of the Defense services namely, the Army, the Navy or
the Air force shall be eligible for appointment by direct recruitment as Forest Guard, Forest Guard with Driving

6.5Special Reservation for outstanding Sportsperson:-

The Government of Tamil Nadu has passed orders for providing 10% reservation for Sportsperson
in respect of direct recruitment to the posts of Forester, Forest Guard,
Forest Guard with Driving Licence and Forest watcher in Tamil Nadu Forest Subordinate Service
within 200 point roster on horizontal basis vide its G.O. (Ms) No.110, Environment and Forests
(FR.2-1) Department, dated 03.08.2018

The Candidates who claim for this reservation shall possess the same qualification criteria as
General candidates.

While making appointment to the categories of Foresters, Forest Guards, Forest Guard with Driving
licence and Forest Watchers by direct recruitment, ten percent of the vacancies shall be filled up by
outstanding sports persons, according to the norms as prescribed below:

Special reservation for outstanding sports persons shall be within the communal
reservation for each category, namely, General Turn, Backward Classes (Other than
Backward Class Muslims), Backward Class Muslims, Most Backward Classes and
Denotified Communities, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Castes (Arunthathiyars on
preferential basis) and Scheduled Tribes in the 200 point roster as specified in Schedule-V
to the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016 (Tamil Nadu Act
14 of 2016):

Provided further that if no qualified and suitable outstanding sports person is available in
any category for appointment, then the turn so allotted to the outstanding sports persons in
the said category shall lapse and it shall be filled by other eligible candidates by following
the roster and by following the order of rotation specified in the Schedule to the Rules:

(a). Criteria for candidature for Sports person:-A candidate applying under 10% sports
quota shall be an outstanding sports person, who has represented at different level of
Competitions or Tournaments in the recognized sports and games within five
yearspreceedingthe date of Notification for direct recruitment.

(b).List of Sports / Games

(i)Track and Field events:-

(1) Athletics (Running, Marathon, Hurdles, Long jump, High jump, Triple jump,
Discus throw, Shot put, Javelin throw, Hammer throw).

(2) Power lifting.

(3) Swimming (Aquatics) ( Freestyle 100/50 meters, Back stroke 100/50 meters,
Breast stroke 100/50 meters, Butter fly/ Medley 50/200 meters)

(ii)Game events:-

(1) Badminton (2) Lawn tennis (3) Table tennis (4) Carrom (5) Cricket (6) Golf
(7) Snooker (8) Squash (9) Billiards (10) Bridge (11) Chess (12) Football
(13) Volley ball (14) Basket ball (15) Hockey (16) Kabbadi (17) Rifle shooting
(18) Boxing (19) Cycling (20) Fencing (21) Gymnastics (22) Judo (23) Karate-Do
(24) Rowing (25) Taekwon-do (26) Triathlon (27) Weightlifting (28) Wrestling
(29) Handball (30) Sailing

(c).Eligibility :-

For being considered as an outstanding sports person one should have represented ,-

i) International level Competition where participants are sponsored by National

Sports Federation recognized by Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports,
Government of India
ii) National level Competition(organized by concerned National Sports
Federation recognized by Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of
iii) State level Competition (organized by recognized State Sports Association)
and obtained within 3rd position.
iv) Inter – University tournaments (organized by All India University Sports
Board) and obtained within 3rd position.
v) State School teams in the National School Games (organized by School
Games Federation of India) and obtained within 3rd position.

(d).Competentauthority to award certificates in the recognized level of competitions

or tournaments in the sports orgames in the prescribed forms:-

Form Level of Competitions Competent Authority to award certificates

Form - I International level The Secretary, The National Federation or
Competition National Association duly countersigned by the
Member Secretary, Sports Development Authority
of Tamil Nadu.
Form - II National level Competition The Secretary of the National Federation /
Secretary of the State Association duly
countersigned by the Member Secretary, Sports
Development Authority of Tamil Nadu.
Form - III State level Competition The Secretary of the State Association duly
countersigned by the Member Secretary, Sports
Development Authority of Tamil Nadu.
Form - IV Inter – University Dean/ Director or Registrar or other officer in
Tournament overall charge of sports of the University duly
countersigned by the Vice-Chancellor of
Form - V State School Teams in The Principal / Headmaster of the School as per
the National School records of the School duly countersigned by the
Games Joint Director (NSS) Directorate of School
Education, Government of Tamil Nadu

(e).Award of marks in the recognized level of competitions or tournaments in the
sports / games:-

Qualifying Percentage of Marks

Level of Competition / Tournaments Gold Silver Bronze Participati
International level competition 100/100 100/100 100/100 90/100
National level competition 90/100 85/100 80/100 75/100
State Level Competition (who have been awarded 75/100 70/100 65/100
with the medal or have qualified for first three
Inter-University Tournaments (who have been 60/100 55/100 50/100
awarded with the medal or have qualified for first
three positions)
School Teams in the National School Games(who 60/100 55/100 50/100
have been awarded with the medal or have
qualified for first three positions)

In case of any doubt about the status of a tournament, matter may be decided by the Principal
Secretary to Government, Youth Welfare and Sports Development Department, Government of
Tamil Nadu in consultation with the Principal Secretary to Government, Environment and Forests
Department, Government of Tamil Nadu.


1. The sports quota candidate should participate in the Onlie Examination, Certificate
Verification, Physical Standard Verification, Endurance Test (Walking Test) and
Personality Test (For Forester Only) as mentioned in notification.
2. No Special Test for Sports and games mentioned above will be conducted for sports
quota candidates
3. For candidates applying under Sports quota, the online Examination and Personality
Test are qualifying only. For being considered under the sports quota, the sports person
have to secure minimum qualifying marks in the written test, and Personality Test (30%
for BCs/ BCMs/ MBCs/ DTs/ SCs/ SC(A)s /STs and 40% for General Turn category.
Other eligibility criteria should be fullfiled.
4. The Sports Quota candidate should upload soft copy in the prescribed format and the
original certificate during online application and produce the original of the same at the
stage/time of Certificate Verification.
5. If noqualified and suitable outstandingperson is available inany category, it shall be filled
by other eligible candidates by following rules in force.
6. The highest achievement in the last five year periodfrom the date of Notification will be
considered for recruitment and marks awarded accordingly.

7 Certificates issued by the associations recognized by Indian Olympic Association and
Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu only will be considered for Sports Quota.
8 Uploading of irrelevant Certificates and ineligible competitions may result in
disqualification. Candiates are advised to go through the G.O. (Ms) No.110,
Environment and Forests (FR.2-I) Departement, Dated:03.08.2018 carefully and in case
of any doubt may contact TNFUSRC. (Refer Annexure-3(B))
9 Ranking will be fixed based on sports achievements only.
10 Scrutinizing of sports certificates, award of marks to various levels of competitions and
fixing rankings based on the sports achievements will be done by Tamil Nadu Forest
Uniformed Service Recruitment Committee (TNFUSRC).

6.6 îI›õN‚è™M ðJ¡«ø£˜‚è£ù Þì 嶂W´ (PSTM):-

Þ•«î˜M™ èô‣¶ªè£œÀ‥ M‡í․ðî£ó˜è÷¤ô¢ G˜íJ‚è․ð†ì è™M• î°FJ¬ù• îI›

õNJ™ 𮕶• «î˜„C ªðŸøõó¢èÀ袰 ÞÁF•ªîó¤M¡«ð£¶ (Final Selection) õ°․¹ õ£Kò£è
Þ¼ð¶ êîõ¦îñ¢ (20%) º¡ÂK¬ñ Ü®․ð¬ìJ™ Þì 嶂W´ õöƒè․ð´‥.(Üó꣬í (G¬ô)
âí¢.145, ðí¤ò£÷ó¢ (ñ) ï¤ó¢õ£èê¢ ê¦ó¢î¤¼î¢îñ¢ (âú¢) ¶¬ø, ï£÷¢ 30.9.2010) õ¤í¢íð¢ð¤è¢è õ¤¼ñ¢¹ñ¢
ðîõ¤è¢° ï¤ó¢íò¤è¢èð¢ðì¢ì èô¢õ¤î¢ î°î¤ò¤¬ù îñ¤ö¢ ðJŸÁ ªñ£NJ™ (Tamil Medium)
ðJ¡Áœ÷£˜ â¡ø Mõó‥ õ¤í¢íð¢ðî£óó¤ù¢ ñî¤ð¢ªðí¢ / ñ£ø¢Áê¢ ê£ù¢ø¤îö¤ô¢ Þ™ô£F¼‣,
Üõ˜ ðJ¡ø è™M G¬ôò•FL¼‣¶ îI› ðJŸÁ ªñ£NJ™ 𮕶œ÷£˜ â¡ðîŸè£ù
꣡Pî¬ö․ ªðŸÁ Üî¡ ïè¬ôÞ¬íòõNJ™ ðF«õŸø‥ ªê…ò «õ‡´‥.(꣡PîN¡
ð®õ‥ð¤ø¢«êó¢è¢¬èJ™ ªè£´‚è․ð†´œ÷¶). [

6.6 Reservation for the Person Studied in Tamil Medium (PSTM):-

The Candidate who has studied the prescribed qualification in Tamil medium shall have
20% of reservation on preferential basis in each category by following the communal
reservation. (G.O. (Ms) No.145, Personnel & Administrative Reforms department, dated

The candidate who claims for this reservation shall uploadthe necessary certificate in
support of his/her claim provided that he/she should have studied the prescribed
qualification for the post applied for and obtained certificate in the prescribed format from
competent authority in the institution where he / she last studied.
(A proforma of the PSTM format is given in the Annexure-IV)

6.7 Üó꣬í (G¬ô) â‡.205 ²ŸÁ„Åö™ ñŸÁ‥ õù•(õù‥-2) ¶¬ø  13.08.2012¡ð®,
«ñŸ° ªî£ì˜„C ñ¬ô ܬñ‣¶œ÷ ñ£õ†ìƒè÷£ù F¼ªï™«õL, M¼¶ïè˜, F‡´‚è™,
«îQ, «è£ò‥¹•É˜, F¼․̘, côAK, ñ¶¬ó,è¡Qò£°ñK ñŸÁ‥ Aö‚° ªî£ì˜„C ñ¬ô
ܬñ‣¶œ÷ ñ£õ†ìƒè÷£ù ß«ó£´, ï£ñ‚è™, «êô‥,î˜ñ¹K, F¼õ‡í£ñ¬ô,
«õÖ˜,M¿․¹ó‥, F¼„Có£․ðœO, ªðó‥ðÖ˜ ÝAò ñ£õ†ìƒèO½œ÷ 裡 °®J¼․¹
ð°FèO™ õ£› ðöƒ°®Jù õ°․¹ Þ¬÷ë˜èÀ‚° ñ†´‥ 99 ðEJìƒèœ 嶂W´

10 | P a g e
6.7 As per G.O.(Ms) No.205 Environment and Forests (FR-2) Department,
dated:13.08.2012, Ninety Nine Forest Watcher vacancies are allotted to Scheduled
Tribe youths living in Forest Settlements of Western Ghats Districts viz., Tirunelveli,
Virudhunagar, Dindigul, Theni, Coimbatore, Tirupur, The Nilgiris, Madurai and
Kanniyakumari and Eastern Ghats Districts viz., Erode, Namakkal, Salem, Dharmapuri,
Tiruvannamalai, Vellore, Villupuram, Tiruchirapalli and Perambalur.

7.Þ¬íò£ù è™M• î°F

ð™è¬ô‚èöè ñ£Qò‚ °¿Mù£™ ܃WèK‚è․ð†ì ã«îÂ‥ å¼ ð™è¬ô‚èöè•î£«ô£, è™M

GÁõù•î£«ô£ å¼ ð†ì‥ õöƒè․ð†®¼‣, Ü‚è™M• î°F ªð£¶õ£è ãŸÁ‚ ªè£œ÷․ð´‥.
°P․H†ì ðîM‚° M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ Ü․ðîM‚° G˜íJ‚è․ð†ì î°F¬ò․ ªðŸP¼‚è
«õ‡´‥ Ü™ô¶ îI›ï£´ Üó²․ ðEò£÷˜ «î˜õ£¬íò• î¬ôõ¬ó î¬ô¬ñò£è‚ ªè£‡´
ܬñ‚è․ð†ì Þ¬í‚è™M ðK‣¶¬ó‚ °¿M¡ Ý«ô£ê¬ùJ¡ð® °P․H†ì è™M• î°F‚°„
êññ£ùî£è«õ£ Ü™ô¶ ܬîMì àò˜õ£ùî£è«õ£ ñ£Gô Üó꣙ ÜPM‚è․ð†ì è™M•
î°F¬ò․ ªðŸP¼‚è «õ‡´‥. Þ¬í‚è™M î°F ªðŸP¼․ðî£è àK¬ñ «è£¼‥
M‡í․ðî£ó˜, «î˜¾‚è£ù ÜPM‚¬è ªõOJì․ð´‥ ï£À‚° º¡ùî£è Þ¬í‚è™M âù
ÜPM‚è․ð†ì Üó꣬í¬ò ðF«õŸø‥ ªê…ò․ðì «õ‡´‥. «ñ½‥, Þî¬ù ꣡Pî›
êKð£˜․H¡ «ð£¶ ÜO‚è «õ‡´‥.


The degree awarded by any University / Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission
will be generally accepted. Candidates who apply for a particular post should possess the
prescribed qualification for the post or such other qualification which have been declared to be
higher than or equivalent to the said qualification by the State Government in consultation with the
Equivalence Committee constituted under the Chairmanship of the Chairman, Tamil Nadu Public
Service Commission for the purpose. Candidates claiming Equivalence of Qualification should
upload evidence for such claim in the form of G.O. issued prior to the date of notification or else
produce the same when called for at the time of Certificate Verification.

8. îI› ªñ£NJ™ î°F:

嚪õ£¼ M‡í․ðî£ó¼‥, ÜPM‚¬è ªõOJì․ð´‥ ï£÷¡Á «ð£¶ñ£ù îIöP¾ ªðŸP¼‚è

M÷‚è‥- W›‚裵‥ î°F¬ò․ ªðŸP¼‣ å¼õ˜ «ð£Fò îIöP¾ ªðŸøõó£è‚

å¼ ðîM‚° G˜íJ‚è․ð†ì è™M•î°F °¬ø‣î Ü÷¾ ªð£¶‚ è™M• î°F»‥
Ü «ñ½‥ Þ¼‣, ðœOJÁF․ ªð£¶• «î˜¾ (âv.âv.â™.C/H÷v-2) ð†ì․ð®․H™ îI¬ö
å¼ ªñ£N․ ð£ìñ£è â´•¶• «î˜„C ªðŸP¼‚è «õ‡´‥ Ü™ô¶ àò˜G¬ô․ ðœO․ð®․H™
îI¬ö․ ðJŸÁªñ£Nò£è‚ ªè£‡´ ðœOJÁF․ ªð£¶• «î˜¬õ• îIN™ â¿F• «î˜„C
ªðŸP¼‚è «õ‡´‥ Ü™ô¶ îI›ï£´ Üó²․ðEò£÷˜ «î˜õ£¬íò•Fù£™ ïì•î․ªðÁ‥
Þó‡ì£‥ õ°․¹ ªñ£N• «î˜M™ (º¿•«î˜¾) îIN™ «î˜„C ªðŸP¼‚è «õ‡´‥.

(1) «ð£¶ñ£ù îIöP¾ Þ™ô£«î£¼‥ M‡í․H‚èô£‥. Üõ˜èœ «î˜¾ ªðŸÁ․ ðEJ™

GòI‚è․ð†ì£™, ðEJ™ GòI‚è․ð†ì ï£OL¼‣¶ Þó‡´ Ý‡´èÀ‚°œ îIN™
Þó‡ì£‥ õ°․¹ ªñ£N• «î˜M™ (º¿•«î˜¾) «î˜„C ªðø «õ‡´‥.Üšõ£Á «î˜„C
ªðø• îõÁðõ˜èœ ðEJL¼‣¶ c‚è․ð´õ£˜èœ.

11 | P a g e

Every applicant on the date of the TNFUSRC Notification for the post should possess an adequate
knowledge in Tamil.

Explanation:For this purpose a person will be deemed to possess an adequate knowledge in Tamil
in the case of a post for which the educational qualification prescribed is the Minimum General
Educational Qualification and above, he must have passed the S. S. L. C. / H.S.C / Degree, etc with
Tamil as one of the languages or passed the S.S.L.C Public Examination in Tamil Medium or
passed the Second Class Language Test (Full Test) in Tamil conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public
Service Commission.
i. Candidates who do not possess an adequate knowledge in Tamil may also apply. If selected, they
should pass the Second Class Language Test (Full Test) in Tamil conducted by Tamil Nadu Public
Service Commission within a period of two years from the date of their appointment, failing which
they will be discharged from service.

9. «î˜¾‚ è†ìí„ ê½¬è (Üó꣬í (G¬ô) â‡, 32, ðEò£÷˜ (ñ) G¼õ£è„ Y˜F¼•î• ¶¬ø,
 01.03.2017 àœ÷ ݬíèO¡ Ü®․ð¬ìJ™ 01.03.2017 ºî™ F¼•Fò¬ñ‚è․ð†ì¶):-

õ¬è 꽬è Gð‣î¬ù

ÝF Fó£Mì˜ õ°․Hù˜, è†ìí‥ ªê½•î• -
ÝFFó£Mì˜(ܼ‣îFò˜) «î¬õJ™¬ô
ðöƒ°®Jù˜, è†ìí‥ ªê½•î• -
Iè¾‥ HŸð´•î․ð†ì Í¡Á º¬ø ñ†´‥ ãŸèù«õ Í¡Á º¬ø è†ìí„
õ°․Hù˜ / Y˜ ñóHù˜ è†ìí‥ ªê½•î• 꽬è¬ò ðò¡ð´•F Þ¼‚è‚
(F¼ïƒ¬èèœ à†ðì) «î¬õJ™¬ô. Ã죶.
Þvô£Iò˜ Ü™ô£î Í¡Á º¬ø ñ†´‥ ãŸèù«õ Í¡Á º¬ø è†ìí„
HŸð´•î․ð†ì õ°․Hù˜ è†ìí‥ ªê½•î• 꽬è¬ò ðò¡ð´•F Þ¼‚è‚
/HŸð´•î․ð†ì Þvô£Iò «î¬õJ™¬ô. Ã죶.
º¡ù£œ Þó£µõ•Fù˜ Þó‡´ º¬ø ñ†´‥ ãŸèù«õ 1.Þó‡´ º¬ø
è†ìí‥ ªê½•î• è†ìí„ ê½¬è¬ò
«î¬õJ™¬ô ðò¡ð´•F Þ¼‚è‚ Ã죶.
2. ãŸèù«õ ã«îÂ‥ å¼ ðîM /
ðEJ™ «ê˜‣¶ M†ì£™
H¡ù˜ º¡ù£œ
Þó£µõ•Fù˜ â¡ø
꽬è¬ò․ ªðø º®ò£¶.
ÝîóõŸø Mî¬õ è†ìí‥ ªê½•î• ÝîóõŸø Mî¬õ‚è£ù ꣡Á
«î¬õJ™¬ô õ¼õ£…‚ «è£†ì£†C˜/ ꣘ ݆Cò˜/
àîM ݆CòKì‥ ªðŸP¼‚è


ÝîóõŸø Mî¬õèœ, F¼ïƒ¬èèœ, º¡ù£œ Þó£µõ•Fù˜ ÝA«ò£˜ «î˜¾ è†ìí„

꽬èè¬÷‚ «è£¼‥ ð†ê•F™ Üõóõ˜èÀ‚° à‡ì£ù ꣡Pî›è¬÷, ꣡Pî› êK․𣘂°‥
«ð£¶ êñ˜․H‚è «õ‡´‥.

12 | P a g e

i) M‡í․ð‥ ÜÂ․Hò Hø° «ï˜ºè «î˜¾ à†ðì «ð£†®• «î˜¾‚° õó• îõPù£½‥
ÜO‚è․ð†´œ÷ è†ìí„ ê½¬è¬ò․ ðò¡ð´•F‚ ªè£‡ìî£è«õ è¼î․ð´‥.
ii) ÜO‚è․ð†´œ÷ Í¡Á / Þó‡´ º¬ø‚ è†ìí„ ê½¬è 嚪õ£¼ ðîM‚°‥ Þ™¬ô.
ªñ£•îñ£è ãî£õ¶ Í¡Á / Þó‡´ M‡í․ðƒèÀ‚° ñ†´«ñ ªð£¼‣¶‥. â‣î å¼
M‡í․ðº‥ Gó£èK‚è․ð†ì£½‥, ÜÂñF‚è․ð†ì£½‥ Ü™ô¶ F¼‥ð ªðø․ð†ì£½‥
ÜF™ «è£ó․ð´‥ è†ìí„ ê½¬è, èí‚A™ â´•¶‚ªè£œ÷․ð´‥.
iii) ãŸèù«õ ªðŸø è†ìí„ ê½¬è¬ò ñ¬ø•¶ ªð£…ò£è‚ è†ìí„ ê½¬è «è£¼‥
M‡í․ðƒèœ Gó£èK‚è․ð´‥.

9. FEE CONCESSION (Amended with effect from 01.03.2017 with reference to G.O. Ms. No.
32, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (M) Department, dated 01.03.2017)

Category Concession Condition

Scheduled Castes / Full Exemption -

Scheduled Caste

Scheduled Tribes Full Exemption -

Most Backward Class / Three Free Chances Should not have availed three free
Denotified chances in any of the previous
Communities recruitment.
(including Transgender)
Backward Classes Three Free Chances Should not have availed three free
(Other than Muslim) chances in any of the previous
/ Backward Classes recruitment.

Ex-Servicemen Two Free Chances i. Should not have availed two free
chances in any of the previous

ii. Fee concession will not apply for

those who have already been recruited
to any class or service or category.

Destitute Widow Full Exemption The Destitute Widow Certificate should

have been obtained from RDO / Sub-
Collector / Assistant Collector.

Note 1:
While claiming for fee concession the destitute widows, Transgenders and
Ex-servicemen must produce the necessary certificate in support of their claims, at the time of
certificate verification (See Annexure- V for Ex-serviceman).

13 | P a g e
Note 2:
i) Failure to appear for the competitive examination (including oral test) after sending an application
will not entitle him/her to exclude that chance from the free chances, towards payment of
Examination Fee.

ii) The three / two free chances allowed are not for EACH POSTbut for ANYTHREE / TWO
APPLICATIONS ONLY. The claim for exemption from payment of fee made in any application
which is rejected / admitted or withdrawn will be counted as having availed a free chance.

iii) The application of an applicant who makes a false claim for exemption from payment of
application fee by suppressing information regarding his previous application or applications will be

10. Concession for Ex-Servicemen

i) Þ‣î 嶂W†®¡W› M‡í․H‚°‥ M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ (GD/Trade) â‣î․ HK¬õ„

꣘‣îõó£èÞ¼․HÂ‥. ªð£¶ Míí․ðî£ó˜è¬÷․ «ð£ô«õ Þ¬íòõN â¿•¶•
«î˜¾, Üê™ê£¡Pî› êK𣘕î™, àì™ î°F Ü÷•î™, ï¬ì•«î˜¾ ÝAòõŸP™
èô‣¶ ªè£‡´«î˜„C ªðø «õ‡´‥.
Candidates (GD/Trade) applying for this reservation, like General candidates, should
take part in Online written examination, Certificate Verification, Physical standards
verification, endurance (walking) test.
ii) õù‚è£․ð£÷˜ ñŸÁ‥ æ†´ï˜ àKñ•¶ì¡ îò õù‚è£․ð£÷˜ ðîM‚°
M‡í․H․ðõ˜èœ Þó£µõ•F¢™ î£‥ ðE¹K‣î è£ô•¬î îñ¶õòF™ èN•î H¡¹
30 õò¶‚° «ñŸðì£îõó£è¾‥ Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‥.
Candidates applying for the post of Forest Guard and Forest Guard with Driving Licence
the age should not be more than 30 years after deducting their years of service from
their original age
iii) Hø î°Fèœ êññ£è Þ¼‚°‥«ð£¶ Þó£µõ•îF™ (î¬ó․ð¬ì) Þ¼‣¶
M´M‚è․ð´ðõ¼‚° «ïó® Gòñù•F™ º¡ÂK¬ñ ÜO‚è․ð´‥
All other things being equal, the preference shall be given to the candidates who have
been discharged from Army (Land Force).
iv) º¡ù£œ Þó£µõ•Fù˜ ÝF Fó£Mì˜, ÝF Fó£Mì˜ (ܼ‣îFò˜), ðöƒ°®Jù˜,
HŸð†ì õ°․Hù˜(ºvL‥), Iè¾‥ HŸð†ì õ°․Hù˜ / Y˜ ðöƒ°®ù˜, õ°․H¬ù„
ê£ó£îõó£J¡ 01/07/2018‥ ï£O™ 48 õòF¬ù․ ̘•F ªê…ò£îõó£è¾‥,
«ñŸè£‡õ°․H¬ù ꣘‣îõó£J¡ 53 õòF¬ù․ ̘•F ªê…ò£îõó£è¾‥ Þ¼•î™
An Ex-Serviceman who has not completed Forty Eight (48) years of age, if he does not
belong to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Caste (A), Scheuled Tribe, Backward Class,
Backward Class Muslim,Most Backward Class/ Denotified Tribes and Fifty Three Years
(53) if hebelongs to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe,Scheduled Caste (A), Backward
Class. Backward Class (Muslim), Most Backward Class/Denotified Tribes, ason

11. ꣡Áèœ êñ˜․H•î™:-

Þ¬íòõN M‡í․ð•F™ Ãø․ð†´œ÷ MõóƒèÀ‚° ꣡ø£è Þ¼‚°‥ Íô„꣡Áèœ

êKð£˜․H¡ ªð£¿¶ êñ˜․H‚è «õ‡´‥.

Ü) Hø‣î «îF‚è£ù ꣡Á

1 àò˜G¬ô․ ðœO¬ò M†´ ªê¡øîŸè£ù ꣡Pî› (SSLC) Ü™ô¶

14 | P a g e
2 ð™è¬ô‚èöè•F¡ Ü™ô¶ 虽£KJ¡ Ü™ô¶ ðœOJ¡ ÝõíƒèO™ 致œ÷õŸPŸ°
Þíƒè ð™è¬ô‚èöè‥ Ü™¶ 虽£K Ü™ô¶ ðœO ÜFè£KJìI¼‣¶ ªðø․ð†ì Hø‣î
«îF¬ò 裆´Aø å¼ ê£¡Pî› (ë£ùvî£ù (Baptism) ꣡Pî›) Ü™ô¶ Hø․¹ ðF«õ†®¡ â´
°P․¹ ãŸÁ‚ªè£œ÷․ðì ñ£†ì£¶ Ü™ô¶

3 ñ£Gô ÜóC¡ W› º¬øò£ù ðEJ½œ÷ M‡í․ðî£ó˜èO¡ ðE․ðF«õ†®L¼‣¶

Üõ˜èÀ¬ìò Hø‣î «îF‚° Ýî£óñ£è â´‚è․ð†ì â´ °P․¹.

Ý) å¿‚è‥ ñŸÁ‥ ï앬î․ðŸPò Þó‡´ ê£¡Pî›èœ

1 M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ è¬ìCò£è․ ð®•î Ü™ô¶ 𮕶‚ ªè£‡®¼‚A¡ø (îQ․ðJŸC‚ 虽£K

(Tutorial College) Ü™ô¶ ðœO Ü™ô¶ î†ì„² / ²¼‚ªè¿•¶ ðJŸC G¬ôò‥ îMó) è™M
G¬ôò•F¡ î¬ôõKìI¼‣¶ ªðø․ð†ì ꣡Pî›.

2 M‡í․ðî£ó¬ó «ï˜ºèñ£è• ªîK‣¶œ÷ å¼ “Ü” Ü™ô¶ “Ý” G¬ô Üó² ܽõôKìI¼‣¶

ªðø․ð†ì ꣡Pî›.Þ¶ Gòñù•FŸè£ù ÜPM‚¬è ªõOJì․ð†ì ñ£î•F¡ ºî™ ï£À‚°
º¡ùî£è Þ¼‚è‚ Ã죶.ބ꣡Pî› M‡í․ðî£ó¬ó․ ðŸPò «ï˜ºèñ£ù ÜP¬õ»‥
ÜÂðõ•¬î»‥ Ü®․ð¬ìò£è‚ ªè£‡´ õöƒè․ð†ìî£è Þ¼•î™ «õ‡´‥.å¼
àøMùKìI¼‣¶ ªðø․ð†ìî£è Þ¼•î™ Ã죶.


M‡í․ðî£ó˜ è¬ìCò£è․ ð®•î Ü™ô¶ 𮕶‚ªè£‡®¼‚A¡ø è™M G¬ôò•F™ Üõ˜

ð®•î è£ô Ü÷¾ å¼ è™Mò£‡®Ÿ°‚ °¬øõ£è Þ¼‣, å¼ è™Mò£‡®Ÿ°‚ °¬øò£ñ™
Üõ˜ è¬ìCò£è․ ð®•î è™M G¬ôò• î¬ôõKìI¼‣¶ ñŸªø£¼ ꣡Pî¬ö»‥ ªðŸÁ
êñ˜․H‚è «õ‡´‥.

2) å«ó ïðKìI¼‣¶ Þó‡´ ê£¡Pî›èœ ªðÁî™ Ã죶.

Þ) Gòñù•FŸè£è G˜íJ‚è․ð†´œ÷ î°FèÀ‚° (îIN™ ªðŸP¼‚è «õ‡®ò î°F à†ðì)

꣡ø£è Þ¼‚°‥ Ýõíƒèœ

1 ð†ì‥ (Degree 10+2Ü™ô¶ Ü Þ¬íò£ù è™M•î°F +3) Ü™ô¶ ð†ì•F¡ îŸè£Lè
꣡PîN¡ (Provisional Certificate) ÝAòõŸP¡ ïè™èœ «ð£¶ñ£ù Ýî£óñ£è ãŸÁ‚ªè£œ÷․ðì
ñ£†ì£¶.âQÂ‥ ð†ì„ ꣡Pî› ªî£¬ô‣¶ «ð£J¼‣ô£ Ü™ô¶ ãî£õ¶ è£óí•î£™
àìù®ò£è A¬ì‚èM™¬ôªò¡ø£«ô£ ð†ìñO․¹ Mö£MŸ° ÜÂñF‚è․ð†ìõ˜èœ
ðF«õ†®L¼‣¶ â´‚è․ð†ì â´ °P․H¡ ïè™èœ è™M• î°F‚°Kò ꣡ø£è

2 «ð£Fò îI› ÜP¾ ªðŸP¼․ðî£è‚ «è£¼‥ M‡í․ðî£ó˜ Üõ¼¬ìò ªñ£N îIö£è

Þ¼‣‥, Þ™ô£M†ì£½‥, Üõ˜ ðœOJÁF ªð£¶•«î˜M™ îI¬ö å¼ ªñ£Nò£è â´•¶
ð®•F¼‣ô£ Ü™ô¶ ªñ£N Ü™ô£î ñŸø â™ô£ ð£ìƒè¬÷»‥ îIN™ ð®•F¼‣ô£ Ü™ô¶
Þó‡ì£‥ õ°․¹ ªñ£N•«î˜M™ (º¿•«î˜¾) îIN™ «î˜„C ªðŸP¼‣ô£ Üî¡ ê£¡Pî¬ö
êñ˜․H‚è «õ‡´‥.

ß) ê£F„꣡Pî›

ÝFFó£Mì˜ õ°․Hù˜, ÝFFó£Mì ܼ‣îFò˜, ðöƒ°®Jù˜, Iè¾‥ HŸð´•î․ð†ì õ°․Hù˜

/ Y˜ðöƒ°®Jù˜, Þvô£Iòó™ô£î HŸð´•î․ð†ì õ°․Hù˜ ñŸÁ‥ HŸð´•î․ð†ì õ°․Hù˜
(Þvô£Iò˜) Þ•¬î„ «ê˜‣î M‡í․ðî£ó˜ 02.05.1988-‥ ï£O†ì õ¼õ£…•¶¬ø Üó꣬í

15 | P a g e
â‡.781-™ °P․H†´œ÷ ð®õ•F™°P․Hì․ð†´œ÷ ÜFè£Kè÷£™ õöƒè․ð†ì ê£F„
꣡Pî¬ö êñ˜․H‚è «õ‡´‥.

î°Fõ£…‣î ÜFè£KJìI¼‣¶ ªðø․ð†´ î£‚è™ ªê…ò․ð†ì ꣡PîN™ °P‚è․ð†´œ÷ ê£F,

Þ‣î MFº¬øèO¡ HŸ«ê˜‚¬èJ™ ªè£´‚è․ð†´œ÷ ÝFFó£Mì˜ õ°․Hù˜, ÝFFó£Mì
ܼ‣îFò˜ Ü™ô¶ ðöƒ°®Jù˜ Ü™ô¶ Iè¾‥ HŸð´•î․ð†ì õ°․Hù˜ / Y˜ðöƒ°®Jù˜
Ü™ô¶ Þvô£Iòó™ô£î HŸð´•î․ð†ì õ°․Hù˜ ñŸÁ‥ HŸð´•î․ð†ì õ°․Hù˜ (Þvô£Iò˜)
ð†®òL™ «ê˜‚è․ðìM™¬ôªò¡ø£™, ÜšM‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ ÝFFó£Mì õ°․Hù˜, ÝFFó£Mì
ܼ‣îFò˜ Ü™ô¶ ðöƒ°®Jù˜ Ü™ô¶ Iè¾‥ HŸð´•î․ð†ì õ°․Hù˜/ Y˜ðöƒ°®Jù˜
Ü™ô¶ Þvô£Iòó™ô£î HŸð´•î․ð†ì õ°․Hù˜ ñŸÁ‥ HŸð´•î․ð†ì õ°․Hù˜ (Þvô£Iò˜)
Þù•¬î„ «ê˜‣îõ˜è÷£è‚ 輕․ðìñ£†ì£˜èœ â¡Á â„êK‚è․ð´Aø£˜èœ. Þ‣G¬ôJ™
Üõ˜èœ ã¬ù«ò£˜ (Others category) â¡ø HKM¡ W› ñ†´«ñ è¼î․ð´õ£˜èœ. «ñ½‥,
ã¬ù«ò£˜ â¡ø HKM¡ W› Üõ˜èœ è¼î․ð´õ î°FòŸøõ˜èœ â¡ø£™ Üõ˜èÀ¬ìò
M‡í․ðƒèœ Gó£èK‚è․ð´‥.

à) î¬ìJ¡¬ñ„ ꣡Pî›

Þ‣Fò ÜóC¡ Ü™ô¶ Þ‣Fò£M™ àœ÷ å¼ ñ£Gô ÜóC¡ ðEJ½œ÷õ˜èœ Ü™ô¶

àœ÷£†C ñ¡øƒèœ Ü™ô¶ ð™è¬ô‚èöèƒèœ Ü™ô¶ Þ‣Fò ÜóC¡ Ü™ô¶ Þ‣Fò£M½œ÷
å¼ ñ£Gô ÜóC¡ ÜFè£ó•F¡ W› ܬñ‚è․ð†®¼‚°‥ æó÷¾ Üó² ꣘¹œ÷ GÁõùƒèO™
«õ¬ôJ™ Gó‣îó ðEJô£õ¶ Ü™ô¶ îŸè£Lè ðEJô£õ¶ àœ÷õ˜èœ, îƒèÀ¬ìò
M‡í․ðƒè¬÷ î£‥ õA•¶ õ¼‥ ðîMèÀ‚° Gòñù‥ ªê…õ î°F ªðŸø ÜFè£óèœ
Íôñ£è Ü™ô¶ ¶¬ø•î¬ôõ˜ õ£Jô£è ÜÂ․ð• «îMJ™¬ô. ñ£ø£è îñ¶ ¶¬ø•î¬ôõ¼‚°
î£‥ «î˜¾‚°¿ñ•F¡ â‣î «î˜¾‚° M‡í․H‚Aø£˜ â¡ð¬îâ¿•¶ Íô‥ ªîKM•¶
î¬ìJ¡¬ñ ꣡P¬ö ªðø «õ‡´‥.

Þõ˜èœ W«ö °P․Hì․ð†´œ÷ ð®õ•F™ îù¶ ðîM‚° Ü´•î àò˜G¬ô‚°‚ °¬øò£î

«ñôFè£KJìI¼‣¶ “M‡í․ð•¬î ãŸè î¬ìJ™¬ô” â¡ø ꣡PîN¬ù ꣡Pî›
êKð£˜․H¡ ªð£¿¶ êñ˜․H‚è «õ‡´‥. (î¬ìJ¡¬ñ ꣡Pî› ð®õ‥ HŸ«ê˜‚¬èJ™ àœ÷¶)


1 «î˜¾‚°¿ñ•FŸ° M‡í․ðƒè¬÷ ÜÂ․Hò Hø°ðE Gòñù‥ ªðŸøõ˜èœ î¬ìJ¡¬ñ„

꣡Pî¬ö ÜÂ․¹î™ «õ‡´‥.

2 î¬ìJ¡¬ñ„ ꣡Pî¬ö ÜÂ․Hò Hø° ðEòñ˜•î․ð†ì ï£OŸ°‥ Þ¬ì․ð†ì è£ô•FŸ°œ

M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ e¶ °ŸøMò™ / 心° ïìõ®‚¬è â´‚è․ð†®¼‣ô£, Üõ˜ î‡ì¬ù
ã¶‥ ªðŸP¼‣ô£, ÜšMóƒè¬÷ M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ îñ¶ ðF¾ â‡µì¡ àìù®ò£è
«î˜¾‚°¿ñ•FŸ° ªîKM•î™ «õ‡´‥. Þ¶°P•¶, M‡í․ðî£ó˜è÷£™ ÜO‚è․ð†ì
îèõ™èœ, îõÁ âù‚ è‡ìPò․ð´‥ «õ¬÷J™, Üõ˜è÷¶ ªîK¾ «î˜¾‚°¿ñ•î£™ Þó•¶


The Original Certificates in support of the claims made in the on-line application, should
be produced at the time of the Certificate Verification.

a) Evidence of date of birth viz.,

(i) The Secondary School-Leaving Certificate; or

16 | P a g e
(ii) A certificate from a University or College, or School authority showing date of birth, according to
the University or College or School records. (The certificate of Baptism or extract from Register of
Births, cannot be accepted) or

(iii) Extract from the Service Register showing date of birth in respect of persons holding regular
appointment under the State Government.

b) Two certificates of Character and Conduct:

(i) From the Head of the Institution (other than that of a Tutorial College or Tutorial School or a
Type-writing and / or Shorthand Institution) in which the applicant last studied or is studying, as the
case may be.

(ii) From a Government Officer belonging into Group A or B who knows the applicant personally,
obtained not earlier than the first day of the month, in which the recruitment is notified. This
certificate must be based on personal knowledge and experience of the applicant and not from a


i. If the period of study at the Institution in which the applicant last studied or is studying as
the case may be, is less than one academic year, he must produce also another
certificate from the Head of the Institution, in which he last studied for not less than one
academic year.
ii. No two certificates may be obtained from the same person.

c) Documents evidencing the qualification prescribed for the appointment, including

qualification in Tamil.

Copies of Degree (10+2 or its equivalent +3) or Provisional Certificate alone will be
accepted as evidence of qualifications. However, in case the Degree Certificate is lost or is not
immediately available for reasons to be specified, extract from the Convocation Register will be
accepted as evidence of qualification. Copies of Mark Sheets or Grade Certificates will not be
accepted as sufficient evidence. In the case of an applicant, who claims to possess adequate
knowledge in Tamil, whether his mother-tongue is Tamil or not, a certificate evidencing that he had
taken Tamil as a language in his S.S.L.C. Public Examination or had taken all the non language
subjects in the S.S.L.C. Public Examination in Tamil Medium or he had passed the Second Class
Language Test (Full Test) in Tamil must be produced.

d) Community Certificate

In the case of an applicant who claims to be a member of SC/ SC(A) or ST or MBC/DT or BC(Other
than BCM)or BC(M), a certificate from the authority noted against each should be produced in the
form prescribed referred to in G.O.Ms.No.781, Revenue department, dated 2nd May 1988.

Name of the Community Competent Authority to issue the Certificate

ST R.D.O / Assistant Collector / Sub-Collector /
Personal Assistant (General) to the Collector of
Chennai / District Adi-Dravidar Welfare Officer.
SC / SC(A) Taluk Tahsildar

17 | P a g e
Name of the Community Competent Authority to issue the Certificate
MBC / DT, BC (other than Muslim) and Revenue Officer not lower in rank than a
BC(M) Tahsildar or Head Quarters Deputy Tahsildar or
Special Deputy Tahsildar appointed to issue
Community Certificate. Additional Head Quarters
Deputy Tahsildar and Zonal Deputy Tahsildar

Thottia Naicker (including Head Quarters Deputy Tahsildar

Rajakambalam, Gollavar, Sillavar,
Thockalavar, Thozhuva Naicker, and
Erragollar) included in the list of MBC /

Community Certificate should have been issued by the competent authorities referred to above, in
whose jurisdiction the applicant claims to have permanent residence, after personal enquiries and
proper verification. The certificate obtained by the candidates in the form other than the one
referred to in G.O.Ms.No.781, Revenue department, dated 2nd May 1988 and solely based on the
entries in S.S.L.C or Transfer Certificate or other School / College records will not be accepted.
Candidates are warned that if the community recorded in the certificate produced by them from the
competent authority is not included in the list of Scheduled Castes, SC(A), Scheduled Tribes, Most
Backward Classes / Denotified Tribes, Backward classes (Other than Muslims) or BC(M) given in
the Annexure - I, they will not be considered as belonging to Scheduled Caste, SC(A), Scheduled
Tribes or Most Backward Classes / Denotified Tribes, Backward Classes (other than Muslims) or
BC(M) as the case may be. They will, in that case, be considered only under ‗Others Category‘ and
if they are not qualified to be considered under ‗Others Category‘, their applications will be rejected.

e) No Objection Certificate

Persons who are in the service of the Indian Union or a State in India or in the employment of Local
Bodies or Universities, or Quasi Government Organizations constituted under the authority of the
Government of India or of a State in India whether in regular service or in a temporary service need
not send their applications through their Head of Department or Employer. Instead, they may
directly apply to the TNFUSRC after duly informing their
Employer in writing that they are applying for the particular recruitment and with the condition that
they should produce ―No Objection Certificate‖ in the form prescribed below, from an authority not
below their Officer / Division Head at the time of attending the Certificate Verification (The format is
given in the Annexure-VI)

Note: (i) Persons who get employment after the submission of their applications and before the
receipt of intimation admitting them to the Certificate Verification / Oral Test / requiring to produce
original documents for verification should also produce the ―No objection Certificate‖.

(ii) In case any Criminal / Disciplinary action is taken against or if any punishment is imposed
against such persons after the production of ―No objection Certificate‖ and before the actual
appointment, such candidates should report this fact forthwith to the TNFUSRC indicating their
Register Number. Any violation or failure to comply with these instructions will end in rejection of

18 | P a g e
12. îI›ï£´ õù Y¼¬ì․ ðEò£÷˜ «î˜¾‚°¿ñ•¶ìù£ù ªî£ì˜¹ º¬ø:-

Ü) «î˜¾‚°¿ñ•FŸ° ªîKM‚è․ðì «õ‡®ò îèõ™ ܬù•¶‥ â¿•¶Íô‥,

àÁ․Hù˜ ªêòô£÷˜, îI›ï£´ õù Y¼¬ì․ ðEò£÷˜ «î˜¾‚°¿ñ‥, ºî¡¬ñ î¬ô¬ñ
õù․ð£¶è£õô˜ (¶¬ø•î¬ôõ˜) ܽõôè‥, ªï.1 pQv ꣬ô, ðùè™ ñ£O¬è,
¬êî£․«ð†¬ì, ªê¡¬ù-600 015 ‚° Ü™ô¶ I¡ù…ê™ [email protected]ºèõK‚°
ÜÂ․ð․ðì «õ‡´‥.

Ý) ðF™ ã¶‥ «î¬õ․ð†ì£™, «ð£Fò Ü…ê™ M™¬ô»ì¡ îò ðF™ ÜÂ․ð․ðì «õ‡®ò
ºèõKJ†ì à¬ø»‥, ÜîÂì¡ ÜÂ․ð․ðì «õ‡´‥.

Þ) ªîK‣ªî´‚è․ð죬ñ‚è£ù è£óíƒè¬÷‚ «è†´‥ õò¶ õó‥¹ Ü™ô¶ Hø î°FèÀ‚°

Mô‚° ÜO‚è‚ «è£K»‥ õ¼‥ è®îƒèœ èõQ‚è․ðìñ£†ì£¶.

ß) M‡í․ðî£ó˜èOìI¼‣¶ õ¼‥ º¬øf´è¬÷ ñ†´«ñ «î˜¾‚ °¿ñ‥ ªðŸÁ‚ªè£œÀ‥.

å¼ õö‚°¬óë˜ Ü™ô¶ HóFGF ªðò˜èO™ õ¼‥ è®îƒèœ èõQ‚è․ðìñ£†ì£¶.

à) â¿•¶• «î˜M™ «î£™Mò¬ì‣î Ü™ô¶ â¿•¶• «î˜¾ Ü™ô¶ «ï˜ºè• «î˜M¡

º®M™ «î˜„C ªðø£î‚ è£óíƒèœ «è†´ Ü™ô¶ Üõ˜èÀ¬ìò M¬ì•î£œè¬÷ ñÁ
ñF․d´ ªê…»‥𮠫膴 M‡í․ðî£ó˜èOìI¼‣¶ õ¼‥ «è£K‚¬èèœ

á) «î˜¾‚ °¿ñ•î£™ «ïó® Gòñù•FŸè£è ïì•î․ð´‥ Þ¬íòõN â¿•¶• «î˜M™ èô‣¶

ªè£‡ì ܬù•¶ M‡í․ðî£ó˜èO¡ ñF․ªð‡èœ, ªîK¾èœ º®¾Ÿø H¡ù˜ «î˜¾‚
°¿ñ•F¡ Þ¬íòî÷•F™ ªõOJì․ð´‥.



i. Any communication intended to the Committee must be made in writing and addressed only
to the Member Secretary, Tamil Nadu Forest Uniformed Services Recruitment Committee,8-
D Floor,Panagal Maaligai, No.1, Jeenis Road, Saidapet, Chennai 600 015 or by e-mail
[email protected] . Any communications addressed to the Chairman and Member of
Tamil Nadu Forest Uniformed Services Recruitment Committee will receive no attention.
ii. If a reply is sought, it must be accompanied by an envelope affixed with sufficient Postage
Stamps with the address to which the reply is to be sent.
iii. Communications asking reasons for non-selection and request for exemption from age limit
or other qualifications will receive no attention.
iv. The TNFUSRC, will receive communications only from candidates. Communications in the
name of pleader or agent on behalf of the applicant will receive no attention.
v. Requests for furnishing causes of failure in online examination or for non-selection on the
results of the online examination / oral test or for revaluation of answer books will not be
vi. Details of marks of all candidates who appeared for the online examination to the posts of
Forester, Forest Guard, Forest Guard with Driving Licence and Forest Watcher will be
available at on completionof selection process.

19 | P a g e
13. î°F c‚è‥:-

«î˜¾‚ °¿ñ•F¡ î¬ôõKì‥ Ü™ô¶ æ˜ àÁ․HùKì‥ Üõó¶ Ýîó¬õ․ ªðø «ï˜ºèñ£è«õ£

è®î•F¡ Íôñ£è«õ£ Ü™ô¶ âõ«óÂ‥ æ˜ àøMù˜, ï‡ð˜, è£․ð£÷˜, ܽõô˜ Üôô¶
«õªø£¼õ˜ Íôñ£è«õ£ ªê™õ£‚¬è ªê½•î ºòŸC•î™ ÝAò¬õèœ M‡í․ðî£ó˜
Ü•«î˜MŸ° î°FòŸøõó£è Ý‚è․ð´õ£˜.

(Ü) W›è£µ‥ ïìõ®‚¬èèÀ‚è£è î°F c‚è‥ ªê…ò․ð´‥

(1) ÝõíƒèO½‥, ꣡Pî›èO½‥ è£í․ð´‥ ã«îÂ‥ F¼•îƒèœ Ü™ô¶ «ñ£ê®ò£è

ñ£Áî™ ªê…î™ ÝAòõŸPŸ°‚ è£óíñ£è àœ÷ M‡í․ðî£ó˜è÷¢ «î˜¾‚°¿ñ‥
ï앶‥ ªîK¾èœ ñŸÁ‥ «î˜¾èO™ èô‣¶ ªè£œÀ‥ àK¬ñ¬ò Þö‚è «ïK´‥. «ñ½‥,
Þî¡ M¬÷õ£è Üó²․ðEJ™ «ê˜õîŸè£ù àK¬ñ¬ò«ò Þö‚è «ïóô£‥.
(2) M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ Üõ˜èÀ¬ìò ðJŸÁ ªñ£N‚ è™M• î°Fèœ Ü™ô¶ ð™«õÁð†ì
ð£ìƒèO™ ªðŸø «î˜„CJ¡ ñ Ü™ô¶ Üõ˜èœ ªõš«õÁ î°F G¬ôèO™ ªðŸø
ÜÂðõ‥ Ü™ô¶ Üõ˜èÀ¬ìò ñî‥, ê£F, 心°º¬ø ïìõ®‚¬èèœ ñŸÁ‥
î‡ì¬ùèœ ºîLòù ðŸP Üõ˜èÀ¬ìò M‡í․ð•F™ îõø£ù îèõ™è¬÷‚

(Ý) W›è‡ì à‡¬ñè¬÷ ñ¬ø•î™

1. º¡¹ «î˜¾‚°¿ñ•FŸ° M‡í․ð‥ ªê…î¶, Þôõê ÜÂñF 꽬èJ™ «î˜¾ â¿Fò¶

ñŸÁ‥ Üó², àœ÷£†C ñ¡øƒèœ Ü™ô¶ Üó²• ¶¬ø‚èöèƒèœ ºîLòõŸP™
2. ¬èî£ù¶ / °ŸøƒèÀ‚è£ù î‡ì¬ù ªðŸø¶, ¬ñò Ü™ô¶ ñ£Gô «î˜õ£¬íò•î£™
«î˜¾ ⿶‥ àK¬ñ Þó•¶ ªê…ò․ð†ì¶ Ü™ô¶ î°FòŸøî£è ÜPM‚è․ð†ì¶.
3. ã«îÂ‥ A÷˜„C Ü™ô¶ ÜóCò™ Þò‚èƒèO™ ß´ð†ì¶.
4. ñ£Gô ê†ìê¬ð, ï£ì£Àñ¡ø‥ Ü™ô¶ àœ÷£†C ñ¡øƒèÀ‚° «õ†ð£÷ó£è․

«î˜¾‚ °¿ñ•F¡ e¶ îõø£ù Ü™ô¶ Üõ¶£ø£ù °Ÿø„꣆´è¬÷ º¬øfì£è °¿ñ•FŸ«è£

Ü™ô¶ «õÁ â‣î ÜFè£K‚«è£ â¿¶î™ ÝAò¬õ è´‣îõø£è‚ è¼î․ð´‥.Þ„ªêò™èÀ‚°‚
è£óíñ£è àœ÷ M‡í․ðî£ó˜ °¿ñ‥ ï앶‥ «î˜¾èœ ñŸÁ‥ ªîK¾èO™ èô‣¶ ªè£œÀ‥
àK¬ñ¬ò Þö‚è «ïK´‥.


The following acts will end in disqualification:

i) If an applicant attempts to canvas and bring influence on the Chairman / Member /

Member secretaryor any of the staff of TNFUSRC personally / by letter / through
relatives, friends, patrons, officials or other persons.

ii) If an applicant attempts any tampering, alteration with the documents or certificates, he
is liable to be debarred from appearing for any of the selections and examinations
conducted by the TNFUSRC and consequently from entry into public service itself.

iii) Candidates furnishing false particulars in the matter of qualification, medium of

instruction or the nature of pass in various subjects, experience gained, their
religion or community, disciplinary proceedings, punishment, etc.,
20 | P a g e
iv) Suppression of material information regarding

a) Previous appearances or availing free chances, employment in Government or Local

Bodies, Public Corporations etc.,
b) Criminal Cases, Arrests, convictions debarment or disqualification by Union Public
Service Commission / State Public Service Commissions.
c) Participation in agitation or any political organization.
d) Candidature in election for Parliament / State Legislature / Local bodies etc.,

v) Making false or vexatious allegations against the TNFUSRC in petitions addressed to it

or any other authority will be viewed seriously and that the candidate responsible for
such act will be disqualified from appearing for the examinations and selections held by

vi) Candidate should make sure of their eligibility to the post applied for and that the
declaration made by them in the format of application regarding their eligibility is
correct in all respects. Any candidate furnishing in-correct information or making
false declaration regarding his / her eligibility at any stage or Suppresing any
EXAMINATIONS CONDUCTEDBY THE TNFUSRC and summarily rejection of their
candidature for this recruitment.

14. Hø º‚Aò ÜP¾¬óèœ

1) M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ 嚪õ£¼ «î˜¾‚°‥ M‡í․H․ð º¡ M‡í․ðî£ó˜èÀ‚è£ù

ÜP¾¬óè¬÷ º¿¬ñò£è․ 𮕶 ªîK‣¶ ªè£‡´ M‡í․H‚è «õ‡´‥. îƒèO¡
î°F•î¡¬ñ¬ò àÁF․ð´•F‚ ªè£œ÷ «õ‡´‥. °P․ð£¬í ÜÂ․ð․ð†ìî£ù£«ô£
Ü™ô¶ â¿•¶• «î˜¾ /꣡Pî› êKð£˜․¹ / «ï˜ºè•«î˜¾ ÝAòõŸPŸ°
ÜÂñF‚è․ð†ìîù£«ô£, Üõ¼¬ìò M‡í․ð‥ ÞÁFò£è ãŸè․ð†ì è¼î․ð죶.

2) î°F»œ÷ M‡í․ðî£ó˜èÀ‚°, «î˜¾ ⿶õîŸè£ù ¸¬ö¾„ Y†´èœ îI›ï£´ õù

Y¼¬ì․ ðEò£÷˜ «î˜¾‚ °¿ñ Þ¬íòî÷•F™ ðF«õŸø‥ ªê…ò․ð´‥.
M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ ÜõŸ¬ø ðFMø‚è‥ ªê…¶ ªè£œ÷ «õ‡´‥. ¸¬ö¾„ Y†®™
Ãø․ð†´œ÷ Gð‣î¬ùè¬÷ è¬ìH®•¶ «î˜¾ â¿î «õ‡´‥. ¸¬ö¾„ Y†´ îQò£è
Ü…ê™ Íô‥ ÜÂ․ð․ðìñ£†ì£¶.

3) M‡í․ð‥ êñ˜․H•î™ ñŸÁ‥ «î˜¾‚è£ù ¸¬ö¾„Y†´․ ªðÁî™ ªî£ì˜ð£è â¿‥

äòƒèÀ‚°‥ ñŸÁ‥ ªð£¶õ£ù îèõ™è¬÷․ ªðÁõ‥ «î˜¾‚°¿ñ•Fì‥ «ïK«ô£
Ü™ô¶ ªî£¬ô«ðC Íôñ£è«õ£ (044 -24341251) «õ¬ô èO™ காட஬10 ñE
ºî™நாட஬5.45 ñE õ¬ó ªî£ì˜¹ ªè£œ÷ô£‥.


1) Candidates should ensure their eligibility for examination. The candidates applying for the
examination should go through all instructions carefully and ensure that they fulfill all
eligibility conditions for admission to examination. Their admission to all stages of the
examination will be purely provisional subject to satisfying of the eligibility conditions. Mere
21 | P a g e
issue of memo of admission to the applicant to online examination / Certificate Verification /
Oral Test will not imply that his candidature has been fully cleared by the TNFUSRC.
2) The Admit cards for eligible candidates will be made available in the Tamil Nadu Forest
department website( for downloading by candidates. No Admit cards
will be sent by post. The candidates must comply with each and every instruction given in
the admit card.
3) Facilitation counter for guidance of candidates: In case of any guidance / information /
clarification of their applications, candidature, etc., candidates can contact TNFUSRC‗s
Office in person or over Telephone No. 044-24341251 on all working days between 10.00
am and 5.45 pm



°¿ñ‥ ï앶‥ ð™«õÁ GòñùƒèÀ‚°Kò «ð£†®• «î˜¾èÀ‚è£ù MFº¬øèœ

General Instructions (ªð£¶õ£ù MFº¬øèœ) :-

a) M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ î£ƒèœ «î˜¾ ⿶‥ «î˜¾ Ã앬î å¼ï£œ º¡ùî£è«õ

ªîK‣¶ªè£‡´ Ü ªê™ô‚ îò õN ñŸÁ‥ «ð£‚°õó•¶ Þ¬ì…ê™èœ
«ð£¡ø¬õè¬÷ ÜP‣¶ ªè£‡ì£™ «î˜¾ ï£÷¡Á «î˜¾ â¿î «î˜¾‚Ã앬î ܵè
ãŸð´‥ î£ñî îM˜‚èô£‥ âù ÜP¾Á•î․ð´Aø£˜èœ.

Candidates are advised to visit their allotted examination center one day in advance for
knowing the route and nature of traffic etc. to avoid possible delay in reaching the
examination center on the day of examination.

b) M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ îI›ï£´ õù•¶¬øJ¡ õ¬ôî÷•F™ ðFMø‚è‥ ªê…ò․ð†ì ÜÂñF

܆¬ì»ì¡ 30 GIì•FŸ° º¡ð£è«õ °P․H†´œ÷ «î˜¾ ¬ñò•FŸ° ï™ô º¬øJ™
à¬ìòE‣¶ õó «õ‡´‥. «ñ½‥ â‚è£óí•¬î‚ ªè£‡´‥ «î˜¾ ªî£ìƒAòH¡
«î˜¾‚ Ãì•FŸ° õ¼‥ M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ Þ¬íòõN• «î˜MŸ°

Candidates have to be decently dressed and should reach the Examination hall 30 minutes
before the commencement of Examination with the downloaded admit cards from the Tamil
Nadu Forest department‘s website. On any account, no candidate will be allowed after the
commencement of online examination.

c) å¡PŸ° «ñŸð†ì M‡í․ðƒè¬÷ ðF«õŸø‥ ªê…¶, Üî¡ M¬÷õ£è å¡PŸ°

«ñŸð†ì ªõš«õÁ ðFªõ‡è¬÷ ªè£‡ì ÜÂñF‚ °P․ð£¬íèœ A¬ì‚è․ªðŸø
M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ å«ó å¼ ÜÂñF‚ °P․ð£¬í¬ò ñ†´‥ î‥Iì‥ ¬õ•¶‚ªè£‡´
ÞšMõó•F¬ù ªîKM•¶ ñŸøõŸ¬ø °¿MŸ° F¼․H ÜÂ․HMì «õ‡´‥.

Candidates who have applied more than once and consequently are in receipt of more than
one admit card with different register numbers should retain only one admit card and return
the remaining admit card(s) to the TNFUSRC specifying the facts.

22 | P a g e
d) ªî£ŸÁ«ï£Jù£™ ð£F‚è․ð†ì M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ «î˜¾‚ Ãì•F™ ÜÂñF‚è․ðì
Candidates suffering from any contagious disease will not be admitted into the examination

e) M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ Üõ˜èÀ‚° 嶂è․ð†ì «î˜¾ ¬ñò•F™ ÜÂñF‚ °P․ð£¬íJ™

°P․H†´œ÷ð® ñ†´«ñ Þ¬íòõN• «î˜MŸ° ÜÂñF‚è․ð´õ˜. «î˜¾ ¬ñò•¬î
â‚è£óí•¬î‚ ªè£‡´‥ ñ£Ÿø Þòô£¶. M‡í․ðî£ó˜èÀ‚° 嶂è․ð†ì «î˜¾
¬ñò•FŸ° ðFô£è «õªø£¼ «î˜¾ ¬ñò•F™ Þ¬íòõN• «î˜¬õ â¿Fù£™
Üõ˜èO¡ M¬ì•î£œ ªê™ô£îè․ð´‥.

Candidates have to appear for the examination in the venue where they have been allotted
to (as mentioned in the admit card). Change of Venue will not be permitted at any cost. If
any candidates appears for the examination in the venues other than where he was
originally allotted to, his answer paper will be invalidated.

f) M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ «î˜¾‚ Ãì•F™ Ý…¾ ܽõô˜èœ ÜÂñF‚ °P․ð£¬ù¬ò

ðKYô¬ù‚è£è «è†°‥ «ð£¶ 裇H‚è «õ‡´‥.
Candidates should show the admit card to the Inspection authorities of the examination hall,
on demand for verification

g) «î˜¾‚ Ãì•F™ ñ†´I¡P «î˜¾¬ñò õ÷£è•F½‥ M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ 臮․ð£è

心°º¬ø¬ò‚ è¬ìH®‚è «õ‡´‥. ñ¶ ܼ‣FM†´ õ¼‥ M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ,
«î˜¾‚ Ãì•F™ ¹¬è․H®‚°‥ M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ, ꇬìJ´‥ M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ ñŸÁ‥
«î˜¾‚ Ãì è‡è£E․ð£÷˜ / ºî¡¬ñ‚ è‡è£E․ð£÷˜ Ü™ô¶ «î˜M™ èô‣¶
ªè£œ÷ õ¼‥ M‡í․ðî£ó˜èÀì¡ «î˜¾‚ Ãì•F«ô£ Ü™ô¶ «î˜¾ ¬ñò
õ÷£è•F«ô£ «î˜¾ ⿶õ º¡ù«ó£, H¡ù«ó£ Ü™ô¶ «î˜¾ ï¬ìªðÁ‥ ªð£¿«î£
º¬ø îõP ïì‚°‥ M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ î‡ì¬ù‚°œ÷£õ£˜èœ. «ñ½‥,
ÜšM‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ e¶ î°‣î °ŸøMò™ î‡ì¬ù ïìõ®‚¬è â´‚è․ð´‥.

Candidates should maintain strict discipline not only in the examination hall, but also inside
the campus of the examination venue. Candidates found Smoking or under the influence of
liquor, or found to have entered into quarrel of any kind, or misbehaved with the Chief
Invigilator or with the Inspection Authorities or with the Invigilator or with any other applicant
who has come to write the examination, either in the Examination venue or inside the
campus of the examination, either before or during or after the examination, are liable for
severe action including appropriate criminal action

h) «î˜¾‚ Ãì•FŸ° àœ«÷ «îc˜, è£H, CŸÁ‡®, ñŸÁ‥ °O˜ð£ùƒèœ «ð£¡ø¬õ

Tea, Coffee, snacks, soft drinks etc., will not be allowed inside the examination venue.

23 | P a g e
i) M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ Üõóõ˜èÀ‚° 嶂è․ð†ì ðFªõ‡ °P․H†´œ÷ Þ¼‚¬èJ™
ñ†´«ñ Üñó «õ‡´‥. Þì‥ ñ£P Üñó‚ Ã죶. ܬø‚è‡è£E․ð£÷K¡ ÜP¾¬ó․ð®
ïì‣¶ ªè£œ÷ «õ‡´‥.

Candidates should always sit in the seat allotted to them as per their Register Number and
must not change it.They should obey the instructions of the Invigilator.

j) M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ «î˜¾ ¬ñò•FŸ° «ðù£ ñŸÁ‥ ÜÂñF‚ °P․ð£¬í¬ò ñ†´«ñ

â´•¶õó ÜÂñF‚è․ð´õ˜. ñŸø ªð£¼œèÀ‚° ÜÂñF Þ™¬ô. â‣îªõ£¼ °P․¹èœ,
ªð¡C™, ¹•îè‥, õN裆®․¹•îè‥, I¡ùµ ê£îùƒèœ (Electronic Gadgets) «ð£¡ø
âõŸ¬ø»‥ M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ «î˜¾‚ Ãì•FŸ°œ 臮․ð£è â´•¶õó‚Ã죶.
«ñŸÃPòõŸP™ ã«îÂ‥ M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ «î˜¾‚ Ãì•F™ ¬õ•F¼‣ Üõ˜è÷¶
M‡í․ð‥ Gó£èK‚è․ð´‥.

Candidates should carry Pen and Admit card only inside the examination venue. Other
materials are not allowed. Candidates found in possession of any materials such as Notes,
Pencils, Books, Guides, Pen drives, Bluetooth devices, ear phones, airpods, mobile phones
and other Electronic gadgets of any kind etc., inside the examination hall will be liable for
rejection of application as decided by the TNFUSRC.

k) M‡í․ðî£ó˜ «î˜¾‚Ãì•F™ ã«îÂ‥ 心Wù„ ªêò™èO™ ß´ð´î™ Üî£õ¶ ñŸø

M‡í․ðî£ó˜èÀì¡ èô‣ô£C․ð¶, ñŸøõ˜è¬÷․ 𣘕¶ ⿶õ¶, °P․¹èœ
ªè£‡´õ¼õ¶, «î˜¾‚Ãì è‡è£E․ð£÷˜ Ü™ô¶ ñŸøõ˜èœ àîM¬ò õ¶
«ð£¡ø¬õ î¬ì ªê…ò․ð´A¡øù. Þ‣î ÜP¾¬ó¬ò eÁ«õ£˜ «î˜¾‚ Ã앬î M†´
ªõO«òŸø․ð´õ¶ ñ†´ñ™ô£ñ™ Üõ˜è÷¶ M¬ì•î£†èœ ªê™ô£îè․ð´‥.

Candidate involving in any indiscipline or irregular practices like consulting with other
candidates, copying, carrying notes, seeking the help of an Invigilator / any outsider, etc., in
the examination hall are strictly prohibited. Any violation would lead to being sent out of the
Examination Hall and his Answer sheet will be invalidated.

l) M‡í․ðî£ó˜ îù¶ Þ¬íòõN M‡í․ð•F™ °P․H†´œ÷ MõóƒèO¡

Ü®․ð¬ìJ™ îŸè£Lèñ£è «î˜¾ â¿î ÜÂñF‚è․ð´õ˜. ÜšMõóƒèœ, îèõ™èœ
îõø£ùî£è ñŸÁ‥ °¿ñ•F¡ ÜPM‚¬èJ™ (Notification) °P․H†´œ÷ MFèœ
M‡í․ðî£ó˜èÀ‚è£ù MFº¬øèœ °¿ñ•F¡ Hø MFèÀ‚° ºóí£è Þ¼․ð¶
H¡ù˜ ªîKòõ‣ â‣îªõ£¼ G¬ôJ½‥ M‡í․ðî£óK¡ M‡í․ð‥ Gó£èK‚è․ð´‥
ñŸÁ‥ îŸè£Lèñ£è ªîK¾ ªê…ò․ð†®¼․H¡ Ü•ªîK¾ Þó•¶ ªê…ò․ð´‥. «î˜MŸ°
ÜÂñF‚è․ð´õ ñ†´«ñ M‡í․ðî£ó˜ â‣îªõ£¼ ðîM‚è£ù ªîKMŸ°‥ àK¬ñ
«è£ó Þòô£¶. â™ô£ G¬ôèO½‥ «î˜MŸè£ù ÜÂñF îŸè£Lèñ£ù‥.

A candidate is admitted to the Online Examination provisionally based on the information

furnished by him/her in the on-line application. If at any stage, the information furnished by
him is found to be incorrect and does not conform to the provisions announced in the
Committie‘s Notification and Instructions to the candidates, his/her application will be
summarily rejected and provisional selection if any made will also be cancelled. Mere
admission to the examination will not confer any right on the candidature. His/her
candidature shall be provisional at all stages and the Committee has the right to reject it at
any stage as per the rules in force.
24 | P a g e
m) «î˜¾ â¿î ÜÂñF‚è․ð†ì «ïó•FŸ° «ñ™, â‚è£óí•¬î‚ ªè£‡´‥ ÜFè․ð®ò£ù
«ïó•¬î â´•¶‚ ªè£œ÷ M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ ÜÂñF‚è․ðìñ£†ì£˜èœ.

On any account, no candidate will be allowed to exceed the time allotted for answering the

n) «î˜¾‚°Kò «ïó‥ º®õ º¡ð£è, «î˜¾‚ Ã앬î M†´„ªê™ô â‣îªõ£¼

M‡í․ðî£ó¼‥ ÜÂñF‚è․ðìñ£†ì£˜èœ.

On any account, no candidate will be allowed to leave the Examination hall before the
closing time of the examination.

o) ܬô«ðC, G¬ù׆´ àœè†ì¬ñ․¹ °P․¹èœ ÜìƒAò ¬è‚è®è£ó‥ ñŸÁ‥ «ñ£Fó‥

«ð£¡ø â‣îªõ£¼ I¡ùµ ê£îùƒèœ Ü™ô¶ «õÁ õ¬è I¡ùµ ê£îùƒèœ ñŸø‥
¹•îè‥, °P․¹èœ, ¬è․¬ðèœ ÝAòõŸ¬ø M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ «î˜¾‚ Ãì•FŸ°œ
¬õ•F¼․ð¶ î¬ì ªê…ò․ð´‥.

Possession of electronics devices such as cellular phone, watches and Ring with inbuilt
memory notes, etc., or any other electronic device and Non- electronic devices such as,
Books, Notes, Handbags etc will be prohibited.

16. î°F‚è£ù ªð£¶õ£ù Gð‣î¬ùèœ

å¼ M‡í․ðî£ó˜ W›è£µ‥ î°Fè¬÷․ ªðŸP¼‚è «õ‡´‥.

1) å¿‚èº‥, º¡õóô£Á‥:-

GòI‚è․ð´õ Üõ¼¬ìò å¿‚èº‥, º¡õóô£Á‥ Üõ¬ó• î°F․𴕶õùõ£è Þ¼•î™


2) Þ¼î£ó ñí‥

݇ M‡í․ðî£ó˜, æ¡Á‚° «ñŸð†ì ñ¬ùMò˜ à¬ìòõó£è Þ¼•î™ Ã죶.M‡í․ðî£ó˜

ªð‡í£è Þ¼․H¡, ãŸèù«õ ñ¬ùM»ì¡ õ£¿‥ å¼õ¬ó• F¼ñí‥ ªê…îõó£è Þ¼•î™


A candidate must satisfy the TNFUSRC on the following aspects:-


That his character and antecedents are such as to qualify him for the appointment;


That he does not have more than one living wife or if such person is a woman, she is not married to
any person who has a wife living; and

25 | P a g e
17.Þîó Gð‣î¬ùèœ

(1) M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ å¼õ¬ó «î˜¾‚°¿ñ‥ ªîK‣ªî´․ð ñ†´«ñ Üõ˜ Ü󲕶¬øJ™

ðE Gòñù‥ ªðø à•îóõ£îñO․ðî£è£¶.

(2) M÷‥ðó․ð´•î․ð´‥ è£L․ðEJìƒèO¡ â‡E‚¬è «î£ó£òñ£ù‥. ÜPM‚è․ð†ì

è£L․ðEJìƒèœ â‣î ݇®Ÿ°Kò¬õ«ò£, Ü«î ݇®Ÿ°Kò è£L․ðEJìƒèO™
ñ£Áî™ ãŸð†ì£™ â¿•¶•«î˜¾ ñŸÁ‥ õ£…ªñ£N• «î˜¾‚° M‡í․ðî£ó˜è¬÷•
ªîK¾ ªê…»‥ º¡¹‥, â¿•¶•«î˜M¡ Ü®․ð¬ìJ™ ñ†´«ñ ªîK¾ ªê…ò․ð´‥
ðîMèÀ‚° Gòñù•FŸ° ªîK¾ ªê…õ º¡¹‥, Ü․«ð£¬îò è£LJìƒèO¡
G¬ô¬ñ‚° ãŸð ÜPM‚è․ð†ì è£L․ ðEJìƒèO¡ â‡E‚¬è

(3) M‡í․ð•¬î î£‚è™ ªê…î Hø° å¼ M‡í․ðî£ó˜,  ÝF Fó£Mì˜ õ°․Hù˜

Ü™ô¶ÝF Fó£Mì˜ (ܼ‣îFò˜) õ°․Hù˜ Ü™ô¶ ðöƒ°®Jù˜ Iè¾‥ HŸð´•î․ð†ì
õ°․Hù˜ / Y˜ ñóHù˜ Ü™ô¶ Þvô£Iò˜ Ü™ô£î HŸð´•î․ð†ì õ°․Hù˜ Ü™ô¶
HŸð´•î․ð†ì õ°․Hù˜ (Þvô£Iò˜) â¡«ø£ æ˜ àò˜‣î Ü™ô¶ Ã´î™ è™M•
î°F¬ò․ ªðŸøõ˜ â¡«ø£ Üõó£™ â¿․ð․ð´‥ «è£K‚¬è ⶾ‥

(4) M‡í․ðƒèO™ ªè£´‚è․ð´‥ îèõ™èO¡Ü®․ð¬ìJ™ ñ†´«ñ M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ

«è£¼‥ õò¶, ªð£¶‚è™M ñŸÁ‥ ªî£N™ ¸†ð‚ è™M• î°Fèœ, êÍè․HK¾, Cø․¹•
î°Fèœ (îI›õN‚ è™M, M¬÷ò£†´• î°Fèœ) ÝAò¬õ ãŸè․ð´A¡øù. âù«õ,
«ñŸÃPò îèõ™è¬÷• «î˜¾‚°¿ñ‥ äòñø• ªîO‣¶ ªè£œÀ‥ õ¬ó Üõ˜èO¡
M‡í․ðƒèœ îŸè£Lèñ£è ñ†´«ñ ãŸè․ð´‥. «ï˜ºè• «î˜MŸ° ÜÂñF‚è․ð´õ
Ü™ô¶ ªîK¾ ªê…ò․ð†«ì£˜ ð†®òL™ îŸè£Lèñ£è ÜõK¡ ªðò˜ «ê˜‚è․ð´õ
ñ†´«ñ å¼ M‡í․ðî£ó˜ ðîM Gòñù‥ ªðø àK¬ñòO‚è․ð†ìõó£èñ£†ì£˜. âù«õ,
â™ô£ G¬ôèO½‥ M‡í․ðƒèœ îŸè£Lèñ£è ãŸè․ð†´œ÷î£è«õ è¼î․ð´‥.
â‣G¬ôJ½‥, M‡í․ðî£óó£™ ÜO‚è․ð†ì Mõóƒèœ îõÁ âù è‡ìPò․ð´‥
ð†ê•F™, ªîK‣ªî´‚è․ð†ì H¡ù˜ Ãì M‡í․ð•¬î Gó£èK‚°‥ àK¬ñ
«î˜¾‚°¿ñ•FŸ° à‡´.

(5) «î˜¾ â¿î• î°F»¬ìòõ˜ â¡Á 輶‥ M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ Üšõ£Á àÁFªñ£N

ÜO•«î «î˜¾‚° M‡í․H•¶ îñ¶ ªð£Á․H™ «î˜M¬ù ⿶Aø£˜èœ. âù«õ,
«î˜¾ ⿶õ º¡ù£™ ðîM‚°Kò ÜPM‚¬è ï£÷¡Á MFèO™ àœ÷ð® õò¶,
è™M•î°F, õ£…․¹èO¡ â‡E‚¬è ºîLò ܬù•¶ Gð‣î¬ùè¬÷»‥ î£‥
G¬ø«õŸÁõ¬î M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ àÁF ªê…¶ ªè£œ÷ «õ‡´‥. î°FJ™ô£î
M‡í․ðî£ó˜èO¡ ðE«õ†¹• î°F, «î˜M¡ º®¾èœ ÜPM‚è․ð†ì H¡¹‥ Ãì
Þó•¶ ªê…ò․ðì•î‚è¶.

(6) Gòñù•FŸ°․ «ð£†®Jì• î°F»¬ìòõ˜ âù• «î˜¾‚°¿ñ•î£™ è¼î․ð´‥

M‡í․ðî£ó˜èœ ªê¡¬ù Ü™ô¶ Þ‥ñ£Gô•F¡ «õÁ ã«îÂ‥ ¬ñò•F™ àìŸî°F /
ï¬ì•«î˜¾ ñŸÁ‥ «ï˜è£í½‚° õ¼ñ£Á «î˜¾‚°¿ñ•î£™ ܬö‚è․ð†ì£™ Üõ˜
îù¶ ªê£‣î ªêôM™ õ¼õ Ýò•îñ£è Þ¼•î™ «õ‡´‥.


i) Selection of a candidate by the TNFUSRC carries with it no guarantee for an

appointment in a government department.
26 | P a g e
ii) The Number of vacancies advertised is only approximate and is liable for modification
with reference to vacancy position as follows:-―In the case of selections based on Written
cum Oral Test, the vacancies are liable for modification before admitting the candidates
to oral test. In the case of selections based only on written test, the vacancies are liable
for modification before actual recruitment or finalisation of results. Provided that,
modification in the vacancy position will be made only when there is a change in the
number of vacancies pertaining to the same year to which the notified vacancies are
iii) Any claim by an candidate that he belongs to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Caste
(Arunthathiyars) or Scheduled Tribe or Most Backward Class / Denotified Community or
Backward Class (other than Muslim) or Backward Class (Muslim) that he has obtained a
higher or additional qualification made after the submission of an application will not
be entertained.
iv) The claims of the candidates with regard to the date of birth, educational / technical
qualifications, Community, special qualification like Persons Studied in Tamil Medium,
Differently Abled, experience, optional subject, language, etc. are accepted only based
on the details furnished by them in their applications. The admission of candidature
therefore will be provisional and subject to satisfaction of the TNFUSRC about their
above said criteria like age, educational / technical qualifications, community etc. Mere
admission to the interview or inclusion of name in the list will not confer on the
candidates any right for appointment. The candidature is therefore, provisional at all
stages and the TNFUSRC reserves the right to reject any candidature at any stage,
even after the selection has been made when anything wrong claim or violation is

v) Candidates who consider themselves eligible to appear in an examination may apply

and write the examination at their own risk, with an undertaking / declaration to that
effect viz. before appearing for the examination, it should be ensured by the candidates
that on the date of notification of a post he fulfils all the conditions in regard to age,
educational qualifications, number of chances etc. as provided in the rules. The
candidature of candidates, if found ineligible shall stand cancelled even after declaration
of their result.
vi) A candidate found by the TNFUSRC qualified to compete for the appointment must be
prepared to appear when summoned before the TNFUSRC at Chennai or at any other
Centre in the State at his own expense.
vii) After notification, during the process of recruitment till publication of result,
no information, under Right to Information Act, would be furnished.

17(a) இனல்஧ாக்கல்சூத்திப஥டைமுட஫





27 | P a g e











இதன்மூ஬ம்பயவ்நயறுநதர்வுஅநர்வுக஭ில்யிண்ணப்஧தாபர்கள்ஒதுக்கீ டுபசய்யதுஉறுதிப்஧டுத்தப்஧டும்.





ீ (஋துப஧ரினநதா)


கு஫ிப்஧ிட்ைஅநர்யில்ப஧஫ப்஧ட்ைசபாசரி, திட்ையி஬க்கம், முதல்0.1 சதயதம்அல்஬துமுதல்஧த்து

(஋துப஧ரினநதா) யிண்ணப்஧தாபர்க஭ின்நதிப்ப஧ண்சபாசரிஆகினயற்ட஫ப்ப஧ாறுத்து'இறுதிநதிப்ப஧ண்',




஋ன்஧தா஦துI அநர்யில் j யிண்ணப்஧தாபபால்ப஧ற்஫இனல்பு஥ிட஬஋ய்தினநதிப்ப஧ண்

஋ன்஧தா஦துI அநர்யில் j யிண்ணப்஧தாபபால்ப஧ற்஫உண்டநனா஦நதிப்ப஧ண்

28 | P a g e
஋ன்஧தா஦துI அநர்யில்சபாசரிநதிப்ப஧ண்நற்றும்திட்ையி஬க்கத்தின்கூட்டுத்பதாடக

஋ன்஧தா஦துஅட஦த்துஅநர்வுக஭ின்முதல் 0.1 சதயிதம்அல்஬துமுதல்஧த்து (஋துப஧ரினநதா)



஋ன்஧தா஦துI அநர்யில்முதல் 0.1 சதயிதம்அல்஬துமுதல்஧த்து (஋துப஧ரினநதா)







NS = சந஥ிட஬னாக்கநதிப்ப஧ண்
AS = உண்டநநதிப்ப஧ண்
MS = சபாசரிநதிப்ப஧ண்



1. அட஦த்துயிண்ணப்஧தாபர்களுக்கும்டிக்பகட்஋ண்யரிடசமுட஫னின்஫ி஧கிர்ந்த஭ிக்கப்஧டும்

29 | P a g e
2. பயவ்நயறுநதர்வுநாற்஫ங்க஭ிலும்யிண்ணப்஧தாபர்கள்யரிடசமுட஫னின்஫ிஒதுக்கப்஧டுயர்,
நதர்வுநாற்஫ங்க஭ிலும்ஒநபயடகடனச்சார்ந்தயிண்ணப்஧தாபர்கள்ஒதுக்கீ டுபசய்னப்஧ைநாட்ைா
ர்கள். இங்குயடக஋ன்஧துஒநப஧ள்஭ிஅல்஬துஒநபஅண்டை஧குதிடனச்சார்ந்தயர்கள்.

3. அட஦த்துநதர்வுநாற்஫ங்க஭ிலும்த஦ித்துயநா஦நகள்யிகட஭க்பகாண்ையி஦ாத்தாள்கள்இருக்

4. பயவ்நயறுநதர்வுநாற்஫ங்க஭ில்இருக்கும்யி஦ாத்தாள்க஭ின்கடி஦த்தன்டநநாறு஧ை஬ாம்

5. ஒருகு஫ிப்஧ிட்ைநதர்வுநாற்஫த்தில்அட஦த்துயிண்ணப்஧தாபருக்கும்ஒநபயடகனா஦யி஦ாத்தா

6. அட஦த்துநகள்யிகளுக்கும்சநநா஦நதிப்ப஧ண்கள்யமங்கப்஧டும்.

குமிப்பு: ம஫ற்குமிப்பிட்டஇ஬ல்பாக்கல்சூத்தி஭஫ானதுGATE / CAT /



Tamil Nadu Forest Uniformed Services Recruitment Committee notified online examinations are
being carried out in an online Computer Based Test (CBT) mode where the candidates will be
shown the questions in a random sequence on a computer screen. The questions consist of
multiple choice questions (four answer options out of which the correct one has to be chosen).

The online examination will be held in multiple sessions. Hence, a normalization procedure will be
adopted to take into account any variation in the difficulty levels of the question set across different
sessions, although all efforts are being undertaken to prepare question paper sets of equal difficulty

The normalization procedure is based on the fundamental assumption that "in all multi-session
papers, the distribution of abilities of candidates is the same across all the sessions". This
assumption is justified since "the number of candidates appearing in multi-session subjects in major
examination is large and the procedure of allocation of session to candidates is random. Further it is
also ensured that for the same multi-session subject, the number of candidates allotted in each
session is of the same order of magnitude."

The candidate's final score after normalization will be different than the raw score (score arrived
with reference to final answer key). 'Final score' may be equal or greater or lesser than the raw
score depending on the average, standard deviation, average of marks scored by top 0.1% or 10
candidates (whichever is larger) of a particular session, as compared with sum of averages,
standard deviation, average of marks scored by top 0.1% or 10 candidates (whichever is larger) of
all the sessions.

30 | P a g e

Nij: is the Normalized marks obtained by the jth candidate in ith session.
Mij: is the actual marks obtained by the jth candidate in i thsession.
Miq: is the sum of the mean marks and standard deviation of the ith session i.e.
Mgt: is the average of the top 0.1 % or top 10 (whichever is larger) candidates considering all

Mgg: is the sum of mean and standard deviation marks of the candidates in the paper
considering all sessions.
Mti: is the average marks of the top 0.1% of the candidates or top 10 (whichever is larger) in the ith
Miq: is the sum of the mean marks and standard deviation of the ith session
On Rearranging we get the formula as

For better understanding the same expression can be written also as

NS = Normalized Score
AS = Actual Score
MS = Mean Score

After re-arrangement we have

1. Roll number of all applicants are randomly distributed.
2. All applicants with in different shifts are also randomly distributed i.e. if tests are conducted
in 12 different shifts then none of shift contains same type of applicants. Here type of
applicants means students from same school or from neighboring areas.
3. Every shift contains different paper with all questions distinct.
4. The question paper in different shifts may or may not have same difficulty level.

31 | P a g e
5. Each applicant in one particular shift has same paper but has different ordering of questions
as well as different ordering of options of a particular question.
6. All questions have been allotted the same marks.

NOTE: Above Normalization Formula is used by GATE / CAT / RAILWAYS etc. and is widely

18. TNFUSRC Decision to be final:-

The decision of the TNFUSRC in all aspects and all aspects pertaining to the application and its
acceptance or rejections as the case may be, conduct of examination and at all consequent stages
culminating in the selection or otherwise of any candidate shall be final in all respects and binding
on all concerned. TNFUSRC also reserves its right to alter and modify regarding time and
conditions laid down in the notification for conducting the various stages up to selection, duly
intimating details thereof to all concerned, as warranted by any unforeseen circumstances arising
during the course of this process, or any stage deemed necessary by the Tamil Nadu Forest
Uniformed Services Recruitment Committee at any stage.

Member Secretary

32 | P a g e


1. Agamudayar including Thozhu or Thuluva Vellala

2. Agaram Vellan Chettiar
3. Alwar, Azhavar and Alavar (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli
4. Servai (except Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts).
5. Nulayar (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
6. Archakarai Vellala
7. Aryavathi (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
8. Ayira Vaisyar
9. Badagar
10. Billava
11. Bondil
12. Boyas (except Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur, Pudukottai, The Nilgiris, Salem, Namakkal,
Dharmapuri and Krishnagiri Districts). Pedda Boyar (except Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and
Pudukottai Districts) Oddars (except Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur,
Perambalur, Pudukottai, Madurai,Theni and Dindigul Districts) Kaloddars (except Kancheepuram,
Tiruvallur, Ramanathapuram, Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Madurai, Theni, Dindigul, Pudukottai,
Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur, Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi, Salem and Namakkal Districts)
Nellorepet Oddars (except Vellore and Tiruvannamalai Districts) Sooramari Oddars (except Salem
and Namakkal Districts)
13. Chakkala (except Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram,
Thanjavur,Nagapattinam,Tiruvarur, Pudukottai, Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur, Madurai, Theni,
Dindigul and The Nilgiris Districts)
14. Chavalakarar (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
15. Chettu or Chetty (including Kottar Chetty, Elur Chetty, Pathira Chetty,Valayal Chetty,Pudukadai
Chetty) (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
16. Chowdry
17. Converts to Christianity from Scheduled Castes irrespective of the generation of conversion
(except the Paravar converts Christianity of Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District)
18. C.S.I formerly S.I.U.C (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
19. Donga Dasaris (except Kancheepuram, Tiruvallur, Tiruchirapalli,Karur, Perambalur, Pudukottai,
Chennai, Salem and Namakkal Districts)
20. Devangar, Sedar
21. Dombs (except Pudukottai, Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur Districts) Dommars (except
Thanjavur, Nagapattinam,Tiruvarur, Pudukottai,Vellore and Thiruvannamalai Districts)
22. Enadi
23. Ezhavathy (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
24. Ezhuthachar (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
25. Ezhuva (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
26. Gangavar
27. Gavara, Gavarai and Vadugar (Vaduvar) (other than Kamma, Kapu, Balija and Reddi)
28. Gounder
29. Gowda (including Gammala, Kalali and Anuppa Gounder)
30. Hegde
31. Idiga
32. IllathuPillaimar, Illuvar, Ezhuvar and Illathar
33. Jhetty

33 | P a g e
34. Jogis (Except Kancheepuram, Tiruvallur, Madurai, Theni, Dindigul, Cuddalore, Villupuram,
Vellore and iruvannamalai Districts)
35. Kabbera
36. Kaikolar, Sengunthar
37. Kaladi (except Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram, Madurai, Theni,
Dindigul,Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, Pudukottai, Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur
38. Kalari Kurup including Kalari Panicker (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District)
39. Kalingi
40. Kallar, Easanattu kallar
Gandharva Kottai Kallars- (except Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur and Pudukottai Districts)
Kootappal Kallars- (except Pudukottai, Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur Districts) Piramalai
Kallars-(except Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram. Madurai, Theni, Dindigul, Pudukottai,
Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and Tiruvarur Districts) Periyasooriyur Kallars-(except Tiruchirapalli,
Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)
41. Kallar Kula Thondaman
42. Kalveli Gounder
43. Kambar
44. Kammalar or Viswakarma, Viswakarmala (including Thattar, Porkollar, Kannar, Karumar, Kollar,
Thacher, Kal Thacher, Kamsala and Viswa Brahmin).
45. Kani, Kanisu, Kaniyar Panicker
46. Kaniyala Vellalar
47. Kannada Saineegar, Kannadiyar (Throughout the State) and Dasapalanjika (Coimbatore, Erode
and the Nilgiris Districts)
48. Kannadiya Naidu
49. Karpoora Chettiar
50. Karuneegar (Seer Karuneegar, Sri Karuneegar, Sarattu Karuneegar, Kaikatti Karuneegar,
Mathuvazhi Kanakkar, Sozhi Kanakkar and Sunnambu Karuneegar)
51. Kasukkara Chettiar
52. Katesar, Pattamkatti
53. Kavuthiyar
54. Kerala Mudali
55. Kharvi
56. Khatri
57. Kongu Vaishnava
58. Kongu Vellalars (including Vellala Gounder, Nattu Gounder, Narambukkatti Gounder, Tirumudi
Vellalar, Thondu Vellalar, Pala Gounder, Poosari Gounder, Anuppa Vellala Gounder, Padaithalai
Gounder, Chendalai Gounder, Pavalankatti Vellala Gounder, Palavellala Gounder, Sanku Vellala
Gounder and Rathinagiri Gounder).
59. KoppalaVelama
60. Koteyar
61. Krishnanvaka (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
62. Kudikara Vellalar
63. Kudumbi (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
64. Kuga Vellalar
65. Kunchidigar
66. Latin Catholics except Latin Catholic Vannar in Kanniyakumari District
67. Latin Catholics in Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District.
68. Lambadi
69. Lingayat (Jangama)
70. Mahratta (Non-Brahmin) (including Namdev Mahratta)
71. Malayar
72. Male

34 | P a g e
73. Maniagar
74. Maravars (except Thanjavur, Nagapattinum, Tiruvarur, Pudukottai, Ramanathapuram,
Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Tirunelveli and Thoothukudi Districts) Karumaravars Appanad
Kondayam kottai Maravar–(except Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram, Madurai, Theni
and Dindigul Districts.) Sembanad Maravars- (except Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, and
Ramanathapuram Districts)
75. Moondrumandai Enbathunalu (84) Ur. Sozhia Vellalar
76. Mooppan
77. Muthuraja, Muthuracha, Muttiriyar, Mutharaiyar
78. Nadar, Shanar and Gramani (including Christian Nadar, Christian Shanar and Christian
79. Nagaram
80. Naikkar (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
81. Nangudi Vellalar
82. Nanjil Mudali (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
83. Odar (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
84. Odiya
85. Oottruvalanattu Vellalar
86. O.P.S. Vellalar
87. Ovachar
88. Paiyur Kotta Vellalar
89. Pamulu
90. Panar (except in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District where the
community is a Scheduled Caste)
91. Pandiya Vellalar
92. Kathikarar in Kanniyakumari District
93. Pannirandam Chettiar or Uthama Chettiar
94. Parkavakulam (including Surithimar, Nathamar, Malayamar, Moopanar and Nainar)
95. Perike (including Perike Balija)
96. Perumkollar (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
97. Podikara Vellalar
98. Pooluva Gounder
99. Poraya
100. Pulavar (in Coimbatore and Erode Districts)
101. Pulluvar or Pooluvar
102. Pusala
103. Reddy (Ganjam)
104. Sadhu Chetty (including Telugu Chetty, Twenty four Manai Telugu Chetty)
105. Sakkaravar or Kavathi (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District )
106. Salivagana
107. Saliyar, Padmasaliyar, Pattusaliyar, Pattariyar and Adhaviyar
108. Savalakkarar
109. Senaithalaivar, Senaikudiyar and Illaivaniar
110. Serakula Vellalar
111. Sourashtra (Patnulkarar)
112. Sozhiavellalar (including Sozha Vellalar, Vetrilaikarar, Kodikalkarar and Keeraikarar)
113. Srisayar
114. Sundaram Chetty
115. Thogatta Veerakshatriya
116. Tholkollar (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
117. Tholuva Naicker and Vetalakara Naicker
118. Thoriyar
119. Ukkirakula Kshatriya Naicker
120. Uppara, Uppillia and Sagara

35 | P a g e
121. Urali Gounder (except Tiruchirapalli, Karur , Perambalur and Pudukottai District) and Orudaya
Gounder or Oorudaya Gounder (in Madurai, Theni, Dindigul, Coimbatore, Erode, Tiruchirapalli,
Karur , Perambalur, Pudukottai,Salem and Namakkal Districts)
122. Urikkara Nayakkar
123. Virakodi Vellala
124. Vallambar
125. Vallanattu Chettiar
126. Valmiki
127. Vaniyar, Vania Chettiar (including Gandla, Ganika, Telikula and Chekkalar)
128. Veduvar and Vedar (except in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli
District where the community is a Scheduled Caste)
129. Veerasaiva (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District )
130. Velar
131. Vellan Chettiar
132. Veluthodathu Nair (in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
133. Vokkaligar (including Vakkaligar, Okkaligar, Kappiliyar, Kappiliya, Okkaliga Gowda, Okkaliya-
Gowda, Okkaliya- Gowder, Okkaliya Gowda)
134. Wynad Chetty (The Nilgiris District)
135. Yadhava (including Idaiyar, Telugu Speaking Idaiyar known as Vaduga Ayar or Vaduga Idaiyar
or Golla and Asthanthra Golla)
136. Yavana
137. Yerukula
138. Converts to Christianity from any Hindu Backward Class Community or Most Backward Class
Community (except the converts to Christianity from Meenavar, Parvatharajakulam, Pattanavar,
Sembadavar, Mukkuvar or Mukayar and Paravar) or Denotified Communities.
139. Orphans and destitute children who have lost their parents before reaching the age of ten and
are destitutes; and who have nobody else to take care of them either by law or custom; and also
who are admitted into any of the schools or orphanages run by the Government or recognized by
the Government.


1. Ansar
2. Dekkani Muslims
3. Dudekula
4. Labbais including Rowthar and Marakayar (whether their spoken language
is Tamil or Urdu)
5. Mapilla
6. Sheik
7. Syed


1. Ambalakarar
2. Andipandaram
3. Arayar (in Kanniyakumari District)
4. Bestha, Siviar
5. Bhatraju (other than Kshatriya Raju)
6. Boyar, Oddar
7. Dasari
8. Dommara
9. Eravallar (except in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District where the
community is a Scheduled Tribe)
10. Isaivellalar
11. Jambuvanodai
12. Jangam

36 | P a g e
13. Jogi
14. Kongu Chettiar (in Coimbatore and Erode Districts only)
15. Koracha
16. Kulala (including Kuyavar and Kumbarar)
17. Kunnuvar Mannadi
18. Kurumba, Kurumba Gounder
19. Kuruhini Chetty
20. Latin Catholic Christian Vannar (in Kanniyakumari District)
21. Maruthuvar, Navithar, Mangala, Velakattalavar, Velakatalanair and Pronopakari
22. Mond Golla
23. Moundadan Chetty
24. Mahendra, Medara
25. Mutlakampatti
26. Narikoravar (Kuruvikars)
27. Nokkar
28. Panisaivan/Panisivan
29. Vanniakula Kshatriya (including Vanniyar, Vanniya, Vannia Gounder, Gounder or Kander,
Padayachi, Palli and Agnikula Kshatriya)
30. Paravar (except in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District where the
Community is a Scheduled Caste)
31. Paravar converts to Christianity including the Paravar converts to Christianity of Kanniyakumari
District and Shencottah Taluk in Tirunelveli District
32. Meenavar (Parvatharajakulam, Pattanavar, Sembadavar) (including converts to Christianity)
33. Mukkuvar or Mukayar (including converts to Christianity)
34. Punnan Vettuva Gounder
35. Pannayar (other than Kathikarar in Kanniyakumari District)
36. Sathatha Srivaishnava (including Sathani, Chattadi and Chattada Srivaishnava)
37. Sozhia Chetty
38. Telugupatty Chetty
39. Thottia Naicker (including Rajakambalam, Gollavar, Sillavar, Thockalavar, Thozhuva Naicker
and Erragollar)
40. Thondaman
41. Thoraiyar (Nilgiris)
42. Thoraiyar (Plains)
43. Transgender or Eunuch (Thirunangai or Aravani)
44. Valaiyar (including Chettinad Valayars)
45. Vannar (Salavai Thozhilalar) (including Agasa, Madivala, Ekali, Rajakula, Veluthadar and
Rajaka) (except in Kanniyakumari District and Shencottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District where the
community is a Scheduled Caste)
46. Vettaikarar
47. Vettuva Gounder
48. Yogeeswarar

37 | P a g e

1. Attur Kilnad Koravars (Salem,Namakkal, Cuddalore, Villupuram, Ramanathapuram, Sivaganga

and Virudhunagar Districts)
2. Attur Melnad Koravars (Salem and Namakkal District)
3. Appanad Kondayam kottai Maravar (Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram,
Madurai,Theni and Dindigul Districts)
4. Ambalakarar (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and
Pudukottai Districts)
5. Ambalakkarar ( Suriyanur, Tiruchirapalli District)
6. Boyas (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur, Pudukottai, The Nilgiris, Salem, Namakkal, Dharmapuri
and Krishnagiri Districts)
7. Battu Turkas
8. C.K. Koravars (Cuddalore and Villupuram Districts)
9. Chakkala (Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram, Thanjavur, Nagapattinam,Tiruvarur,
Pudukottai Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur, Madurai, Theni, Dindigul and The Nilgiris Districts)
10. Changyampudi Koravars (Vellore and Tiruvannamalai Districts)
11. Chettinad Valayars (Sivaganga, Virudhunagar and Ramanathapuram Districts)
12 Dombs (Pudukottai,Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur Districts)
13 Dobba Koravars (Salem and Namakkal Districts)
14 Dommars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam,Tiruvarur, Pudukottai, Vellore and Tiruvannamalai Districts)
15 Donga Boya
16 DongaUr.Korachas
17 Devagudi Talayaris
18 Dobbai Korachas (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)
19 Dabi Koravars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur,
Pudukottai, Vellore and Tiruvannamalai Districts)
20 Donga Dasaris (Kancheepuram, Tiruvallur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur, Pudukottai,
Chennai, Salem and Namakkal Districts)
21 Gorrela Dodda Boya
22 Gudu Dasaris
23 Gandarvakottai Koravars ( Thanjavur, Nagapattinam,Tiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur,Perambalur,
Pudukottai, Cuddalore and Villupuram Districts)
24 Gandarvakottai Kallars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam,Tiruvarur& Pudukottai Districts)
25 Inji Koravars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and
Pudukottai Districts)
26 Jogis (Kancheepuram,Tiruvallur, Chennai, Cuddalore, Villupuram, Vellore and Tiruvannamalai
27 Jambavanodai
28 Kaladis (Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram, Madurai,Theni, Dindigul, Thanjavur,
Nagapattinam,Tiruvarur, Pudukottai,Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur Districts)
29 Kal Oddars (Kancheepuram, Tiruvallur, Ramanathapuram, Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Madurai,
Theni, Dindigul,Pudukottai, Thanjavur, Nagapattinam,Tiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur,Perambalur,
Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi, Salem and Namakkal Districts)
30 Koravars (Kancheepuram, Tiruvallur, Ramanathapuram, Sivaganga, Virudhunagar,
Pudukottai,Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Thiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur, Tirunelveli,
Thoothukudi, Chennai,Madurai, Theni, Dindigul and The Nilgiris Districts)
31 Kalinji Dabikoravars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur and Pudukottai Districts )
32 Kootappal Kallars (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)
33 Kala Koravars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and
Pudukottai Districts)
34 Kalavathila Boyas
35 Kepmaris (Kancheepuram,Tiruvallur, Pudukottai, Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur Districts )

38 | P a g e
36 Maravars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, Pudukottai, Ramanathapuram, Sivaganga,
Virudhunagar, Tirunelveli and Thoothukudi Districts )
37 Monda Koravars
38 Monda Golla (Salem and Namakkal Districts)
39 Mutlakampatti (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)
40 Nokkars (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)
41 Nellorepet Oddars (Vellore and Tiruvannamalai Districts)
42 Oddars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli,Karur,Perambalur, Pudukottai,
Madurai, Theni and Dindigul Districts)
43 Pedda Boyas (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)
44 Ponnai Koravars (Vellore and Tiruvannamalai Districts)
45 Piramalai Kallars ( Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram, Madurai,Theni, Dindigul,
Pudukottai, Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and Tiruvarur Districts)
46 Peria Suriyur Kallars (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)
47 Padayachi (Vellayan Kuppam in Cuddalore District and Tennore in Tiruchirapalli District)
48 Punnan Vettuva Gounder (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)
49 Servai (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)
50 Salem Melnad Koravars (Madurai, Theni, Dindigul, Coimbatore, Erode, Pudukottai,
Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur, Salem, Namakkal, Vellore and Tiruvannamalai Districts)
51 Salem Uppu Koravars (Salem and Namakkal Districts)
52 Sakkaraithamadai Koravars (Vellore and Tiruvannamalai Districts)
53 Saranga Palli Koravars
54 Sooramari Oddars (Salem and Namakkal Districts)
55 Sembanad Maravars (Sivaganga, Virudunagar and Ramanathapuram Districts)
56 Thalli Koravars(Salem and Namakkal Districts)
57 Telungapattti Chettis (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)
58 Thottia Naickers (Sivaganga, Virudunagar, Ramanathapuram, Kancheepuram,Tiruvallur,
Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur,Perambalur, Pudukottai, Tirunelveli,
Thoothukudi, Salem, Namakkal, Vellore, Tiruvannamalai, Coimbatore and Erode Districts)
59 Thogamalai Koravars or Kepmaris (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)
60 Uppukoravars or Settipalli Koravars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, Pudukottai, Madurai,
Theni, Dindigul, Vellore and Tiruvannamalai Districts)
61 Urali Gounders (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)
62 Wayalpad or Nawalpeta Korachas
63 Vaduvarpatti Koravars (Madurai, Theni, Dindigul, Ramanathapuram, Sivaganga, Virudunagar,
Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi, Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)
64 Valayars (Madurai, Theni, Dindigul, Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur, Pudukottai,Erode and
Coimbatore Districts)
65 Vettaikarar (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur and Pudukottai Districts)
66 Vetta Koravars (Salem and Namakkal Districts)
67 Varaganeri Koravars ( Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)
68 Vettuva Gounder (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukottai Districts)

39 | P a g e
1. Adi Andhra.
2. Adi Dravida.
3. Adi Karnataka.
4. Ajila.
5. Arunthathiyar.
6. Ayyanavar (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
7. Baira.
8. Bakuda.
9. Bandi.
10. Bellara.
11. Bharatar (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
12. Chakkiliyan.
13. Chalavadi.
14. Chamar, Muchi.
15. Chandala.
16. Cheruman.
17. Devendrakulathan.
18. Dom, Dombara, Paidi, Pane.
19. Domban.
20. Godagali.
21. Godda.
22. Gosangi.
23. Holeya.
24. Jaggali.
25. Jambuvulu.
26. Kadaiyan.
27. Kakkalan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
28. Kalladi.
29. Kanakkan, Padanna (in The Nilgiris District).
30. Karimpalan.
31. Kavara (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
32. Koliyan.
33. Koosa.
34. Kootan, Koodan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
35. Kudumban.
36. Kuravan Sidhanar.
37. Madari.
38. Madiga.
39. Maila.
40. Mala.
41. Mannan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
42. Mavilan.
43. Moger.
44. Mundala.
45. Nalakeyava.
46. Nayadi.
47. Padannan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
48. Pagadai.
49. Pallan.
50. Palluvan.
51. Pambada.
52. Panan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
53. Panchama.

40 | P a g e
54. Pannadi.
55. Panniandi.
56. Paraiyan, Parayan, Sambavar.
57. Paravan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
58. Pathiyan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
59. Pulayan, Cheramar.
60. Puthirai Vannan.
61. Raneyar.
62. Samagara.
63. Samban.
64. Sapari.
65. Semman.
66. Thandan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
67. Thoti.
68. Tiruvalluvar.
69. Vallon.
70. Valluvan.
71. Vannan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
72. Vathiriyan.
73. Velen.
74. Vetan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli District).
75. Vettiyan.
76. Vettuvan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district).


1. Adiyan.
2. Aranadan.
3. Eravallan.
4. Irular.
5. Kadar.
6. Kammara (excluding Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district).
7. Kanikaran, Kanikkar (in Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah and Ambasamudram taluks of
Tirunelveli district).
8. Kaniyan, Kanyan.
9. Kattunayakan.
10. Kochu Velan.
11. Konda Kapus.
12. Kondareddis.
13. Koraga.
14. Kota (excluding Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district).
15. Kudiya, Melakudi.
16. Kurichchan.
17. Kurumbas (in The Nilgiris District).
18. Kurumans.
19. Maha Malasar.
20. Malai Arayan.
21. Malai Pandaram.
22. Malai Vedan.
23. Malakkuravan.
24. Malasar.
25. Malayali (in Dharmapuri, Krishnagiri, Vellore, Thiruvannamali, Pudukottai, Salem, Namakkal,
Villuppuram, Cuddalore, Tiruchirappalli, Karur, Ariyalur and Perambalur Districts).
26. Malayekandi.

41 | P a g e
27. Mannan.
28. Mudugar, Muduvan.
29. Muthuvan.
30. Palleyan.
31. Palliyan.
32. Palliyar.
33. Paniyan.
34. Sholaga.
35. Toda (excluding Kanyakumari district and Shenkottah taluk of Tirunelveli district).
36. Uraly.


1. Annandan
2. Badaga
3. Bagata
4. Chenchu
5. Dambe
6. Gadaba
7. Gadd
8. Irulars
9. Jataru
10. Kada (Kadan)
11. Kani(Kankan)
12. Karumbalan
13. Kattamarian
14. Kondu
15. Konda dora
16. Kata
17. Keya
18. Kudibi
19. Kurichan
20. Kurumban
21. Madugar or Medavar
22. Maduva
23. Malasar
24. Malayalee
25. Marathi (of South Indian District)
26. Mavilan
27. Melaudi or Indian
28. Pandiyan
29. Panu (Pane)
30. Palayan(Pulavan)
31. Peraga (Paroja)
32. Savara
33. Shelagar
34. Tode
35. Vettuvan
36. Kondakapu
37. Konda Reddi
38. Lingadhari Kaya
39. Nannedhera
40. Reddi Dhora
42 | P a g e
Residence of
a. Javadies in North Arcot District.
b. Yelagiri in North Arcot District.
c. Kalrayans in South Arcot District.
d. Pachamalai Hills in Salem District
e. Chitteris in Salem District.
f. Kalrayans in Salem District.
g. Shervaroys Hills in Salem District.
h. Pachamalai Hills in Trichy District.

43 | P a g e


஧ி஫ப்புப஧னர் :
புடகப்஧ைம் அபயாணிப஧னர் :
தற்ந஧ாடதனமுகயரி :

உறுப்஧ி஦ர்டகபனாப்஧ம் நாயட்ைசமூக஥஬அலுய஬ர்

உறுப்஧ி஦ர்஋ண் :

஥ிபந்தபமுகயரி :

44 | P a g e
(for representing India in an International Competition in one of the
recognized Games/Sports mentioned in rule 3-E (b))


Certificate to meritorious sportsmen for employment to Group B &CService under
the Forest Department of Tamil Nadu

Certified that Thiru/Tmt/Selvi___________________________ Son/Wife/Daughter of

Thiru____________________________________________________and resident of
______________________________________________________(complete address)
________________________________________________representedIndia in the
__________game/event of_________in __________competition/Tournamentheld at
Certified that ___________________________ is recognizedInternational competition in

The position obtained by the individual/team in the above said International

Competition/Tournament was __________________________________. The Certificate is
being given to Thiru/Tmt/Selvi___________________________ Son/Wife/Daughter of
Thiru_________________whose date of birth is_________ on the basis of record available
in the office of National Federation/National Association of _______________.

Place---------------- Signature-------------------------
Date---------------- Name------------------------------
Name of the Federation/National

Note: This Certificate will be valid only when signed personally by the Secretary, National
Federation/National Association duly countersigned by the Member Secretary,Sports
Development Authority of Tamil Nadu.

45 | P a g e

(for representing a State in India in a National Level Competition in one of the

recognized Games/Sports mentioned in rule 3-E(b))

STATE ASSOCIATION OF ______________ IN THE GAME_________ OF__________

Certificate to meritorious sportsmen for employment to Group B&C Service under

the Forest Department of Tamil Nadu

Certified that Thiru/Tmt/Selvi ___________________________ Son/Wife/Daughter of

Thiru____________________________________________________and resident of
______________________________________________________(complete address)
___________________________________ represented the State of Tamil Nadu in
the__________________game/event of_________in competition/Tournamentheld at
Certified that ___________________________ is recognizedNational Level Competition
in the___________category.

The position obtained by the individual/team in the above said National

Competition/Tournament was __________________________________. The Certificate is
being given to Thiru/Tmt/Selvi ___________________________ Son/Wife/Daughter of
Thiru_________________whose date of birth is_________ on the basis of record available
in the office of National Federation/National Association of _______________.

Place---------------- Signature-------------------------
Date---------------- Name------------------------------
Name of the Federation/National

Note: This Certificate will be valid only when signed personally by the Secretary of the
National Federation/ Secretary of the State Association duly countersigned by the Member
Secretary, Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu.

46 | P a g e
(for representing State Level Competition in one of the recognized Games/Sports
mentioned in rule 3-E (b))


Certificate to meritorious sportsmen for employment to Group B&C Service under
the Forest Department of Tamil Nadu
Certified that Thiru/Tmt/Selvi ___________________________ Son/Wife/Daughter of
Thiru_____________________________________________________and resident of
______________________________________________________(complete address)
___________________________________ won the ______________medal in
________State Games of Tamil Nadu in the__________________game/event
of______________________________________ in competition/Tournamentheld at
Certified that __________________________ is recognizedState Level Competition in

The position obtained by Thiru/Tmt/Selvi___________ who was part of___________(name

of team) in the___________State/Inter-university/School
The____________ (individual/team) qualified for the first three positions. In case of
_________________ field and track event______________the performance of
_______________________________(individual) in the _________________category was
____________seconds/meters/kgs (units).

The position obtained by the individual/team in the above said State

Competition/Tournament was __________________________________. The Certificate is
being given to Thiru/Tmt/Selvi ___________________________ Son/Wife/Daughter of
Thiru_________________whose date of birth is_________ on the basis of record available
in the office of State Federation/State Association of _______________.

Place---------------- Signature-------------------------
Date---------------- Name------------------------------
Name of the Federation/State
Note: This Certificate will be valid only when signed personally by the Secretary of the
State Association duly countersigned by the Member Secretary, Sports
Development Authority of Tamil Nadu.

47 | P a g e

(For representing in the Inter-University Competition in one of the recognized Inter

University Games/sports mentioned in rule 3-E (b)).
Certificate to meritorious sportsmen for employment to Group C & D Service under
the Forest Department of Tamil Nadu
Certified that Thiru/Tmt/Selvi _______________________________________
Son/Wife/Daughter of Thiru____________ Resident of _________________student of
____________________________________ represented the University of
_______________________in Inter the game/event of ____________________in
InterUniversity Competition/Tournament held at ____________________________
from________________________to____________________________Certified that
______________________________ is recognizedInter university Competition in

The position obtained by Thiru/Tmt/Selvi___________ who was part of___________(name

of the team) in the_________State/Inter-university/School Games
The____________(individual/team) qualified for the first three positions. In case of
_________________ field and track event______________the performance of
____________(individual) in the _____________category was
___________________________seconds/meters/kgs (units).

The position obtained by the individual/team in the above said inter university
Competition/Tournament was __________________________________. The Certificate is
being given to Thiru/Tmt/Selvi ___________________________ Son/Wife/Daughter of
Thiru_________________whose date of birth is_________ on the basis of record available
in the office of Dean of Sports or Officer in overall charge of sports in the University of

Place---------------- Signature-------------------------
Date---------------- Name------------------------------
Name of the University------------

Note: This Certificate will be valid only when signed personally by Dean/Director/Registrar
or other officer in overall charge of sports of the University duly countersigned by the Vice-
Chancellor of the University.

48 | P a g e

(For representing in the State School Teams in the National School Games
/sports mentioned in rule 3-E (b))
Certificate to meritorious sportsmen for employment to Group B and C Service
under the Forest Department of Tamil Nadu
Certified that Thiru/Tmt/Selvi ______________________________ Son/Wife/Daughter of
Thiru_____________________________________________________student of
___________________________________________ (Complete address) represented
the_______________________________________________State School Team in the
game/event of _________________________________________________in the
NationalSchool Games for schools held at ___________________________________
from_________________________to____________________________.Certified that
______________________________ is recognizedNational School Competition in

The position obtained by Thiru/Tmt/Selvi___________ who was part

of______________(name of the team) in the_________State/Inter-university/School
The____________(individual/team) qualified for the first three positions. In case of
_________________ field and track event______________the performance of
____________(individual) in the _____________category was
____________seconds/meters/kgs (units).

The position obtained by the individual/team in the above said Competition/Tournament

was __________________________________. The Certificate is being given to
Thiru/Tmt/Selvi ______________________________________ Son/Wife/Daughter of
Thiru___________________whose date of birth is__________ on the basis of record
available in the ____________School.

Place---------------- Signature-------------------------
Date---------------- Name------------------------------

Note: This Certificate will be valid only when signed personally by the Principal
/Headmaster of the school as per records of the Schoolduly countersigned by the Joint
Director (NSS), Directorate of School Education,Government of Tamil Nadu.

49 | P a g e
ð¤ø¢«êó¢è¢¬è - IV

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50 | P a g e

Undertaking to be given by the applicant

I hereby accept that, if selected on the basis of the recruitment / examination to which this

application relates, I will produce documentary evidence to the satisfaction of the appointing

authority that I have been duly released /retired /discharged from the Armed Forces and I am

entitled to the benefits admissible to Ex-servicemen given under Section 63 of the Tamil Nadu

Government Servants (conditions of service) Act, 2016 as amended from time to time.

Place: Signature of the applicant

51 | P a g e


1. Name of the applicant

2. Name of the Post held

3. Whether the applicant is employed temporarily under the emergency provisions or whether the
applicant is a probationer or an approved probationer or a full member of any of the
sub-ordinate/State Services?

4. Period of Employment From (date) To (date)

Endorsement No.Dated

(a) I have no objection to the applicants‘s application being considered for the post of / recruitment
of -------------------------------------

(b) Certified that Thiru/Tmt/Selvi …………………………………….…… has the following

punishment / has no punishment to his credit.

(C) It is also certified that no charge or / and criminal case is pending against him. (If there is
pending copy of documents to be enclosed)

Place Office Seal & Date Signature Designation

52 | P a g e

Syllabusfor the post of Forester

Paper – I - General Knowledge

Unit I: Current Events

History-Latest diary of events – National‐‐National symbols‐Profile of States‐Defence, national

security and terrorism‐World organizations‐pacts and summits‐Eminent persons & places in
news‐Sports & games‐Books & authors ‐Awards & honours‐Cultural panorama‐Latest historical
events‐‐ India and its neighbours‐‐ Latest terminology‐ Appointments‐who is who?

Political Science-1.India‘s foreign policy‐2.Latest court verdicts – public opinion‐3.Problems in

conduct of public elections ‐4.Political parties and political system in India‐5.Public awareness &
General dministration‐6. Role of Voluntary organizations & Govt.,‐7. Welfare oriented govt.
schemes, their utility

Geography -Geographical landmarks‐Policy on environment and ecology—

Economics-Current socio‐economic problems‐New economic policy & govt. sector

Science-Latest inventions on science & technology‐Latest discoveries in Health Science‐Mass

media & communication

Unit II: Geography

Earth and Universe‐Solar system‐Atmosphere hydrosphere, lithosphere‐Monsoon, rainfall, weather

and climate‐Water resources ‐‐‐ rivers in India‐Soil, minerals & natural resources‐Natural
vegetation‐Forest & wildlife‐Agricultural pattern, livestock & fisheries‐Transport including Surface
transport & communication‐Social geography –population‐density and distribution‐Natural
calamities – disaster management‐Climate change ‐ impact and consequences ‐ mitigation
measures‐Pollution Control

Unit III: History and Culture of India

Pre‐historic events‐‐Indus valley civilization‐Vedic, Aryan and Sangam age‐Maurya

dynasty‐Buddhism and Jainism‐Guptas, Delhi Sultans, Mughals and Marathas‐Age of
Vijayanagaram and the ahmanis‐South Indian history‐Culture and Heritage of Tamil people‐Advent
of European invasion‐Expansion and consolidation of British rule‐Effect of British rule on
socio‐economic factors‐Social reforms and religious movements‐India since
independence‐Characteristics of Indian culture‐Unity in diversity –race, colour,
language, custom‐India‐as secular state‐Organizations for fine arts, dance, drama, music‐ Growth
of rationalist, Dravidian movement in TN‐Political parties and populist schemes‐Prominent
personalities in the various spheres – Arts, Science, literature and Philosophy – Mother Teresa,
Swami Vivekananda, PanditRavishankar , M.S.Subbulakshmi, Rukmani Arundel and
J.Krishnamoorthy etc.

53 | P a g e
Unit IV: Indian Polity
Constitution of India‐. Preamble to the constitution‐ Salient features of constitution‐Union, State and
territory‐ Citizenship‐rights amend duties‐ Fundamental rights‐Fundamental duties‐ Human rights
charter‐ Union legislature – Parliament‐ State executive‐ State Legislature – assembly‐ Status of
Jammu & Kashmir‐ Local government– panchayat raj – Tamil Nadu‐ Judiciary in India – Rule of
law/Due process of law‐Indian federalism – center – state relations‐. Emergency provisions‐ Civil
services inIndia‐ Administrative challenges in a welfare state‐ Complexities of district administration‐
Elections ‐ Election Commission Union and State. Official language and Schedule‐VIII‐
Amendments to constitution‐ Schedules to constitution‐. Administrative reforms & tribunals‐
Corruption in public life‐ Anti‐corruption measures – Central Vigilance Commission, lok‐adalats,
Ombudsman, ‐ Comptroller and Auditor General of India‐ Right to information ‐ Central and State
Commission‐ Empowerment of women‐Voluntary organizations and public grievances Redressal‐
Consumer protection forums

Unit V: Indian Economy

Nature of Indian economy‐Need for economic planning‐Five‐year plan models‐an assessment‐Land
reforms & agriculture‐Application of science in agriculture‐Industrial growth‐Capital formation and
investment‐Role of public sector & disinvestment‐Development of infrastructure‐ National income‐
Public finance & fiscal policy‐ Price policy & public distribution‐ Banking, money & monetary policy‐
Role of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)‐ WTO‐globalization & privatization‐ Rural welfare oriented
programmes‐ Social sector problems – population, education, health, employment,poverty‐HRD –
sustainable economic growth‐ Economic trends in Tamil Nadu ‐Energy Different sources and
development‐ Finance Commission ‐Planning Commission‐National Development Council

Unit VI: Indian National Movement

National renaissance‐Early uprising against British rule‐1857 Revolt‐ Indian National

Congress‐Emergence of national leaders‐Gandhi, Nehru, Tagore, Nethaji ‐Growth of militant
movements ‐Different modes of agitations‐Era of different Acts & Pacts‐World war & final phase
struggle‐Communalism led to partition‐Role of Tamil Nadu in freedom struggle ‐ Rajaji, VOC,
Periyar, Bharathiar& Others‐Birth of political parties /political system in India since independence

Unit VII: Aptitude & Mental Ability Tests (includes data analysis)

Conversion of information to data‐Collection, compilation and presentation of data ‐Tables, graphs,

diagrams‐Parametric representation of data‐Analytical interpretation of data
Simplification‐Percentage‐Highest Common Factor (HCF)‐Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)‐Ratio
and Proportion‐Simple interest‐Compound interest‐Area‐Volume‐Time and Work‐Behavioral ability
‐Basic terms, Communications in information technology‐Application of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT)‐ Decision making and problem solving‐Logical
Reasoning‐Puzzles‐Dice‐Visual Reasoning‐Alphanumeric Reasoning‐Number Series‐Logical

Unit VIII: General English– S.S.L.C. Standard

1 Match the following words and Phrases given in Column A with their meanings in Column B
2 Choose the correct 'Synonyms' for the underlined word from the options given
3 Choose the correct 'Antonyms' for the underlined word from the options given
4 Select the correct word (Prefix, Suffix)
5 Fill in the blanks with suitable Article.
6 Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition
7 Select the correct Question Tag
8 Select the correct Tense.
9 Select the correct Voice
54 | P a g e
10 Fill in the blanks (infinitive, Gerund, participle)
11 Identify the sentence pattern of the following sentence (Subject, Verb,Object ...)
12 Change the following:- (Verb into Noun, Noun into Verb, Adjective into Adverb)
13 Fill in the Blanks with correct 'Homophones'
14 Find out the Error (Articles, prepositions, Noun Verb Adjective, Adverb)
15 Comprehension
16 Select the correct Sentence
17 Find out the odd Words, (Verb, Noun, Adjective, Adverb)
18 Select the Correct Plural Forms
19 Identify the sentence (Simple, Compound, Complex Sentence)
20 Indentify the correct Degree.

Unit IX: கபாதுத்த஫ிழ்எஸ்.எஸ்.எல்.சி. த஭ம்

1. ப஧ாருத்துதல்
i. ப஧ாருத்தநா஦ப஧ாருட஭த்நதர்வுபசய்தல்
ii. புகழ்ப஧ற்஫நால்நா஬ாசிரினர்
2. பதாைரும்பதாைர்பும்அ஫ிதல்
i. இத்பதாைபால்கு஫ிக்கப்ப஧றும்சான்ந஫ார்
ii. அடைபநாமினால்கு஫ிக்கப்ப஧றும்நால்
3. ஧ிரித்பதழுதுக.
4. ஋திர்ச்பசால்ட஬஋டுத்பதழுதுதல்
5. ப஧ாருந்தாச்பசால்ட஬க்கண்ை஫ிதல்
6. ஧ிடமதிருத்தம்
i. சந்திப்஧ிடமடன஥ீக்குதல்
ii. ஒருடந஧ன்டந / ஧ிடமகட஭஥ீக்குதல்
iii. நபபுப்஧ிடமகள், யழுவுச்பசாற்கட஭஥ீக்குதல்
iv. ஧ி஫பநாமிச்பசாற்கட஭஥ீக்குதல்
7. ஆங்கி஬ச்பசால்லுக்குந஥பா஦தநிழ்ச்பசால்ட஬அ஫ிதல்
8. ஒ஬ிநயறு஧ாை஫ிந்துசரினா஦ப஧ாருட஭ன஫ிதல்
9. ஓபபழுத்துஒருபநாமிஉரினப஧ாருட஭க்கண்ை஫ிதல்
10. நயர்ச்பசால்ட஬த்நதர்வுபசய்தல்
11. நயர்ச்பசால்ட஬க்பகாடுத்து / யிட஦முற்று, யிட஦பனச்சம், யிட஦னா஬டணம௃ம்ப஧னர்,
பதாமிற்ப஧னடப / உருயாக்கல்
12. அகபயரிடசப்஧டிபசாற்கட஭ச்சீர்பசய்தல்
13. பசாற்கட஭ஒழுங்கு஧டுத்திபசாற்ப஫ாைபாக்குதல்
14. ப஧னர்ச்பசால்஬ின்யடகன஫ிதல்
15. இ஬க்கணக்கு஫ிப்஧஫ிதல்
16. யிடைக்நகற்஫யி஦ாடயத்நதர்ந்பதடுத்தல்
17. ஋வ்யடகயாக்கினம்஋஦க்கண்பைழுதல்
18. தன்யிட஦, ஧ி஫யிட஦, பசய்யிட஦, பசன஧ாட்டுயிட஦யாக்கினங்கட஭க்கண்பைழுதுதல்
19. உயடநனால்யி஭க்கப்ப஧றும்ப஧ாருத்தநா஦ப஧ாருட஭த்நதர்ந்பதழுதுதல்
20. நநாட஦, ஋துடக, இடனம௃இயற்றுள்஌நதனும்ஒன்ட஫த்நதர்ந்பதழுதுதல்.

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Paper-II General Science
( Equivalent to Class IX & X of Samacheer Kalvi of TN Board)

1: Improvement in Food Resources: Improvement in crop yields, Nutrient management, Uses of

manures and fertilizers, Protection from pests and diseases, Hybridization in Plants and animals,
Animal husbandry, Poultry farming, Pisciculture, Apiculture, Aquaculture

Heredity and Evolution: Heredity, Variations, Evolution, Speciation, Human evolution, Evolution
tree, Genetic engineering, Bio technology and cloning, Stem cell-Organ culture, Microbial
production, Biosensor – Bio chips, Science today – Gene Therapy

Addiction and Healthy Life Style: Addictions, Kinds of addictions—drug, alcohol, smoking,
substance abuse), Prevention of addiction, Healthy Life style –Prevention of Heart Diseases,

2: Immune System: Health and its significance, Diseases and causes, Diseases caused by
microbes and Prevention, Modes of transmission, Immunization, Treatment and prevention,
Biotechnology in Medicine, HIV and Prevention

3: Human Body –Organ System: Skin, Musculoskeletal system, Digestive system, Excretory
system, Circulatory system, Respiratory system (Microscopic structure of the tissues involved for
each system)

Structure & Function of the Human Body – Organ System, Nervous system, Endocrine system,
Cell division -Stages of Meiosis, Heredity

4: Structure and Physiological Functions of Plants: Plant cells, Plant tissues, Plant Functions,
Photosynthesis, Transpiration, Respiration, Transportation, Plant Nutrition

Reproduction in Plants: Modes of reproduction- vegetative, asexual and sexual reproduction in

Plants, Pollination, Fertilization, Fruits and seeds, Movements in plants, Sensitivity in plants
formation, Seed dispersal

5: Animal Kingdom: Invertebrates, Vertebrates --focus on special features in addition to basic

functions, Various Modes of reproduction in animals ( asexual and sexual reproduction),
Reproduction in human, Fertilization, Development of embryo, Viviparous, Oviparous, Young ones
to adult

A Representative Study of Mammals Morphology: Habitats, Adaptations, Basic Physiological

Functions, Circulatory system in man, Excretory system in man, Relationship of structure to
functions, Animal Behaviour, Behaviour (social, reproductive, parental care) Some case studies
from researchers (animals behavior)

6: Cells and Tissues: Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, Multi cellular organisms, Cell as a basic
unit of Life, Cell membrane and Cell wall, Cytoplasm, Cell organelles, Nucleus, Chromosomes-
DNA structure Cell division and types, stages of mitosis, Diffusion /exchange of substances
between cells and their environment, Tissues Types, structure and function of plant tissues

Life Processes: Definition, Types of nutrition and human digestive system, Respiration,
Transportation in plants-water and minerals and animals -blood circulation, Excretion in plants and
animals, Nervous system, Coordination in plants, Movement due to growth, Hormones in animals

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7: Bio-Geochemical Cycle: Life –non-life interactions (biotic & abiotic factors), Water cycle,
Nitrogen cycle, Carbon cycle, Oxygen cycle

Conservation of Environment: Bio degradable and non bio degradable wastes, Water
management, Wild life sanctuaries, Balance in Ecosystem, Coal and petroleum, Green chemistry,
Science today –Towards a global Village

8: Pollution and Ozone Depletion: Kinds of pollution, Air pollution, Water pollution, Soil pollution,
Radioactive pollution, Noise pollution, Global warming, Green house effect, Ozone layer depletion,
Science today – Oil spills

Waste Water Management: Journey of water, Sewage, Treatment, Domestic practices, Sanitation
and diseases, Alternate arrangement for sewage disposal, Sanitation in public places, Energy
Management, Energy audit (home, school), Renewable sources (solar, hydrogen, wind), Non–
renewable sources—(coal, petroleum, natural gas), Bio-fuels—generation & use, Energy
Conservation & How we can help, Bio-fuels—generation & use, Energy, Conservation & How we
can help.

9: Is Matter Around us Pure: Mixtures, Characteristics of Mixtures, Difference between Mixtures,

compound, Types of Mixtures, Homogeneous mixtures and their Types, Heterogeneous mixtures
and their Types, Separation of different components of Mixtures, Sublimation, Immiscible liquids,
Miscible liquids

Solutions: Solute and Solvent, Types of Solutions, Solubility, Factors affecting, Solubility,

10: Atomic structure: Discovery of Nucleus, Rutherford Experiment, Rutherford Model of Atom,
Limitations, Bohrs Model of Atom, Discovery of Neutrons, Characteristics of Fundamental particles,
Composition of Nucleus, Atomic number and Mass number, Isotopes, Electronic Configuration of
Atoms, Valence Electrons and valency

Atoms and Molecules: Modern atomic theory, Avogadro Hypothesis, Atomicity, Relation between
vapour density and molecular mass of a gas, Difference between Atom and Molecules, Relative
Atomic Mass, Relative Molecular mass, Mole Concepts, Mole-Definition, Problems based on mole

11: Chemical equation: Types of ions and radicals, Learning to write chemical symbols and
chemical formulae by crisscrossing valencies, Introduction to write chemical reactions, Balancing
chemical equations, Informations conveyed by chemical equation, Informations not conveyed by
Chemical equation
Chemical Reactions: Types of chemical reactions, Rate of chemical reaction, Factors influencing
the rate of the chemical reaction, Acids, Classification of acids, Chemical Properties of
acids, Uses of acids, Bases, Classification of bases, Chemical properties of bases, uses of bases,
Identification of acids and bases, pH scale, pH paper, Importance of pH in everyday life, Salts,
Classification of salts, Uses of salts

12: Periodic Classification of Elements: Early attempts of classification of elements,

Mendeleev‘s periodic table, Mendeleev‘s classification of elements, Metals and Non-Metals,
Physical properties of Metals and Non Metals, Chemical properties of Metals and Non Metals,
Reactivity series, Uses of Reactivity series, Alloys, Uses of Alloys, Nano Science, Modern periodic
law, Modern periodic table, Characteristics of modern periodic table, Metallurgy, Introduction,
Terminologies in metallurgy, Differences between Minerals and Ores, Occurrence of metals,
Metallurgy of Al, Cu and Fe, Metallurgy of Aluminum, Metallurgy of Copper, Metallurgy of iron,
Alloys, Methods of making, alloys, Copper Aluminum and Iron alloys, Corrosion ,Method s of

57 | P a g e
preventing corrosion, Chemical Bonds Octet rule, Types of Chemical bond, Formation of Ionic And
Covalent bond, Common Properties of ionic compounds, Common Properties of covalent
compounds, Differences between Ionic and covalent Compounds, Coordinate covalent bond,
Common properties of coordinate compounds

13. Carbon and its Compounds: Introduction, Compounds of carbon, Modern definition of organic
chemistry, Bonding in carbon and its compounds, Allotropy, Physical nature of carbon and its
compounds, Chemical properties of carbon compounds, Homologous series, Hydrocarbons and
their Types, Functional groups, Classification of organic compound based on functional group,
Ethanol, Ethanoic acid

14. Measuring Instruments: Concept of small Measurements, Measuring Length, Vernier

Calipers, Measuring mass Weight –Concept of various balances-common balance, Spring Balance,
Physical balance, Digital balance(concept only), Measuring Time - Concept of various Clocks,
Analog, Digital, Quartz, Atomic Clocks, Measuring Instruments-Screw Gauge, Measuring long
Distances –Astronomical distance, light year.

15: Motion and liquids: Uniform and non uniform motion- Measuring the rate of motion, Rate of
change of velocity, Graphical representation of motion, Equation of motion by graphical method,
Uniform circular motion, Centripetal and centrifugal forces, Liquids, Up thrust & buoyancy,
Archimedes, Relative Density, Explanation for a body wholly or partially immersed in a liquid due to

Laws of Motion and Gravitation: Balanced and imbalanced forces, First law of motion, Inertia and
mass, Momentum, Second law of motion-F=ma, Third law of motion, Conservation of momentum
and proof , Moment of force and couple, Gravitation, Newton‘s law of gravitation, Mass, Weight,
Acceleration, Mass of Earth, Science Today-Chandrayan, Cryogenic Techniques and Manned
Space Station

16: Work, Power, Energy, and Heat: Work, Energy, Potential energy, Kinetic energy, Law of
Conservation of energy, Rate of doing work or power, Unit of power, Heat, Thermal Capacity –
Specific Heat Capacity, Change of State –melting and boiling point, Kelvin‘s scale of Temperature,
Gas laws and Gas equation

16a: Electricity and Energy: Electric current and circuit, Electric potential and potential difference,
Circuit diagram, Ohm‘s law, Resistance of a conductor, System of resistors, Heating effect of
electric current, Joules law of heating, Role of fuse, Domestic electric circuits, Electric power,
Chemical effect of electric current, Electrolysis electro chemical cells, Primary and Secondary cells,
Sources of Energy, Conventional sources of energy, Non- conventional source of energy, Nuclear
energy, Radioactivity, Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, Nuclear reactivity advantages, Hazards of
nuclear energy, Science today –Energy from seas.

17: Sound: Production of sound, Propagation of sound, Longitudinal and Transverse waves,
Reflection of sound, Echo, Reverberation, Range of hearing, Application of ultra sound (Sonar,
Doppler effect)

18: Magnetic Effect of Electric Current and Light: Magnetic field and magnetic lines of force,
Magnetic field due to current carrying conductor, Magnetic field due to current carrying Straight
Conductor, Magnetic field due to current carrying Circular loop, Force on a current carrying
conductor in a magnetic field, Fleming left hand rule, Electric motor, Electromagnetic induction,
Faraday‘s Experiments, Electric generator, Light, Reflection of light by Spherical mirrors – image
formation and Mirror Formula, Refraction – Laws of refraction, Refractive index, Refraction by
spherical lenses, Image formation by lenses, Lens formula and magnification, Power of lens,

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Refraction of light through a prism, Dispersion-By a glass prism, Atmospheric refraction, Human
eye –Defects and rectification, Science today –Hubble space telescope.


Syllabus for the post of Forest Guard.Forest Guard with Driving Licence and Forest



General science:

Physics- Nature of Universe‐General Scientific laws‐Inventions and discoveries‐National scientific

laboratories‐Mechanics and properties of matter‐Physical quantities, standards and units‐Force,
motion and energy‐Magnetism, electricity and electronics‐ Heat, light and sound
Chemistry‐Elements and Compounds‐Acids, bases and salts‐Fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides
Botany‐Main Concepts of life science‐Classification of living organism‐Nutrition and
Zoology‐Blood and blood circulation‐Reproductive system‐Environment, ecology, health and
hygiene‐Human diseases, prevention and remedies‐Animals, plants and human life

Current Events

History- Latest diary of events‐ national ‐National symbols‐Profile of States‐Eminent persons &
places in news‐Sports & games‐Books & author‘s ‐Awards & honors‘‐India and its neighbors
Political Science‐Problems in conduct of public elections‐Political parties and political system in
India‐Public awareness & General administration‐ Welfare oriented govt. schemes, their utility
Geography‐Geographical landmarks‐
Economics - Current socio‐economic problems
Science - Latest inventions on science & technology


Earth and Universe‐Solar system‐Monsoon, rainfall, weather & climate‐Water resources ‐‐‐ rivers in
India‐Soil, minerals & natural resources‐Forest & wildlife‐Agricultural pattern‐Transport &
communication‐ Social geography – population‐density and distribution‐ Natural calamities –

History and culture of India and Tamil Nadu:

Indus valley civilization‐Guptas, Delhi Sultans, Mughals and Marathas‐Age of Vijayanagaram and
the bahmanis‐South Indian history‐Culture and Heritage of Tamil people‐India since independence‐
Characteristics of Indian culture‐Unity in diversity – race, colour, language, custom‐India‐as secular
state‐Growth of rationalist, Dravidian movement in TN‐Political parties and populist schemes.

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Indian Polity

Constitution of India‐‐Preamble to the constitution‐ Salient features of constitution‐Union, state and

territory‐ Citizenship‐rights amend duties‐ Fundamental rights‐Fundamental duties‐ Human rights
charter‐ Union legislature – Parliament‐. State executive‐ State Legislature – assembly‐ Local
government – panchayat raj – Tamil Nadu‐ Judiciary in India – Rule of law/Due process of
law‐.Elections‐.Official language and Schedule‐VIII‐.Corruption in public life‐. Anti‐corruption
measures –CVC, Lok adalats, Ombudsman, CAG‐ Right to information‐ Empowerment of women‐
Consumer protection forms‐

Indian Economy

Nature of Indian economy‐ Five‐year plan models‐an assessment‐Land reforms &

agriculture‐Application of science in agriculture‐Industrial growth‐Rural welfare oriented
programmers‐Social sector problems – population, education, health, employment,
poverty‐Economic trends in Tamil Nadu

Indian National Movement

National renaissance‐‐Emergence of national leaders‐Gandhi, Nehru, Tagore‐Different modes of

agitations‐Role of Tamil Nadu in freedom struggle Rajaji, VOC, periyar, Bharathiar & others

Aptitude & Mental Ability Tests

Conversion of information to data‐Collection, compilation and presentation of data ‐ Tables, graphs,

diagrams‐Parametric representation of data‐Analytical interpretation of data
‐Simplification‐Percentage‐Highest Common Factor(HCF)‐ Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)‐ Ratio
and Proportion‐Simple interest‐Compound interest‐Area‐Volume‐Time and Work ‐ Logical
Reasoning‐Puzzles‐Dice‐ Visual Reasoning‐ Alpha numeric Reasoning‐
Number Series.


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