Dungeon Dozen CC
Dungeon Dozen CC
Dungeon Dozen CC
By Jason Sholtis
Jason Sholtis
Chris Brandt
John Larrey
Stefan Poag
This book is comprised of entries from The Dungeon Dozen blog (roll1d12.blogspot.com).
Look for additional tables there. A very helpful online index to these and all subsequent
tables can be found at: blessingsofthedicegods.blogspot.com/2014/01/
Dungeon Friendlies .........................................................................................38
This Dungeon has Weird Floors ......................................................................39
Dungeon Infestations ......................................................................................39
Dungeon Level One: Highlights .....................................................................40
Dungeon Level Two: The Cool Parts ..............................................................41
Dungeon Level Three: Memorable Features ..................................................42
Dungeon Level Four: The Vital Bits ...............................................................44
Dungeon Kickstarters ......................................................................................45
Dungeon Love Connections ............................................................................46
Dungeon Plagues ............................................................................................48
Dungeon Relocations ......................................................................................49
Dungeon Statuary ............................................................................................50
Dwellers in the Lightless Pits .........................................................................51
Enchanted Conveniences of the Rich and Sorcerous ......................................53
Enchanted Missile Weapons of Renown .........................................................54
Enemies of the City-State Currently at Large ................................................ 55
Even the Doors are Weird ...............................................................................56
Events in the All-Humanoid Olympiad ...........................................................57
Experimental Trope Collider ...........................................................................58
Famous Swords and Current Whereabouts .....................................................59
Features of the Eccentric Plutocrat’s Mansion ................................................60
Features of the Pleistocene Island ...................................................................61
Fighting Men: Why We Fight .........................................................................61
Fleeing the Dungeon .......................................................................................62
Fluids in the Dungeon Well ............................................................................63
Found Dead in a Ditch ....................................................................................63
Found Mixed Among the Desirable Scrolls & Tomes ....................................64
Found Strapped to the Paladin’s War Horse ...................................................65
The Gastric Obstruction that Killed the Colossal Worm ................................67
Gentle and Kindly Abominations ....................................................................68
Giant Worms of the Underworld .................................................................... 69
Gigantic Monsters ...........................................................................................70
Gonzo Bio-weaponry ......................................................................................70
Gonzo Class/Race Generator I ........................................................................71
Gonzo Class/Race Options II ..........................................................................72
Gonzo Class/Race, Additional ........................................................................73
Gonzo Footwear ..............................................................................................74
Hard Times for the City Folk ..........................................................................75
Haunting the Skies ..........................................................................................76
Hell’s Lesser Inhabitants .................................................................................76
How the Gang got Together ............................................................................77
Human Frailties ...............................................................................................77
The Humanoids Seem a bit Weird Today ........................................................78
I Tell You I Saw it near the Steam Vents! .......................................................79
Ill-advised Magical Researches ......................................................................80
Ill-tidings from the Cleric’s Patron Deity .......................................................80
In the Blasted Lands of the Fallen Moon ....................................................... 81
In the Philosopher’s Spell Book ......................................................................82
In the Sorcerer’s Overnight Bag .....................................................................82
In the Witch’s Workshop .................................................................................83
Inside the Giant’s Curio Cabinet .....................................................................84
The Intelligent Dragon’s Current Obsession ...................................................85
The Isolated Village Has a Dark Secret ..........................................................86
It Luxuriates in the Great Caldera ...................................................................87
It’s On the Ceiling! ..........................................................................................87
Items Hidden in the Evil Priest’s Vestments ...................................................88
Items of Moderate Interest in the Ogre-King’s Hoard .................................... 89
Just Getting In the Dungeon is Brutal .............................................................90
Knights Best Avoided ..................................................................................... 91
Last Known Appearance of the Rogue Sorcerer .............................................93
Less Popular Magic Items ...............................................................................94
Lesser Known Pocket Universes ....................................................................95
The Lich’s Current Love Interest ....................................................................96
The Lich’s Downtime Activities .....................................................................96
The Lich’s Guest List ......................................................................................97
The Lich’s Secret Identity ...............................................................................97
Magic Sword Awesomizer ..............................................................................99
Manifestations of the Sorcerer’s Derangement .............................................100
Messages Intercepted from the Underworld Courier Service .......................101
This Monster’s Got a Charming Side ...........................................................102
Mountaintop Wonders and Perils ..................................................................103
Nature Goes Haywire ....................................................................................105
Newly-Bred Henchmonsters and Utility Beasts ...........................................106
Non-combatants of the Underworld ..............................................................107
Now Occupying the Recently Depopulated Dungeon Area .........................108
Obstacles and Hazards Indicated on the Treasure Map ................................109
Occupants of the Colossal UFO Anchored to the Mountaintop ...................110
Oddities of the Swamp .................................................................................. 111
On or Around the Mighty Warrior’s Carcass ................................................ 111
On the Devil Prince’s Escape-proof Isle .......................................................112
The Oracle has Bad News .............................................................................113
Other Travellers in the Wilderness Caravan .................................................114
Outrageous Attire of the City Folk ................................................................115
Over-the-counter Dungeon Unguents ...........................................................116
Pain In The Ass Treasures .............................................................................117
Partially Obscured Entries in the Stolen Spell Book ....................................118
Peculiar Laws and Customs of the City Folk ................................................118
Phantasmal Irritants ......................................................................................119
Pithy Dying Utterances: The Fighter ............................................................120
Planets in the Vicinity of the Campaign World ............................................121
Pricey Merchandise at the Wilderness Outfitters ..........................................122
Psychoactive Gems .......................................................................................122
Puzzling Evidence in the Corridor ................................................................123
Puzzling Documents Found Amongst Personal Effects ................................123
Quick Cultural Quirks: The Barbarian ..........................................................125
Quick Cultural Quirks: Deep Forest People .................................................126
Quick Cultural Quirks: Sophisticated Urbanites of Swords & Sorcery ........127
Raise Dead: Weird Side Effects ....................................................................129
Random Ooze ................................................................................................130
Re-animation Projects of the Chaotic Necromancer .....................................130
Recent Edicts From the Usurper King ..........................................................131
Reports Following Return From Negative Hit Points ...................................131
Results of Successfully Listening at Door of Empty Room .........................132
Rustic Folkways of the Subsistence Farmers ................................................132
Secret Societies in the Big City ....................................................................133
Secreted on the Master Thief’s Person .........................................................133
Security Measures at the Sorcerer’s Tower ...................................................135
Sentient Liquids, Gases, and Vapors .............................................................136
Semi-Unknown Were-Things .......................................................................138
Something has Upset the Ancient Dragon ....................................................140
The Sorcerer’s Latest Research Breakthrough ..............................................141
So You Made Your Save Versus Poison… ....................................................142
Special Contents of the Smuggler’s Hold .....................................................142
Stalking the City by Night ............................................................................143
Strange and Terrible Curses ..........................................................................144
Strange Doings in the Forest .........................................................................144
Strangeness on the Savannah ........................................................................145
Stuff in a Chest ..............................................................................................145
Super-Quick Gonzo Pulp Monster Generator ...............................................146
Surprisingly Helpful Hirelings ......................................................................147
Symbiosis in the Dungeon ............................................................................147
Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Delving Disorder ...........................................148
Talents on Loan from the Gods: Divine Spells .............................................149
Target of the Sorcerer’s Contracted Assassin(s) ...........................................150
Things Washed up on a Subterranean Beach ................................................150
Tiny Dungeon Menaces ................................................................................151
Uncanny Effects of Blunt Force Trauma to the Head ...................................153
Under the Paleogean Serpentine Mound ....................................................... 154
Underworld Accommodations ......................................................................155
Underworld Afflictions .................................................................................155
Underworld Cash Crops ................................................................................156
Underworld Currency ...................................................................................156
Underworld Entertainments .......................................................................... 157
Underworld Festivals and Holy Days ...........................................................158
Underworld Hunting and Foraging Success .................................................158
Underworld Intoxicants (Commonly Abused) ..............................................159
The Underworld’s Long-term Effects of Exposure .......................................160
Underworld River Vessels ............................................................................ 161
Underworld Sporting Events .........................................................................162
Underworld Transport and Hauling ..............................................................162
The Underworld’s Weird Locales .................................................................163
Underworld Wonders ....................................................................................163
Unexpected Dungeon Boons .........................................................................164
The Unexpected Dungeon Guest Star ...........................................................165
Unexpected Intrusions into the Standard Orc Lair .......................................166
Unexpected Sarcophagus Contents ...............................................................167
Unfathomable Deities ...................................................................................168
Unforeseen Financial Setbacks in the Big City ............................................169
Unknown Spells ............................................................................................169
Unpleasant Potion Side-Effects ....................................................................170
Unusual Dungeon Pets ..................................................................................170
Useless Hirelings ..........................................................................................171
Utterances of the Malfunctioning Magic Mouth ...........................................172
Vengeful Shades ............................................................................................173
Wandering Dungeon Mysteries .....................................................................175
Wandering the Dungeon Self-Righteously ...................................................176
Wandering Treasure ......................................................................................176
Wandering Underworld Deities ....................................................................177
War-Sorcery: Eldritch Bombs .......................................................................178
Wasteland Attractions ...................................................................................179
Weird Bats of the Underworld ......................................................................179
Weird Dragon Breath ....................................................................................180
Weird Farmers ...............................................................................................180
Weird Menace in the Watery Deeps ................................................................181
Weird Perils in the Forest ..............................................................................181
Weird Pools .................................................................................................. 182
What the Wizard Actually has Up His Sleeve ..............................................183
What’s on the Guard Monster’s Mind? ......................................................... 183
Whence the Demigod? ..................................................................................184
What’s Up with the Guy Behaving Mysteriously in the Taverns? ................184
Why so Dour, Dwarf? ...................................................................................165
Why the Ancient Empire Fell .......................................................................185
Why is there an Underworld? .......................................................................186
Why they Build that Giant Wall ....................................................................187
Wilderness Bivouac: Report from First Watch .............................................186
Wildernoise ...................................................................................................189
The Witch Doctor’s Utility Belt ....................................................................190
Xenophobia in the Underworld .....................................................................191
Yeah, But THIS Troll… ................................................................................193
Yeah, But THIS Vampire… ..........................................................................194
Zealots in the Streets .....................................................................................195
Quick Reference..............................................................................................197
Character ...................................................................................................197
Dressing ....................................................................................................197
Index ...............................................................................................................203
12 Ghost pack of the Wolf King who once ruled these lands
d12 Apocalyptic Visions in the Crystal Ball
A Nightmare scene of fantasy world completely overrun by proliferation of slimes,
1 oozes and jellies
Images of sudden-onset ice age, flash-frozen men and beasts, ships embedded in
2 solid waves, ice-spirits howling w/bitter laughter
Idyllic pastoral scene shattered by revelation that herdsmen = vampires, flocks =
3 debased human population
4 Video broadcast from Mars rover w/incomprehensible voice-over
Scene of moon teeming with terror monsters hurling selves earthward via cosmic
5 trebuchets
6 Mind-bending loop of footage from Leni Riefenstahl’s Triumph of the Will
Behind-the-scenes at the trans-pantheon parliament of the gods: earthly life
7 pitilessly divided up and squandered like chattel by beings previously thought
to be benevolent
Worlds upon worlds swim by, each stranger than the last, a galactic empire that
8 pits far-flung humankind against itself while utterly alien overlords grow ever
richer and more powerful
9 Promotional clips of reality TV show shot during biblical end times
Humanity enslaved by race of giants w/proto-Egyptian cultural features, set to
10 perpetual pyramid-building
Towering gods stride the earth locked in battle, sweeping away entire human
11 armies with single gestures, shattering mountains with errant blows, boiling
oceans away with misfired rays of destruction
Sorcerer’s mad researches set off arcane chain reaction resulting in world
12 sundered in two, separated by coruscating ethereal gulf
6 Must be struck with simultaneous blows from a virgin, a priest, a halfling and a thief
d12 Also in Residence at the Inn
A Imperial courier w/message for gone-missing noble, now afraid to report back to
1 dark masters
Petty noble and retainers taking a few days off from lengthy sojourn, reserved
2 entire wing of the establishment, planning extensive revelry
Impressively outfitted knight and single squire patiently await sign from the gods
3 before making next move
Foreign sage and indentured crew of grad students embarking upon expedition to
4 excavate site of lost temple
Sculptor flush with cash from major commision seeking rare minerals to
5 complete pièce de résistance
Cult priest travelling w/squad of deadly acolytes, mummified heart and brain of
6 ancient prophet
Ancient wizard, having mainlined the last of his potions of longevity to no effect,
7 lies in deathbed slowly snuffing it
8 Temporarily rich thief living large while laying low, sloppy w/drunken braggadocio
Silverware salesman who the proprietor suspects may secretly be an imperial inn
9 inspector
Permanent resident: venerable retired explorer and cartographer, happy to discuss
10 and show off (but never ever sell) the fruits of his labors
11 Gentleman awaits arrival of distant rival to settle long-delayed matter of honor
d12 At the Bottom of the Pit
A Insect-size Oracle of the Pit answers queries on any subject, demands payment in
1 fresh nectar
2 Elaborate headdress w/magic feather of levitation among detritus
10 Soul-eating astral predator bides time while humming pleasant little tune
7 A seven-fingered glove
Automatic Weird Dragons A
Assumptions: all dragons have bat-like wings (often vestigial/merely
decorative), scintillant scales, elongated necks and tails
2 Swan
3 Caiman
4 Eagle
5 Snail
6 T-rex
7 Hippopotamus
8 Lemur
9 Toad
10 Pit bull
11 Housefly
12 Human
2 Centipede
3 Rooster
4 Mantis
5 Quadrupedal anthropoid
6 Hyena
7 Polar bear
8 Peacock
9 Apatosaurus
10 Pangolin
11 Gecko
12 Land whale
d12 Available Means of Interplanetary Travel
A 1 Woven into the fur of the colossal Aether Bat
d12 Before First Level: Dwarves
B Served mandatory 20 yrs. repairing/refining subterranean vaults w/dwarvish
1 conservation corps
Dropped out of jewelry-making school in white-hot rage after public rebuke of
2 works
3 Has finally gathered enough gems to buy family heirloom war axe from father
Fascinated by study of humans and their folkways, considers them amusing
4 weirdos, cannot wait to join forces
Threw off yoke of cultural dourness while exhausting entertainment value of
5 wine and song, wasted too much time to get rich by the standard means
Painstakingly hand crafted own tomb in the Hall of Fathers, performed ritual
6 auto-funeral, ready for adventure
Spent youth in traditional crafting of personal tool kit (including arms and armor)
7 for lifetime use in all endeavors, now fully fledged adult and ready for action
Driven by adolescent gold-lust, committed the unforgivable offense of hoard-
8 theft to outfit self for adventure: caught, beaten, shaved of beard, permanently
Retired from several careers, now looking for thrills, resume includes: militia,
9 stone cutting, masonry, metal fabrication, food and hospitality service
First dwarf to attempt to popularize notion of collective bargaining for workers,
10 barely escaped series of assassination attempts, has had it w/his kind
Impoverished petty noble w/dwarvish enemies galore, 17th in line for throne,
11 didn’t like chances in high society
Content to grow beard and hammer rocks until afflicted w/permanent viral
12 infection, manifests as low grade fever and severe wanderlust
d12 Before First Level: Fighters
B Local militia offered little but the occasional drill, scampered off w/gear to go
1 freelance
Born into war clan, scattered following rout against occupying forces, now
2 incognito
d12 Before First Level: Thieves
B Enthralled by the seedy underbelly of human life, enjoys vice of every kind,
1 considers honest folk suckers
8 Found native culture stultifying and oppressive, turned to life of crime for kicks
9 Figured it was the only way a poor kid could retire before age thirty
d12 Benevolent Parasites of the Underworld
1 Cerebral worm: increases intellect, enhances cowardice
Detox Tick: palm-sized chigger secretes ichor that nullifies pathogens and
2 poisons
3 Digester ooze: enters stomach, enables host to extract nutrients from most matter
Spine dweller: eel-like amphibian incises back, nestles along vertebrae, electrical
4 discharge enhances host’s agility
Blood swarm: tiny flying arthropods feed upon all gory remnants of melee,
5 cleaning arms and armor
6 Interpreter mite: introduced into ear canal, instantly translates most languages
Giant heart fluke: burrows into chest, settles around the heart, produces surges of
7 adrenalin to protect host
8 Pit fleas: saliva blocks pain receptors
Love Fungus: grows internally, releases pheromones to attract mates for host,
9 increases personal charm
Alien virus: alters host’s DNA to produce functional wings, increases caloric
10 requirements ten fold
11 Lung spores: allows respiration in hostile atmospheres/underwater
12 Pleistocene Island
d12 Those Blood-curdling Screams
B off in the Distance are Actually...
1 Shriek-bats in a feeding frenzy
11 Skyscraper-size mausoleum
C Campaign Pitch-Elevating Amalgamator
Roll once on each table and forcefully mash results together to establish campaign vibe
3 The Smurfs: towering evil sorcerers & their terrifying familiars, mushroom town HQ
Phillip K. Dick: does the dungeon exist outside of your minds? = sanity house
4 rules required
5 Dr. Seuss: cutesy-pie nomenclature, capricious entities w/powers beyond mortal ken
Friedrich Nietzsche: gods are dead, class/level system ideal for tracking progress
6 towards super-man status
John Carpenter’s They Live: must wrassle henchmen/hirelings into submission,
7 aliens among us
d12 Table B: Pop Culture X Factor
Herman Melville’s Moby Dick: giant white monster object of obsession, but ‘tis
8 the thing behind the mask PCs chiefly hate
3 Rotation of the planet magically halted by misguided vampires desirous of a dark side
Secret star chamber of the gods convenes, judges reality in need of a reboot to be
4 carrie out in stages, starting with extensive pruning
Fire god wins war against earthly enemies in far off region, celebrates with a 21
5 volcano salute
Turns out arcane spells are somehow fueled by solar fusion, the next magic
6 missile could trigger super-nova
Following stupendous seismic tumult, great rift canyon opens up, allowing
7 advent onto the surface of formerly imprisoned subterranean terrors of
unsurpassed destructive power
Previously unknown race of intelligent cephalopods has been biding time,
8 building their amphibious war-machines in preparation for surprise
extermination of surface
9 Bodies of dead gods keep turning up
Dead rise from their graves: without pausing to eat the brains of the living march
10 off to muster in isolated region
11 Capricious god grants trolls the capacity to breed like rabbits
Vegetable messiah arrives, announces universal plant solidarity and declares war
12 against humanity
d12 Cheap Dungeon Gross-outs
1 The rotting pantry of the deceased hoarder-gourmet
9 The Inside-outers
11 Cursed folk whose organs explode forth upon the slightest touch
5-6 ...leeches
d12 Contents of the Giant’s Lunchbox
1 Gnome-salad sandwich
3 Marinated shriekers
8 Assorted shrubberies
d12 Corpses in the Wilderness
1 Hill giants in a heap w/drained vessels in their hands (they drank the Kool-Aid)
2 Wear very tall shoes, everything on stilts, anything that touches earth: unclean
4 Vow of loquaciousness
d12 Current Favorite Items in the Dragon’s Hoard
C Dragon-size, talon-friendly scroll featuring transcriptions of various
1 acknowledged classics of forbidden literature
Bejewelled sarcophagus from unknown civilization: intact but inert super-
2 mummy within
3 Masterfully crafted miniature replica of fabled golden dragon temple
Nearly complete set of (singed) royal arms and armor from extinct clan displayed
4 on dwarf mannequins in realistic action poses
Uncut ruby of astonishing size: likes to play with ideas for possible workings but
5 can’t commit
Thousands of gold pieces fused by dragon fire into single mass of dubious
6 aesthetic value
7 Gold-dipped skull & tusks of mammoth suspended from the ceiling
d12 Details for the Otherwise Empty Dungeon Room
1 Hundreds and hundreds of mouse-size holes of indeterminate depth
3 Scything blade trap just inside the doorway, rusted in sprung position
10 Packet of extremely old hard tack: now really quite hard indeed
d12 Distinguishing Characteristics of the Demigod
1 Walks an inch off the ground
3 Reflection (in mirror, pool etc.) reveals only the divine portion
9 Exhales smoke
3 The homonculibrarian
12 Scullery shoggoth
4 Age-withered questing hero and party in iron clad vessel: lost to madness
12 Skeletons and other partially digested remains of gods, demi-gods, and heroes
7-8 Lungs: filled with explosive gasses and gale force winds
Brain: induces apoplexy in World Dragon w/potentially catastrophic
9-11 results
12 Colon (Hades-like zone of the mournful dead)
DM’s Emergency Dodecahedron Outcomes Oracle
D d12 For use whenever the mad schemes of the players demand speedy resolution
but lie beyond the scope of easily remembered/referenced rules...
4 Still pretty bad but losses acceptable (dead hirelings, wasted resources)
10 Only agencies beyond the player’s ken can explain their total success
12 DM’s instinct prevails as long as its amusing for all (win or lose)
Die Modifiers
+1 if plan seems sound or if obscured by cloud of cool-sounding BS
Notes: roll 1d4 times (ignoring other results if you roll a 12),
guests wouldn’t dream of popping in w/out suitable gifts
d12 The Dragon’s Gourmet Night: The Menu
1 Man-chowder w/bone meal toast points
12 Exceedingly fresh (live) giant beetle larvae tossed w/garlic in a light vinaigrette
8 Quite upset (see Something has Upset the Ancient Dragon - pg. 140)
Dispassionate, clinical yet curious: thinks of life as a science experiment, human
9 data particularly interesting
10 Ablaze with generalized hostility, raging full-on
d12 Dungeon Aesthetic
1 Designed to accommodate alien/giant body plan
d12 Dungeon Conspiracy Theories
D Dragons beholden to unknown being from another sphere: hoards just not the
1 same anymore
2 So-called “adventurers” actually death squads of underworld junta
The coming apocalypse will destroy the surface world only sending underworld
3 real estate through the roof
4 Strings pulled by cabal of mind-eaters who now know everything
5 The one true god lives at the center of the earth: the path to wisdom runs deep
11 The sky god judges the surface-worlders but cannot see underground
All the seemingly mindless monsters of the dungeon actually controlled by a
12 subtle intelligence keen for amusement
d12 Dungeon Delusions
Subject believes... D
1 ...Trapped in simulacrum body, real body somewhere near
2 ... Anybody who looks lawful must be chaotic and vice versa
7 ... All will soon be killed by crushing air pressure in the deeps
9 ... Only by betraying allies can one escape the wrath of the gods
3-4 ...Deafness
d12 Dungeon Friendlies
1 Masterless dungeon hound: highly skilled, fond of dwarfs
7 Young nobles in tattered finery, recently vampirized and released to own devices
Contingent of arms dealers transporting stock of cheap weapons and
8 reconditioned armor, eager to buy and sell
Fungus-man monks: unbelievably serene, supremely self-actualized, totally non-
9 violent and practically unkillable
10 Insufferably pompous paladin and his equally zealous all-sidekick crew
11 A good-natured talking giant snake asking politely for sightings of nearby vermin
d12 This Dungeon Has Weird Floors
1 Translucent material with swirling phantasms beneath
10 Undulates rhythmically
12 Randomly semi-permeable
2 Scintillating mold: hypnotic effect when viewed, trolls watch it for hours
Rock eating bacteria: excavation bio-tool gone feral, undermines walls, floors
3 etc.
4 Stone slime: as green slime but perfectly camouflaged
6 Cadaver ants: dissect corpses to bring into huge nest, store gold in deep chambers
d12 Dungeon Level One: Highlights
D Wicked master of mind control accumulates riches by sending his ensorceled
1 hoard of berserkers on raids of nearby settlements, trade routes and wealthy
dungeon neighbors
Chain gang of escapees from the Mad Jailer on level two, unwilling to explain
2 the unoccupied set of bloodstained manacles
Dead end stair leading down, terminates in illusion-concealed pit filled with
3 green slime
Berserker crew assigned to rid the level of giant spider infestation: employ
4 predictably straight-forward approach, heavy casualties
Network of passageways and rooms impassably webbed: filled with loot-bearing
5 victims and rather large black widows
Conspiracy of neophyte thieves practicing moving silently from shadow to
6 shadow, picking no fights but on the watch for opportunities to improve back-
stabbing skills
Subhumans driven toward the surface by forces below cling ferociously to their
7 lightless culture and meager territory while simultaneously being exploited
by said forces
Vast and ancient chamber originally accessible only from below: cruder more
8 recent renovations broke through from level one, access to level two, haunted
by spirits of extinct prehumans
No man’s land between subhuman and berserker areas w/improvised barricades,
9 shallow trenches, arrows shooting back and forth: littered with bodies, home
to single opportunistic ghoul
10 Skeleton-manned arms production facility, overseen by subhuman thugs
12 Ogre formerly employed on level 2 walking out in disgust, muttering about back pay
2 Ambient whirring from below as of a great engine pushed to its maximum exertion
Anti-subhuman traps around perimeter: tripwire activated catapults loaded w/
3 nails and glass
Forum of the prehumans now used by cultists’ for public execution of heretics,
4 captured enemies (especially numerous: albino mermen)
Deep dwarfs under contract to excavate new vaulted chamber to house cult deity,
5 will disallow any attempt to observe their work in progress
Scientific installation of the prehumans, refitted for sorcery by the cult high
6 priests: perpetual contact with deity established via huge half-magic
communication device
Howling chasm houses large hive of chaos flies, rapidly multiplying and growing
7 more bold in their choice of prey
Witch subsect of cult finds current leadership sub par, schemes dubious: planning
8 assassinations, looking to hire
Foulflow River enters several sections of level, currently alive with aggressive
9 giant phagocytes, harvested as protein source by subhumans, cultists, and
several species of subterranean monster
Natural caverns gradually descend to level four, former game preserve of the
10 prehuman civilization, still haunted by myriad horrors from the unguessed past
Giant river monster like a fetal bird that projects beams of terror from its
11 unopened eyes
Deep dwarfs carving out new underworld byway breach gas filled chamber,
12 releasing from stasis horde of headless naked man-creatures with two-handed
swords and little regard for their own safety
3 Giant jellyfish that hunt orca-style, beaching themselves to take terrestrial prey
Deep dwarfs nearing completion of centuries-long project to divert subterranean
4 river, massive pumping station ready to go online, will instantly alter
ecosystem, guarded by ogre and troll mercenaries
Half-flooded prehuman undercity, amphibious kraken oversee archaeological
5 study by cult hierophants
Waterspouts that seem to target and relentlessly pursue individuals until giving a
6 damn good thrashing or somehow dispersed
7 Mermen training in preparation for amphibious assault on deep dwarf river project
Slug folk traders await shipment of subtlest liquors brewed by the mermen, a
8 chatty bunch
d12 Dungeon Kickstarters
Squad of freelance ogre mercenaries looking to go upscale: need custom armor
1 and equipment of highest quality, gigs already lined up, a sure thing
Evil high priest seeks aid to establish unholy gambling operation: security
2 paramount, offers up to 5% of net in perpetuity for major backers
Vampire archaeologist, having obtained and translated ancient bas relief map,
3 needs to hire contractors and obtain large slave force to excavate buried vault
laden with treasures, shares available
Hopeful entrepreneur and fully qualified troll chef have found perfect location
4 on level four for monster saloon/eatery, under capitalized and looking for
Ambitious clan of kobolds looking to set up currency exchange/loan
5 establishment: offer females and children as collateral for start-up loans
Sorcerer and master assassin associate need coin for spell research/components
6 to make their magic-assisted murder scheme really pay off
Deep dwarf team has laid diplomatic groundwork for construction of dungeon
7 water and sewer system, a sound long-term investment opportunity
Bribe money needed to gain access to contested area of ruined subterranean city:
8 newly discovered sub-section expected to yield copious golden treasures
Cure for dungeon plague discovered by consortium of sorcerers eager to
9 blackmail disparate factions, need funds to produce samples, delivery system
Dungeon escort service w/sterling reputation in temporary cash-flow situation:
10 small amount to tide them over shall be repaid three-fold
Talented evil armorer looking to establish shop: offers gratis enchanted arms and
11 armor to investors
Mad but brilliant wizard anxious to publish and distribute grimoire of astonishing
12 new spells, but will not unless aesthetic requirements are met: gold inlays,
exotic inks, intricately embossed man-leather covers, etc.
Dungeon Love Connections
Love is both blind and not particularly bright. But its power to make things weird,
even in the darkest subterranean pits, can never be entirely snuffed out. Alas!
Roll once on each table below for traditional one-on-one romance, with additional
rolls for love triangles or more complex entanglements.
10 Polyamorous dwarf: loves deeply and sincerely but needs to spread it around
d12 Love Condition Table
1-2 Exciting and new
11-12 Unrequited
Dungeon Plagues (in three easy rolls)
d12 Table One: Pathogen
1 Rot pox: too hideous a fate to describe
Exploding fever: temperature spikes then keeps on cooking until extremely
2 unpleasant eruption
3 Zombie itch: turns host into mindless self-scratching machine
Brain virus: before roasting the brain w/high fever inverts personality/skews
4 cognition
5 Face-eating bacteria: it ain’t pretty
10 Blue anguish: subject turns blue and writhes in agony for 1-6 days until deceased
3 Vampire blood
4 Kraken excrement
5 Sewer monsters
6 Bat vomit
7 Monster latrine
8 Subterranean pools
9 Bugbear lice
Ancient gold coins leftover from
10 plague-eradicated civilization
11 Draconic cerebrospinal fluid
12 Troll mucus
d12 Table Three: Cures (other than Cure Disease spell)
1-2 Huge monetary sacrifice to the god of the wretched
3-4 24-hour ritual involving free-form dance and large amounts of chicken blood
11-12 Incurable!
Note: Due to frayed nerves, suppressed anxiety and stressors inherent in relocating,
reactions to adventurers skew heavily toward hostility
8 Ancient king in primitive garb: facial features dead ringer for one of the PCs
Bas relief hewn into dungeon wall portrays titanic god-monster emerging from
9 underground and smashing surface civilizations Godzilla-like
d12 Dwellers in the Lightless Pits
1 Land-bats
12 Oh hey, the floor is moving- no, wait, it’s just one zillion bugs
4 Magic mouth w/wizard eye feature: automatic scroll & tome reader
5 Hovercouch
12 Ensorcelled hair-dos
12 Holy hurling stone of accuracy: palm sized, smooth, a terrific rock indeed
d12 Enemies of the City-state Currently at Large
Seditious army commander: escaped execution in hail of fireballs and lightning,
1 believed harbored by sketchiest cabal of sorcerers near city
Plutocrats displaced by tyrannical usurper: gaining traction among those who
2 yearn for the ol’ time oppression they were used to, raising secret armies for
planned insurrection
Charlatan suicide cult guru: rises in popularity as local economic hardship
3 mounts, spellbinding oratory argues for sacrifice of earthly goods (to be
disposed of by temple), public displays of self-annihilation
Remnants of not-quite-wiped-out indigenous peoples, driven by fatalistic mores,
4 defiantly throw their lives away in acts of senseless destruction
Authorities suspect former court vizier (disappeared after failed coup attempt)
5 hidden by retired member of adventuring party, four of whom maintain
residences in the city-state
Presumed madman dubbed “The Midnight Dentist” harvests teeth of the noblesse
6 for an unknown arcane purpose
Visiting woolly neanderthal dignitary killed aristocrat over insult, now roams the
7 streets in berserk frenzy, a host of guardsmen unable to bring him in
Barely perceptible demi-material monstrosity from another sphere breaks out
8 of royal menagerie in bloodbath, linked to certain scrolls now missing from
royal library
Beloved monarch revealed as animate mummy of pre-cataclysmic age: brought
9 down entire wing of palace upon self and accusers, body never recovered
Redmask, populist agitator and author of absurd treatises re: “The Rights of
10 Man”, eludes capture, may in fact be several individuals
Ambassador from formerly secret subterranean kingdom: walked out of talks
with human leadership in disgust, publicly declared human surface hegemony
11 officially at an end, disappeared into newly formed sinkhole, populace
descending into paranoid freak-out
Roll again but this time assume the result is a totally fictitious red herring
designed to keep the people in fear and ready to swallow any nonsense
12 their betters wish to foist upon them while simultaneously occupying any
wandering armed miscreants in the area with wild goose chases.
4 Fashioned of cast iron and set in solid stone with 3 giant deadbolts on the outside
7 Door made entirely of doorknobs: must turn correct knobs in succession for entry
8 Carved in shape of ogre face with gaping maw: must be fed for entry
11 Several life-like eyeballs set into door closely scrutinize those in proximity
Surface of door inscribed with huge letters reading “You are weak.”: combined
12 strength of 4 men required to turn huge knob
d12 Events in the All-Humanoid Olympiad
“Glaahh! Ashrakh got best seats available! You NO complain!”
1 Giant slug clean and jerk: extra challenging on account of all the writhing
Marathon wrestling: no holds barred, match lasts until one or both contestants
2 drop dead
Artificial cave-in survival: a test of luck above all, a quality valued by most
3 humanoids
5 Cockatrice round-up
9 Competitive piercing
Synchronized beheading: more of an aesthetic thing really, somehow
10 grandfathered in
Speed execution: a true athletic challenge, judged on number and quality of
11 slayings w/in time limit
One-ton battle royale: unregulated combat to the death between forces of any
12 composition within weight requirement (ex. 4 500lb. ogres vs. 40 50lb. goblins)
E Experimental Trope Collider
Instructions: Roll once on each table, re-rolling until satisfied, insert ampersand,
proceed with retroclone project.
2 Demigods 2 Decadence
3 Dwarfs 3 Dirigibles
4 Demonlords 4 Debauchery
5 Doppelgangers 5 Diabolists
6 Duels 6 Desecrators
7 Destroyers 7 Derangement
8 Dryads 8 Damnation
9 Daggers 9 Disintegrators
10 Dinosaurs 10 Dystopias
11 Deicide 11 Doomsday
d12 Features of the Eccentric Plutocrat’s Mansion
F Torture chamber w/discretely curtained observation lounge, master torturer’s
1 quarters adjacent
Private art gallery w/half-devil curator: works carefully selected to slide poisoned
2 blade between the ribs of the human spirit
Hall of taxidermy: highlights include several specimens whose gaze might still
3 turn you to stone
Elaborately appointed summoning chamber and reception area for dignitaries
4 from Hell
Surgical suite for extracting adrenal glands and other essential bodily fluids for
5 artificially prolonging life
Secret cemetery where victims of the plutocrats various eccentricities are
6 respectfully interred (once stripped of usable parts)
Hedging bets: multiple shrines and mini-temples (some with hired clerical staff)
7 honoring incongruous gaggle of gods, demons and cosmic entities throughout
manse and grounds
d12 Features of the Pleistocene Island
1 Titanothere-driven city on colossal stone wheels
2 Smilodon-riding sub-goblins
6 War between the wooly rhino matriarchy and the host of the mammoth lord
9 Was the bloodthirstiest young aristocrat anybody had seen in some time
On account of the abundance of faces that are just begging for a damn good
10 stabbing
11 Easy gold. Don’t mind killin’.
Frequent exorcism of reptilian killer instincts in gore-soaked melee required for
12 maintenance of otherwise considerable personal charm
d12 Fleeing the Dungeon
F Exhausted swordsman w/multiple arrows in back drags unconscious wizard,
1 bleeding profusely and moaning piteously
2 Cyclops clutching superficially wounded eye, doesn’t yet realize he’s not blind
Gaggle of diminutive humanoids evacuating in a big hurry with whatever
3 personal effects they could grab or stuff in a sack
4 Duo of warriors in mad sprint, currently on fire
5 Thief, barely able to contain glee, with sack full of gems and magical trinkets
d12 Fluids in the Dungeon Well
1 Single tear of a titan shed in cosmic anguish
8 Industrial-strength solvent
9 Liquid nitrogen
Protoplasmic stew burgeoning with Cambrian explosion-like panoply of novel
10 life forms
11 Nutritionally complete monster fuel
12 Liquid evil
2 Hairless naked body covered in fresh tattoos with no visible cause of death
9 Completely intact troll, no sign of injury but to all appearances stone dead
5 Unspeakable Recipes
d12 Found Strapped to the Paladin’s Warhorse
1 Golf bag full of swords favored for various circumstances, numbered in red paint
8 Satchel of nuts, berries, the hardest conceivable tack, w/ skins of fresh rainwater
The Helm of Self-Justification: replaces pesky inner debate with bolstering
9 certitude, increases morale of followers
10 Perfumed ribbon from headdress of evil queen/king
5 A jewel-studded throne
12 Shouldn’t have eaten the guy in the ornately spiked field plate
d12 Gentle and Kindly Abominations
G Jolly old shoggoth: produces human-like head to put bipeds at ease, remarkable
1 sense of humor, a real raconteur with anecdotes and sly references for any
Giant mantis, toxic: exudes clouds of noxious pheromones, feeds exclusively
2 upon the heads of evil men and monsters
3 Sentient man-size sea urchins have nothing but the best of intentions
Chaos-tainted giant razorback with great scything tusks and eight spider legs:
4 allows abandoned pups to suckle at its zillion teats
Hill giant w/beetle head composes sonnets, observes and records the habits of
5 birds
Giant subterranean worm enjoys cooperating with miners, personality and
6 intellect of a faithful hound
Death yak: wouldn’t hurt a fly (on purpose) despite venom-dripping recurved
7 horns, gouts of flame from nostrils and stampeding hoofs, somewhat easily
8 Perfectly reasonable, if continuously famished, disembodied giant maw
Indescribably eldritch trans-dimensional tentacular horror: spouts out life-
9 affirming parables and screeds of wisdom to any who might listen
Saint Kong: fascinated by/protective of humans, likes helping construct
10 monumental architecture, refined aesthetic sensibility
Piranha-faced anthropoids shrouded in black robes: pacifists, eat only creatures
11 dead of natural causes
12 The hideous vampire Gandhi (accepts blood donations)
d12 Gigantic Monsters
1 Marmodon: incredibly huge marmoset, dines exclusively on human heads
d12 Gonzo Class/Race Options II
G Repo man: sent by trans-cosmic order to secure artifacts for return to alternate
1 dimensions, teleport at first level, comes with bag of holding and sidearm
Living vapor: damaged by magic, fire, must shelter from strong winds, etc., but
2 otherwise invulnerable to standard physical attack, spell-like powers as MU,
must interact w/physical objects by proxy, inscrutable
Reincarnate: deceased high level sorcerer takes over body of young ancestor,
3 unable to memorize spells, but can cast from spell books/scrolls w/experience
Moon man: luminous eyes as light spell at first level, additional moon powers
4 w/experience, equipped with moon-metal weapons: maximum damage vs.
lycanthropes, undead, moon creatures
Harpooner: nautical monster-hunter/big game specialist, expert at improvised
5 anti-monster contraptions, Queequeg w/ broader experience
Half-ape: strength/agility bonus, intellectually negligible, 50% chance to forget
6 about weapons in combat, easily rattled, frequent alcohol abuse
Transhuman: hyper-evolved, tall and bald w/extended fore brains, psychic,
7 totally non-violent (not above instigating indirect violence, naturally)
Star explorer: marooned on D&D-type worlds, kit includes non-rechargeable
8 ray gun, laser knife, food pellets, seeks means of interstellar travel/
Corruption: former high level MU/scientist reduced to level one abomination by
9 experiment gone awry as in The Fly
Feral human: expert at survival, improvised traps, sneak attacks, stealth,
10 receptive language skills only, flees at the drop of a hat
Agent of Law: magic resistance starting at level one, charged by Prime Mover to
11 hunt chaos, destroy the arcane, vulnerable to loss of sanity
Ooze man: native to distant star, pliable sack of protoplasm able to form body
12 into useful shapes (keys, bludgeon, crowbar, etc.), very fond of humans who
remind them of nano-cephalic hominoid servitors native to homeworld
d12 Gonzo Footwear
G Boots of automatic fleeing: sense precariousness of wearer’s life energies, force
1 involuntary retreat at need
Shock socks: walking for one hour in these outlandish woolen garments grants a
2 single lethal static discharge
3 Sandals of recklessness: magically induces feelings of invulnerability
Slippers of panache: impeccable leather shoes instantly grant considerable
4 charisma bonus
Mukluks of Imperviousness: protective guardian spirits woven right in to
5 elaborate design
Galarund’s Galoshes: wearer able to safely walk on (w/out sinking) any type of
6 mire, sludge, slough, mud, muck or morass
Crystal boots: besides looking awesome they repel spells of evil intent and
7 enhance helpful magics
Radiant moccasins of non-conformity: provide magical light and bolster personal
8 idiosyncrasies of wearer
Combat cleats: allows for attack bonus due to sure-footed stability and raking
9 kick attacks
Hip-waders of protection: remain dry and comfortable even in a deluge of
10 biblical proportion
Shoes of Hades: Bat-winged patent-leather loafers allow entrance into the realm
11 of the dead
12 Laser-pumps
d12 Haunting the Skies
H 1 Unidentified flying discs: actually bioluminescent aero-mollusks
Majestic mega-condor: soars at dizzying heights, domesticated for troop
2 transport by the mountain lords
3 Cloud striders: like daddy-longlegs on a titanic scale
Eclipsers: swarms of bat-like spirits ready, willing and able to create artificial
4 eclipses when the mood strikes them
Colossal aero-virus: patrols territory, spewing its foul seed on passing flocks of
5 birds, aerial creatures
The stratopus: octopoid creature of tremendous size, suspended aloft by inflated
6 gas-bag head, genius intellect, excellent camouflage
Ghost cloud: aggregate of disgruntled spirits joined together for maximum
7 mayhem
Storm seeders: flying reptiles, capriciously issue loads of silver iodide bile into
8 cloud banks
Sentient satellite: larger than average asteroid in low orbit, composition rich in
9 living metal, overwhelming multiple personality issues
10 Cirrocumulus formation of flying skulls, hallmark of the death god ascendant
2 Imps of Frivolity screw around and crack wise about the terrible conditions
3 Evil bacteria fly around in thick swarms looking for fresh wounds
d12 How the Gang got Together
Inflicted upon one another by multidisciplinary team of deities w/unknown
1 agenda
Sudden trans-dimensional breach deposits all on campaign world of referee’s
2 choice
3 Met in queue for adventuring permits
d12 The Humanoids Seem a Bit Weird Today
H Just been handed the pink slip: numbed and inattentive as they contemplate their
1 next move
Experimental new humanoid chow turns out to have unanticipated psychotropic
2 properties: urge to kill muted, beginning to think about settling down, perhaps
taking up a craft or developing hobbies (of evil)
3 Just had a huge meal: bloated, drunk and sluggish
5 Frenzy of grief and anomie following a firm “request denied” by their cruel deity
d12 Ill-advised Magical Researches
I 1 Sky Chariot (engines burn sacrifices to wind gods)
5 Hybrid: chimeroblepas
d12 In the Blasted Lands of the Fallen Moon
1 Anaerobicites: photon eating plankton of the moon
2 Ruined outpost of the observer aliens
d12 In the Philosopher’s Spell Book
I 1 Alter Opinion: instantly harmonizes disparate views or insinuates disagreement
10 Silk bag w/ fake protection charms: distributes to “allies” for cheap laughs
6 Magical shoes that allow the wearer to surmount and run along moon beams
Twenty foot long python w/black fur and the head of a cat curled up in front of
7 the hearth
8 Dead triffid drying upside down from ceiling: being cured for smoking purposes
Binoculars with large vat-grown eyes instead of lenses: press against forehead to
9 use
10 Elaborately woven bed crafted of briers and brush covered with wicked thorns
A variety of living brains in ichor-filled ceramic vessels hooked up to Rube
11 Goldberg machine that automatically awakens the witch at sundown and
prepares an unmentionable breakfast
Gads the headless valet, stitched back together and reanimated after some
12 unfortunate incident, serves refreshments and tidies up
d12 Inside the Giant’s Curio Cabinet
I Interesting selection of (dented) human-sized helmets arranged in order of
1 perceived awesomeness
2 Bag filled with fist-sized pills: headache remedy crafted by ogre witchdoctor
Fancy spell book: sub-literate scrawlings throughout, he doodled all over the
3 spell inscriptions
11 LARPing w/bored vampire guests and lich acquaintance: likes to play halflings
Recently sworn off frivolous obsessions: right back to default treasure hoarding/
12 virgin eating
d12 The Isolated Village has a Dark Secret
I 1 Built upon ancient halfling burial ground
Barley fields must be soaked in sacrificial blood: every crime or misdemeanor
2 carries death penalty
Dark lineage dating back to antediluvian civilization, secretly keep traditions
3 alive, hatch schemes to depopulate region, stockpile poisons
4 Ubiquitous witchery: hexes and charms fly about willy nilly
d12 It Luxuriates in the Great Caldera
1 Gestating giant sun-dweller egg
2 Ice titan on holiday loosens up strained muscles, sips drinks
10 Shriekers!
11 Eyes (d1000)
d12 Items Hidden in the Evil Priest’s Vestments
I 1 Emergency back-up holy symbols representing alternate faiths
4 Pass through permanent dimension door at the top of a 1000 meter tree
Locate dungeon door only in dream state induced by exceedingly rare cave fun-
5 gus that grows on hell hound droppings
6 Leap through the top floor window in the Spider-lich’s spire
Mega-swarm of moon moths provide lift to cloud door if first charmed by series
7 of elaborate rituals w/plenty of dancing and blood sacrifice
8 Navigate reeking sewer-maze beneath the city of extinct titans
d12 Less Popular Magic Items
1 Brazier of Infinite Imps: new imp arises every 10 minutes
6 Magic Shield w/ mouth motif: screams out “RED ALERT!” when monsters near
d12 The Lich’s Current Love Interest
L Rosy-cheeked young offspring of yeoman farmer, embodies all the qualities long
1 since sloughed off by the lich
2 Spouse of prominent regional leader
3 Reincarnating ancient high priest for consultation re: superior unholy rituals
d12 The Lich’s Guest List
1 The Queen of the Sewer and her revolting hangers-on
5 Field Marshall Vlok the hill giant genius and his mixed-giant entourage
note: roll several times and assume they all hate each other equally
3 Kindly hedge wizard, always offering to aid and advise fledgling adventurers
4 Emits gale-force winds against enemy missile fire once per day
Chaotic component of blade breaks bonds of iron molecules, speedily corroding
5 arms and armor of enemies
Shrieks obscenities in ancient language, timed to disrupt concentration of
6 attackers
Spell-cleaving: once per day may chop an active spell out of existence
7 (examples: extinguishing a fireball in mid-flight, hacking off lightning bolt)
8 May be hurled once per day with deadly accuracy and significant damage bonus
Dazzlingly shiny and selectively reflective, opponents cannot look directly at
9 wielder
Can be commanded to self-destruct, will begin counting backwards from 100,
10 explodes with extremely destructive force upon reaching zero
Ghost blade made for trans-planar warfare, only gives mortals the chills, works
11 beautifully against the incorporeal
Reality hack: arcane energies may be permanently spent for emergency hack
12 through substance of material plane, allowing for escape/travel into the aether
d12 Manifestations of the Sorcerer’s Derangement
M Broad mugging and overacting of a silent movie villain plus ear-piercing shrieks
1 and stream of consciousness rants at top of lungs, sweaty, bug-eyed
Overwhelming obsession with sub-atomic matters, scrawls equations
2 everywhere, wears microscopic eyepiece 24/7
Hell-bent on mission to improve sensory awareness: currently preparing for self-
3 surgical installation of giant multifaceted bug eyes
So steeped in the esoteric has lost ability to even comprehend mundane matters
4 anymore, forgetting to eat/sleep/bathe
Manic pursuit of bigger and better explosions leaves hideout a smoking ruin,
5 plans to soon blow up something really big, issues near continuous crazed
Megalomaniacal devotion to remaking the world in his/her image starting with
6 mountain-sized statues (scale models fill laboratory)
Unfortunate loss of basic bodily function control, walks around with big streaks
7 on gown while dictating wild new theorems to amused homunculus scribes
Successful research expanded list of arcane power words considerably, now
8 indiscriminately peppers his sentences with them, surviving staff walked out
weeks ago
Intruding alien personality constantly interrupts normal speech w/scathing
9 criticism, alternate opinions, mockery
Receiving direct transmissions from the future w/instructions on which current
10 political figures must be assassinated, summoning beings from the dimension
of hate to carry out hits
Involuntary high speed spewing forth of esoterica and erudition in a highly
11 educational, well organized screed
Swallowed by black hole of paranoia, has killed retainers, is planning on
12 launching preemptive strike on closest allies
d12 This Monster’s Got a Charming Side
1 Anomalous yet beautiful singing voice
11 Has a pet that it cherishes (see Unusual Dungeon Pets - pg. 170)
Accepts nothing short of unconditional surrender but will listen thoughtfully and
12 appear to entertain terms before rejecting them utterly
d12 Mountaintop Wonders and Perils
Incomprehensible discourse of the mountain gods continuously echoes about:
1 causes bewilderment, psychosis
Giantess colony: immortal daughters of forgotten gods, keeping alive ancient
2 arts of monumental sculpture and man-hunting
Ancient temple to the space gods, constant stream of sorcerers make pilgrimage
3 while attempting to assassinate one another
Surface team of deep dwarfs, tectonic engineering division: using explosives to
4 sheer off vast chunks of mountain side
d12 Newly-bred Henchmonsters and Utility Beasts
N Distillery beast: consumes mass quantities of fruits & grains, excretes brandy,
1 liquor
6 Butterfly w/20ft. wingspan: adheres to host for single glorious flight then dies
Siege giant: even more dim-witted than usual, employs thick curling horns on
7 head for living battering ram effect
Hydra sphinx: repositories of knowledge w/1d12 heads, each the master of single
8 discipline/area of expertise
Messenger stirges: can only digest blood-based nutritive formula, fly patterns
9 from one feeding station to the next w/messages stapled to their rubbery
Wound-sucking leeches: anesthetizes, disinfects, extracts poisons if applied
10 expeditiously
Lap-beast: living balls of fur and teeth, snuggly, lovable and ferociously
11 protective of loved one
Major domo, reanimated: flesh golem-like but fine-tuned to exemplify quality of
12 service, impeccable taste, quiet dignity, the fuedal spirit
d12 Non-combatants of the Underworld
The Deep Surveyors: subterranean cult on never-ending mission to accurately
1 map entirety of underworld for an incomprehensible purpose
d12 Now Occupying the Recently Depopulated Dungeon Area
N Giant tarantula has the place completely enveloped in webs, deposited egg sack
1 and scampered off before the cannibalistic little buggers hatch
Massive bioluminescent fungal bloom of every hue speeds decomposition of
2 deceased former denizens, continuously launching a noxious miasma of
3 Cube jelly has oozed through the wall, now making a clean sweep of things
Battered bandit leader and remaining body guards in retreat from superior forces,
4 looking to hole up and lick their wounds
Hiding under whatever debris/corpses might be available, an escaped prisoner/
5 hostage
Owlbear meticulously grooming itself after run-in with acid pudding (absorbed
6 in its work and easily surprised), telegraphed by strong stench of partially
digested fur
d12 Occupants of the Colossal Ancient UFO Anchored to the Mountaintop
O Bat-winged dwarfs stream out at night fall to forage for raw materials, scrap heap
1 of ship’s walls, superstructure forms on the slopes below, they’ve got some
kind of weird project going on
Sorcerer’s bio-lab: on board technologies retrofitted into Frankensteinian
2 operation, results of experiments teleported to surface for eco-trials
Colossal spacemen inert upon their jump couches, may be revived by lightning
3 bolt defibrillation
Haunted by ghosts of space-weary sojourners, delighted to impart cryptic
4 knowledge
Warring deities from competing pantheons hoping to gain neo-Olympus-style
5 HQ
Hopeful sky pirates and hired arcane talent work to gain control of ship’s
6 functions: planning careers as bungee raiders
Taken over by necromancer and his all-skeleton crew who hopes to drag Earth
7 into the sun
Craft filled with water, set up to sustain aquatic life, original crew dead but their
8 native bacteria fared better, have made bold evolutionary moves
Countless broomsticks hover nearby: site of the First Annual World Witchcraft
9 Convention, by clandestine invite only
d12 Oddities of the Swamp
1 Cursed clan of amphibious dwarfs and their ruined city
5 Bottle half-filled with caustic war draught: enhances strength, endurance, ferocity
War log featuring crude drawings of various weird creatures followed by tally
6 marks
7 Fancy shaving kit w/trimmers, fine whale bone comb, mustache wax
Sealed tube containing professionally scribed document w/elaborate funerary
8 instructions
12 Mummified ogre ear on leather cord around neck: momento of early victory
4 Herds of scantily fed giant man-eating swine patrol the barren open grounds
Maximum security cell block directly beneath keep w/garrison of 150 trained
5 sub-human warriors and command group of half-giants
Huge enclosure where prisoners construct colossal ebon step pyramid for an
6 unknown purpose
7 Current warden: ancient vampire sorcerer with impressive resume of atrocities
Slave drivers/guards: swine-mounted trolls with wickedly barbed tridents that
8 they hurl with deadly accuracy and surprising range
Perimeter scanned 24/7 by elite squad of sorcerers specializing in spells of
9 observation, vigilance and detection, from series of watch towers equipped w/
pre-charged fireball launchers, lightning guns, cloudkill grenades, etc.
When the mood strikes, the devil prince strolls the grounds, pausing for a bit of
10 sadism here and there
Perpetually anchored storm cloud casts gloom and erupts into showers of
11 punishing hail and lightning upon command from the warden
12 Aquatic security chief: dragon turtle
d12 The Oracle has Bad News
1 Despite your 10 ft. pole, you shall perish alone in a pit
2 In the blackest abyss you will understand that man cannot eat gold
3 Mark well your lover, who secretly hungers for the blood of the living
5 Just after your greatest triumph you shall be blasted to tiny bits
A short scrawny man, naked but for loincloth and dagger, will totally hand you
6 your ass
7 Those jewels are glass
9 You shall writhe in perpetual torment in a personal hell of your own choosing
d12 Outrageous Attire of the City Folk
1 Clothing decorated with delicately nurtured molds and fungi
9 Heavy bondage vibe: black leather, straps, buckles, spikes, dog collars, etc.
2 Giant bug repellent: 75% effective against giant beetles, centipedes, and spiders
6 Bite lather: rubbed into poisoned wounds, arrests progress of most toxins
War wax: applied to full body, hardens on skin temporarily reducing combat
7 damage
d12 Partially Obscured Entries in the Stolen Spellbook
1 Vostaak’s Personality Nullifier
4 Gaze of Oblivion
7 First bite of food chewed and spat out to honor fallen homies
2 The extremely polite haunt who just wants to talk for hours and hours
3 The phantom mime: fortunately appears trapped in invisible cube of some kind
4 Spirit sage who dispenses unsound advice dressed up for maximum plausibility
Gloomy shades of viking-types who cannot locate Valhalla and would like
5 precise directions
6 Continuously baying pack of friendly spectral hounds
d12 Pithy Dying Utterances: The Fighter
P “My labors are at an end now. Farewell! Oh, by the way, I buried a good deal of
1 treasure near the...UURRK.”
“Alas, I am killed! But I now swear by the dark gods of uttermost night, my
2 shade shall harry our foes forever.”
3 “Patron deity/celestial realm, I am coming!”
“Behold, it is my end. But do me one final service. Take my most awesome
4 weapon and cast it into the body of water/lava where it shall never be
5 “And so! It is bitter. Never again shall I slay and plunder...”
7 “My only regret is that I have but one life to give for my party.”
8 “It is a fitting end for such as I. Live by sword, die by the whatever killed him”
“I am finished. Only time now for one final war-shriek of defiance...
“No, not now! Not when there is so much more gold to hoard, so many wineskins
10 to drain, so many dark halls to plunder, so many . . .”
“Which one of you devils was supposed to pack the extra healing potion? Ha ha
11 *choke*”
“It was my honor to storm the gates of hell with you lot. Well, except for
12 irritating party member, who is a complete bastard.”
d12 Pricey Merchandise at the Wilderness Outfitters
1 Owlbear taxidermy (one available): awesome pose, a bit of mange
4 Nullifies emotions
d12 Puzzling Evidence in the Corridor
1 Shallow hole in wall with debris and broken pick lying nearby
3 A still-smoldering torch
7 A half-melted sword
5 Forlorn love letters from known lich in locked and trapped coffer
4 Belief that monies are essentially unsavory, must be spent as quickly as gained
d12 Quick Cultural Quirks: Deep Forest People
1 The prairie is terrifying: deep-seated horizon-phobia
Likes to sleep in high places: will go to great lengths to improvise off-ground
2 accommodations
3 Subject to psychosomatic infirmities when underground for extended periods
7 Heavy animist thinking: constant awareness of the spirits that inhabit everything
Minimal oral communication, esp. on duty but plenty of eyebrow signalling
8 (extremely garrulous when intoxicated)
9 No institution of marriage: all about the free love
Males: good hunters, frequently drunk, Females: can make anything out of deer
10 guts and plant fibers, also frequently drunk
11 Treats everyone not formally initiated into tribe as children
Distrusts the capricious spirits of metals and must appease them often: will not
12 carry anything bigger than a good spear point, prefers arms/armor of wood,
leather, and sinew
3 Daily temporary random limb paralysis (1d4, 1: l. arm 2: r. arm 3 l. leg 4 r. leg)
11 Molts: must slough off and regenerate soft tissues one weekend/month
d12 Random Ooze
R Crimson: transdermally desanguinates, urban predator that likes to hide under
1 beds, in walls of inns
2 Ultraviolet: invisible to humans, levitates
4 Golden: only affected by magic weapons & spells, becomes treasure when killed
d12 Recent Edicts from the Usurper King
Harvest festival cancelled due to mandatory training for unexpected launch of
1 industrial revolution
Based on horrifying reports, construction to begin on new giant anti-monster
2 walls w/huge extensible spikes, press gangs dispatched to round up workers
3 Exorbitant new adventurer tax to be levied on ne’er-do-wells entering city gates
Sunday shall henceforth be known as Gambling Day, observances at all local
4 temples
5 Thieves’ Guild officially disbanded, mass executions scheduled
7 Strange and terrible new patron deity named, non-affiliated temples to burn
Commemorative statues of U.K. to be erected throughout city, summary
8 execution of all vandals
9 Now hiring: thugs and cutthroats sought for band of elite enforcers
6 Having seen reality for the dream it is, one can never be the same
d12 Results of Successfully Listening at Door to Empty Room
1 Peal of a distant church bell
7 Noises from entirely different but nearby room vibrating through dungeon walls
12 Devoted to pie
3 Graft Guild
4 Brotherhood of Cutthroats
5 League of Debauchery
6 Arcane Supremacists
7 Green Panthers
10 Anti-Riff-Raff League
d12 Secreted on the Master Thief’s Person
1 Spool of stout wire in heel of boot
d12 Security Measures at the Sorcerer’s Tower
1 Selectively permeable mobile defensive wall of aero-plankton
Security chief: totally nude, deaf, blind and ancient master of unarmed combat
2 enshrouded in magical darkness and silence
Underground brain controls extensible tentacle array, variously armed, network
3 of tubes provides access to all points
4 Trained bull rhinos w/above average tactical cunning patrol grounds 24/7
S Semi-unknown Were-things
d12 Table 1: Transforms into anthropoidal parody of...
1 Rooster
2 Ape
3 Butterfly
4 Badger
5 Worm
6 Swine
7 Devil
8 Paramecium
9 Lamprey eel
10 Whale
11 Virus
12 Famous monarch
4 Withering criticism
5 Overdose of opiates
7 True love
8 Gluttony
11 A certain song
d12 Subtable:
Random Metals
1-2 copper
3-4 electrum
5-6 gold
7-8 platinum
d12 Something Has Upset the Ancient Dragon
1 Found religion but only just heard of requisite tithe for his income bracket
Unable to locate favored bauble, vaporized most of staff in accusatory huff,
2 obsessively searching through hoard again and again
Injury to pride due to recent string of humiliating defeats on once-routine sorties
3 against local settlements, still licking numerous arrow wounds
Nagging health issues: arthritic joints, wing troubles, diminishing fires, explosive
4 coughing jags
Mating trouble: eligible suitors all unsatisfactory in one way or another, can’t
5 commit, expecting next contestant any minute
Preternatural dragon senses tingle with forebodings of doom, high anxiety,
6 jumpy, trigger-happy
Psychological imbalance aggravated by deficiencies in dwarf-based diet: epic
7 irrational rages over anything and everything
Hasn’t been able to get a good fortnight’s sleep in ages due to incessant howling
8 of monster in dragon-inaccessible lair
d12 So You Made Your Save Vs. Poison...
1 Hands swell to gross immensity
d12 Stalking the City by Night
Sewer dragon (flightless): like a giant hellbender with dagger-like fangs, expels
1 paralysis-inducing plegm through nostrils in gouts of surprising range,
astonishing treasure hoard
Gaggles of young aristocrats on a binge escorted by bloodthirsty and entirely
2 competent body guards
Demons of revelry: seem suave, pally, affable fellows, always buying until
3 you’re drunk and helpless
Street slime: opportunistic predator able to flawlessly mimic cobblestone (or
4 whatever)
Swarm of sub-miniature stirges: warded off by expensive caustic balm, cash
5 reward available for extermination
Ravishing ogre maiden and brutish entourage seeking former suitor now in
6 hiding
The Midnight Sage: dispenses all manner of esoteric knowledge, charges
7 exhorbitant fees, protected by local crimelord
Diminutive alley troll: adapted for ambush-and-flee urban predation, solitary, lair
8 in carefully concealed burrows beneath out of the way alleys
9 Talent scouts/recruiting agents for newly formed Cutthroats Guild
The Vampire Dandy and his hench-fops: a blast to hang out with, obvious risks
10 notwithstanding
11 The Invisible Drunkard
Partied-out party of adventurers finally deciding to find a safe place to stash their
12 loot
d12 Strange and Terrible Curses
1 The Beard of Worms
9 Extremely elusive clan of humans with prehensile feet and innate arcane abilities
Clear cut carrion field w/ herds of wingless giant flies: tended by giant spider
10 proletariat
Pharmocopia: stone age enclave of folk w/ unsurpassed knowledge of plant
11 chemistry, among their many achievements: functional immortality
Giant spider forces drilling: weaponized spider knights practice charges atop
12 domesticated mantid mounts
d12 Strangeness on the Savanna
1 Alpha predator: titanoswine
The 100 year migration of the Tortoise Riders: constantly halting for religious
2 observances
The strong and noble Impala Men: sketchy on morale, not so bright, eschew
3 weaponry for horn attacks
4 Lost and desperate viking-types searching for a sea
11 Lonely sentient trees: communicate via symbiotic ant colony courier service
Capricious brush fire spirits: 50% likely to instruct newcomers on vital savanna
12 lore, 50% likely to encircle and incinerate
Super-quick Gonzo Pulp Monster Generator
Roll on each of the three tables below and put results in the blender.
Extrapolate swiftly, your players are waiting.
2 Colossal 2 Jelly
3 Scintillating 3 Corpse
4 Iron 4 Slug
5 Sundering 5 Foetus
6 Mind 6 Bishop
7 Lava 7 Lizard
8 Laser 8 Worm
9 Trans-dimensional 9 Tyrant
10 Insalubrious 10 Polyp
11 Hypno- 11 Virus
12 Chaos 12 Titan
11 Self-luminous
d12 Surprisingly Helpful Hirelings
Darx the fletcher: constantly making new & improved arrows out of found
1 materials
2 Munn the torchbearer/unemployed cartographer
Man-at-arms Zim: trained under famous chef (killed by Zim in an unfortunate
3 incident), capable of making rations into a memorable dining experience
4 Wahu the wary: detects traps/secret doors with latent psychic powers
7 Switt the suddenly self-sacrificing: will fling self between master and danger
8 Moogumbo the spear carrier: generous with hand-crafted juju bags of protection
4 Subhumans employ giant ape to erect monoliths in exchange for fresh maidens
Orcs gain near-invulnerability from aggressive and disfiguring body fungi
5 infestation
Dragon sustains jellies with waste/leftovers in exchange for cash horde cleansing
6 and protection
7 Pudding lives in gut of land kraken as digestive aid
Ogres feed flightless cave vultures, benefit from their heightened senses and
8 squawks of alarm
9 Manticore serves as mount of devil for protection/choice victims
11 Hydra and chimera enjoy strange multi-headed kinship and mutual protection
Dungeon fairies lead bamboozled prey to giant spiders in exchange for bolts of
12 spider silk building material
d12 Symptoms of Post-traumatic Delving Disorder
1 Self-medicates with constant flow of mead/ale/black lotus
3 Paralyzing door paranoia: checks for traps at inn, mother’s house, etc.
7 Torch-triggered panic/catatonia
8 Stalact-o-phobia
d12 Target of the Sorcerer’s Contracted Assassin(s)
T Imperial Librarian who hires killers of his own to whack the sorcerer for overdue
1 materials
Certain thief who made off with hereditary spell book of inordinate sentimental
2 value
Former mentor for capricious lies and disinformation leading to much grief (and
3 unpleasant mutations)
Former familiar gone turncoat: unnaturally large and intelligent crow with
4 wicked ambitions of its own
Arcanophagus the spell-drinking demon: becomes loutish drunk after throwing
5 back too many spells
High priest of Cult of Law responsible for wanton destruction of numerous
6 intriguing arcane items
7 Current owner of the Spell Stele of the pre-Antlanteans
8 Evil and intelligent feline once the property of successfully assassinated rival
5 Multiple corked bottles with messages reading “Don’t bother” and “Too late”
d12 Tiny Dungeon Menaces
1 Immortal Queen of All Ants and her army of 1000 demi-god offspring
Miniature UFOs on exploratory mission: based on early findings, invasion
2 postponed indefinitely
Armor-eating microorganisms: spread via contact with strangely tarnished
3 enchanted chest plate
Hell’s own airborne virus: outrageous perspiration and evil thoughts mark onset
4 of infection followed swiftly by black vomit and development of demonic
5 Ration stealing pocket-apes: non-aggressive, but bite like hell to avoid capture
Alarm crickets: bred by intelligent dungeon monsters to chirp loudly when
6 approached by strangers
Micro-pudding: slips into boot and starts digesting foot, exudes anaesthetic ichor
7 to mask operations
Stealth pixies: sneak into adventurers’ packs, uncork potions, defecate on rations,
8 chew scrolls, etc.
Ear canal-seeking demons of mimicry: use voices of fellow adventurers to
9 promote paranoiac mayhem
Rat lords: palm size humanoids command normal rats to acquire food and
10 treasure, ride out in force astride rodent mounts
Archery bugs: defend castle-like hive on dungeon wall with hails of toothpick-
11 size projectiles
12 The Littlest Apparition
4 Vision of the immediate future (roll for % accuracy): its never good news
5 Senses hidden dangers (4 in 6): presence of traps, etc. triggers mild seizure
d12 Under the Paleogean Serpentine Mound
1 Giant mummified serpent demigod: remains inert until the stars are right
Emptied of original contents centuries ago, currently occupied by a witch’s
2 workshop dedicated to creating intriguing new life forms using recycled parts
Somewhere within the entirely earthen mass a single enchanted gem links the site
3 to a particularly snaky dimension: luminous spirit snakes in their thousands
writhe about the environs nightly
Entire membership of ancient vampire cult entombed within in quasi-dead
4 condition, seals regularly re-sanctified by snake god-worshipping zealots in
nearby enclave
Imprisoned spirits whose magically preserved bodies must be destroyed before
5 they can rest
Spectacular weregild offered by an extinct people to appease the gods of the
6 serpent men, undisturbed for 1000 years
Time capsule of the ancient ones: strange and incomprehensible arts, magics, and
technologies stored here until scheduled opening in 499 more years, giant
7 auto-snake throws flames, launches explosive projectiles, bombards with
deadly radiance any who dare break the seal
Fancy mausoleum for royal houses of the serpent men: every trap sprung,
8 thoroughly looted, now a breeding ground for slimes, oozes and jellies
City of the mound devils: tiny entities of unquenchable malice and irony decorate
9 the interior with furnishings crafted exclusively from human bones
The ancient earthwork merely serves as a corner in a continent-spanning
10 pentangle that will one day call down the Missing Gods from their long
sojourn among the stars
High priestess of the serpent folk abides in stasis with several drones, mated pairs
11 of now-extinct antediluvian species awaiting the next Swamp Age
12 Snake-shaped air/sea/spacecraft covered in naturally accumulated turf
d12 Underworld Accommodations
1 Web hostel of the lawful spiders
2 Mail Rot: starts as obscene stench under armor, advances until tissues slough off
7 Grave foot: hobbles rapidly, untreated feet blacken and fall off
d12 Underworld Cash Crops
1 Ghoulsbane: repels minor undead when smoked profusely, highly addictive
9 Tally bones
d12 Underworld Festivals and Holy Days
1 The Fortnight of Perpetual Drumming
6 Cannibal’s Regale
Note: assumes presence of native guide or trained Underworld Ranger (see pg. 73)
d12 Underworld Intoxicants (Commonly Abused)
1 Dried bulb of the devil’s lily: taken orally eliminates need to sleep for 2d4 days
Cerebrospinal fluid of the mind-bat: imparts random knowledge following short
2 pleasurable coma
Black mold spores: snorted for hours-long laughing jags, long term users
3 identifiable by tell-tale nasal staining
4 Extract of dragon bile: mildly impaired users able to go with out food for weeks
5 Skin secretions of the blind cave frog: diluted with brandy for an interesting buzz
Deep dwarf bracer: served sizzling hot, caustic black syrup heals wounds and
6 renders the drinker even more dour and taciturn
7 Polychromatic fungi: mild hallucinogen, enables user to see in the dark
Hydra’s tears: renders subject unconscious for 24 hours, during which they are
8 treated to extremely enjoyable dreams
Gray cheese: overwhelms the pleasure centers for 10 minutes, then turns skin
9 stone-gray and deadens emotions (cure: more gray cheese)
10 Extra virgin toadstool oil: taken sublingually, increases sensory awareness
War juice: tincture of white ape adrenal fluids and alcohol, induces battle frenzy/
11 heart attack
12 Liquor of fermented ogre saliva: full blown delirium
d12 Underworld River Vessels
1 Ogre-powered pole barge laden with surface loot
9 Ogre-driven rickshaws
Train of giant ants: queen deploys her forces in exchange for surface delicacies/
10 magic
Underworld Excursion Vehicle (UEV): life’s work of underworld-obsessed
sorcerer/scientist, provides protection from attacks/elements, array of
11 defensive weaponry (e. g. fireball turret), bio-engine fueled by concentrated
food pellets
12 Were-ponies
*Subterranean human: the hairless, chalk-white skinned men native to the underworld
d12 The Underworld’s Weird Locales
1 The Invisible City
4 Divine Singularity (The Swollen God has gone supernova and collapsed)
8 The Grand Chasm: staggeringly vast, spanned only by the Gondola of Peril
d12 Unexpected Dungeon Boons
U Map indicating dungeon traps found at bottom of 20’ pit filled with poisoned
1 spikes
Near-mutinous guardian creatures offer bribe to adventurers to avoid unnecessary
2 unpleasantness
Blood-sucking cave bats transmit benign virus that permanently enhances low-
3 light vision
4 High-powered gold magnet dropped by hastily evacuating alchemist
d12 Unexpected Intrusions into the Standard Orc Lair
U “Me stole helmet fair and square.”
Ogre bounty hunters happily smashing their way to the chieftain’s quarters
1 to serve warrant from former employer for dereliction of duty: they will
consider any bribes or interesting offers
Black pudding invasion: acting in concert as if directed by some remote agency,
2 puddings choke the halls, killing and moving on w/out pause for digestion
Giant sub-draconic reptile has unintentionally wedged itself in a too-narrow
3 passage, orcs contemplating the best approach, discussing recipes
Three infuriated stone giants concoct plans to extract kidnapped giant infant from
4 the uncomfortably small spaces of the lair
Out-of-control local giant rat population has once again despoiled the entire stock
5 of provisions and scamper about the lair w/impunity, hungry orc tempers flare
Chief’s cousin and impoverished survivors of neighboring complex line the halls
6 looking pathetic, granted temporary refugee status after adventurers trashed
their lair, tensions rising between factions
High elf zealot, leader of separatist movement w/squad of kick-ass bodyguards,
7 plots anti-elf treason w/orc chief
Barbarian whose dinged-up-but-still-magical helmet remains in the possession
8 of orc warlord finds himself surrounded and half-filled with arrows, but still
holding his own in an ultimately hopeless tactical position
Sorcerer and chiefs of staff pop in for a surprise inspection: orcs scramble to and
9 fro in mad panic, tidying up, trying to look organized
Burrowing monstrosity breaches deepest area of lair, allowing access to abysmal
10 depths and vice versa, disembodied spirits streaming in
Partial corporeal manifestation of minor deity, taking time out of busy schedule
11 to address the terrified troops
All the orcs are dead at the hands of marauding dopplegangers, now busy
12 amusing themselves with a bit of (legitimate) cosplay
d12 Unexpected Sarcophagus Contents
1 Staked vampire spouses in necrotic embrace
12 Blobamus Prime
d12 Unforeseen Financial Setbacks in the City
New “adventurer’s rate” at shops, inns, taverns and tradesmen: +1d100% to
1 typical prices
Due to recently closed economy, hard currency must be exchanged (a small
2 surcharge applies) for paper voucher system
3 Dweomer tax on all unregistered magic items entering city
To cover rising repair/policing costs, revelers must apply for a carousing licence
4 (non-refundable fee), summarily revocable by city guard
Must purchase and sport customary attire to do any kind of business or risk
5 committing a grave discourtesy
Roving packs of street arcanists enjoy employing reverse alchemy on the purses
6 of visitors
7 Markets use auction model, professional shills up the bids on foreign buyers
8 Must choose between conversion to local religion or pay a one-time opt out fee
9 Healing available at temples but on sliding scale for each according to their means
Impenetrable legal code plus bribe-happy constabulary = retaining legal aid all
10 but imperative
Carrying weapons disallowed, secure storage available during stay (w/rental
11 agreement)
Vast sorcerer-controlled swarms of rodents seek ill-guarded wealth in the wee
12 hours
10 Ray of Obsequiousness
d12 Unpleasant Potion Side-effects
U Subject faints after use (1d6 minutes), unpredictable spells for remainder of day
2 Immobilizing gastro-intestinal distress after 3d6 minutes
4 Potion “flashback”: effects suddenly return for 1d6 minutes at random moment
12 Chihuahua/hell-hound hybrid
d12 Utterances of the Malfunctioning Magic Mouth
1 Divulges personal information of caster
9 Sorceress head on skeleton body rants about being left behind and eaten by rats
10 Perfectly flat ghost (crushed in dead fall trap) hates professional adventurers
11 Several pieces of thief float about recounting terminal “scouting ahead” mission
Posthumously unionized gaggle of ex-torchbearers seek former employers to file
12 formal complaints
d12 Wandering the Dungeon Self-righteously
W Lone paladin on one man anti-chaos crusade: scorched, bleeding, half his once-
1 shining plate armor missing, crazed look of maniacal enthusiasm
Procession of sun god acolytes loaded down with implements of destruction en
2 route to desecrate shrine of enemy deity
3 Victim of fantasy psychosis believes self to be messianic fulfilment of prophecy
8 Three tiny UFOs use tractor beams to carry off fully-loaded treasure chest
Ensorcelled plutocrats (with jewelry and fat purses) stagger drunkenly toward
9 lair of remote mind-control expert
10 Ransom delivery agents shadowed by squad of assassins
d12 War Sorcery: Eldritch Bombs
W Idiocy bomb: goes off with a resounding howl of mocking laughter, forces w/
1 in range reduced to sub-moronic gibbering, yet retain full measure of self-
2 Re-animation bomb: dead in area of effect rise to fight again
d12 Wasteland Attractions
Travelling gruel salesman: protected from harm by invisible spirits of former
1 customers
2 Wizard’s fireball/lightning bolt practice range and retreat
Paleogean quarry currently worked by hulking mummies (aided by unseen
3 monstrosities below ground)
4 Pilgrimage of the Death God’s acolytes seeking the ultimate enlightenment
5 Stench bats: emit defensive inky cloud of toxic gas when disturbed
Large mouth bats: huge filter feeders swoop around dining on aero-prawns and
6 the like
7 Moth bats: mindlessly attracted to light sources, often snuffing out torches
9 Hover bats: four-winged creatures buzz around like remote control helicopters
Assassin bats: picks victim and begins campaign of single attacks, inflicting
10 death by 1000 cuts
11 Spider bats: lost ability to fly; now scuttle along walls and ceilings, hunt in packs
d12 Weird Dragon Breath
1 Cascading waves of time: massively accelerated aging
3 Blast of revulsion: subject unable to remain in the same physical space as dragon
d12 Weird Menace in the Watery Deeps
1 Flesh-eating Little Mermaids
11 Moby Dicks
7 Vampire chipmunks
d12 Weird Pools
W The sacred pool of the cave beetle god: surrounded by millions of the tiny zealots
1 in droning prayer
2 The Black Soup of Life: coughs up random embryonic magical beasts
The cloning pool: any living thing touching the pool is perfectly cloned in 24
3 hours *
4 Purple baptismal pond of indelible staining
5 Pool of cold liquid gold: assumes normal state when exposed to sunlight
* Naturally, the clone will not stop until it has killed and replaced the original
d12 What the Wizard Actually has Up His Sleeve
1 Viper familiar coiled around wrist
The ol’ endless stream of brightly-colored handkerchiefs for the amazement of
2 the witless
12 Flask of hooch
4 Searing hatred for all that lives spurred on by frequent torture at master’s hands
d12 Whence the Demigod?
1 Mighty Sky-father digs mortals
3 Deviant of some stripe seeking same for dating, possible long-term relationship
9 Holding incredibly valuable and powerful artifact and looking for a buyer
Waiting for contact from crime syndicate, awkwardly working code words into
10 chit-chat
11 Clandestine visitor from another sphere trying to be nonchalant
d12 Why So Dour, Dwarf?
1 Smaller than demi-human average pleasure centers in brain
7 The gods didn’t make this universe for you to play in, man
d12 Why They Built That Giant Wall
Shield against much-publicized catastrophic flood event that will not occur for
1 another thousand years
3 To keep the dinosaurs in: inner wall festooned with special anti-lizard weaponry
4 To keep the land’s titanic original monarch out: loaded w/warding magic
As a barrier against the highly aggressive, intellectually challenged martial
5 society teeming beyond
10 Gigantic toll wall erected by giants back in their entirely forgotten heyday
As a winding temple to once-preeminent snake god, whose vast skeleton remains
11 housed within
To permanently isolate hermetic order of yeti ascetics, largely successful, much
12 serenity beyond
d12 Wildernoise
1 Bleat of alarmed ungulate
9 Din: a swarm of giant bugs or maybe a giants mill wheel, hard to say
d12 The Witch Doctor’s Utility Belt
Shrunken head array: selections span available sentient species, ensorcelled
1 variously (see subtable below)
2 Obsidian mind-control belt buckle with pulsating gem
7 Tubes filled with various powdered stupefying agents: nasal delivery system
d12 Yeah, But THIS Vampire...
1 Transmutes at need into black ooze form
Quick Reference
Bad News, oracle therefrom, 113
Clerics, 9
Dwarves, 10
Elves, 11
Fighters, 12
utterances, dying, 120
Magic Users, 13
Raise Dead, side effects, 129
Reports, from beyond negative hit points, 131
Freak Outs, fear induced, web only
Poison, successful save effects, 142
blunt force, 148
Post Traumatic Dungeon Disorder (PTDD), symptoms, 148
Attire, outrageous, 115
Edicts, usurper king, 131
Imperatives, cult, 23
Laws, peculiar, 118
Mansion, features, eccentric plutocrat, 60
Setbacks, financial, unforeseen, 169
Societies, secret, 133
Times, hard, 75
Aesthetic, 35
Boons, 164
Ceiling (It’s there!), 87
Connections, love, 46
Corpses, various, 22
Corridor, puzzling evidence therein, 123
Delusions, 37
Doors, various weird, 56
Room, empty, details, 26
Fluids, various, found in a well, 63
Gross-Outs, cheap, 21
Kickstarters, 45
Level 1, 40
Level 2, 41
Level 3, 42
Level 4, 43
Restock, 108
Pit, things found therein, 6
Pools, weird, 182
Sounds, 35
Statuary, various mundane, 50
Theories, conspiracy, 36
Customs, farmers, rustic, 132
Secrets, dark, 86
Accommodations, 155
Afflictions, 155
Effects, long term exposure, 160
“Why does it exist?”, 186
Xenophobia, 191
Ditch, found dead within, 63
Fallen Moon, features found thereon, 81
Giant Wall, reasons for building, 187
Paleogean Serpentine Mound, found under, 154
Sounds, 189
Night, 143
Zealots, in the streets, 195
Breath, weird, 180
Gullet, world dragon contents, 29
Hoard, contents, current favorite, 24
Obsession, current, 85
Prisoners, other, 33
Mind, state of, 34
Irritants, ancient, 140
Types, weird, 7
Weaknesses, formerly secret, 31
Who’s on?
Guest list, 33
Menu, 32
Humanoid, reaction, 78
fleeing, 62
motivations, 183
Pets, unusual, 170
Relationships, symbiotic, 142
relocation, 49
tiny, 151
wandering, 175
wandering, self-righteously, 176
Plagues, 48
Curio Cabinet, contents, 84
Lunchbox, contents, 22
(stone), Building projects, 16
Underworld, 177
Unfathomable, 168
distinguishing characteristics, 28
whence they came?, 184
Activities, Downtime, 96
Guest List, 97
Identity, Secret, 97
Interest, Love, 96
Monsters, general
Abominations, gentle/kindly, 68
Beasts, hench-, utility, 106
Charming side, 102
Death Requirements, villain, almost indestructible, 3
Demons, Devils, 25
Dwellers, lightless pits, 51
Gigantic, 70
Inhabitants, hell, lesser, 76
Knights, best avoided, 91
Liquids, Gases and Vapors, living, 136
Monster Generator, gonzo, pulp, 146
Necromancer, projects, re-animation, 130
Ogre, hoard, contents, 89
Oozes, random, 130
Orc, lair intrusions, unexpected, 166
Phantasmal Irritants, 119
Shades, vengeful, 173
Trolls, traits, unique, 193
Vampires, traits, unique, 194
Were-Things, semi-unknown, 158
Witch, workshop, contents, 83
Appearance, last known, 93
Breakthroughs, latest, 141
Derangements, 100
Overnight Bag, contents, 82
Target, Assassination, 150
Domestics, on duty, 28
Security Measures, 135
Farmers, weird, 180
Residents, inn, 4
Bats, weird, 179
Entertainments, 157
Festivals and Holy Days, 158
Hunting/Foraging Rresults, 158
Non-Combatants, 107
Parasites, benevolent, 15
Sporting Events
general therein, 162
Olympiad, all-humanoid, 57
Steam Vents, found nearby, 79
general, 162
river, 161
Worms, giant, 69
Colossal UFO, mountaintop, occupants found therein, 110
First Watch, events during, 188
Forest, weird perils therein, 181
Frozen Wastes, additional nuisances, 1
Giant Caldera, found luxuriating within, 87
Mountaintop, wonders and perils found thereon, 103
Pleistocene Island, features of, 61
Rain Forest, strange doings within, 144
Savannah, strangeness thereon, 145
Skies, haunting therein, 76
Swamp, oddities found therein, 111
Travelers, caravan, 114
Wasteland, attractions therein, 179
Watery Deeps, weird menaces therein, 181
Ass, pain in 117
Desk, contents, 6
Documents, puzzling, 123
Gems, psychoactive, 132
Sarcophagus, found therein, 167
Smuggler’s Hold, contents, 142
Treasure, wandering, 176
Witch doctor, utility belt contents, 190
Worm, colossal, gastric obstructions, 67
Bombs, eldritch, war sorcery, 178
Conveniences, rich and sorcerous, 53
Curses, strange, terrible, 144
Footwear, gonzo, 74
Magic Items, less popular, 94
Missile Weapons, renowned, 54
Potions, side effects, 170
Researches, ill-advised, magical, 80
Scrolls, cursed, 64
Spellbook, philosopher’s, 82
Spellbook, stolen, entries obscure within, 118
Spells, divine, 149
Spells, unknown, 169
Awesomizer, 99
Famous, whereabouts, 59
Unguents, over the counter, 116
Utterances, magic mouth (malfunctioning), 172
Footwear, 74
Weapons, bio-, 70
Chest, contents, 145
Evil priest, vestments, hidden within, 88
Master thief, body, secreted upon, 134
Messages, intercepted, underworld messenger service, 101
Mighty warrior, found thereon or around, 111
Paladin’s Warhorse, found thereon, 65
Treasure Map, hazards and obstacles indicated on, 109
Merchandise, pricey, wilderness outfitter 122
Cash Crops, 156
Currency, 156
Intoxicants, commonly abused, 159
Subterranean Beach, found thereon, 150
Italics indicate the word is either not the main subject, or it is used as
an adjective (ex. “The town was destroyed by a giant,” or giant flower)
Body Parts, 70, 76
Mummified, 111, 115
Prosthetic, 5, 6
Real, 6
Bones, 6, 21, 23, 26, 123, 156, 163, 190
Books (Tomes, etc.); Non-Magical, 64, 65, 88, 123, 134
Spell, 82, 84, 118, 150, 172
Odiferous, 91, 160, 170
Weapon, 31, 70, 180
Building, 2, 8, 15, 16, 27, 28, 41, 60, 81, 83, 95, 110, 135, 145, 179, 181
Caravan, 49, 114
Catastrophes, 2, 17-20, 75, 105, 113
Cephalopod (see Tentacles)
Chain-gang, 38, 40
Chaos, 18, 105, 133, 146, 157, 163, 184
Chest (Box, etc.), 6, 22, 65, 82, 89, 117, 145, 150, 176
City, 45, 101, 115, 118, 121, 143, 163, 181
Dark Secrets of, 86
Financial Setbacks in, 169
Galcierites, Lost , 1
Rats, 6
Residents, 23
Cleric (Priest, Bishop, etc.), 3, 4, 9, 38, 45, 46, 63, 96, 114, 129, 147, 150, 195
Patron Deity of, 80
Clothing, 88, 89, 115, 145
Cloak, 83
Disguise, 88, 150
Fancy-dress, 4
Glove(s), 6, 122, 134
Harness of Prosthetic Limbs, 5
Headband, 5, 6
Shoes (Boots, Slippers, etc.), 74, 94
Undergarments, 6, 82
Comet, 8
Courier, 101, 114, 145, 176, 177
God of, 184
Imperial, 4
Curse, 144
Crystal Ball, 2
Cultural Quirks, 125-127, 132, 158
Demons (see Devils)
Devils, 25, 28, 32, 53, 67, 90, 96, 103, 105, 107, 136, 150, 151, 163, 164
Prince, 17, 24, 112
Dinosaurs, 1, 17, 27, 49, 61, 187
Dirigible, 8, 58, 178, 179
Disease (Illness, Plague, etc.), 48, 105, 118, 141, 142, 144, 150, 155, 176, 180, 184
Cure for, 15, 45, 49
Disintegration, 5, 110
Transportation via, 8
Dog, 28, 76, 87, 114, 119, 136, 141, 170, 179
Door (see Portal)
Dragon(s), 7, 46, 62, 112, 116, 140, 143, 147, 164, 178, 190
Breath of, 180
Current Obsession of, 85
Dead, 22, 81
Gourmet Night, 32, 33
Prisoners of, 33
Mind, State of, 34
Treasure of, 24
Weakness, 31
Drugs (Intoxicants, Moldy Bread, etc.), 9, 75, 94, 103, 146, 156, 159, 190
Dungeon, 18, 21, 22, 26, 35-50, 62-64, 70, 73, 85, 87, 90, 95, 101, 108, 114,
116, 123, 127, 130, 132, 136, 145, 147, 151, 155, 156,
160, 164, 165, 170, 171
Levels, 40-44
Wandering the, 75, 176
Dwarf, 10, 42, 44-46, 79, 110, 111, 155, 185
Dead, 22, 23
Earthquake, 17, 20, 69
Elf, 11, 71, 181, 166, 186
Dead, 22, 63
City State of Rats, 6
Forbidden Pleasure Dome…Gods, 1
Explorer (see Adventurer)
Extra-Planetary (-Planar), 2, 8, 15, 18-20, 27, 72, 76, 81, 86, 95, 103, 121, 136,
141, 145, 150
Metals, 67
Near Death Experience, 131
UFO, 18, 61, 110, 151, 176, 188
Faeries (Pixies, etc.), 87, 108, 145, 147, 151, 156, 181
Ice, 1
Fear (Scared, etc.), 51, 160
Death by, 3
Fighter, 12, 38, 46, 62, 91, 114, 120,126, 165
Barbarian, 13, 23, 71, 108, 116, 150, 166
Dead, 22, 23, 31, 33, 63, 67, 111, 125, 150, 166, 171, 173
Dying, 120
Knight, 4, 18, 91, 135, 155
Paladin, 176
Ranger, 73, 114
Retired, 28
Why We Fight, 61
Film/Video Footage, 2
Floor, 26, 35, 39, 51, 123, 177, 183
Flora, 39, 76, 81, 87, 90, 95, 121, 150, 156, 167, 181
Sentient, 20, 27, 145
Fluids (see Liquids)
Food, 111
Dispenser, 5
Giants, 22
Fungi (Molds, etc.), 15, 33, 38, 39, 51, 75, 76, 90, 105 108, 135, 146, 156,158,
Furniture, 26, 87
Desk, 6
Gasses (Vapors, Fogs, etc.), 41, 72, 79, 87, 93, 96, 136, 142, 146, 188
Gate (see Portal)
Gems (see Treasure)
Ghosts, 70, 73, 76, 96, 97, 99, 109, 110, 118, 119, 126, 131, 151, 154, 167, 173, 175
Domesticated, 28
Useless, 6
Wolf King’s pack, 1
Giants, 32, 68, 75, 87, 97, 105, 110, 122, 142, 155, 163
Buildings of, 16
Curio Cabinet of, 84
Dead, 22, 23
Enslaved by, 2
Fire, 1, 32, 79, 87, 117
Frost, 1, 89
Giantess, 101, 103
Lunchbox of, 22
Sounds of, 16
Stone, 165, 166
Treasure of, 24
Gods, 9, 18, 36, 49, 87, 103, 107, 113, 118, 121, 127, 130, 149, 150, 176, 181, 184
Abandoned Projects of, 27
Battle of, 2, 15, 20, 110
Demigod, 28
Hot Tub of, 182
Ill-tidings of, 80
Moon, 81
Parliament of, 2
Thor, 9, 17
Treasure of, 24
Unfathomable, 18-20, 168
Wandering, 177
Gonzo, 19, 70-74, 146
Gygax, 131
Halfling, 3, 16, 33, 86, 96, 102, 165
Dead, 63
Hell, 15, 76, 95, 151
Prince of, 17, 24
Hemlock, 3
Hirelings, 18, 23, 64, 73, 147, 171
Dead/Missing, 30, 188
Hitler, 97
How the Gang Got Together, 77
Hurricane (see Storm)
Idol , (see Statues)
Ink, 6
Inn (Hotel, Motel, Holiday Hostel, etc.), 4, 130, 155, 169, 184
Insanity, 9, 18-20, 37, 71, 81, 122, 129, 131, 148, 153, 160, 163, 176, 178, 183, 184
Insect, 6, 15, 21, 25, 26, 28, 33, 39, 42, 51, 68, 70, 76, 106, 111, 116, 144, 151,
158, 162, 164, 181
Flying, 87, 90, 95, 106, 108, 109, 129, 141, 165, 188
Island(s), 15, 61, 112, 121
Jewelry (see Treasure)
Keys, 72, 88,145, 150, 164
Knight (see Fighter)
Ice, 1
Liquids, 63, 136
Lizards, 49, 79, 146, 158, 179, 187
Love (Lust, Sex, etc.), 11, 15, 28, 46, 47, 91, 96, 123, 126, 139
Lover, 101, 113
Vulnerability, 3
Lycanthrope, 72, 81, 86, 138-139, 154, 162
Magic Users, 4, 6, 13, 32, 40-42, 45, 46, 82, 93, 101, 136, 144, 147, 150, 165,
166, 183
Cryomancer, 1
Dead, 22, 173
Experiments/Research by, 2, 17, 93, 100, 141
Laboratory/Observatory/Tower/Etc., 8, 15, 28, 41, 83, 95, 110, 135, 179, 181
Necromancer, 13, 41, 44, 49, 62, 110, 130
Witch, 42, 49, 75, 83, 95, 154
Witch Doctor, 13, 84, 89, 157, 190
Maps, 4, 87, 109, 123
Medusa, 49
Mermen, 44
Messages (Frescoes, Notes, etc.), 6, 26, 41, 82, 88, 101, 111, 123, 145, 150, 167,
Messiah, 17, 20
Monkey, 144, 181, 184, 195
Moon, 2, 3, 15, 72, 90, 109, 145
In the Blasted Lands of, 81
Mountains, 16
Mummy (see Undead)
Musical Instruments, 6, 33
Mutilation, 125
Head bisected, 3
Mouth sewn shut, 3
NPCs, 180, 184
Aristocrats/Nobles, 4, 114, 127, 143, 150
Ogres, 16, 28, 32, 33, 38, 40, 45, 46, 49, 90, 131, 143, 147, 157, 161, 162, 166
King’s Hoard 89
Orcs, 18, 21, 147, 161, 166
Ooze(s) (Puddings, Slimes, Jellies, etc.), 15, 22, 39, 40, 46, 62, 75, 108, 109,
111, 143, 147, 151, 155, 161, 166, 167
Nightmare of, 2
Random, 130
Space, 8, 72
Oracle, 6, 113
Paralysis, 129
Parasites, 51, 67, 82
Benevolent, 15
Perfume, 82, 84, 183
Personality Traits, 77, 100, 102, 125-127, 132, 153, 160, 183, 185, 191
Pig (see Swine)
Pimp, 38
Pit (see Traps)
Poison (Toxin), 6, 23, 37, 60, 70, 90, 93, 109, 134, 142, 156, 161, 164, 171, 190
Cure by, 49
Cure for, 15, 106, 116
Polyhedron, 84
Dodecahedron Outcomes Oracle, 30
Magical/Treasure , 24
Power of, 8
Sphere, Omniscent, 5
Pool, 28, 48, 158, 182
Lava, 117
Molten Gold, 81
Whirl-, 29
Magical (Cosmic, Mystical), 6, 15, 16, 90
Weird, 56, 87
Potions, 4, 31, 44, 53, 80, 94, 116, 120, 145, 150, 170, 183, 190, 193
-like Effects, 111, 141, 156, 159, 164, 182
Side-effects 170
Rats, 6, 51, 62, 111, 144, 151, 158, 166, 173, 188
Dead, 123
Relics, 65
Antediluvian, 5
Ring, 6
River, 22, 42, 44, 109, 161, 163
Rogue (see Thief)
Rumors, 36, 37, 191
Sage, 4
Salesman, 4, 38
Sarcophagus, 24, 162, 167
Screams (see Sounds)
Scrolls, 24, 64, 80, 82, 93, 183
Sculptor, 4
Seas (Lakes, Oceans, Ponds, etc.), 15, 44, 163, 181
Secret Societies, 133
Serpent, 41, 70, 154, 183
Skeleton, 23, 29, 48, 167, 187
Animated, 39, 40, 41, 110, 130, 173, 175
Slugs (Snails, etc.), 41, 44, 49, 51, 57, 70, 73, 146, 155, 157, 158, 162
Snake (see Serpent)
Sorcerer (see Magic Users)
Soul, 27, 76, 88, 96, 156, 186
Eater of, 6, 25
Sounds, 35, 41, 42, 172, 188, 189
Listening at Door, 132
Screams, 16, 120
Spells, 24, 64, 80, 82, 129, 136, 144, 149, 169, 175, 178
Spider (see Arachnids)
Spirits (see Ghosts)
Spores (see Parasites)
Sports, 57, 121, 138, 161, 165
Statues (Idols, etc.), 24, 50, 84, 89, 142, 145, 163
Storm, 17, 76, 105, 112, 138, 180
Subhuman, 40, 42, 44, 46, 49, 96, 147, 157, 176, 179
Subterranean, 10, 15, 20, 38, 42, 44, 45, 48, 49, 55, 68, 69, 86, 107, 150, 157,
162, 189
Gas, 105, 138
Water, Body of, 44, 48, 59, 117
Sun , 71, 110, 176
-dweller, 73, 87, 121
Eclipse of, 17
Powered by, 20
Swamp, 6, 23, 111, 136
Swine, 61,112, 138,145
Teleport, 8, 53, 90, 162
Temple, 4
Tentacles, 28, 51, 68, 70, 76, 90, 97, 106, 135, 161
Thief, 3, 4, 6, 14, 40, 62, 131, 134, 150, 173, 181
Dead, 22, 173
Time Travel, 3, 17, 118, 136, 163
Torch, 73, 119, 122, 123, 136, 148, 155
-bearer, 62, 147, 171, 173, 180, 195
Town (see City)
Transplantation (Grafting), 80, 96, 100
Bat ears, 5
Demon Wings, 8
Harness of Prosthetic Limbs, 5
Transport, 17, 76, 111, 156, 162, 178
Trap, 8, 26, 42, 87, 95, 153
Building/Detection of, 72, 73, 147, 148, 154
Giant, 16
Pit, 6, 16, 21, 29, 113, 164
Treasure, 82, 83, 113, 117, 119, 156
Furniture, 67
Gems, 24, 122, 134, 154
Gold(en), 5, 24, 65, 81, 96, 121, 145
Jewelry, 24
Magical, 53, 65, 74, 83, 94, 141, 164, 190
Mundane, 84, 88, 89
Wandering, 176
Giant, 16
Trans-cosmic, 2, 8
Tree (see Flora)
Trolls, 20, 44, 46, 101, 112, 122, 143, 193
Dead, 63
Half, 71
Turtle, 112, 145, 161
Undead, 20, 49, 83, 119, 129, 130, 147
Knight, 91
Lich, 48, 70, 85, 90, 96, 97, 123, 181
Mummy, 24, 32, 55, 90, 96, 97, 165, 167, 179
Skeletons, 40
Zombie, 118, 135
Underworld, 18, 23, 36, 42, 44, 57, 69, 73, 75, 86, 101, 156, 157-159, 160, 161-
163, 176, 177, 186, 191, 195
Unicorn, 33, 157, 176
Vampire, 13, 16, 21, 44, 46, 49, 62, 108, 123, 142, 143, 154, 157, 165, 167, 181
Gandhi, 68
Nightmare of, 2
Transport via, 8
Victims (Corpses, Dead, etc.), 6, 15, 22, 23
Village (see City)
Death Requirements of, 3
Enemy of City-state, 55
Virgin, 3, 9, 33, 75, 85, 142, 145
Virus, 82, 151, 164
Visions (Dreams, Hallucinations, etc.), 13
Apocalyptic, 2, 18
Holy, 9, 17
Volcano, 17, 20, 170, 187
Garden, 1
Vortex, 15
Walls, 16, 131, 135
Reason for Building, 187
Warlocks (see Magic Users)
Warrior (see Fighter)
Wasteland, 179
Weapons, 67, 70, 89, 117, 118, 134, 142, 175, 178
Angel-bone, 3
Cannon, Disintegrate/Reintegrate, 5
Dagger, 5, 111, 113, 183
Dragon Slayer, 16
Gun, 5, 82
Hammer, 5
Missiles, 54, 117, 190
Sword, 65, 80, 87, 120, 123, 175
Awesomizer, 99
Famous, 59
Moon-copper, 3
Transport via, 8
Wilderness, 12, 23, 17, 61, 81, 93, 114, 122, 126, 130, 179, 188
Frozen Wastes, 1
Wine, 10, 38, 82
Immersion in, 3
-skin, 108, 120, 155
Wizards (see Magic Users)
Worms, 15, 39, 67-69, 75, 79, 93, 121, 155, 161, 163
Beard of, 144
Yeti , 155
Ascetic, 8, 103
Zealot, 46, 88, 114, 129, 154, 161, 166, 182, 195
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