Hsems PDF
Hsems PDF
Hsems PDF
March 2016
© Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.
Published By:
Corporate Health Safety and Environment
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.
8th floor –SCOPE Minar, Delhi - 110092
Doc. No. ONGC/CHSE/1/1/HSEMS March 2016 Page 2 of 289
Chapter – 1
4. HSE Policy
We are committed to maintain highest standards of occupational health, safety and environmental
protection with effective HSE risks management.
We shall comply with all applicable legislations, codes, standards and requirements to promote
occupational health, safety and environmental protection for sustainable development
We shall always be alert, equipped and ready to respond to emergencies through effective and
updated Emergency Response Plan
We shall take all actions necessary to protect equipment and the integrity of the system to avoid
accidental release of hazardous substances for minimizing environmental pollution
We shall enhance awareness and involvement of all the stake holders in promotion of occupational
health, safety and environment protection
We shall set targets against the international benchmarks, and strive to promote safety culture for
continual improvement
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6. Updating of Document
6.1. This document will be updated as and when necessary, but at least once in two years by the office
of Chief HSE so that changes necessitated by changes in governmental rules/regulations,
adoption of improved technology and higher standards of Occupational Health & Safety and
Environment are duly incorporated.
6.2. Any person concerned with the subjects covered in this document may suggest changes to
improve the contents. A self-contained note giving the part and section number of the text
proposed to be changed, the suggested change and justification for the same should be sent to
Chief HSE
7.0 Scope
HSE aspectsincluding the procedures to follow of all operations including drilling both offshore &
onshore operations, Work Over operations, Well stimulation operations, well completion & testing
operations, logging operations, logististic operations, marine operations, Aviation operations, well
platform operations, Process Plants operations, Seismic operations, Reservoir opeartions and
other allied operations
8.0 Definitions & Abbreviations (See Appendix)
9.0 Standards, Regulations and References (See Appendix)
1. Standards:
Useful in design, fabrication, installation, layout, operation, inspection, testing and maintenance of
2. Federal, State, municipal and local established requirements may influence design, fabrication,
installation, layout, operation, inspection, testing and maintenance of facilities.
3. A partial list of references (textbooks, references and technical articles) that have substantial
acceptance by industry and governmental bodies are listed in Appendix
The programme elements address 14 areas to cover the whole gamut of operations as per API-RP-75
Guidelines with the aim to control and mitigate the potential losses due to accidents/incidents
10.2 Principles
a. Management responsible for overall success of SEMP
b. Management provides leadership to establish goals and performance measures
c. Management designates representatives responsible to report SEMP performance
d. Management develops written SEMP policies and organizational structure with defined
e. Managemet utilizes personnel expertize for hazard identification, environmental impact, safe work
practices, training programmes and incident investigation
f. All stakeholders have own responsibility to protect personnel and the environment
g. Facilities are designed, constructed, operated and maintained as per applicable codes, standards,
accepted practices and compliant with government regulations
h. Management f Safety hazards and environmental impacts integral part of facility
i. Suitable trained personnel are employed
j. Periodic audits to maintain SEMP and ensure effective performance
k. SEMP enhances HSE performance
l. Human factors considered in design and implementation of SEMP
Leadership & Organization
Leadership & Organization
HSE management is the responsibility of all the employees at various levels of ONGC hierarchy, HSE
functions need to be imbibed in working culture & performed at all levels, both involved in Line & Support
functions, with overall guidance & support from the Top Management.
Accordingly, roles & responsibilities related to HSE Management at various levels is outlined below,
including those of HSE group, Line & Support functions as enumerated in this HSE Management System
1 Roles & Responsibilities
HSE Administration
HSE management is the responsibility of all the employees at various levels of ONGC hierarchy. As such,
HSE functions need to be imbibed in working culture & performed at all levels, both involved in Line &
Support functions, with overall guidance & support from the Top Management.
Accordingly, roles & responsibilities related to HSE Management at various levels is outlined below,
including those of HSE group, Line & Support functions as enumerated in this manual
Plant Operations Manager / Surface Manager / HDS / HWS / HLS / HES / Support Manager /
Party Chiefs / Sub Surface Manager / Head Marine & Air Logistics / Head Info-com
23 Ensure operations teams understand the hazards and mitigation measures in place Ongoing
24 Develop schedule of planned inspections for the facility Annually
25 Conduct review of outstanding actions Monthly
26 Ensure risk assessments carried out are conducted by competent persons and Ongoing
reviewed prior to use
27 Reinforce HSE Policy with staff and contractors Ongoing
28 Support staffs HSE training needs Ongoing
29 Carry out performance reviews with direct reports Twice per/yr
30 Ensure communication of HSE objectives to staff and contractors‟ personnel Annually
31 Review training database to ensure refresher training is up to date Annually
32 Ensure all new direct reports receive a satisfactory induction As required
33 Ensure that work undertaken by contractors and Vendors is adequately supervised As required
34 Feedback of Contractor/Vendor Performance As required
35 Arrange Contractor meeting when possible As required
36 Ensure clear operating responsibilities and adequate manning exists Twice per/yr
37 Ensure adequate operating and maintenance procedures exist and these are Annually
regularly reviewed and updated as necessary
38 Ensure operating basis and systems remain valid and in place Annually
39 Ensure PTW system is operated as intended Annually
40 Develop schedule of PTW, isolations and staff handover procedures Annually
41 Procedures are developed and periodically reviewed for the removal of plant and Ongoing
equipment from service
42 Ensure all protective devices are identified, and regularly used Ongoing
43 Monitor of overdue maintenance items Ongoing
44 Ensure SIMOPs procedures remain valid Ongoing
45 Ensure any uncontrolled release to the environment is investigated and reported Ongoing
46 Provide adequate procedures for the storage, handling and use and disposal of Ongoing
hazardous substances
47 Appoint a responsible person(non-HSE)for Waste management Once
48 Periodic update of security measures at the facility Annually
49 Ensuring all modifications and changes on the facilities are implemented under the Ongoing
MOC system
50 Control installation/hook-up/decommissioning of temporary equipment Ongoing
51 Control site work packages As required
52 Review installation manning levels Annually
53 Ensure documentation, drawings etc. are clearly identifiable and readily accessible Annually
54 Ensure operating procedures, standing instructions etc, are current and periodically Ongoing
55 Ensure adequate and where necessary written daily handover occurs between Ongoing
56 Ensure obsolete documentation is removed from the facilities
57 Ensure open and effective communications between the community and As required
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58 Review emergency procedures and ensure project response procedures remain Annually
59 Act as member of Emergency Control Team Ongoing
60 Ensure personnel are aware/familiar with emergency procedures Ongoing
61 Share lessons learned with peers, staff, contractors etc. As required
62 Participate in establishing measurable HSE goals and targets Annually
63 Review HSE performance against goals Four per/yr
64 Initiate internal audits As required
65 Participate in the Operations Assurance Process Ongoing
Maintenance Manager
Onshore / Offshore Installation Manager / Drilling In-charge / Process Unit I/C for Plants
Activity Frequency
1 Ensure that all work is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the legal and Ongoing
other HSE requirements.
2 Ensure that Installation has all valid consents & approvals As required
3 He shall visit and examine the installations under his charge to see that safety in Ongoing
every respect is ensured
4 He shall maintain a detailed record of the results of each of his inspections and the Ongoing
action taken by him to rectify the defects noticed, if any
5 Ensure that all persons employed at the installation are thoroughly aware and Ongoing
familiar with the provisions of the legal and other HSE requirements, safe work
practices and emergency plan
6 Ensure that the operation and maintenance are properly carried out by competent Ongoing
person declared for the purpose
7 Ensure communication of Management System to personnel and contractors Annually
8 Establish personal HSE objectives/contract Annually
9 Ensure direct reports have personal HSE contracts and these are periodically Twice per/yr
10 Provide or promote recognition of exceptional contributions to HSE As required
11 Ensure HSE Policy is included in induction of new staff and that they understand As required
their HSE responsibilities
12 Actively promote employee involvement in the management system Twice per/yr
13 Raise HSE issues at relevant forums and meetings As required
14 Ensure management system is implemented against a defined plan Ongoing
15 Ensure direct reports have roles and accountabilities clearly defined in their job Once per/yr
descriptions/roles and responsibilities
4 Ensure that the provisions of the applicable legal and other requirements relating to As required
installation, operation, maintenance and examination of machinery are properly
carried out by subordinate officials, competent persons and employees as the case
may be, appointed for the purpose
5 Ensure that necessary approvals are taken for the total Project as per statutory As required
6 Actively promote employee involvement in the HSE management system Twice per/yr
7 Raise HSE issues at relevant forums and meetings Weekly
8 Review incident reports and ensure lessons learned are applied Ongoing
9 Ensure risk assessment techniques are used effectively and referenced in project Ongoing
10 Reinforce HSE Policy with staff and contractors Ongoing
11 Ensure communication of HSE objectives to employees and contractors‟ personnel Annually
12 Ensure bridge document is prepared to integrate contractors management system As required
13 Ensure EIA is completed or amended as applicable in time Once
14 Ensure systems are in place to apply best pollution control technology Ongoing
15 Ensure adequate standards, procedures, systems and interface documents exist As required
16 Develop Project HSE Plan Annually
17 Ensure project is designed, constructed and commissioned to recognised and As required
accepted standards
18 Ensure clear project responsibilities and adequate manning exists Twice per/yr
19 Responsible for utilising appropriate risk assessment techniques As required
20 Control deviations from design Ongoing
21 Ensure applicable regulations and other HSE requirements are met or exceeded Ongoing
22 Produce Major Hazard document prior to commissioning Once
23 Ensure training of Operations personnel is incorporated into the pre operations plan Ongoing
24 Review Project MOC Procedure Annually
25 Ensure documentation, drawings etc. are clearly identifiable and readily accessible Annually
26 Monitor document control system Annually
27 Review project procedures, permits, regulations etc. Annually
28 Ensure documentation provided by Projects fully meets the expectations As required
29 Ensure open and effective communications between the community and As required
30 Review emergency procedures Annually
31 Share lessons learned with employees, contractors etc. As required
32 Participate in establishing measurable HSE goals and targets Annually
33 Review HSE performance against goals Four per/yr
34 Initiate unscheduled internal audits/ inspections As required
Carry out audits of the ongoing project activities Quarterly
Medical Officer
6. Analyse incident data with a view to promote safe practices and improvement of working Annual
7. Promote safety awareness amongst persons employed in the mine. Ongoing
8. Ensure all new employees and those transferred to new jobs receive adequate HSE training. As required
9. Ensure Occupational Health, Safety and environment performance of the service Ongoing
10. Facilitate in implementation & sustenance of QHSE accreditation. Ongoing
11. Coordinate conducting of QHSE internal audit & MRM As required
12. Raise HSE issues at relevant forums and meetings As required
13. Developemployee involvement in the QHSE management system Ongoing
14. Monitorcompliance of legal and other HSE requirements Quarterly
15. Advise for implementation of changes in legal and other HSE requirements As required
16. Coordination with DGMS, OISD, SPCB, Accreditation agency As required
17. Establish measurable HSE goals and targets Annual
18. Review HSE performance against goals Quarterly
19. Periodic Inspection and certification of Rig and installation based safety devices Viz. Crown-o- Ongoing
matic / floor-o-matic (twin stop safety device), top man escape device, BOPs, guy rope
anchoring, mud volume totaliser, shale shaker gas detection alarm etc.
20. Carry out Surprise blow out drills and emergency drills. Six monthly
21. Surprise HSE inspection of rigs/installations (Usage of personal protective equipments and monthly
derrick floor safety devices etc.).
22. Co-ordination with Crisis Management Team As required
23. Monitorimplement mandatory trainings and to maintain records Ongoing
24. Maintain HSE Data base of Rigs/Installations Ongoing
5. Ensure and improve hygiene standard of Field parties, occupational health & safety. On going
6. Safety of Explosive Magazines. On going
Director HSE
Chief HSE
Administrative Reporting
Director HSE
Chief HSE
Head HSE of Asset/Basin/Plant
Administrative Reporting
Chapter – 3
Chapter – 3
GENERAL The management program should require that a compilation of safety and
environmental information be developed and maintained for any facility
subject to this RP.
The process design info should include, as appropriate, a simplified process
flow diagram and acceptable upper and lower limits, where applicable, for
items such as temperature, pressure, flow and composition. (see API RP
14J, which on a MODU is only applicable to a production processing system)
Where original process design info is no longer existent, info may be
developed via a hazard analysis in sufficient detail to support the analysis.
The mechanical design info should include, as appropriate, piping and
instrument diagrams, electrical area classifications, equipment arrangement
drawings, design basis of the relief system, description of the alarm,
shutdown, and interlock systems, description of the well control systems,
and design basis and active fire protection features and systems and
emergency evacuation procedures.
The mechanical and design info for MODUs should conform to the
applicable requirements of the flag State and Class Society.
The mechanical and design info should be consistent with applicable
consensus codes and standards in effect at the time of design.
When original mechanical design info is no longer existent, suitability of
equipment design for intended use should be verified and documented
based on engineering analysis and prior operating experience.
Design and installation of new facilities and major modifications should
include consideration of human factors.
Chapter – 3
1. Objective:
For evaluating and monitoring the effectiveness of HSE implementation, an Information System is of
utmost importance which will be handy and useful to the management in achieving the ultimate goal of
accident prevention and disaster mitigation/ management. In this system element, it is important to give
an insight as to what are all the information that are needed for a successful Health, Safety and
Environment Management in various ONGC operations, not only from the point of view of
management decision making, but for the purpose of internal and external HSE audits also.
2. Information Requirement:
It is now evident that a well laid-down HSE information system provides the basis of HSE Management
and must be considered as the key element for effective administration of HSE related issues in
operation. As such, the minimum applicable HSE information shall include the following and shall be
maintained at each installation. Certain general information is common to all activities, whereas few
specifics are included depending on the type of activities being performed:
2.1.1. General
QHSE manuals including policy, objectives, procedures, risk register, aspect register & legal
Statutory licenses/ Consents/ clearences(e.g. from factory Inspectorate/ DGMS, OISD,
MOEF,CCOE etc.,)
Quarterly & annual returns (only for installations under Mines Act).
Safety committee & Management review meeting record
Statutory appointments including competent persons, OIM, HSE Manager
All audit & inspection reports (internal & external) with compliance.
All MOC documents
2.1.2. Accident/ Incident/ Non-conformity Data
Equipment Layout
OEM manuals
History sheets/cards/log books
Design basis for passive and active fire protection
Emergency evacuation procedure
NDT records
Hydro test Records by competent persons
Calibration records of PSVs and other instruments
Testing records of Lifting tools & Tackles by competent persons
Where original Mechanical Design Information is not available, suitability of equipment design
for intended use should be verified and documented.
Breathing Air compressor maintenance and fit-for purpose test records.
Crane load test certificates
MSDS for all chemicals must be made available in English & Local Language and the minimum
information to include are:
Permissible exposure limits
Physical Data
Reactivity data
Corrosivity data
Thermal and Chemical stability data
Incompatibility data
Treatment procedure in case of body contact
Disaster Management Plan (DMP), Regional Contingency Plan (RCP)& Corporate Disaster
Management Plan (CDMP)
Emergency Response plan (ERP) – specific to the installations/ rigs
Fire drill records
On & Offsite DMP Mock-drill records/table top exercises
Action Taken Reports (ATRs) / Lessons learnt database
Chapter – 4
Chapter – 4
APPLICATION The management program should require that a hazard
analysis be performed for any facility subject to this RP.
Hazard analysis should take an orderly, systemic approach,
following one or more methodologies such as those
recommended in API RP 14J .
Hazards Analysis for MODUs
a. For most MODUs this is implicit in the Flag State and
Classification Society certification process.
b. It may be necessary to perform site-specific hazard
analysis for certain operations to assure the MODU is not
exposed to condition beyond its designed limits.
The hazard analysis should be performed in order of
a. Areas with continuous offshore population
b. Inventory and flow rate of flammable, toxic or other
materials that constitute a safety hazard or environmental
c. Locations involving simultaneous operations
d. Facilities that remove natural gas or handle H2S
e. Facilities with severe operating conditions (i.e. high
pressure, highly corrosive fluids, high flow rates, etc)
f. Facilities in close proximity to environmentally sensitive
Chapter – 4
1. Introduction
In every walk of life including operations in industry there are always chances of undesirable events
taking place. The basic cause of these undesirable events is the hazards which are either inherently
present or created by mankind. Risk is the consequence of a hazard in the event of an incident. This is
a combination of likelihood and severity of the event and can be rated at different levels.
2. Objective
In carrying out any activity it is impossible to eliminate all hazards and bring the level of the risk to zero.
Hence the endeavor always is to bring the level of the risk to acceptable levels through implementation
of certain measures called risk control measures.
The objective of this section is to outline the concept of Risk Management through identification of the
Hazards and the associated Risks, assessment of the Risks and mitigation of the Risks through
identified control measures.
i. 3.2 Risk:
Risk is the combination of the likelihood/ frequency and the consequence(s)/ severity of a specified
undesired event occurring. For example the likelihood or frequency of an air accident is lower than that
of a road accident but the consequence or severity of air accident is much higher than that of road
accident. The risks can be classified into different levels such as low medium or high.
HAZOP, QRA and other advanced form of risk assessment is mostly carried out during basic
engineering and commissioning stage as engineering controls which are most effective form of control
are easier to implement during that stage. During most part of the operations, qualitative method of risk
assessment is used for assessment of the risks and implementation of the controls.
a. Isolation
b. Engineering Control
c. Administrative Control
d. Use of PPE
The activities/ aspects normally considered for the risk assessment are for:
Identified hazards originating outside the workplace capable of adversely affecting the health
and safety of persons under the control of the Asset within the workplace
Hazards created in the vicinity of the workplace by work related activities under the control of
the Asset.
Infrastructure, equipment and materials at workplace, weather provided by the organization or
Changes or proposed changes in the organization, its activities or materials
Modifications to the OHSAS Management System, including temporary changes and their
impacts on operations, processes and activities
Any applicable legal obligations relating to risk assessment and implementation of necessary
The design of work areas processes, installations, machinery, equipment, operating
[procedures and work organization, including their adaptation to human capabilities.
The procedure for identification of hazards, evaluation of the risk, identification of the control and
structured documentation of the result in form of Risk Register is carried out broadly in accordance with
guidelines of ISO 17776: 2000.
The exercise of Hazard identification, Risk assessment and development of the Risk Register is an
ongoing process which is carried out by a group of personnel having requisite knowledge and
experience of the working of operations as well as the Hazard Identification and risk assessment
The following steps are involved in the identification of hazards, assessing risks and implementing
1. Classify all the work activities and gather information about them
2. Identify all the significant hazards related to each activity
3. Define a risk matrix for estimation of the magnitude of the risk based on severity and probability
of the risk involved with the hazard
4. Classify the risk levels define the screening criteria and actions to be taken for different levels
5. Make a subjective estimate of the risk associated with each hazard assuming that planned
safeguards are in place. The assessments should consider the effectiveness of the controls and
the consequences of their failure
6. Decide if the risk is tolerable (i.e., that the risk has been reduced to as low as reasonably
practicable) by judging whether planned or existing OH&S precautions are sufficient to keep the
hazard under control, and, and at a minimum meet the legal requirements
7. Prepare a risk control action plan. The risk control action plan includes preventive control
measures for prevention of an event causing the risk followed by protective control measures
which will prevent escalation of the risk if the event occurs in spite of the preventive controls
being in place or failure of the preventive controls.
8. Review the adequacy of the action plan by assessing the residual risk to find out if it is within
the As Low As Reasonably Practicable ( ALARP) level
9. Provide a written record where the risks are significant
10. Carry out updating of the assessment when conditions change such as
Change in process
Change in equipment
Audit findings etc.
Information required for each work activity includes items from the following:
The first step in the risk assessment process is to identify the hazards and this will form the basis of all
risk assessments, which are subsequently carried out. A systematic approach should be taken in the
identification of hazards or many may be missed. The whole workplace needs to be divided in workable
sections to make the work more effective.
While hazards relating to the following categories are normally considered during the hazard
identification process, the identified hazards are not limited to them. The effort is to identify as many
numbers of hazards as possible at the work place for which risk assessment is being carried out:
1. Process - Chemical
2. Mechanical
3. Electrical
4. Radiation
5. Substances
6. Fire and explosion
7. Environment- Toxic release
8. Inadequate or no Machine guard
9. Violence to staff/Human behavior/Unsafe act
This is an area where qualified and informed judgement has to be made. For it to be effective, common
sense is needed but even then disparities may still appear in the prioritization of the risk.
Risk is essentially a combination of three factors
In order to evaluate the risk realistically, it is essential that the hazard be evaluated on the likelihood of
occurrence in relation to the severity of the injury that may actually result. A scoring system is often
used to establish the risk rating.
Risk is a function of the severity of the incident and the probability of occurrence. A simple risk ranking
matrix as a function of severity and probability is given below:
Risk Severity is classified in six levels with weightage ranging from 0 to 5, depending on the potential of
the event to cause the extent of injury, property damage environmental effect and affect to the
reputation of the company with 0 being the least severe and 5 being the most severe. Probability is
classified in four levels with weightage ranging from 1 to 4, depending on the probability of the event
taking place at the facility, company and industry with 4 being the most probable 1 being the least.
When working out likelihood of occurrence it is important to take into account the existing control
measures and their use
Both the severity and frequency can be assessed by using national /international and/or organizational
statistical figures as a form of benchmarking. The industry experience of the persons involved in the
risk assessment process will also help in assessment of frequency and severity rating where statistical
data is not available. At times it may be necessary to call in outside assistance but it is better for
employees to carry out their own risk assessment.
Risk Magnitude is calculated by taking the product of severity and probability weightage.
A probability and severity matrix and the screening criteria used presently in ONGC‟s offshore
operations is as follows:
People Asset Environment Reputation
Slight Effect:
Slight Damage <Rs. Slight Impact limited to
1 Slight Injury recordable event with no
10 Lakhs Installation
agency notification or
permit violation
Probability Rating
1 2 3 4
0 0 0 0 0
1 1 2 3 4
Severity Rating
2 2 4 6 8
3 3 6 9 12
4 4 8 12 16
5 5 10 15 20
The overall risk rating score will provide an indication as to the level of risk associated with work and to
prioritize the action to control the risks which pose the greatest hazard.
The acceptance level of a risk depends on an organization‟s risk appetite, i.e. how much risk the
organization can reasonably tolerate. Each organization based on its risk appetite will create it‟s own
risk acceptance criteria. Risks are screened based on the risk acceptance criteria or the screening
criteria of the organization and actions for the risk mitigation are taken.
Once the risk magnitudes are determined the high and medium risks are to be reduced by selection of
barriers as control measures. The identification of the effective barriers is to be based on technical
analysis and studies such as Barrier analysis. The barriers selected are to be as per best available
technology and capable of generating most effective results to reduce the risk to the extent possible,
provided associated costs are not significantly disproportionate to the risk reduction achieved. The
selection of the barriers must be reviewed in case of changes in operating envelope through the life
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cycle of the facility. Hierarchy of risk reducing measures- prevention detection, control, mitigation and
emergency response is followed while selection and implementation of the barriers.
The following figure shows the hierarchical process, which needs to be followed when implementing a
control measure.
Normally the hierarchy of control measures to be used should be
1. Engineering Control where hazards are eliminated substituted and or managed through
engineering solutions including change in material, equipment or design. This is the most
effective control measure
2. Administrative Control is used where desirable reduction of risk cannot be achieved through
engineering control cannot. They comprise of safety systems and procedures, alarms, signs
warnings etc.
3. Personal Protective Equipment are accepted as temporary control methods as a last resort where
control of hazards by other controls is not achieved satisfactorily.
If it is not reasonably practicable to implement the first measure, then the next level down should be
tried. The provision of Personal protective Equipment should always be considered as „The Last
Resort’. If complete protection cannot be achievedby using one option, then a combination of measures
can be used if they represent the most effective way to adequately control the risk.
The selected measures/ barriers can be physical, non physical or a combination of both. The barriers
should be established in several layers in order to reduce the probability of hazards and accidents, and
eliminate or limit their consequences.
When more than one barrier is established they should be designed to ensure that these will not be
impaired or cease to function simultaneously as a consequence of a single incident. While
establishment of barriers, collective measures should be preferred over protective measures aimed at
Functional requirements of the barriers should be established and schedule of maintenance and
inspection developed to ensure that the barriers are functional and effective throughout the lifetime of
the workplace. The established functional requirement for effective performance of the barriers should
be known to all concerned personnel.
Policy of continuing operations in the event of impaired barriers, the compensating actions and their
revival should be established.
a. Preventive Controls
b. Protective Controls
Preventive controls are the controls which are put in place to ensure prevention of the risk generating
event. Protective controls are the controls which are put in place to prevent escalation of the risk should
the preventive controls fail to prevent the hazardous event from occurring.
Taking into consideration the risks identified on the work place and other risk assessment studies like
HAZOP, QRA a list of significant hazards is developed. The master list of significant hazards is kept up
to date.
xii. 7.6 Recording
It is necessary to maintain the records of significant findings of the risk assessment process. The records
must show
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The recording the findings of an assessment which forms the risk register will be as follows:
Activ Haza Associat Severity Proba Preventiv Protective
S.No. Source rating
ity rd ed Risk (S ) b. (L) e Controls Controls
(S * L)
An approved Risk Register in the above format should be maintained at the work place with the HSE
manager. All individuals at the work place should be free to add any hazard which they feel is applicable
with respect to the operations and not included in the risk register. The same is periodically reviewed by
a committee of risk assessors and if found appropriate will be included in the approved risk register
during the review of the risk register.
11. Conclusion
Risk Assessment, apart from being a legal requirement, is an effective method for identifying potential
loss making situations and exercising control over them. It should be seen as another proactive
management tool to minimize losses and increase the ability to satisfy the needs of all stakeholders.
For each cause of hazard, identify the barriers to prevent the release of hazard.
For every hazard, identify the barriers to reduce the consequences and/or facilitate the recovery
from the consequences.
For each identified barrier:
o Identify the critical task / activities required to ensure barriers are in place, working effectively
and their integrity is maintained.
o Identify the resources and competencies required for the barriers to be implemented and
o Identify where barrier is referred in safety management system.
o Identify any factors that prevent such barriers from being defeated, removed from service or
any reduction or elimination of their effectiveness. Identify any compensatory barriers and
the associated activities, resources, competencies to address such barrier defeating factors.
For guidance on hazard identification and risk assessment refer section 6.1 of OISD-GDN-227.
Hierarchy of risk reducing measures – prevention, detection, control, mitigation and emergency
response should be followed. Safety measures / barriers have to be divided in two categories –
preventive measures and protective measures. Preventive measures have objective of reducing
probability of occurrence. Protective measures (also called residual risk control) have objective of
mitigating the effects of hazard situations. Protective measures should be considered after possible
preventive measures.
I. Preventive measures such as using inherently safer designs and ensuring asset integrity, to
prevent incidents or reduce the probability of occurrence of incidents and to control incidents
– limit the extent and duration of a hazardous event.
II. Mitigating measures to mitigate the effects or reduce the consequences.
III. Measures to recover from incidents taking into account possible failures of the control.
IV. Preventive measures should be emphasised.
In case of failure of barriers provided to prevent occurring of a hazardous event, mitigating measures to
bring the situation to normal are required.
All measures taken following a hazardous event are known as emergency response. For guidance on
emergency preparedness and response refer OISD-GDN-227.
Risk Matrix (based on ISO 17776, as explained above) is suggested on next page, which can be used
for qualitative risk assessment.
place Mediu
Remarks should specify, in case of medium and high risk levels, whether these risk levels
are because of inherent hazardous nature of the activity OR because of deficiencies in
control measures. In case of latter, action(s) in hand to remove deficiencies should be
It would be pertinent to mention that the risk matrix should include all the emergency scenarios
considered in the “Emergency Response Plan” of the installation.
Risk matrix should be treated as a live document, to be updated periodically to reflect the action(s)
taken related to deficient control measures besides incorporating new hazards (due to change in
process parameters, plant modifications, change of personnel etc.
Chapter – 5
Management of Change
GENERAL Management program should establish procedures to identify
and control hazards associated with change and maintain the
accuracy of safety info.
MANAGING THE CHANGES The Management program should establish and implement
written procedures to manage change in facilities and personnel
that are flexible enough to accommodate both major and minor
1. Introduction
In an oil and gas facility, the operating parameters can vary with change in time. As
technology continues to evolve, processes and procedures inevitably become
obsolete. Greater demand of oil and gas may call for expansion of existing
facilities. In such situations, change in the process, procedures and parameters are
necessary. But before any change is made, its impact on safety, health
and environment must be evaluated and appropriate controls put in place. The
purpose of this section is to establish the system that will govern any change in
personnel, process, equipment, surface facilities and work methods in ONGC
2. Application
A change in design and construction, operating parameters, equipment or procedures
will be carried out in a facility only after thorough assessment that such change does not;
Risk due to the identified hazards would be assessed systematically. The focus of
assessment would on the areas that present the greatest risk.
All concerned persons would be informed prior to the change being made
and within 24 hours of the change effected or a soon as is practicable.
3. Types of Change
The OIM/ Installation Incharge must set up a Change Management Team to-
These principles must be applied in assessment of risk. However, the direction and
level of effort devoted to such assessment should be relative to the inherent risk.
The focus on the areas that present the greatest risk is essential.
5. Methodology of application
1. A Change Management Team comprising of Process / Maintenance / Electrical / HSE engineers
will assess the impact of change. The focus should be to assess whether standard
procedures are being followed and to identify any problems that may further attention.
4. The team must submit its report to competent authority for approval.
5. Management’s decision on the proposed change and risk reduction measure must
be conveyed to the Team.
Chapter – 6
OPERATING PROCEDURES (Standard Operating Procedures)
GENERAL : The Management program should include requirements for written
facility operating procedures designed to enhance efficient, safe, and
environmentally sound operations. Operating procedures, by design,
should directly address human factor issues associated with the
interaction between facilities and personnel.
PERIODIC REVIEW When changes are made, operating procedures should be reviewed per
the management of change procedure.
Chapter – 6
(A) Integrated QHSE management system
1. Objectives
To achieve continual improvement by acquiring certification on QHSE management system based on
the latest versions on ISO/OHSAS standards
2. Introduction
2.1. Why QHSE management system?
QHSE management system provides a safe structured path for accomplishment of goals, development
of personnel, improved communication and improvement of business process. It also helps to maintain
consistency in performance.
2.2.1. QHSE Management system is based on international standards, ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001
&ISO 14001 and is an integrated approach to develop a hybrid management system for
achieving quality of products and services and addressing health, safety and environmental
aspects at the same time.
2.2.2. The mission of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is to promote the
development of standardization and related activities in the world with a view to facilitate the
international exchange of goods and services, and to develop cooperation in the spheres of
intellectual, scientific, technological and economic activity.
2.2.3. The key requirements of the integrated QHSE management system are derived from the
following international standards:
3. QHSE way
3.1. QHSE management system is a cyclic management system maintaining Plan–Do-Check-Act
elements in complete equilibrium and ensures self sustained perpetual performance system.
Plan : Design or revise business process components to improve results
Do : Implement the plan and measure its performance
Check : Assess the measurements and report the results to decision makers
Act : Decide on changes needed to improve the process
result in the identification of hazards and assessment of risks in the work environment.
provide for the development of methods to eliminate/ control hazards and risks.
thorough setting up of objectives & targets, operational control, compliance to
legislative requirements so as to achieve continual improvement of its occupational
health and safety performance.
Quality manual
Control of documents
Control of records
Management commitment
Customer focus / feedback
Quality policy
o Quality objectives& Targets
o Standard Operating Procedures
Responsibility, authority and communication
o Responsibility and authority
o Management representative
o Internal communication
Management review
7.4 Resource management
Provision of resources
Human resources
o Competence, awareness and training
Work environment
7.5 Product realization
8.3 Planning
Environment aspects
Legal and other requirements
Objective targets and programme(s)
8.4 Implementation and operation
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Control of documents
Operational control
Emergency preparedness and response
9.6 Checking
In addition to the above the critical documents which support the QHSE Management System
The oil & Gas business is a risky activity where many hazards are present. Hence, there exists the
potential for serious accidents to occur. Hence it is essential that work shall be carried out under a safe
system to prevent any untoward incident.
Statistics have shown that the major contributor to accidents is the lack of proper communication
between the various agencies involved in the process. Hence authorization system must be evolved to
regulate such jobs that have potential to cause major accidents. The authorization scheme is
commonly known as “Permit-To-Work” System”.
A permit:
defines scope of work
identifies hazards and assesses risk
establishes control measures to eliminate or mitigate hazards
links the work to other associated work permits or simultaneous operations
is authorized by the responsible person(s)
communicates above information to all involved in the work
ensures adequate control over the return to normal operations
Essential Features
A Permit to work System is a formal Job-authorization system which is used to control certain
potentially hazardous jobs and should have the following essential features:
Permit –To-Work system will be applicable to jobs which-
Are of non-routine nature and require JSA and control measures for risk mitigation
before starting.
are intended to be carried out by more than one agencies(e.g. contractors)
are being transferred from one department to another with change of
Apart from the above, maintenance work carried out, particularly for safety critical
equipment/systems should be undertaken under the Permit-To-work system.
b. Type of Work Permits
Hot Work Permit, for work involving Flammable atmosphere and source generaring
energy having potential of ignition ( increase in temp Or generating spark)
Cold Work Permit for any other hazardous activityconsisting of but not limited to
Actual hot works e.g. welding, grinding, gas cutting, burning, shot blasting, soldering, chipping,
excavation, open fire, use of certain non-explosion proof equipment, entry and operation of petrol
or diesel driven vehicles or equipment in hazardous area capable of generating spark (e.g.
megger, gas detectors, flash camera etc.).
(For detailed safety precautions refer the ‘hot work’ safety procedures & Instructions in OISD-STD-105.)
Entry into Confined space(for the protection of personnel entering a confined space such as
Vessels, boilers, storage tanks, large diameter piping or the area having limited ventilation ,
illumination & access etc against hazards such as oxygen deficiency, toxic and flammable
materials, falling objects, power driven equipment etc.) Excavation more than 1.2 meter deep,
entry on floating roof tanks when the roofs are more than 3 meter down from the top, space
located below ground level such as pits, drain channels etc. also fall under the confined space).
(For detailed safety precautions refer to the ‘confined Space Entry’ safety procedures & Instructions in OISD-STD-105.)
The checklist of composite permit must address all the applicable aspects.
The permit shall be in minimum three copies. The original should be in color different than
the other permits and copies should have the word "COPY" printed in large letters. Original
copy shall be issued to the receiver, the duplicate to the Fire & Safety Section and
triplicate retained in the book. In units where more agencies are involved, more number of
copies can be printed.
A specimen of the composite permit for "Hot work" and "Entry to Confined space" is
enclosed as Annexure-II for use for Onshore operations.
iii. Electrical Isolation / Energisation Permit
Before issuing any work permit, it is essential that the equipment / facility to be worked on
is electrically safe and electrical power is isolated to the extent necessary for the safe
conduct of the authorized work.
Permit for electrical isolation and energisation shall be in triplicate and in two sections with
tear off facility. (Section-A shall be used for electrical isolation and Section-B for
The original should be in color different than the other permits and copies should have the
word "COPY" printed in large letters. Original along with a copy shall be issued to the
electrical section for electrical isolation / energisation. Electrical section authorized person
on isolation / energisation of the equipment / circuit shall return the original to the issuer
keeping copy for record. Specimen format for the Electrical isolation / energisation is
enclosed at Annexure-III for onshore installations.
(For detailed safety precautions refer to the „Electrical Isolation/ Energisation‟ safety procedures &
Instructions in OISD-STD-105.)
Electrical Lockout permit as per IS: 5216 (Annexure-IV) may be used at onshore installations, as per
For the job to be carried out by contractors / in house manpower, this could be the department
under which the contractors work. For jobs to be carried out by departmentally, the concerned
department should initiate the permit.
ii. Levels of on-field supervision: There could be 3-4 levels of supervision. The level increases as
the complexity increases. Decision on the actual level of supervision required should be taken
both by the issuer and receiver. If required safety officer shall be involved in the decision
The concerned management shall issue the appropriate authority levels for various installations
and type of permits based on this concept.
iii. A duly authorized written permit shall be obtained for performing a work in hydrocarbon
processing / handling installation by the designated person other than the operating personnel
of that area for executing the work.
iv. Permits should be in printed form preferably in the form of books with tear off facility. A system
of color coding is recommended to identify the various types of permits. All permits shall be
serially numbered. General instructions applicable to the type of the permit should be printed on
the overleaf.
v. The work permit shall be filled up carefully and accurately in clear writing ensuring that detailed
and complete information is provided in all the sections / sub sections. Sketches should be
attached wherever possible to avoid miscommunication. Additions and alterations on the
original shall also be endorsed on all the copies.
The permit form shall have sufficient space (not less than two lines) against description of work
to give clear and complete description of the work.
vi. Supplementary formats / checklist should be used for working at height, equipment box up, road
cutting, dyke cutting etc for safe execution of the work. "Work at height shall be carried out in
accordance with the provisions of OISD-GDN-192.
Additional checklist items / monitoring parameters / Instructions etc. may also be included in the
work permit format as applicable to meet the statutory requirements. In addition to the regular
work permit, supplementary permits as required by the local statutory bodies are also to be
vii. No hot / cold job shall be undertaken without a work permit except in the areas pre-determined
and designated by the owner-in-charge. All work permits shall be issued by the authorized
person of the work area. For critical and for long duration works the authorizing level should be
viii. The work may be planned to be done either departmentally or through a contractor. In either
case, the work permit should be received and signed by the maintenance / project /construction
supervisor of the company. In small installations where no such independent supervisor exists,
the owner-in-charge may issue the permit to the contractor's authorized supervisor directly and
obtain his signature. Care should be taken to regulate SIMOPs and the permits should have
cross referencing to take extra precautions for such jobs. Refer SIMOPs procedures.
ix. Plot plans of the installation and the operating blocks should be displayed in the Fire Station
and concerned Unit Control Rooms respectively. The site of hot jobs should be indicated on
these plot plans with red pins. This helps the incoming supervisor /s (both in Fire station and
operating departments) to get a quick idea of the hot jobs being undertaken and help in
identifying the areas which require inspection / attention, depending upon the criticality of the
area and the job.
x. The Safety Officer / Fire Officer / Officer authorized should make periodic checks of the work
sites to ensure safe work conditions. At any point of time, if he considers that the conditions are
not safe for the work, he may suspend the work and inform the Work Permit Issuing Authority to
restore the safe conditions of the work.
xi. Issuer should make periodic checks of the work sites. Work shall be suspended in case the
conditions are not safe.
xii. Permit shall be issued only for a single shift. Where the work has to be continued, the same
permit may be revalidated / extended shift wise for a period not exceeding seven calendar days
in the succeeding shifts by authorized person. In instances like plant turn around, work permit of
extended duration may be used with the approval of designated senior management.
xiii. For construction activities to be undertaken in non-operating areas, segregated from the rest of
the operating facilities and properly barricaded, Work Permit of validity not exceeding one month
with periodic checks may be issued with the approval of the designated senior management.
xiv. Gas test for hydrocarbon, oxygen deficiency, toxic gases etc shall be conducted as applicable
as a pre-requisite to issue permit for hot work / vessel entry etc. No hot work should be
permitted unless the Explosive meter reading is zero.
Vessel entry, where no hot work is to be carried out, may be permitted under extra
precautionary measures based on the careful analysis of the potential hazards if combustible
gases are up-to 5% of lower explosive limit (LEL). Entry with an air-supplied mask may be
permitted with LEL of upto 20%. The oxygen level should be at least 19.5 % vol. and the
concentration of toxic gases below the threshold limits.
xv. No person shall be allowed to enter any confined space, until all practicable measures have
been taken to remove any gas, fume, vapor or dust, which may be present so that to bring its
level within the permissible limits and to prevent any ingress of such gas, fumes, vapors or dust
and unless entry permit in writing has been issued based on the test carried out that the space
is reasonably free from dangerous substances.
xvi. A careful analysis should be made of the potential hazards and the operations to be performed
to determine the appropriate safeguards and required personal protective equipment prior to
starting work.
Where gas-free conditions are not fully ensured for the duration of hot work, a system of
monitoring either by automatic or by manual periodic verification shall be resorted to depending
upon the prevalent conditions of the operating area.
xvii. When work requires entry to confined space, the permit system shall address both the hazards
of entry and of doing work inside the confined space.
xviii. While performing welding / cutting jobs in confined spaces, ensure that cylinders (oxygen,
acetylene, nitrogen, argon etc) are kept outside separately and hoses for the gases are in good
working condition. Flash back arrestor should be provided for cutting torch.
xix. For work in close proximity of a public road, public traffic should be diverted as a precautionary
xx. Welding machine should be located in a non-hazardous and ventilated area and shall be
properly earthed. Before commencing the welding job, ensure that all the cables and earthing
connections are as per the standard welding codes / practices. It should be switched off
immediately on completion of the job.
xxi. Radiography with X-ray machine shall be carried out under hot work permit. Cold work permit
may be used if it is done with radio-active isotopes. Radiography should be carried out when
occupancy is least. Based on the maximum allowable radiation, area shall be cordoned off with
adequate warning signs. Warning lights should be used for night radiography.
xxii. For excavation work regardless of the depth, permission from various sections shall be obtained
with precautions to be taken for the underground facilities viz; sewers, telephone lines, cables,
pipelines etc. Copy of permission for excavation shall be attached to the work permit. A feed
back system shall be in place to inform all the concerned department /section about the
completion of work
xxiv. After completion or stoppage of the job, the permit shall be closed. Receiver shall satisfy himself
about the completion of the job (thoroughly check the area for clearing of debris, removal of
temporary electrical installations & machines etc.) before closing the permit. Similarly issuer
shall satisfy himself regarding completion of the job and that the area has been cleaned before
closing the permit. The permit will be treated "Closed" only after signing by Issuer and the
xxv. Copies of completed / used permits shall be properly filed and kept for at least three months
from the date of completion of work or the successful commissioning of the facility which ever is
xxvi. Any person who is authorized to issue or receive the work permit shall be imparted training for a
period of not less than one day covering various aspects of work permits system. Further all the
person authorized to issue / receive or involved with the work permit shall be given a minimum
of one day training once in two year on the work permit system and records maintained.
Since several maintenance/ construction jobs are often carried out with assistance from
contractors, it is essential to provide sufficient exposure to contractor and his employees as well
on the work permit system.
xxvii. Companies / locations shall develop work practices / procedures for the safe execution of jobs
(hot work, confined space entry, vehicle entry, handling lifting equipment, radiography etc.) in
accordance with the site specific facilities. The work procedure shall be approved by the owner
and adopted for carrying out the work safely under work permit system.
iii. The receiver shall obtain the PTW format from the issuer in triplicate, carry out the preparation
as per the check list for the identified job category and complete the format before presenting it
to the issuer.
iv. The issuer shall verify the preparation for the job in terms of safety and procedure, appoint a
ONGC supervisor and issues the permit.
v. If the job requires isolation of the electrical system, permit shall be taken to the electrical
control room where electrical engineer shall isolate the equipment and carry out physical lock
out at the panel .He shall record the same in the PTW and retain one copy with himself.
vi. HSE Manager shall check all the preparations for the job, record the other operative PTWs for
the day, coordinate Tool Box talks to ensure procedure of the job and associated hazards are
identified and understood and control measures taken before granting permission for the job.
vii. The OIM shall review the job plan and preparation and after satisfying himself of the safe
conditions shall grant permission.
viii. Control Room shall be the nodal point for information and coordination. Control Room I/C shall
carry out
- necessary inhibition of the safety systems and note in bypass register.
- record details of the permit on display board.
- ensure location of the job and wind direction are marked on the displayed layout
After carrying out the above Control Room I/C shall sign the permit and retain a copy in the
control room.
ix. The receiver shall proceed to the work site and review the preparation for the job. If found
satisfactory he shall start the job after informing the control room.
x. The receiver shall ensure that all the persons working are wearing appropriate PPE and
carrying out the job as per safe procedure.
xi. Emergency procedures shall have to be practiced by all the persons working. In case of any
emergency alarm the PTW automatically stands cancelled and work has to stop immediately.
Fresh permission has to be obtained from the issuer and the OIM for resuming the work.
xii. Work has to be stopped at the end of permit validity period, otherwise obtain the extension.
xiii. On completion or suspension of the job, the receiver shall restore the work site to safe
condition and sign off the permit with job completion time.
xiv. HSE Manager shall verify the completion of the job and restoration of site to safe condition
before recommending resumption of normal operations.
xv. Issuer shall verify the completion of the job, restoration of site and in case of electrical lock out
review the possibility of energisation of the electrical equipment. He shall either permit or not
permit energisation of the equipment based on the review.
xvi. The electrical engineer shall remove the lock out and energise the equipment if permitted by
the issuer or else put a permanent tag on the lock with permit number. The same shall be
recorded in the permit and copy of the permit returned to the control room.
xvii. Control room In Charge shall restore the safety system, record it before the issuer closes the
xviii. Permits can be suspended by the issuer, HSE Manager or the OIM at any time.
xix. If multiple jobs are to be carried out on single equipment then only one permit is to be issued.
In case additional job is to be included a fresh permit incorporating the additional job is to be
xx. In case of incomplete jobs, permanent tags with permit numbers are to be put on the breaker
as well as the equipment. Permits with incomplete jobs are to be filed separately.
xxi. Any clarification and briefing of persons shall be done by the HSE Manager.
xxii. Hot work includes welding, burning, grinding, soldering, chipping, riveting, drilling, camera
flashing, power tool, IC engine operation & open flame.
xxiii. On completion of the job the original copy of the permit shall be filed in the control room, the
duplicate copy will be filed with the HSE Manager and the triplicate with the issuer.
xxiv. Unmanned Platforms: During contract jobs on the unmanned platforms the PTW has to be
countersigned by the ONGC representative on board who will be responsible and empowered
for carrying out the work in safe conditions and stop it if necessary. He shall seek OIM's
permission on Radio before commencement of the work
Note: Use the PTW format as per OISD –STD-105 ( Annexed)
(C) Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
14.1 Objectives
SIMOPS procedures enable carrying out of two (or more) critical operations simultaneously at the
same site under controlled conditions. A decision matrix is prepared in advance to ensure that the
operations are compatible and to identify the necessary precautions to limit the risk of interference.
The purpose of this procedure is to addresses the situation where there is a potential interaction
between simultaneous activities such as production, well operations, construction, maintenance etc.
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which may contribute to increased risks. It identifies the possible sources of hazard and describes the
method for ensuring adequate management, including SIMOPS roles and responsibilities.
To prepare operations matrices to list the works items and identify the possible simultaneous
To carry out HAZOP and qualitative or quantitative risk analyses to determine which simultaneous
activities are permissible, not permissible or permissible with special controls, thus ensuring the
risks are as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).
To update the bridging documents for safety management systems and emergency procedures.
To prepare detailed operating instructions for use in installations.
To conduct training of concerned personnel in SIMOPs.
Note: Please refer Doc. No. ONGC/SIMOPS/1/2008 for offshore operations and OISD-GDN-
186 for Onshore Operations (Annexed)
( D ) Marine Procedure:
15.1 Introduction
ONGC‟s Offshore operations are spread over a wide area both in the west and east coast of India.
Operation for Exploration of Production of Hydrocarbons in the high seas involves a vide range of
Marine operations.
All the vessels operating in the high seas are already governed by various international norms like IMO,
IMCA, UKOOA etc, however it is imperative for safe operation of these vessels and their interaction
with each other that ONGC as an operator develop and implement its own Standard Operating
Procedure for Marine operations within its own domain.
In view of the above ONGC has developed and implements a standard operating procedure for its
Marine Operations in form of a Marine Operations Manual.
15.2 Scope
The ONGC Marine Operations Manual applies to all ONGC sites, operations and marine activities
undertaken for or on behalf of ONGC. It applies to all types of vessels, in all areas, whether performed
directly or through third parties.
The ONGC Marine Operations Manual clearly defines the roles and responsibilities at each level with
respect to the Marine Operations. ONGC top management has the responsibility of approving the
manual and subsequent revisions and modifications if any. The manual also specifically outlines the
roles and responsibilities of Base Operations Manager, OIM, Barge Master/ Engineer/ Supervisor,
ONGC representative on hired vessels and barges, Logistics Managers on platforms, Diving
superintendent, Diving supervisors etc.
Area within 500mof any oil or gas installation both manned and unmanned is recognized as the Marine
Safety zone. Any vessel entering the Marine Safety Zone needs to obtain OIM‟s permission to do so.
The procedures and safety checks to be carried out while obtaining the permission are listed out in the
15.5 Instructions
An instruction requires mandatory compliance. It may be based on current legislation, other ONGC
policy statements or where a previous experience has highlighted the requirement for strict controls to
reduce the exposure to risk.
An instruction may only be contravened with the express permission of the Asset Manager / Service
Head of ONGC or his nominated delegate. This permission shall be sought following completion of a
risk assessment and hazard analysis to identify the risks and the measures taken to mitigate them.
15.7 Information
The information included in this document gives additional background knowledge which will assist in
complying with these instructions and guidelines.
15.8 Limitations
Nothing in this document shall supersede the spirit or letter of legislation covering the authority of
Masters of vessels, or supervisory staff responsible for offshore Installations, diving and project activity.
15.9 Requirements
All personnel engaged in offshore marine operations in Indian national waters must be familiar with the
content of this document which shall be used as a reference manual to ensure that a specific marine
activity is being conducted in compliance with an established standard.
Note: Please refer Doc. No. ONGC/ Marine Ops/ 1/ 2008 for detailed Marine procedure
& other information.(Annexed)
A Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is a method that is used for the purpose of the following:
a) To identify and analyze the steps involved in performing a specific job,
b) To identify and analyze the existing or potential safety, health and/or environment hazards
associated with each step, and
c) To identify and analyze the recommended action(s) /procedure(s) that will eliminate or
reduce these hazards and the risk of a workplace injury, illness, or property loss
16.2 Types of Hazard
A Job Safety Analysis should be conducted in the planning stage well before carrying out any job that
has any potential safety and health hazards associated with it. This should serve as source
information for preparing the Safe Work Procedures for any hazardous job and the same should be
looked into (and be attached) before/ while issuing work permits.
(a) It should jointly be done by the Operation person responsible and the Safety (HSE) officer
well before any job is planned to be executed.
(b) Persons supervising the said job must be made well aware of the hazards in the permit
issuing stage itself and also before/during execution of the job.
(c) Safety Officers should cross-check the adherence to these procedures while visits to the job
sites while execution and record and report any deviations from the specified procedures.
(d) All such JSA reports should be recorded and distributed to all concerned including the
contractors responsible for carrying out such jobs.
(e) An inventory of hazards that are evolved following a JSA should be recorded and must be
included in the risk registers.
16.5 Procedures to Conduct the Analysis
(a) Select jobs that is associated with significant risks of a workplace injury or illness.
(b) Identify and record each step necessary to accomplish the task.
(c) Observe the task being performed by any worker and also involve his supervisor in the
(d) Identify all actual or potential safety and health hazards associated with each task.
(e) Determine and record the recommended action(s) or procedure(s) for performing each step
that will eliminate or reduce the hazard (i.e. engineering changes, job rotation, PPE, etc.).
(f) Discuss the analysis results with the concerned and keep record of the observations
( F) Tool Box Talk (TBT):
The Accident / Incident rate, occurrence of ill Health and Environmental damage in the Industry are
serious national problems. Continued training is essential to prevent Accidents / Incidents, ill Health
and Environmental damage.
The TOOLBOX TALK programme, if implemented correctly, can play a major part in our continuing
effort to create an increased awareness of:
a) Hazards present in the industry
b) Precautions which must be taken to eliminate or control themand in doing so will help to
reduce unwanted incidents
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To minimise the occurrence of Unwanted Incidents. Main Root causes of Unwanted Incidents are:
An insightful contractor commented that if everyone used their common sense, we wouldn‟t have
injuries or accidents on or off the job. Workers need to be trained in the recognition and avoidance of
unsafe conditions as part of company profitability and professional development. Using common sense
is only part of the solution in preventing injuries or accidents
Safety issues involved in various operations must have to be thoroughly understood by the persons
involved in those activities. In order to ensure that all the relevant safety issues have been discussed,
reviewed and communicated to all concerned, the role of tool box talks are usually carried out, as a
part of improving safety awareness among the employees and contractors. A safety talk/ exercise
would be beneficial to bridge any gap in the safety understanding of the persons involved so that the
job can be carried out safely.
A periodic tool box talk, sometimes known as group meeting is a planned activity aimed at
enhancing general HSE awareness among the workforce. The dates, topics and speakers of the
these talks are planned in advance and circulated among the personnel involved in operations who
are expected to attend the same. The topics address various types of hazards/risks likely to be
encountered during different operations and safety measures to be taken for mitigation of the risks.
They could also cover standard operating procedures, safe work procedures or any other topics
related to HSE management in general. The speaker prepares the lecture on the topic of the day
and delivers a lecture. Attendance and records of such meetings are maintained.
Job specific
Job specific tool box talks are carried out prior to taking up all the jobs under permit to work
system. These are related to the JSA carried for the job. The issuer of the work permit, HSE
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manager and all the persons associated with the job and the supervisor are present for this talk.
The work procedure and hazards/ risks associated with the particular job and the control measures
to be taken for mitigation of the risks and all the safety measures to be taken are discussed. Work
is started only after it is ensured that all the persons associated with the job understand the things
discussed during the TBT. The supervisor records the same in the Permit to work. Records of all
TBTs are maintained.
Although any HSE issue pertaining to the job being performed can form the topic for the talk, there are
certain minimum aspects which should be discussed as a part of the exercise. They are the following:
Agenda should be set for every Tool Box Talk being delivered.
a) As such, the following steps should be followed while planning and organizing a tool box
b) Plan Toolbox Talks in Advance
c) Select the topics/issues for talks on various safety issues. JSA report should be used for
the purpose.
d) Toolbox Talks Should be Given by a Person Who Normally Delivers Safety Toolbox Talks
and be given with a supervisor oversight
e) Toolbox talks must be under supervision of competent person/persons responsible for job
f) Schedule toolbox talks should not be less than 30 minutes duration (audio-visual aids
could be used as far as feasible).
g) Oversee individuals assigned to give toolbox talks
h) Distribute toolbox talks materials
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Choose a topic that is relevant to your audience; one that will create a discussion; a two-
way communication; use either your own topic e.g. discuss an incident that happened on
site the week before, discuss new work hazards, or one generated from the Toolbox talk
programme. We wouldn‟t want to present “Dressing for winter work” at the start of summer,
its not appropriate to the season, it will result in uninterested workers, a waste of time and
loss of credibility on the part of company management
These TOOLBOX TALK Topics are free to be used as you see fit. They are here to help
promote a safe work place and to foster the importance of placing SAFETY FIRST in all
day-to-day activities. No project, no matter how critical, is worth a lost finger, a blinded eye,
or tragic loss of life. When safety becomes the primary guideline for progress, all parties
reap the rewards of a job well done and done safely.
Between 4 and 10 in number will be the most effective but larger audiences, say in a
contractor's mess-room, are suitable and sometimes the only solution.
Limit the duration to 10-15 minutes - try not to become side-tracked on other issues.
Use a questioning approach, get the message across and listen to responses.Toolbox
talks are not lectures and are designed to get people to think and talk about Health,
Safety and Environmental issues.
For example:
i. What do you as a group think the benefits are from this type of discussion?
ii. What are the hazards from the incident described and what are the learning points.
Process Incharge / shift incharge should formulate the agenda for tool box talks and
prepare a weekly plan for delivering the tool box talks with names of the persons
designated to deliver the talks.
The plan should be distributed in advance and may be put on the notice board.
The details of the topic should be prepared by the person delivering the talk.
The designated person delivering the talk should take the attendance.
Guiding aspects for conducting Tool Box talks by conductor
Try to generate interest in the topic with the questions asked - Highlight some key words to
remind you of the points to bring up.
Avoid just reading the topic - take the topic and try to build up the discussion point by point.
Try to be a good listener.
Do not allow the group to get totally side tracked, if it is important and relevant allow a short
discussion then bring them back to the main issue
The oil & gas business is a risky activity where many hazards are present, wherein proper handing
over / taking over is of prime importance, since major accidents in hydrocarbon industry have occurred
during shift change over from one person to another viz., Piper Alfa accident in North Sea, hence
establishing a procedure for handing over / taking over is a must.
To have a proper information flow and provide a formal handover after the completion of the work in
safe condition.
Handing over / taking over system will be applicable to all the personnel during shift change.
Each work centre shall prepare format (procedure) for handing over & taking over for key in charges
depending on the type of job being carried out. It shall contain details of records which are required to
be maintained for each level, for smooth handing over & taking over. This procedure shall become a
part of QHSE procedure manual. Preparation of procedure and approval methodology shall be as given
Preparation and approval methodology for handing over & taking over Procedures
Based on the procedure as above, all concerned Incharges shall maintain register for
handing over & taking over and shall be signed by relieving officer as well as relieved officer
and endorsement of the date.
During internal audit, the effectiveness of the procedure for handing over & taking over shall
be audited.
Monitoring instruction and open recommendations should be closed effectively or carried
forward on month to month basis
Suitable instructions shall be issued for repeated activities.
To enunciate a policy on inspection for certification of Safety, Reliability and Cost effectiveness
of rig operations for a predetermined period.
Area for operation:
A rig can broadly be divided into five categories of physical assets from the point of view of
inspection surveys.
Dynamic equipment : Rotating and Reciprocating types.
Static Structures : Substructures, mast and other structures like
skids for tankages etc
Pressure vessels, tankages : Which come under relevant and lifting
equipment etc. regulations of Factory Act/ Mines
Safety Regulations like Pressure Vessels,
Diesel tanks etc.
Explosion proof Electrical equipment : Electrical equipment such as explosion proof
motors light fittings and other fixtures for
hazardous area.
Bop Accumulator, High pressure valves & choke manifold, chickson joints & other safety
equipments : As per Mines Act
Inspection Strategies: Inspection of System-
During rig building operations, rig crew members shall visually inspect bolted
connections, bent members and welded joints.
Annual inspection through technical audit: General corrosive condition of members,
components, alignment of Derrick and various structures including tankages will be
reported on.
Rig floor handling tools and tubular (Drilling) shall be inspected annually or as per
standing instructions.
NDT inspection by hand held tools: These inspections will be carried out initially after
five years and subsequently once in every 3 t o 5 years.
Pressure Vessels Tankages, Lifting Equipment, & Electrical Equipment/ Lights for
Hazardous areas:
These inspections shall be carried out as per relevant factory/ Mines Safety Regulations .
BOP Accumulator, High Pressure Valves, Choke Manifold, Chickson Joints and other Safety
It is mandatory that all employees including contractual & casual, working in ONGC worksites shall
be properly clothed at all the times appropriate to the work being performed and each employees
(posted or required to visit the sites/installation) will, if necessary be issued with PPE to enable
them to perform their job safely and hygienically. Core PPE is required whenever anyone enters
any potentially hazardous work area. This core PPE includes: Hard Hats, Safety toed footwear,
Overall and Safety Glasses with side shields. It is also mandatory for all the contract persons
working at site / installation or any visitor visiting the site to wear PPE.
PPE issued must conform to National/International standards relevant to type of PPE and also
shall meet necessary statutory requirements. In general, area which requires PPE will be
appropriately displayed with PPE sign of specific requirement.
Make sure anyone using PPE is aware of why it is needed, when it is to be used,
repaired or replaced and its limitations.
Train and instruct people how to use it properly and make sure they are doing this.
Because PPE is the last resort after other methods of protection have been
considered, it is important that users wear it all the time they are exposed to the risk.
Never allow exemptions for those jobs which take “just a few minutes‟.
Check regularly that PPE is being used and investigate fully any reasons why it is not.
Safety signs can be useful reminders to wear PPE.
Guidelines for use of PPE / preventive measure to be taken while using some hazardous
chemicals being used in oil industry:
Note: The above guidelines for use of PPE to be used / preventive measure to be taken while
handling some hazardous chemical being used in ONGC is given for the reference only.
However for rest of the hazardous chemicals respective MSDS may be referred to
Maintenance of PPE
Respiratory Protection
When engineering and administrative controls cannot effectively control exposure to airborne
contaminants, respirators shall be used.
Head Protection
Personnel shall wear hard hats while in Offshore / Onshore operations, or while performing
construction, or in other areas where an overhead/ tripping hazard is or could be present. In
general, hard hats will be worn outside accommodation or outside office areas at work sites.
Foot Protection
Employees shall wear protective footwear when working in operating areas or other areas
where there is danger of foot injuries due to falling or rolling objects, or objects piercing the
sole, or where exposed to electrical hazards. Adequate and suitable footwear must also be
worn inside offices and accommodation areas, open-toed sandals are not acceptable.
Hand Protection
Employees shall use appropriate hand protection when hands are exposed to hazards such as
skin absorption of harmful substances, lacerations, abrasions, punctures, and chemical or
thermal burns. In general, gloves (lightweight, general purpose) will be worn outside of
accommodation areas or at work sites where ladders or handrails might be used or equipment
is being moved or carried. Suitable gloves will be provided and the specific type to be used will
be included on the work permit or risk assessment.
Hearing Protection
Hearing protection is required in any area where noise exposure is 85 dBA or greater.
Protection is not required in control rooms or maintenance shops under normal conditions. The
company provides a number of different types of hearing protection including ear plugs and
personnel will be able to choose the type of protection they will use. All employees exposed to
noise of 85 dBA or above on the job will be included in the Company Hearing Conservation
Program. Audiometric testing and screening, noise monitoring and employee training will be
conducted in accordance with the company Hearing Conservation Program.
Protective Clothing
Employees shall wear protective clothing, including long sleeved in bright colour (for example
orange) with reflective tapes (in Offshore) as mandated by a workplace hazard assessment.
Chemical protective clothing shall be worn when there is potential for exposure to chemicals
that may cause skin irritation or damage on contact or may exert a toxic effect after absorption
through the skin. For construction activities where there is no hydrocarbon hazard normally
outdoor personnel shall wear long sleeved cotton coveralls and for normally indoor staff short
sleeved cotton coverall could be worn. Coverall clothing for short field visit visitors is optional.
The following basic requirements should also be considered while formulating the specifications of
I. It should provide adequate protection against hazard to which the worker is exposed.
II. The construction and performance of the kits and liveries items should conform to the
acceptable standards.
III. It should be light and weight, compatible with protective efficiency and should afford
Maximum comfort to the wearer.
IV. It should be durable and be so designed that its various components could be maintained
or replaced easily to ensure good working order.
The specifications are to be approved by Chief HSE in consultation with Chief ER. Finalization of
standard specifications for the items of intended quality, attempts is to be made to specify the best
in class items available in the market.
Generally specifications of PPE items will be issued /updated/modified by CHSE time to time. In
case of item specific to a particular work area the respective HSE head will prepare a draft
specification and forward to CHSE for approval.
The person who is responsible for an area of activity will ensure that all persons are properly
equipped, trained and wearing prescribed item of PPE during the course of their work, and that
PPE is in a safe and serviceable condition.
The responsible authority may order out of the working area any person who is not properly
equipped. Each person will be responsible for ensuring all PPE issued to them is kept in a
good condition. Persons may be subject to disciplinary proceedings for misuse of any piece of
PPE. The responsible authority will ensure that all PPE is properly stored when not in use.
All process areas are equipped with primary and secondary Critical safety systems. While the
function of the primary Safety Critical System is to prevent loss of containment of hydrocarbon by
control of pressure, temperature, level etc., the secondary Critical Systems carry out the detection
and suppression in case of operational upsets and loss of containment and prevent escalation.
These Safety critical systems are interlocked and function automatically. These systems are
sometimes inhibited for the purpose of maintenance activities and adverse weather conditions,
which can trigger their inadvertent operation.
Objective of the procedure is to define safeguards and operations that are necessary if one wishes to inhibit
any of the Safety Critical Systems.
1. The Safety Critical Systems contain a number of interlocks thereby making it an intricate
system; hence the inhibition of the system should only be undertaken by the personnel who
have sufficient knowledge and training for carrying out the job.
2. The inhibitions of the systems are to be carried out for particular areas likely to be affected by
the maintenance jobs.
3. The inhibitions are to be linked to the Permit to Work for the job and recorded in the Permit to
Work document.
4. Authorization in writing is to be obtained from appropriate authority for carrying out any
inhibition of the Safety Critical System.
5. Records are to be maintained in a bound register for all such inhibitions with the period of
inhibition and reason clearly mentioned.
6. In case a Safety critical system inhibition extends beyond a shift the same is to be clearly
recorded in the shift handing over register and the incoming shift in charge is to be informed of
the same.
7. A visual display (board) of the inhibited area is to be maintained at the control room or a central
8. Additional precautions to be taken and recorded for protection of the area where the system is
inhibited till the time the inhibition continues.
9. Authorization for such a bypass shall be based on the duration for which the bypassing is to be
done. Bypassing of a safety critical instrument/equipment for a particular period shall require
approval from the competent authority. Bypasses must have a valid reason for doing so and
must be brought to the notice of all concerned to avoid any mix-up during process upsets or
other emergencies. Due care should be taken to mitigate risk associated with bypass.
10. As agreed by EC a policy document on the subject has been issued.
Refer Corporate Policy for Safety Critical system/ Equipment Bypass (Offshore Assets)
Document No CHSE/ Offshore/Policy/2dated 11.11.2010.(Annexed)
Procedure is the specified way to carry out an activity or a process and shall be documented. The
overall goal of establishing operating procedures is to maintain operational controls, which are
necessary to manage the associated risks, environmental aspects, quality of products/ service and
comply with applicable legal and other requirements.
Operational controls should be established and implemented by each operating unit as necessary
to minimize the likelihood of procedural error due to human factor associated with the interaction
between facilities and personnel.
Procedures shall give the stepwise specified way of carrying out the particular operation/
process covering the job title of the person(s) responsible for each of the relevant activity of the
Operating procedures shall be developed based on JSA (Job Safety Analysis) and approved
as per Table on the next page. It is recommended that the procedures should be presented in
the format given below.
Procedure shall be prepared for start up, normal operations, temporary operations,
simultaneous operations, emergency shutdown, isolation and normal shutdown.
The procedures shall specify the operating criteria to be followed while carrying out the
operations with the consequence of deviation and steps required to correct / avoid deviation.
Operating procedures shall be developed based on the relevant statutory Acts, Rules and
Regulations, HSE Management System, OISD standards, API Standards, Drilling Manual by
IDT, Production Manual by IOGPT and other relevant manuals by various services.
The HSE issues/risks thus identified shall be incorporated in the „Risk Register‟ of QHSE
document vice versa. The procedures shall be consistent with the safety and environmental
requirements and guidelines incorporating special precautions required to prevent
environmental damage and personal injury through engineering control, administrative control
and PPE, thereby managing any special or unique hazards.
When changes are made in facilities, operating procedures shall be reviewed as per the
„Management of change‟ procedure.
In addition, operating procedures shall be reviewed periodically to evaluate their on-going
suitability and effectiveness. The frequency of review shall correspond to the degree of hazard
associated and shall be carried out as and when necessary, but at least once in every 4 years.
Relevant procedures shall be communicated to all concerned person.
Onshore surface Installations (OIM & other line Managers) Mines manager in consultation
in consultation with Installation with Group HSE
Safety Officer
Onshore Drilling/ Work over (OIM & other line Managers) Mines manager in consultation
Rigs in consultation with Rig Safety with Group HSE
Offshore Drilling/ Work over (OIM & other line Managers) LM(DS) in consultation with
Rigs in consultation with Rig safety Group HSE
Offshore Process Platforms OIM & other line Managers in Offshore Area Manager in
consultation with platform HSE consultation with Asset HSE
Geo-physical field parties Party chief in consultation with Area Manager in consultation
safety officer with Group HSE
Note: For other area of operations e.g. logging, surveying, cementing, workshop, labs,
reservoir, logistics etc, similar methodology is to be adopted for preparation and approval
Control measures:
Control measures:
Control measures:
Control measures:
Control measures:
Control measures:
Mitigation Measures:
a) Engineering Control
b) Administrative Control
e) First-aid Measures
f) Waste Management
Countersigned by
Prepared by Approved By
concerned HSE official
Note: Standard Operating Procedure ( SOP) for all activities in ONGC are to be referred from the
detailed activitywise SOP/Manuals developed available with user group. However SOPs of different
activities are available in Annexures ( Annexed)
Chapter – 7
Safe Work Practices
GENERAL The Management program should establish and implement safe
work practices, which should be designed to minimize the risks
associated with operating, maintenance, and modification
activities and the handling of materials and substances that could
affect safety or the environment, taking into account the human
factors. Contractors should have their own safe work practices or
may adopt portions of the operator’s program. In both cases, an
agreement prior to work commencing should be reached.
SAFE CONDUCT OF WORK Safe work practices for all personnel, including contractors,
ACTIVITIES should provide for the safe conduct of operating, maintenance,
and modification activities. Specifically, safe work practices
should cover:
a. Opening pressurized or energized equipment or piping
b. Lock out and tag out of electrical and mechanical energy
c. Hot work or other ignition source work
d. Confined space entry
e. Crane operations
CONTRACTOR SELECTION During contractor selection, operators should obtain and evaluate
info regarding a contactor’s safety and environmental
management policies and practices, and performance there
under (Ref: API RP 76).
Chapter – 7
Rig building operations involve dismantling of the structures in old location, transportation and erection
of the same at new location.The job involves handling of heavy loads upto 20-30tons using various
heavy material handling operations, transportation from location to location involves extreme risk
because of the extreme conditions and difficult terrains.
In rigbuilding the risks ofaccident are therefore involvedin :
Use of heavy material handling equipment.
Transportation of heavy equipment from one location to another location. Rigging up
operations involve risks associated with work at height, handling tools in awkward
positions, danger of falling object on workers on the ground.
Note: BOP Function & Pressure Test formats as per OISD –RP- 174 are to be followed.
Casing of wells
As drilling progresses, the well is provided with casing of different length and
diameter. The work of lowering th e casing in a well should be carried out in
accordance with the GTO/ plan.
Casing lowering operations should be done very carefully. The following
recommendations provide guidance in this respect:
i.The rig I/C Tool pusher should familiarize himself with the inspection practices
specified in the standards by the manufacturer.
ii. Casing should be handled at all times on racks or wooden/metal surfaces free of
sand , dirt etc .
iii. Cleaning and visual inspection of casing threads should be done on rack and all
casing pipes should be provided with thread protectors on the rack.
iv. Floating equipments (float shoe, float collar ) should be properly checked
before installation.
v. Every joint should be drifted with a proper go-gauge.
vi. Locking compound should be used for float shoe, float collar and bottom 3-4
The following checks should be performed before leaving for drill site.
i. Oil level, HSD level, radiator water level , steering oil level battery connections,tyre
pressure etc.
ii. After initial warm up of engine, check oil pressure, air pressure and brakes
iii. Fire extinguishers and spark arrester should be there in all cementing units.
iv. Accessories like lines, valves, corners jet mixers, rubber hose should be clamped and
fastened to avoid loss and third party injury during traveling.
i.All cementing heads, swivels, HP valves, reciprocating hoses and top plugs should be tested
i.All cement silos and other pressurized vessel should be pr essure tested at 1.5 times the
working pressure. Safety valves attached to the vessel should be checked for proper
ii. Leakage of pressure vessels like silos , loading pot and air reservoir should be
rectified only after releasing the pressure. All valves should be checked for proper
iii. The discharge of air dust and cement from vent line should be directed away from
the main are a of operation and preferably in a water pit to avoid air pollution.
iv. Persnnel concerned with bulk handling plant should be equipped with all safety kit like
face mask, dust protectors etc.
v. Air dryer should be used to supply dry air free from moisture to silo which will prevent
checking of lines from lumps.
i.Cement mixers should not be moved with more than 12 MT of cement.Bunkers loaded with
20 MT of cement at site should be kept on jack.
ii. All the persons not engaged in the cementing work should be kept away
from cementing operational are a mud/water supply line and main high - pressure
line .
iii. Smoking and light match in the premises of drill site should be prohibited .
iv. While lifting the cabin of cementing vehicles for chassis engine repair, no person
should be allowed to stand underneath the charging pump till the cabin is locke d
and properly clamped in position.
Work-over operations are carried out on wells for maintaining, restoring or increasing the productivity of
well. Work-over operations should be aimed at protection against damage to human, environment
/natural resource and property and therefore operational safety is the foremost concern on work-over
Safe and healthy working conditions, quality of equipment, safe transportation of equipment / personnel
to the well-site, safe operating procedures, proper training, compliance with safety regulations,
company-wide commitment to safety, periodic safety audits, timely inspection and appropriate repair
/maintenance play a major role in safety management and key factors in avoiding accidents. However,
the human factor plays the most vital role as most of the accidents are caused due to human failure.
Once the design well depth is reached, the formation must be tested and evaluated to determine
whether the well will be completed for production, or plugged and abandoned.To complete the well
production, casing is installed and cemented and the drilling rig is dismantled and moved to the next
site.A service rig is brought in to perforate the production casing and run production tubing. If no further
pre-production servicing is needed, the christmas tree is installed and production begins.
Well completion activities include:
o Conducting Drill Stem Test
o Setting Production Casing
o Installing Production Tubing
o Starting Production Flow
o Beam Pumping Units
After production starts, the well may need further servicing.If it's decided that the well will not be
completed, then it will be plugged and abandoned.
A. General Precautions
i. TheSRPunitwiththewellshouldbeproperlyfencedsothatnopersonnelorany animalcan approach it
while the unit is in operation.
ii. Proper earthing should be provided to the electric prime mover.
iii. Incaseofanyabnormalnoisetheunitshouldbestoppedimmediatelyandinformtheconcerned
maintenance teams.
iv. Incaseofanyproblemwithstarter/switchboards,thejobstobecarriedoutbycompetentelectrical
v. Anon-returnvalveshouldbeprovidedintheannularline forbleedingof accumulatedGas
vi. Ladders/stepsshouldbeprovidedtotheconcretefoundationforeasyapproachtotheprimemover
vii. Thepolishedrodshouldbeclampedproperlysothatitdoesnothitthehorseheadandstuffing box.
viii. When the horse head is at its lowest position the gap between the rod hanger (carrier bar) and
stuffing box should not be less than 20cms.
ix. The stuffing box should be tested hermetically to its rated pressure at the time of installation.
x. The switchboard/starter should be placed in a closed enclosure at a safe distance from the well.
B. Lowering of SRP subsurface pump
i. While lowering SRP Sub Surface Pump, rotary sleeve should not be gripped on barrel/plunger
of the pump.
ii. SRP BOP should be installed prior to running in or pulling out of SRP (Sub Surface Pump)
iii. All sucker rod joints should be greased prior to tightening.
iv. Tightening should be done with proper size tong against particular type of sucker rod.
v. Average torque applied for tightening should be 450 ft-lbs.
C. Maintenance of SRP unit
The following points should be kept in mind during maintenance of Sucker Rod Pumps:
i. Before attending to any inspection/maintenance jobs, the SRP units should be stopped and the
power supply to the switch board/starter should be cut off.
ii. A periodical greasing and the inspection of all bearings should be carried out viz. central
An area extending upto 15 mts. from the well head should be securely fenced to prevent entry
of unauthorised persons.
C. Maintenance and trouble shooting
Thefollowingprecautionsshouldberecommendedwhilecarryingout maintenance &trouble
shooting :-
The paraffin chocking of tubing in the gas lift wells should be cleared by use of coil tubing units
through tubing, using suitable liquid. Hot oil circulation & steaming through annulus are not
generally recommended as it might damage the unloading valves.
While carrying out rocking to rectify stymied valve by using high pressure air compressor, the
flow from the well is to be diverted to a single test separator. The separated air mixed with gas
to be routed directly to flare. For carrying out such operation, the personnel at GGS should be
alerted earlier and should be kept in readiness at the separator.
For winding to timer clock & checking it's function, the servo gas line should be isolated and
depressurised before hand.
ofthewellheadtothesurfacecable andthentoswitchboard.Theinstallationisgenerally unmanned.
Thefollowing precautionsare recommended:-
A. When lowering the electrical submersible pump into the well, it
should be ensured that :
i. Therigmastshouldbeperfectlycenteredforcarryingoutrunningin&pullingout operationofESP.
ii. Theconnectionsofcable tothemotoraremadeproperlyasspecified bythe vendors.
iii. Thecouplings in between the sections of thecompleteassemblyare properlyfitted.
iv. Thespeedofloweringisnotmorethan1.5mtsperminute(onestand/10-12minute).
v. Thecableisclampedtothetubingatevery12-15 ft.
vi. Rotaryslipsandtubingtongs arenotengagedto thecable.
vii. Thecableissuitablyguidedfromthedrumsothatitunwindsuniformlywithoutoverlap
andisnotstretched bythemovementoftheelevatorduringrunning &pullingout operations.
viii. It is to be ensured that no foreign material, particularly the cut piece of cable clamps do not
fall into the well, otherwise this will lead to stuck up during pulling out operation.
ix. When connecting & disconnecting tubings, the electric cable should be safely held by a
metallic hook connected to the derrick/mast.
B. Maintenance and trouble shooting
Afrequentmaintenanceofthismodeofliftisrequiredforsmoothoperations.Thefollowing precautions
are recommendedformaintenanceandtrouble-shootingofthe pump:
i. For rectifyingproblemsofswitchboard,themainpowersupplyshouldbe cutoff.
ii. Competent electrical supervisorsonly toattendsuchelectrical problems.
iii. Theswitchboard(flameproof)withothersurfaceelectricalaccessoriesshouldbeplacedinsidea
safeenclosureat thesafe distanceawayfrom the well.
iv. In caseofaparaffinicwellbesidesregularmechanicalscrapping,useofcoiltubingunitwith
suitableliquidisrecommendedtoclearthetubing choking.
v. In case of circulation by liquid as required the pumping pressure into the annulus should not
exceed 60 kg/cm2. Otherwise, it may damage the subsurface cable connections and mini
mandrel at well head.
duetocongealingoftheoilduetoflowcharacteristicsofthecrudeoilparticularlywherethe atmospheric
temperature is low. Theseareessentialroutine jobs to maintain uninterrupted
i. Thehotoilunitshouldbelocatedatadistance of30metersfrom welltowardsupwindside.
ii. Allconnectionsforhotoilcirculationjobsshouldbecheckedthoroughlypriortocommencement
iii. Firetendershouldbekept standbyduringentire operations.
iv. Theoperatorsassociatedwithsuchjobsmustwearpersonnelprotectiveequipment.
v. Theconnectionsmadeforhotcirculationjobsshouldbedisconnectedonlywhenthetemperature
offlow lines comes down in safe limits aftercompletion of jobs.
vi. Firstaidbox withessentialmedicinesshouldbe availableatsite.
vi. No matches, lighters, or smoking apparatus or any other source capable of igniting flammable
gas shall be present at or around the place of hot work, except the use of any suitable device
for the purpose of lighting or re-lighting the welding torch.
vii. Adequate number of fire extinguishers and other fire fighting arrangements shall be kept
readily available for immediate use.
viii. Pyrophoric substances may be present in operating area / equipment handling hydrocarbon.
Iron sulphide scale is the most common pyrophoric substance encountered. These shall be
either removed to safe locations or kept wet all the time to prevent their auto-ignition.
ix. After completion or stoppage of the job, the person to whom the permit was issued, shall
thoroughly check the area for clearing of debris, removal of temporary electrical installations
etc. and then shall sign the work permit and return it to the issuer.
x. The issuer on receiving back the permit would satisfy himself regarding completion of the job
and that the area has been cleaned. Then he shall also sign the permit and keep the records
for two years.
ii.3.1. Welding in Confined Space
i. System should be positively isolated from source of hydrocarbon by blind flange or spectacle
blind. The vessel should be thoroughly washed by overflowing with water. The vessel should
also be tagged with process lock out tag.
ii. Adequate arrangement for ventilation and lighting with self-contained portable hand lamps
shall be made.
iii. The welder shall be provided with and use self-contained breathing apparatus, safety belt and
a life line. Entry with an air-supplied mask may be permitted with LEL of up to 20%. The
oxygen level should be at least 19.5 % vol. and the concentration of toxic gases below the
threshold limits
iv. When operations are carried out in confined space, adequate ventilation by mechanical means
is constantly provided to prevent accumulation of flammable gas.
ii.3.2. Welding on piping
Before welding or cutting of piping, which contains flammable liquid or gas, the pipe shall be
disconnected and blinded. A closed valve should not be considered as a positive block.
Pipeline is required to be isolated, drained and purged with inert gas or filled with water before
undertaking hot work. Adequate precautions shall be taken against build-up of pressure in the
line while hot work is in progress.
ii. Inflation injuries of the intestine can be caused by air being directed at the anus. The act of
horseplay can cause death.
a. Air blown into the mouth can, at merely 5 psi, rupture the esophagus, or the lungs
iii. Eye and ear injuries can occur from a blast of air or flying particles. These types of eye and ear
injuries can cause blindness and deafness.
a. The sound from a compressed air hose can reach 120-130 decibels, which is well
above permissible 90 dB permissible exposure limit.
b. 40 psi can blow out an eardrum 4 inches away from the ear, and possibly cause brain
c. As little as 12 psi can blow an eye out of its socket.
iv. Flying particles can cause cuts and bruises to any part of the body.
i. All pipes, hoses, and fittings must have a rating of the maximum working pressure of the
compressor. Compressed air pipelines should be identified (psi) as to maximum working
ii. Air supply shutoff valves should be located (as near as possible) at the point-of-operation.
iii. Air hoses should be kept free of grease and oil to reduce the possibility of deterioration.
iv. Hoses should not be strung across floors or aisles where they are liable to cause personnel to
trip and fall. When possible, air supply hoses should be suspended overhead, or otherwise
located to afford efficient access and protection against damage.
v. Hose ends must be secured to prevent whipping if an accidental cut or break occurs.
vi. Pneumatic impact tools, such as riveting guns, should never be pointed at a person.
vii. Before a pneumatic device is disconnected (unless it has quick disconnect plugs), the air
supply must be turned off at the control valve and the tool bled.
viii. Compressed air must not be used under any circumstances to clean dirt and dust from clothing
or off a person‟s skin. Shop air used for cleaning should be regulated to 15 psi unless
equipped with diffuser nozzles to provide lesser pressure.
ix. Goggles, face shields or other eye protection must be worn by personnel using compressed air
for cleaning equipment.
x. Static electricity can be generated through the use of pneumatic system. This type of
equipment must be grounded or bonded if it is used where fuel, flammable vapors or explosive
atmospheres are present.
xi. All components of compressed air systems should be inspected regularly by qualified and
trained employees.
Dos :
i. Inspect hoses and couplings before use, discard damaged items. Ensure that 'quick
couplings' are properly locked together.
ii. Ensure before connecting an airline that the equipment is designed to withstand the supply
iii. Ensure that contamination of the air supply cannot occur through back flow from plant at a
higher pressure.
iv. Shut off the air supply and bleed off the pressure before disconnecting the hose.
v. Wear proper Personal Protective Equipment:
vi. Use Safety glasses with side shields, and preferably a face shield
vii. Use Hearing protection
viii. Use Respiratory protection, depending on the materials being worked with.
i. Improvise with jubilee clips, use only properly designed hose connectors.
ii. Use compressed air to clear up swarf, fillings, dust, etc. even low pressure can blow the
particles into eyes, ear or skin of people nearby.
iii. Dust yourself down with a compressed air line.
iv. Indulge in 'horseplay' with the air hose.
iii. Doors to corridors from laboratory should swing in the direction of the exit.
iv. No material/ unused furniture should be stacked blocking emergency exit.
Guidelines are detailed in chapter on „Hazardous Chemicals‟. However, some additional guidelines
are enlisted below:
i. Material Safety Data Sheet provided by the manufacturers should be used as guidelines for
safe storage of any chemical being handled in laboratory.
ii. Storage of hazardous/ inflammable materials should be need-based and limited to bare
minimum for carrying out the Laboratory work and as far as possible it should be stored away
from working area.
iii. The store should be protected from heat and direct sunlight. However, it should be well lit and
ventilated with proper exhaust to prevent built up of the concentration of hazardous/ poisonous
gases/ vapours.
iv. Store room for hydrocarbon samples requires special care due to flammable vapour generated
by low boiling point hydrocarbon. These vapours, generally heavier than air, are likely to build
up concentration at ground level. Bottom exhaust should be provided for release of such
flammable vapours. The racks and flooring should be made of material, which is resistant to
fire. Portable gas detector should be made available and maintained for periodically checking
the presence of hydrocarbon. Smoke detectors should be installed.
v. Electrical fittings as well as electrical equipment in store room where inflammable material is
stored should be flame-proof.
vi. Everyone working in Laboratory should be made aware of the adverse effects of hazardous
chemicals on potential exposure during their working in the laboratory.
vii. Based on the compatibility of chemicals, their storage must be planned. An illustrative list of
Incompatible chemicals is given in Annexure-I.
viii. Each bottle/container, whether big or small, having chemical in it, should be properly labelled
for its clear identification with name of the chemical, the concentration and the hazard colour
code etc. The colour codes for hazards should be in line with chapter no. 5.5 on handling of
Hazardous Materials. Such information from original container should be transcribed on to the
tags on the secondary/smaller containers like spray bottles/ sample bottles.
ix. In case of storage & handling of poisonous substances, a separate stock & issue register
should be maintained and the inventory of poisonous substances should be kept bare
minimum for sustaining laboratory operations.
x. Since water reactive materials react spontaneously when comes in contact with water, it is
hazardous to fight fire in these chemicals using water; instead DCP should be used.. List of
chemicals / materials stored should be displaced at appropriate / prominently visible location.
Safe disposal of hazardous and non-biodegradable waste is legal and statutory requirement. Therefore
a waste disposal procedure should be developed for safe disposal and incorporated in the operating
manual of QHSE document. Waste materials generated in a laboratory can be broadly classified as
„Solid Wastes‟ and „Liquid Wastes‟. These can be further categorized as hazardous, biodegradable and
non biodegradable wastes. While the leftover gas samples like fuel gas should be discharged to safe
height through the fume hood.
A. Solid and Liquid wastes
All solid wastes generated in a laboratory should be carefully screened and segregated based
on their toxic effects to device proper disposal methodology/ procedure.
Segregated Hazardous waste including toxic chemicals, should be properly labelled and
disposed as per the safe disposal procedure meeting the statutory requirements. There are
MoEF guidelines and state pollution control board approved common hazardous waste
disposal agencies for safe disposal of Hazardous and non – biodegradable wastes. The
laboratory should take membership of such agency and dispose Hazardous and non–
biodegradable wastes through them only.
B. E – waste management
If e-waste generated in big quantity is not segregated properly and not disposed off safely, may
create severe environmental problems. The e-waste generated in laboratories mainly consists
of compact discs, empty printer cartridges/ toner cases, magnetic tapes etc. Efforts should be
made to re-use or recycle these e-wastes otherwise it should be disposed off through
authorized agency as per CPCB guidelines. An E-waste policy guideline has been issued by
CHSE, ONGC which may be reffered to:
A. Safety in geology processing lab
Processing Lab of Geology processes sediment samples for geological studies and uses some
harmful acids/ chemicals. The acidisation of sediment samples should always be done in
fuming chamber. The lab should also have exhaust fans / proper ventilation system so that
fresh air is kept on circulation regularly.
B. Safety in core house
Core house of the geology laboratory is the depository of very much valuable cores collected
from exploratory wells for further geological studies. These require many safety precautions
while retrieving out and/ or putting back after taking certain portion for study. Following safety
precautions should be taken while handling the core boxes and cutting the core plugs:
i. Personnel must use safety shoes, helmet and cotton hand gloves while taking out or putting in
the core boxes from core racks.
ii. They must use wheeled trolley for the movement of core boxes from one place to other.
iii. While handling core boxes ladder safety rules as given below should be adhered.
iv. They must wear ear plugs/ muffs and safety goggles while cutting core plugs if noise level is
beyond permissible limits.
v. Regular pest control treatment should be carried out to control snakes and other pests.
All samples should be properly tagged with date, time, type of product, source and test required.
Proper labelling/ tagging are very essential for maintaining unique identification of the sample.
Whenever a visitor visits the lab he/ she should be briefed about safety precautions to be taken by him
to avoid any untoward incident.
i. The following equipment should be available for personal protection in a laboratory:
ii. Safety goggles and face/fume masks should be used appropriately while handling harmful
fumes/ vapours.
iii. Suitable type of aprons of PVC, rubber or cotton should be used to protect against specific
iv. Protective hand gloves made of cotton, rubber, PVC, etc. should be worn while handling sharp
objects or hazardous substances including chemicals, glassware etc.
v. Proper gloves and face shield to be worn while handling extremely low temperature items and
materials like solid carbon dioxide or liquid nitrogen.
vi. Equipment like fire blankets, eye wash devices, safety showers, breathing apparatus, helmets,
first-aid kit and gas masks should be available for specialized protection and all personnel
should be aware of their location and use. Equipment should be checked and maintained
vii. Earmuffs/ plugs should be used in noise prone area like Core cutting room.
viii. Oxygen mask/ respirators should be used while handling with experiments which generate
harmful/ fatal gases like Hydrogen Sulphide, Ammonia etc.
i. All chemicals in the laboratory are to be considered harmful. Avoid handling chemicals with
bare fingers. Do not taste, or smell any chemicals.
ii. Check the label on all chemical bottles twice before removing any of the contents. Never
return unused chemicals to their original container.
iii. The entire laboratory should be declared a "NO SMOKING ZONE" and should be prominently
displayed on important places.
iv. No employee should work alone in a laboratory while performing a task that is considered
usually hazardous in nature.
v. Lab may have National Board for Accreditation of Laboratories (NABAL) accreditation.
vi. A new test should be introduced only after review of the associated hazards, associated risk,
documentation and training.
vii. For operating equipment, the recommendations of the original equipment manufacturer should
be followed strictly.
viii. Rubber tubing used inside the laboratory for connecting equipment should be periodically
checked along with the associated valves and replaced, to prevent leakage of flammable
gases. Checking of leakage should be carried out with soap solution periodically.
ix. Report any accident (spill, breakage, etc.) or injury (cut, burn, etc.) to the safety officer/ In-
charge Lab immediately, no matter how trivial it seems. Do not panic. The guidelines given in
Chapter no. 5.15 on “Accident / incident reporting, investigation and analysis” of this HSE
Management System should be followed.
x. If a chemical splash in your eye(s) or on your skin, immediately flush with running water for at
least 20 minutes. Eatable should not be stored in areas where exposure to toxic material is
xi. Hands should be washed before eating and clothes should be changed immediately if they get
soaked with oil or chemical and affected part of the body should be flushed with sufficient
quantity of water.
xii. Skin contact or inhalation of harmful substances should be avoided.
Oversized Loads
Don‟t try to carry a big load alone. Ask for help.
Work as a team. Lift, walk, and lower the load together.
Let one person give the directions and direct the lift.
High Loads
Use a step stool or a sturdy ladder to reach loads that are above your shoulders.
Get as close as you can to the load.
Slide the load toward you.
Do all the work with your arms and legs, not your back.
Low Loads
Loads that are under racks and cabinets need extra care.
Pull the load toward you, and then try to support it on your knee before you lift.
Use your legs to power the lift.
Power Carrying Tips
Make sure your footing is firm.
Ensure enough clearance at doorways to keep your hands and fingers safe.
Check your route for hazards.
Take extra care at platforms, loading docks, ramps, and stairs.
Carry long loads on your shoulders, with front end high.
Make sure the next person has a firm grip before you hand off the load.
When you carry with others, everyone should carry the load on the same shoulder,
walk in step, and put the load down as a team.
B. Wire Ropes
Wire rope has greater strength and has been more durable than the fibre rope. Wire rope does
not change its physical characteristic in conditions of moisture and acid fumes and in other
environment.Wire rope is composed of steel wires, strands and core. Wire rope can also
deteriorate due to various causes. These are:
i. Corrosion: It can occur when a rope is subjected to wetting and in presence of acids.
ii. Wear: Wear of rope is possible on the crown or outside wires.
iii. Kinks: Kinks is possible due to improper winding of a new rope.
iv. Fatigue: Fatigue can be caused by bending stresses from sheaves and drums of small
radii, due to vibration or torsion etc.
v. Lubrication dry out: Lubrication dry out can occur when the wire rope is subjected to heat
or pressure.
vi. Overloading: This is most dangerous cause of wire rope failure. Overloading occurs when
a wire rope is subjected to dynamic loading, as discussed earlier.
vii. Mechanical causes: Mechanical causes also deteriorate the wire rope condition. These
occurs due to careless handling (e.g. dragging on ground or on abrasive surface) of wire
viii. Over winding: Over winding occurs when the length of the wire rope is more than the drum
can accommodate in one layer.
The above mentioned deteriorating causes for wire ropes must be eliminated for safe use of
v.3.3. Hook, Shackles, Eyebolts and Chains
i. Use crane hooks with sling within an angle of 900.
ii. Use a 'D' or 'Bow' shackle to connect more than two thimbles.
iii. Check that the angle of the slings is connected before lifting.
iv. Use a shackle or ring and a pair of shackles when fitting slings to a hook.
v. Fit a shackle between lifting hook and eye bolts to reduce strain on the hook.
vi. Always tighten eyebolts to the correct position.
v.3.4. Lift Trucks (LT) i.e. Cranes/Fork Lifts etc.
i. Consult and observe manufacturer's safe operating procedures for Lift Trucks.
ii. Take stock of unladen weight, capacity, load, centre distance and maximum lift height,
before operating lift trucks.
iii. Never add to counter weight.
iv. Never run over cables as flexible pipes etc.
v. Do not allow persons to walk under loads.
vi. Travel slowly and carefully down slopes.
vii. Do not leave lift truck on gradients unattended.
viii. Never use L.T. as a working platform.
ix. Check L.T. before use every day.
x. Maintain the backward tilt of the mast (enough to stabilize load).
xi. Keep the jerk low (4 to 6 inches from the ground) and backward tilt, to aid stability of Fork
Lifts when laden.
xii. Get someone to guide on ramps.
xiii. Look in the direction of travel - for obstructions etc.
xiv. Avoid sudden starts, stop and turns.
xv. Watch backward when turning.
xvi. Check for weak floors, soft ground, pot holes and skid patches like oil, loose sand and
gravel etc.
xvii. Use extra care on high stacks and watch for unstable loads.
xviii. Park cranes/LTs with hand-brakes on, control forks flat on ground, ignition/power switched
off and key removed.
While parking LTs, do not obstruct access to roads, working areas and
railways etc.
v.3.5. Chain-Pulley Blocks
i. Portable chain hoists are used for lifting purposes to raise or lower materials. But the chain
hoist should be hooked on a monorail trolley or originally fabricated with the trolley. Chain
hoists can be of spur- geared type, differential geared type and screw geared types.
ii. Spur geared type of chain hoists facilitates easy pick up of load. But the problem with this
type of hoist is that it is free running and load can come down easily, if not stopped by an
automatic braking arrangement in order to hold back the load from coming down rapidly. In
this case also, periodic inspection of hooks, chains, brakes should be carried out.
iii. All lifting tools and tackles must be checked as per applicable regulations, codes &
requirements. The SWL should be marked on the chain hoist body. All such chain hoists
should be checked for wear, malfunctioning and damage.
v.3.6. Mobile Cranes
i. Accidents of different types, starting from hitting by the boom or load to over turning of
cranes or overrunning have occurred. Hence, adequate precautions must be taken for safe
use of mobile cranes. A crane boom should not be swung too fast so that it can cause
upset of crane and the swinging load may hit a person or an object. Cranes should not be
moved or operated on a soft ground or sloppy ground. Care for crane movement adjacent
to an excavated area should necessarily be taken, as it may cause trench or excavation
ii. While lifting the load, the hook should be positioned at the centre of the load so that
swinging is avoided while lifting it. Cranes when operated at a high angle with the boom,
there is possibility for the load to hit the boom and damage it. Hence in such situation,
adequate care is to be taken by the operator.
iii. While operating the crane near any overhead power lines, extreme care should be taken to
see that the crane does not operate and the boom does not come within the safe
clearance from overhead lines. Such type of electrical accidents occurred in past. The
minimum safe clearance from electric power line is depended on the voltage. For example
for a 50 KV line, the minimum safe clearance would be maintained at least 3 meters.
iv. Another important aspect in safe crane operation is that the essential crane signalling
should be done by a competent person as any wrong signalling is bound to invite
accidents. While continuing the discussions on cranes being used near overhead power
lines, operator must be trained to act in the event of any accidental contact of the crane
boom with the overhead lines. It is advisable for the operator to stay on the crane only and
not to panic in such situation till he is rescued by others.
A. Operator‟s Responsibility
Operators of cranes should be experienced and should meet the following requirements:
i. Be able to read and understand operating instructions.
ii. Be able to understand the load charged.
iii. Be able to understand about the functioning of the safety devices.
Daily Inspection
The following items of crane should be visually inspected daily or before its use if not used
everyday, to ensure that the crane is in safe working order:
i. All controlled mechanism for mal-adjustment interfering with proper operation.
ii. All safety devices inspected for mal-function.
iii. Leakage in air or hydraulic system.
iv. Crane hooks for deformation or cracks.
v. Electrical apparatus for mal-function.
vi. Crane booms and running ropes to make sure they have not been accidentally damaged.
vii. Wire ropes and rope slings for excessive wear, broken wires and kinks.
Monthly Inspection
A complete inspection of each crane, its foundation and drive track should be made every
month and the results recorded in a register. The manufacturers' recommendation should be
kept in view. The following items should be carefully looked for:
i. Deformation cracked or corroded members in the crane structure, foundation and boom.
ii. Loose bolts or rivers.
iii. Cracked or worn sheaves and drums.
iv. Worn, cracked or distorted parts such as pins, bearings, shafts etc.
v. Excessive wear on brake and clutch system.
vi. Load hooks, for deformation and cracks.
vii. Excessive wear of chain drive sprockets and excessive chain stretch.
viii. All ropes for compliance with manufacturers' specifications, reduction in diameter due to
corrosion of wear.
F. Capacity of the crane
Capacity of the crane along with load testing date is to be displayed in bold letters on the boom
and super structure on both sides and front and rear of the crane.
G. Training
i. Training should be imparted about the crane operation and maintenance for crane
operators and technicians and supervisors at field site every year for safety awareness.
ii. The lifting capacity of the cranes should be periodically checked.
iii. A periodical human physical ability test may be conducted for the driver and the crane
operator through reputed institute e.g. National Labour Institute or any other.
v.3.7. Offshore Crane Operations
The offshore crane operation and maintenance shall be governed by the API RP 2D.
General Safe Operating Procedures
A. Pre – use checks
i. Before starting the crane operator should verify the following:
The Pre-use(pre-start up) inspection has been completed
All controls are in the „Off‟ or „neutral‟ position
All personnel are away from the area.
ii. For mechanical cranes, Operator should operationally test the breaks each time a load to
be lifted is nearer to the rated load.
iii. Prior to lifting exposed breaks should be warmed and rusted surfaces on the drums
cleaned by raising and lowering the boom and load lines under slight pressure.
iv. Load should be within the operator‟s range of vision.
v. Operator should respond to signals from authorized signaller only.
B. When left unattended for a prolonged period
i. Land any attached load
ii. Disengage the master clutch, where applicable
iii. Set all locking devices
iv. Put controls in the „Off‟ or „Neutral‟ position
v. Stop the prime mover
vi. Ensure no hindrance is caused by crane for helicopter operations
vii. Cranes should not be operated during helicopter landing and take offs.
C. In case of power failure
i. Set all breaks and locking devices
ii. Move all clutch to “off‟ or „neutral‟ position
iii. Lower the load in a control manner
D. Sling use guidelines
i. Prior to use, all sings should be inspected
ii. Protection should be given between sling and the sharp surfaces of the load
iii. Proper storage to be provided, i.e. away from heat, corrosive conditions and loss of
iv. Slings should never be choked in the splice
v. Sharp kings or knots should not be permitted in wire rope slings
vi. Loads should not be lifted with one leg of multi-leg sling until the unused legs are secured
E. Moving the Load
i. Prior to lifting, ensure that the load is secured and properly balanced in the appropriate
ii. The path for lifting is clear from all obstructions
iii. Before starting to lift ensure that-
The proper sling is selected for the load to be lifted.
Load is free to be lifted
Multiple part lines are not twisted
The hook is brought over the load with minimum swinging
Fix any slack rope condition
iv. While lifting ensure that -
Speed control is made smooth
Shock loading (caused due to lowering at high speed) is avoided.
Any part do not come in contact with any obstruction
Controls are engaged smoothly to avoid excessive stress on crane machinery
Sudden stats and stops and excessive swinging are avoided when rotating the
F. Personnel Transfer
While making personnel lift, ensure that –
i. All hooks used for support of personnel have an operable latch.
ii. Hooks designed to prevent the personnel basket sling from coming off the hook
accidentally should only be used.
iii. The load is under control in both up and down directions
iv. All personnel to be lifted on a basket using approved Personnel floatation Devices (PFDs)
when being lifted or lowered over water.
v. While using net type personnel basket, personnel standing on the outer ring facing inward.
vi. No over loading of basket
Direct transfer of personnel:
i. In fine weather, if the installation has a boat landing platform, personnel should transfer
directly, passengers must hold on to the "swing rope" fixed to the landing platform and
should wear life - jackets
ii. In case of the crew boat, the transfer should take place from the stern side of the boat after
it is tied on to the platform mooring bits. One can then easily step on to the landing
iii. Boat landing, swing ropes and rope ladders should be inspected and tested at regular
intervals to ensure that these are in good working order.
Personnel transfer by basket
The following precautions should be taken during transfer:
i. Permission should be obtained from the tool pusher/ FPSOIM and master of the vessel
before the transfer starts.
ii. One person should be designated to be the sole in charge of the operation; he should
have an over all view of the crane, basket and the vessel, through out the operation.
iii. All persons riding on the basket should wear life jackets.
iv. The passengers on the basket should stand on the outer rim of the basket and hold on
ropes tightly. The centre of the net is for light luggage only.
v. Passengers should position themselves so that there is even distribution of load around
the rim of the basket.
vi. No smoking rule should be strictly observed by the passengers.
vii. Each basket is designed for certain number of persons; in no case should this limit be
viii. The crane operator should raise the basket only high enough above the deck of vessel to
clear obstructions, swing it out over the water, raise it to a position slightly above landing
deck level, swing the basket over the landing area and gently lower it to the deck. The
same method should be followed while transferring personnel from the installations to the
ix. In order to ensure that the crane hook does not injure the basket passengers, there should
be a suitable sling sufficient length and strength between the hook and the basket.
x. After use, the basket should be stowed at a safe place so that it does not suffer
deterioration. It should be inspected periodically and also each time before use by the
person in-charge of the operation. Only baskets in perfect condition should be used.
xi. All people being transferred should feel confident for using basket transfer
G. Transfer of material
i. No transfer of material should be undertaken unless necessary permission has been
obtained from the master of the vessel and the tool-pusher/FPS of the installations. The
operation will depend on the sea condition wind and operations in progress on the
ii. There should be one supervisor on the deck of the installation and another on the vessel
before any transfer operation begins. The supervisor should see that:
The loads are properly placed on the landing net/pallets and correctly slung before
they are picked up and suitably stowed once they are on board.
No one stands underneath the loads or suddenly comes underneath during
Loaded landing net/pallet/pipe is not raised or lowered directly over vessel or deck;
if the crane cannot, for some reason swing the load, net clear of the vessel, the
latter should be moved away in order to protect persons on board, should the
loaded net be dropped accidentally.
iii. Personnel taking part in the transfer operation should be able to communicate with one
another by use of suitable equipment (megaphone / walkie-talkie sets).
iv. If the work situation exposes personnel handling material to the risk of falling into the sea,
every person so exposed should wear a life jacket or work vest.
IV. The standby vessel should be put on alert and be ready to provide immediate assistance
during any work over water.
V. Employees working over or near water, where the danger of drowning exists, shall be
provided with approved life jacket or buoyant work vests.
VI. Prior to and after each use, the buoyant work vests or life preservers shall be inspected for
defects which would alter their strength or buoyancy. Defective units shall not be used.
VII. Ring buoys with at least 90 feet of line shall be provided and readily available for
emergency rescue operations. Distance between ring buoys shall not exceed 200 feet. .
VIII. A safety net is to be provided wherever possible while a person is carrying out work over
B. Skill Requirements
The persons who require carrying out work over or near water should develop certain skills
for survival at sea in an emergency: Certain requirements are:
I. The skills of emergency water survival, how to use a personal floatation device if they fall
into the water;
II. The ability to inspect life vests for defects; to properly select a personal floatation device
and how to size, adjust and don the device.
III. The ability to explain and demonstrate how to swim/ maneuver about in the water
IV. How to use life rings and rescue bags to perform simple shore based rescues
V. How to use applicable communications equipment to summon emergency services to
render medical assistance
VI. How to employ special techniques to minimize injury if falling from a height into water
viii. Slings which are to be used for lifting should be checked and inspected whether any damage,
torn or twist.
ix. Wooden logs/planks used for jacking up should be pre-selected to withstand load.
Thefollowingitemsof craneshouldbevisuallyinspecteddaily orbeforeitsuseifnotused everyday, toensure
that thecrane is in safeworkingorder:
i. All controlled mechanism for mal-adjustment interfering with proper operation.
ii. All safety devices inspected for mal-function.
iii. Leakage in air or hydraulic system.
iv. Crane hooks for deformation or cracks.
v. Electrical apparatus for mal-function.
vi. Crane booms and running ropes to make sure they have not been accidentally damaged.
vii. Wire ropes and rope slings for excessive wear, broken wires and kinks.
propriateremedialaction betaken.
Most accidents can be avoided by careful job planning. Person Incharge, must have a clear
understanding of the work to be done, consider all danger at the job site, develop a plan to do the job
safely and then explain the plan to all the concerned.
i. What is the weight of the load to be lifted, the lift radius, boom angle and the rated capacity of
the crane?
ii. How will the signal man communicate with the operator?
iii. Are there gas lines, power lines or structures which must be moved or avoided?
iv. Is the surface strong enough to support the machine and load?
v. How can the crane be positioned to use the shortest boom and radius possible?
Operator must be alert physically fit, free from influence of alcohol or medications that effect his eye
sight, hearing or reactions. Always avoid over loading of cranes, over loading would result by
i. Deformation, cracked or corroded members in the crane structure, foundation and boom.
ii. Loose bolts or rivers.
iii. Cracked or worn sheaves and drums.
iv. Worn, cracked or distorted parts such as pins, bearings, shafts etc.
v. Excessive wear on brake and clutch system
vi. Load hooks, for deformation and cracks.
vii. Excessive wear of chain drive sprockets and excessive chain stretch.
viii. All ropes for compliance with manufacturers' specifications, reduction in diameter due to
corrosion of wear.
Capacity of the crane is to be displayed in bold letters on the boom and super structure on both sides
and front and rear of the crane.
viii.11. TRAINING
Training should be imparted about the crane operation and maintenance for crane operators and
technicians and supervisors at field site every year for safety awareness.
Thelifting capacityofthecranesshouldbeperiodicallychecked.
Aperiodicalhumanphysicalabilitytestmaybeconductedforthedriverandthecraneoperator through reputed
institutee.g.NationalLabourInstitute orany other.
iv. Heavier than air, specific gravity 1.189. Vapours may travel considerable distance to a source
of ignition and forms an explosive mixture with air in concentration between 4.3 and 46 % by
v. It has Auto ignition point of 260 degree centigrade.
vi. Burns with blue flame and evolves S02, which also is very toxic.
vii. Threshold Limit value - Time weighted average - 10 ppm.
viii. Threshold Limit value - Short Term Exposure limit - 15 ppm
ix. Corrosive to all electro-chemical series metal
x. Soluble in water, alcohol, petroleum solvents and crude petroleum
xi. Agitation or temperature increase produces toxic liberation.
xii. Melting point (-) 85.5 Degree Centigrade, Boiling point (-) 60.4 Degree centigrade.
xiii. Molecular weight: 34.08: Heat value: 3820 Cal/Kg.
ix.2.3. Effects of H2S on personnel:
It depends on:-
a) Duration
b) Frequency
c) Intensity
d) Individual susceptibility
H2S goes in to the blood through lungs – To protect itself, body “ Oxidizes “ the H2S , which
body can not oxidize, builds up in blood and individual becomes poisoned. The nerve centers
in the brain which controls breathing are paralyzed. The lungs stop working and the person
asphyxiated. Other lower levels of exposure may cause the following symptoms individually or
in combination:
Dryness and sensation of pain in nose, throat and chest.
3. Lethal Concentration Concentration that will cause death with short term exposure.
b. contact lenses : contact lenses are a definite hazard and should not be worn while
wearing a respirator in a contaminated atmosphere.
ix.2.6. Detection:
Philosophy of detector location is governed by
where leaks are most likely to occur and
where gas accumulations are most likely to be the greatest.
Knowledge of limitations and capabilities of leak and testing etc. high concentration of gas may
be encountered. Following are some of the common detection devices:
A. Fixed monitoring systems:
Sensors monitor H2S concentrations continuously at various locations. Alarms are actuated
when concentrations reach preset values. The H2S concentration is continuously indicated on
the analog digital display at the control room.
B. Personal electronic monitors:
The unit is hand held or attached to dress, to warn at preset values, when attended with
dosimeter, stores the individuals exposures to H2S and gives a print out, when required.
These can also be provided with system to relay the exposure levels to control room for
information and record.
C. Lead acetate ampules or coated strips:
These change of color (usually turn brown or black) in the presence of H2S. They should be
used as alternate method of detection.
D. Short term measurement with tube detectors:
The system consist tubes, the bellow pump and a scale that gives a reading of H2S presence
and amount of H2S on the tube is shown by length of colour change on the tube.
Do not rely on your nose to detect H2S the sense of smell is not reliable
detection method.
Know the cross sensitivities of gases with reference to your measuring devices.
ix.2.7. Planning requirement for working in H2S environment
Working in a H2S or possibly contaminated H2S environment requires painstaking accurate
planning to insure maximum protection of human lives.
Planning considerations should include:-
i. Contingency plan.
ii. Diagnosis of the work – site.
iii. Adequate and proper placement of safety equipments.
iv. Personnel training programme.
v. Personnel drills.
vi. Responsible supervision.
vii. Knowledge of working conditions.
viii. Emergency of working conditions.
ix. Adherence of all safe work practices etc.
Additional safety measures
When approaching the job site it is necessary to take the following precautious to ensure safe
i. Observe for audio/ visual alarms.
ii. Check for wind direction.
iii. Look for personnel and their activities.
iv. Enter job site slowly.
v. Look for the escape route.
vi. Continuous detection.
vii. Gas ignition hazards must be eliminated and “No smoking“
regulations strictly enforced.
viii. Reduce H2S exposure.
ix. H2S awareness training programme and regular drill are a must.
x. Continued observation of wind indicator is a must (In HGPC wind
direction changes many times a day, and seasonally too).
xi. During atmospheric contamination by H2S, move upwind or cross
wind from source, not down wind: as such you have to make yourself
always away from source.
xii. H2S is heavier than air, therefore avoid low lying area.
Circulate the gas through choke and degasser and burn off the gas.
The following factors should also be kept in view:-
All persons on the drilling floor, shale shaker area, mud pump and tank should put on self
contained breathing apparatus when the kick is to be circulated out.
Persons who are not required for the control operation should be withdrawn to a safe area,
where adequate ventilation is arranged.
Frequent checks with portable H2S gas detector should be made.
Supply vessels (in case of Offshore) should stay upwind on power and maintain
continuous radio and visual watch.
Note: The document "Contingency plan for drilling H2S well" issued by the Mumbai Region
is recommended for detailed guidance.
F. Specific well site checks
Check The Presence Of H2s
Wind Direction Indicators
Monitors And Alarms
Placement Of Breathing Apparatus
Placement Of Fire Equipments
Appropriate First Aid Equipment
G. Minimum Aspects for H2S Training
Any Training on H2S safety should include the following minimum aspects:
The hazards and characteristics of H2S and its product of combustion(SO2)
Sources of them
Use of detectors
Understanding and Response to the warning signals
Symptoms of H2S and SO2 exposures
Rescue techniques
First-aid procedures
Proper use and maintenance of Breathing apparatus
system. Following a major repair and/or modification, the whole system should be re-
examined before allowing the system to come back into use.
x.2.2. Know the operating conditions
Know what liquid or gas is being contained, stored or processed (e.g. is it
Know the process conditions, such as the pressures and temperatures.
Know the safe operating limits of the system and any equipment directly connected to it or
linked to it.
Ensure there is a set of operating instructions for all the equipment and for the control of
the whole system including emergencies.
Ensure there is a set of operating instructions for all the equipment and for the control of
the whole system including emergencies.
Ensure that appropriate employees have access to these instructions, and are properly
trained in the operation and use of the equipment or system
x.2.3. Fit suitable protective devices and ensure they function properly
Ensure suitable protective devices are fitted to the vessels, or pipe work (e.g. safety valves
and any emergency tripping devices which cause shutdown when the pressure,
temperature or liquid or gas level exceeds permissible limits).
Ensure the protective devices have been adjusted to the correct settings.
If warning devices (alarms) are fitted, ensure they are noticeable, either by sight or sound.
Ensure protective devices are kept in good working order at all times.
Ensure that, where fitted, protective devices such as safety valves and bursting discs
discharge to a safe place.
Ensure that, once set, protective devices cannot be altered except by an authorized
x.2.4. Carry out suitable maintenance
All pressure equipment and systems should be properly maintained. There should be a
maintenance program for the system as a whole.
Look for signs of problems with the system, e.g. if a safety valve repeatedly discharges,
this could be an indication that either the system is over pressurizing or the safety valve is
not working correctly.
Subject equipment under pressure to shock loads, such as hammering or being
Apply heat to equipment under pressure, and never weld anything to such
equipment, whether under pressure or not, without proper approval.
Use pressurized equipment as a step or as a support for scaffolding and other
working platform.
Cut into any pipe work without first checking it is not part of a system under
Not to close any valve of the pressurized system without prior knowledge.
Isolate safety valves.
Go near pressure testing operations unless part of the testing team.
A visual inspection of the fall arrest equipment and system is completed and any
equipment that is damaged or is taken out of service
Person(s) are competent to perform the work.
Work permit has been issued for the job.
xi.3.1. Roles and Responsibilities:
The Site In-charge shall appoint a competent person to inspect and certify scaffolds as safe to
Appointed Competent Person shall have prime responsibility for ensuring the following:
i. All scaffolding works must be carried out under the Permit-To-Work System.
ii. Ensure only competent scaffolders are used to erect, modify and maintain scaffolding
iii. All scaffolding is erected in accordance with the appropriate codes and standards
iv. Materials used are in good condition and of an acceptable standard.
v. A register is maintained of all scaffolds erected and dismantled.
vi. Maintain a record of the inspection of all scaffolding structures.
vii. Maintain inspection records of all ladders on the site.
viii. Undertake weekly inspections of all erected scaffolding structures and report all deficiencies
ix. Carry out a detailed toolbox talk with all personnel involved in the erecting and dismantling of
any scaffold structure. Refer „Tool Box Talks‟ for details.
Safety representative of contractor shall have the responsibility for:
i. Periodically auditing the scaffoldings, ladders and the associated permits and records to
ensure compliance with this procedure.
ii. Emphasise at safety meetings and toolbox talks the purpose and operation of the scaffolding
procedure to site personnel
iii. Safety representative of contractor shall be available at site during the working period.
ONGC HSE officer shall have the responsibility:
i. to ensure necessary permits have been issued;
xvii. Do not remove any component of a completed scaffold assembly except under the supervision
of a qualified person. Any component that has been removed should be immediately replaced.
xviii. At any given point of time at least one safety line has to be secured to a support while moving.
xi.4.1. Portable Ladders
Ladders are potentially dangerous. Most accidents occur through ladder slipping.
Ladders may be used as a short-term alternative to scaffolding or as a mean of access to
Before using a ladder, it shall be ensured that it is the correct type for the job in hand and
that it is in good condition.
Ladders shall be inspected and maintained by an authorized competent person. The
record of inspections shall be registered.
Aluminium ladders must not be used in hazardous areas (danger of sparks generating).
Any ladder that is defective in any way must be taken out of service immediately.
xi.4.2. Rules for Safe Use of Portable Ladders
i. Inspect ladder prior to EVERY use.
ii. Always place a ladder on a firm base, set the angle near to 70-75 i.e., 30cm out for every
1.2m up.
iii. Make sure the ladder projects well above the level at which the user stands. Remember it must
extend at least 1metre above the landing or workplace
iv. Ensure sufficient overlap between stages of extension ladders.
v. Do not use ladders with structural defects.
vi. Every ladder shall have rungs equally spaced
vii. Properly tag defective ladders with "Do Not Use" and withdraw from service.
viii. Carry ladders parallel to the ground.
ix. Tie ladders down securely when transporting.
x. Maintain ladders free of oil, grease, and other hazards.
xi. Do not load ladder beyond maximum intended load.
xii. Use only for the purpose for which the ladder was designed (refer to manufacturer's labelling
and recommendations).
xiii. Barricade traffic areas in vicinity of ladder use, and lock, barricade, or guard doorways in which
a ladder is placed.
xiv. Keep area around the top and bottom of ladder clear.
xv. Do not move, shift, or extend ladder while occupied. NEVER 'WALK' A LADDER.
xvi. Safety belt with full body harnesses shall be used in conjunction with lifelines when working
above 1.8 metres, secured to a safe point.
xvii. Use only non-conductive ladders around live electrical equipment.
xviii. Do not use top or top step for standing/ stepping.
xix. Do not stand on cross bracing.
xx. Always face the ladder when ascending or descending.
xxi. Always maintain 3 points of contact with the ladder (2 feet/1 hand or 2 hands/1 foot should be
in contact with ladder at all times).
xxii. Carry tools in pouches around waist; use a rope to raise or lower large items such as tool
boxes or materials.
xxiii. Do not overextend sideways. Use the belt buckle rule: keep your belt buckle positioned
between the side rails at all times, which will maintain your centre of gravity.
xxiv. Never allow more than one worker on the ladder at a time.
xxv. Do not erect ladders on sloping surface, leaning to one side or at to steep an angle.
xxvi. Do not erect ladders for use as a plank or bridge.
xxvii. Wooden ladders must not be painted, as paint could conceal any defects.
xxviii. Make certain that no overhead power lines are within your reach or within reach of the ladder.
Metal ladders must not be used where a there is a risk of accidental contact with live electrical
xi.4.3. Fixed Ladders
The rules for correct and safe use of portable ladders apply equally when climbing or working
on fixed metal ladders. In addition:
i. Every derrick shall be equipped with a ladder arrangement ensuring safe access to all elevated
walking and working platforms.
ii. Access from ladder to working platforms shall be properly secured with railings and toe-boards.
iii. The top end of each ladder section shall extend not less than one metres above the platform.
iv. Landing platforms or cages shall be provided on ladders of more than 6 metres to a maximum
unbroken length of 9 metres.
v. All landing platforms shall be equipped with railings and toe-boards so arranged as to give safe
access to the ladder.
vi. All ladders leading from derrick platform to monkey board shall be provided with fall prevention
device or other such device to prevent persons from falling.
vii. Every person who works above the first girt of a derrick shall be provided with approved type of
safety belt and lifeline and shall use the same unless he is otherwise protected against the
danger of falling from height.
viii. No person shall work or travel from where he is likely to fall for more than 1.8m unless he is
protected by approved type of safety belt and lifeline and shall use the same whilst at work.
Some examples:
Using a screwdriver as a chisel may cause the tip of the screwdriver to break and fly,
hitting the user or other employees.
If a wooden handle on a tool such as a hammer or an axe is loose, splintered, or cracked,
the head of the tool may fly off and strike the user or another worker.
A wrench must not be used if its jaws are sprung, because it might slip.
Impact tools such as chisels, wedges, or drift pins are unsafe if they have mushroomed
heads. The heads might shatter on impact, sending sharp fragments flying.
The main causes of most injuries involving hand tools are the use of unsuitable tools, their
incorrect use or their incorrect storage.
vi. Attempt to change or dress an abrasive wheel unless you are authorized and competent to do
vii. Force a portable grinder against the work as dangerous flat spots on the wheel may develop.
viii. Take your eyes off the job.
ix. Alter, adapt or interfere with the design function of the tool.
x. Another potential hazard is using extension cords with portable tools. In construction, these
cords suffer a lot of wear and tear. Often, the damage is only to the insulation, exposing
energized conductors. When a person handling the damaged cord contacts the exposed wires
while holding a metal tool case or contacting a conductive surface, serious electrical shock can
result, causing a fall, physical injury, or death.
xi. Since neither insulation nor earthing protects from these conditions, use other protective
measures. One acceptable method is a ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI).
vapour could pose a fire hazard in any process plant, by acquiring any ignition source from light fittings,
electrical equipment e.g. motors, generators etc. and sometimes also due to static electricity or a
The extent of risk would depend on the concentration of flammables in the area and the potential of the
ignition source. It is therefore, necessary that in the event of a gas leak, the LEL level of a particular
gas should not be allowed to reach by way of dilution of the atmosphere or if it is not possible at least
all ignition sources should be removed.
Note: Refer Guidelines on Electrical Safety document ( Annexed)
xviii.1.2. Objective
The basic objectives of this document are:
i. To create awareness among the personnel regarding various aspects of safety and security
while working / attending the explosives related activities.
ii. To assist in understanding the hazards involved in the explosives related activities and
setting/ensuring standard safe practices.
iii. To create awareness towards safe working and elimination of accidents related with
iv. To provide all information required for getting licenses and documents required to be
maintained for storing, transportation and usage of explosives.
v. To put up the enforcing procedures to ensure the safety precautions and regulatory
vi. To establish and maintain the highest safety standards in handling explosive materials, during
all phases concerned i.e. transportation, storage, and use.
Note: Refer Safety Manual for Handling of Explosives( Annexed).
xviii.2.1. International classification of hazardous substances
Radioactive materials are covered under class 7 of International classification of hazardous
xviii.2.2. Radioactive Materials:
All explosives and radioactive materials are hazardous in nature and required to be handled
with utmost care. The recommended dose limits of exposure / radiation by Health, Safety and
Environment Group of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre is given in Table - 1. Industrial and
medical uses of radiation do not present substantial radiation risks to workers provided the
safe practices are followed. The industrial workers should not lead to radiation exposures in
excess of such recommended level of the radiation dose. Otherwise, accidents may lead to
higher exposures and subsequently lead to biological hazards.
Note: Refer ONGC safety manual for handling of Explosives & Explosive rule 2008 &
BARD guidelines( Annexed)
Chapter – 8
Chapter -8
General :
Chapter – 8
1. Introduction
ONGC is an organization dealing with high risk multifaceted activities being carried out by its
employees and contractors. In order to ensure that these activities and tasks are carried out
in a productive and safe manner it is necessary to equip the personnel with adequate set of
skills. The competency matching of the personnel to the competency requirement for the
assigned job is carried out through a defined recruitment, hiring and training policy.
2. Objective
To impart training,and develop competence for personnel to enhance their knowledge and
skills and to ensure that the personnel joining the organization fresh, on transfer or on
contract are competent to carry out the responsibility assigned to them in safe and efficient
ONGC has a defined competency criteria for hiring of contractual personnel for different
kinds of work. The competency criteria is based on minimum qualification and experience
requirement for specific jobs for which the contractual persons are being hired. Like the
regular employees contractual personnel are also imparted orientation/familiarization for
making them aware of the operations.
The knowledge of the employees on board regarding safety procedures and rules is tested
from time to time by conducting tests and quizzes.
1. Survival at Sea
2. Basic First Aid
3. Fire fighting and Fire protection
4. Helicopter Underwater Escape Training
B. Imparting Training
ONGC Academy, Dehradun, Institute of Petroleum Safety, Health
andEnvironmentManagement, GoaandRegionalTrainingInstitutes in each region, School of
The identification of knowledge and skill training needs for all ONGC personnel is carried
out centrally by ONGC Academy, Dehradun which is the specialized training arm of ONGC.
ONGC Academy carries out detailedanalysisofvarious
anassessmentoftheskillsandknowledgenecessary foralltheemployeesto carry out their jobs
efficiently as well as to keep up with the technological developmentsaround the
world.Mostofthesetrainings fortheexecutivesare conductedatAcademy premises. However,
professional trainings offeredbysome agencieslikeIIMs, MDI Gurgaon,ASCIHyderabad
oragenciesbasedoutside India may be conducted at the trainer’s premises or elsewhere.
The identification of safety, environment and Health training needs for all ONGC personnel
is carried out centrally by Institute of Petroleum Safety Health and Environment
Management, Goa which is an institute of ONGC specializing in Safety, Health and
Environment Management. Most of the training programmes for all ONGC personnel are
conducted at IPSHEM Goa, either with the help of internal faculty or with external faculty.
Agencies like British safety Council and DNV who specialize in imparting HSE trainings, also
conduct their training programmes at IPSHEM for the ONGC employees. Some specialized
HSE training are conducted at places other than IPSHEM also.
After identification of training needs, both ONGC Academy and IPSHEM publish yearly
training calendar. Work centre managements identify the suitability of training from the
available calendar for personnel working under their control and names are forwarded to
the HR department. The HR department nominates the identified persons for the
respective trainings. The needs are identified keeping in view the job being carried out by
the individual, his qualifications, his experience on the job and training undergone in the
past. A training matrix is prepared listing the identified trainings for personnel at different
levels and discipline.
Whenever somenewequipmentorsystemisbeingintegratedwiththe
existingsystemappropriate personnel are trainedbytheequipmentsuppliers at their premises
in operation of the equipment or the system. ONGC’s School of Maintenance Practice also
imparts training to its employees on maintenance and operation of all equipment being
used in the organization.
On arrival at the platforms the contractual personnel are familiarized with systems and
procedures of ONGC through briefing carried out at the platform. In addition to this specific
pre job briefing is provided to the contractual workers before they take up any job.
The HR section takes financial sanction and approval for nomination from competent
Chapter – 9
Chapter – 9
TESTING AND INSPECTION Testing, inspection, calibration and monitoring programs for
critical equipment should be established. These programs
should include:
a. A list of critical equipment
b. Testing and inspection procedures
c. Documentation of completed testing and inspections
Chapter – 9
The purpose of safety systems is to protect personnel, facility and the environment from the
consequences of upsets of process operations. These upsets are nothing but the undesirable events
that may arise due to the inability of operators to operate the process within design limits. It is thus
essential that all such undesirable events are identified and reliable protective measures are provided
which will prevent those or minimize the consequences, apart from helping in bringing back the process
operations to normalcy.
Safety Analysis is one technique that should be used to carry out the task.
Integrity is the ability of critical safety equipment to prevent any release of hydrocarbons from process,
which is the basic threat to safety of personnel, plant and the environment, or minimize its adverse
consequences. These safety critical items are provided on various static (e.g. process vessels, tanks,
pipelines, rigs, hulls, tanks, High Pressure lines etc.) and rotary equipments e.g. pumps, Compressors,
gas turbines, Draw works etc) either to act as primary or secondary protection systems. There will be
certain other auxiliary services (e.g. Fire Pumps, fire and Gas detection and fire suppression systems)
that help in the process control.
The guidelines are prepared based on API-RP-14C, API-RP-14J and API-RP-14G.
It is intended to provide basic guidelines on how to ensure safety integrity through carrying out safety
analysis for identification of the undesirable events in process operations and to list safety critical items
and logics in the “SAFE Chart”. Also testing procedures to ensure safety integrity of all those safety
critical items would be suggested.
An inventory of all primary, secondary and auxiliary safety critical items meant for preventing process
undesirable events, shall be identified through a „Safety Analysis‟ and recorded on a Safety Analysis
Table (SAT).
A „SAFE Chart‟ can be prepared and be used to depict all the safety critical instrumentations and logics
The Integrity assurance procedure shall include schedules for integrity checks for the inventory of
safety critical equipment/items.
The Integrity assurance procedure shall have provisions for periodic reporting of the schedule integrity
checks and troubleshooting.
The Preventive maintenance schedule shall include all such critical items and should get priority.
From the Safety Analysis Tables (SATs), verify the need for basic safety devices to protect each
process component viewed as an individual unit.
The Safety Analysis Checklist (SAC) for individual components is then used to justify the elimination of
any safety device when each process component is analyzed in relation to other process components.
Using the Safety Analysis Function Evaluation (SAFE) chart, logically integrate all safety devices and
self-protected equipment into a complete platform safety system.
The safety protection system should provide two levels of protection to prevent or minimize the effects
of process equipment failures. One is of highest order i.e. primary and the next is secondary protection.
There could be other systems that provide additional protections are the fire & Gas detection and
suppression systems.
Besides, the two levels of protection should be in addition to the normal process control devices and be
independent of each other.
The safety analysis of each process component highlights undesirable events (effects of equipment
failures, process upsets, accidents, etc.) from which protection should be provided, along with
detectable abnormal conditions that can be monitored for safety surveillance. These detectable
conditions are used to initiate action through automatic controls to prevent or minimize the effect of
undesirable events.
which will be monitored. The table also mentions the primary and secondary protections to be provided
and maintained to eliminate or prevent the chances of the undesirable condition to occur. Examples of
SAT table have been shown in Table- 1 & Table -2 in subsequent pages.
On initial installation, tests should be conducted to verify that the entire system, including the final
shutdown valve or control device, is designed and installed to provide proper response to abnormal
Thereafter, periodic operational tests should be performed, at least annually, to substantiate the
integrity of the entire system, including process station or platform shutdown, if necessary.
Specific test procedures for individual safety devices are to be carried out. A reporting method should
be developed to provide for orderly accumulation of test data that can be used for operational analyses,
reliability studies, and reports that may be required by regulatory agencies.
Chapter – 10
Chapter 10
Pre-start up Safety Review
Chapter 10
Pre-start up Safety Review
Pre-start up safety review is done before the start up of a new process unit/equipment and/or after a
modification/turn-around in the process unit/ equipment, and/or introduction of a new chemical to the
process. This is required to ensure that any new hazards cropped up in these cases are noted and the
necessary safeguards are taken before starting a process unit/ equipment/ machinery etc. The central point
in the whole exercise usually is to ensure that the responsibilities for the discipline-wise reviews have been
fixed in order to bring authenticity into the review process so that safe start-up actions can be taken
The minimum requirements are that the Pre-start-up Safety Review shall address the following issues:
Construction and equipment are in accordance with design specifications;
Safety, operating, maintenance, and emergency procedures are in place and adequate;
For new facilities, a PHA has been performed and recommendations resolved or implemented;
Modified facilities meet requirements;
Management of change; and training of each employee involved in the process has been
Pre-start up procedures
4. A process involves a risk of ignition or explosion that creates a condition of imminent hazard to a
person's health or safety.
5. The use of a dust collector involves a risk of ignition or explosion that creates a condition of
imminent hazard to a person's health or safety
6. The construction, addition, installation or modification relates to a lifting device, travelling crane or
automobile hoist
7. A process uses or produces a substance that may result in the exposure of a worker in excess of
any occupational exposure limit set out in Statutory Regulations.
General Procedures
1. During the pre-start-up, there are several aspects which are to be considered in every important
discipline of the operational activities, e.g. process, mechanical and electrical maintenance,
instrumentation, Health & Safety, environmental issues etc.
2. In some cases suitability of the existing equipments, vessels and pipelines are required to be
assessed to cope up with the changes being made.
3. It is to be ensured that a PHA has been done to assess any additional hazards.
4. It also necessitates that the emergency procedures are reviewed to accommodate such scenarios.
5. Any changes in the process must be brought to the notice of the working population through
awareness programs and the available skills may have to be upgraded through MOC training
1. Every Installation/process plant/platform shall develop a „Pre-Start-up Safety Review format‟ for the
purpose based on a sample one given in Format - 1 & 2, which are generic and may be modified
according to the type of plant/equipment/facility etc.
2. For every start-up operation, a multidisciplinary „Pre-start-up Safety Review/PHA Committee‟ shall
be constituted. Of course, there could be one standing review committee for all installations within
a mine area / process plant/platform.
3. In addition to carryout checking using the „Pre-start-up Safety Review format‟, a PHA (Process
Hazard Analysis) in form of HAZOP/HAZAN/ HAZID shall be required, , to assess any additional
4. Depending on the complexity of the process or equipment, such PHA could be done by the Pre-
start-up Safety Review/PHA Committee through a simple safety assessment or refer the same to
5. Based on the outcome of the PHA, the Review Committee shall update the existing Emergency
Response Plan to accommodate such additional scenarios and put up to the Mines
Manager/Operations head/OIM for start-up approval.
Start - up Request
Installati on Manager/
Pre -Start -up Safety Review
Pr ocess I/C
Start - up
Format -1
10 All the pipe line blinds which were fitted/removed during isolation are
fitted with proper spacers before hydrocarbon entry
12 The units are properly inertized and system fit for gas intake
13 All the control valves are stroke checked and rectified for mismatch
14 Leak check of the system is performed using inert gas at the
available pressure
27 All the water sprinklers on pumps and other equipment are in line
28 All the steam hoses(steam lancers) and compressed air hoses are in
their places and not lying on ground
33 Others
Format -2
Building & fan room cleanliness
Electrical wiring complete
Overload protection (sized correctly)
Disconnect switch (tested)
Instrumentation (temperature, volume, pressure &
humidity )
Control system - point to point checks complete
_______________ Date:
Chapter – 11
Chapter – 11
Criteria for - Requires that emergency response and control plans are
Emergency in place and validated by drills per SEMS program
Response and schedule. Plans must include:
a. Emergency Action Plan that assigns qualified persons at
Chapter – 11
1. Objectives
The Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Activities are inherently dangerous. Though built-in safety systems
at the design stages greatly reduced the probabilities of worst disasters, it can not totally eliminate the
chances of failures and the resulting disaster situations from occurring. That is why, it is intended to anticipate
the worst that could happen to ONGC facilities and operations and to adequately plan for mitigating the
consequences of such disasters by mobilizing the internal and external resources. ONGC management also
intents to bring back the situation to pre-disaster level as soon as possible and strive for maintaining business
2. Scope
This code is applicable to all Oil & Gas E&P activities including process plants. Separate chapter has been
added for offshore ERP requirements, containing specific guidelines to be followed for offshore process
The guidelines are concerned to mainly the Onsite Disaster (Emergency) Planning, which is the responsibility
of the industry management. Certain guidelines are given for providing inputs to the Offsite-
Disaster(Emergency) Planning aspects also, which is the prime responsibility of the District Administration
under The Chemical Accidents(Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response), 1996.
3. General Requirements:
3.1. Legal Requirement
Similarly, clause-72 of Oil Mines Regulations (OMR), 1984 requires the Mines owner to formulate a
contingency plan for fire and clause-64 requires development of an emergency plan for petroleum pipelines
specifying actions to be taken in the event of fire, uncontrolled escape of petroleum from pipelines, bursting or
damage to the pipelines. Also, Clause- 45(3) requires preparation of emergency plan for blow-out of oil and
gas wells. Similarly, Rule no. 58 of Petroleum & Natural Gas ( Safety in Offshore Operations ) Rules, 2008
requires establishing emergency preparedness strategy against situations of hazard & accident including
health emergency.
The rules on "Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response),1996 compliments the
set of rules on accident prevention and preparedness notified under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 in
1989 entitled "Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules" and envisages a 4-tier crisis
management system in the country
iii. The ERP shall then be approved by the Mines Manager/Plant Operation Head/OIM (Offshore
Installation Manager)
iv. The ERP shall be practiced in the periodic mock-drills (not later than a month) by the Installation
Manager along with his team. More frequent drills could be done at the installation level.
v. The lessons learned in each such drill shall be recorded in the mock drill format (Format-II) and
reported to Group HSE /Plant HSE monthly.
vi. Installation manager/Mines Manager/Unit Process Incharge shall arrange implementation of the
measures towards bridging inadequacy found during mock-drills.
vii. ERP shall be reviewed yearly based on the „lessons learned‟.
The primary purpose of the emergency plan is to equip ourselves with required resources and information for
prompt implementation of the actions. The Plan must be able to ensure that in the event of an emergency, the
source of hazard is controlled promptly and the damage to human life and property minimized.
The overall objective of a sound disaster plan is to reduce the possible consequences of the emergency by:
5. Contents of an ERP
An ERP shall be prepared installation-specific and for Level-1 responses and shall include the following
aspects, at minimum in the sequence as mentioned:
The scope of an on-site Disaster plan is to contain aspects that will help avert such emergencies and put the
industry back to normalcy very quickly after the emergency ceases.
The contents of the Onsite DMP may somewhat vary based on the Acts under which an installation operates
e.g. Mines Act‟1952/Oil Mines Regulations,1984 or The Factories Act,1984(as amended 1987).
As such, an Onsite DMP shall be prepared for level-II responses and in general, should contain the following
33 categories of information at minimum in sequence:
District Authorities are responsible for the preparation of Offsite DMP for the entire district taking information
from all the industries situated in the district. The offsite information that an industrial installation/process unit
of ONGC shall provide to the District Authorities, have to be included in the Onsite DMP also.
Hence while preparing the Offsite DMP information; following shall be detailed in a sequence:
i. Description of the unit within the installation/plant that has been identified to cause an Offsite
emergency scenario with the built-in protection system available to make it unlikely i.e. ALARP.
ii. Description of the Scenarios likely to cause an offsite emergency with their consequence distances
taken from the Risk Analysis report.
iii. The scenarios shall be depicted on the location map of the area where the installation/plant is
iv. The population data in and around the installation shall be mentioned taken from the latest censer
v. Details of Response actions that would be taken by the installation/Asset/process plant
vi. Details of actions supposed to be available from District Authorities are to be spelt out.
vii. The resources that can be spared by the installation/Asset/Plant for the Offsite emergency.
viii. The details of resources available under the Mutual-aid scheme entered by the
ix. The names of the responsible Emergency coordinators from the installation side with their contact
x. The Contact details of the district public departments from where assistance might be sought.
xi. The details of the offsite emergency information which are to be shared with the neighbouring
populations/villages and the Do‟s and Don‟ts for them to adhere, to save themselves from such a
Under an Onsite DMP, the response requirements and resources are supposed to be mobilized from within
the organization itself, i.e. the installations/Assets/Plants of the Company. However, experiences suggest that
in actual situation, the size of the disaster may normally be expected to be so big that the company‟s
Asset/Plant may have to go for external help. This is why „Mutual Aid Agreements‟ are necessary.
A Mutual Aid Agreementis a pre-arranged agreement developed between interested parties to render
assistance to each other at the time of crisis. It can be an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) or a non-
judicial agreement.
Mutual aid arrangements should be worked out in the Onsite plan to facilitate additional help in the following
fire fighting
rescue operation
manpower support
medical aid or
Rescue, fire and life saving equipments etc.
For an effective mutual aid scheme, the following exchange of information is considered essential among the
mutual aid members:
The type of equipment, that would be deployed and procedures for making the replenishment of
resources used in controlling emergency.
Written procedures which spell out the communication system for help and how it will be responded.
This is also required to get acquainted with operation of different fire fighting equipment available at
Mutual aid members and compatibility for connecting at users place.
Joint orientation program for staff, joint inspection and mock drills.
The agreement should bring out the areas of cooperation in such a way so as to augment the capabilities of
each other. Issues to be discussed and recorded are:
Consideration should be given to the turn-out methodology of external help that could be adopted for
emergency response at the time of crisis. This should be based on the capability and the type of help needed
by the affected industrial unit. Travel distance by the responder should be the key factor for such a decision.
Making an agreement with an industry unfavourably situated wind direction wise should also be weighed and
additional partners may be needed.
Periodicity of the meeting of all mutual-aid member industries should be fixed and conducted
Any exercise or an actual handling of emergencies should be detailed as far as the „lessons learned‟
is concerned, for the benefit of all members.
Periodic visits to each other‟s locations would help in familiarizing and assist in quick response.
A list of core-competency (list of experts) for different types of disasters should be drafted and be
utilized as the need arises during emergency operations.
Mutual aid emergency team should be well aware about the hazards & risk of plant operation &
building area
Regardless of the type of disaster plan (ERP, Onsite DMP or an Offsite one), its imperative to continually
review and exercise what the plan is supposed to accomplish i.e. the all-round preparedness to deal with any
There are various ways to practice a plan starting from a close-room desk test (or a Table-top exercise) to a
full scale on field mock exercise, to test the preparedness and thereby enhancing the response capabilities of
the installation, plant or an Asset.
1. A yearly plan (Format-I)should be prepared for conducting and recording the mock-exercises for the
various identified disaster scenarios with a clear mention of whether a particular drill would involve
mutual aid agencies or not.
2. The scenarios for such exercises should be selected from the high risk-areas and near real
approach of actual fire fighting / evacuation operations should be undertaken
3. Every such on-field mock-exercises should be preceded with a Table-top exercise involving identified
Emergency Coordinators and other key personnel.
4. Table-top exercise could be dramatized to bring in the near-actual seriousness among the
coordinators, as is expected in a real emergency situation. Knowledge of individual responsibilities
should also be evaluated through paper tests or personal interviews during safety competitions and
internal inspections.
5. The system of posting the observers during various mock-exercises should be implemented. The
critical areas where „Observers‟ could be posted include Emergency Control Room, Central Process
Control Room, site control room, Mustering stations /Assembly points/Evacuation centres etc.
6. There shall be Siren Sound Code for Emergency Alerting for different types of emergencies e.g. Fire,
explosion, toxic release etc. and the same shall be used during Mock-exercises also. Siren Codes as
mentioned in Table-1 should be followed, which has been devised in line with OISD-STD-116. Siren
codes shall be displayed in all the prominent locations in the installation/plant and should be the part
of all safety briefings and training programs.
7. The mock-exercises should be planned in such a way to include both during and after office hour
situations, as well as during late night and early morning hours.
8. The mock-exercises may be broadcasted in advance keeping certain elements secret e.g. exact
timings, location of the exercise etc. Total surprise exercises may be resorted to only after taking into
account the complexity of the operation and the level of integration between process units.
9. Every Mock-exercise shall be followed by a “Post-Mock-drill meeting” and all the emergency
coordinators including the Incident Controller and other key personnel shall be present. The
observers shall describe their findings at the meeting. Both Note-worthy points and the shortcomings
shall be discussed.
10. The lapses including those corresponding to the responses, identified during all such exercises shall
be recorded in a prescribed format (Format-II) and the results should then be used to revise the plan
to address those inadequacies, and the cycle should then be repeated until the preparedness
reaches the adequate and acceptable level.
11. The preparedness should also be checked through periodic auditing from time to time initially through
frequent checks and pre-checks (both regular and surprise) and mainly through such Mock-
12. Training of Emergency Response Teams should also be necessary to perform adequately in an
13. Internal & External Emergency phone numbers to be displayed at prominent places & intranet of that
Note: Refer approved ERP/DMP/CDMP documents & Refer ERDMP of PNGRB for
facilities under PNGRB ( Annexed)
Chapter – 12
Chapter – 12
The investigation findings should be retained for 5 years for
possible use in next hazard analysis update.
Chapter – 12
1. General:
The purpose of this procedure is to define methods of reporting, investigating and analyzing incidents
(accidents and near misses) so that corrective actions can be taken to prevent recurrence. It also
references methods of distributing lessons learned.
2. Definitions
2.1 Incident: work-related event(s) in which an injury or ill health (regardless of severity)
or fatality occurred or could have occurred.
NOTE 1: An accident is an incident which has given rise to injury, ill health or
NOTE 2: An incident where no injury, ill health, or fatality occurs may also be
referred to as a “near-miss” or “dangerous occurrence”.
NOTE 3: An emergency situation is a particular type of incident.
2.2 Health: Identifiable, adverse physical or mental condition arising from and /or made
worse by a work activity and/ or work-related situation. (Source OHSAS
Chapter – 13
Chapter – 13
AUDIT COVERAGE Facility audit selection should consider common features (i.e., field
supervisors, regulatory districts, facility design, systems and
equipment, office management, etc) to obtain a cross section of
practices for the facilities operated.
AUDIT PLAN A written plan should be developed that is designed to be flexible in
order to permit change based on audit information gathered and
also permit effective use of resources. The plan should include:
a. Objectives and scope
b. Audit criteria
c. Identification of audit team
d. Identification of facilities to be audited
e. Identification of program elements to be audited
f. Procedures to be used in the audit
g. Confidentiality requirements
h. Report contents and format with expected date of issue and
planned distribution.
AUDIT FREQUENCY The first audit should be accomplished within 2 years of initial
management program implementation. Audit intervals should not
exceed 4 years.
AUDIT TEAM Personnel from within/without the organization may be used. The
audit should be conducted by one or more persons knowledgeable
in the process involved and other specialties as necessary.
AUDIT REPORT An audit report should be prepared that addresses topics in the
audit plan. The report will contain the findings and be signed and
dated by the team.
Chapter – 13
2. Definition of Audit:
A HSE audit subjects each area of a company‟s HSE activity to a
systematic and very critical examination. Every single
component/element of the system of HSE management is
examined to verify its effectiveness, to assess performance and to
reveal shortcomings. In this way strengths and weaknesses are
disclosed and areas of vulnerability are highlighted with the
overall objective of determining the true state of safety within the company and thus minimizing the potential for
loss to occur
3. What is System?
The term system is used through the audit to mean an established way of carrying out the activity being
examined. Whenever this term is used, the auditor should determine that responsible persons are identified, the
work to be done is clearly defined, communicated and understood through procedures, management policies,
practices, training, processes, plant layout & design, operating procedures, emergency plans, incident reporting
& investigation methodology, PPE standards etc that the work is being applied throughout organization.
In such cases it is sensible to consider the possibility of conducting a “ Rolling audit‟. That is conducted over a
pre-set period of time as per criticality of unit operation according to Risk Matrix of QHSE protocol, during this
time period the whole company is audited unit by unit. The criticality of unit and subsequent periodicity of audit is
determined as per API guidelines ie. Every unit is to be audited minimum once in four years barring criticality and
the methodology adopted in this regard .
5. Audit Methodology:
Preparing an audit plan with the consent of respective Assets/basins/Plants for their convenience for active
participation in audit process.
Opening meeting with Site/Unit management for smooth and success audit, as it offers both
parties a chance to make their impressions, clarify any questions and also to ensure that all
understand the audit process
o And also it helps to involve key personnel deemed appropriate
o Typically it would be 30 minutes
Conducting structured interviews with knowledgeable unit people, when conducting these
interviews, the auditor(s) should be constructive/objective in their questioning to ensure that
the system are formalized and consistently in place.
Closely examining technical reports and maintained records
Confirming the systems are in place by conducting a walk around inspection of the premises
and all operations
Close off meeting for the purpose of giving a preliminary general overview of the audit findings
Audit Report
The audit is also usually divided into elements and sub- elements or categories as per API-RP-75 and
ISO/OHSAS standards (HSEMP Elements)
Chapter – 14
Chapter – 14
Records and Documents
GENERAL A documentation system for the safety and environmental
management program should be established to ensure that
records and documents are maintained in a manner sufficient to
implement the management system. All records should be dated
and readily identifiable.
Chapter – 14
Records and Documents
A documentation system for the safety and environmental management program should be established to
ensure that records and documents are maintained in a manner sufficient to implement the management
system. All records should be dated and readily identifiable.
Various elements of the safety and environmental management program identify documentation
requirements. Documentation should be sufficient to describe the core elements of the program and the
interaction between the elements.
The following documents & records are to be maintained at the work place
Chapter – 15
Chapter – 15
1. Objective
Contractor, be a general contractor, self employed contractor, sub contractors (general / self
employed), form an integral part of ONGC‟s business operation.
Contractors are deployed on construction activities, development of new facilities, i.e. hooking up with
the existing facilities, O&M contracts, maintenance and repair, major / minor renovations, turn around
or specialty and general services in an around process equipment, laboratories pipelines terminals,
utilities and other petroleum and petrochemical facilities.
Therefore, proper interface of the contractor and their employees with our facilities and manpower is
considered the most vital element of a sound HSE Management System.
The objective of this chapter is to ensure a comprehensive and systematic contractor safety
programme to achieve the goals, i.e.
i. Safety and well being of contractor and ONGC employees are improved.
ii. Improved quality and productivity result from implementation of a comprehensive contractor
safety program which requires that workers be properly trained for their job tasks, are
familiar with their job requirements and conform to procedures.
iii. Fewer incidents result in more controled project costs and less need for regulatory action.
iv. The potential for damage to ONGC facility and contractor‟s equipment are minimized.
The bidding contractors understand the scope of work and meet the site and regulatory Health,
Safety and environment requirements.
C. Environment protection
Contractor shall take all necessary measures to protect the environment and shall observe and
comply with all governmental environmental regulations as well as company‟s and accepted
industry environmental practices as required for this work including safe disposal of waste.
ii. the potential hazards of the erection and the risks to personnel and environment have been
identified and appropriate controls provided;
iii. adequate provision is made for ensuring, in the event of a major emergency affecting the
installation, the safe evacuation and rescue of personnel and
iv. the statutory and Company requirements relating to safety and pollution control measures
are complied with.
F. Safety Audits
Contractor shall within 30 days of commencement of contract and also once every three months
thereafter submit a safety report to the Head HSE of the work centre with a copy to the Project
Coordinator. Contractor shall maintain a record of the relevant statutory and Company
requirements relating to safety and pollution control measures and compliance.
I. Training
Contractor should ensure that all the contractor‟s personnel have undergone the trainings as
For Offshore – Sea Survival, HUET, basic Fire Fighting, basic H2S and First Aid.
For Onshore – Mines Vocational Training, First Aid and Fire fighting
1. Well control training shall also be required for O&M contractor personnel for rigs (Installation
Manager, shift in-charge & asst shift in-charge)
2. Above trainings shall be mandatory for major and long duration contracts. For petty
contracts, orientation training shall be provided.
J. Permit to Work
Contractor shall obtain permit to work as per the statutory & ONGC guidelines and shall strictly
comply with all safety requirements of the work permit during permit duration failing which
company's representative will have the right to stop the work and all cost and time effect thereof
shall be to Contractor's account.
All hot works job in hazardous area shall be carried out in presence of the contractor‟s safety
officer, who shall be directly responsible for carrying out the hot work job in a safe and orderly
Verify that all mandatory training of contractors workforce with valid certificate.
Verify the availability of all required PPE and PME records of all working personnel and also
HSE documents of contractor.
Verify the fitness/test certificates by competent agencied for tools & tackles being used by
the contractor for execution of the job.
Scaffolding shall meet the required procure.
(A) Definitions: All definitions in this document are given in the corresponding chapters only
(B) Industry Codes, Applicable Laws, Regulations, Rules & Guidelines & References
Some of the acronyms which have been liberally used in the HSE MS document.( Abbreviations)
Chapter B
Chapter B
1.0 Introduction
The term Environment refers to the surroundings including air, water, land, natural resources, flora,
fauna, humans and their interrelations. If the environment is not protected, human life will be in peril.
The protection and improvement of the environment is a major issue which affects the well-being of
people and economic development throughout the world.
The important environmental acts and rules pertaining to ONGC operations are:
The Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972 amended in 1993 and The Wild Life (Protection)
Amendment Act, 2002.
The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, amended 1998
The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977 amended 1992 and The Water
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess (Amendment) Act, 2003
The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 amended 1987
Chemical accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996 and
subsequent amendments.
The Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 2001 and subsequent amendments.
The Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling and Tran boundary Movement) Rules,2008
The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act” was enacted on 23 rd March 1974. The original act
provides for control of water pollution of Rivers and wells. The act was amended in 1978 and the amended act
brought under its purview all discharge made into public sewers and land.
The act has defined Pollution as “Water Pollution means such contamination of water or such alternation of the
physical, chemical or biological properties of water or such discharge of any sewage or trade effluent or of any
other liquid, gaseous or solid substance into water (weather directly or indirectly) as may or is likely to create a
nuisance or render such water harmful or injurious to public health or safety or to domestic, commercial,
industrial, agricultural or other legitimate uses or to the life and health of animals or plants or of aquatic
2.2 The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977 including subsequent
This act provides for levy and collection of cess on water consumed by persons carrying on certain industries
and by local bodies.
The act defines air pollution as: “Air pollution means presence in the atmosphere of any solid, liquid or
gaseous substance in such concentration as may be or tend to be injurious to human beings or other living
creatures or plants or property or environment.”
This is an umbrella legislation and the main provisions of the acts are:
a. It defines environment as “water, air and land and interrelationship which exits among and between
water, water, air and land and human beings, other living creatures, plants, micro-organisms and
b. It is applicable to whole of India
c. It empowers Central Govt. to take all such measures, as it deems necessary for the purpose of
protecting the quality of environment.
d. Industry shall comply with laid down procedures for handling of hazardous substances or preparation
by reason of its chemical or physicochemical properties or handling is liable to cause harm to human
beings, other leaving creatures, plants, micro organisms, property or to the environment.
e. In case of an accident / unforeseen event where discharge of environment pollutant is in excess of
standard, the industry has to inform it to SPCB.
f. CPCB / SPCB officials have powers to entry and inspection of an installation and can collect samples.
g. Contravention of the provisions of the act may attract imprisonment, fine or both.
2.5 The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991
a. State Govt. to categorize areas into Industrial, Commercial, Residential or Silence zones.
b. State Govt. to take measures for abetment of noise.
c. All development authorities to consider all aspect of noise pollution as a parameter.
d. Restriction on the use of loudspeakers / public address system.
e. Any violation to provisions of the rule shall be liable for penalty under the provisions of the act.
Note:- 1. Day time shall mean from 6.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.
2. Night time shall mean from 10.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m.
3. Silence zone is an area comprising not less than 100 metres around hospitals, educational
institutions, courts, religious places or any other area which is declared as such by the competent
4. Mixed categories of areas may be declared as one of the four above mentioned categories by the
competent authority.
* dB(A) Leq denotes the time weighted average of the level of sound in decibels on scale A which is
relatable to human hearing.
A “decibel” is a unit in which noise is measured.
“A”, in dB(A) Leq, denotes the frequency weighting in the measurement of noise and corresponds to frequency
response characteristics of the human ear.
Leq: It is energy mean of the noise level over a specified period.
(a) any installation which could be moved from place to place under its
own motive power or otherwise; and
(b) a pipe-line;
1. Environmental Clearance (EC)from Ministry of environment and forest (MoEFCC) for all offshore and
onshore oil and gas exploration, development & production projects (under category “A” of
Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 against notification dated 14 th September, 2006) except
Exploration surveys which are exempted provided the concession areas have got previous clearance
for physical survey.
4. National Board of Wildlife under MoEFCC for activity area falling under Eco sensitive Zone.
1 Consent to operate under Air & Water SPCB As per Water (Prevention &
Act respective Control of pollution ) Act,
SPCB 1974
Air (Prevention and
Control of Pollution) Act,
3 No objection certificate (for Drilling SPCB As per Water & Air Act
Rigs) respective
All the operating units (Installations/Rigs/Facilities) on land or marine jurisdiction of state pollution
control board that produce water /liquid effluent/trade effluent, stack emissions and generate
hazardous waste will seek independent or combined consents (Water consent and Air consent) and
authorization (CCA) from respective state pollution control board.
Project In-charge will be responsible for seeking above approvals and subsequent renewal of the
Project In-charge will ensure filing of timely return as per the periodicity laid down in consolidated
consent and authorization as well as stipulations, if any, prescribed by MOEF at the time of granting of
environmental clearance.
Each operating unit will submit its half yearly environmental compliance report along with monitored
data and statistical interpretations to the concerned regulatory authority (respective Regional office of
MOEF and SPCB) on 1st June and 1st December of each calendar year.
Environmental management cell: Each SPCB approved operating oil-field unit will identify and
maintain environment management organogram in accordance to the guidelines therein. The approval
conditions implies that the environmental management cell shall be setup to ensure implementation
and monitoring of environmental safeguards and other conditions stipulated by statutory authorities.
The environmental management cell shall directly report to the chief executive of the organization and
shall work as a focal point for initializing environmental issues. These cells/units also coordinate the
exercise of environmental audit and preparation of environmental statements.
Operational activities pertaining to exploration, drilling, production processing etc. have increased by
several folds and these activities often have impact on surroundings unless some environment
protection measures are planned well in advance. Incidentally oil operations in search of oil are carried
out in diversified geographical locations ranging from cold mountain area to hot desert and rain prone
areas/ marshy areas to coastal locations. Therefore interaction of oil field operational activities with the
environment is inevitable.
For oilfields environment protection, the guidelines have been issued by OISD vide “Recommended
Practices for Environment Protection in Upstream Petroleum Sector” (OISD-RP-201). The specific
features of the guidelines are given below.
Through these guidelines, attempt has been made to minimize the impact of oil exploration and drilling
activities on the environment. In this document, Guidelines for Upstream Sector i.e. oil exploration,
drilling, production and processing facilities have been developed. The text is divided into three
The scope of work covered in these Recommended Practices is divided in the following three
major activities of upstream petroleum sector.
Exploration activities
Production Activities
Sound environmental practices associated with hydrocarbon production operations & sound
field practices to be adopted for mitigating these hazards. The RP pertains to operational
coverage from well completion to production of crude oil, natural gas and natural gas
Onland Exploration activities in upstream hydrocarbon industry primarily involve Geophysical Survey,
Logging, perforation, reservoir studies and allied operations. All the significant environmental aspects
arising out of exploration operations have been considered for formulating code of practices. These
practices integrated with operations/ activities will help in making exploration an ecofriendly business.
Recommended Practice:
(i) Prior to undertaking any exploration activity such as survey shot hole drilling, it should have forest
clearance from concerned appropriate authority.
(ii) Ensure that the reccy report of the area under survey is in place. Location of shot hole points
should be decided in consultation with designated environment officer (duly identified/ notified by
project head) on the basis of reccy report.
(iii) Critical environmental aspects of reccy report should be conveyed to designated personnel for
strict compliance. In case of surveys through contractual services, it is to ensure that the
contractor should comply with the operator‟s guidelines on the subject.
(iv) Unauthorized movement of the people should not be allowed within 15 mtrs of operating area.
(v) Shot hole points should be reclaimed after cessation of the operation.
B. Generators:
Recommended Practice
(i) Generators should meet the existing standards as notified by statutory agencies.
(ii) Used up batteries should be sent for recycling or disposal at identified place in accordance with
the laid down procedure.
C. Shooting:
Environmental aspects are air borne pollutants including noise and human health.
Recommended Practice
(i) No blasting operation should be carried out between the hours of sunset and sunrise.
(ii) Before commencing shooting, adequate warning to public should be given by an efficient system
of signals like putting up red flags in the danger zone i.e. 55 meters from the place of blasting. It
should be ensured that persons and wild animals in the vicinity are properly in safe zone.
(iii) If shots are being fired in the vicinity of public places and human settlement, adequate
precautions should be taken to prevent impact on public & property.
General Guidelines
(i) Electrical fitting and utilities should be secured in a manner so as not to pose any danger of
electrocution to the wild animals.
(ii) Hazardous waste (discarded explosives, lubricants, chemicals etc.) should not be dumped as
such as it may pose threat to fauna and flora of the surroundings. These wastes should be
disposed at an identified place.
(iii) For constructing camp site and survey sites, felling of trees should be avoided. In case, felling of
trees is essential for constructing survey sites, compensatory afforestation should be undertaken.
(iv) Underground and above ground utilities should be avoided while carrying out survey operations.
(v) Any natural system like grasslands, mangroves, water body etc. around the area of activities of
geophysical survey should not be contaminated with any effluent and waste generated during
operational activities.
(vi) Wildlife, habitats and biosphere reserves should be protected from the geophysical survey
activities as per guidelines laid down in EIA 1994 notification and subsequent modifications
(vii) During land survey operations before entering into thick forest area, a din of sound from drum
should be made to drive away the wild animals.
(viii) Two tier communication system should be in place.
(ix) Standards on health and sanitation should be followed as per prevalent Indian Standards.
3.1.2 Logging
Environmental aspects are spillage of hydrocarbon and drilling fluid, radioactive emissions, human
Recommended Practice
(i) The well should be filled properly with well conditioned mud so as to overbalance the bottom
hole pressure in conformity with Geo-technical order.
(ii) No leakage should be permitted through wire line BOP while carrying out production logging
(iii) The seal of radioactive sources should withstand test of temperature, external pressure,
impact, vibration and puncture. For test, requirements of standards laid down in AFRB/SS-3
1990 or IS-2919 (1980) should be followed.
(iv) In case of loss of radioactive source in the well bore, frequent checks for radioactive
contamination of the surrounding should be made during fishing operations. Further, if
emission level is found above the permissible limit, BARC Guidelines should be followed for
(v) If the radioactive source is not retrieved, it should be immobilized and sealed in place with
cement plug. Height or length of cement plug should be in accordance with stipulated
3.1.3 Use of Explosives for Well Perforation
Environmental aspects are noise, spillage of hydrocarbon and subdued fluid and fire.
Recommended Practice
(i) When perforation is being done through the tubing a wire line blowout preventer should also
be installed so that in case of a kick, the well can be closed with the perforation wireline tool in
the hole.
(ii) Storage and handling of explosives at well site should be done in accordance with Indian
Explosive Rule 1983 and local rules if any.
(iii) Any mechanical impact or interference on explosive components should be avoided.
(iv) Discarded and faulty explosives should not be thrown and to be disposed of at an identified
(v) Transportation of explosives should be done in accordance with Indian Explosives Rules
(vi) Location of magazine for storing the explosives should be chosen as per the guidelines laid in
Indian Explosives Rules.
Recommended Practice
(i) An area within 30 meters of the well should be treated as danger zone and no smoking or
open flame be permitted within the danger zone.
(ii) All electrical equipment within the danger zone should be de-energized.
3.1.5 Laboratories
Environmental aspects are draining of tested and left over hydrocarbon and other samples, chemical
fumes, waste chemicals and containers, fire and explosion.
Recommended Practice
(i) Left over crude oil samples and tested samples should be collected in container and be disposed
in identified oil sumps.
(ii) Other used chemicals should be collected in a separate container and not to be drained in the sink
of laboratory.
(iii) Electrical lights and fittings in laboratory should be flame proof.
(iv) Laboratory should be properly ventilated.
(v) Safety data sheet of chemicals being used in laboratory should be kept readily available.
(vi) Effluent from laboratory should not go to storm water channel. Such effluent should be subjected
to effluent treatment plant.
(vii) Before disposing of spent chemicals, these chemicals should be neutralized suitably. Suitable
disposal site should be identified.
(viii) Oxidizing chemicals should be stored away from flammable material.
(ix) Cylinder containing flammable gases and toxic gases should be kept separately and suitably
partitioned by a wall.
(x) Appropriate protective gears should be used while handling hazardous chemicals.
3.2 Drilling Operations
Drilling operations are carried out to find hydrocarbons (Exploratory drilling) to delineate a discovered
reserve, to develop a reservoir for production, for injection, for EOR and for disposal purposes. Land
drilling operations are carried out with full regard for preservation of environment in such diverse
conditions and metropolitan cities, wilderness areas, barren deserts, wildlife refuges and tea estate
locations etc. Recommendations presented are based on such wide ranging and extensive industry
Environmental Aspects are Disposal of hazardous waste, discharge of effluent, emissions to air
and generation of noise
Recommended Practice
A. Land:
i) Top soil of the site should be stocked for site reclamation and restoration after the cessation of the
drilling operations
ii) Skid mounted tanks of adequate capacity should be provided in place of earthen pits so as to
minimizethe impact on land due to the construction of the earthen pits
iii) Provision should be made to store the drill cuttings at a suitable place within the drill site area for
drying and transit storage prior to its disposal.
iv) The approach road should be laid through barren lands wherever possible even if it results in
laying of relatively lengthy ones.
v) Acquisition of land for the construction of the approach roads should be on basis of the minimum
vi) Soil and other earthen material required for the construction of the roads etc. should be fetched
from barren lands.
vii) To resort to cluster drilling practices wherever applicable for minimizing the requirement of land for
drilling operations.
viii) Criteria for site assessment/ selection/ construction processes (viz. Public safety, Size,
Topography, Soil, Surface water, Ground water, Wild life, Vegetation, Cultural and historical
sources and Site selection
B. Water Sources :
i) Water of ponds/ streams to be used wherever possible. If water from local bore well is to be
extracted, the rate of extraction should always be kept below the safer yield level.
ii) To maintain the wholesomeness of the quality of ground/ surface water sources, a peripheral ring
bund of compacted clay should be provided in every drill site so as to control/ prevent spillage and
seepage of effluents
iii) Health, hygiene and sanitation facilities at drill sites/ drill site accommodation areas should be
maintained as per the existing standards on the subject.
C. Air quality:
i) All vehicles and construction equipment with internal combustion engines should be maintained
for efficient combustion to reduce vehicle emissions in order to comply with the standards of
ii) Water should be sprayed adequately during dust generating construction activities for dust
iii) Asbestos should not be used for any kind of construction activity.
D. Noise:
i. Vehicles and construction equipment with internal combustion engines should be provided with
proper silencers and mufflers in order to reduce noise levels.
ii. Ensure the use of protective noise gear by all the employees working near the areas which
produce abnormal noise levels.
Recommended Practice:
i) Before moving equipment to the location, all the machinery should be inspected and plugged,
drained or otherwise secured to ensure that fluids do not leak during transport.
ii) While moving in, transporters should place draw works , engines and other equipment in a level
position on the drilling location to ensure that no fluids leak while waiting to set the equipment in
iii) Liquids such as excess fuels, paints and thinners should be returned to the vendor and to ensure
that no leaks occur during transport.
iv) All vehicles should be maintained for efficient combustion to reduce vehicle emissions in order to
comply with the standards of CPCB.
v) Vehicles and other rig movement equipment should be provided with proper silencers and
mufflers in order to reduce the noise levels.
vi) Ensure the use of protective noise gear by all the employees working near the areas which
produce abnormal noise levels.
3.2.3 Drilling
Recommended Practices;
A. Land:
i) Leakage of drilling fluids should be avoided by resorting to the use of mud saving devices such as
pipe wipers, Kelly mud saver, drip pans etc.
ii) To use eco-friendly drilling fluid systems consisting of bio- degradable additives and chrome free
dispersants wherever possible. However, if chrome based additives are used, it should be
ensured that the concentration of chrome does not exceed the regulatory limits and a proper test
report/ record should be maintained
iii) All the left over chemicals and other materials should be properly refilled and transported to the
next location.
B. Water resources:
i) Reuse the water/mud collected from the periodic cleaning of cellar pit for drilling fluid preparation.
ii) Use water under high pressure for cleaning of rig floor, mud pits, mud channel etc. and use wiper
for cleaning of the drill string.
iii) No waste should be discharged outside the drill site premises.
iv) The waste water generated should be recycled for making up drilling fluid volumes, washing of
shale shaker screens, drill string and rig floor etc.
C. Air Quality:
i) Measures for vehicles and equipment with internal combustion engines as mentioned in
construction phase should be followed in drilling phase also.
ii) Ambient air quality monitoring for SOx, NOx, PM10, PM2.5, O3, Pb, NH3 & CO, Benzene, Benzo
Pyrene, As, Ni and HC should be carried out at intervals as per NAAQ standards and its
periodicity should be as per the guidelines of the respective SPCB.
iii) Exposure of working personnel in the operational area to various toxic gaseous emissions should
be as per the OISD-GDN-166 for occupational health monitoring.
iv) Fugitive emission of toxic gases like H2S should be minimized by taking appropriate design
measures for early detection, control and proper operational practices for which workers should be
trained wherever applicable.
v) During production testing produced gas should not be cold vented.
D. Noise:
i) Ambient noise levels should be maintained as per the MOEF notification no. 92, dated Feb.14,
2000 on the noise pollution (Regulation and Control) rules, 2000.
ii) Exposure of personnel to abnormal noise levels in the operational areas should be as per the
OISD-GDN-166 occupational health standards.
E. Waste:
The following are the types of the wastes.
i) Water contacting the drill site from nature and well site activities should be diverted to the
designated segment of waste tank. This can be used for other activities with or without treatment.
ii) Drilling fluid system should be designed to minimize drilled solid degradation.
iii) Use of diesel base mud is prohibited. Only WBM should be used for on-shore/ offshore oil drilling
operations. In case of any problem due to geological formation for drilling, low toxicity OBM having
aromatic content< 1% should be used.
iv) The chemical additives used for the preparation of DF should have low toxicity i.e. 96 hr LC50 >
30,000 mg/l as per mysid toxicity or toxicity test conducted on locally available sensitive sea
species. The chemicals used (mainly organic constituents) should be biodegradable.
v) Barite used in preparation of DF shall not contain Hg> 1 mg/kg & Cd> 3mg/kg.
vi) Drilling wastewater including DC wash water should be collected in the disposal pit evaporated or
treated and should comply with the notified standards for on-shore disposal.
vii) In case, DC is associated with high oil content from hydrocarbon bearing formation, then disposal
of DC should not have oil content > 10 gm/kg.
viii) The solid control equipment should function efficiently so that more undesired solids and minimum
liquids are removed from the drilling fluids. This will result in less liquid waste and more solid
waste which can be handled easily.
ix) Use of drip pans beneath rig floor with flexible hoses draining to cellar pit can avoid dirty water
and mud dripping on the rig sub-structure and location.
x) Usage of automatic shut of nozzles on all hoses on rig floor and wash down racks should be
adhered to minimize wastage of water.
xi) Review the specifications of mud additives wherever necessary so as to ensure the use of only
environmentally sound products in drilling operations.
3.2.4 Decommissioning
Environmental aspects are the disposal of various chemicals and all types of wastes.
Recommended Practice:
i) Removal or disposal of all material from drilling location such as chemical products, construction
material, pallets and other wastes is the joint responsibility of the operator, drilling contractor and
the service personnel. The operator has the final accountability for the condition of the
decommissioned site.
ii) All chemical drums or sacks should be properly labeled as to the contents including any safety or
transportation warning labels.
iii) Empty drums should be disposed of or returned to the vendor or sent to the companies that clean and
re-cycle the drums.
iv) Drill Cuttings (DC) separated from Water Base Mud (WBM) should be properly washed and unusable
drilling fluids (DF) such as WBM, Oil Base Mud (OBM), Synthetic Base Mud (SBM) should be
disposed off in a well-designed pit lined with impervious liner located off-site or on-site. The disposal
pit should be provided additionally with leachate collection system.
v) WBM/OBM /SBM used at offshore should be recycled to a maximum extent. Unusable portion of OBM
should not be discharged into sea and shall be brought to on-shore for treatment & disposal in an
impervious waste disposal pit.
vi) The waste pit after it is filled up shall be covered with impervious liner, over which, a thick layer of
native soil with proper top slope is provided.
vii) Drilling fluids should be transported and re-used at other locations wherever possible. Drilling fluids
should be disposed of by annular injection or natural/facilitated evaporation or burial or land spreading
or permitted discharge. The solids remaining after dewatering the pit need to be disposed of through
burial or trenching, land farming, land spreading, and offsite disposal at an approved facility.
3.2.5 Restoration
i) Ditches, dikes and containment walls should be leveled. Top- soil, whether stock piled at the site
or hauled to the location, should be spread as part of the final contouring. A productive top soil is
necessary for replanting.
ii) Reseeding and replanting of the location should be done with plants and grasses native to the
iii) Upon completion of the location restoration, a program of soil sampling /visual inspection and
record keeping should be established.
iv) If a water supply well is used and abandoned it should be plugged in accordance with applicable
v) In case of a dry well, proper abandonment practices should be followed and a record be
The on-shore hydrocarbon production operations are carried out in diverse topographical conditions
like forestland, barren deserts and tea estates etc. Activities in the course of these operations
comprise mainly of
Environmental Aspects
Installation phase of the above operation [Steps (i) through (iii)] does not involve
significant environmental aspects except noise.
Environmental aspects associated with production testing of the well [step (iv)] are as
(A) Development wells
Development wells are tested by diverting the flow to permanent installations that have adequate
facilities for handling of well fluid. Testing of development wells therefore normally does not entail any
significant environmental aspect.
Environmental hazards associated with production testing of exploratory wells are as under.
Recommended Practice:
(i) Well should be tested at a rate not above the capacity of gas/oil separator.
(ii) Separator should be sized to handle at least twice the anticipated production of the well.
(iii) In case of prolonged testing (more than one month), mist-extractor should be provided in
the gas stream of the test facility.
(iv) The following should be adopted to mitigate the heat & light radiation from gas flare
a) Minimum size of the flare pit to be 20 m x 20 m
b) Flare pit to be enclosed by a min. 12 ft high wall
c) Multi point ground flaring
d) Quantity of gas flared to be limited to maximum 7.5 MMSCFD.
(As per Director General Mines & Safety requirement).
(v) Well fluid collected at the well-site test tank should not be discharged to surface bodies
and be transferred to existing installations for further processing.
(vi) Monitoring of heat and light radiation should be done at the beginning of flare as well as at
the time of changing the production rate and any impact on environment should be
observed and recorded.
(vii) Flare site should be inspected everyday
Recommended Practice
(i) Pipelines should pass through less inhabited area preferably with less vegetation.
(ii) Construction of the pipelines in sensitive areas should be in conformance with
prevailing law & norms. Construction of GGS/CTF
Recommended Practice
Environmental Aspects
Recommended Practice
(i) In case of leak, spillage or uncontrolled release of hydrocarbons, emergency response planning &
execution should be fully complied as per the EMP.
(ii) Produced water disposal and injection facilities should be planned, constructed & operated in a
scientific manner. For saline & corrosive produced water, special care is to be taken. This should
be done as per applicable CPCB/SPCB guidelines.
(iii) Produced water should be disposed only after required treatment & applicable laws as per
(iv) Monitoring of ground water & surface water should be done monthly. Ground water monitoring
tube wells at an angle of 1200 and not more than 100 m. away from the disposal well should be
(v) The parameters to be monitored should be specified before commissioning of the installation.
(vi) Solid waste disposal should be done in accordance with the Hazardous Waste (Management,
Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008
Well servicing includes deparaffination of tubulars by either mechanical scraping or chemical dozing,
well bore caving cleaning operation, measurement of well parameters in dynamic conditions,
swabbing and well enlivening operation. Well stimulation includes acidization, fracturing and water
shut-off treatment etc.
Environmental Aspects
Recommended Practice
(i) Chemical storage containers must be of robust construction and material of construction
should be compatible with the chemical to be stored.
(ii) Storage of chemicals at well site should not be for more than two weeks period.
(iii) Provision should be made to keep adequate and ready-to-use stock of such chemicals that
may be required to nullify adverse effects caused by any accidental release of hazardous
(iv) Properties of reaction products should be determined to ascertain the potential of their
hazardous impact, prior to execution of the job involving such chemical reaction.
(v) Necessary arrangements should be made before hand for collection and disposal of such
chemicals that may carry detrimental effect to the environment.
(vi) All piping should be tested hydraulically to 1.5 times their working pressure before they are
pressurized with nitrogen.
(vii) All solids generated during caving cleaning operation should be collected in a sump. Disposal
of hazardous substances should be done in accordance with the Hazardous Waste
(Management and Handling) Rules, 1989, Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling)
Amendment Rules, 2000, No.13, January 6, 2000 of MOEF and subsequent amendments
(viii) All safety equipment to be periodically checked and tested as per norms and guidelines.
Workover operations include recompletion, preparation for stimulation, well bore caving cleaning,
repair of casing, re-entry, fishing, isolation repair, downhole parameters measurement etc.
Environmental Aspects
Recommended Practice
Enhanced oil recovery includes water flooding, polymer flooding, surfactant flooding, steam flooding,
microbial recovery, in-situ combustion etc.
Environmental aspects
Recommended Practice
Recommended Practice
(i) Spill Prevention Control & Counter Measure (SPCC) plan to be made.
(ii) Spill potential to be determined.
(iii) Contingency & shutdown plans to be made to cope up with disasters.
(iv) Spill control & containment should be considered at the design & construction stage itself as
per the applicable law.
(v) Adequate spill control & containment equipment to be kept in readiness.
(vi) Cleanup procedure should be developed & included in the emergency management plan.
(vii) Mock drill to be carried out.
(viii) Training especially for spill control to be imparted to operating personnel.
(ix) Prevention control, containment & cleanup procedures should be revised & updated to make
them more effective for future response.
Recommended Practice
The potential impact depends primarily on the material, its concentration after release, and the
biotic community that is exposed. Some environmental risks may be significant, while others
are oflow significant risks.
Bioremediation/ Incineration
Spent Oil Engines, Pumps, Change of oil Should be recycled
Compressors etc
Waste Oil Crude oil or lube oil mixed Accidental Spill of Oil spill related incidents to be
with soil. oil reported to state pollution control
board. The oil mixed with soil is
to be Bio-remediated prior to its
disposal in secured landfill.
Transformer Oil Transformer Change of The generated transformer oil
transformer oil should be recycled.
Lead acid Battery backup UPS,DG sets, Replacement of Used up batteries are to be
batteries Communication system used up batteries. returned to authorized vendors
Drill cuttings Drill bit Drilling Operation Disposal in pits with impervious
linings and topped with local soil
at each drill site or at a central
Unused mud Mud system Unused mud after Disposal in pits with impervious
linings and topped with local soil
drilling is over. at each drill site or at a central
place or to be used at some
other site.
Unused brine Drilling/ Workover operations Testing/ Workover Reuse
Noise and Moving equipment and Operation of Use of appropriate PPE. Periodic
vibrations motors equipment medical examination of exposed
Dust/SPM Drill site preparation Drill site Suppress the dust by water
construction of sprinkling. Use of appropriate
other construction PPE like Respiratory protection
activities. equipment.
Air born dust of Drill site During loading of Use of appropriate PPE like
chemicals chemicals in Respiratory protection
process of mud equipment.
1. Each installation should have adequate provision of storage of hazardous waste generated
during the process.
2. Each installation should be member of land fill site and incinerator as required for seeking
authorization of state pollution control board.
3. Installation should store the dry oily waste generated from periodic cleaning of separator and
heater treaters in a manner so that this waste does not come in contact with liquid or
semisolid oily waste or waste oil.
4. Installation should store oily cotton waste and oil soaked discarded hand gloves.
5. Installation should collect air and oil filters and pack these separately for transportation to
approved TSDF.
6. In case of oil spill, the oil soaked soil may be treated with technologies like bioremediation to
reduce the oil content to render it fit for landfill.
7. To deal with the oil contaminated soil generated during accidental leakages etc, management
of the installation should try to harness the technology which may help in recovery of oil as
well as soil.
8. Chemical sludges generated in the ETPs during physico-chemical treatment should be
collected on sludge beds constructed for the purpose.
9. The dried sludge should be stored in shaded storage facility packed in the bags. The dried
sludge should be disposed of to landfill as per the time frame and quantity prescribed in
authorization from state pollution control board.
10. The discarded filter media generated during replacement of used up filter media should be
dried and sent to approved TSDF.
11. The following hazardous wastes should be recycled/ reused by subjecting these wastes to
approved vendors.
Spent oil
Transformer oil
Lubricating oil from Turbines
Tank bottom sludge
Left over oil samples in laboratories
6.0 Waste Water treatment
Necessity of oily waste water treatment
As the oil production continues, its saturation slowly decreases and the water saturation increases which in
later stageproduced oil in the form of emulsion. The water associated with produced oil and gas needs to be
separated from oil & gas at surface before it is transported to refinery. The produced water is separated from
crude oil in heater treaters at production installation, where heating, chemical treatment & electrical methods
are applied. This water besides containing hydrocarbons in soluble, emulsified and free form, also usually is
high in suspended and dissolved solids. Hydrocarbons are considered among the most harmful pollutants for
various reasons such as:
- They are lethal to human, animal and plant on direct consumption.
- Some hydrocarbons especially polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are potentially
- They pollute the water and form a layer on the water surface and prevent the oxygen from
dissolving which is vital for aquatic life.
- The oil contaminated aquatic food if consumed by human being lead to health hazards.
- Oil directly kills some more sensitive species and increases the predominance of less
susceptible species thereby creating an ecological imbalance.
- Hydrocarbons kill the soil micro-flora which are vital to keep the soil fertile thus reducing its
fertility value.
- The oily wastewater sometime contains high concentration of dissolved salts. Such waters
reduce soil fertility and make it unsuitable for agriculture.
- If brine finds its way into the water resources, it renders the receiving water unpotable.
- Long term exposure of the hydrocarbons may result into gradual changes in the ecosystem.
It is thus, obvious that the oil-field wastewaters cannot be let off as such in the environment.
6.1 Standards for Effluent disposal for Oil Drilling & Gas Extraction Industry (CPCB)
The following standards for liquid effluent as per GSR 176(E) of Environment Protection Act, 1986, amended
in 1991 are to be followed. These standards laid down for disposal of industrial effluents are given below.
These standards are reviewed from time to time incorporating the limits of disposal of additional compounds
and increasing or decreasing the limits of various compounds depending upon their impact indicated by the
new findings.
pH 5.5-9.0
1. For on-shore discharge of effluents, in addition to the standards prescribed above, proper marine
outfall has to be provided to achieve the individual pollutant concentration level in sea water below
their toxicity limits as given below, within a distance of 50 meter from the discharge point, in order to
protect the marine aquatic life:
Parameter Toxicity limit, mg/l
Chromium, as Cr 0.1
Copper, as Cu 0.05
Cyanide, as CN 0.005
Fluoride, as F 1.5
Lead, as Pb 0.05
Mercury, as Hg 0.01
Nickel, as Ni 0.1
Zinc, as Zn 0.1
2. Oil and gas drilling and processing facilities, situated on land and away from saline water sink,
may opt either for disposal of treated water by onshore disposal or by re injection in abandoned well,
which is allowed only below a depth of 1000 m from the ground level. In case of reinjection in
abandoned well the effluent have to comply only with respect to suspended solids and oil & grease
1 pH 5.5 -9.0
2 Temperature 40°C
4 Zinc 2 mg/l
6 COD 100mg/l
7 Chlorides 600 mg/l
10 % Sodium 60 mg/l
B. Off-shore facilities
For off-shore discharge of effluents upto 12 nautical miles, the oil content of the treated effluent
without dilution shall not exceed 40 mg/l for 95% of the observation and shall never exceed 100 mg/l.
However discharge of effluents beyond 12 nautical miles, the oil content of the effluent without
dilution shall not exceed 15 mg/l as per MARPOL convention 1973. Three 8 hourly grab samples are
required to be collected daily and the average value of oil and grease content of the three samples
should comply with these standards.
The upstream petroleum industry employs both surface and subsurface disposal options for produced waters
depending upon the surrounding environmental conditions of the concerned oilfield. When wastewater is
discharged into onshore freshwater locations, both the hydrocarbon and dissolved solids concentrations must
be low. Because of the high cost of removing dissolved solids, surface discharge of wastewater is generally
possible only if the initial dissolved solids concentration of the water is low. For surface discharge of
wastewater, the waters are treated to remove hydrocarbons and the rapid mixing and dilution of discharged
water makes their impact on the surrounding environment as negligible.
The most preferred discharge option practiced in upstream petroleum industry is subsurface disposal through
wells. The disposal wells either drilled fresh or old abandoned oil wells are converted into disposal wells.
Disposal wells must be completed in a formation that
is permeable and porous
has low pressure
has large storage volume and
is geologically isolated from any fresh water aquifers
Reuse of produced water for reservoir pressure maintenance by sub-surface water injection is one of the best
options to minimize the disposal costs. An important factor affecting the success of sub-surface injection of oil-
field wastewater is the quality of water being injected.
The water, therefore, should be treated and conditioned before injection. Water quality refers to overall
treatment, particularly filtration necessary to provide water that can be injected over an extended period of
time. Extent of treatment depends on the formation that will receive the water.
Quality Requirement for Sub-Surface Effluent Injection/Disposal:
Water quality for sub-surface injection or disposal is usually defined in terms of plugging tendency of water.
Despite numerous attempts to correlate water quality parameters with reservoir rock properties, it is not
possible to quantitatively predict the minimum water quality required for trouble free injection/disposal into the
given formation.
Monitoring of Sub-surface Effluent Injection/Disposal:
Regular quality monitoring of treated effluent is required for injection/disposal of large quantity of water into the
formation through identified wells. Periodically Tubing Head Pressure (THP) and Casing Head Pressure (CHP)
of each well are also monitored to ensure that disposal effluent is being arrested in the identified zone only.
Definition: Air Pollution is defined as the presence in the outdoor atmosphere of one or more contaminants in
quantities and duration that can injure human, plant or animal or property (materials) or which unreasonably
interferes with the enjoyments of life or the conduct of business.
The five major types of pollutants of immediate concern to life on the earth are
Particulate matter
Carbon monoxide
Oxides of sulphur
Oxides of Nitrogen
Air Monitoring:
Stack monitoring and ambient air monitoring of the installation is necessary as per the stipulated condition in
air consent.
Ambient Air Monitoring
It shall be carried out at the prescribed frequency and by the agency internal or third party as
prescribed by state pollution control board.
The return of the air monitoring shall be submitted to state pollution control board as per the defined
time scale.
Ambient air quality monitoring should be carried out at the frequency rate and by agencies as
prescribed in air consent from state pollution control board
Stack Monitoring:
Each stack meant to vent flue gases and as identified in air consent should have provision of
collection of flue gas sample.
If the height of the sample port is more than the 1.8 meters, then the sampling platform should be
provided with adequate railing.
Flare stack
Each flare stack should have knock out drum type facility to prevent carrying over of crude in the
In case flaring of natural gas having hydrogen sulphide as in-situ combustion plants/installations,
provision of either stripping of hydrogen sulphide or perfect flaring ensuring conversion of hydrogen
sulphide to sulphur dioxide should be ensured.
Cold Venting of gases shall never be resorted to and all the gaseous emissions are to be flared.
All flaring shall be done by elevated flares except where there is any effect on crop production in
adjoining areas due to the flaring. In such cases, one may adopt ground flaring.
In case of ground flare, to minimize the effects of flaring, the flare pit at Group Gathering
Station(GGS)/Oil Collecting Station(OCS) and Group Collection Station(GCS) shall be made of RCC
surrounded by a permanent wall (made of refractory brick) of minimum 5m height, to reduce the
radiation and glaring effects in the adjoining areas.
A green belt of 100 m width may be developed around the flare after the refractory wall in case of
ground flaring.
If the ground flaring with provision of green belt is not feasible, enclosed ground flare system shall be
adopted, and be designed with proper enclosure height, to meet the ground level concentration (GLC)
In case of elevated flaring, the minimum stack height shall be 30m. Height of the stack shall be such
that the max. GLC never exceeds the prescribed ambient air quality limit.
Burning of effluent in the pits shall not be carried out at any stage.
Significance of air quality monitoring (AQM)
AQM is a programmed, long term assessment of pollutant levels at various locations within a defined area
Programme includes-
8.0Noise Pollution:
Noise is an airborne pollutant responsible for behavioral changes, Health and Performance losses.
Interference of noise with speech communication
High noise levels at drill sites causes interference in communication
At derrick floor, communication is must as team works
5. Derrick floor most vulnerable for accidents
Precautionary Steps
o Use protective kits like Ear Muffs/ Ear Plugs in high noise area
o Avoid long term exposure to high noise
o Keep equipment like rotary drum, rotary table, brake, tongs etc. well maintained.
o Mufflers/silencers to be kept in desirable working condition
o Appropriate maintenance of shale shaker
o Lubricate mud tank agitators
o Follow norms for working time in noisy areas
o Keep sufficient space between rest rooms and rigs
o Rotation of personnel
o Motivation and awareness for damaging effects of noise pollution
1. Drilling waste
2. Produced water
3. Accidental oil discharges
4. Site abandonment
Following factors contribute for Toxic impacts:
o A minimum concentration
o A minimum exposure time and
o A recovery rate that is sufficiently slow for the effect to be detected
Bioaccumulation and fish tainting
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and
2. Potential impacts from produced water
Major impacts to the marine environment from drilling waste generated by oil and gas operations
BOD and
Environment Management/ Inspection Checklist
Flare System
7 Height of stacks
Battery Rooms
Chapter -C
Chapter -C
1.0 Introduction
Occupational Health in ONGC is aimed at promoting and maintaining physical, mental and social well
being to the highest degree among its personnel by monitoring their health and the state of the
workplace so that a well placed worker contributes positively to the organization and to his family.
Occupational Health monitoring shall be applicable to Workers (Which include all regular employees of
the corporation, Deputationists, Tenure/ term based employees and Casual/ contingent workers) at all
installations and work centers.
The employee
Work Place Managers
OH Care givers.
1.3 Responsibilities of the Employee
Undergoing Periodic Medical Examination is Mandatory for all ONGC Employees. It is also the
key to a healthy and illness free life – For Details of PME refer to PME POLICY Office Order
50/2007 (Pl note that the procedure is modified after introduction of OH module in SAP in 2010)
Report HealthHazards to your superiors.
1.4 Responsibilities of Managers
Carry out wall to wall walk through survey of each and every workplace – Refer to Section 3.0
Be familiar with current TLVs – Refer to OISD-GDN-166, ONGC Occupational Health Manual,
OSHA‟s Website, OSHA Pocket Book of Chemicals and MSDS
All PME activities are now linked with SAP.
SAP authorisation is given to all regular ONGC Doctors, and select medical personnel.
Step by step instructions are given in the Occupational Health-Process guide Vol I (Doctors
Activities) –Refer to Annexure VI of this volume
Steps involved are:
- Issue Call letters to the individual through SAP.
- When he/she reports to the OH, get the PME format (Annexure XI) filled in by the
employee and assist if required.
- Issue SAP note for Investigations (listed in Annex III) to be done in an authorized Lab
(for selection of authorised lab pl. refer to Annexure V).
- Individual to report back with investigation reports or appointment given if reports are
sent directly from the lab to the OH Centre.
- Carry out Medical Examination in accordance with PME General Examination Protocol
(ref to Annexure IV).
- Enter all findings and Investigation reports in SAP.
- A summary sheet (page 9 of the PME format placed as Annexure XI) print out is to be
given to the installation head to file for inspection.
Keep a schedule for Potability of Water and send samples to a recognized Lab in the area
following proper water collection Procedures – Refer to FACTORIES ACT.
Issue Health alertswhen necessary
Impart First Aid training at regular intervals so that 10 % of any shift are certified and trained
First Aiders.
Note: For details refer Occupational Health Manual
Control Page
Chief HSE,
Corporate Health, Safety and Environment
8th Floor, SCOPE Minar, South Tower,
Laxminagar, New Delhi - 110092
Phone: 22406020 & Fax : 22406681