Dyslipidaemia in Nephrotic Syndrome: Mechanisms and Treatment
Dyslipidaemia in Nephrotic Syndrome: Mechanisms and Treatment
Dyslipidaemia in Nephrotic Syndrome: Mechanisms and Treatment
Glycocalyx affects lipoprotein(a) catabolism, possibly owing to the development of nephrotic syndrome41. However, the
Layer of glycoproteins and competition between lipoprotein(a) and ApoE for the finding that ApoC‑II may contribute to a new form of
sugar moieties surrounding the same receptors28. The levels of both IDL and VLDL are amyloidosis that primarily affects the kidney in humans
outer surface of the cell increased in patients with nephrotic syndrome, primar- is once more challenging the cause and effect relationship
membrane of some bacteria,
epithelia and other cells.
ily owing to defective LPL activity and decreased hepatic between ApoC‑II and nephrotic syndrome42. A potential
lipase activity21. For decades, the dogma was that LPL, role for ApoA‑V in nephrotic syndrome should also be
which contains positively charged heparin-binding investigated further, as the level of ApoA‑V is higher in
domains, binds to negatively charged heparin sulfate pro- patients with diabetes and proteinuria than in patients
teoglycans in the glycocalyx coating of blood vessels29,30. with diabetes without proteinuria43.
However, it is now established that the binding of LPL to
heparan sulfate proteoglycans on endothelial cells occurs Cholesterol metabolism: the role of LDL and HDL.
via endothelium-derived glycosylphosphatidylinositol- Both enhanced production and impaired catabolism of
anchored HDL-binding protein 1 (GPIHBP1) 31 . LDL contribute to the increased LDL and cholesterol
Interestingly, GPIHBP1 is downregulated in patients levels observed in patients with nephrotic syndrome. In
with nephrotic syndrome32. Furthermore, the loss of LPL addition, increased expression of proprotein convertase
activators in patients with nephrotic syndrome is associ subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) results in increased deg-
ated with increased glomerular basement membrane radation of the LDL receptor and decreased LDL uptake
permeability, resulting in hyperlipidaemia33. In addition by the liver44,45. Genetic ablation of podocytes in mice and
to downregulation of LPL activity, nephrotic syndrome treatment of mice with nephrotoxic serum cause hyper-
is also characterized by downregulation of hepatic lipase cholesterolaemia and lead to increased levels of PCSK9
activity, which contributes to decreased clearance of IDL (REFS 45,46). Interestingly, hepatocyte-specific dele-
and hypertriglyceridaemia. Furthermore, upregulation of tion of PCSK9 protects mice from nephrotoxic serum-
ANGPTL4 levels in nephrotic syndrome, which is driven induced hyperlipidaemia47. Furthermore, the elevated
primarily by circulating free fatty acids34, may inactivate plasma levels of both cholesterol and PCSK9 detected
LPL by converting active LPL dimers into inactive mono in patients with active nephrotic syndrome have been
mers35 or by acting as a reversible noncompetitive inhib- reported to return to normal levels upon remission of
itor of LPL36. The reduced plasma clearance of VLDL disease47. Hypercholesterolaemia and increased LDL
in nephrotic syndrome may be linked to suppression levels occur in conjunction with upregulation of the
of VLDL receptor expression, as was described in a rat expression and activity of liver acetyl-CoA acetyltrans-
model of nephrotic syndrome37. Fatty acid metabolism is ferase 2 (ACAT2), which results in enhanced esteri-
also altered in nephrotic syndrome, as there is increased fication of cholesterol and a reduction in the level of
expression of key enzymes involved in fatty acid biosynth intracellular free cholesterol48. Cholesterol synthesis via
esis, including acetyl-CoA carboxylase and fatty acid syn- 3‑hydroxy-3‑methylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA) reduc-
thase, and downregulation of fatty acid catabolism in the tase is also increased in experimental models of nephrotic
liver38. Triglyceride-rich, ApoB-containing lipoproteins, syndrome49. Evidence also suggests that LDL oxidation
such as VLDL, may have atherogenic properties and in nephrotic syndrome might be augmented by lipo
increase the risk of coronary events independently of protein(a)50, the level of which is increased in nephrotic
LDL39. The levels of ApoC‑II and ApoC-III are elevated syndrome 51. Accumulation of oxidized LDL, IDL
in patients with nephrotic syndrome40, although they and chylomicron remnants stimulates monocytes and
return to normal within 4 weeks after normalization of macrophages to release proinflammatory cytokines
the levels of urinary protein, suggesting that the elevated and chemokines and accelerates inflammation52, which
ApoC‑II and ApoC-III levels are unlikely to contribute to may in turn promote the progression of CKD.
Exogenous pathway
Endocrine system
Dietary for steroid hormone
fat synthesis
Muscle, adipose
and other tissues
LPL acids LPL
Bile acids
and Extrahepatic
Remnant tissue
cholesterol cholesterol
Reverse cholesterol HDL
transport pathway
LDL Cholesterol
Hepatic LPL
cholesterol LPL
LPL Triglycerides
Endogenous pathway
Figure 1 | The major pathways of lipid metabolism. Lipoproteins are the major carriers of lipids Nature Reviews
in the | Nephrology
circulation and
they participate in three major pathways that are responsible for the generation and transport of lipids within the body.
The two major forms of circulating lipid in the body, triglycerides and cholesterol, are packaged with apolipoproteins and
phospholipids to form lipoproteins. The major forms of lipoproteins are chylomicrons, very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL),
intermediate-density lipoprotein (IDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and they differ in
their size, density, composition and functions (detailed in TABLE 1). In the exogenous pathway, dietary lipids, which consist
mainly of triglycerides (95%) and some phospholipids, free fatty acids and cholesterol, are packaged into chylomicrons by
intestinal mucosal cells. These chylomicrons enter the lymphatic system and then the circulation, where triglycerides are
released as free fatty acids by lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity on the capillary endothelium. These free fatty acids are taken
up by the muscle, adipose and other peripheral tissues, whereas the remnants of chylomicrons are cleared by the liver. In
the endogenous pathway, the liver produces VLDL, which interacts with LPL in the circulation to form IDL, with the release
of triglyceride and free fatty acids. IDL is rapidly removed by the liver via the interaction of its apolipoprotein E component
with LDL receptor (LDLR). Furthermore, IDL forms LDL upon removal of triglyceride by hepatic lipase. LDL, which is very
high in cholesterol content, is in turn removed from the circulation by binding to LDLR in the liver and in extrahepatic
tissues. HDL is an anti-atherogenic lipoprotein or ‘good cholesterol’, as it captures the cholesterol from peripheral tissues
or other lipoproteins and transports it back to liver by the third pathway, which is termed reverse cholesterol transport.
Patients with nephrotic syndrome can present with properties55,56, and protects against endothelial dys-
variable levels of HDL cholesterol, although the ratio function by binding to scavenger receptor B1 to acti-
of HDL cholesterol to total cholesterol is frequently vate endothelial nitric oxide synthase57. In nephrotic
decreased53. HDL is the main lipoprotein involved syndrome, in addition to a change in the HDL
in cholesterol efflux from peripheral organs, as well cholesterol:total cholesterol ratio, the maturation of chol
as in the delivery of cholesterol to hepatocytes to be esterol ester-poor HDL3 to cholesterol ester-rich HDL2
converted into bile acids (FIG. 1). The principal role of is often impaired58, suggesting impaired reverse choles-
HDL is to promote cholesterol efflux, primarily via the terol transport could be a key component of nephrotic
membrane-associated transporters ATP-binding cassette syndrome and contribute to its associated vascular com-
subfamily A member 1 (ABCA1) and ATP-binding cas- plications. Although extensively reviewed elsewhere59,
sette subfamily G member 1 (ABCG1)54. In addition new experimental studies suggest that improvement
to the induction of reverse cholesterol transport, HDL in cholesterol efflux via ABCA1 is also associated with
also has antioxidant activities and anti-inflammatory improved proteinuria and renal failure in experimental
↑ Acetyl-CoA carboxylase
↑ Fatty acid synthase ↑ Fatty acids
↓ Fatty acid catabolism ↑ Lipoprotein(a)
↓ Lipase activity
↓ LDLR ↑ ApoA-I
Liver ↑ ApoA-IV
↑ ApoB
↑ LDL ↑ ApoC
↑ PCSK9 ↑ LDL ↑ ApoE
↑ ACAT2 ↑ Cholesterol ↑ ApoC-III/ApoC-II
↓ LDL uptake
Lipid nephrotoxicity
• Atherosclerosis
• Cardiovascular disease
• Thromboembolism
Figure 2 | Pathophysiology of dyslipidaemia in nephrotic syndrome. Alterations of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism
in nephrotic syndrome result in ‘lipid nephrotoxicity’ and other complications, such as atherosclerosis, cardiovascular
Nature Reviews | Nephrology
disease and thromboembolism. The major lipoproteins, including intermediate-density lipoprotein (IDL), very low-
density lipoprotein (VLDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and cholesterol are increased in the plasma of patients
with nephrotic syndrome, owing mainly to impaired clearance and, to a lesser extent, increased biosynthesis. Impaired
clearance is a direct result of decreased hepatic lipase activity and decreased lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity in the
endothelium and peripheral tissues, such as muscle and adipose. In addition, hepatic levels of proprotein convertase
subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) are increased in patients with nephrotic syndrome; PCSK9 degrades the LDL receptor
(LDLR), and is thus a major therapeutic target for lipid lowering. Furthermore, the composition and function of the
lipoproteins are also altered, with substantial increases in the plasma levels of apolipoprotein A‑I (ApoA‑I), ApoA‑IV, ApoB,
ApoC and ApoE, and in the ApoC-III/ApoC‑II ratio. The level of immature HDL in the plasma is also increased, resulting in
reduced cholesterol efflux, which occurs mainly via ATP-binding cassette subfamily A member 1 (ABCA1), in peripheral
organs, including in podocytes. Another major lipid abnormality in nephrotic syndrome is hypertriglyceridaemia, as well
as increased production and sialylation of ANGPTL4, which is driven primarily by increased circulating free fatty acids.
ANGPTL4 in turn suppresses LPL activity by either preventing its dimerization or by inhibiting its activity noncompetitively.
Hypercholesterolaemia and increased LDL levels occur in conjunction with upregulation of the expression and activity of
liver acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase 2 (ACAT2), which results in enhanced esterification of cholesterol and a reduction in the
level of intracellular free cholesterol. Cholesterol synthesis via 3‑hydroxy-3‑methylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA) reductase is
also increased in experimental models of nephrotic syndrome. Evidence also exists that LDL oxidation in nephrotic
syndrome may be augmented by lipoprotein(a), the level of which is also increased in patients with nephrotic syndrome.
Accumulation of oxidized LDL, IDL and chylomicron remnants stimulates monocytes and macrophages to release
proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines, and accelerates inflammation, which may in turn promote the progression
of chronic kidney disease.
models of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis60. Of note, to kidney disease (FIG. 3). Similar to atherosclerosis,
this last study challenges the long-held idea that impaired the effect of dyslipidaemia on decreased kidney func-
HDL function is a consequence, rather than a cause, of tion was first advocated as the ‘lipid nephrotoxicity’
proteinuria in nephrotic syndrome. hypothesis by Moorhead et al. in 1982 (REF. 33). In fact,
minimal change disease was also originally defined as
Lipoid nephrosis and foamy podocytes. Although ‘lipoid nephrosis’, based on the presence of foamy cells
the association between altered lipid metabolism and in kidney biopsy samples61, although the identity of these
proteinuria has been extensively studied, it remains cells (infiltrating macrophages or resident glomeru-
unclear whether dyslipidaemia actually contributes lar cells) has never been established. In addition, data
fact that many of the patients also had renal involve- Lipid nephrotoxicity
ment. Glucocorticoids also increase VLDL levels directly The lipid nephrotoxicity hypothesis was proposed
(via increased hepatic production) and indirectly (via more than three decades ago, and proposes that hyper
increased peripheral insulin resistance)79. Furthermore, lipidaemia, in addition to proteinuria and hypoalbumin
inhibition of calcineurin activity using immunosuppres- aemia, lead to adverse and injurious effects in kidneys
sive drugs can lead to hypercholesterolaemia, and this and may cause glomerulosclerosis33,84. This hypothesis
effect is more prominent with ciclosporin treatment than is supported by a number of observations, leading to
with tacrolimus treatment80,81. the theory that the renal toxicity of filtered albumin is
dependent on its lipid moiety85,86. Cholesterol and lipo-
Clinical consequences of dyslipidaemia protein uptake are essential for the development, survival
There are numerous clinical consequences of dyslipid and growth of mammalian cells. In fact, in podocytes,
aemia in general, and in patients with nephrotic syn- lipid rafts contain many elements that are essential for
drome in particular (FIG. 2; TABLE 2). Dyslipidaemia the normal spatial organization and regulation of the slit
can result in acceleration of atherosclerosis, as well as diaphragm87. Excess accumulation of cellular cholesterol
an increased risk of myocardial infarction or cerebro- and lipids might, however, adversely affect cellular func-
vascular accident (stroke). Furthermore, dyslipidaemia tion and lead to toxicity and injury in podocytes as well
in nephrotic syndrome might have a causative role in as other cell types. In addition, during hyperlipidaemia,
the established increased risk of thrombosis associated specific anatomical features of the glomeruli and renal
with this disease. Dyslipidaemia is one of the dominant interstitium probably make these the preferred locations
risk factors associated with atherothrombotic disorders. for lipid deposition in the kidney84.
Atherosclerosis is usually accompanied by hyperreactive
platelets that increase the risk of thrombosis, which is Mesangial cell proliferation. Within the kidney, the
further exacerbated by dyslipidaemia82. Furthermore, mesangial cells and the extracellular matrix within
the products of LDL oxidation enhance platelet activa- the glomerulus are most accessible to plasma lipo
tion and thrombus formation83. Dyslipidaemia during proteins such as LDL, as they are not separated from the
nephrotic syndrome is also clearly associated with an capillary wall by an intervening basement membrane.
increased risk of nephrotoxicity, which can manifest as Under normal conditions, mesangial cells take up LDL
progressive kidney disease33,82. This progressive kidney via a specific LDL receptor, and LDL is metabolized in a
disease might result from the development of glomeru- regulated manner. However, during hyperlipidaemia or
losclerosis, owing to podocyte injury and/or mesangial extracellular matrix expansion, excess LDL is trapped
cell proliferation, as well as from proximal tubular cell in the extracellular matrix, where it is subject to oxi-
injury (FIG. 3). dation, especially under conditions of mesangial cell
Of note, the presence of CKD, which often develops stress, such as inflammatory, mechanical or ischaemic
and/or progresses in patients with refractory nephrotic injury88,89. The oxidized LDL is taken up by receptors
syndrome, further increases the risk of many of the on mesangial cells, leading to the production of prosta-
complications, including dyslipidaemia (TABLE 2), as glandin E2 and other cytotoxic agents, such as tumour
discussed below. necrosis factor (TNF), which further damage glomerular
epithelial and endothelial cells, leading to sclerosis88,89.
In addition to LDL and oxidized LDL, triglyceride-rich
Table 2 | Consequences of dyslipidaemia in nephrotic syndrome or CKD
lipoproteins such as VLDL and IDL are also taken up
Complications associated Estimates of individual and additive risk for by mesangial cells, leading to their proliferation and the
with dyslipidaemia in complications occurring in different disease states release of several cytokines, such as IL‑6, platelet derived
nephrotic syndrome growth factor (PDGF) and transforming growth factor‑β
Nephrotic CKD Nephrotic syndrome
syndrome and CKD (TGFβ)89. In addition, the uptake of lipoproteins by both
Cardiovascular disease mesangial and endothelial cells is increased in the pres-
Atherosclerosis ++ + +++
ence of lipoprotein lipase, which is localized to the glo-
merulus90,91. Furthermore, increased lipid accumulation
Myocardial infarction ++ + +++ owing to experimentally induced inflammatory stress
Cerebrovascular accident ++ + +++ results in the production of reactive oxygen species
(stroke) and increased expression of endoplasmic reticulum
Progressive kidney disease (ER) stress m arkers, both in the kidneys in vivo and in
Glomerulosclerosis ++ + +++ mesangial cells in vitro92.
• Mesangial cell proliferation + + +
Podocyte injury. The podocyte is the primary target of
• Podocyte injury + + ++ cellular injury in nephrotic syndrome8, both in minimal
Tubulointerstitial disease ++ + +++ change disease and in focal segmental glomerulosclero-
• Proximal tubular cell injury + + ++ sis, and podocyte loss and hypertrophy have a crucial
role in the progression to end-stage renal disease. Lipids
and the proteins that regulate lipids have a direct role in
Thromboembolism ++ + ++ podocyte biology and pathophysiology via several dif-
±, minimal risk; +, low risk; ++, moderate risk; +++, high risk; CKD, chronic kidney disease. ferent mechanisms, some of which we highlight here.
Variants of APOL1, which encodes an important compo- Tubulointerstitial disease. Nephrotic syndrome is associ
nent of HDL and is expressed by podocytes, are widely ated with the development of renal tubular cell injury,
associated with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and and acute interstitial nephritis has been demonstrated
podocytopathies93–95. Furthermore, antibodies directed in animal models of nephrotic syndrome105,106. This
against secretory phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R), tubulointerstitial injury in nephrotic syndrome is char-
which is also expressed by podocytes, have been detected acterized by the infiltration of macrophages and T lym-
in many patients with membranous nephropathy96,97. phocytes into the tubulointerstitial space105. Of note, fatty
In addition, decreased expression of SMPDL3b has been acids bound to albumin might be the main contributors
observed in podocytes exposed to the sera of patients to tubulointerstitial injury in a protein-overload model
with recurrent focal segmental glomerulosclerosis75,98. of proteinuria85. Furthermore, several studies have
Several different free fatty acids bound to albumin reported lipotoxic effects of saturated fatty acids in prox-
have been shown to increase podocyte injury, by stim- imal tubular cell injury107–110 and stearoyl-CoA desaturase
ulating enhanced macropinocytosis by podocytes via (SCD), an enzyme involved in free fatty acid metabo-
lipid-binding G‑protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)99,100. lism, mediates the desaturation of saturated fatty acids
GPCR signalling leads to the triggering of the Gβ/Gγ and reduces the formation of lipid droplets and their
subunits and their dissociation, which in turn activate lipotoxicity to cultured proximal tubule cells107. In addi-
the RHO GTPases RAC1 and CDC42, leading to dis- tion, the renin–angiotensin system plays an important
ruption of the actin cytoskeleton and dramatic changes part in mediating ER stress in proximal tubule cells by
in podocyte morphology. Furthermore, compared to saturated fatty acids108. Another study has demonstrated
mice fed control chow, those fed a high-fat diet develop that the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor‑α
elevated levels of free fatty acids and an increased sus- (PPARα) agonist fenofibrate protects proximal tubule
ceptibility to adriamycin-induced proteinuria, which cells by inhibiting fatty acid toxicity mediated by nuclear
underscores the effect of free fatty acids on podocyte factor‑κB (NF‑κB)109. Furthermore, circulating fatty acids
function99,100. In addition, exposure of podocytes to bound to albumin can change the redox environment in
albumin and its associated factors, such as fatty acids, the tubules, thus inducing a peroxide-mediated, redox-
has been shown to induce cell death, disruption of the sensitive apoptosis in tubular cells110. Thus, these findings
cytoskeleton and injurious molecular responses, such as collectively provide evidence supporting a substantial
increased production of cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2) and role for direct lipid-induced cellular injury to both renal
several cytokines101. However, these injury responses are tubular cells and podocytes resulting from dyslipidaemia
attenuated when podocytes are instead exposed to fatty in nephrotic syndrome.
acid-free albumin. Of note, the role of arachidonic acid
in causing podocyte injury is highlighted by its ability Importance of dyslipidaemia treatment
to increase COX2 production when conjugated to fatty Lipid abnormalities in the general population are associ
acid-free albumin. The marked reduction in protein ated with a reduction in kidney function. In addition, a
uria in a protein-overload model of renal injury in rats strong relationship exists between hypercholesterolaemia
when the administered albumin was devoid of free fatty and the risk of coronary artery disease, and multiple clin-
acids and other associated factors further demonstrates ical trials have shown that a reduction in cholesterol or
the in vivo relevance of albumin-bound fatty acids and LDL in high-risk patients is associated with statistically
other associated factors101. In particular, palmitic acid and clinically significant reductions in cardiovascular
induces ER stress, apoptosis and necrosis in podocytes mortality111,112. Hyperlipidaemia is also known to esca-
in a dose-dependent manner, which is enhanced by fatty late the progression of glomerular injury, in part owing
acid oxidation102,103. Furthermore, the lipotoxic effects to accelerated atherosclerosis in the renal vascular sys-
of palmitic acid accelerate glomerular disease through tem (TABLE 2). Consistent with accelerated atherosclero-
inflammation, oxidative stress and derangements of sis, patients with CKD have an increased prevalence of
the actin cytoskeleton and decrease in the expression hyperlipidaemia and an increased risk of cardiovascular
of the NPHS1 gene, which encodes the slit diaphragm disease. Similarly, adults with nephrotic syndrome are
protein nephrin, in podocytes104. In addition, stimula- at increased risk of myocardial infarction (relative risk
tion of podocytes with TNF results in free cholesterol- (RR) 5.5) and coronary death (RR 2.8), compared to that
mediated cell injury in a nuclear factor of activated of the general population113–118. By contrast, although
T cells cytoplasmic 1 (NFATc1)-dependent manner60. myocardial infarction is extremely rare in children, a few
Furthermore, this cholesterol-mediated injury is also case studies have reported myocardial infarctions in chil-
dependent on ABCA1, which, as mentioned earlier, dren with nephrotic syndrome119,120. Given the high mor-
is a transporter responsible for cholesterol efflux from bidity associated with dyslipidaemia and the severity of
podocytes60. Together, these findings support a role for the dyslipidaemia that occurs in patients with nephrotic
direct lipid-induced podocyte injury in the pathogenesis syndrome, a clear need exists to prioritize aggressive
of nephrotic syndrome resulting from dyslipidaemia. treatment of dyslipidaemia in patients with chronic
In light of these results, future therapeutic interventions forms of nephrotic syndrome who do not enter remis-
to reduce the effects of hyperlipidaemia in nephrotic sion. Below, we detail the available evidence for the effi-
syndrome should not only include interventions to lower cacy of various treatments for dyslipidaemia in nephrotic
lipid levels and prevent lipid oxidation, but also those to syndrome in both adults and children, as well as future
reduce lipid uptake by glomerular cells. directions for treatment (TABLE 3).
Table 3 | Clinical trials and studies of dyslipidaemia treatments in patients with nephrotic syndrome
Treatment Action Outcomes Limitations Refs or trials
Conservative • ↓ Cholesterol • ↓ Hyperlipidaemia Implementation and 121–123
lifestyle changes • ↓ Apolipoproteins • ↓ Proteinuria patient compliance
(diet, weight, (small reduction)
exercise) • ↓ Triglycerides
Statins • ↓ HMG-CoA • ↓ LDL Limited number 125–131,139*,140*,
• ↓ Cholesterol of studies NCT00004466*
• ↓ Triglycerides (REF. 157),
• ↑ HDL NCT01845428
• Few adverse effects (REF. 158)
• Improved cardiovascular
outcome in CKD
Bile acid • ↓ Enterohepatic bile • ↓ LDL • Gastrointestinal 133
sequestrants acid circulation adverse effects
• Less effective than
Fibrates • ↑ Lipoprotein lipase • ↓ Triglycerides Meta-analysis found 112,134,135
activity • ↓ LDL a lack of support for
• ↓ Cholesterol fibrate efficacy
LDL-apheresis • ↓ LDL • Complete or partial Requires central 141*,142–144,
• ↓ Cholesterol remission of nephrotic venous access NCT02235857*
• ↓ Triglycerides syndrome (REF. 154)
• ↑ Response to • Few adverse effects
• Anti‑PCSK9 • Inactivation of PCSK9 • ↓ LDL Very expensive 44‡,
antibodies • Degradation of PCSK9 NCT03004001
• PCSK9 RNA mRNA (REF. 149),
interference • ↑ Hepatic LDLR NCT02314442‡
(REF. 146)
*Studies or trials with paediatric patients. ‡Not in nephrotic syndrome setting. CKD, chronic kidney disease; HDL, high-density
lipoprotein; HMG-CoA, 3‑hydroxy-3‑methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; LDLR, LDL receptor; PCSK9,
proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9.
The use of statins for the treatment of patients with treatment with gemfibrozil showed a small reduction
nephrotic syndrome has been less well-studied. Early in cholesterol and LDL levels, and a marked reduction in
studies found significant reductions in the serum levels triglyceride levels, in 11 patients with nephrotic syn-
of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, with lesser effects drome134. Another small study of 12 paediatric patients
on the levels of triglycerides and apolipoproteins125,126. with nephrotic syndrome who were randomly assigned to
Pilot trials of atorvastatin treatment in children with receive either gemfibrozil or placebo also showed lower-
nephrotic syndrome and pravastatin treatment in adults ing of serum cholesterol, LDL and triglyceride levels with
with nephrotic syndrome have been undertaken, but gemfibrozil treatment135. However, a meta-analysis did not
the results of these trials are not yet available (TABLE 3). support the findings of that study131.
However, a meta-analysis that included four randomized Nicotinic acid (also known as niacin) and ezetimibe
controlled trials comparing statin versus placebo versus are two additional agents that are used to treat hyperlipid
no treatment showed limited effectiveness of statins in aemia. Nicotonic acid inhibits diacylglycerol acyltrans-
reducing dyslipidaemia127–131. Only one of these trials ferase 2 in the liver, resulting in reduced triglyceride
showed a significant increase in HDL levels after statin synthesis136, which in turn leads to decreased secretion
treatment127, and no differences were seen in total serum of VLDL and LDL. In addition, nicotinic acid stimulates
cholesterol, LDL or triglyceride levels. Fortunately, as hepatic ApoA‑I production, leading to increased HDL
noted in other studies, statins seem to be very well toler- levels. Ezetimibe has a unique mechanism of action —
ated in patients with nephrotic syndrome and have a low it decreases enteric cholesterol absorption, resulting in
adverse effect profile. Unfortunately, however, very few markedly lower LDL cholesterol137. Ezetimibe is often
data have described the effects of statins on cardiovascular a last-line agent for treatment of hyperlipidaemia in
end points. Although statin treatment improved cardio patients who are intolerant to statins, due to its limited
vascular outcomes among patients with CKD who were vascular and clinical benefits138. However, neither nico
not undergoing dialysis132, there are no studies showing a tinic acid nor ezetimibe have been studied in patients with
similar benefit in patients with nephrotic syndrome. nephrotic syndrome.
into complete remission, and two of 11 patients (18%) inhibitor in combination with a statin, is ongoing
went into partial remission. Remarkably, all of the (NCT03004001 (REF. 149); TABLE 3). Interestingly, suc-
patients that responded to therapy remained in remis- cessful treatment of a patient with refractory nephrotic
sion at 10 year follow‑up. The mechanism by which lipid syndrome using a PCSK9 inhibitor has also been
apheresis leads to remission remains unclear, but pos- reported for the first time150. A practical obstacle in
sible explanations include direct effects associated with utilizing these agents is their tremendous cost, which is
improved dyslipidaemia, the removal of pathogenic vas- estimated at US$14,000 per patient per year151.
cular permeability factors and/or enhancement of the Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase (ACAT) inhibitors are
response to immunosuppressants62. One potential but another novel class of agents for the treatment of dys-
unexplored hypothesis is that lipid apheresis, by lower- lipidaemia. Studies using low-dose therapy with ACAT
ing the level of free fatty acids, could reduce or prevent inhibitors in animal models of nephrotic syndrome
podocyte damage and reduce proteinuria99. suggest that these inhibitors are also able to reduce
The prospective multicentre POLARIS trial in proteinuria while improving dyslipidaemia152. However,
Japan assessed the efficacy of lipid apheresis for treat- enthusiasm for these agents has been tempered by a
ing dyslipidaemia and inducing remission in patients large randomized controlled trial of avasimibe, which
with nephrotic syndrome. Initial results demonstrated did not demonstrate a favourable outcome in slowing
nearly 50% reductions in both total cholesterol and coronary atherosclerosis153.
LDL cholesterol levels during treatment143. A follow‑up The high cost and the need in most cases for central
paper144 demonstrated complete remission in 25% of venous access might limit the potential adoption of lipid
the 44 patients enrolled in the study, and reported that apheresis. One system of lipid apheresis, the Liposorber
an additional 23% of patients had partial remission LA‑15 (Kaneka), is being utilized in a prospective study
(defined as <1 g of urinary protein per day). Furthermore, for the treatment of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
a case report demonstrated the induction of remission in children (NCT02235857 (REF. 154)). This study is a
by lipid apheresis in an adult with rituximab-resistant post-approval trial mandated by the FDA after the LA‑15
nephrotic syndrome145. system received a humanitarian device exemption for
the treatment of paediatric patients with drug-resistant
Future treatment directions focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.
PCSK9 has a vital role in the regulation of cholesterol Despite the potential benefit of treating dyslipidaemia,
homeostasis and has thus gained considerable attention it is important to note that no agreed criteria exist for
in the context of lipid-lowering strategies44. Furthermore, a threshold of dyslipidaemia at which treatment should
PCSK9 levels are elevated in patients with nephrotic syn- be initiated for patients with nephrotic syndrome. The
drome, and are directly correlated with proteinuria45–47. Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes guidelines
Of interest, remission in patients with nephrotic syn- for management of glomerular disease state “treatment
drome correlated with decreases in plasma levels of both of hyperlipidemia in patients with glomerular disease
cholesterol and PCSK9 (REF. 47). Inhibitors of PCSK9, in should usually follow the guidelines that apply to those
the form of monoclonal antibodies targeting PCSK9, at high risk for the development of cardiovascular dis-
have been developed as a new class of drug to treat dys- ease.” (REF. 155). No definitive data are available about
lipidaemia, and have been shown to markedly lower LDL when an intervention should take place. Instead, the
cholesterol levels when provided either as a monotherapy potential benefits and risks of intervention or treatment
or in combination with statins44,45. PCSK9 promotes deg- of dyslipidaemia need to be considered on a case‑by‑case
radation of the LDL receptor in the liver, resulting in ele- basis. Most nephrologists would consider the institution
vated LDL levels in the blood. However, the monoclonal of lipid-lowering interventions in patients who remain
anti‑PCSK9 antibodies bind to and inactivate PCSK9, overtly nephrotic for several months. Interestingly,
resulting in an increase in the level of LDL receptors one small study of 40 adult patients who had relapsing
on the surface of liver cells, thus promoting LDL uptake nephrotic syndrome as children showed that the occur-
by the liver and its metabolism, which ultimately results rence of cardiovascular disease in this cohort was simi
in decreased LDL levels in the blood. A small inhibitory lar to that of the general population, suggesting that
RNA (siRNA) inhibitor of PCSK9 has also been tested in relapsing nephrotic syndrome during childhood does
a phase I trial to lower LDL cholesterol in healthy individ- not portend an increased risk of cardiovascular disease
uals (NCT02314442 (REF. 146)). The early results indicate as an adult156. As discussed above, although dietary inter
that treatment with this siRNA had no serious adverse ventions do not carry much risk, they also do not seem
events, and induced significant reductions in the levels to be very effective in treating dyslipidaemia in patients
of PCSK9 and LDL cholesterol147. with nephrotic syndrome. Statins have shown good
Given their efficacy in treating dyslipidaemia and the efficacy in the treatment of other disease states, and are
potential link between an acquired LDL receptor defi- generally well tolerated in patients with nephrotic syn-
ciency and the pathogenesis of nephrotic syndrome148, drome, but few, reliable outcome data exist for this patient
future trials to explore the use of PCSK9 inhibitors in population. Finally, although it is tempting to extrapo-
treating dyslipidaemia in patients with nephrotic syn- late findings from adults to children, it is important to
drome are warranted. One such trial in adult patients note that very few data exist regarding the efficacy or,
with nephrotic syndrome, comparing the hypolipid perhaps more importantly, the risks of pharmacological
aemic effects of statin monotherapy to those of a PCSK9 intervention among children with nephrotic syndrome.
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