Plant Control Design Handbook: 27LH2V 08 Apr 2013 / 7.0/ Approved
Plant Control Design Handbook: 27LH2V 08 Apr 2013 / 7.0/ Approved
Plant Control Design Handbook: 27LH2V 08 Apr 2013 / 7.0/ Approved
Plant Control Design Handbook
The Plant Control Design Handbook defines standards, specifications and interfaces
applicable to all ITER plant systems Instrumentation and Control (I&C).Plant system I&C
standards are essential for ITER to:Maintain all plant systems I&C after delivery
acceptance;Integrate all plant systems I&C into one integrated control system;Contain cost by
economy of scale (spare parts, expertise).This document is applicable to all ITER
Procurement Arrangements which include any I&C.
Approval Process
Name Action Affiliation
Author Journeaux J.- Y. 08-Apr-2013:signed IO/DG/DIP/CHD/CSD/PCI
Reviewers Thomas P. 10-Apr-2013:recommended IO/DG/DIP/CHD
Wallander A. 08-Apr-2013:recommended IO/DG/DIP/CHD/CSD
Yonekawa I. 08-Apr-2013:recommended IO/DG/DIP/CHD/CSD/PCI
Approver Haange R. 16-Apr-2013:approved IO/DG/DIP
Document Security: level 1 (IO unclassified)
RO: Chiocchio Stefano
Read Access LG: CODAC team, LG: PA project team, LG: [DOC] Baseline Managers, LG: heatings, LG: CDR -
Managers, LG: PA Schedulers, GG: MAC Members and Experts, GG: STAC Members & Experts, LG:
SCHEDULERS, LG: KEPCO E&C, LG: Reviewers, LG: QA DOC Editors, LG: [CCS] CCS-All for Ext AM,
LG: [CCS] CCS-Section Leaders, LG: [CCS] JACOBS, LG: CODAC team, LG: [CCS] CCS-Doc Control,
LG: [CCS] ITER persons to access Jacobs folder, LG: [CCS] F4E, GG: IO DDGs (and Senior Advisors), AD:
ITER, AD: Only-staff, AD: External Collaborators, AD: Division - Control System Division - EXT, AD:
Section - CODAC - EXT, AD: Section - CODAC, AD: Section - Remote Handling, AD: Section - Plant Control
and Instrumentation, AD: Section - Remote Handling - EXT, AD: Auditors, project administrator, RO
1. INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................................3
1.1. Purpose ...................................................................................................................................3
1.2. Scope .......................................................................................................................................3
1.3. Definitions...............................................................................................................................3
1.4. Related documents.................................................................................................................8
2. PLANT SYSTEM I&C DESIGN PHILOSOPHY....................................................................10
2.1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................10
2.2. Functional role of systems...................................................................................................10
2.3. Plant system I&C mandatory functional requirements...................................................12
3. PLANT SYSTEM I&C LIFE CYCLE ......................................................................................13
3.1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................13
3.2. Roles ......................................................................................................................................13
3.3. Lifecycle Phases ...................................................................................................................13
3.4. Plant System I&C Development.........................................................................................14
4. PLANT SYSTEM I&C SPECIFICATIONS.............................................................................21
4.1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................21
4.2. Plant System I&C Architecture .........................................................................................21
4.3. I&C Naming Conventions...................................................................................................24
4.4. Plant System I&C Software Specifications .......................................................................25
4.5. Plant System I&C Hardware specifications......................................................................34
I&C SYSTEMS....................................................................................................................................37
5.1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................37
5.2. Functional Interface ............................................................................................................37
5.3. Physical Interface.................................................................................................................37
6. INTERLOCK I&C SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................41
6.1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................41
6.2. Interlock I&C Architecture ................................................................................................44
6.3. Interlock I&C Naming Conventions ..................................................................................45
6.4. Interlock I&C Software Specifications ..............................................................................45
6.5. Interlock I&C Hardware Specifications............................................................................47
7. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY I&C SPECIFICATION ............................................................48
7.1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................48
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7.2. Occupational Safety I&C Architecture .............................................................................50
7.3. Safety I&C Naming Conventions .......................................................................................51
7.4. Occupational Safety I&C Software Specifications ...........................................................51
7.5. Occupational Safety I&C Hardware Specification ..........................................................53
7.6. Occupational Safety I&C lifecycle, and quality requirements ........................................54
7.7. Guidelines for PSS-OS design.............................................................................................54
7.8. Access safety .........................................................................................................................55
8. DEVIATIONS POLICY .............................................................................................................56
8.1. Deviations and Non-Conformances....................................................................................56
9. APPENDICES..............................................................................................................................57
9.1. APPENDIX-A: Codes and Standards...............................................................................57
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1.1. Purpose
This Plant Control Design Handbook (PCDH) document defines standards for all ITER plant system
instrumentation and control (I&C). These standards are essential in order to achieve an integrated,
maintainable and affordable control system to operate ITER. These standards are applicable to the
development process and comprise deliverables and quality assurance requirements as well as
catalogues of standard software and hardware components.
PCDH rules must be followed by everyone involved in the development of ITER plant systems I&C,
i.e. plant system responsible officers (RO), plant system I&C designers and plant system I&C
suppliers, regardless of their affiliation (i.e. ITER Organization (IO), domestic agency (DA), or
The ITER Organization develops, supports, maintains and enforces the standards specified herein.
Well established industrial standards, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) and open source products are
promoted, while custom-built solutions are strongly discouraged. Design choices and the prescribed
standards are based on independent market surveys, prototype activities, benchmarking and
PCDH is a living document, which is released at regular intervals throughout the lifetime of ITER.
Versions of standards and products are subject to updates and extensions as the ITER project
progresses. Obsolescence management is of particular importance due to the long timeline for ITER
construction and operation.
1.2. Scope
PCDH is organized as follows:
- Chapter 1 gives an introduction with definitions and references;
- Chapter 2 gives a brief overview of plant system I&C design philosophy;
- Chapter 3 specifies plant system I&C development process and life cycle;
- Chapter 4 specifies rules and standards imposed on the plant system I&C hardware and
- Chapter 5 specifies the interface between plant system I&C and central I&C systems;
- Chapter 6 specifies rules and standards for Plant Interlock System;
- Chapter 7 specifies rules and standards for Plant Safety Systems;
- Chapter 8 specifies deviations policy;
- Chapter 9 contains appendices.
1.3. Definitions
Throughout this document mandatory rules (or requirements) are enumerated and prefixed with
R. Other statements are guidelines.
Table 1-1: Paragraph identifiers, provides a list of paragraph identifiers used in this document.
AD Applicable Document
D Deliverable for a lifecycle phase
G Guideline / Recommendation
GL Glossary item
I Input for a lifecycle phase
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R Rule / Requirement
RD Reference Document
SD Satellite Document
S Operating State
TBC To Be Confirmed
TBD To Be Defined
Table 1-1: Paragraph identifiers
Paragraphs marked with TBD or TBC represent work in progress which will be confirmed and
expanded further in the subsequent releases of this document.
1.3.1. Acronyms
Following acronyms are used in this document. A comprehensive list for the complete PCDH package
scope is available in [SD19].
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IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IO ITER Organization
IS Interface Sheet
ISA International Society of Automation
ISO International Standards Organization
ITER International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
LAN Local Area Network
LCC Local Control Cubicle
LHS Local Hardwired Safety
LPF Local Passive saFety
LPS Local Programmable Safety
LTM Long Term Maintenance
MCR Main Control Room
MQP Management and Quality Program
MTTR Mean Time To Recovery
NS Nuclear Safety
NTP Network Time Protocol
OLC Operational Limits and Conditions
OS Occupational Safety
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
P&ID Process and Instrumentation Diagram
PA Procurement Arrangement
PBS Plant Breakdown Structure
PCDH Plant Control Design Handbook
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect
PDF Portable Document Format
PFD Process Flow Diagram
PIN Plant Interlock Network
PIS Plant Interlock System
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PON Plant Operation Network
POS Plasma Operation State
PS Plant System
PSE Plant System Equipment
PSH Plant System Host
PSOS Plant System Operating State
PSS Plant Safety System
QA Quality Assurance
RAMI Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Inspectability
RMS Root Mean Square
RO Responsible Officer
S-ICD System Interface Control Document
SAT Site Acceptance Test
SCC Signal Conditioning Cubicle
SDD Self-Description Data
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SDN Synchronous Databus Network
SIL Safety Integrity Level
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SRD System Requirements Document
STM Short Term Maintenance
TCS Test and Conditioning State
TCN Time Communication Network
tokamak (rus.) «toroidal'naya kamera s magnitnymi katushkami» (toroidal chamber with
magnetic coils)
UTC Universal Time Coordinated
XML eXtensible Mark-up Language
3IL ITER Interlock Integrity Level
Table 1-2: Abbreviations and acronyms
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1.3.2. Glossary
See [SD18] for a comprehensive glossary. Followed definitions are used in that document:
[GL1] Alarm – a condition signalled by a plant system as having a possibility to prevent it from
satisfying the operating requirements.
[GL13] Autonomous – ability to fulfil its own system’s objective without being dependent on other
interfacing systems (does not necessarily mean that no human is involved).
[GL2] Commissioning – a process of putting the plant system into service by means of adjustment
of the system elements to enable them to operate safely and efficiently.
[GL3] Cubicle – a duly protected cabinet housing I&C hardware components as well as power
supply and air ventilation facilities.
[GL14] Event – a condition signalled by plant systems as a result of plant system behaviour changes
resulting from conditions, process and plasma with or without prediction. Events may occur
in software or hardware.
[GL4] Inspection – verification that all instruments, equipment and cabling have been installed in
accordance with the design documentation and that the installation conforms to I&C
[GL5] Instrument – a device used for detecting, measuring or analyzing parameters of the process
or equipment.
[GL6] Instrumentation and Control – synthesis of hardware and software applied as necessary to
a technical process in order to attain the process’ objective.
[GL7] Interlock – one or a combination of preventive and protective actions for investment
[GL8] Investment Protection – protection of a system from material damage which would result in
significant cost or schedule implications.
[GL9] Operational Limits and Conditions – a set of rules setting forth parameter limits, the
functional capability and the performance levels of equipment and personnel safety..
[GL10] Plant System (PS) – an autonomous part of the ITER Plant implementing and responsible
for a given technical function.
[GL11] Safety – a condition of being protected from nuclear, non-nuclear (conventional) and
personnel hazards.
[GL15] Signal – analogue or binary state or command information that comes on a physical medium
from/to a plant system sensor or actuator to/from a control system signal interface or
[GL12] Trip – an automatic protective action against excursion beyond the defined limits.
[GL16] Variable – digitized representation of signals or representation of properties related to or
derived from signals. Once signals have been digitized in a signal interface, the I&C
controllers work with variables. By extension a variable can be any representation of data
used by I&C controllers.
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1.4. Related documents
1.4.1. Applicable Documents
The following documents, of the exact issue shown, form part of the documentation to the extent
specified herein.
[AD1] Project Requirements (27ZRW8 v4.6 or higher).
[AD2] SRD-45 (CODAC) from DOORS (28C2HL v3.0 or higher).
[AD3] SRD-46 from DOORS (2EVTP5 v3.0 or higher).
[AD4] SRD-48 from DOORS (2EBF97 v3.0 or higher).
[AD5] Operations Handbook – 2 Operational States (2LGF8N v1.3 or higher).
[AD6] ITER Electrical Design Handbook (EDH) - Part 1: Introduction (2F7HD2 v1.4 or higher).
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2.1. Introduction
This chapter gives a brief overview of ITER I&C System architecture before outlining the design
philosophy of plant system I&C and its main functions. ITER Instrumentation & Control primer
document [RD1] provides an introduction to ITER I&C system, CODAC system and plant systems.
Central Central
CODAC System Interlock System Safety Systems
(PBS-45) (CIS) (CSS)
(PBS-46) (PBS-48)
Figure 2-1: ITER I&C System – CODAC System, Central Interlock System, Central Safety Systems
and plant systems I&C
ITER I&C System – All hardware and software required to operate the ITER machine.
Comprises plant systems I&C, Central I&C systems and I&C networks.
Central I&C Systems – All hardware and software required to coordinate and orchestrate all
plant systems I&C, including plant-wide investment protection and safety functions and to provide
the human-machine interface (HMI). It comprises the CODAC System, Central Interlock System
and Central Safety Systems.
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Plant System I&C – All hardware and software required to control a plant system including local
investment protection and safety functions. Comprises Plant Control System, Plant Interlock
System and Plant Safety Systems. PCDH addresses plant system I&C. Plant system sensors,
actuators and signal conditioning devices are not in the scope of plant system I&C.
CODAC System – Provides overall plant systems coordination, supervision, plant status
monitoring, alarm handling, data archiving, plant visualization (HMI) and remote experiment
functions. Communicates with plant control systems using CODAC networks.
Central Interlock System (CIS) – Provides plant-wide investment protection functions.
Communicates with Plant Interlock Systems using Central Interlock Network. Provides status to
CODAC System.
Central Safety Systems (CSS) – Provide plant-wide nuclear and occupational safety functions.
Communicate with Plant Safety Systems using Central Safety Network. Provide status to Central
Interlock System and CODAC System.
I&C Networks – Provide physical interface between Central I&C Systems and plant systems
I&C. Comprises CODAC Networks, Central Interlock Network and Central Safety Networks.
CODAC Networks – A set of networks providing the physical and logical interconnection
between CODAC System and plant systems I&C. The functions of different CODAC networks
include distribution of commands and data exchanges, time and events, plus means of fast
synchronous communication.
Central Interlock Network – Provides the physical interface between Central Interlock System
and Plant Interlock System.
Central Safety Networks – Provide the physical interface between Central Safety Systems and
Plant Safety Systems.
Plant Control System – Provides local data acquisition, control, monitoring, alarm handling,
logging, event handling and data communication functions. Communicates with CODAC System
using CODAC Networks. Comprises plant system host and plant system controller(s).
Plant System Host (PSH) – Provides asynchronous communication from CODAC System to
Plant Control System and vice versa. Provides command dispatching, state monitoring, data flow
and configuration functions.
Plant System Controller – Provides plant system specific data acquisition, control, monitoring,
alarm handling, logging and event handling functions. Interfaces the Central I&C systems through
I&C networks and plant system equipment through signals and fieldbuses.
Plant Interlock System (PIS) – Provides Investment Protection functions for plant system.
Interfaces to Central Interlock System.
Plant Safety Systems (PSS) – Provide Safety functions for plant system. Interfaces to Central
Safety Systems.
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2.3. Plant system I&C mandatory functional requirements
[R1] Plant system I&C shall perform control of the plant system under the authority of Central I&C
systems during any operating state.
[R2] Plant system I&C shall comply with project-wide supervisory control functions and central
data handling functions (i.e. archiving, monitoring, logging and visualization) provided by
CODAC System.
[R3] Plant system I&C shall make available all data acquired from sensors/actuators, with a time
stamp, to Central I&C Systems for analysis, archiving, logging, monitoring and visualization.
The principle of “no hidden data” is applicable for all plant systems I&C; there shall be no
permanent local storage of data in plant system I&Cs.
[R4] Plant system I&C shall provide status information for Common Operating States (COS), Plant
System Operating States (PSOS), alarm conditions, trip conditions and corrective actions,
control system set points and power supply status information that is required to operate the
plant system I&C from Main Control Room (MCR).
[R5] Plant system I&C shall be designed to be configurable from MCR using its Self-Description
Data (SDD).
[R10] Plant system I&C shall be operated centrally from MCR.
[R11] Permanent local control rooms are forbidden. There are two exceptions to this rule: remote
handling and tritium plant.
[R12] Plant system I&C shall use Mini-CODAC as a tool for plant system software development
support, integration, factory acceptance test and site acceptance test. Mini-CODAC will be
complemented by certified tools for PIS and PSS.
[R15] Plant system I&C shall have built-in absolute-limit protection to prevent local control and
central control errors. Time critical devices shall have built-in time-outs to ensure correct
operation in case of Central I&C Systems failure.
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3.1. Introduction
This chapter specifies the plant system I&C life cycle and development process. For each phase in the
life cycle the required inputs, the methodology and rules applicable and the resulting outputs
(deliverables) are defined. Applying this development process will ensure that the plant system I&C is
fully compliant with PCDH and reference documents as shown in section 1.4.2.
This chapter defines roles and responsibilities, but not the assignment of those to IO, DA or external
party. The assignment of roles shall be defined in the particular procurement arrangement (PA).
3.2. Roles
Plant System Responsible Officer – Provides input throughout the design process. He/she
reviews the plant system I&C design as well as approves PS factory acceptance test (FAT) and
site acceptance test (SAT).
Plant System Central I&C Responsible Officer – Develops, supports, maintains and enforces
I&C development standards, development process and design conventions. He/she also provides
PSH hardware and software to plant system I&C supplier. He/she reviews the plant system I&C
design and participates to factory acceptance test and site acceptance test.
Procurement I&C Designer – Designs the I&C system according to I&C specifications for a
plant system at the procurement stage.
Procurement I&C Supplier – Supplies any I&C equipment or component including spare units
for a plant system procurement. The boundary of the supply is defined in the PA specifications.
Configuration of the PSH and Mini-CODAC – used as a local CODAC system – is a task of the
plant system I&C supplier.
Plant System Operator – Operates the plant system I&C. He/she works mainly in the MCR and
uses control and monitoring tools delivered by the plant system I&C supplier. He/she has received
the necessary training based on information provided by the plant system I&C supplier.
Plant System I&C Maintenance Operator – Maintains the plant system I&C. He/she conducts
preventive and routine maintenance as well as unplanned maintenance in case of breakdown.
He/she manages spare units.
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The procurement process is followed by:
Operation and maintenance phases - These two phases are merged together as shown in Figure
3-1 as they are closely linked, they are not in the scope of PCDH.
Decommissioning phase - completes the plant system I&C lifecycle, but is outside the scope of
Each phase or step is characterized by its outputs, which are the deliverables at completion of the
phase or the step. The outputs from one phase or step are used as inputs to the next phase or step
together with I&C requirements and guidelines as provided in this document and other ITER
Figure 3-1: Plant system and procurement I&C life cycle from design to operation.
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[R20] All deliverables shall be traceable to their parent output as well as to their relevant
specification and design item.
[R21] All deliverables in electronic format shall be backed up after the acceptance phase in order to
secure a functional restore state.
[R22] All deliverables shall be kept updated along the whole lifecycle up to the SAT by the I&C
supplier. All deliverables shall be approved by IO.
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Rules and guidelines required for I&C design:
They are defined in the related sections of that document. Some topics may be further detailed; in
such a case refer to the dedicated satellite document.
- General architecture, methods, standards for the whole plant system I&C: chapter 4.
- Conventional controls: chapter 4.
- Interface with Central I&C systems: chapter 5.
- Specific rules and guidelines applicable to interlock controls: chapter 6.
- Specific rules and guidelines applicable to nuclear and occupational safety controls: chapter 7.
Methodology for defining the plant system I&C architecture
The document “Methodology for plant system I&C design” [SD2] provides the guidelines for
this process.
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Manufacturing documents or data:
[D31] Detailed descriptions (text documents including structured lists in self-description data format)
- Process control for any plant system operation state.
- Process failure detection and strategy for process control.
- I/O treatments.
- Data exchanges required for slow and fast controls.
- Feedback controls.
- HMI, alarms and events.
- Software architecture for these items with identification of related software modules and
data exchange links.
[D32] Full software and configuration documentation as generated by the ITER IO prescribed
engineering tools.
[D34] Any document required for cubicle mounting, air conditioning, assembly, external and internal
wiring, earthing and powering. Inventory of any equipment or component used for cubicle
manufacturing (including I&C equipment), with supplier identification and a supplier
procurement reference.
ITER on-site installation documents:
[D38] Cabling documents for cubicle connection with I/O cabinets, I&C Networks, earth and power
[D39] Procedure of installation, configuration, starting up and software and hardware completeness
checks for the plant system I&C in particular for plant system specific components (non-
standard components).
Maintenance documents:
[D40] Original technical documentation for each piece of equipment or component (including
software) used to manufacture the systems in an I&C cubicle.
[D41] Schematic diagrams of the full signal path from the sensors/actuators to the I/O boards of the
controllers including powering and conditioning, with identification of test points for fault
analysis or calibration and identification of the terminal blocks. Trouble shooting procedures
and functions.
[D42] Calibration factors for each sensor-actuator-conditioner-I/O board and procedures for re-
calibration of these components.
[D43] Technical documents, manuals and procedures required for maintenance of any I&C
[D44] Maintenance plan: detailed warranty and/or maintenance periods and their possible extensions,
licensing requirements.
[D74] Tools required for maintenance of any I&C component.
Conformity reports:
[D48] Certificates of conformity for I&C procurement to any regulation applicable on ITER site and
proof of compliance to ITER I&C standards.
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3.4.4. Deliverables and requirements for I&C Factory Acceptance Tests
Plant system factory acceptance tests (FAT) are intended to check the conformity of the procured
plant system to the approved design. Plant system I&C FAT is a part of the plant system FAT. All
I&C components in the procurement shall be powered and tested during FAT. The FAT scenario for
I&C will be adjusted depending on configuration of the I&C procurement with the policy to test as
much as possible as soon as possible. The guidelines for plant system integration [SD6] provide
further details on FAT scenarios applicable to plant system I&Cs.
[G1] The leading guideline of FAT scenario is to test I&C performance and functionality as much
as reasonable achievable. The Mini-CODAC is used for FAT and it will be configured in order to
match the FAT campaigns and scenarios.
[R23] For every test (unit testing; system and integration testing; acceptance testing) the version of
the equipment being tested, the version of the test specifications being used and, for
acceptance testing, the version of the design specification being tested against, shall be
[R24] The procurement I&C supplier shall provide all necessary hardware and software tools and
configuration files for FAT.
[G2] It is recommended that compliance with I&C standards and design rules is checked throughout
the manufacturing process in order that the FAT runs more smoothly.
Deliverables for I&C Factory Acceptance Tests:
[D50] A single report collecting all I&C FAT results related to I&C will be issued. The report shall
include tracing to all requirements from the approved design which are fulfilled, not fulfilled
and not testable. A template is provided in [SD6].
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3.4.11. Requirements for I&C Documentation
[R43] All documentation shall be in the English language.
[R44] All documentation shall be available in electronic format (PDF, Open Document XML format
or Microsoft Word) and in an online version which is accessible using IO product lifecycle
management system.
[R45] All documentation shall be under version control.
[R46] For every item (including 3rd party and COTS) the original documentation shall be delivered.
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4.1. Introduction
This chapter specifies plant system I&C common to all ITER plant systems. It comprises plant system
I&C architecture, software and hardware specifications.
Figure 4-1: Plant system I&C physical architecture – example 1, tightly coupled system. Plant system
has one supervising plant system controller (to the right). The supervising plant system controller
coordinates three other plant system controllers which interface to the hardware.
Figure 4-2: Plant systems I&C physical architecture – example 2, loosely coupled system. Plant
system is decomposed in three plant systems I&C. Supervision is delegated to the CODAC system /
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A plant system, as defined by the ITER Plant Breakdown Structure (PBS) and/or PA, may be
decomposed in multiple plant system I&C. A plant system I&C consists of one and only one plant
system host, one or many OSI layer 2 switches and one or more plant system controller(s) interfacing
to actuators and sensors via signal interface(s). Plant system I&C components communicate with the
CODAC System / Mini-CODAC over the Plant Operation Network (PON). CODAC System / Mini-
CODAC implement the human-machine interface. Plant system controllers may be organized in a
functional hierarchical manner using one plant system controller supervising the others (Figure 4-1).
Alternatively, the plant system can be broken up in multiple plant system I&C, each with one PSH,
delegating the supervisory function to the CODAC System / Mini-CODAC (Figure 4-2). The former
approach is preferred for closely coupled systems, while the latter is preferred for loosely coupled
systems. The latter architecture has several advantages in modularity, testing and integration. Plant
system I&C architecture is elaborated in the supporting document [SD1] .
The following sections describe software components developed by IO and supplied to plant system
I&C developers. These software components are delivered in a package called CODAC Core System
and comprise the software for PSH, High Performance Network (see section 5) interfaces and Mini-
CODAC with the tools required for PSH configuration and for development of applications in the
Mini-CODAC environment. CODAC Core System is released at regular intervals, typically once per
year, throughout the construction of ITER. IO is committed to provide all required support
infrastructure, documentation, workshops, training etc. to promote this CODAC Core System
approach to plant system I&C development. See [SD20] for further details on CODAC core system.
4.2.1. Mini-CODAC
Mini-CODAC is a system supplied by IO in order to provide the plant system I&C with a subset of
the CODAC system functions before the plant system is integrated into the CODAC system
infrastructure on-site. The configuration of the Mini-CODAC is under the responsibility of the plant
system I&C supplier. Mini-CODAC is not a part of the plant system I&C and it is replaced by the
CODAC system when the system is integrated on site.
The purpose of Mini-CODAC is to provide a software environment to prepare integration with the
CODAC system and to provide a test tool for FAT and SAT. The subset of functions implemented by
Mini-CODAC allows the development and test of the plant system I&C before integration.
The primary functions of Mini-CODAC are:
- Development and test of the HMI allowing commands to be issued to the plant system I&C
and to visualize the plant system I&C state and status.
- Handling and visualization of the alarms generated by the plant system I&C.
- Handling and visualization of the logging messages generated by the plant system I&C.
- Storage of the data generated by the plant system I&C and access to this data.
- Development and management of test software.
- Development and testing of the supervisory functions to be integrated in the CODAC
- Generation for test purposes of software events transmitted to the plant system I&C from
the CODAC System.
- Generation for test purposes of data flows transmitted to the plant system I&C from the
CODAC System.
- Management and storage of the configuration data for the plant system I&C.
- Data visualization (real-time and history).
[R52] Mini-CODAC shall be used for FAT as a substitute for the CODAC System.
[R53] OSI layer 2 switch is the only plant system I&C component that has a physical interface with
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[R54] The physical interface of the plant operation network between Mini-CODAC and the plant
system I&C shall be a conventional Gigabit Ethernet connection.
[R55] The functional interface of the plant system I&C shall be tested with the Mini-CODAC.
[R56] The software components delivered with the plant system I&C that will be integrated into the
CODAC System shall be tested with Mini-CODAC.
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4.3. I&C Naming Conventions
See [SD3] for details on signal and variable naming conventions.
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unique within the considered CBS level, and mnemonic names are recommended (e.g.
DIAG for PBS55, MAG for PBS11, CWS for PBS26.).
- The full plant system function name consists of all required function identifiers separated
by the separator (hyphen “-“).
Therefore the plant system function format is: FFFF-FFFF-FFFF for a level 3 function.
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Process Control:
The plant system receives low level commands as well as high-level commands from the Central I&C
system that shall end up as multiple commands towards the process. It is the responsibility of the plant
system I&C to split the high level command into multiple unitary commands, to control their
execution and to send back an execution status to the Central I&C system. For state machines, the
plant system I&C shall send an execution status for each transition back to the Central I&C system.
[R77] The plant system I&C shall be able to autonomously maintain safe operation of the plant
system in case of loss of Central I&C systems or I&C networks.
[R78] The start-up strategy shall take into account the current state of the process and the
presence/absence of the CODAC system (not applicable to PIS and PSS).
[R79] The plant system I&C shall be able to manage different control types such as the state
machines, the high level commands issued by the Central I&C system towards the process, the
unitary commands for test purposes, the plant system local control loops and the configuration
commands from the Central I&C system.
[G6] Control loops shall be optimized in order to reduce the frequency of activation of the final
control devices (not applicable to PSS).
The purpose of the alarm system is to provide information to the operators through a Mini-CODAC /
CODAC system service for fault diagnosis and correction. A plant wide alarm handling policy will be
put in place to handle the alarm situations and to undertake corrective action to allow normal and safe
operation to continue.
[R81] The plant system I&C shall maintain the status of all active alarms and shall transmit any
change of this status (alarm raised, alarm cleared).
[R82] The alarm shall carry information to the CODAC system to enable alarm reduction (not
applicable to PSS).
[R83] The alarms shall be raised in accordance with the operating states. This is needed to properly
qualify alarms which are not significant in a given situation.
[R84] An alarm shall contain:
- A timestamp;
- A severity;
- A value;
- An alarm description;
The severity qualifier shall have one of the following values:
- Minor: The fault does not prevent the plant system from satisfying the current operational
requirements, possibly with limitations. If not handled, the fault may evolve into a major
- Major: The fault prevents the plant system from satisfying the current operational
requirements. If not handled, other faults may occur.
Error and trace logging:
The logging function consists of a set of messages and each message corresponds to the record of an
event. These events could be normal events or abnormal events. Mini-CODAC / CODAC system will
supply a service to handle log messages.
[R85] A log message shall include:
- A time stamp;
- A process identifier according to the naming scheme;
- A text explaining the event;
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- A message level (debug, info, warning, error).
[R86] The following log messages shall be recorded with their qualifiers in the logging system:
- All timing, PSH, plant system Controller, PLC or embedded system events or state
- All operations related to data configuration (creation/modification/deletions of variables,
threshold change);
- All transitions in operating states;
- All commands sent by Central I&C systems;
- All binary state changes (e.g. valve opened or closed);
- All events concerning an analogue variable or a group of analogue variables (threshold
overshooting, out of range, discrepancy);
- All variable validity changes;
- All actions done locally by operators (log on/off, local commands, variable tagging or
- All local alarm acknowledgements.
In the event of failure of any sensor or equipment or a software glitch, the error shall be detected and
an error message shall be generated and communicated to the Central I&C system.
System Management:
[R87] Remote control functions shall be available (reboot, configure, start, stop, switch to local /
central control mode). These functions shall comply with the safety rules of the ITER site.
[R88] The plant system I&C shall be monitored in a homogeneous way in order to diagnose faults
and facilitate fast recovery.
[R89] The monitoring function shall encompass monitoring of plant system I&C functions and
[R90] The plant system I&C shall be synchronized with ITER central time reference.
[R91] The equipment to be monitored shall include at least:
- Environment within cubicles;
- PSH hardware / software;
- Plant system controllers;
- I&C networks;
- Central I&C system interface.
[R92] Any monitored equipment and function shall supply status information with one of the
following exclusive values:
- Fully operational;
- Partly operational (which means with limitations with respect to design parameters –
performance, RAMI, OLC, …);
- Not operational.
[R93] Information on equipment performance shall be monitored. Performance information such as
field bus, CPU load and memory usage or network bandwidth utilisation shall be recorded.
[R94] The plant system I&C events shall be reported in the logging and also alarms. This
information shall also be propagated to the Central I&C system.
[R96] Plant system monitoring shall include self-tests and live tests.
Generate Data streams:
The archiving of process information and system information is done by the Central I&C system.
[R97] The plant system shall be able to send acquired or computed information to the Central I&C
system in raw data or engineering units.
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[R98] Any configuration of parameters shall be possible with minimum disturbance to the rest of the
plant system I&C and underlying process.
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4.4.3. Software Infrastructure
The software infrastructure for PSH and fast controllers is based on EPICS.
A software package, named CODAC core system, is distributed by IO for the development, test and
operation of the plant system I&C. This package includes the required EPICS distribution.
Mini-CODAC and PSH are configured with the CODAC core system.
CODAC core system versions includes EPICS R3.14.12 or above.
[R155] Latest CODAC core system version or 3.0 at least shall be used on Mini-CODAC and PSH.
[R111] EPICS version R3.14.12 or above shall be used for PS fast controllers. Compliance with this
rule is implicit with CODAC core system version rule compliance (R155).
[R112] Communication with PS fast controllers shall use EPICS Channel Access.
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[R120] The SDD consist of:
- Plant system I&C unique identification;
- Command list;
- Alarms list;
- Set-points list;
- Plant system I&C design limits;
- Physical (raw) signals list (I/O);
- Processed / converted signals list;
- Data streams list;
- Logging messages list;
- Definition of the plant system I&C state machine in accordance with the defined plant
system operating states;
- Definitions of plant system I&C HMI;
- Plant system I&C constant values;
- Default values (“factory settings”) for run-time configuration used for plant system I&C
- Identification of source codes and binary packages of the plant system I&C specific
- Documentation.
[R121] As a general principle, there shall be no hidden knowledge in the plant system I&C
configuration. Whatever action is needed to configure the plant system I&C from scratch, it
shall be an integral part of SDD (at least in the form of documentation).
The SDD is one of deliverables of I&C design and manufacturing phases. It is updated at the end of
each phase of the lifecycle and uploaded to the ITER SDD database. During the I&C operation and
maintenance phase, the SDD master copy is kept in Central I&C systems and may be modified
through dedicated maintenance procedures. More information on the SDD lifecycle and contents is
available in [SD4].
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The COS is a state property that implements simple and synthetic state information common to all the
PS so that they can be managed in a coherent way by CODAC system. COS are as follows:
[S6] Shutdown
These states represent conditions in which a plant system I&C is declared as not operational.
They are: Absent, Off and Safe.
[S10] Not Ready
These states indicate that the plant system I&C is operational but is not currently ready to start
initializing. They are: Not Ready, Local and Fault.
[S8] Ready
Ready – The plant system I&C is ready to receive configuration and start initialising;
[S11] Starting
The plant system I&C has received a configuration command and will initialize itself. Under
control of the CODAC system it will configure and prepare itself. This process introduces
following COS: Initializing, Initialized and Aborting.
[S9] Running
The plant system I&C is executing. Pulsed systems are participating in a pulse sequence. The
execution process introduces following COS: Executing, Post-Checks and Terminating.
Plant System Operating State (PSOS)
The PSOS are reflecting the specific state of operation of a plant system. PSOS are implemented by
state machines.
[R122] Plant system I&C shall implement COS and PSOS. PSOS state machines shall subscribe to
dedicated PVs for synchronisation. There shall be one and only one PSOS state machine per
plant system. Plant system I&C supplier shall provide a PSOS - COS mapping table.
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Local CODAC Terminal Control
This is the normal case for maintenance and troubleshooting. A CODAC terminal is connected to the
network close to the plant equipment. Functionality is identical to central control.
Manual Control
Manual control refers to the ability of personnel local to the Plant System to control equipment of the
Plant System independently of the Plant System I&C during maintenance of the equipment (e.g.,
using front panels).
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- Performance monitoring: the performance of the alarm system should be assessed during
design and commissioning to ensure that it is usable and effective under all operating
conditions. Regular auditing should be continued throughout the plant system life to
confirm that good performance is maintained,
- Engineering: the design should follow structured methodology in which every alarm
should be justified, documented and properly engineered. This initial investment in the
design should be sufficient to avoid the operational problems which result at the end in
overall higher lifetime costs.
[R362] The purpose of ITER alarm system is to direct the operator’s attention towards plant
conditions requiring timely assessment or action. To achieve this goal, each alarm should be
designed carefully according key principles:
- Each alarm should alert, inform and guide,
- Every alarm presented to the operator should be useful and relevant to the operator,
- Each alarm must have a defined operator action or response,
- The consequence if the alarm is not treated properly by the operator should be explicit,
- Appropriate time should be allowed for the operator to carry out a defined response,
- Each alarm must be rationalized prior to installation,
- Each alarm will be designed in accordance with given guidelines,
- Operator training is required for each alarm prior to installation,
- Alarm system performance must be monitored on a daily basis and corrective action taken
when performance limits are not met,
- All additions, modifications, and deletions of alarms must follow a "management of
change" procedure.
[R363] Number of configured alarms per operator shall be fewer than 100.
In steady operation, less than 1 per 10 minutes is recommended.
[R364] The number of alarms during the first 10 minutes of a major plant upset shall be less than ten.
[R365] The alarm priority distribution is MAJOR (20 %) and MINOR (80 %).
[R366] The average number of standing alarms shall be less than ten.
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4.4.12. Plant system status format
The data structure for plant system status information transmitted to the Plasma Control System is
detailed in [SD23].
In order to mitigate effects of component failure and problems, it is necessary for the plasma control
system to know as early as possible if the local monitoring system of a plant system that is important
for plasma operations recognizes a problem. This is communicated ideally well before the problem
causes an interlock or the system has to shut down to protect itself from damage. If the PCS knows
about this early enough, it can take appropriate action to mitigate the effect. This is part of the event
handling and disruption avoidance requirement of the PCS. This status information is essential for all
PCS diagnostics and actuators, but also highly desirable for a number of other systems. It is not
necessary to send a status datagram permanently, but rather as an asynchronous event only if a
malfunction or problem has been detected by the internal plant system monitoring system. Details of
the information are specific to each individual plant and will have to be agreed on a case-by-case
basis. A generic structure contains a timestamp and fault condition with detailed sub-states specific to
the plant system.
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4.5.4. I&C signal cabling rules
[R159] The ITER cabling rules [RD18] apply to signal cabling and routing.
In addition, the [SD9] provides guidelines for interfacing Plant System Equipment (PSE). The
following rules apply:
[R312] A particular PSE signal shall not be connected to different plant system I&Cs. If requested by
several plant system I&Cs, the corresponding data shall be transmitted through the Central
I&C networks.
[R313] Direct cabled connections of I&C signals from a plant system I&C to another plant system
I&C inside the same plant system or between two different plant systems are not allowed.
[R314] If the PSE and the I&C cubicle connected to it are not in same building or are located in the
same building but far away from each other, then an optical fibre device shall be used.
[R315] All the electrical cables used for transport of I&C signals will be single or multiple twisted
pairs. Exceptions to this rule may apply for high frequency and high voltage analogue signals
transmitted over a short distance. For such signals coaxial cables are recommended.
[G20] The full differential configuration is recommended for sensitive analogue signals within harsh
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Pneumatic signals
- Range: 0.2 to 1 bar for the current/pressure signal converters of pneumatic proportional
control valves.
- 0 to 6-8 bars for the non-proportional control valves.
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5.1. Introduction
This chapter specifies I&C interface between Central I&C systems and plant system I&C. Each plant
system I&C shall follow the interface conditions described in this chapter. [SD5] provides software
interfaces between CODAC system and plant systems I&C.
5.2.Functional Interface
The plant system I&C shall interface the following Central I&C system functions:
- Plant system I&C supervisory control and monitoring;
- Management of operating states and parameters;
- Visualization;
- Alarm management;
- Events handling and synchronization;
- Logging;
- Plasma control (if applicable);
- Data archiving and retrieval;
- Configuration management.
Interfaces implemented by Plant System Host
[R184] The plant system I&C shall implement a functional interface to central I&C systems compliant
with the I&C requirements as expressed in the chapter 4 of that document
Interfaces implemented by CODAC Networks
[R193] The plant system I&C shall implement an interface (read and write data with sampling rates)
to Synchronous Databus Network (see section 5.3.6) for plasma feedback control, if
[R194] The plant system I&C shall implement an interface to Time Communication Network (see
section 5.3.7) if high accuracy synchronization is required.
[R196] The plant system I&C shall implement an interface to Audio-Video Network (see section
5.3.8) to communicate audio/video signals, if applicable.
[R200] The plant system I&C shall implement an interface to data Archiving Network (see section
5.3.9) to communicate scientific data, if applicable.
Interface implemented by Central Interlock Network
[R197] The plant system I&C shall implement an interface (read and write data) to the central
interlock system, if applicable.
Interface implemented by Central Safety Networks
[R198] The plant system I&C shall implement an interface (read and write data) to central safety
systems, if applicable.
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5.3.2. Network Interface
Network interfaces provide the only physical interconnection between plant system I&C and Central
I&C systems. There are six networks (I&C Networks) (see Figure 5-1) defined for different purposes
and with different performance. Networks are centrally managed by IO, including the assignment of
network addresses.
Fast Slow Interlock Safety
controller controller controller controller
Signal Signal Signal Signal
Interface Interface Interface Interface
Figure 5-1: Network Interfaces between plant system I&C and Central I&C systems
In accordance with the three tier separation concept I&C networks are divided into CODAC
networks, the central interlock network (CIN) and central safety networks (CSN). CODAC networks,
in turn, comprise the general purpose plant operation network (PON) and a set of specialized
networks, called high performance networks. High performance networks include the Synchronous
Databus Network (SDN), the Time Communication Network (TCN), the Audio/Video Network
(AVN) and the Data Archiving Network (DAN).
There shall be no other external network connections to the Plant System I&C.
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5.3.4. Network Panel
A network panel is the passive wall mounted patch panel which is the physical termination point for
CODAC and Central Interlock Networks. The CODAC and Central Interlock Network cables running
from the nearest CODAC hutch will terminate in the network panel. There will be separate network
panels for CODAC networks and Central Interlock Networks. Network panels are installed at
strategic locations close to the plant system I&C cubicles in many buildings.
IO will provide the cables from plant system I&C cubicles to the network panel.
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5.3.9. Data Archiving Network (DAN)
DAN is a scalable communication channel which allows the scientific data, for example image
acquisition data and analog data acquisition raw data to be transferred from the fast controllers into
the CODAC Scientific Data Archiving system. The DAN is deployed using either a dedicated high-
throughput Ethernet communication interconnect or virtualized, multiple and scalable channels on
existing Ethernet interconnects on Fast Controllers, typically used in Diagnostics applications or
[R301] Only IO certified DAN interfaces shall be connected to DAN.
[R302] Specific hardware and software required by the DAN interface will be supplied by IO.
[R303] The DAN Interface shall be located in the plant system controller.
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6.1. Introduction
This chapter complements Chapter 4 by stating the specific requirements for plant systems I&C which
implement investment protection functions (interlocks) in the interlock system tier as described in
Chapter 2. In order to discriminate among the various types of interlocking functions and to cover the
wide range of possible application on ITER, this chapter, together with the interlock controls satellite
documents, provides a set of guidelines and requirements:
- To guide in the identification and classification of the type of interlock functions (see also
document Management of Local Interlock Functions, [SD22])
- To guide in the functional allocation to a set of standard conceptual architectures for the
plant system interlock I&C (see document guidelines for the design of the PIS [SD16]).
- To guide in the configuration and integration of the PIS in the complete interlock system
(see document guidelines for the configuration and integration of the PIS [SD28]),
- To describe the future interlock operations and the operators’ tools considered (see
document PIS operation and maintenance [SD29]),
- To confirm the requirements set in the previous chapters on the generic plant system I&C.
- To complement the generic plant system I&C requirements with additional requirements
for the system specifications, for hardware components, for the software development and
for the system interfaces. These are based on the results of the classification and the
conceptual architecture assignment for the methodology to be used.
There are other actions for equipment protection naturally nested within the PS industrial controls and
they are not discussed in this section. The recommendations provided in this section are based on the
IEC 61508 standard.
Central Interlock System
Slow Fast
Controllers Controllers
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6.1.1. Identification and Classification of interlock functions
The aim of this section is to provide a set of guidelines to identify and classify the type of interlocking
- With a description of the functions.
- With tables (IEC 61508) for a functional safety classification.
- With ranking of technical performance requirements.
- Considering environmental and physical constraints
[R216] Each function carried out by a plant system interlock I&C shall be defined, characterized and
classified according to the guidelines given in this chapter and the associated related document
or by an equivalent method.
[R217] Each function shall be described with at least the following fields:
- Protection/function name: define a name or unique identifier.
- Protection/function description: a textual summary description of the function.
- Sensors: indicate what type and number of measurements are required for the function
- Interlock logic: describe the interlock logic required for the function
- Actuators: indicate what type and number of actuators are required for the function
- Protection of machine: indicating which machine component is protected.
- Risk to protect: indicating which risk is being covered with this function.
- Risk description: a summary description of the risk being covered with this function.
- Risk class: Assign a class on the basis of the risk analysis.
[R218] Each interlock function shall be given a functional safety classification in the form of a safety
integrity level (SIL) based on an established SIL assignment method (IEC 61508).
[R219] The following technical performance requirements shall be identified for each function:
- RAMI parameters (Reliability, Availability, MTTR).
- Maximum execution time.
[R220] For each function, the list of environmental and/or physical constraints shall be identified:
- Space constraints.
- Ionizing radiation fields.
- Electromagnetic environment.
- ATEX requirements.
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Containment of the most critical functions
[R224] The material organization of the I&C shall allow the containment of the most important
functions for interlock within a perfectly identified physical entity.
Standardized architectures
A standardized architecture is defined for each interlock integrity level (i.e. 3IL-2 and 3IL-3)
[R225] I&C shall be built using standardized architectures that are made of standard equipment in
order to meet the specified functional and reliability requirements.
[R226] This equipment (sensor, safety calculator, processing logic, network, actuator module…) shall
be selected in accordance with the functions to be performed.
[G24] The standard equipment supports the basic mechanisms (failure processing, measurements
safeguarding, availability checking…) and help them meeting the specified functional and
reliability requirements.
Rules for the inviolability of the Interlock I&C
[R227] The plant system interlocks shall be implemented such that the risk of error during the
following phases are reduced to a minimum:
- Routine operation
- Installation and commissioning;
- Periodic test operations;
- Corrective maintenance operations;
- Modifications of the installation.
[R228] The equipment shall be designed to restrict the interventions required on the equipment for
maintenance or preventive tests to the minimum by anticipating at the design stage the
necessary means and interfaces for the performance of these tests.
[G25] A modular structure of the Interlock I&C is recommended.
[R229] The equipment shall be fitted with specific access and intervention rules.
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[R238] The redundant process lines:
- Shall be located in different areas and take into account the risks of mechanical stress, fire
or flooding;
- If not, shall be fitted with protective equipment to ensure that the redundant process lines
shall not be affected by the same aggravating factors;
- Shall be fitted with devices that avoid spreading electrical defects among redundant
- Shall be fitted with ancillary systems (power supply, cooling device) which have
compatible redundancy levels.
[R292] An incident shall not lead to the loss of several redundant process lines.
Rules for the detection of failures
[R240] The diagnostic coverage shall be defined in accordance with the safety failure fraction
required for the safety integrity level of the equipment. (See IEC 61508-2 §
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Interface between PIS and CODAC
Each PIS interfaces to CODAC for PIS monitoring, control, diagnostics and data archiving.
Timing interface
[R329] All the PIS are synchronized on an ITER central clock.
Inter-PS interface
[R330] Inter-PS communication between PS flows through CIS using CIN. There may be some
hardwired links between Plant Interlock Systems for performance reasons: they will be dealt as
deviations as stated in chapter 8. In that case, only binary information will be exchanged and the
connecting network will be considered part of the CIS.
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6.4.1. Functional requirements
In addition to the requirements set in section 4.4.1, the followings also apply.
[R247] The Interlock I&C shall implement the following functions:
- Detect anomalous situations on the basis of simple or complex algorithms from the
measurement of field values, the operational status of the monitored equipment and of the
overall machine.
- Generate protection events (events and inhibits).
- Command protection actuators operated on the basis of a set of conditions and events.
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6.4.9. Human machine interface
The requirements set in section 4.4.9 are applicable.
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7.1. Introduction
This chapter complements Chapter 4 by stating the specific requirements for plant systems I&C
implementing safety functions in the safety system tier as described in Chapter 2.
Safety functions fall into 3 categories:
- The Nuclear Safety
- The Occupational Safety
- The Personal Access Safety
This chapter addresses Occupational Safety and does not deal with Nuclear Safety functions nor with
Personal Access Safety functions. In order to discriminate among the various types of safety functions
and to cover the wide range of possible applications at ITER, this chapter provides a set of guidelines
and requirements:
- To guide in the identification and classification of the type of Occupational Safety
- To guide in the functional allocation of the plant system safety I&C (see Figure 7-1) to a
set of standard conceptual architectures.
- To confirm the requirements set in the previous chapters on the generic plant system I&C.
- To complement the generic plant system I&C requirements with additional requirements
for the system specifications, for hardware components, for the software development and
for the system interfaces. These are based on the results of the classification and the
conceptual architecture assignment for the methodology to be used.
The recommendations provided in this section are based on the standard IEC 61508.
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7.1.1. Identification and Classification of Occupational Safety Functions
The aim of this section is to provide a set of guidelines to identify and classify the type of Safety
- With a description of the functions.
- With functional Safety classification.
- With functional Safety allocation.
- With technical performance requirements.
- Considering environmental and physical constraints.
Each function carried out by a plant system Safety I&C shall be defined, characterized and classified
according to the guidelines given in this chapter or by an equivalent method.
[R259] Each function shall be described with at least the following fields:
- Safety function name: define a name or unique identifier.
- Safety function description: a textual summary description of the function.
- Sensors: indicate what type and number of measurements are required for the function
- Safety logic: describe the logic required for the function
- Actuators: indicate what type and number of actuators are required for the function
- Risk to protect: indicating which risk is being covered with this function.
- Risk description: a summary description of the risk being covered with this function.
- Risk class: report the safety class assigned by the ITER Safety analysis (see below).
[R260] Each function shall be given a safety classification in the form of a Safety integrity level SIL1
to SIL3 (IEC 61508) based on one of the methods indicated in the standard or equivalent.
[R261] The following technical performance requirements shall be identified for each function:
- RAMI parameters (Reliability, Availability, Maintenability, Inspectability).
- Maximum execution time.
[R262] For each function, the list of environmental and/or physical constraints shall be identified:
- Space constraints.
- Radiation fields, integrated dose-rate.
- Magnetic fields
- Electromagnetic Interference.
- ATEX requirements.
- Ambient air conditions.
[R293] The Occupational Safety Plant Safety System (PSS-OS) shall provide I&C Safety functions
for the protection of the people and the environment against all conventional hazards
(toxicological, physical, electrical, cryogenic or other..), which it may produce in normal and
abnormal circumstances.
[R294] The Plant Safety functions shall provide locally visual and audible warnings and alarms in the
event of a hazard.
[R295] The Plant Safety functions shall communicate all hazards, warnings and alarms to the Central
Safety System.
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[R266] If equipment is involved in functions of different levels (SIL), then
- either the equipment shall be part of the highest level it contributes to,
- or measures shall be taken to physically and electrically isolate the highest Safety level
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7.2.1. PSS functions testing
The requirements set in section 4.2.1 about interface with mini CODAC are not applicable and
superseded by this section.
[R270] For PSS-OS functions testing, the PSS-OS will be interfaced to:
- The mini-CSS-OS. The mini CSS-OS is a dedicated implementation of CODAC core
- A test system representative of the CSS safety PLC (based on Siemens S7 400 safety
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Maintenance & diagnostic:
[R341] PSS-OS shall integrate system diagnostic functions with auto-diagnostic capabilities.
[R342] PSS-OS shall integrate signal diagnostic functions.
[R343] PSS-OS shall integrate maintenance override functions.
All requirements apply to safety data In addition:
[R344] PSS-OS communicate all safety events to the Central Safety System.
[R345]The logging data shall include:
- Safety physical parameter threshold exceeded.
- Sensors failure (open loop, short circuit)
- Maintenance override
- Redundant signals deviation
- Operator safety commands and reset
- Safety function activation & bypass
- Actuators failure (discrepancy command/status)
- I&C system failure (communication failure, hardware auto-diagnostic)
- I&C cubicle failure (high temperature, fan depowered, power supply failure…)
System management
Requirements defined in section 4.4.1 apply except R90: the Occupational Safety system will have its
own time reference managed by CSS and sent to PSS (NTP), but limited to the safety system, and in
compliance with IEC 61508.
[R346] System management shall be performed with safety dedicated safety engineering tools.
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7.4.1. Programming languages and tools
Common and slow controllers requirements set in section 4.4.5 are applicable with following
additional requirement:
[R350] Programming tools shall use Siemens dedicated engineering tools like:
- Safety Matrix.
- SIMATIC STEP7 package S7 F Systems that provided the Siemens Continuous Function
Charts (CFC) with certified function blocks for S7 400 F and FH series,
- SIMATIC STEP7 package S7 Distributed Safety for S7-300 F PLC, with Function Block
Diagram (FBD) and Ladder Logic (LAD) using safety blocks.
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7.5.1. Bonding – Powering of Safety cubicles
The requirements set in section 4.5.6 apply for bonding to earth..
[R356] PSS-OS cubicles shall be powered by two independent Class II-IP power supply and Class IV
power supply.
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7.8. Access safety
PSS may have to implement the local part of Local Access Safety I&C functions. The objective of
those functions is to ensure the safety of the people, in some specific areas that generate safety risks
and where “mechanical means” (key exchange systems, padlocks…) are not sufficient or suited:
- In the event of a door opening, stop plant system equipment to remove the source of safety
- In very specific cases, ban access to an area, if there is a risk that people will not be
protected from this hazard.
The Access Safety functions related to occupational risks are implemented in the Occupational Safety
system using the same requirements. This section does not deal with Access Safety functions related
to nuclear risks.
Example of access safety functions:
- Stopping hazardous Plant System Equipment in case of intrusion.
- Banning access on detection of a risk.
- Controlling safety airlocks.
- Interlocking safety access with same or other PSS.
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8.1. Deviations and Non-Conformances
[R281] Requests for deviations from and non-conformance with the requirements of the ITER Plant
Control Design Handbook shall be made to the IO in writing following the procedures detailed
in [RD5], [RD17] and [RD6]. The decision on the acceptance of the non-conformance report
shall be made by the plant system I&C responsible officer of the IO.
[R282] Any I&C equipment which is non-complaint to the PCDH requirements shall be subject to the
Non-Conformance Report Process described in the ITER Deviations and Non-Conformances
[RD6]. Every non-conformance shall be accompanied by an obsolescence management plan as
suggested by IEC 62402.
[R283] The plant system responsible officer (and plant system I&C supplier, if appropriate) has to
provide and pay for special integration and additional maintenance including spare parts for
non-standard equipment.
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9.1. APPENDIX-A: Codes and Standards
Plant Control System
Standard Title
ISA-5.1-1984 Standard for Instrumentation Symbols and Identification
IEC 61158 Digital data communications for measurement and control
IEC 61000 Electromagnetic compatibility Requirement (includes IEC 61000-5-2)
IEC 62402 Obsolescence management
IEEE 802.3 Standards for Ethernet based LANs
IEEE 61850 Standards applicable to Power Station I&C components
Table 9-1-1: Codes and standards for Plant Control System.
Standard Title
IAEA NS G 1.3 Instrumentation and control systems important to safety in nuclear power
IEC 60709 Suitable physical separation between systems
IEC 61069 Industrial-process measurement and control. Evaluation of system properties
for the purpose of system assessment.
IEC 61508 Functional safety of electrical/electronic programmable electronic safety
related system
IEC 61511 Functional safety instrumented system for the process industry sector
IEC/ISO 62061 Safety of machinery – Functional safety of safety-related electrical, electronic
and programmable electronic control systems
Table 9-1-2: Codes and standards for Plant Interlock System
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