CISM Exam Guide

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The document provides an overview of topics covered in a study guide for the CISM exam, including information security concepts, risk management, governance, and program development.

The book covers topics such as security concepts, governance, risk management, controls, business continuity planning, roles and responsibilities, standards, metrics, and the four domains of CISM (information security governance, risk management, program development and incident management).

Some of the key frameworks and standards mentioned include ISO 27001, ISO 27002, ISO 27004, NIST SP 800-30, NIST SP 800-55, COBIT, ITIL, and PCI DSS. Risk analysis methods such as OCTAVE, Markov analysis, and Monte-Carlo simulation are also covered.


Exam Guide
Updated for the
15th Edition Review Manual
Phil Martin
Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the
Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or
distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval
system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

ISBN 978-1-98068-442-8
Essential CISM
Figure 1: Goals, Strategies, Policies, Standards, Procedures and Guidelines
Figure 2: Optimizing Risk Costs
Figure 3: Qualitative Impact Matrix
Figure 4: Semiquantitative Matrix
Figure 5: Information Security Relationships
Figure 6: Control Types and Effect
Figure 7:Techniques Implemented in Relation to RTOs and RPOs
Figure 8: COBIT 5 Principles
Figure 9: COBIT 5 Enterprise Enablers
Figure 10: Overview of the Process Assessment Model
Figure 11: TOGAF Architecture Development Cycle
Figure 12: Characteristics of CMMI Maturity Levels
Figure 13: Balanced Scorecard Dimensions
Figure 14: How Cultures are Created
Figure 15: Common Framework Layers
Figure 16: Enterprise Architecture Domains
Figure 17: Classic Architecture vs. Cloud Computing
Figure 18: Cloud Computing Deployment Models
Figure 19: 'as a Service' Offerings
Figure 20: Cloud Computing Risk Map
Figure 21: Business Model for Information Security
Figure 22: Governance Relationships
Figure 23: Information Security Strategy Development Participants
Figure 24: Prevalent Standards and Frameworks
Figure 25: Relationship of Governance Elements
Figure 26: Components of Security Metrics
Figure 27: The IT Risk Management Life Cycle
Figure 28: Top Layer of Business Risk Structure
Figure 29: Critical Function Layer of Business Risk Structure
Figure 30: Aligning Assets to the Critical Layer Function
Figure 31: Asset Vulnerabilities
Figure 32: Combined Impact Risk Structure
Figure 33: Risk Analysis Framework
Figure 34: Factor analysis of information risk (FAIR)
Figure 35: Risk Scenario Structure
Figure 36: PDCA Methodology
Figure 37: Strategic Goals, CSFs, KPIs and Key Actions
Figure 38: Disconnect of Responsibilities with Outsourced Providers
Figure 39: Continuous Risk Management Steps
Figure 40: Steps to Information Security Program Development
Figure 41: Incident Response Plan Process Flow
Figure 42: Incident Management Life Cycle Phases
Table 1: Basic Recovery Tests and Categories
Table 2: A RACI Example
Table 3: Roles and Responsibilities RACI Matrix
Table 4: Security Content and Application
Table 5: Security Incident Roles and Responsibilities
About the Exam
The CISM, or Certified Information Security Manager Certification, is one of
the most recognized credentials for information security managers and has
been awarded to more than 27,000 professionals to-date.
Beyond passing the exam, a CISM Certification requires a minimum of five
years of experience in information security, and a minimum of two years of
experience as an information security manager. If you have a CISA or CISSP
certification, or a post-graduate degree in information security or other
related field, then you are eligible to substitute two years of work experience.
Finally, you will be required to and agree and comply with the ISACA’s
Code of Professional Ethics and the CISM Continuing Education Policy.
The exam cost between $625 and $750. If you pay to register as a member
with ISACA, you can receive a discount. ISACA offers a free self-assessment
exam with 50 questions to test your readiness for the actual exam. You can
register for the CISM exam on the ISACA website. The day of the test you
must bring a photo ID and the admissions ticket provided after you register.
The CISM exam is given twice per year in June and December. The test will
take four hours and includes 200 total questions, giving you just over one
minute per question. You are awarded 4 points per each correctly answered
question, and a minimum score of 450, or roughly 113 correct questions, is
required to pass the test.
Once you pass the test and have the score in-hand, you can submit your
CISM application to get your certification. This requires proof of five years
of experience of work, with signed verification from your employers.
There is only a 50-60% first time pass rate, so study the material repeatedly
and take multiple assessment tests prior to taking the plunge.
How to Use This Book
If you have tried to read the official CISM Review Manual, then you know
what a coma feels like. This book has boiled down the contents into a concise
and easily-readable format, purposefully avoiding those $100 sentences that
take 2 minutes to decipher.
Some simple rules on text formatting…
Underlined and italicized text:
This is a term you should memorize.
Bold text:
This is a concept you should remember.
Normal text:
This is to help you understand the two above. Read this part at
least once, and revisit as often as you need.
This book is divided into two sections. Section 1 covers basic CISM concepts
that are covered in more than one domain. Section 2 covers each of the four
CISM domains.
So, let’s start with the basics!

An audio version of this print book is available on!
Section 1: The Basics
Before we go into each CISM domain, there are a number of topics we need
to cover first. All the subjects in this section are repeatedly referred to in
more than one domain. Instead of trying to keep adding sidebars to explain
what is going on, you’re going to be put through a ‘boot camp’ in which each
topic will be discussed. Later on, when you run across a topic, you’ll
immediately know what is going on.
Chapter 1: Security Concepts
There are a few security-related concepts that keep coming up across the four
domains. We’re going to cover them here, so you are prepared when each
pops up.
Principle of Least Privilege
The principle of least privilege is an approach that segments all resources so
that we can increase access as-needed. This allows us to give people access
only to the bare minimum resources they need to do their job. The downside
of this approach is that it requires a well-thought-out plan from the very
beginning and requires increased attention to ensure resources are properly
Need-to-know is a security approach that requires a person to not only have
the proper authority to access resources, but also a valid need to do so. For
example, it is not enough to be given authority to read customer files – your
role in the company must also require it. This provides an extra layer of
security to keep information out of the wrong hands.
Segregation of Duties
Segregation of duties, or SOD, is a security mechanism that prevents a single
role from having too much power. For example, in a bank, the same person
who prints a check should not have the ability to change the name on that
check – it should require a different person to execute both actions. This
greatly reduces the chance of fraud.
Criticality is the impact that the loss of an asset will have, or how important
the asset is to the business. For example, if the loss of a specific IT system
would prevent orders from being processed until the system is returned to a
usable state, it is most definitely critical to the business. On the other hand,
payroll processing is not as critical – while the permanent loss of the ability
to pay employees would certainly cause a mass exodus of people at some
point, we can probably absorb a lengthier downtime.
Sensitivity is the impact that unauthorized disclosure of the asset will have,
meaning that people that should not see information are able to get to it.
Consider a scenario in which we want to keep the recipe to our secret sauce
from getting out. The leakage of this information would not impact our day-
to-day operations, so it is not considered to be critical. But, we would be
losing one of our core advantages over competitors, and so the recipe is said
to have a high sensitivity.
Assurance, related to security information, means that we can manage
security risks by keeping vulnerabilities and threats to a level that we can live
with. For example, if we deploy a firewall and encryption techniques to help
protect access to a database, then we are assuring the database is being kept
The total cost of ownership, or TCO, represents the true cost to own an asset,
as opposed to just the cost to initially acquire it. TCO at a minimum covers
the original cost, any upgrades, ongoing maintenance, support, and training.
Chapter 2: Governance, Goals, Strategies, Policies,
Standards and Procedures
You might think that some of these words describe the same thing, but in the
world of security each term has its own place and relationship to the others.
Figure 1 provides a diagram to help you understand it.

Figure 1: Goals, Strategies, Policies, Standards, Procedures and Guidelines

In a nutshell, governance is the act of creating a plan on how a company will
achieve a goal and then making sure everyone executes that plan.
Governance is the responsibility of the board and company executives. These
folks at the top might delegate a lot of the footwork, but they are ultimately
responsible to ensure the plan is properly implemented. A core tenant of
governance is that the people tasked with it must have the authority to
enforce it. After all, what good does it do to have the responsibility of
something if you don’t have the authority to make it happen?
A goal is the result we want to achieve. Let’s say we want to colonize Mars -
the goal might be to establish a Martin outpost with 100 settlers. A few years
ago, this would be an outlandish idea, but in the era of Elon Musk, anything
is possible!
Now, how do we reach our goal? We need a strategy!
A strategy is a plan of action to achieve our goal. Using our Mars example,
our strategy might be:
1) Build a spaceship shaped like a huge Tesla Roadster
2) Fill it with colonists
3) Launch it to Mars without anyone knowing what we’re really up to
A strategy doesn’t have to tell us how we’re going to carry out each step, or
how long it will take, or the problems we might face along the way. It just
lays out a road map of how we are going to reach our goal. If we’re honest
with ourselves, most of us would want to dive right in at this point and start
designing a spaceship. But if we do that without some kind of guiding
principles, things will wind up as a hot mess. For example, how do we buy
the Vibranium needed to build the spaceship? How do we ship it to our
facilities? How do we keep people from finding out that our Tesla Roadster is
filled with colonists? The answer is that we need to create policies to provide
A policy is a high-level statement of what senior management expects and
will dictate the direction in which we are heading. In mature organizations,
policies are well-developed and remain unchanged for a long time.
A good example for securing information about our spaceship-building
activities is the following policy covering access control: “Spaceship design
information shall be controlled in a manner that prevents unauthorized
access.” The policy doesn’t say how, or what technology to use, it just
describes what needs to happen.
You can think of a policy as part of an organization’s ‘constitution’ – written
words that define how an organization operates. If a policy cannot be traced
back to strategy elements, something went wrong – either the strategy is
incomplete, or the policy is just flat out wrong. The policy we just described
can be linked directly to our third strategy element, “Launch it to Mars
without anyone knowing what we’re really up to”. By keeping that
information from unauthorized eyes, the policy carries out the strategy.
Most organizations today have an incoherent mish-mash of information
security policies born out of reaction to incidents as they occur. There is
seldom any mapping back to an actual strategy. This is unfortunate, as
policies are one of the primary elements of governance. Not only does this
reflect a lack of strategy, it also is indicative of a lack of governance in
At times, we may encounter the need to create a sub-policy to address a need
separate from the bulk of the organization. For example, one business unit is
engaging with an outside party that has some very unique and specific
requirements. Rather than adopt those unique policies across the enterprise, a
sub-policy is created for this one unit.
A good policy will exhibit several attributes, which are:

It clearly describes a strategy that captures the intent of

It states only a single general mandate
It is clear and easily understood by all affected parties
It is no more than a few sentences long, except in rare cases
It is part of a complete set that is no more than two dozen in
In some organizations, effective practices have evolved that are not contained
in a written policy. In these cases, the practices themselves should serve as a
basis for policy and standards.
Now, if a policy simply reflects where we’re heading without being specific,
how do we turn that into something useful? Something that we can point to
and say ‘Yes, we have carried out that policy.’ For that, we need a standard!
If policies are the constitution of governance, then standards are the laws.
Strategy results in policies that communicate intent and direction, and
standards tell us how to carry out that policy.
As an example, take our policy about securing information dealing with the
Tesla Roadster spaceship. If you recall, the policy stated:
“Spaceship information shall be controlled in a manner that prevents
unauthorized access.”
We could write a standard providing some implementation details that might
“Passwords for low and medium security information shall be
composed of no fewer than eight characters consisting of a mixture of
upper and lower-case letters and at least one number and one
punctuation mark.”
A standard must provide enough parameters to allow us to confidently state if
a procedure or practice meets the requirements. However, we must be careful
that standards provide the necessary limits while not limiting our technology
options too much. Having said that, standards might change as technologies
and requirements change to reflect new capabilities, and there are usually
multiple standards for each policy. For example, in the example above we
will also need a standard for high security information (such as the existence
of Mars colonists on the spaceship), as only low and medium security
domains were addressed.
When we encounter a standard for which there is not a readily available
technology, or there is some other reason for which we cannot create a
process to meet the standard, we must create an exception process. For
example, let’s assume we want to use a 6-digit pin number to secure some
low-security rooms. That does not follow the standard, and we would
therefore need to follow some exception process to have it approved.
Another way of looking at policies vs. standards is a strategic vs. tactical
viewpoint. Policies are strategic – a high-level view of where we want to get
to. Standards are tactical – they represent specific tools we use to get to
where want to go. But a standard by itself doesn’t get any work done – it only
describes at a medium level how it should work. To actually accomplish real
work, we need a procedure!
A procedure is an unambiguous list of steps required to accomplish a task. It
must define the following:

Required conditions before execution

Information displayed
The expected outcome
What to do when the unexpected happens
Whereas standards are left a little vague on execution, procedures must be
very clear and exact. The terms used are important and should conform to the
following list:

If a task is mandatory use the terms ‘must’ and ‘shall’

If a task is preferred but not mandatory, use the term ‘should’
If a task is purely discretionary, use the terms ‘may or ‘can’
Discretionary tasks should appear in procedures only where necessary, as
they tend to dilute the message. Continuing our password example, a
procedure would be written to set up a password account, or for resetting
passwords, and both cases would provide detailed steps.
Since a procedure is extremely sequential – most often a series of steps to
carry out – we need to keep it as simple as we can. But there are always times
when we try and execute a step and run into trouble that the procedure does
not cover. What do we do then? We turn to a guideline!
A guideline contains information that is helpful when executing procedures.
While standards are usually expressed in very explicit rules and are carried
out by procedures, guidelines are a little more flexible to accommodate
unforeseen circumstances.
For example, say we have a procedure containing step-by-step instructions on
how to pack 100 colonists into a spaceship. Half-way through the loading
process someone who is already in the roadster pops their head out and says,
“Hey, I forgot my ear phones!” Chances are, the loading procedure will not
say anything about what to do in this situation. But, at the bottom of the
procedure is a list of guidelines that you can reference, including a promising
one titled ‘Handling Memory-Challenged Colonists”. Problem solved!
Bringing It All Together
In summary, we:
1) Identify a worthy goal
2) Shape a multi-step strategy to reach the goal
3) Craft policies to carry out each strategy
4) Define standards to outline how we carry out policies
5) Write procedures containing step-by-step instructions on how to
implement standards
6) Fashion guidelines to help when a procedure runs into a problem
We can also say the following:

Goals, Strategies and Policies tell us where we want to go

Standards provide the tools
Procedures give us the step-by-step instructions
Guidelines provide recommendations
Chapter 3: Strategy
In its simplest form, the term strategy can be defined as…
…a plan to achieve a goal.
But if we dig a little deeper, we find that any successful plan must have two
components – a well-defined goal and an understanding of the current
conditions. Digging even deeper, we discover that a successful strategy
involves answering the following four questions:
1) Where are we now?
2) Where do we want to be?
3) What is the gap between the two?
4) What do we need to do to close the gap?
Strategies can fail for a number of reasons – let’s walk through them one at a
First of all, overconfidence is a leading cause of failure. Research has shown
that people have way too much confidence in their ability to create accurate
estimates. Most people dislike coming up with estimates that have a wide
range and prefer to be precisely wrong rather than vaguely right.
Additionally, people tend to be more confident in their abilities than their
success history warrants.
Closely related, people tend to be overly optimistic in their forecasts. When
you combine overconfidence with optimism, you wind up with estimates that
are unrealistically precise and overly optimistic.
If you show a number to a person, he or she will tend to anchor all
subsequent estimates to that number, even if the second subject being
estimated has nothing in common with the first. This is called anchoring and
means that subsequent attempts at estimating will be swayed back to the
original number. As an example, if I were to ask you how many brothers and
sisters you have, and then ask you how many slices of pizza you can eat
before you are full, you will tend to unconsciously anchor your pizza answer
to the numbers of siblings you have.
The status quo bias is a phenomenon in which a person will favor a known
approach even when it has been demonstrated to be vastly ineffective. People
will also show more concern over a possible loss than excitement over a
possible gain.
The endowment effect makes people hold something they already own at a
higher value than if they did not already own it. In other words, if I have a
vase that I will not sell for anything less than $20, I probably would not pay
someone else $20 for that same vase if I did not already own it.
The mental accounting effect is seen when we treat money differently based
on where it comes from or how it is spent and is common in boardrooms. For
example, senior management may clamp down on costs for a core business
but spend freely on a startup. Or, they might create new spending categories
with nebulous names such as ‘revenue investment’.
The herding instinct describes the tendency for people to ‘do what everyone
else is doing’. It takes a special leader to step out and take a chance when no
one else is doing it.
False consensus describes the tendency to overestimate the extent to which
other people share our own views or beliefs. When dealing with strategies,
this pitfall can cause someone to ignore important threats or to prolong a
doomed strategy.
Confirmation bias happens when we seek opinions and facts that support a
conclusion we have already reached.
Selective recall occurs when we remember only facts and experiences that
support our current assumptions.
Biased assimilation is encountered when we accept only facts that support
our current position or perspective.
Biased evaluation is very similar, but in this case, we go one step further and
attack anyone presenting those ‘alternative’ facts, even to the point of
personal attacks.
Groupthink is encountered when we experience pressure for agreement in
team-based cultures.
Elements of a Strategy
Once the starting and ending point of a strategy have been defined, what else
should we look at? The biggest components are going to be resources and
constraints that need to be examined while creating the road map. A typical
road map includes elements such as people, processes, technologies and other
resources. The interactions between these elements can be quite complex, and
so it is probably a smart move to employ a security framework from the
Getting to the desired state is usually a long-term goal that requires multiple
projects and initiatives. It is beneficial to break these down into smaller bite-
sized projects that can be executed in a reasonable time-period. While we
need a long-term road map, everyone must understand that security sits still
for no man, and it is highly likely that some initiatives further down the road
may become obsolete by the time we get there, or at least require some
serious updating. One advantage of breaking long-term projects into multiple
short-term initiatives is that we get built-in checkpoints to revalidate previous
assumptions and to make midcourse corrections. They can also provide
valuable metrics to validate the overall strategy.
Resources are defined as mechanisms, processes and systems that are
available for use. When considering resources, the strategy must enumerate
all available possibilities, but use existing resources if possible. Here is a list
of the most commonly used resources:
Policies Training
Standards Awareness and education
Procedures Audits
Guidelines Compliance enforcement
Architectures Threat assessment
Controls (technical, physical, Vulnerability assessment
Countermeasures BIA
Layered Defenses Risk analysis
Technologies Resource dependency analysis
Personnel security Third-party service providers
Organizational structure Other organizational support
Roles and responsibilities Facilities
Skills Environmental security

Constraints are factors that work against efficiency, and typically include the
following ten:

Legal, such as laws and regulatory requirements

Physical, such as capacity, space and environmental
Ethics, where we must consider if a given action is appropriate,
reasonable, or customary
Culture, which includes both inside and outside of the
Costs, such as time and money
Personnel, where people may be resistant to change or resent new
Organizational structure, where we must consider how
decisions are made and by whom, and battle turf protection
Resources, such as capital, technology and people
Time, where we consider windows of opportunity and mandated
compliance deadlines
Risk appetite, such as threats, vulnerabilities and impacts that
may prevent certain actions
Some constraints, such as ethics and culture, may have already been
overcome when developing the desired state. Others may arise as a direct
result of developing the road map.
Chapter 4: Risk Appetite, Tolerance and Capacity
Now that we understand all of the high-level greatness of where we want to
go, and how we’re getting there, it’s time to dig into some real-world
concepts. Each chapter will be building on the previous content, so be sure
you understand the material before moving on.
We’re going to really dive deep with the idea of risk in a while, but for now
just accept risk as the likelihood something bad is going to happen. If there is
a 75% chance that a building is going to catch fire, risk is high. On the other
hand, if we only think there is a 10% chance of a building catching fire, that
same risk is low.
Some definitions we need to learn are the following:

Risk appetite, which is the amount of risk a business is willing to

Risk tolerance, which is the amount of deviation from the risk
appetite a business considers acceptable.
Risk capacity, which is the amount of risk a business can absorb
without ceasing to exist.
In general, the following statement must be true:
risk appetite + risk tolerance <= risk capacity
Let’s use an example to make this clearer. Let’s say the Boring company
wants to sell flame throwers. However, there is a risk of customers catching
fire while using the tool. The business does a quick calculation and decides it
has sufficient money for 7% of customers to file lawsuits before it goes out of
business. Therefore, it wants to keep the number of spontaneously
combusting customers at 5%. So, we have the following:

Risk appetite = 5%
Risk capacity = 7%
Risk tolerance = (7% - 5%) = 2%
Now, risk tolerance is not correct – yet. It is actually expressed as a deviation
from the risk appetite, so the value is actually (2%/5%) = .4, or a 40%
deviation from risk appetite. Risk tolerance is a 40% deviation.
If risk appetite plus risk tolerance is ever more than risk capacity, then
something went wrong. The level of risk must always be equal to or lower
than the risk capacity.
A final term to note: risk acceptance occurs when an organization decides
that no action is required for a specific risk – it is willing to suffer the
consequences instead of expending resources to mitigate it.
Defining these risk values – appetite, capacity and tolerance - is crucial if we
hope to arrive at reasonable goals. It is also necessary if we expect to have
solid criteria by which risk acceptability will be measured.
Before continuing, we need to introduce another term called a control.
Basically, a control is something put into effect to reduce risk. For example,
let’s say the threat of fire is too great, meaning that the risk of fire exceeds
our risk tolerance. In this case, we can install some sprinkler systems to
reduce the likelihood of fire, bringing the risk of fire down below our risk
tolerance level. That sprinkler system is a control. While it reduces risk, it
also costs money to implement.

Figure 2: Optimizing Risk Costs

Figure 2 illustrates the relationships between risk, control and the cost of a
control. The only way to decrease costs due to a negative incident is to
increase the level of controls, which increases upfront control costs. If we
decrease the level of controls, we can save money now but the cost after an
incursion will go up. The sweet spot is where those two lines cross,
representing a happy compromise where our total costs – upfront control
costs plus costs after an incident - will be the lowest. But, without a clear idea
of what ‘acceptable risk’ is, it will be exceedingly difficult to know if a given
sweet spot is acceptable, or where it even lives.
Let’s go back to our sprinkler example to drive this point home. If the cost of
fire damage is expected to be $100K and we do not put a control in-place,
then our costs after an incident will be $100K. We save a lot of money by not
buying a sprinkler system up-front, but we pay for it in the end when a fire
breaks out. On the other hand, if we pay $100K for a sprinkler system we
may have prevented a fire, but we really didn’t do any good – we’re still out
$100K. The sweet spot is probably going to be when we pay $50K for a
cheaper sprinkler system. Maybe it doesn’t completely prevent a fire, but it
will definitely reduce the amount of damage. And, on the off chance we
never have a fire, we just saved ourselves $50K!
Risk is a very complex subject and is extremely difficult to nail down with
any real level of precision. We must keep several truths in mind:
1) If there is risk associated with taking some kind of action, there is
also risk associated with not taking that action.
2) Mitigating one risk will almost always increase another risk, or
perhaps even create another risk.
3) Risk always carries a cost, whether it is controlled or not.
An important factor to consider is something called business interruption
insurance, which is an insurance policy the organization purchases to cover
itself in the event that we exceed our RTO. We go into more detail later, but
RTO is our recovery time objective, or the maximum amount of time we have
to get our business back up and running after an incident before our business
goes belly up. If we are unable to be up and running by our RTO limit, we
will be in bad shape and business interruption insurance would kick in. Let’s
say we have a $1 million insurance policy with a $10K deductible, and the
policy costs us $50K each year. If we ever have an incident that exceeds our
RTO, the insurance company would pay us up to $1 million after taking out
the $10K deductible.
We could also justify spending up to $50K on controls to mitigate the risk
and not purchase the insurance, as long as we are willing to accept a $10K
residual risk. Residual risk is the amount of risk left over after we have
mitigated a risk. Mitigation does not mean we entirely eliminate risk – it just
means we decrease the level of risk so that it is at or less than our risk
For a given risk, there are usually multiple options that will all mitigate the
risk to some extent. However, some will be costlier than others, and so we
must be careful to evaluate and choose the lowest cost option that will
mitigate the risk to an acceptable level. Arriving at the best decision will
usually be an iterative process as we run through various possibilities until
the best choice is identified.
The information security manager must understand that technical controls
such as firewalls or intrusion detection systems (IDS) are just one dimension
that should be considered. Physical, process and procedural controls may
actually be more effective and less costly than a technical control. For
example, we could use biometric scanners and keycard readers to protect an
asset in our local facility that experiences heavy foot traffic, but perhaps
simply moving the asset to an off-site location that almost no one visits
would achieve the same level of protection. In this case a physical control
achieves the same protection as a technical control, but at a much lower cost.
Chapter 5: Analysis of Risk
Risk analysis is the act of identifying the level for a risk, understanding its
nature, and determining potential consequences. During this time, we also
determine the effectiveness of existing controls and how well each mitigates
their assigned risk. The following five actions take place during this activity:

Examine all risk sources identified earlier

Determine the exposure to potential threats each risk has, and the
effect on likelihood
Determine the consequences if an attack happens
Determine the likelihood that those consequences will occur and
the factors that affect the likelihood
Identify all existing controls that help mitigate the risk
Information used to estimate impact and likelihood usually come from:

Past experience or data and records

Reliable practices, international standards or guidelines
Market research on other organizations and analysis
Experiments and prototypes
Economic, engineering and other models
Specialist and expert advice
Risk analysis techniques include:

Interviews with experts and questionnaires

Use of existing models and simulations
Statistical and other analysis
Whatever method is chosen for risk analysis, it must be consistent with the
acceptance criteria established earlier when defining the risk management
Let’s cover the various methods we can use to analyze risk.
Qualitative Analysis
With the qualitative analysis approach, the magnitude of the impact and
likelihood of the potential consequences are arranged on a 2-dimensional
matrix, with impact on the y-axis and likelihood on the x-axis. Both values
increase in severity such that the upper right corner of the matrix represents
the greatest severity. Categories are assigned to each risk such as low risk,
moderate risk or high risk. Figure 3 shows an example of a qualitative

Figure 3: Qualitative Impact Matrix

Semiquantitative Analysis
A semiquantitative analysis uses the same approach as a qualitative analysis,
but instead of using categories to represent levles of risk, a numerical value is
employed. This value is not representative of anything in the real world – it
simply represents a relative value among risks, with a higher number
representing more risk. If this approach is used, it must be noted that the
differences in numerical value may not represent relative severity between
each risk. For example, suppose we assigned a value of 4 to risk of fire, and a
value of 5 to theft. If the magnitude of the numbers are to be taken at face-
value, we might assume that the risk of theft is only slightly higher than the
risk of fire, but in reality theft might be three times as likely to happen as fire.
So just be careful how you use the results.
Typical minimum and maximum values for impact range from 1 representing
no impact to a value of 5 representing a failure or downsizing of the
organization. The values for likelihood range from 1 meaning rare to a value
of 5 representing frequent, or that the event happens on a regular basis. The
risk probability can be calculated using the following formula:
​risk = impact x likelihood
For example, if a risk had a major impact of 3 and a likelihood of unlikely or
2, then the resulting risk would be 6. Figure 4 shows an example of a
semiquantitative matrix.

Figure 4: Semiquantitative Matrix

Quantitative Analysis
In a quantitative analysis numbers are assigned to both impact and
likelihood. Unlike a semiquantitative analysis where a relative value is
sufficient, the accuracy of these numbers in a quantitative analysis is very
important. Some type of formula is designed to calculate a resulting
consequence for each risk, usually expressed in terms of:

Human impact
Value at Risk
A different approach that is required in some financial sectors is called value
at risk, or VAR, and has shown some promise for information security
management. For this approach to work, we have to a lot of historical data
that is very accurate. We won’t say much more about this approach.
Operationally Critical Threat Asset and Vulnerability Evaluation
Another approach to risk assessment is called the operationally critical threat
asset and vulnerability evaluation, or OCTAVE. OCTAVE is great when we
need a well-established process to identify, prioritize and manage information
security risk, and contains three phases.

Phase 1 locates all assets and builds a threat profile for each.
Phase 2 locates all network paths and IT components required for
each asset, and then figures out how vulnerable those components
Phase 3 assigns risk to each asset and decides what to do about it.
Other Risk Analysis Methods
Some of the more common alternatives to the options we have discussed are
the following seven.

A Bayesian analysis looks at historical data and calculates the

probability of risk.
A bow tie analysis creates a visual diagram with the cause of an
event in the middle, representing the ‘knot’ of a bow tie, with
triggers, controls and consequences branching off of the ‘knot’.
The Delphi method arrives at a consensus by asking a question to
a group, tallying and revealing the anonymous results to the entire
group, and then repeating until there is agreement.
An event tree analysis is a bottom-up model that attempts to
predict the future by reasoning through various events and
calculating the probability of possible outcomes.
A fault tree analysis is a top-down model where we start with an
event and look for possible causes for that event to occur.
A Markov analysis assumes that future events are not necessarily
tied to past events; in this way we can examine systems that can
exist in multiple states simultaneously.
A Monte-Carlo analysis combines known risk with sources of
uncertainty and calculates possible outcomes.
Chapter 6: Controlling Threats and Risk
When we discuss securing infrastructure or processes, we use terms like
vulnerability, threat, threat agent, exploit, risk, and exposure - they are all
interrelated. Let’s take them one at a time and figure out the relationships
between each. Look at Figure 5 while reading this section to help get a grasp
of those relationships.

Figure 5: Information Security Relationships

A vulnerability is a weakness in a system that allows a threat to compromise

security. We normally think of this as a software weakness, but it could also
be hardware, a process or even a person. Examples of vulnerabilities are:

A wireless access point without security enabled

Too many ports on a firewall being open
An unneeded service running on a server, such as an FTP server
that no one uses
Not keeping sensitive rooms locked
Not requiring passwords to be changed periodically
Not performing background checks on new hires
An exploit occurs when a vulnerability is taken advantage of by an attacker.
A threat is the danger that a vulnerability might be exploited. A person or
process that exploits a vulnerability is called a threat agent. Examples of a
threat agent might be employees not following proper procedure when
shredding documents, an attacker gaining access to data through a network
connection or even an automated process that deletes the wrong files. Threats
can be natural, manmade or technical in nature.
A risk is the likelihood that a threat agent will exploit a vulnerability
combined with the damage that could result. For example, if an Intrusion
Detection System, or IDS, is not implemented on your network, then the risk
of an attack going unnoticed goes up.
An exposure is a single real-world instance of a vulnerability being exploited
by a threat agent. If you are hacked three times in one year, then you have
experienced three different exposures within the last year.
A control is created or put into place to mitigate the risk of a threat. Note that
a control does not usually eliminate the risk altogether – it simply reduces the
likelihood of a vulnerability being exploited. Examples of controls might be
firewalls, encryption, security guards or requiring strong passwords.
Let’s put all the definitions together:
A threat is a vulnerability that is exploited by a threat agent. The likelihood
of this happening coupled with the resulting damage is called a risk, and
when it does happen we encounter an exposure. The way we reduce risk is to
implement a control. If we target a control to a specific threat, it is called a
One last concept to cover is something called defense-in-depth, or a layered
defense. This is the application of multiple control layers such that if a layer
fails, it does not cause the failure of the next layer as well. The number of
layers will depend on how critical and sensitive the protected asset is.
However, excessive reliance on a single layer is never a good idea. Many
organizations install a firewall and feel secure, but in reality, they have not
really mitigated any appreciable risks.
Threats can be both internal and external, and intentional or unintentional.
Threats by definition are beyond our control – all we can do is to manage
their impact.
There are three types of threats we most often encounter. The first is an
environmental threat, which includes natural disasters. The actual natural
disaster will differ by region, but some may occur for prolonged periods of
time such as drought or may occur annually such as flooding during the wet
season. Some threats are rare enough or impractical to address, such as a
comet strike, and so are generally disregarded or addressed using business
continuity insurance.
The second type of threat is technical which includes:

Electrical failure
Air conditioning, or HVAC, failures
Information system and software issues
Telecommunication failures
Gas or water leakage
With proper planning, most of these threats can be managed adequately, with
the possible exceptions of advanced persistent threats or zero-day
vulnerabilities (we’ll discuss both of those in just a moment).
The third type of threat is man-made that results from man-made actions.
Examples are:

Damage by disgruntled employees

Corporate sabotage or espionage
Political instability

Internal Threats
Employees are one of the greatest sources of man-made threats. One way to
mitigate this threat is to apply need-to-know and least privilege access to
prevent access to assets, but this is not a perfect solution, as someone will
always have access. The typical malicious insider is a current or former
employee, contractor or business partner who has or had authorized access to
an organization’s network, system or data and intentionally caused harm to
the organization. The first step to mitigate internal threats is with the hiring
process itself by reviewing references and background checks. When hiring,
the employee should be required to sign a nondisclosure agreement (NDA)
and be advise of the organization’s ethics and policies.
Thereafter, employees should be periodically reminded of those policies.
Keeping employees content with their job position goes a long way to
mitigating internal risks. An employee who has recently been demoted or
bypassed for a promotion may pose an increased risk.
When employment has ended, the employee must return all organizational
assets to prevent unauthorized access in the future. Access credentials should
be disabled immediately prior to the employee’s departure.
External Threats
Anytime a network is present, or an organization has a physical presence of
any kind, external threats are real. Some examples are:

Criminal acts
Data corruption
Disease (epidemic)
Facility flaws, such as burst water pipes
Hardware flaws
Industrial accidents
Lost assets
Mechanical failures
Power surges
Utility failures
Seismic activity
Severe storms
Software errors
Supply chain interruption
A zero-day vulnerability is a weakness that is so new a fix is not yet
available. Many times, the only recourse is to disable the system or process
exhibiting the weakness until a fix is available. The ‘zero-day’ name comes
from the risk that an attacker will exploit the vulnerability immediately after
discovery before anyone is aware of its existence.
An advanced persistent threat (APT) is a skilled external attacker who is
willing to invest considerable time and resources into bypassing an
organization’s network and system security controls. APTs may be sponsored
by governments, organized crime or competitors. Typical APT attacks have
the following life cycle:

The initial compromise, where an attacker uses social

engineering and spear phishing via email to plant a zero-day virus.
Establish foothold, where the attacker installs a remote
administration tool (RAT) or creates backdoors for later use.
Escalate privileges by gaining administrator access to a
Internal reconnaissance is carried out by collecting information
about the network and devices.
Move laterally by expanding control to other computers and
stealing data from them.
Maintain presence using the channels and credentials already
Complete the mission by retrieving the stolen data and hiding
their tracks
The typical sources for ATP are:

Intelligence agencies
Criminal groups
Terrorist groups
Activist groups
Armed forces
An emerging threat consists of mounting evidence that something ‘hinky’ is
going on in the organization’s network and systems. This may be unusual
system activity, repeated alarms, slow system or network performance, or
new activity (or excessive activity) in logs. Often, logs will contain advanced
warning of a coming threat, but is overlooked because no one paid attention
to it.
Since technology is almost always built with functionality in-mind and
rushed to market, it is a core source of vulnerabilities. In fact, it is not too
uncommon to discover that new software itself is a threat agent because the
authors had malicious intent. Bring your own device (BYOD) where
employees are allowed to use their personal devices on the corporate network
can be a cost-savings boon to companies, but it brings a substantial increase
of risk with it, so be careful with this tempting trend. On the flip side, a
security posture that focuses on rejection of new technology will completely
fail in short order, so a compromise is essential.
A vulnerability, sometimes called a ‘weakness’ is not a yes or no proposition
– we can’t say an asset is vulnerable or not. Pretty much everything is
vulnerable to something, it is simply a matter of degree. NIST SP 800-30
provides a list of vulnerabilities to consider as well as predisposing
conditions – scenarios which may lead to the rapid or unpredictable
emergence of new vulnerabilities.
Estimating the degree of vulnerability can be carried out by testing or by
using estimates from subject matter experts. It is important to communicate to
management the uncertainty in estimates by using either ranges or
distributions – by doing so we can inform management on unlikely
maximums and likely values.
Be careful not to overplay weaknesses of a single control if it is part of a very
effective mitigation approach when combined with one or more other
controls. For example, a legacy system may have a very weak password
protection mechanism, but if the system is only accessible from a single
physical workstation locked away in a high-security room, it is probably not
worth worrying about. Automated scanning of IT systems can serve as a
leading indicator of vulnerabilities, but process and performance weaknesses
are tougher to uncover.
Vulnerabilities can be grouped into the following categories:

Network vulnerabilities
Physical access
Applications and web-facing services
Supply chains
Cloud computing
Internet of Things (IoT)
Some typical examples of vulnerabilities include:

Defective software
Improperly configured hardware/software
Inadequate compliance enforcement
Poor network design
Uncontrolled or defective processes
Inadequate governance or management
Insufficient staff
Lack of knowledge to support users or applications
Lack of security functionality
Lack of proper maintenance
Poor choice of passwords
Transmission of unprotected communications
Lack of redundancy
Poor management communications
Vulnerability management is part of the incident management capability, and
represents the proactive identification, monitoring and repair of any
Risk, Likelihood and Impact
We have already defined risk as the likelihood that a threat agent will exploit
a vulnerability combined with the damage that could result. If we were to put
it into a formula, it would be:
risk = (likelihood of vulnerability exploitation) x (amount of damage)
But risk can be expressed as an equation:
risk = threats X vulnerabilities X consequences
If threats, vulnerabilities or consequences increase, then so does risk. We
almost always view risk as a negative thing. Believe it or not, there is such as
‘positive risk’ – we just normally call it an opportunity. The risk in this case
is the risk that we might not take advantage of it.
A risk is the likelihood that a threat agent will exploit a vulnerability
combined with the damage that could result. For example, if an Intrusion
Detection System, or IDS, is not implemented on your network, then the risk
of an attack going unnoticed goes up
Probability is the likelihood that a threat will exploit a vulnerability, which is
itself a measure of frequency – how often an event might occur. When
identifying risk, likelihood is used to calculate the level of risk based on the
number of events, combined with the impact that may occur in a given time
period, usually a year. The likelihood combined with the magnitude of the
impact is used to determine ALE (which we will discuss up in a few
chapters). The greater the frequency, the greater the likelihood, the and the
greater the risk.
For example, on the anniversary of its founding, nation states often
experience elevated levels of attacks from foreign countries. Anti-American
countries love to launch attacks on July 4th. So, the probability of a threat
exploiting a vulnerability goes up during this time period. But since ALE is
the annualized loss expectancy, we spread that increased likelihood over the
span of one year.
Determining likelihood requires us to consider the following factors:

Volatility is a measure of how stable the conditions giving rise to

risk are. The more volatility there is, the higher the risk will be at
times, and we must estimate using the higher value.
Velocity measures two intervals – the amount of time from
warning to the actual event, and the time from the actual event and
subsequent impact. The greater the velocity, the less time we have
to react.
Proximity indicates the time between an event and impact. The
greater the velocity, the closer the proximity.
Interdependency measures the correlation of multiple risk events –
if they happen concurrently or sequentially impacts
Motivation measures the type of motivation the attacker has. For
example, a politically motivated attacker will go after different
targets than an attacker who is motivated by financial gain.
Skill measures the proficiency of the attacker and informs us of
potential targets. The greater the skillset, the greater the likelihood
the attacker will go after high-value assets.
Visibility is an attribute attached to the target, as high-visibility
targets are more likely to be attacked.
No single model can provide a complete picture of all possible risk, but if we
logically group risk areas together, it will help us to focus on the most
important decision to be made.
We need to accept that it will be impossible to eliminate all risk, so
prioritization of risk is an absolute must. We simply need to be OK with a
certain amount of acceptable risk.
Most organizations focus on controlling unauthorized system access, which
actually represents a small percentage of losses. More attention should be
paid to risks such as outsourced services, electronic backups, lost or stolen
laptops and paper records. Some of the best controls are the following:

Strong access controls

Limiting access to need-to-know
Network segmentation
Effective termination procedures
Good monitoring
As we stated before, the majority of risks do not come from technology, and
can therefore not be solved with technology. The majority will be
management and personnel problems.
Risk Register
While identifying risk, a risk register should be created and populated. This
is a central list of all information security risks including specific threats,
vulnerabilities, exposures and assets. It should also include the asset owner,
risk owner and other stakeholders.
Evaluation of Risk
When we evaluate risk, we must decide if mitigation is needed, and if so,
how we will achieve that. We actually have four options, which are:

Accept the risk as-is

Mitigate the risk until it falls within range

Avoid the risk by terminating the activity that encounters the risk
Transfer the risk by outsourcing to third party or taking out
insurance in case we encounter an incident.
There is one other option, which is a really terrible choice in most cases, and
that is to ignore risk. Accepting risk is not the same as ignoring risk. When
we accept risk, it is implied that we have done our due diligence and taken
due care to assess the severity of the risk and have made a conscious choice
to not mitigate it. On the other hand, when we ignore risk we are aware that it
exists but do not bother evaluating it. The only case in which ignoring a risk
is a valid choice is when an impact is so small it is not worth measuring, or
the impact is so great that no one will be around to care anyway, such as a
comet strike or nuclear war.
Note that when transferring risk, we can only transfer the financial impact.
The legal responsibility for consequences can almost never be transferred.
So, our rules then are the following:
1) If the level of risk falls at or below our acceptable risk criteria +
risk tolerance variance, then we accept the risk and do nothing else.
2) If the level of risk is not acceptable, then we will need to mitigate
the risk using one of the following options:

a. Modify an existing control or add a new control

b. Change a business process to lower the risk to an acceptable

3) If we cannot mitigate the risk, then we have two choices:

a. If the risk has a low likelihood but high impact, transfer (or
share) the risk
b. If we can’t transfer the risk, then we must:
i. Avoid the risk by terminating the activity that is
causing the risk
ii. If we can’t avoid the risk and the benefits are very
high, accept the risk
iii. If we reach this point, we need to start over and
choose a valid option!

Risk Ownership and Accountability

Once a risk has been identified and evaluated, an owner must be chosen, who
must be either a manager or senior official. A risk owner is expected to
accept risk based on the organization’s risk appetite and must be someone
with the budget, authority and mandate to select the appropriate risk response
based on information provided by the information security manager. The
owner also owns any controls used for mitigation and for ensuring proper
effectiveness monitoring is carried out.
Residual Risk
A risk prior to mitigation is called an inherent risk. The risk that remains after
controls have been implemented is called residual risk. Risk can never be
entirely eliminated, and so there will always be residual risk. An interesting
side effect of mitigation is that when we reduce one risk, we will always
introduce another risk, but hopefully one that is of a lesser nature. For
example, when we require a dual control such that two people are required to
carry out a risky operation, we have now introduced risk that the two people
will get together and collude to get around our new control.
The bottom line is that we must ensure that residual risk is equal to the
organization’s criteria for acceptable risk plus risk tolerance. To ensure that
residual risk is acceptable, we must perform a follow-on risk assessment after
the initial control has been implemented. It is also possible that residual risk
is so low that we decide to lessen the original control to save on costs.
An impact is caused when a threat exploits a vulnerability and causes a loss.
Impact is expressed as a financial loss in commercial organizations. Impacts
can be qualitative (such as loss of reputation) or quantitative (such as
replacement costs for hardware).
Chapter 7: Controls and Countermeasures
Slicing and Dicing Controls
For the upcoming discussions, we will cover three ways to slice and dice
controls, and it can get a little confusing if you’re not careful. Therefore,
we’re going to cover all three right now at a high-level to try and prevent
First, we have the method in which a control acts, which can be physical,
technical or procedural. A physical control might be a door lock or a gate. A
technical control is usually technological in nature, such as a firewall or user
credentials. A procedural control reduces risk by providing a step-by-step list
of instructions to be followed.
Next, controls can be grouped into categories, such as preventative,
detective, corrective, compensating, deterrent. We’ll wait to describe each of
Finally, controls can be grouped into technological categories, such as native,
supplemental or support. This last grouping only applies to controls using the
technical method.
A control can be defined as a policy, procedure, practice, technology and
organizational structure designed to provide reasonable assurance that
business goals are achieved, and undesirable events are either prevented, or
detected and corrected.
Put much more simply, a control mitigates a risk. It can be a policy,
procedure, practice, technology or a change in organizational structure.
Whatever form it might take, a control must help us achieve our business
goals by preventing, detecting or correcting an undesirable event. For
example, if our Musk-ian spacecraft is going to survive a trip to Mars, then
we must shield it from radiation from the sun or it will simply fall apart after
a year or two. So, we make the ship’s skin out of material that can filter out
harmful radiation (maybe that’s why we need Vibranium). That skin is a
control that prevents an undesirable event – namely the destruction of our
space-faring Roadster.
Standards and procedures that are too restrictive or prevent the business from
achieving its goals will be ignored. If we require employees to pass through a
turnstile, swipe a card, and then submit to an iris scan every time they need to
go to the bathroom, we will very quickly discover that our security devices
have been mysteriously sabotaged. Instead, we need to balance the need for
controls with the requirements for the business. This means the security
manager must have a good business perspective, resulting in controls that are
the least restrictive while still delivering acceptable risk mitigation.
Control Categories
Controls can be grouped into five functional categories:

A preventative control stops attempts to violate a security policy,

such as access control, encryption or authentication
A detective control warns us of attempted or successful violations
of a security policy, such as an audit trail, intrusion detection
method or the use of checksums
A corrective control remediates or reverses an impact after it has
been felt. An example is a backup restoration process, which will
recover a system that has been so damaged it is no longer usable
in this current state
A compensating control makes up for a weakness in another
control *
A deterrent control provides warnings that can deter a potential
compromise. Examples might be a warning sign that cameras are
monitoring the premises, or login warning banners
* The CISM manual is in conflict with other exams when it comes to
defining a compensating control. For example, the CISSP exam defines a
compensating control as a secondary control that is selected as an alternative
to a primary control, because the first choice is deemed too expensive or
impractical. However, if you want to pass the exam, stick with the definition
as discussed.
Let’s use an example to cover all five of the control categories. Let’s say we
need to protect a system in mission control from evil alien hackers coming in
over the Internet. We put a firewall in place to try and prevent unwanted
traffic from getting into our network. We require a login as an access control
to prevent unauthorized access. On the network we have an intrusion
detection system, or IDS, that will act as a detection control by looking for
hackers trying to carry out a brute-force login attack against the system. In
case we don’t catch the attacker and they compromise a system, we use a
backup and restore process as a corrective control to bring the system back
to a usable state. And finally, we add session timeouts as a compensating
control so that if credentials are compromised, the damage is limited to 20
Figure 6 shows the relationships between controls and their effects.

Figure 6: Control Types and Effect

Control Methods
Controls can implement a procedural, technical or physical method.
A procedural control, sometimes called an administrative control or
managerial control, is anything that oversees or reports on a process and
includes the procedures and operations of that process. This includes policies,
procedures, balancing accounts, employee development and compliance
A technical control, sometimes called a logical control, always contains
some type of technology whether it is hardware or software – usually a
combination of both. Examples include firewalls, intrusion detection systems,
passwords and antivirus software. A technical control requires one or more
administrative controls to operate correctly. Most security failures can be
attributed to failures of management, and we need to remember that
management problems do not have a technical solution. Therefore, we need
to be careful about being too reliant on technological controls.
A physical control can physically restrict access to a facility or hardware.
Such controls require maintenance and monitoring, and there should be a way
to react to an alert if the control provides one. Examples are locks, fences and
closed-circuit TV.
When a control is deployed to counter a specific threat known to exist, it is
called a countermeasure. A countermeasure will be more effective at
countering the specific threat, but as a side-effect will be less efficient than
more general controls. As an example, a firewall is a general control that is
not implemented for a specific threat, while a countermeasure might be using
a router to segment specific systems into their own subnet for added security.
Countermeasures are not necessarily less cost-effective as they usually are
targeted to reduce the cost of any harmful event. Our radiation shield is very
targeted to a specific threat, and while it is very costly, the mission would
certainly not succeed without it.
A countermeasure may often be a new control, but often it is applied as an
enhancement to an existing control. For example, if a new version of an email
scam is uncovered, a spam filter may be enhanced to detect that specific
threat. Security programs must be nimble enough to roll out countermeasures
quickly, often with a special process that bypasses the normal procedures.
However, this exception path must ensure that all change management and
approval processes still take place, even if it is after the fact.
A countermeasure may be preventative, detective or corrective, or any
combination of the three, but are not recognized by ISO 27001 (which is
discussed later) as they address a specific threat. A countermeasure can be
expensive not only in terms of cost, but also because it may distract from core
security operations. Their use should be authorized only after careful
consideration and justification.
We must keep in mind that controls are not the only way to implement
security. In some cases, we can simply reengineer a process or modify an
architecture. Something else to be aware of – at times risk mitigation can
actually reduce business opportunities and will be counterproductive. Some
risks are worth living with when only financial considerations are being
looked at. Ultimately, the goal of information security is to assure that
business goals are achieved. Security for the sake of security is useless.
As a valid example of ignoring risk, suppose a business decides to expand
into manufacturing shoes, where we might encounter the risk of the glue not
holding the shoe together. We calculate this would result in a potential loss of
$15 per pair due to returned merchandise. But, if we make $20 per pair, it’s
well worth the risk. Just because some risks cannot be mitigated doesn’t
mean the business venture is not worthwhile.
Control Design Considerations
With the current regulatory environment, which is heavy on rules and light on
forgiveness, the best approach to identifying and selecting controls is a top-
down, risk-based approach. Top-down so that we don’t leave gaps, and risk-
based because control goals will be defined by the amount of acceptable risk
the organization has. This means that the overall objective for any control is
both its goal and the metrics used to measure how well it has achieved the
goal. Normally, reaching the goal of a control will actually involve using a
combination of different types of controls, such as physical, technical and
administrative. For example, a technical firewall will require some physical
protection and oversight by an administrative control.
The cost of the control is one of the most important considerations, but there
are others that factor in, such as:

Impacts on productivity
Inconvenience to users
Training costs
Operation costs
Maintenance and testing costs
User acceptance
Cultural and ethical acceptability
Legal and regulatory requirements
Adaptability to changing risk
Ability to monitor
Ability to provide notifications
Ease of testing
Self-testing capability
Acceptable failure mode (when it fails, what ode does it default
Tamper resistance

Control Strategies
An overall strategy to follow when selecting controls is to:

Determine acceptable risk and risk tolerance

Determine control objectives based on acceptable risk levels
Determine requirements for controls based on the objectives
Some security products can act as multiple types of controls simultaneously.
For example, a firewall may act as a deterrent control by having a proxy
service running on the firewall to display a warning banner. It can also act as
a preventative control by restricting the types of traffic allowed in. At the
same time, it can be a detective control by examining inbound traffic and
generating alerts if suspicious patterns are discovered. The same control can
also be a corrective control by rerouting traffic to an alternative site if it
determines that the systems it is protecting have degraded below a preset
Of course, none of the features just mentioned have any reliance on the
appliance being a firewall. Rather, that appliance just happens to implement
multiple control types. It is important for the security manager to be able to
distinguish capabilities apart from whatever an appliance may be called. Just
because we might call an appliance ‘Super-Strong Security Gizmo’ does not
in fact mean that it can actually secure our network. We need to be able to
look at its individual capabilities and make that determination for ourselves.
Controls need to be automated as much as possible to make it harder to
bypass. Anytime we introduce a human into the equation, we increase the
risk of a critical process or procedure getting missed or intentionally skipped.
Let’s discuss some various aspects of automation.
Access Control
Before a user is allowed to access information, a system should always
identify, authenticate and authorize that user:

Identity – something that uniquely identifies the user, such as a

user name, email address or thumbprint
Authenticate – something that only the user knows, has or is.
Examples might be a password, a security token, or an iris pattern.
Authorize – based on the identity, decide what level of access and
to what resources the user should be allowed
While there are many ways to implement access control, most fall into two

Mandatory access control, or MAC, which looks at the

classification of the requested resource and compares it to the
security clearance of the user. This approach is used in high-
security implementations such as a military system but is difficult
to administrate.
Discretionary access control, or DAC, which uses groups to make
security administration easier, and allows anyone with access to a
resource to pass that access on to other users at their ‘discretion’.
Secure Failure
When a control detects a malfunction, and decides it is no longer effective, it
can default to one of two states:

Fail unsecure (open) – when a failure is encountered, behave as if

the control were never in-place to begin with. For example, if the
control is an electronic door lock and power is interrupted, a fail
unsecure state would be to leave the door unlocked.
Fail secure – lock down all access, usually resulting in an outage.
In our door example, this state would leave the door in a locked
position until power is returned.
The initial reaction might be to always desire a ‘fail secure’ behavior, but we
need to be careful. For our door lock example, what if a fire caused the power
outage and we fail secure? Everyone would be trapped inside – not a happy
Compartmentalize to Minimize Damage
The compartmentalize to minimize damage approach groups resources into
separate ‘compartments’ that each require a unique authorization control. For
example, if you visit the Amazon website, you can often see basic details of
your account – such as your name – without having to log in again – your
browser has a cookie that remembers who you are. But, if you attempt to look
at your order history, you will be forced to authenticate again. Some sites will
force a third authentication if you try to access credit card information. This
approach can be taken to the extreme by requiring different credentials for
each level of access.
We achieve transparency when all stakeholders can easily understand how a
security mechanism is supposed to work. This allows them to clearly see
what effects their activities have on system security. How do we do this? By
keeping the technology design as simple as possible to avoid confusion. Each
department is free to layer on their domain-specific terminology within their
own discussions, but cross-department communication should remain at a
level that everyone understands.
Trust relevant to security means that we trust an external party to tell us if a
user’s identity has been authenticated and is valid. A common use of this
mechanism is with certificates such as SSL or TSL. In this example, a
certificate is handed to us from a third party (the certificate authority) that
represents the user, and we trust the certificate because we trust the third
Trust No One
Trust no one is a design strategy that does not trust any one person to follow
the proper procedures when administrating a system. Instead, we rely on one
or more oversight controls to monitor and audit their activity. An example
might be closed-circuit television that watches activities from a remote
Two other important controls are segregation of duties (SOD) and principle
of least privilege, both of which were covered in Section 1.
Control Strength
Although we have stated previously that an automated control is favored over
a manual control, there are exceptions to this rule. Why? If the effectiveness
of a control cannot be measured, then it is useless. In fact, it is usually
harmful as it will give us a false sense of security. In this scenario it is far
better to rely on a manual process that can be proven to be effective. For
example, let’s say we implemented a biometric pad that reads fingerprints
before unlocking a door. It sounds great, but if we have no way of knowing
how many false positives it is giving off then it has failed spectacularly. On
the other hand, a person looking at faces and checking badges and recording
the results by hand in a log book may be expensive and slow, but it can be
proven to work. The automated control in this example is said to possess a
very low control strength, while the manual method has a high control
The overall strength of a control is a result of two factors:

The inherent (or design) strength

The likelihood that it will be effective
As an example, a segregation of duty control has an inherent strength simply
by the nature of its design – if you require more than one person to carry out
a function, the chance of fraud decreases. Now, if you use that control to
require two or more people to balance out registers at the end of the day, the
control now has been applied in a way that will likely to be effective.
Inherent design strength plus the way in which it has been applied results in
overall control strength.
When evaluating control strength, the following must also be taken into

If it is preventative or detective
If it is manual or automated
If it has formal or ad-hoc
A formal control has documentation reflecting its procedures and how well it
has been maintained.
Control Recommendations
Beyond determining a control’s strength, the following checklist should be
used when selecting controls:

The effectiveness
Compatibility with other systems, processes and controls
Relevant regulation and legislation
Organizational policy and standards
Organizational structure and culture
Operational impact
Safety and reliability
Control recommendations are provided as an input to the risk treatment
process, which evaluates, prioritizes and implements the controls.
Physical and Environmental Controls
Physical security is of special concern as a violation in this area can render
other controls completely useless. For example, suppose we have a great
access control mechanism in place to prevent unauthorized individuals from
logging into an application and looking at sensitive payroll information. But,
if someone can simply walk up to the database server, plug in a USB drive
and copy the data off, what good is that access control? Physical security
forms the basis for all other security.
Some methods to prevent this scenario are the following:

Identification badges
Authentication devices such as smart cards
Security cameras
Security guards
Environmental controls are a specialized type of physical controls dealing
with facility capabilities that allow us to host computer equipment. These

Air conditioning
Water drainage
Fire suppression
If an organization has facilities dispersed over a large geographical area, it
may be necessary for the security manager to delegate on-site responsibilities
to local employees.
Control Technology Categories
We have already discussed control categories such as deterrent, detective,
corrective, preventative and compensating. But now we are going to discuss
different control technology categories. Obviously, this will apply only to
controls falling under the technical method, as opposed to administrative and
physical methods. So be careful to not get confused between the various ways
in which we group controls.
Control technologies will fall in one of three technology categories – native,
supplemental or support.
Native control technologies are out-of-the-box capabilities, and we can start
using them immediately without any type of additional work beyond
configuration. For example, a web server usually comes with the ability to
enforce authentication, log access attempts and provide TLS encryption. All
of these controls are said to be native to the web server. In the spirit of
segregation of duties, most native controls are configured and operated by IT,
not by information security staff. Some devices that will always have some
level of native controls include:

While native controls come out-of-the-box, a supplemental control
technology is added on to an information system after the fact. As a result,
supplemental controls tend to be more specialized and are therefore often
operated by security specialists. However, it usually is of some benefit to
share oversight of these technologies between the information security and IT
groups. Some examples of supplemental controls are:

Federated identity management systems

Single sign-on (SSO)
Intrusion prevention systems (IPS)
Management support technologies serve three primary purposes:

Automate a security-related procedure

Process management information
Increase management capabilities
For example, we might want to automate the analysis of event logs or add a
device to scan for compliance. Support technologies are usually used
exclusively by the security department but are maintained by IT in order to
follow a segregation of duties approach. Some common supporting
technologies include:

Security information management, or SIM

Security information and event management, or SIEM
Compliance monitoring
Access management workflow systems
Vulnerability scanning tools
Security configuration monitoring tools
Policy management and distribution systems
Chapter 8: ALE, RTO, RPO, SDO, MTO, MTD and
Part of calculating risk to a valuable asset is to express that risk in terms of
money – there is nothing like dollar signs to get the attention of executives!
The most common means to do so is something called annual loss
expectancy, or ALE. This term will popup repeatedly as we go through each
domain, so be sure to get this concept down cold.
But, there are several other terms we must understand before we can start
generating an ALE.
First, each asset must be assigned a monetary value, called the asset value, or
AV. If a building cost $400,000 to replace, then AV = $400,000.
The exposure factor, or EF, is the percentage of an asset’s value that is likely
to be destroyed by a particular risk and is expressed as a percentage. For
example, if we are assessing the risk of a building catching fire, and we
estimate that one-third of the building will be destroyed in a fire, the EF =
The single loss expectancy, or SLE, is the loss we will encounter if we
experienced a single instance of a specific risk. In other words, for our
building above, SLE would be the replacement cost for the building
($400,000) multiplied by how much of the building would be destroyed
(33%). So:
​SLE ​= ​AV x EF
​ = $​ 400,000 x 33%
​ = $​ 132,000
In simple terms, we expect that if the building catches fire, it will cost us
$132,000 to repair it.
We have one more term to cover before we can calculate ALE.
The annualized rate of occurrence, or ARO, is the number of times a threat
on a single asset is expected to happen in a single year. This number can be
less than 1, which means we expect it to happen every few years instead of
multiple times per year. If we expect our building to catch fire once every 10
years, then ARO = 1/10, or .1. If we, for some bizarre reason, expect our
building to catch fire 3 times each year, then ARO will be 3. Let’s go with
the once per 10 years in our example, since that seems to be a bit more
So now we finally get down to calculating ALE, which is simply how much
money we will lose for each instance of the threat multiplied by how often it
will happen each year. This will give us how much money we can expect to
lose each year – that is why we call it the annualized loss expectancy. The
formula is:
​ALE ​= ​SLE x ARO
And calculating it for our example, we would use:
​ALE ​= ​$132,000 x .1
​ = ​$13,200
Remember, this is all in relation to performing a quantitative analysis, where
the result for each risk will be expressed as either SLE or ALE, most
commonly ALE.
Recovery Time Objective (RTO)
A good chunk of security management is focused on preventing bad things
from happening. However, there is no way to completely prevent an incident
from occurring, and in those cases, we must shift our attention to getting
compromised facilities and systems back to an acceptable level of operation.
The recovery time objective, or RTO, is the amount of time required to do
this. The acceptable level is defined by the service delivery objective, or SDO
(more on that in just a bit).
The acceptability of some risks can be quantified by using the approach of
RTO, which tells us how much downtime we can absorb without serious
consequences. RTO can then be used to quantify the cost of getting back to
full recovery. For example, if we decide that our business can survive for
only 3 days if our order taking system were to go down, then RTO must be
no greater than 3 days. We can then estimate how much it would cost us to
always be in a position where we could bring all order systems back to full
operation within 3 days. As a result, we now know our risk capacity is 3
days, and our risk appetite must be the same or less. Furthermore, if we
decide our risk appetite is 2 days, but our risk tolerance is 75%, something
has obviously gone wrong, since we are saying that we cannot survive longer
than 3 days without the ordering systems, yet out of the other side of our
collective mouths we are claiming we can stomach 3.5 days of downtime.
Something doesn’t add up!
Recovery Point Objectives (RPO)
The recovery point objective, or RPO, focuses on data backup and
restoration. RPO will tell us how much data we can stand to permanently lose
in case of interruption in terms of time, usually hours or days. Backup
schemes normally will perform full or partial backups of data systems
automatically on a periodic basis. RPO tells us the maximum amount of time
we should ever go without performing some type of backup. There is a
scenario in which the time to restore exceeds the RPO or RTO. For example,
the RPO dictates we can lose only 6 hours of data, but if an interruption
occurs, it will take 8 hours to restore that 6 hours’ worth of data, in which
case we will have exceeded the RPO by 2 hours. Or, perhaps the RPO is 2
days, but RTO may be set at 6 hours, in which case the RTO will be
exceeded due to a slow restore. In either case, we are simply unable to meet
the RPO or RTO, and if we cannot make them align by using different
technologies, we just have to accept the risk.
Service Delivery Objectives (SDO)
The service delivery objective, or SDO, defines the minimum level of service
that must be restored after an event until normal operations can be resumed.
Both RTO and RPO affect the value of the SDO. The units of SDO are
specific to the system, but some possibilities might be transactions per second
(TPS) or the number of concurrent users.
Maximum Tolerable Outage (MTO, or MTD)
The maximum tolerable outage, or MTO, is the maximum time that an
organization can operate in an alternate or recovery mode until normal
operations are resumed. Many factors can limit MTO, such as the availability
of fuel to operate emergency generators, or the accessibility of a remote
backup site. MTO will have a direct impact on the RTO, which in turn
impacts the RPO.
Maximum tolerable downtime, or MTD, is another name for MTO.
Allowable Interruption Window (AIW)
The allowable interruption window, or AIW, reflects the amount of time
normal operations are down before the organization faces major financial
problems that threaten its existence. MTO should never be greater than AIW
but can be much shorter. Increasing the gap between MTO and AIW will
lessen the impact the organization feels from a given outage.
Bringing It All Together
Let’s assume that we work for a company manufacturing rocket engines for
gigantic Tesla Roadster spaceships. We have committed to delivering 40
engines each week, and you have been tasked with figuring out how to keep
the system up that runs our assembly lines. The primary assembly line runs at
75% capacity, meaning if we need to, we can kick up the speed temporarily
to 100% to churn out engines more quickly. The CEO tells you that the
company cannot survive if it is down for more than 7 days, so we set AIW
(allowable interruption window) to 7 days. AIW represents the downtime
before the company will be forced to cease operations.
Now, if the main assembly line goes down, our plan is to shift to a backup
facility until the primary facility can be repaired. But, the backup facility can
only operate at 50% of our normal capacity. So, we can run on the backup
facility for only a few days. Without going into the details, we calculate that
to be 3 days to get back up to speed before we hit the AIW. Therefore, RTO
(recovery time objective) would be set to 3 days – that is the maximum
amount of time we have until the assembly lines must be back up and
But, since our backup facility only operates at 50% relative to our primary
facility (which normally runs at 75% of its capability), once we have resumed
normal operations the primary assembly line will need to run at 100% for a
few days to catch back up. So, we define SDO (service delivery objective) to
be 100%, and then once we have caught up we can return to 75%. This means
in the event of an outage, the primary facility must be ready to run at full
speed for a few days.
But we discover that MTO (maximum tolerable outage) for the backup
facility is only 2 days because it cannot store enough fuel to operate for
longer. Since MTO is less than RTO, we have a problem. We solve it by
installing an additional fuel tank for the backup facility, bringing MTO to 4
days. MTO >= RTO, so we’re good.
Once we solve MTO, we discover that we only backup the system running
the assembly line once per week, forcing RPO (recovery point objective) to 7
days. Since the entire assembly process depends on tracking progress by the
second, an outage would set us back by a week, which exceeds RTO.
Obviously, this is unacceptable. So, we decide to start backing the system up
once per day, meaning that our RPO is set to 1 day, which is just enough to
squeeze by. But, there is another problem – restoring the backup is a lengthy
process and will take 2 days. That means we cannot bring the backup facility
online for 2 days after the outage starts. Not a good thing, since RTO is 3
days. Therefore, we have to invest some major money into purchasing a
system that will allow us to restore data to the backup facility in only a few
Now, how does ALE (annual loss expectancy) factor into this? Well, we
have a plan that kicks into place if an outage occurs, but we would rather not
incur that cost if we can avoid it. We can calculate an ALE for a specific
threat to help us understand how much money we should spend to avoid an
outage. Let’s assume that the most likely reason our primary assembly
facility would go down is due to an alien attack trying to take out our
Roadster spaceship fleet. In our example, the following is calculated:

AV (asset value) of the primary facility is $100 million

EF (exposure factor) is the percentage of the facility destroyed in
an attack, which we estimate to be 40%
The loss from a single attack would be SLE = AV x EF, or ($100
million) * (40%) = $40 million
We expect an attack every 4 years, so ARO (annualized
occurrence rate), would be .25
Finally, ALE = SLE x ARO = ($40 million) *.25 = $10 million
If ALE = $10 million, that means we can justify spending up to $10 million
per year to prevent an alien attack. Obviously, this means that we should
spend that $10 million each year on laser satellites to protect Plane Earth.
And all because Elon Musk can’t resist launching electric cars into space.
Chapter 9: BCP, DRP and BIA
Business continuity is a strategy that:

1. Allows us to prevent most disasters from happening to our

2. Tells us how to handle the disasters that slip through
3. Enables us to recover once the disaster has ended
In other words, it is a strategy to prevent, recover and continue from
disasters. But normally, most people think that business continuity is about
prevention and how to keep functioning after a disaster. That part in the
middle – recovering from a disaster – is so important that it gets its own name
– disaster recovery. That is why disaster recovery, while discussed all by
itself, is really a subset of business continuity.
We usually don’t call them business continuity and disaster recovery though.
When discussing these matters, we will usually talk about the plan that
addresses them. So, we have a business continuity plan, or BCP, and a
disaster recovery plan, or DRP. DRP is contained within a BCP.
A disaster recovery plan, or DRP, documents how we will quickly restore
data, applications and core services that run our business after a serious event
A business continuity plan, or BCP, documents how an organization will
prevent disruptions and continue operating at a strategical level with minimal
or no downtime after a serious event happens.
A DRP is all about boots on the ground getting our systems back up at an
operational level after some bad event has happened. A BCP is all about how
the organization will function before the event and after we have recovered.
However, it turns out that before we can talk about either a BCP or DRP, we
have to perform something called a business impact analysis, or BIA. The
BIA helps us to understand what assets are important, and what their loss will
mean to us. After all, if we don’t know which assets are important and why,
how can we possibly know how to recover from their loss using a DRP or
A BIA is undertaken so that we can easily see the impact to the organization
of losing the availability of any given resource. One of the downsides of a
BIA is that all assessments tend to be ‘worse-case’ and end up being inflated.
This leads to management often discounting the estimates. An alternative is
to look at a small subset of scenarios, and have key stakeholders analyze each
and produce a range of outcomes. Based on these results, we then estimate a
minimum, maximum and likely values along with a confidence level. We can
then perform some quantitative magic to objectively come up with a final
estimate that can be trusted.
RTOs (recovery time objective – how long it will take for us to get
operational again) are defined when carrying out a BIA as part of BCP
development. Often, there can be two different perspectives on RTO, with
each providing a different answer: the individuals who consume information,
and senior management who have a broader view of the organization and
must consider costs. For example, a lower-level supervisor may believe that
specific information is critical to his job, but a vice president may disagree
because she is looking at overall organizational risk, and that particular asset
is actually much lower in priority. However, the information security
manager should take both views into account and try to achieve an RTO that
services both views.
The BCP will take RTOs and use them to arrive at a priority order in which
assets are restored – those with the shortest RTO first, with assets having the
longest RTO being restored last. Of course, it’s never that simple as some
assets will have dependencies on other assets before they can be declared
‘recovered’. For example, a specific generator by itself may have an RTO of
2 weeks, but a system having an RTO of 2 days might depend on that
generator being available. Therefore, the generator must jump in priority even
though its personal RTO is quite long.
Costs must also be factored in when setting RTO and restoration priority.
System owners will always lean toward shorter RTOs, but a shorter RTO
usually comes at a cost. Near-instantaneous recovery is almost always
technically possible, but not necessarily financially justifiable. For example,
we can maintain a backup system that is an exact duplicate of the one we use
in production, but if they both must have 20 servers, that can be costly. To
justify such an expense, the system must generate significant revenue, or any
downtime must be extremely impactful. In general, the longer the RTO, the
less cost is involved. There is a break-even point in the time-period where the
impact of the disruption begins to be greater than the cost of recovery, and we
need to make sure that RTO never exceeds that value. In other words, RTO
should be shorter than the point at which the impact loss exceeds the recovery
Now that we’ve discussed RTO, BCP and DRP at-length, let’s go back to the
BIA and discuss it a little deeper.
Question: If we don’t understand the impact that an undesirable event will
have on our business, then how do we plan an appropriate response to it?
Answer: We can’t.
We will either wind up protecting ourselves from something that really isn’t
important, or we will completely neglect some critical aspect of our business
that will bring us to our collective knees when it is no longer accessible.
And that is where the BIA comes in - it will tell us about potential incidents
and any related business impacts, and it will prioritize them for us. Whereas
risk calculates the probability of compromise, the BIA determines the
consequences of compromise.
The BIA ultimately creates a report that stakeholders use to understand the
business impact that various incidents will cause. Each impact will be
expressed in either quantitative terms, such as money, or qualitative values,
such as a relative rating. There are three primary goals for any BIA, and they

Prioritize the criticality of every business process

Estimate the amount of downtime in terms of the MTO until the
business can no longer survive
Identify resource requirements for each critical process
Despite the importance of carrying out a BIA, many organizations fail to do
so. And even if they do, some businesses fail to keep the BIA up to date
when systems and business functions change.
Chapter 10: Business Continuity and Disaster
Now that we have looked at the relationships between BCP, DRP and BIA,
let’s dive a little deeper into each.
Recovery Planning and Business Recovery Processes
Disaster recovery can be described as the recovery of IT systems after a
disruption. Business recovery is the recovery of all critical business processes
required to resume operations. Since DR is required for us to achieve BR,
disaster recovery is said to be a subset of business recovery.
Not all events are actually security incidents. But, planning must include the
criteria for declaring a disaster. Planning typically includes the following
seven phases:

Conducting a risk assessment or a BIA

Defining a response and recovery strategy
Documenting response and recovery plans
Training that covers response and recovery procedures
Updating response and recovery plans
Testing response and recovery plans
Auditing response and recovery plans

Recovery Operations
When an organization must fail over to an alternate site, the team that is
responsible for that move is also responsible for returning operation to the
original site when it is ready. As soon as that secondary move has ready, the
team notifies the business continuity leader, who then declares normalcy and
gives the OK to move operations back. There are some scenarios in which the
original site will never be made operational again within an acceptable
timeframe, and so the decision must be made to either make the alternate site
the permeant site, or to choose a third site to become the permanent site.
Choosing a third site is most often the case when the original site is no longer
viable, and the company is using a third-party’s facility for backup
During moves such as these, it is important that information assets continue
to be protected. If the security manager does not feel the assets can be secure
the entire time, he should execute a risk assessment and create a plan to
mitigate risk as much as possible. During the crisis, any lessons learned, and
gaps identified should be documented and recorded for future actions.
Recovery Strategies
Choosing the correct recovery strategy will be the one that address probable
events, and best achieves an acceptable recovery time at a reasonable cost.
The total cost of the recovery process is a combination of the following:

The cost of preparing for possible disruptions before a crisis, such

as purchasing, testing and maintaining redundant equipment and
The cost of putting that equipment and facilities into effect during
a crisis
The cost of business interruption insurance
The implementation of an effective recovery plan will likely take
considerable time and cost. Multiple alternatives should be explored and
developed, with a single plan being selected by senior management.
Outsourcing may help with both time and cost.
Addressing Threats
Part of the incident management plan will be to proactively address threats,
which can be three separate strategies as follows.
First, we can eliminate or neutralize a threat. While this seems like a no-
brainer, if the threat is external we really have limited ability to eliminate it.
On the other hand, if the threat is internal and specific, we might be able to
eliminate it by stopping whatever activity is causing it. As an example, if a
threat is a result of a VPN connection to a minor partner, we could simply
end the relationship with that partner and close the VPN connection.
Secondly, we might be able to minimize the likelihood of a threat’s
occurrence by reducing vulnerabilities or exposure. This is usually the best
option and is normally achieved by rolling out physical, environmental or
security controls. For example, adding a layer of firewall controls may
degrade the ability for a bad actor to penetrate a sensitive network.
Lastly, we can try to minimize the effects of a threat if an incident occurs
by implementing effective incident management and response, purchasing
insurance, putting in redundant systems with automatic failover, or some
other compensating or corrective controls.
Whichever strategy we go with, and we can choose a combination of all
three, every sensitive system must be addressed.
Recovery Sites
A recovery site is where we move operations when the original site has been
compromised. The recovery site should be a temporary move, but in extreme
cases they can become permanent when the original is no longer viable, and
the recovery site is acceptable in terms of both capacity and long-term cost.
There are seven different types of recovery sites that we can choose from.
A hot site is fully configured and can be ready to operate in a number of
hours – the only additional work is to add staff and restore the latest data.
A warm site has the complete infrastructure ready to go, but usually is not
able to operate at the capacity of the original site. Additionally, some
updating to software may be required. A warm site should be ready to go in a
day or less.
A cold site only provides the basic infrastructure with no servers or software,
and can take up to multiple weeks to bring online. Normally, backups of
software and data are required to configure the environment. Two primary
options exist for equipping a cold site during a disruption. The first option is
to use vendors or third-parties to provide equipment, particularly if the
hardware is not something easily purchased off-the-shelf. The second option
is to use equipment that can be easily acquired or purchased when needed. In
this case the hardware should be of a common design and not specialized.
A mobile site is a specially designed trailer that can be quickly moved to a
business location when needed. It is usually equipped with wireless links that
do not require surrounding infrastructure and is particularly useful in areas in
which there are no close recovery facilities.
A duplicate site is a site that is configured exactly like the primary site and
can be anything from a hot site to a reciprocal agreement with another
company. If this route is chosen, the following precautions should be taken.

It should be located in a separate geographical area so that the

same disaster does not take out both the original and duplicate site
The two sites must remain in-sync with both hardware and
The availability and scalability of the duplicate site must be tested
and monitored so that it is always ready to go
A mirror site is a duplicate site that is always active. Traffic and workload is
continuously shared between the two sites, even when a disruption is not
taking place. This configuration can result in no downtime in case either site
goes offline as use is automatically shifted to the other site. Care must be
taken that each site can handle all work by itself if necessary.
A reciprocal agreement is an agreement between one or more businesses that
promise to share their data centers and systems in the event one of the
partners experiences an outage. While this agreement is theoretically the most
cost-effective, in reality it has a large number of problems:

The two companies must align on the same type of infrastructure

and coordinate any changes
There must be a certain degree of trust as each company will have
some access into the systems of the other company
It is unlikely that one company can sustain usage for two
companies, as normally companies cannot afford to have double
their needed capacity simply sitting around until needed
Staffing needs will more than likely be overwhelmed at the fail-
over company, and when push comes to shove, they will operate
their own systems at the expense of the company experiencing the
It is exceedingly difficult to create a contract that provides
adequate protection
Because of these problems, reciprocal agreements are no longer very
A company may decide that more than one type of recovery site is needed.
For example, business critical systems may require a hot site, while systems
running HR applications may be covered by a cold site. After a recovery
strategy has been selected, it must be validated to ensure it works for the
entire recovery period until all capabilities have been restored. Some
strategies to use for this are:
Do nothing until recovery facilities are ready
Use manual procedure
Focus on the most important customers, products or systems with
the available resources
Capture data for later processing or perform a reduced amount of
local processing

Basics for Recovery Site Selections

When deciding on the type of site to be used for recovery operations, there
are a number of factors to consider.

AIW, RTO, RPO, SDO and MTO – all concepts we covered in

Section 1.
Proximity factors represents the distance a facility is from
potential hazards such as flooding risks or hazardous material
The location of an alternate site must be a sufficient distance away
so that the same environmental event will not take out both
primary and alternate facilities. This distance will vary based on
the geographical locations being looked at. For example, the
distance should be greater when hurricanes are likely than in an
area where only tornadoes are expected.
The nature of probable disruptions needs to be looked at when
determining the MTO. For example, earthquakes may render a site
unusable for months, while power disruption due to aging
infrastructure would be a more frequent but much shorter-lasting
As a rule of thumb, as RTO decreases, the cost of the alternate site will
increase but the cost of the recovery process should decrease. As an example,
if we RTO is only 2 hours because we cannot afford to be down for more
than 2 hours, then will almost certainly require a hot site which is expensive.
However, the effort to bring the hot site online will be fairly inexpensive.
Alternatively, if a system can be non-functional for up to a week, then we can
probably leverage a cold site which is much cheaper than a hot site, but the
cot to spin the cold site up to operation will be pretty costly.
Response and Recovery Strategy Implementation
Things to consider while developing a response and recovery plan are:

How ready we are before incidents happen

Evacuation procedures
How to declare a disaster
How to transition to disaster recovery if we fail to respond to an
Identifying the business processes and IT assets that should be
Identifying individuals with decision authority and responsibilities
Identifying individuals responsible for each function
Contact information
Step-by-step explanation of the recovery options
What resources will be required for recovery
Making sure that personnel relocation and temporary housing is
The plan should be written in an easy-to-understand language, with copies
kept off-site for backups, including at the recovery site, a media storage
facility, and at the homes of key decision-makers.
Response and Recovery Plan
The response and recovery plan, also call the incident response plan, or IRP,
should include the following elements:

Strategies and goals
Senior management approval
The organization’s approach to incident response
Who the key-decision makers are
How communication will be carried out
Metrics for measuring incident response capability
A road map for maturing capabilities
How the program fits into the overall organizational structure

The incident response plan must include provisions to ensure continued
delivery of supplies that are essential to continued operations. Easy to follow
hard copies of all procedures that can be easily followed by both employees
and contract personnel should be stored at the recovery site. A supply of
special forms, such as invoice or order forms, should also be secured at an
off-site location.
Communication Networks
The plan must contain details of the telecommunication networks required to
restore operations, and this should be given a high priority.
Telecommunications are not only susceptible to the same disasters as data
centers, but also to special events such as cut cables. The local provider is
normally not required to provide backup services, so redundant paths must be
planned. Uninterruptible power supplies, or UPSs, are useful for providing
backup power sources for these networks.
Some telecommunications to consider are:

Wide-area networks, or WANs

Local-area networks, or LANs
Third-party EDI providers
Satellite and microwave links
Wireless links

Methods for Providing Continuity of Network Services

There are 6 common methods for ensuring continuity of network services.
Redundancy, or providing fail-over systems, can be achieved in a number of

Provide extra capacity so that it can be used if the primary

capacity becomes unavailable.
Providing multiple paths between routers
Using special dynamic routing protocols such as OSPF or EGRP
Avoid single points of failure by using failover devices with
routers, switches and firewalls
Saving configuration files for the expedited recovery of network
devices such as routers and switches
Alternative routing refers to routing information through an alternate medium
such as copper cable or fiber optics. Other examples are dial-up circuits, or
cellular paths.
Diverse routing is a method in which we route traffic through split or
duplicate cables. A split cable is comprised of two cables running through the
same conduit, which mitigates the risk of a cable breaking or degrading, but
both are still at-risk from the same physical event. A duplicate cable is a
separate cable usually run through an entirely different path.
Long-haul network diversity is achieved when we subscribe to two or more
network service providers at the same time. This ensures that if the
infrastructure of one provider is compromised, we can depend on the second
provider’s infrastructure.
Last-mile circuit protection protects an organization from a local disaster that
takes out the communications infrastructure connected directly to a facility.
By having redundant local connections to larger networks, the impact of a
local disruption can be mitigated.
Voice recovery is specific to voice networks but is essentially has the same
focus – providing redundancy for voice lines.
High-Availability Considerations
The technology used inside of networks can directly impact availability even
when expected maintenance actions are being performed. We therefore need
to consider some options for keeping services available.
Beyond providing multiple power providers, within our network UPSs can
provide decent level of continued operation for a short time in the event of a
power outage.
Direct attached storage, or DAS, is data storage device that is connected
directly to a server or client. The typical hard drive installed within a
computer is a great example. With DAS, if we need to reconfigure or increase
storage, the entire device must be taken offline, resulting in down time.
Network attached storage, or NAS, is a storage device that is actually a self-
contained server, usually running some flavor of Linux, and is accessed
through a network connection. Reconfiguring or adding storage to a NAS
results in no down time.
A storage area network, or SAN, is a self-contained network that provides
mass storage using any number of internal media such as hard drives, optical
disks or tape drives. Adding new media is invisible to clients connected to the
SAN. SANs typically offer redundant fail safes such as disk mirroring, and
backup and restore functions.
A redundant array of inexpensive disks, or RAID, provides great redundancy
and performance improvements by writing data to multiple disks
simultaneously. RAID can be used with DAS, NAS or SAN solutions.
The relationship between RPO and RTO will dictate what solution is
required, as is shown in Figure 7. For example, if RTO is instantaneous with
no RPO loss, meaning we can experience no downtime or data loss, then tape
backups are not going to work. The only viable solutions are those in which
the primary system communicates in real-time with the fail-over system,
called fault-tolerant storage solutions. This strategy works well but does
result in wasted cost as we have a perfectly functional system do nothing but
‘mirroring’ the primary system. Instead, we usually employ load balancing
or clustering in which the primary and fail-over system both process load
during normal use, and on failure of either system the remaining system takes
on all load. Care must be taken that all load can be handled by either system
by itself.

Figure 7:Techniques Implemented in Relation to RTOs and RPOs

While fault-tolerant systems are great at mitigating risk, they are also very
costly. If the RPO and RTO can be a little more flexible, we can save quite a
bit of money by implementing a high-availability storage solution. In this
configuration, we still have two systems, but only one is in active use and the
second is not necessarily kept up to date in real-time. Instead, when the
primary storage system fails, the application is restarted and uses the
secondary storage system. This results in some down time, but it can be only
a few seconds. It may also result in the loss of a small amount of data –
whatever data was collected since the last time the two systems synchronized.
The incident response plan should include information about insurance
policies the company has taken out regarding general coverage, cyber
insurance or IT-related insurance. Insurance covering information systems
cover a variety of scenarios and should be customized to an organization’s
unique environment. Keep in mind that it is very rare to take out a policy
against failing to comply with a legal or regulatory requirement, or some
other violation of law. Specific coverages include the following ten.

Policies covering IT equipment and facilities, particularly if

equipment is leased and the business is responsible for any loss.
Care should be taken as many policies hide a clause allowing the
insurer to replace equipment with ‘like kind and quality’ that
seldom is.
Policies to cover software media reconstruction costs.
Cybersecurity insurance that covers losses incurred as a result of
a cyberattack.
Professional and commercial liability insurance which protects
a business from losses experienced as a result of third-party
An extra expense policy which reimburses to the business for
expenses incurred in maintaining operations at a facility that
experiences damage. This can include net profit losses due to
suspension of operations even if a facility is not damaged. For
example, if a power loss causes operations to cease for several
days, extra expense policies would reimburse the business for
profit it would have made during that time.
Business interruption insurance reimburses lost profit as a result
of an IT malfunction or security incident that causes the loss of
computing resources.
Valuable papers and records policies that covers the actual cash
value of papers and records that have been disclosed, or physically
damaged or lost.
Errors and omissions insurance that legally protects a business in
case it commits an act, error or omission that results in a loss.
Fidelity coverage policies that covers loss from dishonest or
fraudulent acts by employees and is most commonly carried by
financial institutions.
Media transportation insurance that covers loss or damage to
media during transport.

Updating Recovery Plans

The incident response plan needs to be updated whenever one of the
following occurs:

Organizational strategy changes, sometimes altering which

applications are critical
New software applications are created or acquired
Software or hardware environments change
Physical and environment circumstance change
Plan maintenance activities include the following:

Create a schedule for a periodic review

Call for a revision when significant changes have happened
Review revisions and update the plan within a reasonable time (30
days) after the review
Coordinate scheduled and unscheduled tests
Participate in annual scheduled tests
Write evaluations of tests and update the plan to address failed
tests within a reasonable time (30 days)
Create a schedule to train personnel in emergency and recovery
Maintain records of maintenance activities
Keep the notification directory updated
Chapter 11: Testing Incident Response, Business
Continuity Plans and Disaster Recovery Plans
Executing tests on all aspects of the incident response plan is the leading
indicator to how successful the plan will be during an emergency. Testing
should focus on six areas:

Identifying gaps
Verifying assumptions
Testing timelines
Determining the effectiveness of strategies
Evaluating the performance of personnel
Determining the accuracy and currency of plan information
Testing should be carried out:

At least once per year

After major revisions
After key changes in personnel, technology or the business
Prior to each test, the security manager needs to ensure that:

The risk of disruption is minimized

The business accepts the risk of testing
The organization has the ability to restore operation at any point
during testing

Periodic Testing of the Response and Recovery Plans

Response and recovery testing should be carried out up to, but not actually
execute, the point of declaring a disaster. If a plan is not tested it leaves the
business with a false sense of security that it will not fail. Testing should
include the following five steps:

Developing test objectives

Executing the test
Evaluating the test
Create recommendations to improve effectiveness
Make sure recommendations were implemented
A third-party should be present to monitor and evaluate the test. It is very
unlikely that everything will work perfectly with no follow-up
recommendations. If a plan does appear to succeed 100%, the business
should create a more challenging test.
Types of Tests
There are five types of basic tests, which are:

A checklist review test of all steps to be carried out.

A structured walkthrough test in which team members implement
the plan on paper.
A simulation test with team members role-playing a simulated
disaster without activating the recovery site.
A parallel test where the recovery site is brought up to a state of
operational readiness, but operations at the primary site continue.
A full interruption test that activates the recovery site and shuts
down the primary site.
Testing should start minimally and progress as success is reached at each
level. At a minimum, a full interruption test should be executed once each
Another way of looking at recovery testing is using three categories, of which
the five basic tests are a subset. First, we have paper tests, which cover
checklist reviews and structured walkthroughs. Then we have preparedness
test, which cover simulation and parallel tests. And finally, we have a full
operational test, which is the same as a full interruption test. Table 1
illustrates the mapping between categories and basic tests.
Basic Test Category
Checklist Review Paper Test
Structured Walkthrough Paper Test
Simulation Test Preparedness Test
Parallel Test Preparedness Test
Full Interruption test Full Operational Test
Table 1: Basic Recovery Tests and Categories

It is not uncommon for full-scale tests to be skipped due to the severe

interruption of daily operations. However, even if this is the case there is no
reason not to execute the precursor tests anyway. Surprise test can be very
effective as they best simulate a real-life emergency, but they can cause quite
a stir with negative feedback if performed too often. There are many cases in
which ‘tests’ resulted in extended outages due to the inability for the business
to roll back to a safe place. As a result, performing disruptive tests are best
scheduled during off hours such as nights or weekends.
Test Results
Every test should include three phases – pretest, test and posttest.
The pretest phase sets the stage for the actual test. These actions would not
happen during an actual emergency but are intended to remove any
distractions not necessary for the actual test. Some examples might be putting
out tables and chairs or installing backup phone equipment.
The test phase is where the emergency is simulated, and people, systems and
processes are moved to the recovery site to the extent the test allows.
The posttest phase cleans up after the test by returning people and assets
toothier correct location, disconnecting test equipment, and deleting company
data from all third-party systems. This phase also includes the formal
evaluation of the plan and implementing improvements.
Recovery Test Metrics
Just like everything else in information security, the success of recovery tests
needs to be based on metrics collected during the phases. These need to be
quantitative and used not only to evaluate the test but also to improve it.
There are four types of metrics we need to collect during testing.

The elapsed time for completion of each major component of the

test should be measured.
The amount of work performed at the backup site by people
and by information systems.
Percentages or numbers that reflect the number of vital
records successfully carried to the backup site vs. the required
number, and the number of supplies and equipment delivered vs.
actually received.
The accuracy of data entry and processing cycles at the recovery
site vs. normal accuracy, recorded as a percentage
Executing Response and Recovery Plans
To make sure that response and recovery plans are properly executed, a
facilitator or director needs to be identified. The security manager may take
on this role, but at a minimum the manager must make sure the role is
assigned to a single individual.
Chapter 12: Roles, Responsibilities, RACI and Skills
A role is a title given to someone based on their job function. A responsibility
is a description of something that a person with that role is expected to
accomplish. Roles are important to information security because we can
assign responsibilities and needed access rights to a role, instead of assigning
them to a specific individual. This greatly simplifies administration. For
example, let’s say we have three responsibilities – Create Widget, Update
Widget, Delete Widget. If we do not use roles, each time we want an
employee to be able to work with widgets, we must give them all three
responsibilities. Alternatively, we can create a role called ‘Widgets’ and
assign the responsibilities to that role. Now, when we need to give someone
the ability to do widget work, we simply assign the role to that employee.
Later, we discover we completely forgot about the Decorate Widget
responsibility. If we use roles, we simply add the missing responsibility to the
‘Widgets’ role, and all employees already assigned the ‘Widgets’ role get the
Decorate Widget responsibility automatically. That makes management tons
A RACI chart is a great tool to use when defining roles. Essentially, RACI is
a 2-dimensional matrix that lists roles on one axis, and responsibilities on
another axis. If the intersection of a role/responsibility is marked with an R,
A, C or I, then that responsibility is assigned to that role according to the
abbreviated letter. RACI stands for:

Responsible – the person is responsible for executing the action

Accountable – the person makes sure the action is executed, but
does not do it themselves
Consulted – the person optionally takes part in the execution
Informed – the person stays informed about the status of
RACI is useful to ensure there are no gaps and to ensure clear understanding
of who does what. Table 2 shows a rather silly, but effective, example for
RACI. If you don’t know who Phineas and Ferb are, I offer my condolences
for your sheltered social life.
Activity Phineas Ferb Doofenshmirtz
Identify something to do R A I
Provide one-liners A R I
Make it all disappear I I R
Table 2: A RACI Example

A skill represents the training, expertise and experience an individual has for
a given role and must be considered when populating a RACI matrix.
Consultants possessing the needed skills are often a very effective solution
for short-term projects.
Why do we even bother defining this? Because it is important to be able to
map a person’s ability to carry out a responsibility in a clear way. This will
allow us to identify training that needs to happen before the person is allowed
to take on a given responsibility. If a particular skill is difficult to acquire and
the need for that skill is temporary, then we have just stumbled upon a prime
candidate for relying on an external provider.
When we have identified specific responsibilities for a given position, the
required skills should be reflected in formal employment agreements, which
should then be heavily referenced when screening applicants.
Chapter 13: Due Diligence and Due Care
Due diligence and due care are two closely related concepts, but we need to
understand the difference between them. In short:
Due diligence is shown when we purposefully try and discover things that
can go wrong
Due care is shown when we act to ensure those things don’t go wrong
Just keep this in-mind: due diligence (discovery) always comes first, because
we can’t show due care (act) if we don’t know what to do.
The opposite of due diligence is ‘lazy’, ‘haphazard’ or ‘being careless’. By
not taking the time to discover if something can go wrong, when it should be
obvious to anyone with half a brain that there is some level of risk, we are
guilty of not exercising due diligence.
The opposite of due care is ‘being negligent’. In this case we know there is
risk, but we refuse to do anything about it.
Some people can easily get confused by the concept of ‘accepting’ risk. “Isn’t
that the same thing as being negligent, or not exercising due care?” they
might ask. The answer is ‘no’, and here is why – instead of ignoring a risk as
we do when not exercising due care, we have purposefully and intentionally
decided not to act and to accept the consequences if that risk is exploited.
Now, if that risk does wind up being exploited, it may turn out that we get
sued because we made a terrible decision not to mitigate that risk, but you
cannot claim that we did not exercise due care.
In summary – we carry out due diligence by discovering risks, and then we
exercise due care by either avoiding, accepting, transferring or mitigating
those risks.
Companies will often take out insurance to protect board members in case of
a breach, but those policies will almost always contain a clause that requires
senior management to have exercised due care, or the breach will not be
covered. Beyond that, federal regulations such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
(SOX) state that if a company is listed on a US stock exchange, it must
maintain an audit committee with an acceptable level of experience and
competence – often made up of the board’s own members. In this case, the
goal is to ensure that financial statements are kept up-to-date and are factual.
Security is enforced through both technical and procedural controls, and the
security manager must stay in close contact with this committee.
As security governance is being increasingly recognized as a necessary
burden for any company, a number of corporate rating organizations have
been formed. A grade is assigned to each company based on the impacts and
consequences of past security compromises. This in effect forces businesses
to carry out due care in order to avoid a low rating, which almost always is
associated with a loss in company value.
Chapter 14: Security Principles
When a security expert mentions CIA, they are not talking about some
shadowy government agency. CIA is an acronym for confidentiality, integrity
and availability.
Confidentiality prevents unauthorized disclosure of information. Loss of
confidentiality can result from both intentional and accidental events. The
resulting damage can result in fines, loss of reputation, loss of security, law
suits and other negative impacts. For example, if word gets out that SpaceX
has launched secret spaceships to Mars, we have lost confidentiality.
Integrity refers to the ability to protect information from improper
modification. If unauthorized or accidental changes are made to data or an IT
system, then we have lost integrity. If this is not corrected, and the data or
system remains in use, the impact could get even worse. Integrity could also
be the first step of an attack that then compromises confidentiality or
availability. As an example, if we send encrypted communication packets to
Martian colonists, but Facebook intercepts them and replaces the contents
with ‘fake news’, then we have lost integrity.
Availability is a measure of how accessible an IT system or process is to its
end users. If users are not able to get to data or applications when needed, it
will almost always result in loss of productivity as well. For example (yes,
again!), if we lose radio contact with our intrepid colonists because of a
power outage, then we no longer have availability of those systems.
In addition to those three, there are two others that are closely related –
authentication and nonrepudiation.
Authentication is the action of proving who we claim we are, usually by the
three classic methods:

Something we know, such as a password

Something we have, such as a key card
Something we are, such as a fingerprint
Nonrepudiation is a situation in which we cannot deny having sent a
message. For example, if I write a nasty letter and sign it using a secret name
that only you and I know, I cannot later claim it wasn’t me who sent the
letter, because we are the only ones who know the secret name.
There are three more terms that fall in this area.
Access control is the act of controlling who has access to sensitive
information based on their identity, which we assume has been authenticated.
Privacy is freedom from unwanted intrusion or disclosure of information.
Compliance is the act of measuring policies, procedures and controls to
ensure they are being enacted and effective.
Chapter 15: KGIs, KPIs, KRIs and CSFs
A key goal indicator, or KGI, tells us after the fact if an IT process has
achieved its goal. For example, if we want to achieve compliance with a
regulatory law, a KGI will measure how close we are to meeting the law’s
requirements. A KGI for reaching Mars might be that a ‘space Roadster’ is
ready to launch.
A critical success factor, or CSF, is an element or event that must occur if we
are to reach a KGI. For example, to achieve our KGI of ‘ready to launch’, a
CSF might be that we successfully pass a safety inspection of the rocket
A key performance indicator, or KPI, tells us how well a process is
performing relative to reaching a goal. KPIs provide a real-time measurement
while a process is in-progress, whereas a KGI can only tell us how things
went once the process has completed. One KPI measuring the progress of
launching the space Roadster might be the percentage of onboard computers
A key risk indicator, or KRI, is some type of behavior, activity or event that
usually is accompanied by a rise in risk levels. By watching the KRIs, we can
tap into advanced warning of pending risk. The KRIs chosen to be monitored
are usually selected based on experience within a business. Examples might
be increasing employee absenteeism, turnover in key employees or rising
levels of security incidents. A more interesting example would be the number
of failed Roadster engine tests per week. Whichever direction you wish to go,
KRIs will change over time as the organization changes and must always
align with the organization’s risk appetite.
Chapter 16: Technologies
This section will provide a brief overview on the various technologies
referenced in the CISM material.
Adware is unwanted software that is annoying but normally harmless, as it
continuously pops up ads while a computer is being used. In some cases, it
will slow underpowered computers down to the point of un-usability.
An antispam device is a server component designed to detect and delete
email SPAM.
Antivirus is software that runs on a computer and detects malicious software
either attempting to install or that have already been installed.
Command and control (C&C) is a term used to describe a central command
point from which all other activities are directed.
A firewall is a network device that limits traffic to certain IP addresses and
A gateway is like a firewall that links two networks together.
An intrusion detection system, or IDS is a network device that looks for
patterns indicative of an attack and sends out alerts.
An intrusion prevention system, or IPS, is an IDS that will actively try and
stop an attack that is underway.
Network and internet protocols are things such as TCP, IP, OSPF or any
number of acronyms that represent the standards on how networks
communicate, even across the Internet.
A one-way hash is used primarily to encrypt passwords in a way that is
unencryptable – but each time the original password is encrypted it will
always result in the same ‘hash’. This means we can store the password in an
encrypted form but still be able to see if the correct password was entered.
PKI stands for ‘public key infrastructure’ and is how SSL and TLS
certificates work invisibly.
Malware is malicious software that a user installs without knowing its true
evil purpose.
A router allows separate networks to talk to each other by ‘routing’ the traffic
between them.
Spyware is a form of malware but specifically watches whatever the user
does, usually to steal credentials.
Virtualization is a way to create a computer in-memory, such that multiple
virtual computers are running simultaneously on one physical computer. It is
a great way to do two things:
1) Save money
2) Allow a server farm to grow or shrink in real-time as needed
VoIP stands for voice over IP, the protocol that soft phones use. A soft phone
is a software phone that runs on a computer.
Wireless security is represented by network protocols such as WEP, WPA
and WPA2, and is specifically designed to protect computer traffic traveling
through the air.
Chapter 17: Standards and Frameworks
Throughout this book you will encounter a number of external standards and
frameworks with exotic-sounding names. The CISM makes frequent
references to these things, often without really describing what they are. We
will cover each very briefly in this section.
First of all, let’s discuss some organizations that keep showing up across the
four domains.

The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway

Commission, or COSO, provides a framework called the ‘COSO
The International Organization for Standardization, or ISO, has
authored the ISO 2000 series, of which ISO 278001 and ISO
27002 are ones the most frequently used.
ISACA, which uses to be an abbreviation for something but is now
just a name, is the owner of the CISM certification, and who has
created the Risk IT Framework.
The International Information Systems Security Certification
Consortium, Inc., or (ISC)2, is the owner of multiple other security
certifications (such as the CISSP).
The US National Institute of Standards and Technology, or NIST,
provides quite a number of standards and frameworks, most
notably NIST 800-30 and NIST 800-39.
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) is a US federal law passed in 2002
that puts requirements on all publicly traded businesses to
encourage transparency.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or
HIPAA, is a US federal law passed in 1996 to protect the privacy
of a patient’s medical information.
The Federal Information Security Modernization Act, or FISMA,
is a federal law passed in 2002 that provides a framework to
protect federal agencies from security breaches.
Now let’s dive into the standards and frameworks.
The Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies, or COBIT,
is currently at version 5, and so we simply call it COBIT 5. The framework
was created by ISACA and is geared specifically to IT, as opposed to other
frameworks that are more general in nature. COBIT 5 offers sample IT
metrics for 17 suggested enterprise goals, for a grand total of 150 metrics.
However, there is a lack of guidance on how to actually develop and
implement the listed metrics – some people see this as a positive while others
view it as a drawback. COBIT 5 for Information Security is based on COBIT
but focuses on guidance for providing CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity and
Availability) for information across the entire organization.
COBIT 5 is based on five key principles, as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8: COBIT 5 Principles

The first principle – meeting stakeholder needs – illustrates the need for the
organization to balance achieving business goals while managing risk and
The second principle – covering the enterprise end-to-end – highlights that
governance from the top must include all parts of the business, including IT.
COBIT 5 does not focus only on IT, but looks at information and
technologies as assets right along with tangible assets such as warehouses or
The third principle – applying a single, integrated framework – recognizes
that a successful framework must play nicely with other frameworks and
standards. For example, COBIT 5 aligns well with the ISO 27000 series.
The fourth principle – enabling a holistic approach – reveals the fact that an
effective and efficient governance of enterprise IT requires a holistic
approach, meaning it must consider multiple components interacting with
each other. To help with this, COBIT 5 defines seven enablers – ‘things’ that
help us reach our goals. They are:

Principles, policies and frameworks

Organizational structures
Culture, ethics and behavior
Services, infrastructure and applications
People, skills and competencies
The fifth and final principle – separating governance from management –
ensures we can make a clear distinction between governance and
management by clearly defining each.
COBIT 5 defines enablers as factors that individually or collectively
influence whether something will work – in our case the governance and
management of information security. Enablers are driven by the goals
cascade – an approach where higher-level goals define what the different
enablers should achieve. For example, if our goal is to protect our incoming
supply chain, then the goals cascade might call out the willingness of our
shipper to add security guards at their facilities, which is an enabler. If the
shipper is not willing to incur this cost, it directly influences how successful
we will be at protecting our supply chain.
COBIT 5 describes seven categories of enablers:

Principles, policies and frameworks translate a desired behavior

into guidelines for day-to-day management.
Processes are activities that achieve a goal and produce an
expected output.
Organizational structures are the people or group that make
Culture, ethics and behavior of individuals and the entire
organization are key to success.
Information is required by an organization to continue running
but is also a key product of the organization.
Services, infrastructure and applications provide the
organization with information technology processing and services.
People, skills and competencies complete activities, make
correct decisions and take corrective actions.
It is important to remember that enablers can function as both resources and
constraints. Figure 9 illustrates the relationships between all seven enabler

Figure 9: COBIT 5 Enterprise Enablers

COBIT 5 Process Assessment Model

The COBIT 5 Process Assessment Model (PAM) is a tool used to capture both
the current and future desired state for information security. We do this by
assessing the capability of each COBIT 5 process by assigning a maturity
level from 0 to 5 (see Figure 10). The process dimension uses COBIT 5 as
the process reference model, which defines 37 different processes in a life

Figure 10: Overview of the Process Assessment Model

ISO/IEC 27000 Series
The ISO 27000 Series is a set of standards to help organizations create and
implement a valid security plan by providing a framework containing 14
security areas, which can be mostly mapped to COBIT. It is the standard to
which many organizations choose to be assessed and certified against. The
‘series’ part of the name reflects the standard’s layout containing multiple
sections, all named ‘ISO 27XXX’ where 27XXX is some number ranging
from 27001 to 27799. There are actually only 24 different standards, so most
of these numbers are skipped. By far the most well-known are:

ISO 27001, which lays out requirements for an information

security management system, or ISMS
ISO 27002, which provides best practices for information security
ISO 27002 provides implementation help for ISO 27001, and is used to
comply with the standards contained in 27001.
Note that while ISO 27001 refers to 114 ‘controls’, those are simply sections
in ISO 27002. ISO 27002 does not mandate specific controls but leaves it to
each organization to choose the ones that best fit their needs. A risk
assessment should be used to help make these decisions. ISO 27002 is used
as a cafeteria plan – organizations simply pick and choose the ones that fit
best. Organizations are also free to select controls not listed in this standard
as long as the control goals are satisfied.
The Open Group Architecture Framework, or TOGAF, is a framework for
enterprise architecture that covers four areas, called architecture domains.
They are:

Business architecture, which defines the business strategy,

governance, organization and key business processes
Applications architecture, which provides a blueprint for the
systems to be deployed, and describes their interaction and how
they relate to business processes
Data architecture, which describes the structure of logical and
physical data, and management resources
Technical architecture, which describes the hardware, software
and networks needed to implement applications
TOGAF uses something called the Architecture Development Method, or
ADM, to drive progress. ADM contains 9 phases and a central block to which
eight directly connect. Let’s dig into the phases for a few minutes, which are
shown in Figure 11.

The preliminary phase deals mainly with the definition of the

architecture framework. Here is where we identify scope,
constraints, goals and assumptions.
The architecture vision phase defines the vision and scope of the
architecture, along with the segments of work to be performed.
The business architecture phase figures out where we are (as-is),
where we want to be (to-be), and the gap in-between for the
business domain.

Figure 11: TOGAF Architecture Development Cycle

The information systems phase describes the as-is and to-be for
data and applications, and conducts a gap analysis
The technology architecture phase describes the as-is and to-be
for technology, and conducts a gap analysis
The opportunities and solutions phase creates the strategy to go
from as-is all the way through to-be
The migration planning phase creates an implementation road
map, which includes costs, benefits and risks
The implementation governance phase makes sure that the
implementation matches the architecture
The architecture change management phase ensures the
architecture remains current and responds to needs as they arise,
which feeds back into the architecture vision phase
The central requirements management block makes sure that all
projects are based on business requirements, and that requirements
are validated against the architecture

Capability Maturity Model Integration

Capability Maturity Model Integration, or CMMI, is a framework that helps
organizations reach an elevated level of performance. This is done by
benchmarking current capability performance, comparing those results with
best practices, and then identifying gaps. CMMI has five maturity levels, and
by assigning a maturity level to existing capabilities, a road map can be
created to get the organization to higher levels and achieve more effective
processes. Figure 12 shows all maturity levels along with a short description
of the effectiveness an organization is when that level is reached.

Figure 12: Characteristics of CMMI Maturity Levels

Balanced Scorecard
The balanced scorecard is a management system that helps organizations to
create clear goals and translate them into action. It provides feedback around
both internal processes and external outcomes, thereby moving from an
academic exercise into something real and actionable.
This approach uses four perspectives:

Learning and growth

Business process
For each perspective, metrics are developed, data is collected, and the
information is analyzed. Figure 13 illustrates how the approach works.

Figure 13: Balanced Scorecard Dimensions

The Operationally Critical Threat Asset and Vulnerability Evaluation, or
OCTAVE, is another approach to risk assessment. OCTAVE is great when we
need a well-established process to identify, prioritize and manage information
security risk, and contains three phases:

Phase 1 locates all assets and builds a threat profile for each.
Phase 2 locates all network paths and IT components required for
each asset, and then figures out how vulnerable those components
Phase 3 assigns risk to each asset and decides what to do about it.

The Information Technology Infrastructure Library, or ITIL, is a set of
detailed practices for managing IT services with a special focus on aligning
those services with the needs of business.
Chapter 18: Culture
Every company has a unique culture, even if no one recognizes it, and it can
be defined as the beliefs and resulting behaviors that are expected and are
viewed as normal within the company. Cultures will emerge, either
accidentally or purposefully – but you can’t avoid having one. Creating a
security-aware culture is only possible if individuals perform their jobs in a
way that protects information assets. Everyone – from the top to the bottom -
should be able to quickly articulate how information security relates to their
role(s). For this to happen, the security manager must actively foster
communications, participate in committees and projects, and make sure that
end user needs are met. This requires ‘soft skills’ above and beyond those
required by security. In other words, an effective security manager must be
able to build relationships and foster collaborative attitudes with other
employees and departments. If done properly, the security department can
quickly answer questions such as “What’s in it for me?” and “Why should I
How do you know if your organization has a successful security culture?
That’s easy – look for these four clues:
1) Other departments routinely include information security
representatives in their internal projects without you having to prod
2) Users know how to identify and report incidents
3) People know who the security manager is
4) People can tell you their role in protecting information security
Culture is comprised of seven things:

Organizational behavior
How people influence the organization’s structure so that work
can get done
How well teams work together
The existence or lack of turf wars
Geographic dispersion
The single most element that impacts culture is the experience and belief of
each person in an organization. Every organization has a culture whether it
has been purposefully defined or simply emerged as the reflection of
leadership. It is absolutely critical that an information security manager not
focus solely on the technical and administrative aspects, but also foster a
desire in the entire department for softer skills such as relationship
There is a predictable pattern to the creation of culture, consisting of five
steps as shown in Figure 14:

1. A group experiences something in common

2. The group responds to the experience
3. The response is now the expected behavior when a similar
experience happens in the future
4. That behavior becomes an unwritten rule
5. That unwritten rule becomes what is considered normal

Figure 14: How Cultures are Created

Chapter 19: Metrics
The term metric simply means that we have two data points and are
comparing them to each other – a reference point and a measured point. The
reference point represents some type of a baseline – a known value taken at
some point in the past. The measured point is taken later and is compared to
the reference point to see how far off we are, or how far we have come.
The key to effective metrics is to use a set of criteria in determining which
are the most suitable. One method for ensuring a given metrics is of value is
if it meets all the following attributes in the SMART acronym:

Specific – the metric is based on an understood goal, and is clear

and concise
Measurable – the metric can be measured and is quantifiable, and
is objective instead of being subjective
Attainable – the metric is realistic and based on important goals
and values
Relevant – the metric is directly related to a specific goal or
Timely – the metric is grounded in a specific time frame
Beyond SMART, the following attributes comprise a good litmus test as

Accurate – a reasonable degree of accuracy is essential

Cost-Effective – it cannot be too expensive to acquire or maintain
Repeatable – we must be able to acquire it reliably over time
Predictive – it should be indicative of the outcome
Actionable – it must be clear to the recipient what action should
be taken
Though it seems obvious, we need to make sure that what is being measured
is actually relevant. Many times, organizations use metrics not because they
are of much value, but rather because they are easily available. Metrics serve
one purpose only – to provide information necessary to make decisions.
Metrics will fall into one of three categories – strategic, tactical and
operational – and each category will be valuable to different audiences. For
example, senior management won’t care too much about tactical metrics such
as the number of password resets, but the IT security manager might. But
senior management will be keenly interested in strategic metrics such as
emerging risks that may impact business goals.
Chapter 20: Current State, Desired State and the Gap
To make progress, we must figure out where we are, where we want to be,
and what it will take to get there. A lot of CISM is dedicated to this process –
so much so, in fact that we have our very own language around it:

Where we are now being called the current state

Where we want to be is called the desired state
The work to be done to get from the current state to the desired
state is identified by carrying out a gap analysis
While the desired state takes a good bit of work to nail down, it is
considerably harder to identify and document the current state. So, let’s look
at the desired state first, then the current state, followed by the gap analysis.
The Desired State
The term desired state represents what we would like something to look like
at a specific point in the future. To get a high degree of precision, the desired
state would be expressed in a quantitative value, such as a number with well-
known units – for example, US dollars or a percentage of achieving a target
goal. Such a quantitative target is seldom possible in the security world, and
so we have to settle for a qualitative definition in terms of attributes and
outcomes. Even though we have to deal with qualitative assessments, that
does not mean we should not be as precise as possible, particularly with the
desired outcomes. For example, if a desired outcome is to be in compliance
with a specific regulatory requirement, there are a host of technical and
process requirements that become instantly visible, and we can be precise
with those. For example, if we have to comply with 34 different compliance
mandates and we have only completed 7, we can estimate the percentage of
completion with a high degree of precision at 20.6%.
The Current State
When drawing a picture of the desired state we use a combination of
methodologies such as COBIT, CMMI or the balanced scorecard. It turns out
that to create a valid picture of where we are today (the current state), we
must use the exact same approach we use for creating the desired state of
tomorrow. If we use COBIT only for the desired state, then we need to use
only COBIT to capture a picture of the current state. If we don’t do this, then
the subsequent gap analysis will be completely meaningless, since we will
not be comparing apples-to-apples. This approach also gives us a leg-up
when it comes time to capture metrics, since we can use the same approach to
generate those values. Bottom line – choose the approach or approaches and
stick to them all the way. A mid-stream changeup is your worst governance
When we measure the current state of security, we must also measure the
current state of risk. A full risk assessment includes a threat, vulnerability and
impact analyses. Many organizations encounter resistance to the cost of
carrying this out before mitigation steps are executed, but it is an absolute
necessity and will allow us to choose the most cost-effective strategy.
Additionally, existing controls must be inventoried and tested so we can
know how much they help in getting us to the desired state. Some of the most
common methods used to assess risk are the following:

COBIT 5 for Risk

NIST SP 800-30
ISO 27005
Operationally Critical Threat, Asset and Vulnerability Evaluation
A final piece in creating the current state is to carry out a BIA, which does
two things for us at this stage:
1) Allows us to develop an effective strategy by understanding how
effective current controls are and the exposure various risks put us at
2) Provides an input for information classification based on
business value
After we have ascertained the current state, created a view of the desired
state, and performed a gap analysis to show the delta between the two, we are
free to create the strategy to move us to the desired state.
When we measure the current state of security, we must also measure the
current state of risk. A full risk assessment includes a threat, vulnerability and
impact analyses. Many organizations encounter resistance to the cost of
carrying this out before mitigation steps are executed, but it is an absolute
necessity and will allow us to choose the most cost-effective strategy.
Additionally, existing controls must be inventoried and tested so we can
know how much they help in getting us to the desired state. Some of the most
common methods used to assess risk are the following:

COBIT 5 for Risk

NIST SP 800-30
ISO 27005
Operationally Critical Threat, Asset and Vulnerability Evaluation
A final piece in creating the current state is to carry out a BIA, which does
two things for us at this stage:
3) Allows us to develop an effective strategy by understanding how
effective current controls are and the exposure various risks put us at
4) Provides an input for information classification based on
business value
Gap Analysis
A gap analysis is simply a recognition of where we are and where we want to
be – basically the delta between the two conditions. This needs to be
performed for each control goal, each risk, and each impact goal. This
exercise needs to be repeated at a minimum once per year – perhaps more –
so that changes can be made to reflect the environment the organization
operates. A typical approach is to work backward, starting with the desired
state and going back to the current state, and determine the series of steps
required to reach our goal. CMMI or other methods can be used to assess the
Chapter 21: Information Security Infrastructure and
Infrastructure can be defined as the foundation upon which information
systems are deployed. This would include computing platforms, networks
and middleware layers. Applications are built on top of this infrastructure.
Security infrastructure is essentially infrastructure that is secure.

Figure 15: Common Framework Layers

Enterprise information security architecture (EISA) was designed to prevent

ad-hoc, haphazard network architectures that are incredibly difficult to
secure. The goals of information architecture are the following ten:

Provide structure
Serve as a road map
Ensure strategic alignment
Support the business strategy
Implement security policies and strategies
Ensure traceability back to business requirements and goals
Provide a level of abstraction over technologies
Establish a common language for information security
Allow many contributors to work together
There are several architectural approaches that have been developed over the
years, and they can be grouped into three categories:

Process models, which dictate the processes used for each

Frameworks, such as COIT, Zachman, SABSA and TOGAF, are
very flexible and open. They describe architectural elements and
how they relate to each other.
Reference models, which are actually small-scale representations
of the actual implementation.
There are four commonly accepted sections within enterprise architecture, as
shown in Figure 16, and are:

A business architecture that defines high-level strategies and

A data architecture covering logical and physical assets
An applications architecture representing deployed applications
and their relationships to each other
A technology architecture describing the infrastructure on top of
which applications will be deployed

Figure 16: Enterprise Architecture Domains

Unfortunately, the complexity of some frameworks prevents wide-spread

adoption. For example, both the SABSA and Zachman frameworks uses a
multi-layer approach to try and help with definition. Figure 15 provides a
brief overview. From top to bottom the layers are:

Contextual – who, what, when, where and how

Conceptual – combines architectural design with business
Logical – describes relationships between elements
Physical – describes relationships between the security
Organizational – describes the security organization
Many organizations who have attempted to implement SABSA or Zachman
have found it difficult to maintain as rapid changes are experienced by the
Chapter 22: Cloud Computing
The concept of cloud computing has been around since the 1960s, but really
came into its own when the Internet became a full-fledged force in the early
2000s. The idea behind cloud computing is that processing and data are
somewhere in “the cloud” as opposed to being in a known location. However,
the cloud does not have to be accessible across the Internet – many
companies host their own cloud that is restricted to an intranet – only systems
and people within the company’s own network can get to it.
Cloud computing has five essential characteristics:
1) It provides on-demand self-service by provisioning computing
capabilities without any type of human interaction.
2) It is accessible over a broad network and can be used with
diverse client platforms.
3) Computer resources are pooled and reusable so that multiple
tenants can use it simultaneously. A tenant can be anything from a
single user to an entire company.
4) Resource can rapidly scale up or down, called elasticity, in
response to real-time business needs. In most cases this happens
automatically without any reconfiguration needed.
5) Customers are charged-per-use, so they only pay for what they
use. This is called a measured service.

Figure 17: Classic Architecture vs. Cloud Computing

The cloud model is comprised of three service models, all having a

corresponding cousin in classic computer architecture, as shown in Figure
Infrastructure as a Service, or IaaS, provides the customer with a ready-made
network, storage and servers, ready for the operating systems to be installed
and configured.
Platform as a Service, or PaaS, takes it one step further and manages the
operating systems, middleware and other run-time components. PaaS is ready
for a custom application to be deployed.
Software as a Service, or SaaS, is essentially an application that someone
hosts and maintains. The customer simply manages user accounts, and
employees log in and use the application.
There are four types of cloud deployment models, as shown in Figure 18.
A private cloud is entirely hosted inside of a company’s intranet and is not
accessible externally. Employee-only applications, such as an HR website,
are hosted in a private cloud.

Figure 18: Cloud Computing Deployment Models

If you take a private cloud and allow a select few other companies to access
it, it becomes a community cloud. Private networks between multiple
companies are examples of this model.
If an application is hosted across the Internet and is publicly accessible, it is
in the public cloud. This represents the majority of SaaS applications.
The last model, a hybrid model, is achieved when a private cloud connects
across the public Internet into another application. This is the model normally
chosen when companies want to host their custom applications in the public
cloud but need to maintain a constant connection between employees and the
Overtime, new classes of services have evolved using the ‘as a Service’
model. These are shown in Figure 19.

Figure 19: 'as a Service' Offerings

Security as a Service, or SecaaS, provides a way to outsource security

processes. For example, a cloud service provider, or CSP, can provide
managed services such as antivirus scanning and email security. Or, the CSP
can actually host CPU and memory-intensive processes onto hardware
managed in the cloud. This has the advantage of reducing the need for the
customer to apply patches or updates to those systems as the CSP will take
care of it.
When a company offers Disaster Recovery as a Service, or DRaaS, it takes
on the responsibility of hosting and maintaining a disaster recovery solution
in the cloud. In addition to backup equipment, the CSP will usually offer
services for a business continuity plan, or BCP. The benefits include the

The cost over an in-house DR is much less. Since DR is not a

core business function, the ROI can often be considerable.
Although it is hosted in the cloud, the servers must be physically
located somewhere, and if those backup servers are not in the
same general area as the company’s primary servers, then a
disaster is less likely to affect both.
Identity as a Service, or IDaaS, has two different interpretations:

The management of identities used by the company internally is

hosted in the cloud, but the company still implements its own
identity and access management (IAM) solution.
The IAM itself is hosted in the cloud. This is called a federated
Data Storage and Data Analytics as a Service, or big data, is delivered when
the storage and analysis of huge amounts of data is performed in the cloud.
The primary advantage of big data is that it delivers an almost unlimited
amount of storage capacity so that any amount of data can be mined for
Cloud access security brokers, or CASBs, provide an easy and comprehensive
way to secure the path between a company and hosted cloud services. CASBs
provide the following services:

Single Sign-On (SSO)
Notification and alerts
Malware detection and prevention
Information as a Service, or IaaS – not to be confused with Infrastructure as a
Service – builds on big data and takes it one step further. Whereas big data
provides the processing power to sift through data and answer a question,
IaaS only requires you to ask the question – it takes care of the analysis itself.
Integration Platform as a Service, or IPaaS, comes into play when a hybrid
cloud model is used. Because systems in a hybrid model are accessed across
company boundaries and into the public cloud, connecting systems and
applications together while maintaining a cohesive IT approach can be
daunting. IPaaS by providing a virtual environment on which to host all of
these systems.
Computer forensics can be a tricky proposition unless you have the right
tools, which are often very expensive, and the experience needed to analyze
and store evidence that will hold up in court. Forensics as a Service, or
FRaaS, provides those tools and optionally the needed expertise.
Advantages of Cloud Computing
Some have compared the advent of cloud computing to the introduction of
the personal computer or even the Internet. However, there is one big
difference – personal computers and the Internet took decades to develop, but
cloud computing has popped up and made its way into everyday use over the
course of just a few years. Let’s discuss a few of the reasons why that is so.
First of all, by using cloud-based resources that can scale up or down at a
moment’s notice, we have a virtually unlimited resource pool to draw from
whenever we need to. Add to that the ability to pay for only what we use, and
the value proposition goes through the roof.
Secondly, companies operate on two types of expenditures – capital and
operational. Capital expenditures are not favored for a variety of reasons, but
that is how money spent on hardware and software is categorized. On the
other hand, if we take that same money and pay for cloud-hosted solutions,
then we can claim it is an operational expenditure since we are not actually
purchasing anything. Not only that, but we can ‘dip our toes in the water’ and
try out new capabilities without having to spend huge amounts of money.
Add to that the ability to quickly implement new solutions, and we have the
makings of a major win-win.
Next, because we can scale up at any time, our applications become that
much more performant, responsive and scalable basically for free. All of
those adjectives – performant, responsive, scalable and most of all, free - are
things IT managers love to hear.
Another advantage is the ease with which we can upgrade software versions
and apply patches. Without going into a lot of explanation, virtualization and
virtual images are behind that.
And finally, cloud services such as Amazon’s AWS or Microsoft’s Azure are
famously redundant with fail-over data centers located around the globe. This
takes resiliency to a whole new level.
Unfortunately, all of this high-praise does come at a cost in terms of
increased risk. Due to the inherent nature of intentionally hiding the
complexity of hosting cloud services, we also have to deal with a lack of
transparency on the CSP’s side. If we were to host data in our own data
center, the data owner would have full access to and knowledge about that
data. When we store this data in the cloud, we rarely have any type of
knowledge of where the data is stored and in what manner. As a result,
certain types of data and processes should not be stored in the cloud
regardless of the economics due to increased security risks.
Another factor to consider when dealing with global cloud providers is that
our data may now cross jurisdictional boundaries without us even knowing it.
That could get us in real trouble if regulatory offices hear about it and decide
to enforce some rather stiff penalties.
One last negative note about security and CSPs. The availability of audit logs
will almost certainly be a challenge to overcome, and the actual level of
secure controls being implemented will more than likely be completely
invisible to the customer.

Figure 20: Cloud Computing Risk Map

If you take all of the above advantages and disadvantages together along with
both the cloud and deployment models, we can come up with a two-
dimensional matrix to help us map and describe the risk/benefit discussion.
This is shown in Figure 20.
To help with the selection of a CSP, there are a number of frameworks
available for us to use that are built specifically for cloud providers, such as
the CSA Cloud Control Matrix and the Jericho Forum Self-Assessment
Chapter 23: Metrics Development
When it comes down to it, we can ask three simple questions to help us
design meaningful metrics:

Who needs to know what?

What do they need to know?
When do they need to know it?
In short, we need to define the who, what, and when. Beyond that, there are
three levels at which metrics can inform us – strategic, management and
operational. Let’s take a look at each.
Strategic metrics provide the information necessary to guide decisions at the
senior management level. While often comprised of multiple management
metrics, strategic metrics let us know if the security program is headed in the
right direction.
Management metrics, sometimes called tactical metrics, is used by the
security manager to determine if the security program is remaining in
compliance, tackling emerging risk and is in alignment with business goals.
There is also a need at the management level to look at technical metrics to
ensure the various mechanisms are operating at the right level. For example,
while driving a car we need to keep an eye on the gas gauge, because while
the level of fuel says nothing about where we are headed, if we run out of gas
we are sure to never get there.
Operational metrics are comprised of technical and procedural metrics such
as existing vulnerabilities and the progress of our patch management
processes. There are a number of attributes that a useful metric should
contain. We are going to use the fuel gauge in a car to illustrate each

Manageable – the data should be readily collected and

understood; the fuel gauge must reflect the gas level in real-time,
and we should not be wondering what the little pointer means.
Meaningful – the data should be relevant to our goals; if the car is
turned off the fuel gauge is useless – it only applies when the car
is running.
Actionable – the data should indicate what actions to take without
requiring further investigation; it does no good for the fuel gauge
to say, ‘fuel may be low – you should calculate how much fuel
you have left based on the number of miles driven’ – instead it
simply show the level of fuel!
Unambiguous – the data must be clear; we should not have to
wonder if the bottom of the scale is full or empty.
Reliable – the data must provide the same information each time
the same set of circumstances is reached; it does no good for a
fuel gauge to read ¼ full sometimes or completely empty at other
times when it is actually 1/8 full.
Accurate – the data represents the actual situation; it is far worse
for a fuel gauge to show half full when it is nearly empty, than it
is to simply be broken.
Timely – the data is delivered when needed; it does us no good to
run out of gas and then the gauge dips to empty.
Predictive – the data must predict where we are heading; cars that
show the number of miles till empty based on historical fuel usage
are very handy indeed.
Genuine – the data must not have been manipulated and represent
actual measurements; sometimes cars will hide the number of
miles till empty starting at 50 miles or so instead of showing us
the real value – we need metrics to give us the real information
instead of trying to ‘help’.
If we measure how well a specific metric meets each attribute just mentioned,
then we could theoretically calculate an overall value and prioritize metrics
based on how well they meet the attributes. This is called using metametrics.
Unfortunately, just because a metric scores well using the metametrics
approach does not guarantee it will be useful. Instead, we can choose two
different metrics that measure the same thing, and then see how well they
track with each other. In our example, if we fill a 20-gallon gas tank, and
drive a number of miles until it should be half-full, we would expect our fuel
gauge to show half-full. In this case the two metrics are miles driven and fuel
gauge readout. If they agree, then we can be reasonable certain they are both
Chapter 24: Business Model for Information Security
The business model for information security, or BMIS, takes a business-
oriented approach to information security by modeling complex relationships
in businesses using system theory. The classic definition of system theory
…a complex network of events, relationships, reactions, consequences,
technologies, processes and people that interact in often unseen and
unexpected ways.
In simpler terms, system theory views a system as a complete functioning
unit – not simply the sum of its parts. This means that we can use one part of
a system to understand other parts, since they all function together. Systems
thinking is the term for this approach, and it explains why ‘the whole is more
than the sum of its parts’. Systems thinking drives us to study the results of
interactions within a system, and we therefore get a better understanding of
the system itself.

Figure 21: Business Model for Information Security

Why is this important? Well, if you look at how organizations have

historically approached security, you see a lot of spectacular failures resulting
from the inability to define security in a way that stakeholders can
comprehend it. If you can’t understand a problem, then you really have no
hope of solving it. Systems theory and systems thinking allows us to cut
through the fog, so we can clearly view the actions needed to manage
security effectively. In this way, both internal and external changes are
Because of its value, BMIS provides the basis for frameworks such as
COBIT. As can be seen in Figure 21, COBIT contains four primary elements
– Organization, People, Process and Technology, and each element is
connected to all other elements by dynamic relationships. If any one
relationship changes and is not managed, the overall equilibrium becomes
unstable. Let’s dig into each element a little further.
Organization Design and Strategy
The first element in BMIS is organization design and strategy. A good
definition of an organization is…
…a network of people, assets and processes interacting with each
other in defined roles and working toward a common goal.
An organization’s strategy is made up of a list of goals to be reached, and the
values that will be adhered to along the way. Another way of putting it is that
strategy is the basic direction in which we will be heading. Design is how an
organization implements the strategy and includes processes, culture and
architecture. Design tells us what the ‘boots on the ground’ are going to be
So, how do we get from strategy to design? That’s where resources come
into play – people, equipment and know-how. In summary, a strategy is
created, and resources take that strategy and create a design.
The second element is people, which represents the humans in the equation
along with all of the security problems they bring with them. The value of
this element is that it tells us who will implement each part of the strategy
using our design. Because humans are involved, the information security
manager must work closely with the Human Resources and Legal
departments to address three things:

1. Recruitment issues such as background checks, interviews,

access rights after hire, and roles and responsibilities.
2. Employment issues such as office location, access to the proper
tools, and training.
3. Termination issues such as knowing the reason for leaving,
timing of exit, and removing access to systems.
The third element is called processes. If design results from strategy, then
processes result from design and is where the actual work happens. Put
simply, processes are how we implement the design of our strategy. But, not
all processes are created equal – to be of value a process must:

Meet some type of business requirements and align with policy.

Be adaptable to changing requirements.
Be well documented and communicated to the right people.
Be reviewed periodically to make sure they are effective.
The last major element in BMIS is called technology and represents all the
tools, applications and infrastructure at our disposal. While technology is a
fantastic tool to solve many security issues, management teams often over-
rotate on this view and think it can be used to address all threats and risks.
While technical controls are very handy, technology by itself is not an
information security solution. Security managers must understand that people
will always try and sidestep technical controls, and so other non-technical
controls must be used as well.
Dynamic Interactions
So, we’ve covered the four primary elements in BMIS – organization, people,
process and technology. Now let’s take a look at the six dynamic interactions
between each of those elements. There are four elements, and each element
has a relationship with the other three. That results in six unique
Governance is the relationship between Organization and Process. The
organization governs by using processes. This is successful only when
processes can adapt to changing requirements and their performance is
effectively measured.
Culture is the relationship between Organization and People – people within
an organization will always create a culture. This can be defined as a pattern
of beliefs, assumptions and attitudes that drive the way we do things.
Culture exists on many levels, such as national, organizational and social. It
is created by both internal and external influences. Most importantly, culture
is simultaneously driven by organizational patterns and is itself influenced by
organizational patterns.
Enabling and Support is the relationship between Process and Technology.
Processes and technologies by themselves are mostly useless, but when we
combine them, we find ourselves enabling and supporting business goals.
But, when applying those processes and tools to information security, we
have to be careful. There is always a certain amount of tension between
effective security and ease of use. If security places too much of a burden on
people, they will attempt to go around it. On the other hand, if security
focuses too much on ease of use, then it can easily become ineffective. Being
transparent with planned security measures can go a long way to make users
feel that their concerns are being considered.
Emergence is the relationship between Process and People. People will
always cause new issues to emerge, and we use processes to handle those
issues. Put another way, when people are involved, the unexpected will
happen. That is why it is important that processes are created that can
accommodate emerging trends and needs in a quick manner. Feedback loops
are often useful within this dynamic interaction.
Human Factors is the relationship between People and Technology. When
you combine people with technology, we encounter human factors, or the
ease with which people interact with technology. This interaction represents
the gap between technology that is being used, and the adoption of that
technology by people it touches. If people do not understand how to use it, do
not like it or do not follow the appropriate policies, effective security will not
happen. Some reasons for these gaps are varying experience levels, and
cultural or generational differences. Security risks that result are data leakage,
theft and misuse.
Architecture is the relationship between Organization and Technology. An
organization creates an architecture to roll out technology. When applied to
information security, a key term to remember within this dynamic is defense
in-depth, meaning the organization’s security architecture should be
comprised of multiple layers of risk controls. If defense in-depth has been
applied, the failure of any one control does not result in a security breach
because there is always a secondary control that should kick in. Often
companies have 4 or 5 different layers. An example of securing a database
with a defense-in-depth approach might be the following layers:

1. A firewall watching all Internet traffic

2. A secondary firewall behind the first
3. The database is encrypted and requires a decryption key
4. The unencrypted database will not operate without a username
and password
5. All passwords are stored as one-way hashes instead of clear text,
requiring a brute force attack to be read
In this example, we have 5 layers of defense, and a successful breach would
require all 5 layers to be defeated.
Section 2: The Four Domains
Now that we’ve covered the basics, it’s time to dive into each domain. When
we run across a concept or term that has already been covered, we’re not
going to rehash it – if you have already forgotten, just look back in Section 1
and do a quick review. Now, let’s take a quick look at each domain so you
can see how they fit together.
First, the Information Security Governance Domain introduces what a
proper governance structure looks like, and how to use one to ensure security
goals are aligned with business goals.
Then, the Information Risk Management Domain explains how to identify
risk and keep it an acceptable level under the watchful eye of governance.
This is followed by the Information Security Program Development and
Management Domain, which covers how to create and run a security
program that prevents a business from having to experience events such as
security breaches or sabotage. Well, that prevents most of them from
happening anyway.
And finally, the Information Security Incident Management Domain
discusses what to do when security events occur in spite of our security
program. In this domain we cover the detection, investigation, response to
and recovery from those events.
To make it easier to understand, each domain is presented in the same format
and flow, with the content being tailored for the specific area. You will
encounter the following sections, in order, for each domain:
1) Overview – a high-level view of the domain’s content and
2) The Goal – the goals we want to achieve within the domain
3) The Strategy – the strategy on how we will achieve our goals
4) Who Does What – the roles, responsibilities and skills required
for to be successful
5) Resources That Help – people, mechanisms, processes and
systems that we will need to take advantage of
6) Constraints That Hinder – factors that will work against our
success if we don’t stay vigilant
7) The Action Plan – a plan on how to take the theoretical strategy
and implement it in the real world
8) Metrics and Monitoring – how we will measure our action plan
along the way to see if we are being successful
9) What Success Looks Like – what the outcome will look like
when we successfully define the goal, develop a strategy to reach the
goal, create a plan based on the strategy, implement the plan, and
measure success of the plan. In short, what we hope to see if we carry
out the domain properly.
Let’s get started!
Chapter 25: Information Security Governance –
What is Information?
Information is ‘data having meaning and purpose’. In today’s world,
generating or handling information is often the whole point of why many
companies exist. For the rest of the companies, information almost always
plays a crucial part in their survival. Information is important!
But the sad truth is that most organizations do next to nothing to protect that
vital resource. Whether it is keeping it out of a competitor’s hands or simply
making sure it doesn’t get lost due to some hard drive failure, the clear
majority of businesses simply play Russian Roulette and hope nothing bad
happens. But here is the truth we all need to accept – it is not a matter of ‘if’,
but ‘when’, something bad happens. And that is why we need to take
information security seriously and secure our precious information against
theft and loss.
Sounds simple, right? Oh, but the devil in the details can be overwhelming.
So much so that business after business gives up on securing their data,
simply because it is so complex and hard to secure that information. The only
way a company can reliably make sure it protects its own information is to
implement some type of governance that has the authority to make it happen.
And that is why we have something called – wait for it - information security
governance. In a nutshell, information security governance is the act of
creating a plan on how a company will protect information and then making
sure everyone executes that plan.
Let’s revisit our definition of information – we previously said that it is ‘data
having meaning and purpose’. But if information just sits there without being
consumed, it is pretty much useless. The moment we absorb some of that
information, it becomes knowledge. Turning that around, we can also say that
knowledge is persisted as information.
To recap, data is nothing but facts. But when data means something to us, it
becomes information. When we absorb that information, it becomes
knowledge. And when a company has knowledge, it can do some pretty
amazing things with it. Information security governance is all about
protecting the entire path of ‘data to information to knowledge’, and the
reverse of that path.
Interestingly enough, in recent years businesses have slowly become aware of
a benefit of proper information security governance besides the obvious
protection against theft and loss. As security breaches have become more
public, a company that proves it has a high-level of security hygiene might
very well enjoy an improved perception in the marketplace, often resulting in
an increased monetary value for the company. So, while the cost of proper
information security can be quite expensive, we are approaching the point at
which intangible benefits often help underwrite that cost. In fact, many
companies today consider those costs to be an investment with a rather
sizeable return. The world is slowly arriving at a point where a company can
actually increase its value by investing in proper information security! Just a
sign of the times.
Lots of Governance
In Section 1 we described governance as someone having the authority and
responsibility to make sure something happens. Within the typical business,
there are four different areas of governance we will encounter – enterprise,
corporate, IT and information security. Figure 22 illustrates the various

Figure 22: Governance Relationships

Starting at the top, enterprise governance watches over the entire

organization or business, commonly referred to as the enterprise. Sitting right
beside it is corporate governance, which sets the strategic direction of a
business by defining goals. Enterprise governance and corporate governance
overlap slightly, and this is right where information security governance lives
since it is concerned with both business goals and how a business operates
internally. Finally, IT governance, which is concerned with all things IT,
resides wholly inside of enterprise governance.
GRC, the Trifecta
In addition to governance, there are two other concepts that are important to
this topic - risk management and compliance. Collectively, the three -
governance, risk management and compliance - are considered to be a trifecta
in the information security world because of the advantage of integrating
those three different areas into a single approach. In fact, the acronym GRC is
used to describe this business activity. Let’s quickly describe these two new
Risk management is the action of addressing known risks until they are at
acceptable levels, identifying potential risks and associated impacts, and
prioritizing both against our business goals. Reducing risk is called
mitigation, and the way we mitigate risks is by implementing one or more
controls. A control can be anything from setting up a firewall to making sure
doors are locked after business hours. We have already covered the meaning
of compliance in Section 1, but we’ll repeat it here anyway. Compliance is
the act of measuring policies, procedures and controls to ensure they are
being enacted and effective.
GRC pulls them all three together – governance, risk management and
compliance - but there is a dependence on the order in which we can address
each. Governance must be put into place before risk can be mitigated or
compliance enforced. GRC was originally created in response to SOX but has
evolved over time to be a valid approach to risk management. The primary
difficulty with GRC is that each of the three terms can mean different things
to different organizations. In spite of this, the security industry has pretty
much settled on using GRC in the following three areas:

1. Finance and audit

2. IT management
3. Enterprise risk management
Chapter 26: Information Security Governance – The
Bad Assumptions
Before we can develop a successful information security strategy, the very
first question to answer is pretty simple – “What is our goal?” While the
question is straightforward, getting to the answer is surprisingly difficult.
Many companies assume the answer is obvious – we want to protect the
organization’s information assets. The problem here is that we are assuming
two things:
1) Information assets are known to any degree of precision
2) We understand what ‘protect’ means
The problem is that it is hard to state which assets need how much protection
and against what. Rather than go to the trouble of answering that question,
most organizations simply take the view that storage is cheap, people are
intrinsically nice, and humans don’t make really bad mistakes. A seriously
bad move, because now it is almost impossible to justify spending resources
on something that is not a real risk in our mind. We ignore the amount of
dangerous data floating around our servers. Dangerous data in this context
refers to information that might be used against the organization but could
have been destroyed if we had simply taken the time to put in a proper
retention policy.
There is a saying that goes something like “If you don’t know where you’re
going, you won’t know when you get there.” Without clearly-defined goals
we cannot create a strategy. Without a security strategy we have no hope of
increasing security, and in fact we will probably make things worse by
spending money with no return. Unfortunately, the reality is that most
organizations do not spend resources on security until after the first major
incident, which winds up being way costlier than if proper measures had been
taken upfront. The problem is that it is nigh impossible to prove that we have
avoided a bad thing if the bad thing never happened because we took steps to
avoid it. You just can’t prove a negative like “We avoided a car accident
because we chose to drive down a different street.”
Good Goals
This is why it is so crucial to state security goals in business terms, so that
senior management can clearly see the link between ‘avoiding bad things’
and the resulting positive revenue impact. Another approach is to use security
to enable activities that would otherwise be too risky. For example, if we use
public key infrastructure (PKI) to enable real-time communication between
high-value partners, or we implement a virtual private network (VPN) to
allow employees to work remotely, our security capabilities have just allowed
us to reach business goals that would have been otherwise impossible due to
the risks involved.
Yet another approach is to examine business linkages and to couch security
goals in terms of facilitating those linkages. For example, let’s say that one of
our operations unit churns out blue widgets 24 hours a day, and relies on the
raw materials to arrive on-time based on automated supply orders.
Furthermore, shipping of the completed blue widgets depends on an
automated system to contact trucking companies and arrange for pickup. This
represents two separate linkages. All of this infrastructure relies on
confidentiality (don’t let competitors know), integrity (the data needs to be
accurate) and availability (the connections need to always be available) –
core tenants for information security. Information security now has the task
of ensuring uninterrupted manufacturing of blue widgets, and an interruption
in the entire supply chain can be easily quantified in terms of lost sales or idle
employees. We have now tied our security value proposition to business
Chapter 27: Information Security Governance – The
Who’s Creating this Strategy, Anyway?
When developing a strategy, there are a number of participants that must be
accounted for, as shown by Figure 23.

Figure 23: Information Security Strategy Development Participants

The most important thing to note here is how security goals align with
business goals. The business strategy not only leads to business goals but
provides an input into the risk management and information security strategy
block as well. Note also how both the current and desired state of security
feeds into that block as well. While not clearly shown here, the
organization’s appetite for risk acts as a constant constraint over the entire
process. Be sure to note all ‘Strategy Inputs’ which are:

Current state and desired state of security

Business processes and requirements
Risk assessment
Regulatory requirements

Putting Data in Buckets

Let’s assume that we are smarter than the organizations we described at the
beginning of this chapter, and we are going to invest in information security.
The first thing we need to do is to classify information by its criticality and
sensitivity. By doing this, we can apply protective measures in proportion to
the information’s business value instead of making wild guesses. If done
properly, most organizations discover that the vast majority of data is neither
critical or sensitive, meaning we have just saved ourselves a huge amount of
money by not protecting those assets. Keep that in mind when people
complain about the time and effort required for proper classification!
The protection of information assets must be prioritized if the organization is
budget constrained, which is almost always the case. By attaching value to
the various assets, it becomes much easier to figure out which should be
protected if we can only cover a portion of all valued assets. Arriving at a
value can be difficult though – we can choose to use the cost of creating or
replacing the information, or how much damage would result if the
information were to be leaked. In some case there simply is no way to arrive
at a value since the loss would completely devastate the company, such as
trade secrets. A useful approach is to create levels of value, with the lowest
being very little value and the highest level representing those assets that are
priceless. Assets that have no discernable owner, and there is no evidence of
the information being used for a period of time would be assigned the lowest
A second approach that might be much easier to execute is to define critical
business processes and figure out what information and physical assets are
required for those processes. By tying assets to revenue generation, it
becomes clear what is important and what is not.
But, those two approaches are designed to identify value, or criticality. The
other attribute that is important is the sensitivity of information. Whereas
criticality is concerned with the impact if we lose control of information,
sensitivity is concerned with the impact if we accidentally disclose
information - in this case we have not lost control of the information, but
others are now aware of facts that can then be used to damage the
organization. In this case the data owner is the best person to identify the
classification level.
Data classification is an absolute necessity if we are going to be serious about
security governance, because it prevents us from over-protecting low-value
assets and under-protecting high-value assets. The longer we wait, the harder
it becomes over time. However, we must be sure not to over rotate and
declare that everything is of high-value – this often happens in a high-blame
environment where no one wants to be charged with not protecting
information properly. A useful way to combat this is for IT to charge
business units for storage of higher-classified information – hitting the
pocketbook always makes people think twice. One last item that must be
addressed if we hope to become a security-conscious organization is to
ensure that all assets have a defined owner and accountability – a RACI
matrix is a great tool for making this happen.
A strategy will give us the needed framework on which to create a road map,
which are the series of steps to be executed to implement our strategy. A
good security strategy will mitigate risk while supporting business goals, as
well as showing us how we will embed good security practices into every
area of the business.
Staying Cheap
We can classify data all day long, and come up with sorts of great strategies,
but if the cost of implementing a given strategy is too high, it will never see
the light of day. That is why keeping a tight view on the costs of a strategy
the entire time it is under development is very important. We need to ensure
the following statements are true if we hope to have a cost-effective security

Business requirements have been defined for information

Goals have been defined for information security that will meet
business requirements.
Information assets and resources have been identified.
Value has been assigned to information assets and resources.
Information has been classified for both criticality and
All assets have a defined owner.

Avoiding the Reinvention of the Wheel

The chances are that 80% of our strategy work has already been done by
some other organization, business or entity. While our business is bound to
have some unique aspects to it, we should be able to leverage one or more
standards or frameworks. However, the various options for this are not all
created equal – some are targeted for general use while others are more
specific in their intended use. Figure 24 illustrates this by listing our options
in the following four categories:
Figure 24: Prevalent Standards and Frameworks

1) SOX, HIPPA, GLBA and FISMA are designed for federal

agencies, although some have seen extensive use in the private sector.
2) COSO and OCEG provide a governance framework only.
3) COBIT, ITIL, ISO 27000 series and CMMI provide goals for
4) ISO 27002 and NIST 800-53 provide a list of very specific
Chapter 28: Information Security Governance – Who
Does What
Who Does Governance?
Governance is the responsibility of the board and company executives. These
folks at the top might delegate a lot of the footwork, but they are ultimately
responsible (and legally liable) to ensure information security is properly
implemented. A common mistake is to assume that protecting IT systems and
processes is good enough. After all, that’s where the data is stored, right?
Unfortunately, we will soon discover that security must be applied at a much
larger scope than just IT systems. We’re talking building access, outside
lighting, how people work, how the vendors we interact with work, how the
vendor’s people work, etc. MUCH bigger than IT systems.
We’ve mentioned it before, but it’s worth repeating – effective information
security governance only happens when the most senior levels of
management are involved. If those at the very top aren’t behind it, it will fail.
Along the same lines, if those at the top can’t tell if their actions are being
effective, it will also fail. That is why those in charge must periodically be
provided a report on how well information security policies and procedures
are doing in the form of a BIA. It should go without saying that senior
management must abide by the policies they demand everyone else follow.
We have already covered roles, responsibilities, RACI and skills in Section 1.
We just need to note here that employment agreements should reference
those roles, responsibilities and skills, and should be considered when
screening applicants for new hires.
Working with the Top Dogs (the Executive Team)
Let’s now discuss how the information security manager works with the
executive team. As stated before, the executive team is ultimately responsible
for ensuring proper security, but that team relies heavily on the information
security manager to provide direction in the form of an advisor. Essentially,
the manager will make recommendations to senior leadership, who will
consider all options and make decisions, which are then carried out by the
manager. It is crucial that senior management remains visibly engaged
throughout the entire process, as this will set the ‘tone at the top’ and will
directly influence how engaged the rest of the organization remains. If this is
done properly, the entire organization will be on-board with a healthy view of
Another method for ensuring that the entire organization remains engaged
with security is to form a steering committee that is made up of senior
representatives from all impacted groups. This makes it much easier to arrive
at a consensus on priorities and tradeoffs and is a great method for
establishing communication channels. Some common topics this committee
addresses are:

How to integrate security with business activities

How to get business units to support the security goals
Emerging risks and compliance issues
It is up to the security manager to clearly define the purpose of the steering
committee and how it should operate. The biggest obstacle to overcome is to
make sure the committee does not get sidetracked on unimportant subjects.
Another hurdle to overcome is to ensure members review material and
subjects for upcoming meetings before each meeting actually takes place.
While we’re on the subject of working with executives, we need to recognize
that all organizations have a chief information security officer, or CISO, or a
chief security officer, or CSO, even if the organization doesn’t know or
acknowledge the fact. Whoever is responsible for ensuring information
security is the CISO, even if they also hold another title such as CEO, CFO,
etc. But it must be a C-level officer. If a business tries to pretend such a
position does not exist, the responsibility will fall to the CEO, who will
become the default CISO in the eyes of the law – there is just no way of
getting around it. In 2006 only about 20% of organizations officially
recognized the title of CISO or CSO. By 2011, more than 80% did so.
The Never-Ending Battle Between IT and Information Security
There is an interesting dynamic at-play when it comes to IT that we should
discuss as part of senior management responsibilities. The classic IT
responsibility has always been about performance – how fast features
operate, how much up-time the business experiences with those features, how
much they cost to maintain and how easy it is for people to access services.
IT has always been about making technology and people work smoothly. But
security is often directly at-odds with that view. Security is more concerned
about keeping data and capabilities out of the hands of unauthorized people
and making sure we have redundant stores so that data is not lost, even at the
expense of speed or usability. A rule of thumb says that as security increases,
ease of use decreases. It is very difficult to achieve a nice balance between
the two.
Now, just imagine you have two people trying to carry out each viewpoint –
one whose job it is to make technology easy to use, and one whose job it is to
make data safe. They will be forever getting in each other’s way. But there is
a much more concerning scenario – what if one person was tasked to do both
jobs? Talk about a conflicted person! When that happens, that individual will
always choose the path that will be the least painful, which will be ease of
use. After all, employees will always gripe when things are hard, but when is
the last time you heard a hacker call up IT and say ‘You know, you should
really put in a firewall. You’re making my life way too easy.’ That is why it
is so crucial that you have separate people assigned to each role.
But even if you assign the roles to different people, it can still get
complicated. Imagine both of these people reporting to the same boss. Guess
what direction the boss is going to give? You got it – whatever will make the
most people happy. Therefore, not only must you give each role to different
people, they must also each report up through different C-level executives.
Never have a security manager report up to the same executive that the IT
manager reports to. In fact, it is not uncommon for a security manager to
report directly to the CEO or the board, instead of up through the chief
information officer, or CIO. Alternatively, we are seeing more CISOs than
ever before existing right alongside the chief technology officer, or CTO.
The primary goal for information security governance is to manage risks
effectively at an acceptable cost. A balance between risk mitigation and how
much it costs to carry that out must be discovered over time, and this can be
achieved only if everyone is involved. When carried out properly, risk
management activities are integrated together and fall under a clear set of
rules and goals. This in turn prevents gaps in coverage, redundant effort and
departments working against each other.
Roles – Top to Bottom
NIST has created a number of publications, one of which is particularly
relevant to risk assessments – NIST 800-30: Guide for Conducting Risk
Assessments. This special publication describes the key roles that support the
risk management process. While each organization is unique, the defined
roles map fairly well to just about any company. Let’s go over them and
describe the responsibilities of each.

The Governing Board and Senior Management must exercise

due care and is ultimately responsible for ensuring sufficient
resources are made available to address security risk. Ongoing
risk assessments must be part of their decision making.
The Chief Risk Officer, or CRO, is in charge of enterprise risk
management (ERM), which may include information security, but
certainly includes operational risk, environmental risk and credit
The Chief Information Officer, or CIO, handles IT planning,
budgeting and performance, and often includes information
security as defined by the policies and standards of the CISO or
the security manager.
The Chief Information Security Officer or CISO, performs the
same functions as the security manager, but holds greater
authority and reports to the CEO, COO or the board of directors.
This position includes more strategic and management aspects
than a security manager might have.
The Information Security Manager is responsible for security
programs that create a methodology to identify and manage risk,
usually including IT systems. Security managers also act as
consultants to senior management and the board.
System and Information Owners ensure controls are in place to
address CIA (confidentiality, integrity and availability), and who
must approve changes to IT systems.
Business and Functional Managers are managers responsible for
business operations and the IT procurement processes.
IT Security Practitioners interact with IT systems on a daily
basis and enact changes as needed. Security practitioners use the
risk management process to identify and triage new risks, and
make sure that new security controls are implemented properly.
Security Awareness Trainers understand risk management goals
and processes and create training materials and programs to
spread this knowledge to the appropriate employees.
To summarize some of the information we just covered, take a look at a
RACI chart showing roles and responsibilities in Table 3.
Information Board of Chief Chief Business
Security Directors Information Executive Process
Manager Security Officer Owner
Define the target IT C R A I
Conduct a gap analysis R A R
Define the strategic C A C
plan and roadmap
Communicate the IT I I R R I
Table 3: Roles and Responsibilities RACI Matrix

Getting Buy-In from the Top

Once the information security manager has created the security strategy, it is
time to get approval. Since it can be a rather complex subject, the manager
may need to educate the board while presenting the solution, sometimes with
associated workshops. Since the true value of a solution is often not
recognized until information systems security fails, we want to make every
effort to get leadership on-board with the plan before we experience those
nasty failures.
If the information security manager is not able to get effective buy-in, it is
sometimes useful to resort to educating senior management on regulatory
compliance, the sanctions they may face, and how dependent the company is
on the informational assets. Documenting the potential impacts of various
scenarios may also help. A reminder that senior management will be held
liable for failure to exercise due care is always a good fallback. If senior
management needs help in understanding what actions would constitute an
appropriate level of support, the following list may help (some are repeated
from earlier for completeness):

Clear approval and support for formal security strategies and

The ability to measure performance in implementing those
Supporting security awareness and training for all staff
Sufficient resources and authority to implement security
Treating information security as a critical business issue
Demonstrating to third-parties that information security is taken
Providing high-level oversight and control
Periodically reviewing security effectiveness
Setting the example themselves by following policies and
Addressing information security issues at board meetings
At times, full support from senior management may simply be a matter of
insufficient resources. In these cases, the information security manager must
simply recognize the reality and do his or her best to implement proper
information security within the constraints of their budget.
Tying Paychecks to Security Roles
We need to recognize the importance of providing full descriptions for each
as part of the security strategy. If employees are compensated in-part based
on their adherence to their job responsibilities, there is a much better chance
of achieving our security governance roles. Therefore, the information
security manager should work with the personnel director to define security
roles and responsibilities.
Do We Have the Skills?
Any effective security strategy must consider the skills that the organization
has access to within its employees. If the strategy requires internal skills that
are non-existent, it is doomed to failure. Choosing a strategy that uses already
available skills can be a cost-effective approach, but at times we must be OK
with having to acquire new skills either by training existing employees or by
hiring new employees with the required skills. A skills inventory is important
to know where we stand today and what changes, if any, we will need to
make before reaching the desired state. This can be done through proficiency
Chapter 29: Information Security Governance –
Resources That Help
Assurance Process Integration, or Convergence, or Making
Security Actually Work
Security needs are almost always found in every department and business
unit. Unless the company is very purposeful about creating an integrated
security approach across these areas, a big ‘mess’ usually results. Some of the
areas contributing to this mess are risk management, the HR department, and
the legal department.
Three efforts to prevent those ‘messes’ are:

GRC, which we have already discussed (governance, risk

management and compliance).
BMIS, which we just discussed in detail (Business Model for
Information Security).
ISO 27001, which describes how to implement an Information
Security Management System (ISMS).
These approaches work well for information security, but not so much for
physical security. It might seem strange at first to discuss physical security on
an exam for information security, but there is a great reason for doing so. The
planning around physical security – such as door locking mechanisms to
server rooms – are fairly routine these days, and it is not difficult to integrate
physical security into information security. The other way around is much
harder, though - trying to address information security without including
physical security is just about impossible. This combination of the two
security aspects – physical and information - is called assurance integration,
or convergence.
Convergence is becoming more important each year. In fact, the alliance for
enterprise security risk management, or AESRM, has authored a document
called Security Convergence: Current Corporate Practices and Future
Trends. This study concludes that there are five factors driving convergence,
or the combination of physical and information security. They are:

Rapid expansion of the enterprise

The increasing value of information and intangible assets above
physical assets
New technologies blurring functional boundaries
New compliance and regulatory requirements
The pressure to reduce cost
The study also delivers three recommendations:

1. We must improve the value of the entire business, not just

physical or information areas
2. Security needs to move from a centralized mindset to a
decentralized model in which people have the power
3. Security needs to develop an enterprise view of risk instead of an
asset-based view
A prime example of the above needed changes is to adopt something like a
BMIS view, where we look at people, process and technology across the
organization. You didn’t think we discussed that model just for fun, did you?
It has real-world value!
A recent example highlights the need to join physical and information
security. A bank had a very sophisticated information security program in-
place, but thieves posing as janitors were able to sneak in key loggers (a
hardware device that captures keystrokes as they are entered into a keyboard).
With valid credentials in the hands of thieves, all of that fancy information
security was completely useless. A converged approach between physical and
information security would have stopped this simple attack approach.
Good Presentations
A crucial aspect to the security manager’s job is to educate senior
management. Often security information systems are not taken seriously until
they fail. Therefore, the security manager must be vigilant on making sure
senior management understands applicable regulations and how critical it is
to properly secure IT systems and information. What does it look like when a
security manager has achieved these goals? Some signs are:

There is a clear support and approval for security strategies

There are effective ways to measure security effectiveness in-
Security effectiveness is routinely reviewed by executives
Security awareness and training is not considered optional
Management has provided adequate resources (people and
money) to implement security
Information security is treated as a critical business component
It is abundantly clear to third-parties that security is a big deal
Information security is discussed at board meetings
So, as a security manager, just how do you get senior management’s attention
and support? Well, the most widely used tool is a formal presentation in
which you present one or more business cases. Things to emphasize are in a
formal presentation are:

Aligning security goals with business goals, by showing how

security will actually help the company achieve its business goals
Illustrate the consequences of failing to properly secure company
assets or meet regulatory compliance requirements
Highlight budget items so the cost can be clearly seen
Use tools such as the total cost of ownership, or TCO, or return
on investment, or ROI, to cut through the noise
Be clear on how success will be measured
Even though we have already stated it, it is worth repeating: employees must
see senior management abiding by the security policies. The example starts at
the top.
Once you, as the security manager, have senior management’s full support,
you must periodically report to that group on how implementation is going.
Ideally, you will use the same format and talking points you used in the
original presentation that won their support in the first place. Some things
that should be covered are:

How far along implementation is based on the approved strategy

A before-and-now BIA comparison
Statistics on the threats that have already been mitigated as proof
it is working
Identifying the weakest links and recommendations on how to
address them
Any on-going required approvals
In addition to formal presentations, continuous communication should also be
happening between the following groups:
Senior Management
Business Process Owners
Other Management (such as line supervisors, department heads,
and supervisors)

Making the Business Case

A business case presents the value a project can deliver in terms of a cost-
benefit analysis. In other words, it shows what the company will gain if it
chooses to invest in the project. This is often the first step in a project, but at
times may be presented directly before the project commences.
The initial business case is usually based on a feasibility study – an activity to
figure out if a project will meet a specific need at a reasonable cost and
within an acceptable time frame. It consists of the following 6 elements:
1) The project scope defines the business problem or opportunity to
be addressed. It should be clear, concise and to the point.
2) The current analysis describes our current understanding of the
problem or opportunity, and its strengths and weaknesses will
determine our goal(s).
3) Requirements are defined based on needs and constraints. Note
that software requirements are quite different than system
4) The approach is the recommended system or software solution
that will satisfy our requirements. Included is a description of
alternatives and why each was not chosen. The ‘build vs. buy’ question
is answered here if both are options.
5) An evaluation brings together all the previous elements to
produce a feasibility study report telling us how cost-effective the
proposition will be.
6) A formal review of the feasibility study report is carried out with
all stakeholders, and a final approval or rejection for the project is
provided. If rejected, the rational should be attached to aid in future
project proposals.
The business case is not just a one-time deal, however. It should be
referenced throughout the project whenever increased costs or reduced
benefits are encountered. Additionally, well-planned projects have built-in
decision points, called stage gates or kill points, that force a review to make
sure the business case is still valid.
A formal presentation by the information security manager is the most
common technique to obtain approval and can be used to both educate and
gain acceptance simultaneously.
Communicating Up and Down the Food Chain
After a project has been approved by senior management, the information
security manager must establish reliable reporting and communication
channels downward throughout the organization. Both reporting from and
communication to various parts of the organization are essential if we are
going to recognize emerging security issues. Effective communication is
needed to broadcast changes in policies, standards or procedures, and to
notify employees of emerging threats. Upward reporting from the
information security manager to senior management must happen on a
recurring basis to make sure that the top decision makers are kept in the loop.
There are four groups that need communications tailored to that specific
audience. The first is senior management. It is important that the
information security manager attend business strategy meetings to stay on top
of business strategies and goals. One-to-one meetings with individuals are
important to gain an understanding of business goals from their perspective.
The second are business process owners. The information security manager
should join operation review meetings to gain an understanding of the daily
struggles this group deals with. Monthly one-to-one meetings are important
to gain their continued support with security initiatives.
The third group are other management personnel, including line managers,
supervisors and department heads charged with carrying out security and risk
management-related activities. It is important that the information security
manager inform them of their individual security-related responsibilities.
The final, and fourth group are the remaining employees, which need the

Timely training programs

An on-boarding program for new hires
Updated strategies and policies communicated using
appropriate materials
An information security governance coordinator assigned to
each business unit to retrieve accurate feedback of daily practices
in a timely manner

Some Great Ways to Kick-start Governance

A Few Architectural Frameworks
An architecture framework is a foundation on top of which multiple
architectures can be built. The architecture should describe a method for
designing a desired state using a set of building blocks, and then show how
those blocks fit together. The target architecture is called the reference
An enterprise architecture represents the foundation on top of which the
entire company is built. Enterprise information security architecture, or
EISA, is a subset of enterprise architecture, and is designed to give a jump-
start on designing an information security program. Unfortunately, EISA is
not something we can find in-use in most organizations for multiple reasons:

EISA projects are expensive and time-consuming

There is little appreciation for the potential benefits
There are very few security architects who can implement EISA
It must be an integral part of the enterprise architecture (EA) to
be really effective
In the early days of IT, architectures focused on IT systems only was found to
be lacking because it did not consider business and security concerns. Today,
we have a number of architectural frameworks that consider IT, security and
business concerns together – some of these are:

The Zachman Enterprise Architecture Framework

Sherwood Applied Business Security Architecture (SABSA)
The Extended Enterprise Architecture Framework (E2AF)
The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF)
The Zachman framework that uses a who, what, why, where, when and why
matrix, which is then used by both SABSA and E2AF. However, TOGAF has
gained a lot of ground in the last decade.
Regardless of the approach, all architecture frameworks seek to do the same
three things:
1) Detail the roles, entities and relationships that exist
2) Provide a taxonomy (naming conventions) for all processes that
describes how they are executed and secured
3) Deliver a set of artifacts describing how a business operates and
what security controls are required
COBIT 5 does a great job of the above and has enjoyed widespread
acceptance globally. The reason for this success is two-fold. First, we need to
describe information security in an enterprise context, and COBIT 5 does this
well. Secondly, there is an ever-increasing need for the enterprise to execute
the following four areas, which COBIT 5 also excels at:
1) Protect information systems
2) Ensure continuous availability of those systems
3) Comply with a growing number of laws
4) Do those all while keeping costs down
Regardless of the chosen approach, if an existing organizational standard
does not dictate the choice, it should be based on form, fit and function. In
other words, one approach may be better aligned with existing practices or
As we mentioned before, effective use of a security architecture absolutely
requires that it be tightly integrated with the overall enterprise architecture.
Using an enterprise architecture such as TOGAF will almost force that to
happen, since TOGAF includes security as an essential component of the
overall design.
ISO 27000 Series (NOT an architecture framework)
Instead of an architectural framework, a business might elect to use the ISO
27000 Series. This is a set of standards to help organizations create and
implement a valid security plan. ISO 27001 provides a framework containing
14 security areas and is the standard to which many organizations choose to
be assessed and certified against. ISO 27002 provides implementation help
for ISO 27001, and is used to comply with the standards.
The 14 security control areas of ISO 27001 are:

A.5. Information security policies

A.6. Organization of information security
A.7. Human resource security
A.8. Asset management
A.9. Access control
A.10. Cryptography
A.11. Physical and environmental security
A.12. Operations security
A.13. Communications security
A.14. System acquisition, development and maintenance
A.15. Supplier relationships
A.16. Information security incident management
A.17. Information security aspects of business continuity
A.18. Compliance

Other Approaches (also NOT Architecture Frameworks)

Some other approaches may be useful for developing and implementing a
strategy, such as:

ISO 9001
Six Sigma
NIST publications
Information Security Forum (ISF) publications
US Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA)
It may be useful to use a combination of different approaches as a way to
cross-check goals and make sure that all elements have been considered.
Policies, Standards and Guidelines
We have already discussed procedures, standards and guidelines in Section 1,
but there are a couple of points we need to point out that will help us be
First, a standard dictate how we measure procedures, processes or systems to
see if they meet requirements. We can use three types of measurements:

Metrics, which provide a yes/no answer

Boundaries, which provide outside limits that must not be passed
Processes, which use a more complex method to determine
Secondly, let’s quickly go over a few examples of guidelines specific to
information security:

Clarification of policies and standards

Dependencies of a procedure
Suggestions and examples
A narrative clarifying the purpose for procedures
Background information that might be useful
Tools that can be used

Using Controls
When developing an information security strategy, controls are the primary
components we deal with. If you recall, a control mitigates a risk, and can be
technical, physical or procedural. COBIT focuses on IT controls, which
represents most controls required in organizations. But information security
managers must be aware that controls must be developed for non-IT
processes as well. This includes physical information (such as hardcopies) in
terms of marking, handling and storage. Environmental issues such as
physical security are important so that systems are not simply stolen as
opposed to being compromised.
Using Technologies
Technologies are the cornerstone of an effective security strategy. However,
there is no technology that can compensate for management, cultural or
operational problems, and the information security manager should never rely
on technology to overcome those deficiencies. An effective defense requires
a combination of policies, standards and procedures to be properly melded
with technology.
People Are Expensive
The majority of security incidents are not technological in nature - they are
the result of people. The most costly and damaging compromises are usually
caused by insider activities, whether intentional or accidental. That is why the
first defense in this area is to try and ensure the trustworthiness and integrity
of new and existing employees. Limited background checks can provide
some insight into a person’s negative characteristics, but laws (particularly in
Europe) put a limit on how deep these checks can go. The extent of
background checks should be proportional to the criticality and sensitivity of
the roles an individual will be expected to perform. Policies and standards
should be developed to ensure background checks are properly carried out.
Attention must be paid to theft not only to reduce loss, but because small
occurrences may be an indicator of something much larger going on.
Monitoring of email can be a great tool for detecting malicious or dangerous
behavior, but the information security manager must be sure to remain in
compliance with laws by providing sufficient notice of these activities to
employees and ensuring the notice has been acknowledged.
The Org Chart
When developing a security strategy in organizations with an inflexible
structure, you can expect to encounter resistance as various factions perceive
the changes to be a threat to their authority or autonomy. If senior
management can foster a more flexible attitude to organizational changes,
security management becomes much easier.
We have already mentioned previously that there is an inherent conflict
between IT and security in terms of priority. In other words, the goals of
availability are sometimes at odds with the goals of security. This is an
organizational issue, so we bring it up here as a reminder.
When an organization is spread across multiple geographical locations, we
can choose two different approaches – centralized or decentralized. A
centralized approach will require all locations to fall under a single
organization-wide security umbrella, while a decentralized approach allows
each location to manage their own security as each see fit. There are pros and
cons for each.
A centralized approach is the preferred method, because it provides the best
alignment across all business units and ensures the same quality of training
and responsibilities.
A decentralized approach works well for multinational companies with
locations in different countries or legal jurisdictions. Because the various
local laws will be different, allowing each location to manage its own
security overcomes this. For example, some countries may not allow business
data to be stored or processed outside of their national boundaries.
Additionally, some countries will collect taxes for software or hardware used
within their jurisdiction, regardless of where it physically exists.
A decentralized method also works well for companies who have grown by
acquisition of other entities over time, with each acquisition still operating
fairly independently. For this scenario, it is not unusual for each entity to
have its own IT group and hardware and software infrastructure. Separate
policies and procedures may also be in-place for each entity. However, there
may be an advantage to creating a single set of enterprise-wide security
policies, but let each entity implement its own standards and procedures as it
sees fit.
A final advantage with a decentralized approach is that security
administrators are usually closer to the users and understand local issues
better. They can often react quicker to access change requests or security
The Human Factor
Training, education and awareness is vital to a security strategy because it
addresses one of the most fundamental weaknesses – the human factor. A
recurring security awareness program reinforces the importance of
information security to employees and is required by law in some
jurisdictions. In most organizations, most personnel are not aware of security
policies and standards unless a robust awareness program is put into place.
Broadening and deepening the skills of security personnel through training
can greatly improve security effectiveness. The hard part is figuring out what
skills need to be taught. Finding good security people is difficult and is
getting harder. Some companies attempt to compensate by hiring
overqualified people, but this only results in a high turnover rate or
substandard performance due to boredom. Instead, training existing
employees is a much more cost-effective approach. However, that training
must be targeted to the organization’s unique way of doing business.
An audit, which may be internal or external, is used to determine information
security deficiencies in terms of controls and compliancy and is one of the
essential resources in development of a strategy. The focus is usually on
people, processes and technology.
Internal audits in larger companies are usually carried out by an internal
auditing committee, reporting to either an executive or the board. In smaller
organizations the information security manager or an information security
officer may perform the audit.
External audits are usually conducted by the finance department, and often
the results do not make it back to information security. That is why it is
important for the information security manager to maintain a good working
relationship with finance.
Because of increasing regulation, many companies are required to
periodically file various audit reports to regulatory agencies. These reports
are sometimes a goldmine when it comes to informing us on the performance
of information security, and so making the results available to the
information security manager should be part of security strategy
Compliance Enforcement
It is important to develop procedures for handling security violations as part
of the security strategy. The biggest problem with enforcement is lack of buy-
in from management, so that must be a priority for the information security
manager. If management buy-in is achieved, and the organization values
openness and trust, the simplest approach to compliance is that of self-
reporting. For this to happen, everyone must understand that security is in
their own best interest.
Prioritization of compliance issues must be executed, as some issues must
experience 100% compliance while others may not be as important. For
example, keeping unauthorized people out of the control room at a nuclear
reactor facility is probably much more important than making sure office
computers are always locked before you walk away.
Threat and Vulnerability Assessments
For the next few paragraphs, keep in mind that threats are constant and
always with us, while vulnerabilities come and go as policies and technology
change. For example, on the California coast the threat from earthquakes is a
given, but if we move offices to a building that has been constructed to be
particularly resistant to earthquake damage, the vulnerability could be
mitigated enough that we no longer have to worry about it.
Threat assessments are routinely implemented as part of an overall risk
assessments. However, those threat assessments have real value by
themselves as part of strategy development because we need to understand
the various options and related costs to make good decisions. The best cost-
effective choice will be made when we analyze threat and vulnerabilities
Additionally, strategy should consider viable threats even if we are not aware
of a specific vulnerability, whereas risk assessments will discard those threats
because testing does not reveal a current vulnerability. For example,
espionage by a competitor is always a threat. But, if we do not have
competitors known to be overly unethical, a risk assessment will decide
espionage is so unlikely that we do not need to address it. However, our
strategy should probably take that into account in case we have a low-cost
opportunity to mitigate it. The bottom line is that policy development should
map to a threat profile, instead of specific vulnerabilities.
When hearing the term ‘vulnerability assessment’, people often think of an
automated scan against existing IT infrastructure. However, for strategy
development that approach is not even close to being thorough enough.
Instead we must also test elements such as procedures, practices,
technologies, facilities, service level agreements, and legal and contractual
requirements. Processes and facilities are the most vulnerable components
but are usually the ones seldom looked at due to the difficulty in performing
assessments. The development of a security strategy is a great reason to
perform these vulnerability assessments.
Risk Assessment and Management
Both threat and vulnerability assessments are extremely useful in developing
a security strategy, but an overall risk assessment is really needed if we are to
do a comprehensive job. A formal assessment of risk starts with listing the
viable threats facing us, including environmental and physical threats, along
with technological. Examples of physical and environmental threats might be
flood, fire, earthquake or a health pandemic. Examples of technological
threats might be malicious software, system failures or attacks (internal and
The second step is the risk identification phase, where we estimate the
likelihood each threat will occur and how big of an impact each might make.
The third step is to determine the extent of organizational weaknesses and
exposure to threats. Here we take three things – threat frequency, threat
magnitude and organization vulnerability – and determine the level of that
risk. Then we can calculate the ALE, or annualized loss expectancy.
To arrive at the frequency and magnitude for a given threat, we can use both
our own organization’s experience as well as the experiences of like
organizations. Special attention must be paid to frequency, even if magnitude
is not that large, because small numbers can add up quickly.
Insurance is a viable resource to consider during strategy development for
risks such as rare, high-impact events. Examples are floods, hurricanes, fire,
embezzlement and lawsuits. There are three types of insurance:

First-Party insurance covers the organization from most sources

and includes business interruption, direct loss and recovery costs.
Third-Party insurance covers liability with third-parties such as
defense against lawsuits and damages.
Fidelity insurance (or bonding) protects against employee or
agent theft and embezzlement.

Resource Dependency Analysis

Resource dependency is somewhat similar to DRP in that it looks at systems,
hardware and software. In some cases, it can be used instead of a BIA to
ensure the strategy looks at all resources critical to the business.
Outsourced Services
Both offshore and onshore outsourcing is common as more companies focus
on their core expertise and attempt to cut costs in other areas. These
arrangements can be particularly risky since it is very difficult to quantify and
mitigate risks. When outsourcing, skills and functions are no longer
possessed by the organization, and the loss of control can present problems.
Additionally, providers may operate on different standards. If security
services are outsourced, it is important that they not become a single point of
failure and there is a viable backup in place if needed. Using hosted cloud
services can be very cost-effective but opens up new risks. Mergers and
acquisitions can become problematic due to different cultures, systems,
technology and operations.
Other Organizational Support and Assurance Providers
There are usually a number of support and assurance service providers within
an organization that should be part of information security resources. These
can include the following departments:

Disaster recovery
Physical security
Project office
Human resources
These departments are usually not very well integrated in terms of assurance
functions, and any strategy must include preventing gaps or overlaps between
Chapter 30: Information Security Governance –
Constraints That Hurt
Governance of Third-Party Relationships
Third-parties may include the following entities:

Service providers
Outsourced operations
Trading partners
Merged or acquired organizations
Some of the challenges include the following four:

1. Cultural differences resulting in unacceptable attitudes toward

2. Technology incompatibilities
3. How incidences are responded to in terms of speed,
documentation and prosecution
4. The level of acceptable business continuity and disaster recovery
To overcome these challenges, the information security manager must ensure
that all responsibilities for both the company and third-parties are clearly
documented prior to the relationship being approved. This allows risk to be
identified and either accepted or mitigated. Additionally, there should be a
formalized engagement model describing and controlling the relationship.
Legal and Regulatory Requirements
Any effort to design and implement a good security strategy must be built on
a solid grasp of applicable legal requirements. For example, privacy rules can
change drastically between jurisdictions. Some countries prohibit many
background checks that are legal in other countries. We can choose to allow
different strategies based on geographical locations or apply the most
restrictive requirements across the entire enterprise. There are also a number
of legal and regulatory issues related to Internet businesses, global
transmissions and transborder data flows. Regulatory compliance should be
treated just like any other risk, with the risk being that we might not achieve
full compliance.
Let’s discuss information retention issues. There are two primary aspects to
consider when deciding how long to keep business records:
1. Business requirements
2. Legal and regulatory requirements
Legal and regulatory requirements represent the minimum amount of time to
keep records. Business requirements may extend that time but can never
shorten it. Regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley, or SOX, requires us to retain
information for a certain amount of time, but doesn’t really care how we store
it. Additionally, specific legal requests from law enforcement may require
that records be kept even longer. Regardless of the retention length, archived
information must be properly indexed so that relevant data can be quickly
located and retrieved.
E-discovery is the term used to describe locating and delivering information
in response to a request in which the company is legally bound to comply
with. If information has been archived without indexing, the cost for e-
discovery can be extensive. On the flip side, an organization may want to
intentionally destroy information after a set time period to limit liability, but
great care must be made to not violate regulatory or legal laws when doing
so. The best option is to have a policy requiring destruction of any data not
required to be retained by law or for a specific business purpose.
Physical Constraints
With regards to physical constraints, storage capacity, physical space,
environmental hazards and availability of infrastructure must all be
considered during strategy planning. Personnel and resource safety must also
remain a consideration.
Company Image
Any organization must take care to cultivate a good image among its
customers and the public at-large. If care is not taken, it can have a negative
impact on a company’s value. These perceptions are often influenced by
location and culture. Both the internal business culture and the external
culture in which a business operates must be taken into consideration when
developing a security strategy. If the strategy is at odds with culture, a
successful implementation will be very difficult unless that culture is
Organizational Structure
At times various assurance functions within an organization live in a silo that
have different reporting structures and authority. In these cases, the
successful development of a security strategy will require senior management
buy-in and involvement. For example, two different departments may have
completely opposite attitudes toward security. One thinks very highly of
securing information assets, while the other views security as just another
way to prevent them from making more profit. The only way to get both
departments on-board with a security strategy is to appeal to the senior
management that oversees both – if management is bought-in, then both
departments will get on-board as well.
The actual implementation of a successful strategy will consume resources,
time and money. Obviously, we need to find the most cost-effective way to
get there. With normal projects, we can point to the project’s value to justify
cost. But with security projects, there is not a direct line to value. Instead, we
must point to the control of specific risks or compliance with regulations. A
cost-benefit or some other financial analysis is usually the best approach. A
traditional approach is to calculate the annual loss expectancy (ALE) and use
that dollar amount as the upper limit on the cost of controls – basically an
However, another school of thought thinks that an ROI approach is not very
helpful, particularly when dealing with programs designed to meet some type
of regulatory compliance. For example, under SOX some penalties consist of
long sentences in federal prison for senior executives. It is a given that senior
management will have a great interest in executing a project to mitigate such
a risk - regardless of the ROI.
People, Budget and Time
Additional constraints we need to look at are people, budget, time and
capabilities. People will always present some constraints since we humans
dislike change and additional rules – this must be accounted for when
developing the security strategy.
The available budget is also a key constraint that must be taken into
consideration. This includes two things:

1. The total cost of ownership (TCO) of new or additional

2. The manpower requirements of design, implementation,
operation, maintenance and eventual decommissioning
Time is a major constraint with any effort, and a security strategy is no
exception. There might be compliance deadlines or limited-time merger
opportunities that must be aligned with. Or, windows of opportunity may
exist representing business activities that might expire quickly. Just as
important as time, however, are our capabilities. Any strategy that is based on
known and demonstrated capabilities – such as expertise and skills – is much
more likely to be successful.
Risk Acceptance and Tolerance
Risk appetite and risk tolerance are important constraints that must be
considered, and the challenge here is to measure those values. One method is
to develop RTO for critical systems by performing a BIA. The shorter the
RTO, the greater the cost and the lower the risk appetite – this translates into
a more compelling case to expend resources on mitigating the risk. If the
organization has business continuity insurance, the deductible is a good
quantifiable number of acceptable risk. Just keep in mind that the cost of
protection should never exceed the benefit delivered.
Chapter 31: Information Security Governance – The
Action Plan
Gap Analysis – The Start for an Action Plan
If your recall, a gap analysis is simply a recognition of where we are and
where we want to be – basically the delta between the two conditions. This
needs to be performed for each control goal, each risk, and each impact goal.
This exercise needs to be repeated at a minimum once per year – perhaps
more – so that changes can be made to reflect the environment the
organization operates. A typical approach is to work backward, starting with
the desired state and going back to the current state, and determine the series
of steps required to reach our goal. CMMI or other methods can be used to
assess the gap.
Policy Development
After performing a gap analysis, we now need to create an action plan to
execute the strategy. One of the most important aspects of the action plan is
to create or modify policies and standards.
Standards Development
Though we have already talked quite a bit about standards, let’s list some
ways in which they help us specific to governance:

Interpret policies for us

Provide a way to measure policy compliance
Are a great basis for audits
Set bounds for procedures and practices
Govern the creation of procedures and guidelines
Set the security baselines
Reflect acceptable risk and control goals
Provide the criteria for evaluating if risk is acceptable
Provide boundaries for procedures without restricting options
Must be owned by the information security manager
Remember, when we encounter a standard for which there is not a readily
available technology, or there is some other reason for which we cannot
create a process to meet the standard, we must create an exception process.
Using a Governance Framework
To properly govern, we use something called a governance framework,
which consists of six components:

1. A strategy linked with goals

2. Policies that cover strategy, controls and regulations
3. For each policy, a set of standards to ensure that procedures and
guidelines line up with the policy
4. A security organization that has sufficient authority and
resources, and that does not have conflicts of interest
5. Defined workflows and structures so we can assign
responsibilities and hold people accountable
6. A way to measure compliance and effectiveness that is useful
when making management decisions
Using such a framework allows us to develop a cost-effective information
security program that lines up nicely with the company’s business goals and
makes sure that information is protected according to its value to the

Figure 25: Relationship of Governance Elements

Let’s discuss the differences between IT security and information security for
a second. IT security is all about how to keep information secure using
technology. Information security is concerned not only with that, but also
with information that might be overhead in an elevator conversation, or
perhaps that is faxed to the wrong number. IT security is a subset of
information security, but governance of each is completely separate – this
will become clearer as we go.
Figure 25 illustrates the relationships between IT, information security,
controls, architecture and other components of a governance framework.
Let’s walk through how governance elements interact with each other, and
what dependencies exists.
First, senior management must set the goals for both IT and information
security separately, meaning that they are governed independently. We’re
going to discuss why in a few minutes, but just know that those are two very
different roles with competing priorities. IT goals almost always center
around performance – how much up-time systems have, how fast they work,
how responsive IT staff are to trouble tickets, etc. So, senior management
defines high-level performance-based goals and gives them to the IT
Meanwhile, senior management also decides how much risk they are willing
to tolerate with the organization’s information, and how to mitigate (reduce)
that risk if it is too much. Those goals are given to the information security
manager. So now we have two tracks operating in parallel – IT and
information security. Both tracks now follow the exact same eight steps –
outcomes, requirements, objectives, strategy, road map, policies, standards
and procedures. Each track at this point is a mirror of the other. Let’s follow
those eight steps.
First, lower management defines outcomes that will meet senior
management’s direction. Second, then come up with requirements that if met,
will result in the outcomes they desire. Third, goals, or objectives, are defined
based on those requirements, and fourth, a strategy is developed to meet
those goals. The fifth step includes creating a road map illustrating when and
how specific goals will be met. A road map is simply a timeline of when
goals will be delivered. The remaining three steps are where we develop
policies, standards and procedures that will allow them to successfully
execute the road map. All this feeds into an operational architecture across
the entire organization.
We should note that information security strategy, road map, policies and
standards all flow into their IT counterpart steps. For example, the
information security road map is used as an input into the IT road map, and
information security policies are used as an input for IT policies. As a result,
the information security strategy will have a direct impact on IT strategy,
because IT systems fall under the information security umbrella, even though
they must act independently to some extent.
It’s also important to note that an output of the information security road
map, policies and standards steps feed into defining what controls will be
used. The controls feed into the physical architecture, which also feeds into
the operational architecture right along with procedures.
If you may recall, we previously listed the six outcomes for security
governance. As a refresher, they were:

Strategic alignment
Effective risk management
Value delivery
Resource optimization
Performance measurement
Assurance process integration (convergence)

Near-Term Goals for the Action Plan

Once the overall strategy has been finalized, it is fairly simple to define very
specific near-term goals. Based on critical resources as determined by the
BIA, and the current state of security according to CMMI gap analysis,
prioritization of these activities should be simple. It is important that the
strategy and long-term plan all integrate near-term activities. This will temper
the desire to implement point solutions that are thought of when in crisis
mode. Numerous unintegrated solutions, formed over the years while fighting
in crisis mode, become increasingly costly and difficult to manage.
Chapter 32: Information Security Governance –
Metrics and Monitoring
What the Action Plan Needs
The plan of action will always require the ability to monitor and measure
progress, as well as tell us when we have achieved a milestone. Costs must
also be monitored to allow mid-course corrections to be made if necessary.
There are a number of approaches we can use to gather these metrics,
including whatever method we used to measure the current state. Among
those options we will find the balanced scorecard, CMMI and PAM.
Often organizations will focus on automated scanning results without
knowing if a real threat exists. This can result in mountains of data that is
extremely difficult to sift through, and the big picture is lost. To get around
this problem, we need to create processes that will distill the information
down to something that is usable. We can also analyze the available metrics
to determine their relevancy and select only those that deliver value. So, what
exactly is considered to be a ‘valuable metric’? If it has true value, a metric
will do four things:

Deliver whatever is important to manage information security

Meet IT security management requirements
Meet the needs of business process owners
Provide what senior management wants to know
In general, metrics must be both predictive and actionable.
The resulting strategy and action plans must contain provisions for
monitoring and the capture of metrics – otherwise we will never be able to
determine if we have been successful or not.
Do Security Metrics Really Help?
Security metrics simply tell us the degree of safety we currently enjoy
compared to some point measured in the past. Well, that is the idea, anyway.
In reality, metrics gathered from technology devices can tell us all about how
much data a firewall is filtering, or how much up-time a server is delivering,
or even the percentage of traffic we think is malicious. But security metrics
cannot tell us how safe we really are, or if our security programs are being
effective, or if those programs even align with our business goals. To get
answers to those questions, we have to develop metrics that represent
management’s requirements, as opposed to metrics simply taken from some
device. One source for these metrics can be obtained by executing full audits
and comprehensive risk assessments. Unfortunately, these only provide a
historical view, or at best a snapshot in time – not enough to provide us what
is needed to guide day-to-day security management decisions. So, let’s talk
about how to get metrics that are usable.
How to Get Security Metrics That Help
As examples of security metrics that do not meet all of the criteria we just
mentioned, consider some standard metrics organizations often collect:

Downtime due to viruses

Number of system penetrations
Penetration impacts and resulting losses
Recovery times
Number of vulnerabilities that network scans reveal
Percentage of servers patched
While these metrics are useful to IT operations, they really say nothing about
how secure an organization is. In fact, none meet the predictive or actionable
criteria. What does a useful security metric look like? Some decent examples

Probabilities of penetration
A list of exposures that must be mitigated
Value at Risk (VAR)
Return on Security Investment (ROSI)
Annual Loss Expectancy (ALE)
The last three – VAR, ROSI and ALE – are the most useful as they can be
employed as justification for expending resources and carrying out certain
It has become apparent over the past decade that the lack of useful metrics in
information security has really held back effective management. Four major
efforts have been carried out to provide guidance in this are:

ISO 27004 is a standard that has not seen wide-spread acceptance

and is currently being rewritten.
COBIT 5 is a standard offering sample IT metrics for 17
suggested enterprise goals, for a grand total of 150 metrics.
Unfortunately, there is a lack of guidance on how to actually
develop and implement the listed metrics.
The Center for Internet Security (CIS) released a document in
2010 called The CIS Security Metrics based on the consensus of
150 industry professionals, and includes 28 metrics.
NIST SP 800-55 is a standard that aligns with the security
controls listed in NIST SP 800-53, and offers a comprehensive
approach to the selection, development and implementation of
metrics. It is primarily targeted to support FISMA, which is useful
for the private sector even though it is designed for federal
Often companies will try and measure security effectiveness by estimating
the maximum impact that an adverse event might have. Unfortunately, this is
a little like estimating how tall a tree is, and then validating that estimate by
cutting the tree down and using a tape measure – you get the answer but only
after destroying what you were measuring. Likewise, impact estimates can
only be validated after a negative incident has occurred – we get to feel great
that we estimated correctly, right up until the impact of the attack sinks in.
Simulated attacks, such as penetration testing, can help, but to be valid a very
large number of simulations must be carried out to provide any real value.
In the end, all we can say with confidence are two things:

1. Some organizations are attacked more frequently or suffer

greater losses than others.
2. There is a strong correlation between good security
management, and fewer incidents and losses.
Because solid security metrics are hard to come by, there is a tendency to
settle with whatever we have at-hand, regardless of the relevancy. For
example, many companies vet their security posture based on vulnerability
scans alone. The trap here is the belief that we can measure risk by simply
measuring technical vulnerabilities. One of the most important steps we can
take to arrive at true measurability is to properly define clear goals for
information security. After all, if you don’t know what you should be
measuring, then how can you possibly measure it? Once we have clear goals,
any measure we come up with is valid as long as it tells us if we are making
progress (of any kind) towards our goals. We should note that a given metric
will be useful only at a single level – strategic, tactical or operational. For
example, strategic metrics will help us measure high-level outcomes, but the
number of DDoS attacks we experienced yesterday won’t help us with this.
However, the DDoS metric is of extreme value at the tactical level.

Figure 26: Components of Security Metrics

So, how exactly do we capture usable security metrics? It turns out that there
four steps – each building on the one before – that we can climb and wind up
with great metrics. Figure 26 shows the four components in a stacked model.
Starting at the bottom, we have Strong Upper-Level Management Support.
Without this, the rest of the organization will not see security as valuable and
will therefore not buy into it. Additionally, funding and other resources will
be extremely difficult to obtain if the drive for better security does not come
directly from upper management.
Once we have senior management support, we can move to the second block,
Practical Security Policies and Procedures. This stresses the need for
realistic policies and procedures along with the authority needed to enforce
them. Those policies and procedures must be reachable and provide useful
security by using the correct controls. Without procedures, there is little hope
of collecting useful metrics.
Once policies and procedures are in-place, we can execute the third block,
Quantifiable Performance Metrics. This represents IT security performance
goals, which should be easy to capture. Repeatability over time is a key
attribute of these metrics.
The final block, Results-Oriented Metrics Analysis, means that we must
consistently perform a periodic analysis of the metrics data collected in the
third block. Accurate data must be a priority with all stakeholders for this to
In summary, if we have strong support from upper management, we will be
able to implement the right policies and procedures., which will give us the
right quantifiable metrics. All we have to do then is to analyze the results, but
we have to make sure to perform this analysis on a recurring basis for it to be
of value.
It is very important that metrics are put in-place during the implementation of
a governance program, not afterwards. KGIs and KPIs are metrics we use to
decide if our milestones or goals are being met. Because the implementation
of various aspects of governance will usually be carried out in projects, we
can use standard project measurements to gather our governance metrics,
such as slipping milestones or goals, budget performance and achieving the
agreed upon timeline.
Measuring How Well We align with Strategic Goals
We have already stressed how important it is that security goals align with
business goals. As a result, it would be very difficult to measure success if we
don’t keep those business goals in mind at all times. And if we are going to
be cost-conscious, which all organizations should be, we cannot accurately
keep tabs on our security cost performance without measuring it against our
business goal cost performance. In other words, we shouldn’t be spending
more money on security than the goals they protect are worth.
The best way we can ensure that security and business goals are aligned is to
make sure our security goals are defined in business terms. For example, we
could have a security goal that states, “We must provide a three-layer
defense-in-depth solution on all database servers.” That leaves a lot of
questions, such as “Why would we do that? Does it really matter? Can I
justify the cost?”. Instead, couch the goal in business terms of “We must
provide reasonable protection against competitors obtaining our core list of
customers.” Now the conversation becomes “Oh, let’s put in a three-layer
defense-in-depth protocol in order to meet that goal.”
Not only does such an approach make it so much easier to understand, but it
also allows us to ensure that what we build can be tracked back to a real need.
Let’s say that we purchase a series of firewalls as a technical control to meet
our requirement above. It goes something like:

Goal - don’t let competitors steal our customer list

Requirement – implement a 3-layer defense-in-depth control
Control – roll out 3 firewalls
Now, if anyone asks, “Why the heck did we just buy 3 firewalls?”, we can
just point to the requirement, which points to the goal. This makes life easier
for everyone.
Some indicators of good alignment between security and the business are the
following six:

The security program enables specific business activities

Business activities exist that have not been undertaken because
they cannot manage risk sufficiently
The security organization listens to business owners
Both business and security goals are well-defined and clearly
understood as measured by awareness testing
A very high percentage of security program activities can be
mapped to business goals
There is a security steering committee consisting of key

How Are We Doing at Risk Management?

The whole point of information security is to manage risk, but it is almost
impossible to measure the effectiveness of this goal. We can define a
successful risk management program as one that consistently keeps risk to an
acceptable level, but exactly how do you measure ‘risk’? It’s kind of like
trying to watch a football game from outside of the stadium in the parking lot.
We really can’t see the game, but we can probably figure out if something
important is happening based on the sound of the crowd’s roar. Likewise,
when it comes to measuring risk we have to settle for measuring some
‘indicator’ that correlates the risk level. Here are seven useful indicators:

How well-defined the organization’s risk appetite is in terms that

means something
How complete the overall security strategy is
The number of defined mitigation goals for significant risk
There are processes for reducing adverse impacts
A continuous risk management process covers all business-
critical systems
Risk is assessed periodically and shows progress to the defined
The ratio of security incidents from known risks vs. unknown
risks is healthy
The best indicator is how much the negative impact of incidents experienced
over a year exceed acceptable risk levels. For example, if only 5% of the
incidents we experienced over the past year exceeded what we considered to
be acceptable risks, then we’re probably doing pretty good. Additionally, a
good security program should result in a trend where both the frequency and
impact of incidents go down. Note that the best units to express quantitative
numbers in is in financial terms. That always catches the attention of senior
Are We Delivering Value?
Value delivery occurs when the investment in security provides the greatest
support for business goals. If the two align very closely, then we have
achieved delivery of value. Speaking from a financial point of view, value is
greatest when an acceptable level of risk is reached at the lowest cost. Some
KGIs and KPIs showing value delivery include the following six:

Security activities are purposefully designed to reach their goal

at the lowest cost
The cost of security is proportional to the asset value (there’s no
use in paying $10K per year to protect a $300 lawn mower)
Security resources are assigned based both on the degree of risk
and potential impact
Controls are designed based on clear goals
There are enough controls in-place to reach the desired level of
risk and impact levels
Control cost-effectiveness is determined by periodic testing

How to Know When We Are Managing Resources Well

Information security resources are almost always people, processes or
technology. Information security resource management describes the
processes to plan, allocate and control those resources. Here are eight
indicators that tell us when we are effectively managing security resources:

We don’t keep rediscovering the same problem

We efficiently capture knowledge and disseminate it
Security processes are standardized
We have clearly-defined roles and responsibilities for security
Every project plan incorporates information security
Security activities address a high percentage of information
assets and related threats
Information security has the appropriate authority,
organizational level and people
The per-seat cost of security services is kept low

Are We Performant Yet?

As we previously discussed, being able to measure reasonable metrics is key
to being successful. The effectiveness of our security machinery must be
measured in terms of performance. Indicators of excellent performance
measurement include the following twelve:

There is a short time required to detect and report security-related

The number and frequency of subsequently discovered
unreported incidents trends down
We compare favorably to other organizations when using
We can determine the effectiveness and efficiency of controls
There are clear indications that security goals are being met
We do not have unexpected or undetected security events
We have knowledge of evolving and impending threats
We have effective means of determining vulnerabilities
Our log review practices are consistent
The result of BC and DR tests are good
Key controls are being monitored
We have a high percentage of metrics that show we are achieving
defined criteria

Measuring Physical and Information Security Fusion

Recall that convergence, also called assurance process integration, is where
we combine physical and information security together. Since KGIs tell us
after the fact if an IT process has achieved its goal, KGIs for convergence
include the following six:

There are no gaps in information asset protection

There are no unnecessary security overlaps
Assurance activities are seamlessly integrated
We have well-defined roles and responsibilities
Assurance providers understand their relationship to other
assurance functions
There is effective communication and cooperation between
assurance functions
Chapter 33: Information Security Governance – What
Success Looks Like
Six Outcomes
Now, how can we, as a business, know if our information security
governance is working? It turns out that there are six basic outcomes we can
look for – if we can check off all six items, we’re good to go.
First, we are strategically aligned when information security lines up with
our business strategy. Or, when our security goals match our business goals.
This is true when we have accomplished three things:

1. Enterprise requirements drives our security requirements by

describing what it looks like when ‘done’ has been reached. In
other words, the enterprise defines what good security looks like.
2. Our enterprise processes are protected by security solutions that
account for culture, governance style, technology and how our
organization is structured. Put another way, security matches the
company’s DNA instead of trying to rewrite it.
3. Our investment in information security lines up with the enterprise
strategy and operations, and how the company views security
threats. In other words, the amount of money we spend on security
accurately reflects how important security is to us.
The second outcome that lets us know if information security governance is
working, is that we are doing a good job of managing risk when we
consciously decide to act - and in some cases decide not to act - so that
potential security impacts are lessened to a level we can live with.
The third outcome is that we have delivered value when security investments
support business goals.
The fourth outcome is that we have optimized resources, meaning that
information security knowledge and infrastructure are being effectively used
Next, when information security processes are monitored and measured to
make sure they achieve their goals, then we are measuring performance,
which is the fifth outcome. Performance measurement allows us to ensure
resource optimization, which is the previous item.
And the final outcome we reach when information security governance is
working, is that we have achieved integration, meaning that all of our
processes work as intended from end-to-end.
Training People and Making Them Aware
Any successful action plan must include some type of security awareness and
training. We know we have achieved this goal when employees are able to
see the connection between their daily tasks, and standards and policies.
Training presentations should be geared to individual groups and be clear and
understood by that audience. For example, presenting information on how to
configure firewalls will not excite the sales department (unless maybe the
company happens to sell firewalls!)
Employees who will participate in implementing the security strategy must be
properly trained. This means that they will need to understand the following
four things:

Strategy goals, or KGIs

Processes that will be used
Critical success factors (CSFs)*
* CSFs are the elements or events that must occur to achieve the KGIs
Chapter 34: Information Risk Management – Overview
At this point you should know everything there is to know about information
security governance – at least as far as the CISM exam is concerned! This
next domain, Information Risk Management, will build on that expertise as
we learn how to identify risk and keep it at an acceptable level under the
watchful eye of governance.
An Intro to Managing and Assessing Risk
From a technical point of view, risk management is the act of striking the
right balance between taking advantage of opportunities for gain while
minimizing the chances of loss. From a business perspective, it means that
we ensure risk does not impact business processes in a negative manner. For
example, when playing the stock market, you want to invest just enough cash
to make money if things go right, but not so much that it will ruin you if
things go wrong. Typically, higher risk means potentially higher rewards if
we can figure out how to bring that risk down to a level we can live with.
At the core of risk management is a risk assessment process, were we seek to
understand the nature of the risk we are facing and the potential impact.
Organizations can manage risk centrally using a single enterprise risk
management group of people or take a decentralized approach by distributing
the work among multiple business units. The decentralized approach requires
less commitment up-front but takes more effort to make sure that risk
management activities are properly carried out.
Looking into risk assessment a little deeper, we discover that it includes three
phases – identification, analysis and evaluation. For the risk identification
phase, we create a list of vulnerabilities and take inventory of current threats.
By combining the results of the two lists of vulnerabilities and threats, we can
create a set of plausible scenarios, and figure out probable ways in which a
compromise might happen. In the risk analysis phase, we take each risk
identified in the first phase and perform a BIA to come up with the possible
impact. Finally, in the risk evaluation phase, we look at the impact from each
risk and decide if it falls within an acceptable range based on our risk
appetite, tolerance and capacity. In short, we list things that can go wrong,
then figure out how bad it would be if they did go wrong, and finally decide
if we should do something about each.
After we have assessed risk using the three phases, we then need to execute a
risk response for each risk that falls outside of our ranges. We can take one of
four actions that we discussed in Section 1. If you recall, they are:

Accept the risk as-is

Mitigate the risk until it falls within range
Avoid the risk by terminating the activity that encounters the risk
Transfer the risk by outsourcing to a third party or by taking out
insurance in case we encounter an incident
How we implement the risk management process will be influenced by
several things. Culture can either negatively or positively impact the process
depending on the nature of the culture – whether it is risk averse or
aggressive. A risk averse culture will place a priority identifying and
mitigating risk, while a more aggressive culture will tend to focus less and
hope for the best.
The organization’s core mission and goals can detract from or add focus to
risk management, along with how the organization is structured. Risk
management will become more important as the ability of a business to
absorb loss goes down – conversely if a business is able to absorb a large
amount of loss, risk management simply won’t be that important. The
industry in which a business operates may have a large impact on how
important risk management is. For example, if we are building garden hoses
the worst-case scenario is that some of our customers might get wet from
leaky hoses. But if we are in the business of building airplanes, a mistake can
easily cost lives.
How well we implement risk management processes will depend on how
mature other processes are, such as management and operation, as well as the
maturity of our practices at the enterprise level. Physical, environmental and
regulatory conditions may also force us to implement certain risk
management capabilities that we might otherwise have chosen to ignore. We
may not really care about encrypting customer information, but if we’re
dealing with patient data, then HIPAA will force us to encrypt some data
whether we like it or not.
Regardless of any of those factors, when faced with the choice between a
complex, but more capable risk management process or a simpler, less
capable one, always choose the simpler option. Why? Because the simple
option will always have a greater chance of success, and we can always add
complexity to the process later if desired.
The Circle of Life
The life cycle is the process of introducing new information or technology
into an organization, managing changes to those assets, and finally retiring
them. The ‘managing change’ part of that cycle is, amazingly enough, called
change management. The reason change management is a thing is revealed
by what happens if we don’t track changes – our assets will degrade over
time or get lost, and we lose knowledge of their state, location and
However, security will never be a part of change management unless the
information security manager actively promotes it. The best way to do this is
for the information security manager to become a member of the change
management committee, which should oversee information, IT systems and
physical facilities.
Some common areas that often are not updated to reflect changes are the
following seven:

Blueprints for facility updates

Network documentation
Remote access configurations
Physical security
Contracts and SLAs with providers
Knowledge of internal or external facility management personnel

Risk and the IT Circle of Life

According to NIST SP 800-30, the reasons an organization will implement
some sort of risk management process are two-fold:
1) To minimize negative impacts
2) To provide a sound basis for decision making
The system development life cycle, or SDLC, describes the life cycle of any
system and contains five phases, with risk management playing an important
part in all phases.
First, we have the initiation phase, where the need, purpose and scope of an
IT system is described. Risk management identifies risk, which will then
impact the stated requirements for the IT system.
Then we carry out the development and acquisition phase, where the
system is designed, and purchased or built. Risk management ensures that all
risks identified during the initiation phase are addressed or noted for later
This is followed by the implementation phase in which the system is
configured, enabled, tested and verified for use. Risk management ensures
that all risks have been addressed prior to the system entering operation, or
they at least have been accepted.
Next, the operation or maintenance phase begins, where the system
operates and is updated periodically or as-needed. Risk management
performs reauthorization of the continued use of the system whenever major
changes are made. Additionally, periodic assessments are carried out to
ensure new risks have not been accidentally introduced.
And finally, we execute the disposal phase where we move, archive, discard
or destroy the hardware, software and data. Risk management ensures that
disposal or replacement of hardware and software is carried out properly and
that residual data is handled in the right manner.
Risk Management is Alive!
We just discussed how risk management should be plugged into the life cycle
of systems, but we need to recognize that risk management has a life cycle
itself. It is a continuous process and the life cycle feeds back into itself, as
shown in Figure 27. It is comprised of the following four steps, that operate
in a non-ending circle:
1) IT Risk Identification
2) IT Risk Assessment
3) Risk Response and Mitigation
4) Risk and Control Monitoring and Reporting
In summary, we identify risk, assess the impact, implement controls to
mitigate the risk, and monitor the effectiveness of the control, which leads us
back to the first step where we identify residual risk. The loop is repeated as
long as we are interested in managing risk.
Figure 27: The IT Risk Management Life Cycle

Creating the Baseline

A baseline is an initial set of observations that can be used for comparison at
a later time. With security controls, we usually take a series of measurements
to establish the baseline. The purpose of a security baseline is to set the
minimum security requirements throughout the organization so that they are
consistent with acceptable risk levels. In other words, we can’t have business
units being held to different security standards unless we actually meant to do
that. A secondary benefit to baselines is that we can now easily measure
change to our security stance. For example, if we have a biometric system
that uses thumbprints to grant access to a secure area, our baseline might be
the number of false positives the system falls victim to when we first set it
up. Six months later, we might want to make sure the system is still working
correctly, so we take the same measurement again, and compare the new set
of data against the baseline.
Note that for each classification level we need to set a different baseline. Low
classification data will probably not need to meet the more stringent
requirements for highly classified data. If we do not have classifications
defined, it will be very difficult for the information security manager to
develop a rational basis for baselines, and we will find ourselves under-
protecting some assets and over-protecting others. While there are a
considerable number of sources that we can use for help with setting
baselines, such as NIST, COBIT and ISO, each organization is unique due to
the combination of technologies and processes used within a given business.
For biometric systems, we would need to have a unique baseline for each
classification level. It might be perfectly acceptable for low-security class
scanners to have a false positive rate of 10%, but for higher-security areas,
we may need to establish the baseline at 2%. Ultimately, the goal of baselines
and a standard approach is to ensure that the level of residual risk is
consistent across the entire organization.
Is It Secure?
When creating an information security program, it can be very helpful to
have a consistent method for reviewing the various aspects of a program. A
good security review process will have the following five components:

An objective
A scope
A list of constraints
An approach
A result
Let’s walk through those components and describe each.
The review objective is what the security manager hopes to get out of the
review. For example, a useful objective might be to determine if an Internet-
facing application can really be exploited using a known vulnerability.
Scope ties the objective to the systems or processes being looked at. In the
example above, scope would tell us which infrastructure, people and
processes are fair game. If we find it hard to define scope, then perhaps we
need to revisit the objective.
A constraint is a boundary restricting what the reviewer can do or have
access to. In our example, perhaps the reviewer is only able to access the
system at night to prevent downtime during business hours. Or perhaps, the
reviewer is not allowed to have internal knowledge of the network. In either
case, the constraint might render the review meaningless, so they are
important to call out.
There might very well be multiple ways in which we can achieve the
objective. In our example, we might choose to assume an attacker is unable to
login, which means they will have to find alternative ways to steal data – the
lack of credentials would be listed as a constraint. Or, we can provide
credentials to a penetration testing team, so they can focus on other areas
once logged in – in this case scope would include the credentials. Each option
is considered a different approach, with a specific set of activities to be
carried out. Regardless of the selected approach, it must achieve the objective
while remaining within scope and obeying the identified constraints.
Finally, the result lets us know if the review objective was reached. Or,
another way of putting it is to simply answer the question ‘Is it secure?’ If we
can’t answer that question with a high degree of confidence, then we have no
choice but to declare the review incomplete. Suppose the tester could not
login using the provided credentials – in this case we would not have been
able to test functionality that is only accessible after logging in.
Just How Secure Is it?
Just like a security review, an audit has the same five components –
objective, scope, approach, constraints and a result. However, with an audit
the result is expressed as a level of ‘effectiveness’ that measures how well a
given control meets the stated objectives. For example, whereas a security
review might result in a pass/fail score, an audit result might be categorized
as low effectiveness, medium effectiveness or high effectiveness. Or, it might
even give it a numerical score.
An audit will result in documentation called ‘work papers’, that does three

Maps controls to objectives

Describes what the team did to test those controls
Links the test results to the final assessment of effectiveness
Work papers may or may not be included in the final report, but often they
are more useful than the final report itself.
If an information security program is mature and has established policies and
procedures, an audit helps to tell us if those policies and procedures have
been fully implemented. On the other hand, if we have an immature program
that is still being developed, an audit will normally measure the program’s
level of compliance against an external set of standards. Examples of external
standards or frameworks might be the following, listed in order of a wide
scope, down to a scope specific to certain technologies:

The Standard of Good practice for information Security
ISO 27001 and 27002, which are specific to IT security
For example, COBIT has a very wide scope, while the ISO 27000 series is
specific to IT security only.
While some security managers view auditors as a necessary evil, they can in
fact be a great ally. Aside from the fact that an auditor can provide an
objective assessment of security, audit results can often be used to emphasize
much-needed actions to senior management. However, this will never be
effective unless the security manager ensures that the necessary time and
resources are dedicated to audit activities.
Technology Needs Some Special Love
Security programs will usually leverage multiple technologies, with newer
organizations using more modern solutions. The technologies that older
organizations employ will usually be constrained by their legacy
architectures, but there should still be multiple sets of alternatives available.
The age of a system should never be a reason to not implement a security
program – it just changes what that program looks like. For example, it may
not be worthwhile to implement strong passwords on a 40-year old system,
since we will probably have a tough time finding someone who knows how
to program it. Instead, we should restrict access to that system using physical
controls. But not protecting that system is simply not OK.
Though information security is comprised of technical, operational and
managerial domains, the technical aspect will most often be the majority of
the work. In fact, the information security manager and security personnel are
usually considered to be the subject matter experts in the entire organization
when it comes to technical security. But, there is a wide range of opinions in
the wild regarding the scope of the information security department as a
whole. For example, on one end of the spectrum we find organizations that
view the information security program as simply setting high-level policies.
At the other end, an organization may expect the information security
program to take complete ownership of specific pieces of the infrastructure.
As a result, the technology skills that a security manager is expected to
possess will differ based on how the organization views the information
security program’s responsibilities.
Regardless of the expected technology skills, the security manager must
understand security architecture, control implementation principles and the
security processes and mechanisms that are most commonly implemented.
Additionally, a successful security manager needs to be able to address the
following four security areas:

Perimeter, network and systems

Application, such as coding practices or data access mechanisms
Database, such as integration with applications and encryption
Physical, operational and environmental
Enterprise resource planning, or ERP, systems deserve special mention
because the compromise of a single element can disrupt the operations across
the entire organization. For example, if a system dedicated to creating
shipments goes down, we might experience a lag in getting orders out the
door. But if an ERP system goes down, it could also impact incoming raw
materials, manufacturing, customer relations, automated orders – you name
it. The more complex a system is, the more it hurts when it goes down.
What Due Diligence Looks Like
Let’s take a look at what due diligence looks like in terms of a security
program. In this example, exercising due diligence means that the following
twelve components must be in-place:

We have full senior management support

Comprehensive policies, standards and procedures exist
There is security education, training and awareness
Risk assessments are carried out periodically
There are effective backup and restore processes
Security controls have been adequately implemented
We monitor and measure metrics
We are in-compliance with relative standards
We have tested our BRP and DRP
Data at-rest and in-transit is protected
Outsourced contracts possess appropriate security language
Periodic review of the infrastructure by external parties

Industry Standards Come First

Many companies are subject to regulatory standards that control access to
information. For example, hospitals must closely monitor who has access to
patient health information, or PHI, because the Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act, or HIPPA, requires very stringent access to certain
types of information. However, the danger here is to assume that a regulatory
standard should dictate all of our access mechanisms. Instead, a company
needs to first use a standard by a non-industry specific organization, and then
layer on any regulatory standards as needed. In our example above, we could
first implement a standard provided by ISO, and then make changes to ensure
we are in compliance with HIPAA.
The following is a list of organizations providing some common standards:

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, or AICPA

Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, or CICA
The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway
Commission, or COSO
German Federal Office for Information Security, or BSI
International Organization for Standardization, or ISO
International Information Systems Security Certification
Consortium, Inc., or (ISC)2
IT Governance Institute
National Fire Protection Association, or NFPA
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, or
US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC
US Federal Financial Institution Examination Council, or FFIEC
US National Institute of Standards and Technology, or NIST
US Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, or OCC

Staying on Top of Vulnerabilities

Because of the pressure to bring products to market as soon as possible,
hardware and software vulnerabilities are rampant. That is why we need to
stay on top of new vulnerabilities and react as fast as possible. Fortunately,
there are a number of organizations dedicated to finding and reporting
vulnerabilities that any organization can take advantage of. Some of these

US Computer Emergency Readiness Team, or CERT

MITRE’s Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures database
Security Focus’s BUGTRAQ mailing list
The SANS Institute

How to Make Sure We Remain in Compliance

Compliance enforcement is the act of making sure that an organization’s
security policies, standards and procedures are being followed. There are
several different ways that we can enforce compliance – using enforcement
procedures, policy exceptions and standards.
When implementing any procedural control, we need to consider how we will
be able to monitor for compliance, and then how to enforce compliance to
that procedure if it is not being followed. If we cannot do both of those –
monitor and enforce – then the control will be of no value and may actually
increase our overall risk.
Enforcement procedures are designed to enforce compliance with existing
procedures. That can be a little confusing, so let’s state it another way. To
make sure that a given procedure is being followed, we can create a different
procedure to carry out that enforcement, and we call those enforcement
procedures. For example, suppose we have a procedure that help desk
employees should follow when resetting a password over the phone. To make
sure the help desk employees are following the password reset procedure, we
design an enforcement procedure that requires a supervisor to randomly listen
in on phone calls to see if those help desk employees are following the
procedure. Now, how do we make sure that supervisors are carrying out the
enforcement procedure? Well, there comes a point at which additional
procedures introduce too much overhead and we simply have to trust our key
Remember that procedures and processes should always derive from a high-
level policy. That policy must be comprehensive enough to cover all
information that needs to be secured, but still remain flexible enough for the
procedures and processes to choose their own technologies and still remain
in-compliance with the policy.
However, there are always exceptions to every rule, and a good policy must
take this into account. When writing a policy, the organization should try as
much as possible to cover all foreseen scenarios, but in the end a policy
exception process will need to be allowed. This provides a means for
business units or departments to request an exception to an existing policy.
This request is reviewed and weighed based on a risk/reward decision and
then a final answer is given back to the requesting department. Ideally, the
policy will reference this exception process as a means to accommodate
exceptional or unforeseen conditions.
A standard provides the options that a system, process or action can select
from and still remain in compliance with a policy. Procedures can then
simply reference a standard, and in this way, we can ensure that we remain in
compliance. Additionally, standards provide an economy of scale – we can
map a policy to a standard only once, and therefore we do not have to repeat
those details in each procedure and process. Just like policy exceptions, there
must exist a way to request and approve an exception to a standard as well.
So, we have discussed three ways to enforce compliance. But how do we
detect when we’re still not in compliance? It turns out that we have a number
of detection tools including the following five:

Normal monitoring
Audit reports
Security reviews
Vulnerability scans
Due diligence work
Because of the tight relationship between policies and standards, compliance
is concerned that processes and procedures fully align with both unless an
exception has been made. While an audit simply provides a snapshot of
compliance in time, compliance enforcement is a never-ending activity, and
is normally shared across the entire organization.
Because the information security program is concerned with compliance
enforcement across the organization, it should be audited itself to determine
compliance with applicable standards and regulations. The results of this
audit should be expressed in terms of risk, mitigating factors and acceptable
control objectives.
Assessment of Risk and Impact
Vulnerability Assessment
All information systems should be continuously monitored using automated
means to detect vulnerabilities. Part of this activity should be to look for
unexpected changes to technical systems. For example, a change to the
registry of a Windows server outside of a maintenance window might
indicate that the server has been compromised. Furthermore, any changes to
systems must be scheduled through a change management system to ensure
unauthorized changes do not take place. Ad-hoc changes by a well-meaning
technician have been the source of many vulnerabilities that have magically
Threat Assessment
The best approach to detect and mitigate vulnerabilities is to use a
continuous-assessment model. Unfortunately, this approach can be quite
costly and beyond the means of most smaller organizations. In such cases, it
is important that a periodic reassessment of attacker capabilities and exposed
vulnerabilities be executed. Carried out at least once per year, the information
security manager must evaluate all technical and organizational changes,
particularly where an external party is involved. The ability of existing
controls is evaluated against this comprehensive list of vulnerabilities. Threat
sources can include the following five examples:

Natural and environmental
Pandemic events
For each threat evaluated, the following four aspects should be considered:

If it is real
How likely it is to happen
How large the impact might be
Which systems, operations, personnel and facilities will be
Risk Assessment and Business Impact Analysis
When discussing risk, a BIA does four things:

1. It determines the impact of losing the availability of any

2. It establishes the escalation of that loss over time
3. It identifies the resources needed to recover
4. It prioritizes the recovery of processes and supporting systems
A risk assessment is primarily concerned with step 1 of the BIA. While a risk
assessment is not always associated with a BIA, a BIA cannot be created
without a risk assessment. From a risk viewpoint, the key term in step 1 is the
word ‘impact’ – the level of impact is at the heart of any risk assessment.
This is why a risk with a high probability of occurring but with little impact is
usually accepted, whereas a risk with little chance of happening but would
result in a huge impact – such as an earthquake - will usually undergo
mitigation to some extent.
If you recall, residual risk is the amount of risk left over after a control has
attempted to mitigate a risk. It is interesting to note that most disasters do not
result from a single catastrophic event, but rather from a number of smaller
incidents and events that contribute to the major event. The take-away from
this nugget of wisdom is that while individual residual risks might be
acceptable, they tend to aggregate to a level that can be disastrous.
The ultimate decision on whether to apply some type of mitigation controls
around a given risk must consider the cost/benefit ratio that a control would
provide. Unfortunately, mapping a specific control’s benefit to a security
business goal is not always easy. In these cases, it will probably be necessary
to create a business case before approval will be given. One of the key points
a business case can make is to state that while there will always be residual
risk, and all residual risk tends to aggregate, the control in question will
reduce the overall amount of residual risk. This will tend to overcome the
lack of direct correlation a risk has with a security goal and redirect the
conversation to look at overall residual risk.
The information security manager must take care to continuously
communicate the effect of emerging risk to security stakeholders. This can be
done all at once each year or it can be broken up into sections to be carried
out each month or quarter.
Resource Dependency Assessment
If an organization cannot carry out a comprehensive BIA, a business resource
dependency assessment might be a better option. This activity looks at all
business functions, and for the most important figures out what resources
(such as database and servers) are critical for that function to continue
operating. However, one thing this approach does not provide is the impact if
those resources were no longer available, which a BIA does provide.
Outsourcing and Service Providers
There are two types of outsourcing that a security manager will have to deal

Third-parties providing security services

Outsourced IT or business processes that must be integrated into
the information security program
While the security requirements for both are the same, each option will have
a different owner. The most significant risk introduced by outsourcing - and it
is a large amount of risk - will be the fact that an external organization now
has a direct connection with our own internal network.
So, if the risk is that great, then why even bother with outsourcing? The
number one reason is economics – it is often cheaper to have someone else
take care of systems or processes that do not fall within a company’s core
expertise. However, many companies find that over time the value of
outsourcing really never materializes for various reasons. One reason is that a
service may be contracted to support a current level of business, but after that
business has atrophied somewhat, the contracted service level is never
reduced. On the opposite end of that arrangement, perhaps a company’s
business really takes off, but the outsourcing provider starts demanding a
much higher fee. Trying to negotiate those fees down takes a long time and
may prevent a business from growing. Many businesses neglect to consider
the cost that will be required to bring those processes back in-house when the
service contract is up. All of these problems can be addressed by looking at
the total cost of ownership, or TCO.
Other impacts to consider before hopping on the outsourcing bandwagon are
the following seven:

The company may lose essential skills

There will be a lack of visibility into security processes
New access risks are guaranteed to happen
The long-term viability of the third-party vendor will now impact
The complexity of incident management goes way up
There will be cultural and ethical differences to overcome
There will be unanticipated costs and service short-comings
A vendor’s security controls must be audited before, and during the life of,
the service contract to make sure security is not compromised in the interest
of cutting costs. This is most often performed by an external auditor who
visits the vendor’s facilities. If privacy laws apply to an organization’s data,
the vendor must obey the same laws. This is particularly important when the
vendor is in a different jurisdiction than the organization, such as off-shore
contracts. Ensuring that technical controls are in-place is a fairly
straightforward activity. But, enforcing that the proper processes, procedures
and activities are taking place will be more difficult and proper monitoring
must be established. When outsourcing security services, special attention
needs to be paid to the level at which a vendor meets the organization’s
security policies and standards.
All of the activities that we just covered can be summed up with two major
aspects that must be examined when vetting a potential vendor:
1) The maturity of the vendor’s security program must be high
2) The level of compliance assurance the vendor is willing to provide
must be high
Outsourcing Contracts
There are two primary purposes for a contract:
1) To clearly spell out rights and responsibilities
2) To provide a way to handle disagreements after the contract is
The most common security provision in a contract is to address
confidentiality or nondisclosure, usually in the sense that any information
exchanged will not be shared beyond the relationship specified in the
contract. Any referenced information should have a maximum retention time
specified, and the manner in which information is destroyed should be
spelled out as well. Additionally, the contract should state that appropriate
security controls must be maintained, with the term ‘appropriate’ being well-
defined in terms of a referenced standard such as ISO 27000, or COBIT 5. If
the contract allows for a network connection between the two parties, it
should assign responsibility for the security of that connection. Finally,
specific security controls such as firewalls or monitoring should be included.
Even if a service provider has passed an initial audit proving that the vendor
is an acceptable security risk, allowances for a right-to-audit and right-to-
inspect without notice should be contained within the contract. A right-to-
audit allows the customer to initiate an audit given sufficient notice to the
vendor. A right-to-inspect requires little or no advanced notice and provides a
greater assurance that the vendor will keep all security controls up to par at
all times.
If a breach occurs, the contract should specify the roles each party will play
with respect to investigation and remediation. Since emotions will be running
high during a security event, ensuring these assignments are part of the
contract will make it much easier to carry out the required tasks in a timely
Special attention should be paid to indemnity clauses within the contract.
Indemnity is the act of protecting one’s self against loss or damage in the
event of a security incident. Service providers will normally try to write a
contract in a way that favors them by limiting the amount of compensation
the provider must pay if it fails to meet contractual obligations. Another
indemnity ‘gotcha’ to look out for is a ‘choice of law’ provision that may
require any potential litigation to take place in a jurisdiction favorable to the
Third-Party Access
Access to an organization’s information, systems and facilities by third-
parties must be strictly controlled and monitored. Any access should be
granted using the principles of least-privilege and need-to-know. Any access
must be authorized by the asset owner. All usage should be fully logged and
routinely reviewed by the security team on a regular basis. The frequency is
based on three factors:
1) Criticality of information
2) Criticality of privileges
3) Length of the contract
All access rights should never be granted until after the contract has been
signed and should be removed immediately upon the termination of the
Chapter 35: Information Risk Management – The Goal
Objectives of Information Security
One of the key reasons for using an architecture is to provide a framework
which can handle complexity. It also acts as a road map that brings together
multiple smaller projects into a single, cohesive whole, allowing multiple
project teams to coordinate.
Getting a little deeper, information systems architecture considers three

The goals that will be achieved through the systems

The environment in which the systems will be built and used
The technical skills of the people who will construct and operate
the systems
However, information systems architecture goes beyond just technical
factors. It looks at the entire enterprise as having a single mission and
purpose, and how the systems will deliver at that level. If we fail to rise up
and look around at this higher level, our technical implementations will
ultimately fail to deliver what the business needs and expects.
When we consider security control goals, we are free to use a number of
technologies to achieve it. This means that we can create ‘control points’ in
which a single point is able to effect controls on behalf of the rest of the
architecture. Because technology is not specified by the architecture, we have
a good deal of latitude in how we implement controls. For example, a single
firewall at the point where our network connects to the Internet will provide
some protection for everything in our network. Or, installing a biometric
scanner before granting access to a server room will provide some level of
physical protection for all servers in that facility. These are both examples of
control points.
There are seven elements that must be established before we can develop an
effective risk management program. We will list each here but will then
cover all of them in more detail.

Context and purpose of the program

Scope and charter
Authority, structure and reporting relationship
Asset identification, classification and ownership
Risk management objectives
The methodology to be used
The implementation team
Let’s quickly cover each.
Establish Context and Purpose
Unless we understand the need for risk management, the result will probably
miss the mark by a wide margin. For example, if our goal is to meet
regulatory compliance, but we somehow get distracted in protecting
ourselves from Internet-based attacks, the result will not protect the
organization. That is why we must clearly communicate the ‘why’ and
continuously refer back to it along the way. A core part of this effort is
establishing both risk appetite and tolerance as dictated by senior
management. This activity will also highlight the security stance of the
organization – risk averse or risk-aggressive – because the tone set at the top
cascades all the way down to the bottom.
Define Scope and Charter
If the information security manager does not have the authority to carry out
his or her function, all of the planning and meetings in the world will not
result in an effective information security program. This must be firmly stated
from the beginning, and a RACI chart can be of great help here.
Define Authority, Structure and Reporting
Authority below the information security manager must also be established,
and the same RACI chart can help. Additionally, it is crucial that
organizational structure and reporting hierarchies be established to prevent
turf wars and missed communications. This often happens when people
report up through different senior managers, resulting in conflicting
directions being provided, as well as important information making its way
up the chain never reaching the right people.
Ensure Asset Identification, Classification and Ownership
If we don’t know what to protect, then gaps will form, and all of our efforts
will be rendered useless. This is why an information asset register must be
created and filled in. Following the identification of all information, we then
need to classify each asset by sensitivity and criticality. Lastly, a single owner
must be identified, preferably as a role and not an individual.
Determine Objectives
There is a saying, ‘If everything is a priority, then nothing is.’ What this
means is that if we attempt to address everything, we will fail due to lack of
resources and time. Therefore, we must prioritize our goals – in this case
risks – and work from the top down.
Determine Methodologies
There are many choices for the methodology we select to assess, analyze and
mitigate risks. But beware – just because one is already in-use and known
should not prevent us from tossing it in favor of a distinctly better candidate.
Designate Program Development Team
An individual or team must be selected to develop and implement the
information risk management program. Because security goals must align
with business goals, it is important that non-security representatives from the
business side be involved.
Chapter 36: Information Risk Management – The
A risk management strategy is the plan to achieve the risk management goals.
What are those goals? In general, to get to a position where the entire
organization experiences an acceptable level of risk, resulting in an
acceptable level of disruption to business activities. The ‘acceptable level of
risk’ is a management decision based on four things:

The ability to absorb loss

The risk appetite
The cost to achieve acceptable risk levels
Risk/benefit ratios
We have previously discussed the need for clear communication channels
and training so that employees understand the importance of, and their role
in, establishing a security-conscious culture. Every employee can help
identify vulnerabilities, suspicious activity and possible attacks. We must
foster a healthy attitude toward risk that focuses on several key elements.
First, employees need to understand what risk is and how to recognize it.
Then they must be able to identify information risks within our business and
should understand that risk can affect each of us personally. And finally, the
entire organization, as individuals and as a whole, must actively manage the
However, an awareness program should not disclose vulnerabilities or
ongoing investigations unless the problem has already been addressed. The
use of examples can help understanding and underscore the need for
diligence. To avoid employees from seeing security measures as just another
inconvenience, training must clearly communicate the risk and its impact.
Periodically changing up the message and how it is delivered will help
maintain a higher awareness. To gauge awareness levels, the information
security manager should use a standardized approach such as short computer
or paper-based quizzes. Awareness training for management should
emphasize the need for management to play a supervisory role in protecting
systems from attack, and to ensure compliance by the people under their
supervision. Awareness training for senior management should highlight the
following six items:
The need for compliance
Due care
Due diligence
Setting the tone and culture
They are responsible for setting risk acceptance levels
Chapter 37: Information Risk Management – Who
Does What
Information Security Liaison Responsibilities
Each information security program is unique, but we can expect to run across
the same roles repeated across organizations that the security manager must
successfully interact with. Let’s walk through the most common.
Most large organizations have a physical corporate security department
staffed with law enforcement individuals having limited information security
experience. In smaller companies, physical security may fall to facilities
management. The security manager must have a good understanding of the
physical security policies to avoid the situation in which inadequate physical
security undermines the information security program.
IT or internal audit is concerned with ensuring policy compliance and
identifying risk. Unfortunately, if policies and standards are not complete,
these auditors will fill in the blanks which may not agree with the security
manager’s view. This is one reason why complete governance documentation
is so important.
Information Technology represent the hands-on implementers and operators
of information processing systems. Unfortunately, IT often regards security
as just something else getting in their way, so fostering a good working
relationship with IT is essential. We have mentioned this before, but security
is often at odds with performance and usability, and since IT can usually
ignore security if they want to, gaps will appear unless a good rapport is
present. On the flip side, IT must understand that if a serious compromise is
encountered, their ability to deliver performance will be severely limited.
Therefore, it is in the best interest of everyone involved to try and find
controls that provide a good balance of security and performance.
Of course, we need to mention the neon-purple elephant in the room – IT is
almost always the ones who implement and maintain security measures such
as firewalls and encryption technologies on behalf of the security department.
But, while security is usually at the mercy of IT’s ability to implement proper
security controls, in a healthy, security-conscious organization the C-levels
will have included a mandate in IT’s charter that expects an acceptable level
of security – and this means that the IT manager will need the security
manager every bit as the other way around!
The information security manager should engage business unit managers
early and often. This not only assures that business has a voice in security
decisions, but greatly increases the likelihood that security will be properly
implemented in those units. This outcome is most effectively reached when
business has a seat on the security steering committee.
On the opposite side of the relationship, security should make sure to be a
part of all new product development efforts, whether the audience is internal
or external. By doing so, security can be baked in from the beginning and
security resources have a decent heads-up concerning work it will need to
perform. No one likes to be surprised with last-minute requests!
The HR department has significant security responsibilities such as policy
distribution, background checks, education and enforcement. The information
security manager should work closely with HR so that the best methods of
administering education is used, and agreements are reached in regard to
proper computer resource usage. Improper use of computing resources – such
as the viewing of pornography - should be of concern to both HR and the
legal department. Therefore, both should be represented on the steering
Information security issues such as compliance, liability and due diligence
are also key matters for the legal department. Additionally, outsourcing
contracts are primarily a legal concern, but with great security implications.
That is why it is so important that the security and legal departments work
closely with each other.
Employees are the first line of defense when it comes to security, but only if
they are properly trained and aware of security concerns. Employees must be
trained to report potential threats and offer suggestions for improvements to
the security information program.
When it comes to purchasing equipment and other goods, most organizations
have a procurement department. The security department should always be
concerned with any physical items that come into a facility. Mature
companies normally have an approved list of equipment that has been vetted
for vulnerabilities. If such a process is not in-place, the information security
manager should be afforded the opportunity to inspect proposed acquisitions
to determine if there is risk.
More companies are starting to create a compliance department that may be a
part of the legal department or might be completely separate. Compliance and
security go hand-in-hand, so this relationship needs to be maintained.
In areas where privacy regulations are strenuously enforced, a company may
have a dedicated privacy office. In this case, security and the privacy office
must remain in lockstep to avoid sanctions or fines that are growing
increasingly severe.
If a company has a training department, security should leverage its
expertise in creating an effective awareness education program.
While we normally equate quality assurance with making sure that a
product has minimal defects, it must also ensure an acceptable level of
security controls around the design and production processes.
Most organizations have purchased insurance to mitigate certain types of
risks, such as business interruption insurance. The security manager must
remain aware of the types and coverage of such insurance policies, so they
are included in risk analysis and recovery planning.
Any outsourced function is a possible source of severe risk, and the
information security manager must remain informed of new and updated
third-party relationships.
If a security department is not aware of new or ongoing projects, then it
cannot ensure a proper level of security. The one department that usually is
‘in the know’ for these types of activities will be the project management
office, or the PMO. The security manager must maintain a good working
relationship with the PMO so that new or updated changes are pushed to the
security department.
Cross-Organizational Responsibilities
It is important that an organization keeps too much responsibility from
residing in a single role or individual. Separation of duties, or SoD, is a
control designed to ensure just such a thing by dividing dependent
responsibilities between two different parties. If SoD is not properly carried,
unhealthy conflicts of interest can develop. For example, giving the same
individual responsibility for security and performance will almost always
result in performance being chosen over security, because a degradation in
performance is always immediately noticeable, whereas security weaknesses
may not be visible for some time. Another example is in the case of security,
audit and quality control – these functions cannot be under the control of
those responsible for monitoring them. It does no good for a fox to guard the
henhouse – when that happens, hens start to mysteriously disappear!
As each phase of a security program is reached, the content should be
actively spread among various parties in the organization so that areas of
responsibility can be assigned. The information security manager will need to
work with senior management to ensure that those responsible for specific
activities understand, accept and have the resources necessary to carry out
those activities. The security steering committee can be invaluable with this.
Management can be loosely defined as…
…achieving defined goals by bringing together human, physical and
financial resources to make the best decisions.
Managing a security program includes both short and long-term planning –
from daily activities to governance responsibilities. Senior management must
make sure that enough resources are made available for the security manager
to do her job effectively. Management activities include the following six:

Directing various projects and initiatives

Risk management activities
Incident management and response
Oversight and monitoring
Development of policies and standards
Creation of procedures and general rules
While management is all about strategy and planning, and bringing the right
resources together, administration describes the repetitive, often times daily
tasks that need to be executed to keep the mechanisms moving so that we
ultimately achieve our goals. Using our car example, management would
identify the people to create the various parts, and setup the processes and
how they work together. Administration ensures that each person shows up
on-time and has the necessary raw materials.
However, administration of developing programs will not be the same as
administrating the operation of a program after it has been developed. Some
things administration must deal with are the following, which is not a
comprehensive list:

Personnel performance
Time tracking
Inventory management
Project monitoring and tracking
Budgeting control
Business case development
Project management (this is a not security program management!)
Some technical and operational administrative duties are the following, also
not a comprehensive list:

Encryption key management

Log monitoring
Change request approval
OS patching oversight
Vulnerability scanning
Penetration testing
An effective information security manager has a good working knowledge of
all existing frameworks and major standards for IT and security management,
as some will be a better fit for his organization than others. He must also act
as a facilitator to resolve competing goals between security and performance,
and to ensure that the organization’s life cycle considers security concerns.
The bottom line is that the security manager has to position himself right in
the middle of everything without making himself a burden. People should
want to seek out this person because of his value and expertise, instead of
avoiding him because of the perception that he will just add more work.
There are many responsibilities that must be executed in an effective security
organization, such as security engineers, QA, testing specialists, project
managers, access administrators, security architects and auditors. Smaller
companies must assign multiple responsibilities to a single individual, but
they must be carried out regardless. The required skills needed to execute
each responsibility must be acquired and purposefully maintained. Of course,
those skills will probably vary between organizations.
The skills needed to spin up a given program will not necessarily be the same
skills required to maintain that program. In these cases, it is often useful to
temporarily outsource some responsibilities. One great example is to rely on
an external provider to perform background checks as-needed on employee
candidates. While most organizations have some type of an internal project
management capability, larger organizations may have a project management
office, or PMO, which oversees all projects and which the security manager
can take advantage of.
Every person in an organization should be able to articulate how their
responsibilities and actions protect information assets.
Chapter 38: Information Risk Management –
Resources That Help
Information Asset Classification
Business value of information assets can be represented by the sensitivity and
criticality assigned to that asset. While defining both attributes can be a
daunting task, if we do not undertake the effort we will not be able to create
an effective risk management program.
In some cases, it is just too costly to perform comprehensive classification. In
these cases, it may be acceptable to perform a business dependency
assessment instead, where we simply look at critical business processes, and
identify assets that are required for those processes.
The first step in classification is to make sure the asset inventory is complete,
and the location of each asset has been identified. Assets housed by external
service providers must be included. In addition to location, the data owners,
users and custodians must also be identified.
The number of classification levels should be kept to a minimum, and all IT
stakeholders should have the chance to review and approve them before
being published. For organizations that have a blame culture, special care
must be taken that assets are not overclassified so that people feel protected
in case of a breach. Over classification can be a costly mistake, since low
value assets will end up being unnecessarily protected.
Once a classification label has been applied to all assets, security measures
need to be identified that apply to all assets for a given classification. Keep in
mind that sensitivity and criticality each will more than likely require
different security measures.
Methods to Determine Criticality and Impact of Adverse Effects
When determining criticality and sensitivity, it is common practice to focus
on the impact that a loss of information assets will have, as opposed to
looking at a specific adverse event. In other words, we don’t focus on what
would case a loss of information, we instead focus on the resulting impact
that loss would have. The reasoning is simple – if we focus on specific
events, we would have to look at all that lead to a loss. To determine that
impact, we usually perform a business impact analysis, or BIA.
The first step in determining asset importance is to break the entire
organization down into business units, as illustrated in Figure 28. We also
need to rate the relative importance of each business unit – that is the number
in parenthesis.

Figure 28: Top Layer of Business Risk Structure

In our example, Business Unit B is rated as the most important – this rating
usually correlates to revenue generated by the unit, but it could be based on
other attributes instead. This rating should be done by senior management.
The second step is to identify the critical functions across the organization
and note each under the appropriate business unit, as shown in Figure 29. Of
course, when we say, ‘critical function’ we’re referring to whatever tasks are
absolutely required for that business unit to function. Each critical function is
assigned a priority within each business unit. For example, Business Unit A
has two critical functions, and we assign one function a priority of ‘1’ and the
other ‘2’.
Likewise, Business Unit B has two critical functions, and the most important
one is assigned a ranking value of ‘1’, and the other ‘2’. We are not
concerned how critical functions are ranked across all business units – just
within the business unit that requires the function. When the second step has
been completed, it will look very similar to the structure used in a BIA.

Figure 29: Critical Function Layer of Business Risk Structure

Next, we need the required assets and resources for each critical function. We
also must rank all assets and resources within each business unit as shown in
Figure 30.

Figure 30: Aligning Assets to the Critical Layer Function

Assets and resources can contain vulnerabilities, and therefore they represent
a source of risk as shown in Figure 31.

Figure 31: Asset Vulnerabilities

At this point, we can map specific risks all the way up to business operations.
This allows us to easily see where risk originates, particularly when we view
the entire organization map as shown in Figure 32. Using this approach, it is
much easier to prioritize risk.

Figure 32: Combined Impact Risk Structure

Impact Assessment and Analysis
When assessing impact, we can use either a qualitative or quantitative
approach, and there are pros and cons for each.

Advantage – prioritizes risk and identifies areas for immediate

Disadvantage – does not provide a measurable magnitude, making
a cost-benefit analysis difficult

Advantage – supports a cost/benefit analysis

Disadvantage – the quantitative meanings may be unclear,
requiring a qualitative explanation

Risk Assessment and Analysis Methodologies

There are a variety of methodologies for assessing risk that can be used.
Ultimately, whichever is the best fit for an organization is the one that should
be chosen, as the outcome should be similar regardless of the choice.
A risk assessment takes a list of identified risks (produced as either a business
impact analysis (BIA) or information asset classification) and produces a list
of controls and countermeasures to mitigate those risks. Most risk
assessments have three phases:

Risk identification, which uses risk scenarios to determine the

range and nature of risk.
Risk analysis, which determines the risk of compromise for each
identified risk by calculating a frequency and magnitude. This is
usually done using VAR, ALE or ROSI.
Risk evaluation, which takes the results of the risk analysis and
compares it to acceptable risk levels.

Risk Assessment
Figure 33 illustrates a standard approach to risk assessment.

Figure 33: Risk Analysis Framework

The location and identification of information assets should be done based on

criticality and sensitivity. It is essential that we have an accurate inventory of
assets for this to be successful, or we will have unknown gaps that will
eventually come back to haunt us when they are compromised – all because
we didn’t know they should be protected! Determining the value of each
asset will be important later when assessing risk to this asset – after all, do we
really want to spend $5,000 each year to protect something we can simply
replace for $500? Value will also be used later to classify the asset.
For some assets, valuation into a common financial form (e.g. dollars) is
easy, such as with hardware – how much does it cost to replace?
Unfortunately, information assets can be much harder to valuate. Valuation
can simply be the cost of recreating it or restoring it from a backup, or it
might be based on how much it contributes to generating revenue. In other
cases, the value is related to consequences or regulatory fines if confidential
information or trade secrets are compromised.
Personally identifiable information (PII), such as social security numbers or
full names, are particularly troublesome as the organization may incur
regulatory fines as well as lawsuits resulting from identity theft. Slightly less
tangible are reputation losses, which result in share losses. In these cases, the
value is not in the data itself, but in the impact of leaking the data.
Marketing materials, while having little intrinsic value, can create unintended
consequences and therefore represent risk. For example, inaccurate
descriptions of products or services, or information leading to wrong
investment decisions can bring on lawsuits, resulting in significant financial
Typical information asset categories that should be looked at are:

Proprietary information and processes

Current financial records and future projections
Acquisition and merger plans
Strategic marketing plans
Trade secrets
Patent-related information

Information Asset Valuation Strategies

Companies often find the task of inventorying and valuating information
assets to be daunting, and therefore never carry it out. However, there are
ways to simplify the seemingly overwhelming task. For example, a matrix of
loss scenarios showing possible impacts can help tremendously. The
accuracy of the valuation is really not as important – what really matters is
having a way to prioritize the efforts. Simply grouping values within the
same order of magnitude usually does the trick. If nothing else, media reports
of high-profile breaches contain a great deal of information to aid in arriving
at a rough approximation of loss potential.
Information Asset Valuation Methodologies
Quantitative valuation methodologies are the most precise but can be very
complex once we factor in actual and downstream impacts. Instead, we might
choose to use a qualitative approach in which a decision is made based on
business knowledge and goals. In some cases, this is the only option as
quantitative information is simply not available. Most information security
managers use a combination of the two. In fact, in some cases simply
assigning a subjective label of low, medium and high works quite well.
The most direct approach is to use a quantitative value based on purchase or
replacement price. An alternative approach is to consider value-add or other
more intangible values. For example, a hardware server and the software
running on it may cost only $20,000, but if we lost the use of it, we would
experience a monthly loss of millions of dollars. In this case value would be
based on the lost revenue during the down-time, not simply the cost of
Intangible assets are usually intellectual property such as trade secrets,
patents, copyrights, brand reputation, and customer loyalty. Auditors may
represent intangibles under the heading of ‘goodwill’.
In a publicly traded company, intangible assets represent the difference
between tangibles recorded in financials and the company’s market
Risk Assessment and Management Approaches
There are several risk management models that we can choose from,

NIST 800-39
HB 158-2010
ISO/IEC 31000

Aggregated and Cascading Risk

Aggregated risk occurs when a ​specific threat affects a large number of
minor vulnerabilities. It can also refer to a large number of threats affecting a
large number of minor vulnerabilities. In these cases, it is possible for a risk
that individually is acceptable to become unacceptable if looked at
Cascading risk occurs when a single failure leads to a chain reaction of other
failures. As an example, this happened recently when a small power utility in
the Midwest failed, causing a cascade of failures across the power grid. When
it was all done, most of the northeastern United States experienced a loss of
power as well. Within IT systems, one system can cause one or more other
systems to go down due to dependencies.
Other Risk Assessment Approaches
Some methods that originated outside of the information security arena are
starting to see adoption by information security. Let’s discuss the two most

Figure 34: Factor analysis of information risk (FAIR)

Factor analysis of information risk, or FAIR, allows us to decompose risk

and understand the underlying components. FAIR is designed to complement
other approaches by increasing accuracy. The framework, which can is
illustrated in Figure 34, consists of four elements:
A taxonomy of the factors that make up information risk, by
providing a set of standard definitions.
A method for measuring the factors that drive information risk.
A computational engine that derives risk mathematically and
simulates the relationships between the measured factors.
A simulation model that takes the three components above
analyzes risk scenarios.
When dealing with risk taxonomy, there are four characteristics we need to
look at:

The frequency with which threat agents contact assets at-risk.

The probability of action by threat agents.
The probability of success by threat agents.
The type and severity of the impact to assets.
A probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) is a methodology to look at complex
life cycles from concept to retirement. PRA was created by NASA and is
very time-consuming but works well in a high network security environment.
It basically asks three questions:

What can go wrong?

How likely is it?
What are the consequences?

Identification of Risk
Risk identification is the act of determining the type and nature of viable
threats, and which vulnerabilities might be exploited by each threat – a
vulnerability that can be exploited by a viable threat is a risk. Exposure is the
potential loss when a vulnerability is exploited by a threat.
A viable threat has two factors:

They exist or could reasonably appear

They can be controlled
Risk identification normally is carried out by creating a variety of scenarios,
and assumes that all assets, vulnerabilities and threats have been identified.
This may not be possible due to a lack of knowledge, and in this case the lack
of knowledge itself is a vulnerability. Vulnerabilities that cannot be tied to a
specific threat should still be listed to be analyzed, since a threat may simply
not have been identified yet. We should have the attitude of “if it can go
wrong, it will”. Even the process of risk identification itself is subject to error
and could represent a vulnerability!
Some hints for a successful outcome when developing scenarios are the

Make sure risk is kept up-to-date

Start with generic scenarios and add detail when needed
The number of scenarios should reflect the complexity of the
The taxonomy should reflect the complexity of the business
When reporting risk, use a generic structure (avoid too much
Make sure to include people with the appropriate amount of skills
and knowledge
Use the process to get buy-in from all departments
Involve staff who represent the first line of defense
Don’t focus only on rare or extreme scenarios
Combine simple scenarios to make complex scenarios
Consider system and contagious risk:
Systemic risk represents a negative event affecting a
large part of the area or industry. For example, an
unrelated air carrier’s system goes down for 24 hours
and cause the entire traffic control system to become
backed up
Contagious risk occurs when multiple failures happen
within a very short time frame of each other. For
example, an earthquake (risk 1) causes online traffic to
be diverted to a backup data center on the other side of
the country, only to discover that misconfigured
firewalls (risk 2) at that location prevent it from coming
Use the exercise to build awareness around risk detection
Once the assets, threats, vulnerabilities, risk and exposures have been
identified, a list of events representing those needs to be generated. A risk can
be characterized by the following six attributes:
1) The origin, such as hostile employees, employees who have not
been well trained, competitors of governments.
2) The threat, which can be an activity, a specific event or an
3) The impact that results when the risk is exposed.
4) The specific reason for its occurrence, such as design error,
human interaction or a failure to predict competitor activity.
5) The exposure and controls, or the extent of loss and how it can
be mitigated.
6) The time and place of occurrence.
Historical information about the organization, or similar organizations, can be
very helpful since it can lead to reasonable predictions about current and
future issues that are not yet obvious.
When selecting a risk identification methodology, the following techniques
should be employed:

Team-based brainstorming
Flowcharting and modeling
What-if scenarios
Mapping threats to both identified and suspected vulnerabilities
Risk scenarios are created by describing a potential risk event and then
writing down the assets that might be affected. Some examples of risk events

System failure
Loss of key personnel
Network outages
Power failures
Natural disasters
Each risk scenario should be related to a business goal or impact. Only real
and relevant scenarios should be considered. For example, while it is
technically possible for Canada to invade the U.S., it is highly unlikely.
However, it could be a very real threat that the Canadian government could
pass a law that restricts import of our product – that’s a risk that definitely
should be “what-if’d”. Figure 35 represents inputs that should be considered
when creating scenarios.

Figure 35: Risk Scenario Structure

Other Organizational Support

There are a number of security services that can be tied into an information
security program. These services allow us to gain access to the expertise of
external service providers without actually giving them responsibility. They
are the following:

Good practices published by organizations, including ISACA,

the SANS Institute, and the International Information Systems
Security Certification Consortium, or (ISC)2.
Security networking roundtables, which are organizations that
gather information security professionals from similar industries
to discuss topics of common interest. Some are free while others
require a fee. Still others are sponsored by a technology vendor,
and the information security manager may consider restricting
attendance to these to avoid pressure to purchase that vendor’s
Security news organizations, such as Computer World, SANS,
Tech Target and CIO Magazine. These publish daily or weekly
news relevant to information security.
Security-related studies, which are annual studies regarding a
number of security-related matters published by
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Ernst and Young (EY), Verizon,
Symantec and Ponemon.
Security training organizations, which provide classes on
information security topics.
Vulnerability alerting services, who notifies information
security managers about vulnerabilities specific to the technology
their organization uses.

Information security is a great candidate for using something called total
quality management, or TQM. TQM is based on the plan-do-check-act
(PDCA) process as shown in Figure 36.

Figure 36: PDCA Methodology

The components of TQM as carried out with information security are shown
in Figure 37.

Figure 37: Strategic Goals, CSFs, KPIs and Key Actions

Vision is a clear statement describing the organization’s purpose and should

include goals for the information security program.
Strategic goals are the objectives necessary to reach the organization’s
vision. The goals should be reflected in the selected KPIs.
We have already discussed KGIs and CSFs in Section. Key actions and
business changes are the initiatives needed to achieve the strategic goals and
Chapter 39: Information Risk Management –
Constraints That Hurt
Third-Party Services
When dealing with third-parties, the information security manager must

Proper controls and processes are in place to facilitate outsourcing

Proper information risk management clauses are in outsourcing
A risk assessment is performed for any outsourced processes
A proper level of due diligence is carried out prior to signing
Manage risk for outsourced processes daily
New risk assessments are carried out when material changes are
made to an outsourced process
Proper processes are followed when relationships end
We must recognize that outsourcing business-critical functions generally
increases risk instead of decreasing it, because specification of controls, and
the implementation of those controls, are now carried out by two different
organizations, and we depend on the contract specifics to make sure it
happens. Figure 38 illustrates this relationship.

Figure 38: Disconnect of Responsibilities with Outsourced Providers

Additionally, when involving third-parties the number of information risk

areas to assess grows from two to three: our business, the outsourced process,
and the third-party themselves. If the business operates in a regulated
industry, the contract should explicitly state those regulatory requirements.
Of course, the more we rely on innovation from the third-party – as opposed
to heavily dictating performance in the contract - the greater the risk we
create. All of these points underline why we should restrict outsourcing to
those functions that are outside of the organization’s core expertise. Do what
we do best internally, and potentially outsource other processes only.
The exit strategy needs to be considered before an agreement is finalized and
must be specified in the contract to ensure that the outsourced process
continues to be available while transitioning away from the third-party.
Because few businesses remain static, the information security manager
needs to stay on top of the contract and make sure that it reflects the current
Keep in mind one very important detail – while we can outsource information
risk management to a third-party, we can never outsource ultimate
responsibility. Even if we do a great job of dictating controls and making sure
the third-party implements them properly, if a security event occurs, we are
still responsible for any fallout from that event, particularly in the eyes of the
Outsourcing providers may be reluctant to share details on the nature and
extent of their internal protection mechanisms. This makes it even more
important to include service-level agreements (SLAs) and other performance
requirements in the contract. Since we will not be able to peer inside of their
day-to-day operations, we must rely on the contract to force the provider to
behave properly. One common approach for this is to require specific audits
such as SOC 2, or perhaps require the outsourced business to acquire an ISO
27001 certification. Care must be taken with SOC 2 audits, as the outsourced
provider is the one who defines the criteria. Even with ISO 27001, it is
important to review the external audit report performed on the provider for
If the organization operates in a regulated industry such as finances, there
will probably be requirements on reporting security events such as the time
allowed before the report is submitted to the governing agency. In these
cases, the contract must reference such notifications.
The financial viability of providers must also be addressed to ensure they will
be able to operate and meet the requirements of the contract. Since
outsourcing often is awarded to the lowest bidder, this is a very important
aspect to consider. The BC and DR plans should reference all outsourced
relationships, and should cover the loss of critical outsourcing providers,
including insolvency or bankruptcy scenarios.
Some sources of outsourcing risk can be transferred by including indemnity
clauses in the contract. Some examples are:

The right to software source code in the event of a default, usually

carried out by employing source code escrow with a neutral party
Requirements that the provider remain timely with compliance
The right to audit the provider’s books, premises and processes
The right to assess the skill sets of the provider’s resources
Advance information if the provider’s resources are to be changed

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Organizations must evaluate their level of compliance relative to other
organizations in the same industry, as enforcement actions are taken against
those that are least compliant first. Management may decide that non-
compliance is the correct decision due to the lower costs of fines or the fact
that enforcement may not be likely.
While corporate legal departments should be concerned with regulatory
requirements, most are not aware of any such constraints, and the information
security manager should therefore help identify them. The security manager
will probably be required to support the legal standards related to the
following areas:

Privacy of information and transactions

Collection and handling of audit records
Email retention policies
Incident investigation procedures
Cooperation with legal authorities
Since legal and regulatory requirements can vary quite a bit between different
jurisdictions, the HR and legal departments should be consulted before action
is taken.
Physical and Environmental Factors
The level of security applied to various hardware, software and information
assets should be based on the following aspects:

Criticality of systems
Sensitivity of information
Significance of applications
Cost of replacement hardware
Availability of backup equipment
Control of physical security may reside with the information security group
or not, but regardless it is the responsibility of the information security
manager to ensure security policies, standards and activities sufficiently
protect those assets. Physical control of access to computing resources should
be determined by the sensitivity of the information being accessed and should
always be on an as-needed basis.
The physical location within a facility is important as well. For example,
putting servers in a room prone to flooding is not such a great idea. The
ability to control temperature, humidity and electrical power needs to be
looked at as well. Personal computers with special access should not be
placed in heavily-trafficked areas. Physically locking a device down or
disabling methods for copying data off (such as USB ports and removable
media drives) should be considered. Laptops and other mobile devices are
particularly problematic as they are designed to be taken out of a secure
facility. Encryption of the entire storage disk in such devices is one option to
mitigate the risk of a device being stolen.
Physical media such as optical disks, magnetic disks, USB drives and even
printed hardcopies are as great a risk as online compromises, so they should
be stored in a secure location. The transport and storage of backup media
must be encrypted, particularly if stored at an off-site location. A clean desk
policy in which no cluttered desks are allowed should be enforced in less
secure office spaces. This prevents sticky fingers or wandering eyes from
accessing sensitive information.
Locations that reside in a geographical area prone to earthquakes, flooding,
hurricanes or other natural disasters should be avoided when selecting sites
for facilities. Even if an area is safe geographically but located next to special
risk infrastructure, such as nuclear power plants, airports or chemical
production facilities, then additional consideration must be applied before
selecting it as a site for a facility. Finally, primary and backup facilities
should be located far enough from each other that a single disaster event does
not take out both locations.
Cultural and Regional Variances
It is the job of the information security manager to be aware of local culture
and customs, and how certain actions that may be appropriate in one area
may be deemed offensive or unacceptable to that locale. Any risk from such
an incident must be considered and mitigated if it falls above the acceptable
risk and risk tolerance levels for an organization. Different countries have
varying laws regarding the sharing of personal information, and the
information security manager needs to be aware of those complications. If the
information security manager has any doubts about possible risks, he should
work with the legal and HR departments to identify problems and to come up
with solutions.
Because of the need to interact with other business units and people, the
information security manager must consider logistical issues such as
coordinating meetings, development of schedules for recurring procedures,
and managing workload across resources. Fortunately, there are a lot of
online systems to help with this task. However, undergoing logistics training
will go a long way to help the security manager deal with these types of
duties efficiently.
Chapter 40: Information Risk Management – The
Action Plan
Often an organization will have such a level of expertise or experience with a
specific technology that it will reference that technology at the policy level.
For example, transport layer security, or TLS, is so ubiquitous in today’s
world that it is often named in security policies, even though it is only one
way to encrypt data and provide confidentiality.
Another reality that exists is that many organizations have multiple, unrelated
architectures such as a database architecture, server architecture, identity
management, etc. Apart from each other they function well, but if you were
to try and combine them into a single enterprise architecture you would find
the result less than usable. As an analogy, consider different people creating
parts of a car without working with each other – wheels, the engine, seats and
the transmission – all created without each person comparing their blueprint
with others. When it comes time to assemble the vehicle, nothing is really
going to fit together and work. This is why we have architectural frameworks
– to ensure each group carries out their respective tasks underneath a
watchful umbrella of architectural goodness. Examples of these are COBIT,
ITIL and ISO 27001.
Information Security Framework
An information security management framework describes information
security management components and their interactions at a high-level.
‘Components’ would be things like roles, policies, standard operating
procedures (SOPs), security architectures, etc. However, a framework also
facilitates deliverables that are more short-term, such as possible risk
mitigation options, facilitation of conversations with subject matter experts
(SMEs), or ensuring policies are followed. Some other goals a framework
helps with are ensuring that:

The program adds value

The program is efficient and low-cost
Management clearly understands information security drivers
and benefits
Information security knowledge and capabilities grow
The program fosters cooperation and goodwill among business
Stakeholder understand their roles
Continuity of business is addressed

The various components of a security management framework can be broken
down into five areas:

Educational and Informational
Let’s dive into each area one at a time.
Technical Components
For our purposes, ‘technical’ refers to IT systems, which have an owner and a
custodian. The owner is responsible for costs and behavior of the system,
while the custodian is responsible for the day-to-day management of the
system. IT is always the custodian of an IT system, but often the business
unit that requires a system is the owner. Regardless of who it may be, it is
crucial that all systems have an identified owner. Otherwise, there is no one
accountable for ensuring that a system remains compliant with security
policies and that risk is properly addressed. Given that the vast majority of
information resides in systems maintained by IT, that department is a major
focus of an information security framework.
Operational Components
Operational components of a security program are the management and
administrative activities conducted either daily or weekly such as
maintenance of security technologies, security practices and keeping
procedures updated. The information security manager manages these areas,
but since the actual execution usually requires a different department (such as
applying security patches) he will need to work with and provide oversight of
those departments.
Some examples of operational components are:
Credential administration
Security event monitoring
System patching procedures
Change control procedures
Collection of security metrics and reporting
Maintenance of control technologies
Security incident response, investigation and resolution
Retirement and sanitization of hardware
For each operational component, the information security manager will need
to identify the owner and ensure documentation is kept up to date.
Additionally, the security manager must ensure that procedures for
appropriate security-related areas are created and maintained, and that roles
and responsibilities documentation is kept current.
Management Components
While operational components are addressed on a daily or weekly basis,
management components are visited periodically every few months, quarters
or even years. Examples are the development of standards, reviewing
policies, and executing oversight of initiatives or programs.
Management goals shape the security program, which in turn defines what
must be managed. Often, early versions of a security program are too lenient
or strict and the management components must allow for timely modification.
When developing the management components, it is important that proper
oversight from senior management takes place.
Administrative Components
We have discussed to a great extent how the information security
management role needs to provide oversight for other departments, but we
need to keep in mind that information security is itself a department, and so
we can’t ignore all of the normal functions that come along with a group of
people trying to accomplish a mission. This means we need to manage
resources, personnel and the financial aspect of running a business unit.
Rarely does an information security program have a sufficient number of
resources, and so security efforts must be prioritized.
It is not uncommon for the information security manager to experience
pressure to take shortcuts, and if this cannot be handled between the two
departments, the manager needs to escalate it to senior management so that a
decision can be made. Executive management must understand the risks of
moving an initiative ahead without a full security diligence, but they may
ultimately decide to do so. If this happens, the information security manager
should take the first available opportunity to certify the compromised system
or initiatives.
To ensure sufficient resources are available to address incidents as they arise,
the manager must make sure that business units understand that some ad-hoc
conditions may cause a temporary shortage of security resources.
Educational and Informational Components
It is crucial to educate employees and provide training on security awareness
across the organization. The type of material and the target audience can
change how and when this training is carried out. Table 4 provides a brief
Content Application
Security risk and awareness Orientation and initial training
General policies and procedures HR Level
Role-specific training Business unit level
Table 4: Security Content and Application

Interactive techniques such as online testing and role-playing will usually be

more effective than an informational session. Collaboration with both HR and
business units is required to identify what information needs to be covered.
To ensure progress is being made, metrics such as average quiz scores or the
average time elapsed since the last training period, should be communicated
to the steering committee and senior management.
Defining an Information Security Program Road Map
We previously covered the six outcomes of a successful security program –
strategic alignment, risk management, value delivery, resource management,
assurance process integration and performance measurement. All outcomes
should appear on a road map, showing how we will achieve each. However,
the targeted outcomes will probably now be well-understood by management
and stakeholders, leading to unrealistic expectations and poorly-defined
goals. To avoid this pitfall, the information security manager can develop a
road map in stages, with each stage focusing on just a portion of the overall
To illustrate this approach further, let’s explore an example in which we
implement the road map in four stages.
Stage 1 will highlight how security will align with business goals, and how
we will start improvements over what is in place today. This will require the
security manager to interview various stakeholders and will provide a great
deal of insight to possible members of the steering committee.
Stage 2 leverages the steering committee to draft policies for a security
program for senior management to approve. Since business unit owners are
part of that committee, we will also have identified business goals.
Stage 3 sees the committee members conducting internal reviews to see how
far away they are from the goals that they themselves have identified. A nice
side-effect is that they are now promoting awareness of the security program.
Stage 4 implements change to address the gaps revealed in the previous
stage, while a monitoring approach is developed at the same time. The
security manager can then get consensus on roles and responsibilities,
processes and procedures.
Job done!
Elements of a Road Map
If some type of a security strategy is already in place, then a road map should
also exist. In this case, the manager simply needs to turn the conceptual
architecture into reality. Basically, we have been given a blueprint, and we
need to simply build it.
On the other hand, if a security strategy does not exist, we need to recognize
that there is a risk that the elements and work needed for a successful security
program may not be prioritized. Add to that a lack of metrics, and we are
setting ourselves up for failure. So, a security strategy is essential to success.
A lot of the effort required for developing a security program is in designing
controls that meet our control goals, and then creating, deploying and testing
those controls. All of this means that the organization is going to need to be
receptive to the addition of new security activities, including the inevitable
Developing an Information Security Program Road Map
If we want to be successful in developing a security program, an essential
skill to have is the ability to review existing data, applications, systems,
facilities and processes. This will give us an excellent insight into the new
projects we will have to undertake.
An implementation road map can serve the same purpose by defining each
step necessary to get to a particular goal of the program. Not only does it
provide an overview of the entire scope, but it also shows the sequence in
which the steps need to be executed. Milestones should be present that
represent when we will have access to KGIs, KPIs and critical success factors
(CSFs). It is more important that we establish a process for monitoring KGIs
and KPIs than demonstrating the values are correct during the first few times
that we collect them.
The Risk Management Process
Risk management consists of a series of processes in which we identify,
analyze, evaluate and maintain risk at acceptable levels. Let’s go through
each process in the order each should be carried out.
First, we establish scope and boundaries, resulting in a set of global
parameters used by risk management, both inside and outside of the
Second, we identify information assets and valuation in which at-risk
assets are identified and the potential impact is estimated.
The third step is to perform the risk assessment, which itself consist of 3
steps – identify, analyze and decide what to do. More specifically, we must:

Identify threats, vulnerabilities and exposures

Analyze the level of risk and potential impact
Determine if the risk meets the criteria for acceptance
Then, for each risk that is unacceptable, we determine risk treatment or
response by selecting a strategy to deal with it. If you recall, the possible
strategies will be to avoid, mitigate, transfer or accept risk.
Risk is usually accepted if it is minor, too expensive to mitigate, or simply
cannot be mitigated.
The fifth step is to accept residual risk, which is the risk remaining after
mitigation steps.
The sixth, and last, step is to communicate about and monitor risk.
Communication happens between decision makers and other internal and
external stakeholders.
For any security program to be successful, we must be sure that it is a
continuous process as shown in Figure 39.

Figure 39: Continuous Risk Management Steps

The information security manager should setup a formal, repeating process to

perform risk assessments at the organizational, system and application levels,
including both logical and physical processes. Naturally, useful metrics are
part of this process to ensure we can measure success, and it is the
information security manager’s duty to recommend to asset owners manual
and automated techniques to continuously monitor risk. Resist the temptation
to apply general risk profiles across regions or industries – each location will
probably be unique. Remember that controls degrade over time, so periodic
testing is crucial.
Defining a Risk Management Framework
The best approach to implementing a risk management program is to use a
reference model from the following choices:

ISO 31000 Risk Management
IEC 21010: Risk Management
NIST SP 800-39: Managing Information Security Risk
HB 158-2010: Delivering Assurance based on ISO 31000
ISO/IEC 27005: Information Technology
All of the above have similar requirements, including the following 6

A policy demonstrating executive management’s commitment and

containing the goals of risk management.
A planning and resourcing document, containing responsibility,
authority, accountability and interrelationships of the people who
will perform and verify risk management work.
An implementation program listing the steps required to
implement an effective risk management system.
A management review carried out by executive management of
the risk management system to make sure it is stable and
A risk management process applied at both the strategic and
tactical levels.
Risk management documentation captured at each stage of the
process so that an independent audit will be satisfied.
When we establish the framework for risk management, we also establish the
criteria for acceptable risk, control goals, and scope. But, before we can
define a great framework, we have to do the following:

Understand the background of the organization and its risk

Look at existing risk management activities and acceptable risk
Develop a process to create risk management initiatives and
controls that will get us to acceptable risk levels

Defining the External Environment

Several times to this point we have referenced things that are ‘external’ to the
organization. External in this case refers to:

The local market

Our industry
The competitive, financial and political; environments
The law and regulatory environment
Social and cultural conditions
External stakeholders
Additionally, we must also consider the perceptions and values of external
stakeholders, and any externally generated threats or opportunities.
Defining the Internal Environment
Let’ define the internal environment while we’re at it:

Key business drivers

The organization’s SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats)
Internal stakeholders
Organization structure and culture
Assets, such as people, processes, systems and capital
Goals, objectives and strategies

Determining the Risk Management Context

When we use the term ‘context’ when discussing risk management, we’re
talking about the environment or activities where the risk occurs. There are
four things we need to define before being able to nail down the risk
management context:

How much of the organization and activities we need to assess

The full scope of risk management activities
The roles and responsibilities of the people and groups
participating in risk management
How risk-averse or risk-aggressive the organization is
Once that is done, we can establish the criteria by which risk will be
evaluated. There are three considerations we must consider when selecting

The impact, or the kinds of consequences we need to consider

The likelihood, or the probability of being compromised
The rules that establish what is acceptable risk
Note that these criteria may need to change in the later phases of the risk
management process due to changing circumstances, or as consequences of
the risk assessment itself.
Gap Analysis
A ‘gap analysis’ means measuring the difference between two states. When it
comes to risk management, we are measuring the difference between existing
controls and our control goals – the current state and the desired state.
Control objectives should result in acceptable risk, which in turn establishes
the information security baseline.
Control objectives can change during the risk management process, so we
must be sure to periodically review previous gap analysis to ensure they
remain accurate. This should be automatically covered when testing for
control effectiveness.
Costs and Benefits
Three common measurements of potential losses are:

Employee productivity impacts (virus and worm attacks, PII

compromise are the most often reported)
Revenue losses
Direct cost loss events

Events Affecting Security Baselines

Baseline security is defined as the minimum security level across the entire
organization. The baseline for higher classifications of information assets
should be higher as well. For example, access to higher-classified assets
might require two-factor authentication, while lower levels may only require
a username and password.
Any security incident can be traced back to a control failure or lack of a
control. When a significant incident occurs, a root cause must be found, and a
reassessment executed. Baselines may need to be temporarily changed based
on external threat changes. Other events that might cause changes to a
baseline are:

New or changing laws and regulations

New or changing threats result in unacceptable risk levels
Degradation of controls over time
System changes creating new vulnerabilities

Integration with IT Processes

The security manager must ensure that security programs properly integrate
with other assurance functions within the organization. These interfaces are
bidirectional, in that while security-related information is provided to other
departments, those departments also provide information back to the security
department. For example, a business unit may provide requirements to the
security department, while the security manager may provide meaningful
metrics back to the business unit.
Security added after the fact is usually not effective security at all. That is
why it is important to bake security into projects from the beginning of the
system development life cycle, or SDLC. However, the SDLC is seldom
controlled by the security manager, and therefore he must foster collaborative
relationships with his colleagues in other departments.
The traditional SDLC goes through five stages:

Development or acquisition
Operation or maintenance
End of life or disposition
Change management needs to be an area in which the security manager takes
special interest, since it is through change management processes that she
will be able to inject risk assessments and apply the appropriate treatments.
Another approach is to make sure that security implications are part of the
standard practice when making changes. This can be done by requiring all
changes to be accompanied by the results of a risk analysis. In addition, it is a
wise precaution for the security manager to identify where changes are
initiated, funded and deployed. By hooking into these locations, the manager
has a much greater chance at detecting changes as they occur.
Security controls lose their effectiveness over time due to changes in the
systems and processes they are designed to protect, and therefore a periodic
review of all existing controls is absolutely essential to keep a proper security
Closely related to change management is configuration management, which
is the primary culprit that contribute to security breaches. The main two
reason systems are improperly configured are:
A lack of clear standards or procedures
Shorthanded staff who take shortcuts
If proper documentation exists and the staff is properly trained, but we are
still experiencing poorly configured systems, then we need to take a look at
the time constraints placed on the existing staff. It may be they are so
overworked that they do not have the time to perform the configuration
operations properly.
Release management is the process of rolling out new capabilities or updates
to existing capabilities. The key component for success is proper testing
before deployment. The security manager should ensure that proper
procedures and standards exist to prevent products from being deployed to
the production environment prematurely. Proper monitoring to ensure staff
are following the procedures must also be carried out.
Security Awareness Training and Education
Security can never be addressed solely through technical mechanisms. The
behavioral aspect – meaning the behavior of people – must be addressed as
well through engaging and repeated training. Security awareness programs
should focus on topics such as:

Password selection
Appropriate use of computers
Email safety
Web browsing safety
Social engineering
Since employees are the ones who will be in the best position to recognize
threats that automated mechanisms may miss, they should be taught how to
recognize and escalate security events.
Special attention needs to be paid to the positions that have unlimited data
access. Examples of duties that often require this are:

Transferring data between systems

Performance tuning
Scheduling batch jobs
Programmers changing application code
Since security management seldom has oversight into these areas,
management in those areas must take on the responsibility of understanding
security requirements and assisting in providing oversight.
Employee awareness training should begin on the day the employee starts
and continue regularly. The training techniques used should vary to prevent
the material from becoming stale or boring. Programs should incorporate the

Quizzes to gauge retention

Reminders such as posters, newsletter or screen savers
A regular schedule of refreshers
Awareness program should consider the following aspects:

Who is the intended audience? Is it senior management, business

managers, IT staff, or end users?
What is the intended message? Is it policies, procedures or
perhaps recent events?
What is the intended result? For example, improved policy
compliance, changing a behavior, or executing better practices?
What communication method will be used? Possibilities include
computer-based training, or CBT, an all-hands meeting, using the
intranet, or newsletters.
What is the organizational structure and culture?
There are a number of effective mechanisms we can use to raise awareness
for information security, including:

Computer-based training
Email reminders
Written security policies
Non-disclosure agreements signed by employees
Newsletters, web pages, videos, posters, login reminders
Visible enforcement of security policies
Simulated security incidents
Rewarding employees for reporting suspicious behavior
Job descriptions
Performance reviews
General Rules of Use/Acceptable Use Policy
Some employees are very interested in adhering to good security practices
but would simply rather read a comprehensive summary of everything the
organization expects and requires. By creating a user-friendly summary of
what they should do and should not do to comply with policy, we have an
effective way of reaching these individuals. The policy can detail in everyday
language and in a straight-forward manner all obligations and responsibilities
of everyone. However, we must also make sure that the policy is read and
understood. The policy should be given to all new employees, regardless of
employment status.
The policy normally includes the following elements:

Policy and standards for access controls

Classification of information
Marking and handling of documents and information
Reporting requirements
Disclosure constraints
Email and Internet usage policy

Ethics training is usually provided for employees who engage in activities of
a particularly sensitive nature, such as monitoring user activities, performing
penetration testing, or having access to sensitive personal data, such as those
in HR. Additionally, information security personnel must be aware of
potential conflicts of interest or activities. A signed acceptance of the code of
ethics should remain a permanent part of the employee’s records.
An important part of a good information security program is ensuring
effective oversight of the creation and maintenance of security-related
documentation. Some document examples are:

Our good friends policies, standards, procedures and guidelines

Technical diagrams of infrastructure, architectures and data flows
Training and awareness documentation
Risk analysis
Security system designs
Incident tracking reports
Operational procedures
Every document should be assigned an owner who is responsible for keeping
it updated and controlling changes to it. The information security manager
should also make sure that enablers we discussed earlier are available that
address each step in the life cycle of documents, such as creation, approval,
change control and retirement. Version control is an absolute must – this
ensures that previous versions are kept in an original state, and that everyone
is working from the same version. Other attributes that need to be managed
include markings, classification, release date, version and owner.
All changes to documentation must be managed through a formal change
request process. The information security manager should track all proposed
changes to policies and ensure each is properly reviewed.
However, changes to standards will happen more frequently than to policies
due to evolving technologies, changes in risk or new business initiatives.
Proposed standard changes should be reviewed by those impacted by the
changes, with the opportunity to provide input before approval – this will
maximize cooperation and compliance.
Modifications to either a policy or standard should trigger procedures to
update compliance monitoring tools and processes. If auditors or compliance
people are not directly involved with that process, they should be periodically
kept up-to-date.
Program Development and Project Management
Ideally, most security projects will result in making existing technology more
secure. Each project should have time, budget and a measurable risk, and
should make the overall environment more secure without causing
weaknesses in other areas. Projects should also be prioritized so that those
that overlay others do not cause delays.
Program Budgeting
The success of an information security program depends on having the
necessary resources, and having the necessary resources depends on how well
the budget is managed. We’re not talking just spreadsheets here – effective
budget management includes presenting to and convincing senior
management to approve a budget. This is why self-education and advanced
planning are so important. Well-before the fiscal cycle starts the information
security manager must be sure he or she is familiar with the processes and
methods the organization uses. Another crucial aspect is to ensure the
security strategy is laid out in a well thought-through road map. If the
strategy has been reviewed and approved before the budgeting cycle begins,
we have a much better chance of getting a budget that aligns with that
strategy approved.
Most budgetary expenses for an information security program are pretty easy
to understand - we have personnel, hardware, software and subscription costs.
Slightly more difficult to get a grasp on are expenses related to projects with
timed deliverables. The security manager must work with the PMO and
SMEs to estimate reasonably accurate costs for each fiscal year. Some
elements that need to be considered are the following:

Employee time
Contractor and consultant fees
Hardware and software costs
Hardware space requirements
Testing resources
Training costs
Creation of supporting documentation
Ongoing maintenance
Contingencies for unexpected costs
One area that is the most problematic to estimate are the costs involved with
responding to incidents, because often the need arises to engage with external
resources. The best way to estimate this type of costs is to use historical data
and extrapolate for the coming year. If historical data within the organization
is not available, estimates can be based on information from peer
Information Security Problem Management Practices
Problem management is focused on finding the root cause of an emerging
issue. As information systems get updated and are enhanced, it is likely that
security controls will start having problems or stop working altogether. The
security manager will then need to identify the problem and assign a priority
to it. The steps involved are:
Understanding the issue
Defining the problem
Designing an action program
Assigning responsibility
Assigning due dates for resolution
Some type of reporting process needs to track the issue until it is resolved.
At times, the security manager will need to take immediate steps to
implement a secondary control if the primary fails. For example, if a firewall
stops filtering traffic, the security manager might disconnect certain systems
from the network until the firewall has been replaced. Of course, this will
almost certainly result in a business interruption, so the authority to take such
an action would need to be assigned to the security manager before the event
took place.
Vendor Management
External vendors often provide a valuable benefit in either capabilities an
organization does not yet possess, or by providing capabilities at a lower cost
than the organization could provide for itself. Security service providers can
provide a range of functions such as:

Assessment and Audit

Operational support
Security architecture and design
Advisory services
Forensics support
However, it is up to the security manager to oversee and monitor external
providers of hardware, software, general supplies and other services. Services
needing monitoring specific to security are:

Financial viability
Quality of service
Adequate staffing
Adherence to security policies
Right to audit
By monitoring these services, the security manager ensures that risk
introduced by those providers is managed properly.
Program Management Evaluation
The information security manager must periodically reevaluate the
effectiveness of a security program based on changes in organizational
demands, environments and other needs. Or, perhaps the program needs be
reviewed when a new information security manager or CSO is hired. In either
case, the results should be shared with the information security steering
committee or other stakeholders. There are six areas that are critical for
evaluation, which are:

Program objectives
Compliance requirements
Program management
Security operations management
Technical security management
Resource levels
Program Objectives
The first evaluation area, program objectives, deals with ensuring that the
program’s security goals are sound. Here, we need to ensure that there is a
solid security strategy and road map, and that there is well-defined criterion
for acceptable risk. Once we have that established we then need to make sure
that the program’s goals align with governance goals, and that those goals are
SMART. When defining those goals, we need to be sure that they are
developed collaboratively among all stakeholders so that we can reach
consensus. If policies, standards and procedures do not exist, then this is the
time to create them. This is also the time to define whatever metrics we will
be using to measure success.
Compliance Requirements
The second evaluation area, compliance requirements, comes into play if the
purpose of a program is to ensure compliance with a regulatory standard. If
compliance is not a concern, then we can skip this step.
Assuming compliance is needed, then we will first need to determine the
level of compliance we will need to meet. As part of that effort, the program
will need to be examined to see if its components align with the components
required by regulatory standards. Looking at the results from recent audit and
compliance reviews will help with this activity, as will ensuring that there is a
close level of communication between compliance and security groups. Since
policies, standards, procedures and metrics were already covered in the
previous area, program objectives, we simply need to make sure that
compliance requirements are integrated into each of those. Finally, we just
need to examine compliance management technologies in-use, and ensure
that deficiencies are tracked, reported and addressed in a timely manner.
Program Management
The third evaluation area, program management, will reveal the extent of
management support and how comprehensive the existing program is. The
level of management each program contains will vary, but generally
speaking, technical security programs will be light on management, while
programs driven by standards, compliance or governance will have a greater
level of management oversight.
In this area, we need to ensure everyone understands their assigned roles and
responsibilities, including senior management. Information security
responsibilities should be a part of each business manager’s goals, and it
should be reflected in his/her individual performance rating. It should be clear
who is accountable for the program, and that person or group must have
sufficient authority and visibility for the program to succeed.
This evaluation area also covers ensuring that sufficient documentation of the
program exists, and that policies and standards are complete, formally
approved and distributed to the appropriate audiences. Formalizing a steering
committee is covered, as well as ensuring that management regularly
reassesses the program’s effectiveness. Finally, this step ensures that the
metrics defined earlier are regularly collected and reported.
Security Operations Management
The fourth evaluation area, security operations management, looks at how
well a program implements security operational activities. A large part of this
area focuses on standard operating procedures, or SOPs. SOPs are examined
to ensure that they include security requirements and processes, and that
SOPs exist for configuration and access management, systems maintenance,
event analysis and incident response.
Other topics addressed in the security operations area are ensuring proper
segregation of duties, validating that a schedule for regularly performed
activities exists, checking to see if metrics produce meaningful results, and
that there is a path for escalating issues to management so that they will be
Technical Security Management
The fifth area, technical security management, covers the technical security
environment and makes sure that systems and security mechanisms have
been implemented properly. A major focus is placed on the implementation
and success of standards. For example, security configuration standards for
network, system and application components are checked, as are standards
for topology, communication protocols and compartmentalization of critical
systems. In addition to validating that they even exist, standards must also
follow high-level policy and requirements, and should be a result of
collaborative efforts. If implemented correctly, standards will be uniformly
implemented, and there will be a process to report exceptions.
Other topics of interest in the technical security management area are
ensuring that key controls are continuously monitored, and that they notify on
failure. Development, test and production environments should be kept
separate, and SoD is properly enforced on systems. Logging must be reliable
and visible, and there should be proper decommissioning processes to prevent
data leakage.
Resource Levels
The final evaluation area is that of resource levels, including financial, human
and technical resources. This area examines current funding levels and makes
sure that the budget and available money line up. This is carried out by
ensuring that resources align with business goals, and that program functions
are prioritized by the amount of money available.
Specific to human resources, the resource level evaluation area will inquire
about the current staffing level to see if existing resources are being fully
utilized. Part of this activity is to ensure that existing resources are adequately
skilled for the roles they are assigned, and to search for low-value tasks that
other resources could carry out. A special consideration is finding out if there
are other HR resources the program is dependent on to succeed.
When it comes to technical resources, this area will ask about any
technologies needed to support information security program goals, and if the
current capacity of those technologies is sufficient for our current and future
needs. The maintenance and replacement of the technology is considered, and
other technologies that could make the program more efficient are examined.
Current State of Incident Response Capability
Most organizations have some sort of capability for reporting incidents, and
the information security manager must identify what this capability is. The
three most common ways to collect this information are by:

Surveying senior management, business managers and IT

Using a self-assessment, which is the easiest method as it does not
require participation from stakeholders, but it also may produce
the most limited view.
Using an external assessment or audit, which is the most
comprehensive approach.
Past incidents can provide a wealth of knowledge on trends, types of events
encountered in the past and the subsequent impact on the business. This
information can then be used as an input to decide on the types of events we
need to plan for.
Developing an Incident Response Plan
The incident response plan, or IRP, is the operational component of incident
Elements of an Incident Response Plan
A common approach to develop an incident response plan is based on a six-
phase model or preparation, identification, containment, eradication, recovery
and lessons learned. Let’s walk through each of the six phases.
The first phase, preparation, prepares an organization to develop the
incident response plan prior to an incident. Activities include:

Establish how we will handle incidents

Establish policy and warning banners in information systems
Establish a communication plan to stakeholders
Develop the criteria used to decide when to report an incident to
Develop the process to activate the incident management team
Establish a secure location to execute the IRP
Ensure equipment is available when needed
The second phase, identification, verifies that an incident has happened and
tries to find out more details about it – not all reports are real incidents.
Activities include:

Assign ownership of a reported incident to a handler

Verify the report is an incident
Establish a chain of custody for handling evidence
Determine the severity and escalate if needed
The third phase, containment, is designed to limit exposure. The incident
management team is activated and conducts a detailed assessment. Activities

Activating the incident management team and/or incident

response team to contain the incident
Notify appropriate stakeholders
Get agreement on actions
Get the IT representative and team members involved
Obtain and preserve evidence
Document and take backups
Manage communication to the public by the PR team
The fourth phase, eradication, is where we determine root cause and
eradicate the threat. Activities include:

Determine the root cause

Locate the most recent backup
Remove the root cause
Improve defenses by implementing protection techniques
Perform a vulnerability analysis to find new vulnerabilities
introduced by the root cause
The fifth phase, recovery, restores affected systems and services to a
condition as specified in the service delivery objectives (SDO) or BCP. The
amount of time we have to perform this step is defined by the RTO.
Activities include:
Restore operations as defined in the SDO
Validate the restoration was successful
Get system owners to test affected systems
Facilitate system owners to declare normal operation
The last phase, lessons learned, is where we create a report that contains the
following items:

What happened
What measures were taken
Results after the plan was executed
The report also contains a list of lessons learned that should be developed
into a plan to change the incident management responses. Activities include:

Analyzing issues encountered during the response efforts

Proposing improvement based on issues encountered
Writing the report
Presenting the report to stakeholders

Business Impact Analysis

The BIA was introduced in Section 1, but we’re going to dive in a little
deeper at this point.
A BIA will tell us about potential incidents and any related business impacts
– and it will prioritize them for us. Whereas risk calculates the probability of
compromise, the BIA determines the consequences of compromise.
A BIA must do the following four things at a minimum:
1) Determine the loss resulting from some function no longer being
2) Figure out how that loss will escalate over time
3) Identify the minimum resources needed to recover from that loss
4) Prioritize the recovery of processes and systems for all losses
The BIA ultimately creates a report that stakeholders use to understand the
business impact that various incidents will cause. Each impact will be
expressed in either quantitative terms, such as money, or qualitative values,
such as a relative rating. To be successful, the BIA will need to include
participation from business process owners, senior management, IT, physical
security and end users.
The assessment includes three steps. The first step is to gather assessment
material where we identify the business units that are crucial to an
organization’s survival. We then drill down and identify the critical tasks
within each unit.
The second step is to analyze the information gathered in the first step.
Activities carried include:

For critical and high-impact areas, figure out if there are

Discover all possible disruptions that might cause the
interdependencies to fail
Identify potential threats that could interrupt interdepartmental
Gather quantitative and qualitative data for those threats
Come up with alternative means for restoring functionality and
Write a brief description of each threat
The third step is to document the result and present recommendations.
Despite the importance of carrying out a BIA, many organizations fail to do
so. And even if they do, some businesses fail to keep the BIA up to date
when systems and business functions change.
A typical BIA will include the following information about each business

Function description – what is the function of the business unit?

Dependencies – what is dependent on this function?
Impact profile – is there a specific time window where the
function would be more vulnerable to risk?
Operational impacts – when would the operational impact be felt
if this function were no longer available?
Financial impacts – when would the financial impact be felt if
this function were no longer available?
Work backlog – when would the backlog of work start being
Recovery resources – what kind of resources are needed now,
and how many and when would they be needed after a disruption?
Technology resources – what software is needed for this function
to operate?
Stand-alone PCs or workstations – does the function require
Local area networks – does the function require access to a
Workaround procedures – are there any manual workaround
procedures in place?
Work-at-home – can the function be performed from home?
Workload shifting – can we shift the work to another part of the
Business records – are business records required for this
Regulatory reporting – are regulatory documents created by this
Work inflows – what input is received necessary for the function
to perform properly?
Business disruption experience – has there ever been a
Competitive analysis – would there be a competitive impact if
the function were no longer available?
Other issues and concerns - what other relevant issues or
concerns are there?
Conducting a BIA has several benefits, including:

Increases the understand around loss of a particular function

Prioritizes restoration activities
Increases visibility of various functions and their dependencies
Raises the level of awareness for response management

Escalation Process for Effective Incident Management

It is up to the information security manager to establish a clear escalation
process well in advance of an incident so there are no questions on when to
escalate an issue and to whom. For every type of event, the process should
contain a list of actions and the order in which they should be carried out. For
each action, the following should be listed:

Who is responsible for carrying out the action

At least one backup person
How long it should take for the action to be completed
If any action cannot be executed, or the allowed time has elapsed according
to the RTO, the next action should be started. If the overall elapsed time
reaches a predefined limit, then the issue should be escalated even further to
an alert – low, medium or high. When an alert level is reached, notifications
should be sent to people with executive responsibilities, including the
following groups:

Senior management
Response and recovery teams
Insurance companies
Backup facilities
The process continues until either the emergency is resolved, or the last alert
notification has been sent.
The exact escalation process will vary based on the level of the emergency
event, which in turn depends on the severity, the number of organizations
affected, and their need to be notified. If email is used for notifications, the
security manager may wish to encrypt such messages as email is sent in clear
text by default.
Help or Service Desk Processes for Identifying Security Incidents
Since help or service desk employees are likely to be the first to receive an
incident report, they should have guidelines on what looks like a typical
request and what is a possible security incident. This also serves to reduce the
risk that the service or help desk will be targeted in a social engineering
Incident Management and Response Teams
The incident response plan should identify all teams needed to handle the
various activities. It is helpful to create a matrix matching teams to the
activities they are capable of carrying out, as this will assist the response
process in quickly activating the correct teams. There are five common teams
in this matrix:

The emergency action team deals with fires and other emergency
The damage assessment team assesses the physical damage and
decides what is a total loss or can be salvaged
The relocation team moves operations from the affected site to
an alternate site, and then back once the original site has been
The security team, often called a CSIRT which is short for
computer security incident response team, takes care of all
security concerns, including monitoring the security of systems
and communications.
The emergency management team coordinates the activities of
all other teams and makes the key decisions

Organizing, Training and Equipping the Response Staff

Running the teams through test scenarios is key to being prepared. This
process will identify points of confusion, ambiguous procedures and help to
highlight any missing equipment or training needed. At a minimum, team
members should undergo the following training:

Induction, which provides the essential information needed to be

an effective member.
Mentoring on roles, responsibilities and procedures by pairing
experienced members with junior members.
On-the-job training provides an understanding of the policies,
procedures, standards and tools unique to the organization.
Formal training may also be needed to bring members to the
level of competency required to do their job well.
Chapter 41: Information Risk Management – Metrics, Monitoring and
Reporting Formats
Red-amber-green reports are sometimes referred to as security dashboards,
heat charts or stoplights. We Americans always want to know why it is not
called a red-yellow-green report, and the answer is two-fold:

The Brits call a yellow stop light an ‘amber light’.

The acronym RAG is way easier to pronounce than RYG. Just
A RAG report uses color to quickly convey status – green is good,
amber/yellow is iffy, and red needs attention.
Other reports are more useful when conveying trends, such as bar graphs and
spider charts. Regardless of the format, the information security manager
needs to ensure these types of reports are periodically generated and reviewed
by senior management.
Key Risk Indicators
When selecting individual KRIs, we should look at four criteria:

The KRI should be an indicator for risks with high impacts.

If two or more KRIs are equivalent, choose the one that is easier
to measure.
The KRI must be reliable in both predicting outcomes and having
a high correlation with risk.
The KRI must be able to accurately model variances in the risk
level with a high degree of sensitivity.
We should also be looking at the selected KRIs as a group in the following

Include the different types of stakeholders in the selection

decisions so that risk across the organization is represented.
Balance selected KRIs so that they indicate how well we can
prevent security events, the risk left after an incident, and reflect
trends based on KRIs over time.
Make sure the selected KRIs can drill down to root cause
instead of just focusing on symptoms.

Reporting Significant Changes in Risk

In addition to periodic reporting to senior management, the security program
should contain a process by which significant breach or security event
triggers a report to senior management, followed by a risk reassessment. All
security events result from a lack of a control, or the failure of an existing
Documentation for a security program is a must if we hope for it to be
effective. At any stage of the risk management process, we should have the
following elements documented:

Information resources
Typical documentation for risk management should include the following

A risk register
Consequences and likelihood of compromise
Initial risk rating
Vulnerability to internal/external factors
An inventory of information assets
A risk mitigation and action plan
Monitoring and audit documents
All documentation must be properly versioned so that we can determine what
policies were in effect at any given time.
Training and Awareness
People will probably always be the number one security risk due to either
accidents or malicious intent. Training and awareness programs are the most
effective methods to combat this top risk but must be targeted to different
audiences. End-user information security training should include the

The importance of following policies

How to respond to emergency situations
The importance of restricting access in an IT environment
Privacy and confidentiality requirements
Recognizing and reporting security events
Recognizing and dealing with social engineering

Technical Control Components and Architecture

A recurring pitfall that organizations fall into is one of overreliance on
technology to provide security. Instead, the security manager must align
technology goals with the organization’s goals and let administrative and
physical controls take their proper place. This allows us to design an effective
technical architecture that uses technology only when appropriate.
The best way to approach designing this technical architecture is to ask a
series of questions and let the answers do the work for us. There are five
groups of questions we need to ask.
The first has to do with the placement of controls, relative to both systems
and other controls. Questions to ask are:

Where are the controls located in the enterprise?

Are controls layered?
Do we need control redundancy?
Do perimeter controls really protect us?
Are there any uncontrolled access channels, such as physical,
network, system-level, application-level?
The next group of questions are designed to figure out how effective existing
controls are and need to be. Questions to ask are:

Are the controls reliable?

Are the controls the minimum required?
Do the controls inhibit productivity?
Are the controls manual or automated?
Are the key controls monitored?
Are they monitored in real-time or after-the-fact?
Are the controls easily circumvented?
Now, we need to figure out how efficient the controls are by asking the
following questions:

How broadly do the controls protect our environment?

Are the controls specific to one resource or asset?
Are the controls fully utilized?
Is a control a single point of application failure?
Is a control a single point of security failure?
Is there unnecessary redundancy?
Next, let’s take a look at how well the policies around existing controls
function. Questions to ask are:

Do controls fail secure or fail open?

Do controls implement a restrictive policy (deny access unless
explicitly allowed) or a permissive policy (permission unless
explicitly denied)?
Is the principle of least-needed functionality and access enforced?
Does the control configuration align with organizational policy?
Finally, we want to look at how existing controls are implemented by asking
the following questions:

Does the implementation of each control follow policies and

Are the controls self-protecting?
Will the controls alert security personnel if they fail or detect an
error condition?
Have the controls been tested to verify they implement the right
Are control activities logged, monitored and reviewed?
Do controls meet defined goals?
Are the control goals mapped to an organizational goal?

Control Testing and Modification

As changes are made to systems and processes, security controls become less
effective. Therefore, it is very important that controls are periodically tested
for effectiveness, something that is actually required in most publicly traded
organizations and should be followed for all businesses. Any change to a
technical or operational control must undergo change management and
approval processes. If additional staff training is required for a given change,
then that change should not be rolled out until the training is complete.
Baseline Controls
Any new system should be subject to a minimum level of security controls,
called the baseline. Examples are:

Role-based access
Data transmission confidentiality, such as encryption
The information security manager should use both internal and external
resources to ensure secure coding practices and logic during software
Just before deploying a new system, there are a series of steps that should be

Test the system against the original security requirements

Test the system’s interfaces for vulnerabilities
Ensure the system provides sufficient security administration
capabilities and feedback
If flaws are detected, work with the project team to prioritize and
If an issue cannot be addressed before rollout, estimate risk to
determine if the rollout should be postponed
If the system is deployed with unresolved issues, make sure each
is documented, and a time-to-fix is agreed on
If no viable resolution is available at deployment, track and
reassess the issue periodically to see if a solution becomes
Code reviews from a security perspective must be carried out, often with the
aid of an external party.
Chapter 42: Information Risk Management – What
Success Looks Like
When we have achieved effective risk management, the following will be

We can handle complexity

Risk appetite and tolerance have been dictated by senior
The information security manager has the authority to carry out
his or her function
All Important assets have been identified, classified and have an
Assets have been prioritized
Chapter 43: Information Security Program
Development and Management – Overview
An information security program is comprised of all activities and resources
that provide information security services to an organization. At times, an
information security manager is required to create an information security
program from the beginning, but more often than not he simply manages an
existing one. Many information security managers have a technical
background and have simply migrated to a management position.
To add some color, a security program is the process through which the
organization’s security systems are designed, implemented, maintained and
retired. There are three elements absolutely required for a successful
1) The program must be the result of a well-developed security
strategy that is closely aligned with business goals.
2) The program must be designed with the full cooperation of both
management and stakeholders.
3) Effective metrics must be defined and properly collected to
provide sufficient feedback.
Many frameworks suggest that the first step is to carry out a risk assessment.
However, that approach ignores the need for a security program to address
more than just risk. For example, we first need to ensure the goals for
information security align with business goals.
An organization may not be ready to undertake the costs and efforts
associated with information security governance. In this case, the information
security manager may need to take a shortcut in developing objectives by
using COBIT or ISO 27001, in combination with CMMI or PAM.
This domain is light in some areas – such as ‘Who Does What’ and
‘Resources That Help’, but more than makes up for it in the ‘Metrics and
Monitoring’ section. This makes sense if you think about it. The security
program is where we measure how well we are managing risk and how well
we handle incidents, so it will be heavy on measuring success by design.
Chapter 44: Information Security Program
Development and Management – The Goal
The primary goal of the information security program is to help achieve the
business’ goals while keeping downtime and costs low. We have already
covered how governance and risk management helps us with this, and now
we turn to information security program goals.
It is rare that an organization has no security activities – the new information
security manager will almost always take over existing management.
Therefore, a gap analysis between the current state and the desired state will
need to be done before we can define our objectives.
Part of this is to define the forces that drive a need for a security program.
Some of these might be:

Regulatory compliance
Security incidents increasing in frequency and cost
Concern over damage to reputation
Compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
(PCI DSS), which is not a governmental agency by the way – it is
purely commercial
Goals that may increase risk
Chapter 45: Information Security Program
Development and Management – The Strategy
Scope and Charter of an Information Security Program
It is up to the information security manager to define scope, responsibilities
and the charter for the information security department. Unlike general
technical responsibilities, don’t expect to find an abundance of
documentation on this matter.
Coming into a new environment, the best approach is to first understand what
those above expect, followed with an abundance of documentation of those
expectations and agreement with management that the documentation is
indeed accurate. We also need to understand where in the chain of command
the information security function fits – who the position reports directly to all
the way to the executives or board, and what positions report to the
information security manager. This will serve to highlight potential conflicts
and set the stage for future relationships that will need to be well-managed.
The conflicts should be discussed with management to identify how they will
be dealt with going forward.
The information security department largely exists to regulate internal
behavior, and therefore it should not report up through those it is supposed to
regulate. Information security managers who report up through technology or
operational management tend to be much less effective.
If new to an existing position, it is likely that the former manager took on
responsibilities that were not fully documented or known. This is a clear sign
that the previous manager was effective due to being persuasive and
influential rather than relying on a defined and documented process. If
possible, the former manager should remain available for a short while to
allow his or her successor to discover these little ‘nuggets of opportunity’.
The subject of security is often politically charged, so the information
security manager must be aware of the organization’s culture. Success may
hang more on the information security manager’s ability to develop the right
relationships than on any given area of expertise. The current state of security
must be determined at the same time, usually by executing a BIA.
Figure 40 shows the steps in developing an information security program –
the flow is pretty much self-explanatory. Note that most of the listed steps
must be executed by the information security manager.

Figure 40: Steps to Information Security Program Development

If our security strategy has been well-developed, all we have to do at this

point is to turn that strategy into logical and physical reality. Well, in theory
anyway. The truth is that there will always be changes to our strategy because
the world is always changing. Businesses requirements change. Infrastructure
evolves. We encounter risks we didn’t know existed a month ago. A new
invention comes along that we need to adopt to reduce costs. We encounter
unexpected resistance within our own organization. Change simply happens.
Regardless, the adoption of a standard development life cycle (SDLC)
approach will help.
Chapter 46: Information Security Program
Development and Management – Who Does What
It is now more common to find that the information security manager is a
member of senior leadership, such as V.P. of Security, chief information
security officer (CISO) or chief security officer (CSO). In some large multi-
national organizations, these functions may role up to the chief risk officer
Chapter 47: Information Security Program
Development and Management – Resources That Help
We’re going to skip this chapter for the security program domain, because all
‘helpful’ resources will be covered in the ‘Metrics and Monitoring’ section.
Chapter 48: Information Security Program
Development and Management – Constraints That Hurt
Anytime a security program is either initiated or extended, expect to
encounter impediments. The most common are:

Resistance due to changes in areas of responsibility, most

commonly called turf wars
A perception that increased security will reduce access required
for someone to do their job
An overreliance on the wrong metrics
Failure of a strategy
Assumptions that procedures will be followed without
Bad project management, resulting in delays
Previously undetected broken or buggy software
The capabilities an information security program will ultimately have
depends on multiple constraints. Here are three scenarios:

Limited funding and a lack of business owner buy-in will most

likely result in documentation only with no process or control
Turf wars, a strict focus on costs and inconsistent policy and
procedure enforcement will result in processes being coordinated,
but there will be no controls implemented.
Good senior management examples, an adequate budget and
business owner buy-in will result in control implementations.
The two most prevalent challenges facing a security manager are:

A view that security can be fixed with technology

Increased security simply makes my job harder
But, the situation is getting better due to the following influences:

Legal and regulatory mandates requiring improved security

Customer and business partner expectations
PCI DSS requirements for credit card processing
Increased litigation resulting in financial damage awards
The rise of cyber insurance which requires an adequate level of
risk management
There are three areas in which a security manager should focus to provide the
best chance at success.
Senior management support is crucial, but in most smaller organizations or
even larger companies not operating in a security-conscious industry, this
will be a struggle to reach. In these cases, the security manager will have to
resort to industry statistics, impact analyses and reviews of common threats.
An overview of approaches that peer organizations in that industry are taking
will help as well.
Inadequate funding is often a symptom of the lack of senior management
support, but their view can be influenced if the following views are

There is no value in security investments

Security is a low-cost center
We don’t understand where the money is going
There is no need for a security investment
Our industry is not investing in security
Sometimes the security manager may have senior management’s full support,
but the money is just simply not there. In this case we can try three different

Leverage the budgets of other business units to implement

security program components
Improve the efficiency of existing components
Work with the steering committee to kick security resource
allocations up in the list of priorities, and make sure they
understand the risk if those items are not funded
Obtaining funding is a never-ending task for the security manager, and there
is a no-win aspect of this thankless job. If the security department performs
too well, then management may start wondering why they have to keep
spending money on something that is not a problem. Perform too poorly and
management may start wondering why they keep spending money on
something that doesn’t work. The only alternative is to perform well and to
continuously show management why security has a direct impact on business
Keeping an effective staffing level is also an unending challenge. Some
obstacles to this are:

A poor understanding of what new resources will be doing

A poor understanding of the need for new activities
A lack of awareness of existing staffing levels or utilization
A belief that existing staff are underutilized
A constant desire to examine outsourcing alternatives
To combat these pesky hurdles, the security manager should generate reports
and metrics that demonstrate the current expenditure of effort by the security
staff. Highlighting how the various security roles and responsibilities provide
protection to enterprise assets will also help. It definitely helps if we can
demonstrate that security staff are continuously becoming more efficient over
If the organization is still unwilling to increase staffing in spite of the above
efforts, the following strategies can help:

See if other business units can take on some security

Look into outsourcing high-volume operations, but be prepared to
show how existing resources will be immediately assigned to
higher-value activities
Work with the steering committee to kick security resource
allocations up in the list of priorities, and make sure they
understand the risk if those items are not funded
There are five challenges commonly encountered when developing an
incident management plan.
First, a lack of management buy-in and organizational consensus will
often prevent effective incident responses. This happens primarily when
senior management and other stakeholders are not involved in the planning
process. A contributing factor may also be a lack of regular meetings.
Secondly, if the incident management process does not align with the
business goals or how it is organizationally structured, it will be unable to
detect incidents and protect the business.
Third, the loss of a champion of incident management, such as a senior
management member or stakeholder, will cause the focus to be lost almost
Fourth, the lack of a good communication process will cause either under-
communication or over-communication. Under-communication results in
misunderstandings about the need for incident management. Over-
communication will result in people becoming concerned that the plan is too
much to handle or that it competes with their other priorities.
And finally, an overly complex and broad plan will overwhelm people,
causing them to resist supporting it.
Chapter 49: Information Security Program
Development and Management – The Action Plan
There are a number of approaches to developing an incident management
action plan, also known as the incident response plan, or IRP.
CMU/SEI’s Defining Incident Management Processes describes 5 steps, as
shown in Figure 41.

Figure 41: Incident Response Plan Process Flow

Let’s walk through the steps and describe each.

First, in the prepare step we do all of the footwork required before we can
actually carry out protection. There are two subprocesses here:
1) Plan and design
2) Implement
Then, we protect the infrastructure by responding to incidents and carrying
out improvements over time. There are four subprocesses:
1) Measure our current protection levels by performing security
2) Implement changes to infrastructure to mitigate potential
3) Improve protection based on postmortems after incidents
4) Provide input on how to detect future incidents
We then detect suspicious activity, which includes two subprocesses:
1) Execute proactive detection by carrying out vulnerability scans,
network device alerts and log reviews
2) Execute reactive detection by tapping into reports from users
inside of our organization and from other organizations
Triage is next, where we sort incoming reports into three categories:
1) Problems that cannot be easily solved
2) Problems that can wait
3) Problems that can be addressed with our current resources
Effective triaging prevents us from assigning resources needlessly and helps
to float the most important problems to the top of the heap. Prioritization can
be carried out using two different sets of criteria:
1) Based on a tactical set of criteria
2) Based on the strategic impact to the business
There are four subprocess for the triage step:
1) Categorization, where we assign the problem to one of the three
categories defined earlier (cannot be solved, can wait, and can be
solved now)
2) Correlation, where we associate other data points or information
with the problem; this allows us to see the problem clearly and may
change how we approach it
3) Prioritization, where we prioritize according to the two methods
described earlier (tactical or strategic)
4) Assignment, where we assign the problem to be worked by team
members based on current workload, experience with this problem, the
category or priority of the problem, or to the relevant business unit
And finally, we respond to the incident in which we resolve or mitigate the
problem. There are three types of response activities:

A technical response, where we analyze and resolve the incident.

A management response, which covers any type of supervisory
intervention, notification, escalation or approval.
A legal response, which is any activity related to investigation,
prosecution, liability or other legal issues. This is usually referred
to the corporate legal team.
Chapter 50: Information Security Program
Development and Management – Metrics and
We have previously stressed that if you can’t measure something, then you
will never know if it is successful or not. The same applies to a security
program, but not all metrics are equal. While technical metrics are great for
measuring how well specific controls are working, they do little to tell us
how well our security program is aligned with organizational goals. To
illustrate this, consider the following questions and see how we would
determine the answer based on technical measurements alone:

How secure is the organization?

How much security is enough?
What are the most effective solutions?
How do we determine the degree of risk?
Are we moving in the right direction?
What impact would a catastrophic security breach have?
Obviously, we can’t answer those questions by looking at logs or reports
from some appliance. We need to collect some other type of metrics. But, we
must first ensure we have properly defined goals. After all, if you don’t what
to measure, then how are you going to measure it? Ultimately, the point of
collecting metrics is so we can make an informed decision. Is it working, or
do we need to course correct? Are there gaps we have not closed yet?
Qualitative metrics that are properly monitored can be used to discover
trends, and are represented by the following possibilities:

CMMI levels
Business balanced scorecard (BSC)
Six Sigma quality indicators
ISO 9001 quality indicators
While there are different ways to determine how effective a security program
is over time, the most important thing is to be consistent. One approach is to
regularly conduct risk assessments and track how they change over time. Or,
we can use scanning and penetration testing to evaluate our progress,
although this really only covers a single dimension of overall security.
Another approach is to hook into change management activities, so changes
can be evaluated and addressed.
Most monitoring will be implemented using technical controls, but training
help desk personnel can be a great asset as many attacks will start with a
social engineering aspect, and this can provide advanced warning of a
pending event.
While it may not be apparent, effective monitoring is a crucial part of the
budgeting process. Senior management is always on the lookout for cost-
cutting measures or to shift money to the best ROI they can find. By agreeing
on the correct KPIs from the beginning, it will be obvious if a given security
program should continue to be funded.
Measuring Information Security Management Performance
Measuring success is not just about metrics, though – while metrics are the
end result, a security manager must know how to implement processes and
mechanisms that produce useful metrics. Measuring success consists of the
following three steps:
1) Defining measurable goals
2) Tracking the most appropriate metrics
3) Periodically analyzing those results so we know where to make
Measuring Information Security Risk and Loss
It is impossible to address all risk in a system while not impacting some level
of usability. Likewise, it is not possible to deliver the optimum user
experience without impacting security. There must be a compromise in the
middle where both aspects are considered to be acceptable. Achieving this
balance can be reached in a number of ways. There are three approaches we
can use to measure our success against loss prevention and risk management.
The technical vulnerability management approach examines the number of
technical or operational vulnerabilities in a given system during a reporting
period, and then looks to see how effective we have been in resolving them.
The risk management approach looks at the number of risks identified
within a given reporting period, and then looks at how each was avoided,
accepted, transferred or mitigated.
The loss prevention approach looks at the amount of losses incurred during a
reporting period, and how many were preventable.
All three of these approaches result in a quantitative measurement. We can
also take a qualitative approach by asking the following questions:

Do risk management activities occur as scheduled?

Do executive management oversight and review activities occur
as scheduled?
Have IRPs and BCPs been tested?
Are asset inventories and risk analyses up-to-date?
Is there a consensus among stakeholders on the amount of
acceptable risk?

Measuring Support of Organizational Objectives

To measure how well aligned security goals are with business goals, we need
to determine if there is a documented correlation between business milestones
and the security program goals, and the number of security program goals
that were successfully completed in support of those business goals. An
interesting aspect of this measurement activity is to figure out if there were
any business goals that were not met because information security goals were
not met. A final consideration is to measure the strength of consensus among
stakeholders that security program goals are complete and appropriate.
Measuring Compliance
Most security failures are the result of people not following the procedures
that keep us in compliance with standards. When building jets or nuclear
power plants any level of compliance with standards and regulations less than
100% is unacceptable. For the rest of the world, a 100% compliance level is
not nearly as important. Instead, we need to weigh the acceptable level of
compliance against benefits and potential impacts to figure out where we
should land.
Of course, measuring compliance with a technical standard can often be
automated and is relatively easy. Measuring compliance against procedures
or standards is quite a bit more challenging. Sometimes constant monitoring
is warranted, as in the case of protecting entrances controlled by guards. At
other times a simple case of logging and checklists may be enough.
Compliance requirements will fall into one of three categories:

Statutory compliance, in which external regulations and

legislation demand compliance.
Contractual compliance, where we are obligated by a contract to
remain in compliance.
Internal compliance, in which we impose self-constraints for our
own benefit.

Measuring Operational Productivity

To measure productivity, we simply calculate the work produced per resource
within a period of time. For example, if we want to measure productivity of
analyzing a log, we could measure the number of entries analyzed per
resource each hour. To see if a change has increased our productivity, we
measure a baseline before the change, and take the same measurement after
the change, and compare the results. In this manner we can easily see if
automating certain tasks has achieved a productivity level that was worth the
Measuring Security Cost-Effectiveness
Financial constraints are a common reason for security failures. We therefore
have to be purposeful in ensuring we can get value out of every dollar spent.
We do this by making sure we can properly forecast budgets when comparing
initial and final expenditures for past projects. If we are consistently under-
estimating costs, then we need to adjust how we arrive at those estimates.
We also need to track cost/result ratios to measure how cost-effective specific
components are. Cost is not just the amount of money we spend on buying or
building a control. It also includes maintenance, operations and
administrative costs for the period being analyzed. This, along with other
hidden costs, should give us a total cost of ownership, or TCO, for each
component. Turning that cost value into a measurable metric allows us to
track cost efficiency. For example, suppose we implement an IDS appliance,
and set the annual cost to $150K, which is able to handle 24 billion network
packets over the same period. We can then express the efficiency as
work/cost, or 24 billion packets/$150K, or 160K packets per dollar spent.
Measuring Organizational Awareness
On the opposite end of the spectrum from technical metrics, we need to be
able to measure how effective our security awareness training program is.
Having vigilant employees is just as important, if not more so, than any
technical control. Since success must be measured at the employee level, HR
is a crucial partner for this activity. Records of initial training, and acceptance
and acknowledgement of policies and usage agreements are valuable metrics
by which we can measure how effective our awareness training is being.
Additionally, HR can help us identify employees and units that are not fully
engaged in the awareness program.
Another method for measuring awareness is by testing employees
immediately after training sessions using online or paper quizzes. The same
quizzes can be targeted to a random sampling of employees at any time to get
additional measurements.
Measuring Effectiveness of Technical Security Architecture
Measuring the effectiveness of a technical security architecture is one of the
best uses for a quantitative approach. Possible metrics include:

The number of probe and attack attempts repelled by network

access control devices
The number of probe and attack attempts detected by IDSs on the
internal network
The number and type of actual compromises
Statistics on viruses, worms and other malware identified and
The amount of downtime attributed to security flaws and
unpatched systems
The number of messages, sessions or KB of data examined by an
We can also collect qualitative metrics such as:

If technical mechanisms have been tested

If security controls are applied in a layered fashion
If mechanisms are properly configured and monitored in real-time
All critical systems stream events to security personnel in real-
Keep in mind that the metrics we have just covered will have little meaning
to senior management, and they will need to be summarized at a higher level
before presentation to those stakeholders.
Measuring Effectiveness of Management Framework and
Some methods for tracking the overall success of the security program

How often issues reoccur

How well operational knowledge is documented and spread
How many processes refer to standards
How well security roles and responsibilities are documented
If every project plan incorporates security requirements
How well security goals align with organizational goals

Measuring Operational Performance

It is important that the security controls put into place are supported by the
operational components of the security program. Some ways to measure this

The time required to detect, escalate, isolate and contain incidents

The time between vulnerability detection and resolution
The quantity, frequency and severity of incidents discovered after
their occurrence
The average time between a vendor’s release of a patch and its
The percentage of systems that have been audited within a certain
time period
The number of changes that are released without full change
control approval

Monitoring and Communication

All of the best controls in the world will be rendered completely useless
unless they are monitored, and a communication path exists for them to get
attention when needed. The security manager should consider implementing
a centralized monitoring environment that provides visibility into all
information resources. There will always be a large number of events that
could be monitored, but a subset should be selected to keep scope within an
acceptable size. Some commonly monitored events are:

Failed access attempts

Processing faults that might indicate someone is tampering with a
Outages, race conditions and faults related to design issues
Changes to system configurations
Privileged system access and activities
Technical security component faults
A well-thought-out process for responding to events should be established,
and all analysts should be properly trained. The escalation path for security
events should be tested regularly.
The focus should not always be on real-time events, however. Figure out
which are the most frequently targeted resources, or the types of attacks seen
the most frequently. Keep in mind that log reviews, even if happening in real-
time, will only reflect what has already happened – their main value is in
figuring out how it happened. Even an IDS may not trigger a warning soon
Chapter 51: Information Security Program
Development and Management – What Success Looks
Outcomes of Information Security Program Management
The primary difficulty with implementing a security program is in translating
design concepts into technologies and processes. If developing the security
program is a major effort, a full security architecture should be used. If an
enterprise architecture already exists, then the security architecture should be
incorporated into that.
Any successful security program will result in the following six outcomes:

Strategic alignment
Risk management
Value delivery
Resource management
Performance measurement
Assurance process integration
Let’s go through each outcome individually.
Strategic Alignment
Strategic alignment refers to the degree that security goals align with
business goals. This requires frequent interaction with business owners so
that we can understand their plans and goals. Topics to discuss include:

Organizational information risk

Selection of control goals and standards
Gaining agreement on acceptable risk and risk tolerance
Definitions of financial, operational and other constraints
This can occur through a security steering committee if business owners are
members and actively participate. Daily interactions can serve to greatly
enhance cooperation.
Risk Management
We have already covered risk management in great detail, as it is a core
function for a security program. Enough said.
Value Delivery
Value delivery simply means that the security program delivers what it
promises – to create the desired level of security effectively and efficiently.
While even mentioning this might seem slightly obtuse, if it is not defined as
an objective a program could easily focus on side-goals and not deliver the
obvious. Continued delivery of value means that a security program is seen as
‘normal’ by everyone in the organization and is in fact expected because
standards are in place. Security management cannot remain static and must
purposefully strive to be in a state of constant improvement, because the
nature of threats is always changing as well.
Resource Management
Recall that resources encompass people, technology and processes – all
required to develop and manage a security program. Those resources can be
further categorized as human, financial, technical and knowledge. That last
one – knowledge – is particularly important, as good resource management
captures knowledge and makes it available to those who need it. Applying
that to security programs, we need to make sure that practices and processes
are well-documented and consistently applied using standards and policies.
Performance Measurement
Any good information security strategy must identify how it will be
monitored, and the metrics to be collected should be spelled out. Along the
way, more metrics will become available or identified, and we will need
processes for adding those to our strategy.
Not only do we need to measure how effective our security program is, we
need to measure how we are doing in implementing that program itself. Sort
of like making sure the building we are constructing will meet our needs
when it is done, while simultaneously measuring progress with the
construction process. We are measuring what we are building as well as how
we are building. Independent auditors will need to be called in once we
‘think’ we are done building the program to tell us if we really are.
Assurance Process Integration
An assurance provider is an individual or group that has an expertise level of
knowledge and skills in a given area, and as a result helps us to identify and
manage risk as well as monitor the effectiveness of mitigation controls in that
area. Basically, they are the subject matter experts that the information
security manager relies on to create an effective security program. Some
examples might be a business manager, IT manager, or finance director –
even the information security manager herself. Anyone who can contribute to
security effectiveness.
The information security manager should actively cultivate good
relationships with other assurance providers and strive to integrate their
activities with information security activities.
Chapter 52: Information Security Incident
Management – Overview
In a typical organization, there are many departments involved in the
development of an incident management and response plan, including:

IT department
Internal audit
HR department
Legal department
Physical security
Risk management
Insurance department
PR department
Sales and marketing
Senior management
Compliance officer
Privacy officer
When an incident occurs, it is due to the failure or absence of a control, and
security staff must act quickly. We usually think of incident management as
the actions that take place during this time. However, the full scope of
incident management are all actions taken before, during and after an
incident. Those actions should all be designed with five goals in mind:
1) Provide a way to minimize the impact
2) Provide enough information so we can make the right decisions
3) Maintain or restore continuity of enterprise services
4) Provide a defense against subsequent attacks
5) Provide additional deterrence through technology, investigation
and prosecution
Events deserving of an incident management response can be technical
attacks, accidents, mistakes or the failure of a system or process. Any type of
incident that can disrupt the normal operation of the business must be
considered by the information security manager. Just like risk management,
risk assessments and BIAs form the basis for how we prioritize the protection
of resources and how we carry out response activities.
The more we use information systems, the more important it becomes on how
effective we are at incident management. There are multiple factors that
compound this need. For example, the overall impact from security incidents
is on the rise, as is the failure of existing security controls. Legal and
regulatory mandates require increased security vigilance. The sophistication
and capabilities of for-profit and nation-state attackers is growing, and they
are using more and more zero-day attacks.
Incident Response Concepts
Let’s cover some key concepts related to incident management.
Incident handling is a service that covers all processes or tasks associated
with handling events and incidents. It involves four functions:

Detection and reporting of incidents and alerts

Triage, which occurs when we categorize, prioritize and assign
incidents so that we do not involve unnecessary resources
Analysis, in which we figure out what happened, the size of the
threat, the possible damage, and how we are going to recover
Incident response, which are the actions taken to resolve an
incident, communicate information, and implement follow-up
actions to prevent it from happening again
Effective incident management ensures that incidents are detected, recorded
and managed to limit impacts. Recording an incident is important so that we
can track what has been done and work to be done can be planned. This
enables us to take disciplinary or legal action, because all the forensics
information from the incident has been preserved in a format that is
acceptable. Additionally, the assigned priority ensures that any resulting work
is addressed in an acceptable timeframe. This information can also be
checked against known errors to provide possible short-term work-arounds.
Incident management may also involve other functions such as vulnerability
management and security awareness training.
Incident response is the last step in handling an incident, and carries out
mitigation (stop the pain), containment (stop the threat), and recovery (repair
the damage) actions.
Incident Response Technology Concepts
There are eight security principles the incident response team must
understand, which were covered in Section 1, such as CIA, privacy,
compliance, etc. Refer back to that section if you need a refresher.
The team must also understand common security vulnerabilities and
weaknesses. Software-centric issues include protocol design flaws, such as a
man-in-the-middle attack, malicious code, such as trojan horses,
implementation flaws such as buffer overflows, and even mis-configuration
of systems or applications.
Other weaknesses that the team must understand include physical security
issues, phishing attacks resulting from a lack of user awareness, or simple
user errors.
The team must be familiar with and understand security issues with the
technologies that the Internet itself is built on, including network protocols,
such as TCP, IP, UDP, ICMP, and ARP. Network applications and services
such as DNS, NFS and SSH need to be well-understood, as are network
security issues with firewalls or routers.
The team must be well-versed in operating system (OS) security issues
including UNIX, Windows, MAC, Linux, Android, and iOS. General OS
issues include hardening systems, reviewing configuration files for
weaknesses and effectively managing system privileges. The team must
understand common attack methods, how to know if an attack has already
occurred, how to determine if that attack was successful, how to analyze the
results of an attack, and how to recover from a compromise. Duties outside of
the attack life cycle include reviewing log files for anomalies.
Knowledge of how malicious code can propagate is crucial, including the
usual methods using CDs, USB drives, email, programs and malicious web
sites. Even knowledge of the lesser known propagation methods is important,
such as macros, MIME extensions and peer-to-peer file sharing.
And finally, the team must possess some programming skills for two reasons:
1) To be able to detect vulnerabilities
2) To be able to coach developers on secure coding practices
Some poor coding practices the team must understand are lack of input
validation, SQL injection, XSS, broken authentication and unvalidated
This chapter may have included a number of terms that you are unfamiliar
with, but an in-depth definition of each is beyond the scope of this book and
the exam. But, you need to be very familiar with the details behind each if
you are to be a successful CISM candidate.

Chapter 53: Information Security Incident

Management – The Goal
The goals of incident management are to:

Deploy proactive countermeasures to lower the chances of an

event from happening
Handle incidents when they occur so any exposure can be
eradicated or contained
Restore systems to normal operations
Prevent an incident from recurring by documenting and learning

Strategic Alignment
To ensure that incident management’s goals are aligned with the
organization, the following components should be examined.

Constituency – who are the stakeholders, and what do they

Mission – if we don’t know our mission, how can we hope to
identify our goals?
Services – all services provided by the incident management team
should be clearly defined for stakeholders
Organizational structure – the incident management team’s
structure should be the one that best meets the organization’s
Resources – it is seldom possible to be able to provide all services
within one team, and so it more than likely will need to be
partially virtual with part-time members
Funding – the right amount of funding will be required to
purchase specialized equipment, so the offered services continue
to be available
Management buy-in – to be truly effective, the incident
management effort must have the full support of senior

Risk Management
Incident management is the last line of defense for cost-effective risk
management. When all prevention efforts fail, incident management steps in
to handle the fallout. To deliver value, incident management must seamlessly
integrate with business processes and the BCP. It must provide a greater
ability to manage risk and provide assurance to stakeholders, and it must
become part of an organization’s overall strategy to protect critical functions
and assets.
Some goals of incident management are to detect and diagnose incidents
quickly and accurately. This should be followed by activities that contain and
minimize damage so that affected services can be restored. Determination of
the root cause of an incident is central to this process, and the job is not
complete until we have implemented improvements to prevent a recurrence
of the incident and documented and reported the entire event properly.
In short, the goal of incident management is to prevent incidents from
becoming problems, and problems from becoming disasters. Figure 42
illustrates the steps to effectively handle incidents.

Figure 42: Incident Management Life Cycle Phases

Chapter 54: Information Security Incident
Management – The Strategy
Incidents will always be rushed and confusing. To avoid the wrong decisions
from being made in the heat of battle, proper planning and well documented
procedures should be created well before an incident occurs. This will require
significant resources and arriving at a consensus between stakeholders with
senior management support will need to reached before those resources are
allocated. We can do this in one of two ways:

Wait for the unacceptable consequences of an incident to spur

Create persuasive business cases detailing how similar incidents
in peer organizations resulted in unacceptable consequences
The severity criteria used for incident management should be consistent
among incidents. It should be made clear who has the authority to determine
the response level, activate the teams, declare a disaster and start the recovery
Chapter 55: Information Security Incident
Management – Who Does What
The role of an information security manager will vary across organizations,
but at a minimum the security manager should be a first responder to any
security incident. The manager must also have a good understanding of the
BC and DR processes to ensure incident management plans are part of those
Incident Management Organization
Incident management is a subset of risk management and can be viewed as
the reactive element. In other words, if our attempts to prevent a threat fail,
incident management kicks in to handle the fallout. This means that we will
need to create a response and recovery program. This will include meeting
with emergency management officials outside of the organization to get a
handle on what governmental capabilities exist. From these meetings, we
should be able to understand what local emergencies are likely to occur based
on history in that geographical region. For example, state authorities will
have better insight into how likely our area is to experience earthquakes,
recurring floods or tornadoes.
Emergency management activities normally include the following:

Recovery back to an operational status

Restoration of hardware, software and data files
Ensuring safety of personnel
Evacuation of endangered personnel
Establishment of a command center
Managing communication to external parties

Related to incident management, the responsibilities for the information
security manager can be divided into three areas - before an incident happens,
while an incident is underway, and after the incident has been handled.
Responsibilities before an incident occurs include the development of
incident management and response plans and ensuring that both technical and
administrative solutions are handled properly – all while taking care of
budgeting and development. Maintaining response readiness is crucial, but
we need to strike a balanced posture between operational and security
Responsibilities while an incident is underway include handling and
coordinating incident response activities, making sure the damage and losses
do not escalate out of control, and recovering quickly by notifying the correct
people to begin the recovery process.
Post-incident responsibilities for the security manager include decreasing the
likelihood of recurrence and dealing with legal and law-enforcement issues.
The information security manager will need to define exactly what constitutes
a security incident. It is fairly obvious that security incidents should include
malicious code attacks, DoS and DDoS attacks, and social engineering
attacks. Surveillance and espionage activities, as well as hoaxes, should be
added to the list as well. Some less-obvious incidents cover unauthorized
access to IT or information resources and unauthorized changes to systems,
network devices or information. Many times, a ‘malicious’ incident actually
turns out to be the result of human error. In fact, there are normally twice as
many incidents caused by human error as those cause by external breaches.
Senior Management Commitment
To gain senior management support for incident management activities, a
business case can be easily created that shows an effective incident
management response can be more cost-effective than trying to implement
controls for all possible risks. This may allow the business to set a higher
level of acceptable risk, thereby lowering mitigation costs.
An incident management team normally is comprised of four roles, which are
the information security manager, steering committee, dedicated team
members and virtual team members. The information security manager will
usually lead the team. The steering committee is usually called the security
steering group, or SSG, which serves as an escalation point for the team and
approves exceptions to normal activities. Because the breadth of systems the
incident management team must cover is wide, it is usually more cost-
effective to populate the team with part-time virtual members as opposed to
dedicated personnel.
There are four different incident response team models to choose from. We
can use the central IRT model in which we have only one team. This is best-
suited for smaller organizations. For larger organizations, we might choose to
use the distributed IRT model, which supports multiple teams, each
responsible for a different logical or physical segment of the infrastructure.
Or, we can choose to employ the coordinating IRT model, in which we have
multiple distributed teams that manage and implement responses but rely
upon a single central team providing all guidance and policy decisions.
Finally, we could simply choose to outsource at least a portion of the security
team using the outsourced IRT model.
If there are virtual team members, these usually will be restricted to business
representatives, legal staff, communications staff, or other non-core roles.
The permanent members will normally be incident handlers, investigators,
forensics experts and IT and physical security.
Roles and Responsibilities
Table 5 lists all roles and responsibilities related to security incident
Position Roles Responsibilities
Security steering group Highest structure of 1. Takes responsibility for overall
an organization’s incident management and response
functions related to concept
information security 2. Approves IMT charter
3. Approves exceptions/deviations
4. Makes final decisions
Information security manager IMT leader and 1. Develops and maintains incident
main interface to management and response capability
SSG 2. Effectively manages risk and
3. Performs proactive and reactive
measures to control information risk
Incident response manager IRT leader 1. Supervises incident response tasks
2. Coordinates resources to effectively
perform incident response tasks
3. Takes responsibility for successful
execution of IRP
4. Presents incident response report
and lessons learned to SSG members
Incident handler IMT/IRT team 1. Performs incident response tasks to
member contain exposures from an incident
2. Documents steps taken when
executing the IRP
3. Maintains chain of custody and
observes incident handling procedures
for court purposes
4. Writes incident response report and
lessons learned
Investigator IMT/IRT team 1. Performs investigative tasks for a
member specific incident
2. Finds root cause of an incident
3. Writes report of investigative
IT security specialist IMT/IRT team 1. Performs complex and in-depth IT
member; subject security-related tasks as part of the
matter expert in IT IRP
security 2. Performs IT security assessment
and audit as a proactive measure and
part of vulnerability management
Business managers Business function 1. Makes decisions on matter related
owners; information to information assets and systems
assets and system when an incident happens, based on
owners IRT/IMT recommendations
2. Provides clear understanding of
business impact in BIA process or IRP
IT specialists/representatives Subject matter 1. Provide support to IMT/IRT when
expert in IT services resolving an incident
2.Maintain information systems in
good condition per company policy
and good practices
Legal representative Subject matter 1. Ensures that incident response
expert in legal actions and procedures comply with
legal and regulatory requirements
2.Acts as the liaison to law
enforcement and outside agencies
HR Subject matter 1. Provides assistance in incident
expert in HR area management or response when there is
a need to investigate an employee
suspected of causing an incident
2. Integrates HR policy to support
incident management or response
PR representative Subject matter 1. Provides controlled communication
expert in PR area to internal and external stakeholders to
minimize any adverse impact to
ongoing incident response activities
and protect the organization’s brand
and reputation
2. Provides assistance to IMT/IRT in
communication issues, thus allowing
the team to focus on critical issues

Risk management specialist Subject matter 1. Works closely with business

expert in risk managers and senior management to
management determine and manage risk
2. Provides input to incident
Physical security/facilities manager Knowledgeable 1. Responsible for physical plant and
about physical plant facilities
and emergency 2. Ensures physical security during
capabilities incidents
Table 5: Security Incident Roles and Responsibilities

The set of skills that IRT members need to possess can be divided into two
groups – personal and technical. Let’s cover the personal skills first.
One primary personal skill is communication, in both directions – speaking
and listening. Communications can take many forms, including email,
documentation, notifications and policies and procedures. Members need to
be good listeners in order to get all of the necessary details related to an
incident. This applies to both in what is being said as well as what is not
being said, and the targeted audiences include:

Other team members

IT staff
Application owners
Users of the system
Technical experts
Management and other administrative staff
Human resources
Law enforcement
Media and public relations staff
Let’s discuss some other important incident response team member skills.
Leadership skills are essential, as team members must often direct and get
support from other members of the organization. The ability to present
information is crucial, ranging from technical overviews, public conferences
and court appearances. Of course, the ability to follow policies and
procedures is a given, as well as the ability to be a team player. An often-
overlooked quality is that of possessing integrity due to the sensitive nature
of the information team members will be expected to handle. Having a
healthy level of self-understanding in terms of recognizing limitations will
go a long way to ensuring success, as will the ability to cope with stress,
solve problems and manage time effectively.
The second group of skills are technical and are comprised of two types.
First, technical foundation skills refer to the ability of members to
understand the basic technologies used in the organization, followed by
incident-handling skills, which we have already covered in abundance.
Post-Incident Activities and Investigation
The basic, and fairly obvious, principles the security manager should adhere
to when approaching post-incident reviews are to identify a problem, create a
plan to mitigate the problem and then implement the solution. A less obvious
activity in following up on incidents is to calculate the total loss. This
provides a very useful metric as it provides a tool to justify the existence of
the response team to senior management and will be valuable information if a
court case results from an incident.
Identifying Causes and Corrective Actions
For each security event, a review team should examine the evidence and find
a root cause for the security failure. This in turn is used to enhance the
security program and to prevent a recurrence. This analysis should ask:

Who was involved?

What happened?
Where did the attack originate from?
When did it happen?
Why did it happen?
How was the system vulnerable or how did the attack happen?
What was the reason for the attack?
In order to ensure a clear record of events is recorded, one or more people
should be tasked with incident documentation and preservation of evidence.
Establishing Procedures
It is crucial that the incident handling process adhere to a strict set of rules
intended to properly preserve evidence in case legal action is required later.
The information security manager should seek out the advice of legal
counsel, senior management and law enforcement officials so that processes
are in place to preserve evidence and ensure a legal chain of custody while
still meeting business goals.
An important concept for incident handlers to internalize is to do nothing that
could change, modify or contaminate evidence. Not doing this can easily
render valuable evidence inadmissible in a court of law. The initial response
by a system administrator should be to retrieve information needed to
confirm an incident, followed by the identification of the scope and size of
the affected environment. This is followed by determining the degree of loss,
modification or damage as well as identifying the possible path or means of
Requirements for Evidence
If care is not taken to keep evidence free of contamination, it may prevent us
from carrying out forensics activities required to identify and prosecute the
perpetrator. It can also prevent us from understanding how the attack
occurred and what changes we should make to stop it next time.
When a computer has been compromised, the usual recommendation is to
unplug it to preserve the evidence on the hard drive. This prevents the
operating system swap files from overwriting the data as well as stopping the
attacker from covering his tracks. However, it is not always the best action to
take. By killing power, we risk corruption of data on the disk, and if malware
is resident in memory only, that evidence will be lost when power is
removed. As both actions are reasonable, the information security manager
will need to establish the correct approach and make sure personnel are
trained to take that action.
When it comes time for a forensics expert to start analyzing digital media, it
is important that the analysis be performed on a copy and never the original
data. The original media should be given to an ‘evidence custodian’ who will
store it in a safe and secure location. If the original media is ever changed in
any way after the incident, that evidence will no longer be admissible in
The copy of a hard drive must be a bit-level image taken by a write-protected
cable to prevent even one byte from being written back to the source media.
Hash values of both the source and copy are calculated to ensure the copy is
exactly the same as the original.
Legal Aspects of Forensic Evidence
The required documentation to establish that evidence is legally admissible in
court requires us to follow some very stringent rules. This starts with a chain
of custody form tracking the who, what, when, and where of access to the
evidence and why the evidence was accessed. All acquiring technicians must
sign nondisclosure and confidentiality forms, follow a very specific checklist
and maintain a detailed activity log. A case log must be created to outline
when requests were received, dates investigations were assigned to
investigators, and investigator information. Investigation report templates for
investigators to fill out should be used, and a process needs to be established
to ensure that all investigations are fair, unbiased and well-documented.
Chapter 56: Information Security Incident
Management – Resources That Help
Policies and Standards
The incident response plan, or IRP, must include a documented set of
policies, standards and procedures for a variety of reasons. First, we need to
ensure that incident management activities are aligned with the incident
management team (IRT) mission. We need to set correct expectations,
provide guidance for operational needs and maintain a consistency of
services. Roles and responsibilities must be clearly understood and
requirements for alternate personnel should be set.
Incident Management Systems
Due to the ever-increasing amount of information, automated incident
management systems have become more popular. These systems can
automate many manual processes by filtering information in real-time and
identify pending incidents, resulting in alerts sent to an incident management
team, or IRT. These systems can be distributed or centralized. Distributed
systems will normally contain multiple detection capabilities such as a
network intrusion detection system (NIDS), a host-based intrusion detection
system (HIDS) and the ability to sift through appliance logs.
An example of a centralized incident management system is a security
information and event manager, or SIEM. Centralized systems gather logs
from across the network and combine the data into a single database that is
mined in real-time to detect dangerous patterns.
One key capability that an incident management system provides is to track
the status of incidents as they happen, usually by providing a web-based user
interface. This means that we will be less likely to overlook an incident, as
well as ensuring that it is eventually resolved in some manner.
An effective SIEM will consolidate input from multiple systems and
identify potential and real incidents. This is followed by a notification to
staff, and incidents will be prioritized based on the business impact, which
are then tracked until closed. Overall, a good SIEM should force us to
implement effective practice guidelines.
Unfortunately, it often takes years to properly configure an incident
management system. On the positive side, the following two points highlight
the primary benefits of such a system:

Operating costs will go down as we can lower staffing needs and

automate many manual processes.
A properly-configured automated system can drastically decrease
the response time to an event, resulting in lower costs due to
quicker containment and a faster recovery.

Put simply, audits are performed to make sure an organization is in
compliance with policies, standards and procedures. Internal audits are
usually carried out by an employed specialist, while external audits are
executed by a third party. While most external audits are a result of proving
compliance with some type of legal or regulatory rule, they are sometimes
required by a business partner.
Related to incident management, an audit can validate that we should not be
compromised if an event happens and that we will remain in compliance. It
can also show the presence of gaps in response plans.
Outsourced Security Providers
If an organization outsources both IT operations and incident management to
the same vendor, there may be some advantages due to tighter integration
between the two. The information security manager should consider several
things when partially or fully outsourcing security functions. The
organization’s incident number should be matched to the vendor’s incident
number, and the organization’s change management workflow should be tied
with the vendor’s. A periodic review of incidents should also be performed
with the vendor.
Chapter 57: Information Security Incident
Management – Constraints That Hurt
There are no overtly valuable constraints that need to be pointed out for this
Chapter 58: Information Security Incident
Management – The Action Plan
The plan for implementation is really handled in the other sections for this
domain, so we will skip this chapter.
Chapter 59: Information Security Incident
Management – Metrics and Monitoring
Some common KPIs for incident management are the total number of
reported incidents, the total number of detected incidents, the number of days
without a reported incident, and the average time to resolve. Both KPIs and
KGIs must be well-defined and agreed to by relevant stakeholders.
Chapter 60-: Information Security Incident
Management – What Success Looks Like
How do we know when we have a good incident management solution in
place? When the following seven statements are true:

We can deal with unanticipated events

Incidents are detected quickly
Procedures detailing response decisions are well-documented
Response procedures change based on the criticality and
sensitivity of the asset
Employees know how to recognize and report incidents
Security is implemented in a cost-effective manner
Response capabilities are regularly tested and measured
Now, if the following seven statements are also true then we have a great
incident management solution:

Risk level is within acceptable limits

Response teams are equipped, trained and in-place
Incident response procedures, or IRPs, are in-place and
understood by stakeholders
Root causes are fixed to allow an acceptable interruption
window, or AIW
Communication flows to stakeholders as documented in the
communication plan
Lessons learned are documented and shared to stakeholders
Internal and external stakeholders are confident the business has
control over risks
The following list of acronyms is taken directly from the CISM Review
Manual, 15th edition. Not all acronyms are found in this book, but it is
recommended that you be familiar with this list in case a term is used on the

​ lliance for Enterprise Security Risk Management

AIW ​Acceptable interruption window
ALE ​Annual loss expectancy
API ​Application programming interface
AS/NZS A ​ ustralian Standard/New Zealand Standard
ASCII A ​ merican Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASIC ​ pplication-specific integrated circuit
ASP ​ pplication service provider
ATM ​ synchronous Transfer Mode
AV ​ sset value
BCI ​ usiness Continuity Institute
BCM ​ usiness continuity management
BCP ​ usiness continuity planning
BGP ​ order Gateway Protocol
BI ​ usiness intelligence
BIA ​ usiness impact analysis
BIMS ​ iometric information management and security
BIOS ​ asic input/output system
BITS ​ anking Information Technology Standards
BLP ​ ell-LaPadula
BLP ​ ypass label process
BS ​ ritish Standard
CA ​ ertificate authority
CASPR C ​ ommonly accepted security practices and recommendations
CD ​ ompact disk
​ ompact disk-read only memory
CEO ​Chief executive officer
CERT ​Computer emergency response team
CFO ​Chief financial officer
CIM ​Computer-integrated manufacturing
CIO ​Chief information officer
CIRT ​Computer incident response team
CISO ​Chief information security officer
CMM ​Capability Maturity Model
CMU/SEI C ​ arnegie Mellon University/Software Engineering Institute
COO ​ hief operating officer
COOP C ​ ontinuity of operations plan
CORBA C ​ ommon Object Request Broker Architecture
COSO C ​ ommittee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission
CPO ​ hief privacy officer
CPU ​ entral processing unit
CRM ​ ustomer relationship management
CSA ​ ontrol self-assessment
CSF ​ ritical success factor
CSIRT C ​ omputer security incident response team
CSO ​ hief security officer
CSRC C ​ omputer Security Resources Center (USA)
CRO ​ hief risk officer
CTO ​ hief Technology officer
CVE ​ ommon vulnerabilities and exposures
DAC ​ iscretionary access controls
DBMS D ​ atabase management system
DCE ​ istributed control environment
DCE ​ ata communications equipment
DCE ​ istributed computing environment
DCL ​ igital command language
DDoS D ​ istributed denial of service
DES ​Data Encryption Standard
DHCP ​Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DMZ ​Demilitarized zone
DNS ​Domain name system
DNSSEC D ​ omain Name Service Secure
DoS ​ enial of service
DOSD D ​ ata-oriented system development
DR ​ isaster recovery
DRII ​ isaster Recovery Institute International
DRP ​ isaster recovery planning
EDI ​ lectronic data interchange
EER ​ qual error rate
EFT ​ lectronic funds transfer
EF ​ xposure factor
EGRP E ​ xternal Gateway Routing Protocol
EIGRP E ​ nhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
EU ​ uropean Union
FAIR ​ actor analysis of information risk
FAR ​ alse-acceptance rate
FCPA F ​ oreign Corrupt Practices Act
FIPS ​ ederal Information Processing Standards (USA)
FISMA F ​ ederal Information Security Modernization Act
FSA ​ inancial Security Authority (USA)
GLBA G ​ ramm-Leach-Bliley Act (USA)
GMI ​ overnance Metrics International
HD-DVD H ​ igh definition/high-density-digital video disc
HIDS ​ ost-based intrusion detection system
HIPAA H ​ ealth Insurance Portability and Accountability
HIPO ​ ierarchy Input-Process-Output
HR ​ uman resources
HTML H ​ ypertext Markup Language
HTTP H ​ ypertext Transfer Protocol
I/O ​Input/output
ICMP ​Internet Control Message Protocol
ICT ​Information and communication technologies
ID ​Identification
IDEFIX I​ ntegration Definition for Information Modeling
IDS I​ ntrusion detection system
IEC I​ nternational Electrotechnical Commission
IETF I​ nternet engineering task force
IFAC I​ nternational Federation of Accountants
IIA I​ nstitute of Internal Auditors
IMT I​ ncident management team
IP I​ nternet Protocol
IPF I​ nformation processing facility
IPL I​ nitial program load
IPMA I​ nternational Project Management Association
IPRs I​ ntellectual property rights
IPS I​ ntrusion prevention system
IPSec I​ nternet Protocol Security
IRP I​ ncident response plan
IRT I​ ncident response team
IS I​ nformation systems
ISF I​ nformation Security Forum
ISO I​ nternational Organization for Standardization
ISP I​ nternet service provider
ISSA I​ nformation Systems Security Association
ISSEA I​ nternational Systems Security Engineering Association
IT I​ nformation technology
ITGI I​ T Governance Institute
ITIL I​ nformation Technology Infrastructure Library
JCL J​ ob control language
KGI ​ ey goal indicator
KLOC K ​ ilo lines of code
KPI ​Key performance indicator
KRI ​Key risk indicator
L2TP ​Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
LAN ​Local area network
LCP ​Link Control Protocol
M&A ​Mergers and acquisitions
MAC ​Mandatory access control
MAO ​Maximum allowable outage
MIME ​Multipurpose Internet mail extension
MIS ​Management information system
MitM ​Man-in-the-middle
MTD ​Maximum tolerable downtime
MTO ​Maximum tolerable outage
NAT ​Network address translation
NCP ​Network Control Protocol
NDA ​Nondisclosure agreement
NIC ​Network interface card
NIDS ​Network intrusion detection system
NIST ​National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA)
NPV ​Net present value
OCSP ​Online Certificate Status Protocol
OCTAVE O ​ perationally Critical Threat, Asset and Vulnerability Evaluation
OECD O ​ rganization for Economic Co-Operation and Development
OEP ​ ccupant emergency plan
OSPF O ​ pen Shortest Path First
​ latform as a Service
PaaS P
PAN ​ ersonal area network
PCI ​ ayment Card Industry
PDCA P ​ lan-Do-Check-Act
PKI ​ ublic key infrastructure
PMBOK P ​ roject Management Body of Knowledge
PoS ​ oint-of-sale
PPPoE ​Point-to-point Protocol over Ethernet
PRA ​Probabilistic risk assessment
PSTN ​Public switched telephone network
PVC ​Permanent virtual circuit
QA ​Quality assurance
RACI ​Responsible, accountable, consulted, informed
RAID ​Redundant array of inexpensive disks
ROI ​Return on investment
ROSI ​Return on security investment
RPO ​Recovery point objective
RRT ​Risk Reward Theorem/Tradeoff
RSA ​Rivest, Shamir and Adleman (RSA stands for the initials of the developers last
RTO ​Recovery time objective
​ ecure Hypertext Transfer Protocol
SaaS ​Software as a Service
SABSA S ​ herwood Applied Business Security Architecture
SCADA S ​ upervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SDLC S ​ ystem development life cycle
SDO ​ ervice delivery objective
SEC ​ ecurities and Exchange Commission (USA)
SIEM ​ ecurity information and event management
SIM ​ ecurity information management
SLA ​ ervice level agreement
SMART S ​ pecific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound
SMF ​ ystem management facility
SOP ​ tandard operating procedure
SPI ​ ecurity Parameter Index
SPICE S ​ oftware process improvement and capability determination
SPOC S ​ ingle point of contact
SPOOL S ​ imultaneous peripheral operations online
SQL ​ tructured Query Language
SSH ​Secure Shell
SSL ​Secure sockets layer
SSO ​Single sign-on
TCO ​Total cost of ownership
TCP ​Transmission Control Protocol
TLS ​Transport layer security
UDP ​User Datagram Protocol
URL ​Uniform resource locator
USB ​Universal Serial Bus
VAR ​Value at risk
VoIP ​Voice-over IP
VPN ​Virtual private network
XBRL ​Extensible Business Reporting Language
XML ​Extensible Markup Language
XSS ​Cross-site scripting
The following list of terms and definitions is taken directly from the CISM
Review Manual, 15th edition. Not all terms are found in this book, but it is
recommended that you be familiar with this list in case a term is used on the

Acceptable interruption window

The maximum period of time that a system can be unavailable before
compromising the achievement of the organization’s business objectives

Acceptable use policy

A policy that establishes an agreement between users and the organization
and defines for all parties the ranges of use that are approved before gaining
access to a network or the internet
Access controls
The processes, rules and deployment mechanisms that control access to
information systems, resources and physical access to premises
Access path
The logical route that an end user takes to access computerized information.
Typically, it includes a route through the operating system,
telecommunications software, selected application software and the access
control system.
Access rights
The permission or privileges granted to users, programs or workstations to
create, change, delete or view data and files within a system, as defined by
rules established by data owners and the information security policy
The ability to map a given activity or event back to the responsible party
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
Defines the exchanges between network interfaces connected to an Ethernet
media segment in order to map an IP address to a link layer address on
Administrative control
The rules, procedures and practices dealing with operational effectiveness,
efficiency and adherence to regulations and management policies

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

The international encryption standard that replaced 3DES
Alert situation
The point in an emergency procedure when the elapsed time and the
interruption is not resolved. The organization entering into an alert situation
initiates a series of escalation steps.
A finite set of step-by-step instructions for a problem-solving or
computational procedure, especially one that can be implemented by a
Alternate facilities
Locations and infrastructures from which emergency or backup processes are
executed, when the main premises are unavailable or destroyed. This includes
other buildings, offices or data processing centers.
Alternate process
Automatic or manual process designed and established to continue critical
business processes from point-of-failure to return-to-normal
Annual loss expectancy (ALE)
The total expected loss divided by the number of years in the forecast period
yielding the average annual loss
Anomaly detection
Detection on the basis of whether the system activity matches that defined as
Anonymous File Transfer Protocol (AFTP)
A method of downloading public files using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
AFTP does not require users to identify themselves before accessing files
from a particular server. In general, users enter the word “anonymous” when
the host prompts for a username. Anything can be entered for the password
such as the user's email address or simply the word “guest.” In many cases,
an AFFP site will not prompt a user for a name and password.
Antivirus software
An application software deployed at multiple points in an IT architecture. it is
designed to detect and potentially eliminate virus code before damage is
done, and repair or quarantine files that have already been infected.
Application controls
The policies, procedures and activities designed to provide reasonable
assurance that objectives relevant to a given automated solution (application)
are achieved
Application layer
in the Open Systems interconnection (OSI) communications model, the
application layer provides services for an application program to ensure that
effective communication with another application program in a network is
possible. The application layer is not the application that is doing the
communication; it is a service layer that provides these services.
Application programming interface (API)
A set of routines, protocols and tools referred to as “building blocks" used in
business application software development. A good ADI makes it easier to
develop a program by providing all the building blocks related to functional
characteristics of an operating system that applications need to specify, for
example, when interfacing with the operating system (cg. provided by
Microsoft Windows, different versions of UNIX). A programmer utilizes
these APIs in developing applications that can operate effectively and
efficiently on the platform chosen.
Application service provider (ASP)
Also known as managed service provider (MSP), it deploys, hosts and
manages access to a packaged application to multiple parties from a centrally
managed facility. The applications are delivered over networks on a
subscription basis.
Description of the fundamental underlying design of the components of the
business system, or of one element of the business system (e.g., technology),
the relationships among them, and the manner in which they support the
organization’s objectives
Asymmetric key
A cipher technique in which different cryptographic keys are used to encrypt
and decrypt a message
Attack signature
A specific sequence of events indicative of an unauthorized access attempt.
Typically, a characteristic byte pattern used in malicious code or an indicator,
or set of indicators, that allows the identification of malicious network
Audit trail
A visible trail of evidence enabling one to trace information contained in
statements or reports back to the original input source

The act of verifying the identity (i.e., user, system)
Access privileges granted to a user, program or process, or the act of granting
those privileges
Information that is accessible when required by the business process now and
in the future
Backup center
An alternate facility to continue IT/IS operations when the primary data
processing (DP) center is unavailable

Baseline security
The minimum security controls required for safeguarding an IT system based
on its identified needs for confidentiality, integrity and/or availability
A systematic approach to comparing an organization’s performance against
peers and competitors in an effort to learn the best ways of conducting
business. Examples include benchmarking of quality, logistic efficiency and
various other metrics.
The smallest unit of information storage; a contraction of the term “binary
digit”; one of two symbols “0" (zero) and “I” (one) that are used to represent
binary numbers
Bit copy
Provides an exact image of the original and is a requirement for legally
justifiable forensics

Bit-stream image
Bit-stream backups, also referred to as mirror image backups, involve the
backup of all areas of a computer hard disk drive or other type of storage
media. Such backups exactly replicate all sectors on a given storage device
including all files and ambient data storage areas.
A large number of compromised computers that are used to create and send
spam or viruses or flood a network with messages such as a denial-of-service
Brute force attack
Repeatedly trying all possible combinations of passwords or encryption keys
until the correct one is found
Business case
Documentation of the rationale for making a business investment, used both
to support a business decision on whether to proceed with the investment and
as an operational tool to support management of the investment through its
full economic life cycle

Business continuity plan (BCP)

A plan used by an organization to respond to disruption of critical business
processes. Depends on the contingency plan for restoration of critical
Business dependency assessment
A process of identifying resources critical to the operation of a business
Business impact
The net effect, positive or negative, on the achievement of business

Business impact analysis (BIA)

Evaluating the criticality and sensitivity of information assets. An exercise
that determines the impact of losing the support of any resource to an
organization, establishes the escalation of that loss over time, identifies the
minimum resources needed to recover and prioritizes the recovery of
processes and supporting system Tins process also includes addressing:
income loss unexpected expense, legal issues (regulatory compliance or
contractual), interdependent processes and loss of public reputation or
Business Model for Information Security (BMIS)
A holistic and business-oriented model supports enterprise governance and
management information security, and provides a common language for
information security professionals and business management
Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
Contains the essential elements of effective processes for one or more
disciplines. It also describes path an evolutionary improvement path from ad
hoc, immature processes, to disciplined, mature processes with improved
quality and effectiveness
Certificate (certification) authority (CA)
A trusted third party that serves authentication infrastructures or enterprises
and registers entities and issues them certificates
Certificate revocation list (CRL)
An instrument for checking the continued validity of the certificates for
which the certification authority (CA) has responsibility. The CRL details
digital certificates that are no longer valid. The time gap between two updates
is very critical and is also a risk in digital certificates verification.
Certification practice statement
A detailed set of rules governing the certificate authority's operations. It
provides an understanding of the value and trustworthiness of certificates
issued by a given certificate authority (CA). Stated in terms of the controls
that an organization observes, the method it uses to validate the authenticity
of certificate applicants and the GAS expectations of how its certificates may
be used.
Chain of custody
A legal principle regarding the validity and integrity of evidence. It requires
accountability for anything that will be used as evidence in a legal proceeding
to ensure that it can be accounted for from the time it was collected until the
time it is presented in a court of law. This includes documentation as to who
had access to the evidence and when, as well as the ability to identify
evidence as being the exact item that was recovered or tested. Lack of control
over evidence can lead to it being discredited. Chain of custody depends on
the ability to verify that evidence could not have been tampered with. This is
accomplished by sealing off the evidence, so it cannot be changed, and
providing a documentary record of custody to prove that the evidence was, at
all times, under strict control and not subject to tampering.
Chain of evidence
A process and record that shows who obtained the evidence, where and when
the evidence was obtained, who secured the evidence, and who had control or
possession of the evidence. The “sequencing” of the chain of evidence
follows this order: collection and identification, analysis, storage,
preservation, presentation in court, return to owner.
Challenge/response token
A method of user authentication that IS carried out through use of the
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP). When a user tries to
log onto the server using CHAR the server sends the user a “challenge,”
which is a random value. The user enters a password, which is used as an
encryption key to encrypt the “challenge” and return it to the server. The
server is aware of the password. It, therefore, encrypts the “challenge value
and compares it with the value received from the user. If the values match,
the user is authenticated. The challenge/response activity continues
throughout the session and this protects the session from password sniffing
attacks. In addition, CHAP IS not vulnerable to “man-in-the-middle” attacks
because the challenge value is a random value that changes on each access
Change management
A holistic and proactive approach to managing the transition from a current
to a desired organizational state.
A mathematical value that is assigned to a file and used to “test” the file at a
later date to verify that the data contained in the file have not been
maliciously changed.
A cryptographic checksum is created by performing a complicated series of
mathematical operations (known as a cryptographic algorithm) that translates
the data in the file into a fixed string of digits called a hash value, which is
then used as the checksum. Without knowing which cryptographic algorithm
was used to create the hash value, it is highly unlikely that an unauthorized
person would be able to change data without inadvertently changing the
corresponding checksum. Cryptographic checksums are used in data
transmission and data storage. Cryptographic checksums are also known as
message authentication codes, integrity check values, modification detection
codes or message integrity codes.
Chief information officer (CIO)
The most senior official of the enterprise who is accountable for IT advocacy,
aligning IT and business strategies, and planning, resourcing and managing
the delivery of IT services, information and the deployment of associated
human resources. In some cases, the CIO role has been expanded to become
the chief knowledge officer (CKO) who deals in knowledge, not just
information. Also see chief technology officer.
Chief information security officer (CISO)
Responsible for managing information risk, the information security
program, and ensuring appropriate confidentiality, integrity and availability
of information assets
Chief security officer (CSO)
Typically, responsible for physical security in the organization although
increasingly the CISO and CSO roles are merged.
Chief technology officer (CTO)
The individual who focuses on technical issues in an organization
Cloud computing
An approach using external services for convenient on-demand [T operations
using a shared pool of configurable computing capability. Typical
capabilities include infrastructure as a service (laaS), platform as a service
(PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS) (cg, networks, servers, storage,
applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with
minimal management effort or service provider interaction. This cloud model
is composed of five essential characteristics (on-demand self-service,
ubiquitous network access, location independent resource pooling, rapid
elasticity, and measured service). It allows users to access technology-based
services from the network cloud without knowledge of, expertise with, or
control over, the technology infrastructure that supports them and provides
four models for enterprise access (private cloud, community cloud, public
cloud and hybrid cloud).
Formerly known as Control Objectives for Information and related
Technology (COBIT); now used only as the acronym in its fifth iteration. A
complete, internationally accepted framework for governing and managing
enterprise information and technology (IT) that supports enterprise executives
and management in their definition and achievement of business goals and
related IT goals. COBIT describes five principles and seven enablers that
support enterprises in the development, implementation, and continuous
improvement and monitoring of good IT-related governance and
management practices.
Earlier versions of COBIT focused on control objectives related to IT
processes, management and control of IT processes and IT governance
aspects. Adoption and use of the COBIT framework are supported by
guidance from a growing family of supporting products.
COBIT 4.1 and earlier
Formerly known as Control Objectives for Information and related
Technology (COBIT). A complete, internationally accepted process
framework for IT that supports business and IT executives and management
in their definition and achievement of business goals and related IT goals by
providing a comprehensive IT governance, management, control and
assurance model. COBIT describes IT processes and associated control
objectives, management guidelines (activities, accountabilities,
responsibilities and performance metrics) and maturity models. COBIT
supports enterprise management in the development, implementation,
continuous improvement and monitoring of good IT-related practices.
Common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE)
A system that provides a reference method for publicly known information-
security vulnerabilities and exposures. MITRE Corporation maintains the
system, with funding from the National Cyber Security Division of the
United States Department of Homeland Security.
Compensating control
An internal control that reduces the risk of an existing or potential control
weakness resulting in errors and omissions

Computer forensics
The application of the scientific method to digital media to establish factual
information for judicial review. This process often involves investigating
computer systems to determine whether they are or have been used for illegal
or unauthorized activities. As a discipline, it combines elements of law and
computer science to collect and analyze data from information systems (cg,
personal computers, networks, wireless communication and digital storage
devices) in a way that is admissible as evidence in a court of law.
The protection of sensitive or private information from unauthorized
Configuration management
The control of changes to a set of configuration items over a system life cycle

Content filtering
Controlling access to a network by analyzing the contents of the incoming
and outgoing packets and either letting them pass or denying them based on a
list of rules. Differs from packet filtering in that it is the data in the packet
that are analyzed instead of the attributes of the packet itself (e. g,
source/target IP address, transmission control protocol [TCP] flags).
Contingency plan
A plan used by an organization or business unit to respond to a specific
systems failure or disruption
Continuous monitoring
The process implemented to maintain a current security status for one or
more information systems or for the entire suite of information systems on
which the operational mission of the enterprise depends.
The process includes: 1) the development of a strategy to regularly evaluate
selected IS controls/metrics, .2) recording and evaluating IS-relevant events
and the effectiveness of the enterprise in dealing with those events, 3)
recording changes to IS controls, or changes that affect IS risks, and 4)
publishing the current security status to enable information-sharing decisions
involving the enterprise.
The means of managing risk, including policies, procedures, guidelines,
practices or organizational structures which can be of an administrative,
technical, management or legal nature
Control center
Hosts the recovery meetings where disaster recovery operations are managed
Controls policy
A policy defining control operational and failure modes (e.g., fail secure, fail
open, allowed unless specifically denied, denied unless specifically
Corporate governance
The system by which enterprises are directed and controlled. The board of
directors is responsible for the governance of their enterprise. It consists of
the leadership and organizational structures and processes that ensure the
enterprise sustains and extends strategies and objectives.
Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. Its
report “Internal Control-Integrated Framework” is an internationally accepted
standard for corporate governance. See WWW.
Cost-benefit analysis
A systematic process for calculating and comparing benefits and costs of a
project, control or decision
Any process that directly reduces a threat or vulnerability
A measure-of the impact that the failure of a system to function as required
will have on the organization
Criticality analysis
An analysis to evaluate resources or business functions to identify their
importance to the organization, and the impact if a function cannot be
completed or a resource is not available
Cryptographic algorithm
A well-defined computational procedure that takes variable inputs, including
a cryptographic key, and produces an output
Cryptographic strength
A measure of the expected number of operations required to defeat a
cryptographic mechanism
The art of designing, analyzing and attacking cryptographic schemes
Cyclical redundancy check (CRC)
A method to ensure that data have not been altered after being sent through a
communication channel

Damage evaluation
The determination of the extent of damage that is necessary to provide for an
estimation of the recovery time frame and the potential loss to the
Data classification
The assignment of a level of sensitivity to data (or information) that results in
the specification of controls for each level of classification. Levels of
sensitivity of data are assigned according to predefined categories as data are
created, amended, enhanced, stored or transmitted. The classification level is
an indication of the value or importance of the data to the organization.
Data custodian
The individual(s) and/or department(s) responsible for the storage and
safeguarding of computerized data
Data Encryption Standard (DES)
An algorithm for encoding binary data. it is a secret key cryptosystem
published by the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), the predecessor of the
US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). DES and its
variants have been replaced by the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
Data integrity
The property that data meet with a priority expectation of quality and that the
data can be relied on
Data leakage
Siphoning out or leaking information by dumping computer files or stealing
computer reports and tapes
Data leak protection (DLP)
A suite of technologies and associated processes that locate, monitor and
protect sensitive information from unauthorized disclosure
Data mining
A technique used to analyze ex1stmg information, usually with the intention
of pursuing new avenues to pursue business

Data normalization
A structured process for organizing data rate tables in such a way that it
preserves the relationships among the data
Data owner
The individual(s), normally a manager or director, who has responsibility for
the integrity, accurate reporting and use of computerized data
Data warehouse
A generic term for a system that stores, retrieves and manages large volumes
of data. Data warehouse software often includes sophisticated comparison
and hashing techniques for fast searches, as well as advanced filtering.
The process of distributing computer processing to different locations within
an organization
Decryption key
A digital piece of information used to recover plain text from the
corresponding cipher text by decryption

Defense in depth
The practice of layering defenses to provide added protection. Defense in
depth increases security by raising the effort needed in an attack. This
strategy places multiple barriers between an attacker and an organization’s
computing and information resources.
The application of variable levels of alternating current for the purpose of
demagnetizing magnetic recording media. The process involves increasing
the alternating current field gradually from zero to some maximum value and
back to zero, leaving a very low residue of magnetic induction on the media.
Degauss loosely means: to erase.
Demilitarized zone (DMZ)
A screened (firewalled) network segment that acts as a buffer zone between a
trusted and untrusted network. A DMZ is typically used to house systems
such as web servers that must be accessible from both internal networks and
the Internet.
Denial-of-service (DOS) attack
An assault on a service from a single source that floods it with so many
requests that it becomes overwhelmed and is either stopped completely or
operates at a significantly reduced rate
Digital certificate
A process to authenticate (or certify) a party’s digital signature; carried out by
trusted third parties
Digital code signing
The process of digitally signing computer code to ensure its integrity
Disaster declaration
The communication to appropriate internal and external parties that the
disaster recovery plan is being put into operation
Disaster notification fee
The fee the recovery site vendor charges when the customer notifies them
that a disaster has occurred, and the recovery site is required. The fee is
implemented to discourage false disaster notifications.
Disaster recovery plan (DRP)
A set of human, physical, technical and procedural resources to recover,
within a defined time and cost, an activity interrupted by an emergency or
Disaster recovery plan desk checking
Typically, a read-through of a disaster recovery plan without any real actions
taking place. Generally involves a reading of the plan, discussion of the
action items and definition of any gaps that might be identified.
Disaster recovery plan walk-through
Generally a robust test of the recovery plan requiring that some recovery
activities take place and are tested. A disaster scenario is often given and the
recovery teams talk through the steps they would need to take to recover. As
many aspects of the plan should be tested as possible.
Discretionary access control (DAC)
A means of restricting access to objects based on the identity of subjects
and/or groups to which they belong. The controls are discretionary in the
sense that a subject with a certain access permission is capable of passing that
permission (perhaps indirectly) on to any other subject.
Disk mirroring
The practice of duplicating data in separate volumes on two hard disks to
make storage more fault tolerant. Mirroring provides data protection in the
case of disk failure because data are constantly updated to both disks.
Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack
A denial-of-service (DOS) assault from multiple sources
Domain name system (DNS)
A hierarchical database that is distributed across the Internet that allows
names to be resolved into IP addresses (and vice versa) to locate services
such as web and email servers

Dual control
A procedure that uses two or more entities (usually persons) operating in
concert to protect a system resource so that no single entity acting alone can
access that resource
Due care
The level of care expected from a reasonable person of similar competency
under similar conditions
Due diligence
The performance of those actions that are generally regarded as prudent,
responsible and necessary to conduct a thorough and objective investigation,
review and/or analysis
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
A protocol used by networked computers (clients) to obtain IP addresses and
other parameters such as the default gateway, subnet mask and IP addresses
of domain name system (DNS) servers from a DHCP server. The DHCP
server ensures that all IP addresses are unique (e.g., no IP address is assigned
to a second client while the first client’s assignment is valid [its lease has not
expired]). Thus, IP address pool management is done by the server and not by
a human network administrator.

Electronic data interchange (EDI)

The electronic transmission of transactions (information) between two
enterprises. EDI promotes a more efficient paperless environment. EDI
transmissions can replace the use of standard documents, including invoices
or purchase orders.
Electronic funds transfer (EFT)
The exchange of money via telecommunications. EFT refers to any financial
transaction that originates at a terminal and transfers a sum of money from
one account to another.
The process of taking an unencrypted message (plain text), applying a
mathematical function to it (encryption algorithm with a key) and producing
an encrypted message (cypher text)
Enterprise governance
A set of responsibilities and practices exercised by the board and executive
management with the goal of providing strategic direction, ensuring that
objectives are achieved, ascertaining that risks are managed appropriately and
verifying that the enterprise’s resources are used responsibly
The potential loss to an area due to the occurrence of an adverse event
External storage
The location that contains the backup copies to be used in case recovery or
restoration is required in the event of a disaster

The transfer of service from an incapacitated primary component to its
backup component
Fail safe
Describes the design properties of a computer system that allow it to resist
active attempts to attack or bypass it

Fall-through logic
An optimized code based on a branch prediction that predicts which way a
program will branch when an application is presented
A system or combination of systems that enforces a boundary between two or
more networks typically forming a barrier between a secure and an open
environment such as the Internet
An attack that attempts to cause a failure in a system by providing more input
than the system can process properly
Forensic Copy
An accurate bit-for-bit reproduction of the information contained on an
electronic device or associated media, whose validity and integrity has been
verified using an acceptable algorithm
Forensic examination
The process of collecting, assessing, digital evidence to assist in the
identification of an offender and the method of compromise
A description of a particular way of accomplishing something that is less
prescriptive than a procedure
To configure a computer or other network device to resist attacks

Hash function
An algorithm that maps or translates one set of bits into another (generally
smaller) so that a message yields the same result every time the algorithm is
executed using the same message as input. It is computationally infeasible for
a message to be derived or reconstituted from the result produced by the
algorithm or to find two different messages that produce the same hash result
using the same algorithm.
Help desk
A service offered via telephone/Internet by an organization to its clients or
employees that provides information, assistance and troubleshooting advice
regarding software, hardware or networks. A help desk is staffed by people
who can either resolve the problem on their own or escalate the problem to
specialized personnel. A help desk is often equipped with dedicated customer
relationship management (CRM) software that logs the problems and tracks
them until they are solved.
A specially configured server, also known as a decoy server, designed to
attract and monitor intruders in a manner such that their actions do not affect
production systems

Hot site
A fully operational offsite data processing facility equipped with hardware
and system software to be used in the event of a disaster
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
A communication protocol used to connect to servers on the World Wide
Web. Its primary function is to establish a connection with a web server and
transmit hypertext markup language (HTML), extensible markup language
(XML) or other pages to the client browsers.
The process of verifying the identity of a user, process or device, usually as a
prerequisite for granting access to resources in an information system

Impact analysis
A study to prioritize the criticality of information resources for the
organization based on costs (or consequences) of adverse events. In an
impact analysis, threats to assets are identified and potential business losses
determined for different time periods. This assessment is used to justify the
extent of safeguards that are required and recovery time frames. This analysis
is the basis for establishing the recovery strategy.
Any event that is not part of the standard operation of a service and that
causes, or may cause, an interruption to, or a reduction in, the quality of that
Incident handling
An action plan for dealing with intrusions, cybertheft, denial-of-service
attack, fire, floods, and other security-related events. It is comprised of a six-
step process: Preparation, Identification, Containment, Eradication,
Recovery, and Lessons Learned.
Incident response
The response of an enterprise to a disaster or other significant event that may
significantly affect the enterprise, its people or its ability to function
productively. An incident response may include evacuation of a facility,
initiating a disaster recovery plan (DRP), performing damage assessment and
any other measures necessary to bring an enterprise to a more stable status.
Information security
Ensures that only authorized users (confidentiality) have access to accurate
and complete information (integrity) when required (availability)
Information security governance
The set of responsibilities and practices exercised by the board and executive
management with the goal of providing strategic direction, ensuring that
objectives are achieved, ascertaining that risks are managed appropriately and
verifying that the enterprise’s resources are used responsibly
Information security program
The overall combination of technical, operational and procedural measures,
and management structures implemented to provide for the confidentiality,
integrity and availability of information based on business requirements and
risk analysis
The accuracy, completeness and validity of information
Internal controls
The policies, procedures, practices and organizational structures designed to
provide reasonable assurance that business objectives will be achieved, and
undesired events will be prevented or detected and corrected
Internet protocol
Specifies the format of packets and the addressing scheme
Internet service provider (ISP)
A third party that provides individuals and organizations access to the
Internet and a variety of other Internet-related services
Interruption window
The time the company can wait from the point of failure to the restoration of
the minimum and critical services or applications. After this time, the
progressive losses caused by the interruption are excessive for the
Intrusion detection
The process of monitoring the events occurring in a computer system or
network to detect signs of unauthorized access or attack
Intrusion detection system (IDS)
Inspects network and host security activity to identify suspicious patterns that
may indicate a network or system attack
Intrusion prevention system (IPS)
Inspects network and host security activity to identify suspicious patterns that
may indicate a network or system attack and then blocks it at the firewall to
prevent damage to information resources
IP Security (IPSec)
A set of protocols developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
to support the secure exchange of packets
ISO/IEC 15504
ISO/IEC 15504 Information Technology-Process assessment.
ISO/IEC 15504 provides a framework for the assessment of processes. The
framework can be used by organizations involved in planning, managing,
monitoring, controlling and improving the acquisition, supply, development,
operation, evolution and support of products and services.

ISO/IEC 17799
Originally released as part of the British Standard for Information Security in
1999 and then as the Code of Practice for Information Security Management
in October 2000, it was elevated by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) to an international code of practice for information
security management. This standard defines information’s confidentiality,
integrity and availability controls in a comprehensive information security
management system. The latest version is ISO/IEC 17799:2005.
ISO/IEC 27001
An international standard, released in 2005 and revised in 2013, that defines a
set of requirements for an information security management system. Prior its
adoption by the ISO, this standard was known as BS 17799 Part 2, which was
originally published in 1999
ISO/IEC 27002
A code of practice that contains a structured list of suggested information
security controls for organizations implementing an information security
management system. Prior to its adoption by ISO/IEC, this standard existed
as BS 77799.
ISO/I EC 31000
ISO 31000:22009 Risk Management-Principles and guidelines.
Provides principles and generic guidelines on risk management. It is industry-
and sector-agnostic and can be used by any public, private or community
enterprise, association, group or individual.
IT governance
The responsibility of executives and the board of directors; consists of the
leadership, organizational structures and processes that ensure that the
enterprise’s IT sustains and extends the organization’s strategies and

IT steering committee
An executive management-level committee that assists the executive in the
delivery of the IT strategy, oversees day-to-day management of IT service
delivery and IT projects and focuses on implementation aspects
IT strategic plan
A long-term plan (i.e., three- to five-year horizon) in which business and IT
management cooperatively describe how IT resources contribute to the
enterprise’s strategic objectives (goals)
IT strategy committee
A committee at the level of the board of directors to ensure that the board is
involved in major IT matters and decisions. The committee is primarily
accountable for managing the portfolios of IT-enabled investments, IT
services and other IT resources. The committee is the owner of the portfolio.
Key goal indicator (KGI)
A measure that tells management, alter the fact, whether an IT process has
achieved its business requirements; usually expressed in terms of information
Key performance indicator (KPI)
A measure that determines how well the process is performing in enabling
the goal to be reached. A KPI is a lead indicator of whether a goal will likely
be reached, and a good indicator of capability, practices and skills. It
measures an activity goal, which is an action that the process owner must
take to achieve effective process performance.
Key risk indicator (KRI)
A subset of risk indicators that are highly relevant and possess a high
probability of predicting or indicating important risk
Least privilege
The principle of allowing users or applications the least amount of
permissions necessary to perform their intended function

Mail relay server

An electronic mail (email) server that relays messages so that neither the
sender nor the recipient is a local user
Malicious code
Software (e.g., Trojan horse) that appears to perform a useful or desirable
function, but actually gains unauthorized access to system resources or tricks
a user into executing other malicious logic
Software designed to infiltrate, damage or obtain information from a
computer system without the owner’s Consent. Malware is commonly taken
to include computer viruses worms Trojan horses, spyware and adware.
Spyware is generally, used for marketing purposes and, as such, is not
malicious although it is generally unwanted. Spyware can, however, be used
to gather information for identity theft or other clearly illicit purposes.
Mandatory access control (MAC)
A means of restricting access to data based on varying degrees of security
requirements for information contained in the objects and the corresponding
security clearance users or Programs acting on their behalf

Man-in-the-middle attack (MITM)

An attack strategy in which the attacker intercepts the communication stream
between two parts of the victim system and then replaces the traffic between
the two components with the intruder’s own system, eventually assuming
control of the communication
Attackers that penetrate systems by using the identity of legitimate users and
their login credentials
Maximum tolerable outage (MTG)
Maximum time the organization can support processing in alternate mode

Media access control (MAC)

Applied to the hardware at the factory and cannot be modified, MAC is a
unique, 48-bit, hard-coded address of a physical layer device, such as an
Ethernet local area network (LAN) or a wireless network card.
Message authentication code
An American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard checksum that is
computed using the Data Encryption Standard (DES)
Message digest
A cryptographic checksum, typically generated for a file that can be used to
detect changes to the file; Secure Hash Algorithm-1 (SHA-l) is an example of
a message digest algorithm.
Mirrored site
An alternate site that contains the same information as the original. Mirror
sites are set up for backup and disaster recovery as well as to balance the
traffic load for numerous download requests. Such download mirrors are
often placed in different locations throughout the Internet.
Mobile site
The use of a mobile/temporary facility to serve as a business resumption
location. They can usually be delivered to any Site and can house information
technology and staff.
Monitoring policy
Rules outlining or delineating the way in which Information about the use of
computers, networks, applications and information is captured and
Multipurpose Internet mail extension (MIME)
A specification for formatting non-ASCII messages so that they can be sent
over the Internet. Many email clients now support. MIME, which enables
them to send and receive graphics, audio and video files via the Internet mail
system. In addition, MIME supports messages in character sets other than
Net present value (NPV)
Calculated by using an after-tax discount rate of an Investment and a series of
expected incremental cash outflows (the initial investment and operational
costs) and cash inflows (cost savings or revenues) that occur at regular
periods during the life cycle of the investment. To arrive at a fair NPV
calculation, cash inflows accrued by the business up to about five years after
project deployment also should be considered.
Network address translation (NAT)
Basic NATs are used when there is a requirement to interconnect two IP
networks with incompatible addressing. However, it is common to hide an
entire IP address space, usually consisting of private IP addresses, behind a
single IP address (or in some cases a small group of IP addresses) in another
(usually public) address space. To avoid ambiguity in the handling of
returned packets. A one-to-many NAT must alter higher level information
such as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
ports in outgoing communications and must maintain a translation table so
that return packets can be correctly translated back.

Network-based intrusion detection (NID)

Provides broader coverage than host-based approaches but functions in the
same manner detecting attacks using either an anomaly-based or signature-
based approach or both
Nonintrusive monitoring
The use of transported probes or traces to assemble information, track traffic
and identify vulnerabilities

The assurance that a party cannot later deny originating data; that is, it is the
provision of proof of the integrity and origin of the data and can be verified
by a third party. A digital signature can provide nonrepudiation.
Offline files
Computer file storage media not physically connected to the computer;
typically tapes or tape cartridges used for backup purposes
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
A routing protocol developed for IP networks. It is based on the shortest path
first or link state algorithm.
Open Source Security Testing Methodology
An open and freely available methodology and manual for security testing
Outcome measure
Represents the consequences of actions previously taken; alien referred to as
a lag indicator. An outcome measure frequently focuses on results at the end
of a time period and characterizes historical performance. It is also referred to
as a key goal indicator (K01) and is used to indicate whether goals have been
met. Can be measured only after the fact and, therefore, is called a lag
Data unit that is routed from source to destination in a packet- switched
network. A packet contains both routing information and Port data.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is such a packet-
switched network.
Packet filtering
Controlling access to a network by analyzing the attributes of the incoming
and outgoing packets, and either letting them pass or denying them based on
a list of rules
Packet sniffer
Software that observes and records network traffic
Packet switched network
Individual packets follow their own paths through the network from one
endpoint to another and reassemble at the destination.

Major divisions of the total physical hard disk space
Passive response
A response option in intrusion detection in which the system simply reports
and records the problem detected, relying on the user to take subsequent
Password cracker
A tool that tests the strength of user passwords searching for passwords that
are easy to guess. It repeatedly tries words from specially crafted dictionaries
and often also generates thousands (and in some cases, even millions) of
permutations of characters, numbers and symbols.
Penetration testing
A live test of the effectiveness of security defenses through mimicking the
actions of real-life attackers
Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
Information that can be used alone or with other sources to uniquely identify,
contact or locate a single individual
This is a more sophisticated form of a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack. A
user’s session is redirected to a masquerading web site. This can be achieved
by corrupting a domain name system (DNS) server on the Internet and
pointing a URL to the masquerading web site’s IP address.
This is a type of electronic mail (email) attack that attempts to convince a
user that the originator is genuine, but with the intention of obtaining
information for use in social engineering. Phishing attacks may take the form
of masquerading as a lottery organization advising the recipient or the user’s
bank of a large win; in either case, the intent is to obtain account and personal
identification number (PIN) details. Alternative attacks may seek to obtain
apparently innocuous business information, which may be used in another
form of active attack.
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Offers the capability to deploy onto the cloud infrastructure customer-created
or acquired applications that are created using programming languages or
tools supported by the provider
Overall intention and direction as formally expressed by management
A hardware interface between a CPU and a peripheral device. Can also refer
to a software (virtual) convention that allows remote services to connect to a
host operating system in a structured manner.
Freedom from unauthorized intrusion or disclosure of information of an

Private key
A mathematical key (kept secret by the holder) used to create digital
signatures and, depending on the algorithm, to decrypt messages or files
encrypted (for confidentiality) with the corresponding public key
A document containing a detailed description of the steps necessary to
perform specific operations in conformance with applicable standards.
Procedures are defined as part of processes.
Proxy server
A server that acts on behalf of a user. Typically, proxies accept a connection
from a user, decide as to whether or not the user or client IP address is
permitted to use the proxy, perhaps perform additional authentication, and
then complete a connection to a remote destination on behalf of the user.
Public key
In an asymmetric cryptographic scheme, the key that may be widely
published to enable the operation of the scheme
Reciprocal agreement
Emergency processing agreements among two or more organizations with
similar equipment or applications. Typically, participants promise to provide
processing time to each other when an emergency arises.
Recovery action
Execution of a response or task according to a written procedure
Recovery point objective (RPO)
Determined based on the acceptable data loss in case of a disruption of
operations. It indicates the earliest point in time to which it is acceptable to
recover data. It effectively quantifies the permissible amount of data loss in
case of interruption.
Recovery time objective (RIO)
The amount of time allowed for the recovery of a business function or
resource after a disaster occurs
Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID)
Provides performance improvements and fault-tolerant capabilities, via
hardware or software solutions, by writing to a series of multiple disks to
improve performance and/or save large files simultaneously
Redundant site
A recovery strategy involving the duplication of key information technology
components, including data or other key business processes, whereby fast
recovery can take place
Request for proposal (RFP)
A document distributed to software vendors requesting them to submit a
proposal to develop or provide a software product
Residual risk
The remaining risk after management has implemented risk response
The ability of a system or network to resist failure or to recover quickly from
any disruption, usually with minimal recognizable effect

Return on investment (ROI)

A measure of operating performance and efficiency, computed in its simplest
form by dividing net income by the total investment over the period being
Return on security investment (ROSI)
An estimate of return on security investment based on how much will be
saved by reduced losses divided by the investment
The combination of the probability of an event and its consequence.
(ISO/IEC 73). Risk has traditionally been expressed as Threats x
Vulnerabilities = Risk.
Risk analysis
The initial steps of risk management: analyzing the value of assets to the
business, identifying threats to those assets and evaluating how vulnerable
each asset is to those threats. It often involves an evaluation of the probable
frequency of a particular event, as well as the probable impact of that event.
Risk appetite
The amount of risk, on a broad level, that an entity is willing to accept in
pursuit of its mission
Risk assessment
A process used to identify and evaluate risk and potential effects. Risk
assessment includes assessing the critical functions necessary for an
organization to continue business operations, defining the controls in place to
reduce. organization exposure and evaluating the cost for such controls. Risk
analysis often involves an evaluation of the probabilities of a particular event.
Risk avoidance
The process for systematically avoiding risk, constituting one approach to
managing risk

Risk mitigation
The management and reduction of risk through the use of countermeasures
and controls
Risk tolerance
The acceptable level of variation that management is willing to allow for any
particular risk while pursuing its objective

Risk transfer
The process of assigning risk to another organization, usually through the
purchase of an insurance policy or outsourcing the service
The ability of systems to withstand attack, operate reliably across a wide
range of operational conditions and to fail gracefully outside of the
operational range
Role-based access control
Assigns users to job functions or titles. Each Job function or title defines a
specific authorization level
Root cause analysis
A process of diagnosis to establish origins of events, which can be used for
learning from consequences, typically of errors and problems
A software suite designed to aid an intruder in gaining unauthorized
administrative access to a computer system
Secret key
A cryptographic key that is used with a secret key (symmetric) cryptographic
algorithm, that is uniquely associated with one or more entities and is not
made public. The same key is used to both encrypt and decrypt data. The use
of the term “secret” in this context does not imply a classification level, but
rather implies the need to protect the key from disclosure.

Secure hash algorithm (SHA)

A hash algorithm with the property that is computationally infeasible l) to
find a message that corresponds to a given message digest, or Z) to find two
different messages that produce the same message digest
Secure shell (SSH)
Network protocol that uses cryptography to secure communication, remote
command line login and remote command execution between two networked
Security information and event management (SIEM)
SIEM solutions are a combination of the formerly disparate product
categories of SIM (security information management) and SEM (security
event management). STEM technology provides real-time analysis of
security alerts generated by network hardware and applications. SIEM
solutions come as software, appliances or managed services, and are also
used to log security data and generate reports for compliance purposes.
Capabilities include:

Data aggregation: SIEM/LM (log management) solutions

aggregate data from many sources, including network, security.
servers, databases and applications, providing the ability to
consolidate monitored data to help avoid missing crucial events.
Correlation: Looks for common attributes, and links events
together into meaningful bundles. This technology provides the
ability to perform a variety of correlation techniques to integrate
different sources, in order to turn data into useful information.
Alerting: The automated analysis of correlated events and
production of alerts, to notify recipients of immediate issues.
Dashboards: SIEM/LM tools take event data and turn them into
informational charts to assist in seeing patterns or identifying
activity that is not forming to a standard pattern.
Compliance: SIEM applications can be employed to automate,
the gathering of compliance data, producing reports that adapt to
existing security, governance and auditing processes.
Retention: SIEM/SIM solutions employ long-term storage of
historical data to facilitate correlation of data over time, and to
provide the retention necessary for compliance requirements.
Security metrics
A standard of measurement used in management of security-related activities
Segregation/separation of duties (SOD)
A basic internal control that prevents or detects errors and irregularities by
assigning to separate individuals the responsibility for initiating and
recording transactions and for the custody of assets. Segregation/separation
of duties is commonly used in large IT organizations so that no single person
is in a position to introduce fraudulent or malicious code without detection.
A measure of the impact that improper disclosure of information may have
on an organization
Service delivery objective (SDO)
Directly related to business needs, SDO is the level of services to be reached
during the alternate process mode until the normal situation is restored.

Service level agreement (SLA)

An agreement, preferably documented, between a service provider and the
customer(s)/user(s) that defines minimum performance targets for a service
and how they will be measured
Session key
A single-use symmetric key used for a defined period of communication
between two computers, such as for the duration of a single communication
session or transaction set
Shell programming
A script written for the shell, or command line interpreter, of an operating
system; it is often considered a simple domain-specific programming
language. Typical operations performed by shell scripts include file
manipulation, program execution and printing text. Usually, shell script refers
to scripts written for a UNIX shell, while COMMANDCOM (DOS) and
cmd.exe (Windows) command line scripts are usually called batch files.
Others, such as AppleScript, add scripting capability to computing
environments lacking a command line interface. Other examples of
programming languages primarily intended for shell scripting include digital
command language (DCL) and job control language (JCL).
The process by which data traversing a network are captured or monitored
Social engineering
An attack based on deceiving users or administrators at the target site into
revealing confidential or sensitive information
Split knowledge/split key
A security technique in which two or more entities separately hold data items
that individually convey no knowledge of the information that results from
combining the items; a condition under which two or more entities separately
have key components that individually convey no knowledge of the plain text
key that will be produced when the key components are combined m the
cryptographic module
Faking the sending address of a transmission in order to gain illegal entry into
a secure system

Software as a service (SaaS)

Offers the capability to use the provider’s applications running on cloud
infrastructure. The applications are accessible from various client devices
through a thin client interface such as a web browser (e.g., web-based email).
A mandatory requirement, code of practice or specification approved by a
recognized external standards organization, such as International
Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Symmetric key encryption
System in which a different key (or set of keys) is used by each pair of
trading partners to ensure that no one else can read their messages. The same
key is used for encryption and decryption.
System owner
Person or organization having responsibility for the development,
procurement, integration, modification, operation and maintenance, and/or
final disposition of an information system

Anything (e.g., object, substance, human) that is capable of acting against an
asset in a manner that can result in harm. A potential cause of an unwanted
incident. (ISO/IEC 13335)
Threat agent
Methods and things used to exploit a vulnerability. Examples include
determination, capability, motive and resources.
Threat analysis
An evaluation of the type, scope and nature of events or actions that can
result in adverse consequences; identification of the threats that exist against
information assets. The threat analysis usually also defines the level of threat
and the likelihood of it materializing.

Threat assessment
The identification of types of threats to which an organization might be
Threat event
Any event where a threat element/actor acts against an asset in a manner that
has the potential to directly result in harm

Threat model
Used to describe a given threat and the harm it could to do a system if it has a
Threat vector
The method a threat uses to exploit the target

A device that is used to authenticate a user, typically in addition to a user
name and password. A token is usually a device that displays a pseudo
random number that changes every few minutes.
Total cost of ownership (TOC)
Includes the original cost of the computer plus the cost of: software, hardware
and software upgrades, maintenance, technical support, training, and certain
activities performed by users
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
A connection-based Internet protocol that supports reliable data transfer

Scope Notes: Packet data are verified using checksums and

retransmitted if they are missing or corrupted. The application plays no
part in validating the transfer.
Trusted system
A system that employs sufficient hardware and software assurance measures
to allow its use for processing simultaneously a range of sensitive or
classified information
Commonly used to bridge between incompatible hosts/routers or to provide
encryption; a method by which one network protocol encapsulates another
protocol within itself

Two-factor authentication
The use of two independent mechanisms for authentication, (e.g., requiring a
smart card and a password); typically, the combination of something you
know, are or have
Uniform resource locator (URL)
The global address of documents and other resources on the World Wide
Web. The first part of the address indicates what protocol to use; the second
part specifies the IP address or the domain name where the resource is
located (e.g.,
Virtual private network (V PN)
A secure private network that uses the public telecommunications
infrastructure to transmit data. In contrast to a much more expensive system
of owned or leased lines that can only be used by one company, VPNs are
used by enterprises for both contracts and wide areas of intranets. Using
encryption and authentication, a VPN encrypts all data that pass between two
Internet points maintaining privacy and security.
Virus signature files
The file of virus patterns that is compared with existing files to determine if
they are infected with a virus or worm
Voice-over IP (VoIP)
Also called IP Telephony, Internet Telephony and Broadband Phone, a
technology that makes it possible to have a voice conversation over the
Internet or over any dedicated Internet Protocol UP) network instead of over
dedicated voice transmission lines
A weakness in the design, implementation, operation or internal controls in a
process that could be exploited to violate system security
Vulnerability analysis
A process of identifying and classifying vulnerabilities

Warm site
Similar to a hot site, but not fully equipped with all of the necessary hardware
needed for recovery
Web hosting
The business of providing the equipment and services required to host and
maintain files for one or more web sites and provide fast Internet connections
to those sites. Most hosting is “shared,” which means that web sites of
multiple companies are on the same server to share/reduce costs.
Web server
Using the client-server model and the World Wide Web’s Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP), Web server is a software program that serves web pages to
Wide area network (WAN)
A computer network connecting different remote locations that may range
from short distances, such as a floor or building, to long transmissions that
encompass a large region or several countries
A programmed network attack in which a self-replicating program does not
attach itself to programs, but rather spreads independently of users’ action
Wi-Fi protected access 2 (WPA2)
The replacement security method for WPA for wireless networks that
provides stronger data protection and network access control. It provides
enterprise and consumer Wi-Fi users with a high level of assurance that only
authorized users can access their wireless networks. Based on the ratified
IEEE 802.1 Ii standard, WPA2 provides government-grade security by
implementing the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
FIPS 140-2 compliant advanced encryption standard (AES) encryption
algorithm and 802.1X-based authentication.
(ISC)2 90
ACCEPT 44, 173
ADM 95
AIW 61
ALE 59, 163
APT 40
ARO 59
AVOID 45, 173
BCP 64
BIA 64
BMIS 118
C&C 88
CASB 112
CIO 136, 137
CIS 164
CISO 135
COBIT 5 145, 163
CONTROL 37, 127, 147
CRO 137
CSF 87
CSO 135
CTO 136
DAC 53
DAS 74
DRP 64
EF ​59
EISA 144
ERP 180
EXPOSURE 37, 208
FAIR 207
GAP ANALYSIS 105, 158, 227
GRC 127
IAAS 110, 112
IDS 30, 88
IPS 88
IRP 239, 261
ISO 90
ISO/IEC 27004 163
KGI 87
KPI 87
KRI 87
MAC 53
METRIC 102, 147
MITIGATE 44, 127, 173
MTD 61
MTO 61
NAS 74
NIST 800-30 136
NIST SP 800-55 164
OCTAVE 34, 99
PAAS 110
PAM 93
PDCA 212
PII 205
PKI 88
PMO 199
PRA 208
PROCESSES 120, 147
RISK 37, 42, 43, 208
ROSI 163
RPO 61
RTO 60
SAAS 110
SAN 74
SDLC 174
SDO 61
SIEM 287
SKILL 44, 82
SLE 59
SOD 15
SOX 90
STRATEGY 18, 23, 119
SWOT 227
TCO 16
TQM 212
TRANSFER 45, 173
VAR 34, 163

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