West Bengal Pharmaceutical & Phytochemical Development Corporation LTD

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West Bengal Pharmaceutical & Phytochemical Development Corporation Ltd.

1, Biplobi Trailokya Maharaj Sarani (Brabourne Road),

Ilaco House, 2nd floor, Kolkata – 700 001

No. WBPPDCL/Tender/MACHINERIES/01/18-19 Dated 10.04.2018

West Bengal Pharmaceutical & Phytochemical Development Corporation Limited, a Government of West
Bengal Undertaking, invites e- Quotation(s) from the Manufacturer / Supplier for the following items:

Procurement of MACHINERIES .

e-tender no.01
item1 400LTRS capacity SS316 LR Fermentor ,wielded joints as to be 2nos.
done per IS specified norms of pressure vessel code of practice,
WBPPDCL/Tender/Machineri with certification from approved Authorities. Having streamline
es /01/18-19 flow without stirrer. Generation of turbulence is not allowed.
Fermentor should contain controlled aeration facility. Culture
media should be sterilized within the vessel.Gas vent & proper
high pressure safety release to be incorporate in this system. It
should made as very convenient to operate. Schematic diagram
will be submitted by the eligible bidder, and that was discussed
with bidders by PPDCL authority before finalization of order.
item2 BOD INCUBATOR with Shaker,1ltr x 24nos flask capacity. 2nos.
Construction as per GLP norms

item3 Pouch filling sealing machine for powder having 20% moisture 1no.
content. Semi automatic operation
Item4 Paddle type mass mixture 500KGS capacity ,all contact 2nos.
parts SS 304Electrical operated paddle bar along with
tilting arrangements, motors & reduction gear boxes to
be provided market available best quality.
Item 5 Digital Balance {0 – 250gms} 1no.

Item 6 Digital Balance {0 – 5KG} 1NO.

e-tender no.01
Item 7 Table top Digital pH meter 1no.
WBPPDCL/Tender/Machineri Item 8 Industrial Refrigerator 400-500LTRS. capacity 1no.
es /01/18-19 Item 9 Air Oven 24’’x 36’’ standard GLP quality 1no.
Item 10 Laminar Air Flow unit SS 3’x2’ x2’ GLP compliant 1no.

Item 11 D.M. Water plant-10KL per charge output with less than1 1no.
Mu. Sec Conductivity pH- 5.4 to 6.5, having Iron removal
pressure filter bed ,Anion, Cation, Mixed bed columns.
On line Conductivity & pH meter with digital display.
Item 12 Mass Mixture 500KGS capacity, contact parts SS304 1NO.
min.4mm thick SS sheet paddle type mass to mass
mixture driven by7.5H.P.3 PHASE induction motor. And
tilting arrangement by 3HP , 3phase induction motor
[Motor make Crompton/Bharat/GEC/reputed brand]
Item 13 Granulator with Dryer unit capacity of 150KGS /Hr, all 1 NO.
contact parts SS304 minimum thickness 4mm. Granulator
portion driven by 5HP motor with reduction gear box.
Dryer rotor driven by 3HP induction motor [ Gearbox &
motors of best brand available quality in market]
Schematic diagram will be submitted by the eligible bidder, and
that was discussed with bidders by PPDCL authority before
finalization of order
Item 14 Electrical operated Tray dryer- 48 tray made of SS304 2nos.
minimum thickness 3mm of standard size. Inside contact
part of SS304 minimum2mm thick sheeting over M.S.
sheet & structures. Fan operated Motor to be3Phase as
per your rated capacity. M.S. structure should be sturdy
& M.S. sheeting minimum 5mm thick. A schematic
diagram to be placed before technical committee during
finalization of bid.

1. General Instructions:
In the event of e-filing, intending bidder may download the tender documents free of cost from the
website https://wbtender.gov.in directly with the help of Digital Signature Certificate & Earnest
Money Deposit (EMD) Rs. 5000 ( Five thousand only) of above-mentioned amount to be
submitted in the form of bank draft payable in favour of “W.B.Pharmaceutical &
Phytochemical Dev.Corp. Ltd.” at Kolkata on any nationalized bank. The word “authority”
means West Bengal Pharmaceutical & Phytochemical Development Corporation Ltd. or
WBPPDCL in short.

2. Submission of bids:
Both Technical bid and Financial Bid are to be submitted concurrently duly digitally signed in the
website https://wbtender.gov.in w i t h i n t h e s c h e d u l e d d a t e / t i m e m e n t i o n e d b e l o w . All
papers must be submitted in English language.
3. Date and Time Schedule:

Sl. No. Particulars Date & Time (IST)

1 Date of uploading of N.I.T. & other Documents (online) (Publishing Date) 10.04.2018,
FREE download after
2 Documents download/sell start (Online)
Till online bid submission
3 Documents download/sell end date
closing date & time
4 Bid submission start Date (On line) From Publishing Date
5 Bid submission closing Date/Time (On line) 28.04.2018 ,4 PM
6 Bid opening date for Technical Proposals (Online) 30.04.2018, 4 PM
Last Date / Time of submission of Earnest Money Deposit (Off line) at 30.04.2018,12PM
7 the Registered office of WBPPDCL

4. Eligibility for Quoting/bidding:

Only Manufacturers, Direct Importers, authorized distributors/suppliers are eligible for quoting. The
price is to be quoted in Indian Rupees (INR) including cost of insurance, packing, forwarding, freight
charges, GST EXTRA, etc.

5. Submission of Tenders:
The tender is to be submitted in a two Bid System (check list given at the bottom):
[A] Technical Bid:
[B]. Statutory Cover Containing the following documents:

1. COVER“A”:

“BID A”:
One folder for earnest money deposit with copy of the Demand draft/Pay order should be uploaded.
Local SSI units should upload certificate of registration/EM II for claiming EMD exemption (SINGLE FILE
“Essential Requirements of the Tendering Firm for participation” shall contain all papers related to the
essential requirements of the Tenderer for participation in the tender viz.
And Technical specification of the equipments for which the bidder have participated with schematic diagram.


NON-STATUTORY cover will include the following documents:

Sl. Category Sub- Sub Category

No. Categor Description (copy)
A Certificates A1. y PAN Card of the authorized signatory
Certificates Professional Tax Registration certificate
GST /TIN/Registration certificate
Copy of NIT signed by the tenderer.
B. COMPANY Manufacturing & Factory License
C. CERTIFICATES & C1: Manufacturer should have credential of manufacturing &
LICENSES supplying similar equipments to recognized firms.



2. COVER “B”:

(i) BOQ in INR (in excel sheet)

The folder as “Financial Bid” shall contain base price in Indian Rupee including cost of insurance,
packing, forwarding, freight charges, and GST-Extra etc as per BOQ.

Submission/sharing of hard copy and/or soft copy of “Bid B” by email to any email id of
WBPPDCL or anybody related to it or its officials is totally prohibited and “Bid B” should only be
submitted on line through NIC portal https://wbtender.gov.in.

6. Evaluation of the tenders

During the tender evaluation process, the “Bid A” will be opened first. Those Tenderer who have
qualified the essential & other requirements will be identified and only their “Bid B” i.e. Financial bid
will be opened. The “Bid B” of those Tenderer failing to meet the technical & other requirements of
participating in the tender will not be opened and be rejected. The Tenderer offering the item found
suitable and as being as per the tender specifications will only be selected. The Tenderer who have
been so identified to have been technically suitable in the context of above will be deemed to have
passed the test of essential and other requirement of the quoted item or items. However, inspection of
production facility may be undertaken at a later stage after opening of financial bid.
The “Bid B” (Financial Bids) of only these tenderers passing the essential and other requirement test
will be opened then subject to verification of hard copies.
If found s u i t a b l e in the context of above prequalification etc., the Tenderer quoting the lowest
rate will generally be considered as successful. Price comparison will be made on the basis of
“Total value with taxes and other charges” payable at destination.
Authority will also reserve the right of selecting more than one supplier at the approved rate if so
decided for ease of business.
However, the authority will reserve the right to reject any tender without assigning any reason
and will also reserve the right to select any bid other that the lowest bid.
7. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD):
Each tenderer has to submit, unless exempted under the existing orders of the West Bengal Govt.,
Earnest Money in the form of Demand Draft/Pay order from any Nationalized Bank/Scheduled bank in
India in payable in favour of “ W.B Pharmaceutical & Phytochemical Dev. Corp. Ltd.” at Kolkata.
The details are already noted above.
In one BOQ whatever be the number of items (one or more), the total EMD value is fixed at the amount
mentioned at the top.
The earnest money is to be deposited (scanned copy in online mode and original instrument in offline
mode) within the time schedule mentioned in this NIT. The onus of proving that a Tenderer is
exempted from Earnest Money Deposit will lie on the Tenderer and it must be proved by submission of
valid documents.
The earnest money of the Tenderer will be liable to be forfeited if the Tenderer withdraws from the
tender process as a whole or for any particular item or items at any stage after the opening of the tender,
or fails / refuses to enter into written agreement or refuses to comply tender terms for any or all of the
items accepted within the time specified when requested to do so or fails to do within the stipulated
The Earnest Money of the unsuccessful tenderers will be refunded after finalization of the tender or
within 3 (three) months from the date of opening of tender whichever is later against the specific prayer of
Tenderer. For the successful tenderers, the EMD will be refunded after compliance of the first supply

8. RATE:
Per unit rate on FOR at Kalyani Unit, Nadia basis..
The price is to be quoted in Indian Rupees (INR) including cost of insurance, packing, forwarding,
freight charges etc. but excluding of GST etc. which shall be quoted separately in the template for Bill of
Quantities (BOQ). , Percentage of GST to be mentioned in the appropriate Column of the template for
Bill of Quantities. Rates are to be quoted as per uploaded BOQ format only.
Price comparison will be made on the basis of “Total value with taxes and other charges” payable
at destination.


Orders for the supply of the approved items will be placed with the successful tenderers after the
completion of tender procedure, and such supply shall have to be made in such installments as may be
fixed or spread over the period to be specified in the supply orders to be made in pursuance of the
agreements. The successful Tenderer will have to supply within the specified time schedule that had
been assured at the time of selection as supplier.
When provided by the authority, materials are to be delivered duly packed .

10. Withdrawal /Cancellation & Purchase Policy of Tendering Authority:

The tendering authority reserves the right to withdraw any item from the tender at any stage. The selection
of such item, if already made in favour of any Tenderer, shall be treated as cancelled.
The tendering authority reserves the right to reject or accept any tender or part thereof at any stage or to
split any tender without assigning any reason. Withdrawal of tender or any revision after submission of
tender by the Tenderer will not be allowed.
The tendering authority reserves the right to accept or reject any tender, in part or in full, without
assigning any reason.
Purchase will, however be made following the existing purchase policy of the WBPPDCL as amended.

11. Important Instruction with regard to submission of tender.

The rate should be quoted in Indian Rupees (both in figure and words) for a particular item of the
offered item only as mentioned in the appropriate column of the BOQ (Alternative offer will not be

12. Inspection:
The authority may inspect at production site or take other necessary step if required at any stage of the
tender/purchase process and reserve the right to decide accordingly.

13. The authority WILL NOT compromise with the quality of materials.


Payment terms (30 days credit basis of order compliance) subject to supply of the materials as per
specification as provided in the tender documents and the catalogue and finalized and quality

Materials are to be supplied duly checked and within period as specified in the supply
1 YEAR on sight warranty to be provided by the manufacturer against any manufacturing
defect with free replacement of defective parts.
1YEAR performance guarantee to be provided by manufacturer.
16. Any modification/amendment/extension of date/change of schedule/other clauses/details of the tender
will be published in the Government of West Bengal tender portal https://wbtender.gov.in with supporting
advertisement in the website of the authority http://www.wbppdcl.com/tender.html and office notice board
but WITHOUT ANY advertisement in newspaper or other media.

For any inquiry the interested quotationers may send e-mail to [email protected] or visit our website:
http://www.wbppdcl.com/tender.html or ring to 033-2230-6355/1518, 09038376479 well ahead of closing
hours mentioned above.

Sumit Chatterjee
Procurement Supervisor

Sl. Items Pl mark Page no.

1 Application submitted in Annexure I & Yes No
Copy of NIT signed by tenderer.
2. Copy of PAN Card, GST registration, Manufacturing License Yes No
& Factory License, P.TAX of the Company
3. Copy of Demand Draft as applicable in favour of W.B. Yes No
Pharmaceutical & Phytochemical Dev. Corp. Ltd. Payable
at Kolkata, as Earnest Money

4. ALL other essential documents required for lawful business. Yes No

5. Traders should submit Trade License Yes No
6. Bidder should submit copies of credential Yes No
as noted in the respective table above.
7.. Returns of GST for the latest quarter submitted Yes No

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by SUMIT KUMAR
Date: 2018.04.10 14:20:51 IST
Location: West Bengal

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