Parenting Styles
Parenting Styles
Parenting Styles
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Development and Validation of the Questionnaire of
Academic Stress in Secondary Education: Structure,
Reliability and Nomological Validity
Rafael García-Ros 1, * , Francisco Pérez-González 1 and José M. Tomás 2
1 Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology, University of Valencia, 46010 Valencia, Spain;
[email protected]
2 Department of Methodology for the Behavioral Sciences, Advanced Research Methods Applied to Quality of
Life Promotion—ARMAQoL, University of Valencia, 46010 Valencia, Spain; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Received: 23 August 2018; Accepted: 13 September 2018; Published: 16 September 2018
Abstract: This study presents the validation process of the Questionnaire on Academic Stress in
Secondary Education (QASSE) designed to assess the wide variety of school sources and situations
related to academic stress in adolescence, and their relationship with students’ physical and
psychological well-being. The participants were 860 Spanish high school students (52.9% girls)
with an average age of 14.62 years (SD = 1.8). Through a cross-validation process, results supported
the QASSE multifactorial structure with four first-order factors—academic overload, interaction
with classmates, family pressure, and future-oriented perspective—and a second-order factor of
academic stress, showing a significant and intense relationship with adolescents’ psychological
and physical well-being. Results also highlight the effects of the gender and educational level
interaction on the students’ stress, with girls showing higher levels of stress in the transition
courses between educational phases (sophomore and junior years). The QASSE demonstrates
good validity and reliability, showing potential for both research and educational application.
The results show the high impact of the QASSE dimensions on psychological and physical well-being
in adolescence, highlighting its special usefulness for designing and adjusting educational prevention
and intervention actions in this area to the students’ specific characteristics and needs.
1. Introduction
Academic stress is a widespread phenomenon in the different stages of the educational system,
and it adversely affects students’ personal, emotional, and physical well-being [1–6], as well as
their learning and performance levels [7,8]. Different studies also highlight its relationship with
early school dropout [9] and internalizing and externalizing problems in school contexts [10,11].
Academic stress is especially relevant in adolescence because the school environment is one of the most
significant life contexts in this developmental stage and one of the sources of stress most identified by
adolescents [12,13]. In addition, transitions between educational stages are usually related to higher
levels of stress [7,14]. They can have a negative influence on students’ academic, personal, and social
adjustment, and their levels of self-esteem and achievement [15].
In spite of its demonstrated prevalence and relevance in adolescence, various authors point
out serious gaps and problems in the assessment of academic stress in this developmental stage.
Some of the most important shortcomings are (a) dissatisfaction with the assessment instruments
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currently available [16] and (b) the low number of studies focused on secondary education, compared
to university level education, and inconsistencies in their conclusions about the relationships among
gender, educational level, and academic stress [17,18].
Focusing on the first question, despite several self-report instruments having been developed to
assess academic stress, recent studies refer to their limitations [11,16,19]—especially those developed
in Spanish [16,19]—alleging that they (a) are generic in nature and decontextualized from the school
setting, (b) have a one-dimensional nature and provide little information for intervention in this
area, and (c) focus on partial aspects of academic stress. Thus, several authors emphasize that few
instruments consider the broad range of potentially stress-producing academic conditions and that
there is a need for instruments with contrasted validity and reliability [11]. Noteworthy shortcomings
are identified in the validation of the available instruments, such as not using confirmatory techniques
to show the consistency and stability of their structure across different samples [20]. Among the few
exceptions, recent studies [21,22] highlight the Spanish adaptation of the Student Stress Inventory
Manifestation, which evaluates the different manifestations (physiological, emotional, and behavioral)
of academic stress in adolescence.
Focusing on the second question, the inconsistencies among the results of previous studies that
analyze the possible effects of adolescents’ gender and educational level on their levels of academic
stress make this question an especially relevant objective in this study. Thus, although most studies
point out that girls express greater academic stress than boys [11,23], some recent evidence revealed
that adolescents’ perceptions of school-related stressors are similar in both genders [3,23], or that girls
present greater stress when faced with some types of stressors—e.g., related to worries about school
achievement—whereas boys present greater stress related to others—e.g., conflicts with parents and/or
teachers—[4,5,24]. Moreover, studies that analyze this question in transitions between educational
stages suggest that girls show higher levels of stress during these periods [23,25,26]. Thus, in spite
of the large volume of studies that analyze stress in adolescents in different life contexts, these
results highlight that possible differences in academic stress depending on adolescents’ gender and
educational level are still not clear [27]. These questions are especially relevant, given that they limit
and impede the design and evaluation of prevention and intervention programs in the school setting,
and their adaptation to students’ specific needs [28].
All these considerations underscore the need to develop and validate an academic stress
assessment instrument in adolescence that considers the broad range of elements that make up
the school context, can easily be applied in schools, provides valid and reliable measures of their
evolution in this context, and helps the professionals involved to relate assessment and intervention.
Thus, the purpose of this study is to design and validate an instrument to assess academic stress
in adolescence, analyzing the effects of students’ educational level and gender on its underlying
dimensions. More specifically, the study objectives are:
(a) To analyze the psychometric properties of the Questionnaire on Academic Stress in Secondary
Education, hereinafter QASSE.
(b) To determine the relationship between the dimensions of the QASSE and students’ physical and
psychological well-being as part of its nomological validity net.
(c) To analyze the relationships among academic stress, educational level, and gender in secondary
education (12–18 years).
schoolwork pressure, school/leisure conflicts, worries about school achievement, difficulties with
peers at school, conflicts with teachers and parents, and concerns about the future and their effects
on adolescents’ personal well-being [3,5,13,25,27]. Three experienced researchers in adolescent
developmental and educational psychology and three school psychologists from different public
secondary schools participated. A comprehensive and exhaustive initial pool of 30 items was
developed. The items were originally written in Spanish. These items were related to potentially
stress-producing situations in the school context, and special care was taken to ensure that their
wording was simple and accessible to adolescents [29,30].
The 30-item draft was submitted and administered to six secondary school teachers and
18 secondary students (12 from compulsory secondary education and six from post-compulsory
secondary education), using a Likert-type response scale from 1 (very low) to 5 (very high). Feedback
obtained from the teachers and students emphasized the relevance and applicability of all the items,
and minor adjustments were made in the wording of various items in order to make the vocabulary
more easily understood by adolescents.
Thus, the initial version of the QASSE used in the study comprised 30 items related to different
potentially stress-producing situations in secondary education, see Table 1. Students’ responses reveal
their stress level in the different school situations on a Likert-type scale with five response options
(1 = “Very low”, to 5 = “Very high”).
2.2. Participants
Participants in the study were 860 high school students in seven public high schools in a large city
in Eastern Spain during the 2014–2015 academic year. Their mean age was 14.62 years (SD = 1.8). Of all
the participants, 70.2% were studying Compulsory Secondary Education (7th grade, n = 132; 8th grade,
n = 150; 9th grade, n = 154; 10th grade, n = 168; total Compulsory Secondary Education, n = 604),
whereas 29.8% (n = 256) were studying Post-Compulsory Secondary Education (pre-university)
(11th grade, n = 150; 12th grade, n = 106; All post-compulsory secondary education, n = 256). All the
participating schools are located in areas with a low-medium socioeconomic level. Data were collected
among all grade levels at all schools.
2.3. Measures
Other measures were used in this study to analyze the validity of the QASSE. The measures
employed were chosen as they may be considered part of the nomological net in the sense of Cronbach
and Meehl [31], and therefore offer evidence on nomological validity. To analyze the convergent
validity of the QASSE, the Spanish adaptations of the General Health Questionnaire -GHQ-12- [32,33]
and the List of Somatic Complaints -LQS- [34] were administered.
General Health Questionnaire 12-items (GHQ-12). The GHQ-12 objective is to evaluate the general
mental health or current well-being at the level of the general population. It contains twelve items with
a four-level response scale (0 = “Less than usual”; 3 = “A lot more than usual”); six items are expressed
in terms of clinical symptomatology, and the rest are worded in a positive way. The response values
of the positive items were inverted to obtain an estimation of the degree of severity of the absence of
mental health. The scale’s three underlying factors [35] corresponding to Anxiety and Depression,
Social Dysfunction, and Loss of Self-esteem, showed adequate internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha
of 0.75, 0.81, and 0.70, respectively).
LQS. List of Somatic Complaints. The LQS objective is to identify the frequency with which
children and adolescents experience and feel pain. It consists of eleven items related to the frequency
with which they experienced different physical complaints in recent weeks (e.g., “stomachache”),
using a scale with three response options (1 = “Never”; 3 = “Often”). Its internal consistency in this
study was 0.84.
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2.4. Procedure
The study was reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Valencia (code
number H1523870265031). Likewise, it had authorization from the Board of Education of the Valencian
Government to access the schools and to develop the study. After obtaining the informed consent
of the schools and families of the participants, the students filled out the instruments collectively
and voluntarily during school hours the week before the first semester exams. The instruments were
administered by collaborating psychologists from the research team in a 50-minute session. In order
to perform a cross-validation of the QASSE, the resulting database was randomly divided in half.
The first half (sample 1) was used for exploratory purposes, and the second half (sample 2) was used
for confirmatory ends.
2.5. Analysis
Sample 1 responses were submitted for principal components analysis (PCA) with oblimin
rotation using SPSS 22 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Dimensions with values greater than 1.5 were
selected, considering a factorial saturation greater than 0.40 in only one dimension as the criterion
for selection and assignment of the factors. To test the validity of the structure resulting from the
PCA, the sample 2 responses were analyzed with a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) specified and
estimated in Mplus (Muthén & Muthén, Los Angeles, CA, USA) [36]. A weighted Least Square Mean
and Variance Corrected (WLSMV) method of estimation was employed in order to accommodate the
non-normality and ordinal nature of the indicators in the first set of CFA models (those analyzing the
items) and Robust Maximum Likelihood (MLR) in the model testing for the nomological validity of
the scale [37]. We assessed model fit using the chi-square statistic, the Comparative Fit Index (CFI),
and the Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA)—the indices available for this type of
estimation. We used the following criteria to determine good fit: CFI above 0.90 (better if above 0.95)
and RMSEA below 0.08 [38]. In addition to overall fit indexes, the acceptability of the model was
evaluated by the strength and interpretability of the parameter estimates and the absence of large
and substantively meaningful modification indices with Weighted Least Square Mean and Variance
Corrected. The reliability (internal consistency) of the resulting subscales was estimated with alpha
coefficients, Average Extracted Variance (AVE), and Composite Reliability Indexes (CRI).
To analyze the nomological validity of the QASSE scores, a new structural model was specified
and submitted for evaluation through CFA, considering the dimensions underlying the QASSE,
the GHQ-12, and the LQS. Given the sample size and the large number of indicators that make up the
three scales, the decision was made to parcel the items from the QASSE and the LQS and consider the
scores on the subscales of the GHQ-12 as indicators of psychological well-being. Establishing parcels
of items produces more stable solutions, better fit levels, less bias, and lower estimation errors [39].
Finally, considering all the participants in the study, a factorial Multivariate Analysis of Variance
(MANOVA) was used to analyze the possible effects of the students’ educational level and gender on
their academic stress levels. MANOVA was calculated in SPSS 22.
3. Results
Table 1. Eigenvalues, percentage of variance explained, average value and standard deviation of the
items in each factor and internal consistencies (alphas).
Table 2. Means, standard deviations, factor loadings and communalities in the initial 30-items version
of the Questionnaire on Academic Stress in Secondary Education (QASSE).
Factorial Saturations
Item M DS Communality
1 2 3 4
1. Taking exams 3.68 0.99 0.768 −0.009 0.125 0.182 0.639
2. Presentations of work in class 2.94 1.11 0.362 0.243 0.125 0.041 0.207
3. Intervening in class (e.g., asking questions, participating
2.14 0.97 0.133 0.587 0.042 0.149 0.386
in debates)
4. Dealing with the teacher outside of class (e.g., in homeroom,
2.10 1.07 0.094 0.565 0.162 0.065 0.359
office visits)
5. Academic overload (having too many exams and tasks to do) 3.95 1.02 0.769 0.045 0.140 0.106 0.624
6. Lack of time to fulfill all the activities we are asked to do 3.57 1.13 0.759 0.034 0.108 0.045 0.591
7. Competitiveness among classmates 2.07 1.07 0.136 0.599 −0.109 0.260 0.457
8. Doing tasks that involve looking for information and writing 2.50 1.01 0.515 0.409 −0.037 0.120 0.435
9. The task of studying (e.g., meeting established schedules,
3.28 1.07 0.726 0.106 0.107 0.069 0.555
level of effort)
10. Working with classmates on tasks in class 2.19 0.97 0.271 0.613 −0.029 0.124 0.466
11. Problems or conflicts with teachers 2.14 1.22 0.031 0.492 0.478 −0.076 0.478
12. Problems or conflicts with classmates 1.95 1.09 −0.032 0.573 0.299 −0.035 0.420
13. Being able to attend all the classes 2.01 1.18 0.103 0.446 0.406 0.050 0.326
14. Too much responsibility to fulfill my obligations 3.05 1.11 0.667 0.254 0.180 0.152 0.565
15. Obtaining high grades in different subjects 3.37 1.19 0.611 0.015 −0.001 0.409 0.540
16. Future academic and professional perspectives 3.29 1.22 0.386 0.077 0.092 0.584 0.650
17. Choosing subjects in the coming courses 2.49 1.16 0.157 0.241 0.109 0.711 0.600
18. Getting or keeping a grant to study 2.94 1.35 0.170 0.194 0.164 0.750 0.656
19. Finishing 10th grade (or 12th grade or Vocational Education)
3.20 1.37 0.320 0.187 0.374 0.511 0.539
in the stipulated time periods
20. Family pressure to obtain good grades 3.21 1.36 0.244 0.076 0.661 0.256 0.569
21. Lack of support from my teachers 2.38 1.16 0.173 0.436 0.443 0.158 0.442
22. Keeping up with the academic activities and tasks 2.83 1.02 0.683 0.226 0.177 0.085 0.557
23. My relationships with my classmates 2.08 1.16 0.013 0.719 0.114 0.018 0.530
24. Doing things well in all the subjects in the course 3.21 1.07 0.694 0.160 0.046 0.217 0.557
25. Family discussions and conflicts caused by my studies 2.82 1.39 0.135 0.140 0.770 0.028 0.631
26. Making leisure time and academic work compatible 3.14 1.12 0.687 0.074 0.198 0.037 0.517
27. Teachers’ pressure about my work and behavior 2.73 1.18 0.275 0.353 0.483 0.095 0.442
28. The fact that my parents are always on top of me (e.g.,
2.78 1.45 0.094 0.129 0.755 0.141 0.616
whether I do my homework and activities, my grades, . . . )
29. Doing poorly on an exam. 3.93 0.99 0.503 0.040 0.001 0.287 0.338
30. The fact that my classmates think I’m not a good student 2.42 1.31 0.104 0.460 0.162 0.235 0.304
Based on the items with the greatest saturation in factor 1 (“Taking exams”, “Academic
overload—having too many exams and tasks to do—”, and “Lack of time to fulfill all the activities we
are asked to do”), this factor was called Academic Overload and School Performance. Given the most
representative items in factor 2 (“My relationships with my classmates”, “Working with classmates
on tasks in class”, and “Intervening in class—e.g., asking questions, participating in debates—”),
this factor was labeled Interaction with Classmates. Factor 3 was called Family Pressure, based on its
most representative items (“Family discussions and conflicts caused by my studies”, “The fact that my
parents are always on top of me—e.g., whether I do my homework and activities, my grades, . . . —”,
and “Family pressure to obtain good grades”). The last factor was called Future Perspectives because
all the items included in it refer to this question (e.g., “Choosing subjects in the coming courses”,
“Getting or keeping a grant to study”, “Future academic and professional perspectives”).
Six items were ruled out in later analyses. Five of them showed saturations above 0.40 in more
than one dimension (items 8, 13, 11, 15, and 21), and one (item 2) did not reach the minimum saturation
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 2023 6 of 14
considered. After their elimination, the reliability of the scale overall was 0.92, which suggests
considering a global score of academic stress.
Table 3. Goodness-of-fit indexes for the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) models.
The internal consistency estimates of both the first-order dimensions and the second-order factor
from the QASSE were adequate. Alpha, AVE, and CRI were calculated for each factor. Academic
Overload and school performance (factor 1) presented the highest value (α = 0.84, AVE = 0.45,
CRI = 0.87), followed by Family Pressure (factor 3, α = 0.77, AVE = 0.56, CRI = 0.83), Interactions
with Classmates (factor 2, α = 0.74, AVE = 0.44, CRI = 0.78), and Future Perspectives (factor 4, α = 0.73,
AVE = 0.45, CRI = 0.77). The internal consistency of the general academic stress factor was α = 0.89.
Figure 1.
1. Standardized
Standardized factor
factor loadings
loadings for
for the
the M3r#
M3r# model.
Figure 2 shows
shows the results of the CFA carried out to evaluate the nomological
nomological validity
validity of
of the
QASSE scores.
scores. The
The results
results highlight
highlight the
the adequate
adequate fit
fit of the model to the data
data (SBχ 2
(SBχ (201)
2 (201) == 570.38,
pp << 0.001;
0.001; RMSEA
RMSEA == 0.054,
0.054, 90%
90% CI
CI [0.049–0.050];
[0.049–0.050]; CFI
CFI == 0.922),
0.922), showing
showing that
that all
all the
the saturations
saturations are
significant and of considerable
considerable magnitude
magnitude (values between 0.54 and 0.80). The The relationships
relationships between
the hierarchical factor
the hierarchical factorfrom
fromthethe QASSE,
QASSE, personal
personal well-being
well-being (GHQ-12),
(GHQ-12), and somatic
and somatic symptoms
symptoms (LQS)
(LQS) are significant
are significant at 0.001atand
0.001 andhigh
have havevalues
high values (0.69
(0.69 and andrespectively).
0.72, 0.72, respectively).
Figure factor
Confirmatory model
factor relating
model QASSE,
relating GeneralGeneral
QASSE, Health Questionnaire 12-items (GHQ-12),
Health Questionnaire 12-items
and List of Somatic Complaints (LQS).
(GHQ-12), and List of Somatic Complaints (LQS).
Table 4 presents the basic descriptors, correlations, and internal consistency of the latent variables
Table 4 presents the basic descriptors, correlations, and internal consistency of the latent
obtained from the CFA. Both the second-order factor and the four first-order factors from the QASSE
variables obtained from the CFA. Both the second-order factor and the four first-order factors from
show satisfactory internal consistency levels, revealing significant relationships at 0.001 with the
the QASSE show satisfactory internal consistency levels, revealing significant relationships at 0.001
GHQ-12 and with the LQS.
with the GHQ-12 and with the LQS.
Table 4. Means (M), Standard Deviations (SD), Skewness (Sk), Kurtosis (Ku), Correlation matrix and
Table 4. Means (M), Standard Deviations (SD), Skewness (Sk), Kurtosis (Ku), Correlation matrix and
Internal consistency (Cronbach’s alphas on the diagonal) of latent variables.
Internal consistency (Cronbach’s alphas on the diagonal) of latent variables.
Correlation matrix
Latent Variables M SD Sk Ku Correlation matrix
Latent Variables M SD Sk Ku 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Overload 3.39 0.74
3.39 −0.40 −0.03
0.74 −0.40 −0.03 (0.86)
2. Interactions with 2.13 0.68 0.43 −0.27 0.50 *** (0.73)
2. Interactions with 2.13 0.68 0.43 −0.27
Classmates 0.50 *** (0.73)
3. Family Pressure 2.81 1.05 0.12 −0.96 0.49 *** 0.36 *** (0.72)
Perspectives 2.81
3.02 1.05
0.97 0.12
−0.13 −0.96
−0.76 0.49 ******
0.62 0.36
0.45*** (0.72)
*** 0.45 *** (0.75)
4.5.Future Perspectives
Academic stress 3.02
2.86 0.97 −0.19 −0.76
0.61 −0.13 0.05 0.62 ******
0.82 0.45
*** 0.45
0.60 ***
*** (0.75)
0.75 *** (0.88)
Academicorder factor)
stress 2.86 0.61 −0.19 0.05
6. Well-being
(second order (GHQ-12)
factor) 2.39 0.58 0.29 −0.52 0.82 ******
0.59 0.61
*** 0.60
0.43 ***
*** 0.75 ***
0.54 *** (0.88)
0.69 *** (0.72)
7. Somatic complaints 1.74 0.42 0.40 −0.57 0.46 *** 0.34 *** 0.33 *** 0.42 *** 0.72 *** 0.55 *** (0.84)
6. Well-being 2.39 0.58 0.29 −0.52
(LQS) 0.59 *** 0.44 *** 0.43 *** 0.54 *** 0.69 *** (0.72)
Note: *** p < 0.001.
7. Somatic complaints 1.74 0.42 0.40 −0.57
0.46 *** 0.34 *** 0.33 *** 0.42 *** 0.72 *** 0.55 *** (0.84)
3.4. Gender and Educational Level Differences Note: *** p < 0.001.
To analyze possible differences due to adolescents’ gender and educational level in the QASSE
dimensions, a 2 × 2 factorial MANOVA was performed with the responses of all the participants.
The results show the existence of significant effects on academic stress, based on gender, Λ = 0.95,
F (4, 867) = 12.6, p < 0.001, η 2 = 0.06, and educational level, Λ = 0.80, F (20, 2876.5) = 3.67, p < 0.001,
η 2 = 0.05, as well as the gender and educational level interaction, Λ = 0.93, F (20, 2876.5) = 3.03, p < 0.05,
η 2 = 0.02. Through the corresponding ANOVAS, a more detailed analysis was performed of their
effects on the dimensions of the QASSE. The results shown in Table 5 show the significant effects of the
gender variable on Academic overload, Future perspectives, and the second-order factor. Significant
effects of educational level are also observed in all the stress dimensions. The gender and educational
level interaction is significant for Academic Overload, Interaction with Classmates, Future Perspectives,
and the general Academic Stress factor.
Table 5. Main effects and interaction effects of gender and educational level variables on the dimensions
of academic stress.
Given that the interpretation of the principal effects is subordinate to the existence of significant
interactions, the comments will be based on the interactions between gender and educational level.
In order to facilitate the interpretation of the results, Figure 3 shows the graphs of the average scores
on the QASSE by gender and educational level.
Girls experience significantly higher levels of stress than boys on Academic Overload and school
performance in the fourth year of secondary education (10th grade) (p < 0.01) and in both courses of
upper secondary (11th and 12th grades) (p < 0.001), showing a strictly increasing progression in the
period analyzed. By contrast, boys show homogeneous levels during the entire period.
For Interactions with Classmates, significant gender differences are only observed in 12th grade,
with girls presenting higher values than boys (p < 0.01). The girls present homogeneous scores in the
entire period analyzed, whereas the boys reduce their levels of stress. The average values reported by
both genders at all levels are quite low.
In the case of Family pressure, only the main effects of educational level are significant. Girls and
boys show homogeneous values until 11th grade, with a significant reduction in 12th grade (p < 0.01),
compared to previous levels.
Although on Future Perspectives the girls present higher values at all educational levels,
the differences in gender are only significant (p < 0.001) in the transition courses between stages—in
10th grade and 12th grade. The boys present a homogeneous profile throughout the entire period,
whereas the girls show a growing progression during compulsory secondary education.
On the second-order hierarchical factor, girls show significantly higher levels of academic stress
than boys in 10th grade (p < 0.05) and in 11th and 12th grades (p < 0.01). The boys present a
homogeneous profile until 12th grade, whereas the girls show a growing progression between 7th grade
and 11th grade.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 2023 10 of 14
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, x 10 of 14
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3. Mean scores on QASSE dimensions by gender and educational level: (a) Academic
Figure 3. Mean scores on QASSE dimensions by gender and educational level: (a) Academic overload;
overload; (b) Interactions with classmates; (c) Family pressure; (d) Future perspectives; (e) Academic
(b) Interactions with classmates; (c) Family pressure; (d) Future perspectives; (e) Academic stress
stress second order factor.
second order factor.
4. Discussion
4. Discussion
The main objective of this study was to present the development and validation of the QASSE, a
Thescale for evaluating academic stress in Secondary Education. In spite of the demonstrated prevalence
main objective of this study was to present the development and validation of the QASSE,
a scale for evaluating academic stress in Secondary Education. In spite of the demonstrated prevalence
and relevance of academic stress in adolescence, some authors [11,16,19] point out the low number of
studies devoted
and relevance to this
of academic topic in
stress in adolescence,
this educational stage,
some and they
authors have also
[11,16,19] pointed
point out out several
the low number
important shortcomings of the evaluation instruments available, limiting
of studies devoted to this topic in this educational stage, and they have also pointed out several their usefulness for
evaluation and intervention. From this perspective, this study has analyzed the dimensionality and
important shortcomings of the evaluation instruments available, limiting their usefulness for evaluation
internal consistency of the QASSE, its relationship with adolescents’ physical and psychological
and intervention. From this perspective, this study has analyzed the dimensionality and internal
well‐being, and the effects of students’ gender and educational level on their levels of academic stress,
consistency of the QASSE, its relationship with adolescents’ physical and psychological well-being,
given the discrepancies in the conclusions from previous research [3,9,27].
and the effects of students’ gender and educational level on their levels of academic stress, given the
4.1. Dimensionality and Psychometric Properties of the QASSE Scores
discrepancies in the conclusions from previous research [3,9,27].
The results highlight that the QASSE scores provides valid and reliable information to evaluate
4.1. Dimensionality andin Psychometric
academic stress Properties
adolescence. More of the the
specifically, QASSE Scores
QASSE seems especially useful for identifying
levels of academic stress produced by the different types of academic stressors related to academic
The results highlight that the QASSE scores provides valid and reliable information to evaluate
overload and school performance, interaction with classmates, family pressure, and future perspectives.
academic stress in adolescence. More specifically, the QASSE seems especially useful for identifying
levels ofInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, x; doi:
academic stress produced by the different types of academic stressors
related to academic
overload and school performance, interaction with classmates, family pressure, and future perspectives.
In addition, the four subscales of the QASSE reflect dimensions that are qualitatively consistent with the
conclusions of previous research on academic stress in adolescence [3,4,27], providing an instrument
with contrasted validity and reliability that allows their combined assessment. We think this question
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 2023 11 of 14
is especially important in the school context because it makes it possible to evaluate and design
intervention proposals for academic stress that fit students’ specific needs.
Moreover, these results emphasize the importance of considering a multidimensional perspective
in the evaluation of, and intervention on academic stress, contemplating a wide variety of factors and
sources found in the school context. Thus, there is a need to consider and address aspects related not
only to academic overload and obtaining satisfactory outcomes, which are traditionally the ones most
considered in this setting and show the highest scores in the research along with worries about the
future [3,13], but also related to promoting satisfactory relationships and support among classmates [1],
facing possible conflicts with the family and teachers [40],and developing effective strategies for coping
with the uncertainties of their academic future [11,12].
in interpersonal relationships constitute a clear risk factor for the deterioration of performance and
academic functioning [1,9], this area of intervention should also occupy a pre-eminent place in some
cases, focusing the intervention on developing effective coping and problem-solving strategies in
relationships with teachers, peers, and parents to obtain good results, although presumably considering
intervention modalities more individualized and/or focused on the teaching staff and classroom
management [6]. In any case, this issue also highlights the relevance of adjusting the intervention to
the specific problems and needs evidenced for each student, without assuming that the intervention in
one of the QASSE dimensions will mean progress in the others. Lastly, it’s relevant to highlight the
importance of different organizational factors that can be especially relevant to reduce the academic
stress that students experience, such as the coordination of the teaching staff in the assignment of tasks
and in the planning for the examination calendar, the design of learning environments, and the use of
teaching and assessment student-centered methodologies, or the improvement of support systems
in face of difficulties that may arise in the performance of tasks and in the study of the different
subjects [17,44,45].
5. Conclusions
In summary, this study highlights: (a) The QASSE scores provides valid and reliable information
to evaluate academic stress in adolescence; (b) the importance of using a multidimensional perspective
in the evaluation and intervention in academic stress in secondary education, taking into account the
different agents and subsystems of the school context; (c) the close relationship between academic stress
assessed by the QASSE and adolescents’ mental and physical health; and (d) the significant effects
of students’ educational level and gender on academic stress levels, emphasizing the importance of
planning preventive interventions in the transition courses between stages, with girls presenting higher
levels of vulnerability to these transitions. The limitations of the study are related to its cross-sectional
nature, the use of self-report measures of academic stress, somatic complaints and well-being, and the
fact that these measures were administered at a specific time point in the academic year. Future studies
will have to consider other sources of information, such as the teachers’ and parents’ perspectives,
as well as behavioral variables related to students’ well-being (e.g., missing classes due to illness,
requests for educational and psychological support). Moreover, it would also be especially relevant to
develop longitudinal studies in order to determine the evolution of academic stress in adolescence,
also considering how it varies throughout the academic course depending on the proximity of exams
and their outcomes, as well as whether the proximity of exams affects the dimensions of academic stress
in a different way (for example, making more salient the dimensions of academic overload or family
pressure). In any case, the results reveal that the QASSE has good reliability and validity estimates
and may therefore evaluate academic stress in Secondary Education, allowing greater comprehension
of this phenomenon and facilitating the development of intervention proposals focused on students’
specific needs.
Author Contributions: R.G.-R. and F.P.-G. conceived the study and carried out data aquisition and interpretation.
R.G.-R. and J.M.T. analyzed the data and prepared the manuscript. All authors provided intellectual contributions
to the manuscript and has read and approved the final version.
Funding: This study was partially funded by grants from the University of Valencia (No. FO14_222485).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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