Pterygomandibular Raphe
Pterygomandibular Raphe
Pterygomandibular Raphe
PMR ⫽ pterygomandibular raphe
RMT ⫽ retromolar trigone
Fig 7. Sagittal (A), axial (B), and coronal (C) contrast-enhanced CTs show an RMT tumor (t) that involves the PMR (asterisk), with extension superiorly
to the pterygoid plates (p) and anterior inferiorly along the floor of the mouth (F).
Fig 8. Axial (A), sagittal (B), coronal (C) contrast-enhanced CTs, demonstrating enhancing tumor (t) that involves the right PMR (asterisk indicates
approximate position); note the inferior extension to the floor of the mouth (F) and cephalad extension to the hamulus of the medial pterygoid plate
ing for tumor growth superiorly from the oral cavity.18 Because tumor spread from the RMT may be submuco-
Tumor can spread from the PMR to the masticator space sal, it may not be evident on clinical examination. Imaging,
superior laterally and the buccal space anteriorly, and also therefore, plays a crucial role in the detection of tumor
into the buccal fat posterior to the maxillary sinus. Virtually spread via the PMR. A mucosal lesion noted on physical
all cancers that spread along the PMR originate from or examination may be underestimated, therefore, not com-
involve the RMT.19 Perineural spread may also occur along pletely treated. Tumor recurrence and/or progression can
the inferior alveolar nerve and mandibular branch of the occur if the extent of the primary tumor is not recognized
trigeminal nerve. (Fig 9). Tumor involvement of other oral cavity subsites can