Astrina Spectro Masas 2001
Astrina Spectro Masas 2001
Astrina Spectro Masas 2001
Edited by J. Richard McIntosh, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, and approved October 17, 2001 (received for review July 18, 2001)
We purified microtubules from a mammalian mitotic extract and somes. Thus, we have generated a comprehensive list of all major
obtained an amino acid sequence from each microtubule-associ- motor and nonmotor mitotic microtubule-associated proteins.
ated protein by using mass spectrometry. Most of these proteins
are known spindle-associated components with essential func- Materials and Methods
tional roles in spindle organization. We generated antibodies Cell Culture. HeLa cells were maintained in DMEM containing
against a protein identified in this collection and refer to it as astrin 10% FCS, 50 units兾ml penicillin, and 50 g兾ml streptomycin.
because of its association with astral microtubule arrays assembled CFPAC-1 cells were maintained in Iscove’s modified Dulbecco’s
in vitro. Astrin is ⬇134 kDa, and except for a large predicted medium containing 10% FCS, 50 units兾ml penicillin, and 50
coiled-coil domain in its C-terminal region it lacks any known g兾ml streptomycin. Cells were grown at 37°C in a humidified
functional motifs. Astrin associates with spindle microtubules as incubator with a 5% C02 atmosphere.
early as prophase where it concentrates at spindle poles. It localizes
throughout the spindle in metaphase and anaphase and associates Microtubule Aster Preparation and Enrichment. Mitotic extracts and
with midzone microtubules in anaphase and telophase. Astrin also microtubule asters were prepared as described (22). Latrunculin
localizes to kinetochores but only on those chromosomes that have B (5 g兾ml) was added to the final extract to reduce actin
congressed. Deletion analysis indicates that astrin’s primary spin- polymerization and the contamination of microtubule pellets
dle-targeting domain is at the C terminus, although a secondary with actin and actin-associated proteins. Extracts corresponding
domain in the N terminus can target some of the protein to spindle to ⬇3 ⫻ 107 cells were layered onto a 50% (wt兾vol) sucrose
poles. Thus, we have generated a comprehensive list of major cushion in KHM buffer (78 mM KCL兾50 mM Hepes, pH 7.0兾4
mitotic microtubule-associated proteins, among which is astrin, a mM MgCl2兾2 mM EGTA兾1 mM DTT), and microtubules were
nonmotor spindle protein. collected by sedimentation at 100,000 ⫻ g for 2 h at 4°C. The
insoluble pellet was collected directly in SDS兾PAGE sample
of chromosomes and spindle organization. (Bar, 10 m.) specific biological function of any given protein and succeeded
in identification of both motor and nonmotor microtubule-
associated proteins, most of which have known functional roles
We also observed a punctate staining pattern for astrin in spindle organization. These results suggest that these proteins
adjacent to the chromosomes during metaphase reminiscent of represent a comprehensive catalogue of all major noncentroso-
kinetochores, and double labeling with an anti-centromere an- mal and nonchromosomal spindle-associated proteins. Addi-
tibody verified that astrin concentrates at kinetochores during
metaphase (Fig. 4B). Surprisingly, in prometaphase, kineto- tional experimental approaches will be needed to identify those
chores of chromosomes that were unaligned did not stain for proteins that associate only transiently with asters兾spindles (such
astrin, whereas those chromosomes that were aligned at the as cytoplasmic dynein) and those proteins that are minor com-
metaphase plate displayed kinetochore staining (Fig. 4A). Astrin ponents of asters兾spindles.
required intact microtubules for both its establishment and Among this collection of mitotic microtubule-associated pro-
maintenance at kinetochores, because nocodazole treatment teins is astrin, a coiled coil-containing, nonmotor protein that
abolished all kinetochore staining. localizes throughout the spindle during mitosis. Astrin is unique
in that although it is expressed throughout the cell cycle, it is useful marker for kinetochore maturation and chromosome
localized only to microtubules during mitosis. The C terminus is alignment.
the primary determinant for targeting astrin to spindles; how- Currently, the function of astrin is unknown. Astrin’s specific
ever, the association of astrin with spindles may involve more association with spindles would suggest a functional role in
complex intermolecular interactions, because the N-terminal spindle organization; however, we have been unable to confirm兾
domain is sufficient to target some of the protein to spindle refute that suggestion, because our antibodies do not react
poles. Another unusual aspect of astrin is its association with efficiently with the native protein, making immunodepletion of
kinetochores. It is the only protein to our knowledge that mitotic extracts and microinjection experiments uninformative.
associates with kinetochores of only those chromosomes that We speculate that astrin may play a structural role within the
have aligned at the metaphase plate. Thus, although astrin spindle based on two observations. First, the targeting of astrin
requires intact microtubules to localize to kinetochores and is to spindles is complex and involves both the N and C termini,
thus not a constitutive kinetochore component, it can serve as a indicating that astrin may bind to multiple spindle components
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