The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: A New Instrument For Psychiatric Practice and Research
The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: A New Instrument For Psychiatric Practice and Research
The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: A New Instrument For Psychiatric Practice and Research
Received May 9, 1988; revised version received August 17, 1988; accepted November 12, 1988.
“Sleep quality” is an important clinical construct for two major reasons. First,
complaints about sleep quality are common; epidemiological surveys indicate that
1535% of the adult population complain of frequent sleep quality disturbance, such
as difficulty falling asleep or difficulty maintaining sleep (Karacan et al., 1976, 1983;
Bixler et al., 1979; Lugaresi et al., 1983; Welstein et al., 1983; Mellinger et al., 1985).
Second, poor sleep quality can be an important symptom of many sleep and medical
disorders. One frequently measured component of sleep quality, sleep duration, may
even have a direct association with mortality (Kripke et al., 1979).
Sleep quality complaints are particularly relevant to psychiatry. Factors relating
to anxiety and stress are one of the most important concomitants of sleep complaints
in the general population (Karacan et al., 1983), and insomnia associated with
psychiatric disorders is the most prevalent type of insomnia seen in sleep disorders
centers, accounting for 35% of diagnoses (Coleman, 1983). Furthermore, sleep
Daniel J. Buysse, M.D., is Assistant Professor; Charles F. Reynolds III, M.D., is Professor; Timothy H.
Monk, Ph.D., is Associate Professor; Susan R. Berman is Research Associate; and David J. Kupfer,
M.D., is Professor and Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of
Medicine. (Reprint requests to Dr. C.F. Reynolds Ill, Western Psychiatric institute and Clinic, University
of Pittsburgh, 381 I O’Hara St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA.)
survey-type questionnaires (which assess difficulties over the previous year or more). A
postsleep questionnaire may reflect more accurately the night-to-night variations that occur in
sleep quality, but it does not provide information about the frequency or duration of specific
problems that may lead a patient to seek help. On the other hand, survey-type questionnaires
may not indicate the severity of a particular problem at the present time. In addition, a
duration of 2-3 weeks is often used clinically to differentiate transient from persistent sleep-
wake disorders (Consensus Conference on Insomnia, 1984). Therefore, administering the
PSQI on two occasions separated by approximately I month allows for the discrimination of
most transient and persistent disturbances.
The PSQI consists of 19 self-rated questions and five questions rated by the bedpartner or
roommate. The latter five questions are used for clinical information only, are not tabulated in
the scoring of the PSQI, and are not reported on in this article. The 19 self-rated questions
assess a wide variety of factors relating to sleep quality, including estimates of sleep duration
and latency and of the frequency and severity of specific sleep-related problems. These I9
items are grouped into seven component scores, each weighted equally on a O-3 scale. The
seven component scores are then summed to yield a global PSQI score, which has a range of
O-2 I; higher scores indicate worse sleep quality.
The seven components of the PSQI are standardized versions of areas routinely assessed in
clinical interviews of patients with sleep/ wake complaints. These components are subjective
sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, habitual sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances, use of
sleeping medications, and daytime dysfunction. Scoring of each component is illustrated in
the Appendix. Subject instructions for the PSQI are contained in the text. The entire index
requires 5-10 min for the subject to complete, and 5 min to score.
Subjects. The PSQl was administered to three groups of subjects during an l&month study
period. Group I consisted of “good” sleepers: 52 healthy control subjects without sleep
complaints, recruited for participation in research studies of sleep and aging (MH-37869),
nocturnal penile tumescence (MH-40023), and sleep in depression (MH-40023, MH-30915).
Group 2 consisted of “poor” sleepers: 34 patients with major depressive disorder, who were
again recruited for participation in research protocols relating to sleep, aging, depression, and
nocturnal penile tumescence. This group included 24 outpatients and IO inpatients at the
Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic. Group 3, also consisting of “poor” sleepers, was a
clinical sample of 62 physician-referred outpatients at the Sleep Evaluation Center (SEC) of
the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic. Patients are referred to the SEC for assessment
of a variety of sleep/wake complaints, but only patients with Disorder of Initiating and
Maintaining Sleep (DIMS, n = 45) or Disorders of Excessive Somnolence (DOES, n = 17)
(Association of Sleep Disorders Centers-ASDC, 1979) were included in this study, since the
number of patients with other disorders was too small to permit statistical analysis.
Subjects were not matched for age or sex ratio because of the different requirements for
each research protocol, and the absence of any age criteria for the clinical sleep disorders
sample. The mean ages for subject groups were as follows: controls 59.9 years (range: 24-83);
depressives 50.9 years (range: 21-80); DIMS 44.8 years (range: 20-80); and DOES 42.2 years
(range: 19-57). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated a significant difference in age
between groups (F= 5.20,~ < O.OOI), with post hoc differences between control subjects and
DIMS and DOES patients. Male/female ratios were as follows: controls 40/ 12; depressives
25/9; DIMS l6/29; and DOES 8/9 b2 = 21.2,~ < O.OOl). Male subjects had a lower mean
age (46.5 years; SD = 16.7) than female subjects (55.4 years; SD = 18.9) (t = -3.01 ,p < 0.005).
Many of the male subjects were involved in studies of nocturnal penile tumescence in
depression, while female subjects were participating mainly in studies of sleep, aging, and
Evaluation for all subjects included a complete medical history and physical examination.
Depressives and controls were excluded from research involvement (and therefore, from the
current study) for any medical conditions that would prevent a 2-week medication-free
interval, as well as for the presence of known central nervous system disease such as
seizure disorder, cerebrovascular disease, or dementia. No specific exclusion criteria were used
for the clinic sample of sleep-disorder patients. All depressed patients and healthy controls
were assessed with the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-Lifetime version
(SADS-L) (Endicott and Spitzer, l978), and diagnosed according to Research Diagnostic
Criteria (Spitzer et al., 1978); all depressed patients met criteria for definite or probable
current major depressive disorder. Severity of depressive symptoms was assessed with the
Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (Hamilton, 1960); the mean Hamilton score for
depressed patients was 21.3 (SD = 4.65). Sleep-disorder patients were evaluated as described
elsewhere (Jacobs et al., 1988) and given preliminary diagnoses according to ASDC nosology
(ASDC, 1979). Sleepdisorder patients meeting criteria for DSM-III (American Psychiatric
Association, 1980) major depression were excluded from the current study. All subjects
completed a 2-week sleep/ wake diary and a sleep habits questionnaire.
All subjects were further evaluated with routine polysomnography following a medication-
free interval of at least 2 weeks. For depressed and sleepdisorder patients, this interval
followed withdrawal from psychotropic and sedative-hypnotic medications. All subjects were
studied with a routine sleep montage, including electroencephalographic (C4, referenced to
tied mastoids), electro-oculographic (EOG), and electromyographic (submental) leads. Most
subjects had additional monitoring for sleep apnea, myoclonus, or nocturnal penile
tumescence, dictated by clinical indications or research protocol involvement. All sleep
records were scored in I-min epochs according to standard criteria (Rechtschaffen and Kales,
1968) using Stage 2 sleep onset, and standard convention for definition of sleep efficiency
(time spent asleep/ total recording period).
Final diagnoses for depressed and sleep-disorder patients were based on results of clinical
and structured interviews, sleep questionnaires, and diaries. In addition, polysomnographic
findings were considered in the final diagnoses of the sleepdisorder patients (Jacobs et al.,
All I48 subjects completed the PSQI on at least one occasion (T,) during the course of their
clinical and research evaluation. For the majority of subjects (n = 107) the PSQI was
completed before sleep studies. For some subjects with stable sleep/ wake complaints (n = 41)
the PSQI was completed after sleep studies. A subgroup of 91 subjects (43 controls, 22
depressives, and 26 sleep-disorder patients) completed the index a second time (T,), an
average of 28.2 days later (range: l-265 days). The second PSQI was completed before any
pharmacological treatment began.
Statistical Analyses. Descriptive statistics and ANOVA were used to contrast clinical and
demographic features of the patient groups.
Internol homogeneity of separate items was assessed using Cronbach’s (x statistic and
corrected component-total correlation coefficients (Cronbach, 1951). Pearson product-
moment correlations were also used to correlate component and item scores with the PSQI
global score.
Test-retest reliability (consistency) was assessed with paired t tests and Pearson product-
moment correlations for PSQI global score, component scores, and individual items, at Time
I (T,) versus Time 2 (T,). This was done for the entire subject pool, as well as for separate
subject groups (except DOES patients, since only ftve patients had complete questionnaires on
two occasions).
As the primary analysis of validity, we assessed the degree to which the index detected
differences between groups recognized clinically as distinct. This assumes that the index
measures differences between groups at the same time point as a clinical “gold standard.” In
this case, the relevant “gold standard” diagnoses were based on a combination of clinical
interviews, structured interviews, and polysomnographic data. For this analysis, an analysis of
covariance (ANCOVA) was used to compare patient groups for PSQI global and component
scores, and the Student-Neuman-Keul’s procedure was used for pairwise comparisons. Age
and sex were used as covariates because of group differences in age and sex ratio. A multiple
ANCOVA (MANCOVA) was performed for the PSQI global score, again using age and sex
as covariates.
General Results. Subjects found the PSQI easy to use and understand. Ten
subjects out of an original pool of 158 failed to give complete responses to all items,
and were therefore omitted from any further analyses; nine of these 10 were DOES
The PSQI global score has a possible range of O-21 points. Actual scores ranged
from 0 to 20 points, with an overall group mean of 7.4, median of 6.0, and SD of 5. I.
For individual components, each with a possible range of O-3, the observed ranges
were O-3.
Age was negatively correlated with the subjective sleep quality (r = -0.22, p < 0.05)
and daytime dysfunction (r = -0.29, p < 0.02) component scores in the healthy
controls. The PSQI global score and other component scores (sleep latency, sleep
duration, habitual sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances, and use of sleeping
medications) were not significantly correlated with age.
Internal Homogeneity. The seven component scores of the PSQI had an overall
reliability coefficient (Cronbach’s a) of 0.83, indicating a high degree of internal
consistency. In other words, each of the seven components appears to measure a
particular aspect of the same overall construct, viz., sleep quality. The largest
component-total correlation coefficients were found for habitual sleep efficiency and
subjective sleep quality (0.76 for each), and the smallest correlation coefficient was
found for sleep disturbances (0.35). The mean component-total correlation
coefficient was 0.58. Pearson product-moment correlations between component
scores and the PSQI global score were also calculated for the entire group, as well as
each group separately (Table I). Once again, the strongest correlations were seen for
habitual sleep efficiency and subjective sleep quality.
Individual items were also strongly correlated with each other, indicated by a
reliability coefficient (Cronbach’s a) of 0.83. Item-total correlation coefficients
ranged from 0.66 for question #9 (enthusiasm to get things done) to 0.20 for item #8
(difficulty staying awake). Pearson product-moment correlations between individual
items and the global score ranged from 0.83 (subjective sleep quality) to 0.07 (cough
or snore during sleep) (Table 2).
differences between T, and T,. Two differences were noted for depressed patients,
who showed a reduction in sleep disturbances (t = 2.32, p = 0.03) and daytime
dysfunction (I = 3.46, p = 0.002) at T,.
Validity. (Table 3, Figs. I, 2). Global PSQI scores differed significantly between
subject groups, using an ANCOVA with age and sex as covariates (Table 3). Control
subjects differed from all patient groups (Student-Neuman-Keul’s procedure).
Furthermore, DIMS and depressed patients had significantly higher scores than
DOES patients. Control subjects differed from DIMS and depressed patients on all
individual component scores; controls also differed from DOES patients on three
components (sleep disturbances, daytime dysfunction, and sleep quality). DOES and
DIMS patients had significantly different scores on all components except sleep
disturbances, and DOES and depressives patients differed on all components except
sleep disturbance and daytime dysfunction.
Group differences resulted in distinctive component and global score profiles,
shown in Fig. I. Depressed and DIMS patients showed similar profiles, which
differed from those of DOES patients and control subjects. These differences were
further substantiated with a significant MANCOVA for component scores across
groups (Hotelling’s TL = 2.62, p < 0.001).
Age was a significant covariate only for the daytime dysfunction component; but
contrary to expectations, these factors were inversely correlated, i.e., reported
severity of daytime dysfunction tended to be greater in younger than in older
subjects. Sex was a significant covariate for use of sleeping medications and habitual
sleep efficiency, with males showing higher scores for each of these components. Age
and sex were both significant covariates for the PSQl global score, but group
differences were highly statistically significant even after covarying for these factors.
The distribution of global PSQI scores also differed between groups (Fig. 2). A
post hoc cutoff score of 5 correctly identified 88.5% (131/ 148) of all patients and
controls (kappa = 0.75, p < 0.001). This represents a sensitivity of 89.6% and a
specificity of 86.5%. The same cutoff score correctly identified 84.4% (38/45) of
DIMS patients, 88% (IS/ 17) of DOES patients, and 97% (33/34) of depressives.
Group differences in PSQI global scores were also substantiated by
polysomnographic results, which showed significant group differences for sleep
latency (F= 4.53, p < O.OOl), sleep efficiency (F = 5.78, p < O.OOl), sleep duration
(F= 4.82,~ < 0.003), and number of arousals (F= 2.87,~ < 0.04). Significant group
differences were not found for rapid eye movement (REM) % or delta sleep %.
Validity of the PSQI was further examined by comparing PSQI estimates of sleep
variables with those obtained by polysomnography. T tests showed no differences
between PSQI estimates and laboratory findings for sleep latency, but PSQl
estimates of the past month’s usual sleep duration and efficiency were greater than
Sleep latency 0.56 zt 0.73 1.88f 1.15 1.42 f 1.01 0.59 zt 0.87 15.3 0.0001 Controls vs. depressives, DIMS;
(0.70) (1.96) (1.31) (0.49) DOES vs. depressives, DIMS
Sleep duration 0.29 f 0.50 1.71 f 1.14 1.51 * 1.20 0.47 f 0.80 20.4 0.0001 Controls vs. depressives, DIMS;
(0.31) (1.74) (1.46) (0.46) DOES vs. depressives, DIMS
Habitual sleep efficiency 0.10 i 0.30 1.59 + 1.18 1.47 f 1.24 0.29 f 0.77 25.22 0.0001 Controls vs. depressives, DIMS;
(0.11) (1.63) (1.41) (0.30) DOES vs. depressives, DIMS
Sleep disturbances 1.oo f 0.40 1.47 * 0.51 1.40 + 0.62 1.53 f 0.72 8.4 0.0001 Controls vs. depressives, DIMS, DOES
(0.95) (1.45) (1.43) (1.56)
Use of sleeping medication 0.04 f 0.28 0.76 + 1.21 1.20 + 1.31 0.35 * 1.00 7.92 0.0001 Controls vs. depressives, DIMS;
(0.12) (0.84) (1 .OQ) (0.31) DOES vs. depressives, DIMS
Daytime dysfunction 0.35 f 0.48 1.79 f 0.69 1.42 k 0.94 2.24 f 0.90 33.23 0.0001 Controls vs. depressives, DIMS, DOES;
(0.44) (1.83) (1.37) (2.16) DOES vs. DIMS
PSQI global score 2.67 f 1.70 11 .OQf 4.31 IO.38 f 4.57 6.53 + 2.98 45.14 0.001 Controls vs. depressives, DIMS, DOES;
DOES vs. depressives, DIMS
1.DIMS = Disorders of Initiating and Maintaining Sleep. DOES = Disorders of Excessive Somnolence.
2. Significant effect of sex as covariate.
3. Significant effect of age as covariate.
4. Significant effect of age and sex as covariates.
Depressed patients and patients with Disorders of Initiating and Maintaining Sleep (DIMS) have different components
score profiles than do control subjects. Patients with Disorders of Excessive Somnolence [DOES) have a profile more
similar to controls, but with expected elevations in subjective sleep quality. sleep disturbances, and daytme
dysfunction. Significant group differences for individual components and overall profiles were substantiated with
analyses of variance and muftiile analyses of covariance (Table 3).
Eighteen months of field testing with the PSQI have demonstrated that (1) subjects
and patients find the index easy to use; (2) the seven major components of the index,
as well as the 19 individual questions, are internally consistent; (3) the global scores,
component scores, and individual question responses are stable across time; (4) the
validity of the index is supported by its ability to discriminate patients from controls,
and, to a more limited degree, by concurrent polysomnographic findings. We will
Depressives (n=34)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9101112131416161716192021
further discuss the format and clinimetric properties of the PSQI in relation to
previous sleep questionnaires in the literature. We will also discuss possible
applications for the PSQI in psychiatric clinical practice and research studies.
1962; Karacan et al., 1976, 1983; Bixler et al., 1979; Johnson and Spinweber, 1983;
Lugaresi et al., 1983; Welstein et al., 1983; Mellinger et al., 1985). The questions are
usually few in number and general in scope, typically focusing on sleep duration, the
presence of insomnia, and the use of medications for sleep. Habitual sleep
questionnaires have also been used in clinical studies, most often to compare
subjective reports with polysomnographic correlates (e.g., Monroe, 1969; Baekeland
and Roy, 1971; Mendelson et al., 1984, 1986) or to examine differences between
groups of subjects (McGhie, 1966; Beutler et al., 1978; Domino et al., 1984). These
questionnaires are often more detailed than those used in large-scale surveys, and
they include subjective estimates of sleep quality; however, their main focus is again
on quantitative measures. The final type of questionnaire found in the literature is
postsleep inventories (e.g., Samuel, 1964; Lewis, 1969; Frankel et al., 1973, 1976;
Carskadon et al., 1976; Webb et al., 1976; Parrott and Hindmarch, 1978, 1980; Ellis
et al., 198 I; Mendelson et al., 1984). These instruments ask a variety of quantitative
and qualitative questions about the previous night’s sleep. They vary considerably in
format, and in the number and type of questions. Postsleep inventories have been
used to examine differences between subjective reports and objective polysomno-
graphic findings, to study “good” and “bad” sleep, and to assess medication effects
on sleep.
The PSQI has some similarities to these other questionnaires, but also has some
important differences. The first comparison is in time interval of assessment. Most
habitual sleep questionnaires do not specify a particular time frame, although there
are some exceptions to this generalization (e.g., McGhie, 1966; Mendelson et al.,
1986). The PSQI assesses a l-month interval, which, as mentioned above, is clinically
and scientifically useful. While postsleep inventories are unambiguous in their
assessment of a single night’s sleep, they are not as useful for detecting patterns of
dysfunction, as noted previously.
A second comparison regards the type of questions included in the questionnaire.
The PSQI is similar to many of the habitual sleep questionnaires in the type of
questions included, e.g., estimates of sleep latency and duration, and frequency and
severity estimates of problems. The PSQI’s combination of quantitative and
qualitative information is not found, however, in some of the more carefully studied
questionnaires, such as those of Domino et al. (1984) and Webb et al. (1976).
The use of “component” scores in the PSQI is also similar to several other
questionnaires, which have generated between 4 and 11 “factors” relating to sleep
quality (Webb et al., 1976; Beutler et al., 1978; Parrott and Hindmarch, 1978;
Domino et al., 1984). One major difference is that other questionnaires have more
often included factors concerning mental activity before and during sleep. Another
difference is that these other questionnaires have used factor analysis to generate
specific factors, while the PSQI components are empirical and clinical in origin,
rather than statistical.
A third comparison between the PSQI and other questionnaires regards scoring
methods. The PSQI assigns ordinal scores to quantitative and qualitative
information, allowing for the generation of component scores and a single global
score. Except for McGhie (1966) and Beutler et al. (1978), previous questionnaires
do not use numerical scores for components or global scores. In the latter
questionnaire, standard scores were determined by transforming the actual values of
eight differently weighted “factors,” and assigning an arbitrary value of “50” to the
control mean. The PSQI global score has the advantages of giving a single overall
assessment of sleep quality, being simple to calculate, and allowing for direct
comparisons of individual patients or groups.
Finally, the PSQI was designed to assess clinical samples, while most previous
questionnaires have been designed to assess normal sleep habits or entire
populations. Although some questionnaires have been applied to patients with
insomnia diagnosed by ASDC criteria (Mendelson et al., 1984, 1986) most have
used patient samples that were not diagnosed according to current sleep disorders or
psychiatric nomenclature.
Applications. The PSQl’s simplicity and its ability to identify different groups of
patients suggest several clinical and research applications in psychiatry and general
medical settings. Most fundamentally, it may be used as a simple screening measure
to identify cases and controls, or “good” and “poor” sleepers. In a general clinical
setting, the PSQI could be used to screen patients for the presence of significant sleep
disturbance. In psychiatric settings, the PSQI may identify patients who are likely to
have a sleep disturbance concomitant with their psychiatric symptoms. In addition,
it may direct the clinican to specific areas of dysfunction that require further
investigation. The PSQI could also be used in clinical research and epidemiological
studies to identify groups that differ in the quality of their sleep.
The PSQI may also have several longitudinal applications in clinical practice and
research. For example, it could be used to examine the course and natural history of
sleep/wake disorders. It could also be used to monitor the progression of sleep
disturbances and their interaction with other symptoms during the course of
psychiatric illnesses such as depression. Rodin et al. (1988) recently published one of
the few studies to examine the interaction between depressive symptoms and sleep
disturbance longitudinally. The PSQI may be helpful in future studies of this type,
providing more detailed information about types and severity of sleep disturbances
over time. Further, the PSQl could be useful in studying the relation between sleep
quality and other variables, such as age, gender, health status, medical and
psychiatric conditions, and performance on other psychological variables. Finally,
the PSQI could be used to examine the longitudinal effects of specific therapeutic
interventions for psychiatric disorders or sleep disorders. For example, sleep quality
could be monitored during maintenance treatment of depression with medications or
psychotherapy. Used in this way, the PSQI might also detect relapses heralded by the
onset or reemergence of sleep disturbance.
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2. During the past month, how long (in minutes) has it usually take you to fall asleep each night?
3. During the past month, when have you usually gotten up in the morning?
4. During the past month, how many hours of actual sleep did you get at night? (This may be different
than the number of hours you spend in bed.)
For each of the remaining questions, check the one best response. Please answer a// questions.
5. During the past month, how often have you had trouble sleeping because you...
(a) Cannot get to sleep within 30 minutes
Not during the Less than Once or Three or more
past month _ once a week - twice a week _ times a week _
(b) Wake up in the middle of the night or early morning
Not during the Less than Once or Three or more
past month - once a week - twice a week _ times a week _
(c) Have to get up to use the bathroom
Not during the Less than Once or Three or more
past month - once a week - twice a week - times a week -
(d) Cannot breathe comfortably
Not during the Less than Once or Three or more
past month - once a week - twice a week - times a week _
(e) Cough or snore loudly
Not during the Less than Once or Three or more
past month - once a week - twice a week - times a week _
(f) Feel too cold
Not during the Less than Once or Three or more
past month _ once a week - twice a week - times a week -
(g) Feel too hot
Not during the Less than Once or Three or more
past month _ once a week - twice a week - times a week _
(h) Had bad dreams
Not during the Less than Once or Three or more
past month _ once a week - twice a week - times a week _
(i) Have pain
Not during the Less than Once or Three or more
past month _ once a week -_ twice a week - times a week _
How often during the past month have you had trouble sleeping because of this?
Not during the Less than Once or Three or more
past month - once a week - twice a week _ times a week -
6. During the past month, how would you rate your sleep quality overall?
Very good ~
Fairly good ~
Fairly bad
Very bad ___
7. During the past month, how often have you taken medicine (prescribed or “over the counter”) to help
you sleep?
Not during the Less than Once or Three or more
past month - once a week ~ twice a week - times a week -
8. During the past month, how often have you had trouble staying awake while driving, eating meals, or
engaging in social activity?
Not during the Less than Once or Three or more
past month ~ once a week ~ twice a week - times a week _
9. During the past month, how much of a problem has it been for you to keep up enough enthusiasm to
get things done?
No problem at all
Only a very slight problem
Somewhat of a problem ~
A very big problem ~
10. Do you have a bed partner or roommate?
No bed partner or roommate
Partner/roommate in other room
Partner in same room, but not same bed
Partner in same bed
If you have a roommate or bed partner, ask him/her how often in the past month you have had...
(a) Loud snoring
Not during the Less than Once or Three or more
past month ~ once a week ~ twice a week - times a week ___
(b) Long pauses between breaths while asleep
Not during the Less than Once or Three or more
past month - once a week ~ twice a week - times a week _
(c) Legs twitching or jerking while you sleep
Not during the Less than Once or Three or more
past month ~ once a week _ twice a week ~ times a week __
(d) Episodes of disorientation or confusion during sleep
Not during the Less than Once or Three or more
past month - once a week - twice a week - times a week __
(e) Other restlessness while you sleep: please describe
“Very good” 0
“Fairly good” 1
“Fairly bad” 2
‘Very bad” 3
Component 1 score: -
Component 2: Sleep latency
1. Examine question #2, and assign scores as follows:
Response Score
I 15 minutes 0
16-30 minutes 1
31-60 minutes 2
> 60 minutes 3
Question #2 score:
2. Examine question #5a, and assign scores as follows:
Response Score
0 0
l-2 1
3-4 2
5-6 3
Component 2 score: ___
Component 3: Sleep duration
Examine question #4, and assign scores as follows:
Response Component 3 score
> 7 hours 0
6-7 hours 1
5-6 hours 2
< 5 hours 3
Component 3 score: ~
> 65%
< 65%
Component 4 score:
Component 5: Sleep disturbances
(1) Examine questions # 5b-5j, and assign scores for each question as follows:
Response Score
0 0
l-9 1
10-16 2
19-27 3
Component 5 score: ___
Component 6: Use of sleeping medication
Examine question # 7 and assign scores as follows:
Response Component 6 score
Never 0
Once or twice 1
Once or twice each week 2
Three or more times each week 3
Question tt 8 score: ~
(2) Examine question t 9, and assign scores as follows:
Response Score
No problem at aft 0
Only a very slight problem 1
Somewhat of a probfem 2
A very big problem 3
Question tt 9 score: -
(3) Add the scores for question # 8 and ft 9:
Sum of tt8 and #9: ~
(4) Assign component 7 score as follows:
Sumoftf8andft9 Component 7 score
0 0
l-2 1
3-4 2
5-6 3
Component 7 score: ___
PSGI Score
Add the seven component scores together:
Global PSGI Score: ~