Section One: Developments in Support of The Whole School College Improvement Plan
Section One: Developments in Support of The Whole School College Improvement Plan
Section One: Developments in Support of The Whole School College Improvement Plan
Section One: Developments in support of the whole school College Improvement Plan
2: Develop more detailed guidance for DA/JW Ongoing All staff to continue to use classroom 2: Subject leaders
differentiated teaching and support – September monitor as their main scheme of and SLT to monitor
JW and DA to be in triad to focus on 2018 –July work in Primary and use Abacus the effectiveness of
differentiation of one topic across different Key 2019 materials and resources to support. individual targets to
Stages and ability ranges. JW/DA to organise a maths drop in provide
to meet with primary staff to ensure differentiation and
all are well informed on CM and challenge. Explore
Abacus and maths mastery maths mastery
approaches eg check every child has ideas.
an individual log in to access games
at their own level.
To respond fully to 1. DA and JW to analyse the progress data 2017- JW/DA Autumn Staff to implement maths sets where
outcomes from the 2018 for all strands in Maths. Analyse the impact term applicable in Key stage 2.
2017-2018 pupil of KS2 maths sets on individual children’s progress
progress data e.g CA, CY, MW, LE, CF, NK. Consider and evaluate
(CIP:1.2) the progress these children have made.
2. Analyse individual pupils who have not met DA/JW Autumn DA/JW to gather evidence.
their end of year targets. Meet with class term
teachers, reflect upon the reasons behind this,
and focus on what can be done now and during
this academic year.
3. Highlight pupils on the intervention register SC, TH, Autumn Meet with SC and TH to analyse
2017-2018 and analyse their progress with the KW, DA, term progress made by pupils receiving
SENCO interventions team. JW interventions. Mtg to take place 19th
October 2018.
2. Moderation sessions in school and externally JW/ All year- Moderation meeting to take place Planned staff
using current assessment skills criteria and DA ongoing internally as well as externally meeting for all KS1-
incorporating the T/D /A/S judgements. (Damers). Key Stage One staff to 2 teachers during
gather P Level Number work and the Spring and
attend meeting. (LW/AD/HC to Summer term 2019.
attend with DA)
3: To continue staff training in the use of Abacus JW/ All year- Work scrutiny of pupils on December 2018.
across Key Stages 1-2 with a particular focus on DA ongoing intervention register. Evidence to
embedding Maths Mastery activities into the support Classroom Monitor.
weekly curriculum. Correct selection of those who need/
will benefit from intervention.
Objective Action Lead Cost Time Success Criteria Monitoring
person scale Evaluation