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9780595335596, 156 pages. In the beginning, Earth was without form, and civilization was
nonexistent. Thousands of years later, signs of earlier life on Earth were discovered, indicating that
extremely intelligent life had once existed. Author Sherry Shriner alleges that a cover-up began in
1954, when a race of aliens that had been orbiting the Earth landed at Holloman Air Force Base.
Afraid that their planet was dying, the aliens landed a second time at Edwards Air Force Base.
Shriner explains that this monumental event had been planned in advance, and, on the appointed
day, President Eisenhower was whisked away to the base, under the guise of a visit to a dentist.
After President Eisenhower met with the aliens, a formal treaty between the Alien Nation and the
United States of America was signed. Has the United States government really been collaborating
with aliens for the past sixty years? In "Bible Codes Revealed," Shriner challenges readers to
consider the possibility of a future global alien and UFO invasion, and more importantly, what we
can and should do once this event transpires. According to the author, it's not a matter of IF but
WHEN And soon. The information you will read in these pages is shocking, and points to an
imminent danger on every level of a global society teetering on the brink of human and spiritual
slavery. Sherry Shriner's information will shock you, but most importantly, will challenge you to get
involved now in spreading the truth about this horrific reality: that aliens exist and control much of
what happens on planet Earth, and unless humankind takes a stand now, the world humans rely on,
the possibility of future generations even, most certainly would be lost forever due mainly to the
greed and criminality of the world's most powerful ruling bodies desiring short term technological
progress in exchange for selling out the human race.
Beyond the Iceberg A Case for Emotional Healing, Christiana Onu Phd, Nov 1, 2012, Body, Mind &
Spirit, 208 pages. Beyond the Iceberg: A Case for Emotional Healing presents a step-by-step
investigation into human nature, considering why so many people get angry, producing an intense
Liber Soterium 2 , Charles Henry Kropf, Rev. Charles Kropf, MSS, R+C, Feb 6, 2006, Body, Mind &
Spirit, 94 pages. .
1984 A Novel, George Orwell, 1981, Fiction, 268 pages. Portrays life in a future time when a
totalitarian government watches over all citizens and directs all activities..
A Last Message to Mankind Wanted: Noah, Harry Yap, 2005, Religion, 328 pages. Where there is a
beginning there is always an end. ""I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End..."
says the Lord (Bible, Revelation 21:6). ..".for Allah is the ....
The Apocrypha , A & B Distributors & Publishers Group, KJV, Oct 1, 1998, Religion, 157 pages. .
The Mysterious Bible Codes , Grant R. Jeffrey, 1998, Religion, 197 pages. Best-selling author and
noted prophetic scholar Grant R. Jeffrey explores the phenomenon of significant prophetic words
found in codes throughout the New and Old Testaments ....
Merlin's War The Battle Between the Family of Light and the Family of Dark, Margaret Doner, 2012,
Body, Mind & Spirit, 180 pages. Merlin s War: The Battle between the Family of Light and the Family
of Dark examines the fact that the history of the human race has been manipulated by a being so
clever that ....
Roswell and the Reich The Nazi Connection, Joseph P. Farrell, Jun 1, 2011, History, 520 pages.
Was the Roswell crash a Nazi operation? The author describes how leading scientists involved in
Nazi experiments in new technologies towards the end of World War II were ....
UFOs and the alien agenda , Bob Larson, May 1, 1997, Body, Mind & Spirit, 214 pages. Discusses
the Heaven's Gate cult, animal mutilations, and alien abductions, argues that UFOS may be part of
Satan's deceptions, and examines the impact on Christian beliefs if ....
Earthshaker The Coming Global Destruction, John Benjamin, 2012, Religion, 328 pages. What in
the world is going on? Almost overnight our modern world has entered into a period of great change,
very suddenly and unexpectedly, with the largest and most violent ....
Bible Code Bombshell Compelling Scientific Evidence That God Authored the Bible, R. Edwin
Sherman, Edwin Sherman, 2005, Religion, 300 pages. When Ed Sherman, a mathematician with 30
years of experience, and Nathan Jacobi, an Israeli physicist, set out to debunk claims that there
were mysterious codes in the Hebrew ....
The Omega Conspiracy Satan's Last Assault on God's Kingdom, I. D. E. Thomas, Dec 1, 2007,
Religion, 195 pages. Do we ever learn from history? What were the conditions on the Earth that
resulted in its destruction except for Noah and his family? What are the conditions on the Earth
today ....
The Hidden Kingdom The United States in Biblical Prophecy, Charles F. Tekula, Apr 1, 2002,
Religion, 188 pages. Originally intended to be a new viewpoint of the Biblical prophecy, the original
text written in the 1990's predicted the World Trade Center Disaster..
The Odd Man Out -The Tarean Prophecy- , Noel J. Rea, Jul 1, 2008, Religion, 204 pages. Noel Rea
relates this incredible account of an Alien abduction and his subsequent journey to another part of
the galaxy. This is the story of what happened leading up to the ....
Surfing the Tao A Revolution of Free Will, Angela V Michaels, Stephanie Vendrell, 2004, Religion,
280 pages. .
Global Implications of the UFO Reality , David E. Twichell, 2003, Body, Mind & Spirit, 176 pages. .