Critical Regionalism Thesis Report
Critical Regionalism Thesis Report
Critical Regionalism Thesis Report
has been prepared by me under the guidance of Prof. Pratap D. Patil, Prof. Ritesh R.
Dharmayat, Prof. Amit V. Prasadi, Prof. Nishita R. Tadkodkar, Prof. Geeta M. Sambrekar and
Prof. Roopali D. Kavilkar from the Department of Architecture, Karnataka Law Society's
Gogte Institute of Technology. No part of this thesis has formed the basis for the award of
any degree or fellowship previously.
USN NO. 2GI11AT018
Department Of Architecture,
Karnataka Law Society's Gogte Institute of Technology,
Belgaum -590008
DATE: 29.12.2015
Thank you for your patience and efforts in raising me.
It is because we live in a global world and the fact that people have
access to all kinds of methodology, material technology, modern
architecture has reached a point that projects are barely related to the
local culture and local context. That is why modern architecture is
criticized at some point. In the 1980’s Kenneth Frampton came with the
idea of critical regionalism in which the design is influenced by global
architecture and global ideas but personalized and adapted to local
context. And thereby every design will have relationship to its climate,
place and to its cultural heritage.
“Architecture *that brings man and nature together in a ‘higher unity’+ is likely to alter with
the region in which it sends down roots…still it is open in the direction of universality.”
-Tadao Ando
First and foremost, we must acknowledge our ancestors for the magnificent heritage that
they left behind for us, generation after generation. It is our duty to understand, respect,
and revive this treasured legacy.
I am especially grateful to those people who helped me on the various field trips in and
around the Region of Uttara Kannada.
Without the support and advice of Professor Nishita Tadkodkar, over the past six months,
the thesis would not have come to realization. I am particularly obligated to all faculties and
our respected HOD professor Pratap D. Patil who read drafts of this work and suggested
I don’t forget to acknowledge my parents Mr. Timmanna R. Hegde and Mrs. Sharada T.
hedge for their unfailing support. I acknowledge my Uncle Mr. Manjunath R. hedge and his
family for their support not only concerned to thesis but to every successful step of my life. I
remember my sister Shweta S. Kashap and her family for their help in crucial times.
It would be a mistake if I don’t mention late N.D. Bhat and his family for their love and
support. I also want to thank our neighbor Mr. Gururaj and family. So hereby I thank them
for their support and for bearing us.
I am also grateful to my twin brother Gireesh gangolli and to my dearest friends Akash,
Shraynitha, Nikhil, Akshay and Amrutha.
1.1 Aim of the thesis
1.2 Objective of thesis
1.3 Scope of the thesis
1.4 Thesis question
1.5 Hypothesis
1.6 Research methodology
Chapter I .
The world is ruled by technology which is a prime cause behind information exchange all
around the world. So world is becoming one beyond the boundaries of region and culture. It
will be detrimental if we say architecture has to be restricted in its own region and In fact it
is not possible also. There is a need not to view pre-modern principles of design as static or
corresponding with historic styles, but as dynamic interpretations of the past which allow
contemporary architecture to remain meaningful and desired – rooted in history.
Hence there is need for critical regionalism which proposes architecture which is both
universal and regional. It is contemporary but carries the legacy of its past. The theory
critical regionalism helps to generate architectural identity and integrity and at the same
time responds to current time and current technology and also open ended to global
architectural practices.
“Critical Regionalism is a term invented by architects that means thinking regionally in ways
that are wary and sentimental. It guards against the mindless nostalgia for traditional
architecture to which regionalism has been prone in the past...Critical Regionalism is
actually more of an attitude than a theory. It is an attitude that celebrates and delights in
what is different about a place.”
-Douglas Kelbaugh
Aim of the thesis is to read, interpret and redefine the vernacular style of a region, so that
contemporary built environments maintain their roots to place by using vernacular
references to create a modern and regional reflection of local cultural identity.
1. Thesis investigates how universal architecture can be adapted to specific place and
thereby achieves space specific architecture rather than stick to regional style and calling it
a contextual architecture.
2. Thesis finds out how regional identity can be retained even in contemporary style.
3. Thesis not only investigates the valuable lessons of the past, but helps in taking them
forward to future architectural practice and thereby it helps in retaining architectural
This question asserts the necessity of a historical model of continuous evolution whereby
lessons of the past inform future moves.
It is possible to become modern and return to sources and revive vernacular architecture
and take part in universal civilization.
The research strategy for this thesis comprises two phases: 1. Theoretical Study of critical
regionalism and vernacular architecture. 2. Study of specific place (Coastal region of Uttara
kannada) and its vernacular architecture in detail. 3. Design of housing project in that
particular place according to the theory of critical regionalism.
In the first phase, the concept of vernacular architecture is elaborated. The theory of critical
regionalism is studied in depth and the attempt is done to understand critical regionalism
and the ideologies behind neighborhood design based on case studies and examples.
In the second phase a specific place is selected and vernacular architecture of that specific
place is studied in terms of its context, climate, culture, and material technology to
understand the phenomenon of that place.
Finally in the third phase a suitable site is choosed for design. Study of vernacular buildings
and the theory of critical regionalism are combined to achieve design solution for that
particular place in form of housing design.
Chapter II .
Amos Rapoport, in his book "House Form and Culture," defines vernacular architecture in
terms of its process, which means how it is designed and built. Hence, he describes
vernacular architecture as lack of theoretical or aesthetic pretensions; working with the site
and microclimate; respect for other people and then houses and hence for the total
environment, man-made as well as natural; and working within an idiom with variations
within a given order. Vernacular architecture results when tradesmen rather than family
members are employed for construction, as is the case in primitive architecture. (Rapoport
Here are some general descriptions which take into account the most common features of
vernacular architecture. These conditions include:
• Utilization of traditional technologies
• Strong relation to local environmental context
• Materials from local resources
These objective and physical properties are only part of the overall description. Another
critical characteristic of vernacular architecture is the embodiment of community values-
traditions and myths. A penetrating feature of vernacular forms is the reflection of belief
systems and conceptions of the cosmos within a common group.
The direct relation to human need and accommodation of economy, beliefs, and cultural
values yields a phenomenological sense of place that is therefore of important value to the
study of architectural design and the future of the built environment.
It is, modernist approach, where one consciously starts from the premises of local or
regional architecture. Critical regionalism is not just regionalism, but it also portrays how
universal culture and global concerns can be blended with regional issues to create a style
that is more critically self-conscious and expansive. It requires that architecture reflect its
time, place and culture and that it link the past, the present, and perhaps the future.
Examination of existing vernacular building traditions is a starting point for theoretical
considerations of critical regionalism.
The theory of critical regionalism developed during the late 1970s as a counter to the
placeless architecture of Modernism’s International Style. The term "critical regionalism"
was first used by the architectural theorists Alexander Tzonis and Liane Lefaivre and later
more famously by the historian-theorist Kenneth Frampton in “Towards a Critical
Regionalism: six points of architecture of resistance.”
Tzonis and Lefaivre’s critical regionalism has a commitment to “placeness” and the use of
regional architectural elements to confront a universal architecture (Tzonis & Lefaivre, 1996,
Tzonis and Lefaivre also call for the use of local building materials and construction
techniques as another method of forging a local identity. This does not imply, however, a
regression to antiquated methods. On the contrary, the preference for local materials does
not exclude technological innovation and experimentation, as long as these things are not
promoted as the goals and do not result in a socio environmental disruptive impact”(Tzonis,
1994, 79).
The main approach for architects who attempt to actualize Frampton's first
point is to read, interpret and redefine the vernacular style of a region, so that
contemporary built environments maintain their roots to place by using
vernacular references to create a modern and regional reflection of local
cultural identity.
What Frampton has in mind here is that critical regionalism is less a response
to normative optimization and more concerned with the associative attributes
of a specific region such as local architectural fabric and cultural values.
In his fourth point, Frampton sees the need for architecture that is understood
as a “tectonic fact” rather than simply a series of scenographic episodes. He
opposes the scenographic episodes which is the re-presentation of a façade
(Frampton, 1983, p32). Frampton argues use of sentimental imitations of local
vernacular, seeking instead a reinterpretation of those forms and a blending
of those forms with outside influences. He argues for openness to western
influences, but he sees this openness as requiring a focus on the local. To
some degree, the scenographic episode is just a skin-deep treatment such as
the kitsch of vernacular details.
Frampton focuses on light and on light’s role as the primary agent by which
the volume and the tectonic value of the work are revealed, but he also says it
is important to be aware that the environment can be experienced in terms
other than sight alone (Frampton, 1992, p327). Other experiences, like heat
and cold, humidity, air movement, aromas, and sounds are important aspects
of the environment. Frampton argues that the tactile is an important
dimension in the perception of built form. Critical regionalism recognizes that
these other sense perceptions need to be recognized alongside the visual.
Douglas Kelbaugh’s theory of critical regionalism builds upon Tzonis and Lefaivre and
Frampton’s versions, but he does so in a way that provides more context and clarity for the
theory. What he terms the “existential dilemma for architects” is an illustration of how
critical regionalism can deal with the shortcomings of Modernism, Postmodernism, and
1. Sense of place,
2. Sense of nature,
3. Sense of history,
4. Sense of craft, and
5. Sense of limits
1. A sense of place
Critical regionalism first and foremost starts out with a love of place. It honors
climate, topography, vegetation, building materials, and building practices...It
prefers local authenticity to sophisticated is an “act of
protection” as well as an “act of resistance.” (Kelbaugh, 73-74)
2. A sense of nature
3. Sense of History
4. A sense of craft
5. A sense of limits
It is “about the need for finitude and for physical and temporal boundaries to
frame and limit human places and activities. It is about the need for human
scale in the built environment. It is about psychological boundaries- ones that
make life more understandable and negotiable” (Kelbaugh, 82). This is
opposed to the International Style which saw space as “abstract, neutral, and
Although Kelbaugh attempts to classify the tenets of this theory, there is still no real
definition of critical regionalist architecture. Does satisfying just Kelbaugh’s five tenets
justify a critical regionalist building? If the precedents provided by Tzonis and Frampton are
used as a measuring device, then yes. Overall, the theory of critical regionalism relies too
heavily on the subjective aspects of architecture.
In the work of architects, the interaction of contemporary issues and timeless qualities
drawn from local culture is an appropriate subject of analysis of critical regionalism.
1. The Eduardo Prieto Lopez House (1950) Mexico City by Luis Barragan
elevations which responds to the surrounding environment: the lake, church of Melano, the
meadows, the woods, and the old access road with the green. Each aperture in the facade
frames a specific view and expresses Mario Botta's belief that architecture is the design of a
location. They express a relationship of the interior of the house with the surroundings, the
movement of the sun, or the direction to an existing historical construction.
exact opening to the sky at the top. Yet this is a good example of how the simple thing can
be done with good purpose on its concept of light.
materials like brick walls, stone floors and tiled roofs. (Fig. 14) The spaces are grouped
around a central water court to cool the buildings in the arid heat. By manifesting context
and the way people inhabit space, Correa harnesses the local climate as a building material
to give his projects a sense of place. As the practice’s website declares, “The work of Charles
Correa seeks new and eloquent ways to express the cultures in which we live.”
7. Raj Rewal’s housing project for the British High Commission, Delhi, 1990s
was expressed in motifs Fig. 12 Old traditional chatri Fig. 11 Modern interpretation of chatri
and symbols from another
era transported into the present".
It is an example of Rewal's "European aesthetic sensibilities drawing on the Indian colonial
traditions of tropical living". The cluster dwellings of 12 staff quarters with three bedrooms
units in two sizes combines the elegance of and the utility apartment blocks of
contemporary India. Each dwelling has a private enclosed garden at the rear - an example of
traditional British terrace housing (Fig. 15). The roof of the second floor made a specific
concession to diplomatic living with gracious terrace "chatris"(Fig. 16 for intimate parties.
In this section I try to configure present architectural stand of critical regionalism, based on
the opinions of experts to conclude weather critical regionalism is a appropriate approach
for current trend.
i) Opinion’s of experts
Bijoy Jain says “Our relationship with nature has always been to
overcome its unpredictability. Thus the idea of using material that
is impervious to nature – all worked towards creating secure
spaces, creating predictability. Rather than dismissing what has
developed over several hundred years or discarding something
because its new, we could work with a combination of periods – a
Chapter III .
Basic concept of the design: At the time of India’s Independence in 1947, Indian architects
were conscious of the need for a ‘national’ identity and faced with the task of re-integrating
this into contemporary architecture. Despite being aware of the British enforcing their
norms on Indian culture it is important to critically evaluate how this past influence is
inherently present in contemporary India in their search for a modern identity, specifically in
the context of architecture.
He successfully achieved cultural identity by starting from the premise of local or regional
architecture, in the case of the House at Koramangala, the traditional courtyard houses of
South India.
Correa’s House is in contrast with the British Bungalow in terms of openness which shows a
preference for regional intentions over normative optimization. Instead of blindly following
western norms correa consciously started his design from the traditional courtyard houses
of South India (old Hindu houses in Tamilnadu and Goa) which represent a typology much
older, and really quite different, from that of the bungalows built by the British. The houses
were usually organized around a small central courtyard, with a tree or tulsi plant in the
middle. Also preference for regional intentions is seen in the use of vernacular laterite stone
and roof tiles.
Frampton’s concern with the boundedness of architecture in both time and place is a desire
to create a place rather than an object in a place. In correa’s house the architecture is
bounded to the place through courtyards, frontyard, kund and backyard which draw
exterior space into the building and establishes a connection with site.
Although inspired by traditional courtyard houses, the new prototype has fundamental
improvements in meeting the needs of modern life instead of a nostalgic imitation of
traditional model. In correa’s house we find an attitude of criticism towards the
stereotypical Indian Architecture and he is able to achieve a sense of identity without
excessive use of color and ornamentation.
The climate of bangalore is hot in summer and cold and windy in winter. The courtyard
house, provides shadowed areas for indoor during the heat of summer. The courtyard
creates an enclosed microclimate in the built environment. It protects the indoor area from
the wind. Therefore, it provides a favorable space for mixed use activities in the harsh
In correa’s house, the wide use of local materials and the assimilation of traditional
architectural elements demonstrate a close attention paid to the tactile perceptions. For
example, vernacular stone pavement is used for transitional space such as front yard,
creating a special sensation experience.
The Visitor’s Center’s primary purpose is for Acoma people to learn about their culture.
The Sky City Visitor’s Center is Critically Regional in its materiality, massing, and systems
integration, but layers of populist imagery also exist.
Kenneth Frampton sees the use of materials that are not a direct experience of historic
cultural values as being rhetorical, rather than dialectic. They are useful as a means to
persuade an audience. The inclusion of the materials does not engage different cultural
views to reach a shared truth.
The use of stucco and stone at the Visitor’s Center is an authentic response to the culture.
The inclusion of the etched glass is symbolic, and, therefore, not a direct experience. It does
not represent the critical regionalism theory. It is a symbol and a symbol is representational,
like a film set or theme park.
heat sink they sit on. Since the Visitor’s Center is much larger than an Acoman house,
radiant heating coils installed under the concrete floors are used in the colder months. The
modern technological solution is of the same spirit as the Acoma earthen floors in that the
floor is a source of heat.
The Visitor’s Center represents Kenneth Frampton’s theory of Critical Regionalism in the
majority of instances. The Acoma people have a symbolic language that shows up in their
tradition of pottery. Symbolism is not valued within Kenneth Frampton’s theory because, by
definition, it is not a direct experience. The inclusion of this symbolic language in the
Visitor’s Center is not used in a gratuitous manner and may be appropriate for a building
that is instructional of the culture. The inclusion of the cultural motifs may also be
motivated by an economic desire as Frampton suggests in his discussion of regional Populist
In Beijing, the pressure of urbanization has put a great deal of traditional courtyard
housing in danger of demolition. New urban construction has developed rapidly
within traditional street blocks, roughly mixed with traditional courtyard
neighborhood. Many new buildings are characterized by freestanding architectural
forms which that threaten the traditional urban fabric. Facing these challenges, the
Ju’er Hutong Neighborhood project is dedicated to the continuity of traditional
courtyard housing and the preservation of the existing urban context.
he central axis. The floor-to-ceiling height of the north room is slightly higher than
the rest of the rooms and the level of decoration is dramatically different.
The western side rooms receive less sunshine, and serve as the rooms for eldest
children or less important members of the family. The eastern side rooms receive
the second less sunshine, and serve as the rooms for younger children or less
important members of the family.
The opposite rooms (or southern side rooms) receive the least sunlight, and usually
serve as a reception room and the servants' dwelling, or where the family would
gather to relax, eat or study. A small, narrow courtyard is usually located between
the south rooms and the separation gate, functioning as a transitional courtyard. A
neighborhood of siheyuan houses forms a hutong.
Architect’s Vision
On the one hand, the architect Wu learns from the traditional courtyard housing. In
his opinion, the traditional residential style, providing an enclosed transitional space,
is still valid for contemporary modes of living. In the new type of courtyard house,
the architect Wu reinterprets the courtyard as the communal center for residents in
every cluster. The new courtyard cluster has the following characteristics: two- to
three-storey courtyard buildings that create a high floor-area ratio; a courtyard as a
communal center; more private outdoor space than apartment blocks which lie in a
line; more useable space in the attics under the pitched roofs.
The new courtyard housing is composed by several family units that have different
orientations. (refer to fig.20). These family units are organized around central
courtyard. The enclosed courtyard space creates a common enclosed quiet and
comfortable place against the outside.
Frampton argues that today the architectural form is greatly limited by a focus on
the idea of normative optimization, which emphasizes the efficiency and utility in
building construction and performance, and by the idea of using modern industrial
technologies-the technologies favored by the Modernist movement, such as
reinforced concrete, pre-fabricated construction elements and high-rise
construction. In the Ju’er Hutong Neighborhood is vernacular brick and roof tiles are
major materials used.
2. A consciously
concern with the
boundedness of
architecture in
both time and
place is a desire
to create a place
rather than an
object in a
place. The Ju’er
project is to draws spatial boundaries by creating an enclosed courtyard space in
every unit group. Wu argues that “the Ju'er Hutong project attempts to create an
environment in which the inhabitants can enjoy a new kind of privacy as well as have
access to their neighbors in natural surroundings...[the project] explored the
meaning of ‘a sense of place’ in the context of Beijing's modernization” (Wu, 1999,
Furthermore, there is a great revision of traditional residential form. New two- and
three- storey type
dwellings replace
traditional one-storey
models in order to suit
the needs of high
density, an important
characteristic of
modern urban
housing under the
intense pressure to
use urban land
compared to
traditional housing,
much more indoor
and outdoor spaces
such as lofts and roof
garden terraces are
available in the new
courtyard housing, which form a richer roofline than traditional one-storey courtyard
housing (fig.42).
The climate of Beijing is hot in summer and cold and windy in winter. The courtyard
housing, combined with unique lane-street system, provides shadowed areas for
indoor residents and outdoor pedestrians during the heat of summer. The courtyard
creates an enclosed microclimate in the built environment. It prevents protects the
communal space of the cluster from the wind. Therefore, it provides a favorable
space for communal activities in the harsh winter. Furthermore, the Ju’er Hutong
Neighborhood abandons the orientation hierarchy among bedrooms in traditional
courtyard housing and improves sunlight and ventilation conditions for all family
units through the flexible plan layout.
In the Ju’er Hutong Neighborhood project, the wide use of local materials and the
assimilation of traditional architectural elements demonstrate a close attention paid
to the tactile perceptions. For example, vernacular stone pavement is used for
transitional space such as courtyard, creating a special sensation experience. As
already mentions, the distinctive lane-street pattern with archways and alleyways
combined among different setback courtyard units creates rich and various shades.
Walking through the community, residents can experience interesting changes of
shade. These pools of sun and shade create pools of warmth or coolness, and they
heat some surfaces, leaving other cool, thus creating an environment with spaces
and surfaces that contribute to a rich non-visual experience of the space.
The Fragrant Hill Hotel, built outside of Beijing, is a good example of architecture responding
to regional and cultural considerations. The Fragrant Hill Hotel uses both the advantages of
modern technology and a conscious attempt to link to cultural traditions to create a building
that fits into its site aesthetically and culturally.
The Fragrant Hill hotel was built in 1982. The architect I. M. Pei started to design the hotel in
1979. Pei selected Fragrant Hill, located in twenty miles northwest of Beijing, which was
once part of an imperial hunting reserve.
The Fragrant Hill has steep slopes rising up all around and they were thick with a rich variety
of trees including cypress, chestnut, cedar, pine, willow, and gingko.
Traditionally, the private garden is a very personal construction using both natural and
manmade elements such as trees, ponds, rockeries, zigzag paths, corridors and bridge
blended together to form a living space. Generally it is composed of courtyard dwellings and
gardens. A garden is often attached to the family's living quarters. Most of the buildings are
hidden behind walls, forming an enclosed living space. Courtyards and garden are designed
to create the illusion of nature in the smallest of spaces by blending water, plants and rocks
with the manmade beauty of poetry, bridges and pavilions. A maze of hidden courtyards,
secret turnoffs and twisting mosaic pathways enlarge the space, while open-air windows
between walls leak glimpses of what lies beyond. Skillful use of perspective makes small
spaces appear larger. Undulating, serpentine walls suggest mountains in the distance and
provide a surface for the interplay of light and shadow. Thus, there are plentiful and
unpredictable visual perceptions in the enclosed built environment (fig.24 & 25)
Figure.24. Unique visual perceptionby proper arrangement of waterareas in traditional Chinese garden.
Figure.25. The metaphor of mountains by proper arrangement of rocks in traditional Chinese garden.
One may argue that the Fragrant Hill Hotel improperly responds to regional conditions since the
hotel makes use of southern gardens rather than a local architectural prototype from Beijing,
such as the imperial palaces and temples, the most typical and enduring Chinese forms in the
capital city. However “these traditional examples seemed inappropriate as a source for a
building that was serve a China so remote from their traditions” (Wiseman, 1990, p192).
Moreover, although the hotel is located in the north of China, Pei reckoned that it is appropriate
to learn from the private gardens of the south of China. He argues that “it was quite true that
the climate of Beijing was different. But the courtyard plan of houses in Beijing was not that
different from that of the south. Life still centered around the courtyard. They were all low
buildings. In some ways, the differences were not as great as one would think, despite the
climate” (Pei, 2002, p7).
In a word, Pei emphasizes available regional solutions in the Fragrant Hill hotel in order to create
a building that was a natural outgrowth of the culture of China, rather than an attempt to show
China’s ability to build Western Style buildings.
Figure.26. Entrance lobby with skylight is the only part using contemporary materials and technology.
Figure.27. A horizontal and rambling plan layout surrounded by a series of courtyard, Fragrant Hill Hotel.
direct visual linkage to a courtyard within the boundary. The buildings and the courtyard
spaces are totally integrated. Therefore, the intimate relationship between architecture and
nature becomes the most important characteristic in this modern hotel.
In addition, Pei attempted to link the built form with the living culture. As noted above, this
hotel design learns from Chinese traditional garden. Moreover, a dialogue was established
between the hotel and the site by highlighting a local historical landmark. On the built site
there is a water maze called Liushuiyin in Chinese, a very famous historical relic from ancient
China. There are only five such mazes remaining in China (one is in the Forbidden City). After
discussion with Chen Cong-Zhou, a famous expert of traditional Chinese gardens, Pei
reckoned that this one should be reserved to hint at the site’s link to history through the
emphasis of Liushuiyin, a symbol that would speak of the past. (Wiseman, 2001, p201)
The reinterpretation of traditional garden pattern and the link to the unique relic of the past
contribute to this hotel’s creation of a bounded architecture.
One of the important characteristics of critical regionalism is to avoid using the scenographic
episodes of traditional architecture. But in this case, the architect Pei used a lot of specific
historical references rather than going completely against the nostalgic historicism. His
remark of “what I did at Fragrant Hill was partly out of nostalgia and partly time” provides a
clear indication of Pei’s philosophy in the hotel design (Pei, 2002, p8).
The off-white stucco walls and grey-tile (fig. 29) roofs reflect the typical feature of
vernacular architecture (fig.30). Moreover, the subtle arrangement of windows and doors, a
typical technique of traditional Chinese garden, was used extensively in this hotel design.
Specifically, the technique called “borrowing views” is fulfilled by making picture frames of
all openings, including windows and doors. For example, each opening of the hotel is
arranged at a strategic viewpoint to frame a natural picture, borrowing views from another
space (fig.31, 32). Thus, the motifs of traditional gardens such as the Chinese screens and
diamond-shaped windows not only serve as a sort of decoration but also create unique
spatial and visual experiences through windows.
The skylight of the entrance atrium is the only part using contemporary materials and
technology (fig.26), where metal rods are used to diffuse the light coming through the glass
roof, a similar structure employed in the East Wing of National Gallery, Washington D.C.
Figure.29. Off-white stucco walls and grey-tile roofs of Fragrant Hill Hotel.
On the other hand, Pei made great efforts to refine and reinterpret traditional elements to
adapt to new situations. First of all, he simplified traditional timber form to reflect the real
characteristics of modern concrete technology, while he used the vernacular as a historical
reference. The succinct stuccoed concrete wall with the linear-sloping grey tile roof is
different than the traditional timber profile, which was characterized by ornamental
brackets, curved roof, and buttress slabs.
Figure.34. The off-white stark stucco wall is an architectural frame for a tree.
Respecting the topography of the site, Pei created a dexterous layout of a series of interior
courtyards that fit well into the mountainous setting and create interesting spatial and
visual experiences.
In conclusion, Pei attempts to set an example and provide guidance for contemporary Chinese
architecture. The design of the Fragrant Hill Hotel provides a good reference that the later
architects can make use of.
In conclusion, when using the ideas of Critical Regionalism to guide the understanding of the
Fragrant Hill Hotel, we can see many examples to learn from. As discussed, Pei creates a
bounded hotel building and reinterprets the living tradition.
The place selected for the thesis is native coastal region of uttara Kannada district of
Karnataka state. Geography of Uttara Kannada District.
Geographical coordinates of Uttara Kannada district are 14.6 deg north 74.7 deg east.
Uttara Kannada district is one of the biggest districts in the state of Karnataka. It is a
beautiful place that has been blessed with abundant natural resources. The district has
varied geographical features with thick forest, perennial rivers, abundant flora and fauna
and a long coastal line of about 140 Kms in length is formed by the Arabian Sea.
The climate of region is fairly well balanced. The average temperature is around 33 degree
Celsius during summer and 20 degree Celsius during winter. Coastal region receives heavy
rainfall during monsoon period. Average annual rainfall 1166.3 - 3672.5mm
As regards the culture and festivities typical to the place, folk arts like Suggikunitha famous
and Yakshagana are famous in the district.
The house form and its formal evolutions and transformations will be discussed. Also its
variations and similarities within its context will be discussed.
Topographically, the district lies in three distinct zones namely narrow coastal zone,
abruptly rising ridge zone, and elevated flattened eastern zone. Ridge zone is a part of
the main range of Western Ghats, which runs north to south, parallel to the coast. The
flat eastern zone joins the Deccan plateau.
The area has its own characteristics with respect to the topography and the type of
vegetation. Fig shows the nature of topography and the distribution of different types
of vegetation depending on the height of the land. The area is characterized by hills and
valleys which are located parallel to eastern side of Western Ghats. These foothills are
dry with few bushes and rocky land. As one comes down towards the valley moist
deciduous forest starts. Further down at the bottom of the valley agriculture has been
practiced. And these valleys are naturally protected from harsh sea wind by these
surrounding foothills. peasants have been settled at the bottom of the valleys in search
of rich fertile soil and water. Earlier these valleys were the only routs of transportation.
Pattern of settlement:
The houses are built along the edge of the foothills and the major connection to reach
these houses is the road which runs around the foothills. The Brahmin houses formed
the group of 5 to 6 which is called as keri. Each group is thus has its name such as
Balegadde, Harori, Galimane, Gadge mane, Mise mane, Abli mane, Kanni mane etc. The
settlement consists one community temple namely bili amnor devastana in which
different rituals are held at different occasions.
The orientation of the houses is sometime parallel and sometimes non parallel to each
other. Usually a zigzag mud road from the main road comes down to connect 2 to 3
houses. And the bikes and cars are parked at the end of this road. Then few zigzag
pedestrian path runs down to connect each house. There is another organic pedestrian
path along the line of the houses which passes through every houses front yard and in
and out of areca nut each house front yard just beside the estate.
Any outsider will first confronts dry deciduous plantation called as bena and then the
house which is located just at the beginning of areca nut plantation.
These social and cultural aspects influence the daily activity and are reflected on
building and environment planning. The society obeys the rule of religion and most of
their means of livelihood is from agriculture. Religious activities are reflected on the use
of temple facility and yard mutually. Architecture of each house in the society is similar
and differs only under certain limits. There is no hierarchy among the houses in terms
of rich and poor or any other distinguishes. Still each house is different in terms of its
respond to its surrounding topography, size and layout design and interiors.
The house can be distinguished into the core and subsidiary spaces. The upper story is built
above the core. The core is again divided into 4 adjacent rectangular rooms. The middle 2
rooms are dark private spaces. Four rooms are connected through the series of doors which
are never in straight line but they form an imaginary line which bisects all the rooms. The
front room is multifunctional and known as “holli”. It is usually extended with subsidiary
space covered by a sloped roof. The house is approached by a semi open porch or chappara.
Pooja room is bigger in size and it is located at the very last room. Generally either to the
left or right the long subsidiary space, which has its length equal to the sum of the width of
four rooms. It is used as kitchen and dining space. The bathing space used to be unattached
to the house. The cowshed is just beside the house. The upper floor is often used for study
and sleeping purpose.
Holli (Hall)- It comprises of two levels, upper level being roofed by wooden flat roof, lower
level has sloping roof and level difference is forced due to sloping roof. Holli acts as
multifunctional space which constantly gets adjusted to various functions in
different scenarios as follows.
Day-Living space, meeting and conversation
Night- sleeping
Festival-statue of concerned god is place and decorated and pooja is carried out.
Rituals- At the time of rituals hall is also used as dining place.
Time of death- Hall is the final place where the body of the dead is placed taken out of the
Jaguli-Central room of the house which is mostly used to store house hold things and it's
also coolest room in the house and used as a sleeping space for new born baby and
mother. It also offers a kind of privacy for house holder where he can have a look
at strangers without being exposed.
Doddavola-It does not carry a major function. It offers an extra space for sleeping room in a
large joint family. Generally in most of the houses this room will not be there.
Pooja Room-It is the most precious room in the house. This room is comparatively large to
carryout rituals where all the family members gather and worship. It is also used as
a chanting room for women as it gives privacy and comfort.
Vori vala (Kitchen and Dining room)-It is a long enclosed space where “pangthi bhojana” is
carried out. Also the food will be prepared at the corner of the room just adjacent
to pooja room. This place is also used to serve guest and a chatting place for
Hittalakada-It is used as backyard of the house with store and utility and bath and toilet
Metti(First floor)-for bedroom and extra living area. The last room at first floor is a precious
room where one should visit that room only after bathing. The extra living area is
also used as an observation deck for noticing works carried out at estate which is in
front of the house.
One could say there is transparency in the house by referring that the woman is
not restricted in and out of the house. At the same time the level of privacy for
women is not decreased depending on the movement pattern inside the house
which shows that without entering the hall they can go to any room or upper floor
using separate stair provided inside the kitchen.
Sense of place-
The architecture reveals the phenomenon of the place and some of the main
characteristics that makes the houses undetached from the place are as follows.
1. Rain and sloping roof
2. Undulating land contours and dispersed houses
3. Nature and landscape characteristics
4. Humidity, heat and architecture
5. Time and trend
6. Local material and construction technique
7. Movement of sun and orientation
8. Culture and architecture
9. Meandering pathway and contoured land
Although each house has similar planning layout they still differ in terms of size,
approach, site condition, Main door design, Window design, Column design. Since
every house planning is almost the same they express their prestige and
uniqueness in door, window and column design.
The intension of aesthetics is expressed in delicately crafted columns and windows.
Sensitive care towards it can be noticed in non functional janthi which is crafted to
maintain the rhythms in decoration.
The quality of light which penetrates the hall and first floor is crafted into art form
using patterned windows.
Relation to climate-
Seasonal variation of roof type in front yard help house to become more suitable
and useful. In summer the front yard heats up so to keep it cool it had to be
covered by the roof which is constructed out of beetle nut logs. And they also
need sun light to dry areca nut and food amenities which is facilitated by flat roof
which allows them to spread areca nut on it. During rainy season flat roof cannot
hold the rain so that the sloping roof constructed out of coconut palm leaves and
beetle nut logs. This time the stretch of the roof is half the front yard because they
need space to dry food items.
Sloped roof provides extra volume which allows fluent wind circulation making the
house thermally insulated.
Open hall allows cross ventilation and Doors which are slightly out of the axis
allows more air to bounce back and circulate within the room. Mud wall is cooler
unless it is exposed to harsh sunlight.
Cosmological concepts -
Architecture must be seen also as a cultural process not only as physical product.
It is believed that evil force always goes in straight line and that lead to the
formation of staggered doors which obstruct the evil forces and only allows good
The two windows located symmetrically are symbolized as two eyes of the house.
Vastu door is always low height which makes one bend down and go in. It conveys
us to be polite while entering into sacred place.
The solution is not to view pre-modern principles of design as static or corresponding with
historic styles, but as dynamic interpretations of the past which allow contemporary
architecture to remain meaningful and desired – rooted in history and place
Location of site
The design site is located at the valley created by the foothills of Western Ghats. It belong to
chandavar grama of honnavar taluk which is one of the taluks in Uttara kannada district of
Karnataka state.
Site microclimate
It is a relatively temperate climate with warm humid summers, and a long and pleasant
spring and fall. The climate is humid all year with morning humidity ranging from high to
very high. Due to valley location, the prevailing wind direction is greatly affected. Daytime
winds prevail from the southwest and nighttime winds prevail from the northeast. However,
day-night reversals in direction are common. There is a high level of annual rainfall.
Due to the SW-NE wind direction, the existing trees and plantings can be used to cool
summer breezes- Interwoven Buildings and Plants. Allowing the wind to cool the building
groups is also necessary. A Dispersed Building layout will accomplish this.
Due to a sharp contrast in precipitation between western and eastern slopes of the Western
Ghats, there is a clear difference between the vegetation of the two sides. Moreover, the
vegetation found on the high hills is also different from the low hills. The design site is
located at the valley amongst the foot hills of the Western Ghats which contain moist
deciduous forests marked predominantly by Teak, Sal, Shisham, Sandalwood.
Access and circulation: Access to the site is given where the contour of the road meets the
site level and one peripheral road connects whole project and will be the only vehicular
Respond to site surrounds: It is always one of the aim to respond to the immediate
surroundings of site so that it becomes bounded to that particular place. There is one
karikana parameshwari temple which is adored by the local people situated on the east site
hill area. So the meditating space will draw an imaginary line which connects site and the
Zoning - It is based on gradual transformation of public space to private and also on contour
of the terrain and vegetation.
Settlement Planning: To provide sufficient air circulation, buildings should be scattered and
have a low population density. Buildings should be separated with large, free spaces
between them. This allows airflow which provides ventilation for cooling and a hygienic
Orientation-Sun : As the houses are surrounded by estate trees harsh sunlight is avoided. So
Orientation of the house is not so dependent upon the sun.
Wind: Majority of the houses are arranged to receive direct cool breeze from south west
Pattern of settlement:
The housing is planned in irregular allotments ... shaping a network of streets. The lives of
households are played out in these small, quiet streets that serve as extension to the home
and workplace, and as play areas for children.
Cluster formation
A neighborhood might contain several hundred households, but when it comes to cluster of
neighborhoods, I believe the optimum size is around 6 to 12 households. If a cluster has
fewer than 4 households, it loses the sense of being a cluster, and lacks the diversity and
activity of a larger group. When the number of households in a cluster grows beyond 12 or
16, some neighbors are too far away to be neighborly, and group decision-making becomes
more unwieldy. In the design there are more than a dozen households, which form multiple
pocket neighborhoods, each with control of their own common space and connected by
Free passage of air for cross-ventilation through the interior is important. This is be achieved
by large openings, not only in the outer walls but also un divided interiors.
The floor is preferably elevated above the ground to allow for a better ventilation. Houses
are best built on raised platforms.
So The main elements: Shading trees, wide overhanging roof, raised floor, free flow of air
through the building
Thermal insulation
Thermal insulation has very little effectiveness. Due to the free flow of air, the ambient air
temperatures inside and outside the building are very much the same. Insulation is justified
only in places where sun radiation is received, e.g. for roofs and sun-exposed walls. Double
roof allows air circulation thus avoids direct transfer of heat into the building.
External walls are load bearing laterite stone walls which are always shaded so there is no
problem of heat storage by heavy walls. And also they do not obstruct wind flow because
heavy walls are only constructed along wind direction.
Light and thin materials such as bamboo and areca nut screen walls are employed.
"Although I believe that the appearance of a building has the most profound effect upon its
inhabitants, yet one cannot house men in the Parthenon. One’s beautiful designs must serve
the humble everyday needs of men; indeed, if these designs are true to their materials, their
environment, and their daily job, they must necessarily be beautiful."
1. Master plan
3. Meditation centre
5. View of neighborhood
Sense of home
Safety: ‘The notion of “home” is about the place you feel safe and where you feel connected
to other people you like,’ says psychologist Linda Papadopoulos. The housing promotes high
interaction and there by higher sense of safety.
Privacy : Sense of comfort we’re able to create behind closed doors. The notion of private
space is key to our sense of wellbeing and self-expression, believes Simon Moore,
environmental psychologist at London Metropolitan University. ‘Personal space allows
thinking space,’ he says. ‘It’s a good thing we don’t know what goes on behind closed doors.
It allows people to do what they want and truly to be themselves.
Active Commons
if the central commons is merely a pretty space to look at, neighbors will have fewer
opportunities to interact in the daily flow of life. A multipurpose room with a kitchenette,
bathroom and storage room can be used to host community potlucks, meetings, exercise
groups and movie nights.
Community can be wonderful, but too much community can be suffocating. On the other
hand, with too much privacy, a person can feel cut off from neighbors. Creating multiple
‘layers of personal space’ will help achieve the right balance between privacy and
Nested Houses
Having a next-door house or apartment peering into your own can be uncomfortable and
claustrophobic. Therefore, design residences with open and closed sides so that neighboring
homes ‘nest’ together — the open side has large windows facing its side yard, while the
closed side has high windows and skylights to bring in ample light while preserving privacy.
The result is that neighbors do not peer into one another’s living space.
Slightly Snug
If houses are too large, residents tend to spend all their time indoors. With slightly snug
houses, the porch, gardens and shared common buildings get used more, which fosters
connection among neighbors. As well, a house that is ‘not so big’ is more likely to be fully
lived in and cared for.
Increamental housing: It creates choices that the person with lower budget can buy the low
income house and gradually expand it as and when he is able to spend on it.
Identity: Housing which contains the phenomenon of the place definitely creates an identity
for the place and architecture and their by lift the spirit of whole community.
Pluralism: The design is not based on any single concept. It is the manifestation of several
factors making it plural approach.
Transparency: The transparency helps to increase the interaction among neighbor and thus
efficient in bringing secured feeling.
Equity: It is not divided into HIG ZONE and LIG ZONE but still all the types are present and
the sharing and caring will takes place when one does not have the thing which the rich
processes. Thus it leads to dependency and increases bonding.
The main approach for architects who attempt to actualize Frampton's first
point is to read, interpret and redefine the vernacular style of a region, so that
contemporary built environments maintain their roots to place by using
vernacular references to create a modern and regional reflection of local
cultural identity.
What Frampton has in mind here is that critical regionalism is less a response
to normative optimization and more concerned with the associative attributes
of a specific region such as local architectural fabric and cultural values.
The modern method is to have dining table for dinner but the houses have
gone for pangthi bhojana and made tble dining as mere a choiuce.
The housing is responding to surrounding view and the regions prevailing wind
and the terrain characteristics and landscape so as to prove itself bounded to
the place.
In his fourth point, Frampton sees the need for architecture that is understood
as a “tectonic fact” rather than simply a series of scenographic episodes. He
opposes the scenographic episodes which is the re-presentation of a façade
(Frampton, 1983, p32). Frampton argues use of sentimental imitations of local
vernacular, seeking instead a reinterpretation of those forms and a blending
of those forms with outside influences. He argues for openness to western
influences, but he sees this openness as requiring a focus on the local. To
Most of the carvings which are merely the superficial architecture are taken
off and sentimental historicism is ruled off.
It is adopted well to regional climatic condition and uses local materials and
seasonal roofing method to adopt to different seasons.
Frampton focuses on light and on light’s role as the primary agent by which
the volume and the tectonic value of the work are revealed, but he also says it
is important to be aware that the environment can be experienced in terms
other than sight alone (Frampton, 1992, p327). Other experiences, like heat
and cold, humidity, air movement, aromas, and sounds are important aspects
of the environment. Frampton argues that the tactile is an important
dimension in the perception of built form. Critical regionalism recognizes that
these other sense perceptions need to be recognized alongside the visual.
The housing is not superficial but one can sense the region by tactile senses
like kind of light ambience and the local material texture and fragrance of local
flora and sound of water dancing down the hill during rainy season.
Kenneth Frampton decries the “phenomenon of universalization” as it produces a single
architectural approach (and style) irrespective of its context. In considering the task of
building in a wide range of cultural contexts, he discusses the paradox: “how to become
modern and to return to sources; how to revive an old dormant civilization and take part in
universal civilization.” His proposes a hybrid solution, “critical regionalism,” that integrates
both cultural meaning and modern technology.
Based on the study I see Critical regionalism in today’s modern context, as a powerful tool
to establish continuity in architecture as well as measure for rebuilding identity of the place
and culture. Although it is quite a vague approach, somehow it is expressed quite
reasonably in the works of contemporary architects through which the consciousness of a
given regional society and culture is expressed. They tend to restore architect’s meaningful
and original pursuits. The pairing categorization is well conceived and has strong
implications for a return to the base of architecture; an architecture that keeps people close
to their environment and culture; an architecture that responds effectively to societal
needs; a non-representational architecture that enhances regional symbolism through
perception rather than only visual means.
1. Available online at, checked on 11-jun-2015.
2. Hassan fathy’s new gourna village. Available online at, checked on
3. Toward New Horizons in Architecture, Tadao Ando |. Available online at
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4. New Regionalism (1987). [Austin, Tex.], New York: Center for the Study of American
Architecture, School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin; Distributed by
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5. Havyakara Ithihasa (1992).
6. Butts, Arthur Paul (2004): The Portable Particular. An Integral Theory of Place. The
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HuPKNf1hjw&bvm=bv.95277229,d.dGc, checked on 11-Jun-15.
7. Correa, Charles; Frampton, Kenneth (1996): Charles Correa. London: Thames &
8. Fathy, Hassan (1976): Architecture for the poor. An experiment in rural Egypt. Pbk.
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9. Frampton, K. (1983): Towards a Critical Regionalism: Six Points for an Architecture of
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10. Heidegger, Martin (1993): Building Dwelling Thinking.