Data Bogie Shinkansen

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Some of the key technical innovations that enabled high-speed trains included incorporating springs and oil dampers in bogie suspension, mounting traction motors on bogie frames, adopting press-welded bogie frames, introducing disk brakes, and using air springs in carriage suspension.

Some of the important technical innovations that were necessary for high-speed trains included incorporating springs and oil dampers in bogie suspension, mounting traction motors on bogie frames, adopting press-welded bogie frames, introducing disk brakes, and using air springs in carriage suspension.

Engineers addressed the hunting problem in bogies through theoretical calculations, scale models, and tests with actual carriages. Some solutions included optimizing the graded wheel tread gradient, improving axle box suspension rigidity, and developing bolsterless bogies.

Technology Technology

Railway Technology Today 6 (Edited by Kanji Wako)

Shinkansen Bogies
Isao Okamoto

In the previous issue we discussed some and reduced vibrations. As a result, bolsterless shinkansen bogies use this type
of the main features of bogies, and looked bogies could run at faster speeds, making of wheel tread. The circular configura-
at bogie structure for various carriages, rapid shinkansen services possible. tion which is shaped like a large number
specific bogies for trains carrying commut- of arcs aligned next to each other, sup-
ers and other passengers over short dis- poses a wheel tread that has already been
tances, tilting carriages using pendulum Bogie Performance subjected to wear. This configuration
mechanisms, and steering bogies. Such reduces contact bearing forces between
trains run mainly on narrow-gauge track Because shinkansen run at high speeds, the wheel tread and the running surface
in Japan, at maximum speeds of 120 to their bogies and carriages must not be of the rail. This means less wheel tread
130 km/h. This next article examines subjected to serious lateral vibrations, wear, which in turn means better running
some of the characteristics of bogies re- called hunting. As a train runs faster, hunt- performance. The effective gradient of
quired for high-speed trains, particularly ing can increase to such an extent that shinkansen circular wheel treads is about
shinkansen that travel at maximum speeds the bogie vibrates severely side to side, 1:16, which meets demands for both
over 200 km/h. I will also discuss the past which creates passenger discomfort, dam- stability at high speeds and excellent run-
and present development of shinkansen ages the track, and can even derail the ning performance on curved track.
bogies, focusing particularly on their struc- train in extreme cases. To achieve oper-
ture. ating speeds higher than 200 km/h, bogie Axle box suspension ridigity
developers tried to solve the hunting prob- Important factors affecting bogie running
lem through theoretical calculations and performance are: the structure of the axle
Technical Innovations trial runs using scale models and actual box suspension system supporting the
carriages. These tests helped discover wheelset on the bogie frame; the struc-
The first scheduled shinkansen run was effective ways to raise the speed at which ture of the axle bearings; and the rigidity
on 1 October 1964 but many prior tech- bogie hunting becomes a problem. Here, of the axle box suspension. In other
nical developments were necessary be- I will summarize the steps used to solve words, the axle box suspension system
fore trains could travel at high speeds. The these problems and produce a new bogie must be constructed so that it prevents
following summarizes some of the impor- design for shinkansen. play due to wear over many years of op-
tant advances made in bogie development eration. Moreover, the axle bearings must
in the 1950s. Graded wheel tread gradient be designed so that they prevent, as much
• Incorporated springs and oil dampers The outer rim of the wheel in contact with as possible, any play at all especially in
in bogie suspension, significantly reduc- the rail is called the wheel tread (see JRTR the axial direction. The rigidity of the axle
ing vibration 18, pp. 52 and 57). The wheel tread gen- box suspension can be determined mainly
• Mounted traction motor on bogie frame erally has a gradient to help the train by theoretical calculations and tests us-
instead of using nose suspension sys- negotiate curves more easily, and to main- ing actual bogies. In the case of bogies
tem and also used parallel Cardan drive tain the carriage in a central position on for older shinkansen, the rigidity required
system (see JRTR 18, p. 58) to transmit straight track. If the main aim is to achieve of the axle box suspension depends on
power to wheelset via flexible couplings high speeds, the wheel tread gradient is the carriage type (Table 1).
and gears, greatly reducing bogie kept low. On the other hand, if the main
weight, in turn permitting faster speeds aim is to maintain high performance on Bogie rotational resistance
on shinkansen and other electric trains curves, the wheel tread has a higher Previously, it was thought that bogie hunt-
• Adopted press-welded structure for gradient. The wheel tread gradient for ing could be prevented effectively by us-
bogie frames, reducing frame weight shinkansen bogies takes into account both ing friction to resist bogie rotation relative
considerably the need for high speed and the need to to the car body. However, calculations
• Introduced disk brakes, increasing brak- ensure that wheels do not continually run and test results showed that this bogie
ing power, in turn permitting faster on one side of the rail. The gradient used hunting can be prevented more effectively
speeds to meet these conditions was 1:40 using by using rotational moment obtained from
• Used air springs in carriage suspension a conical wheel tread configuration. springs to resist bogie rotation. However,
to improve ride comfort However, circular wheel tread configura- such springs increase wheel lateral pres-
These important technical innovations tions were developed for the shinkansen sure on curved track and make the bogie
raised bogie performance, lowered weight in the mid 1980s, and recently almost all structure more complex, so Series DT200

46 Japan Railway & Transport Review 19 • March 1999 Copyright © 1999 EJRCF. All rights reserved.
bogie frames, wheels, axles, axle bearings,
and springs. In mid-1962, before the
Table 1 Axle Box Suspension Stiffness actual shinkansen cars were manufac-
tured, six test cars were built each using a
Series 0 and 200 carriages Longitudinal: 3,000–4,000 kgf/mm per axle box different type of driving bogie (DT9001
Lateral: 1,500–2,000 kgf/mm per axle
to DT9006) and axle box suspension types
Series 100 carriages Longitudinal: 1,500–2,000 kgf/mm per axle box (e.g., Minden, IS and Schlieren, etc.). Data
Lateral: 3,000–4,000 kgf/mm per axle from trial runs on the Kamonomiya test
track (on part of the Tokaido Shinkansen
line) were used in the design and manu-
facture of Series DT200 bogies. For the
axle box suspension, the Series DT200
bogies use the frictional resistance ob- shinkansen and conventional tracks bogie combined the advantages of the
tained from side bearers that support the converted to standard gauge) Minden system with an improved IS sys-
entire load of the car body. The following three sections describe the tem developed by the now defunct Japa-
development of these three bogie types nese National Railways (JNR). The bogies
and their structure. that actually went into service were lighter
Bogie Development than the test models, and were easier to
Development of Series DT200 manufacture and maintain ( JRTR 18,
About 35 years have passed since the bogies p. 56).
shinkansen began carrying passengers in When the shinkansen started operations, Spurred by the success of the Tokaido
1964. Over the years, three types of it was the first train in the world to attain Shinkansen, JNR built new shinkansen
bogies have been used on shinkansen operating speeds of more than 200 km/h. lines to other parts of the country—first
carriages (Table 2). These are: Safety at such speeds can only be the Sanyo Shinkansen, which began
• Series DT200 bogies used for many achieved if the bogies perform properly, operations to Hakata [Fukuoka] in 1975,
years after start of shinkansen so bogie designers and manufacturers a n d n e x t t h e To h o k u a n d J o e t s u
• Bolsterless bogies introduced in 1992 focused on the need to prevent the shinkansen, which opened between
for new types of shinkansen wheelsets and bogies from hunting dan- Omiya and Morioka, and between Omiya
• Bolsterless bogies for Yamagata and gerously, and the need to prevent failure and Niigata in 1982. Carriages also saw
Akita Shinkansen (running on both or other damage in important parts like changes. The pioneer Series 0 shinkansen
was improved with the introduction of the
Series 100 that began operations on the
Tokaido and Sanyo shinkansen in 1985,
Table 2 Shinkansen Bogie Series and Series 200 on the Tohoku and Joetsu
shinkansen in 1982. The Series 100
Bogie Types Carriage Types
shinkansen use DT202 driving bogies and
DT200 Bogies from start of shinkansen Series 0 TR7000 trailing bogies. The Series 200
(2,500 mm wheelbase) Series 100 use DT201 driving bogies and TR7002
Series 200 trailing bogies. Compared to the DT200
bogies for Series 0 shinkansen, the newer
Bolsterless bogies for new shinkansen (1992∼) Series 300
(2,500 mm wheelbase) Series 500 bogies are lighter and easier to maintain.
Series 700 The bogies for Series 200 trains on the
Series E1 Tohoku and Joetsu shinkansen lines have
Series E2 also been adapted to cope with the pre-
Series E4
vailing cold snowy winter conditions.
Bolsterless bogies for Yamagata and Akita shinkansen Series 400 Despite these improvements, the basic
(2,250 mm wheelbase) Series E3 structure of the new bogies for those new
series shinkansen carriages was the same
as that of the DT200 bogies used by the

Copyright © 1999 EJRCF. All rights reserved. Japan Railway & Transport Review 19 • March 1999 47

Series 0. In other words, although they seven JRs, the Railway Technical Research Development of bolsterless bogies
have undergone some modifications over Institute (RTRI) was given the task. The for Yamagata and Akita shinkansen
about 30 years, shinkansen bogies con- Institute chose the DT9023 trial bogie as We have looked at two different types of
tinue to use a design based on the DT200. the basis for further development. shinkansen bogies—the DT200 bogie for
During the same time frame, shinkansen JR Central, one of the JR group, partici- the first and early shinkansen trains, and
operating speeds rose to 220 km/h on the pated in new development trials by the bolsterless bogie for more recent
Tokaido and Sanyo shinkansen in 1986, mounting trial bogies on a Series 100 shinkansen. A third type is a bogie for
and then to 230 km/h on the latter line in shinkansen and subjecting the train to trains running on shinkansen tracks with
1989. The Tohoku Shinkansen saw an long-term experimental runs to test endur- through operations on conventional tracks
increase to 240 km/h in 1985, while ance levels. The company was trying to converted to shinkansen standard gauge.
speeds on part of the Joetsu Shinkansen find a suitable bogie for the Series 300 Examples are the Yamagata Shinkansen
rose to 275 km/h in 1990. shinkansen being developed at the time. trains that began operations between
Their efforts paid off in 1992 when the Fukushima and Yamagata in 1992, and
Development of new shinkansen Nozomi Series 300 shinkansen entered the Akita Shinkansen that began opera-
bolsterless bogies operation. Nozomi uses a bolsterless elec- tions between Morioka and Akita in 1997.
The success of the shinkansen prompted trically driven TDT203 driving bogie and These are the so-called mini-shinkansen
European countries to develop their own TTR7001 trailing bogie. It is smaller and operated by JR East. For these trains,
high-speed trains in the 1980s. In 1988, lighter than the DT200 bogie, and offers the bogies have to be capable of stable
the German ICE achieved 406.9 km/h, far greater stability at high speed, more running at about 270 km/h on shinkansen
and then the French TGV posted a new dependable performance on curves, and tracks, as well as be able to negotiate
world record of 515.3 km/h in 1990. better ride comfort. As a result, it has been sharp curves of approximately 400-m
These impressive advances spurred Japan adopted for all new shinkansen (Series radius on conventional tracks.
to further effort. In addition, better 300 and later). For example, in 1997, JR After the JNR privatization, RTRI obtained
expressways and improvements to West adopted this bogie technology for funding from the national government to
domestic airports in Japan had resulted in its Series 500 shinkansen that were de- develop a trial DT9027 bogie for experi-
faster road and air travel, posing another signed to reduce aerodynamic noise and ment. The result of this research was a
challenge for the railways. Shinkansen achieve a maximum operating speed of bogie with a shorter wheelbase of 2250
designers realized that they would have 300 km/h, thereby bringing Japan into the mm, the first time a shinkansen bogie had
to come up with a new type of train age of rail travel at 270–300 km/h. varied from the 2500 mm wheelbase. The
capable of running at operating speeds of The three shinkansen operators (JR East, Institute proposed giving the axle box sus-
270 to 300 km/h. JR Central, and JR West) realized that pension system optimum rigidity and the
They knew that this target could only be higher shinkansen speeds create environ- wheel tread optimum shape, to ensure an
met by development of a light, high-per- mental and other problems, including ideal balance between stability at high
formance bogie. Over the years they had noise, micro-pressure waves in tunnels, speeds and excellent running perfor-
experimented with many test models, try- ground vibration, and aerodynamic prob- mance on curved track. JR East manufac-
ing to develop a lighter shinkansen bogie lems in tunnels when trains pass each tured trial bogies (DT9028, DT9029,
that would permit higher speeds and other at high speed. To resolve these prob- DT9030) that also adopted hollow-bored
greater ride comfort. But none of the test lems and obtain data that could be used axles and a wheel diameter of 860 mm
models were good enough to go into pro- to raise performance and ride comfort, for Series 400 trains to Yamagata. These
duction. Realizing they would need a each company built a high-speed experi- trial bogies were made lighter using tech-
different approach, in about 1980, JNR mental train (STAR21, 300X, and niques obtained during development of
designers began to develop a bolsterless WIN350) for running tests. The bogies the shinkansen bolsterless bogie. For
bogie for shinkansen. Just before JNR was for these trains were based on the same example, they used an aluminium gear-
privatized in 1987, they built a number design principles as the above-mentioned box, and three different axle suspension
of trial bogies (DT9022 to DT9026) and bolsterless bogie. During high-speed tests, systems. After many trials, the company
then conducted experimental runs. How- WIN350 ran at 350.4 km/h (August 1992), decided to base its bogie design on the
ever, these test designs could not meet the STAR21 reached 425 km/h (December DT9030, which had a rubber/leaf spring
required performance levels. As a result, 1993), while 300X outran them both at system for the axle box suspension sys-
after JNR was privatized and split into the 443 km/h (July 1996). tem. The new DT204 bogie was made

48 Japan Railway & Transport Review 19 • March 1999 Copyright © 1999 EJRCF. All rights reserved.
Figure 1 DT200 on Series 0 Shinkansen

for Series 400 shinkansen. A trial run in

1991 on the Joetsu Shinkansen using
bogies with the same smaller wheelbase
of 2250 mm achieved 345 km/h.

Structure of Series DT200 Bogies

for First Shinkansen Trains
and Some Subsequent Models (RTRI)

Figure 1 shows the composition of the

DT200 bogie for shinkansen trains. The Air spring
bogie has a bolster with air springs
mounted on its upper surface. These air
springs support the carriage body directly. Bogie frame
As I will explain later, the bolster has been
eliminated from recent shinkansen bogies
in order to lighten the bogie and gain
extra performance.
The main characteristics of the DT200
bogie are shown in Table 3. The main
components of the DT200 bogie—the
axle box suspension, bolster system, bogie Axle box
frame, wheelset, and driving gear box are
described briefly below. Traction Axle spring
Driving Rubber bushing
gear box
Axle box suspension
Brake Brake Leaf spring
After comparing results from tests of sev- cylinder shoe
eral types of axle box suspension systems
mounted on trial shinkansen bogies, the
IS type was chosen. The IS axle box sus-
pension system had been developed pre-
viously by JNR. A supporting plate (leaf
spring) is attached to the front and rear of
the axle box, with rubber bushings
mounted on the front and rear ends of the
(Japan Overseas Rolling Stock Association)
supporting plates. The positioning of the
rubber bushings ensures that the wheelset
and axle box are suspended from the
bogie frame in a relatively rigid manner
longitudinally, yet in a relatively flexible
Table 3 Characteristics of DT200
manner laterally. Two advantages of this
axle box suspension system are that the Bogie wheelbase 2,500 mm
vertical movement of the axle springs is Wheel diameter 910 mm
not obstructed, because vertical move- Bogie weight 10,100 kg (unsprung mass, 4,660 kg) for Series 0 shinkansen
ment deflects the supporting plates and 9,870 kg (unsprung mass, 4,630 kg) for Series 100 shinkansen
rubber bushings, and that the various parts
Traction motor DC 180 kW for Series 0 shinkansen
have no play and are not subject to abra-
DC 230 kW for Series 100 and 200 shinkansen
sion or wear. However, one disadvantage
is that the bogie must be made longer than

Copyright © 1999 EJRCF. All rights reserved. Japan Railway & Transport Review 19 • March 1999 49

ideal, because the supporting plates are Wheelset and driving gear system began in earnest in about 1980.
arranged in series. This type of axle box Axles for the DT200 bogie are made of After the JNR privatization, efforts focused
suspension system was adopted for Series S38C (carbon steel suitable for mechani- on the DT9023, a bogie type that JNR had
0, 100, and 200 shinkansen. cal structures) that has been heat-treated tested. It was realized that a number of
by induction hardening. This process improvements would be required, includ-
Bolster system changes only the surface into hard mar- ing:
The main components of the bolster sys- tensite, and at the same time generates • Reduce high-frequency chatter in car
tem are: a bolster that supports the car- residual compressive stress at the axle floor immediately above bogie
riage body, air springs, lateral dampers, surface, raising the fatigue strength of the • Reduce car vertical and rolling oscilla-
side bearers, a bolster anchor that trans- material to extremely high levels. Induc- tions to improve ride comfort
mits tractive force between the bogie and tion-hardened axles are used for all • Achieve superior stability at high speeds
the carriage body, and the centre pin. The shinkansen bogies, to ensure greater while ensuring excellent running per-
centre pin allows the bogie to rotate rela- strength in mating parts that are prone to formance on curves
tive to the body on curved track, while fretting corrosion. • Eliminate end beams on bogie frame
the side bearers apply frictional resistance For safety, the bogie uses solid rolled and reduce bogie size to reduce weight
to prevent hunting. The bolster is made wheels. Designers were concerned about of bogie between beams
by pressing 9-mm thick steel plates and wear and tear on the wheel tread over • Reduce unsprung mass of bogie (e.g.,
then welding these plates together into a daily long-distance travel, so they per- mass of wheelset, axle box and gear sys-
box. The hollow part of the box serves as formed tests on three different types of tem)
an auxiliary air chamber for the air springs. candidate wheel materials. However, in When the improved trial bogie was tested
The experimental version of the bogie the end, they chose STY-80 that had al- at RTRI, no stability problems were found
used a triple-folded bellow-type air spring, ready been used for many years. even at extremely high speeds of 450 to
but the bogies installed on actual bodies The driving gear used a parallel Cardan 500 km/h, and the bogie also proved
have a special diaphragm self-sealing air system. The basic technology of this sys- effective in reducing oscillations. Later
spring. This type of air spring permits tem was being put to practical use as early two endurance tests of the bogie on a
lateral rigidity, so designers could elimi- as the Kodama limited express on the old Series 100 shinkansen of JR Central each
nate the swing bolster hanger found on Tokaido main line. The designers were covering about 300,000 km, validated
conventional bogies at that time. The air concerned that the gears might not be able the result of the running test. By about
spring is mounted as high as possible to to withstand the higher speeds and that 1990, it was clear that bolsterless bogies
control carbody rolling. lubrication problems could develop, but were suitable for shinkansen and they are
no problems were found in different tests now used for all Series 300 and later
Bogie frame using prototypes. shinkansen.
The DT200 bogie frame consists of two
side beams (left and right), a central cross Structure of Bolsterless Bogies Structure of bolsterless
beam, and end beams. The beams are
for New Shinkansen Trains shinkansen bogie
formed by pressing 9-mm thick SS400 Figure 2 shows the structure of a
(rolled steel for ordinary structural pur- Bolsterless bogie development bolsterless shinkansen bogie. Like its
poses) steel plates, then welding them into As explained, the DT200 bogie was used DT200 predecessor, each bogie has two
box sections. These beams are then for many years on shinkansen, but a new air springs that support the carriage body
welded together to fabricate the bogie type was needed to meet the demands of directly. However, unlike the older
frame. The end beams were originally trains travelling at maximum speeds of bogies, these air springs are not supported
6-mm thick, but this was later increased 270 to 300 km/h. The required improve- by a bolster. Instead, they are mounted
to 9 mm. Since 1976, SM400B steel plates ments included: directly on the upper surface of the bogie
have replaced the SS400 steel plates, • Greater stability at high speed frame.
which tend to contain layers of impuri- • Higher running performance on curves The main characteristics of this bolsterless
ties embedded during rolling. SM400B • Less vibration and greater ride comfort bogie are shown in Table 4.
steel plates are very suitable for welding • Smaller size and lower weight to reduce Some important features of the compo-
purposes. track wear and tear nents of the bolsterless bogie for Series
Development of a bolsterless suspension 300 shinkansen are described below.

50 Japan Railway & Transport Review 19 • March 1999 Copyright © 1999 EJRCF. All rights reserved.
cylindrical laminated rubber/wing-type
spring system. In this system, the vertical
Figure 2 Bolsterless Bogie on Series 300 and Later Shinkansen load on the axle springs is borne mainly
by coil springs that have linear deflection
capabilities; the longitudinal and lateral
loads are borne mainly by the cylindrical
laminated rubber parts, which also sup-
port and guide the axle box. Because the
coil springs and cylindrical laminated rub-
ber parts are arranged symmetrically (in a
wing shape) at the front and rear of the
axle box, the support and guidance of the
axle box is smooth. Moreover, because
Centre pin the optimum degree of longitudinal and
lateral support rigidity was given to the
cylindrical laminated rubber parts, stabil-
Air spring ity is achieved even at high speeds and
running performance with reduced lateral
pressure remains high on curves. The axle
damper works in both directions and the
Bogie frame increase in damping force reduces verti-
cal vibrations in the bogie.
A number of axle box suspension systems
Brake are used to simplify the structure and per-
mit easier maintenance. Some systems
Axle spring for bolsterless shinkansen bogies have an
axle beam type of construction, while
Axle box some others have a rubber/leaf spring type
Gear box
of construction.
Anti-yaw damper
Carriage body support system
Axle damper
The carriage body support system has no
bolster so it is described as bolsterless.
Instead, the body is supported directly by
air springs, thereby permitting consider-
able horizontal displacement. When the
bogie rotates relative to the car body on
curves, this relative angular displacement
is absorbed through horizontal distortion
of the air springs. Longitudinal forces
between the car body and bogie are trans-
mitted via the monolink or Z link, which
is mounted at the virtual rotational centre
of the bogie.
Axle spring and axle box made construction easy, but it was unsuit- As explained above, side bearers are used
suspension able for high-speed rolling stock, because on DT200 bogies to prevent hunting at
The axle spring and axle box suspension the dynamic spring constant of the axle high speeds. However, in the case of
of the trial bogie included a conical lami- spring was too high. Therefore, the de- bolsterless bogies, rotation relative to the
nated rubber structure. This would have signers decided to use coil springs and a body is controlled by anti-yaw dampers

Copyright © 1999 EJRCF. All rights reserved. Japan Railway & Transport Review 19 • March 1999 51

cm shorter than the DT200 bogie, and it

weighs about 3.3 tonnes less, although the
Figure 3 Axle Box Suspension of New Shinkansen Bolsterless Bogies wheelbase is the same (2500 mm).

Axle damper Wheelset, driving gear, etc.

Side beam The wheels and axles of the bolsterless
bogie are basically the same as those of
the DT200 bogie but the wheel diameter
was reduced from 910 mm to 860 mm,
and a 60-mm straight hole was bored lon-
gitudinally through the centre of the axle
to reduce the unsprung mass as much as
possible. Furthermore, at fabrication, the
Coil spring
vector sum of the dynamic unbalanced
mass in the wheelset is set below 5 kgf•cm
to ensure that when the wheels rotate at
high speed, any centrifugal force created
Cylindrical by unbalanced weight distribution will not
rubber cause high frequency vibration in the car-
riage body, or ride discomfort.
The DT200 bogies use two types of axle
bearings simultaneously: cylindrical roller
bearings designed to bear radial loads,
and ball bearings designed to bear thrust
loads. More recent versions of the cylin-
Table 4 Characteristics of Bolsterless Bogie
drical roller bearings have had a thrust
Bogie wheelbase 2,500 mm collar, to bear thrust loads at the same
Wheel diameter 860 mm
time. When bolsterless shinkansen bo-
gies were first produced, they used col-
Bogie weight 6,600 kg (unsprung mass, 3,500 kg) for Series 300 shinkansen
lared roller bearings, because it was
Traction motor AC 300 kW for Series 300 shinkansen thought this would minimize the lateral
play of the roller bearings. The bolsterless
axle box was also made smaller and
lighter. However, it was later discovered
mounted between the car body and bogie steel pipe (STKM18B). The top of the side that tapered roller bearings could actually
frame outside of and parallel to the side beams is made as flat as possible and the reduce lateral play themselves, so tapered
beams of the bogie frame. The damping cross beam is made of seamless pipe to roller bearings are now used for bolsterless
force of the anti-yaw dampers and the ri- keep the bogie frame structure simple and shinkansen bogies.
gidity of the rubber bushings at both ends to prevent welding defects. The cross The axle box and gearbox of DT200
of the damper both greatly improve the beam is hollow, permitting creation of an bogies are made of cast steel, but on the
stability of bogies running at high speeds. auxiliary air chamber for the air springs. bolsterless bogie they are made of
The DT200 bogie frame has end beams aluminium alloy to reduce the bogie
Bogie frame on which brake parts and other equipment unsprung mass. There were fears that
The bogie frame is constructed in an ‘H’ are mounted. For the newer bogie frame, track ballast might fly up and damage this
shape. The two side beams (left and right) small caliper disk brakes were developed lighter material, but tests using flying
made of 8-mm thick rolled steel and mounted on the cross beam located stones proved these fears unfounded, per-
(SM490YA killed steel suitable for welded across the bogie centre. This design elimi- mitting its introduction.
structures) are welded to a cross beam nated the end beams. As a result, the
made of 9-mm or 12-mm thick seamless bolsterless shinkansen bogie is about 80

52 Japan Railway & Transport Review 19 • March 1999 Copyright © 1999 EJRCF. All rights reserved.
Future Possibilities
for Shinkansen Bogies
Figure 4 Bolsterless Bogie on Series E2 Shinkansen
Over more than three decades of
shinkansen operations, no passenger lives
have been lost because of a defective
bogie. This excellent record is largely due
to the extremely high reliability and stan-
dards of the bogies’ structure and mainte-
To meet the demands of passengers today
and in the future, Japan’s shinkansen op-
erators will have to make further improve- (RTRI)

ments—for example, higher speeds, better

running performance on curved track,
greater ride comfort, less running noise,
and better labour-saving maintenance
methods. At the same time, every prior-
ity must be placed on safety and reliabil-
ity. The areas requiring further efforts are
as follows:
• Research into bogie structure and
manufacturing techniques to develop
greater precision in components
• Considerable reduction in bogie weight
between primary and secondary springs
and unsprung mass by developing
smaller lighter bogies
• Development of simpler bogie structure
with fewer welded parts and greater re-
liability of welded parts
• Improvements of semi-active and active
suspension systems, and their more
widespread use
• Development of pendulum tilt system
for shinkansen
• More effective use of dampers, particu-
larly anti-yaw dampers between cars Kanji Wako
• Further study of aerodynamic causes of Mr Kanji Wako is Director in Charge of Research and Development at RTRI. He joined JNR in 1961 after graduating in

carriage vibration when high-speed engineering from Tohoku University. He is the supervising editor for this series on Railway Technology Today.

trains pass in tunnels ■

Isao Okamoto
Mr Okamoto is General Manager of the Vehicle Technology Development Division of the JR Railway
Technical Research Institute. He joined JNR in 1972 after obtaining a Masters degree in mechanical
engineering from the graduate school of Waseda University. He worked in the Rolling Stock Design
Office of JNR before transferring to RTRI.

Copyright © 1999 EJRCF. All rights reserved. Japan Railway & Transport Review 19 • March 1999 53

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