Synopsis Annie and Characters
Synopsis Annie and Characters
Synopsis Annie and Characters
Based on Little Orphan Annie, the popular comic strip by Harold Gray, Annie has become a worldwide
sensation. Winner of seven Tony Awards, including Best Musical, the beloved show features a wonderful score
written by Charles Strouse and Martin Charnin, including the Broadway smash hit, “Tomorrow”.
With a perfect combination of street-smarts and optimism, Annie warms the hearts of the audience as we
witness her rise from next-to-nothing in New York City. She is determined to find her parents, who left her at
the orphanage years ago. Though things don’t quite work out the way she has planned, she does manage to
thwart the plans of the evil Miss Hannigan and find a new family with billionaire Oliver Warbucks, his
secretary Grace Farrell, and her lovable pooch, Sandy.
Annie Orphan girl, looking for Pre-teen, girl Strong vocal (Belt), dancing
her parents. and acting
Miss Hannigan Orphanage matron. Hates Adult (any age), female Strong vocal and acting
Oliver “Daddy” Billionaire businessman, Older adult, Male Strong vocal (Baritone),
Warbucks who opens his home and dancing and acting
heart to Annie
Grace Warbucks’ secretaty, who Young adult, female Strong vocal and acting
loves Annie
“Rooster” Miss Hannigan’s Young adult, male Strong vocal, dancing and
Hannigan disreputable brother acting
Lily St. Regis Rooster’s girlfriend Young adult, female Strong vocal, dancing and
Molly, Pepper, Orphans with speaking 6 – Pre-teen, girls Strong vocal, dancing and
Duffy, July, parts acting
Tessie, Kate
President Aids in the search for Older adult, male Some vocal, strong acting
Roosevelt Annie’s parents
Louis Brandeis Supreme Court Justice, Older adult, male Speaking part
who aids in Annie’s
Bert Healy Radio announcer, who Adult (any age), male Strong vocal
agrees to broadcast an
appeal to Annie’s parents
The Boylan Trio that sings on the 3 – Older teen or young Strong vocal (harmonies)
Sisters radio adult, females
Lt. Ward A policeman sent to find Adult (any age), male Speaking part
Drake Warbuck’s butler and Older adult, male Some vocal, strong acting
good friend
Warbuck’s Maids, cooks, servants, Older teens and any adults Vocal and dancing
Mansion staff etc.
Roosevelt’s Cabinet Secretaries Adult (any age), males & 1 Some vocal
Cabinet female
Other orphans Girls in the orphanage Pre-teen, girls Vocal and dancing
Citizens of NYC All types to include Adults and children Some vocal
“Hooverville” citizens