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Fahrurrozi, Muhammad Luthfy. 2018. The Influence of Learning Motivation and Interest
Toward Study Result in The Subject of Technical Drawing in Mechanical Engineering
Classes of Private Vocational High Scool Turen. Thesis, Depatement of Mechanical
engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Malang. Advisors: (I) Didik
Nurhadi, M.Pd., Ph.D., (II) Agus Suyetno, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Keyword: motivation in learning, interest in learning, vocational high school, study result.

Vocational high school is one of the formal education that creates skilled graduates,
competent graduates and is ready to entering the workforce. The mechanical engineering
department is one of the superior department in the private vocational high school Turen. One
of the competencies that must be fullfilled in the mechanical engineering department is
technical drawing competency. Technical drawings are needed in all activities in the
mechanical engineering department, because it contents competencies in technical drawing
about reading 2D and 3D projections, drawing pieces, and knowledge about drawing tools.
Therefore, drawing competence is one of the competencies that must be mastered to be able to
create mechanical engineering graduates who are competent and ready to enter the workforce.
But in reality, students' knowledge on technical drawing lessons is still not fully fulfilled. This
can be evidenced by the late of collecting jobsheets and the jobseet results that are still in the
average of graduation rate. Many factors affect student on study result, both internal and
internal factors. One of many factors influencing students’ learning outcomes is their
motivation and interest in learning towards the subject of technical drawing. Based on
observations during the school internship, it indicates that students' motivation and interest in
technical drawing subjects is still low.
This study aims to describe the influence of students' motivation and interest in learning
on the subject of technical drawing at the class X of mechanical engineering in Private
Vocational High School (PVHS) Turen. The population and sample of this study were students
of class X of mechanical engineering in PVHS Turen. Data collection used questionnaires and
final exam score from students on the subject of technical drawing. The data analysis of this
study used descriptive statistic and multiple linear regression techniques.
The results of this study indicate that first, the motivation of class X of mechanical
engineering students of PVHS Turen in thesubject of technical drawing showed a fairly good
category. Secondly, the interest in learning in the subject of technical drawing showed
sufficient categories. Third, the study result on the subject of technical drawing showed
sufficient graduation categories.
Based on the results, the schools are expected to pay attention to and optimize the
facilities that were available in technical drawing subjects in order to create good quality
learning and create competent graduates who is ready to enter the workforce. While for the
subject of technical drawing, teachers are expected to be able to applied the interactive learning
methods and made innovative media learning, so that the students can easily receive and
understand the subject matter provided. This is intended to make vocatioanal high school Turen
better and be able to create competent mechanical engineering graduates who were ready to
enter on the global job market.

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