PRA San Antonio

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In order to serve you, this form must be completed

In full by the person requesting help or his/her power of attorney

To: Congressman Henry Cuellar

615 East Houston Street, Suite 563
San Antonio, TX 78205
Phone: (210) 271-2851
Fax: (210) 277-6671

Please briefly explain the nature of your request along with what actions you have taken:

Have you contacted any other Congressional Office (House or Senate) with this issue? If
“Yes”, please list Representative(s) or Senator(s):

Please print the following information (if applicable):

__________________________________ ____________________________________
Name Social Security Number
__________________________________ ____________________________________
Mailing Address A File Number (USCIS)
__________________________________ ____________________________________
City, State, Zip Code VA Claim Number
__________________________________ ____________________________________
Home Phone Date of Birth
__________________________________ ____________________________________
Business Phone Fax
__________________________________ ____________________________________
Cellular Phone Email

Are you facing a deadline? Yes_____ No_____ When?_____

Are you currently being represented by an attorney regarding this matter? Yes____ No____
If “Y”, please provide the attorney’s name and contact number:

In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, I,_____________________________, hereby personally

authorize Congressman Henry Cuellar and/or his staff, as designated by him, to make any and all
inquiries with Federal, State, County, Municipal and other agencies as needed to address my
request, but not limited to the issue described above.

________________________________________________ _____________
Signature Date Staff Initials

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