Specification Sheet: 2304: (UNS S32304)
Specification Sheet: 2304: (UNS S32304)
Specification Sheet: 2304: (UNS S32304)
• Generally where 304L and 316L
are used
• Pulp and paper industry (chip
storage tanks, white and black
liquor tanks, digestors)
• Caustic solutions, organic acids
(SCC resistance) Stress Corrosion Resistance
• Food industry Stress corrosion resistance test results in
• Pressure vessels (weight savings) chloride containing aqueous solutions
• Mining (abrasion/corrosion) ((8ppm 02) PH =7, >1000 h, applied stresses
higher than the yield strength) show that
Alloy 2304 outperforms 304L and 316L
Standards grades, due to its high chromium additions
ASTM/ASME ...A240 - UNS S32304 and low nickel contents.
This is a typical feature of duplex stainless
EURONORM ...1.4362 - X2 Cr Ni steels. Alloy 2205 performs still better than
23.4 2304 in similar conditions.
AFNOR.............Z3 CN 23.04 Az
Other Corrosion Resistance Properties
DIN ...................W. Nr 1.4362
Alloy 2304 duplex stainless steel
successfully passes most of the standard IC
Corrosion Resistance test procedures such as ASTM, A262E, and C tests. Its corrosion rate in
General Corrosion boiling nitric acid (65%) is higher than that of grade 316L. Due to its high
Because of its high chromium yield strength, the alloy performs well in abrasion/corrosion applications.
content (23%) the corrosion
resistance properties of 2304 are Chemical Analysis
almost equivalent to those of 316L.
Typical Values (Weight %)
Localized Corrosion Resistance
The 23% chromium and 0.1% C Cr Ni Mo N Others
nitrogen additions explain why 2304
duplex stainless steel behaves much 0.020 23 4 0.2 0.1 S = 0.001
better than Alloy 316L when consid-
ering pitting and crevice corrosion PREN = [Cr %] + 3.3 [Mo %] + 16 [N %] ≥ 24
O N E S A N D M E Y E R L A N E • P H I L A D E L P H I A , PA 1 9 1 1 6 - 3 5 9 8
O N E S A N D M E Y E R L A N E • P H I L A D E L P H I A , PA 1 9 1 1 6 - 3 5 9 8
8 0 0 - 5 2 3 - 3 6 6 3 • + 1 - 2 1 5 - 4 6 4 - 7 1 0 0 • FA X + 1 - 2 1 5 - 6 7 7 - 1 4 3 0
8 0 0 - 5 2 3 - 3 6 6 3 • FA X 2 1 5 - 6 7 7 - 1 4 3 0 • w w w. S a n d m e y e r S t e e l . c o m
Alloy 2304 06/14
2304 06/03 2500
Family Owned
Providing and Managed
Solutions, - Making
With Materials andStainless
Steel and Nickel Alloy Plate Products Since 1952
Value Added Products, for Process Industries
Mechanical Properties Machinability
Tensile Properties (Minimum Values) Alloy 2304 duplex exhibits improved
machinability properties particularly
ºC Rp 0.2 Rp 1.0 Rm ºF YS
YS 0.2%
0.2% YS YS1.0%
0.1% UTS Elongation when considering drilling. Its behavior
MPa MPa MPa KSI KSI Offset
Offset KSI KSI KSI %
is equivalent to that of 316LEZ*.
20 400 440 600 68 58 64 87 25 Furthermore, 2304 has better
100 330 365 570 212 48 53 83 25 corrosion resistance and cleanliness
200 280 310 530 392 41 45 77 20 properties as no sulphur additions are
300 230 260 490 572 33 38 71 20 necessary. Localized corrosion
resistance behavior is improved.
Values obtained for hot rolled plates (th ≤ 2”). Alloy 2304 must not be used for *316LEZ is a 316L type grade with improved
a long time at temperatures higher than 300ºC (572ºF), where precipitation machinability properties.
hardening phenomenon occurs.
Toughness Values (KCV Minimum Values )