PE 009 14 GMP Guide Intro
PE 009 14 GMP Guide Intro
PE 009 14 GMP Guide Intro
PE 009-14 (Intro)
1 July 2018
e-mail: [email protected]
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The standards set out herein apply to medicines and similar products
intended for human use. It is recommended, however, that the same kind of
attention be given to the manufacture of veterinary products. Administrative
measures of national health authorities should be directed towards the application of
these standards in practice, and any new or amended national regulations for good
manufacturing practice should at least meet their level. These standards are also
intended to serve manufacturers as a basis for the elaboration of specific rules
adapted to their individual needs.
The Guide is divided into two parts and a number of annexes which are
common to both parts. Part I covers GMP principles for the manufacture of medicinal
products. Part II covers GMP for active substances used as starting materials. The
annexes provide detail on specific areas of activity. For some manufacturing
processes, different annexes will apply simultaneously (e.g. annex on sterile
preparations and on radiopharmaceuticals and/or on biological medicinal products).
A glossary of some terms used in the Guide has been incorporated after the
annexes. A specific glossary for APIs can be found at the end of Part II.
Originally, the PIC/S GMP Guide (“PIC Basic Standards” of 1972) derives
from the WHO GMP Guide and was further developed in order to comply with
stringent manufacturing and health requirements in PIC/S countries, to cover new
areas (e.g. biologicals, radiopharmaceuticals, etc.) and to adapt to scientific and
industrial technology (e.g. biotech, parametric release etc.). The aim of such
improvements was to ensure that high quality medicines were produced in line with
the PIC Convention and then the PIC Scheme.
In 1989, the EU adopted its own GMP Guide, which – in terms of GMP
requirements – was equivalent to the PIC/S GMP Guide. Since that time, the EU and
the PIC/S GMP Guides have been developed in parallel and whenever a change has
been made to one, the other has been amended so that both Guides are practically
There are, however, some differences between the two Guides. These
differences are the following:
Date Version Number Reasons for revision
21 December 2000 PH 1/97 (Rev.) Revision of Annex 14
Renumbering of all annexes
Change in the editor’s address and
insertion of copyright statement
Inclusion of revision history
10 August 2001 PH 1/97 (Rev. 2) Amendment of para. 42 of Annex 1
Revision of Annex 6
New Annex 15
New Annex 17
Amendment to the glossary