Parfum Nineveh Decision Sheet: Seven Steps of Consumer Decision Process
Parfum Nineveh Decision Sheet: Seven Steps of Consumer Decision Process
Parfum Nineveh Decision Sheet: Seven Steps of Consumer Decision Process
Factor influencing the purchase and its effect on which decision stage:
Smell- Most important factor, effects step four and five
Price- Most important after smell, customer tends to buy bigger capacity perfume to save
money, step four and five are also affected by it
Advertisement- It may influence customer buying decision, customers come to know
about different perfume brands, affect step three
Packaging- It makes it look attractive but have a little impact on purchase
Quantity- Customers prefer to buy larger quantity as it is cheaper
Duration- It effect step seven as the perfumes which last longer impresses the customers
Friends- Affect step two, they may recommend what they like
Frequency- Customers using daily like light scents
Location- Whether customer can find the same product cheaper at one store than the