Infiltration Galleries:-A Solution To Drinking Water Supply For Urban Areas Near Rivers."
Infiltration Galleries:-A Solution To Drinking Water Supply For Urban Areas Near Rivers."
Infiltration Galleries:-A Solution To Drinking Water Supply For Urban Areas Near Rivers."
Abstract: Most of the big cities are situated on river banks and are dependent on river water for drinking
purpose, which is supplied after treatment, to inhabitants.Due to pollution and sewerage disposed in the river,
the quality of water has become poor and the treatment cost has gone up. During summer the quantity of
water flowing in the river is very less on account of which concentration of impurities is also more. On the other
hand due to over exploitation of ground water for irrigation, the ground water table is also going down at fast
rate, hence availability of ground water is also not certain. The quality of ground water is also becoming poor
due to pollution, intrusion of brackish/saline water, and concentration of fluoride etc. If system of infiltration
galleries1 is provided in the bed of the river at 5 to 10m below bed level, by means of perforated pipes (Strainer)
the availability of water in terms of quality and quantity will improve. Hence a solution to drinking water supply
for major cities has been presented in this article, along with a typical example for design of infiltration gallery
for Agra City (U.P.,India) .
Keywords - Brackish Water; Drinking Water Supply, Infiltration Gallery;
I. Introduction
Water is indispensable for the survival of human, animal, and plant life. It is used for variety of
purposes like drinking, washing, irrigation, industry, hydroelectric – power - generation, navigation etc. Water is
inexhaustible natural resource and it constitutes the basic element, without which life on earth is not possible.
Water occurs in nature as solid, liquid, and gaseous form.
The availability of a water supply adequate in terms of both quality and quantity is essential to human
existence. Early people recognized the importance of water from a quantity view point. Civilization developed
around of water bodies that could support agriculture and transportation as well as provide drinking water. “The
quantity of water on earth2 is fixed and is estimated to be 1,38,550 B.ham (Billion hectare metre), out of which
1,34,800 B.ham, which is 97.3% is contained in oceans, as salty water. The quantity of fresh water on earth is
only 3750 B.ham, which is only 2.7%. Even out of this 2.7% fresh water, about 2.03% is contained as polar ice
and glaciers, and 0.61% is ground water. Out of this 0.61% ground water the exploitable ground water up to
800m depth below ground is only 0.27%. Fresh available surface water in river and lakes is only 0.01%.
It is clear from above that available fresh surface water is only 0.01% and fresh utilizable ground
water is only 0.27% of the total water available on earth. This shows the scarcity of fresh water on earth. On
account of increasing population the demand for fresh water is increasing at rapid rate and the sources of fresh
water are decreasing. As per “Water and Related Statistics” 3 Published by Central water commission New Delhi
in the month of May 2004 availability of internal renewable fresh water resources in India is only 190.8 M ham.
India is having only 4 % of the world’s average annual supplies of 4.70 B-ham, while its population
is 16% of the world population, which shows how much stress is there on fresh water resources in India. Due to
excessive drawl of ground water in some areas, the ground water table is going down at fast rate and shallow
tube wells are going dry. Some areas around river Yamuna from Delhi to Agra are having brackish/saline water
which cannot be used for drinking as well as for irrigation. The sources of drinking water supplies are
Reservoirs, Lakes, Rivers which depend on surface flow of water and tube wells which are dependent on ground
water. 29 | Page
Infiltration Galleries:- A Solution To Drinking Water Supply For Urban Areas Near Rivers.” 30 | Page
Infiltration Galleries:- A Solution To Drinking Water Supply For Urban Areas Near Rivers.”
From above it is clear that a proposal of drinking water supply through infiltration galleries should
work well for cities situated on river bank.
The concept and benefits of infiltration galleries for city water supply will be further clear from a typical
example given below for proposed water supply for Agra.
On account of this poor quality of raw water, the treatment cost is high.
(iii) The quantity of water flowing in the river during the summer season is negligible.
(iv) The ground water table is going down at fast rate due to over exploitation of ground water for irrigation
in this district.
(v) The top layer of soil is clayey up to about 15-18 m, on account of which recharge of ground water is
unsatisfactory as rain water flows down to river and then to sea during monsoons.
(vi) The river Yamuna is effluent, as it is taking water from aquifer, affecting availability of ground water.
(vii) The flow of ground water is towards Yamuna and Chambal River.
At present the city is getting water supply from river Yamuna by providing water treatment plant at Sikandra
and Near Jivani Mandi (Known as Water Works).
One of the solutions to this problem is construction of “INFILTRATION GALLERY” under the bed of river
Yamuna at different places. To start with this a pilot project can be taken up on the downstream of sikandara
water works and after the success of this pilot project, more number of galleries can be provided.
A typical drawing for Infiltration Gallery for Yamuna River at Agra has been shown in Figure- 1. In this 10
No’s of plain PVC Pipe of 200 mm internal dia, 10 mm thick for a length of 200m each, along with 10 No’s of
200 mm internal diameters PVC strainer having ribs on outer surface and horizontal slots of 1 mm thickness
each, with 8 percent open area for alength of 300 m have been provided. The plain PVC pipe (CM casing pipe)
and ribbed PVC Screen are as per IS 12818/92 “ Indian Standard on UNPLASTICIZED PVC SCREEN AND
The pipes and screens placed 5 m below bed of river Yamuna. The R.L. of different points at site are given
R.L. of Bed of river Yamuna = 150.1m
R.L. of minimum Water level in Yamuna = 152.2 m
R.L. of high flood level of river Yamuna = 161.7 m
R.L. of Top of sump well = 163.0 m
R.L. of Bottom of Sump well = 143.0 m
R.L. of centre line of strainer = 145.1 m
The strainer will be covered with 2-4 mm P. gravel all around. After this a layer of coarse sand 2.0 m thickness
will be placed. Over this coarse sand, the natural Yamuna sand will be placed for 2.50 m depth. The pit will be
excavated at 1:3 (H:V) Slope and the work will be done in the month of summer so that laying of pipes is
possible. If required dewatering may be done by pumping out water through bore wells at required spacing on
up stream side of the site.
The coefficient of permeability of different materials is as given below:
For P. gravel K = 1x 10-1 m/sec
For Course Send K = 4x10-4 m/sec
For Yamuna Sand K = 2x10-4 m/sec
The average vertical permeability of this deposit will be
H1+ H2 + H3
K1 K2 K3
Where H = 5.0 m
H1 = 2.5 m & K1 = 2x 10-4 m/sec
H2 = 2.0 m & K2 = 4 x 10-4m/sec 31 | Page
Infiltration Galleries:- A Solution To Drinking Water Supply For Urban Areas Near Rivers.”
V. Conclusion:
Infiltration galleries can provide a cheaper solution for getting filtered water continuously for
drinking purposes for cities situated on river banks. By provision of Infiltration galleries treatment cost will be
reduced and we can have adequate drinking water in quality and quantity even in summer when practically no
water is flowing on the bed of river.
[1] Project on rain water harvesting and ground water recharge of Agra District (U.P.), to augment drinking water supply – May 2005
Submitted by R.S. JUREL Chief Engineer Minor Irrigation (U.P.)
[2] Amartya kumar bhattacharya . Artificial ground water recharge with a special reference to india.
[3] Central water commission New delhi – water and related statistics. May 2004.
[4] Ray, C., G. Melin, and R.B. Linsky, editors (2002). Riverbank Filtration Improving Source-Water Quality, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht.
[5] Evaluation of the existing performance of infiltration galleries in alluvial deposits of the parapeti river by Diploma Engineer Alvaro
Camacho , Bolivian Association of Sanitary Engineers Casilla 9348 La Paz, Bolivia.
[6] Indian Standard on “Unplasticized PVC Screen and casting Pipes for Bore / Tubewell – Specification IS 12818/1992. 32 | Page
Infiltration Galleries:- A Solution To Drinking Water Supply For Urban Areas Near Rivers.”
Figure Legends
Fig.1 Drawing Of Infiltration Gallery
Table Legends
Table -1
Sr. Item Quality of raw water of Norms as Pollution
No. Yamuna at Agra recommended as
by Central compared
Pollution to Norms
Control Board
1 Colour (Haizon Unit) 300-900 300 3 times
2 Biochemical oxygen Demand 5.0 – 35.0 3.0 12 times
(BOD) more
3 P.H. 7.8 – 9.5 6.5 – 8.5 1 point
4 Chemical oxygen demand 38 – 110 10 11 times
(COD) more
5 Disolved Oxygen 0 – 12 mg/L minimum 4 mg/L Less by 4
6 M.P.N. Index per 100 ml. 4 x 104 – 240 x 104 5000 50 times
7 Fikal coliform per 100 ml. 11 x 103 – 18 x 103 2000 9 times
8 Total Anomical Nitrogen 4.4 – 40.0 1.0 40 times
more 33 | Page