Week 1, 2:: Hadoop &bigdata Lab

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Hadoop &BigData Lab

Week 1, 2:
2. (i)Perform setting up and Installing Hadoop in its three operating modes:
Pseudo distributed,
Fully distributed.
(ii)Use web based tools to monitor your Hadoop setup.

Week 3:
3. Implement the following file management tasks in Hadoop:
Adding files and directories
Retrieving files
Deleting files
Hint: A typical Hadoop workflow creates data files (such as log files) elsewhere and copies them
into HDFS using one of the above command line utilities.

Week 4:
4. Run a basic Word Count Map Reduce program to understand Map Reduce Paradigm.

Week 5:
5. Write a Map Reduce program that mines weather data.
Weather sensors collecting data every hour at many locations across the globe gather a large
volume of log data, which is a good candidate for analysis with MapReduce, since it is semi
structured and record oriented.

Week 6:
6. Implement Matrix Multiplication with Hadoop Map Reduce

Week 7 , 8:
7. Install and Run Pig then write Pig Latin scripts to sort, group, join, project, and filter your data.
Week 9,10:
8. Install and Run Hive then use Hive to create, alter, and drop databases, tables, views,functions,
and indexes
(Regarding Curriculum Review)
Dear employers,

As industry is the ultimate customer of engineering graduates, its satisfaction about

standards and content of Vignan’s Institute of Information Technology products is important.
Vignan’s Institute of Information Technology always maintains a continuous dialogue
accordingly. As the ultimate beneficiary of our quality product your support and feedback will
help us to maintain the required standards of education. Here are some of the points to
facilitate you in giving feedback about curriculum review on “How our designed curriculum is
facilitating our VIIT to achieve Organization goals”. You are requested to give marks in the box
provided against each item as per the following norms.


Name of the Company/Institute: Datametica Solutions Pvt Ltd, Pune, India

Name of the evaluating person with Designation: Sukumaar Mane (Senior Big Data Engineer)
S.No. description Rating

1 Ability to contribute to the goal of 4

the organization
2 Contribution to Technical 4
knowledge/skill Ability to
3 Creativity 5
4 Please rate the courses in relation to 3
current employment

5 Please rate the courses that suiting 3

the requirements of the Industry

6 Was the course curriculum 4

fulfilling your expectations

7 Overall impression about the 5

Please make any other suggestions (not included in above list) related to curriculum.

a) Please remove Apache Pig and replace it’s assignment with Apache Sqoop

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