Hahslm Islamic Economics Methodology-Dikonversi
Hahslm Islamic Economics Methodology-Dikonversi
Hahslm Islamic Economics Methodology-Dikonversi
Abstract – The philosophy espoused in Islamic Economics Moreover Stephen Hawking in the Grand Design stated there
Methodology Hahslm based on ontology Islam, with must be a single theory that have been sought for 3000 years
epistemology of kaffah, and its axiology in the form of dual to know the grand design of the universe.
harmonized. The philosophy of economic will be On the other hand, religion states that all knowledge
benchmarked between the supply demand curve to a tree comes from Allah Swt that codified in the Quran where Islam
as an universal compliance. There is the source of the is the answer of science and universe even in economy
Quran that interpret the economic philosophy that every activities. Islam rahmatan lil alamin is an integral of the
definite theory approach should be put god in it. To study embodiment of the life system in people, environment, and
the origin of the formula Hahslm, this research will refer universe means that all life originated from the basic concepts
specifically to the Quran Surat Al-Baqarah [2]: 208 and of Islam.
Al-Hijr [15]: 87 then compare with the curve of the PQR Grand Unified Theory and Islam actually inherent for each
due to a tree as landmark. With the equation: H = a. h (s, other which means that science and Islam must suitable with
l, m) where the slm = root trunk leaves or PQR. fitrah and value of universal, so that the center point of the
peak of human civilization is the Islam itself. In the present
SD Curve economics theory that fits the universal study disclosed that science begins with Islam as a system or
compliance of the tree, it gives to the variable R or holistic based on method compliance with universal way in
worship that became the new variable in accordance with public acceptance. In general there are philosophy of ontology
the philosophy of the leaves in a tree, as part of a tree to Islam, epistemology in Kaffah, and axiology by 2 antonyms
symbolize the value of worship. It needs a non-linear way on warning and kindness, so that expressed found rise of
of thinking to improve the existing methodology, from Islam will form a concept of Kaffah which can be conducted
conventional thinking that displays only the price changes, through good and bad.
without weights. The methodology of the Islamic Conventional theory always refers to implementation or
Economics polarized the meaning of worship that would experiment by the inductive approach (details to general), vice
be a single answer in general terms of the genuine of the versa with the universal form that is from the general concept
methodology in the future of Islamic economics. to detail (deductive approach). Then the Integration of Science
would be the bridge for intersection between implementation
Keywords – quran, kaffah, methodology, hahslm, worship pole and universality pole, so there will be a sustainable
theory, logical, and suitable fitrah.
I. BACKGROUND Islamic scholarship must have a fundamental thinking, as a
theory to be carried in the field according to the progress of
Introduce the background of the paper. (Times new roman, science currently. Required synchronization between theory
capitalized, regular, 10 poin) derived from the Quran with practices that happen in the
simulation and modern technology, so need the existence of
Recent science almost reached the highest knowledge and the corridor from the big picture of basic Islamic science itself.
leaving one puzzle only about the single theory, Theory Of Major concepts of science religion can be defined as the
Everything (TOE). This grand unified theory is an integration integration of science or can be called Kaffah Thinking1. This
theory among four seperate forces. In daily economy, there new paradigm will consistently appropriate with the universal
are some basic elements that will always exist in every single form and theory in social life. This study will prove that
system and sub-systems in human live and even in economics.
Scientists collaborate to combine various theories from 1
Kaffah Thinking is the new paradigm of thinking to fill the
different multi-discipline to establish the truth of a single gap between Islamization approach and Modern Fiqh
theory such a basic formulation for all over the theory. approach.
universal form a tree has
equivalence with an economic theory such as Supply Demand One of the many results in the creation of this
Curve. universe is a tree. The tree is a unified whole of
Formulation of the basic elements of Treenomics Allah’s creation that becomes part of the living
philosophy is an elaboration based on the basic elements in a creature among plants, animals, and humans.
typical tree. So the integration of science in economics can Then the tree can be regarded such a universal
also be performed benchmarks from universal values such as a modeling to represent any universal form that exists
tree2. in the universe.
Islam is defined as a system holistic,
A. Ontology comprehensive, and wholeness. Then Islam and
Every complete concept must have a basic wholeness can be expressed in the epistemology for
consistent premise. In general knowledge concepts development concept of tree called Kaffah5.
are always consistent would be a shape of universal The appearance of overall tree can be examined
that is understood as basic values which will be in epistemology because there was a perception that
possessed by another platform. Likewise with the basic concept of life is Islam and the worldview
Ontology of a true universal concept comes from pattern of Islam is system pattern. Comprehensive
"The One" Allah Swt. And the Creator had given the means all parts without exception to be part of a
guidance that the universal form of the universe and system. By this wholeness major concepts then every
all creation in a system can be defined as Islam3. The single part of the tree must be mapped into a
life of the existing system in human beings, boundary of the tree without exception.
environment, and universe are originated from the C. Axiology
Islamic concept. In other words, the initial concept Preceded from ontologies such Islam for life
was the creation of Islam. In other words, the very reason include economy indeed, then epistemology is
beginning of initial concept for the creation is Islam4. Kaffah as a system in tree, and also simple axiology
In the ontology of all creation or mahluq/creatures to define a tree in conjuction between two antonyms
or universe is a system and the basic system was like vertical and horizontal6.
named Islam. On the basis of this system (Islam) then Tree as an Islamic system, with wholeness by
the existing sub-systems in this universe would be integral parts, will have a subsystem vertical growth
consistent with this basic system (Islam), throughout to top and to below, and also horizontal growth to
the system elements has been created by god and not fatten itself.
human beings or other creatures/mahluq.
1. Conclusion REFERENCES
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