Week Of: June 17 21, 2019 Theme: Africa/Culture

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Week of: June 17 ~ 21, 2019 Theme: Africa/Culture

Specials: Monday 10:00-10:30 Library, Tuesday 9:30-10:00 Chapel,

Tuesday 10:30-11:30 Water Play, Wednesday 9:35 - 10:00 Music Class,
Friday 9:35 - 10:00 Music Class
Activity Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
er Play

Literacy/Language The Water Princess A is for Africa We All Went of Safari: A For You Are a Kenyan Over in the Grasslands: On
(book title or language Counting Journey Through Child an African Safari by
by Susan Verde by Ifeoma Onyefulu
activities) Tanzania by Laurie Krebs Marianne Collins Berkes
by Kelly Cunnane

ART Free Art Free Art Making an African Making an African Free Art
(individualized art
necklace (lacing) drum (painting)
experience) (color, cut, paint, glue) (color, cut, paint, glue) (color, cut, paint, glue)

Music/Movement “The Animals in ROAR! VBS CD “The Animals in ROAR! VBS CD “The Animals in
(song titles, CD, Africa Say…” (song) Africa Say…” (song) Africa Say…” (song)
activities, instruments)

Science/Nature Using powerful African rainforest Using binoculars to Using powerful Using binoculars to
(science materials, or magnets to remind us animals in the sensory search for animals in magnets to remind search for animals in
cooking, sensory, outdoor
of God’s power! table Africa us of God’s power! Africa

Math/Numbers Shapes & colors Counting frogs in Matching different Sorting & counting Spatial
(counting, shapes, sorting) colored monkeys & rainforest animals awareness….where is
the water table
bananas the elephant?

Character Education When we feel scared, it’s Talking about when When we feel scared, it’s Talking about When we feel scared, it’s
(activities, stories or nice to have something nice to have something nice to have something
comforting close beside
life is scary, God is comforting close beside us,
when life is scary, comforting close beside us,
discussions that promote
development of character) us, like our favorite good! like our favorite blanket or God is good! like our favorite blanket or
blanket or stuffed animals. stuffed animals. stuffed animals.

Gross Motor Activities ABC’s of Yoga for Kids Water Play Day! Playing & dancing with ABC’s of Yoga for Playing & dancing with
(indoors or outdoors) by Teresa Anne Powell drums and other Kids by Teresa Anne drums and other
instruments Powell instruments

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