Ppl1o Ppl2o Substanceuse Lesson Plan V1.1en PDF
Ppl1o Ppl2o Substanceuse Lesson Plan V1.1en PDF
Ppl1o Ppl2o Substanceuse Lesson Plan V1.1en PDF
Created: 2014
Class/ Grade: Grade 9 (PPL1O) or Grade 10 (PPL20)
Subject: Healthy Active Living Education, Open
Learning Targets: By the end of the lesson, students will know/be able to:
Demonstrate personal strategies to deal effectively with the social influences that
contribute to the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
Explain the effects of the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs
Identify the major factors (e.g., environmental influences such as peer pressure, media
influences, adolescent attitudes) that contribute to the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other
Identify the school and community resources involved in education, prevention, and
treatment with respect to alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs
Demonstrate and use both decision-making and assertion skills with respect to media
influences and peer pressure related to alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs
Demonstrate understanding of the issues and coping strategies related to substance use
and abuse.
Describe the factors that lead to substance dependence
Describe the physiological and sociological effects of substance use
Demonstrate knowledge of the legal aspects of substance use and abuse (e.g., regarding
under-age drinking, impaired driving, the Tobacco Control Act).
Analyse the impact of media and culture on decision making
Learning Skills
∆ Responsibility ∆ Collaboration (Describe how the learning skill connects to the learning target)
∆ Organization ∆ Initiative
∆ Independent work ∆ Self-regulation
Coded Expectations:
PPL1O – HLV.03
PPL2O – HLV.03
Learning/ Lesson Activities
-Students will be shown a video created by Beal students (Substance Use in Media)
-Create a 3 column list with the headings “Looks like…” “Feels like…” “Sounds like…”
-Allow students to fill in the columns based on the video
-Review the PowerPoint – Substance Use – Alcohol
-Students will brainstorm factors that contribute to the use of alcohol. These may include
peer pressure, media influences and attitudes.
-The focus may shift to media influences as students are exposed to all types of media
everyday (Television, Internet, Twitter, Facebook). Students have easy access to all of
their favorite celebrities and athletes who aren’t always providing a positive message in
relation to alcohol. Examples of celebrity/athlete pictures and tweets can be used.
-Students will research community resources that deal with alcohol education, prevention
and treatment with respect to alcohol. An excellent example that students may not be
aware of is the presence of a police officer in their school.
-Students will create their own scenarios of dealing with alcohol abuse similar to the
video shown at the beginning of class.
-Students may want to act out the characters they saw in the video (e.g. Group 1
acts out a scenario with the dancer, Group 2 acts out a scenario with the fighter).
Instructional Strategies:
∆ Think/Pair/Share: Think/Pair/Draw ∆ Brainstorming
∆ Graphic Organizers ∆ Rapid Writing
∆ Co-operative Learning ∆ Group Work/ Instructional Strategies
∆ Direct Teaching ∆ Demonstration
∆ Hands-on activity ∆ Other: (describe)
Students can create their own videos
Success criteria:
Students demonstrate personal strategies to deal effectively with the social
influences that contribute to the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other
Students demonstrate understanding of the issues and coping strategies related to
substance use and abuse