Attention Short
Attention Short
Attention Short
The Key To Predicting Tomorrow’s
Market Prices . . . Today!
A Comprehensive Video Workshop To Teach You A Mechanical Way
To Seek To “Buy The Low, Sell The High,” Has Worked Profitably
Over 88% Of The Time, With 2-3 Day Price Swings!
No doubt you have heard the rumors of a new trading analysis that has predicted daily
highs, lows, and high-low price ranges with pinpoint accuracy. Well, it’s not a rumor . . . it’s
THIS WAY . . . On
SELL 3/29
↓ Swiss Franc
Wednesday, July 16, 5 Wins 0 Losses
2008, the daily price SELL 4/8
market moves.
PLEASE READ. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. There is a substantial risk of loss trading commodities
with or without this or any other advertised product, service or system. Unless specifically identified as actual trading performance, all
performance results in this brochure are based on hypothetical or simulated trading. Hypothetical or simulated performance results have
certain inherent limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades
have not actually been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such
as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight.
In addition, hypothetical trading cannot completely account for the impact of financial risk in actual trading. The ability to withstand losses
and adhere to a particular trading program are material points which can adversely affect actual trading results. No representation is being
made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown.
Dear friend,
Good morning, my name is Joe Duffy.
And I’d like to share with you another recent 2 Wins 0 Losses 8520
“I’d studied the market for over seen on trading the markets. I learned
twenty years before studying your a lot from your first book. But this goes
work. I can’t believe how easy it all so much further. Thanks for sharing
seems now. what seems to be some very powerful
“Just caught a real nice move secrets.”
in the Swiss Franc . . . right at the George Moore, Salt Lake City, UT
very top! And I’ve been following
the Bonds up . . . up . . . up!” “Joe is one of only a handful of
Randall Young, Cincinnati, OH truly successful traders I know of. His
accuracy is incredible.
“I’ve seen him take very small
“I’ve never seen anything like accounts and get triple digit returns in
this before! just a couple of months.”
“You’ve pierced the veil of Lee Gettess, Lake Havasu, AZ
mysticism surrounding so much old
research. I’ve never before seen such “You’ve opened up new doors of
a clear explanation. trading for me. I’m looking at the market
“You’ve shed a whole new light differently.
on things with practical applications I feel as though I’ve been let in on
I can really use in the market.” a wonderful secret.”
William Gilchrist, Dallas, TX Cliff Harris, Des Moines, IA
“This is the greatest I’ve ever
NOTICE: Testimonials are believed to be true based on the representations of the persons providing the testimonials, but facts stated in
testimonials have not been independently audited or verified. Nor has there been any attempt to determine the experiences of the persons
giving the testimonials after the testimonials were given. The average reader should not necessarily expect the same or similar results.
Testimonials may be based on Joe’s other publications, and are necessarily based on the specific publications offered in this brochure.
Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results.
Give Yourself A POTENTIAL Advantage On Every Trade
Any trader using these methods could gain an advantage. Imagine having the ability to forecast
exactly when and where the markets will potentially reverse . . . exactly where swing moves will po-
tentially begin . . . and where they could end.
Other traders have discovered these secrets and profited from them. Now it’s your turn.
This startling discovery has ballooned my trading profits . . . and now it can do the same for you.
The only real proof, the only way to truly test any trading approach is with actual trading. Perfor-
mance under fire. This methodology was tested and came through with flying colors. You see I’ve
used this method for three years in the U.S. Trading and Investing Championships. Real dollars and
real trades. Audited and scrutinized and a matter of public record.
The result?
Triple-digit annualized returns in all three contests, placing me in the Top Ten Traders all three
years. The annualized returns were 432%, 121%, and 243%. That’s right. My worst performance
was a 121% return.
Others who have seen it agree — this trading approach unquestionably works.
KeyPoint Analysis contains a series of specific rules and techniques designed to remove guess-
work from the market. It simplifies day trading to a disciplined, mechanical, and nonemotional pur-
suit. These techniques are all new and may go well beyond anything you’ve ever seen.
Identical rules apply to all markets. From S&P 500 day trading to Cocoa trading. The governing
forces behind market moves are far more important than a few unique characteristics of a market.
You can day trade every market based on the same simple rules. You can decide for yourself
exactly how you want to trade. But all the rules are clear and specific, so you can follow them to the
If you can spend 15-20 minutes
each night updating your charts,
SELL 3/24
you’ll have no problems using my JUNE BONDS
112 28/32
KeyPoint strategies. 2 Wins 0 Losses
at the absolute bottom or top, and held on for the entire move, then you still would not have made as
much money as if you accurately bought and sold the short-term swings within those moves, com-
missions included! Not only would you make and retain more money but you would have greatly
reduced the time that each trade exposes your funds to the risks of the market.
Position trades can be great . . . if you enter the trade at the right price. I always feel uneasy
whenever my paper profits are eroded by market setbacks and reversals. Sometimes my paper profit
was replaced with a margin call. Every time that happened, I began a new round of research. Reluc-
The simple truth is . . . I’d rather make a clear $500 trading one
contract in one day, than wait for $5,000 in a position trade. For
SELL 2/22
8610 1 Win 0 Losses one thing, my capital is not tied up as long. More importantly,
+$3,125 my trading account can get stronger. I am financially free to go
where the action is best. In a short time, one-contract trades turn
into two . . . two into three . . . soon ten, and what used to be $500
per day can now be $5,000 per day!
KeyPoint can be like having a sneak preview of tomorrow’s commodity prices . . . today. One of
my friends complained that he always got “faked out” of good trades because the market “looked”
like it was going to go against him. He added that the market seemed to always turn around right after
he got out. I told him that what he really needed was a more systematic way to predict exactly where
the market was going to trade. Now, we both agree that KeyPoint is the answer.
Studies have shown these techniques with accuracies from 75.6% to 94.4%. In general, the
studies have shown 11 wins for every 2 losses . . . $12,200 profit for every $1,000 lost . . . and an
average profit of over $500! This naturally has varied, depending on
EXIT 4/11 the profit potential within the markets. Volatile markets have provided
1 Win 0 Losses ↓ the best potential for profits, because they have the largest daily price
+$3,750 swings.
Here is one trader’s story:
← SELL 3/14
Please realize, the system’s objec- SELL 3/7 SOYBEANS
735 1/2
tive is NOT to catch EVERY turn in 3 Wins 0 Losses
↓ +$2,000
the market. Only those in which Key-
Point predicts that the opportunities for
success are substantially on our side.
There are days that the “noise” and
randomness make market prediction
difficult. That’s why we’ll stand aside
and trade with KeyPoint only on those
days with the greatest opportunity. MINOR BUY
KeyPoint generally has traded one BUY 3/11
or two times a week in each market. ← 719
SELL 3/16 ↓ So, if you need to trade every day,
S&P 500 you’ll need to follow three or four
4 Wins 0 Losses markets. You’ll note on the chart
above that there were a number of
645.00 days we did not trade. KeyPoint has
↓ indeed missed moves. But in the
long run, it has made up for it.
Look at the same Bean chart.
↑ Sure, we didn’t trade at all from
645.00 March 4 to March 7, but we did hit
↑ three wins out of three trades all
BUY 3/8 MINOR BUY 3/12/
630.40 ↑ 635.00 with high accuracy and net profits of
$2,000 per contract in seven days.
We stayed aside on some trades and nailed the others.
No, definitely not. Just a few calculations each day and a phone call to your broker is all it takes.
You choose how often to trade and what time frame makes you comfortable.
Trade for the 2-3 day market swings . . . trade to seek one large chunk of each day’s profit without
following the market . . . or if you’d prefer to day trade in and out during the day you can do that too.
KeyPoint works at all price and time levels. If you want to follow the market during the day - and
have the chance to take multiple profits each day - KeyPoint shows you the way.
To be a successful trader you must be comfortable and confident with your trading. KeyPoint
lets you select your own natural trading level. Instead of rigidly forcing you to adjust, it easily molds
itself to fit your interests and desires.
any timing signals. Other traders study Elliott Wave Theory, but
Elliott said that the structure of the wave was the important idea and 1 Win 0 Losses
SELL 4/6
never revealed any definitive time or price levels. They could be 8475 +$4,375
counted but not idealized in terms of time. But with KeyPoint you ↓
can predict in advance the potential pivots or ends of each market
swing . . . and with precision. KeyPoint bypasses the problems as-
sociated with cycles, patterns, and waveform analysis and solves the
problems of locating potential tops and bottoms. Check the graphics
. . . it works!
EXIT 4/18
it is a function of time and price to forecast highs and lows. It has a his- ↑
BUY 3/20
tory of doing the job accurately and can do so with a minimum of effort 715
I firmly and sincerely believe that I am not the first person to find these natural potential turning
point levels. I believe that one other man, now a trading legend, possessed these secrets and kept
them hidden throughout his lifetime. There is evidence that W. D. Gann used a technique similar to
KeyPoint to amass his fortune. By adding my own KeyPoint levels to his work, I’ve achieved the
success of which most traders can only dream.
There are a total of six KeyPoint methods that determine the 23 KeyPoint triggers. Each KeyPoint
method alone has been from 70%-90% accurate. And has produced profits from 3 to 10 times greater
than losses. When used as a complete trading program, the total KeyPoint strategy is one you’ll want
to try.
No, KeyPoint is not 100% perfect. Nothing is in futures trading. But on balance, I’d say it has
called the short-term moves more often than not, and gains have substantially exceeded losses. In my
opinion, other trading systems don’t come close to it.
Once you learn KeyPoint you may never - ever - enter the market without first looking at the
methods I will teach you. You may never think of market action the same way again . . . but most im-
portant . . . you will have the ability to predict the potential high, low, and price range of daily moves
- often right to the tick! And forecast multi-day price swings the same way.
Date High Low Open Close Net
3/5 116.08 115.06 116.05 115.15 -0.20 Sell 116.04
3/6 0.8446 0.8396 0.8446 0.8402 -0.0012
3/6 115.20 114.21 115.13 114.26 -0.21
3/7 114.25 114.09 114.24 114.19 -0.07
3/8 114.20 111.19 114.19 111.19 -3
3/11 112.15 110.03 111.05 112.10 023 Buy 110.16 + $5,625
3/12 112.09 110.29 112.05 111.28 -1.14 Sell 112.08 + $1,750
3/13 112.10 111.11 111.27 111.18 -1.10
3/14 112.02 111.10 111.18 111.16 -0.02
3/15 111.19 110.10 111.14 110.19 -0.29 Buy 110.18 +3,437.50
Date High Low Open Close Net
3/4 0.8435 0.8395 0.8403 0.8403 0.0020
3/5 0.8428 0.8381 0.8400 0.8414 0.0011
3/6 0.8446 0.8396 0.8446 0.8402 -0.0012
3/7 0.8418 0.8360 0.8378 0.8414 0.0012 Buy 8365
3/8 0.8480 0.8353 0.8395 0.8382 -0.0032
3/11 0.8428 0.8380 0.8380 0.8405 0.0023
3/12 0.8473 0.8387 0.8395 0.8465 0.0060
3/13 0.8510 0.8454 0.8462 0.8494 0.0029
3/14 0.8512 0.8478 0.8509 0.8494 0.0000 Sell 8520 + $1,937.50
3/15 0.8535 0.8463 0.8495 0.8505 0.0011
Date High Low Open Close Net
3/4 737 727 736 730 -8.2
3/5 732.4 720 729 723.4 -6.4
3/6 728.4 722 722 726.4 3
3/7 731.6 727 727 730.2 3.6 Sell 730
3/8 732.4 720 730 722.4 -7.6
3/11 729 717 719.4 728.4 6 Buy 719 + $550
3/12 730 722.4 729 728 -0.4
3/13 731.4 724.4 728 730.2 2.2
3/14 737 728.4 730 729.4 -0.6 Sell 735.5 + $825
3/15 730.2 722.4 729 724.4 -5 Buy 723 + $625
Date High Low Open Close Net
3/4 661.10 652.40 654.00 656.90 3.60 3/1 Buy 645.00
3/5 664.10 654.90 655.05 663.65 6.75
3/6 664.00 657.00 663.00 657.25 -6.40 Sell 662.50 + $8,750
3/7 660.70 655.60 657.70 660.30 3.05
3/8 660.75 630.30 648.30 638.00 -22.30 Buy 630.40 + $16,050
3/11 647.30 626.55 635.55 644.95 6.95 Sell 645.00 + $7,300
3/12 645.00 632.30 642.50 640.90 -4.05 Buy 635.00 + $5,000
3/13 647.05 640.65 641.40 643.75 2.85
3/14 650.80 643.00 643.50 647.50 3.75
3/15 649.30 643.60 647.35 647.00 -0.50 Buy 644.40 + $4,700
Commissions and Slippage are not inclued in these results.
Notice that there was over $50,000 profit available in just 10 days trading these four markets!
these same methods in my own trad- SELL 3/14 ↓
735 1/2
ing. Obviously these trading results S&P 500
must remain private. But since I was 2 Wins 0 Losses
always a skeptic myself, I knew I must +$15,750
prove the value of these methods in
actual trading.
That’s why I entered the U.S. In- ↑
EXIT 3/20
vesting Championships for three years. 652.50
Your KeyPoint Workshop includes a 90-minute video workshop, where attendees paid $595 to at-
tend! Plus, a workshop manual explaining and reinforcing the points discussed on the video.
Just so we understand each other, I’d like to define exactly what this trading manual contains:
• Market Forecasting Approach — Each and every one of the six methods you’ll learn is de-
signed to forecast market turning points based on recent market action and natural laws of the
• Predicts Price and Time of Market Moves — all
← SELL885012/18
predicted turning points are related to time (of
reversal) as well as the price of the reversal. 2 Wins 0 Losses
• 100% Mechanical — all rules are explicit. No +$10,750
SELL 2/23 →
subjective interpretation is required. 8610
— FOR THIS SPECIAL OFFER ONLY! “I’ve studied your techniques with good
success. I’d always been hesitant to trade.
But you’ve given me confidence in myself.
I plan on teaching my secrets in a trading
This past week I took my first trade and
seminar, which I’m pricing at $1,900 or more. won $636 in Treasuries. I’d have made
But for the next 30 days, until my seminars are more, but was nervous and got out early.
scheduled, I’ll offer this KeyPoint workshop at As I get more experience, I should do even
just $95. better. Thank you.”
That’s just 5¢ on the dollar when compared Howard Bernstein, New York, NY
with the price of the seminar . . . and less than
you’d pay for a concert or a night on the town. “Thanks a million for opening my eyes
Plus, if you decide you want even more train- with KeyPoint. The first week I used it I
turned a $6,500 account into over $16,000.
ing . . . or need a live instructor, I’ll apply the $95
I only used it on T-Bonds because of my
toward attendance at one of my seminars. small account. I’m starting with the S&P
Keep in mind, you will be learning all the 500 tomorrow!”
secrets. No airplanes . . . no hotels . . . no semi- S. R., an ad executive in Portland, OR
nar fluff. Just all my rules for predicting potential
daily market prices and short-term swings. Also, “This [KeyPoint] is one of the most
if you have any questions about KeyPoint, I’ll accurate tools I have ever used. Your price
gladly help you — so you’ll definitely be able to levels are nothing short of amazing.”
use and apply all this. John Gallagher, Tempe, AZ
All I ask is that you drop me a note telling
“Last week I followed your KeyPoint on
me about your trading with “KeyPoint.” I may paper, as I’d just received it and watched
request permission to use your comments when I the presentation. Had I placed the S&P
begin my seminars. I expect, like others who’ve 500 trade last Friday I’d have made over
seen it, you’ll be thrilled with these techniques. $10,000 in one day! Now on Monday I’d
have made another $5,000!
Special FREE BONUS “I’ve just opened an account and will
start trading for real by next week.
As an added bonus, I’ll also include a copy “Thanks, KeyPoint really is an amazing
and simple way to trade.”
of “How To Isolate Support And Resistance
Dave Brooks, Boca Raton, FL
- Simply And Effectively.” This exclusive report
uncovers a powerful method to predict potential
key price levels for support and resistance. This “tracking device” predicts when the market will
potentially turn up or down. Others have sold a “stretched out” version of this for several hundred
dollars. But this “short and sweet” report puts it all in a usable, easy-to-apply format. And it’s yours
FREE — keep it as my gift even if you decide to return the “KeyPoint” Workshop video and manual.
Look again at the performance of this system in the markets. Amazingly accurate calls and huge
actual profits. All with a logical, common-sense, easy-to-learn market approach.
If you’ve ever wondered about the Natural Order of the Market . . . if you’re looking for a clear,
concise trading plan . . . and especially if you want to make good money predicting tomorrow’s poten-
tial prices TODAY . . . you’ve got to get a look at this trading workshop.
In my opinion, KeyPoint is the best trading approach I’ve ever developed. It incorporates every-
thing I’ve learned about commodity price action. The threshold has been crossed. The door stands
wide open; intra-day and short-term price range prediction is within your reach.
KeyPoint will only be made available for a limited time. The number of traders who will be
taught this system is limited. I use this system now . . . and plan to continue using it. I will not con-
tinue offering this system once I begin my seminars.
I guarantee the following:
2. This system has proven rules which when applied to the commodity market have produced
extremely accurate results.
3. The system will be fully supported for at least one year. Should there be any additions or
changes they will be passed to you.
If KeyPoint Trading does not produce net profits for you during the next year, simply return the
workshop package with your trading results, and you’ll get 100% of your purchase price back, no
questions asked.
Remember there is a strict limit to the number of people that will be taught this system. I will not
offer this workshop on any basis once that number has been reached. This could very well be the only
opportunity you have to learn it at this low, low price. I urge you to reserve your copy. Today. Mail
in your reservation, or if you prefer, call me at 1-800-710-8552 and reserve a place.
Joe Duffy
P.S. Pinpoint tomorrow’s high and low . . . a system whose accuracy has been up to 94.4%. Discover
the natural order underlying all market moves. Now you can predict in advance when and where tops
and bottoms will potentially form and trade with confidence.
P.P.S. Send for your copy right now for huge savings. Pay only 5¢ on the dollar if you order NOW.
Plus keep the FREE Bonus Report “How To Isolate Support And Resistance - Simply And Effective-
ly” just for taking a look.
“KeyPoint is not based on specific patterns that only develop a few dozen times a year - if you
catch them. My system provides precise trade recommendations virtually every 2-3 days per market.
You can learn it now if you act promptly . . . or lose the opportunity forever.”
← SELL 3/25 SELL 4/4
656.40 ↓ 659.00 S&P 500
5 Wins 0 Losses
SELL 4/16
BUY 3/28
EXIT 4/17
BUY 4/11
630.00 →
❑ Check or money order enclosed
(payable to Joe Duffy, drawn on U.S. banks, in U.S. dollars)
❑ Charge card (circle one)
City____________________________ State_______ Zip______________
For Orders Outside the U.S. - Checks must be payable in U.S. Funds drawn on a U.S. NY Residents Please Add 8.625%
Bank. To receive Air Mail Delivery, please add $25.00 for postage and handling. Sales Tax ($8.19) ($103.19 Total)
The Key To Predicting
Tomorrow’s Market
Prices . . . Today!
An All-New Video Workshop To Teach You A Mechanical Way
To Seek To “Buy The Low, Sell The High,” Has Worked Profitably
Over 88% Of The Time, With 2-3 Day Price Swings!
SELL 670
↓ S&P 500 • Market Forecasting Approach
4 Wins 0 Losses
+$32,600 • Reveals Price And Time Of
↓SELL 660 Potential Market Moves
• 100% Mechanical
• Can Be Used In All Markets
↑ • Easy-To-Use Methods
BUY 650
• FREE Bonus Report
BUY 649.80 BUY 645 ↑ • Fully Guaranteed Or
Purchase Price Back
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