Health TG GR 9 English New
Health TG GR 9 English New
Health TG GR 9 English New
(implemented from 2018)
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
With the primary objective of realizing the National Educational Goals recommended by the
National Education Commission, the then prevalent content based curriculum was modernized,
and the first phase of the new competency based curriculum was introduced to the eight year
curriculum cycle of the primary and secondary education in Sri Lanka in the year 2007 .
The second phase of the curriculum cycle thus initiated was introduced to the education system
in the year 2015 as a result of a curriculum rationalization process based on research findings
and various proposals made by stake holders.
Within this rationalization process the concepts of vertical and horizontal integration have been
employed in order to build up competencies of students, from foundation level to higher levels,
and to avoid repetition of subject content in various subjects respectively and furthermore, to
develop a curriculum that is implementable and student friendly.
The new Teachers’ Guides have been introduced with the aim of providing the teachers with
necessary guidance for planning lessons, engaging students effectively in the learning teaching
process, and to make Teachers’ Guides will help teachers to be more effective within the
classroom. Further, the present Teachers’ Guides have given the necessary freedom for the
teachers to select quality inputs and activities in order to improve student competencies. Since
the Teachers’ Guides do not place greater emphasis on the subject content prescribed for the
relevant grades, it is very much necessary to use these guides along with the text books
compiled by the Educational Publications Department if, Guides are to be made more effective.
The primary objective of this rationalized new curriculum, the new Teachers’ Guides, and the
new prescribed texts is to transform the student population into a human resource replete with
the skills and competencies required for the world of work, through embarking upon a pattern of
education which is more student centered and activity based.
I wish to make use of this opportunity to thank and express my appreciation to the members of
the Council and the Academic Affairs Board of the NIE the resource persons who contributed to
the compiling of these Teachers’ Guides and other parties for their dedication in this matter.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Education from the past has been constantly changing and forging forward. In recent years,
these changes have become quite rapid. The Past two decades have witnessed a high surge in
teaching methodologies as well as in the use of technological tools and in the field of knowledge
Accordingly, the National Institute of Education is in the process of taking appropriate and
timely steps with regard to the education reforms of 2015.
It is with immense pleasure that this Teachers’ Guide where the new curriculum has been
planned based on a thorough study of the changes that have taken place in the global context
adopted in terms of local needs based on a student-centered learning-teaching approach, is
presented to you teachers who serve as the pilots of the schools system.
An instructional manual of this nature is provided to you with the confidence that, you will be
able to make a greater contribution using this.
There is no doubt whatsoever that this Teachers’ Guide will provide substantial support in the
classroom teaching-learning process at the same time. Furthermore the teacher will have a better
control of the classroom with a constructive approach in selecting modern resource materials
and following the guide lines given in this book.
I trust that through the careful study of this Teachers Guide provided to you, you will act with
commitment in the generation of a greatly creative set of students capable of helping Sri Lanka
move socially as well as economically forward.
This Teachers’ Guide is the outcome of the expertise and unflagging commitment of a team of
subject teachers and academics in the field Education.
While expressing my sincere appreciation for this task performed for the development of the
education system, my heartfelt thanks go to all of you who contributed your knowledge and
skills in making this document such a landmark in the field.
M.F.S.P. Jayawardhana
Deputy Director General
Faculty of Science and Technology
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Syllabus Committee v
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
The subject Health and Physical Education anticipates the provision of experiences
necessary for children to lead a physically, mentally, socially and spiritually effective life
through the inculcation of good habits necessary for living. Broadly, the aim here is to produce
an active and healthy generation. The subject Health and Physical Education is implemented as
a compulsory subject for grades 6 – 9 and as a basket subject for Grades 10 and 11 to achieve
this goal.
A competency based syllabus was introduced in 2007 for this subject, that is as a part of
general education. The syllabus has been revised and introduced in a more developed form .
The revision of the syllabus implemented to date, is based on the information derived from
research as well as the information elicited through interviews with doctors, subject experts,
subject directors, in-service advisors, teachers and students.
According to this the 13 competencies introduced through the syllabus of 2007 have been
reduced to 10 competencies in the new syllabus. Similarly the removal of certain subject areas
as well as the introduction of new subject areas has been effected based on the experience and
knowledge acquired when considering the content related to each competency.In allocating
the periods allocated for them an effort was made to ensure that an equal number of periods
was provided for the two segments of Health and Physical Education. Further more periods
than were assigned for the subject in the previous syllabus have been provided in the present
syllabus with respect to each competency.
Therefore a learning teaching approach with focus on student centered activities for the
further development of competencies has been adopted in order to actualize the aims of the
syllabus. Similarly, the role of the teacher needs to be transformed to that of a resource person
under the transformation role.
The present syllabus as well as the Teachers" Guide will provide guidance to ahieve the
aims of the subject Health and Physical Education. By acting accordingly the opportunity and
the ability will be obtained to achieve the objectives. Finally it’s your responsibiity.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
3' Exhibits correct 3'1 Maintains correct Factors/ conditions influencing on Names the factors/conditions that 02
postures for postures by incorrect postures influence on incorrect postures.
Congenital conditions Describes incorrect postures
lead a healthy concerning about the
Environmental conditions Acts to Correct the incorrect
life incorrect postures.
Chronic conditions postures
Congenital and environmental Directs others to gain correct
conditions postures
Vertebral column abnormalities
Flat back
Bow legs
knock knees
Methods for correcting incorrect
Places and services available for
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
4'6 Engages in Football ² Skills in volleyball ² Involves correctly in goal kiking and 03
² Spiking throwing.
using skills correctly ² Satisfies in playing football
² Defending
² Rules and regulations according rules and regulations.
² Engaging in volleyball
5' Utilises the 5'1 Engages in relay ² Relay running ² Describes the basic methods in baton 03
running using correct ² Basic methods of baton change change
specific abilities baton change ² According to the receiving ² Expresses the rules and regulations
developed side of the baton in baton change.
through ² Outside ² Engages in relay running using the
participation in ² Inside correct methods of baton change.
² Mixed
athletics for the ² According the method of giving
tasks of life the baton
² Over arm
² Under arm
² According to the way of looking
at the baton
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
5'2 Uses hang technique ² Horizontal jumps ² Describes the methods of horizontal
² Long jump jumps
correctly in the long ² Expresses the rules and
² Hang technique
jump. ² Rules and regulations regulations of long jump
² Engages in long jump using hang
technique correctly
5'3 Engages in the basic ² vertical Jumps ² Describes the methods of vertical 02
² High Jumps jumps
jumps of flop method.
² Flop method ² Expresses the rules and regulations
² Rules and Regulations of high jump.
² Engages in the activities of flop
5'4 Throws correctly ² Throws ² Throws the shot being in the power 02
² Throwing being in power position positions.
using the power ² Throws the discuss being in power
² Shot
position ² Discus position
² Javelin ² Throws the javelin being in power
² Rules and regulations position.
² Expresses the rules and regulations
of throwing.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
8' Conforms to an 8'1 Follows healthy habits ² Wonder of the parts of the body ² Explains the wonder of the relevant 03
efficient life related to external appearance to parts of the body related the
style while to maintain the ² Skin, hair, nails teeth, eyes , ears,
external appearance' external appearance.
maintaining the lips, fingers ,feet etc....
wonder of the ² Health habits that protect wonder ² Follows the health habits that protect
body. wonder.
² Gets rid of the behaviors that
obstructs the wonder of the body
related to external appearance.
9' Acts to maintain 9'1 Acts to develop health ² Health related fitness tests ² Introduces the health related fitness 06
the fitness for a ² Cardio vascular endurance tests
healthy life. related fitness factors,
while concerning ² 12 minutes continuous running ² Describes the steps that should be
² Muscular endurance taken to maintain health related
about them.
² Sit ups fitness in an optimum level.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
9'2 Acts to develop the ² Mental finesses ² Takes action to develop the mental 03
psycho- social fitness ² Thinking abilities fitness
factors by ² Problem solving ² Helps others to develop the mental
concerning the ² Responsible decision making fitness.
² factors by stress reduction
relevant factors.
² Appreciative ability
² Activities to be applied to develop
mental fitness.
10' Leads a happy 10'1 Acts with a ² Human sexuality ² Explains the concept of human 03
life facing the responsibility on ² Responsible sexual behaviors sexuality
obstacles in day matters of sexuality ² Marriage ² Describes about the responsible
to day life and faces related ² Cultural and Social significance sexual behaviors
successfully challenges
² Legal importance ² Acts according to the gender
² Gender ² Describes the responsibility of the
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
. 10'2 Recognizes the ² Future social challenges ² Exhibits the preparation for facing 04
social challanges ² Food future social challenges.
and faces with ² Processed food
confidence. ² Junk Food
² Fast Food
² Diseases
² Communicable diseases
(including HIV/ AIDS)
² Non communicable diseases
² Weather
² Disasters
² Culture
² Modern Technology
² Conflicts
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Physical Exercises
Inter house Games
Competitions Festivals
Physical Education Programms IV
Week end and Vacation programs
Outdoor camps
Mountain climbing
Cycling tours
Jungle craft
Mariner’s compass and map related hikes
It is the responsibility of the teachers teaching physical education to decide on the level of
which the programmes above should be implemented according to the size and facilities
available in the school.
For the conveniences of implementation it would be meaning full to get the participation of the
other members of the staff and the student council, by including the slected programmes in the
annual plan of the school.It will be easy to make use of the resources of the school as well as the
guidance of the school Principal.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
In deciding on the teaching methodology relevant to this syllabus, attention should be paid to
the planning of learning- teaching activities that facilitate development of competencies in
students based on activities.
In both the aspects learning and teaching described above the two main essential factors are
teaching strategies and teaching techniques you, who are teacher in the system would have
taught various subjects in various grades and have had various experiences but you would have
experienced that you had never all subjects in all grades in the same way. As such every teacher
would have some experience using different teaching methods.
Teaching techniques can be classified into several groups according to their usage. Methods of
teaching vary in terms of their being individual teaching methods, group teaching methods and
mass teaching methods. Out of these in the implementation of this syllabus lectures and
discussion, exhibitions, brain storming, group teaching, simulation, project method assignments,
role play, practical activities, various field trips, wall newspapers, explorations etc are learning
teaching methods that can be used.
Whatever the teaching methodology you use more effective results can be realized through the
incorporation and implementation of aspects of Engagement, Exploration, Exploration,
Elaboration, Assessment and Evaluation.
In teaching the practical and theoretical subject areas relived to this syllabus, it is necessary that
attention is paid to more appropriate methods for the purpose. Similarly in the selection of the
teaching methodology you use, attention needs to be paid to the nature of the lesson, aim of the
lesson, nature of the students, grade level, resources, environmental factors etc.
Similarly, in the use of learning teaching methodologies the transmission role and the
transaction role are still much in evidence. When considering the evidence, deterioration of
thinking, skills personal skills and social skills there is a need to emphasize that there should be
some development in the learning- teaching methodology used.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
In the implementation of this syllabus developed with a competency base, the teacher aspire to
the role of a resource person who intervenes to bring the student to accomplish is the
preparation of an environment replete with material necessary for learning as well as other
facilities, keeping close observation of how students learn, identification of student abilities
and inabilities, provision of necessary feedback and feed forward to ensure the progress of
student as well as carrying the learning teaching task beyond the classroom. The teacher’s role
incorporating the above is the transformation role of the teacher.
While it will be possible to achieve the aims expected through this syllabus by acting in
accordance with the above, it should also be kept in mind that this is your responsibility.
Several points to be kept in mind when studying this competency – based Teacher’s Handbook
provided to you by the National Institute of Education.Common activities with respect to each
lesson in physical education have not been introduced in order to provide opportunities for your
creative skills.In the learning –teaching process of physical Education there is a standard pattern
that should be followed are,
· Summoning students to the grounds
· Positioning students in class formation
· Health Inspection
· Warming up exercises
· Stretching exercises
(such, material is listed in this hand book for your convenience.)
· Now let us consider exercises
· Physical Fitness exercises
· Learning – teaching methodology
· Conducting a recreation game
· Cool down exercises
· Informing about future lessons
· Disperse
These patterns followed in practical activities different from the theoretical classroom
teaching only in that the practical part is left out.
You will be attended a time interval of 30-45 minutes in order to implement all this. In a
class the number of students may also vary. Nevertheless in the process of developing this
syllabus the following assumptions were made for the purpose of generalization
That in a class the normal period lasts 45 minutes
That the number of students in a class is 40
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
That in most schools, sports equipment are limited and that substitute equipment can be
That our country does not enjoy, regular weather pattern
That the minimum number of periods implemented a term is 36
That this subject cannot be divided as ‘Health” and “Physical Education” and the both
those parts have to be taught by the same teacher.
That, at the rate of 3 periods a week, this subject is assigned over 90 periods a year. By Circular
No. 2006/9 you are assigned an extra period, should more periods than this be required,
additional periods can be used for this since it is possible to know the amount of time assigned
for each period at the beginning of the school term, it is necessary that you organize your
learning – teaching process accordingly, before the learning teaching activity you should
necessarily assemble the necessary material, All such marerials is listed in this teacher guide for
your convenience.
• Now let us consider how the learning – teaching process in implemented according to
the standard pattern
• Summoning students to the grounds
It is best that students go to the grounds in single file form the class
• Placing students according to a class pattern.
• Position the students according to pattern created by you. It is best that this pattern
is changed on different days.
• Inspection of students health
Inspection of student’s hair, teeth, and cloths while inquiring about their health
should be compulsorily done. While student who are not capable of getting
involved in practical activities should be located in suitable place they should be
made to participate as support resources or judges whenever possible.
• Warming up exercises
Although it is not possible to prescribe a fixed pattern to stretching exercises, it’s
possible to provide students with exercises for every part of the body. It is your
responsibility to select suitable stretching exercises and involve your students in
activities based on them
• Exercises for the development of physical fitness.
You can select physical fitness exercises as you wish. Here you should pay special
attention to the selection of exercises that suit the activities you propose to implement that
• Conducting an recreation game.
• Every child exhibits a great desire to play competitive games for pleasure. Making use of
this mentality of children involve them in appropriate, recreation games so as to confirm
the activities taught day to today.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
The subject content for certain activities have been provided as an annexed at the end of the
activity, for the use of the teacher. Where necessary get the students to note down important
Quality Inputs
The Education of its children opens the path to the development of a country. As such a
classroom environment replete with various equipments is essential for active education, in
order, to produce an active student. Given below is a list of quality inputs necessary for Health
and Physical Education for Grade 6
It will be possible to obtain some of the permanent material here from other sections of the
school. Alternated material that can be used in place of permanent equipment can be identified
according to the activities involved. Never the less, if permanent equipment can be introduced to
the students, it would serve a most important purpose. Anyway it will be necessary for the
teacher to decide on the volume of equipment in term of the resources in the school, number of
students in classes and the methodology used by the teacher.
• Overhead projector
• Cassette player to play music on
• Transparencies
• A cassette recorded with music to beats
• Matters
• Cross bars for high jumps
• Landing matters
• A take off board for long jumps
• A shot - put
• Discus
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
General abilities important for the life of students are represented in the competencies and
competency levels in the Health and Physical Education curriculum, Therefore the learning
teaching process should be so planned as to develop these competencies for this purpose. Focus
your attention on the instructions below.
• Always direct students to discover information outside the lecture method
• For this purpose direct students to explore along several streams related to
• Through this plan and implement activities for the development of thinking skills,
social skills and personal skills in students.
• For this purpose always implement appropriate learning teaching methodologies
with respect to each competency.
• In all activities utilize suitable methodologies for the involvement of the students
• Similarly, plan for the development of special abilities as well as general abilities at
each competency level.
• When planning activities, be concerned the needs of one’s school, needs of the
region as well as the needs of the country.
• If quality inputs are not available when necessary, prepare substitute instruments.
• When planning activities study class texts, the teachers Instructions Manual used earlier
and the handbooks on athletics, Netballs & Football as well as other manuals relevant to
each grade.
• Pay attention always to provide feedback and feed forward during activities.
• Endeavor to implement all the parts normally contain in health and physical education
lessons during practical activities.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
1st Term
2.0 Fulfills the humans 2.1 Builds up the personality for self actualization 02
needs for a healthy
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
No of periods : 05
Step 02 • Inquire the students about the persons who are responsible for
the health problems identified in the above incident.
• Lead a discussion highlighting the following points
• Main reason for creating health problems is the careless
activities of man.
• Apart from this natural phenomena like tsunami, floods and
droughts too influence on social health.
• Man cannot live without the involvement of the environment.
• The breakdown of the balance in nature influences on personal
• Deterioration of personal health causes the deterioration of
social health and deterioration of social health causes personal
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
• ethical development
• Avoid from anti social activities
• developing good thoughts
• Persuading to do religious activities
• Directing to do welfare activities
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Step 06 • Discuss the way by which an individual can contribute for the
social health promotion based on the following points.
• Conforming to policies
• Contributing to provide and to gain knowledge and skills
• Being a participant in building up a healthy environment.
• Helping to provide health services
• Contributing to provide health community work.
• Attention should be given to following strategies when promoting
social health
• Being selfless in place of selfishness
• Taking group decisions in place of self decisions
• Being socialized in place of living alone
• Health promotion in every person is important for health
promotion in the entire society
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Basic term concepts : • Air pollution, water pollution, land pollution, sound pollution,
social health promotion.
Annexe 1.1.1
Access sheet
Sahnahi who was in a village school admitted to a school in the town to study
for advanced level. She stayed in a house close to the school and came to school by bus. As
usual she went to the bus stop after school for the bus. She saw scattered garbage which
was dragged by dogs and three garbage bins for separate garbage materials. She through
how careless the people are she watched how filthy water flows along the road from
damaged drains disgustingly when the school was over the road was congested with
vehicles as well as with school children. At the same time the lorry loaded with garbage of
the town joined the queue of vehicles Sahni covered her nose with her handkerchief
because of the bad smell emitted from the garbage lorry. Black smoke released from the
vehicles was not second the black smoke released from the factory situated near the
school. Sahani watched at her white uniform carefully. Restless drivers of the private
buses were blowing the horns without stopping asking for space in the road. This sound
makes ears deaf. She thought how nice is the village environment was.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Annexe 1.1.2
Information Sheet
Problem Reasons Changing Suggestions
Air pollution Gases liberated by burning Making compost from
(Destruction of the fuel like coal natural gas and degradable material in
balance in atmosphere by various gases liberated place of burning them
by changing its from the factories. Recycling non degradable
composition is called Toxic gases emitted from the material
air pollution) supersonic air crafts and Using 3R (Reduce, Reuse
rockets Recycle) for garbage
Chlorofluorocarbons escaping management.
form the refrigerators. Installation of flues in
Smelly gases emitted from the upper of the chimneys for
heaps of garbage. escaping smoke in the
Destroying trees factories
Vehicle smoke Using CFC free
Smoking refrigerators.
Not observing rules and Protesting against smoking
regulations. Proper activation of rules
and regulations.
water pollution
( Becoming the water Stagnation of water Following 3R method in
that is unsuitable to Addition of waste to water place of adding waste to
consume by adding (Addition of domestic waste water.
substances or changing factory waste to streams and making proper drainage
its composition is rivers) systems.
called water pollution) Addition of disease caused
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Un favorable effects
Annexe 1.3.1
Information sheet
Ways by which health promotion strategies can be used for village/ town / society
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
No of periods : 02
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Step 02 • Organize an out door get together and present the creation
in annexe 2.1.2 to the students.
• Conduct a discussion making the opportunity to inquire ideas,
exploration and appreciation.
• Provide each student with identical paper sheets and direct them
to write a creative essay on me after another thirty years
• The method by which abilities are managed productively.
• Good qualities developed
• Way you had faced challenges
• The pleasure and satisfaction obtained
• Collect all the sheets and make it as a book
• Give the opportunity to the students to read and appreciate
creations of other students.
• Discuss further on following points
• Satisfaction and pleasure can be gained by the productive
management of abilities of a person to the life.
• Satisfaction and pleasure is a foundation for self actualization
• Ability to face the challenges successfully and being with
good qualities are valuable characteristics of an examples
• Self actualization should be gained to be an ideal person
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Annexe 2.1.1
• Providing the skills and abilities of a person for the well being of the society
• Satisfying from the resources available.
• Subjecting to reputation as a good, disciplined person
• Using others resources tactfully
• Engaging in various charity work for publicity
• Respecting to others.
• Keeping close relationships with good people
• Having extensive skills in the field learnt
• Having honest straight policies
• consuming maximum comforts
• Having a fair occupation
• Living in a distress free environment.
Annexe 2.1.2
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
No of periods : 02
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Step 02 • Ask from the students about the instances that use incorrect
postures in day to day life
• Discus the following factors while appreciating the students'
• Most people are using the incorrect postures like running,
walking, sitting, and pulling in day to day activities.
• Show out that the reasons for the incorrect postures are as
• Congenital conditions
• Environmental conditions
• Chronic conditions
• Explain that congenital (hereditary) conditions are the
abnormalities due to the genetically factors of father or mother
or occur there is from generation.
• Examples
• Abnormality of bones due to the deficiency of vitamin D alias
• Insufficient intake of necessary nutrients at the stages of life.
• Explain that environmental conditions are the abnormalities
due to the unsuitable clothes, equipment and the incorrect way
of using equipment.
• Examples
• Abnormality of bones due to the deficiency of vitamin D alias
• Abnormalities of bones and osteoporosis due to the deficiency
of calcium and protein.
• Explain that chronic conditions are the abnormalities due to
the get use of incorrect postures for a long time by concerning
about the short time comfort.
• Examples
o Abnormalities in the spinal cord due to the incorrect
postures of sitting.
Step 03 • Name the following conditions which happens due to the
reasons at birth and environment.
• Hypnosis
• Lordosis
• Scoliosis
• Stoop due to uneven shape of vertebral column
• Flat back
• Bow legs
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
• Knock - knees
• Discuss about the above abnormalities and the minimizing
activities of them, by using the information in annexe 3.1.1
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
5. Again to the previous
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Competency Level 4.1 : Spends leisure effectively by engaging in organized sports and
outdoor activities.
No of periods : 01
Step 02 • Ask the organized games that knows the students and notice
them in the board.
• Group the students as suitable
• Instruct the groups to classify the noticed games under the
following topics.
• Indoor games • Athletics
• Combat games • Games which use the ball
• Games which use the bat • Games which use the
• Aquatic games
• Give the chance to present the students' explorations
• Forward the sport classification in annexe 4.1.2 while appreciating
the students' explorations.
• Discuss with the students by highlighting the following factors.
• Games can be classified according to different methods, as
playing area, using equipments etc.
• One game can be included in to several groups.
Step 03 • Ask from the students that, which means by the term 'outdoor
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Quality inputs :
• Access game in annexe 4.1.1
• Sport classification in annexe 4.1.2
• Outdoor education information in annexe 4.1.3
• Organized games and necessity of outdoor activities in annexe 4.1.4
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Annexe 4.1.1
Access game
Pattern of play
• First, one student put a ball in a square. Then the other student will put a ball and
instruct them to engage with the game alternatively.
• One player should move the balls as the other one cannot arrange the three balls in
to a straight line
• Can arrange the three balls in to one straight line or can avoid the making of other's
straight line by moving the balls.
• Ball movements should be along the drawn lines and cannot skip the market place
while moving.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Annexe 4.1.2
Organized game
Athletics - Track & Field, Road race, Race walking, Cross Country, Mountain
Games which use a bat – Cricket, Elle, Hockey, Badminton, Tennis, Table Tennis, golf,
Combat games – Karate, Judo, Boxing, Wresting, Wuhu, Taekwondo, Kun Fu,
Archery, and Fencing.
Winter games - Snow dancing, Ski jumping, Ice hockey, Alpine skilling.
Aquatic games Swimming, Rowing, Diving, Surfing, Boat race, Water polo, water
ballet, Fly board.
Other games Cycling (Racing/ Mountain) Motor bike race, Motor car races, Horse
Games which use a ball Volleyball, Netball, Football, Cricket, Basketball, Tennis, Rugby
Annexe 4.1.4
Physical Necessities
Improvement of physical fitness
Being healthy.
Strengthening of bones and muscles.
Improvement of neuro muscular coordination
Effectiveness of respiratory system
Effectiveness of circulatory system.
Effectiveness of excretory system
Burn of stored fat
Proper physical appearance
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
• Forest explorations
• Jungle explorations
• Cycling tours
• Swimming
• Rowing
• Fishing
• Use the compass
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
No of periods : 03
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Fig 4.5.1
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
fig 4.5.6
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
fig 4.5.10
Quality inputs :
• Suitable area for the game
• Volleyballs
• Volleyball nets
• Two whistles
• Annexe 4.5.1
• A Scissor or knife to cut the tin and a hammer.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
No of periods : 04
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
fig 4.6.1
• First student of the team will run forward from right side of the
post and just as he passing the post take one step to right and run
again to the left side.
• With that happens the team captain throw the ball to the left side?
• Then the running student receives the ball by stretching the hands
to the left side and returns the ball to the captain and joins as the
last of the team
• After done the activity by the all members of the team repeats the
activation on the opposite direction too.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
fig 4.6.6
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
fig 4.6.7
Step 07 • Give the chance to play about five minutes netball game after
grouping as suitable.
• Give the chance to the students to umpire the matches.
• Stop the game and explain the rules and regulations (attack,
defend, shoot) when foul occurred.
• Use the information of annex 4.6.1 for that
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Annex 4.6.1
2nd Term
5.0 Utilizes the specific 5.1 Engages in relay running using correct 02
abilities developed baton change.
through participation in 02
5.2Uses hang technique correctly in long
athletics for the tasks of jump
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Competency Level 4.0: Spends leisure effectively by engaging in sports and outdoor
No of periods : 03
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
fig 4.7.1
fig 4.7.2
• Advise them to throw the ball to the front player of the opposite
team in accordance to the throw in technique.
• Advise the player who does the throw to come and stay at the end
of the row after the throw.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Step 04 • Ask from students about the technique which we use to avoid
the ball that comes to the goal
• Evaluate student's answers and discuss that it is goal keeping
technique can be done according to various methods
• Keep the ball which comes from the forward along the ground
• Keep the ball which comes from the side along the ground
• Keep the ball which comes at chest and waist level
• Keep the ball which comes over the head.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
fig 4.7.3
• Group the students as suitable
• Advise them to stand according to the correct technique
• Advise to move the left, right, forward and backward
• Give the feedback and feed forward.
(fig 4.7.4)
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Group the students as suitable and advise them to make per two
lines by facing each other.
• Let the chance to practice technique without the ball at first.
• Give one ball to each team.
• Advise the one first student to throw the ball along the ground
and other opposite first student to keep the ball with both hands
with proper preparation.
(fig 4.7.5)
• Advise the kept student to throw back the ball along the ground
to the other opposite student and add to the end of the own row.
• Give chance to all students, to throw and keep the ball
• Give the feedback and feed forward where necessary.
Step 07 • Demonstrate the ball, keeping at chest level and waist level
as follows.
• Preparation according to the correct technique.
• Positioning by reaching the ball as it comes.
• Going down by knees
• Focusing the trunk forward as comes the ball.
• Receive the ball withspreader fingers with little bending at
elbows as the ball reach to the chest/ waist level.
• Keep focusing the eyes on the ball
• Bring the ball to the chest as quickly as it gets caught
(fig 4.7.6)
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
(fig 4.7.7)
Basic term concepts: • Rules and regulations at football, Throw-in, Goal keeping
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Competency Level 5.1 : Engages in relay running using correct baton change.
No of periods : 02
Learning Outcome: • Explains the upsweep technique which gives the baton upward and
down sweep technique which give the baton downward in baton
• Describes the outside change,inside change,mixed change, visual
method and Non visual method in baton change
• Exhibits the baton changing methods accurately
• Engages in relay running events by using the correct baton
changing methods
• Work by conforming the rules and regulations.
(fig 5.1.1)
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Step 03 • Explain to the students that there two basic methods of giving
the baton to the receiver in baton change.
• Give the baton by focusing the upwards.
• The giver should give the baton from downward to upwards.(fig
• The receiver should receive the baton by stitching the hand to
backward while it focuses down,(fig 5.1.3)
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
• Line up four students for each row as shown in the (fig 5.1.5)
(fig 5.1.4)
• Fourth student who stands at last will give the baton from his/her
left hand to the right hand of the third student who stands in front
of him/her according to the upsweep technique.
• The baton should be pass until the first student in according to
this manner.
• pass the baton at on the spot while walking slowing and while
• Give feedback and feed forwarded where necessary
Step 05 • Train the students the down sweep technique also by using the
model of the above activity
Give feedback and feed forward where necessary.
Step 07 • Group the students as per four and advise them to stand in
behind one after another.
• Advise the fourth student to hand over the baton from his left
hand to the right hand of the third student who stands in front to
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
(fig 5.1.5)
No visual Pass
• Receive the baton while not looking at the baton by receiving
athlete is the non-visual pass.
• Sprinting relay events like 100m x 4 and 200m x 4 are used
this non visual pass.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
(fig 5.1.7)
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
No of periods : 02
(fig 5.2.1)
• Jump up over a little obstacle by one foot while jogging forward
• Jump up over and obstacle by one foot taking off at the marked
place while jogging and land with both feet
(fig 5.2.3)
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
fig 5.2.4
• Explain that this known as the hang technique due to the way of
hands at flight stage/phase as trying to hang on something by
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
• Take off with one foot after the approach run of 5 or 9 strides. In
here, take – off leg should be stretched completely while free leg
rose up as shown in the figure.
• Touch the hung supporter by both hands after the take off from
on the spot and land on both feet (flight)
• Touch the hung supporter after the approach run of several strides
as taking off from one foot at marked place and land on both feet.
• Take off at marked place after an approach run of several strides
and bring forward the takeoff leg while landing as land on both
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
No of periods : 06
Learning Outcome: • Explains that nutritional needs vary according to the different
stages of the life cycle.
• Discusses the way by which nutritional needs vary according to the
femininity and masculinity
• Describes the nutritional needs in specific instances in the life
• Gives ideas to get rid of myths
• Exhibits the preparation for selecting nutritional foods
• Communicates the good messages regarding nutrition
• Responds with a correct definition to the various messages
advertised by the media regarding nutrition
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Step 02 • Divide the students into five groups and assign following topics
to them.
• Infant (from birth – 01 year)
• Child (01 years – 10 years)
• Adolescence( 10 years – 19 years)
• Adult (20 years – 59 years)
• Aged (over 60 years)
• Instruct them to gather information about nutritional needs
according to the particular stage, (instruct them to use the text
• Provide feed forward and feedback while engaging in the
• Give the opportunity to the students to present their findings.
• Conduct a review based on annexe 7.1.2
Step 03 • Inquire the students about the persons with special nutritional
• Introduce the persons with special nutritional needs as follows
while appreciating their answers.
• Pregnant mothers
• Lactating mothers
• Sports men
• Patients
• Heavy workers
• Vegetarians
• Divide the students into six groups
• Provide each group with one of above mentioned category of
persons with special needs.
• Instruct them to gather information about the nutritional needs of
the category they received (instruct them to refer text books)
• Provide feedback and feed forward while engaging in the activity.
• Give the opportunity to present their findings.
• Appreciate the creations and engage in a review based on the
information in the annexe 7.1.3
Step 04
Each student must be given a card (6” x 3”)
Advise them to write a myth related to nutrition on each card
Analyze them by giving a chance to present them by chance
Make a review through annexe 7.1.4
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Step 05
Group the students as suitable
Give the two advertisements which are in annexe 7.1.5 to them
Concentrate the students to analyze those advertisements
Discuss media promotions related food
Do a review how to have a correct understanding on media
promotions regarding food through the annexe 7.1.6
Step 06
Group the students as suitable
Advise them to collect facts regarding how they should pay
attention when selecting a nutritious food
Give feedback and feed forward during the activity
Do an analyze through the facts which are in annexe 7.1.7
Basic term concepts: • life cycle, special nutrition needs, myths, nutrition messages
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Annex 7.1.2
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
so that,
• Obesity
• Micro nutrient deficiency can be occurred.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Annexe 7.1.3
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
• More carbohydrates should be consumed as the caloric need is greater than that of
pregnancy. Daily calorie need is 3200 kilo calories.
• More calcium should be obtained as breast milk that produce about 850 ml a day is rich
in calcium
• Extra meals should be taken to fulfill the caloric needs.
• Calcium and vitamins should be taken in proper quantities.
Annexe 7.1.4
• Expensive foods available are in the market is always rich in nutritive value
• Proteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals needed for the body can be obtained only
from animal protein.
• Less nutrition is obtained from vegetarian food
• Consuming brinjal is not suitable for arthritis
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Annexe 7.1.5
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Annexe 7.1.6
Correct clear understanding and analytical comprehension is needed about the messages
given regarding nutrition, messages given regarding food and nutrition by various media are
not always correct. Acceptance at once and responding to these messages should be done
after inquiring them.Given below are a few messages that should be made tomake aware the
• Using garlic, cinnamon, ginger, goraka, curry leaves turmeric as spices in place of
artificial flavors.
• By minimizingthe consumption of foods with high sugar, oil and salts can
minimize the non-communicablediseases like diabetes and heart diseases.
• Addition of dairy product to the daily meals
• Drinking 1.5l – 2.l of water daily
• Avoiding junk food
• Not avoiding breakfast
• Using iodate salt and containing iodate salt in brown coloured bottles. keeping
them in places where sunlight does not fall directly
• Consuming the foods with various natural colours daily (yellow/orange/white
• Consuming the food with various tastes daily (bitter, sweet, sour, salt)
• Menu should be prepared according to the food pyramid that leads the daily food
• The price of a food item does no give on idea about nutritive value. Being
expensive does not show that the food item is nutritious
• Consuming foods that are prepared at home is more suitable
• Natural fruit beverages should be consumed in place of sweetened and carbonated
• Dried seeds should be immersed in water at least 6hours before preparation
• More nutrition can be gained by cooking germinated seeds like green gram and
• Nutritive value increases by the addition of coconut, limejuice and Maldives fish
to green leaves.
• More nutrition can be obtained by mixing a few food items. Example – Milk rice
with green gram
• Simple traditional menu are rich in nutritive value. Example – Hathmaluwa.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Annexe 7.1.6
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Competency Level 8.1 : Follows healthy practices to maintain the external appearance.
No of periods : 03
Learning Outcome: • Explains the wonder of body parts related with external
• Follows the wonder protecting healthy practices.
• Avoid from the behaviors that obstructs the external appearance of
the relevant body parts.
Step 02 • Divide the class into four groups Divide the body parts into four
groups a follows.
group No 01 – ears, eyes
group No 02 – lips, teeth
group No 03 – fingers, nails
group No 04 - Skin, hair
• Guide the students to list out the wonders of the relevant body
parts and the steps that should be followed to protect the
• Give the opportunity to present their findings.
• conduct a review based on annex 8.1.1
Give feedback and feed forward as needed
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Quality inputs: • Two large pictures of the same person with a pleasant appearance
and an unpleasant appearance
Annexe 8.1.1
Annexe 8.1.2
Teacher's guideline
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
• Wonder of hair
Minimizes the damages to the head caused by accidents.
Generation of new hair in place of hair removing daily
Being the hair above the skin lifeless.
Continuous growth
• Healthy practices to protect the wonder of hair.
Consuming nutritious foods
keeping the hair clean
Covering the hair when walking in the hot sun.
Applying only a suitable herbal oil
Avoid using unsuitable artificial creams/ ointments.
• Wonder of nails
• Giving protection to finger tips
• Being the ends of the nails made with nonliving cells.
• Continuous growth
• Healthy practices to protect the wonder of nails
Consuming nutritious foods
Keeping the nails trimmed short and clean
Avoid using artificial nail polish
Protecting from the accidents caused by nails.
Avoid from biting nails.
• Wonders of teeth
Occurrence of teeth at two times (diphyodont)
Presence of teeth adapted for chewing various types of food
Needed to pronounce letters
Providing protection to the tooth by the hard enamel.
Protecting the shape of the face.
• Healthy practices to protect the wonder of teeth.
Consuming nutritious foods
Keeping the teeth clean by bushing aftermeals.
Minimizing the consumption of sweet food and beverages
Using suitable tooth pastes and a suitable brush.
Preventing from actions that cause damage to teeth ( Example Removing
bottle caps using teeth)
Avoid consuming too hot or cold foods and beverages.
Examining teeth from a dental surgeon.
Avoid from chewing betel and smoking.
• Wonders of eyes
Secreting tears to destroy germs that enter the eyes.
Minimizing the damages caused to the eye by instant closure of them.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
• For the beauty of the face and to show various emotions (example
wonder anger) and to smile.
• Being the skin of the lips smooth
• Healthy practices of protecting the wonder of the lips
• Avoid taking too hot and too cold food
• Avoid using lipsticks
• Protecting from accidents that cause wounds
• Consuming nutrias foods daily
• Avoid chewing betel
• Avoid smoking and consuming liquor
• Wonders of the fingers.
• Ability to shake the thumb in any direction
• Ability of power grip (using large muscles) and fine grip (using small
muscles) from the fingers in the hand.
• Ability to identify the fine touches due to of nerve ends in the finger
• Friction occurs due to having lines in fingers of hand and foot.
• Supplying a protection due to having nails at the free end of the fingers.
• The lines of the fingers differ from person to person.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Competency Level 9.1 : Acts to develop health related Fitness factors, while
concerning about them
No of periods : 06
Step 01:
Inquire about the health relate fitness using the previous
knowledge of the students.
Lead a discussion by highlighting the following factors.
Health related fitness is a collection of factors while
contribute to better maintenance of day to day health
Factors of health related fitness are as follows.
Cardio respiratory endurance
Muscular endurance
Body composition
Can identify the level of the above fitness factors in one self
by engaging in tests.
It is important to identify the fitness level for the maintaining
of proper level of factors and also further improvement.
Step 02:
Engage the students in the following fitness tests.
Engage the students in the continuous running (boys 800m / girls
600m) or beep test as follows to measure the cardiorespiratory in
annexe 9.1.1
Arrange the running track as suitable and engage the students in
the activity if going to do the continuous running test.(boys 800m /
girls 600m)
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Explain that run the relevant distance within shortest possible time
along the running track is the method of this test. (boys 800m /
girls 600m)
Walking also can apply when there is any difficulty of running.
Engage the girls and the boys separately in running.
Line up the students at the starting line and start with the standing
start according to the signal given.
Record the running time of each student.
Evaluate about the fitness levels of the students’ according to the
grids in annexe 9.1.6
Engage the students in the following activity according to the
annexe 9.1.1 for the beep test.
Group the students in two teams as ‘A’ and ‘B’.
Name one assistant student from team ‘B’ for the each student of
team ‘A’
Advise team ‘B’ to get ready to keep records of the relavant
students from team ‘A’ while they line up at the starting line to
start the test.
Hold the team ‘A’ test by playing the beep voice disk.
Check that whether team ‘B’ has recorded the test results
Direct team ‘A’to keep records and team ‘B’ to do the test as same
as the above.
Evaluate the results using the grid 9.1.1.
Step 03: Engage the students as follows in the tests of standing long jump
or vertical jumpin annexe 9.1.2 to measure the muscular strength
Engage the students in the activity as follows for th standing long
jump test.
Demonstrate the students the way of jumping and the way of
measuring the standing long jump test in annexe 9.1.2 and
describe the way of recording the results.
Group the class in to four and implement the 1st group to jump
and the 2nd to measure and remain to keep the records.
Impliment all the four in the test as above.
Evaluate the students’ fitness levels by using the grid in annexe
9.1.6 after all completed the test.
Engage the students in the activity as follows for the vertical
jump test.
Demonstrate the students the way of jumping and the way of
measuring the vertical jump test in annexe 9.1.2. and describe the
way of recording the results.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Step 04: engage the students in the Sit-ups test or Push-ups test in annexe
9.1.3 to measure the muscular endurance.
Sit-ups test
Demonstrate the student for the sit-ups test in annexe 0.1.3 and
explain the way of counting repetitions, way of recording the
Group the class in to three and implient the one group to do the
sti-ups and the another to assist him and remain to record the
Implement all three students in the test as above.
Evaluate the students’ fitness levels by using the grid in annexe
9.1.6 after all completed the test.
Push-ups test
Demonstrate the push-ups test to the students in annexe 9.1.3 and
explain the way of counting the repititions and the way of
recording the results.
Do the test as same as the above method and evaluate about the
student’sfitness levels by using the grid in annexe 9.1.6
Step 05: Engage the students in the Sit and reach test or stand and bend
forward test in annexe 9.1.4 to measure the flexibility.
Step 06: Engage the students as follows in the BMI activity in annexe 1 to
measure the body composition.
Instruct the students in a previous day to measure their height and
weight or engage the students to measure their height and weight
on the same day.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Instruct them to find out the Body Mass Index using the
following formula.
Quality inputs:
Result sheets
Stop watches
600m/800m test:
Clapper or the whistle for the start
A suitable arranged ground for 600m/800m run.
Beep test:
Beep voice disk and player or
Stop watch and whistle
An even ground which can make 20m
25 tape
Ground markings
Stop watches
A whistle
Sit and reach test:
A box which connected a measure scale as in figure 9.1.11
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Annexe 9.1.1
Teacher’s Guidelinec
Health related fitness tests.
Cardio Respiratory endurance tests. Here are two measuring tests for this. They are,
1. Continuous running 800m boys / 600m girls.
2. Beep test
Select one test from the above according to the facilities available in the school.
(Fig 9.1)
This is a standard test which uses to measure the cardio respiratory endurance. Measure
the maximum running distance of a person in according to the time table which increase
gradually is the methodology of this. Run should be done according to a time table as 20
m forward etc. in here (fig 8.1) It is necessary the beep voice tape here to run according to
relevant speed table.
Running continuously between 20 m distance according to the recorded beep is the
method of this test.
Student stand behind the line by facing the other line starts the run according to the
beep signal.
Have to keep a slow run at the start as the gap among the beep signals.
Student runs between the two lines by turning back according to the beep signals
given. Should have to maintain a same speed during the first minute as it has the
same speed during the 1st minute as it has the same time gap of beep signals.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
After about a minute (after 07 beep signals) a signal will be given to increase the
running speed and time gap between two beep signals is decreasing here.
After every minute a signal will be given to notice that the time gap is decreasing
and the student should increase the running speed level according to that.
If the student came to the front line before the beep signal, He should wait there
until the beep signal to run back.
If the student fails to reach the front line before the beep signal a warning will be
given to the student and he should continuously run to the front line.
Then he should run back and arrange the running speed with in coming two beep
signals as suitable to the relevant speed level
Should eliminate from the run if fails to reach the line (at last 2m close to the line)
with in two beep signals after a warning.
Speed table which prepare for a beep test is given below (grid 9.1.1). It is easy to have a
beep voice tape via the internet which is needed for the test.
It is very important to get a fitness certificate from a doctor for each student if hope
to get engage in 1220m or above run.
Grid 9.1.1
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Boys Girls
Excellent 9/9> 8/8>
Good 8/10 -9/8 6/5 -7/5
Average 7/5 – 8/9 6/5 – 7/5
Satisfactory 6/2 -7/4 5/3 – 6/4
Weak 4/7 -6/1 3/4 -5/2
Grid 9.1.2
Annexe 9.1.2
Among the several tests to be measured the muscular strength, two tests can be done
according to the facilities available in Sri Lankan schools are given below.
(fig 9.1.2)
Student get ready by keeping the two feet close near the takeoff line as shown in the
fig. 9.2.
Jumps as far as possible by bending knees, swinging arms as a support for the
forward push.
Can use a long jump pit for the landing and if not, a ground with grass.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Give two chances for each student and record the longest distance as the best
Can evaluate by using the grid 9.1.4 and 9.1.5 upon to the distance of the jump.
(fig 9.3)
1. Sit ups
2. Push ups
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
(fig 9.4)
Lying upwards and bend knees while bringing the heels towards the body as shown in
the figure 9.4.
Keep the hands behind the head by interlacing the fingers.
Take a support of another student to keep the feet stable on the ground.
From the ready position to lift up the upper body as perpendicular to the ground and
again back to the ready position is concerned as a repetition of sit ups as shown in the
Number of sit ups which completed within a minute is concerned as his performance.
Evaluate using the grid 9.1.4 and 9.1.5 upon that number of sit ups.
2. Push up test.
Ready position of the push-ups for the girls as follows.
fig 9.1.7
fig 9.1.7
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
fig 9.1.10
Stretch the hands from elbows as to make them erect, while both arms and the bowl of
the feet on the ground as shown in the fig 9.6
Focus the relaxed fingers forward, by maintaining the shoulder level width between the
Ready position of the push-ups for the girls is as follows.
Stretch the hands from elbows as to make them erect, while both arms and the bowl of
the feet on the ground as shown in the fig 9.5
Focus the relaxed fingers forward, by maintaining the shoulder level width between the
Lift up the legs burbling
Then bring down the body erectly until the chest touches the ground, while moving the
body weight to the hands as shown in the fig 9.1.5. and 9.1.6.
Again bring back to the starting position by keeping the body erectly while bearing the
body weight with stretched hands.
As bring down the body and again bring up the body is concern as one repetition in
this activity.
Calculate the number of repetition in this activity
Calculate the number of repetitions within 30 seconds and evaluate using the grid 9.1.4
and 5.1.5
Anexxe 9.1.4
Fig 9.1.11
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Students sit on the ground and stretch forward the legs while fitting the feet on the box
at forward.
Legs should be tightening to the ground as them not to bend at knees.
Student should stretch the arms as far as towards along the measure tape while palming
towards the ground. He must stay at his maximum until the assistant counts 03.
Do the measure as considering “0” is the point where the feet touch the upper plane of
the box.
Consider that the finger tips below from that point is “minus (-) and the finger tips
away point is “plus” (+)
Do the evaluation by using the grid 9.1.4. and 9.1.5 upon most measures.
Fig 9.8
Student stands on the box or bench while keeping 30cm gap between the two legs.
Stretch the arms downwards as far as possible along the measuring tape while palming
downwards the body.
Stay at the maximum till the assistant counts 03.
Measure by considering the upper plane of the box is ‘0’
Consider that the finger tips which doesn’t exceed and that point is “minus (-) and the
finger tips exceed point is “plus” (+)
Do the evaluation by using the grid 9.1.4. and 9.1.5 upon most measures
Annexe 9.1.5
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
4.2 Applies knots and lashings appropriate to the
4.0 Spends leisure effectively situation when engaging in outdoor activities.
by engaging in
organized sports and 4.3 Hold compare for effective use of leisure
outdoor activities
4.4. Cooks meals outdoors to use leisure effectivly
5.0 Utilizes the specific 5.3 Uses plop technique correctly in high jump. 02
abilities developed 5.4 Throws correctly using power position
through participation in 02
athletics for the tasks of
6.0 Acts socially by 6.1 Conform to the ethics and social values by 02
conforming to the rules following rules and regulations.
and ethics of sports
9.0 Acts to maintain the 9.2 Improves the factors of psychosocial fitness
fitness for a healthy life while inquiring them
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Competency Level 4.2 : Applies knots and lashings appropriate to the situation when
engaging in outdoor activities..
No of periods : 02
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Step 02 • Prepare six places in the ground by putting the following goods
on six places.
• Two parts of strings and information sheet about the reef knot.
• A part of a rope a string and information sheet about the sheet
• Astick, a string and an information sheet about the clove hitch
• A little long string and an information sheet about the bowline
• Two poles, a string and information sheet about the square
• Two poles, a string and information sheet about the sheer
• Divide the class into six groups
• Direct groups to the prepared places for the groups
• Advise them to apply the knots and lashings according to the
information sheet.
• Rotate the teams as each group to the each place.
• Give the feedback and feed forward to each group.
• Advise to practice further more on these knots and lashings as
them necessary to day to day activities.
Basic term concepts : • knots, Lashings, Reef knot, Sheet bend, Clove Hitch , Bowline,
Square lashing, Sheer lashing.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Annexe 4.2.1
Information Sheet
Reef Knot
Keep the ends of the two ropes in each hand. Place the
rope in the left hand on the rope in the right hand. Now hold
the rope end that has come to the right handside, with the
right hand and take it under and over the rope. Next bend the
rope in the left hand again and place it under the end of rope
in the right hand. Now a loop is formed with rope end to the
right. Now take the end of rope that has come to the right
over the rope of the loop, send it inside and pull to the sides.
Now the Reef knot has been created.
This knot can be used to tie together two ropes of equal size. It is also used when using asling.
Main advantage of the knot is ability to tighten or loosen quickly. To tighten the knot, two ends
on both sides are pulled, and to loosen the ends are pushed. Flat nature of the knot is an
additional advantage.
Sheet Bend :
Used to join two different types of ropes. Make a loop at
the end of one rope. Hold the loop in the left hand and
take the end of the other rope in the right hand. Take the
rope end in the right hand, under, over and round under
the loop and under the same rope, pull the four ends to the
sides to create the sheet bend.
This knot can be used to pull something tight. To tie a
clothline, to tie a string to a cloth, this knot can be used.
Bowling Knot
This knot is important in life saving activities. This is how a loop is made
without getting loose. The loop has to be made at the end of the rope with
required size and insert the free end of the other rope in the loop. Take the
end around the loop and insert again. Then tight. This knot is used to make a
tight knot, to make cloth line or to tight a rope with a cloth.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Clove Hitch
This knot can be used to tie a rope tightly to a stick. Non slip
nature of the knot is of importance.
Select a vertical post. Hold the rope in both hands with about one
foot width and the end of the rope in the right hand. (The width
may vary depending on the diameter of the post.) Take the rope
end in the right hand behind the post from right to left, taking it
under the rope in left hand, turn it one round over the first turn as earlier. Lastly send it between
the post and the start of the second turn and pull the ends to the sides. Clove hitch will be
Square Lashing
Can be considered as a lashing to join two logs together. Place
the two logs crossed. Close to the crossing, tie the log behind
with clove hitch. Lash the two logs tightly, as in the figure.
Finish lashing with clove hitch.
Sheet Lashing
Considered as a lashing to tie two logs as in the figure. Tie one
log with clove hitch. Lash two logs lightly as in figure. Send
several lashings between the logs to tighten the earlier lashing.
Finish with clove hitch.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
No of periods : 03
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• Get the permission from relevant authorities and the owners of the
• Aware about the climatic conditions
• Inform the Surrounded community
• Collect the wood day before the fire
• Not to use the valuable woods
• Take action to remove the insects in the wood
• Not wearing the relax and hanging cloths when set the fire
• Being prepared with wet gunny, water buckets, and row leaf
branches in case of emergency.
• Be responsible not to let the fire become large as unnecessary
• Completely extinguish and clean the fireplace at the end
• Be certified about the safety of self and others as well.
Step 02 • Ask from the students about the songs and dramas which use
in fire displays.
• Give the chance to the students to sing such songs(can use the
annex 4.3.2)
• Explain that following skills and chances can be derived
throughout the fire displays.
• Development of presenting skills
• Development of creative skills
• To refresh the day
• To have the fun
• To explore the own culture
• To build up the unity
• To summarize the workout of the day
Step 03 • Divide the students into four groups. Give each team a board
which mentioned about the each type of fire.
• Instruct the each team to prepare the fire, according to the relevant
• Advise them to collect the following goods day before the fire.
• 3 wide chump and wood pieces as required – To prepare the 'A"
• 5 wide chumps and wood pieces as required – To prepare the
reflector fire
• 4 wide chumps and wood pieces a required – To prepare the
pyramid fire
• Brochures of song and drama plans which use in fire displays
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Step 04 • Direct the students into relevant 04 places on the day of fires and
give the relevant information sheets.
• Engage the students in the task.
• Evaluate the students by motivating while giving instructions
where required.
• Give the chance to sing the songs and present the dramas after
the fire
• Evaluate the creative skills
• Be responsible not to harm anyone by those creations
• Implement the students to sing patriotic songs all the time
• Guide the students to repeat these creations in leisure time.
Basic term concepts : • fire display ' A" fire, reflector fire, rectangular fire, Pyramid fire.
Annexe 4.3.1
Information sheet
Fig 4.3.1
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fig- 4.3.3
Placing three thick firewood logs horizontally or vertically as shown in the figure and by
placing pieces of firewood on it ‘A’ shape fire can be constructed.
(2) Reflector Fire :
Firewood logs are placed one above the other slanting to
two vertically fixed logs. Three logs are placed
rectangularly in front of it. Firewood is heaped up within
it and this fire is created.
fig 4.3.4
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(3) Rectangular Fire Logs are arranged rectangular as in the figure. Firewood is
spread within it and this fire is created.
fig 4.3.5
(4) Pyramid Fire
This fire is created by placing pieces of
firewood crosswise one set over the other give
a pyramid shape as shown in the figure. As it
goes higher you should use smaller firewood.
fig 4.3.6
Campfire Display Songs
Songs used in campfire are mostly with the scout movement. Songs to increase patriotism and
other meaningful songs can also be used. Given below are several specific songs that can be
used in campfire displays.
Seeyabulathwitakotai – rasa kathakiyai
Rasa kathakiyai – bulathwitakotai.
Raja rajarajarajakatha – gamagamagamagamakatha
Raja kathagamakathadanneseeyamai.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Annexe 4.3.2
Allapanmaalugodaadapanmaalu //
Panamegodaigoda panama///
Biththaresudumade – biththarekahamade
Ekapatathiekarudiraya we
Apa kaya thulathibena
Sondinasitinayuthu we
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
No of periods : 03
Step 03 • Let them to observe others, to find the errors or find the improving
methods as changing teams.
• Prepare a list of meals which can cook outdoors by using these
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Step 04 • Discuss with the students about the importance of outdoor cooking
and decide a suitable day (weekend or holiday) for that.
• Cooking place, Types of food to be cooked, Hearths to be
prepared, Goods to bring etc. are divided and appointed to the
Step 05 • Enjoy with the students in cooking, outdoor and eat the meals,
on a weekend.
(Roughly ask the parents to not to participate)
Quality inputs :
• Three stones with same height
• Several stones in different heights
• A large flat rock or plate
•A hoe
• A tin
• A Scissor or knife to cut the tin and a hammer.
• Same height 03 sticks with a bracket
• A long pole
• A Sharp bracket
• Cross stick
• Cords or strings
• Small Rots or three tins
• A bracket and strings to make the tennis racket
• Information sheet with the preparing method of each equipment
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Annexe 4.4.1
Information sheet
fig 4.4.1
2. Ditch Hole Fire
This fire place is constructed in such a way the pan can
be placed on a ditch like hole cut on a flat ground. While
it should be about 30 cm deep and the ends should be
slopy, the width of the hole should be according to the
size of the pan to be used. The specificity of this
fireplace is that even several pans can be placed to cook
fig – 4.4.2
at the same time.
3. Stone Row Fire Place
This is constructed using bricks or such material on a flat
ground. Bricks are placed in parallel rows, suitable for
the size of the pan and the firewood is inserted from the
sides. Having ability to keep several pans and cook at the
same time is an advantage.
fig – 4.4.3
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fig – 4.4.4
5. Greenstick Fire
Two ‘Y’ ended sticks, are fixed at the ends to the ground,
to the same height. The cooking vessel is hung on the
cross-stick/bar. Raw sticks should be used. Fire is
provided by a campfire.
fig – 4.4.5
6. Flat Rock Fireplaces
A flat rock is placed on two, small rocks. Can be used to
make ‘rotis’.
fig – 4.4.6
Outdoor cooking
We have to prepare food when at outdoor activities, outdoor camping or when we get
abandon in an area without human beings. Should have to create different and also should
follow different methodologies to prepare food due to the lack of facilities.
We should coverage to prepare the traditional food to drive out the experience and joy
though there are many types of food in the market which can be prepared instantly and
easily. Furthermore should be able to prepare the food without utensils.
Cooking without utensils is enjoyable is expect from the students , that’s not harming to the
environment and to prepare the equipment using the resources which exist in the
environment, Be aware on use row sticks for stoves and use the sticks like tamarind, lime
that doesn't harmful to the human to wrap/ apply the food.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Must be careful about the environment when is going to set the fire for cooking. Fires can be
occurred due to the flames which flow away by the wind. So select the place far away from
the buildings, jungle and opposite to the direction of wind. Gravels, sods and leaves should
be removed from the place.
To find the direction of wind, the finger or hand gets cold from the direction of wind as rose
up the wet finger or hand. Direction of wink can be fined also by flowing the cotton or a
dead leaf.
Rote making
Fig 4.4.7
Can barbecue by using a green stick stove or using 'Y' shaped stick as above.
Fish can barbecue by binding in an equipment which made by using row sticks and strings.
This equipment which made by row sticks and strings is known as the Tennis racket boiler.
Meat, fish, vegetables can be boiled by keeping on this equipment.
Fig- 4.4.10
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Fig 4.4.11
Cooking rice
fig – 4.4.11
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No of periods : 02
fig 5.3.1
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(fig 5.3.2)
(fig 5.3.3)
• Complete the one circle and increase the speed with the entering
of the other circle and decrease the speed after the completion
of half.
(fig 5.3.4)
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( Fig 5.3.5)
( Fig 5.3.6)
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(fig 5.3.8)
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No of periods : 02
Learning Outcome: • Explains the power position in the events of shout, Discus throw
and javelin throw.
• Throws above equipment from the power position.
• Throws the equipment far way by using the correct posture.
• Explains the rules and regulations relevant to throwing events.
(fig5.4.1) (fig5.4.2)
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(fig 5.4.3)
(fig 5.4.4)
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• Until the equipment landed, the athlete should not get away
from the circle in the shot put and the discus throw also from
the run way in the javelin throw.
Annexe 5.4.1
Be vigilant about the followings that should conform in throwing activities with the
students and the students' conforming in those.
• Class formation should be in a secure way that confirms the safety of students.
• The throw should be done at once in according to the command
• All the throws should be done in to a same direction
• Bringing back of the equipment should be after the landing of all equipment
• Do not throw back the equipment to the team which thrown them.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Competency 6.0 : Acts socially by conforming to the rules and ethics of sports
Competency Level 6.1 : Conform to the ethics and social values by following rules and
No of periods : 02
Learning Outcome: • Explains the connections between the sport regulations and the
• Expresses the social values of sport regulations and the ethics.
• Exhibits the readiness to adapting the sport regulations and the
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Step 02 • Present the following instances to the groups and ask them
about the insular situations can happen due to not behaving in
legally and politely on such situations
• Replace an elder player by forwarding the fake documents to
compete due to the illness of a teammate.
• Make an accident to a clever player in as opposite team and
made him out from the court to confirm the victory.
• Affront a team which poor in economy, not having proper
cloths etc.
• Spectators obstruct to the players by jesting and throwing the
objects to them.
• Abstinence the game by again sting the decision of compare.
• Lead a discussion about the above incidents upon the
following factors.
• Can occur the insular situations like disqualifying, banning of
sports, affronting, neglecting, criticizing and fining due to the
breaking of regulations and ethics.
• Code of ethics which formed to well going of the sport is
called as the rules and regulations.
• Ethics are the good behavioral patterns which continuing to
the wellbeing of the society.
• As a spectator, must behave as to secure the dignity of all
parties who engage in to the sport.
• Avoid from cheering, degreasing and throwing objects to the
• Though like or dislike cheer and courage the all players.
• Avoid us a from impolite and cruel words.
• Do not make noise as it disturb to the game.
• Known of that the administrations parties take actions against
the people who act illegally.
• Avoid the use of liquor, drugs and cigarettes in the play areas.
• According to this not only the rules and regulations and also
should keep the ethics to improvement of the sport.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Competency Level 9.2 : Improves the factors of psycho social fitness while inquiring
No of periods : 04
Step 02:
Suggest the students to play a game using thinking ability
Give the opportunity to write a maximum number of relavant facts
within a minutein a paper by providing topics .like
Uses taken by kerosene oil
Things that Can be done with a cut bamboo tree
Give the victory to the student who wrote the maximum number of
acceptable facts and let the students to present their facts to the class.
Discuss further based on following points.
Ability to handle thinking in various themes and angles is an essential
skill to the life.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Step 03: Organize an outdoor gathering and present the following incident
to the class.
There is only one month for Akka’s wedding ceremony who
goes to reside in another country in a week after the marriage.
We were unable to prepare for the wedding because everyone
had to spend their money for the treatment of our father who
got a heart attack. Now he is healed. Last month, Loku mama
who is in abroad had sent money for the charges needed to take
the wedding ceremony in a star hotel.
Consider the students as the members of the family and inquire
them, the steps that can be taken to keep a good wedding
ceremony within the prevailing situation.
Direct the students to suggest a plan for organizing this
Discuss further on following points.
We have to face unexpected problematical situations in day
to day life.
Problems should be solved productively by considering the
following points.
Being patience in the presence of a problem.
Thinking positively that the problem can be solved.
Predict problematical situations that can arise and being
frequent vigilant.
Management of prevailing resources.
Giving the opportunity to other’s ideas as well.
Being prepared to do certain sacrifices and to bear certain
losses when fulfilling the aim.
Taking decisions for the wellbeing and to obtain a maximum
pleasure to everyone.
Being pleased after solving the problem and using these
experiences as models for such instances in future.
Ability to solve problems is a valuable mental fitness.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Step 05: Give the opportunity to two students to present the dialog in the
annexe 9.2.3
Discuss about the value of Rohan’s characteristics.
“ There is no profit from stress. But it gives only harm” Inquire the
students’ idea about this statement.
Get the students to present the instances where various persons get
Let the students to dance freely according to the song of Mr. C. T.
Fernando in annexe 9.2.4 while singing and appreciating.
Discuss further on following points
Being stressed is a weak personal characteristic.
Stress is a harmful situation to a person.
Lot of things can be done to avoid stress.
Ability to face stress successfully is a valuable mental fitness.
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Annexe 9.2.1
Ukulelamadesamabarausulana// gamiliyayanagamane
Mudu Banda nalawena se
Kanduwetigangasagaraeka se // polowatasamabara we.
Me jeevanakathare….// sapadukasamabara we.
Wediwanaashamadalanawege // jeewanamagakelambe
Ekama rasa musu we
Mahamadawagurewanavilmathuwe// Piumpipisanahe
Me jeevanakathare….// sapadukasamabara we.
Sung by :PandithAmaradeva
Annexe 9.2.2
Prasanna returned home after school and amma came home at the same time.
“Did you come putha ?” I went to the house next door to see the little son who had fallen from a
“Why what happened?”
“No he had fallen from a branch of a mango tree when tying a swing.” “there’s only a small
bump on his head.”
“Oh, I’ll go and see.”
Dhammi Nanda came near the fence with a smiling face when she saw Prasanna coming.
“Why Nanda? What happened to chootimalli?
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
“No nothing serious. But he cried, may be because he was afraid after fallen.”
Malli came and leaned against nanda.Prasanna looked at the tree.
“ Butnanda it is not good to wait without doing anything after falling from such a height” “We
must go to the hospital.”
“ If we miss the coconut lorry at 3.00 we can go to the town tomorrow morning.”
Nanda collected the paddy that was spread on a mat and got ready with a little anger.
On the way chootimalli vomited and he was on prasanna’s lap. And he was fast a sleep when
going to the hospital.
Chootimalli admitted to the intensive care unit immediately.
“Oh you brought the child in the correct time, if delayed can’t say what would happen.
The doctor praised nanda.
Annexe 9.2.3
Roshan– Why Chameera? Are you sick? And why are using such a amount of pills?
Chameera – For gastritis.I feel afraid when I remember the exam next month. Then I get
untolerable burning sensation in the stomach. Any way I get ‘A’ passes for every
Roshan – “Can’t you get these ‘A’s without getting that burning sensation ,pills or the way you
answer the questions?”
Chameera laughed when he heard what Roshan said.
Chameera – So gastritis is not caused purposely by me.
Roshan – “yes it is purposely caused. Shall I show you how to get “A” passes without getting
gastritis for this exam? Chameera..You have converted the exam in to an unrest. It is
called stress. You do not get a help from stress for the exam. Keep it in your mind.
And prepare for the exam without getting stressed.”
Chameera – “I can’t understand how to do it”
Roshan – “While you are taking the maximum effort for the exam think like this.”
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
I am preparing for the exam very well. I will accept any result that I get though I’ll
become unrest or not .And ask the question form yourself. Do all the successful
people had “A” passes from the exam?”
But take the maximum effort for the examination.
Next you do like this. Allocate a time to relax while studying. Read a story book
during that time……watch TV …Walk outside…Play a game….sing a song…plant
a tree…or meditate
But take the maximum effort for the examination.
Chameera–“I feel a great relaxation when I listened to you. Do you act like this?”
Roshan – Oh, yes. Not only the exam, there will be so many problems arise in the life. But
stress cannot conquer my mind.”
Chameera – “A speech of a person with a good personality”
Annexe 9.2.4
Hithanawatawadasonduruvinodabaralokekaapaijeewath wane…
Sung by : C. T. Fernando
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Competency 10 : Leads a happy life facing the obstacles in day to day life
Competency Level10.1 : Faces the challenges successfully while acting with sexuality in
a responsible manner.
No of periods : 04
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Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
• Providing love an affection to the wife.
• Providing necessary food and beverages
• Providing necessary protection to the wife
• Taking the wife to the clinics
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Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Competency Level 10.2 : Faces the social challenges with confidence by identifying them
No of periods : 04
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Step 02 • Divide the students into three groups provide a topic to each group
and give the opportunity to gather following information.
• Explaining the group of food
• Types of food belong to that group
• Disadvantages of using them.
• Provide feed forward and feed back while engaging in the
• Give the opportunity to present their findings.
• Engage in a review based on annexe 10.2.1.
Step 03 • Ask the students about the common diseases in the society at
• Point out the following as the factors that affect on causing
• uncleanliness of the living environment.
• Action of visible organisms and invisible organisms.
• Incorrect life style
• Industrial influence
• Mental stress
• Sexual misbehaviors
• Show that diseases can be classified as communicable and non
communicable diseases.
• Point out that communicable diseases are the diseases caused to
an another person by entering the germs released from an
infected person.
• Agents of communicable diseases spread by various methods
• By air By water, By food, By animals, By contact, By sexual
• Lead a discussion based on the annexe 10.2.2 by pointing out
following diseases as examples for communicable diseases
• Dengue, Malaria, Tuberculosis, Filaria, Cholera , Dysentery
• HIV/ AIDS, Gonorrhoea, Herpes, Sexual warts can be metioned
as sexual transmitted diseases
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Step 06 • Inquire the ideas of the students about the various races
living in Sri Lanka and their religions. If not exhibit the
pictures of various races and obtain the details of their races
and the religion.
• People of various races and religions live in Sri Lanka as well as
in other countries. their languages, believes, traditions are
different, They have their own cultures.
• Various problems arise when people of various races live in a
same country and the same society . Increase of this situation is
unavoidable within the social, economic and political
• Some people Being disrepute within the society due to the
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Annexe 10.2.1
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Annexe 10.2.2
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Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
• sleepless
• Controlling the high cholesterol
• server fatigue
• Suitable regular exercises
• Scratching the body
• Decrease the amount of self in
• difficulty in breathing
• eliminating less amount of urine.
• Minimizing the sugar
• minimizing the high caloric food
• minimizing the mental stress
• Drinking the drily necessary
amount of water.
• Engaging in fun games.
cancers • Long term cough or change in • Directing for a proper food
voice pattern
• unhealing wound • Active life style
• Sudden change or growth of knot, • Avoid from unfavorable habits
spot or wart in the body. like smoking, drinking alcohol,
• Lump or hardening of the breast keeping unsafely sexual
of somewhere else. relationships and chewing betel.
• Change in the patterns of • keep environment clean
defecation and urination or • All the females over voyeurs
passing blood with them' should do the self breast test at
• long term indigestion conditions least once a month
and difficulty in swelling • All the adult female should do
• thinning and losing weight of the self total test.
body without any other reason • Direct for medical tests if there is
a doubt about cancer
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Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Teacher's Guide – Grade 09 Health & Physical Education
Land slides
Landslide is a sliding down of a
massive amount of soil, trees, rocks
in a higher area to wards down
under gravitational force.
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