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Heron Dipperlog Nano Manual

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dipperLog and barLog

User manual

2031 James Street, Burlington ON, Canada, L7R 1H2 | Toll Free: (800) 331-2032
T: (905) 634-4449 • F: (905) 634-9657 • E: [email protected] W: www.heroninstruments.com
dipperLog Specifications
Transducer Piezoresistive Silicon 316 LSS
Ranges Min.35/ft. Max 400ft/120m
Accuracy (Typical) 0.05% net FS
Acuracy (Max. error) 0.01% net FS
Resolution 0.024% net FS
Temperature sensor IC Temp. Sensor
Temperature Accuracy +/- 0.5%
Temperature Resolution 0.0625 Deg. C
Transducer Temp. Comp. Range -20 Deg.C to +85 Deg.C
Temperature Response Time 10 Seconds
Battery Life 10 yrs (use dependant)
Clock Accuracy +/- 1 minute month
Operating Temperature -20Deg.C to +80 Deg.C
Communication USB, RS232
Variable Sampling Intervals Linear, R/T, Rapid R/T
(10 readings / sec.). Seconds,
minutes, Hours. 1sec to 255hrs
Log time. (increases readings by
By 1sec every reading 255 times)

Maximum Data Samples

Between Downloads 32000 sets date/time, static head
Of water and temperature
Memory Non – volatile eeprom
Barometric Compensation Semi automatic or fully automatic
When used with a barLog.
Dimensions 8.5in (215mm) x 0.75in (20mm)
Weight 246 grm
Wetted Material Electro Polished corrosion
resistant Stainless Steel and Delrin
Certifications FCC Emissions compliant
CE compliant EN 61326-1:2006
Electromagnetic Emissions and
Immunity IEC/EN 61010-1:2001

also available the dipperLog


2031 James Street, Burlington ON, Canada, L7R 1H2 • t: (905) 634-4449 • (800) 331-2032 • f: (905) 634-9657 • www.heroninstruments.com
Table of Contents

dipperLog specifications 02
Table of contents 03
Logger overview 04
dipperLog components 05
What you need to get started 05
Software installation 06
USB Readout driver installation 07
dipperLog to computer connection 07
Setting up the barLog to take readings 08
Downloading and saving dipperLog data 15
dipperLog depth ranges 19
Trouble shooting 19

2031 James Street, Burlington ON, Canada, L7R 1H2 • t: (905) 634-4449 • (800) 331-2032 • f: (905) 634-9657 • www.heroninstruments.com
dipperLog & barLog OVERVIEW
If a barLog is used on the job it will take barometric Some equipment that would be useful
readings every hour on the hour. This interval cannot during the installation:
be changed.
• Water level meter. (The Heron dipper-T is strongly
The barLog should preferably be set up and started recommended).
before the dipperLog. • 100ft or 30m measuring tape.
• 10ft or 3m carpenters steel tape.
Installation Kit for Well Head • Portable electric drill with a ¼ inch bit if installing
Readout Version dipperLog readout bracket in steel casing.
• Roll of electrical tape or 2 inch plastic cable ties.
Each dipperLog includes an installation Kit. The Kit
is simple to install and instructions are included. The dipperLog Program:

General Tips Load the dipperLog program. Follow instructions on

the screen.
Disconnect the readout cable from the well head readout
unit as soon as possible. This conserves battery power in The barLog
the dipperLog.
Keep dirt and moisture out of the wellhead readout unit If a barLog is being used on the site it is advisable to set
and always replace the protective cap firmly. up the barLog before the dipperLogs. The barLog must use
the same job number as all the dipperLogs on the jobsite.
Do not attempt to remove the filter unit from the bottom
of the transducer. Damage to the transducer may occur. Set up the barLog by following program steps.The barLog
will only recognize dipperLogs that share exactly the same
To remove dirt from the outside of the filter, lightly flush job number (well numbers may vary).
the end of the filter under running water.
Deploying The dipperLog
In freezing conditions, do not allow the transducer section
to freeze while water remains between the filter and the Set up dipperLog by following the program steps. The
transducer. Shake the dipperLog lightly to expel any water. dipperLog must not be in the groundwater at this stage.
Do not remove the filter.
OF THE dipperLog SYSTEM PLEASE READ THIS The point at which the dipperLog may be put into the
INSTALLATION GUIDE groundwater occurs at the setup screen.

To set up a dipperLog system the following information dipperLog Installation

will be required:
Measure the groundwater level in the well from the datum
• Datum point i.e. top of casing, ground level etc. point. (i.e. top of casing, ground level etc.)
• Depth to ground water below the datum point.
• Job number. Note this measurement.
• Well number.
• Optional. Logger start date and time. We recommend using a Heron dipper-T water level meter.
• Maximum height of water expected above the
dipperLog transducer. Decide the depth below groundwater level that you want
• Sampling interval. to set the dipperLog transducer. (monitoring level)

2031 James Street, Burlington ON, Canada, L7R 1H2 • t: (905) 634-4449 • (800) 331-2032 • f: (905) 634-9657 • www.heroninstruments.com
What You Need to Get Started
The Heron dipperLog system consists of five main components. It would be useful to familiarize yourself with names
given for each component to better follow the instructions given in this manual. Below is the main components labeled.

1. dipperLog data logger

2. Direct read well head

with mounting kit

3. Software with PC
communication cable

Long Term Monitoring

For long term monitoring it is recommended to use a

dipperLog barLog barometric data logger in conjunction
with a dipperLog well data logger. Since the Heron
dipperLog uses absolute pressure transducers, it is
necessary to compensate for barometric pressure
fluctuations over a period of time. The following is a check
list for the necessary equipment needed for a long term
monitoring project.

• 1 dipperLog (submersible or Direct Read)

• 1 barLog barometric Logger
• 1 Software and PC communication cable
• 1 Windows based PC with an available USB port

Short Term monitoring

For short term monitoring you can use the dipperLog

without a barLog. During the setup procedure the
dipperLog takes a one time barometric pressure reading
and subtracts it from subsequent pressure measurements.
This allows accurate, short term measurements of water
levels without the need to subtract barometric pressure.
The following is a check list for the necessary equipment
needed for a short term monitoring project.

• 1 dipperLog (submersible or direct read)

• 1 Software and PC communication cable
• 1 Windows based PC with an available USB port

Inspect the contents of your package to be sure you received what you ordered. Package contents will vary
depending on what was purchased.

2031 James Street, Burlington ON, Canada, L7R 1H2 • t: (905) 634-4449 • (800) 331-2032 • f: (905) 634-9657 • www.heroninstruments.com
Software Installation
The Heron dipperLog software is compatible with
Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, XP, 2000, VISTA, 7. 5. Double click on button “Install HERON Instruments”

Follow these steps to install the Heron dipperLog software.

1. Insert the provided software CD into the computer.

2. Or download from heroninstruments.com

6. Click on the “OK” button to begin the installation

7. Click on the button with the image of the computer

to continue.

3. Wait for the set-up screen to appear.

4. Double click on the text indicating the
type of operating system it has detected.

8. Click “Yes” on the message box.

9. Click “Continue” then click “OK” on the next

message box to complete installation.

2031 James Street, Burlington ON, Canada, L7R 1H2 • t: (905) 634-4449 • (800) 331-2032 • f: (905) 634-9657 • www.heroninstruments.com
USB Readout Driver installation
In order for the USB Readout cable to function properly, a software driver will need to be installed.
The software driver is located on the dipperLog software disc.


The driver software must be installed before the cable is connected to your computer.

To install the driver software follow these instructions.

1. Insert the dipperLog software disc into the CD 5. Click “OK” on the message box that appears.
drive, and close any windows that appear.
6. Connect the USB Readout cable to your computer.
2. Go to “My Computer” and right click on the CD
drive, then choose “explore”. 7. Allow Windows time to install additional files.

3. Open the folder “USB DRIVER”. 8. If start new hardware wizard appears, choose to
install from a specific location, and browse to the
4. Double click “USBDriverInstallerV2.0.0.exe”. folder named CDM 2.00.00 located on the
dipperLog software disc.

dipperLog to Computer connection

In order to successfully connect to a dipperLog, care must be taken in the connection order.

Recommended order for connecting Recommended order for disconnecting

to a dipperLog a dipperLog

1. Connect USB Readout cable to the computer. 1. Click either “EXIT” or “CHANGE LOGGER” button.

2. Connect the dipperLog to the readout cable. 2. If “EXIT” was chosen, then click “OK” then unplug
the readout cable from the dipperLog. Do not
3. Start the dipperLog software. disconnect the USB connector from the computer.

4. Click “Start beginner” or “Start advanced”. 3. If “CHANGE LOGGER” was chosen, then unplug
the readout cable from the dipperLog. Do not
disconnect the USB connector from the computer.

Failure to follow the above procedure,

may result in “LOGGER NOT FOUND”.

2031 James Street, Burlington ON, Canada, L7R 1H2 • t: (905) 634-4449 • (800) 331-2032 • f: (905) 634-9657 • www.heroninstruments.com
Start Screen:

1. Start the dipperLog Series II program.

You should see the start screen.

2. Connect the readout cable to your


3. Click “START BEGINNER”. The Main

screen should now appear.


All the information required by the boxes on the set

up screen must be entered before the logger can be

For initial set up, use the beginners screen. If you are
uncertain about any of the boxes, click on the adjacent
“?” and an explaination will appear.

It is strongly recommended that new users familiarize

themselves with the set up and functions of the loggers
before deploying them in the field.

Main Screen:

4. The program will search for the Logger, and

automatically connect and retrieve the
settings if any.

5. Click “OK” on the message box indicating

that the logger memory is cleared and it is
not on a mission.

6. Click “SETUP LOGGER” to enter the

barLog setup screen.

2031 James Street, Burlington ON, Canada, L7R 1H2 • t: (905) 634-4449 • (800) 331-2032 • f: (905) 634-9657 • www.heroninstruments.com

DATE & TIME Screen:

7. By default, the barLog will

synchronize it’s time with your PC’s
clock. The “Job Number” is the only
information needed to setup your
logger. Make sure the Job number is
only letters and/or numbers. The job
number is important because it links all
the well loggers that share the same job
number together and compensates them
automatically. The Job number must be the
same for the barLog and all well loggers.

8. Once you have entered the Job Number, click

“Load Info. Into Logger”, and click “Yes” on
the message box that appears.

2031 James Street, Burlington ON, Canada, L7R 1H2 • t: (905) 634-4449 • (800) 331-2032 • f: (905) 634-9657 • www.heroninstruments.com

9. Once you have loaded the information into

the barLog, click “Start Logger” and
answer “Yes” to the message to start the
logger. The barLog is now taking one
reading every hour. Click “Return to Main
Screen” to go back to the main screen.

10. The Main Screen will now be updated with

the barLog settings.

11. Click “CHANGE LOGGER” and disconnect

the readout cable from the barLog.

12. Connect the readout cable to the dipperLog

and click “FIND LOGGER”.

All dipperLogs using the same job number as the barLog will be automatically componsated during the
dipperLog data downloads.

2031 James Street, Burlington ON, Canada, L7R 1H2 • t: (905) 634-4449 • (800) 331-2032 • f: (905) 634-9657 • www.heroninstruments.com


13. Once the dipperLog is found, click

“OK” on the message box.

14. Click “SETUP LOGGER” to enter the dipperLog

setup screen. Make sure the well Logger is NOT
in the water at this point.

2031 James Street, Burlington ON, Canada, L7R 1H2 • t: (905) 634-4449 • (800) 331-2032 • f: (905) 634-9657 • www.heroninstruments.com


the dipperLog may be lowered into the water at this stage

15. As with the barLog, the dipperLogs

time will by default be synchronized
with the computer clock.

16. Enter the Job number. Make sure it’s the

same as the barLog Job number to ensure
it will be compensated.

17. Enter the Well number. It can be any letter

and/or number combination. It is used to
identify that particular well.

18. Enter the sampling interval and repetition

rate. These two settings tell the logger how
often to take a reading. For example if the
sampling interval is set to seconds and the Note:
repetition rate is set to 15, then the logger
will take and store a reading every 15 Ensure that the logger depth will not exceed
seconds. Keep in mind that the dipperLog the hydrostatic limit of the logger.
can store up to 32000 readings. Once
the memory is full it stops taking readings.
In the above example, the dipperLogs
memory will be full in about 133 hours. The
repetition rate can be set from 1 to 255.

19. Enter the Transducer Depth below Datum

Point. This number is the distance from the
datum ring engraved around the base of
the dipperLog to the Datum point. The
Datum point is the reference point that you
are taking your readings from. Some
examples of a Datum point are the top
of the well casing, or ground level.

20. Enter Location of Datum point. This is just

a text description of what your Datum point
is. For example Top Of Casing or TOC.

21. The delayed start date and time is optional.

It is only to be used if you want your
dipperLog to start at a certain date and
time in the future. You don’t need to enter
any information in this part.

2031 James Street, Burlington ON, Canada, L7R 1H2 • t: (905) 634-4449 • (800) 331-2032 • f: (905) 634-9657 • www.heroninstruments.com

22. Now load the information into the dipperLog

LOGGER”. Click “Yes” on the message box.

23. Click “START LOGGER” and click “Yes” on

the message box.


2031 James Street, Burlington ON, Canada, L7R 1H2 • t: (905) 634-4449 • (800) 331-2032 • f: (905) 634-9657 • www.heroninstruments.com

25. The main screen will now be updated

with the settings of the dipperLog.


Ensure that the logger is working, go to “memory

status” and check number of readings taken or go to
“real time readings” and get a reading of head of
water above transducer.

26. Click “EXIT”

27. Click “OK” and disconnect the readout cable

from your dipperLog. The program should
now close.

The dipperLog is now on a logging mission.

2031 James Street, Burlington ON, Canada, L7R 1H2 • t: (905) 634-4449 • (800) 331-2032 • f: (905) 634-9657 • www.heroninstruments.com
Downloading and saving
dipperLog data

Start Screen: barLog

1. Connect the readout cable to the

barLog and start the dipperLog
Series II program.

2. On the start screen click “BEGINNER”.

3. Once the Logger is found click

“DOWNLOAD DATA”. This will take
you to the download data screen.

2031 James Street, Burlington ON, Canada, L7R 1H2 • t: (905) 634-4449 • (800) 331-2032 • f: (905) 634-9657 • www.heroninstruments.com
Downloading and saving
dipperLog data continued

4. In the top left corner of the screen click “Start”

then “Download and Continue Mission”

5. Once the data is downloaded, click “Save”

then “Barometric Logger Data”

6. Once the Barometric data is saved, a brief

message appears to confirm.

7. Click “Close” to return to the main screen.

8. Click “CHANGE LOGGER” and disconnect

your readout cable from your Barometric

2031 James Street, Burlington ON, Canada, L7R 1H2 • t: (905) 634-4449 • (800) 331-2032 • f: (905) 634-9657 • www.heroninstruments.com
Downloading and saving
dipperLog data continued

9. Connect the readout cable to the dipperLog

and click “FIND LOGGER”

10. When the logger is found click “DOWNLOAD

DATA” to take you to the dipperLog download

11. Click “Start” then “Download and

Continue Mission”.

12. Once the data has been downloaded click

“Save” then “Well Logger Data”.

2031 James Street, Burlington ON, Canada, L7R 1H2 • t: (905) 634-4449 • (800) 331-2032 • f: (905) 634-9657 • www.heroninstruments.com
Downloading and saving
dipperLog data continued

13. A brief message will appear to confirm

the save.

14. Click “Close” to return to the main screen.

15. Click “EXIT” then “OK”. Now disconnect

your dipperLog and the Program should close.

16. By default your data will be saved in your

computer on the C: drive>Program
files>Dipper-Log Series II folder.

2031 James Street, Burlington ON, Canada, L7R 1H2 • t: (905) 634-4449 • (800) 331-2032 • f: (905) 634-9657 • www.heroninstruments.com
dipperLog Depth Ranges Trouble shooting
Logger not found / communication problem detected.
dipperLog type. Max. ht water column. 1. Com. port selected not correct.
A Barometric (barLog) Choose auto com search.
Check computer device manager to determine correct com.port.
B 30ft 10m Or:
2. USB drivers not installed for USB cable or incorrect drivers
C 100ft 30m installed.
D 200ft 60m Install correct USB drivers found on dipperLog program CD.
E 400ft 120m 3. USB cable not installed in correct sequence.
All dipperlogs have a typical accuracy of +/- 0.05% FS Re-connect USB readout cable as follows.
All dipperLogs have a resolution of +/- 0.024% FS First. USB connector to computer.
Next. Connect logger to readout cable.
The serial numbers of individual loggers is laser etched on the Or:
logger body. 4. Readout cable connected to the computer after the program has
When the dipperLog is connected to the computer and been started.
communication is established, the type prefix and the serial number Remedy.
together with the maximum allowable head of water is displayed on Exit program. Connect USB readout cable to computer as 3 above.
the screen. Re start program.
The maximum head of water should not be exceeded.If the value 5. Inspect all cables and connections.
is exceeded the data sets on the download screen will be flagged Check for moisture, corrosion or breakages.
“maximum pressure exceeded “ 6. battery may be low. See next paragraph.

The dipperLog should then be tested against a known head of dipperLog has stopped taking readings.
If the correlation between the observed height of the water column 1. Memory is full.
from the datum ring around the base of the logger is unacceptable Remedy.
return to the main page, click on Recalibrate Logger and follow the Check memory status.
steps. If full, download and restart logger.
If the recalibration fails, the logger will automatically recognize a 2. Logger battery may be low.
faulty procedure and return the unit to the initial factory calibration. Remedy.
Check battery status.
The initial calibration is done in the units, either feet or meters If low, contact Heron Instruments.
specified by the customer. 3. Physical damage.
These units cannot be changed in the dipperLog. Check for moisture in connections and loose or broken fittings.
The units can be changed on the Download screen.
Download the data and then click on Change Units at top Unable to download / save data.
of the screen.
Data file has been removed or deleted.
Go into Data Management section of the software.
Go to Logger Management tab.
Select logger from Logger List and delete logger.
Exit program.
Restart program.
Download data and save.
If the above does not provide a solution, contact Heron at
[email protected]

2031 James Street, Burlington ON, Canada, L7R 1H2 • t: (905) 634-4449 • (800) 331-2032 • f: (905) 634-9657 • www.heroninstruments.com
2031 James Street, Burlington ON, Canada, L7R 1H2 • t: (905) 634-4449 • (800) 331-2032 • f: (905) 634-9657 • www.heroninstruments.com
When the program is asked to graph the data it checks for Data can also be saved as a CSV file and exported
the maximum head of water in the accumulated data. to EXCEL as follows.
The progam then divides that maximum figure into ten equal
sections and enters the values on the vertical (ht or depth of Fist method.
water) scale.
This scale will vary from situation to situation. 1. Go to data management or FILES as above.
The screen will not scale to less than 1m.(10cm intervals)
2. Click on explore logger data.
The date/time interval scale will always fill the horizontal scale
whether two or 32000 readings are graphed, but the graph will 3. Select logger from the left hand list and 2xclick on.
only plot 100 points.
That means that if you download 32000 data sets each point on the 4. Check box under name
graph will be the average value of 320 data sets.
Not all time date readings are displayed on the screen for reasons 5. Click on save as CSV file.
of space.
We call it a trend graph for the above reasons. 6. Give file a name and save location.

The graphing features can be enhanced in the data management

section as follows.
Second method.
This method can be used to export to EXCEL during
1. Click on FILES on the front page or select data managment
logger download.
on the main screen.
2. Click on plot trend chart tab.
1. Download data.
3. 2xclick on the required logger in the logger list.
4. 2xclick well logger data in data table list.
2. Choose save.
5. Check box beside first record.
6. 2xclick in box on left of date column on number
3. Select well logger data as...
of record table for first data point.
7. Check box beside last record.
4. In Save as window change, save as type to CSV file.
8. 2xclick in box on left of date column on number of
record table for last data point.
9. Select chart type (depth of water from datum or ht of
water above datum).
10. Select create chart.

Unable to Save and/or

Download data:
1. Disconnect dipperLog from computer. 5. Double click on the logger ID # that you
are unable to download or save from
2. This will return to “Main Screen“ the file list.

3. From “Main Screen“click on“ data 6. Click “delete logger and alldata”.
management“ or from Start Screen
click “files“. 7. Return to “Main Screen” then “Exit“

4. Click on Logger(s) Management. 8. Restart the dipperLog series II software

and download relevant logger data.

2031 James Street, Burlington ON, Canada, L7R 1H2 • t: (905) 634-4449 • (800) 331-2032 • f: (905) 634-9657 • www.heroninstruments.com

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