The Effect of Caffeine On VO2Max Athletes Ability

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The Effect of Caffeine on VO2Max Athletes Ability

Article  in  International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) · May 2018


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3 authors, including:

Arimbi Mb
Universitas Negeri Makassar


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International Journal of Sciences:
Basic and Applied Research
ISSN 2307-4531
(Print & Online)

The Effect of Caffeine on VO2Max Athletes Ability

Arifuddin Usmana, Arimbib*, Muriyatic

Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
High School of Health Sciences Panrita Husada Bulukumba, Indonesi
Email: [email protected]


Caffeine active ingredients have a physiological effect of restraining the body's ability to increase blood flow to
the heart during of exercise, it will be beneficial to saving the use of oxygen. This study aim to provide
information on the utilization of natural food from caffeine in coffee as a supplement to support the performance
of athletes is much better and safer for the body than the use of chemical drugs or doping, then in this study will
see how the influence of coffee caffeine prior to the ability of VO2max athlete. This study showed that there is
an average difference in the ability of VO2max before with after caffeine, in athletes or in other words, there
influence effect of caffeine on the ability of vo2max athletes.

Keywords: Caffeine; Vo2max; Athlete.

1. Introduction

Caffeine is often used as a stimulant during heavy activity because it can improve endurance exercise
performance [1]. Coffee containing coffee is considered to be a safe alternative drink for athletes, some
research suggests that coffee does not have a negative effect if consumed by athletes [2, 3]. Biochemical
mechanisms showed involving protein such as dopamine, it has a role as stimulat in the central nervous system
[4]. The main role of caffeine in the body is to improve psychomotor work so that the body is maintained and
gives physiological effects of energy enhancement. The effect is usually only seen 1 - 2 hours later after
consuming coffee.

* Corresponding author.

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2017) Volume 35, No 3, pp 259-261

All this happens because the caffeine in coffee restrain the body's ability to increase blood flow to the heart
during exercise, it will be beneficial in saving the use of oxygen because at the time of exercise, blood flow to
the heart is definitely increased, because the body needs more oxygen and nutrient intake [5] (Desintya Dewi,
2012). Caffeine affects brain function and adenosine receptor is the main target [6,7].

2. Material and Methods

Type of study used was pre-experimental design, population was badminton athletes in Makassar and sample
size used in this study were 25 participants. VO2max athlete measured using Bleep Test and data was analyzed
using Paired-T Test and represented in the form of table that display mean, mean differences and probability

3. Result

Based on the table showed that the average ability of VO2max with caffeine athletes is 44.85 ml / kg / min. is
higher than the average ability of VO2max prior to caffeine in athletes 41.02 ml / kg / min. The result of the
analysis used T-Pair test with significance level (α = 0,05) showed significance difference VO2max athlete
between before and after caffeine comsumption,that is 3.83 (p=0.001, p<0.05).

Table 1: Influence of Caffeine on VO2max Athlete Ability

VO2max Pulmonary Vital capacity Mean Difference P*

Mean (Standard Deviation)

Before caffeine Comsumption 41.02(5.89)

After caffeine Comsumption 44.85 (5.96) 3.83 0.001

*Paired T-Test

4. Discussion

Caffeine is known as a stimulant in the production of energy in the body of either short-duration sports or
durable shelf, these athletes consume caffeine as an energy producer to pump up their performance during
practice. Caffeine is very useful in training and improving athlete performance through increased endurance and
eases muscle fatigue and pain. Caffeine is also a powerful antioxidant, stronger than vitamin C [5].There is no
evidence to suggest that consume caffeine before exercising causes dehydration, ion imbalance, gastric
irritation, and other side effects. Caffeine tolerance does not seem to affect the ergogenic benefits of either long-
term caffeine users or non-caffeine users responding to caffeine intake in the same way and intensity.The
mechanism of action of caffeine in the body is to rival the function of adenosine (one of the compounds that in
brain cells can make people fast asleep). Where caffeine does not slow the movement of body cells, but caffeine
will reverse all the work of adenosine so that the body is no longer drowsy, but appears feeling fresh, slightly

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2017) Volume 35, No 3, pp 259-261

excited, eyes wide open, heart beat faster, blood pressure rises, muscles contract and The liver will release the
sugar into the bloodstream which will form the extra energy. Increased durability in the sample was due to the
presence of coffee by the sample-weighted dose in which the results increased the average VO2max capability
by 3.83 ml / kg / min, the original VO2max measured an average of 41.02 ml / kg / min, to 44.85 Ml / kg / min.
This is in accordance with previous studies [8] which states that in a test of the effects of caffeine, subjects were
asked to ride high-speed cycles to exhaustion. As a result, caffeine increased endurance by more than 17%, the
original travel time of 14.9 minutes to 17.5 minutes and increased muscle activity by 20% in subjects consuming
caffeine, and endurance increased by more than 30%, from 13.5 Minutes to 17 minutes. Although the results of
the research are so diverse, it is clear that caffeine is capable of enhancing higher endurance in short duration
short duration exercise. Caffeine is absorbed by the body quickly because caffeine in the coffee is present in the
form of potassium chlorogenate and chlorogenic acid, this bond will be released in the presence of hot water.
The duration of caffeine work as a sports supplement depends on the dose, the higher the amount of caffeine
athlete intake, the maximum concentration of caffeine in the blood will be longer.

5. Conclusions

It can be concluded that there is an average difference in the ability of VO2max before with after caffeine in the
athlete or in other words there is an effect of caffeine on the ability of VO2max athlete.


The authors would like to thank the whole family and colleagues for helping to carry out this research.


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