Oxford Aviation Yash Air TR

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atwick • London Heathrow • Manchester • Oslo

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get ahead of the

boeing 737 & airbus 320
self sponsored training

CPL / IR refresher &

type rating training program
for holders of Indian CPL & ME IR

skills for flight

enhance your skills for airline
Refresher & type rating training program for holders of Indian CPL & ME IR (CPL / IR)

The airline employment market is finally opening This is where we come in …

up in India, after a lengthy period of over supply.
A type rating at OAA instantly gives you the edge
There is currently a mass of CPL / IR holders all over other applicants.
desperate to be given the chance to start their
careers. However, it is widely recognised that Benefit from our 45 year history of training pilots
only a small proportion of these 4,000 to 5,000 for some of the world’s largest and most successful
CPL / IR holders will manage to accomplish their airlines.
dream of flying a jet especially in the short /
medium term. Our program will take you from your CPL / IR –
regardless of where you obtained it – into a
Given the supply and demand dynamic, it comprehensive, bespoke entry level OAA type
is inevitable that airlines are now favouring rating program in Europe.
candidates that have already obtained an initial
type rating over those that can only offer a CPL Take your time deciding where you obtain your
/ IR licence. type rating … the selection of your training school
could be the difference between becoming an
However, given the commoditised nature of this airline pilot or finding another career.
highly competitive supply pool, a candidate’s
CV, training pedigree and ability will be the key
drivers of success.

welcome to Oxford Aviation Academy 4

welcome to Yash Air 5

objectives 6

course programme overview 7

student prerequisites 8

approvals 8

OAA type rating refresher promise 8

program detail 9

type rating training - ground training 10

ground course footprint 11

type rating training - simulator training 12

full flight simulator footprint 13

grading 14

certificates 14

equipment 16

why enrol onto the program? 17

facilities & accommodation 18

price and application 18

welcome to Oxford Aviation Academy
Oxford Aviation Academy (OAA) is one of the
world’s leading providers of aviation training,
personnel solutions and technical support

We offer professional pilot training from ab

initio through to type rating, as well providing
flight crew on contract lease to airlines around
the world. The scope, range and breadth of
OAA’s services represents more than 150
years of combined experience in the industry.

We offer Type Rating training on a range of

commercial aircraft types including B737,
B757, B767, A320, A330, A340, E-Jet 170/190
and many others.

We employ the highest standard of instructors

together with state of the art courseware and
training devices, including over 40 Full Flight
Simulators. Most of our instructors are active
airline pilots.

Type Rating Training is offered at our training

centres in Europe and Asia located at airport
convenient sites at London Gatwick, London
Heathrow, Manchester, Stockholm, Oslo,
Copenhagen and Hong Kong.

Per de la Motte,
Director of Training

4 skills for flight

welcome to Yash Air
Yash Air is one of India’s largest and the most well established ab initio flight schools.
It is based at Ujjain, near Indore, where it has its own ground and flight training
facilities. The main Ujjain base is supported by airfield operations at Ratlam (Madhya
Pradesh) and Juhu (Mumbai). Yash Air conducts all training from start to finish without
outsourcing any element to third parties. It strictly follows an on-time, high quality
training philosophy which includes constant monitoring of each cadet’s progress.

At Ujjain, the school has its multi-media training classrooms, flight simulators as well
as a canteen, lounge, conference hall, gymnasium, basketball, multi-media library
and lawn tennis courts.

The academy has a diverse mix of highly experienced instructors from the Indian Air
Force and from civil aviation who focus on achieving the highest levels in training
quality. Yash Air has an excellent cadet employment record with alumni securing jobs
at both domestic and international airlines.

Dr Capt Yashraj Tongia

Chief Flight Instructor

5 skills for flight

The key objective of this OAA and Yash Air program is The type rating program is challenging for any pilot,
to provide CPL / IR licence holders in India with a cost especially a low experienced applicant. As such, in
effective, high quality training solution to gain CPL addition to the CPL / IR refresher course, OAA will
/ IR refresher training in India at Yash Air followed by provide students with a OAA Type Rating Preparation
a comprehensive entry level type rating program in package to ensure students hit the ground running once
Europe at OAA on either the A320 or the B737NG. the type rating training starts.

Once the refresher has been completed, the student

can apply for a NOC from the DGCA and commence
the type rating program. The type rating program will
be conducted by OAA to JAR-FCL standards and once
complete, will require validation by the Indian DGCA.

Program objectives
Provide a basic refresher before enrolling onto the comprehensive type rating program

Operate aircraft within prescribed limitations

Complete all manoeuvres smoothly and accurately

Exercise good airmanship and crew resource management

Maintain control of the aircraft at all times in such a manner that the successful outcome of a procedure
or manoeuvre is never in doubt

Understand and apply standard operating procedures and crew coordination

6 skills for flight

course program overview
1. CPL / IR refresher Additional Computer Based Training programs
• Cold Weather Winter Operations (CDWX)
Conducted by Yash Air in India • Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT)
Total expected program duration 1 week • High Altitude Training
5 hours training on single / multi engine aircraft • Jet Upset Training
5 hours of simulator based instrument flying • Low Visibility CAT II / CAT III Operations
training • Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM)
30 hours of ground training • TCAS/ACAS
• Wind Shear
• Contaminated Runway Operations
2. Type Rating Prep Package • FANS
Self study Computer Based Training (CBT) for the • GPS
B737NG or the A320 • North Atlantic Operations
The OAA CBT covers the Aeroplane systems. It • Polar Operations
complies with the requirements of theoretical • Precision Runway Monitoring
knowledge instruction mentioned in AMC FCL 1.261(a) • Dangerous Goods
and covers system descriptions and operational
procedures. The CBT course contains approximately 3. Comprehensive, entry level
40 hours of instruction and the student is provided B737NG or A320 Type Rating
with 12 months access to the material.
Conducted by OAA in either Stockholm or
OAA electronic Type Rating Workbook Copenhagen
This includes technical questions to prepare for the Total program duration approx. 5-6 weeks
technical exam. Multi Crew Cooperation (MCC) theory offered, if
required, at no additional cost (4 days)
6.5 days self study CBT at OAA
5.5 days classroom tuition
4 sessions Other Training Device (OTD) sessions
10 sessions Full Flight Simulator (FFS) training
1 session FFS for Check / Skill Test
1 session for LVO training

Completion of the type rating syllabus ensures

compliance with JAR-FCL 1. The student will then
ensure that the rating is converted / validated by the
Indian DGCA.

Training exercises determined with reference to

learning objectives and requirements in the JAR-FCL
1.240, Appendix 1 and 2 to JAR-FCL1.240 & 1.295,
IEM-FCL 1.240(b)(1) & 1.262(c)(2) and AMCFCL

7 skills for flight

student pre-requisites
The OAA type rating program is comprehensive and challenging - all students must meet the following entry

English language skills of minimum ICAO level 4

CPL and Multi-Engine IR

Ability to read and use Jeppesen charts

Ability to conduct taxi, take-off, departure, approach and landing briefings

In depth knowledge of procedures stated in ICAO DOC 8168

All applicants cannot be guaranteed a place and OAA reserve the right to reject any applicant. Each applicant
will be assessed and screened by OAA’s self sponsored training team. We will not enrol a student we believe
will not successfully complete the program.

Each applicant will be responsible for applying to the Indian regulatory authority (DGCA) and obtaining the
necessary documentation (NOC), prior to commencing the type rating. After completing the type rating,
the student will be responsible for ensuring that the DGCA grants the necessary approval, conversion or
validation of their rating.

OAA and Yash Air will of course assist students throughout this process but full responsibility of the approval
process lies with the applicant.

OAA type rating refresher promise

Any student that has successfully completed the OAA type rating program but fails to secure airline
employment within 12 months of completing the program will be offered 2 simulator sessions free of
charge by OAA for a type rating refresher. Travel, accommodation and OAA instructor costs are excluded.

8 skills for flight

program detail
1. CPL / IR refresher
The refresher will prepare the cadet for a demanding type rating program. It seeks to ensure there
will be a smooth progression from light training aircraft into the cockpit of a jet engine aircraft.

Ground Training
30 hours of classroom based training focusing on instrument flying and procedures, Jeppesen chart
reading, performance, etc. Training will be provided by highly experienced ground instructors as well
as multi media training software.

Simulator Training
5 hours on an ATC 820M simulator training a number of multi-engine emergencies and instrument

Flying Training
5 hours flight training, Cessna 172 and P68.

9 skills for flight

2. type rating training - ground training

The Ground Training consists of the following course elements:

Technical training It comprises explanation of tables and charts used

Conducted through Web Based Training (CBT). for performance calculations as well as exercises. The
Covers the Aeroplane systems. It complies with the duration of this element is 1½ days.
requirements of theoretical knowledge instruction
stated in AMC FCL 1.261(a) and covers systems’ Standard operating procedures (SOP)
description and description of operational procedures. In preparation for the practical training, Airbus or
The CBT course contains approximately 40 hours of Boeing SOPs are explained. The duration of this
instruction; duration 8 days. element is 1 day.

An instructor is available for support during all CBT Theory examination

lessons. A Flight Deck Systems Trainer (FDST) is This is a supervised, closed book, written test
available for familiarisation with the cockpit layout containing 100 multiple-choice questions, covering
and the locations of the controls and indicators. all main subjects in the syllabus. The pass mark is
75% in each of the main subjects. The duration of the
In addition to the FDST, the trainees will also have examination is 3 hours.
access to an FMGS training software available on OAA
controlled training tools. There will be 3 designated OTD (Other Training Device) training
instructor lead review sessions slotted between the This is used to familiarise the trainee with the controls
CBT sessions. and indicators in the simulated cockpit and acquire
the necessary understanding and skill to enter the
The web based course offers a comprehensive flight simulator training. As this training is done in a
instructor led introduction, review and knowledge simulated cockpit environment, it allows exercising
assessment during the first day at the OAA training multi-crew aspects in all phases and circumstances.
centre. Duration of this element is 3 sessions of 4 hours
each. There may be additional sessions scheduled
Performance, mass & balance depending on the customer’s requirements.
The performance course is the part of the theoretical
knowledge instruction, which is covered by means of Total duration - ground training: 15 days.
classroom instruction.

10 skills for flight

ground course footprint
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Welcome: CBT Study: CBT Study: Review Session CBT Study:

Course Aircraft Systems Aircraft Systems - Questions and Aircraft Systems

introduction answers.
*Time: 8 hrs *Time: 8 hrs *Time: 8 hrs
*Time: 2 hrs - Trainee
*Time: 4 hrs

CBT Study:
CBT Study:
Aircraft Systems Aircraft Systems
*Time: 6 hrs *Time: 4 hrs

Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10

Review Session: CBT Study: Review Session: Technical Test: Performance:

-Questions and Aircraft Systems -Questions and Test Classroom Tuition

answers. answers.
*Time: 8 hrs *Time: 2½ hrs *Time: 5 hrs
-Student know- -Student know-
ledge assessment. ledge assessment.
Review after test
*Time: 4 hrs *Time: 4 hrs
*Time: 30 min.
CBT Study:
CBT Study: Mass & Balance Mass & Balance /
Aircraft Systems Performance Test
Aircraft Systems Classroom Tuition
*Time: 4 hrs Test
*Time: 4 hrs *Time: 3 hrs
*Time: 3 hrs

Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15

SOP OTD 1 OTD 2 Classroom OTD 3

tuition ELT 1
Classroom tuition -Systems Normal
familiarization procedures Procedures Practice
-Normal -Cockpit and profiles -Cockpit Setup
procedures familiarization Abnormal -CDU pre-flight
-Normal checklist -Checklist/SOP procedures set-up
-Abnormal familiarization -SOP areas of
*Time: 4 hrs OTD
checklist responsibility
*Time: 4 hrs OTD
*Time: 8 hrs

* All estimated times are approximate. - A. Instructor-led activities and OTD sessions may be rearranged for schedul-
ing reasons. Course may be longer than optimum schedule shown. - B. Days are working days, Monday to Friday, 8 hrs
including lunch break. - C. Course disposition option 2 is recommended for; “Pilots without previous type rating on a
JAR/FAR 25 certified multi-pilot, multi turbine engine airplane”.

11 skills for flight

2. type rating training - simulator training
Access to the Full Flight Simulator portion of training is provided upon successful completion of ground
training. It comprises:

Flight simulator training

Covers all procedures and manoeuvres and is completed in a fully dynamic flight environment. The duration
is 11 sessions FFS and 1 session OTD, of 4 hours each. In preparation of each session a 1½ hour briefing will be
conducted. At the end of each session, a de-briefing is conducted, including a session review and a preparation
for the next session.

Licensing skill test

OAA will provide the examiner with the trainee’s records folder, the completed application form and a skill test
form for each candidate. The type rating application to the Civil Aviation Authority needs to be completed by
each trainee.

Low visibility procedures training

3 hours of CBT and one 4-hour simulator training session. The CBT explains the regulations and use of
equipment and procedures. The flight simulator training covers take-off and landing operations down to the
certified minimum visibility limits.

12 skills for flight

full flight simulator footprint
Synthetic Flight Training part of Type Rating Training
Phase of
P1 P2 P3 P4

Training S1 IFR S2 S3 S4 C1 ELT2 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 LVO AC

Session M M M *


* Optional item.

Our recommendation is to include enough time in between the training sessions for study and rest to excel in the
Type Rating programme, this is especially important when training low experienced pilots.

S refers to FFS (Full Flight Simulator) FSTD 1A. LVO refers to Low Visibility Qualification training
IFR refers to Instrument Flying Training A/C refers to Aircraft Training (not required when
C refers to OTD. conducting Zero Flight Time Training).
ELT refers to Entry Level Training
M refers to Mission session. Mission sessions may be changed for LOFT sessions.

13 skills for flight

The trainee’s folder is issued at the start of the training and will be used to record classroom attendance and
report progress during the practical training. OTD session 2/FFS session 1 serves as the entry requirement
to the next phase of full flight simulator training. The instructor will assess the trainee’s progress at the end
of this session and upon satisfactory evaluation, the trainee will be released to the next phase of training. If
progress appears insufficient, the instructor will propose remedial training at this time. Upon completion of
this training, a copy of the completed training folder will be sent to the customer’s Chief Pilot or other point
of contact as desired.

A certificate of completion can be issued by OAA for completion of any part of the type rating course. This
will certify that the subject part of the training has been completed in compliance with the approved syllabus.
This is separate from the certificate that states “successful completion” which has to be in accordance with
JAR-FCL and issued upon completion of a formal examination or test.

“Implementing new techniques and training

aids, seeing the results in better trained
pilots, and receiving positive feedback from
the airlines is very fulfilling.”
Gunnar Ekegård, Senior Advisor Boeing 737

14 skills for flight

15 skills for flight
OAA Yash Air

CBT (Computer Based Training) Aircraft fleet

CBT can be delivered via the Internet or other Operates a fleet of 15 single engine and multi-engine
means (i.e. USB) and accessed via a workspace for aircraft comprising Cessna 152s, Cessna 172s and
self-study in OAA’s facilities. Alternatively with the Partenavia 68 (all equipped with GPS and instrument
use of a personal laptop, the students can access landing aids).
the CBT by choosing another location where the
Internet is available. The workspace consists of a Airfield
normal desktop of 0,90m x 1,80m. The airfields in Ujjain and Ratlam are located
Headphones are used for audio. approximately 40 miles away from each other in
Madhya Pradesh state. Both are within an hour’s
Classrooms drive from the commercial capital of the state,
Classroom instruction is performed in a classroom Indore. The weather in Indore is conducive to flying
fully equipped with audio-visual aids. training. It enjoys favourable climatic conditions for
over 300 days per annum. Both airfields are
Cockpit devices (FDSTs) and pictures operated exclusively by Yash Air.
As part of the course facilities, students also have
access to FDSTs for cockpit familiarisation and
checklist rehearsals. The visual display of pictures
arranged similarly to a cockpit layout assist trainees
to better visualize the location of system controls
and indicators and also the flow of checklists.

OTD (Other Training Device)

The OTD serves as an additional hi-tech flight
training device with full touch screen functions for
all cockpit controls and indications and serves to
assist with the student’s operational understanding
of cockpit systems, ECAM and EFIS displays and
FMGS programming. It will also be used to assist
the training phase involving malfunctions. The OTD
sessions ensure that the students are ready to move
on to the Full Flight Simulator.

Flight simulator
Fixed Base as well as Flight Simulator training is
conducted on one of OAA’s A320 level D or B737
NG qualified Full Flight Simulators.

16 skills for flight

why enrol onto the program?
Differentiate yourself in a highly competitive job market by obtaining a
type rating at one of the most well known and widely respected names in
aviation training

We believe that you will not find a more comprehensive and competitive self sponsored training program
on the market today:

1. Cost effective total program price of US$27,950

2. Custom-designed program that provides a key learning bridge for Indian CPL / IR holders to successfully
complete a comprehensive type rating program

3. Self sponsored training experience you can rely on - more than 1000 EU self sponsored applicants have been
successfully trained

4. Significantly enhanced career prospects

OAA type rating conducted to JAR-FCL standards on your CV

The program also registers the student onto the OAA and Yash Air database and both organisations
will assist student employment through their own respective student placement schemes where

Access to OAA “Fast Track” programs, supplying type rated pilots to airlines all over the world

Opportunity to be engaged by OAA / Parc Aviation at a later date opening up global employment

OAA promise of free simulator sessions for type rating refresher if required

Extensive type rating CBT with 12 months access to prepare for airline theoretical knowledge

17 skills for flight

facilities & accommodation
flight school amenities
At Ujjain, Yash Air has a canteen, student lounge, conference hall, gymnasium, basketball and lawn tennis courts.
Details can be found at www.yashair.com.

OAA Stockholm and Copenhagen training centres are both modern training facilities located in their respective airport
vicinities. Details on the facilities can be found at www.oaa.com/pages/about_us/locations/stockholm.php or www.

Yash Air has a 64 bedroom accommodation block for students approximately 1km from the Ujjain airfield, which can
be made available to students at very competitive rates if required.

OAA can help arrange low cost accommodation to students whilst conducting the type rating program in Copenhagen
or Stockholm.

price & application

price application
price of the integrated program – US$27,950 To apply to enrol on this program, all applicants
should complete the application form at:
This price includes: www.oaa.com/India
1. CPL / IR refresher at Yash Air
2. OAA type rating rep package If you have any questions about the program you
2. OAA type rating program at OAA should contact Stefan Jonsson:
4. OAA type rating refresher promise - 2 FFS sessions [email protected].
5. All sales taxes
The price is exclusive of accommodation and travel costs.

18 skills for flight

[email protected]

19 skills for flight

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