Lavanya Akka Original
Lavanya Akka Original
Lavanya Akka Original
Chapter-5 : Conclusion
Chapter-6 : Bibliography
In a special way we are in debated to our lecturer Ms.A.Jyothi for being the
source of inspiration and encouragement to us in every step and also for helping
us in every aspect of this project. We also extended our heart full thanks to Mrs.
Dr. K. L Saraswathi Devi, M.phil head of the department and the members of
the department of Mathematics.
Aim and
To study the importance of maths in Trigonometry applications .
To know how mathematics play an important role in Trigonometric
applications .
In this project we described how different types of mathematic method were
used in Trigonometry applications such as navigation, astronomy, criminal
justice, architecture.
Mathematics is the science that deals with the logic of shape, quantity and
arrangement. Math is all around us, in everything we do. It is the building block
for everything in our daily lives, including mobile devices, architecture, art,
money, engineering and even in sports.
Global Connections:-
Use of mathematics to model situations or events in the
world. Explanations of how the complexity and interrelatedness of situations or
events in the world are reflected in the model to make and defend a decision
and a decision or conclusion supported by the mathematics within the context
of a global communication.
Problem solving:-
The application of appropriate strategies to solve problems. The use
of appropriate mathematical tools, procedures and representations to solve the
problem .the review and proof of a correct and responsible mathematical
solution given the context.
The development, explanation and justification of mathematical
arguments , including concepts and procedures used. Coherently and clear
communication using correct mathematical language and visual representations
. The expression of mathematical ideas using the symbols and conversions of
This branch divides into two sub branches called plane trigonometry
and spherical trigonometry. Trigonometry, in general, is about the trigonometric
formulas, Trigonometric functions, and rations, right angled triangles etc.
Trigonometry is used in navigating directions, it estimates in what
direction to place the compass to get a straight direction. With the help
of a compass and trigonometric functions in navigation, it will help to
pin point a location and also to find distance as well as to see the
horizon. It is also used to find the distance of the shore from a point in
the sea.
Trigonometry was developed for use in sailing as a navigation
method used with astronomy. The origins of trigonometry can be traced
to the civilizations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and India more than
4000 years ago.
Trigonometry is used in navigation in order to pin poinjt a
location. Usuallly this is done by means of three different co-ordinates.
One example of trigonometry in navigation is the sextant. A sextant is a
navigational instrument containing a graduated ro-degrees are used for
measuring altitudes to determine altitude and longitude.
Trigonometry in navigation:
Navigation is the process to accurately determine one’s position
and planning a route for the movement of a craft or vehicle from one
place to another navigation also refers to the specialized knowledge
used by navigators to perform navigational tasks. Navigational
techniques involove locating positions compared to known locations
and patterns as well as determing the distance between places.
Modern navigation rely on satellites to determine positions and to
travel by sea and by air. Trigonometry is fundamental to navigation
Trigonometry is used extensively in calculations referring to ceartesian
co-ordinates. Cartesian co-ordinates are used to represent north, south,
East and wast directions. Through the use of trigonometry the distance
b/w objects, the required direction and a vessel’s or aircraft’s bearings
can be calculated.
Compasses and direction:
A compass is a navigational instrument that shows four direction
points. These points are North, South, East and West. A compass rose,
showing these directions is drawn on the compass with ‘n’ signifying
North. Compasses are essential in navigation for it determines bearings
and which way to travel. Before the compass, the position and direction
at sea was done by the sighting of land marks and celestial bodies(stars)
The invension of compass enabled a heading to be determined
when bad whether occurred in addition to latitulde and longitude.
Without the compass the people could not accurately navigate away
from land and therefore not engage in trade with other nations.
Trigonometry on land:
The ancient Greeks, Egyptians and other ancient civilizations
developed methods to measure triangles occurately. The Egyptians
used principals of trigonometry to build the pyramids, while the Greeks
developed. Extensive and geometric and trigonometric proofs and
applied them to many surveying and navigational problems. If the
measurement of two angles are known, the Third can always be
calculated. The tangent of a right angled triangle can always be used to
calculate valuable distances such as the height of tall tree or mountain.
Navigation by sea:
Navigation by sea’s is complicated by large distances without
land marks in open ocean. The principles of trigonometry and
triangulation apply. For most of the time humanity has moved through
water for long distances the only land marks have been the positions of
the sun by day and the stars by night, Those angles and distances can
be measured accurately by using devices such as the marine sextant and
the chronometer. Navigation by sea is based on spherical trigonometry.
The exact position of a ship can be determined by the angle the
celestial body makes with the horizon, measured at a precise time. The
angle and precise time measurements are compared with tables of
known values.
GPS Navigation:
GPs is short for global positioning system. It has grown from an
original network of satellites to a network of over so satellites from the
united states. Similar systems are under development from Russia,
China, Japan, The European Union and India & many satellites are
fully operational. Satellites orbit over the same locations everyday, and
emit signals continuously giving the exact time and their location.
Triangulation with particular satellites allows for precise location
Trigonometry in action:
A plane leaves an airport and flies 600km on a bearing of 1450
a) how far south of the airport is the plane?
Let x = distance south and missing angle in sap=35o
Cos 35o = x
X = 600 Cos 350
X= 491 km
Therefore the plane is 491 km south of the airport.
Navigation without Trigonometry:
Without trigonometry there would be no bearings meaning that
navigation by sea, air and land will be different. However, the fact that
the knowledge of trigonometry is needed to learn about navigation.
Some aspects of navigation are easy to understand without
trigonometry such as directions, while other fiels such as music theory
needed trigonometry in order to fully understand how it works.
Trigonometry in the form of triangulation is at the heart of
navigation, whether it is by land, sea, on air, GPS systems use
triangulation to find and fix positions, extrapolating what is unknown
from what is know. Triangulation is also used to measure the distances
between earth and distant stars and galaxies, Thus aiding future space
We realized that trigonometry can be used in many areas such as
astronomy arid architecture they can aid in calculating many things
they can also be used in cars desks and beaches. Without really
climbing a tree, we can find the height easily widely useful for most
architects and astronomers.
We can conclude that without trigonometry life would be much
more difficult. Without going through the troubles, we can easily find
something so we think that it was a good invention by Archimedes and
thanks to this many architects need not go through the trouble to
calculate things, so it really helps in real life applications and not only
in our tests and exams.