Control System Lab File: Department of Electrical Engineering
Control System Lab File: Department of Electrical Engineering
Control System Lab File: Department of Electrical Engineering
1)Root Locus Plot
Root locus analysis is a graphical method for examining how the roots of a system change with
variation of a certain system parameter, commonly a gain within a feedback system.
In the root locus diagram, we can observe the path of the closed loop poles. Hence, we can
identify the nature of the control system. In this technique, we will use an open loop transfer
function to know the stability of the closed loop control system.
1) Centroid of Asymptotes = -1
2) The point where the root locus cuts the jω axis corresponds to k=6
3) Number of Asymptotes = P-Z = 3-0 = 3
4) Angle of Asymptotes = +60, -60, +180
5) Breakaway point at s = -0.4226
2) Bode Plot
In both the plots, x-axis represents angular frequency (logarithmic scale). Whereas, y-axis
represents the magnitude (linear scale) of open loop transfer function in the magnitude plot and
the phase angle (linear scale) of the open loop transfer function in the phase plot.
The magnitude of the open loop transfer function in dB is M=20 log |G(jω)H(jω)|
The Phase angle of the open loop transfer funkion in degrees is Φ=∠G(jω)H(jω)
3)Nyquist Plot
Nyquist plots are the continuation of polar plots for finding the stability of the closed loop
control systems by varying ω from −∞ to ∞. That means, Nyquist plots are used to draw the
complete frequency response of the open loop transfer function.
The Nyquist stability criterion works on the principle of argument. It states that if P poles and
Z zeros are enclosed by the ‘s’ plane closed path, then the corresponding G(s)H(s) plane must
encircle the origin P - Z times. The Nyquist plot corresponding to K=1 is given below
4) Step response
Time Response for G(s)/(1+G(s))
For K=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Transient Response
After applying input to the control system, output takes certain time to reach steady state. So,
the output will be in transient state till it goes to a steady state. Therefore, the response of the
control system during the transient state is known as transient response.
1) The maximum overshoot increases with the increase in the value of K
2) The Maximum overshoot for K=6 is 1.9
3) K=6 is the value of K for which the transfer function is critically stable
4) The settling time increases with the increase in the value of K
5) The system will be unstable for K>6
The expanded graphs of time response for K=1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are given below:
Rise time=8 sec
Delay time= 3 sec
Peak time= 6 sec
Settling time=10 sec
Maximum overshoot= 1.15-1=0.15 =15%
Rise time= 10 sec
Peak time=5 sec
Delay time=3 sec
Settling time=15 sec
Maximum overshoot=1.4-1 = 0.4 =40%
Rise Time=13 Sec
Rise Time=20 Sec
Rise Time=50 Sec
Maximum Overshoot= 1.9 -1 =0.9=90%
5) Routh Hurwitz
If the closed loop transfer function has all the poles in the left half of the s-plane, the system is
The Routh Hurwitz test is performed on the denominator of the transfer function,
the characteristic equation. For instance, in a closed-loop transfer function with G(s) in the
forward path, and H(s) in the feedback loop, we have:
If we simplify this equation, we will have an equation with a numerator N(s), and a denominator
The Routh-Hurwitz criteria will focus on the denominator polynomial D(s).
G(s)/(1+G(s)) = K/(s3+3s2+2s+K)
S3 1 2
S2 3 K
S1 (6-K)/3 0
S0 0 0
This function will be stable for K < 6. At K = 6 it will be critically stable.
The point K=6 can be spotted on the Root Locus as the point where the root locus cuts the jω
For K= 6, auxiliary polynomial => 3s2+6=0
s2 = -2
(jω)2 = -2
ω = √ 2 rad/sec