Multi Level Agent Based Modeling

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The document discusses multi-level agent based modeling, which aims to overcome some limitations of traditional agent based modeling by incorporating different scales.

Agent-based modeling allows simulation of agent interactions but is purely bottom-up and does not explicitly allow relations between micro and macro views. It also has issues handling different scales.

Some theoretical issues discussed are meta-models, simulation engines, observation and detection of emergent phenomena, and representation of aggregated entities.

Multi-level agent-based modeling

A literature survey
arXiv:1205.0561v7 [cs.MA] 15 Nov 2013

Gildas Morvan
[email protected]

Univ Lille Nord de France, F-59000 Lille, France

UArtois, LGI2A, F-62400, Béthune, France

November 18, 2013

During last decade, multi-level agent-based modeling has received significant and dra-
matically increasing interest. In this article we conduct a comprehensive and struc-
tured review of literature on this emerging research domain that aims at extending
the classical agent-based modeling paradigm to overcome some of its limitations. We
present the main theoretical contributions and applications with an emphasis on
social, flow, biological and biomedical models.

Main acronyms used in this paper

ABM According to the context, Agent-Based Model or Agent-Based Modeling

DEVS Discrete Event System Specification

EBM Equation-Based Model

ML-ABM According to the context, Multi-Level Agent-Based Model or Multi-

Level Agent-Based Modeling

1 Introduction 3
1.1 Agent-based modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Multi-level agent-based modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Terminology issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 Theoretical issues 6
2.1 Meta-models, simulation engines and platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Observation, detection and agentification of emergent phenomena . 8
2.3 Representation of aggregated entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3 Application domains 10
3.1 Social simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2 Flow modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.3 Biological and biomedical models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.4 Ecology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

4 Discussion 18
4.1 Level integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.2 Multi-level technical tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

5 Conclusion 20

References 20

1 Introduction
1.1 Agent-based modeling
Agent-based modeling (ABM) is a computational modeling paradigm that allow to
simulate the interactions of autonomous agents in an environment. It has been
widely used to study complex systems in various domains (Epstein, 2006; Ferber,
1999; Gilbert, 2007; Railsback and Grimm, 2011; Resnick, 1994; Treuil et al., 2008).
However, it suffers from important known limitations that reduce its scope (Dro-
goul et al., 2003; Scerri et al., 2010). First, ABM is purely bottom-up: a microscopic
knowledge, i.e., related to system components, is used to construct models while a
macroscopic knowledge, i.e., related to global system properties, is used to validate
models.Therefore, it is not straightforward to explicitly introduce bidirectional rela-
tions between these two points of view in the general case. It becomes even harder
when different spatial or temporal scales or domains of interest are involved in a same
simulation. Moreover, agent-based models do not scale easily and generally require
large computational resources since many agents are simulated. Finally, most agent-
based simulation platforms lack tools to reify complex singular emergent properties:
human observation often remains the most efficient way to capture multi-level pat-
tern formation or crowd behavior.

1.2 Multi-level agent-based modeling

1.2.1 Definitions
The works surveyed in this paper aim at extending the classical ABM paradigm to
overcome these limitations. While they can be very different (in terms of goals,
technical approaches or application domains), these woks share a common idea: in-
troducing more levels of description in agent-based models. Therefore, we group
them under a common term: Multi-Level Agent-based Modeling (ML-ABM). In the
following we propose definitions of the concepts of level and multi-level agent-based
model that seem broad enough to encompass the different surveyed approaches (see
section 1.3).
Definition 1 A level is a point of view on a system, integrated in a model as a specific
The name refers to the familiar expressions levels of organization, observation,
analysis, etc.
Definition 2 A multi-level agent-based model integrates heterogenous (agent-based)
models, representing complementary points of view, so called levels, of the same sys-
In this definition, three concepts are highlighted and should themselves be de-
fined formally.
Definition 3 Integration means that the ABMs within a ML-ABM can interact and
share entities such as environments and agents.
Definition 4 Heterogeneity means that the ABMs integrated in a ML-ABM can be based
on different modeling paradigms (differential equations, cellular automata, etc.), use dif-
ferent time representation (discrete events, step-wise) and represent processes at different
spatio-temporal scales.

Definition 5 Points of view are complementary for a given problem since they can
not be taken in isolation to address it.

This idea is very important in the literature on complex systems (Morin, 1992).
Indeed, as Müller and Aubert (2011) note, "the global behavior of a complex system
cannot be understood without letting a set of points of view interact".

1.2.2 Types of problems solved using multi-level agent-based approaches

ML-ABM is mainly used to solve three types of modeling problems:
• the modeling of cross-level interactions, e.g., an explicit top-down feedback
• the coupling of heterogeneous models,
• the (dynamic) adaptation of the level of detail of simulations, e.g., to save
computational resources or use the best available model in a given context.

In the first case, the different points of view always co-exist, as they integrate interde-
pendent models, while in the last ones, levels are (de)activated at run-time according
to the context, as they represent independent models designed for specific situations.
For instance, in flow hybrid models areas with simple topologies are handled
with an equation-based model (EBM) while others are handled with an ABM.

1.3 Terminology issues

Different terms have been used to describe what we call here a level: e.g., perspective,
interaction, layer or view (Desmeulles et al., 2009; Parunak et al., 2009; Torii et al.,
2005; White, 2007). Some are domain-specific; thus, in the flow modeling domain,
when two levels with static relations are considered, models are often described as
hybrid as shown in the section 3.2 (Burghout et al., 2005; El hmam et al., 2008,
2006a,b,c; Marino et al., 2011; Mathieu et al., 2007a; Nguyen et al., 2012b; Rejniak
and Anderson, 2011; Wakeland et al., 2007).
The term multi-scale — or multi-resolution (Jeschke and Uhrmacher, 2008; Zhang
et al., 2009a, 2011) — is often used but has a more restrictive meaning as it focuses
on the spatial and temporal extents of levels and not on their interactions and orga-
nization. Gil-Quijano et al. (2012, p. 622–623) pointed that the term multi-scale can
be misleading and advocated for using multi-level instead. Let take as an example the
Simpop3 model, described by their authors as multi-scale (Pumain and Louail, 2009).
Two levels are considered: the city level, representing the internal dynamics of a city,
and the system of cities level, representing the interactions between cities. However,
the idea of scale does not fit to describe the relation between them: one can easily
figure a city bigger (in terms of population, spatial extent, economic exchanges, etc.)
than a system of cities. In contrast, the idea of levels of organization in interaction
seems more appropriate. Furthermore, to extend the definitions 1 and 2 such mod-
els could be more precisely denoted as nested or hierarchical multi-level agent-based

1.4 Bibliography
During last decade, ML-ABM has received significant and dramatically increasing
interest (fig. 1). In this article we present a comprehensive and structured review of
literature on the subject1 .
Another survey on the subject has been previously conducted by Gil-Quijano
et al. and published in different versions2 . While the present article aims at providing
an overview of the literature, Gil-Quijano et al. performed a comparative study of
three models (Gil-Quijano et al., 2008; Lepagnot and Hutzler, 2009) and (Pumain
and Louail, 2009). A similar survey, comparing four models, can be found in Vo
(2012, p. 28–34).

160 1200
140 per year per year
cumulated 1000 cumulated

citations 800
80 600
60 400
20 200
0 0
1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012
year year
(a) publications (b) citations


1200 2012

8 800 2011


6 400

4 0
2006 2008 2010 2012 40 80 120 160
year publications
(c) ratio of citations to publications (d) citations vs. publications

Figure 1: Bibliographical statistics on ML-ABM computed from author’s biblio-

graphic database and google scholar data on the Nov. 15, 2013

The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 introduces the main theoretical

contributions and section 3 presents the different application domains of ML-ABM,
with an emphasis on social, flow, biological and biomedical models. In section 4,
some issues about ML-ABM are discussed. Finally, the remaining sections conclude
1 The bibliographic database is available at the following URL: http://www.lgi2a.univ-artois.

2 This work was first published in french (Gil-Quijano et al., 2009), then extended (Gil-Quijano et al.,

2010),(Louail, 2010, p. 185–204) and finally translated into english (Gil-Quijano et al., 2012)

this paper by an analysis of the benefits, drawbacks and current limitations of the
existing approaches.

2 Theoretical issues
In the surveyed literature, three main theoretical issues have been addressed so far:
• the definition and implementation of meta-models and simulation engines,

• the detection and reification of emergent phenomena,

• and the definition of generic representations for aggregated entities.
They are described in the following sections.

2.1 Meta-models, simulation engines and platforms

Many meta-models and simulation engines dedicated to ML-ABM have been pro-
posed in the literature. They are are briefly presented in the following, in a chrono-
logical order.
Approaches based on DEVS have also been included (Zeigler et al., 2000). Indeed,
DEVS, as a generic event-based simulation framework, has been extended to support
ABM (Duboz, 2004; Duboz et al., 2003; Müller, 2009). A comprehensive survey of
the literature on multi-level DEVS extensions can be found in Duhail (2013).
GEAMAS (Marcenac et al., 1998a,b; Marcenac and Giroux, 1998) (GEneric Ar-
chitecture for MultiAgent Simulation) is a pioneering ML-ABM framework inte-
grating three levels of description (micro, meso, macro). Micro and macro levels
represent respectively agent and system points of view while the meso (or middle)
level represents an aggregation of agents in a specific context. Communication be-
tween levels is asynchronous. GEAMAS-NG is a newer version of the framework
providing tools to detect and reify emergent phenomena (David et al., 2011).
tMans3 (Scheutz et al., 2005) is a multi-scale agent-based meta-model and plat-
form. Unfortunately, the project seems to have died in the bud.
ML-DEVS (Steiniger et al., 2012; Uhrmacher et al., 2007) is an extension of
DEVS that allows the simulation of multi-scale models (and not only coupled models
in which the behavior of a model is determined by the behaviors of its sub-models).
Two types of relation between levels are defined: information propagation and event
activation. However, ML-DEVS focuses on multi-scale modeling and therefore, only
supports pure hierarchies of models: interaction graphs are viewed as trees (Maus et al.,
CRIO (Gaud, 2007; Gaud et al., 2008a,b) (Capacity Role Interaction Organiza-
tion) is an organizational meta-model dedicated to ML-ABM based on the concept
of holon (Koestler, 1967, 1978). It has been used to develop multi-scale simulations
of pedestrian flows (cf. section 3.2).
SPARK4 (Solovyev et al., 2010) (Simple Platform for Agent-based Representation
of Knowledge) is a framework for multi-scale ABM, dedicated to biomedical research.
Scerri et al. proposed a technical architecture to distribute the simulation of
complex agent-based models (Scerri et al., 2010). This approach aims at integrating

multiple ABMs in a single simulation, each ABM representing a specific aspect of the
problem. In their article, authors focus on the management of time in such simula-
tions. Therefore, the proposed platform provides two main technical services that
ensure the consistency of simulations: (1) a time manager that ensures that integrated
ABMs advance in time in a consistent way and (2) a conflict resolver that manages the
problematic interactions between agents and shared data (such as the environment).
Authors evaluate their approach on a modified version of Repast5 and show it can
scale large-scale models easily.
IRM4MLS6 (Morvan and Jolly, 2012; Morvan et al., 2011) (Influence Reaction
Model for Multi-Level Simulation) is a multi-level extension of IRM4S (Influence
Reaction Model for Simulation) (Michel, 2007), an ABM meta-model based on the
Influence Reaction model which views action as a two step process: (1) agents pro-
duce "influences", i.e., individual decisions, according to their internal state and per-
ceptions, (2) the system "reacts", i.e., computes the consequences of influences, ac-
cording to the state of the world (Ferber and Müller, 1996). The relations of per-
ception and influence between levels are specified with digraphs. IRM4MLS relies
on a generic vision of multi-level modeling (see section 1). Therefore, interactions
between levels are not constrained. It has been applied to simulate and control intel-
ligent transportation systems composed of autonomous intelligent vehicles (Morvan
et al., 2012, 2009; Soyez et al., 2013, 2011) (see section 3.2).
ML-Rules (Maus et al., 2011) is a rule-based multi-scale modeling language ded-
icated to cell biological systems. Rules, describing system dynamics, are described
in a similar way as in chemical reaction equations. ML-Rules has been implemented
within the simulation framework JAMES II7 . This approach does not refer explicitly
to ABM; however, multi-level rule-based languages seem a promising way to engineer
complex individual-based models.
Müller et al. developed an approach that consists in decomposing a problem
according to the complementary points of view involved in the modeling (Müller
and Aubert, 2011; Müller and Diallo, 2012; Müller et al., 2011). For instance in
their case study the problem is the relation between residential and scholar segrega-
tion. Three points of view are considered: the geographer, the sociologist and the
economist. Then, independent conceptual agent-based models are defined for each
point of view. As models share agents and concepts, the conceptual models can-
not be merged without some processing. Indeed, a same concept can have different
meanings according to the point of view. To solve this issue, Müller et al. adapt
a technique described in the modular ontology literature: defining bridge rules that
explicit the relations between concepts.
PADAWAN (Picault and Mathieu, 2011) (Pattern for Accurate Design of Agent
Worlds in Agent Nests) is a multi-scale ABM meta-model based on a compact ma-
tricial representation of interactions, leading to a simple and elegant simulation
framework. This representation is based on the meta-model of IODA (Interaction-
Oriented Design of Agent simulations) dedicated to classical (1-level) ABM (Kubera
et al., 2008).
GAMA8 (Drogoul et al., 2013; Taillandier et al., 2010, 2012) is an ABM plat-
form with a dedicated modeling language, GAML, that offers multi-level capabili-
ties. Moreover, it includes a framework (a set of predefined GAML commands) to

Multi-perspective modelling of complex phenomena

Fig. 1 Modelling simple phenomena

Fig. 2 Modelling complex phenomena through multiple perspectives

Figure 2: The Seck and Honig (2012) approach

Now if the phenomena we try to model are complex, a reductionist formal sys-
tem can only be partially successful in describing the natural system (Agazzi 1991;
agentify emerging structures (Vo et al., 2012b). It is certainly the most advanced
Mikulecky 2001). By describing a natural system as a collection of perspectives,
platform, from an end-user point of view, that integrates a multi-level approach. The
though, where each perspective is associated with a unique formal system (having
multi-scale meta-model focuses on the notion of situated agent and therefore, top class
a unique decomposition) as shown in Fig. 2, we can model a system in an inher-
abstractions include geometry and topology of simulated entities (Vo et al., 2012a).
ently ‘richer’ way by having multiple non-isomorphic decompositions that may in-
The notion of level does not appear explicitly but the concept of species defines at-
fluence each other. Such multi-perspective models can indeed capture the tangledness
tributes and behaviors of a class of same type agents and the multi-scale structure of
of the systems that result when we observe the world from different perspectives. As
the model, i.e., how species can be nested within each other.
Morin puts it (Morin 1990), “we must found the idea of a complex system on a non-
Seck and Honig developed an extension of DEVS that allows the simulation of
hierarchical concept of the whole” (Morin 1990). In a similar way, Levins (2006) pro-
multi-level (i.e., non hierarchically coupled) models (Seck and Honig, 2012). The
poses the robustness methodology, which, in a sort of triangulation, invites to analyze
coupling between levels is done through regular DEVS models, named bridge mod-
and model systems with multiple conceptually independent tools, thus improving ac-
els (fig. 2).
curacy of the models by relating the outcomes obtained from different perspectives.
AA4MM (Camus et al., 2013, 2012; Siebert, 2011; Siebert et al., 2010) (Agent and
The relation between complexity and multiple perspectives has been acknowl-
Artifact for Multi-Modeling) is a multi-modeling (or model coupling) meta-model
edged by various authors. Kaufmann has stated that the number of possible theo-
applied to ML-ABM. Levels are reified by agents that interact trough artifacts. This
meta-model extends existing ones, see e.g., Bonneaud (2008); Bonneaud et al. (2007),
distributing the scheduling between levels.

2.2 Observation, detection and agentification of emergent phe-

An important issue concerning ML-ABM is to observe, detect and possibly reify (or
more precisely agentity) phenomena emerging from agent interactions. Of course,
the question is not to detect any emergent phenomenon but those of interest, in
order to e.g., adapt the level of detail of simulations, model cross-level interactions or
observe multi-level behaviors.

Very different approaches have been proposed to solve this problem. The first
ones were of course exploratory. Therefore, they rely on dedicated methods related
to specific models. Newer works focus on generic methodologies and frameworks.
They are briefly presented in a chronological order.

2.2.1 Dedicated clustering methods

The pioneering RIVAGE project (Servat, 2000; Servat et al., 1998a,b) aimed "at mod-
eling runoff, erosion and infiltration on heterogeneous soil surfaces" (Servat et al.,
1998a, p. 184). At the microscopic level, water is viewed as a set of interacting water-
balls. An indicator characterizes waterball movements to detect two types of remark-
able situations: straight trajectories (corresponding to the formation of ravines) and
stationary particles (corresponding to the formation of ponds). Close agents sharing
such properties are aggregated in ravine or pond macroscopic agents.
Bertelle et al. (2002); Tranouez (2005); Tranouez et al. (2001, 2006); Tranouez
and Dutot (2009); Tranouez et al. (2003) aimed at changing the level of detail of
fluid flow simulations using the vortex method (Leonard, 1980). The goal was, as
in the RIVAGE model, to detect complex structures, i.e., clusters of particles shar-
ing common properties, and aggregate them. However, the detection of emergent
phenomena relies on graph-based clustering methods. Moncion et al. (2010) used a
similar approach to detect aggregations of agents in flocking simulations.
Gil-Quijano (2007); Gil-Quijano and Piron (2007) and Gil-Quijano et al. (2008)
used various clustering algorithms such as self-organizing maps, K-Means and particle
swarm algorithms, to detect group formations.

2.2.2 Generic frameworks

Chen (2009, 2013); Chen et al. (2010); Chen and Hardoon (2010); Chen et al. (2008a,b,
2009) proposed a formalism, named complex event types to describe multi-level behav-
iors in ABMs. "Conceptually, complex events are a configuration of simple events
where each component event can be located in a region or point in a hyperspace
that includes time, physical space and any other dimensions" (Chen et al., 2008b, p.
4). Using this approach, it is then possible to formally define and observe complex
phenomena at different levels.
David and Courdier (2008, 2009) developed a conceptual and technical frame-
work to handle emergence reification. It is implemented in the GEAMAS-NG plat-
form (cf. GEAMAS paragraph in the previous section) and has been used in a popu-
lation model of the Reunion Island, to detect and reify new urban areas (David et al.,
2012, 2011).
A similar framework has been integrated in the GAMA platform (see GAMA
paragraph in the previous section). It includes various clustering methods developed
in the literature (Vo et al., 2012b).
SimAnalyzer is a general-purpose tool, to detect and describe group dynamics in
simulations (Caillou and Gil-Quijano, 2012; Caillou et al., 2012).

2.3 Representation of aggregated entities

While developing generic representations for aggregated entities (also called group
abstractions) seems an important issue, to the best of our knowledge a few publica-
tions are available on the subject. The common idea in these works is to delegate

the computation of agent behavioral functions to less detailed agents, representing
groups of aggregated agents, in other levels in order to reduce the complexity of
interaction computing.
Sharpanskykh and Treur (2011a,b) proposed two approaches to group abstrac-
tion dedicated to models where agent state are represented by variables taking values
in {0, 1} or [0, 1]:
• weighting averaging: an aggregated state of a group is estimated by averaging
agent states, with a weighting factor related to the strength of influence of an
agent in the group (the stronger, the more important).
• invariant-based abstraction: this approach consists in determining an invariant
in a group of agents, i.e., a property that does not change in time and using it
as a conservation law.

Sharpanskykh and Treur applied these methods to a collective decision making model
of social diffusion. They performed a comparative study of the methods, focusing
on computational efficiency and approximation error.
Parunak (2012) introduced the notion of pheromone field (refering to the concept
of mean field in statistical physics) that "gives the probability of encountering an
agent of the type represented by the field at a given location" (Parunak, 2012, p.
115). In this approach, agents act according to their perceptions of pheromone fields
(but not of agents).
Navarro et al. (2012) proposed a generic approach based on the notion of meso-
scopic representation: agents sharing common properties (related to their physical
or mental states) delegate the computation of behavioral functions to a mesoscopic
agent. Authors developed this approach to reduce the computational cost of simula-
tions while guaranteeing accurate results.

3 Application domains
ML-ABM has been used in various fields such as
• biomedical research
– cancer modeling (Andasari et al., 2012; Brown et al., 2011; Deisboeck and
Stamatakos, 2010; Lepagnot and Hutzler, 2009; Olsen and Siegelmann,
2013; Paiva et al., 2009; Rejniak and Anderson, 2011; Sun et al., 2012;
Wang et al., 2013, 2008; Wang and Deisboeck, 2008; Wang et al., 2007;
Zhang et al., 2007, 2009a, 2011, 2009b),
– inflammation modeling (An, 2008; An et al., 2013; An and Wilensky,
2009; Kim et al., 2012; Scheff et al., 2012; Vodovotz et al., 2008; Wakeland
et al., 2007),
– arterial adaptation (Hayenga et al., 2011; Thorne et al., 2011),
– stent design (Tahir et al., 2011),
– vascular tissue engineering (Zahedmanesh and Lally, 2012),
– bone remodeling (Cacciagrano et al., 2010),

• flow modeling of walking (and running) (Gaud et al., 2008a; Navarro et al.,
2011; Nguyen et al., 2011, 2012b; Xi and Son, 2012), driving (Bourrel, 2003;
Bourrel and Henn., 2002; Bourrel and Lesort, 2003; Burghout et al., 2005;
El hmam et al., 2008, 2006a,b,c; Espié et al., 2006; Magne et al., 2000; Mam-
mar and Haj-Salem, 2006; Morvan et al., 2012, 2009; Poschinger et al., 2002;
Sewall et al., 2011; Soyez et al., 2013, 2011; Wedde and Senge, 2012) or stream-
ing (Servat et al., 1998a,b; Tranouez et al., 2006) agents,
• biology (Adra et al., 2010; Biggs and Papin, 2013; Christley et al., 2007a,b;
Jeschke and Uhrmacher, 2008; Marino et al., 2011; Montagna et al., 2010a,b;
Seal et al., 2011; Shimoni et al., 2011; Smallwood et al., 2010; Smallwood and
Holcombe, 2006; Stiegelmeyer et al., 2013; Sun et al., 2009),
• social simulation (Conte et al., 2007; Conte and Castelfranchi, 1996; Das-
calu et al., 2009, 2011; Gil-Quijano et al., 2008; Hassoumi et al., 2012; Laper-
rière, 2012; Louail, 2010; North et al., 2010; Ozik et al., 2008; Parry and
Bithell, 2012; Pumain and Louail, 2009; Sawyer, 2001, 2003; Schaller et al.,
2012; Schillo et al., 2001; Seck and Honig, 2012; Squazzoni, 2008),
• ecology (Belem, 2009; Belem and Müller, 2009; Belem and Müller, 2013; Cheong
et al., 2012; Duboz, 2004; Duboz et al., 2003; Le et al., 2011; Marilleau et al.,
2008; Morvan et al., 2008, 2009; Prévost et al., 2004; Ratzé et al., 2007; Roun-
sevell et al., 2012; Schmidt et al., 2011; Seidl et al., 2012, 2010; Semeniuk et al.,
2011; Vincenot et al., 2011),
• military simulation (Mathieu et al., 2007a,b; Parunak et al., 2009).
An interesting comparative analysis of three of these models can be found in Gil-
Quijano et al. (2009, 2010); Gil-Quijano et al. (2012) and Louail (2010, p. 185–204).

3.1 Social simulation

Social simulation is defined by Squazzoni (2008, p. 4) as "the study of social out-
comes, let us say a macro regularity, by means of computer simulation where agents’
behavior, interactions among agents and the environment are explicitly modeled to
explore those micro-based assumptions that explain the macro regularity of interest".
Major social theories developed in the second half of the twentieth century, e.g.,
structuration (Giddens, 1987) and habitus (Bourdieu, 1994) theories9 , share a common
ambition: solving the micro/macro (so called agency/structure) problem that can
be summarized by the following question: To understand social systems, should we
observe agent interactions (micro level) or structures emerging from these interactions
(macro level)? Such theories tend to consider altogether agent positions in the social
space (objective facts) and goals (subjective facts) to explain their beliefs and actions.
Their answer to the previous question could be: social systems can only be understood
by considering simultaneously agent interactions and structures in which they occur:

social structures
social practices

agent interactions.
9 These theories are described by some sociologists as hybrid (Sawyer, 2001).

A key concept used by social theorists and modelers to understand downward (or
top-down) causation in social systems, i.e., how social structures influence agents, is
reflexivity. It can be defined as the "regular exercise of the mental ability, shared by all
normal people, to consider themselves in relation to their (social) contexts and vice
versa" (Archer, 2007, p. 4). Thus, social systems differ from other types of systems,
by the reflexive control that agents have on their actions: "The reflexive capacities of
the human actor are characteristically involved in a continuous manner with the flow
of day-to-day conduct in the contexts of social activity" (Giddens, 1987, p. 22). Two
very different approaches, both from technical and methodological perspectives, can
be considered to simulate systems composed of reflexive agents:
• a purely emergentist approach, only based on the cognitive capabilities of
agents to represent and consider themselves in relation to the structures emerg-
ing from their interactions — e.g., Conte and Paolucci (2002); Gilbert (2002),

• a multi-level approach based on the cognitive capabilities of agents and the

dynamic reification of interactions between social structures and agents, i.e.,
processes that underlie social practices — e.g., Gil-Quijano et al. (2009); Pumain
et al. (2009).
According to Giddens (1987), two forms of reflexivity can be distinguished: practical
(agents are not conscious of their reflexive capabilities, and therefore, are not able to
resonate about them) and discursive (agents are conscious of their reflexive capabili-
ties) reflexivity. These two forms are respectively related to the ideas of immergence
in which agent interactions produce emergent properties that modify the way they
produce them (Conte et al., 2007) and second order emergence in which agent interac-
tions produce emergent properties that are recognized (incorporated) by agents and
influence their actions (Gilbert, 2002).
ML-ABM can also be viewed as a way to link independent social theories (and
therefore concepts) defined at different levels (fig. 3) (Sawyer, 2001, 2003; Seck and
Honig, 2012). Thus, Seck and Honig (2012) proposed a model of social conflicts
integrating agent behaviors and social laws. Gil-Quijano (2007); Gil-Quijano et al.
(2007, 2008) developed a multi-scale model of intra-urban mobility. The microscopic
level represents households and housing-units, the mesoscopic one, groups of micro-
agents and urban-sectors and the macroscopic one, the city itself. A clustering algo-
rithm is applied to detect and reify groups of households and housing-units. Pumain
and Louail (2009) developed Simpop3, a multi-scale model based on two previously
developed single-scale models: Simpop nano, simulating the internal dynamics of a
city and Simpop2, simulating city interactions.
Readers interested in a more comprehensive presentation of these questions may
refer to Sawyer (2003); Schillo et al. (2001); Squazzoni (2008) and Raub et al. (2011) .

3.2 Flow modeling

A flow of moving agents can be observed at different scales. Thus, in traffic modeling,
three levels are generally considered: the micro, meso and macro levels, representing
respectively the interactions between vehicles, groups of vehicles sharing common
properties (such as a common destination or a common localisation) and flows of
vehicles. Each approach is useful in a given context: micro and meso models allow
to simulate road networks with complex topologies such as urban area, while macro

macrosociology large-scale social structures

mesosociology community organization

microsociology agent

Figure 3: ML-ABM in social simulation as a link between concepts defined at differ-

ent levels

models allow to develop control strategies to prevent congestion in highways. How-

ever, to simulate large-scale road networks, it can be interesting to integrate these
different representations (fig. 4). The main problem is to determine an appropriate
coupling between the different representations, i.e., that preserves the consistency of
simulations (Davis and Hillestad, 1993).

simulated entities control strategies

macro flow of vehicles ramp metering

meso group of vehicles variable-message panels

micro vehicle vehicle instrumentation

Figure 4: ML-ABM and control in traffic simulation

3.2.1 Micro-macro models

An interesting comparison of existing micro-macro traffic models can be found in El
hmam (2006, p. 31–44) (table 1). The coupling methods rely on the following idea:
creating a virtual section which is both macro and micro at level connections. This
virtual section is used as a buffer to generate appropriate micro or macro data ac-
cording to the type of connection. On this basis, El hmam (2006); El hmam et al.
(2008, 2006a,b,c) proposed a generic coupling method between agent-based micro-
scopic models and widely used macroscopic models such as LWR, ARZ and Payne.
While micro-macro flow models were essentially developed in the traffic domain,
other applications such as crowd simulation emerged in recent years (Nguyen et al.,
2011, 2012b).
However, all the surveyed hybrid models share the same limitation: connections
between levels are fixed a priori and cannot be changed at runtime. Therefore, to

be able to observe some emerging phenomena such as congestion formation or to
find the exact location of a jam in a large macro section, a dynamic hybrid modeling
approach is needed (Sewall et al., 2011).

model micro model macro model

Magne et al. (2000) SITRA-B+ SIMRES
Poschinger et al. (2002) IDM Payne
Bourrel and Lesort (2003) LWR
optimal velocity
Mammar and Haj-Salem (2006) ARZ
Espié et al. (2006) ARCHISM SSMT
El hmam (2006) LWR, ARZ, Payne
generic ABM
Sewall et al. (2011) ARZ

Table 1: Main micro-macro traffic flow models, adapted from El hmam (2006, p. 42)

3.2.2 Micro-meso models

This kind of models is often used to reduce the complexity of agent interactions.
Agents sharing common properties can be aggregated to form up a higher level
(mesoscopic) agent and then, save computer resources or describe group dynamics
such as in the already mentioned RIVAGE (Servat, 2000; Servat et al., 1998a,b) and
DS (David et al., 2011) models (cf. section 2.2). Conversely, mesoscopic agents can
be broken up into lower level agents if related structures vanish.
Morvan et al. (2012, 2009) introduced an multi-level approach to solve the dead-
lock problem in field-driven autonomous intelligent vehicle systems. These sys-
tems generally rely on self-organization to achieve their goals, but AIVs can remain
trapped into dead-locks. When such a situation is detected (using a similar approach
than Servat (2000); Servat et al. (1998a,b)), it is agentified to solve the problem using
hierarchical control.
Flacher et al. (2012); Navarro et al. (2012, 2013, 2011) proposed an innovative
framework for such models: (de)aggregation functions rely not only on the observ-
able state of simulations (the environment) but also on the internal state of agents. It
has been applied to pedestrian flow simulation. The proximity between agent states
(external and internal) is computed by an affinity function.
Soyez et al. (2013, 2011) extended this framework on the basis of IRM4MLS.
Agents are "cut" into a a set of physical parts (bodies), situated in different levels,
and a non-situated part (mind) (see fig. 5). Therefore, these different parts can be
(de)aggregated independently. This approach has been applied to dynamically adapt
the level of detail in a port operations simulator.

3.3 Biological and biomedical models

A biological system can be considered at different levels of organization:
... → molecule → cell → tissue → organ → ... ,
that basically correspond to the segmentation of biological research into specialized
... → molecular biology → cell biology → histology → physiology → ... .

conceptualAgent environment
1 1
1 1
1 1..n 0..n 0..n
spiritAgent bodyAgent level
1 1..n 0..n 1

Figure 5: Mind/bodies separation in the Soyez et al. (2013) model

Each research area has developed its own ontologies and models to describe the
same reality observed at different levels. However, this reductionist approach fails
when addressing complex issues (Schnell et al., 2007). Thus, it has been shown that
living systems are co-produced by processes at different levels of organization (Mat-
urana and Varela, 1980). Therefore, an explanatory model of such systems should
account for the interactions between levels.

3.3.1 Cell biology

At least two levels are explicitly represented in cell biology models: the macroscopic
one, representing the extracellular environment and the interactions between cells,
and the microscopic one, representing the intracellular environment and the inter-
actions between cell components such as signaling pathways and gene regulatory
networks. A major modeling issue is that these two levels continuously influence
each other. It leaded to the development of multi-scale models.
Montagna et al. (2010a,b) developed a model of morphogenesis in biological sys-
tems, in particular for the Drosophila Melanogaster species. Maus et al. (2011) pro-
posed a model of Schizosaccharomyces pombe (a species of yeast) cell division and
mating type switching based on the ML-Rules approach (cf. section 2.1).

3.3.2 Cancer modeling

Cancer is a complex spatialized multi-scale process, starting from genetic mutations
and potentially leading to metastasis. Moreover, it has multi-scale (from from genetic
to environmental) causes. Therefore, it can be studied from various perspectives
from the intracellular (molecular) to the population levels.
ML-ABM is a promising paradigm to model cancer development (Wang and Deis-
boeck, 2008). Indeed, as Schnell et al. (2007, p. 140) note, "a multi-scale model would
allow us to explore the effect of combination therapies, approaches that attempt to
stop cancer in its tracks by barricading multiple pathways. Most present models,
focusing on processes at a single scale, cannot provide this comprehensive view."
Zhang et al. developed an ML-ABM of a brain tumor named Glioblastoma Multi-
forme (GBM) (Zhang et al., 2007, 2009a, 2011, 2009b). This model explicitly defines
the relations between scales and uses different modeling approaches: ordinary dif-
ferential equations (ODE) at the intracellular level, discrete rules typically found in
ABM at the cellular level and partial differential equations (PDE) at the tissue level
(see fig. 6).
Moreover, this model also relies on a multi-resolution approach: heterogenous
clusters, i.e., composed of migrating and proliferating cells are simulated at a high

resolution while homogenous clusters of dead cells are simulated at a lower resolu-
tion. In short, "more computational resource is allocated to heterogenous regions of
the cancer and less to homogenous regions" (Zhang et al., 2011, p. 6). This model
has been implemented on graphics processing units (GPU), leading to an efficient
parallel simulator (Zhang et al., 2011).

tissue tissue evolution (PDE)

cell’s pathway receptor

diffusion of the chemoattractants

cellular cell — cell interactions (discrete rules)

cell’s phenotype

intracellular gene — protein interactions (ODE)

Figure 6: ML-ABM in brain tumor modeling (Zhang et al., 2007, 2009a, 2011, 2009b)

Sun et al. (2012) also developed a brain tumor ML-ABM available as a MATLAB
library called ABM-TKI10 . It is based on a 4 level architecture (tissue, microenviron-
mental, cellular, modelcular).
Lepagnot and Hutzler (2009) model the growth of avascular tumors to study the
impact of PAI-1 molecules on metastasis. To deal with the problem complexity (a
tumor may be composed of millions of cells) two levels are introduced: the cell and
the tumor’s core levels (fig. 7). Indeed, such cancers are generally structured as a ker-
nel of necrosed or quiescent cells surrounded by living tumor cells. As necrosed and
quiescent cells are mostly inactive, tumor’s core is reified as a single upper-level agent,
interacting with cells and PAI-1 molecules at its boundary. A more comprehensive
analysis of this model can be found in Gil-Quijano et al. (2012).

meso tumor’s core

micro cell PAI-1 molecules

Figure 7: ML-ABM in avascular tumor growth modeling (Lepagnot and Hutzler,


3.4 Ecology
Ecologists study processes that can have very different spatio-temporal dynamics.
Then, characterizing their interactions is a complicated problem and traditional
bottom-up or top-down approaches do not seem relevant: ABMs tend to be too

complex, requiring a lot of computational resources11 while EBMs cannot deal with
complex heterogenous environments (Shnerb et al., 2000).
Ecological systems are generally described as hierarchies (Müller et al., 2005;
Ratzé et al., 2007). Thus the hierarchy theory is "a view of ecological systems, which
takes the scales of observation explicitly into account and which tries to conceptual-
ize the phenomena at their proper scale" (Ratzé et al., 2007, p. 14). ML-ABM seems
a interesting way to implement this concept. Different modeling issues in Ecology
have been solved by ML-ABM.
Duboz (2004); Duboz et al. (2003) proposed the scale transfer approach to link
microscopic and macroscopic models: the state of the system is computed by an
ABM and is used to parametrize an EBM describing population dynamics. This
EBM can then be used to parametrize the ABM environment (fig. 8).

emergent computation


environment parametrization

Figure 8: The scale transfer approach (Duboz, 2004; Duboz et al., 2003)

Marilleau et al. (2008) introduced a efficient method to represent complex soils,

named APSF (Agent, Pores, Solid and fractal). Traditionally, the environment is
viewed as a regular grid, discretized into cells. A cell can represent a pore, i.e., a part
of a soil cavity, a solid or a fractal. The idea is that a cell is not necessarily an atomic
element describing an homogenous area but can be fractal, i.e., composed of smaller
pore, solid or fractal cells with a self similar structure. Fractal cells are instantiated
at run time, generating finer representations of the environment when it is needed.
Thus, this approach based on self-generation allows to represent complex multi-scale
environments at a minimal computational cost. It has been used in the SWORM
(Simulated WORMS) model that studies the relation between earthworm activity
and soil structure (Blanchart et al., 2009; Laville et al., 2012).
Diptera larvae have a complex gregarious behavior that lead to the formation of
large groups in which individuals regulate the temperature to optimize their devel-
opment speed. This phenomenon can be described by a mesoscopic equation-based
model (knowing the mass of the group and and the external temperature), while the
crowding behavior of larvae can be modeled by an ABM. Moreover, the thermal
dynamics of the cadaver can be modeled by a Cellular Automaton (CA). Morvan
et al. (2008, 2009) integrated these different models in a ML-ABM to perform more
accurate forensic entomology expertises. In this model, the EBM is parametrized ac-
cording to the ABM state. It computes the increase of temperature caused by Diptera
interactions at the group level and send it to the CA model that is used as an envi-
ronment for the ABM (fig. 9). The environment can thus be viewed as an artifact,
used to synchronize the different models.
11 An interesting solution to this problem is to reduce the complexity of agent interactions using esti-

mation algorithms such as the fast multipole method (Razavi et al., 2011).

meso thermal dynamics (CA) maggot mass effect (EBM)

micro Diptera larvae (ABM)

Figure 9: Levels of organization in a ML-ABM of necrophagous Diptera develop-

ment (Morvan et al., 2008, 2009)

4 Discussion
In this section two issues are discussed:
• the different forms of level integration,
• the use of ML-ABM to solve technical problems.

4.1 Level integration

In the introduction, ML-ABM has been defined as integrating heterogenous ABMs
in a single model. Following the approach of Michel et al. (2003) on interaction, one
can distinguish at least two forms of integration:
• weak integration: levels share objects, e.g., environment properties, but not
• strong integration: levels share objects and agents.
Weak integration can be regarded as a form of multi-modeling (or model cou-
pling) where levels represent different models interacting through shared variables
called artifacts (Camus et al., 2012; Seck and Honig, 2012; Siebert et al., 2010).
Weaker forms of integration are not regarded as multi-level modeling. Thus, in
the SWARM platform (Minar et al., 1996), integration can be described as bottom-up
or isotropic (information flows in one direction). An agent is designed as a russian
doll and its behavior at a given level depends on the lower ones.
An simple example of strong integration is given by Picault and Mathieu (2011,
p. 334): "a membrane protein, which has an end inside the cell, and the other end
In the meta-models presented in section 2.1, IRM4MLS and PADAWAN are,
to the best of our knowledge, the only ones able to simulate strongly integrated
levels. It is not surprising as they are based on formal interaction models (respectively
IRM4S and IODA) that differentiate between agent influences and level reaction and
therefore, are able to represent strong interaction (Michel et al., 2003). In short,
agents are strongly interacting if the interaction output depends on the influences of
each agent. Thus, STRIPS-like action models (i.e., that view action as a change of
the state of the world), used in most of agent-based simulation platforms, are unable
to represent such interactions. Yet, (Michel et al., 2003) showed that modeling a
strong interaction as a weak one leads to arbitrary implementation choices and result
interpretation issues.

In ML-ABM, the problem is similar since levels can be seen are strongly interact-
ing entities. Thus, we can conclude that a modeling formalism capable of represent-
ing strong interaction12 can be extended to a multi-level one.

4.2 Multi-level technical tools

Although considering cross-level interactions is usually related to the application
domain as shown previously in this article, it can also be viewed as a technical tool:
• an ABM (microscopic level) can be used to parametrize an equation based
model (macroscopic level) (Duboz, 2004; Duboz et al., 2003; Nguyen et al.,
• levels can be created at run-time by other levels to generate fractal environ-
ments (Marilleau et al., 2008),
• a mesoscopic level can be viewed as a controller (in the control theory mean-
ing) of group-related properties (Morvan and Jolly, 2012).
• automated observation and analysis tools can be introduced at levels not ex-
plicitly present in the model to detect and study (multi-level) emergent phe-
nomena13 (cf. section 2.2). However, reified emergent phenomena cannot be
considered as model entities since they are not re-injected in the simulation (see
fig. 10),
• a radical interpretation of ML-ABM is the concept of multi-future (Parunak
et al., 2010; Parunak and Brueckner, 2010). The possible trajectories of agent
actions are computed by "ghosts" as a pheromone field and agents act according
to it, selecting the most probable one.
As these ideas are domain-independent, they could be implemented as a generic
library, providing such services to a classical ABM or ML-ABM framework or plat-


emergent phenomena

Visualization tools

Figure 10: Two main uses of detected emergent phenomena: visualization or re-
injection in the simulation as agents

12 Some authors described these approaches as "interaction-based modeling", by opposition to the

term "individual-based modeling", as that they focus on interactions rather than on individual behav-
iors (Desmeulles et al., 2009; Kubera et al., 2008).
13 Indeed, as An (2008, p. 4) notes about ABM, "since the models rely on an ill-defined principle of

’emergence’ in order to transcend the epistemological boundaries represented by the multiple hierarchies
of system organization, their behavior is difficult to characterize analytically".

5 Conclusion
An important challenge for the scientific community is to find ways to deal with
the complexity of natural and artificial complex systems. This issue led to the devel-
opment of dedicated modeling paradigms and engineering principles that focus on
interaction and organization. We strongly believe that such techniques will play an
important role in the future.
In this article, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the bibliography avail-
able on one of them: multi-level agent-based modeling.
As we shown, many papers focus on the application of this technique and then,
are published in domain-related journals and conferences. However, a dedicated
venue for theoretical or methodological papers is lacking. Such forum would al-
low to unify the vocabulary and concept definitions, discuss the main issues of this
approach and more generally, share ideas with the interested communities.

Acknowledgments Belem, M. and Müller, J.-P. (2009). Toward a conceptual

framework for multi-points of view analysis in com-
plex system modeling: Orea model. In 7th Interna-
I am particularly grateful to my col- tional Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and
leagues Shahin Gelareh, Yoann Kubera Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS 2009), volume 55 of Ad-
vances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, pages 548–556.
and Jean-Baptiste Soyez for their help Springer.
and support. I also would like to thank
Belem, M. and Müller, J.-P. (2013). An organizational
Chih-Chun Chen, Jean-Pierre Müller model for multi-scale and multi-formalism simulation:
and Sebastian Senge for suggesting new Application in carbon dynamics simulation in west-
african savanna. Simulation Modelling Practice and The-
entries in the bibliographical database. ory, 32:83–98.

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