Meeting at Night Tpcastt

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Meeting at Night Commented [1]: seems like the meeting was made on

purpose. the two probably know each other.

Commented [2]: much imagery, very cool
By Robert Browning

The grey sea and the long black land;
And the yellow half-moon large and low;
And the startled little waves that leap Commented [3]: L alliteration
In fiery ringlets from their sleep,
As I gain the cove with pushing prow, Commented [4]: a small sheltered bay.
And quench its speed i' the slushy sand. Commented [5]: litteration
Commented [6]: the portion of a ship's bow above
Commented [7]: he goes into the cove
Then a mile of warm sea-scented beach;
Commented [8]: he lands ashore and the prow slows
Three fields to cross till a farm appears; down because of that

A tap at the pane, the quick sharp scratch Commented [9]: more lliteration
Commented [10]: describing the scenery he passes
And blue spurt of a lighted match, by
And a voice less loud, thro' its joys and fears, Commented [11]: he knocks on the window
Than the two hearts beating each to each! Commented [12]: the farmer lights a match
Commented [13]: probably with his lover
Commented [14]: through
Commented [15]: the voice is quieter than their
Commented [16]: they're excited to see eachother
Method of Analysis: TPCASTT

Beside each element of the TPCASTT method, you will find an explanation. For each poem assigned, and each
poem you find on your own, you will be required to analyze each part of the TPCASTT method as it applies to the

Title & Author of the Poem:

Meeting at Night - Robert Browning

T Title 1. Based on the title, what do you 1. I think the poem is about multiple
think the poem is about? people meeting at night.
2. Based on clues given in the title, 2. I think the author will focus on
what do you think the author describing the meeting and the people
will focus on? in the poem.

P Paraphrase 1. What is the literal meaning of I

the poem? Paraphrase the poem
The grey sea and the long black land;
in your own words based on the
literal meanings of what’s on the And the yellow half-moon large and low;
page. Keep the same sequence
and ideas that the author has. And the excited little waves that leap
You should have the same
In bright ringlets,
number of lines as the actual
poem, since you are keeping As I go into the cove with my prow pushing
with the true ideas and form of through the water,
the poet.
It slows its speed in the slushy sand.


Then a mile of warm sea-scented beach;

Three fields to cross till a farm appears;

A tap at the pane, the quick sharp scratch

And blue spurt of a lighted match,

And a voice speaks, less loud, through its

joys and fears,

Than the two hearts beating each to each!

C Connotation 1. Identify and explain any poetic 1. In stanza 1, lines 1-3, “The grey sea and
devices you found in the poem. the long black land; / And the yellow
Do this by offering meaningful half-moon large and low; / And the
annotations in the margins. startled little waves that leap,” long,
Insert comments on the land, large, and low have alliteration.
document to annotate. These lines also contain imagery.
2. Connotation is a word that
In stanza 1, line 5, “As I gain the cove
describes how a word is used in
with pushing prow,” pushing prow has
context and generally refers to
emotion. Based on this, what
connotation does each poetic In stanza 1, line 6, “And quench its
device have in the poem? speed i’ the slushy sand,” slushy sand
3. What conclusions can you draw has alliteration.
about the meaning of the poem
by analyzing the words’ 2. In the first example, the imagery has a
connotations? whimsical, pretty connotation.
3. I can conclude that the poem is set in a
sort of romantic, fairy-tale-ish situation.

A Attitude 1. You’ve taken a look at the poem 1. I see an excited, loving personality.
in literal terms. Now it’s time to 2. The tone is whimsical.
explore the figurative meaning 3. I couldn’t find anything in the author’s
of the poem. What personality life that affected this poem.
do you see used in the poem?
2. What is the tone of the poem?
3. What was going on in the
author’s life / the world when
this poem was written and how
might that have influenced this

S Shifts 1. What shifts in mood / tone do 1. In stanza 2, lines 5-6, the tone changes
you see throughout the poem? with “And a voice less loud, thro’ its
Which words signal to you a joys and fears, / Than the two hearts
shift? beating each to each!”
2. What effect(s) does this shift 2. This shift changes the poem from
have on the poem’s meaning? simply being about a calm, whimsical
3. Does the poem begin and end journey, to a meeting full of excitement
with the same emotions, and love.
thoughts, and opinions? 3. The poem begins with the same
thoughts and opinions, but the
emotions end up being more exciting.

T Title 1. Revisit the title. Were you 1. I was kind of right in my initial ideas.
correct in your initial ideas, or The poem was about a meeting at night,
has the poem taken on a new but I didn’t think the poem would
meaning? Explain. describe the journey as much.

T Theme 1. What is the poem trying to 1. I guess the poem is trying to explain that
explain to us about the human love can be exciting.
experience? 2. The main themes are love and journey.
2. What are the main themes and It’s true that some people are willing to
subjects of the poem? What have embark on far journeys in order to meet
you learned to be true, from the with who they love.
author’s point of view, about
these subjects? 3. I think the author wants me to learn
3. What do you think the author that you should enjoy the journey as
wants you to learn from this well as the goal.
poem? 4. I don’t have anything else I want to
4. What else do you want to know know.
about this poem?

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