Nuclear Medicine Name: - Date
Nuclear Medicine Name: - Date
Nuclear Medicine Name: - Date
15. SPECT is known as a _____________.
a. Single photon emitted computer tomography
b. Single particles emission computed tomography
c. Single photographic emission computed tomography
d. Single photon emission computed tomography
16. SPECT system unit consists of a _______________.
a. Rotating scintillation camera b. Gantry
c. Detector d. A, B and C
17. Another modality of nuclear medicine.
a. Positron emission tomography
b. Photon emission tomography
c. Photographic emitted tomography
d. Photofluoroscopic emission tomogram
18. Which types of emission are primary concern in nuclear medicine?
a. Alpha particles b. Beta particles
c. Gamma rays d. A, B and C
19. Which rays can penetrate the epidermis of the skin?
a. Gamma b. Alpha
c. Beta d. A, B and C
20. What radioactive materials used in thyroid scan?
a. Technetium b. Iodine
c. Sodium Chloride d. A, B and C
21. Refers to an area in any organ where the concentrations of radioactivity are
significantly less than the surrounding tissue.
a. Hot spot b. Thyroid
c. Cold spot d. Brain
22. What is the reason, why radioactive materials are used in clinical studies?
a. Physiologic compounds can be manipulated chemically
b. Used in making radioactive materials function
c. Prevents their passage through the pulmonary capillary bed
d. A, B and C
23. Technetium 99m has a half-life of _________________?
a. 1 day b. 22 hours
c. 6 hours d. 1 hour
24. Which of the following prominent organ systems that are currently studied routinely
in nuclear medicine department?
a. Thyroid b. Brain
c. Bone d. A, B and C
25. Radioactive materials used for therapeutic purpose in nuclear medicine.
a. Sodium nitrate b. Iodine 131
c. Technetium 99m d. A, B and C
26. Thyroid uptake measurements are collected at ___________________.
a. 2 hours b. 6 hours
c. 24 hours d. A, B and C
27. Which of the ff. indication of brain studies in nuclear medicine?
a. Early detection of brain tumors
b. Metastases
c. Subdural hematomas
d. A, B and C
28. What radioisotope used in brain scan?
a. 99 mTc Diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid
b. 133 xenon
c. Uci of 131 I
d. 99 m Technetium
29. Which of the following lung function?
a. The carbon dioxide laden blood goes to the lungs to replace its oxygen
b. Lungs are spongy, crepitant, float on water
c. The left lung has two lobes the upper and lower lobe
d. A, B and C
30. Radioactive xenon gas is used in _____________________?
a. Lung scan b. Negative- pressure room
c. Specifically designed for xenon studies d. A and C
31. Which of the following indication of study of the lungs in nuclear medicine?
a. Suspected cases of pulmonary emboli b. Brochogenic carcinoma
c. Emphysema d. A, B and C
32. What radioactive materials used in liver and spleen to determine areas of damaged
liver tissue?
a. Iodine 131 b. 99mTc labeled sulfur colloid
c. 133 xenon d. A, B and C
33. Liver and spleen scan is used to evaluate ____________.
a. Stone b. Fistulae
c. Jaundice d. A, B and C
34. How long should be visualized in the gastrointestinal tract after administration of
a. 30 to 60 minutes b. 4 hours
c. Delayd film d. A, B and C
35. Kidney scan is used to evaluate?
a. Hypertension b. Renal obstruction
c. Trauma d. A, B and C
36. Which of the following kidney dynamic function?
a. Show areas of decreased radioactivity suggesting tumors
b. Abnormalities in size and shape
c. Show constructions in the renal artery
d. A, B and C
37. All of the following statements regarding the indiction of bone scan are true,
a. Fracture b. Pagets disease
Osteomyelitis d. Metastases
38. Bone studies are performed using _______________.
a. Cold spot scanning technique b. Phosphate complexes
c. Pyrophosphate d. A, B and C
39. How long the bone studies performed after administration of radioactive
a. 30 minutes b. 1 hour
c. 2 hours d. 24 hours
40. Cardiovascular nuclear medicine studies are performed using a
a. Cold spot scanning technique b. Hot-spot scanning technique
c. Wolf method technique d. A and B
41. Which of the ff. indication of cardiovascular scan in nuclear medicine?
a. Myocardial infarct b. Cardiac Output
c. Coronary insufficiencies d. A, B and C
42. Dynamic scan of the heart that shows cardiac function and wall motion this
procedure is called the _______________.
a. Multigated acquisition b. Electrocardiography
c. Electromagnetic spectrum d. Electroencephalogram
43. A noninvasive nuclear imaging technique that involves the administration of a
radiopharmaceutical and radioactive material.
a. Nuclear medicine b. MR imaging
c. Positron emission tomography d. A, B and C
44. Which of the ff. important factors of positron emission tomography?
a. Results of the data acquisition and analysis techniques yield an image related
to a particular physiologic parameter.
b. Created by the simultaneous detection of a pair of annihilation radiation
c. Actual chemical and biologic form of the radiopharmaceutical
d. A, B and C
45. Positron emission tomography is predominantly used to measure
a. Human cellular
b. Organ
c. System
d. A, B and C
46. What radiopharmaceuticals used in positron emission tomography?
a. Iodine b. Barium Sulfate
c. Tracer d. Radiolucent gas
47. Used to bombard appropriate nonradioactive target atoms with nuclei accelerated
to high energies.
a. Filament b. Cyclotron
c. Anode d. Tungsten
48. The radioactive disintegration of a nucleus resulting in the emission of an electron.
a. Beta particle b. Alpha particle
c. Beta decay d. A,B and C
49. A particle that is identical to the helium nucleus.
a. Alpha particle b. Beta particle
c. Beta decay d. Decay
50. A device employing a gas plus a high voltage power supply for detection of
a. Nuclear reactor b. Gas detector
c. Geiger muller counter d. Linear accelerator